IT SBA Mark Scheme 2020

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Some of the key takeaways from the document are that the IT SBA evaluates students' knowledge and skills in areas like word processing, spreadsheets, databases, web design, and programming. Students are assessed on their ability to use various formatting features, page layouts, tables, mail merge, and more across the different applications.

The main components evaluated in the IT SBA include word processing, spreadsheets, databases, web design, and problem solving/programming. For word processing, students are evaluated on their use of formatting, page layout, tables, mail merge, fillable forms and more. For spreadsheets, features like functions, formulas, formatting, sorting, filtering, pivot tables, charting and linking between sheets are assessed.

Some of the main features evaluated in a word processing document include use of formatting like bold, italics, justification, font styles. Page layout features like margins, orientation. Inserting tables, images. Mail merge functionality. Auto generating tables of contents. Creating fillable forms.

IT SBA Mark Scheme, 2020


Specific Key Skills Mark Maximum
objectiv Students must demonstrate knowledge and use as well as manipulation Allocation marks per
e of various features of the applications. section
S4: SO3 Formatting features ( 4 marks once any four features are used) 4
 Any Two: bold, underline, italics
 Justification (Centre, full, right)
 Change in Line spacing
 Superscript/subscript
 Change in font or font size
 Page Numbering

S4: SO3 Page Layout 2

 Use of any of the following : Margin change, page orientation, 1
paper size and text orientation
 Correct use of Header or Footer 1
Select and give marks for any two of the following (S01 AND S02)
S4:SO1 Inserting/ Importing Files 2
 Use of Logo /chart in document 1
 Logo size/ graphics, chart sized appropriately to fit location 1
S4:SO2 Columns 2
 Used correctly throughout the document 2
 Used mostly correct 1
S4:SO2 Tables 2
 Correct number of rows and columns 1
 Correct formatting of tables (i.e border, shading, colouring ) 1
Select and give marks for any two of the following (S06,S07 and SO8)
S4:SO6  Table of Contents 5
 Auto-generation of the table of content 1
 Table of content in the right place (location in document) 1
 Use of two levels of Headings 1
 Appropriate headings use ( 1 mark for each heading) 2

S4:SO7 Mail Merge Facility 5

 Date Source created 1
 Appropriate Primary document created 1
 Presence of Merge fields in the right section(s) 1
 Correct Merged document 2
S4:SO8 Fillable Form 5
 One mark each for the correct use any three of the following: 3
Option box, check box, text box, drop-down list, date picker,
 Layout of form clear and easy to follow 2
 Layout not clear or easy to follow 1

S6:SO3 Create a Database 5

 Appropriate field names ( names should relate to 1
the field) 1
 Appropriate data types 1
 Table populated 1
 The presence of At Least two tables of files 1
 Selection of a suitable primary key
S6:SO3 Simultaneous use of two or more tables or files 3
 Joining or merging Tables or files 1
 Joining or merging the correct tables or files 1
 Evidence of 1 to 1 or 1 to many relationship 1
S6:SO4 Create Queries 5
 Simple Query done 1
 Use of Complex query More than 1 criteria 2
 Correct use of the Calculated field called 2
Create Forms
NB: SBA does not require a form in the solution so the 2
marks were allocated to SO4 below and SO3 above.
S6:SO4 Sorting of database table/ file/Report 2
 Evidence of sort 1
 Sorting the required field name 1
S6:SO5 Generate Reports 5
 Selection of Appropriate fields for report creation 1
 Use of Statistical and Summary Features (Eg:
average, sum, Count) 1
 Group required fields 1
 Correct and specific report title 2
 Generic report title created 1 mark only.
WEB PAGE DESIGN (10 marks)
S4:SO9 Appropriate design features to create a simple web page 3
 Graphics and Text included 1
 Appropriate use of text 1
 Appropriate use of graphics 1

S4:SO9 Web Page for Intended Audience 2

 Webpage layout can be followed easily by any shopper 1
 Most shoppers will be comfortable with the layout of
the page 1

S4:SO12 Consistent Information on the page specific to requirements 3

 Majority of information is consistent with what web
pages should be about the store is about. 3
 Somewhat Consistent content 2
 A few aspects are consistent 1

S4:SO11 Hyper links 2

The presence of links to any TWO of the following ways:
 Links to another website or webpage
 Links to the fillable form created in Word
 Link to email address
 Link to a location on the page

SPREADSHEET (20 marks)

S5:SO3 Pre-defined System functions – 1 mark for each correct use of 3
Any Three different functions.
 Correct use of any three built-in functions 3
S5:SO4 Arithmetic formulas – 1 mark each for any 3 correct formulas 3
S5:SO5 Replicate formulas into other cells 2
 Use of absolute addressing 1
 Use of Addressing in any two of the following 1
DA, NHI, EL, NIS (Task A number 3 )
S5:SO6 Spreadsheet formatting 4
 Any Two: decimal place, currency, comma, percentage 2
 Task B3 center justified 1
 Use of special features: merge cell, wrap text,
orientation, shrink-to-fit etc. 1
S5:SO7 Sorting data in the Spreadsheet 1
 Data sorted by last name (Task A number 1) 1

S5:SO7 Extracting Data 2

 Use of a simple filter 1
 Evidence of correct criteria in filter (Task A: number 2) 1
S5:SO7 Pivot Tables 1
 Salaries summarized by categories (Task A: number 6 ) 1
S5:SO8 Charting operations 3
 Ability to select required range 1
 Appropriate chart (Bar chart) 1
 Appropriate title for chart 1
S5:SO9 Use of two or more sheets/tables 1
 Linking the spreadsheet to Access tables for staff
information. 1


S7:SO5 Flowchart or Pseudocode 6
 Start of Algorithm 1
 Presence of user-friendly variable names 1
 Initializing variables 1
 Request for input 1
 Appropriate and logical use of structures
-selection 1
- Looping
S7:SO7 Trace table 4
 Variables present in trace table 1
 Use of Appropriate test data 1
 Changes in value correctly done 2
- Some errors in manipulating trace table 1
S8:SO2 Program Execution 1
 A working program 1
S8:SO5 Program Language Features / Working solution 3
 Variable: initialization 1
Control Structures:
 Appropriate use of selection statements ( if then
else etc. ) 1
 Use of Loops 1
S8:SO7 Documentation 1
Program documentation ( inline comments, date created, 1
statement of the problem. author, user documentation))

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