Electrical Circuits
Electrical Circuits
Electrical Circuits
II B.Tech I semester
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Contents To Be Covered
UNIT-I Circuit concepts, RLC parameters, voltage and current sources, independent and dependent
sources, source transformation, voltage-current relations for passive elements, kirchoff’s
laws , network reduction techniques, nodal analysis, mesh analysis, super nodal and super
mesh analysis.
UNIT-II RMS, average ,peak and form factor of sinusoidal wave form, steady state analysis of R,L,C
in series and parallel combinations with sinusoidal excitation,concept of reactance ,
impedance, admittance and susceptance, real,reactive and apparent powers and complex
UNIT-III Locus diagrams for all series and paralle combinations of RLC parameters, resonance of
series and parallel circuits, concept of bandwidth and q factor.
Magnetic circuit, faradays laws of electro-magnetic induction, concept of self and
mutual induction, dot convention, co-efficient of coupling, composite magnetic circuit,
analysis of series and parallel magnetic circuits.
UNIT- Definitions, graph, tree, co-tree, cutest, tie-set, matrices for planar networks, loop and nodal
IV methods for analysis of networks with dependent and independent voltage and current
sources, duality and dual networks
UNIT-V Network theorems with DC and ACnexcitations,tellegen’s,compensation,thevenin’s,
nortan’s, milliman’s, reciprocity and super-position theorems.
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With increase in population the need for electricity also increases therefore it is necessary to rise
number of electrical engineers. The electrical engineering mainly deals with generation ,
transmission and distribution of electricity.
Electrical circuits is the basic and fundamental subject which lays path
to understand subjects related to generation , transmission and distribution of electricity.
In the first unit we shall deal with what is electrical circuit and formation
of electrical circuit. Knowing or unknowing we come across electron in our life daily, studying
the properties of these electrons leads to the terms voltage, current and power. Hence the basic
definitions of voltage , current , power and energy are studied here.
The electrical circuit consists of mainly three parts , they are -- source, connecting wire and load
or sink.
Source : An source may be battery which forces electrons into the circuit.
Connecting wire : This is part which provides path for electrons to flow.
Load : The load may be bulb etc. when electrons flow through it an reaches the
Source it glows .
If the electrons are provided closed path to flow, leads to current is called as electrical circuit.
Voltage(V) : The potential difference between force applied to two oppositely charged particels
to bring them as near as possible is called as potential difference .( in electrical terminology it s
V = W / Q (v)
υ = dw / dq (v)
v- volts , units of voltage.
- Unit volt is defined as 1C of charge developed when
1 J of energy is applied.
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1.3.1 Resistor: resistor is the element which restricts flow of electrons and this
Property of opposing electrons is called as resistance.
OHM’s Law : ohm’s law states that current flowing through circuit is
Directly proportional to potential difference applied.
( at constant temperature)
I α V, at constant T.
I.R = V.
R = V / I, hence resistance can be calculated as ratio of
Volatge to current in any element or circuit.
= OHMS ῼ, units of resistance.
1.3.2 Inductor: An length of wire twisted forms the basic inductor.(L). when
Alternating curent is allowed through such a element it induces
Voltage in it.
e, ɸ
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i = (1/L) ʃ v dt + i(o+).
Indcutor doesn’t allow sudden changes in current.
If DC supply is provided to indcutor it acts as short circuit.
Pure inductor is non-dissipative element i.e its internal resistance is zero.
stores energy in the form of magnetic field.
i = c dv/dt
c = capacitance of the capacitor.(F)
Farad is the unit of capacitance, 1F is the when 1A
Flow if 1v applied for 1S.
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capacitor doesn’t allow sudden changes in voltage.
If DC supply is provided to capacitor it acts as open circuit.
Pure capacitor is non-dissipative element i.e its internal resistance is zero.
stores energy in the form of electric field.
Energy Sources
Dependent Independent
Independent sources
Ideal ( volatge and current sources) Practical( volatge and current sources)
Dependent sources
Ideal sources: These are one zero internal resistance their same will appear at
terminals .
Practical sources: These are one with internal resistance and there is a drop at
Terminal value than actual value applied.
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a b c d e
Uni-lataeral and bi-lateral elements: If the V-I characteristics are differenrt for different
directions of current they are called as uni-lateral otherwise bi-lataeral elements.
