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Ares(2018)3467319 - 29/06/2018

Integrating National Research Agendas on Solar Heat

for Industrial Processes

Project Deliverable 3.5


WP 3 Technology and applications to medium temperature SHIP
(150 oC to 400 oC)
Due date: M18
Submitted M18
Partner responsible D3.5 CRES
Person responsible Rosie Christodoulaki
Reviewed/supervised by: Pedro Horta
GA Number 731287
Start of the project 2017 January
Duration of the project 48 months
PU Public
R Report
Authors Rosie Christodoulaki, Panagiotis Tsekouras, Pedro Horta, Annie
Zirkel-Hofer, Mario Biencinto, Lourdes González, Loreto Valenzuela,
Christoph Rohringer, Tiago Osorio, Klaus Hennecke

1 GA No. 731287
Deliverable 3.5 Report

1. Summary ...................................................................................................................................... 3
2. Introduction ................................................................................................................................. 4
3. Definition of BoP components .................................................................................................. 8
3.1. Hydraulic layouts .................................................................................................................... 8
3.1.1. Indirect solar steam generation ................................................................................ 9
3.1.2. Direct solar steam generation ................................................................................. 10
3.2. BoP components .................................................................................................................. 12
3.2.1. Storage charging....................................................................................................... 13
3.2.2. Solar buffer storages.................................................................................................. 14
3.2.3. Storage discharging .................................................................................................. 15
3.2.4. Integration point ........................................................................................................ 16
4. BoP components regulations ................................................................................................. 18
5. Definition of standardized control ......................................................................................... 26
5.1. Operation modes ................................................................................................................. 27
5.2. BoP control objectives ......................................................................................................... 28
5.3. BoP control strategies........................................................................................................... 29
6. O & M requirements ................................................................................................................. 31
6.1. Operation .............................................................................................................................. 32
6.2. Maintenance ........................................................................................................................ 33
6.3. Case study ............................................................................................................................. 34
7. Results and discussion .............................................................................................................. 37
8. Degree of progress .................................................................................................................. 37
9. Dissemination ............................................................................................................................ 37
10. References............................................................................................................................. 38

2 GA No. 731287
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1. Summary

This Deliverable Report describes the standardization requirements for the BoP
components of a solar thermal plant for delivering medium temperature industrial process
heat (150-400oC). Due to the temperature range addressed, the solar collectors used in
these systems most commonly utilize linear concentration technology, i.e. parabolic
trough or linear Fresnel collectors.

The Report initiates with the description of the possible hydraulic layouts of a solar thermal
industrial process heat system, for either direct or indirect steam generation. The
description of the BoP components then follows and more specifically, the storage
charging system, the buffer storage system and the storage discharging system are
described in details. Since this Report focuses on the BoP components, the description of
the solar collector loop, the integration point as well as the conventional process heat
system, would be out of scope.

The standards and regulations applicable to the BoP components and solar thermal
systems, with regards to International and European standards, are the objective of the
next chapter. The list includes standards issued from the International Standards
Organisation – ISO, the British Standards and European Norms BS-EN, the European Solar
Thermal Industry Federation ESTIF, the International Electrotechnical Commission – IEC, the
American Society of Mechanical Engineers – ASME and the American Society for Testing
and Material – ASTM.

In the following section, the standardised control functions used in the solar thermal
industrial process heat systems are described. Initially, there is a categorisation of the
operation modes of the BoP which are mainly defined by the heat demand profile. For
these specific operation modes, the BoP control objectives, control parameters and
criteria are then described, followed by the main control strategies that can be
implemented to confront with disturbances.

The importance of Operation and Maintenance procedures of the solar thermal industrial
process heat systems is highlighted in the final section, where an indicative operation and
maintenance flowchart is provided. Finally, a case study of the specific methods followed
to optimise the operation and maintenance processes is also presented. These methods
include the improvement of the efficiency of solar energy collection, the improvement of
data collection and handling as well as the optimisation of the plant operating strategy.

3 GA No. 731287
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2. Introduction

Except from power generation, concentrating solar thermal systems can be applied to
process heat production. The application of CSP technologies for the generation of
industrial process heat offers an enormous fuel savings potential, in Europe being 100-125
GWth, but today is still under development [1].

Figure 1: Available solar thermal technologies for various application temperatures [2]

Industry uses heat in a wide temperature range. As shown in Figure 1, temperatures up to

120oC can be efficiently delivered by non-concentrating collectors (flat plate or vacuum
tube collectors), which are largely available on the market.

Nevertheless concentrating solar collectors can provide efficiently heat also for low
temperatures even in a northern climate (Figure 2). Heat costs may therefore be lower
than for other solar systems when it comes to operating temperatures above around 60°C
for fields of sizes around 1000m² or more.

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Figure 2: Calculated annual heat for a Danish climate [3]

Higher temperatures, in the range of 120-300oC, require concentrating technology. The

most appropriate solar collector technologies for delivering industrial process heat of
medium temperature are the linear concentrating collectors, such as parabolic trough or
linear Fresnel collectors.

Solar collectors

Parabolic trough are the most common and established CSP technology [4]. A solar
collector module consists of a parabolic trough shaped reflector that focuses the incident
sunlight in the focal line of the parabola. In the focal line, there is the absorber tube where
the heat transfer medium flows. The heat transfer fluid runs through the absorber tube,
absorbs the concentrated sunlight and therefore, its temperature is increased. This thermal
energy can be then used to feed an industrial process.

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Figure 3: NEPSolar Parabolic Trough plant for a milk processing industry in Bever, Switzerland. Technical data:
115m2, 190°C, Thermal oil, Indirect Steam Generation.

Linear Fresnel collectors are composed of many long row reflectors that focus the sunlight
on an elevated linear receiver that runs parallel to the reflector rotational tracking axis.
Unlike parabolic troughs, the Linear Fresnel receiver is fixed in space and the reflectors
rotate to maintain focus. These collectors have a great potential for industrial applications,
on roofs because of their low wind loads [4].

Figure 4: Industrial Solar Linear Fresnel plant for a pharmaceuticals industry in Amman, Jordan. Technical data:
396m2, 160°C, 223 kWth, Direct Steam Generation. Intersolar Award 2017 [5].

BoP Components

The integration of solar systems, in terms of either Direct Steam Generation or Indirect
Steam Generation, in industrial processes subtends a careful design of a suitable interface
between the solar field and the existing steam distribution network. In general, SHIP
systems are subdivided into five characteristic subsections; the solar loop, the charging
system, the storage system, the discharching strategy and the integration point.

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The Balance of Plant BoP consists of all subsections of a solar process heat plant, except
from the solar collector loop. In other words, the BoP consists of four subsystems; the
charging system, the storage system, the discharching system and the integration point.

