Grass Availability

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This list uses several abbreviations and rating scales. A "CN" in superscript at the left margin, just before the plant name, designates a plant native to
California. The Type heading is used for the general plant category. Gra = grass/grasslike plant, Sdg = Sedge, Ru = Rush, Res = Restio or Restio ally.
Under Comments, "s" or st(s) = stem(s), "l" or "lvs" = leaves, "f" or "fl(s)" = flower(s). The Condition column describes both size and current
blooming/fruiting status. "light" = just-rooted and plantable in the landscape. "Full" = fully rooted, nice plants. "Prime" = exceptional! We strive to
ensure that undersized plants are not listed.
About smaller pot sizes: "Liners", as shown below, are standard rose pots, 2.25 x 3.0", 56 per tray (FULL TRAYS ONLY). "Plugs" are plants in cells
of approximately 1.75" x 2.25", 50 per tray (ALSO FULL TRAYS ONLY). The price for both sizes is $1.25 per unit.

Two Inch Pots and Plugs

Plant Name Type Comments/Descriptions 2 In Price PlugsPrice Condition
Acorus gramineus 'Licorice' Per Sweet flag.To 6".Clumps of green aromatic lvs 900 1.25 full
Agropyron smithii Gra Cool season sod forming, blue grn grass. 775 1.25 full
Andropogon ternarius Gra 2-3'.Thin grey stems. White fluffy seed hds 500 1.25 light
Bouteloua gracilis Gra Blue 8".Eyelash-like flwrs 3700 1.25 full
Bouteloua gracilis 'Blonde Ambition' PP#22049 Gra Carpeting, lvs to 1', fl. stms 30", tough. 1700 1.50 full
Briza media Gra Quaking grass;dense clumps;silky sts & f 600 1.25 full
Briza media 'Variegata' Gra Quaking grass;dense clumps;grn w/ylw 300 1.25 full
Buchloe dactyloides Gra Buffalo gr. Spreading, low. Drought tol. 5000 1.25 full
Calamagrostis acutiflora 'Avalanche' Gra Erect, w/white ctr,green edges lvs. Pink fls 900 1.25 full
Calamagrostis acutiflora 'Eldorado' PP#16486 Gra 4'. Yellow ctr, grn lvs. Erect habit. 680 1.25 full
Calamagrostis acutiflora 'Karl Foerster' ('Stricta') Gra Very green grass,erect purplish fls. 600 1.25 full
Carex cherokeensis Sdg 12". Fine texture, dk grn lvs. Slow spread. 800 1.50 full
Carex divulsa ("tumulicola") Sdg Eur. grey sedge;to 2';deep green lvs 7000 1.25 full
Carex flacca (glauca) Sdg Blue sedge;to 1';lvs brt blue-green 1300 1.25 full
Carex nigra 'Variegata' Sdg 12". Spreading. Yellow edge lvs; black fls. 900 1.25 full
Carex pansa Sdg Low,dense,spreading.Glossy grn lvs 100001.25 full
Carex perdentata Sdg Gold Texas s. 8". Yellow in sun, grn in shade 900 1.25 full
Carex praegracilis Sdg Rhizomatous. Dk green lawn substitute. 6000 1.25 full
Carex radiata Sdg 1'. Fine texture, grn clump for meadows. 600 1.25 full
Carex remota Sdg Fine textured 16" grn sedge, moist shade 6000 1.25 full
Carex riparia 'Variegata' Sdg 3'+.White stripes, grn lvs. Rhizomes, spreads 700 1.25 full
Carex sp.--Dale Hendricks Sdg 12". Low tight, fine texture dk grn mound. 1800 1.25 full
Carex sp.--Triple Falls,NC Sdg 1000 1.25 full
Carex texensis Sdg To 5"h. Low,spreading grn lawn substitute. 1000 1.25 full
Carex 'The Beatles' Sdg 1'+. Mophead,fine texture, med. green clumps. 224 1.25 900 1.25 full
Carex tumulicola--true type Sdg 10". Dk grn narrow lvs. True CA species. 3000 1.50 full
Carex vulpinoidea Sdg 1000 1.50 full
Danthonia californica var. californica Gra 1'. Brt. grn CA bunchgrass. Airy fls. 200 1.25 full
Deschampsia cespitosa 'Goldgehaenge' Gra 3'golden flower stems.Compact bunchgrass 1400 1.25 full
Festuca californica Gra CA native for shade;4';deep green lvs 3700 1.25 full
Festuca californica 'Gabilan Blues' Gra Blue grey densely clumping, for shade. 1800 1.25 full
Festuca mairei Gra 2-3'. Tidy, narrow, light green lvs; airy fls 3600 1.25 full
Festuca rubra 'Molate' Gra 8-10".Blue-grey clumping. 3000 1.25 cut/light
Leymus arenarius 'Findhorn' Gra Blue lyme grass.To 1'+,thicketing,grey 270 1.25 500 1.25 full
Leymus triticoides 'Grey Dawn' Gra Spreading, thin soft grey stems to 2'+. 150 1.25 300 1.25 full
Muhlenbergia dubia Gra 3' fl.spike, foliage to 18".Dwf.deer grass. 4000 1.25 full
Muhlenbergia rigens Gra Deer 6'.Dense rounded clump 3800 1.50 full
Nassella (Stipa) lepida Gra Foothill needlegrass.1-2'h/w. Graceful fls. 150 1.25 full
Nassella (Stipa) pulchra Gra Purple needlegrass.2'h/w.Airy flws. 1200 1.25 full
Ophiopogon chingii Per 900 1.25 light
Ophiopogon clarkii Per About 8";dense clumps,dk green lvs 1400 1.25 light
Pennisetum 'Fairy Tails' Gra 3-5'. Glossy lvs;erect tan plumes. 5000 1.25 full
Pennisetum frutescens Gra 3'. Loosely clumping, wide grn lvs. 1856 1.25 full
Pennisetum massaicum Gra Clumping, lvs to 2'. Dense "rabbit tail" fls. 640 1.25 1200 1.25 full
Pennisetum spathiolatum (sphacelatum?) Gra Grn lvs to 18". Slender fl stms 2-3'. Clumps. 100001.25 full
Poa arachnifera Gra Texas bluegrass. Blue grn lawn substitute. 3000 1.25 full
Poa secunda Gra 1000 1.25 full

