Egavlan Noiais: Being An Interpretation of The Purpose and Use of The Corpus Omnium

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The document discusses the Corpus Omnium diagram and how it can represent spiritual and energetic concepts. It also explores how the Enochian system can be interpreted in new ways to integrate it with modern understandings.

The Corpus Omnium is a diagram created by John Dee and Edward Kelley during their Enochian workings. It represents spiritual concepts like the Christian Trinity in a way that can be understood across cultures and traditions. It also hints at the interplay between principles of three and four in magic and the elements.

The document proposes interpreting the Enochian system's watchtowers and angels as having effects in different spheres of life, like one's subjective experience, relationships, measurable outcomes, and chaotic systems. This expands the possible applications and meanings that can be drawn from the system.


Being an interpretation of the purpose and use of

the Corpus Omnium


Corpus Omnium
Energy Mechanics concealed within the Corpus Omnium can be ritualized
and therefore utilized in generating the initiatory current, or Gnosis. By
reducing the dramatic symbolism contained within the Source Documents to
their fundamental and perennial ideas, we can gain a contemporary and
imminently practical means of awakening fundamental aspects of our own

The tablet consists of four continents, four groups of angels, and a 3 fold
depth of structure. I will endeavor to demonstrate that the diagram itself can
represent the flow and interpretive meaning structure of the Enochian Temple,
and hence, the operators waking awareness.

Nalvage says of his table “Father, Son, Holy Spirit: Principal, Essence, and
First Beginning”. Nalvage and Edward Kelley then shortly disagree about the
semantics with which Nalvage spoke these words, with Kelley confused about
his use of the word First, instead of using the words 'All Things'. Nalvage
explains that when it is both First, and All Things, it is better to say that it is
First. Nalvage then declares that the First is the thing that is his charge.

Based on this conversation, the first definition of the table is that it is the
Principle, Essence, and First Beginning . He continues to define his table by
calling it “the Body of the First” .

To be a body of the first is a way of describing the Energetic Causal Body,

and in specific the Anandamayakosha. The Anandamayakosha is a bliss body,
independent of objects and experience. It is the very stuff of transcended and
infinite existence. (Compare “Principle, Essence, and First Beginning) The
Three-Fold Structure of this Body, while relating to the Christian Trinity, is
exalted by its formlessness.

The Corpus Omnium also reveals in subtle ways the play of 3 against 4.
These concepts can be cross-culturally verified, and so in Qabalah we have
Ain, Ain Soph, and Ain Soph Aur. In Thelema we have Nuit, Hadit, and Ra-
Hoor-Khuit. In Vedantic Philosophy is attained the 3-fold Gnosis of Being,
Consciousness, and Bliss (or Sachchidananda). In Ancient Greece Plato's works
come in the form of lectures on The Good, The True, and The Beautiful.

In all cases, these attributes point to something quite outside the realms of
time, space, energy, and matter. A world that is symbolized as being 'Beyond
the 4 Watchtowers of the Universe'.

However, as we may quickly notice, the Corpus Omnium also adheres to a

strict 4-fold division into Continents. We are now in the badlands of the
universe. The gateway between the Ideal and the Actual. It is important to
recognize that things are not quite elemental yet, but merely suggestive of a 4-
Fold container, or body, with which all worlds and elements shall arise.
Moreover, the Elemental Magick of the 4 Watchtowers would soon be on the
heels of this first realization.

The Thelemic cosmology is here particularly appropriate if we see Nuit and

Hadit creating a field ripe for manifestation through their infinite contact and
erotic embrace. Again, we see this idea of a container, a field, or a body within
which something will manifest by its structure and laws.

The 4 continents in the Corpus Omnium are of a class closer to that of the
Ace of the Elements in the Tarot. Ideal forms that are not quite manifest, but
themselves the pure containers within which the Elements will develop their
own ideas about themselves.

Rarely do Magicians consider what their symbols actually mean in the

manifest and mundane realm that we plod along half-asleep in everyday. The
most practical consideration imaginable for Magicians who work by Spell(ing),
Grammar (grimoire), and Verbal Command (conjuration) is the use of
Pronouns in human language.

