Organization of Islamic Cooperation
Organization of Islamic Cooperation
Organization of Islamic Cooperation
Reg. No 97FSS/MSPS/S19
This paper discusses the Organization of Islamic Cooperation (OIC), which was
established in 1969. The Organization of Islamic Cooperation (OIC) is an International
organization of fifty-seven (57) Muslim States, which are united for the protection of the
interests of the Muslim World and for the collective voice of Muslim States from one
floor against the expansionism of Israel and imperialism of the Western states. This
paper also discussing the history of the OIC that why it was felt by the leaders of the
Muslims to have an Organization of the Muslims World. In this paper also the
organizational structure of the OIC and its achievements and failures are discussed.
But unfortunately the achievements of the OIC are nothing in front of failures of the
OIC. Although there are some sorts of achievements of the OIC but on many grounds
the OIC is failed due to the lack of unification among the Muslim States, rivalries
between the Muslim states and ideological differences. In the Muslim States, some states
are pro-American while some are pro-Russian. Therefore, the Muslim World is divided
and the collective voice of the Muslim States becomes divided and the OIC become
useless tool.
The Organization of Islamic Cooperation 3
1969. The Organization of Islamic Cooperation (OIC) is the world second largest
organization after the United Nations Organization. The slogan of the OIC is the “collective
voice of the Muslim world”. The main aim of the OIC is to safeguards and protects the
interests of the Muslim world and the spirit of promoting international peace and prosperity
The Organization of Islamic Cooperation (OIC) was created by the Muslim states
against Israeli expansionism and western imperialist designed states to protect the Middle
After the World War I (1914-1919), when the six million Jews were killed by the
Adolf Hitler during the Holocaust in Europe, than the Jews migrated from Europe to
Palestine with help of Great Britain because the Great Britain signed the treaty which is
known as “Balfour Declaration” in November 1917, in which she promised that after the
World War I, she will provide a place for the Jews for their own state in Palestine territory.
So the Jews starting to unite on Palestine territory to make their own homeland under
Zionism: Jewish nationalist movement that has had as its goal the creation and support of a
Jewish national state in Palestine
The Organization of Islamic Cooperation 4
After the World War II the United Nation Organization (UNO) divided the territory of
Palestine between the Jews and Muslims in November 1947 (Resolution 181). This partition
was accepted by the Jews and they declared the 14th May, 1948 as their independence day but
on the other hand this partition not only criticized by the Palestinian people but also
Due to this conflict several wars were fought between the Arab States and Israel like
the war of 1948, war of 1967 and Ramadan war 1973. In the war of 1967, this is also known
as “6 days war” in which Israel not only captured the Palestine territory but also captured the
attempted to set fire to Al-Aqsa Mosque[ CITATION MEM17 \l 1033 ]. This attempt unites the
leaders of the Muslim states because this Mosque is the holy place for the Muslims, so the
Muslim leaders feel to have an Organization which works to protect the holy places of the
The Organization was established upon the a decision of historical Summit which took
place in Rabat, Kingdom of Morocco on 12th Rajab 1389 Hijra ( 25th September, 1969). The
first meeting of Islamic Conference of Foreign Minister (ICFM) was held in 1970 in Jeddah,
in which they decided to establish a permanent Secretariat and permanent Head Quarter at
Jeddah, Saudi Arabia [ CITATION Org \l 1033 ]. In the third meeting of the Islamic Conference
of Foreign Ministers (ICFM), adopted the Charter of the organization in Feb 1972, whose
purpose is to strengthen solidarity and cooperation among member states in political, cultural,
So the Summit which took place at Rabat, Morocco lay down the foundation of the
States in which twenty-six from Asia, twenty-seven from Africa, two from Europe and two
from South America. These are Afghanistan, Albania, Algeria, Azerbaijan, Bahrain,
Bangladesh, Benin, Burkina Faso, Brunei, Cameroon, Chad, Comoros, Cote d’Ivoire,
Djibouti, Egypt, Gabon, Gambia, Guinea, Guinea-Bissau, Guyana, Indonesia, Iran, Iraq,
Mauritania, Morocco, Mozambique, Niger, Nigeria, Oman, Pakistan, Palestine, Qatar, Saudi
Arabia, Senegal, Sierra Leone, Somalia, Sudan, Surinam, Syria, Tajikistan, Turkey, Tunisia,
Togo, Turkmenistan, Uganda, Uzbekistan, United Arab Emirates, and Yemen. These member
states also the member of the United Nations Organization except Palestine. Palestine has the
Beside these permanent members, OIC also gave the status of observer to certain states and
The Observer states are Bosnia and Herzegovina, Central African Republic, Russia, and
Observer Muslim Organizations are Moro National Liberation Front, Turkish Cypriot State.
