CSEC Information Technology June 2010 P1 PDF

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Which of the following devices is uscd to 6.

Identify thc list thlt is:urangcrl stiuling frtlrrt

perform inPut into theconlPtlter? thc IIEST'IO WORS'I print tluality

(A) Monitor (A) Llr"scr'dot rl:rtrix, inkjct

(B) Mouse (B) lrrkjct' dot nratrix,lascr
(C) E;ttcr rrirl liruddr ivc (C) l-iNcr, iukjct, d(]t tlliltl i'[
(D) USB flash drive (l)) Dot mrtrix' ink jct, hser

1 Which of thc folkrwing is NOT irn audio

) Which of the following is NOT a part of a
diskette? :

(A) Track (A) Microphone

(B) Sector
(B) EnrPhone

(C) Cylinder (C) HeadPhone

(D) Cluster (D) SPeakers

8. The one's complement ofO t0l0Ol I is

3. Adiskette isdivided into a numberofconcentric
c ircles called (A) I l0l00l I
(B) ol0l 1l I I
(A) sectors (c) l0lol lm
(B) cYlinden (D) tlllllll
(C) tracks
(D) clusters
9. In modern personal computers' the CPU
speed is measured in
4. Which of the followir,gdevices is NOT used
in pointof sale terminals? (A) nanoseconds
(B) milliseconds
(A) Printer (C) MHz
(B ) Plotter (D) GEtz
(C) Bar code reader
(D) Electroniccashregister
10. The storage capacity of atloppy disk is

J. Resolution determines the clarity of the (A) l.44MB

image displayed on a monitor' The term (B) l.'|4CB
resolutioh refers to the number ofpixels (c) lzl4oKB
(D) l440MB
(A) present horizontally on the screen
(B) present vertically on the screen
(C) present in a unit area of the screen
ll. The process of preparing a floppy disk to
(D) that makes uP the colour
store data from a computer iscalled

(A) deteting
(B) easing
(C) formafting
(D) iuchiving

01129010/F 2010
12. An example of a point and draw device isa t7. Coogle is:rrt cxalnPlc rr I'

(A) keyboard (A) ihc lntcrnct lixPlorcr

(B) joystick (B) " aWctrbrowscr
(c) mouse i
(C) ;r scarclr cnginc
(D) scanner (D) the World Widc Wcb

t3. An application in which scanners are 18. A new enrployec at afinancialcomp:rny has
commonly used is b€en eskedto sct a passwordonherconlputer.
She hastriedsetling the password onseveral
(A) publishing occasions but gets an crror message which
(B) billing says "password not eflectivc". The probleln
(C) printing rcports can be corrected byentering apassword that
(D) cheque processing rs

(A) made uP ofseveralnumbers

14. Which of the following does NOT provide (B) arelative's name
serial access? (C) composed ofat leilst six uppercasc
(A) Reel to reel tape (D) a mixture of mixed case and
(B) MicroFlm alphanumcric characters
(C) Micrc;Jiche
(D) Cartridgetape
19. Transferring data from a remote computer to
yourcomputer is referred to as
15. Which of the fpllowing provides triusmission
of data in BOTH directions at the SAME (A) uplooding
time? (B) howsing
(C) downlording
(A) Half DuPlex (D) datamining
(B) FullDuplex
(C) NullDuPlex
(D) Simplex 20. Scrambling of messages at the sending end
and unscrambling thematthe receivingend is
16. In the URL httP://www'shoes.com,
'shoes.com' stands for the (A) espionage
,. i (B) encryPtion
(A) exterision (C) coding
(B) companY name (D) eavesdroPPing
(C) domainname
(D) . interiletcompany for
21. The acronYm 'HTTP' stands

(A) HyperText Transfer Protocol

(B) HyperTextTransmissionProtocol
(C) HigherTextTransmissionProtocol
(D) HigherText'l'r'ansferProtocol

, 22. E-mail isthe transmission of messages and 26. Which of th': tbllowin8 stiltcrl'lcnls is truc o[
files via a computer network. E-mail is shorl a tlansaction filc?
(A) It is the nlost conrplctc and up-to-
(A) cncryptcd mail datc filc.
(ts) emergingmail (B) It is uscd as a back-uP copy.
(C) entertairlnrent mail (C) lt is uscd for real-time processing.
(D) electronicmail (D) It is usr:d to rrprJate lhe master file.

