Kou2003 PDF
Kou2003 PDF
Kou2003 PDF
Solidification cracking can occur in Figure 2a and b shows examples of between grains.8 When localized tensile
the fusion zone during the solidification solidification cracking and liquation stresses/strains in the material exceed
of the weld metal. Liquation cracking, on cracking in circular-patch welds of its resistance to cracking, solidification
the other hand, can occur in the partially aluminum alloys. As shown, solidifica- cracking occurs.
melted zone during the solidification tion cracking occurs more or less
of the liquated material. These two along the centerline of the weld, while
types of cracking are reviewed in this liquation cracking takes place along
article, including the factors that affect the outer edge of the weld. These two Several tests have been used to
cracking and the remedies. types of cracking will be discussed in evaluate susceptibility to solidification
this article. cracking,9,10 including the Houldcroft
Solidification cracking can occur in
the fusion zone and liquation cracking Solidification cracking, as shown in
can occur in the partially melted zone Figure 3a, is intergranular. The fracture
during welding. During the welding of surface often reveals the dendritic
an alloy, the weld pool is surrounded morphology of the solidifying weld
by semisolid materials (Figure 1).1 For metal.1 These two characteristics suggest
convenience, circular-patch welding is that solidification cracking occurs during
used as an example here. The workpiece the terminal stage of solidification,
shown in Figure 1 consists of an inner where dendrites have grown nearly fully
piece in the form of a circular patch into grains that are separated from one
and an outer piece, which is held tightly another by a small amount of liquid in
to the fixture with bolts (not shown) the form of grain-boundary films. At
that go through the holes. The pool this time, the weld metal can be rather
boundary is the liquidus temperature of weak and thus susceptible to cracking in
the weld metal during welding. Behind the presence of tensile stresses/strains.
the weld pool is the solidifying material Tensile stresses/strains can be induced
called the mushy zone, which is a in the weld metal if it cannot contract
semisolid consisting of dendrites (S) and freely during cooling, for instance, in
the interdendritic liquid (L). Behind the a highly restrained workpiece such
mushy zone is the completely solidified as in circular-patch welding (Figure 1).
material called the fusion zone or the The weld metal tends to contract during
weld metal. cooling because of solidification shrink-
In front of and on the sides of the age and thermal contraction.
weld pool is a semisolid consisting of Various theories of solidification
partially melted base-metal grains (S) cracking have been proposed.2–7 Accord-
and the intergranular liquid (L). Here, ing to Borland,8 there are essentially three
the temperature is above the eutectic solidification cracking theories—the
temperature of the base metal (or the shrinkage-brittleness theory, the strain
solidus temperature if the workpiece theory, and the generalized theory that
is solutionized to dissolve eutectic includes the relevant ideas from the
completely before welding). Behind first two theories. According to the Figure 1. Semisolid materials, namely,
the partially melted grains on the generalized theory, cracking can take partially melted base-metal grains and
the mushy zone, around the weld pool
pool sides is the completely solidified place in a material in which continu- of an alloy during welding (for instance,
material called the partially melted ous liquid films separate grains or in circular-patch welding).
zone (PMZ). which some solid-solid bridges exist
have relatively high thermal expansion sulfur less detrimental. At relatively low
coefficients (as compared to mild steels) carbon levels the solidification-cracking
and, therefore, are often prone to tendency can be reduced by increasing
solidification cracking. The solidifica- the Mn/S ratio.49 However, at higher
tion shrinkage of aluminum is as high carbon levels (i.e., 0.2–0.3% C),
as 6.6%.5 The thermal expansion coef- increasing the Mn/S ratio is no longer
Copper Content (wt%)
ficient of aluminum is roughly twice effective. 50 In such cases lowering
Figure 4. Effect of composition on crack
that of iron-based alloys. As a result, the weld-metal carbon content, if sensitivity of some aluminum alloys. (a–d)
many aluminum alloys are susceptible permissible, is more effective. from Reference 32; (e) from Reference
to solidification cracking. As mentioned The grains of the weld metal can be 33. (Reprinted from Kou.1)
previously, tensile stress/strains are refined by inoculation and arc oscilla-
induced in the weld metal when the tion to reduce solidification cracking.
weld metal cannot contract freely during Grain refining by inoculation has been
welding. achieved in steels and stainless steels