Union, League of Arab States, Non-Aligned Movement and the United Nations. [ CITATION
Off \l 1033 ]
The Organization of Islamic Cooperation 6
These are the main objectives of the Organization of Islamic Cooperation (OIC).
2. To safeguard and protect the common interests of the members states in view of the
challenges faced by the Islamic world in particular and international community in general.
member states and to respect sovereignty, independence and territorial integrity of each and
4. To promote cooperation in cultural, social and economic fields of the member states.
5. To help the member states to each other in the situation of natural disasters.
9. Consolidate Cooperation among member states in social, cultural and scientific fields
In order to achieve the objectives of the Organization, it has many main organs,
secondary organs, committees and specialized institutions. These are following important
1. The Islamic Summit: The Islamic Summit which is composed of the Kings, Heads of the
member states. This is the supreme authority of the organization and they meet once in three
years, in which they lay down the policy of the organization and discuss the problems which
are concerning to Muslim World. They also elect the chairman of the Organization who holds
composed of the Foreign Ministers of the member states. It meets once in a year and to
examine the implementation of the policy which was created by the Islamic Summit. It also
responsible to set meeting of the Kings and Heads of the member states. It also has the
3. The General Secretariat: It is the executive body of the organization which established in
the first Summit of Islamic Conference of Foreign Ministers at Jeddah, Saudi Arabia in
February 1970. It is headed by the General Secretary, who is appointed by The Conference of
Foreign Ministers for the period of five (5) years. It supervise the implementation of the
conferences of the meetings of the organization, assists the subsidiary organs and specialized
In order to coordinate and increase its action and obtain its results in different fields of
cooperation like in economic, cultural, political, social, spiritual and scientific among the
Member States, the Organization has created different committees, in which majority at
ministerial level and some chaired by the Heads of the States. Among these committees are:
which are created for different special objectives. These Specialized Institutions are working
to achieve the Organization aims in a good manner. These Specialized Institutions are
working in the fields of culture, education, sport, legal, financial, technological, media and as
well as vocational, social and humanitarian in the Member States. These Specialized
Institutions are created in different capitals of the Muslim States. These are following
(Kingdom of Morocco).
The Organization of Islamic Cooperation 9
The Official languages of the Organization of Islamic Cooperation are English, Arabic
and French.
The Organization of Islamic Cooperation is playing its role in good way. These are the
i. Role of OIC in the Conflict between the Jordan and Palestine Liberation
In 1970, a direct military conflict started between Jordan and Palestine Liberation
Organization (PLO). At that time the PLO was not a regular member of the OIC, but was an
emerging power against the Israel and representing the people of Palestine. That times the
Jordan having large number of Palestinian population and also claiming itself as a legitimate
representative of the Palestinian population. After the 6 days war between the Israel and
Arab, Israel occupied a large area of the Palestine and also of the Arab countries. While on
other hand Jordan had good relations with Israel and Jordan did not want to use its territory
against the Israel. The Palestinian people on the territory of Jordan have aggressive approach
against the Israel’s occupation of Palestine territory. Therefore the conflict started between
the two parties of the Muslim World in 1970. The Jordanian army crushed the PLO in Jordan
which followed by the battlefield. In this conflict the two fellow members of the OIC, Egypt
and Saudi Arabia played a great role. The PLO was expelled from Jordan but the agreements
were signed in Cairo and Amman according to which both the parties i.e Jordan and PLO
The Organization of Islamic Cooperation 10
given significant role in the politics of the Palestine. The individual role of King Faisal of
Saudi Arab and Abdul Nasir of Egypt played good role in the solution the conflict between
ii. Role of the OIC in the conflict between Pakistan and newly formed Bangladesh:
The next conflict which is solved by the OIC is the conflict of the Pakistan and Bangladesh.