When considering the Ace of an Element as a fundamental perspective that

all consciousness/matter-energy holons arise within, we meet immediately
with the most practical way of seeing all sides to every story. This will become
clear when I discuss the Quadrants of Integral Theory.
The Seals of the Watchtowers soon after to be delivered to Dee and Kelley
by Ave very much represent the 2's of each individual element respectively. In
this case, we have not yet reached the elemental force as triplicate as we see it
manifested in the Watchtower itself. The Seals of the Watchtower are the
view of the ideal from the outside, and hence are sealed and delivered as a
symbol. The only way to know the water is to get wet.

Of the Seals, Ave tells us of their quality:

“Not such that fly away with the wind, but such as are pure, and
without end” – 1584.

Timelessness and Purity are attributes of the Divine.

Ken Wilber defines the four Quadrants as, “the four profound
dimensions or perspectives that hold your universe together.” Their respective
pronouns; namely “I”, “We”, “It”, and “Its” refer to these quadrants. The
following diagram also represents them:

From here it is not difficult to see that the right side of the diagram deals
with exteriors (It, and Its), matter/energy that can be measured and
represented by numbers. The left side of the diagram represents the interiors;
that is, consciousness. Integral theory (AQAL) maintains that any and every
event in any aspect of life arises in these four quadrants simultaneously. They
represent irreducible perspectives available to anyone.

Right now in this moment, you have the capacity to be aware of your own
subjective 'I' and aware of your physical 'It' body. In addition to this, you are
just as much aware of your Inter-subjective Cultural We Experience as well as
your Inter-objective Its experience (whether you acknowledge your shared
communities and social systems or not). You always have access to at least
these four fundamental perspectives at all times. I will now return your
attention to the first description of Corpus Omnium as 'The Body of the
Principle, Essence, and First Beginning', as well as Ave's description of the
Seals as being “Not such that fly away with the wind, but such as are pure, and
without end."

By stripping away the dramatic and symbolic clothes of religious symbols,

we have begun to see the fundamental ideas underlying the energy mechanics
of the Corpus Omnium. It begins to unpack itself and reveal its secrets, and
shows itself to be a Mandala of exact potency.

Levels and Lines

Understanding development as it relates to Spiritual experience is important

when studying source materials. The Modern Era lasted from (very) roughly
1500-1900. The reason for the existence of this era is the birth of rationality as
a cultural force in Europe. Before this time, European culture existed in a
Mythic level of cultural development. In Dee’s time, the world was still
extremely religious as is well known.
To understand spiritual experience, a Wilber/Combs Lattice is applied:

To utilize this diagram, see that the ascending terms on the left are a
measure of Culutral Sophistication, and has a definite hierarchy and direction.
Understand also that these categories have correlations (correspondences) in
the other 3 quadrants as well. For instance, in the “Its” quadrant, the Archaic
period is analogous with Tribes and Foraging ways of life (The pervailing social
and economic base). The "I" perspective during the Archaic period was the
development of the mental capacity for working with symbols. The "It"
perspective during the Archaic period was centered around the development of
the Triune Brain and the growth of the Neo-Cortex. The Rational level is
represented in the “I” sphere by the development of Piaget's 'Formal
Operational Awareness', which allows the mind for the first time to conduct
operations on its own lower level cognitive functions. In the "Its" sphere for
the Rational Period, we witness the eventual development of Nation States and
Industry. These are not arbitrary stages of development. They reflect
empirical data from various fields of inquiry including anthropology,
developmental psychology, neuroscience, biology, meditation, cognitive
studies, etc.

What all this data means is that we need to place Dee and Kelley on the
graph before we can begin to understand how to interpret their spiritual
experiences. That is what this table does. John Dee was a Genius in the
cognitive line of development, but nonetheless maintained the morals and
modes of expression of his embedded culture. John Dee was operating at an
extremely high stage of cognitive development, but Edward Kelley was only
slightly above average for the times and was cognitively centered somewhere
between mythic and rational cognitive development.

Everyone has access to the horizontal states of awareness listed on the
Wilber/Combs lattice (Gross, Subtle, Causal, and Non-Dual). We know this
because even a baby wakes, dreams, and deep sleeps. The waking state is the
Gross state (beta and alpha brain waves), the dreaming state is the Subtle state
(theta waves), the deep sleep is the Causal (formless, Delta Waves) state, and
Non-dual is the Zen (Zir) presence of all states. These states of consciousness
are also analogous with the Four Worlds of Tetragrammaton in Qabalah.
Going on this thesis, I believe the Tablet of Nalvage is a spirit vision received
by Edward Kelley from the Integral Realizations of John Dee. Kelley then
received these impressions from John Dee’s state as a Mythic Vision of Angels.

