CSEC Information Technology June 2010 P1 PDF
CSEC Information Technology June 2010 P1 PDF
CSEC Information Technology June 2010 P1 PDF
(B) Sector
(B) EnrPhone
(A) deteting
(B) easing
(C) formafting
(D) iuchiving
01129010/F 2010
12. An example of a point and draw device isa t7. Coogle is:rrt cxalnPlc rr I'
t3. An application in which scanners are 18. A new enrployec at afinancialcomp:rny has
commonly used is b€en eskedto sct a passwordonherconlputer.
She hastriedsetling the password onseveral
(A) publishing occasions but gets an crror message which
(B) billing says "password not eflectivc". The probleln
(C) printing rcports can be corrected byentering apassword that
(D) cheque processing rs
, 22. E-mail isthe transmission of messages and 26. Which of th': tbllowin8 stiltcrl'lcnls is truc o[
files via a computer network. E-mail is shorl a tlansaction filc?
(A) It is the nlost conrplctc and up-to-
(A) cncryptcd mail datc filc.
(ts) emergingmail (B) It is uscd as a back-uP copy.
(C) entertairlnrent mail (C) lt is uscd for real-time processing.
(D) electronicmail (D) It is usr:d to rrprJate lhe master file.
Ilcm 23 refers ttr llte iurn hclow. 27 . Which type of pror:essing system will use
sequential fi le organisation?
(A) Real-timeProccssing
In ane-mail program the icon above isused to
Batch processirrg
Online Processing
Acco u nt Nu rFber Me ter Number BillDays Account Numbe r
Mr Tom Bill
21 Hill Top View
B. Post cheque r
30. wh ich type of technology is the information shown as B in thedocument Mosr rikely prinred in?
(c) POS
'l\)olbar ol a word
Items 33 - 34 refer to the diagram below which shows a soction of thc Stilll(lar(l
processing package-
n EE
33. The name of the icon labelled 'l' is 34. The ptrrpose ofrhc icon labelled 2 is to
Item 35 refers to the diagram shown below. 36. The term used to describe text in a spread-
t.g.l'd|t sheet that is aligned towards lcft by default is
lllA lirtFr!
z'ii r'*+ 31. Which of the following is the default
justifi cation of numbers in spreadsheets?
(A) t-eft
(B) tull
(C) Centred
(D) Risht
. ,.'".,.,-d 3
t d ll crttl 38. When a cell from a spreadsheet is absolute
.-"-! :l i
35. The diagrarn above iscalledthe
(A) its value becomesconstant
(A) page setupdialog box (B) its cell address beconles constant
(B) paragraph dialog box (C) its labelbecomes constant
(c) clipboard task pane (D) its cellvaltre changes utomatically
(D) tbnhat diillogbox
39. Spreadsheet formulae use 43. Whichof thc lirlkrwirtg iVarc lrucol'sccondary
(A) values, labels or cell addresses
(B) values,rnathematicaloperatorsorcell l. I'hcy ltre ttsctl strictly lor dat:l
addresses rctr icval purposes.
(C) II. 'fhcy alc alwnys in tcxt fbnn.
l;rbels or celladdresscs
(D) Il. 'fhcy do not contain null valucs.
valuesorcelladdresses I
(A) 2,9
(B) 2, ll
(c) 7,9
(D) 1,tl
11. Consider the follow ing al gorithm 5t. 'I'hc purposc ol'collrtlrcnls in Pl'ogrlln ctxle is
Sunr<-- 0
Read a, b I. lllow pcrstrns who rcatl ittolbllow
Sum <- a+b tlre proccsscs
Write Sum ll. krrow lhc purpose ol thc protiram
Il l. gcncratccode
In the above algorithm, 'sum +- O'represcnts
(A) I and [l onlY
(A) adeclaration (B) | trrd III onlY
(B) acomputation (C) ll and III onlY
(C) aninitializadon (D) I, ll and lll
(D) an&ssignment
(A) AssemblY
Which of the following statements would be (B) coBol-
placed in the flowchart box shown below? (c) c
56. A compiler is software that converts the 60, which of lhe following identifiers is a val id
variable name?
(A) sourcecode to assembly code
(B) source code to machine code (A) Begrn
(C) programtooutput (B) iCount
(D) program to object code one (C) Num- I
instructionata time (D) 5Sum
(A) 0
(B) I
(c) 3