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UNITROL® 1020 User Manual

Automatic Voltage Regulator
Compact voltage regulator for synchronous machines
up to 20 A exciter current

Product Release 6.2xx

DSP Control: 6.2xx
MCU Control: 6.2xx
CMT1000: 6.2xx

Document No. 3BHS335648 E82

Revision Status Rev. G
Date 02 / 2014

ABB reserves all rights to this document and to the information and
topics contained in it. This also applies to any possible claims to
copyright or patents. Forwarding and/or the duplicating of this document
without the express permission of ABB is forbidden.
This document has been prepared and checked with great care. If
however it still contains errors, please report them to ABB.

ii 3BHS335648 E82 UNITROL 1020 User Manual


Table of Contents
Table of Contents ............................................................................................................... iii

Terms and Abbreviations ................................................................................................. vii

Chapter 1 - Introduction .................................................................................................... 1

1.1 General .......................................................................................................................... 1
1.2 Field of Application ......................................................................................................... 1
1.3 Contents of this Manual.................................................................................................. 2
1.4 Intended Audience ......................................................................................................... 3
1.5 Manufacturer’s Address ................................................................................................. 3

Chapter 2 - Safety Instructions ......................................................................................... 5

2.1 General .......................................................................................................................... 5
2.2 Qualifications and Responsibilities ................................................................................. 5
2.2.1 Qualifications and Responsibilities ............................................................................................. 5
2.2.2 Consequences of Non-Compliance ............................................................................................ 5
2.3 Safety Concept .............................................................................................................. 6
2.3.1 General ....................................................................................................................................... 6
2.3.2 Safety Rules ................................................................................................................................ 6
2.3.3 Residual Danger Areas ............................................................................................................... 6
2.4 Safety Regulations ......................................................................................................... 8
2.4.1 Structure of Safety Instructions ................................................................................................... 8
2.5 Instructions for Emergency Situations ............................................................................ 9
2.5.1 Firefighting .................................................................................................................................. 9
2.5.2 First Aid Measures for Electrical Installations ............................................................................. 9
2.5.3 Pacemaker ................................................................................................................................ 10
2.6 Danger signs .................................................................................................................10

Chapter 3 - Device Overview ........................................................................................... 12

3.1 General .........................................................................................................................12
3.2 Description of the Excitation System .............................................................................12
3.3 Hardware ......................................................................................................................13
3.3.1 Connection Diagram ................................................................................................................. 13
3.3.2 Control Interfaces ...................................................................................................................... 14
3.3.3 Block Diagram ........................................................................................................................... 21
3.3.4 Device Connectors.................................................................................................................... 22
3.3.5 Digital Inputs ............................................................................................................................. 25
3.3.6 Digital Outputs .......................................................................................................................... 27
3.3.7 Analog Inputs ............................................................................................................................ 29
3.3.8 Analog Outputs ......................................................................................................................... 31
3.3.9 Communication Ports................................................................................................................ 33
3.4 Software ........................................................................................................................38
3.4.1 Operating Modes ...................................................................................................................... 40
3.4.2 Startup Functions ...................................................................................................................... 43
3.4.3 On-line Operation Functions ..................................................................................................... 51
3.4.4 Limiters and Monitor Functions ................................................................................................. 55
3.4.5 Miscellaneous Functions .......................................................................................................... 69

UNITROL 1020 User Manual 3BHS335648 E82 iii

3.4.6 Modbus for Remote Access ..................................................................................................... 73
3.4.7 Access Levels .......................................................................................................................... 74

Chapter 4 - Installation and Storage .............................................................................. 77

4.1 General ........................................................................................................................ 77
4.2 Safety Regulations ....................................................................................................... 77
4.3 Unpacking .................................................................................................................... 77
4.4 Mechanical Installation ................................................................................................. 78
4.5 Electrical Installation .................................................................................................... 79
4.5.1 Inrush current of UNITROL 1020 ............................................................................................. 79
4.5.2 Extended operation lifetime with external capacitor ................................................................ 80
4.6 Storage ........................................................................................................................ 80
4.6.1 Storage Conditions ................................................................................................................... 81
4.6.2 Disposal.................................................................................................................................... 81
4.7 Recycling Instructions .................................................................................................. 81
4.7.1 Manual Disassembly ................................................................................................................ 82
4.7.2 Mechanical Shredding.............................................................................................................. 82

Chapter 5 - Commissioning ............................................................................................ 83

5.1 General ........................................................................................................................ 83
5.2 Safety Regulations ....................................................................................................... 83
5.3 Setting Aids .................................................................................................................. 84
5.3.1 Setting Aids .............................................................................................................................. 84
5.4 Work carried out while Machine is at Standstill ............................................................. 91
5.5 Work carried out while Machine is running ................................................................... 91
5.5.1 No-load Tests (nominal speed, not synchronized) .................................................................. 91
5.5.2 Tests under Load ..................................................................................................................... 91
5.5.3 Synchronization ........................................................................................................................ 92
5.6 Concluding Work after Commissioning ......................................................................... 93

Chapter 6 - Operation ...................................................................................................... 95

6.1 General ........................................................................................................................ 95
6.2 Safety Regulations ....................................................................................................... 95
6.3 Panel Operation ........................................................................................................... 96
6.3.1 Panel Start-up .......................................................................................................................... 96
6.3.2 Display elements ...................................................................................................................... 97
6.3.3 Keypad Operation .................................................................................................................... 97
6.3.4 Emergency Excitation OFF ...................................................................................................... 98
6.3.5 Setpoint Adjustment ................................................................................................................. 98
6.3.6 Menu Structure ......................................................................................................................... 99
6.3.7 Setpoint Step .......................................................................................................................... 102
6.3.8 Save to EEPROM .................................................................................................................. 102
6.3.9 Limiters ................................................................................................................................... 103
6.3.10 Alarms and Fault Messages................................................................................................... 104
6.4 PC Software Tool ....................................................................................................... 105
6.4.1 General................................................................................................................................... 105
6.4.2 System Requirements for CMT1000 Release 6.200 ............................................................. 105
6.4.3 Installing CMT1000 Software ................................................................................................. 106
6.4.4 Starting with CMT1000........................................................................................................... 110
6.4.5 Menu Structure of CMT1000 .................................................................................................. 113
6.4.6 Setup Menu ............................................................................................................................ 129
6.4.7 Communication Menu ............................................................................................................ 148
6.4.8 Tune Menu ............................................................................................................................. 153

iv 3BHS335648 E82 UNITROL 1020 User Manual

6.4.9 Help Menu ............................................................................................................................... 156
6.4.10 Save Parameter File ............................................................................................................... 158
6.5 Additional Tools ..........................................................................................................158

Chapter 7 - Preventive Maintenance ............................................................................ 161

7.1 General .......................................................................................................................161
7.2 Safety Regulations ......................................................................................................161
7.3 Standard Procedures for Maintenance ........................................................................161

Chapter 8 - Troubleshooting ......................................................................................... 163

8.1 General .......................................................................................................................163
8.2 Safety Regulations ......................................................................................................163
8.3 List of Possible Faults .................................................................................................163
8.4 Repair .........................................................................................................................166
8.5 Compatibility ...............................................................................................................166

Chapter 9 - Technical Data ............................................................................................ 167

9.1 General .......................................................................................................................167
9.1.1 Ordering Information ............................................................................................................... 167
9.1.2 Electrical Data of AVR UN1020: ............................................................................................. 167
9.1.3 Environmental data of AVR UNITROL 1020: ......................................................................... 170
9.1.4 UL Certification ....................................................................................................................... 170
9.1.5 Reliability UNITROL 1020 ....................................................................................................... 171
9.1.6 Battery life time information .................................................................................................... 171
9.1.7 Mechanical data ...................................................................................................................... 171
9.2 Settings Record for UNITROL 1020 ............................................................................173
9.3 Parameter Settings, Default Values ............................................................................174

Chapter 10 - Appendix ..................................................................................................... 186

10.1 Documentation References .........................................................................................186

UNITROL® 1020 User Manual 3BHS335648 E82 v


Terms and Abbreviations

AC Alternating Current
AIO Analog Input and Output
AUTO Automatic Voltage Regulation (Auto Mode)
AVR Automatic Voltage Regulator
Bat Battery
CAN Controller-area network
CB Circuit Breaker
MAIN Main Channel in double channel systems.
CT Current Transformer
DC Direct Current
DIO Digital Input and Output
ESD Electrostatic Discharge
ETH Ethernet Terminal
EXC Excitation
FCB Field Circuit Breaker
GEN Generator
GFR Ground Fault Relay (Rotor Ground Fault Protection)
HW Hardware
IGBT Insulated Gate Bipolar Transistor
MANUAL Field Current Regulation (Manual Mode)
MCU Microcontroller unit
PC Personal Computer
PCB Printed Circuit Board
PDF Portable Document Format
PE Protective Earth (Protective Ground)
PF Power Factor Mode
PPE Personal Protective Equipment
PS Power Supply
PSS Power System Stabilizer
PT Potential Transformer
PWM Pulse Width Modulation
Q Reactive Power
RDM Rotating Diode Monitoring
SW Software
UMAUX UM Auxiliary Input Measurement
VAR Reactive Power Mode
V/Hz Volt per Hertz (-Limiter)
VDC Voltage Droop Compensation
VM Voltage Matching

UNITROL 1020 User Manual 3BHS335648 E82 vii


Chapter 1 - Introduction

1.1 General

The User Manual provides detailed information on the

• safety instructions
• description of the product,
• installation,
• commissioning & operation,
• maintenance and troubleshooting
of the UNITROL 1020, including detailed descriptions of the functions and
the hardware of the device. Technical data is included as well.

1.2 Field of Application

This advanced-design automatic voltage regulator is used for the excitation

of indirectly excited synchronous machines and motors. The regulator can
also be switched over to function as a reactive power-, power factor- or field
current regulator.

SM = Synchronous Machine
E = Exciter

- Power System Stabilizer (PSS)
- Synchronization unit
- Data Logger
- Event Recorder

UNITROL 1020 User Manual 3BHS335648 E82 1

Chapter 1 - Introduction 

SM = Synchronous Machine
E = Exciter
PMG = Permanent Magnet Gen.

Generator or motor excitation with

PMG or external supply.

1.3 Contents of this Manual

Chapter 1 - Introduction describes the contents of the User Manual and

provides the manufacturer’s information.
Chapter 2 - Safety Instructions explains the safety instruction levels and
provides general instructions on safety, which need to be strictly observed.
Chapter 3 - Device Overview outlines the description of the device,
operation modes, hardware capabilities and software features.
Chapter 4 - Installation and Storage provides information on environmental
conditions to be maintained during transportation and storage, information
on disposal and recycling of materials.
Chapter 5 - Commissioning provides information on preparing the device
for commissioning.
Chapter 6 - Operation describes the instructions how to operate the device.
Chapter 7 - Preventive Maintenance contains the maintenance schedule
and step-by-step instructions for specific maintenance tasks to be carried
out by the customer.
Chapter 8 - Troubleshooting provides instructions on how to proceed when
encountering problems.
Chapter 9 - Technical Data describes the technical data from the device,
ordering number and parameter list.

