Autodesk AutoCAD 2015 Certification Roadmap

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Autodesk Certification

Autodesk AutoCAD:
Certified User and
2015 Certified Professional
Exam preparation road map

Autodesk certifications are industry-recognized credentials that can help

you succeed in your design career.
Autodesk certifications provide reliable validation Recommended experience levels ATC instructor-led courses
of knowledge and skills. These credentials can
Actual hands-on experience is a critical component The ATC program is a global network of
lead to accelerated professional development,
in preparing for the exam. You must spend time professional training providers offering a
improved productivity, and enhanced credibility.
using the product and applying the skills you broad range of learning resources. Autodesk
Your examination preparation is critical for your have learned. recommends that test-takers consider taking
success. Schedule time to prepare, review this exam a certification preparation or product training
preparation road map, take a course at an Autodesk Certified User exam: course at one of these centers. Visit the online
Authorized Training Center (ATC®), and support your AutoCAD 2011–2015 course (or equivalent) plus ATC locator at
studies with official preparation materials. Equally 50 hours of hands-on application
as important is actual hands-on experience. Official preparation materials
Certified Professional exam:
The official preparation materials for Autodesk
Certifications levels available AutoCAD 2015 course (or equivalent) plus Certification exams are published by ASCENT
The AutoCAD Certified User exam includes both 400 hours of hands-on application (Autodesk Official Training Guides) and Wiley
academic and industry requirements designed to (Autodesk Official Press). These guides cover the
You may take each certification exam up to three
confirm that Autodesk® AutoCAD® software users topics, sub-topics, and objectives listed in this
times within a 12-month period.
have the skills necessary to continue their design exam road map. These guides are used by ATCs,
careers—whether they attend college, enter the For more information on the Autodesk and are available for direct purchase in various
workforce, or work toward additional levels of Certification Program, visit formats from and
industry certification. For more information, visit
Schools can become Certiport® Authorized
Autodesk Education Community
Centers to provide the Autodesk Certified User The Autodesk® Education Community offers
exams in their classrooms. For more information, students and educators free software, learning
contact Certiport at materials, and classroom support. Learn more at
The AutoCAD 2015 Certified Professional
exam is aimed at assessing professional users’
knowledge of the tools, features, and common
tasks of AutoCAD 2015. Find an Autodesk
Certification Center at
Autodesk Certification
Exam topics and objectives
We recommend that you review the topics and objectives during your preparation for certification. Please note that some objectives may not be tested on your
certification exam.
The Autodesk Certified User exam consists of 30 questions combining multiple choice, matching, point-and-click (hot-spot), and performance-based question types to
ensure students understand and can effectively use AutoCAD. The exam has a 50-minute time limit. For more information, visit
The Autodesk Certified Professional exam is comprised of 35 questions, of which the majority requires you to use AutoCAD to create or modify a data file, and
then type your answer into an input box. Other question types include multiple choice, matching, and point-and-click. The exam has a 2-hour time limit (in
some countries, the time limit may be extended). Find an Autodesk Certification Center at

User Professional User Professional

Create, open, and publish files
Alter layer assignments for objects
Draw circles, arcs, and polygons
Assign properties by Object or Layer
Draw lines and rectangles
Change object properties
Fillet and chamfer lines Control layer visibility
Select objects Manage layer properties
Use coordinate systems USE BLOCKS AND XREFS
Use dynamic input, direct distance, and Define Blocks
shortcut menus Reference external drawings
Use Inquiry commands and images
Work with Global Blocks
Use Object Snap Tracking
Apply hatch patterns
Use Ortho and Polar Tracking CREATE AND EDIT TEXT
Use PolarSnap Create Text Styles
Use Running Object Snaps Write Lines of Text
Work with Grid and Snap
Create and apply Dimension Styles
Use Multileaders
Create and use Arrays
Create Selection Sets ANNOTATIVE OBJECTS
Stretch Objects Create Annotative Styles and Objects

Use Grip Editing Create Layouts

Use the Window Command
Use Move and Copy
Use Viewports
Use Offset and Mirror
Use Rotate and Scale
Set printing and plotting options
Use Trim and Extend
Blend between objects with Splines
For more information:
Draw and edit curved Polylines
To take a Certified User exam, find out more from Certiport:
To take a Certified Professional exam, find an Autodesk Certification

Autodesk, AutoCAD, the Autodesk logo, and ATC are registered trademarks or trademarks of Autodesk, Inc. and/or its subsidiaries and/or affiliates in the USA and/or other
countries. All other brand names, product names or trademarks belong to their respective holders. Autodesk reserves the right to alter product offerings and specifications
at any time without notice, and is not responsible for typographical or graphical errors that may appear in this document. © 2014 Autodesk, Inc. All rights reserved.

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