Class A Loading (Two Lane) Deck Slab
Class A Loading (Two Lane) Deck Slab
Class A Loading (Two Lane) Deck Slab
Bridge Data
Width of Road Way = 4.25 m
Width of Foot Path = 0.00 m
Width of Kerb Beam = 1 m
Height of Kerb Beam on deck slab = 0.225 m
Width of Parapet Wall on Deck Slab = 0.125 m
Height of Parapet wall on Kerb Beam = 0.75
Average Thickness of RCC wearing coat= 0.08 m
Top Width of Pier = 1.00 m
Clear Span of the Bridge = 4.25 m
Material Data
Grade of Concrete for Deck Slab = M25
Grade of Steel for RCC = FE 415
Diameter of main bars of Deck Slab = 20 mm
Diameter of distribution bars of Deck Slab = 12 mm
0.66 0.66
1 0.5
Design Bending Moment(Dead Load B.M + Live Load B.M) = ### kN-m
For obtaining maximum shear force, wheels are adjusted in such a way that the dispersion
edge just touches the support.
0.33 0.33
Design of Slab
Effective Depth of Slab Required= #VALUE! mm
Effective Depth of Slab Provided = 320 mm ###
Area of Longitudinal Reinforcement= #VALUE! mm2
Provide 20 mm # bars @C/C spacing= #VALUE! mm
Provide 20 mm # bars @C/C spacing= 125 mm ###
Actual area of steel provided= 2513.2741 mm2
1.IRC : 5, Standard Specification and CoP For Road Bridges Sec - I General Feature of Design.
2. IRC: 6 - SS and CoP For Road Bridges Sec II, Load & Stresses
3. IRC : 21 SS and CoP For Road Bridges Sec - III, Cement Concrete (Plain & Reinforced)
4. IRC : 40 SS and CoP For Road Bridges Sec - IV, Brick, Stone & Block Masonry.
5. IRC : 78 SS and CoP For Road Bridges Sec - VII, Foundations & Substructure.
6. IS : 456, Code of practice for plain & reinforced concrete.
7. IS : 1893, Criteria for Earthquake Resistant Design Of Structures.
8. Essentials Of Bridge Engineering By D. Johnson Victor ( Oxford & IBH Publishing Co. Pvt. Ltd.
1. Concrete shall be of design mix and shall have minimum 28 days characteristic strength on 150 mm cubes
for all elements of superstructure as 25 Mpa
2. All reinforcing bars shall be High Yield Strength Deformed bars(Grade Designation FE415) conforming to IS: 1786
3. High strength ordinary portland cement conforming to IS:8112 or ordinary portland cement conforming to IS:269 capable
of achieving the required design concrete strength shall be used
4. 75 mm thick wearing coat in M-30 concrete should be laid on cambered 2% deck slab with minimum reinforcement of
8 mm # bars @ 200 mm c/c bothways.
5. Water to be used in concreting and curing shall conform to clause 302.4 of IRC :21-1987
6. Minimum lap length of reinforcement shall be kept as 83d where 'd' is the diameter of bar.
7. Not more than 50% of the reinforcement shall be lapped at any one location.
8. Tarfelt/Kraft paper should be provided between the deck slab and pier/abutment cap.
9. Minmum clear cover to any reinforcement bar shall be 50 mm.
380-422.5 Varying
Longitudinal Section