Abutment 2 DESIGN - Karnali 55m Span

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Design of Abutment - Karnali


Span of Bridge 55 m
No. of Lanes 2
Load class IRC Class A
First train load 1108 kN
Second train load 1108 kN
DL superstructure 203.64 kN/m
c/c spacing of bearing 4.5 m
Width of bearing area 0.8 m
Area of bearing 134900 mm2
Bearing thickness 48 mm
No. of bearing 2 nos.

Concrete M20
Steel Fe500
Design of Abutment - Karnali

Fig. Cross Section and Plan of Abutment

Design of Abutment - Karnali

Geological and Hydrological Data

Bearing Capacity 800 kN/m2
Angle of internal friction 33 °
Wall friction (angle) 22 °

Ka 0.26
Kp 8.08
RL of Road Level 142.10
HFL 134.80
LWL 130.56
Scour Level 125.66

Length of abutment 9.10 m
Total abutment height (H) 11.54 m
Backwall height (Hb) 4.00 m
Backwall thickness (Db) 0.40 m
Backfill height (He) 11.54 m
Abutment Cap width 1.20 m
Abutment Cap height 1.00 m
Stem height rectangular (Hw) 6.54 m
Stem height triangular (Hwt) 6.54 m
Stem width (Dts) 1.10 m
Bottom Stem width (Ds) 1.60 m

Ast Backwall 16 @ 150

Ast Distribution Backwall 12 @ 150
Ast Abutment Cap 16 @ 200
Ast Stem 28 @ 120
Asc Stem 25 @ 120

Well Foundation
Well Cap Diameter 8m
Well Cap thickness 2m
Length of Steining 15 m
Thickness of Steining 1.10 m
Top plug 1m
Bottom plug 2m

Ast Heel Slab 25 @ 150

Ast Toe Slab 32 @ 100
Ast Distribution 16 @ 150
Design of Abutment - Karnali

Design of Back Wall

Thickness of wall 400 mm

Effective depth 300 mm
H 60.93 kN
BM 102.36 kNm
Ast 1597 mm2
Provide 20@ 180 1745 mm2

Distribution Ast 240 mm2

Provide 16@ 180 1117 mm2

Design of Wing Wall

Surcharge of 1.2 m is taken for the design of Wing Wall as per IRC code recommendation. The length
of wall wall is fixed at 4 m (max. length as per IRC).

BM 205.74 kNm
SF 151.20 kN

d= 200 mm
Ast 4816 mm2
Area per m 1605 mm2
Min Ast @0.2% 800 mm2
Provide 20@ 180 1745 mm2
Min distribution Ast @0.12% 240 mm2
Provide 12@ 150 754 mm2
Shear stress 0.19 N/mm2
Main reinforcement % 0.87 %
permissible t 0.40 N/mm2 >0.19 OK

Design of Abutment Cap

Length 9.1 m
Width 1.2 m
Height (average) 1m

Min Ast @0.12% 600 mm2

Provide 16 dia @200 c/c (both sides) 1005 mm2

DL 443 kN per m
Superstructure DL 11200 kN
Superstructure LL 896 kN

Impact factor 0.0738

Load on each bearing 6048.16 kN

Allowable stress in concrete 5 N/mm2 (M20)

Min. area of bearing pad 1209632 mm2
Min bearing pad dia reqd 1242 mm
3. Design of Abutment Stem

Forces and Moments at the center of Stem base per m

Force Moment
SN Description Vertical Horizontal Lever arm My-y Mx-x
1 Backwall 38.40 0.60 23.04
2 Abutment Cap 28.80 0.25 7.20
3 Stem (rectangular) 172.66 0.25 43.16
4 Stem (triangular) 39.24 -0.47 -18.31
5 Superstructure DL 615.40 -0.25 -153.85
6 Superstructure LL 123.74 -0.25 -30.93
7 Earth pressure 118.74 293.89 -4.85 -1424.41
8 Surcharge 24.69 61.12 -4.85 -296.24
9 Longitudinal Forces
9a due to braking 18.26 -9.84 -179.72
9b due to creep, shrinkage 18.48 -6.54 -120.85