2 3BHS335648 E82 UNITROL 1020 User Manual

 Chapter 1 - Introduction

1.4 Intended Audience

The User Manual addresses the following target groups:

• Engineering
• Installation personnel
• Operators
• Maintenance and repair personnel

1.5 Manufacturer’s Address

If any questions arise, consult the local ABB representative or the


When calling ABB, please leave your name, department and phone
number. This will allow the responsible ABB representative to call back
without delay.

ABB Switzerland Ltd

Static Excitation Systems, Voltage Regulators
and Synchronizing Equipment
CH-5300 Turgi / Switzerland
Telephone: +41 58 589 24 86
Fax: +41 58 589 23 33
For general inquiries and product information e-mail us at:

24 h – Hotline for urgent service inquiries: +41 844 845 845

Email contact for questions and UNITROL 1000 support:

UNITROL 1020 User Manual 3BHS335648 E82 3


Chapter 2 - Safety Instructions

2.1 General

Chapter 2 - Safety Instructions includes the safety instructions that must

be followed during installation, operation and maintenance of the
excitation system. Please read all instructions carefully before operating
the device and keep this manual for future reference.

2.2 Qualifications and Responsibilities

2.2.1 Qualifications and Responsibilities

Personnel involved in installation work and commissioning of the

UNITROL 1020 must be familiar, specially instructed and informed
about the residual danger areas according to the regulations currently in
Operating personnel are not permitted to work at the control system.
Specially instructed personnel must only carry out maintenance and
repair work.
The maintenance personnel must be informed about the emergency
shutdown measures and must be capable of turning off the system in
case of emergency.
The maintenance personnel must be familiar with the accident
prevention measures at their workplace and must be instructed in first
aid and firefighting.
It is the owner’s responsibility to ensure that each person involved in the
installation and commissioning of the UNITROL 1020 has received the
appropriate training or instructions and has thoroughly read and clearly
understood the safety instructions in this chapter.

2.2.2 Consequences of Non-Compliance

Failure to comply with the safety instructions increases the risk of

electric shock and damage to the equipment. Third parties who
approach the installation are also at risk.
If the scheduled maintenance activities are performed only partially or
not at all, damage may occur with associated expensive repair costs.

UNITROL 1020 User Manual 3BHS335648 E82 5

Chapter 2 - Safety Instructions 
2.3 Safety Concept

2.3.1 General

The safety regulations in this chapter generally apply when working on

the excitation system. You will find additional instructions and warnings
related to particular topics or actions throughout the manual where
The following regulations must be strictly observed:
• The technical specifications and the typical application of the
excitation system (see Chapter 1 - Introduction, Field of Application)
must be strictly adhered to.
• Training of personnel: only trained personnel are allowed to install,
operate, maintain or service the excitation system.
• Modifications without authorization: modifications and constructional
changes of the equipment are not allowed.
• Duty of maintenance: The owner must ensure that the excitation
system is used only under proper conditions and in a fully
serviceable state.

2.3.2 Safety Rules

The following safety procedures according to EN 50110-1 must

absolutely be followed if any (maintenance) work is carried out on the
excitation system:
1 Disconnect completely.
2 Secure against re-connection.
3 Verify that the installation is dead.
4 Carry out grounding and short-circuiting.
5 Provide protection against adjacent live parts.

2.3.3 Residual Danger Areas

Danger areas that cannot be eliminated by technical measures are

clearly marked with warning labels.
The operating voltage in the control cubicles is above 50 V. In the power
part, voltages can reach 300 V ac and short-circuit currents can be very
high. In order to warn personnel against opening the doors during
operation, warning labels are affixed to all cubicle doors.
If the device is built into a whole system, other warning labels are
attached to the inside of the cubicle doors and to the covers of the
power converter modules.
The following residual danger areas must be taken into account when
working on the excitation system:

6 3BHS335648 E82 UNITROL 1020 User Manual

 Chapter 2 - Safety Instructions

• Danger from live equipment inside the excitation system, if the

protective covers are removed.
• Hazardous voltage from the rotor field winding and the secondary
side of the excitation transformer.
• Capacitors may still be charged if a power converter cubicle door is
opened immediately after stopping the system.
• Danger from main and auxiliary voltages in cubicles when cubicle
doors are open.
Attention must be paid when installing / replacing the UNITROL 1020.
The unit has large capacitors, which might be charged even after
disconnecting the unit.
An orange blinking LED warns the user in case the internal voltage
exceeds 30 V dc. Depending on the size of the capacitor, discharging
can take a couple of minutes. Do not connect or disconnect the unit
when the LED is still blinking. There is the risk of electric shock.

UNITROL 1020 User Manual 3BHS335648 E82 7

Chapter 2 - Safety Instructions 
2.4 Safety Regulations

2.4.1 Structure of Safety Instructions

Signal Word!
Symbol Situation - Type of Hazard Statement
Possible consequence - Consequence Statement
Essential safety measure - Avoidance Statement

The safety instructions always appear at the beginning of each chapter

and/or precede any instruction in the context where a potentially
dangerous situation may appear. The safety instructions are divided into
five categories and emphasized by the use of the following layout and
safety signs:

This symbol indicates an imminent danger resulting from mechanical
forces or high voltage. Non-observance leads to life-threatening physical
injury or death.


! This symbol indicates a dangerous situation. Non-observance can result

in bad or life-threatening physical injury or death.

This symbol indicates a dangerous situation. Non-observance can lead
to physical injury or cause damage to the installation.

This symbol emphasizes important information. Non-observance can
cause damage to the installation or to objects close to it.

This symbol indicates useful information. Not to be used to indicate
dangerous situations.

8 3BHS335648 E82 UNITROL 1020 User Manual

 Chapter 2 - Safety Instructions

2.5 Instructions for Emergency Situations

2.5.1 Firefighting

All personnel must be familiar with the location of fire extinguishers and
emergency exits and must be able to operate the fire extinguishers.
Fire extinguishers are carbon dioxide (CO2) or foam-based.
• CO2 fire extinguishers are intended for fighting fires in electrical
installations and may not be directed at persons.
• Foam extinguishers are intended for fighting fires in non-electrical
equipment. They may be directed at persons but must not be used
for extinguishing fires in electrical equipment.

In case of fire,
Be aware of voltage, toxic gases, overheating.
See the instructions below.

1 Shut down the system.

Operators must be familiar with the emergency shutdown sequence.
2 Put on a protection mask.
3 Use only CO2 to extinguish the fire, no foam, no water.

2.5.2 First Aid Measures for Electrical Installations

In case of an emergency, follow the instructions below:

A person is in contact with electricity.
There is a danger of electric shock for the first aider as well.
Do not touch the person until the system is grounded.

1 Shut down the plant.

Operators must be familiar with the emergency shutdown sequence
of the system.

Residual voltage of the rotating machine is present immediately after
shut-down of the system.
There is a danger of electric shock.
Wait until the system is grounded.

UNITROL 1020 User Manual 3BHS335648 E82 9

Chapter 2 - Safety Instructions 
1 Switch off all power supplies and ground the system.
2 Remove the injured person from the dangerous location.
3 Provide first aid for electric shock.
4 Call for emergency assistance.

2.5.3 Pacemaker

Electrical and magnetic fields.
The system can cause malfunction of pacemakers.
Avoid being close to the excitation system.

Electrical and magnetic fields can influence pacemakers. It is difficult to

predict the general sensitivity of pacemakers.

2.6 Danger signs

Danger signs are attached to any equipment/location with a potential

The degree and likelihood of such dangers are described by the signal
words DANGER, WARNING and CAUTION. The content of the warning
sign contains information about the respective situation and the
preventive safety measures that must be taken.
Structure of danger signs:

Sign Description
Signal word
Hazardous voltage inside.
Essential safety measures
Disconnect power and
ground equipment before
maintenance work.

Meaning of signal words and consequence statement:

Sign Description of the signal word

DANGER, electrical
This symbol indicates imminent danger that will
result in life-threatening physical injury or death.

10 3BHS335648 E82 UNITROL 1020 User Manual

 Chapter 2 - Safety Instructions

WARNING, electrical
WARNING This symbol indicates a possible dangerous situation
that could result in serious physical injury or death.

CAUTION, electrical
CAUTION This symbol indicates a possible dangerous situation
that could result in moderate physical injury. This
signal word can also be used for warnings related to
equipment damage.

UNITROL 1020 User Manual 3BHS335648 E82 11

Chapter 3 - Device Overview 
Chapter 3 - Device Overview

3.1 General

Chapter 3 - Device Overview provides the technical data of the device.

This chapter contains:
• Hardware description
• Operation modes and software features
• Parameter description

3.2 Description of the Excitation System

UNITROL 1020 is an automatic voltage regulator of the latest design for

synchronous generators and synchronous motors. The unit contains the
most advanced microprocessor technology together with IGBT
semiconductor technology (Insulated Gate Bipolar Transistor).
All operations are effected through a practical and simple-to-operate
panel on the unit. In addition, user-friendly software facilitates
commissioning and allows optimization of operation.
The mechanical construction is extremely compact and robust.
The UNITROL 1020 unit can be connected to a 40 A Power Module
called UNITROL 1000-PM40. For further information refer to the
separate User Manual.

12 3BHS335648 E82 UNITROL 1020 User Manual

 Chapter 3 - Device Overview

3.3 Hardware

The device’s base is an aluminum back plane.
Cooling is done by the main heat sink on top of
the device. The unit itself is covered with plastic
and provides an IP20 protection.

Power electronics
The power part is fitted with an IGBT semi-
conductor. The average value of the output
voltage is always positive. The output is current-
limited and thus short-circuit-proof.

Control elements
The display panel and connectors for the USB
and Ethernet interface are located on the unit

The site of installation must be dry and free of

3.3.1 Connection Diagram

Digital I/Os
Analog I/Os


and control

= AUX L3

RS- 485

power electronics
Ie -

UNITROL 1020 User Manual 3BHS335648 E82 13

Chapter 3 - Device Overview 
3.3.2 Control Interfaces

The UN1020 device can be operated and controlled in different ways as described in the
rest of this section. Digital and analog IO

The UN1020 can be controlled by means of digital and analog inputs and can therefore set
up several configurations to fulfill most target applications. Digital and analog IO has
highest priority and cannot be overridden by any other controls. Keyboard and Panel Display

The 4-line display and the 8 keys allow full operation.

REM 100.0% S
All settings can be carried out directly on the unit without
0.00 % UM additional equipment:
0.00 A Ie
SETPNT 12:45 MENU • Configuration of inputs and outputs
• Parameter setting
• Display of important measuring values.

The operation of the Panel is described in detail in section

6.3 Panel Operation. Remote Access using MODBUS protocol

The Remote Access feature allows device access and control from local or remote
locations by using MODBUS as application protocol. The communication can be
performed either via RS485 or Ethernet. More information about the connection
possibilities can be found in Chapter 3.3.9 - Communication Ports.

Basic features and advantage of Remote Access

• Configuration of parameters and I/O signals.
• Measurement reading.
• Setpoint adjustment and PID tuning.
• Possibility to create a custom application that uses Remote Access to fully control the
• Monitor only and full control possible.

The Remote Access feature is fully interoperable with the CMT1000 software; both
interfaces can access and read from the device at the same moment. Control permission
(write parameters) is handled automatically by the AVR microcontroller. The Remote
Access feature is described in detail in Chapter 3.4.6 - Modbus for Remote Access.