Ilcm 23 refers ttr llte iurn hclow. 27 . Which type of pror:essing system will use
sequential fi le organisation?

(A) Real-timeProccssing

In ane-mail program the icon above isused to
Batch processirrg
Online Processing

(A) send a file 2a. Dataverificationischeckingfor

(B) forward a Frle
(C) create a filc (A) particulardatatypes
(D) attach a file (B) data in a specific range
(C) ranscriptionerrors
(D) corect relationships between files
24. Which of the following is NEITHER a
validation NOR a verification check?

(A) Storage mediacheck

(B) Inconsistencycheck
(C) Data-type check
(D) Range chec:k

23 . Advantages of information processing include

(A) retraining ofstaff

(B) lesshumanintervention
(C) , increasing the amountofequipment
(D) reductionofface-to-faceinteraction
Items 29 - 30 refer to the document below whichshowsawarcrbill.

Acco u nt Nu rFber Me ter Number BillDays Account Numbe r

Mr Tom Bill
21 Hill Top View

B. Post cheque r

PO 8ox 1206 Bri

29. customers tearoffsection A ofthe bifl and retum the

section and ureirpayment to thcconrpany. Tht
document abpve is BESTdescribed as

(A) an alrtomated documenr

(B) atuniarounddocument
(C) aso*cedocument
(D) a transaction document

30. wh ich type of technology is the information shown as B in thedocument Mosr rikely prinred in?
(c) POS

31. Slidedesign in a presentationsoftware used a)

is Wh ich of the following are uses of a typical
to, presentation softwa.re?
(A) creatd A background for the slide I. Toenhance public speak i ng
(st create yourown design for the slide II. To store records in astruch.lral fashion
(c) creatC a layout tbr the slide IIL To create graphs ofsales
(D) create a style for the slide IV. Todeliver lectures

(A) I and II only

(B) I and IV only
(c) I, II and IV only
(D) I, II, lll and lV

'l\)olbar ol a word
Items 33 - 34 refer to the diagram below which shows a soction of thc Stilll(lar(l
processing package-

n EE

33. The name of the icon labelled 'l' is 34. The ptrrpose ofrhc icon labelled 2 is to

(A) undo (A) lign tcxt on lhc lcftand right margin

(B) repeat (B) increase the indcntation of the
(c) wordwrap, selected paragraph(s)
(D) textalignnient (c) increase columns in documcnts
(D) display the grid toselectcolumns and

Item 35 refers to the diagram shown below. 36. The term used to describe text in a spread-
t.g.l'd|t sheet that is aligned towards lcft by default is

(A) value formulae

(B) headings
(c) labels
(D) values

lllA lirtFr!
z'ii r'*+ 31. Which of the following is the default
justifi cation of numbers in spreadsheets?

(A) t-eft
(B) tull
(C) Centred
(D) Risht

. ,.'".,.,-d 3
t d ll crttl 38. When a cell from a spreadsheet is absolute
.-"-! :l i

35. The diagrarn above iscalledthe
(A) its value becomesconstant
(A) page setupdialog box (B) its cell address beconles constant
(B) paragraph dialog box (C) its labelbecomes constant
(c) clipboard task pane (D) its cellvaltre changes utomatically
(D) tbnhat diillogbox
39. Spreadsheet formulae use 43. Whichof thc lirlkrwirtg iVarc lrucol'sccondary
(A) values, labels or cell addresses
(B) values,rnathematicaloperatorsorcell l. I'hcy ltre ttsctl strictly lor dat:l
addresses rctr icval purposes.
(C) II. 'fhcy alc alwnys in tcxt fbnn.
l;rbels or celladdresscs
(D) Il. 'fhcy do not contain null valucs.
valuesorcelladdresses I