Suncrest Nurseries Inc. 400 Casserly Road Watsonville, CA 95076 Phone 800-949-5064/831-728-2595 Fax 831-728-3146
Plant Name Type Comments/Descriptions 2 In Price PlugsPrice Condition
Schizachyrium scoparium 'The Blues' Gra Little bluestem. Clumping,erect form. 500 1.25 full
Sesleria caerulea Gra Blue moor grass;low clumps,silvery lvs 6000 1.25 full
Sesleria 'Greenlee Hybrid' Gra Moor grass;low clumps,blue green lvs 5000 1.25 full
Sesleria heufleriana Gra 1'+. Blue grn clump. Meadow or pt shade. 1800 1.25 full
Sesleria nitida Gra 1'. Blue-grey clumps, sharp tips. Dark fls. 1292 1.25 full
Sesleria nitida Gra 1'. Blue-grey clumps, sharp tips. Dark fls. 2500 1.25 light
Sporobolus airoides Gra Alkali dropseed.clumps to 2'+;airy clust 550 1.25 light

Four Inch Pots

Plant Name Type Comments/Descriptions Quantity Price Condition
Bouteloua gracilis 'Blonde Ambition' PP#22049 Gra Carpeting, lvs to 1', fl. stms 30", tough. 2400 2.50
Juncus 'Carman's Japanese' Ru Clumping,evrgrn,fine textured lvs,seeds 150 2.50 full