14 3BHS335648 E82 UNITROL 1020 User Manual

 Chapter 3 - Device Overview Terminal Blocks

The terminal blocks are separated regarding their functions, see following figure.

Figure 3-1Terminal Block of UN1020

UNITROL 1020 User Manual 3BHS335648 E82 15

Chapter 3 - Device Overview 



MC2 +
MC2 -


IE -

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17

Jumper will short-circuit power input with auxiliary input

Ref. Label Signal Description

1 MC2- Machine Current -
2 MC2+ Machine Current +
3 NW3 Network L3
4 NW1 Network L1
5 ML3 Machine L3
6 ML2 Machine L2
7 ML1 Machine L1
8 ExCap(-) External Capacitor -
9 IE - Exciter Current -
10 IE + Exciter Current +
11* AUX L3 Power Supply L3
12* PWR L3 Main L3
13* AUX L2(-) Power Supply L2 (-)
14* PWR L2 Main L2
15* AUX L1(+) Power Supply L1 (+)
16* PWR L1 Main L1
17 PE Protection Earth

*Jumpers can be used to shorten excitation power input with control power Uaux input in
order to reduce wiring

16 3BHS335648 E82 UNITROL 1020 User Manual

 Chapter 3 - Device Overview

20 38 40 52














21 39 41 53

Ref. Label Signal Description

20 G2 GND
21 G1 GND
22 D12 Digital Input 12
23 D11 Digital Input 11
24 D10 Digital Input 10
25 D9 Digital Input 9
26 V6 24V Power
27 V5 24V Power
Digital IO Terminal

28 D8 Digital Input / Output 8

29 D7 Digital Input / Output 7
30 D6 Digital Input / Output 6
31 D5 Digital Input / Output 5
32 V4 24V Power
33 V3 24V Power
34 D4 Digital Input / Output 4
35 D3 Digital Input / Output 3
36 D2 Digital Input / Output 2
37 D1 Digital Input / Output 1
38 V2 24V Power
39 V1 24V Power

Ref. Label Signal Description

40 BO2 GND Analog Output 2
Analog IO Terminal

41 AO2 Analog Output 2

42 BO1 GND Analog Output 1
43 AO1 Analog Output 1
44 BRN GND Negative Reference
45 ARN -10V Negative Reference
46 BRP GND Positive Reference
47 ARP +10V Positive Reference

UNITROL 1020 User Manual 3BHS335648 E82 17

Chapter 3 - Device Overview 
48 BI3 Analog Input 3 –
Analog IO Term. 49 AI3 Analog Input 3 +
50 BI2 Analog Input 2 –
51 AI2 Analog Input 2 +
52 BI1 Analog Input 1 –
53 AI1 Analog Input 1 +

70 72 74 76

71 73 75 77

RS-485 CAN The jumpers must be
plugged as shown in
the drawing on the left.
X1300 X1302

Ref. Label Signal Description

70 RH RS-485 +
RS-485 / CAN Terminal

71 CH CAN High
72 RS RS-485 shield
73 CS CAN Shield
74 RL RS-485 -
75 CL CAN Low
76 CV CAN Power 5V

18 3BHS335648 E82 UNITROL 1020 User Manual

 Chapter 3 - Device Overview


USB Ethernet

Pin Label Signal Description

1 Transmitter +
2 Transmitter –
3 Receiver +
4 Do not use [connected to magnetics]

5 Do not use [connected to magnetics]

6 Receiver –
7 Do not use [connected to magnetics]
8 Do not use [connected to magnetics]
LED Green ETH Link OK
LED Yellow ETH Data Traffic
Ref. Label Signal Description
1 USB Power 5V

2 Data -
3 Data +
Ref. Color Description
D800 Green Power ON status
ON: DSP and MCU is powered
Blinking: Target SW is running
Status LEDs

D802 Yellow Excitation ON, Blinking: Limiter active

D804 Red Device status
ON: Alarm or trip active
Startup failure, target could not load parameters
Excitation output is blocked
Save parameter to EEPROM first before starting excitation

UNITROL 1020 User Manual 3BHS335648 E82 19

Chapter 3 - Device Overview 


Key board panel can be mounted inside front panel. Following additional
equipment can be ordered:
Panel connector

Door mouning kit:

OPMP-01-Kit: Mounting Cabinet Panel ACS 3AUA0000013086

RJ45 cables:
RJ45 CAT 5e SF/UTP, gray 1,5 meter 3BHE027825R0150
RJ45 CAT 5e SF/UTP, gray 3.0 meter 3BHE027825R0300

20 3BHS335648 E82 UNITROL 1020 User Manual

 Chapter 3 - Device Overview

3.3.3 Block Diagram

(+10 V) +Vref AUX L1

(-10 V) -Vref
(+24 V) +Vdig UAUX

Main Ie
PWR L3 ExCap

ML1 L1 or
Machine ML2 PID X1300 Remote
voltage ML3 L3 RS Access

MC2+ positive CAN Bus

Machine gnd CG
MC2- negative
current CH
NW1 positive
X1302 CAN
voltage NW3 negative
CMT1000 USB 2.0
or Remote 4 pol CMT1000
Access or Remote
AI1 to AI3

BI1 to BI3 AO1

Analog Analog
ARN -10V
# ~ AGND BO2

in, norm.
+24V V1 to V4
V5, V6 +24V norm.

D1 to D8 Digital
D9 to D12 in, inv.
Digital IO's
out, inv.
G2 DGND inv. DGND G1

out, norm.

UNITROL 1020 User Manual 3BHS335648 E82 21

Chapter 3 - Device Overview 
3.3.4 Device Connectors

Terminal Signal Circuit

Auxiliary Power Supply UAUX Absolute max. values
15 = AUX L1 - Auxiliary Power Supply L1 (+) 3~
13 = AUX L2 - Auxiliary Power Supply L2 (-) 9 ... 300 Vac L1,L2,L3
11 = AUX L3 - Auxiliary Power Supply L3
16 ... 300 Vac L1, L2
18 ... 300 Vdc L1, L2

Power Electronics Supply UPWR Absolute max. values

16 = PWR L1 - Main L1 3~
14 = PWR L2 - Main L2 0 ... 300 Vac L1,L2,L3
12 = PWR L3 - Main L3
0 ... 300 Vac L1, L2
Remark: Max inrush current
(average) must not exceed 200 A 2=
within 10ms (See chapter 4.5.1). 0 ... 300 Vdc L1, L2

External Capacitor
8 = ExCap(-) Capacitor: 1000 µF, 450 V IE-
PEH169YO4100M Wiring must be within 0.1 Ohm and 0.5uH in series
min. Voltage: >=450 V
Temp. Range: -40...85 °C Warning:
Oper. lifetime at 85 °C: >5000 h Reverse polarity of external capacitor
Rip. curr. at 100 Hz at 85 °C: >5 A will damage device
ESR 20 °C 100 Hz: <120 mOhm
Machine Voltage three-phase UM External
7 = ML1 - Machine L1
6 = ML2 - Machine L2
5 = ML3 - Machine L3
max. 500 V / 0.2 VA
Warning: If Um > 250 Vac, then
the starpoint must be connected
to PE
MC2+ 1A / 5 A
Machine Current single-phase IM2 IM2 0.1 VA
2 = MC2+ - Machine Current +
1 = MC2- - Machine Current -
Machine Voltage single-phase UM ML1
7 = ML1 - Main L1 ML3
5 = ML3 - Main L3
* max. 500 V / 0.2 VA

Machine Voltage three-phase with External

ground UM ML1
7 = ML1 - Machine L1 ML2
6 = ML2 - Machine L2 ML3
5 = ML3 - Machine L3
L1 L2 L3 * max. 500 V / 0.2 VA
*PT & CTs must be grounded

22 3BHS335648 E82 UNITROL 1020 User Manual

 Chapter 3 - Device Overview

Line Voltage measurement single- External

phase UNET NW1
4 = NW1 Network L1 NW3
3 = NW3 Network L3
* max. 500 V / 0.2 VA

*PT & CTs must be grounded

Excitation Current Output Ie External
10 = IE +
9 = IE -
- Exciter Current +
- Exciter Current -
0 to 300 V=
20 A = E
17 = PE Protection Earth

Terminal Signal Circuit

Digital input / output
37 = D1 Digital Input / Output 1 V1
36 = D2 Digital Input / Output 2 V2
20 ... 28 V
35 = D3 Digital Input / Output 3
34 = D4 Digital Input / Output 4
31 = D5 Digital Input / Output 5 D1 ADC

30 = D6 Digital Input / Output 6 2k

29 = D7 Digital Input / Output 7 G1
28 = D8 Digital Input / Output 8
Caution: 24V
Configured as outputs, DIO1 … V2
20 ... 28 V
DIO8 must not be connected
directly with 24 V Power (causes
short circuit via internal transistor) max. 150 mA

24V Power
39 = V1 24V Power G1
38 = V2 24V Power
33 = V3 24V Power
32 = V4
20 = G2 GND
21 = G1
Digital input only

25 = D9 Digital Input 9
24 = D10 Digital Input 10
23 = D11 Digital Input 11
22 = D12 Digital Input 12
27 = V5 24V Power
26 = V6 24V Power
20 = G2 GND

Note: The internal 24 V supply (V1 to V6) can be loaded with a maximum of 600 mA by
all used digital inputs and outputs.

UNITROL 1020 User Manual 3BHS335648 E82 23

Chapter 3 - Device Overview 
Terminal Signal Circuit
53 = AI1, 52 = BI1 Analog Inputs External 10 V DC
51 = AI2, 50 = BI2 AIx/BIx 4.7k
49 = AI3, 48 = BI3 R
47 = ARP +10 V pos Ref BRP
45 = ARN -10 V neg Ref 4.7k
-10 V DC

BRP = 46 GND Positive Reference External

BRN = 44 GND Negative Reference max. ±10 V
AI1 + 100k
BI1 -
R = 10kOhm (+-5V input -
range) 47k

Analog Inputs digitally

assigned 10 V DC
53 = AI1, 52 = BI1 AIx/BIx ARP
51 = AI2, 50 = BI2 4.7k
AI1 100k
49 = AI3, 48 = BI3 see Chapter 3.3.7 - Analog + Ain
Inputs 47k

Analog Outputs
AOx to BOx max. ±10 V
43 = AO1 (AGND = BO1, BO2) + AO1
41 = AO2 -
42 = BO1 Max. output current: 10mA
40 = BO2 BO1

Serial interface RS-485

RH RS485+
72 = RS RS-485_SHIELD +
70 = RH RS-485 + - RL RS485-
74 = RL RS-485 – +

Two jumpers X1300 for - X1300

the bus terminating


Jumpers must be placed at

both ends of the bus
77 = CG CAN_GND +
75 = CL CAN_L - CH CAN_H
71 = CH CAN_H X1302
Two jumpers X1302 for
See terminals the bus terminating

Jumpers must be placed at

both ends of the bus

24 3BHS335648 E82 UNITROL 1020 User Manual

 Chapter 3 - Device Overview

3.3.5 Digital Inputs

Input Function Description

None Input not assigned
Excitation ON active Excitation ON command active:
- Field flashing begins if Off Level > 0%
- Auto mode: Soft start begins after the Off Level has been reached, and
rises up to the Auto Initial Setpoint.
- Other modes: Initial Setpoint is used.
Excitation ON not active Excitation ON command not active: Mode Initial Setpoint
All setpoints are immediately set to their Auto 100%
initial values and remain fixed there (see Manual 0%
table on the right). Open Loop 0%
Auto, Manual and Open loop Initial PF 1.0
setpoints can be changed from there Var 0%
Gen CB Closed Status Circuit-breaker closed status active:
active - Activates current measurement
- This message immediately triggers the ramp of the Soft start as if still the
hold time.
Gen CB Closed Status Circuit-breaker closed status changes Mode Final Value
no longer active from active to not active. All setpoints are Manual 90% Ie No Load
immediately set to the following values:
Open Loop 90% 1/Kceil
Auto 100%
Parallel with Grid Status Parallel with grid status active:
- With Gen CB Closed, enables changeover to PF and Var modes.
- Disables VDC mode.