Development of BoP solutions has been the topic of different research projects. Yet, to the
present, engineering of BoP solutions does not address any standardization framework. A
standardized integration approach, based on a modular, scalable BOP can reduce the
risk for design errors, allow for standardized specifications, quality assurance measures and
testing, increase the realization of reference cases, reduce equipment costs and enable
contracting models which completely relief the customer from the financial, technical
and operational risks of the solar installation.

This Report aims at providing standardization requirements for the BoP components in an
industrial process heat application. To this end, the Report describes the BoP components,
provides a list with the regulations and standards applying to the BoP components,
presents the standardized operation modes and control strategies and defines common
Operation and Maintenance requirements and practices.

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3. Definition of BoP components

3.1. Hydraulic layouts

In this section, indicative hydraulic layouts are depicted for the most common systems
regarding indirect and direct steam generation.

Basic configurations of solar industrial process heating systems consist of solar thermal
collectors, heat transfer fluid, interconnecting pipes, pumps, heat exchangers, and
thermal storage and/or auxiliary backup as optional component(s). Schematics of solar
concentrator based industrial process heating systems with and without provision of
thermal energy storage and integrated with the backup boiler are presented in Figure 5
and Figure 6 [6].

Solar radiation incident on the reflectors is focused on the absorber tube and then heats
the flowing fluid. The heated fluid is then used for various processes and applications,
depending on the specific end use.

Figure 5: SHIP system without heat storage

Figure 6: SHIP system with heat storage

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There are several possible designs and integration concepts of hot water and steam
generation using solar energy. The following paragraphs briefly explain these concepts.

3.1.1. Indirect solar steam generation

In indirect steam generation, oil is used as the heat transfer medium. Environmental issues
regarding the use of synthetic oil have to be taken into consideration and the related
safety measures may increase system costs. This configuration may be used in systems that
operate under high pressure [1].

The following figure shows a system set up for indirect steam generation. For steam
generation, tracking concentrating collector types are usually employed. For indirect
steam generation, the medium (thermal oil or pressurized water) is heated in the collector
field and transfers its heat to the water feed in the evaporator. The medium evaporates in
a kettle type boiler and is then injected into the conventional steam network via a valve
(the integration point).

Figure 7: Indirect solar steam generation

In this mode, the heat transfer medium such as thermal oil or glycol is heated in the solar
collector loop and is then used to generate steam indirectly via a heat exchanger.

Two different configurations, depending on the boiler type can be used, as described
below [6]. System with unfired boiler

In this configuration, the heat transfer fluid that is heated in the solar collector loop,
transfers its heat to a secondary fluid with the view to generate steam, pressurized hot
water or hot air, depending on the industry requirements.

9 GA No. 731287
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In this configuration, pressurized water heated in the solar collector loop passes through a
throttling valve. There, due to the pressure change, a part of this water is converted into
steam. This steam is then delivered to the industrial process. The rest of the water is
recirculated in the solar collector loop, along with make-up water from the feed water

Figure 8: Types of indirect solar steam generation systems. Left: System with unfired boiler. Right: System with
flash boiler [6]

3.1.2. Direct solar steam generation

In direct steam generation the heat transfer medium is steam. Saturated steam is often
used in industrial heat networks, since it offers good heat transfer characteristics and cost
efficient system components [1]. Whilst direct solar steam generation has been
demonstrated at pressures up to 100 bar, the design pressure of industrial systems should
be determined according to the requirement of the processes, and will typically at values
below 20 bar.

In this configuration, the heat transfer fluid evaporates directly inside the absorber tubes.
The two-phase flow at the collector outlet is transferred into a steam drum, where steam is
separated by gravity from the water. The saturated steam is fed into the conventional
steam network via a pressure control valve (integration point) when the pressure exceeds
the steam pressure in the steam network. Storage of steam is not commonly used due to
the high related costs.

The over-dimensioning of the steam drum offers the possibility though to use it as a heat
storage (Ruth storage) for up to about one or two hours of steam supply [7].

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Figure 9: Direct solar steam generation

Depending on the process heating and other requirements, this system can be configured
in series or parallel modes, depending on the industrial application.

Additionally, this configuration does not have to provide expensive thermal energy
storage and auxiliary backup. In real conditions though, continuous operation of SHIP
systems is often required to meet the industrial demands. Hybridization of SHIP systems can
resolve this issue, to ensure delivery of steam at required pressure and temperature even in
off-sunshine hours [6].

Figure 10: Types of direct solar steam generation systems. Left: System with auxiliary backup in parallel. Right:
System with auxiliary backup in series [6]

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3.2. BoP components

In general, SHIP systems are subdivided into 5 characteristic subsections; the solar loop, the
charging system, the storage system, the discharging strategy and the integration point.
The integration point is where the SHIP system is connected to the conventional plant. This
integration point can be a heat exchanger, a valve or simply a T-piece [8].

This section describes all subsections of a solar process heat plant, except from the solar
collector loop [9]. In SHIP systems with storage, usually all 4 subsections are distinguished. In
this case, the subsections are closely interlinked with each other and highly influence the
system performance. In SHIP systems without storage, i.e. in direct solar steam generation
systems, only the subsection “integration point” is found.

The following figures show indicative SHIP systems for pre-heating and heating purposes
[8]. The system shown in Figure 11 is supplied with fresh water in an open loop, so process
return and integration return temperature are kept constant. In Figure 12, the temperature
of the process medium is kept constant. Thus, a set integration flow temperature is
required, which results in a constant integration return temperature. Below this set flow
temperature solar heat cannot be transferred.

Figure 11: SHIP system for pre-heating

Figure 12: SHIP system for heating

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3.2.1. Storage charging

Whenever the load profiles at the connected integration points require a storage
concept, suitable storage charging and discharging strategies are applied. In SHIP
systems, the most common concept is the storage charging via an external plate heat
exchanger, because it offers high heat transfer rates. This is sometimes combined with
stratification devices, for example, a three-way valve that controls (dependent on the
charging temperature) the inlet height of the charging mass flow. The stratification within
the storage should not be destroyed. If certain set integration temperatures are required,
mixing mass flows from different storage height can control the inlet temperature to the
collector field. This way the storage is not mixed during charging and constant high
collector outlet temperatures can be reached.

The most common storage charging strategies are listed below.

 Direct charging without heat exchanger.

