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150 mm (6 in.)
6 mm (1/4 in.) plate

6 mm (1/4 in.)
150 mm (6 in.)
Schedule 40
pipe (see note) 10 mm (3/8 in.)
formed plate
8 mm (5/16 in.)
6 mm (1/4 in.)
Note: NPS 4 Schedule 40 pipe
(wall thickness = 6.02 mm
[0.237 in.]; outside diameter = 135 mm (51/4 in.) ID Tank roof
114.3 mm [4.5 in.]). 230 mm (9 in.) diameter

Figure 5.22—Scaffold Cable Support

Table 5.16a—Dimensions for Drawoff Sumps (SI)

Diameter of Distance from Thickness of Minimum
Depth of Sump Minimum Nozzle
Sump Center Pipe to Shell Plates in Sump Internal
NPS mm Neck Thickness
mm m mm Pipe Thickness
B mm
A C t mm
2 610 300 1.1 8 5.54 5.54
3 910 450 1.5 10 6.35 7.62
4 1220 600 2.1 10 6.35 8.56
6 1520 900 2.6 11 6.35 10.97
NOTE See Figure 5.19.

Table 5.16b—Dimensions for Drawoff Sumps (USC)

Diameter of Distance from Thickness of Minimum
Depth of Sump Minimum Nozzle
Sump Center Pipe to Shell Plates in Sump Internal
NPS in. Neck Thickness
in. ft in. Pipe Thickness
B in.
A C t in.
2 610 (24) 12 31/2 5/16 0.218 0.218
3 910 (36) 18 5 3/8 0.250 0.300
4 1220 (48) 24 63/4 3/8 0.250 0.337
6 1520 (60) 36 81/2 7/16 0.250 0.432
NOTE See Figure 5.19.

5.8.9 Threaded Connections

Threaded piping connections shall be female and tapered. The threads shall conform to the requirements of ASME
B1.20.1 for tapered pipe threads.

5.8.10 Platforms, Walkways, and Stairways

a) Platforms, walkways, and stairways shall be in accordance with Table 5.17, Table 5.18, Table 5.19a, and Table
5.19b, and OSHA 29 CFR 1910, Subpart D, or equivalent national safety standard and the requirements herein,
except as noted herein.

b) For examples of acceptable details, see Process Industry Practices standard details PIP STF05501, PIP
STF05520, and PIP STF05521 (see www.pip.org).

c) Unless declined on the Data Sheet, Line 24, a roof edge landing or gauger’s platform shall be provided at the top
of all tanks.

Table 5.17—Requirements for Platforms and Walkways

1. All parts shall be made of metal.

2. The minimum width of the walkway shall be 610 mm (24 in.), after making adjustments at all projections.

3. Flooring shall be made of grating or nonslip material.

4. The height of the top railing above the floor shall be 1070 mm (42 in.).a

5. The minimum height of the toeboard shall be 75 mm (3 in.).

6. The maximum space between the top of the floor and the bottom of the toeboard shall be 6 mm (1/4 in.).

7. The height of the midrail shall be approximately one-half the distance from the top of the walkway to the top of the railing.

8. The maximum distance between railing posts shall be 2400 mm (96 in.).

The completed structure shall be capable of supporting a moving concentrated load of 4450 N (1000 lbf), and the
9. handrail structure shall be capable of withstanding a load of 900 N (200 lbf) applied in any direction at any point on the
top rail.

10. Handrails shall be on both sides of the platform but shall be discontinued where necessary for access.

11. At handrail openings, any space wider than 150 mm (6 in.) between the tank and the platform should be floored.

A tank runway that extends from one part of a tank to any part of an adjacent tank, to the ground, or to another structure
shall be supported so that free relative movement of the structures joined by the runway is permitted. This may be
12. accomplished by firm attachment of the runway to one tank and the use of a slip joint at the point of contact between the
runway and the other tank. (This method permits either tank to settle or be disrupted by an explosion without the other
tank being endangered.
a This handrail height is required by OSHA specifications.

5.8.11 Other Appurtenances and Attachments Floating suction lines shall be provided when specified on the Data Sheet, Table 4. Floating suction lines
using rigid articulated (having one or more swing joints) pipe shall be designed to travel in a vertical plane and prevent
damage to the floating roof and the suction line through its design range of travel. These lines shall be designed so
that the vertical plane is as close as possible to, and in no case greater than 10 degrees off, a radial line from the tank
centerline to the nozzle. Adjustments shall be made to clear internal structures.

● Inlet diffusers shall be provided when specified by the Purchaser or the floating roof manufacturer.
Traditional diffuser sizing to limit exit velocity to 3 ft/sec provides protection for tank internal components and reduces
static electricity build up due to splashing and misting however does not limit static electricity build up in tanks due to
higher velocity product flow in external inlet and outlet piping. See API 2003. Requirements shall be included in the
Data Sheet (Table 4 or Table 5).

● If required by the Purchaser, grounding lugs shall be provided in the quantity specified on the Data Sheet,
Table 4, and comply with Figure 5.23. The lugs shall be equally spaced around the base of the tank. Provide a
minimum of four lugs. The suggested maximum lug spacing is 30 m (100 ft).

