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Study on Online Trading and Stock Broking in ANGEL BROKING, Yelahanka,

Submitted to

In partial fulfilment of the requirements for the award of the degree of

Under the guidance of


Prof. Jyothi Mr. Kanakraja P

Department of Management Studies Angel Broking Ltd

NMIT, Bengaluru Bengaluru


Department of Management Studies




The stock exchange is an organized market for the purchase and sale of listed industrial and
financial securities. Stock exchanges or secondary market is essentially a match maker
between subsequent buyer & seller and it doesn’t deal in new securities. Thus stock exchange
is not a place for origin of securities rather it is a place for their subsequent trading. Stock
exchanges in India is defined and regulated under the Securities Contracts (Regulation) Act
1956 and it is defined as, “an association, organization or body of individuals, whether
incorporated or not, established for the purpose of assisting, regulating and controlling
business in buying, selling and dealing in securities”.
A stock brokerage is an investment services company that is primarily involved in the
business of buying and selling stocks and other financial securities on behalf of its clients in
return fora fees or commission. The industry operates under close government regulations
that aim to protect the investing public. A stock brokerage may not open for business without
filing for appropriate registrations and obtaining certain memberships. A stock brokerage
may focus on different investment services and clients. It must also be able to provide a wide
range of security information to clients for investment research and trade selections. As per
Section 65(93) of Finance Act, 1994 “Stock-broker” means a person, who has either made an
application for registration or is registered as a stock broker, in accordance with the rules and
regulations made under the Securities and Exchange Board of India Act, 1992. A retail
brokerage serves only individual investors, whereas an institutional brokerage has the
capacity to handle large order flows from institutional investors such as mutual funds. The
objectives of the study are to study the investor’s perception regarding investment in stock
market and to study the investor’s behaviour toward market trend on his investment. To study
the comparison of broking firms in terms of service provided by them to the investors.


“A study on Dematerialisation of trading & Stock Broking”


The present study to review the online trading procedure and influence of stock broking
firms on it and it also involves study of online trading from the time it has changed it’s
trading from the outcry mode to online trading and also the study aims to highlight the impact
of dematerialization in the Indian Stock Market
A Study on Investment in Shares, and Comparative Analysis of broking
firms - Bhavik U. Swadia S.M.Patel Institute of Commerce Ahmedabad

A stock brokerage is an investment services company that is primarily involved in the
business of buying and selling stocks and other financial securities on behalf of its clients in
return fora fees or commission. The industry operates under close government regulations
that aim to protect the investing public. A stock brokerage may not open for business without
filing for appropriate registrations and obtaining certain memberships. A stock brokerage
may focus on different investment services and clients. It must also be able to provide a wide
range of security information to clients for investment research and trade selections. As per
Section 65(93) of Finance Act, 1994 “Stock-broker” means a person, who has either made an
application for registration or is registered as a stock broker, in accordance with the rules and
regulations made under the Securities and Exchange Board of India Act, 1992. A retail
brokerage serves capacity to handle large order flows from institutional investors such as
mutual funds. The objectives of the study are to study the investor’s perception regarding
investment in stock market and to study the investor’s behaviour toward market trend on his
investment. To study the comparison of broking firms in terms of service provided by them to

Growth of online trading and comparative study between different stock

brokers in India with Special Reference to the region of Jagadhri,
Harayana- Sharma Jay (2017) Assistant Professor, S.D Institute of
Management & Technology

In today’s dynamic environment billion of people are connected to the Internet. During the
last twenty years, the technology revolution has had an intense and irreversible impact on the
world and Indian stock market has also witnessed these changes. The internet has made
financial products and services available to more customers and eliminated geographical
barriers. Earlier investors were solely dependent on their brokers but nowadays they are
participating more in buying and selling of shares with the help of internet. E-trading has
saved time, energy and money as it helps to access the market from anywhere at any time.
The primary objective of this research paper is to Gain Knowledge regarding the emergence
and growth of the online Trading in India, people perspective about the same & to make the
comparative study of some stock brokers also.
Assessment of the use of Online Trading portal of some investors in the
Philippines, - Journal of Industrial and Intelligent Information, Volume-2,
No.3, September 2014 -By Christopher.C. Chua.