 Cheap
 Robust
 The collector fluid is the same as the storage fluid
× Discharge of storage by the solar loop is difficult to avoid
 External heat exchanger with stratification valve
 Prioritizes high collector loop efficiency
 Stratification valve controls storage inlet height by charging flow temperature
× Different media in collector field and storage
 External heat exchanger with mixed charging return flow (M = mixing valve)
 Prioritizes fast process supply
 Beneficial for higher integration temperatures
 Charging return flow is mixed to reach set charging temperature
 Variable speed pumps can be applied to reach target storage charging (and
process supply) temperature
× Total volume is only charged when load is covered

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Figure 13: Different charging concepts a) Direct charging without heat exchanger, b) External heat exchanger
with stratification valve, c) External heat exchanger with mixed charging return flow.

3.2.2. Solar buffer storages

Storage of solar heat allows to buffer mismatches between the demand heat load profile
at an integration point and the availability of the solar resource. The decision if a thermal
storage is installed depends on the cost/benefit ratio as well as on the control and
stagnation concept of a SHIP system. For low-temperature systems in applications with five
working days per week, a thermal storage is recommended. Focusing systems for steam
generation usually operate without storage.

 Storage types

Thermal storage is of particular importance for achieving high solar fraction. Available
storage technologies are divided into latent, sensible and chemical heat storage. For
industrial applications above 100oC, sensible storage in the form of synthetic oil seems a
reasonable option, since pressurised water storage adds substantially to the cost [1].

The desired integration flow temperature and the collector medium influence the storage
type. There are two main concepts of heat storage: sensible heat storages with water,
thermal oil or solid media, and latent heat storages with chemical or PCM (phase change
material) medium. Sensible heat storages are widely used, while latent storages, despite
their much higher heat capacity per volume, are still in an early stage of development. For
process heat applications, storages with reduced heat losses e.g. due to increased
insulation thickness or vacuum insulation are available.

The following list gives an overview of the most common storage types and their

14 GA No. 731287
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- Sensible fluid with non- or very low pressure: Most common and cheap
technology, medium usually water, operation up to 95 °C, good stratification.
- Sensible fluid pressurized: Used to extend operation temperature to above 95
°C, costs pressure dependent, good stratification.
- Sensible solid stage: Cheap materials such as rock-beds or concrete can be
used, suitable for air collectors without a heat exchanger.
- Latent: High storage capacity per volume, material selection allows adjustment
of storage temperature level, lower thermal losses per kWh than sensible
storage, often costly.
- Chemical: High storage capacity per volume and lowest heat losses, heat
conduction for charging and discharging can be challenging, expensive
technology and still in prototype stage.

 Sizing, interconnection, and management

The storage size is usually indicated in l/m² of collector aperture area. It is determined by
the heat demand profile and the location, but also by the integration point and maximum
or set supply temperature. Typical values for low temperature SHIP systems in Europe are
about 50 to 70 l/m2 (Central Europe) to about 70 to 120 l/m2 (Southern Europe). These
values are very indicative and highly dependent upon the integration of the flow and
return temperature levels. The storage volume of SHIP systems should always be optimized
using system simulations.

If room height or available space for buffer storage is limited then the total storage volume
may have to be divided into several storages. For this purpose, different types of
interconnections exist. They should be carefully selected because minor mistakes in
storage interconnections can lead to insufficient storage stratification or undesired flow
distributions. More than two parallel storages should be avoided because it is difficult to
ensure the uniform flow. In general, storage management should aim to activate storage
volume at times without process heat demand since storage always induces exergy losses
and heat losses over time.

3.2.3. Storage discharging

In some cases the components for discharging the solar buffer storage can be
distinguished from the components for solar heat integration, and in some cases they are
the same. The selection of an optimal discharging concept mainly depends on the
integration concept with its integration flow and return temperature characteristics.
Effective interaction between the charging and discharging concepts is of high relevance
for optimal SHIP system gains. In case of multiple connected SHIP integration points,
discharge to the connected load with the lowest temperature level should be prioritized.

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The main discharging strategies are described below.

 Direct

In this type of discharging strategy, the storage medium is the same as the process
medium and the storage is the integration point.

 Indirect with stratified process return flow (optional)

Here, the storage medium may differ from the process medium and variable heights for
discharge flow and return flow are possible (stratification for high return flow temperatures

 Indirect with fresh water station (M = mixing valve)

In this type of discharging strategy, the addition of the return flow poses a maximum to the
integration flow temperature or allows to deliver a set temperature which is never

 Indirect with pre-heating storage

It is suitable for batch processes with high peak demand of process medium. Here, the
discharge can also be implemented by external heat exchanger.

 Indirect with via evaporator

This type of discharging is for high-temperature storages only and the evaporator is now
the integration point.

3.2.4. Integration point

The integration point is where the SHIP system is connected to the conventional plant and
can be a heat exchanger, a valve or simply a T-piece. However, the integration of the
solar system into the existing conventional heating system is sometimes a challenging
procedure and requires a thorough system analysis. Possible heat recovery options along
with heat rejection to the ambient have to be carefully studied. Pinch analysis is useful to
investigate any heat recovery potential as well as the minimum temperature at which the
new heat generation system should be integrated [1].

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Figure 14: Different discharging concepts a) Direct b) Indirect with stratified process return flow c) Indirect with
fresh water station d) Indirect with pre-heating storage e) Indirect with via evaporator

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4. BoP components regulations

A technical standard is an established norm or requirement that applies to technical

systems [10]. It establishes uniform engineering or technical criteria, methods, processes
and practices. The standards are particularly useful for investors, EPC contractors,
consultants and researchers, since the use and application of standards

- increases the credibility and reliability of projects,

- enables projects and technologies to be compared towards each other,
- reduces overall costs of projects,
- reduces the uncertainty of measurements and strengthens the accuracy of the
- reduces the effort put for the development of proprietary methods,
- provides a robust sales argument and
- speeds up development and marketing of projects.

There are several different categories of standards depending on the geographical

scope: National standards, European standards and International standards. In this
document, the most commonly used standards applying to solar thermal systems and
components are described. Specific information on national standards, issued from
AENOR in Spain, AFNOR in France, DKE or DIN in Germany and SAC in China can be
found in [11].

In order to understand the magnitude of the effect of using standards and regulations, the
example of a CSP plant is particularly representative. In this case, the expected electricity
production of a CSP plant determined by two independent experts, based on the same
meteorological data, can vary by 10%, if the plant configuration is roughly defined, by 5%,
after an adjustment of the main components, or by 2% after a fine tuning [10].

In this section, the most relevant EU regulations and standards applying to the BoP
components of Solar Heat in Industrial Processes systems will be described [12]. The
standards related to solar thermal energy involve, among others, common definitions and
nomenclature, common symbols, characteristics of materials and properties, as well as
test standards. The most relevant standards used for solar thermal systems are listed below.

International Standards Organisation - ISO

 ISO 9488 Solar Energy – Vocabulary.

