Abutment 2 DESIGN - Karnali 55m Span
Abutment 2 DESIGN - Karnali 55m Span
Abutment 2 DESIGN - Karnali 55m Span
Span of Bridge 55 m
No. of Lanes 2
Load class IRC Class A
First train load 1108 kN
Second train load 1108 kN
DL superstructure 203.64 kN/m
c/c spacing of bearing 4.5 m
Width of bearing area 0.8 m
Area of bearing 134900 mm2
Bearing thickness 48 mm
No. of bearing 2 nos.
Concrete M20
Steel Fe500
Design of Abutment - Karnali
Ka 0.26
Kp 8.08
RL of Road Level 142.10
HFL 134.80
LWL 130.56
Scour Level 125.66
Length of abutment 9.10 m
Total abutment height (H) 11.54 m
Backwall height (Hb) 4.00 m
Backwall thickness (Db) 0.40 m
Backfill height (He) 11.54 m
Abutment Cap width 1.20 m
Abutment Cap height 1.00 m
Stem height rectangular (Hw) 6.54 m
Stem height triangular (Hwt) 6.54 m
Stem width (Dts) 1.10 m
Bottom Stem width (Ds) 1.60 m
Well Foundation
Well Cap Diameter 8m
Well Cap thickness 2m
Length of Steining 15 m
Thickness of Steining 1.10 m
Top plug 1m
Bottom plug 2m
Surcharge of 1.2 m is taken for the design of Wing Wall as per IRC code recommendation. The length
of wall wall is fixed at 4 m (max. length as per IRC).
BM 205.74 kNm
SF 151.20 kN
d= 200 mm
Ast 4816 mm2
Area per m 1605 mm2
Min Ast @0.2% 800 mm2
Provide 20@ 180 1745 mm2
Min distribution Ast @0.12% 240 mm2
Provide 12@ 150 754 mm2
Shear stress 0.19 N/mm2
Main reinforcement % 0.87 %
permissible t 0.40 N/mm2 >0.19 OK
Design of Abutment Cap
Length 9.1 m
Width 1.2 m
Height (average) 1m
DL 443 kN per m
Superstructure DL 11200 kN
Superstructure LL 896 kN
Case I: DL+LL
ex-x 1852 m
Force Moment
SN Description Vertical Horizontal Lever arm Resisting Overturning Remarks
1 DL+LL 1161.66 0.00 -2150.90 0.00
2 DL+LL+EQ 1161.66 0.00 -2930.88 -273.24
DL+LL+EQ 1161.66 0.00 -2844.68 -273.24
Foundation Slab
Earthquake 0.09
Foundation Slab #NAME? #NAME?
TOTAL 3484.98 #NAME? -7926.45 0.00
FS against overturning
= #DIV/0! >2 #DIV/0!
Effective depth
Downward pressure #NAME? m
due upward
Net to slab pressure at #NAME? kN/m2
D upward pressure at
Net #NAME? kN/m2
B #NAME? kN/m2
Moment at B #NAME? kNm
Provide 20 @ 200 c/c, #NAME? mm2
Ast =
Distribution 1571 mm2
Provide 16 @ 200 mm Err:509 mm2
c/c (top section
Critical & bottom)
for 2010 mm2
shear = #NAME? m from face of toe slab
Net upward pressure #NAME? kN/m2
Shear Force #NAME? kN
Shear stress #NAME? N/mm2 < 0.22 #NAME?
Force Moment
SN Description Vertical Horizontal Lever arm Resisting Overturning
1 Stem 87.12 Err:509 Err:509
2 Backwall 0.00 Err:509 Err:509
3 Superstructure #NAME? Err:509 #NAME?
4 Principal
Backfill Loads (ref. #NAME? Err:509 #NAME?
5 Table 1) 3484.98 535.88 -7926.45 0.00
TOTAL 3484.98 #NAME? -7926.45 Err:509
FS against overturning
= Err:509 >1.5 Err:509
k= 0.03 m
B= 8.00 m
D= 17.00 m
Hence, t = 0.99 m
SN Description Vertical Horizontal Lever arm Moment
1a Case I 10571.10 3564.91 -19573.16
1b -2.00 -7129.81
2a Case II 10571.10 4876.55 -26670.97
2b -2.00 -9753.11
3 Well cap 2412.74
4 Backfill 3891.17 1.33 5188.22
Case I (DL+LL)
smax 1103.13 kN/m2
smin 312.28 kN/m2
Case II (DL+LL+EQ)
smax 1618.98 kN/m2
smin -203.57 kN/m2
Case I (DL+LL)
Downward pressure due to slab 48.00 kN/m2
pressure at face of abutment 786.79 kN/m2
average pressure 944.96 kN/m2
chord AD = 7.84 m
chord BC = 5.57 m
chord length @ d 5.90 m
Spacing 424 mm
Provide 10-L 12 dia @ 300 c/c
Heel Slab
Downward pressure due to slab 48 kN/m2
Downward pressure due to backfill 207.72 kN/m2
upward pressure at face of abutment 470.45 kN/m2
average pressure 628.62 kN/m2
Case II (DL+LL+EQ)
Downward pressure due to slab 48.00 kN/m2
pressure at face of abutment 889.96 kN/m2
average pressure 1254.47 kN/m2
chord AD = 7.84 m
chord BC = 5.57 m
chord length @d 5.90 m
Spacing 906 mm
Provide 10-L 12 dia @ 300 c/c
SN Description Vertical Horizontal Lever arm Moment
1a Case I (DL+LL) 16875.01 3564.91 14384.94
1b Moment due to H 2.90 10352.49
2a Case II (DL+LL+EQ) 16875.01 4132.26 33150.37
2b Moment due to H 2.90 12000.08
3 Steining above scour 1661.88 149.57 1.45 217.17
Case I (DL+LL)
Point of zero shear, x = 4.81 m
Max. moment (at zero shear point) = 36172 kNm
Case II (DL+LL+EQ)
point of zero shear, x = 5.27 m
Max. moment (at zero shear) = 60420 kNm
Reinforcement of Steining
Vertical Ast (0.12% steining area) 28614 mm2
no. of 16 dia. bars = 142
total perimeter available = 43 m
spacing of bars required = 305 mm
I = Ib +mIv(1+2m'a) 1369.97 m4
m= 1.00
m' 0.36
a 0.21
m 0.58
r = 𝐷/2
𝐼/𝐼_𝑣= 7.80 m
P = M/r = 12908.37 kN
pt = (V - m'P)/A + MB/2I = 865.10 kN/m2 < 1.25×700 OK
ph = (V - m'P)/A - MB/2I = 276.94 kN/m > 02
D/B = 1.51
C = 0.286 (for circular well)
P = M/r = 8696.79
pt = (V - m'P)/A + MB/2I = 764.16 < 800 OK
ph = (V - m'P)/A - MB/2I = 403.39 > 0
Design of Well Curb
N 1427.10 kN/m
d 7.45 m
q 60
m 22
T= 6455.90 kN
Ast 67957 mm2
Hence, t = 1.81 m