10 Earthquake coeff 0.09

due to creep, shrinkage 55.30 -6.54 -361.68
10a Stem 15.54 -3.27 -50.81 -50.81
10b Stem (triangular) 3.53 -2.18 -7.70 -7.70
10c Backwall 3.46 -10.21 -35.27 -35.27
10d Superstructure LL (x-x) 55.39 -3.24 -179.45 -179.45
10e only) 11.14 -7.74 -86.19

TOTAL (DL+LL) 1161.66 391.75 -2150.90 0.00

TOTAL (DL+LL+EQx-x) 1161.66 535.88 -2930.88 -273.24
TOTAL (DL+LL+EQy-y) 1161.66 524.75 -2844.68 -273.24

Effective depth of stem 1.50 m

Ast and Asc

Min Ast 3200 mm2 (IS Code)
Ast ( 28 @ 120) 5131 mm2
Asc ( 25 @ 120) 4091 mm2
Distribution Ast @0.12% 960 mm2
Ast ( 16 @ 150) 1340 mm2

Case I: DL+LL
ex-x 1852 m

Calculate neutral axis, n

Equating the sum of internal forces to P: Bnc/2 + Ascp - Astt = P

Equating moment of all the forces about the tensile steel
Bnc(D-100-n/3)/2 + Ascp(D-200) = P(e+D/2-100)
,where p = (1.5m-1)c(n-100)/n
t = mc(D-100-n)/n
The two equations are satisfied when n and c have the following values
Then, n = 440 mm
c 8.26 N/mm2 < 8.3 OK

Hence, stresses in tensile and compression steel as as follows:

st 198.98 N/mm2 < 240 OK
sc 89.35 N/mm 2
< 205 OK

Max shear force 391.75 kN

Shear force @d 118.17 kN
Shear stress @d 0.07 N/mm2 < 0.23 OK

Case II: DL+LL+EQx-x

ex-x 2523 mm
n 402 mm
c 11.18 N/mm2 <1.5*8.3 OK
st 305.43 N/mm2 <1.5*240 OK
sc 117.61 N/mm2 <1.5*205 OK

Max shear force 524.75 kN

Shear force @d 191.12 kN
Shear stress @d 0.12 N/mm2 < 1.5*0.23 OK
1. Check Abutment Foundation Width

Forces and Moments per m length of Abutment at toe

CL of bearing to toe #NAME?

CL of bearing to heel #NAME?

Force Moment
SN Description Vertical Horizontal Lever arm Resisting Overturning Remarks
1 DL+LL 1161.66 0.00 -2150.90 0.00
2 DL+LL+EQ 1161.66 0.00 -2930.88 -273.24
DL+LL+EQ 1161.66 0.00 -2844.68 -273.24
Foundation Slab


Earthquake 0.09
Foundation Slab #NAME? #NAME?
TOTAL 3484.98 #NAME? -7926.45 0.00

FS against overturning
= #DIV/0! >2 #DIV/0!

FS against sliding = #NAME? >1.5 #NAME?

Eccentricity = Err:509 m Err:509 Err:509

Check against soil bearing pressure,

smax #NAME? kN/m2 < 800 #NAME?
smin #NAME? kN/m2 >0 #NAME?

2. Design of Foundation Slab

2.1 Toe Slab

Effective depth
Downward pressure #NAME? m
due upward
Net to slab pressure at #NAME? kN/m2
D upward pressure at
Net #NAME? kN/m2
B #NAME? kN/m2
Moment at B #NAME? kNm
Provide 20 @ 200 c/c, #NAME? mm2
Ast =
Distribution 1571 mm2
Provide 16 @ 200 mm Err:509 mm2
c/c (top section
Critical & bottom)
for 2010 mm2
shear = #NAME? m from face of toe slab
Net upward pressure #NAME? kN/m2
Shear Force #NAME? kN
Shear stress #NAME? N/mm2 < 0.22 #NAME?

