Grass Availability
Grass Availability
Grass Availability
This list uses several abbreviations and rating scales. A "CN" in superscript at the left margin, just before the plant name, designates a plant native to
California. The Type heading is used for the general plant category. Gra = grass/grasslike plant, Sdg = Sedge, Ru = Rush, Res = Restio or Restio ally.
Under Comments, "s" or st(s) = stem(s), "l" or "lvs" = leaves, "f" or "fl(s)" = flower(s). The Condition column describes both size and current
blooming/fruiting status. "light" = just-rooted and plantable in the landscape. "Full" = fully rooted, nice plants. "Prime" = exceptional! We strive to
ensure that undersized plants are not listed.
About smaller pot sizes: "Liners", as shown below, are standard rose pots, 2.25 x 3.0", 56 per tray (FULL TRAYS ONLY). "Plugs" are plants in cells
of approximately 1.75" x 2.25", 50 per tray (ALSO FULL TRAYS ONLY). The price for both sizes is $1.25 per unit.
Suncrest Nurseries Inc. 400 Casserly Road Watsonville, CA 95076 Phone 800-949-5064/831-728-2595 Fax 831-728-3146
Plant Name Type Comments/Descriptions 2 In Price PlugsPrice Condition
Schizachyrium scoparium 'The Blues' Gra Little bluestem. Clumping,erect form. 500 1.25 full
Sesleria caerulea Gra Blue moor grass;low clumps,silvery lvs 6000 1.25 full
Sesleria 'Greenlee Hybrid' Gra Moor grass;low clumps,blue green lvs 5000 1.25 full
Sesleria heufleriana Gra 1'+. Blue grn clump. Meadow or pt shade. 1800 1.25 full
Sesleria nitida Gra 1'. Blue-grey clumps, sharp tips. Dark fls. 1292 1.25 full
Sesleria nitida Gra 1'. Blue-grey clumps, sharp tips. Dark fls. 2500 1.25 light
Sporobolus airoides Gra Alkali dropseed.clumps to 2'+;airy clust 550 1.25 light
Suncrest Nurseries Inc. 400 Casserly Road Watsonville, CA 95076 Phone 800-949-5064/831-728-2595 Fax 831-728-3146
Plant Name Type Comments/Descriptions 1gal Price1g 5gal Price5g Condition
Miscanthus sinensis 'Yaku Jima' Gra Japan.silver gr.3' 175 4.05 full bloom
Miscanthus transmorrisonensis Gra Evergreen miscanthus.4'+.Evergrn lvs. 99 12.75 full
Molinia caerulea 'Variegata' Gra Varieg. moor grass.Low,w/broad lvs,purp. 231 4.05 full
Muhlenbergia capillaris 'White Cloud' Gra Hairy awn muhly.Airy white flw.pancles. 500 4.05 prime bloom
Muhlenbergia dubia Gra 3' fl.spike, foliage to 18".Dwf.deer grass. 500 4.05 full
Muhlenbergia dubia Gra 3' fl.spike, foliage to 18".Dwf.deer grass. 98 12.75 prime bloom
Muhlenbergia dumosa Gra Bamboo muhly.3-6'high;slender sts,fine l 62 12.75
Muhlenbergia pubescens Gra Wide blue blades, dense clump. 200 4.05 prime bloom
Muhlenbergia rigens Gra Deer 6'.Dense rounded clump 568 4.05 ovr/undr
Muhlenbergia richardsonis Gra Mat muhly. Spreading low grn grass. 198 4.05
Muhlenbergia sp.--Mexico Gra Narrow fls stems, 6'+. grn lvs 3'. 25 12.75 full bloom
Nassella (Stipa) cernua Gra Nodding feather grass.2'h/w.Airy flws. 150 4.05 full bloom
Nassella (Stipa) pulchra Gra Purple needlegrass.2'h/w.Airy flws. 500 4.05 full
Panicum bulbosum Gra Low grey-grn lvs, airy fls to 30". Takes heat 120 4.05 prime bloom
Pennisetum alopecuroides 'Little Bunny' Gra 6".Dwf.ftn.grass.Yellow foliage in fall. 240 4.05 full bloom
Pennisetum alopecuroides 'Moudry' Gra Black-flowering pennisetum;18-26"h/w 950 4.05 full bloom
Pennisetum 'Fairy Tails' Gra 3-5'. Glossy lvs;erect tan plumes. 700 4.05
Pennisetum massaicum Gra Clumping, lvs to 2'. Dense "rabbit tail" fls. 300 4.05 full
Pennisetum orientale 'Tall Tails' Gra Fl. stem to 6'. Long ivory "foxtail". 700 4.05 full bloom
Pennisetum setaceum 'Cupreum' Gra Fountain grass;2'+;bronze lvs & sts 100 4.05 full
Pennisetum spathiolatum (sphacelatum?) Gra Grn lvs to 18". Slender fl stms 2-3'. Clumps. 600 4.05 full
Restio quadratus Res 5-6'h/10'w. Feathery, draping. Square stems. 70 15.75 full
Restio similis Res 18". Dk green culms, bronze fls. 7 15.75 full
Restio tetraphyllus Res 3-6' rushlike plt w/puffs of threadlike brs 60 15.75 full
Rhodocoma capensis Res 5-8'.Erect, fluffy very dk.grn.stms. 45 5.05 20 15.75 full
Rhodocoma foliosa Res To 5'.Dense,green,feathery clumps; lacy fls. 50 5.05 full
Rhodocoma foliosa Res To 5'.Dense,green,feathery clumps; lacy fls. 31 15.75 full bloom
Rhodocoma gigantea Res Dense,green,feathery; to 5-8'. 70 15.75 full
Sesleria caerulea Gra Blue moor grass;low clumps,silvery lvs 560 4.05 light
Sesleria nitida Gra 1'. Blue-grey clumps, sharp tips. Dark fls. 200 4.05 full
Sisyrinchium [angustifolium] Per Compact clumps;heavy spr&sum blm;blue 236 4.05 full bloom
Sisyrinchium bellum 'Ft. Bragg' Per Dwarf plant.Fls lavender w/violet ctr. 700 4.05 full
Sisyrinchium bellum 'Rocky Point' Per Dwarf, dense selection. Purple-blue fls. 700 4.05 full
Spartina bakeri Gra 3-5' clumps, fine texture, dense fountain. 80 4.05 full
Thamnochortus bachmannii Res 2-3'.Arching habit.Interlaced grn stms. 40 15.75 full
Thamnochortus cinereus Res Rushlike plt w/feathery branchlets,silvery br 50 15.75 full
Thysanolaena latifolia Gra Tiger gr. 10-12'. Wide lvs, clumping. 118 12.75 full
Suncrest Nurseries Inc. 400 Casserly Road Watsonville, CA 95076 Phone 800-949-5064/831-728-2595 Fax 831-728-3146