Online stocks trading in the Philippines captures great attention among investors and traders.
Several trading firms have established online portals which facilitate online trading. This
paper evaluates the use of online trading portals. A developed questionnaire was utilized as
an instrument to assess the use of the portals. A total of 62 valid responses are collected and
subjected to statistical analyses.The study reveals that portal users are mostly male, young
professionals, CitisecOnline (COL) financial clients and have limited experience in online
trading. The portals are recognized to be useful, easy to use, beneficial, secured and within
the control of users. The five variables namely perceived usefulness, ease of use, risk, benefit
and behavioral control show slight to substantial positive correlations to each other. Users
encountered minor problems which seldom occur while using the portal.

“Investors Perception towards Online Trading” With Reference To Karvy

Stock Broking Company Ltd, At Raichur” International Journal of
Business and Management Invention (IJBMI)2019 - Dr.Jagadish Biradar

India is the 2ndfastest growing economy in the world and the stock market contributes
highest earning to the economy. It has emerged as the world’s fastest growing wealth creator.
The name “Stock Market” when it comes to our mind, everyone has different opinion. One
feels it is risky to invest the money into the stock market, and some people may think that it is
a game of gambling. Many investors may feel that it’s a great opportunity to make profit by
investing the money into the stock market. The opinion differs from person to person and
Investors to Investors towards the Stock Market. Earlier it was managed with the help of so
many traditional procedures. . And the day goes the taste of professionalism being adopted by
stock market. And the concept Online Trading System got originate. . Online Trading
System/Method means “it is the process of buying or selling the shares and securities in
electronic form through Internet. This facilitates the platform for trading share and securities
without using papers/physical. In this process the trading will take place under the “Order
Routing System”(ORS) through registered stock brokers on behalf of clients .In Online
Trading System client can get the every information about shares and securities through
official websites of registered stock brokers. This facilitates platform for participate in
banking, commerce, and so on. Even Internet plays important role in stock market. and one
who wants to trade through internet/online, the client should go through D-Materialization
(D-MAT). D-Materialization is the process of converting physical shares into electronic
forms. In Online Trading System all shares and securities will be converted into electronic
form and stored at depositories. Now a day it has become inevitable that everyone should go
through online trading only instead Offline Trading. “Less Cost” and “Less Time” are the
two important motives which makes investors to go through Online Trading. And this
research paper evaluates investor’s perception towards online trading system.

A study on online trading in Indian Stock Market -Manasi Dhingra (2015)


Sumpoorna Portfolio Ltd. Basically work to educate and empower the

individual investor to make better investment decisions through quality advice
and superior service. Sumpoorna is a depository participant. This means that the
shares are kept in dematerialized form in Sumpoorna


• It is to analyze the changes in trading after the exchange shifted from outcry to online
trading system.
• To study the functions of Angel Broking through various departments.
• To know the online trading system adopted by Angel Broking and about its
communication facilities. The appropriate configuration to set the network, which
would link the Angel Broking to individual and it’s members.
• To know about the latest and future developments in the stock exchange trading
• To analyse the impact of dematerialization in the growth and integration of Indian
stock market with the world market.



To study the relationship between Angel Broking and Online Trading System in India and its
impact on the individuals and it’s members and further study also involves the influence of
stock broking in trading in the stock market

The data collection methods include both primary and secondary collection methods.
Primary method:
This method includes the data collected from the personal interaction with authorized
members of Angel Broking Limited
Secondary method:
The secondary data collected from various sources like various articles and journals and other


• Inadequate knowledge of trading in stock market
• Perception of the investors towards their investment
• As a client one will access the NSE through a server of the online brokerage and this
is time consuming
• The advisory services being promised by the brokers would be of little use to
investors looking for an insight into the market.

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