Depending on Parameter “Enable PF/VAR initial SP”, SP before parallel

with grid status is taken over or SP is changed to initial value.

Increase Increase setpoint of active regulator

Decrease Decrease setpoint of active regulator
Reset Setpoint Status reset setpoint is active: Mode Final Value
The setpoint of the active regulator goes Manual Ie No Load
to the following value at ramp speed: Open Loop 100% 1/Kceil
PF 1.0
Depending on parameter “Reset SP to Var 0%
initial value”, SP of defined final values or Auto 100%
initial values are taken over

Remote SP Enable When active it enables the setpoint adjustment from an analog input
(remote setpoints should be configured in the Analog Input section).
PF Enable Activates Power factor regulation. (Requires the PF/VAR SW)
Var Enable Activates Reactive power regulation. (Requires the PF/VAR SW)
Manual Enable Activates Manual operation mode (field current regulation).
Open Loop Enable Open loop, direct control of power transistor active
Synchronize Activates Synchronization or Voltage Matching: If Synchronization SW
(optional) is not available in the device, the input signal will activate Voltage
Matching only. (Requires Synchronization SW)
VDC Enable Activates the Voltage Droop Compensation (VDC) control mode. (Requires
Voltage Droop Compensation (VDC) SW)

UNITROL 1020 User Manual 3BHS335648 E82 25

Chapter 3 - Device Overview 
Input Function Description
Secondary Net 1 Selects the Secondary Net for VDC operation.
Binary coding to select 4 net IDs or left side breaker in ring structure.
(Requires Voltage Droop Compensation (VDC) SW)
Secondary Net 2 Selects the Secondary Net for VDC operation.
Binary coding to select 4 net IDs or left side breaker in ring structure.
(Requires Voltage Droop Compensation (VDC) SW)
Reset Alarm Clear the following alarms: (Requires Double Channel SW)
- Supervision Alarm 1 and 2
- Supervision Trip
- Switch over
- Monitor Alarm 1 and 2
Standby When the AVR is in Standby mode:
- The excitation output of the AVR is turned off
- Boost is disabled
- Field flashing is off
- Integrator is kept in 1/Kceiling
- All limits are disabled
- No VDC data is transmitted via RS-485.
- The AVR displays Standby as Operation Mode.
- DCH Follow-up1 operates, only if DCH communication is active; otherwise
the Channel Follow-up operates instead. For more information see
Chapter - DCH Follow-Up and - Channel Follow-up.
- Alarm and Trip statuses1 output their values via digital outputs only if they
are configured to behave like that. For more information see Chapter - DCH Supervision.

RC Fieldbus Block It disables the Fieldbus communication in local operation.

All control registers are reset to default, excitation is switched off if
controlled over Modbus
(Requires Modbus Option)
FCB closed Status Field circuit breaker closed status active.
External Alarm Input to use as External Alarm input. (Requires Double Channel SW)
EmergencyExcitationOff Excitation OFF command, overwrites Excitation ON input and Modbus
control input
PSS enable Enables PSS. In case digital IO is selected, PSS is blocked when digital
input is not activated
(Requires PSS Option)
Gain Reduction Reduces the gain of PID tuning (AUTO and PF/VAR) by factor 2
Sync Dead Bus Enable Enables dead bus synchronization, Unet < 5%
Synchrocheck Enables synchrocheck function, voltage matching is disabled
Unload VAR Regulates VAR to 0, command must be activated until VAR reaches 0
Line Charging Second parameter set for soft start, activated with new digital input "Line
Charging" Polarity

Polarity can be configured for all digital input/output ports separately, and each one has a
separate polarity configuration when configured as input or output. Each DIO port can be
configured as only input or only output at the same time.

26 3BHS335648 E82 UNITROL 1020 User Manual

 Chapter 3 - Device Overview

24 V DC 24 V DC


DIO1 to 8 DIO1 to 8
DI9 to 12 DI9 to 12
normal DI13 to 18 DI13 to 18 Forcing Digital Input Signals

Each digital input signal can be set to a predefined value (i.e. active/not active) by means
of configuration, without the need to make connections at the device's terminals; this
process is also known as forcing.
Forcing a digital input terminal can be done by configuring the Polarity parameter of an
input to Normal or Inverted. When Polarity is set to Normal, the digital input is set to not
active, i.e. false or logical 0. When it is set to Inverted, the input is set to active, i.e. true
or logical 1. The digital input which is being configured, must not be wired at the device
terminals. For more information about configuration see Chapter 6 - Operation.

3.3.6 Digital Outputs

Output Function Description

None Output not assigned
Boost Status signal boost is active
Boost supports excitation in the event of line short circuit or heavy load.
The boost function is blocked during field flashing and Soft start.
Field Flashing Field flashing (voltage build up) active, if Excitation ON.
See section The next field flashing can only be started after Excitation ON or after
the power has been switched off.
During field flashing the output of the regulator is blocked in all
operation modes.
System OK Reserved signal, do not use
Limit Active One of the limiters (V/Hz, Ie, PQ, UM or Im) is active
or setpoint limit has been reached (min. or max. position)
V/Hz Limit Active V/Hz limiter active
SP Limit Reached Setpoint limit has been reached
SP Minimum Reached Minimum setpoint has been reached
SP Maximum Maximum setpoint has been reached
Operational Limit Ie, PQ, UM, Im limiter or Diode Alarm active
Min Ie Active Ie minimum current limiter active
Max Ie Active Ie maximum current limiter active
Min PQ Active PQ limiter active
Min UM Active Limit value for minimum machine voltage is under-run,
voltage limiter active
Max UM Active Limit value for maximum machine voltage is exceeded,
voltage limiter active
Voltage Relay Active = machine voltage below boost threshold
Inactive = boost threshold plus hysteresis exceeded
Not dependent on signal Excitation ON.
Close CB Command The command is released:

UNITROL 1020 User Manual 3BHS335648 E82 27

Chapter 3 - Device Overview 
Output Function Description
Requires Synchronization - Angle is in a value where it would take the Total CB Closing Time for
the breaker to close at zero degrees with current speed and
- Sync Check demand active
- The command is active as long as the command Sync Check is active
Sync Check (Requires Sync Check demand to be active:
Synchronization SW) - Generator circuit breaker is open
- Machine voltage is higher than 50%
- Synchronization is possible (unit with Sync-Option)
- Synchronize is enabled
- Slip is between minimum slip and maximum slip
- Machine voltage is deviating from network voltage maximum Delta U
- Angle is between -maximum delta angle and +maximum delta angle
Sync Speed increase Control signal to governor to increase speed, pulses (Requires
Synchronization SW).
Sync Speed decrease Control signal to governor to decrease speed, pulses (Requires
Synchronization SW).
Switch Over Control signal to 2nd channel to take over control (Requires Double Channel
Supervision Trip Trip indication, depending on the activated monitor functions (Requires
Double Channel SW)
Supervision Alarm indication, depending on the activated monitor functions (Requires
Alarm 1 Double Channel SW)
Supervision Alarm indication, depending on the activated monitor functions (Requires
Alarm 2 Double Channel SW)
Monitor Alarm 1 Alarm indication, depending on the activated monitor functions (Requires
Double Channel SW)
Monitor Alarm 2 Alarm indication, depending on the activated monitor functions (Requires
Double Channel SW)
Diode Alarm Event of open diode (Requires Rotating Diode Monitoring SW)
Diode Trip Event of a shorted diode (Requires Rotating Diode Monitoring SW)
PSS Active Indication that PSS is contributing (Requires PSS SW)
Close FCB Command Close command for FCB
Open FCB Command Open command for FCB
FRT Detection Fault ride through indication
(Sudden voltage dip at network)

28 3BHS335648 E82 UNITROL 1020 User Manual

 Chapter 3 - Device Overview

3.3.7 Analog Inputs

Input Function Description

None Input not assigned
Auto Remote Setpoint External setpoint input to Auto regulator
PF Remote Setpoint (Requires External setpoint input to PF regulator
Var Remote Setpoint (Requires External setpoint input to Var regulator
Manual Remote Setpoint External setpoint input to Manual regulator
Open Loop Remote SP External setpoint input to open loop
UM Aux (Requires UM AUX SW) Auxiliary supply to the summing point of Auto regulator
VAR Aux Measurement Auxiliary supply to the summing point of the PF/VAR regulator
Cooling Media Temperature Input temperature measurement for the temperature influence limiter
Ie External Reserved for real-time simulator
PSS Power Injection PSS power injection point, scaling see PSS test interface
(Requires PSS SW)
PSS Frequency Injection PSS frequency injection point, scaling see PSS test interface
(Requires PSS SW)
PSS LeadLag Injection PSS lead lag injection point, scaling see PSS test interface
(Requires PSS SW)
PSS External Input Input for external PSS signal
(Requires PSS SW)
Digital Input 13(+) & 14(-) Assign digital inputs
Digital Input 15(+) & 16(-) Assign digital inputs
Digital Input 17(+) & 18(-) Assign digital inputs

Note: When configuring an external setpoint from the analog input list shown above, the
"Remote SP Enable" digital input should also be configured. For more information see
Chapter 3.3.5 Digital Inputs. Level of the Analog Inputs

A minimum and maximum voltage level can be set for every analog input. This level
represents a defined scaling, which is shown in the table below.