This International Standard defines basic terms relating to solar energy. This standard was
last reviewed and confirmed in 2014. However, this standard is currently under review and
it will be replaced by ISO/NP 9488.

 ISO 9806:2017 Solar energy - Solar thermal collectors - Test methods.

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It specifies the test methods for assessing the durability, reliability, safety and thermal
performance of fluid heating solar collectors. The test methods are applicable for
laboratory testing and for in situ testing. This ISO is applicable to all types of fluid heating
solar collectors, air heating solar collectors, hybrid solar collectors co-generating heat and
electric power, as well as to solar collectors using external power sources for normal
operation and/or safety purposes. It does not cover electrical safety aspects or other
specific properties directly related to electric power generation. It is not applicable to
those devices in which a thermal storage unit is an integral part to such an extent that the
collection process cannot be separated from the storage process for making the collector
thermal performance measurements.

 ISO 9459 Thermal Performance of Solar Collectors

o ISO 9459-1:1993 Solar heating -- Domestic water heating systems - Part 1:
Performance rating procedure using indoor test methods. It establishes a
uniform indoor test method for rating solar domestic water heating systems for
thermal performance. This ISO applies only to solar water heating systems
designed solely to heat potable water to be supplied for domestic water
usage. The test procedures described are applicable to systems of solar storage
capacity of 0,6 m3 or less. At the time of writing this report, the ISO standard was
under review.
o ISO 9459-2:1995 Solar heating - Domestic water heating systems - Part 2:
Outdoor test methods for system performance characterization and yearly
performance prediction of solar-only systems. This ISO describes test procedures
for characterizing the performance of solar domestic water heating systems
operated without auxiliary boosting and for predicting annual performance in
any given climatic and operating conditions. It is suitable for testing all types of
systems including forced circulation, thermosiphon, freon-charged collector
systems. At the time of writing this report, the ISO standard was under review.
o ISO 9459-4:2013 Solar heating - Domestic water heating systems - Part 4: System
performance characterization by means of component tests and computer
simulation. This standard specifies a method of evaluating the annual energy
performance of solar water heaters, using a combination of test results for
component performance and a mathematical model to determine an annual
load cycle task performance under specified weather and load conditions. The
procedure is applicable to solar water heaters with integral backup or
preheating into a conventional storage or instantaneous water heater and to
integral collector storage water heaters. At the time of writing this report, the
ISO standard was under review.
o ISO 9459-5:2007 Solar heating - Domestic water heating systems - Part 5: System
performance characterization by means of whole-system tests and computer
simulation. This ISO specifies a method for outdoor laboratory testing of solar
domestic hot-water systems. The method may also be applied for in-situ tests,
and also for indoor tests by specifying appropriate draw-off profiles and

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irradiance profiles for indoor measurements. The system performance is

characterized by means of whole-system tests using a black-box approach.
Detailed instructions are given on the measurement procedure, on processing
and analysis of the measurement data, and on presentation of the test report.
This standard was last reviewed and confirmed in 2015.
 ISO 9060:1990 Solar energy - Specification and classification of instruments for
measuring hemispherical solar and direct solar radiation.

It establishes a classification and specification of instruments for the measurement of

hemispherical solar and direct solar radiation integrated over the spectral range from 0,3
µm to 3 µm. This standard is now under review and it will be replaced by ISO/DIS 9060.

 ISO 9059:1990 Solar energy - Calibration of field pyrheliometers by comparison to a

reference pyrheliometer.

This standard was last reviewed and confirmed in 2014.

 ISO 9050:2003 Glass in building - Determination of light transmittance, solar direct

transmittance, total solar energy transmittance, ultraviolet transmittance and related
glazing factors.

This standard specifies methods of determining light and energy transmittance of solar
radiation for glazing in buildings. These characteristic data can serve as a basis for light,
heating and ventilation calculations of rooms and can permit comparison between
different types of glazing. This standard is applicable both to conventional glazing units
and to absorbing or reflecting solar-control glazing, used as glazed apertures. The
appropriate formulae for single, double and triple glazing are given. Furthermore, the
general calculation procedures for units consisting of more than components are
established. This standard is applicable to all transparent materials. One exception is the
treatment of the secondary heat transfer factor and the total solar energy factor for those
materials that show significant transmittance in the wavelength region of ambient
temperature radiation (5 microns to 50 microns), such as certain plastic sheets. This
standard was last reviewed and confirmed in 2017.

 ISO 22975 Solar energy - Collector components and materials

o ISO 22975-1:2016 Solar energy - Collector components and materials - Part 1:
Evacuated tubes -- Durability and performance. It specifies definitions and test
methods for materials, durability and performance of evacuated tubes. It is
applicable to all types of evacuated tubes.
o ISO 22975-2:2016 Solar energy - Collector components and materials - Part 2:
Heat-pipes for solar thermal application - Durability and performance. It
specifies definitions and test methods for durability and performance of heat-
pipes for solar thermal application. It is applicable to heat-pipes for use with
evacuated tubes, including glass-metal sealed evacuated tubes and double-

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glass evacuated tubes, as well as with flat plate collectors. It provides test
methods for determining durability of the heat-pipe, including high temperature
resistance and freeze resistance. It also provides test methods for measuring
performance of the heat-pipe, including starting temperature, temperature
uniformity and heat transfer power of the heat-pipe. It is only applicable to
gravity heat-pipes.
o ISO 22975-3:2014 Solar energy - Collector components and materials - Part 3:
Absorber surface durability. It is applicable to the determination of the long
term behaviour and service life of selective solar absorbers for use in vented flat
plate solar collectors working under conditions corresponding to that in a
typical solar domestic hot water system or combi-system. It specifies a failure
criterion of a solar absorber based on changes in optical performance of the
absorber. The optical properties of interest are solar absorptance and thermal
emittance. It specifies durability testing procedures focused on resistance to
high temperatures and condensation of water on the absorber surface as well
as high humidity in the presence of sulfur dioxide.
 ISO 877-3:2018 Plastics - Methods of exposure to solar radiation - Part 3: Intensified
weathering using concentrated solar radiation.

It specifies a method for exposing plastics to concentrated solar radiation using reflecting
concentrators to accelerate the weathering processes. The purpose is to assess property
changes produced after specified stages of such exposures. The reflecting concentrators
used in these exposures are sometimes referred to as "Fresnel reflectors" because in cross-
section the array of mirrors used to concentrate the solar radiation resembles the cross-
section of a Fresnel lens.

 ISO 9845-1:1992 Solar energy - Reference solar spectral irradiance at the ground at
different receiving conditions - Part 1: Direct normal and hemispherical solar
irradiance for air mass 1,5.

