Must Mustnt Have To Dont Have To - 19060

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A) Choose the correct answer.

C) Fill in the blanks with must –

1) I must / mustn’t lose weight. I’m too fat. mustn’t / have to – don’t have to.
2) I must / mustn’t be late for the school.
1) I -------- eat junk food if I want
3) The kids must / mustn’t sleep regularly to be healthy.
to grow healthily.
2) I -------- be careful during the exam.
4) I must / mustn’t finish my homework.
Otherwise I can’t be successful.
5) We must / mustn’t obey the
rules to live in peace. 3) We -------- cross the street
6) I must / mustn’t come home when it is red.
before ten o’clock. 4) My mother -------- get up too
7) We must / mustn’t be quiet in early. Because she doesn’t work.
the classroom. 5) I -------- inform my boss that
8) We must / mustn’t shout in the I will be late to work.
classroom. 6) My father always reminds me that
9) We must / mustn’t be careful I -------- study more.
while we are walking on the street.
7) You -------- wear school uniform in this
school. It is not necessary.
8) You -------- make noise at night.
9) You -------- be careful while you are
B) Choose the correct answer. 10) We -------- cut the trees if we want to
1) I have to / don’t have to finish my earn money.
project on Monday. The deadline is 11) I -------- get up early today. I have a
Monday. meeting at eight o’clock.
2) My father has to / doesn’t have to be at 12) I -------- leave home as soon as
work at eight o’clock. He is the boss. possible or I will be late to school.
3) My father warned me about the party. 13) I -------- make a cake today as it
I have to / don’t have to be at home is my son’s birthday.
before midnight. 14) We -------- clean the house after
4) The doors have to / don’t have to the party. Otherwise my mom will
be closed at five o’clock. be angry.
5) I have to / don’t have to finish painting. 15) They -------- type the letters today.
Otherwise I will be punished. Because they have enough time to
6) The students have to / don’t have to finish them.
go to school on Sunday.
7) You have to / don’t have to wear a
helmet in the construction area.

D) Make sentences by using “must – mustn’t or have to – don’t have to”.

1) I’m very tired. I ----------------------------------------. ( go home-have a rest)
2) Today is Saturday. I ----------------------------------------. ( get up-early)
3) The baby is sleeping. We ----------------------------------------. ( be quiet )
4) 4) The boss is angry with me. -------------------------------. ( be careful )
a. 5) She has a project. She ------------------------------.( finish – in time )
b. 6) We ----------------------------------------. ( obey-the rules )
7) My mother doesn’t let me go out. So,----------------------------------------.
( stay-at home )
8) I have a car. So, --------------------------------. I ( buy-another one )
9) I have some guests today. So ---------------------------------------.
( do housework and cook )
10) You --------------------------------. ( bully on - friends )
11) If you want to lose weight you --------------------------------.
( do exercise )

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