Input Function Uin0% Uin100% Remarks

Min (-10… +10 V) Max (-10…10 V)
Auto Remote Setpoint Auto setpoint min Auto setpoint max See Chapter
PF Remote Setpoint PF setpoint min PF setpoint max See Chapter
(Requires PF/VAR SW)
Var Remote Setpoint PF setpoint min PF setpoint max See Chapter
(Requires PF/VAR SW)
Manual Remote Setpoint PF setpoint min PF setpoint max See Chapter
Open Loop Remote SP PF setpoint min PF setpoint max See Chapter
UM aux UM Aux min UM Aux max Range – 100% to +100%
VAR Aux Measurement -10% +10% Fix scaling
Cooling Media Temperature -100 °C +100 °C Fix scaling
Ie External Ie Ext Range min Ie Ext Range max
PSS Power Injection Neg. peak value Pos. peak value Scaling from 1% to 10%
(Requires PSS SW)
PSS Frequency Injection Neg. peak value Pos. peak value Scaling from 0.1% to 1.0%
(Requires PSS SW)
PSS LeadLag Injection Neg. peak value Pos. peak value Scaling from 0.1% to 1.0%
(Requires PSS SW)
PSS External Input -25% UM +25% UM Range symmetrically
(Requires PSS SW) adjustable

UNITROL 1020 User Manual 3BHS335648 E82 29

Chapter 3 - Device Overview 
Digital Input 13(+) & 14(-) Set to 2.0 V Set to 5.0 V See graphic below
Digital Input 15(+) & 16(-) Set to 2.0 V Set to 5.0 V See graphic below
Digital Input 17(+) & 18(-) Set to 2.0 V Set to 5.0 V See graphic below

Internal signal value [%]

External setpoint input
Setpoint max

Setpoint min
Ext. Setpoint Auto

-10 10 [V]
Uin0% Uin100%

UM Aux [%]
Input to the summing 10
point max
Uin0% Analog in

-10 10 [V]
min Uin100%

• Input voltage of the cooling media temperature

Range: Uin0% = - 10.0 V refers to - 100 °C
Uin100% = +10.0 V refers to +100 °C

DI13 = 1
Condition of the
digital inputs DI13 = 0
-5.0 -2.0
DI14 = 0 Uin
(DI 13 to DI18) 2.0 5.0 [V]

DI14 = 1

Status of the digital -> Din13(+) =0 -> Din13(+) =1

inputs -> Din14(-) =1 -> Din14(-) =0

Note: AI and BI must not be active simultaneously, DI13 and DI14 will both be “0”

30 3BHS335648 E82 UNITROL 1020 User Manual

 Chapter 3 - Device Overview

3.3.8 Analog Outputs

Output Function Description

None Output not assigned

Excitation Current Excitation current
PWM Pulse width modulation, control value is scaled from 0 to 100%. It
represents the actual field voltage output of 0.5 to 99%
Ue Field Voltage Excitation voltage (absolute)
Upwr DC Link Received excitation input power voltage
Um relative Machine terminal voltage
Active Power Machine active power (relative)
VAR relative Machine VAR relative
PF absolute Machine PF absolute
Fbias Analog continuous signal presenting difference between UNET and UM
Fbias = fNET – fNOM – (SlipMAX – SlipMIN)/2- SlipMIN
Output signal Fbias is forced to zero:
- Not in Sync mode
- Synchronization function not enabled (unit without Sync-Option)
- Network frequency is not between 45 to 66 Hz
Slip Slip between Network and Machine frequencies
PSS TP output 1 PSS test point 1, select signal over PSS test interface in CMT1000
PSS TP output 2 PSS test point 2, select signal over PSS test interface in CMT1000
Note: The assignment of the analog outputs to the 2 terminals AO1 and AO2 can be
selected freely. Level of the Analog Outputs

A minimum and maximum voltage level can be set for every analog output. This level
represents a defined scaling, which is shown in the table below.

Output Function Uout0% Uout100% Remarks

Min (-10… +10 V) Max (-10…10 V)
Excitation Current Ie Range min Ie Range max Scaling: 0% … 400%
PWM 0% (fix) 100% fix
Ue Field Voltage 0V (fix) Ue Field Voltage Range: 0 to 500 V
Upwr DC Link 0V (fix) Upwr DC Link Range: 0 to 500 V
Voltage Voltage max
Um relative 0V (fix) Um relative max Range: 0% … 400%
Active Power Active Power min Active Power max Range: -200% … +200%
VAR relative Negative VAR max VAR max Range: 0% … 200%
PF absolute -1.000 1.000 Fix scaling
Fbias Fbis min Fbias max Range: -10 to +10 Hz
Slip Negative Slip max Slip max Range: 0 to 10 Hz
PSS TP output 1 Neg. peak value Pos.peak value Scaling depending on PSS test
interface settings
PSS TP output 2 Neg. peak value Pos.peak value Scaling depending on PSS test
interface settings

UNITROL 1020 User Manual 3BHS335648 E82 31

Chapter 3 - Device Overview 
Excitation Current

Ie0% must be less than


PWM Output

Aout [V]
Slip 10

Uout 100%
(max) Slip
* The parameter "Slip0%"
cannot be set by the user. -10 10 [Hz]
This parameter is internally Uout 0%
set as the negative of "Slip (min)
100%": -10
"Slip0%" = (-)"Slip100%" Slip 0% * Slip 100% *
(min) (max)

Aout [V]

Uout 100%
ActivePower (max)
200 [%]
Uout 0%
ActivePower 100%

32 3BHS335648 E82 UNITROL 1020 User Manual

 Chapter 3 - Device Overview Forcing Analog Outputs

Analog outputs can be forced to a certain level by selecting the min and max voltage
level to the same value.

3.3.9 Communication Ports

UN1020 has three main communication ports to share several features that can be used
in combination to cover the requirements of an application.
• USB is a point-to-point interface that can be used to connect the UNITROL 1020
with a PC and is used by the CMT1000 software to control the device.
• The Ethernet port is used to connect the UNITROL 1020 to a multiple point
Ethernet network in order to connect the CMT1000 remotely and to access the
UNITROL 1020 by a plant control system in parallel.
• RS-485 is a multi-point interface that could be used for Remote Access (Modbus
RTU) or VDC; only one feature can be used at the same time.
• CAN is a multi-point interface used to connect a UN1000-PM40 module and uses
the Double Channel feature for setpoint follow-up of the second channel. Only one
of the above features can be used at same time.
This section describes the hardware and wiring requirements for the communication
interfaces. The software features that use these communication interfaces are explained
in Chapter 3.4 Software. USB Interface

The serial USB port of UN1020 can be used to connect a PC that runs a CMT1000
software. Max. USB cable length is 3 m. The USB port will power up control devices of
UNITROL 1020 in order to allow the user to download or upload files to the unit without
additional power supply connection.

Figure 3-2 USB connection to a PC

Use only the USB cable that is supplied with the device. Using
another cable might cause communication failure or power over
USB might not work correctly so that the device does not start.

UNITROL 1020 User Manual 3BHS335648 E82 33

Chapter 3 - Device Overview  Ethernet Interface

Figure 3-3 Ethernet TCP/IP connection

The Ethernet TCP/IP connection:

• Ethernet allows monitoring and control from a remote location.
• Max. one CMT1000 connection can simultaneously access the AVR
• Multiple Remote Control connections can simultaneously access the AVR
• Open TCP Ports
1 Device detection. (Port 5002/5003)
Ethernet scanning (CMT1000 function)
2 Modbus TCP (Port 502)
3 SNTP client (Port123)

More information about these software features and configuration can be found in
Chapters 3.4.6 Modbus for Remote Access and 6.4 PC Software Tool.

34 3BHS335648 E82 UNITROL 1020 User Manual

 Chapter 3 - Device Overview RS485 Interface

UN1020 provides a RS485 interface for both VDC and Remote Access; however only
one can be operated with the RS485 interface. If both features are simultaneously
required, the solution is the usage of Remote Access over Modbus TCP and VDC over

Figure 3-4 ABB solution if both Remote Access and VDC features are required.

The electrical connections of the RS485 bus should be performed according to EIA485
standard specification. The 120 Ohm resistor that is normally used to terminate a RS485
bus is already included in UN1020 and should be used by placing a jumper bridge over
the X1300 terminals. The X1300 location is shown in Chapter Terminal Block.
Cable type requirements
• Cable cross-section: 2 x 0.25 mm2
• Cable impedance: 100 to 120 Ohm
• Shielded twisted pair.
• 500 m max cable length
(in case of UNITROL 1000-15 the bus is only 250 m)
Bus topology
• 31 devices maximum for single channel and 62 for dual channel configuration.
• 57.6 kBaud

The cable shielding shall be grounded as closely as possible to the device's terminals as
shown in the figure below.

UNITROL 1020 User Manual 3BHS335648 E82 35

Chapter 3 - Device Overview 

Figure 3-5 Shielding and wiring recommendation when using the RS-485 interface.

RS485 for VDC and remote access

When configuring the RS485 interface for VDC or remote access, a jumper bridge must
be placed over the X1300 terminals of each AVR located at the end of the bus; and it
should be removed from those not located at the end (see Figure 3-6). No resistor should
be placed externally, i.e. on the device's terminals, when the jumper bridge of the
UN1020 is already being used.

X1300 X1300

X1300 AVR 1 AVR 2 AVR 3 AVR 4 X1300

RH 1 RS-485 1 RH 1 RS-485 1 RH 1 RS-485 1 RH +
- RL 2 2 RL 2 2 RL 2 2 RL -

Figure 3-6 RS-485 wiring and jumper settings to use VDC on a set of four AVRs.

As shown in Figure 3-6 the topology of the bus should be as "one line" with two endings,
and not as a "star". The recommendations described in Chapter RS485 Interface
should be strictly followed. The VDC feature operates only over RS485 and could not
work properly if there is any other device incompatibly connected to the same bus.
The VDC software should be configured in each device prior to use. The configuration is
described in Chapter Voltage Droop Compensation (VDC). CAN Interface

A CAN interface is provided for both Double Channel (connection with a second channel)
and UN1000-PM; however both cannot use the bus simultaneously. As will be explained
in Chapter - Double Channel (DCH), the DCH Supervision can be used together
with a UN1000-PM connected to the AVR since the CAN communication is not needed
for the operation of the monitoring functions. However, the remaining functions from
Double Channel are not compatible with the UN1000-PM. For more information see
Chapter - DCH Communication: Configuration and Compatibility.

36 3BHS335648 E82 UNITROL 1020 User Manual

 Chapter 3 - Device Overview

The electrical connections should be performed according to CAN standard guidelines. A

120 ohm resistor normally used to terminate the bus, is already included in the device
and can be used by placing a jumper bridge over the X1302 terminals. The location of the
X1302 terminals can be identified by referring to Chapter Terminal Block.

The CAN interface cannot be used for remote access and for any other purpose not
explicitly indicated in this user manual.

CAN for UN1000-PM40

For more information see the UN1000-PM40 User Manual.

CAN for Double Channel

When using Double Channel, the CAN connections should be performed as shown in the
figure below (CAN connection for Double Channel SW). The cable used for the CAN
communication has to be connected between the two channels, i.e. Main and Redundant,
and not to any other device. To properly terminate the bus, place one jumper bridge over
the X1302 terminals of each device.

Cable type requirements

• Cable cross-section: 2 x 2 x 0.34 mm2
• Cable impedance: 120 Ohm
• Maximum cable length: 30 meters.
• Shielded twisted pair. The cable shielding must be grounded.

The Double Channel is an optional feature that should be previously activated in the
device (by password or product rubric), configured and the communication activated. For
more information refer to Chapter Double Channel (DCH).

Figure 3-7 CAN connection for Double Channel SW

UNITROL 1020 User Manual 3BHS335648 E82 37

Chapter 3 - Device Overview 
3.4 Software

The UN1020 device supports several operating modes and software features, such as
machine voltage regulator (Auto), field regulator (Manual), measurements monitoring
and others which are described in detail in this section.
There are three different SW function packages defined as BASIC, BASIC +
SYNCHRONIZATION and FULL packages (and PSS as option only). The table below
shows the configurations.
A set of basic software features is enabled by default in each UN1020 product and is
referred to as basic software package. There are optional software features which
extend the UN1020 capabilities and which can be enabled by password.