Linear and non-linear elements: elements which obeys ohms law are called as linear otherwise
Eg: R for linear elements.
L,C are non-linear elements.
Lumped and distributed: Elements which are small in size are lumped and which distribuited
through out the line are distributed elements
Eg: cable wire for distributed elements.
R,L,C in lab are lumped elements.
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∑ v = o.
V = V1 + V2 + V3
Where, V1 = i.R1
V2 = i.R2
V3 = i.R3, from which
i = V / ( R1 + R2 + R3) = Vs / Rt
V = source voltage
i = source current
Rt = equivalent or total resistance of circuit = R1 + R2 + R3
Kirchoff’s current law(KCL): States that sum of the current entering junction is equal to sum
of the leaving the junction.
Let i1, i2 are entering currents and i3, i4 are leaving currents, then
i1+i2 = i3+i4
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I1 = Vs / R1
I2 = Vs / R2
Applying KCL at node A, I = I1 + I2 = Vs / R1 + Vs / R2
Vs = I. [ 1 / (1/R1) + (1/R2)] = I.Rt
Rt = [ 1 / (1/R1) + (1/R2)] = R1.R2 / (R1+R2)
I1 = I. R2/ (R1+R2).
I2 = I. R1/ (R1+R2).
An circuit ia one with an loop , where as network is one more than one loop. An circuit is always
closed one, where as network can be either closed or opened circuited. Now let us different
techniques to solve networks.
To solve some of the network it may be necessary to convert voltage source to current source
and vice-versa.
Let us consider Vs is source value and its internal resistance in series is Rv across a-b terminals,
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Let us consider Is is source value and its internal resistance in parallel is Ri across a-b terminals,
First figure shows elements connected in star and other elements connected in delta. Network
involved such type fo connections may be complex , hence we may require these transformation
for easy solving of networks.
In star connection,
rab = (ra + rb)
rbc = (rc + rb)
rca = (ra + rc)
In delta connection,
Rab = Ra(Rc.Rb) / (Rb+Rc)
Rbc = Rb(Rc.Ra) / (Ra+Rc)
Rca = Rc(Ra.Rb) / (Rb+Ra)
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ra = RaRc / (Ra+Rb+Rc)
Ra = ra rb+rb rc+rc ra / rc
Rb = ra rb+rb rc+rc ra / ra
Rc = ra rb+rb rc+rc ra / rb
Mesh analysis is an technique used to solve the complex networks consisting of more number of
meshes. Mesh analysis is nothing but applying KVL to each and every loop in circuit and solving
for mesh currents. By finding the mesh currents we can solve any require data of the network.
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i1, i2 are the mesh currents, here positive direction of currents are assumed , but in general
we can assume current directions in any fashion and can solve.
Hence by solving eq. 1 and 2 we can get mesh currents i1 and i2.
Inspection method is direct method using mesh currents can be find directly without applying
KVL. Let us take same network as above , representing eq 1 and 2 in matrix form.
V1 R1 R1+R2 i1
V2 = R1+R2 R3 i2
Where, V1 – sum of all the voltage sources in 1st mesh according current flow.
V2 – sum of all the voltage sources in 2nd mesh according current flow.
R11- self resistance of first loop, adding total resistance in 1st loop
R21= R12- mutual resistance between 1st and 2nd loop ,
+ve if mesh currents are in same direction
-ve if mesh currents are in opposite direction
R22- self resistance of second loop, adding total resistance in 2nd loop
Nodal analysis is an technique used to solve the complex networks consisting of more number
of nodes. Node analysis is nothing but applying KCL to each and every node in circuit and
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solving for node voltages. By finding the node voltages we can solve any require data of the
For the above circuit current division takes place at two nodes 1 and 2.
Let , I3,I4,I5 are the currents flowing through R1,R2 and R3.
Applying KCL at node 1, I1 = I3+I4
= Va / R1 + (Va-Vb) / R2
= Va( 1/R1 + 1/R2) - Vb / R2 ----1
Applying KCL at node 2, I2+I4 = I5
I2+(Va-Vb) / R2 = Vb / R3
I2 = - Va / R2 + Vb ( 1/R3 + 1/R2) ----2
By solving above eq.1 and 2 we can get node voltages V1 and V2.