NOTE Tanks that rest directly on a foundation of soil, asphalt or concrete are inherently grounded for purposes of dissipation of
electrostatic charges. The addition of grounding rods or similar devices will not reduce the hazard associated with electrostatic
charges in the stored product. API Recommended Practice 2003 contains additional information about tank grounding issues as
well as comments about lightning protection.

Table 5.18—Requirements for Stairways

1. All parts shall be made of metal.

2. The minimum width of the stairs shall be 710 mm (28 in.).

3. The maximum anglea of the stairway with a horizontal line shall be 50 degrees.

The minimum width of the stair treads shall be 200 mm (8 in.). (The sum of twice the rise of the stair treads plus the run
4. [defined as the horizontal distance between the noses of successive tread pieces] shall not be less than 610 mm [24
in.] or more than 660 mm [26 in.]. Rises shall be uniform throughout the height of the stairway.])

5. Treads shall be made of grating or nonslip material.

The top railing shall join the platform handrail without offset, and the height measured vertically from tread level at the
nose of the tread shall be 760 mm to 860 mm (30 in. to 34 in.).

7. The maximum distance between railing posts, measured along the slope of the railing, shall be 2400 mm (96 in.).

The completed structure shall be capable of supporting a moving concentrated load of 4450 N (1000 lbf), and the
8. handrail structure shall be capable of withstanding a load of 900 N (200 lbf) applied in any direction at any point on the
top rail.

Handrails shall be on both sides of straight stairs; handrails shall also be on both sides of circular stairs when the
clearance between the tank shell and the stair stringer exceeds 200 mm (8 in.).

Circumferential stairways shall be completely supported on the shell of the tank, and the ends of the stringers shall be
clear of the ground. Stairways shall extend from the bottom of the tank up to a roof edge landing or gauger’s platform.
aIt is recommended that the same angle be employed for all stairways in a tank group or plant area.

Table 5.19a—Rise, Run, and Angle Relationships for Stairways (SI)

2R + r = 610 mm 2R + r = 660 mm
Height of Rise
mm Width of Run Angle Width of Run Angle
R mm mm
r Degrees Minutes r Degrees Minutes
135 340 21 39 — — —
140 330 22 59 380 20 13
145 320 24 23 370 21 24
150 310 25 49 360 22 37
155 300 27 19 350 23 53
165 280 30 31 330 26 34
170 270 32 12 320 27 59
180 250 35 45 300 30 58
185 240 37 38 290 32 32
190 230 39 34 280 34 10
195 220 41 33 270 35 50
205 200 45 42 250 39 21
210 190 47 52 240 41 11
215 — — — 230 43 4
220 — — — 220 45 0
225 — — — 210 46 58

Table 5.19b—Rise, Run, and Angle Relationships for Stairways (USC)

2R + r = 24 in. 2R + r = 26 in.
Height of Rise
in. Width of Run Angle Width of Run Angle
R in. in.
r Degrees Minutes r Degrees Minutes
51/2 131/2 21 39 — — —
51/2 13 22 59 15 20 13
53/4 121/2 24 23 141/2 21 24
6 12 25 49 14 22 37
61/4 111/2 27 19 131/2 23 53
61/2 11 30 31 13 26 34
63/4 101/2 32 12 121/2 27 59
7 10 35 45 12 30 58
71/4 91/2 37 38 111/2 32 32
71/2 9 39 34 11 34 10
73/4 81/2 41 33 101/2 35 50
8 8 45 42 10 39 21
81/4 71/2 47 52 91/2 41 11
81/2 — — — 9 43 4
83/4 — — — 81/2 45 0
9 — — — 8 46 58 All non-circular miscellaneous pads shall have rounded corners with a minimum radius of 50 mm (2 in.).
Pads that must cover shell seams shall be provided with a 6 mm (1/4 in.) telltale hole (see

5.9 Top and Intermediate Stiffening Rings

5.9.1 General

An open-top tank shall be provided with stiffening rings to maintain roundness when the tank is subjected to wind
loads. The stiffening rings shall be located at or near the top of the top course, preferably on the outside of the tank
shell. This design for rings used as wind girders also applies to floating-roof tanks covered in Annex C. The top angle
and the wind girders shall conform, in material and size, to the requirements of this standard.

5.9.2 Types of Stiffening Rings

Stiffening rings may be made of structural sections, formed plate sections, sections built up by welding, or
combinations of such types of sections assembled by welding. The outer periphery of stiffening rings may be circular
or polygonal (see Figure 5.24).

5.9.3 Restrictions on Stiffening Rings The minimum size of angle for use alone or as a component in a built-up stiffening ring shall be 65 × 65 × 6
mm (21/2 × 21/2 × 1/4 in.). The minimum nominal thickness of plate for use in formed or built-up stiffening rings shall be
6 mm (0.236 in.). When the stiffening rings are located more than 0.6 m (2 ft) below the top of the shell, the tank shall be
provided with a 65 × 65 × 6 mm (21/2 × 21/2 × 3/16 in.) top curb angle for shells 5 mm (3/16 in.) thick, with a 75 × 75 × 6
mm (3 × 3 × 1/4 in.) angle for shells more than 5 mm (3/16 in.) thick, or with other members of equivalent section

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