No. SW-Option Name Descriptions BASIC / See

(Figure 6-16) FULL/ chapter
1 AVR/FCR/PF/VAR PF / Var Regulator BASIC
2 Limiters Limiters BASIC 3.4.4
3 Soft Start Soft Start BASIC
4 Voltage Matching Voltage Matching BASIC
5 VDC Voltage Droop Compensation BASIC
6 UMAUX Auxiliary Supply to Summing Point BASIC 3.3.7
7 Modbus Modbus TCP for remote access BASIC 3.4.6
8 RDM Rotating Diode Monitoring BASIC
9 Double Channel Double Channel and supervision BASIC
10 Synchronization Synchronization BASIC +
11 Extended Data Logger Non-volatile Data logger FULL
12 Event Recorder Non-volatile Event Recorder FULL
13 External Ie Meas. External current measurement Option 3.3.7 or
 Must only be used with real 3.3.9
time simulator
14 PSS Power System Stabilizer Option

Once a password code has been acquired from ABB, an optional software feature can
be enabled using the CMT1000 software. A pre-configured device with selected
optional features can also be ordered by means of the product rubric number, and in
this case there is no need for software activation by password. More information
regarding the activation procedure can be found in Chapter 6.4.5 Menu Structure of
The following sections explain the complete UN1020 software including optional
features. It is clearly mentioned at the beginning of the description if a software feature
is optional or not. The Panel and CMT1000 software are explained in Chapter 6 -
After the configuration of the device, the parameters should be stored in the non-
volatile EEPROM memory; otherwise the changes are lost after restarting the device.

38 3BHS335648 E82 UNITROL 1020 User Manual

 Chapter 3 - Device Overview

The command Save to the EEPROM is used to store parameters in the non-volatile
memory and is explained in Chapter 6 - Operation.

UNITROL 1020 User Manual 3BHS335648 E82 39

Chapter 3 - Device Overview 
3.4.1 Operating Modes

There is a bumpless changeover between all modes performed by the Channel Follow-up
function. For more information see Chapter - Channel Follow-up. Tuning and
other parameters are described in Chapter - Description of Parameters. Automatic Voltage Regulation (Auto)

Regulates the terminal voltage of the

synchronous machine. PID Regulator

Current measurement for compensation /
droop SM E Manual Control

Regulates the field current of the

excitation machine.
PI Regulator
No limiters are active as long as this
mode is active.
SM E PF or Var Regulation

Regulates the power factor or reactive

power of the synchronous machine. PID Regulator

Remark: MVar
Var setpoint is normalized at 1pu terminal voltage
of the generator
SM E Open Loop

Control with a fixed output signal.

No limiters are active as long as this
mode is active.
SM E Channel Follow-up

While the UN1020 device is operating at an operating mode, the setpoint from the other
modes are following the actual one in order to provide a soft transition, with no bumps
(e.g. from Auto to Manual). This feature is called Channel Follow-up.

40 3BHS335648 E82 UNITROL 1020 User Manual

 Chapter 3 - Device Overview Description of Parameters

System Data
Nominal excitation current: Ie Nominal [A]
Measuring voltage three- or single- PT [Single_Phase] PTNET
phase: [Three_Phase]
[Three_ph_gnd] f Nominal PTM
UM Primary UM Secondary Regulator
Nominal voltage of the Machine: UM Nominal [kV]
Potent. transformer, prim. voltage: UM Primary [kV] IM2 Primary
Potent. transformer, sec. voltage: UM Secondary [V] IM2 Secondary

Nominal voltage of the Network: UNET Nominal [kV] IM2 Nominal

UM Nominal Ie Nominal
Potent. transformer, prim. voltage: UNET Primary [kV]
Ie No Load
Potent. transformer, sec. voltage: UNET Secondary[V] SM E
Nominal machine current IM2 Nominal [A]
Current transformer primary: IM2 Primary [A]
Current transformer secondary: IM2 Secondary [A]
No load excitation current: Ie No Load [%]
Ceiling factor: Kceil [V/V]
Machine reactance: Xq [p.u.]
Frequency nominal: f Nominal [Hz]
Single phase machine Checkbox

If there is a block transformer with any circuit configuration between PTM and
PTNET, the phase shift must be compensated. The phase can be
compensated as described in Chapter Synchronization (SYNC).

Setpoint Setting for the Regulator

- Auto to voltage regulator
- PF, Var to power factor, reactive power regulator
- Manual to manual regulator
- Open Loop to open loop regulation circuit

All setpoints have the following parameters

- Minimum
- Maximum
- Ramp Rate

Auto, Manual and Open Loop also have the following parameters
- Initial Setpoint

Default Level of the setpoint if the digital input

Mode Initial Setpoints
Excitation ON is not active.
Auto 100% (configurable)

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Chapter 3 - Device Overview 
Auto, Manual and Open Loop initial setpoints Manual 0% (configurable)
can be configured. Open Loop 0% (configurable)
PF 1.0
Var 0%
The limits and ramp rate can be set separately for each operating mode.
The setpoints of the non-active regulators follow the relevant operating point. For
example, for reactive power regulation (Var) the setpoint of the auto regulator follows the
current machine voltage. This allows surge-free switching between operating modes if the
new setpoint is within the setpoint limit.

Regulator Tuning
Auto (voltage control)

- Proportional gain Proportional Gain Vp

- Derivative time Derivation Time Tb [s]


- Integral time Integration Time Ta [s]


Compensation or Droop Kq [%] Machine voltage

droop [%] n sation Kq= 20% (max. compensation)
Kq= 0.00 (no effect)
Droop Kq= -20% (max. droop)

Reactive current

PF or Var Control Proportional Gain Vp P [W] Active power

underexcited overexcited
and PQ Limiter Derivation Time Tb [s]*) Var
Integration Time Ta [s] PF Generator PF

*) Only one parameter, see

Reactive power
voltage control Q- Q+ [var]


42 3BHS335648 E82 UNITROL 1020 User Manual

 Chapter 3 - Device Overview

Manual Proportional Gain Vp

Field current control and Integration Time Ta [s]
Ie Limiter

All parameters should be stored in the EEPROM non-volatile memory after they are
configured. Store to EEPROM can be done via CMT1000, Panel or Remote Access. For
more information refer to the appropriate sections.

Expert Tuning
Derivator gain Kb:
By default Kb is set to 3. This gives a derivator gain of 4 x Vp. The parameter can be set
between 1 and 50 which will give a derivator gain between 2 x and 51 x Vp.
Variable kceiling, Upower @ Noload:
In case of variable input voltage, UNITROL 1020 will adjust the kceiling factor
automatically by setting the parameter Upower @ Noload. The kceiling factor will be
adjusted depending on the Upower input. By default the Upower @ NoLoad is set to 0 V,
which will lead to fix kceiling.
Variable kceiling, Kc Freq Dep
In case of variable machine frequency, UNITROL 1020 will adjust the kceiling factor
automatically by checking the check box. The kceiling will be adjusted linear to the
measured frequency, where the nominal frequency is taken as base.
Max PWM when boosting
When this function is enabled, the AVR will apply 100% PWM during undervoltage.
Thresholds are defined by the boosting setting.

3.4.2 Startup Functions Soft Start and Line Charging

- Starting voltage : Start Level Machine voltage Initial Setpoint

[%] from Initial Setpoint [%] (Auto mode)
- Delay until ramp : Hold Time [s]
- Ramp time : Ramp Time [s]
- Start Frequency Machine Freq. [Hz] Start level

The final value of Soft Start ramp is the Initial [s]

Setpoint for Auto mode. For more information
refer to Chapter Setpoint Setting for Hold time Ramp
the Regulator.
Gen CB Closed Status = active
A second set for Line Charging parameters is Trigger immediately the soft start
also available. Line Charging is enabled by
Digital Input

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Chapter 3 - Device Overview 
Blocking excitation until UM frequency reaches a predefined level (parameter
name: Start Frequency)

Excitation is switched on when the machine frequency is higher than the start
frequency threshold. ExcitationOn input (also from remote control) is set to OFF until
the machine frequency is higher than FreqUM. The Soft start time starts after the
internal Excitation ON command. When the machine frequency goes below FreqUM
again (or level is raised above FreqUM) ExcitationON is kept. Blocking of ExcitationOn
is independent of Generator State and AVR Mode.

Note: Soft Start is available only in Auto mode.

There is no indication if Excitation ON is blocked or not.

In order to measure the correct frequency, the machine voltage must be

above 2% Field Flashing

Machine voltage
- Off Level Off Level [%] [%]
Signal field flashing

Setting the Off Level to 0% disables field Field flashing off level
flashing. Soft start level


Excitation ON Boost / Voltage Relay

- Pick-up volt. to Threshold [%] Machine voltage

generate boost Excitation ON
Soft start
command Voltage not active
Excitation ON drop
- Time boost Hold Time [s]
output is active Hysteresis
- Hysteresis for Hysteresis [%]
the reset of t
boost output Delayed [s]
Off Hold time
- Delayed OFF Delay time [s] Boost = 0 1 1 0 1 0
Voltage Relay= 1 0 1 0 1
- Boost on grid Check box Hold Time = Maximum active Boost Time
- Block boosting Check box
in case of PT

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 Chapter 3 - Device Overview

Boosting is disabled if “Block boosting in case of PT alarm” parameter is selected and any
of the following failures is detected.
Failures: a) Partial Loss of UM
b) Loss of UM
Current boost operation is canceled when either failure is detected

Detection of PT failures relies on Supervision functions (status, not latched), PT failures

will only be detected when the DCH SW option is enabled
Note that Voltage Relay operates independently of the status of Excitation ON. Forcing PWM to maximum

In order to make boosting independent of PID settings, PWM output can be driven to the
maximum value in case of undervoltage detection. This function is enabled by the
parameter “Maximum PMW when Boosting”.
The function is parametrized by the normal boost setting and on off timing is also
considering actual SP.

U measured
1 ≥1 Set
< forcing
x & 15
2 5

4 > OND
1 + x

2 ≥1


IeMax active e

1 Boost - Threshold

2 Voltage setpoint: if AUTO, setpoint itself; if PF or VAR, followup used to generate AUTO setpoint
(1.3s delayed voltage measurement)
3 Boost - Delayed OFF

4 Boost - Hysteresis
5 Boost - Checkbox «Enable PWM forcing»

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Chapter 3 - Device Overview 
Boosting is disabled if the “Block boosting in case of of PT alarm” parameter is selected
and any of the following failures is detected.
Failures: a) Partial Loss of UM
b) Loss of UM
Current boost operation is canceled when either failure is detected

Detection of PT failures relies on Supervision functions (status, not latched), PT failures

will only be detected when the DCH SW option is enabled FRT Detection (Fault Ride Through)

FRT detection is a very fast detection of voltage dips as it is defined by grid code
requirements. The output is used to give a fast indication to the governor control in order
to remove active power. This will prevent the generator to trip because of speeding up.
The output is only activated in case the active Power is over the configurable power

Machine voltage
Excitation ON
- Voltage level to Low Level [%]
Voltage drop
generate FRT

- Voltage release level High Level [%]

High Level
to reset FRT
detection Low Level
- Power Threshold to Power Thr. [%] [s]
enable FRT FRT detection = 0 1 0

If FRT_HighThreshold < FRT_LowThreshold, then the output signal is switched off when
UM > (Low Threshold + 2%)
Therefore, High Level cannot be set below low level Voltage Matching (VM)

Voltage Matching is a function from the Synchronization software (Chapter but
included in the AVR basic software package. When Voltage Matching is activated, the
generator voltage setpoint is adjusted to match UM with UNET, also during
Synchronization; however there is no Fbias output. More information about Voltage
Matching can be found in Chapter - Synchronization (SYNC). Synchronization (SYNC)

The automatic synchronization of a synchronous machine with the Line is achieved using
the optional integrated synchronizing function. By setting a few simple parameters,
UNITROL 1020 supplies the corresponding control signals for the speed governor and
closes the circuit breaker.
Analog speed correction Fbias is given out from the UNITROL 1020 analog output to the
speed governor control summing point (not as pulse). This signal represents the

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 Chapter 3 - Device Overview

difference of network NOMINAL and network ACTUAL frequency. The reference

(setpoint) value for the speed governor must be nominal (50 or 60 Hz) and the Fbias
given by UNITROL 1020 will drive the speed close to actual network frequency.
As an alternative, UNITROL 1020 supports digital increase / decrease signals towards
the governor control.