From 1947 to 1971 both the countries lived as one independent country as a West Pakistan
and East Pakistan. After independence military and bureaucratic elite, who came mainly from
Western Pakistan, gained control over Pakistani politics, and deprived the common people of
their legitimate rights. Freedom loving East Pakistanis were the first to rise against the
Constituent Assembly Debates that, "a feeling is growing among the Eastern Pakistanis that
the Eastern Pakistan is being neglected and treated merely as a 'colony' of Western Pakistan."
Soon, East Pakistani representatives in the Constituent Assembly identified two issues of
disagreement with West Pakistani representatives. From 1947, as low level conflicts were
arising between the two wings of the one country but in 1971 these conflicts reached to high
level and the civil war started between the Pakistani army and the people of West Pakistan.
During the civil war, the OIC Secretary General, Tengku Abdul Rahman, former Prime
Minister of Malaysia, visited both parts of Pakistan in an effort to find a political solution to
the conflict. The Secretary General was accompanied by representatives from Kuwait and
Iran. When the OIC delegation attempted to visit India, where most of the leaders of de facto
Bangladesh had taken political refuge, the Indian authorities prevented them from entering
the country on the ground that the OIC had earlier expelled the Indian representative from its
On the occasion of the First Islamic Summit Conference in Rabat, India had expressed its desire to join the OIC
which was granted. However, the membership was cancelled when a non-Muslim appeared to represent Muslims
of India at the conference venue.
The Organization of Islamic Cooperation 11
After the failure of the mediation and 16th December 1971 once again the Secretary
Malaysia established contact with the authorities of Pakistan and Bangladesh. But the process
received was from the Indian Prime Minister Mrs. Indira Gandhi. It
said that since we [the OIC] had not cared during the earlier
After some times the Indian authority apologized on their behavior toward the Secretary
General of the OIC and offered the Peace talks between the authority of Pakistan and
In the Second Summit of OIC in Lahore the Pakistani authority recognized Bangladesh as a
sovereign and independent State and invited the Bengali Leaders to the Summit of OIC in
Lahore in 1974. Bangladesh responded positively and attended the Summit of OIC in Lahore
and since both Pakistan and Bangladesh are the active members of the OIC.
iii. Rail Way Project for The Unification Of The Muslim World:
Physically, the OIC has initiated very important rail-link projects which once materialized
would bring member states in close proximity through easy communication resulting into
more regional cohesion. They are Dushanbe-Mazar-i- Sharif- Herat Railway Project,
Turkmenistan- Iran-Kazakhstan Joint Railway project and Dakar-Port Sudan railway project.
The Organization of Islamic Cooperation 12
In short, these relations building between and among international actors and entities
enhanced the image of the OIC to an extent that the Organization succeeded in having its
OIC always criticized the Indian aggression on the Kashmir’s territory and against the
Kashmiri people. After the independence of Indian sub-continent form the British rules in
1947, when the Indian sub-continent divided into two portion i.e Pakistan who came into
being on 14th of August, 1947 and India who came into being on 15 th of August, 1947.
Unfortunately, the partition of Indian sub-continent by the last viceroy of India, Lord Mount
Batten, was disputed between Pakistan and India because there were some areas in which
Muslims had the majority but these areas given to India, Kashmir is one in that disputed
areas. Kashmir is the Muslim majority area while this area was ruling by the Sikh ruler that
time. So India and Sikh ruler signed a treaty, in which the area of Muslim majority, Kashmir
given to the India. So the people of Kashmir started protests against this agreement than the
India sent their troops to Kashmir for the occupation of this territory. In 1948, India occupied
the Kashmir and till now India is using force against the Kashmiri people.