2.2 Heel Slab

Downward pressure
due to slab
Net downward and backfill #NAME? kN/m2
pressure at
Net downward C #NAME? kN/m2
pressure at A #NAME? kN/m2
Moment at A #NAME? kNm
Provide 20 @ 200 c/c, #NAME? mm2
Ast = 1571 mm2

Shear Force Err:509 kN

Shear stress Err:509 N/mm2 < 0.22 Err:509

Check against Earthquake

Horizontal seismic
force #NAME?

Force Moment
SN Description Vertical Horizontal Lever arm Resisting Overturning
1 Stem 87.12 Err:509 Err:509
2 Backwall 0.00 Err:509 Err:509
3 Superstructure #NAME? Err:509 #NAME?
4 Principal
Backfill Loads (ref. #NAME? Err:509 #NAME?
5 Table 1) 3484.98 535.88 -7926.45 0.00
TOTAL 3484.98 #NAME? -7926.45 Err:509

FS against overturning
= Err:509 >1.5 Err:509

FS against sliding = #NAME? >1.25 #NAME?

Eccentricity = Err:509 m Err:509 Err:509

smax Err:509 kN/m2 <1.25*800 Err:509

smin Err:509 kN/m2 >0 Err:509


According to IRC steining thickness should be more than the following

t = kBD0.5

k= 0.03 m
B= 8.00 m
D= 17.00 m

Hence, t = 0.99 m

Provide Steining thickness = 1.10 m

Internal diameter = 5.80 m
Well Cap Thickness = 2.00 m

buoyancy @15% = 150.80 kN

X-section area, A 23.84 m2
Moment of Inertia, I = 145.51 m4
section modulus, Z = 36.38 m3

Forces and moments at the base of well cap (about CL of abutment)

SN Description Vertical Horizontal Lever arm Moment
1a Case I 10571.10 3564.91 -19573.16
1b -2.00 -7129.81
2a Case II 10571.10 4876.55 -26670.97
2b -2.00 -9753.11
3 Well cap 2412.74
4 Backfill 3891.17 1.33 5188.22

6a Well cap (Seismic) 217.15 -1.00 -217.15

6b Backfill (Seismic) 350.20 -4.85 -1697.37

Case I (DL+LL) 16875.01 3564.91 -14384.94

Case II (DL+LL+EQ) 16875.01 4132.26 -33150.37

Case I (DL+LL)
smax 1103.13 kN/m2
smin 312.28 kN/m2

Case II (DL+LL+EQ)
smax 1618.98 kN/m2
smin -203.57 kN/m2


2.1 Design of Well Cap Slab

Case I (DL+LL)
Downward pressure due to slab 48.00 kN/m2
pressure at face of abutment 786.79 kN/m2
average pressure 944.96 kN/m2

cos(q1/2) = 0.20 (q1)/2 = 1.37

cos(q2/2) = 0.28 (q2)/2 = 1.29
cos(q3/2) = 0.68 (q3)/2 = 0.83

chord AD = 7.84 m
chord BC = 5.57 m
chord length @ d 5.90 m

area of outer segment, A1 = 18.78 m2

area of inner segment, A2 = 8.63 m2

centroid distance, Z1 = 2.14 m

centroid distance, Z2 = 1.67 m

M = qa[A1(Z1-Dw/2) - A2(Z2-Dw/2)] - qcA1(Z1-Dw/2)

Moment at B 16472.15 kNm
Ast reqd 51411 mm2
Ast reqd 6559 mm2/m
Min Ast @0.2% 4000 mm2/m
Provide 32 dia @ 100 c/c 8042 mm2