Setpoint fSP = fNom Synchrocheck
Fbias Sync
Speed Controller


Figure 3-8 Typical application for Synchronization.

Synchronization should never be performed by calculation only. All
measurements shall be confirmed on site before synchronization takes
The power circuit breaker (CB) must not be closed unless both
voltages are at least approximately synchronous (coincident).
Otherwise, this may result in faulty line operation, loading of the
synchronous machine and, in extreme cases, damage to the
synchronous machine.
A separate synchrocheck relay might be used to secure the right
operation. For further information please contact ABB.

Measuring and Matching

The values are obtained by the two measurement signals UNET and UM
• Voltage difference (amplitude)
• Slip (frequency difference)
• Phase-angle difference

The voltage matching function gives the adjusting value to the internal voltage regulator
and the frequency matching function sends the analog signal Fbias to the turbine

Monitoring and command generation

The command to close the breaker (CB) is released if all conditions are fulfilled.

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Chapter 3 - Device Overview 
Description of parameters:

Min Slip [Hz] : Minimum Slip (Delta U) UNET - UM [%]

Max Slip [Hz] : Maximum Slip 10.0
Max DeltaU[%] : Max. voltage difference
Note: fM > fNET
Slip always negative [Hz]

-1.00 -0.40 0
Maximum Minimum

Angle = 10 -10

20 -20
Max Delta Angle Max Delta Angle [deg] 40 -20 -40

[deg] 60 -60

80 80

Tot CB CloseTime Time between closing command and closed breaker (see data
[ms] sheet of the breaker).

Voltage Offset [%] Voltage correction factor between UM and UNET.


Voltage Offset is provided in the current software release for

backwards compatibility with earlier versions.

Note 1: Voltage correction can be achieved by modifying the

Network PT parameters.
Note 2: Because Voltage Offset functions independently of other
functions, it’s recommended to leave Voltage Offset = 0 when
correcting voltage using the Network PT settings.

Angle Offset [deg] Phase correction factor between UM and UNET. Delta angle is
calculated as follows:
Delta Angle = PhaseNET – PhaseM + Angle Offset
Situation: Due to a step-up transformer between machine and
grid, UNET is delayed 30º with respect to UM.
Correction needed: Angle Offset = + 30º (positive).

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 Chapter 3 - Device Overview

SYNC When set to False (default), this enables the monitoring of Gen
DisableCBCheck CB Closed Status input during Synchronization (only): if Gen CB
[True / False] Closed Status is active, Voltage Matching is not performed.
When set to True, this disables the monitoring of Gen CB Closed
Status during Synchronization (only): Voltage Matching is
performed disregarding the Gen CB Closed Status input (not
recommended in most applications).
Important: This parameter must be configured to False for
backwards compatibility with releases 4.401 or earlier.

After the power circuit breaker has been closed, the Synchronize
command must be deactivated.
The setpoint of the speed controller must have the nominal value of 50
resp. 60 Hz for the synchronization.

[%] Setpoint AUTO
Voltage matcher 110 Maximum
The machine voltage is raised to the level of UNET
the line voltage. Ramp = constant

Ramp Rate has to be adjusted in the menu UM
Setpoint AUTO Minimum

[Hz] Fbias
Frequency matcher +0.2
fNOM = 50 Hz (45 Hz < fNET ≤ 54 Hz, 50 Hz) -1
(54 Hz < fNET < 66 Hz, 60 Hz)
fNET = 49 Hz
fM = 50 Hz fNOM
fSP = 50 Hz (Setpoint speed governor) 49.2
Slipmax = -0.4 Hz 49
Slipmin = 0 Hz
Fbias =
fNET – fNOM – (SlipMAX – SlipMIN)/2- SlipMIN = +0.2 Hz
fSP+Fbias = 50.2 Hz

Using digital output signals to adjust the speed:

As an alternative to the fbias signal, UNITROL 1020 also supports increase and decrease
signals as digital outputs in order to adjust the speed. The digital outputs are pulse width
modulated with 4000 ms base time. The more the machine frequency matches the
network frequency, the shorter the pulses are.

UNITROL 1020 User Manual 3BHS335648 E82 49

Chapter 3 - Device Overview 
Maximum Minimum
-0.40 0.00
Max Max Max (configurable) (configurable) Min Min Min
-5.00 -1.0 -0.50 +0.50 +1.00 +5.00

2000 ms

1000 ms

2000 ms
1000 ms
200 ms

100 ms

200 ms

400 ms
400 ms

100 ms

0 ms

Dead Bus Synchronization

UNITROL 1020 supports synchronization to a dead bus (Unet < 10%). To enable dead
bus synchronization, the digital input “Sync Dead Bus enable” must be configured and
The digital input should be wired over the MCB of the Unet PT protection in order to
ensure that Unet is < 10%.


! In case of broken or open Unet PT measurement, the machine might be

seriously damaged when applying dead bus synchronization

Preconditions for Synchronization

UM Unet Sync dead Output behavior

bus enable
<10% <10% 1 CB close command and Syncrocheck output is applied at
Voltage matching and control signal to governor are disabled
<50% >10% any Synchronization and Syncrocheck is blocked
Voltage matching and control signal to governor are disabled
>50% <10% 1 CB close command and Syncrocheck output is applied
Voltage matching and control signal to governor are disabled
>50% <50% any Synchronization and Syncrocheck is blocked
Voltage matching and control signal to governor are disabled
>50% >50% any CB close command and Syncrocheck output is applied
Control signals to governor are applied


The Synchronization can be activated via digital input or Remote Access. For more
information refer to Chapter 3.3.5 Digital Inputs, Chapter 3.4.6 Modbus for Remote
Access and 6.4.5 Menu Structure of CMT1000.

The Synchronization and Voltage Matching are features that are activated using the
same activation signal, called Synchronize. When the Synchronization SW is not
available in the AVR (i.e. LED off in SW-options window of CMT1000), only Voltage
Matching will be activated when Synchronize digital input is set to high. On the other
hand, when Synchronization SW is available (i.e. LED on in the SW-options window of
CMT1000), Synchronize input will fully activate the Synchronization feature, which also

50 3BHS335648 E82 UNITROL 1020 User Manual

 Chapter 3 - Device Overview

includes the capability of voltage matching and the Fbias output. For more information
about Voltage Matching see Chapter Voltage Matching (VM). Start sequence with dead bus synchronization

With regard to support dead bus synchronisation and line charging in combination,
UNITROL 1020 provides a special start sequence.

In case digital input Sync Dead Bus Enable is active, Excitation On and Line Charging
are enabled, the soft start ramp (Internal Excitation ON status) is started after the
generator breaker is closed. Generating the close command of the generator breaker is
only applied if SYNC is enabled.

3.4.3 On-line Operation Functions Voltage Droop Compensation (VDC)

For island operation only

UNITROL 1020 offers a special feature called Voltage Droop Compensation or VDC. This
feature equally shares the amount of reactive power between generators connected in
parallel to the same bus by using the RS485 bus for communication between AVRs.
During VDC mode all AVRs operate in Auto mode with a voltage droop control. Each
AVR sends the value of its own amount of reactive power over the RS-485 bus, while the
other AVRs take this information to calculate a common average MVAR setpoint and
compensate the effect of the voltage droop. The setpoints are calculated to maintain the
voltage level on the busbar at 100% (not adjustable).
The AVRs that are considered to calculate the common average MVAR can be selected:
A) All units which are connected to the busbar, only dependent on the GCB status
B) All units working in VDC mode
In order to get a smooth transition between any mode and VDC mode the load sharing is
activated over a ramp time. The ramp time defines the time after switching on VDC mode
until VAR on all machines is equalized.
Machine voltage


Reactive current

Var SPmax [%]

Var SPmin

The Compensation Droop Kq shall be set at -5% (negative value) if VDC mode is used.
The voltage is kept at 100% Um inside the VAR SP min/max. If VAR is outside this range
the voltage will be adjusted according to the set droop (Kq).
VDC Mode will keep the bus voltage at 100% within the Var Setpoint min and max limits.

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Chapter 3 - Device Overview 
Load sharing will only be accurate in case of matched PTs. Voltage
must be matched to a single reference with 0.1% accuracy

Voltage droop compensation can be used for two different bus configurations.
a) Busbar configuration with 2 breakers
b) Ring structure with up to 6 segments
The load sharing takes place only in machines that are connected directly and
automatically controlled by digital inputs that give information about the breaker.

Common parameters for VDC:

Network Connection Type Busbar or Ring
RS485 error forces to AUTO mode False / True
VDC Ramp Time 0.1 – 60.0 sec
Baud Rate 59.9k / 57.6k
Calc ref from AVRs in VDC mode only False / True
Communication over RS485 between the parallel units:

Each AVR has to be configured with a unique AVR-ID number which identifies itself
among the others on the bus.
The VDC communication refers to the data transmitted over the RS485 bus whereas the
VDC operating mode refers to whether this data is used for compensation of the reactive
power or not. The AVR enables the VDC communication (i.e. transmit data over the bus)
as soon as the "Gen CB Closed status" input is active (logical one) and VDC software is
available in the device except during Standby or when Remote Access via the RS485 is
active. As long as the AVR is in Standby or as long as Remote Access via RS485 is
active, the VDC communication is disabled and will not be transmitted over the bus. Once
the VDC communication is enabled, the data available on the bus is taken and used for
the regulation. This is only possible when the AVR is switched to VDC operating mode
(i.e. by VDC Enable digital input).

The availability of the VDC communication disregarding the operation mode (even during
Excitation Off) allows the cabling connections and communication quality to be easily
tested. The testing is performed by forcing the "Gen CB Closed status" input signal and
by monitoring the status of the communication using the VDC Monitor tool included in the
CMT1000. For more information about VDC Monitor refer to Chapter 6.4.7
Communication Menu.
The wiring connections of the RS485 bus are explained in Chapter RS485
Interface. Voltage Droop Compensation for busbar configuration

The VDC software allows the network to be divided into smaller entities. Each AVR can
operate in one of three pre-determined island grids called Primary and Secondary Nets.
The Primary Net (open breaker) is selected by default if the Secondary is not configured.