It provides an appropriate standard spectral irradiance distribution to be used in

determining relative performance of solar thermal, photovoltaic and other system
components and materials where the direct and hemispherical irradiance component is
desired. The tables presented define an air mass 1,5 solar spectral irradiance for the direct
normal radiation - 5,8° field-of-view angle - and hemispherical radiation on an equator-
facing, 37° tilted plane for an albedo of 0,2. These tables are intended to represent ideal
clear sky conditions. This standard was last reviewed and confirmed in 2015.

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British Standards and European Norms BS-EN

 BS EN 12975-1: 2006+A1:2010 Thermal solar systems and components. Solar collectors.

General requirements.

This is a European Standard which specifies requirements on durability (including

mechanical strength), reliability and safety for liquid heating solar collectors. It also
includes provisions for evaluation of conformity to these requirements. It is not applicable
to those collectors in which the thermal storage unit is an integral part of the collector to
such an extent, that the collection process cannot be separated from the storage process
for the purpose of making measurements of these two processes. It is basically applicable
to concentrating collectors; thermal performance testing as given in BS EN 12975-2:2006,
6.3. (quasi dynamic testing) is also applicable to most concentrating collector designs,
from stationary non-imaging concentrators as CPCs to high concentrating tracking
designs. Collectors that are custom-built (built in, roof integrated collectors that do not
comprise factory made modules and are assembled directly on the place of installation)
cannot be tested in their actual form for durability, reliability and thermal performance
according to this standard. Instead, a module with the same structure as the ready
collector is tested. The module gross area in the case of custom built collectors should be
at least 2 m2. The test is valid only for larger collectors, than the tested module. For
collectors the national and European Guidelines for Structural Planning and overhead
glazing are not valid. Therefore this standard should be applied for the design of the static
of the collector.

 BS EN 12976-1:2017 Thermal solar systems and components. Factory made systems.

General requirements.

This European Standard specifies the requirements on durability, reliability and safety for
Factory made solar thermal heating systems.

 BS EN 12977-1:2018 Thermal solar systems and components. Custom built systems.

General requirements for solar water heaters and combi systems.

This European Standard specifies requirements on durability, reliability and safety of small
and large custom built solar heating and cooling systems with liquid heat transfer medium
in the collector loop for residential buildings and similar applications. This document also
contains requirements on the design process of large custom built systems.

 BS EN 12977-2:2018 Thermal solar systems and components. Custom built systems. Test
methods for solar water heaters and combi-systems.

This Standard applies to small and large custom built solar heating systems with liquid heat
transfer medium. It provides a method for thermal performance characterization and
system performance prediction. It also contains methods for thermal performance
characterization and system performance prediction of large custom built systems. It

22 GA No. 731287
Deliverable 3.5 Report

applies to domestic hot water systems, space heating systems, domestic hot water and
space heating systems and cooling systems. This document applies to large custom built
forced circulation solar heating systems that employ one or more storage vessels, heat
exchangers, piping and automatic controls. This document does not apply to systems with
a store medium other than water, to thermosiphon systems or to integral collector-storage

 BS EN 12977-3:2018 Thermal solar systems and components. Custom built systems.

Performance test methods for solar water heater stores.

This Standard describes the test method and the parameters which are needed for the
simulation of the thermal behaviour of a store being part of a small custom built thermal
solar system. This European Standard specifies test methods for the performance
characterization of stores with a nominal volume between 50 l and 3 000 l, used in small
custom built systems.

 BS EN 12977-4:2018 Thermal solar systems and components. Custom built systems.

Performance test methods for solar combi stores.

This Standard specifies test methods for the performance characterization of stores which
are intended for use in small custom built systems, with a nominal volume up to 3 000 l and
without integrated burner.

 BS EN 410:2011 Glass in building. Determination of luminous and solar characteristics

of glazing.

European Solar Thermal Industry Federation - Solar Keymark

 CEN/TC 312 Thermal solar systems and components

The Solar Keymark was developed by the European Solar Thermal Industry Federation -
ESTIF and European Committee for Standardisation – CEN, with the support of the
European Commission. The Solar Keymark is used in Europe and it is recognized worldwide.
The Solar Keymark is dedicated to Solar thermal collectors (based on European standard
EN 12975 and EN/ISO 9806) and Solar thermal systems, storages and controllers (based on
European standard series EN12976 and series EN 12977).

International Electrotechnical Commission - IEC

 IEC 62817:2014 Photovoltaic systems - Design qualification of solar trackers.

It is a design qualification standard applicable to solar trackers for photovoltaic systems,

but may be used for trackers in other solar applications. The standard defines test
procedures for both key components and for the complete tracker system. In some cases,
test procedures describe methods to measure and/or calculate parameters to be
reported in the defined tracker specification sheet. In other cases, the test procedure

23 GA No. 731287
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results in a pass/fail criterion. This standard ensures the user of the said tracker that
parameters reported in the specification sheet were measured by consistent and
accepted industry procedures. The tests with pass/fail criteria are engineered with the
purpose of separating tracker designs that are likely to have early failures from those
designs that are sound and suitable for use as specified by the manufacturer.

 IEC TS 62862-1-1:2018 Solar thermal electric plants - Part 1-1: Terminology.

It contains the main terms and definitions used by the solar thermal electric (STE) industry
and intends to be a reference for users of industry documents. Since the components and
configurations of STE plants depend on the concentrating solar thermal technology used
(i.e., central receiver, parabolic-trough collector, parabolic-dish or linear
Fresnel concentrator), some terms are not applicable to all types of STE plants and notes
have been introduced in their definitions for clarification.

 IEC TS 62862-1-2:2017 Solar thermal electric plants - Part 1-2: General - Creation of
annual solar radiation data set for solar thermal electric (STE) plant simulation.

It defines the procedures for the creation of annual solar radiation data sets (ASR) for solar
thermal electricity (STE) plant simulation. This document defines procedures needed for
the ASR construction as well as its components and parameters. The scope of application
of this document refers to the needs associated with solar thermal power plant projects
and mainly related to the simulation of an annual period with a solar radiation sum close
to a normal annual value (from among an estimation of all possible annual values).

 IEC TS 62862-1-3:2017 Solar thermal electric plants - Part 1-3: General - Data format for
meteorological data sets.

It defines a data format for meteorological data sets. The goal of this document is to
reduce efforts for data exchange and to avoid errors caused by misunderstandings due
to the application of various different and at times unclear formats.