One and Five Gallon Containers

Plant Name Type Comments/Descriptions 1gal Price1g 5gal Price5g Condition
Achnatherum hymenoides Gra Indian ricegrass. Airy clumps. 65 4.05 full
Acorus gramineus 'Aureopusillus Minimus' Per Sweet flag. Dwarf golden form. 117 4.05 prime
Acorus gramineus 'Licorice' Per Sweet flag.To 6".Clumps of green aromatic lvs 400 4.05 prime
Acorus gramineus 'Ogon' Per Sweet flag;clone w/brt yellow varieg.lvs 595 4.05 full
Agrostis [scabra] Gra 8". Fine textured dark blue green clumps. 272 4.05 full bloom
Aristida purpurea Gra Clumps w/narrow bl-grn lvs,airy purplish fls 200 4.05 full bloom
Bouteloua gracilis Gra Blue 8".Eyelash-like flwrs 150 4.05 full bloom
Bromus benekenii Gra 1'. Spreading. Soft lt grn lvs. Sun/shade 824 4.05 full
Calamagrostis acutiflora 'Eldorado' PP#16486 Gra 4'. Yellow ctr, grn lvs. Erect habit. 151 4.55 full
Calamagrostis acutiflora 'Overdam' Gra Feather reed grass.To 2'+;white-varieg. 60 4.05 full
Carex cherokeensis Sdg 12". Fine texture, dk grn lvs. Slow spread. 250 4.05 full
Carex divulsa ("tumulicola") Sdg Eur. grey sedge;to 2';deep green lvs 600 4.05 light bloom
Carex lanuginosa Sdg 2. Narrow dk grn lvs, spreads. Moist areas 98 4.05 full
Carex nigra 'Variegata' Sdg 12". Spreading. Yellow edge lvs; black fls. 146 4.05 ovr/undr
Carex pansa Sdg Low,dense,spreading.Glossy grn lvs 695 4.05 full
Carex remota Sdg Fine textured 16" grn sedge, moist shade 150 4.05 light buds
Carex riparia 'Variegata' Sdg 3'+.White stripes, grn lvs. Rhizomes, spreads 198 4.05 full
Carex speciosa Sdg Small, dense dark green sedge 123 4.05 full
Carex texensis Sdg To 5"h. Low,spreading grn lawn substitute. 198 4.05 full bloom
Danthonia californica var. californica Gra 1'. Brt. grn CA bunchgrass. Airy fls. 100 4.05 full
Elegia fenestrata Res Dense erect clmp; wavy dk.grn. stems. 30 4.05 43 15.75 full
Elegia fistulosa Res Dense erect clump; golden fl heads.. 40 15.75 full
Elymus elymoides--selected blue Gra Squirreltail. Dense plumes, blue lvs. 150 4.05 full
Festuca californica 'Gabilan Blues' Gra Blue grey densely clumping, for shade. 122 4.05 full
Festuca glauca 'Siskiyou Blue' Gra Dense clump.Fine blue-grn lvs,silvery f 85 4.05 full
Festuca idahoensis 'Stony Creek' Gra Tilden Bot Gdn. 2'+, bright blue 547 4.05 full bloom
Festuca idahoensis 'Tomales Bay' Gra Fine texture blue-green bunchgrass. 200 4.05 full
Festuca mairei Gra 2-3'. Tidy, narrow, light green lvs; airy fls 1500 4.05 full
Festuca rubra 'Jughandle' Gra Short sturdy stms.Chalky blue-green lvs. 300 4.05 full
Festuca rubra 'Molate' Gra 8-10".Blue-grey clumping. 80 4.05 prime bloom
Festuca rubra 'Patrick's Point' Gra Creeping red fescue. Blue green lvs. 400 4.05 full
Festuca species--Czech Gra 8-12". Fine textured dk grn clumps. 290 4.05 full
Hakonechloa macra 'Emerald Glow' Gra 2'+. Graceful clumps; drooping grn lvs. 70 5.05 full
Hakonechloa macra--taller selection Gra Graceful grass to 2';chartreuse&dk grn 300 5.05 full
Helictotrichon sempervirens Gra 18"t.Feathery fl.heads,blue foliage. 450 4.05 full
Juncus 'Carman's Japanese' Ru Clumping,evrgrn,fine textured lvs,seeds 100 4.05 prime bloom
Juncus effusus 'Quartz Creek' Ru Stiffly erect form, dark green lvs. 592 4.05 full
Juncus patens 'Elk Blue' Ru Native rush; blue stems to 18". 70 4.05 full
Leymus arenarius 'Findhorn' Gra Blue lyme grass.To 1'+,thicketing,grey 298 4.05 prime
Leymus arenarius 'Glaucus' Gra Blue lyme grass.To 2'+,thicketing,grey 100 4.05 full
Leymus triticoides 'Elkhorn Green' Gra Spreading, narrow grn stms, to 2'. 298 4.05 full
Leymus triticoides 'Grey Dawn' Gra Spreading, thin soft grey stems to 2'+. 150 4.05 full
Melica imperfecta Gra Clmping bright green CA bunchgrass; fl stm 2' 15 4.05 full bloom
Miscanthus sinensis 'Arabesque' Gra Eulalia.Fl.stems to 5'. Bright green lvs. 130 4.05 full
Miscanthus sinensis 'Sarabande' Gra To 6'. Narrow lvs, fine texture, bronze fls. 192 4.05 full