IV . They do the sane frnction .Ls a forcign

i key.
.10. Which of the folldrving is NOT involved in
extraction or filtering o[ records in (A) I<inly
spreadsheets? (B) ll and III onlY
(C) lll and lV onlY
(n) Valuerange (D) I, ll, lll and IV
(B) Criterinrange
(C) List range
(D) Copy torangc 44. Tlrc object llrat is trsed to prrxluce a list of
records that meet a particular criterion is a

41. Which of the followingcharacteristics must (A) torm

twodatabase tables have inorderforthem to (B) table
be linked? (c) module
(D) query
(A) At leasto$e common attribute name
(B) Composifekeys
(C) At least t\yo tuples in the table 45. In a relational clatabase, tablesare alsocalled
(D) The samd data in all tuples
(A) nrples
(B) files
42. The term used to describe an attribute that (C) relations
can function like a primary key is a (D) entity

(A) candidate key

(B) secondarY keY 46. Consider the follow ing algorithm'
(C) foreignkey
(D) compositekey A=7
write A, B

I Theoutputof this algorithrn is

(A) 2,9
(B) 2, ll
(c) 7,9
(D) 1,tl
11. Consider the follow ing al gorithm 5t. 'I'hc purposc ol'collrtlrcnls in Pl'ogrlln ctxle is
Sunr<-- 0
Read a, b I. lllow pcrstrns who rcatl ittolbllow
Sum <- a+b tlre proccsscs
Write Sum ll. krrow lhc purpose ol thc protiram
Il l. gcncratccode
In the above algorithm, 'sum +- O'represcnts
(A) I and [l onlY
(A) adeclaration (B) | trrd III onlY
(B) acomputation (C) ll and III onlY
(C) aninitializadon (D) I, ll and lll
(D) an&ssignment

52. whichof the following e true abouttheuse

4E. In the prognmming language Pascal, which of indentation in Program mi ng?
of the following is NOT a standard data
type? To make the layout of the code
(A) Floating point For compiler/interpreter to identify
(B) Char errors easily
(C) Boolean AL For easy undirstanding ofthe order
(D) lnteger of code
,N Foreasy correction ofsyntax errors

49. Which of the following structures is most (A) I, II and II onlY

commonly used to implement a post-test (B) I, III and IV onlY
loopinPascal? i
(C) tI,lII and IV onlY
(D) I, II,IIIand IV onlY
(A) for - do
(B) while-do
(C) if - then 53. Which of the following is NOT a third-
(D) repeat-until generation language?

(A) AssemblY
Which of the following statements would be (B) coBol-
placed in the flowchart box shown below? (c) c

54. The Pascal code varr' y would generate an

error. The temr used to describe thistype of
(A) Read A error is
(B) A>25
(c) Count (- count+ I (A) runtimeerror
(D) Output C (B) executlonelTor
(c) logicalenor
(D) syntax error
Item 55 refers to thg following pseudcrcocle 5E. whicholthe following syrnlxrls is uscd i()'
pcrform assignmcnts in thc progrrrrrming !
Read A, B language pascal.l
If A< 2
C<_2 , (A)
Else (B) (_
Cr-6 (C) :=
End if ( D)
D <- C*B+2
59. The variable total is assigned Ihe value 12.
Which outputshows the CORRECT display
55' what is printed by rhe pseudocode if the when the pascal code writcin ('total =,); is
input values are 5 and 2 respectively? executed?

(A) 6 (e) totat=

(B) t2 (B) t2
(C) 14 (q total = 12
(D) 24 (D) ' rotat ='

56. A compiler is software that converts the 60, which of lhe following identifiers is a val id
variable name?
(A) sourcecode to assembly code
(B) source code to machine code (A) Begrn
(C) programtooutput (B) iCount
(D) program to object code one (C) Num- I
instructionata time (D) 5Sum

57. The result of the expression 3 mod 4 is

(A) 0
(B) I
(c) 3


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