 IEC 62862-3-2:2018 PRV Solar thermal electric plants - Part 3-2: Systems and
components - General requirements and test methods for large-size parabolic-
trough collectors

It specifies the requirements and the test methods for the characterization of a large-size
parabolic-trough collector. This document covers the determination of optical and
thermal performance of parabolic trough collectors, and the tracking accuracy of the
collector one-axis tracking system. This test method is for outdoor testing only. It applies to
parabolic-trough collectors equipped with the manufacturer-supplied sun tracking
mechanism. The test method does not apply to any collector under operating conditions
where phase-change of the fluid occurs. It applies to the whole collector.

24 GA No. 731287
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American Society of Mechanical Engineers - ASME

 ASME PTC 52, Performance Test Code for Concentrating Solar Power Plants.

This standard is currently under development.

American Society for Testing and Material - ASTM

 ASTM G173 - 03(2012) Standard Tables for Reference Solar Spectral Irradiances:
Direct Normal and Hemispherical on 37° Tilted Surface.

These tables provide appropriate standard spectral irradiance distributions for determining
the relative optical performance of materials, solar thermal, solar photovoltaic, and other

25 GA No. 731287
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5. Definition of standardized control

The control system of a solar thermal plant must respond quickly to the plant requirements,
concerning the start and the load variations. In plants where the selection of operation
modes is a manual process, the efficiency of the plant will rely on the operator‟s mood,
training, abilities or even personal opinions. On the other hand, the automated control
system has three basic advantages [13]:

 Reduces the number of operators required.

 Makes the plant to operate at an optimum point and not at the operator‟s preferred
 Decreases the number of faults and incidents.

Regarding the system architecture, it is highly recommended to unify all the different
control subsystems, in order to have a centralized view of the plant and to easily monitor
the operation. This ensures total control over all systems and the possibility of interaction
between them. Local PC‟s can be in charge of certain routines, but with a lower
hierarchical level to the central system.

Regarding the communication protocol between the measurement instruments and the
system controllers, the use of field buses is preferred. Regarding the communication
between the controllers and the PLC communication, ethernet protocol is recommended
due to its speed, reliability and ease of maintenance. However, if the system controllers
are far away from the communication system, optical fibers could be alternatively used.

The basic equipment needed for full automation of the solar plant is [13]:

 Automatic valves at the entrance or exit of each loop and a temperature sensor at
the loop exit and
 Meteorological data sensors (temperature, wind speed, humidity, irradiation).

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5.1. Operation modes

When using thermal energy supplied with a medium temperature solar field, the following
integration concepts may be regarded [14]:

 Steam generation:
o Direct solar steam generation
o Indirect solar steam generation
 Heating of boiler feed water
 Heating of make-up water

The operation modes of the BoP are defined by the heat demand profile and will be also
influenced by the operation modes of the solar field.

With regards the heat demand of the process, the following operation modes may be

 Continuous operation (24 h per day, 7 days per week)

 Discontinuous operation type (N hours per day, N days per week):
o Operation during sunny hours
o Operation during night
 Operation during several hours per day (with/without solar thermal energy supply)

For the solar field several operation modes can be considered [14]:

 Start-up or preheating: operation of the solar field before its regular operation, during
first hours of after periods of clouds or other transients.
 Regular operation: period when the solar field is able to supply the energy at the
conditions demanded by the process.
 Operation for stagnation handling: operation mode when the solar field produces
unwanted steam due to overheating but there is low or not heat demand.
 Overheating protection with active cooling devices: operation mode to maintain
the temperature of the fluid in the collector system below the design temperature in
times of not heat demand.
 Circulation for active night cooling.
 Circulation for antifreeze protection.
 Shutdown.

27 GA No. 731287
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5.2. BoP control objectives

For the aforementioned operational modes, the BoP control objectives the control
parameters and criteria will be described.

The main control objectives for the BoP may be:

 Maintain process variables at derided values: the industrial process would usually
require a constant heat input, which means that a constant mass flow of steam at
desired pressure/temperature is required or small variations in any of the variables
are allowed, i.e. in mass flow (heat quantity) or fluid pressure/temperature (heat
quality). In any case the BoP should include all components required to guarantee
that the heat input delivered to the industrial process fulfil the requirements defined.
Therefore if the solar system cannot assure the delivery of all heat demanded by the
process at any time of operation of the whole system, an energy storage system
and/or hybridization with a conventional boiler will be usually needed.
 Treatment of process constraints: Physical limitations of BoP equipment such as
pumps, control valves, heat exchangers, and storage tanks, impose constraints in
process control problem that shall be also imposed as part of the strategy designed
to control the process in the BoP.
 Minimize variability of heat rate (e.g. steam mass flow rate) and heat quality (steam
quality) during disturbances.
 Recover quickly and smoothly from disturbances, heat demand rate changes or
heat mix changes: The design of the BoP operating strategy should combine a fast
recovery from disturbances combined with the treatment of physical constraints of
the BoP equipment.

28 GA No. 731287
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5.3. BoP control strategies

Main control strategies approaches that may be implemented to reject disturbances for
all operation modes defined for the BoP and the solar field could be divided in:

 Control strategy designed based on multiple single control loops (SISO systems) as
seen in Figure 15a,
 Control strategy designed based on multivariable controllers (MIMO systems) as seen
in Figure 15b, where for convenience it is assumed that the number of manipulated
variables (Mi) is equal to the number of controlled variables (Ci).


M Process C



M1 C1
M2 Process

Mn Cn

Figure 15: Types of control strategies: (a) single-input, single output process with multiple disturbances; and (b)
multiple-input, multiple-output process with multiple disturbances

In general, MIMO problems are more complex that SISO control problems because
process interactions occur between controlled and manipulated variables. Because of
the process iterations, the selection of the best pairing of controlled and manipulated
variables for a multi-loop control scheme can be a difficult task, depending on the
complexity of the BoP, i.e. type of equipment and number of controlled and manipulated

Taking into account the type of BoP equipment detailed in Section 2.2 “BoP
Components”, main process variables that can participate in the definition of the control
strategy are detailed in Table 1. In this table, there is a classification of control objectives
by safety, equipment protection, smooth plant operation and heat production rate, heat

29 GA No. 731287
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quality, monitoring and diagnosis, and relevant process variables involved in the
achievement of the control objectives.

Table 1: Example of control objectives for BoP of SHIP processes.