The information received is of a highly organized type as would come from

the High Cognitive Development of John Dee, and hence my position is that
the information is 'embedded' or encoded in Mythic Level Symbol structures,
while remaining capable of handling Integral Interpretations. Joseph Campbell
would differentiate this as 'Local" or 'Tribal' ideas contrasted with
'Fundamental' ideas which are shared cross-culturally.
Integral View of the Tablet of Nalvage

Continent 1 – Joy, Presence, Praising - I

Mythic View – The substance is Attributed to God the Father – The

Highest Life – "I am (presence) the Joy of God"

Integral View – I AM (Zir) is a reference to the function of Magickal

trance, Sartori, or Samadhi. The method of realization
in the 'I' quadrant is Identity with God. Yoga of
Knowledge (Jnana)

Continent 2 – Power, Motion, Ministering - We

Mythic View – The First Circular Mover, the circumference, God the
Son, the Finger of the Father, and mover of all things –
Life. Or Second Life. "Gods Power (ability; possibility)
in motion (movement)"

Integral View – The Father and The Son implies relation: the
relationship of the son to god is as a finger moving all
things. The moving power of God also implies
relation as devotion and its power to move the heart.
The Realization of the 'We' quadrant is this Devotional
Ecstasy characteristic of works such as the work of
Teresa of Ávila. Gods Power in motion adequately
describes the states here Yoga of Devotion (Bhakti)
Continent 3 – Action, Events, Establishing - It

Mythic View – The order and knitting together of the parts in their due
and perfect proportion, God the Holy Ghost. Lo the
beginning and end of all things – Life not now
Dignified, which will be Dignified – "God's Action as
Fact (deed)"

Integral View – 3 rd person objective realization. Names of God. Nature

Mysticism, the Holy Ghost defined as all manifest
things and events being substance of God. 'The Result'
implies empirical observation, and Gods Action implies
the Objective Truth Claim of this perspectives reality.
The Yoga of Works (Karma)

Continent 4 – Lamentation, Discord, Confusing - Its

Mythic View – Life which is also Death – God's Lamentation

(mourning) and Discord.

Integral View – 'A-Perspectival' realization.

Compare Hadit in the Book of the Law – therefore is
the Knowledge of me is also the knowledge of death.
Discord being a reference to the creative chaos of Tao.
The realization of the 'Its' quadrant is this Creative Tao
in its manifest and integrated action, beyond egoism or
preference. Order out of Chaos; Discordia. Yoga of
Integral Self-Perfection (Purna)
Ascender Paradigms
When breaking down source material into its fundamental meanings it
becomes increasingly important to understand John Dee’s religious paradigm,
and in specific, the shared views among its practitioners that God's Kingdom
was in Heaven and not of this earth. (Or, alternatively, the philosophy that
Gnosis could only be achieved through prostration, supplication, and the fear
of God) This “Ascender” paradigm can be traced through the Muslim and
Judeo-Christian faiths, and can most readily be seen here in the way the two
continents describing the Exterior perspectives (It and Its, Objective and Inter-
Objective) are described as being “non-dignified”, even though one “Shall be
dignified”. (Compare the Christian doctrine of the coming of the kingdom of
heaven on earth). Even amongst other religions such as Buddhism, we find the
idea that the real spiritual ride begins once we leave our present incarnation, or
views of the body and life in that physical body as some kind of original sin. I
believe this is the reason behind the description of Continent 4 as the
continent of Discord and Lamentation, seemingly unpleasant attributes to the
novice. Remember that the tools of communication used (Dee and Kelley)
were embedded in a Religious mode of expression.

To understand how this embedded-ness affected the great meta-physical

systems and maps of the time, I will quote extensively from Ken Wilber’s Essay
Excerpt G – Toward a Comprehensive Theory on Subtle Energies available at .

“If you look at any of the figures representing traditional metaphysics , notice that
all of the levels higher than matter are indeed meta-physical, which means beyond
physics or beyond matter. The material level includes, for example, the human brain as
a complex material entity. This means, according to the metaphysical systems, that the
feelings of a worm (which are level 2) are on a higher level of reality than the human
brain (which is level 1).”

