Statistical Inference (BW-SP20)

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Mohammad Ali Jinnah University


Program MBA
Semester SPRING - 2020
Course Statistical Inference Sec – BW
Course Code MT – 2320
Credit hours Three
Google Classroom heewmt5
Prerequisite(s) Business Statistics/ Business Mathematics and
Course Facilitator Mirza Naveed Baig
Class Day(s) & Sundays @ 06:15PM ~ 09:15PM
Books Recommended Introductory Statistics, Neil A. Weiss, Ninth/Tenth
Reference Books:
Statistical Theory, Sher Mohammad Chaudhary
Probability and Statistics for Engineers and
Scientists,Ronald E. Walpole ,9th Edition
Course Description:
The contents of this course includes sampling theory, estimation of statistical parameters, testing of
hypothesis, inferences about mean, proportion, and variance for one and two populations, analysis of
variance both one way and two way classifications, inferences about regression, categorical data analysis
and non- parametric

Course Objectives:
One of the primal aims of the course is to try to give a thorough insight and understanding of fundamental
statistical concepts in the context of physical sciences & engineering, social & management sciences --- in
particular management problem-situations. The fundamental statistical tools & methodologies enable us to
analyze a wide variety of quantitative and qualitative data collected in diverse problem-situations
encountered in the real world. The purpose of the inferential statistics is to test, deduce and infer the validity
of different types of hypotheses and models built on the basis of the raw data collected in diverse problem-

Learning Outcomes:
Students will be able to:
1. Derive the distributional results needed for statistical inference.
2. Conduct appropriate hypothesis tests for comparing two or more means and for regression.
3. Demonstrate understanding that hypothesis tests, regression and analysis of variance can be seen as
part of the same statistical theory of linear models.
4. Demonstrate skills in interpreting and communicating the results of statistical analysis, orally and in

Student Assessment and Marks Distribution:

Undergraduate Graduate
S. No. Assessments (16 Years (18 Years
Programs) Programs)
1 Midterm Examination 20 % 20%
Mohammad Ali Jinnah University

Assignments, Quizzes, 30%

2 30%
Projects, etc.
4 Final Exam 50% 50%

Session wise Course Breakdown

Lecture Topic Reading Assignments
1 Probability Distributions Handout
2 Probability Distributions Handout
3 Sampling Handout
4 Estimation Chapter 8
5 Hypothesis Tests for one population Mean Chapter 9
6 Hypothesis Tests for one population Standard Chapter 11(Ex:11.1)
7 Hypothesis Tests for one population Chapter 12(Ex:12.2)
Proportion and Revision
Mid Term Exam
8 Hypothesis Tests for two population mean Chapter 10
9 Hypothesis Tests for two population mean Chapter 10
10 Inferences for two population proportions and Chapter 11 & 12(Ex 11.2 &
Standard Deviation 12.3)
11 Chi Square Procedures Chapter 13
12 ANOVA Chapter 16
13 ANOVA Chapter 16
14 Simple Linear Regression and Correlation Chapter 14 & 15
15 Simple Linear Regression and Correlation Chapter 14 & 15
16 Multiple Linear Regression and Correlation Handout
Final Exam

Counseling Hours (Teacher’s Availability in Office):

Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday

08:45AM - 08:45AM - 05:30-06:15

Timin 09:00AM-11:00AM 09:00AM-11:00AM
09:45AM 09:45AM
01:00PM – 01:00PM – 07:30 – 08:15
- -
02:30PM 02:30PM

Course Instructor: Mirza Naveed Baig

Phone: 021 34311325 Ext: 160

(Instructor’s Signature)_________________________

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