Disturbances that
Control Controlled Manipulated
would affect the
objective variable variable
controlled variable
Safety - Liquid level - Valve aperture in - Flow in and pump
Maintain liquid in the the feed line pressure
feed water tank - Feed pressure
Equipment protection - Exit flow rate through - Pump speed (power, - Upstream and
Maintain flow through the pump rpm) downstream pump
the pump feeding the pressure
solar field or the - Liquid level in the
external heat feed tank
Heat demand quality - Steam pressure at - Control valve at the - Pressure transients in
Steam quality at the the outlet of the integration point the solar field due to
integration point solar field / other disturbances
integration point affecting that
- Steam pressure at subsystem
the outlet of the - Fluid mass flow from
external heat the solar field
exchanger /
integration point
Heat production rate - Mass flow rate - Valve at the - Pressure transients in
Feed flow rate at the integration point the solar field due to
integration point - Valve at the other disturbances
entrance of the affecting that
water feed line of subsystem
the external heat
- Valve at the outlet
of the outlet steam
line of the solar field
Monitoring and - Low variance
diagnosis - Acceptable
Variability of variance
- Outlet steam - Limited disturbances
pressure, to the
- Outlet steam flow
rate, to the process
- Behaviour of input

30 GA No. 731287
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6. O & M requirements

The importance of Operation and Maintenance procedures is often ignored by many

developers. Considering the fact that the plant has to generate returns over a period of
25 years, a good O&M contractor, a good monitoring system and above all, a very good
O&M process is very critical for the success of the solar thermal plant [15]. This section
provides a comprehensive coverage of the major elements in operating and maintaining
solar thermal energy systems. An indicative Operation and Maintenance plan is shown in
Figure 16 [16].

Figure 16: An indicative Operation and the Maintenance (O&M) Manual for a typical solar hot water system

31 GA No. 731287
Deliverable 3.5 Report

6.1. Operation

The Operation Section of an O&M Manual for a solar energy system should describe the
various operational modes of a solar thermal system, should list the procedures that the
operator must follow in each mode, and should also give requirements for operator
training and methods for daily monitoring and long-term evaluation of the system‟s
performance. Additionally, it should include a mode matrix and a control schematic that
describes all possible operational modes [16].

The possible operational modes for a solar energy system are listed below.

 Automatic

The automatic mode is the normal operating mode for the solar thermal system, in which
no operator action is required. The system will start, operate, and shut down automatically
when the control parameters described in the control mode matrix are reached. System
protection actions are also carried out automatically. In the automatic mode, the
following operations are included: start-up, normal operation, shut down, freeze
protection, over-temperature protection and low/no flow protection.

 Manual

Manual operation of active solar heating systems is defined as operation of part or all of
the system, without automatic controls. Manual operation is primarily used for troubIe-
shooting and performance testing. In the manual mode, the following operations are
included: start-up, operation, test operation, shut down, Winter-Summer Switchover and
lay-up (long term no operation).

 Emergency procedures

Normally, solar energy systems are designed to operate automatically through the use of
controllers. However, in the event of a controller or component failure, emergency
procedures should be provided in order to protect the system. These emergency
procedures prevent the solar thermal system from freezing, overheating and leakage.

 Energy transfer to load

No operator action is required in either automatic or manual operation mode to transfer

solar energy to load, but the transfer should be sufficiently monitored. A component
failure in this transfer mode does not endanger the system, but it reduces the efficiency of
the solar energy collection and increases the use of auxiliary fuel. Any failure found during
monitoring must be fixed promptly.

 Energy collection

32 GA No. 731287
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The energy collection mode should include a sample checklist for making a short-term
system evaluation by measuring the collected solar energy. This procedure should be run
on a regular basis. Any problem found during the evaluation should be resolved by
following the troubleshooting guidelines provided in the Maintenance section.

 System efficiency

The system efficiency mode should include a standard performance test in order to
calculate the system‟s efficiency. This test can be run any sunny day of the year and
compared directly with the solar collector manufacturer's operating curve. This
comparison will show whether the system is operating efficiency as it should, regardless of
the total amount of solar energy being collected.

6.2. Maintenance

If either evaluation method or energy collection mode or system efficiency mode shows
significant degradation in performance over year-ago results, the source of the problem
should be determined and corrected. The Maintenance section aims to resolve this, by
following defined troubleshooting guidelines. Preventive maintenance includes checklists
for periodic maintenance procedures. To this end, manufacturer's data should be
available for each component of the system. Maintenance actions include
troubleshooting procedures for diagnosing problems, along with corrective maintenance
procedures. An indicative first level maintenance includes [17]:

- Starting and stopping

- Lubrication
- Parameter monitoring
- Small corrective work
- Basic technical cleaning
- Response to alarms
- Parameter settings

 Reference Values

It is essential for Maintenance to take reference values during a day when the plant works
especially well [17]. These reference values are:

- Values of all screens of the control system

- All the values of the daily rounds
- Energy balance
- Consumption of all electrical equipment
- Complete thermography of all plant equipment
- Vibration analysis

33 GA No. 731287
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 The Shift Book

The shift book is a crucial part of the Maintenance procedure. It has a legal character
and is used as a communication tool between the different shifts of the day (morning,
evening and night) or week (working day, weekend). Since all incidents are recorded in
the shift book, this book becomes a historical document of undoubted value. For every
recorded incident, it is advisable to provide quality explanations, in order to make the
book more useful to all authorised readers. To this end, the book can be equipped with
images, cut-outs and screens.

 The Simulations and Bridges Book

Especially for larger solar thermal plants, it is especially important to adopt provisional
measures that will allow the plant to operate even in months with low production. The
preventive repairs must be taken into account and are the following:

- Simulation of values in the control system

- Elevation of alarm or trip limits
- Fluid is re-driven by alternative routes
- Installation of temporary equipment
- Provisional repairs

The Simulations and Bridges Book should include what exactly was done, who did it, why it
was done, when it was started and when it was resolved.

6.3. Case study

This section presents a case study of the specific methods followed to reduce operation
and maintenance costs at the 150-MW Kramer Junction parabolic trough solar power
park in California [18]. Initially, the O&M requirements for this solar field comprised 25% of
total electricity costs and the goal of the project was to halve the O&M costs. The most
important methods that could be implemented in a solar thermal plant are listed below.

Improving the efficiency of solar energy collection

The improvement of the efficiency of the solar energy collection can be implemented by
reducing the heat losses of the receiver, by improving the mirror reflectance, by improving
the beam interception and by dealing with the mirror breakage that occurs near the
edges of the solar field due to the wind loads.

 Reducing Receiver Heat Losses

The vacuum within the HCE glass annulus should ideally be maintained at the design
value of 10.4torr. However, HCEs can lose vacuum because of a crack or leak in the
annulus. The glass can break because of poor alignment during installation, O&M

34 GA No. 731287
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accidents, or physical interference from other components, such as a mirror breaking in

the wind and falling on the HCB. Indicatively, approximately 15% of the 50,000 HCEs at
Kramer Junction had lost their vacuum, and a significant portion of these had completely
lost the glass envelope. Breakage of the glass envelopes was the most important cause of
energy and revenue loss in the solar fields at the power plant. Additionally, another
method of reducing heat losses from HCEs is to reduce the emittance of the selective
coating on the receiver tube, by applying new coating.