“In the manifest world, what we call "matter" is not the lowest rung in the great
spectrum of existence, but the exterior form of every rung in the great spectrum. Matter
is not lower with consciousness higher, but matter and consciousness are the exterior
and interior of every occasion.”
“In other words, matter is not on the bottom rung of that evolutionary spiral, but is
rather the exterior form of an evolution whose interiors contain correlative levels of
feelings, awareness, consciousness, and so forth. AQAL metatheory handles this by
saying that every mind has a body (compare the tablet of nalvage as The Body of The
First - ed.), or every state of consciousness has a corresponding signature state of
matter-energy, or every interior prehension has an exterior form—in short, every
occasion in the Upper-Left quadrant (I) has a correlate in the Upper-Right quadrant
(We), and vice versa. It is not merely that higher levels (of life and mind and soul)
imprint matter or leave footprints in matter (which itself remains on the lowest level),
but that what we call matter is the exterior form of each of those interior levels”

“Thus, what the premodern sages took to be META-physical realities are in many
cases INTRA-physical realities: they are not above matter, nor beyond nature, nor
meta-physical, nor super-natural: they are not above nature but within nature, not
beyond matter but interior to it.”

“There is simply no way a premodern saint, in deep meditation on the nature of the
soul, would or could know that his or her brain-wave patterns were settling into theta-
alpha states; no way to know that serotonin was increasing, neural lactic acid was
decreasing, cellular oxygen requirements were significantly diminishing, and
hemispheric lateralization was occurring. All of the interior revelations of the soul
therefore seemed and felt as if they were not physical, not material, not connected to
nature at all, not a part of the fabric of material manifestation: they were meta-
physical in every way.”

“There are some aspects of the higher dimensions that might indeed be truly meta-
physical; but the first thing we should note is that a great deal of what premodernity
took to be meta-physical is in fact intra-physical, not above nature but within nature.
This is the first step in moving from metaphysics to integral post-metaphysics.”

It is from the conclusions drawn from such lines of inquiry that I interpret
the works of Dee and Kelley. Understanding the fact that by Dee using Kelley
as a channel, the transmission itself was thereby reduced to the terms of pre-
modernity (mythic), due to the structure of Edward Kelley’s cognitive and
cultural awareness.
The Temple of Nalvage

Quadrants in the Temple

The Angelic Choirs surrounding the continents are attributed a
Watchtower, and hence a Zodiacal Triplicity. The Continents themselves
represent the four zones of the temple (the literal square room, with
boundlessness void [the Aethyrs] extending in all dimensions and directions).
The continents seen from the outside are the 4 seals and the different
perspectives, 'I', 'We', 'It', and 'Its'.

The infinity gram opens the four Seals (Perspectives) by invocation of the
Angelic Choirs.

The seals are placed in the corners of the temple (oriented East, North,
West, and South, as per the numbering of the continents in the Corpus
Omnium, The Tabula Recensa, and Quatra Tria Nomina Dei Diagram in MS
Sloane 3191) according to their association with the 4 perspectives. To
visualize this, simply imagine that the Corpus Omnium is a bird's eye view of
the temple.

The four watchtowers and their angelic hierarchies represent the common
energetic structures inherent in each perspective and manifested elementally.

Placing the Seals, Continents, Watchtowers, and Choirs of Angels governing

the perspectives (presences) in a magickal space is the result. The immediate
effect this has is to expand the scope of the magickal environment, by
providing Interpretive Meaning Spheres to the continents of Nalvage, or the
temple proper.
Opening the Temple of Nalvage
(The Integral Enochian Temple)

Renderings of Energy Flow in the Temple

I. Go to the Interior Consciousness in the Northeast.

Relax your arms at your side, close your eyes and draw a deep breath from
the top o f your head dow n your anterior center channel (Conception Meridian,
circulates the bodies yin energy, Nuit, “Find the One, Embrace the Many”) letting
your abdo men and pelvis relax, breathing life and energy all the way down into
your belly and first chakra. The feeling as you do this is an erotic “Yeeeesssssss”,
an embrace (feminine) of life. As you exhale, make the sign of the enterer as you
vibrate BITOM with your entire bod y using your voice to vibrate as much of
your parts as you can. As you do this, feel the stored energy from your abdomen
and pelvis moving up your posterior center channel (Governor Meridian,
circulates the bodies yang energy, Hadit, “Embrace the Infinite Depth of your
freedom, in order to find the one”) and releasing out the top of your head. The
feeling as you do t his is an erotic “oooohhhhh”, a release (masculine) into the
freedom of death.

