Resistor Color Code Chart
Resistor Color Code Chart
Resistor Color Code Chart
4 band resistor – has 3 color bands on left side and one color band on right side.
First two bands represent significant digits, the 3rd band represents multiplier
and the fourth band on right side represents tolerance.
5 band resistor – has 4 color bands on left side and one color band on right
side. Here the first 3 color bands represent significant digits, fourth one
represent multiplier and the 5th one on right side represents tolerance.
6 band resistor – has 4 color bands on left side and 2 color bands on right side.
Here the first 3 color bands represents significant digits, fourth one represents
multiplier, 5th one represents tolerance and the 6th one represents temperature
coefficient of the resistor.
In a 4-band resistor, the first two bands represent the first two digits of the
resistor. The multiplier band indicates the value that is to be multiplied with the
first two digits. The tolerance band after the multiplier band indicates the range
of accuracy of the resistor. It is represented in units of percentage. In case of 5
band resistor, the decimal multiplier will be assigned to the fourth band and
tolerance value will be assigned to the fifth band. Finally in case of a 6 band
resistor, the last band (i.e 6th band) represents temperature coefficient. .The
sixth temperature coefficient band increases the precision of the resistance
value. Temperature coefficient tells us the behavior of resistor under different
heating conditions (means the variation in resistance values under normal
conditions and over heated conditions)It is defined in units of ppm/K.
Let us consider the color code for the resistor with the bands BROWN-BLACK-
RED-GOLD. Brown corresponds to the value ‘1’ in the color chart. Black
represents ‘0’ and Red represents the multiplier ‘100’. Thus the value of the
resistance to the corresponding color code is 10*100 = 1000 ohms or 1 kilo ohm
with the tolerance band being Gold which represents a tolerance of +/- 5%. Thus
the actual value of the 1 kilo ohm can be between 950 ohms and 1050 ohms.
Let us consider the color code for the resistor with the bands YELLOW-VIOLET-
BLACK-BROWN-GREY. Yellow corresponds to the value ‘4’ in the color chart.
Violet represents ‘7’ and Black represents the value ‘0’. Brown represents the
multiplier ‘10’. Thus the value of the resistance to the corresponding color code
is 470*10 = 4700 ohms or 4.7 kilo ohm with the tolerance band being Grey which
represents a tolerance of +/- 0.05%.
Here also, if we can consider the same color code used for the 5-band, with an
additional temperature coefficient band with a blue color. This shows that the
resistor has a value of 4.7 kilo ohms, with tolerance +/- 0.05% and with a
temperature coefficient of 10 ppm/K.
Band 1 – First digit value of resistor
Band 2 – Second digit value of resistor