p2 Math Oct 2018 Ans

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Cambridge International Examinations

Cambridge Secondary 1 Checkpoint

Paper 2 October 2018
Maximum Mark: 50

This mark scheme is published as an aid to teachers and candidates, to indicate the requirements of the
examination. It shows the basis on which Markers were instructed to award marks. It does not indicate the
details of the discussions that took place at an Markers’ meeting before marking began, which would have
considered the acceptability of alternative answers.
Mark schemes should be read in conjunction with the question paper and the End of Series Report.
Cambridge will not enter into discussions about these mark schemes.

Mark scheme annotations and abbreviations

M1 method mark
A1 accuracy mark
B1 independent mark
FT follow through after error
dep dependent
oe or equivalent
cao correct answer only
isw ignore subsequent working
soi seen or implied

This document consists of 9 printed pages.

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1112/02 Checkpoint Mathematics - Mark Scheme October 2018

Question Answer Marks Further Information

1 32.01 1

2 ($)74 2

103.60 5 M1
× 40 or 1.85 or 0.71(...) or
56 7

3 2 (°C) 2

For either 18 or 20 seen B1

For a mark on the graph at 17:30

4(a) 2 1

4(b) 10 1

5 Millilitres or ml 2 Allow any unambiguous indication of the correct

Kilograms or kg answer.
Kilometres or km

2 correct B1

6 11 and 13 1 In either order.

7 20 1 Ignore any units given.

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1112/02 Checkpoint Mathematics - Mark Scheme October 2018

Question Answer Marks Further Information

8(a) 2 1 1
or or 0.33(…) or 33(.3…)%
6 3

8(b) 45 1
3 9
or an equivalent fraction e.g. , or 0.375 or 37.5%
8 24

9 Point E marked on the grid at (2, 1) 1 Allow any unambiguous indication of the correct

10 Ticks Women 2 Note other correct methods are acceptable.

correct figure for comparison, e.g.
• (31 out of 80) = 38(.75%) or 0.38(..) or 39(%) or 0.39
• (41% of 80) = 32(.8) or 33

correct method for comparison, e.g. M1 Note other correct methods are acceptable
or 31 ÷ 80 or 38(.75%) or 0.38(…) or 39(%) or 0.39
implied by 32.8 or 33
0.41 × 80 oe

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1112/02 Checkpoint Mathematics - Mark Scheme October 2018

Question Answer Marks Further Information

11(a) 2(3x + 5) + 2(x + 2) isw 1 Allow any equivalents e.g.

8x + 14 , 6x + 10 + 2x + 4 , 2(4x + 7)

11(b) 23 3

Correctly solving their linear equation from (a) M2 Implied by x = 6

Forming a correct equation e.g. 2(3x + 5) + 2(x + 2) = 62 oe M1 Allow their expression in (a) = 62
or 6x + 10 + 2x + 4 = 62
3 × their 6 + 5 8x + 14 = 62, 2(4x + 7) = 62

12 1

13 24 (%) 2

or 144 or 0.24
or 1.24 or 124(%)

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1112/02 Checkpoint Mathematics - Mark Scheme October 2018

Question Answer Marks Further Information

14  2 Allow any unambiguous indication of the correct


2 correct answers. B1

15 140(.088…) (pounds) 2 Award 2 marks for answers rounding to 140

correct to the nearest whole number

63.6 M1
× 100 oe
or 1.4…. or 0.454 or 0.71… or 2.2… seen

16 Saturday and a correct reason relating to the mean or 1 Do not accept

average, e.g. Saturday has the smallest range, by itself.

It has the largest mean/ average value.

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1112/02 Checkpoint Mathematics - Mark Scheme October 2018

Question Answer Marks Further Information

17 Algebraic method seen leading to 3 Do not accept trial and improvement as a

(x =) 7 method.
(y =) 3

An algebraic method leading to either M2

x = 7 or y = 3

An attempt at eliminating either x or y M1


• correct substitution and evaluation from incorrect first

value implied by two values satisfying one of the
original equations.

• making the coefficients of x or y equal followed by an With no more than one arithmetic error.
appropriate consistent subtraction or addition across all Can be implied by 5y = 15 or 5x = 35
3 terms

• re-arranging one of the equations to make one variable

the subject and then substituting their arrangement into With no errors.
the other equation,
e.g. x + 2(24 – 3x) = 13 or 3(13 – 2y) + y = 24

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1112/02 Checkpoint Mathematics - Mark Scheme October 2018

Question Answer Marks Further Information

18 (8, 10) 3

(8, k) or (k, 10) for D B2

for finding coordinates of C, i.e. (6, 6)

(6, k) or (k, 6) for C M1

for sight of x1 + x2 or with correct numbers e.g. ,
or Do not allow x1 − x2

19(a) 3n + 11 2 Mark the final answer for 2 marks.

Allow equivalent unsimplified, e.g.
14 + 3n – 3, 14 + 3(n – 1)
Do not accept: n = 3n + 11

(±) 3n ± k seen B1 Allow for just 3n

or correct expression seen then spoilt

19(b) 1 2 3 2 In correct order.

, , Accept equivalent fractions or decimal
3 5 7
equivalents for 2 marks or for B1:
= 0.33(33…), = 0.4, = 0.42(857…) or 0.43

Any one term correct. B1 Regardless of order

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1112/02 Checkpoint Mathematics - Mark Scheme October 2018

Question Answer Marks Further Information

20 3x + 1 2

Correct fractions with a common denominator M1 M1 implied by correct unsimplified answer

2x x +1 8x 4( x + 1) 12x + 4
e.g. + e.g. M1 for + ,
8 8 32 32 32

21 A complete trial and improvement method leading to the 3 Ignore the final column in the table when
answer x = 8.6 marking.

Must include all three marking points below.

Any correct trial of a number between 8 and 9 M1 For both M1 marks to be awarded, one
appropriate trial to at least 1 decimal place and
A correct trial of x where 8.6 < x ≤ 8.65 M1 one appropriate trial to at least 2 decimal places
must be seen, e.g. trial at 8.6 and trial at 8.65
8.6 in answer space. B1

22 72 (cm) 1 Both correct for the mark.

53 (°)

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1112/02 Checkpoint Mathematics - Mark Scheme October 2018

Question Answer Marks Further Information

23 Shirt A 2

Allow fractions : 1 and : 1
gives correct supporting ratios, e.g.
Allow rounded e.g. 1.9:1 and 1.5:1
1.8(57…) : 1 and 1.5 : 1

Any of B1
13 Allow rounded e.g. 1.9
• 1.8(57…) or
• 1.5 or

24 8 (hours) 1

25 –2 1

26 1500 (kg) 2

150 000 (m2) seen M1

or for a correct method
e.g. 15 × 10 000 × oe
for follow through of incorrect area conversion multiplied by e.g. 15 × 10k × oe
0.01 correctly.

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