Nodal analysis by inspection method:
Inspection method is direct method using node voltages can be find directly without applying
KCL. Let us take same network as above , representing eq 1 and 2 in matrix form.
Where, I1 – sum of all the current sources in 1st node according current flow.
I2 – sum of all the voltage sources in 2nd node according current flow.
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G11- self conductance of first node, adding total conductance in 1st node
G21= G12- mutual conductance between 1st and 2nd loop ,
Always -ve
G22- self conductance of second node, adding total conductance in 2nd node
power delivered = Vs.Is
power lost = I2 . R
volatge is positive if flow is from negative to positive called as poetntial rise.(Vs)
volatge is negative if flow is from positive to negative called as poetntial drop.(I.R)
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Network theorems are also can be termed as network reduction techniques.Each and every
theorem got its importance of solving network. Let us see some important theorems with DC and
AC excitation with detailed procedures.
DC: “ In an any linear , bi-lateral network consisting number of sources , response in any
element(resistor) is given as sum of the individual reponses due to individual sources, while
other sources are non-operative”
AC: “ In an any linear , bi-lateral network consisting number of sources , response in any
element(impedance) is given as sum of the individual reponses due to individual sources, while
other sources are non-operative”
Let us find current through 4 ohms using V source , while I is zero.then equivalent circuit is
Let us find current through 4 ohms using I source , while V is zero.then equivalent circuit is
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Hence total current through 4 ohms is = I1+I1( as both currents are in same direction or
otherwise I1-I2)
Let us find current through 4 ohms using V source , while I is zero.then equivalent circuit is
Let us find current through 4 ohms using I source , while V is zero.then equivalent circuit is
Hence total current through 4 ohms is = I1+I1( as both currents are in same direction or
otherwise I1-I2).
DC & AC: “ In any linear bi-lateral network ratio of voltage in one mesh to current in other mesh
is same even if their positions are inter-changed”.
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Find the total impedance of the circuit, Zt = Z1+ [Z2(Z3+ZL)] / Z2+ Z 3+ Z L.
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Find the total impedanceof the circuit, Zt = (Z3+ ZL) + [Z2(ZL)] / Z2+ Z1.
DC: “ An complex network consisting of number voltage and current sources cand be replaced
by simple series circuit consisting of equivalent voltage source in series with equivalent
resistance, where equivalen voltage is called as open circuit voltage and equivalent resistance is
called as thevenin’s resistance calculated across open circuit terminals while all energy sources
are non-operative”
AC: “ An complex network consisting of number voltage and current sources cand be replaced
by simple series circuit consisting of equivalent voltage source in series with equivalent
impedance, where equivalen voltage is called as open circuit voltage and equivalent impedance
is called as thevenin’s impedance calculated across open circuit terminals while all energy
sources are non-operative”
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Now draw the thevenin’s equivalent circuit as shown in figure 3 with calculated values.
Thevenin’s impedance, Zth = (Z1. Z3)/ (Z1+ Z3) + Z2 ----2 from figure 2.
Now draw the thevenin’s equivalent circuit as shown in figure 3 with calculated values.
DC: “ An complex network consisting of number voltage and current sources cand be replaced
by simple parallel circuit consisting of equivalent current source in parallel with equivalent
resistance, where equivalent current source is called as short circuit current and equivalent
resistance is called as norton’s resistance calculated across open circuit terminals while all
energy sources are non-operative”
AC: “An complex network consisting of number voltage and current sources cand be replaced
by simple parallel circuit consisting of equivalent current source in parallel with equivalent
impedance, where equivalent current source is called as short circuit current and equivalent
impedance is called as norton’s impedance calculated across open circuit terminals while all
energy sources are non-operative”
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Source current, I = E / Rt
Now draw the Norton’s equivalent circuit as shown in figure 3 with calculated values.
Source current, I = E / Zt
Now draw the Norton’s equivalent circuit as shown in figure 3 with calculated values.
*** These two theorems are useful in determining the load value for which maximum power
transfer can be happened.
DC: “ In linear bi-lateral network maximum power can be transferred from source to load if load
resistance is equal to source or thevenin’s or internal resistances”.
AC: “ In linear bi-lateral network maximum power can be transferred from source to load if load
impedance is equal to complex conjugate of source or thevenin’s or internal impedances”
Eg: For the below circuit explain maximum power transfer theorem.