Make the sign of silence.

Grasping t he wand, ( or hands in prayer):

Chant the Third Enochian Call

Draw the Infinity of I as you sing Luah

(Praising Angels) {1st person realization, I am God}

II. Go to the Relational Immine nce in the Northwest,

As in step 1, b ut vibrate EXARP

Chant the Fourth Enoc hian Call

Draw the Infinity of We as you sing Lang

(Ministering Angels) {2nd p erson realization, “My Beloved”}

III. Go to the Exterior Matter in the Southwest.

As before, but vibrate NANTA

Chant the Fifth Enoc hian Call

Draw the Infinity of It as you sing Sach

(Confirming Angels) {3rd person realization, “Web of Life”}
IV. Go to the Singular Presence in the Southeast.

As before, but vibrate HCOMA

Chant the Sixth Enoc hian Call

Draw the Infinity of Its as you sing Urch

(Confounding Angels) {A-Perspectival Realization, “Supermind”}

V. Chant:

Iaidon, tofglo ge, ag, ripir;

(Yai-don, tof- glo je, ag, ri-pir)
All Powerful, all things not, no o ne, no p lace;

Torzu, odo ca a s;
(Tor- zu, o-do ca ah es)
Arise, ope n as the four.

Ge cors fafen zildar g nalvage,;

(Je kors fa-fen zil-dar ji nal- vaj)
Not such that fly in a voida nce of earthly things;

Oq ta a nanae l Ioiad,
(ok ta a-na- na-el I-yo- yad)
But as wisdom of Him that lives forever.

The last three lines are a variation of a quote from Ave speaking about the Great Table
of the Watchtowers before revealing the individual seals of the watchtower.

“he it is that openeth the + (four – ed.), not such as fly away with the wind, but
such as are pure, and without end."
General Form of Watchtower Work when
using the Temple of Nalvage

Opening the Temple this way has only designated zones of interpretive
meaning. For Instance if I approach the watchtower residing in the 'I'
quadrant (Highest Life), then the work I am doing will be affecting that
quadrant of my life: My subjective experience and intent, etc. It is in this
quadrant that the eight classes of angels (The functions of the Dispositors and
Servients) alter internal perceptions, of internal alchemical transformations,
and explorations of true intent. In the 'We' quadrant (Life, or Second Life) we
shift the effects to the sphere of relation, mutual understanding, culture, etc.
We will be working the watchtower that resides in that zone, but the
mathematical pattern of extraction remains the same. The results in the 'I' and
'We' sphere are subjective truths. In the 'It' (Result of Gods Action), we work
with the Hierarchy of Angels to acquire power and to affect our personal and
measurable growth; to change our actual behavior, and alter habits. Money is a
scoreboard. Weight Loss is a scoreboard. Dividends are a scoreboard. The
results of work in this sphere are measurable to verify effectiveness. This
quadrant is also useful for seeing demonstrable change occurring. In the 'Its'
quadrant, Magick is performed to effect the outcome of Chaotic Systems, and
produce measurable results, such as in the stock market.

This interpretation works in conjunction with most if not all current

methods for using the watchtowers, it simply gives them a more complex
interpretive meaning, expanding the range and classification of the spheres in
which we may effect with our practice. By placing the instruments of the
Heptarchic system in the middle of the temple, the procedures for evoking the
Angels of the Tabula Bonorum remain the same. One can place an alter
appropriate for Sacred Sex rites in the center, and the procedure remains the
same. We may sit in the center of our temple and astrally create complex
forms from Enochian Squares. We are simply adding a layer of interpretive
meaning that the system is more than capable of handling due to the high
cognitive development of John Dee.
Expanding the interpretation of the Enochian Universe in this way paves
the road for a smooth integration into the emerging information culture, as
well as secures the place of the Enochian tradition in its ability to evolve and
acquire new levels of interpretive meaning along with the culture that is
interpreting it. It is only natural that a system of Magick as elegant and
eloquent as Enochian would have made its own room to flourish with
humanity, in an embrace of tradition.

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