Distribution reinforcement 2400 mm2/m

Provide 16 dia @ 150 c/c 2681 mm2

Max. Shear Force 8686.10 kN

SF at d 3528.73 kN
Shear stress 0.31 N/mm2 < 0.22
Design Shear Reinforcement

Shear stress taken by stirrups 639.67 kN

Area of 10-L 12 dia stirrups 1131 mm2

Spacing 424 mm
Provide 10-L 12 dia @ 300 c/c

Heel Slab
Downward pressure due to slab 48 kN/m2
Downward pressure due to backfill 207.72 kN/m2
upward pressure at face of abutment 470.45 kN/m2
average pressure 628.62 kN/m2

Moment at B 7537.89 kNm

Ast reqd 18574 mm2
Ast reqd 2370 mm2/m
Min Ast @0.15% 3000 mm2/m
Provide 25 dia @ 150 c/c 3272 mm2


Shear Force 318.13 kN

Shear stress 0.02 N/mm2 < 0.22 OK


Case II (DL+LL+EQ)
Downward pressure due to slab 48.00 kN/m2
pressure at face of abutment 889.96 kN/m2
average pressure 1254.47 kN/m2

cos(q1/2) = 0.20 (q1)/2 = 1.37

cos(q2/2) = 0.28 (q2)/2 = 1.29
cos(q3/2) = 0.68 (q3)/2 = 0.83

chord AD = 7.84 m
chord BC = 5.57 m
chord length @d 5.90 m

area of outer segment, A1 = 18.78 m2

area of inner segment, A2 = 8.63 m2

centroid distance, Z1 = 2.14 m

centroid distance, Z2 = 1.67 m

M = qa[A1(Z1-Dw/2) - A2(Z2-Dw/2)] - qcA1(Z1-Dw/2)

Moment at B 21912.28 kNm
Ast reqd 35995 mm2
Ast reqd 4592 mm2/m < 8042 OK

Max. Shear Force 11826.28 kN

SF at d 4804.42 kN
Shear stress 0.43 N/mm2 < 1.5*0.23
Design Shear Reinforcement

Shear stress taken by stirrups 449.47 kN

Area of 10-L 12 dia stirrups 1131 mm2

Spacing 906 mm
Provide 10-L 12 dia @ 300 c/c



Length of Steining up to scour level= 2.90 m

Forces and moments at the scour level

SN Description Vertical Horizontal Lever arm Moment
1a Case I (DL+LL) 16875.01 3564.91 14384.94
1b Moment due to H 2.90 10352.49
2a Case II (DL+LL+EQ) 16875.01 4132.26 33150.37
2b Moment due to H 2.90 12000.08
3 Steining above scour 1661.88 149.57 1.45 217.17

Total (DL+LL) 18536.89 3564.91 24737.43

Total (DL+LL+EQ) 18536.89 4281.83 45367.62

Case I (DL+LL)
Point of zero shear, x = 4.81 m
Max. moment (at zero shear point) = 36172 kNm

e due to tilt (1 in 80) at top = 0.19 m (as per IRC)

e at scour level = 0.15 m
Moment due to tilt = 2802.78 kNm

Design well shift = 0.15 m (as per IRC)

moment due to shift = 2780.53 kNm

TOTAL Moment = 41755 kNm

buoyancy upto zero shear = 581.72 kN

weight of steining upto zero shear = 4415.26 kN
total vertical weight = 22370.43 kN

Pressure, smax 2.09 N/mm2 <5 OK

smin -0.21 N/mm2 > -0.5 OK

Case II (DL+LL+EQ)
point of zero shear, x = 5.27 m
Max. moment (at zero shear) = 60420 kNm

Max. Moment including tilt & shift = 66003 kNm

buoyancy upto zero shear = 616.53 kN

weight of steining upto zero shear = 4679.45 kN
total vertical weight = 20937.93 kN