Suncrest Nurseries Inc. 400 Casserly Road Watsonville, CA 95076 Phone 800-949-5064/831-728-2595 Fax 831-728-3146
Plant Name Type Comments/Descriptions 1gal Price1g 5gal Price5g Condition
Miscanthus sinensis 'Yaku Jima' Gra Japan.silver gr.3' 175 4.05 full bloom
Miscanthus transmorrisonensis Gra Evergreen miscanthus.4'+.Evergrn lvs. 99 12.75 full
Molinia caerulea 'Variegata' Gra Varieg. moor grass.Low,w/broad lvs,purp. 231 4.05 full
Muhlenbergia capillaris 'White Cloud' Gra Hairy awn muhly.Airy white flw.pancles. 500 4.05 prime bloom
Muhlenbergia dubia Gra 3' fl.spike, foliage to 18".Dwf.deer grass. 500 4.05 full
Muhlenbergia dubia Gra 3' fl.spike, foliage to 18".Dwf.deer grass. 98 12.75 prime bloom
Muhlenbergia dumosa Gra Bamboo muhly.3-6'high;slender sts,fine l 62 12.75
Muhlenbergia pubescens Gra Wide blue blades, dense clump. 200 4.05 prime bloom
Muhlenbergia rigens Gra Deer 6'.Dense rounded clump 568 4.05 ovr/undr
Muhlenbergia richardsonis Gra Mat muhly. Spreading low grn grass. 198 4.05
Muhlenbergia sp.--Mexico Gra Narrow fls stems, 6'+. grn lvs 3'. 25 12.75 full bloom
Nassella (Stipa) cernua Gra Nodding feather grass.2'h/w.Airy flws. 150 4.05 full bloom
Nassella (Stipa) pulchra Gra Purple needlegrass.2'h/w.Airy flws. 500 4.05 full
Panicum bulbosum Gra Low grey-grn lvs, airy fls to 30". Takes heat 120 4.05 prime bloom
Pennisetum alopecuroides 'Little Bunny' Gra 6".Dwf.ftn.grass.Yellow foliage in fall. 240 4.05 full bloom
Pennisetum alopecuroides 'Moudry' Gra Black-flowering pennisetum;18-26"h/w 950 4.05 full bloom
Pennisetum 'Fairy Tails' Gra 3-5'. Glossy lvs;erect tan plumes. 700 4.05
Pennisetum massaicum Gra Clumping, lvs to 2'. Dense "rabbit tail" fls. 300 4.05 full
Pennisetum orientale 'Tall Tails' Gra Fl. stem to 6'. Long ivory "foxtail". 700 4.05 full bloom
Pennisetum setaceum 'Cupreum' Gra Fountain grass;2'+;bronze lvs & sts 100 4.05 full
Pennisetum spathiolatum (sphacelatum?) Gra Grn lvs to 18". Slender fl stms 2-3'. Clumps. 600 4.05 full
Restio quadratus Res 5-6'h/10'w. Feathery, draping. Square stems. 70 15.75 full
Restio similis Res 18". Dk green culms, bronze fls. 7 15.75 full
Restio tetraphyllus Res 3-6' rushlike plt w/puffs of threadlike brs 60 15.75 full
Rhodocoma capensis Res 5-8'.Erect, fluffy very dk.grn.stms. 45 5.05 20 15.75 full
Rhodocoma foliosa Res To 5'.Dense,green,feathery clumps; lacy fls. 50 5.05 full
Rhodocoma foliosa Res To 5'.Dense,green,feathery clumps; lacy fls. 31 15.75 full bloom
Rhodocoma gigantea Res Dense,green,feathery; to 5-8'. 70 15.75 full
Sesleria caerulea Gra Blue moor grass;low clumps,silvery lvs 560 4.05 light
Sesleria nitida Gra 1'. Blue-grey clumps, sharp tips. Dark fls. 200 4.05 full
Sisyrinchium [angustifolium] Per Compact clumps;heavy spr&sum blm;blue 236 4.05 full bloom
Sisyrinchium bellum 'Ft. Bragg' Per Dwarf plant.Fls lavender w/violet ctr. 700 4.05 full
Sisyrinchium bellum 'Rocky Point' Per Dwarf, dense selection. Purple-blue fls. 700 4.05 full
Spartina bakeri Gra 3-5' clumps, fine texture, dense fountain. 80 4.05 full
Thamnochortus bachmannii Res 2-3'.Arching habit.Interlaced grn stms. 40 15.75 full
Thamnochortus cinereus Res Rushlike plt w/feathery branchlets,silvery br 50 15.75 full
Thysanolaena latifolia Gra Tiger gr. 10-12'. Wide lvs, clumping. 118 12.75 full

Two Gallon Containers

Plant Name Type Comments/Descriptions Quantity Price Condition
Lomandra longifolia 'Breeze' PP#15420 Per 2-3'. Deep grn lvs, clumping. Good w/eucs. 500 10.10 full
Muhlenbergia sp.--Mexico Gra Narrow fls stems, 6'+. grn lvs 3'. 198 10.10 full
Stipa ramosissima Gra To 7'h/4'w.Australian plume grass.Bamboo-like 71 12.75 full bloom

Fifteen Gallon Containers

Plant Name Type Comments/Descriptions Quantity Price Condition
Miscanthus junceus Gra 5-6'. Stiff starburst form. Evergreen. 18 65.00 full
Thysanolaena latifolia Gra Tiger gr. 10-12'. Wide lvs, clumping. 51 65.00 full

Suncrest Nurseries Inc. 400 Casserly Road Watsonville, CA 95076 Phone 800-949-5064/831-728-2595 Fax 831-728-3146

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