 Improving Mirror Reflectance

Solar field performance and power-sales revenue are directly dependent on mirror
reflectivity. Economic analyses performed by KJCOC indicate it is cost-effective to
maintain the average field reflectivity above 90%. To accomplish this, frequent mirror
washing is required.

 Improving Beam Interception

The performance of the solar field is strongly influenced by the ability of the collectors to
focus the reflected solar beam on the receiver (HCE). After installation, alignment of the
collector components can deteriorate over time because of normal movement and the
effects of expected structural forces (e.g., gravity, wind, and sonic booms).

 Reducing Mirror Breakage near the edges of the solar field

This leads to leading to excess O&M expenses and a reduction in the amount of solar
energy collected.

Improving O&M information management

Information management is of crucial importance for the successful operation of a solar

thermal plant. Thus, O&M personnel must have rapid access to maintenance and
performance databases of the plant.

Developing an optimum plant operating strategy

 Weather Prediction

Accurate foreknowledge of the weather would be of great value to both operations and
maintenance. With respect to maintenance, a few days' warning on weather can permit
the planning of mini-shutdowns during a weekend or weekdays when poor weather would
otherwise limit solar production, or it can prevent taking a plant off-line for maintenance
when solar conditions are good.

 High-Wind Operating Strategy

Under high wind loads, the solar field operation can become challenging, since mirrors
can be broken, initiating a cascade effect by breaking glass envelopes of the HCEs and

35 GA No. 731287
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more mirrors. To protect the plant, the operators rotate the mirrors in the field to a wind-
safe position when winds exceed 35 mph. Plant data examined at the beginning of the
O&MIP suggested that energy losses caused by high-wind stow of the fields were
significant and was about 40% as important as the degraded HCE problem described

 Plant Performance Modeling

The thermal performance of the solar thermal system is based on validated simulation
models. The simulation models allow the identification of the systems that are operating
below design levels, and consequently, allow planning of corrective measures. To this end,
the model predictions can be compared with the measured data on a regular basis.

36 GA No. 731287
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7. Results and discussion

This Deliverable Report described the standardization requirements for the Balance of
Plant components of a solar thermal plant for delivering industrial process heat of the
temperature range 150-400oC. Due to this temperature range, the applicable solar
collectors utilize linear concentration technology, such as parabolic trough or linear
Fresnel collectors.

The Balance of Plant BoP consists of all subsections of a solar process heat plant, except
from the solar collector loop. In other words, it is comprised of the four subsystems; the
charging system, the storage system, the discharghing system and the integration point.

The possible hydraulic layouts of a solar thermal industrial process heat system, for either
direct or indirect steam generation, were initially described, followed by an extensive
discussion on the main BoP components. The standards and regulations applicable to the
BoP components and solar thermal systems, with regards to International and European
standards, were also provided. In the following section, the standardised control
objectives and functions, as well as standardised operation modes were defined.
Technical information regarding the Operation and Maintenance procedures were also

8. Degree of progress

No deviation from the work plan occurred.

9. Dissemination

Up to now, no publications were produced from this Deliverable.

37 GA No. 731287
Deliverable 3.5 Report

10. References

1 K. Lovegrove, W. Stein, Concentrating Solar Power Technology, Woodhead Publishing, ISBN

978-1-85573-932-1, 2012
2 S. Minder - NEP Solar AG, Example of concentrated solar systems (PTC) in the dairy industry
in Switzerland, SHC Workshop on Solar Process Heat for Industry, 2013
3 B. Perers, S. Furbo, J. Dragsted, Thermal performance of concentrating tracking solar
collectors, DTU Civil Engineering Report R-292, UK, August 2013
4 V.R. Hernandez, Solar Thermal Power: History of a research success, Protermosolar, ISBN 978-
84-614-0778-1, 2010
5 Solar Payback project, Federal Ministry for the Environment, Nature Conservation, Building
and Nuclear Safety, Germany, 2017
6 A.K. Sharma, C. Sharma, S.C. Mullick, T.C. Kandpal, Solar industrial process heating: A
review, Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews 78, 124–137, 2017
7 L. Willwerth, M. Berger, D. Krüger, M. Mokhtar, C. Zahler, M. Al-Najami, K. Hennecke,
Experiences with Industrial Solar Process Steam Generation in Jordan. In: AIP Conference
Proceedings (1850), Seite 180003. American Institute of Physics. SolarPACES 2016, 11-14 Oct.
2016, Abu Dhabi, 2017
8 IEA SHC Task 49, Subtask B, Deliverable B2, „Solar Process Heat for Production and
Advanced Applications: Integration Guideline‟
9 IEA SHC Task 49, Subtask B, Deliverable B6 „Integrating Solar Heat into Industrial Processes‟
10 T. Hirsch, Modelling and standardization of yield analysis for solar thermal power plants, 4th
SFERA Summer School, Hornberg Black Forest, 2013
11 E. Zarza, Deliverable 5.4 Guidelines for Standardisation on STE, STAGE-STE project Scientific
and Technological Alliance for Guaranteeing the European Excellence in Concentrating
Solar Thermal Energy, 2016
12 E. Lüpfert, Overview on Norms and Standards for Solar Energy Technology Relevant for CSP
Development and Implementation, 4th SFERA Summer School, Hornberg Black Forest, 2013
13 S.G. Garrido, Solar Thermal Power Plants: State of the Art Concentrating Power Technology,
Renovetec, 2013
14 M. Biencinto, L. González, L. Valenzuela, C. Rohringer, P. Königshofer, P. Tsekouras, T. Osorio,
P. Horta, “Guidelines for solar steam integration in steam networks”, Deliverable 3.1, EU
Project INSHIP, 2018
15 M.A. Sanz-Bobi, Use, Operation and Maintenance of Renewable Energy Systems:
Experiences and Future Approaches, ISBN 978-3-319-03223-8, 2014
16 ASHRAE American Society of Heating, Refrigerating and Air-Conditioning Engineers and
Solar Energy Industries Association, Guide for Preparing Active Solar Heating Systems:
Operation and Maintenance Manuals, ISBN 0-91 0110-72-7, 1990
17 E-Learning Platform, SolarCV - SSA to cover skill needs through delivery and recognition of
EU joint CV in Concentrated Solar Power, Erasmus+ EU Program, 2017
18 G.E. Cohen, D.W. Kearney, G.J. Kolb, Final Report on the Operation and Maintenance
Improvement Program for Concentrating Solar Power Plants, Sandia National Laboratories,
Solar Thermal Technology Department, 1999

38 GA No. 731287

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