Pressure, smax 2.69 N/mm2 < 1.5*6.7 OK

smin -0.94 N/mm2 > -1.5*0.67 OK


Reinforcement of Steining
Vertical Ast (0.12% steining area) 28614 mm2
no. of 16 dia. bars = 142
total perimeter available = 43 m
spacing of bars required = 305 mm

Hoop Ast (0.04% steining vol) 220 mm2/m

spacing 10 dia. bars required = 514 mm
Min. spacing of hoop reinforcement
a) Steining thickness 1100 mm
b) 16×Vertical Ast dia 256 mm
c) 48×hoop Ast dia 480 mm
PROVIDE 16 dia.@250 c/c as vertical reinforcement and 10@250 as hoop reinforcement
(both sides - staggered)


Total weight of steining 8584.09 kN
Weight of water/sand upto scour = 2919.42 kN
Seismic load due to sand 262.75 kN
Lever arm for seismic load on sand 1.452 m
Moment due to seismic load on sand 381.51 kNm
Weight of bottom plug (2 m) = 2412.74 kN
Weight of sand fill from scour level = 10149.61 kN

Total P at base = 40940.87 kN

Buoyancy on well = 7539.82 kN
Net downward force V = 33401.04 kN
Total horizontal force at scour level = 4544.58 kN

Moment at scour level = 45749.13 kNm

Moment at base level = 100720.32 kNm



Vertical force, V = 33401.04 kN

Horizontal force, H = 4544.58 kN
Moment, M = 100720.32 kNm

Grip length, D = 12.10 m

L= 7.20 m
Now, Iv = 1061.88 m4

I = Ib +mIv(1+2m'a) 1369.97 m4
m= 1.00
m' 0.36
a 0.21
m 0.58

r = 𝐷/2
𝐼/𝐼_𝑣= 7.80 m

H > M/r (1+mm') - mV -3663.18 < H = 4544.58 OK

H < M/r (1-mm') +mV 29479.93 > H = 4544.58 OK

m M/I < g' (Kp - Ka)

m M/I = 73.52
g' (Kp - Ka) = 78.20 > mM/I OK

P = M/r = 12908.37 kN
pt = (V - m'P)/A + MB/2I = 865.10 kN/m2 < 1.25×700 OK
ph = (V - m'P)/A - MB/2I = 276.94 kN/m > 02


V/A < qv/2

qv = 1650.00 kN/m2
V/A = 664.49 kN/m2 OK

M < 0.7(Mb +Ms + Mf) =

D/B = 1.51
C = 0.286 (for circular well)

Mb = CVB.tanf = 49628.76 kNm f = 33

Ms = 0.1gD3(Kp-Ka)L = 99644.83 kNm
Mf = 0.1g(Kp-Ka)B2D2sind = 27430.64 kNm d = 22
Now, 0.7(Mb +Ms + Mf) = 123692.96 kNm

M= 100720.32 kNm < 123692.96 OK


CHECK for Case I (DL+LL)

Vertical force, V = 33401.04 kN
Horizontal force, H = 3564.91 kN
Moment, M = 67858.55 kNm < 123692.96 OK

H > M/r (1+mm') - mV -8759.78 kN < 3564.91 OK

H < M/r (1-mm') +mV 26153.36 kN > 3564.91 OK

m M/I < g' (Kp - Ka)

m M/I = 49.53 < 78.20 OK

P = M/r = 8696.79
pt = (V - m'P)/A + MB/2I = 764.16 < 800 OK
ph = (V - m'P)/A - MB/2I = 403.39 > 0

Design of Well Curb

N 1427.10 kN/m
d 7.45 m
q 60
m 22

T= 6455.90 kN
Ast 67957 mm2

Min Ast 72 kg/m3 IRC code

Min Ast 858 kg/m
Min Ast 109351 m3/m

Provide 4-16 dia hoops @150 c/c

Ast 125489 mm2-m/m

Hence, t = 1.81 m

Provide bottom plug of height 3.0 m (M15 concrete)

Provide top plug of height 1.0 m (M15 concrete)

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