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= [ V / (R1+R2)]2 .R2.
Eg: AC excitation
DC: “ An complex network consisting of number of parallel branches , where each parallel
branch consists of voltage source with series resistance, can be replaced with equivalent circuit
consisting of one voltage source in series with equivalent resisrance”
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AC: “ An complex network consisting of number of parallel branches , where each parallel
branch consists of voltage source with series impedance, can be replaced with equivalent circuit
consisting of one voltage source in series with equivalent impedance”
*** It is also useful in designing load value for which it absorbs maximum power.
DC &AC: “ compensation theorem states that any element in the network can be replaced with
Voltage source whose value is product of current through that element and its value”
It is useful in finding change in current when sudden change in resistance value.
Let us assume there is change in R2 by ΔR, now source current is I’= V / (R1+R2+ ΔR)
Hence actual change in current from original circuit to present circuit is = I – I’.
This can be find using compensation theorem as, making voltage source non-operative and
replacing ΔR with voltage source of I’. ΔR.
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Network topology is the one of the technique to solve electrical networks consisting of number
og meshes or number of nodes,where it is difficult to apply mesh and nodal analysis.
Graph theory is the technique where all the elements of the network are
Represented by straight lines irrespective of their behaviour. Here matrix methods are used to
solve complex networks. Before seeing the actual matrices , the knowledge of some of the
definitions is very important. They are---
Node : An node is junction where two or more than two elements are connected.
Degree of the node: number of elements connected to the node is defined as degree of the node.
Loop: It is the path started from an node and ends at the same node.
Graph: An graph is formed when all the elements of the network are replaced by straight line
irrespective of their behaviour.
Oriented and non-oriented graph: If the graph of the network is represented with directions in
each and every branch then it is oriented, if atleast one branch of graph has no direction then iti is
non-oriented graph.
Planar and non-planar graph: if an graph can be on plane surface without cross over then
system is planar and vise-versa is non-linear.
Tree: Tree is the sub-graph of the graph , which consists of same number of nodes as that of
original graph without any closed path.
Branches of the tree are called as twigs. Number of possible twigs in an tree are (n - 1).
n – number of nodes
Co-tree: The set of braches which are removed to form tree are called as co-tree.
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Incidence matrix is formed between number of nodes and number of branches. This matrix is
useful easy understanding of network and any complex network can be easily feed into system
for coding. Order of incidence matrix is (n*b)
aij = 1, if jth branch is incidence to ith node and direction is away from node.
aij = -1, if jth branch is incidence to ith node and direction is towards from node.
aij = 0, if jth branch is not incidence to ith node .
Once we form the incidence matrix , we can write KCL equations any complex without appling
KCL as follows,
A!.Ib = 0
Where, A! - reduced incidence matrix
Ib - branch current matrix( an coloumn matrix)
Tie-set matrix is formed between link currents and branch currents. The order of tie-set matrix is
(Il*Ib). it is represented by B. Tie-set is defined as a loop which consists of one link any number
of branches. Hence total number of tie-set possible with above definition are number of links.
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Once we form tie-set matrix KVL equations of any complex network can be written as B.Vb = 0
From the knowledge of tie-set matrix we can calculate all the branch currents in terms of link
currents, which is given as
Ib = BT . Il
Cut-set matrix is formed between twig voltages and branch voltages. The order of cut-set matrix
is ((n-1)*b). it is represented by C. Cut-set is defined as minimum set of branches by removing
which graph is divided into two sub-graphs, where one of the part is an isolated node. Hence
total number of cut-set possible with above definition are number of twigs. Generally cut-set
direction is assumed in direction of branch, as cut-set consists of one branch any number of links.
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From the knowledge of cut-set matrix we can calculate all the branch voltages in terms of twig
voltages, which is given as
Vt = CT . Vb
Determine all studied above for given circuit with its graph.