Form beginning Pakistan using the platform of the OIC against the use of aggressions
of India in Kashmir and OIC also passed the resolutions against the India to stop the use of
boycotted the Session because on the invitation of India in the Session of OIC by the United
Arab Emirate (UAE) and the Foreign Minister of India Sushma Swaraj participated in this
session, in which the Muslim countries passed the resolution and reminded the International
Since late August 2017, more than 671,000 Rohingya Muslims have fled Burma’s
Rakhine State to escape the military’s large-scale campaign of ethnic cleansing. The
atrocities committed by Burmese security forces, including mass killings, sexual violence,
and widespread arson, amount to crimes against humanity. Military and civilian officials have
repeatedly denied that security forces committed abuses during the operations, claims which
The Rohingya have faced decades of discrimination and repression under successive
Burmese governments. Effectively denied citizenship under the 1982 Citizenship Law, they
are one of the largest stateless populations in the world. Restrictions on movement and lack
of access to basic health care have led to dire humanitarian conditions for those displaced by
In the 45th Session of the Foreign Minister of OIC in Dhaka, strongly criticized the
Burmese use of force against the Rohingya Muslims in which millions of Muslims were
killed and millions of people become the refugees in other states like Bangladesh.
The OIC also formed a ministerial committee to handle and monitor the Rohingya issue on an
international scale. The committee also will gather the evidence of crimes against those
persons who violate the human rights of the Rohingya Muslims. [ CITATION ALJ18 \l 1033 ]. In
the 45th Session of the Foreign Ministers of the OIC in Dhaka also ordered for the urgent aid
One of the significant achievements of the OIC is the image building among the
International Community since 2005. The OIC opened his doors for the International
Community and established good relations with the non-member states of the world. These
The Organization of Islamic Cooperation 14
relations benefits for the Muslim World and also for the OIC. Through this mechanism OIC
easily communicate with the non-member states. For this purpose OIC granted the observer
status to the non-Muslim states, to take active part in the activity of OIC. OIC granted the
observer status to the Russian Federation, establishing special relations with United States
through the US President’s Special Envoy to the OIC. The Organization of Islamic
Cooperation (OIC) also working for developing relations with China, United Kingdom (UK),
France through official bilateral visits. Through all these activities of the OIC, the relation
with big powers of the world is very important and fruit full. For this purpose OIC has given
observer status to many non-Muslims states. The list include the states like Australia, Brazil,
South Africa, Sri Lanka, Serbia, Nepal, Belorussia, Kenya, Mauritius, Congo, Montenegro,
The process of image building of the Organization did not limit itself within the
approach which touches base in all these spheres. [ CITATION MAJ12 \l 1033 ].
In 2008, OIC was initiated a railway line project in its member states i.e from
Railway project and Dakar-Port Sudan railway project. Presently the feasibility report of the
project have reached to final stage and this project is being executed in alliance with African
Union/NEPAD, including funding from Islamic Development Bank (IBD) within the
project once materialized would bring member states very close and in the result easy
communication will establish in the region through this project.[ CITATION MAJ122 \l 1033 ]
However, OIC have many achievements but the failures of OIC more than its
achievements because the OIC failed in its main objectives which were made in its Charter.
So here are the some failures of the OIC, which are discussed below.
establish a peaceful Muslim World because everywhere in the Muslim World there is tension
and chaos among the Muslims and the OIC nothing to do with this since form its creation.
Failure of establishing a security and peaceful Muslim world; Considering of what kind of
aim, OIC established in 1969 for the Muslim world, it has become totally failure to fulfill of
those aims.
The breakup of Pakistan through armed intervention by India in 1971, the invasion of
Lebanon by Israel in 1982, the Iran-Iraq war, Soviet intervention in Afghanistan and the US
occupation of Iraq, have dealt a mortal blow to the unity, dignity and sovereignty of the
Muslim world.
The OIC has failed to respond meaningfully to any of these crises or demonstrate any unity of
thought and action apart from issuing high-sounding declaration at the end of each summit.
