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Titolo Identificativo Rev.

Pagina Di
title document no. rev. page of

0553 T1MA*S033
Riservatezza 2
10069A-9-V06-MUSG-00093 confidential class

Specification Name Appendix A item Volume N. Prodotto/Struttura

volume no. product/structure

10069A-9-3PS-MUSG-00001 2.06
Tipo doc. Codice EmittenteTeamcenter Ente Emittente Edizione in lingua Derivato da Rev.
doc. type teamcenter issuer code issued by language derived from rev.


Commessa Progetto Cliente/Client
job no. project
0553 Power Project Phase II
Converting existing Simple Cycle
to Combined Cycle 10069A-CP-106 PRODUCTION COMPANY (EDEPC) PGESCo
ELECT.SIGN D:Salerno C:Pirri A1:Cutarelli A2:Zanier A3:- (24/09/2015)

Rev. Descrizione
rev. kind of revision

00 First issue

01 Revised where indicated in italics


01 I 07/09/2015


00 I 12/06/2015

Rev Scopo Preparato Controllato Verificato Verificato Approvato Data

rev. scope prepared checked verified verified Approved Date

Ansaldo Energia s.p.a. si riserva tutti i diritti su questo documento che non può essere riprodotto neppure parzialmente senza la sua autorizzazione scritta
Ansaldo Energia s.p.a. reserves all rights on this document that can not be reproduced in any part without its written consent
Progetto / Titolo Identificativo Rev. Pagina Di
Project / title document no.
rev. page of
0553 T1MA*S033
West Damietta Power Project Phase II 01 2 4
ST water induction criteria PGESCo No. Classe di Riservatezza
confidential class 2

1. General

Special attention should be given to the protection of the steam turbine against water backflow,
because non-availability of power-plants could result from damage caused by water flowing into
the turbine.
This document provides the following requirements for:
• The pipe routing of the admission steam lines
• The drain system of steam lines
• Water induction detection by temperature supervision at the turbine extractions.
These requirements have to be followed from the responsible of the steam and water cycle.
The exact number respectively type of drains, check valves, shutoff valves etc. is not part of this
document. Please refer to the relevant P&ID’s and system description.
These requirements take largely account of international standards like ASME TDP-1-2013,
“Prevention of Water Damage to Steam Turbines Used for Electric Power Generation”.

2. Design criteria for the steam piping routing and drains

The arrangement of the various components and the pipe routing must be carefully planned to
allow self-draining whenever possible. This principle provides the best drainage method and
permits to reduce the number of devices such as valves, traps, control, instruments etc.
All main steam lines (HP and LP steam) must be properly drained upstream battery limit. The
drain points have to be located as close as possible to turbine stop valves and anyway at a max
length of 7 meters from them.
These requirements must be applied for auxiliary steam, if present, and other feeding steam to
seal steam system.

Routing of the pipes

The following rules for the arrangements planning and the pipe layout are to be observed in
order to insure proper operation:
• The slope and direction of condensate flow should be the same as the steam flow.
• All steam lines to be drained must have under every operation condition a sufficient
slope in the main steam direction towards the drain point (2%). Thermal expansion of
the pipes has to be considered.
• Pockets and loops in pipe routing must be avoided since even with adequate drain a
potential risk of excessive condensate accumulation remains.
• Reverse flow should be avoided. Only short pipe sections can be drained against the
steam flow.

Ansaldo Energia s.p.a. si riserva tutti i diritti su questo documento che non può essere riprodotto neppure parzialmente senza la sua autorizzazione scritta
Ansaldo Energia s.p.a. reserves all rights on this document that can not be reproduced in any part without its written consent
Progetto / Titolo Identificativo Rev. Pagina Di
Project / title document no.
rev. page of
0553 T1MA*S033
West Damietta Power Project Phase II 01 3 4
ST water induction criteria PGESCo No. Classe di Riservatezza
confidential class 2

3. Classification of drains

By technical definiton, the drains are subdivided into external and internal, depending on the
operating conditions under which steam flow can flow in them.

External drains
Drainage of piping systems in which steam can flow when the turbine is not in operation, i.e.
when the stop valves are closed. The energy steam/condensate from these drains is led to the

Internal drains
Drainage of the turbine and the associated piping through which steam cannot flow when the
turbine is not in operation. The condensate from these drains is led to the condenser since the
internally drained system is under vacuum during turbine start-up.
For the above reason, the external and internal drains must be segregated.
The valve casing between the SH and the LP stop and control valves are drained internally.

According to their function, the drains can be classified as indicate here below.

Start-up drains
Removal of condensate collected during start-up. All these drains are operated by pneumatic
actuators. They are open during start-up until the turbine has reached a load of 15% in
automatic mode.

Continuous drains
Removal of the water (via an orifice) which collects where continuous condensation occurs.

4. Design criteria for the internal drain system

The following design rules must be followed:

• Routing should be done in such a way that a steady slope towards the drain tank or the
condenser is provided.
• Drain points must be at every low point in the piping.
• Drainage must be provided at approx. every 20 m of horizontal pipe length.
• Arrangement of formed pipe connections, such as T-pieces, orifice, etc. must be so
that accumulation of water is avoided.

Ansaldo Energia s.p.a. si riserva tutti i diritti su questo documento che non può essere riprodotto neppure parzialmente senza la sua autorizzazione scritta
Ansaldo Energia s.p.a. reserves all rights on this document that can not be reproduced in any part without its written consent
Progetto / Titolo Identificativo Rev. Pagina Di
Project / title document no.
rev. page of
0553 T1MA*S033
West Damietta Power Project Phase II 01 4 4
ST water induction criteria PGESCo No. Classe di Riservatezza
confidential class 2

5. Drainage of the gland steam system

The following design rules must be followed:

• Continuous drain has to be provided after the gland steam water injection.
• The exhaust line after the gland steam condenser fan must be drained.
• The condensate line from the gland steam condenser must be drained with a
continuous slope to the flash tank or the condenser: if not possible, the maximum
elevation difference between the operating water level and the inlet to the flash tank or
the condenser shall be 3.8 m.

6. Drain valves control philosophy

The drains are controlled by the following criteria:

• Steam turbine internal drains: open if the STG load is less than 15%;
• External main steam drains upstream ST stop valve:
- first drain close to stop valve: open if the superheat of steam is less than 55 °C
or turbine speed is less than 1000 rpm;
- other drains: open if the superheat of steam is less than 55 °C.

Ansaldo Energia s.p.a. si riserva tutti i diritti su questo documento che non può essere riprodotto neppure parzialmente senza la sua autorizzazione scritta
Ansaldo Energia s.p.a. reserves all rights on this document that can not be reproduced in any part without its written consent

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