Nodes,n = 3
Branches = 4
Twigs = 3-1 = 2
Links = 4-3+1 = 2
Incidence matrix:
1 2 3 4
a 1 1 0 0
A =
b 0 -1 1 1
c -1 0 -1 -1
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1 2 3 4
A! = a 1 1 0 0
b 0 -1 1 1
Tie-set matrix:
As tree can be formed with two branches remaining two are links, let 2,4 arethe links.
i1 i2 i3 i4
B = i2 -1 1 1 0
i4 0 0 -1 1
i1 -1 0
i2 1 0
i3 1 -1
i4 0 1
Hence , i1 = -i2
i2 = i2
i3 = i2-i4
i4 = i4
Cut-set matrix:
Let the two cut-set are (1,2) and (2,3,4) as possible cut-sets are (n-1) = (3-1) =2.
Here 1 and 3 are branches or twigs hence cutsets direction is same as these branch directions.
1 2 3 4
C = C(1,2) 1 -1 0 0
C(2,3,4) 0 -1 1 1
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V1 1 0
V2 -1 -1
V3 0 1
V4 0 1
Hence, V1 = V1
V2 = -V1-V3
V3= V3
V4 = V3
Some times for easy simplification of network we may need dual network of original network.
Dual network is formed by using dual parameters.
Dual parameters:
Series Parallel
Parallel Series
Voltage Current
Current Voltage
Resistance Conductance
Inductance capacitance
Capacitance Inductance
Open Short
Short open
1. Firstly assume node in each an every loop and node outside the circuit.
2. Now replace the element which purely belongs to respective loop with its dual element
between node assumed in that loop and node outside loop.
3. Now replace the element which belongs two loops with its dual element between node
assumed in that loop and node assumed in other loop.
*** Even we draw the dual network for original network the behaviour of network willnot
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Let us consider an coil allowing current of IA which develops magnetic lines of force forming
north and south poles , the flow of magnetic lines from north pole to south pole. If coil is
wounded on some core allowing current IA develops flux Ф and this flux follows the path of
core to form magnetic circuit.
3.2 Definitions:
Magnetic flux density: Flux developed per unit area. (Ф / A). Represented with B.
Whose units are webers/mt2 or tesla.
MMF( Magneto motive force): It is the measure of ability of amount of flux can be developed in
the coil.(J), which is given as product of number of turns and
current flowing through coil.
J = N.I (A-turns)
Reluctance: It is the property of core which opposes magnetic flux. Generally cores of two types
,they are air and iron core. When compare to iron core air core has more reluctance
Reluctance is ratio of mmf to the flux.( J / Ф)
R = (l / µ.A) .
Where, l – mean length of magnetic circuit.
A – area of cross of core.
µ - permeability of the core.
- µo. µr
- absolute permeability(µo)
- relative permeability(µr)—varies for different types of cores.
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Let us consider ring core with small air gap. When flux developed in core, during flow of flux if
there is a sudden change in core whose values are largely differ , flux suddenly bulges out which
is called as fringing.
Generally core laminated and these lamination may consists of some weak points and flux leaked
through these weak points is called as leakage flux.
Let us consider an coil of N turns wounded on ring core. When some current I A is allowed
through coil flux Ф is developed in it.
J = Ф.R = N.I
Let us consider ring core which comprises of three different materials with different lengths and
areas. An coil of N turns is wounded on such core as described above, allowing current I A.
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R2 = (l2 / µ2.A2)
R3 = (l3 / µ3.A3)
When two coils are brought together as close as possible then they form coupled coils.
Here when current(i1) is allowed through first coil then magnetic flux Ф1 is developed in it, as
other coil brought to close proximity some of Ф1 links with second coil called as Фm1 their by
inducing voltage in it and when we close the second coil current flows in it (i2). This current i2
develops Ф2 in it and some of Ф2 links with 1st coil called as Фm2. If the two coils are of same
dimensions Фm1= Фm2= Фm.
Here we define two inducatnces slef inductance of coils L1 and L2, mutal inductance between
the coils M12=M21=M. Now we can say that total emf induced in coil is the combination of self
and mutually induced emf.
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Eg: Transformer .
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Dot convention is the method used to find whether mutually induced emf is positive or negative.
Dot convention method is based on right hand thumb rule.Right hand thumb rule states that if
thum indictaes direction of current then remaining folded fingers indicates how the coil is
When we represent coupled coils , they may indicated with dots. Dot
convention says that ,
If both the currents enter the dot then mutually indued emf is positive.
If both the currents leaving the dot then mutually indued emf is positive.