Nothing was done to contain the crises or avert the tragedies. The OIC remained merely a
The crisis of Palestine continued from a decade, and one of the main causes of the
establishing of the OIC is the crisis of Palestine. In the Charter of the OIC it is the main
objective of the OIC to solve the issue of Palestine. So the OIC established in 1969, but till
now the OIC did not do anything on this issue. Recently, the United State of America
The Organization of Islamic Cooperation 16
recognized the Holy city Jerusalem as a capital of Israel and also the Golan Heights which are
the territory of Syria and occupied by the Israel in the six days war, USA also recognized
these Heights as the part of Israel and the Organization of Islamic Cooperation nothing take
action against these recognition.[CITATION Rec18 \l 1033 ] The OIC member states just come
to the meetings of the OIC and passed a resolution against the Israel and did not practically
The Kashmir issue started in 1948 between Pakistan and India. After the partition of
India and Pakistan, India occupied Kashmir by force and India violate the human rights in
Kashmir. But the OIC form 1969 to till now seeing this show against the Muslims. In the 46 th
Session of the Foreign Minister of OIC passed a resolution against India violation in Kashmir
but on other hand the Foreign Minister of India Sushma Swaraj rejected this resolution. So
The whole Muslim World divided into different blocks, which is the main cause of
failure of the OIC. The Organization of the Muslims World came into being on the name of
unification but now the whole Muslim World joined different and opposite blocs in the World
Politics, like Saudi Arab, Turkey, Kuwait, Afghanistan and other Muslim States joined the
bloc of United State of America and on other hand some Muslim States like Iran joined the
bloc of Russia. Due to this division of the OIC become useless tool.
The Sectarian Division of the Muslim Word also a weakness and failure of the OIC.
Muslims are believed on one Allah, on one Quran and on one Prophet Muhammad Hazrat
Muhammad (SAW) but all the Muslims divided on many sects mainly between Shia Muslims
and Sunni Muslims. The Member states of the Organization of Islamic Cooperation some are
the Shia Muslims and some are Sunni Muslims. Due to this Sectarian division the Muslim
The differences between Saudi Arab and Iran also cause of the failure of the OIC. Iran
is a Shia Muslim country and Saudi Arab is a Sunni Muslim country. The Iran is supporting
Shia people and Saudi Arab is supporting the Sunni people in the region. In crisis of Yemen
Saudi Arab is supporting the Sunni government of the Yemen while Iran is supporting the
Houthi Rebels in Yemen. In Syria Iran is supporting the Bashar Al-Asad regime through Shia
group Hezbollah while the Saudi Arab is supporting the Syrian Rebels. So this difference also
Each and every objective and aim can be achieved through unification but
unfortunately, this tool is missing in the Muslim World because the member states of the OIC
have differences among each other’s like differences between Pakistan and Afghanistan,
Pakistan and Iran, Iran and Saudi Arab, Saudi Arab and Qatar, due to which the Organization
viii. War between Iran and Iraq and the Role of OIC:
The Organization of Islamic Cooperation 18
In early 1980s tensions raised between Iran and Iraq. The OIC acts quickly to mediate
between them but the war broke out in September 1980. It is also the failure of OIC that in
the present of OIC, two member states starts a war against each other and OIC was not able
to solve the problems before the starting of war through peaceful mean. A Foreign Ministers
meeting were called in New York, it was the emergency meeting of the Foreign Ministers of
the member states. This meeting was called during the Session of General Assembly. A
“good well Mission” was formed headed by the Pakistani President Zia ul Haq. The President
of Pakistan immediately visited to Tehran and Baghdad to persuade the leaders of both
member states to settle their disputes through peaceful meaning but it was failed. The OIC
continued its mediation role between the two member states and formed another commission
to solve this problem but the OIC failed in its goal that to establish a peaceful Muslim World.
ix. The Major Power using the OIC for their own Interest:
The Major Powers of the Muslim World are using the OIC for their own interests.
They want to protect their own interests through the use of OIC. Like Saudi Arabia using the
OIC for their own interests in the Yemen war. This is the main cause the failure of OIC.
So from the above discussion one can conclude that the OIC is just a place for the
speech of the Muslim Leaders and is a machine of resolution passing but there is no proper
implementation process through they implement the resolution of OIC in practical way and
one of the most important failure of the OIC is the lack of unification among the Muslim
World. If the Muslim World unites as a one nation than all the problems can be solved
through the OIC. If the Muslim World boycott from those states who are involved in the
The Organization of Islamic Cooperation 19
instability in the Muslim World than all the problems easily can be solved because all the
Major Powers of the world depended on the Muslim World and on their resources.
The Organization of Islamic Cooperation 20
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