If one of the current enter the dot and other leaving the dot then mutually indued emf is
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Here K is defined as co-efficient of coupling maximum value of 1. If K=1 then coils are said to
be perfectly coupled i.e maximum mutual flux linkage takes place.
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Resonant frequency:
It is the range of frequencies within which signal can be esily transmitted with out
any overlap of other signals. It is also given as difference between
Higher cutt-off frequency and lower cutt-off frequency.(Bw = fh - fl)
Cutt-off frequencies:
It is the frequency at which response of the circuit is the 70.7% of maximum value
or 0.707 of maximum value. This can be happen at two frequencies called as
lower cutt-off frequencies < fr and higher cutt-off frequencies < fr.
Quality factor:
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1. Series resonance: series is related to series RLC circuit. In an series RLC circuit
resonance occurs when voltage across L and C are same in magnitude and 180 degrees
out of phase.
2. Parallel resonance: series is related to Parallel RLC circuit. In an Parallel RLC circuit
resonance occurs when current flowing through L and C are same in magnitude and 180
degrees out of phase.
Here, Z = R+ j( XL –XC)
Where, XL = 2ΠfL
XC = 1/ 2ΠfC
This happens only when, XL = XC i.e imaginary part of total impedance is zero.
( XL –XC = 0)
2ΠfL = 1/ 2ΠfC
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w2 = 1/
Here we can say that at lower frequencies Z is very high as XC is infinitely high and
current is very low, but as frequency increases towards fr Xc value decreases and (XC-
XL) decreases and Z decreases their by current increases.
Z =R (minimum value)
Here we can say that at higher frequencies Z is decreases as XL increases and current is
also decreases, as frequency increases towards very high frequencies XL value increases
and (XL-XC) increases and Z increases their by current decreases.
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Here for frequencies < fr circuit is said to be dominantly capacitive and for frequencies >
fr circuit is said to be dominantly inductive.
At f1, I = V /
At f1 , 1/ w1 C – w1. L = R ----1
equate 1 and 2
1/ w1 C – w1. L = w2 L – 1/w2. C
1/ w1 C – w1. L = w2 L – 1/w2. C
w1.w2 = 1/ LC
w1.w2 = wr2
(w2-w1)L + (w2-w1)/w1w2C = 2R
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Q = 2Π * ½ LI2
I2. R.t
Q = 2Π * ½ LI2
I2. R.1/f
Q = 2ΠL /R = XL /R
For capacitor.
Q = 2Π * ½ CV2
I2. R.t
Q = 2Π * ½ CV2
(V/ )2. R.1/f
Q = 1 /2Π fC R = XC /R
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Magnification is defined ratio voltage across energy storing elements and input voltage under
VL / Vi = IXL / IR = XL / R =Q
VC / Vi = IXC / IR = XC / R =Q
To say that life of the circuit is high the magnification must be high.
Where, BL = 1 / 2ΠfL
BC = 2ΠfC
This happens only when, BL = BC i.e imaginary part of total impedance is zero.
( BL –BC = 0)
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1 / 2ΠfL = 2ΠfC
w2 = 1/
Here we can say that at lower frequencies Y is very high as BL is infinitely high and
voltage is very low, but as frequency increases towards fr BL value decreases and (BL-
BC) decreases and Y decreases their by voltage increases.
Y =1 / R (minimum value)
Here we can say that at higher frequencies Y is decreases as BC increases and voltage is
also decreases, as frequency increases towards very high frequencies BC value increases
and (BC-BL) increases and Y increases their by voltage decreases.
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Here for frequencies < fr circuit is said to be dominantly inductive and for frequencies >
fr circuit is said to be dominantly capacitive.
At f1, V = I /
At f1 , w1 C – 1/w1. L = G ----1
equate 1 and 2
1/ w1 C – w1. L = w2 L – 1/w2. C
w1.w2 = 1/ LC
w1.w2 = wr2
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Q = 2Π * ½ L(V/XL)2
(V / R)2. .t
Q = 2Π * ½ LI2
I2. R.1/f
Q = R / XL
For capacitor.
Q = 2Π * ½ CV2
I2. R.t
Q = 2Π * ½ CV2
(V/ )2. R.1/f
Q = R / BC = XC.R
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Magnification is defined ratio voltage across energy storing elements and input voltage under
IL / I = V/BL / V/R = R / BL
IC / Ii = V / BC / V / R = R / BC =Q
To say that life of the circuit is high the magnification must be high.
Locus diagram is the graphical representation of response of the circuit by varying any one
of the parameter in the circuit while others are kept fixed. Locus diagram is draw for current of
the circuit with its phase. Locus diagram can be drawn for series RL, RC and RLC, similarly for
parallel RL,RC and RLC
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The alternating quantity is one whose value varies with time. This alternating quantity may
be periodic and non-periodic. Periodic quantity are one whose value will be repeated for every
specified interval . Generally to represent alternating voltage or current we prefer sinusoidal
wave form , because below listed properties—
i.e value of sine function varies with time, firstly increases from zero and reaches maximum and
again falls to zero, there after tends to increase in opposite direction and reaches maximum value
and falls to zero. This the variation of sine in 1st cycle is called as positive half cycle and other
negative half cycle.(i.e during +ve half cycle direction is required one and during 2nd half cycle
direction actual required direction.). Therefore one positive and negative cycle combinely forms
one complete cycle.
2.1 Definitions:
Peak to peak value: It is total value from positive peak to the negative peak.(2Vm)
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Instantaneous value: It is the magnitude of wave form at any specified time. V(t)
= 0.( i.e average value of sine wave over a full cycle is zero)
Vd = (1 / Π) ʃ Vm sin wt.dwt
= 2Vm / Π
RMS value:
= Vm / = effective value.
Peak factor:
Pp = Vp / Vrms =
Form factor:
Fp = Vd / Vrms = 2 / Π = 1.11
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Eg: Find the peak, peak to peak, average, rms, peak factor and form factor of given current
function , i(t) = 5 sin wt.
Phase of the sine indicates staring phase of the sine wave. i.e
Let , V(t) = Vm sin wt, here we can say that phase is zero as function starts from origin.
V(t)= Vm sin(wt-θ), here we can say that phase of function is θ degrees to right shift.
V(t)= Vm sin(wt+θ), here we can say that phase of function is θ degrees to left shift.
Phase difference is the difference of phase between two wave forms taking one as reference.
Eg: If wave form A is Vm sin (wt+15), B is Vm sin (wt – 30) and C is Vm sin (wt + 45).
Determine the phase difference between every pair if wave forms.
Phasor diagram is the pictorial representation of sine wave. Here magnitude and phase of the
wave function are represented in four quadrant axis. We assume positive phases in anti-clock
wise direction and negative phases in clock wise direction. From the phasor diagram we can esily
identify the phase difference between different wave forms. We can also identify whether
function is right shift or left shift.
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Let us consider resistor allowing alternating current i(t). then the voltage drop across resistor is
given as,
If, V(t) = Vm sin wt
V(t) = i(t).R
i(t) = V(t) / R
= Vm sin wt / R
= Vm / Im
Hence we can say that V(t) and i(t) in resistor element are in phase.
V(t) = L di(t) / dt
= L w Im coswt
Where, Vm = L w Im = Im .XL
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Z = Vm / Im
Z = Vm / Im
= j wL = j XL ( j = 1 )
As there is left shift in V(t), we can say that i(t) lags V(t) by 90 degrees.
V(t) = 1 / C ∫ i(t) dt
= 1 / C ∫ Im sin wt dt
= - coswt .Im / wC
= = Vm sin(wt - 90).
Z = Vm / Im
Z = Vm / Im
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= -j wL =- j XL ( j = 1 )
As there is right shift in V(t), we can say that i(t) leads V(t) by 90 degrees.
In the case of DC circuits power is given as product of voltage and current in that element.
P = V.I (W)
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As average value over full cycle is equal to zero, hence second term can be neglected.
Cos Ф = Pav / Pa
Z = R + jXL
I2 Z = I2R + j I2XL Pr
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Z = R - jXC
I2 Z = I2R - j I2XC Pr
S = V(t).i(t)*
= P+jQ or P-jQ
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Q = reactive power
Here only useful power is true power where as net reactive power over an cycle will be zero.
Complex numbers can be represented in two ways, either rectangle form or polar form
Rectangular form = a + j b
Here j operator plays major role in complex number, which is define unit vector rotating in anti-
clock wise direction with phase 90.
j=1 =
j2 = -1
j3 = -
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