52 3BHS335648 E82 UNITROL 1020 User Manual

 Chapter 3 - Device Overview

Load A Load B Load C

RS-485 RS-485 RS-485



Figure 3-9 VDC application example of six machines and two nets.
When the Secondary Net is required, it should be configured using a digital input. This
input determines whether the AVR uses data for VDC calculation from the devices
configured in the Primary or Secondary Net. The user can select 4 different net IDs
depending on two digital inputs. The load sharing takes place between AVRs with the
same net IDs. The list below shows an example of how to set the net IDs for each AVR in
relation to the digital input.

Net type Net ID Digital input AVR 1+2 AVR 3+4 AVR 5+6
default Secondary Net 1 Net ID Net ID Net ID
Secondary Net 2
Net 2 Net 1
Primary Net 1 0 0 1 1 1
Secondary Net 2 0 1 2 2 1
Secondary Net 3 1 0 1 3 1
Secondary Net 4 1 1 4 4 4

Note that the net IDs are chosen in a way to represent the possible load sharings:
• Net ID1: Load sharing only in the same bus segment
• Net ID 2: Load sharing between Load A and B
• Net ID 3: Load sharing between Load B and C
• Net ID 4: Load sharing between all machines
The Primary and Secondary Net ID numbers should be different from each other and
unique for each load sharing group.
When no digital input is configured for Secondary Net 1 nor Net 2, the VDC net ID is set
to the primary net ID. Voltage Droop Compensation for Ring Configuration

VDC mode can also be used in a ring structure, where the ring can be split up and the
AVR automatically shares load with the connected machines.
A ring is based on segments with a left (decreasing) and right (increasing) breaker. The

UNITROL 1020 User Manual 3BHS335648 E82 53

Chapter 3 - Device Overview 
number of machines inside a segment is not limited. Only the maximum number of total
machines is limited to 31.
The status of the breakers must be wired to digital input (Secondary Net 1 and
Secondary Net 2) of the AVR.
Where Secondary Net 2 is used for the left side (decreasing) breaker and Secondary Net
1is used for the right side (increasing) breaker.


Ring segment, terminated by left and right side breaker

Note that the net IDs are equal to the bus segment where the AVR is connected to. The
AVR status gives an indication of two different island operations.
• Primary Net One of the section breakers is open
• Secondary Net Both section breakers are closed

A ring structure is built with up to 6 segments; see the example for 3 segments below.

Segment 1 Segment 2 Segment 3


Ring segment, terminated by left Ring segment, terminated by left Ring segment, terminated by left
and right side breaker and right side breaker and right side breaker

The auxiliary contact of the breaker must be wired only inside the segment. In order to
select the correct machines regarding the load sharing, all AVRs give the information of
the segment breaker and their own position (segment number) over the RS485 bus to all
other AVRs. This enables the system to detect wrong configuration which is indicated as
“VDC Ring Error”.
If there is neither left nor right side breaker, the corresponding digital input (Secondary
Net1 / 2) must be forced to logical 1.
Each AVR is collecting all status information of the ring tie breakers over the RS485 bus

54 3BHS335648 E82 UNITROL 1020 User Manual

 Chapter 3 - Device Overview

in order to select the correct load sharing group. In case of a separated segment the load
sharing takes place on the remaining ones and separately on the isolated segment.

3.4.4 Limiters and Monitor Functions Limiters

V/Hz Limiter Machine voltage

- V/Hz knee point frequency fknee [Hz] 100
- Slope
Slope [%]

In case of a short circuit at the machine terminals, the frequency is calculated out of the
machine current. This guarantees a correct functioning of the V/Hz limiter in any
During soft start the V/Hz limiter minimum output is limited to 5%

Ie Minimum current limiter P [W] Active power

underexcited overexcited
- Minimum limit Minimum [%] Limiter-
characteristics GENERATOR
- Limiter active Active = True/False
Iemin Reactive power
Q- Q+ [var]


Ie Maximum current limiter Excitation current

- 1st limit Maximum [%] [%]
1st limit
- Hold time Maximum Hold Time [s]
2nd limit
- 2nd limit delay Delayed [%] Contin. current
- Hold time Delayed Hold Time [s]
Continuous current Hold time Hold time
Limiter active Continuous [%]
Active = True/False

Cool-down behavior
In case Ie Limiter is hit short after Ie Limiter was released, the 1st limit hold time will be
reduced in order not to overheat the winding, where the reduction of Limiter times is
depending on the time Ie actual was running below 100%.

UNITROL 1020 User Manual 3BHS335648 E82 55

Chapter 3 - Device Overview 
PQ Limiter P [W] Active power
The characteristic is determined by 5 points underexcited overexcited

- Q limit at P = 0% Minimum Q(P @ 0%) [%] Generator


- Q limit at P = 25% Minimum Q(P @ 25%) [%] P=25%

Reactive power
- Q limit at P = 50% Minimum Q(P @ 50%) [%] Q- P=0% Q+ [var]

- Q limit at P = 75% Minimum Q(P @ 75%) [%] P=25%

- Q limit at P = 100% Minimum Q(P @ 100%) [%] P=50%

Voltage dependency P=75%

active Volt.Dependency:True/False P=100%

- Limiter active Active = True/False

UM Limiter (only in PF / Var mode)

- Limiting value of the minimum machine voltage Minimum [%]
- Limiting value of the maximum machine voltage Maximum [%]
- Limiter active Minimum Active = True/False
- Limiter active Maximum Active = True/False

IM Limiter
- Limiting value of the maximum machine current Maximum [%]
- Time Multiplier according to IEC 60255-3, Table 1,
Col. B, very inversed characteristic Time Multiplier K
- Limiter active Maximum Active = True/False
Limiter becomes active after time set by
„very inverse characteristic“
t= ∗ 𝐾𝐾
𝐼𝐼LIM − 1 Limiters Temperature Influence

IM Limiter
Machine current IM
T1 at Max IM T1 [°]
Max IM P1
T2 at IM th2 T2 [°]
T3 at IM th3 T3 [°] Im_th2 P2
T4 at IM = 0 A T4 [°] Im_th3 P3
Machine current level IM th2[%] 25
Machine current level IM th3[%] P4 Cooling temp.
20 40 T1 T2 T3 T4 100 [°]

Ie Limiter Excitation current Ie [%]

T1 at Max continuous Ie T1 [°] Max.

Continuous Ie P1
T2 at Ie th2 T2 [°]
T3 at Ie th3 T3 [°] Ie_th2 P2
T4 at Ie = 0 A T4 [°] Ie_th3 P3
P4 Cooling temp.
Excitation current level Ie th2 [%]
Excitation current level Ie th3 [%] 20 40 T1 T2 T3 T4 100 [°]

56 3BHS335648 E82 UNITROL 1020 User Manual

 Chapter 3 - Device Overview Field Voltage Limiter

The measured excitation current is used to estimate the field voltage through a look-up
table, in which the values are linearly interpolated. If the estimated field voltage is larger
than the defined maximum field voltage (Ufmax), the difference is multiplied with the gain
UfLimGain. The resulting value subtracts the maximum excitation current limit Max Ie,
thus reducing the field voltage.
If the gain UfLimGain is set to zero, this limiter is disabled.

Gain Ie_Max

Ie_Max-Ie_Del +
Look-up Vfd + error - Ie_Max value –
Ie Σ π Σ to Ie_Max limiter
- 0

Look-up table Uf, Rotor voltage [%]

Uf@Ie 400%

Uf@Ie100% Vf [%] Uf@Ie 300%

Uf@Ie 200%
Uf@Ie200% Vf [%]
Uf@Ie 100%
Uf@Ie300% Vf [%]
Uf@Ie400% Vf [%] 100% 400% Ie [%]
Ufmax Vf [%]
UfLimGain [n]

To set this parameter, refer to 6.4.8 Tune Menu. Double Channel (DCH)

Double Channel (DCH) is an optional feature that integrates supervision or monitor

functions and redundant channel support to build robust and flexible double channel
The SW-feature is also used for single channel systems in order to force the system into
Manual mode or trip excitation.

The Double Channel feature has the following main components (Figure 3-10):

1. DCH Supervision / Monitor

The Double Channel Supervision is a feature with 19 supervision functions that
can be used to trigger two Alarms and/or a Trip output from the AVR. The
configuration is performed using a so-called Configuration Matrix.
In addition, 10 monitor functions can be configured in order to control 2 Monitor
Alarm outputs. The monitor Alarm outputs can also be routed to the Supervision
alarm and trip outputs.

With the configuration matrix the customer can define up to 5 independent digital
output signals.

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Chapter 3 - Device Overview 
2. Redundant Channel support
Channel changeover, DCH Follow-up and DCH communication
The Channel Changeover is a feature used to transfer the control to the other
channel; normally used when the active channel trips or under special
circumstances (i.e. monitoring alarms) that can be configured in the AVR.
The DCH Follow-Up is a function which is active as long as the AVR is in Standby
mode (i.e. not active), monitoring the setpoint used on the other channel in order
to be ready to takeover in case of changeover. The DCH Follow-up is different
from the Follow-up used to change between operation modes within the same
AVR. For more information see Chapter - DCH Follow-Up.
The communication with the second channel is made using the CAN interface and
is called DCH Communication. Throughout the CAN bus, measurements, statuses
and setpoints are transmitted and received from both channels. The data
information can be read from Panel, CMT1000, using Remote Access and is used
for the channel changeover functionality.

The features included in the Redundant Channel support (channel changeover,

follow-up and communication) are in operation and active as long as the DCH
CAN communication is enabled and error-free. However, DCH Supervision can be
used independently of the existence of a second channel, and is therefore also
suitable for single channel applications. DCH Supervision does not depend on the
DCH CAN communication.

The Double Channel software must be available in the AVR (i.e. unblocked)
before the use of DCH Supervision and/or functions from Redundant Channel
support. Otherwise the configuration is not possible and Alarm, Trip and
Changeover digital output are unconditionally set to logical zero (i.e. not active).
The schema in Figure 3-10 shows the relationship between the main functions

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 Chapter 3 - Device Overview

DCH Supervision
Configuration Matrix

Supervision 2
(19) 3

Alarm 1 assignation

Alarm 2 assignation
. .

Trip assignation
. .

. .

Monitor 20
(8) 21

Trip status config

Standby to DO
Alarm 1 status config port
Alarm 2 status config

Redundant Channel support

Channel Changeover
DCH Follow-up (block not shown)
DCH Communication
2nd Channel Alarm 1

2nd Channel Trip Channel

to DO
Changeover Changeover status
Comm Status Logic

DCH CAN communication data flow

to 2nd
Measurements, setpoint and
Measurement &
other data used by DCH Communication
Follow-Up and user interfaces

Figure 3-10 Schema of main Double Channel functions.

DCH Supervision Functions

The DCH Supervision has a total of 21 status signals from different supervision functions.
It also has two Monitor Alarm outputs that can be configured to generate a (global) Alarm
and/or a (global) Trip. As shown in Figure 3-11, Alarm and Trip status signals are
configured by a so called Configuration Matrix. Alarm and Trip are independent of each
other and they can be configured differently.
The Configuration Matrix allows the user to select which monitoring function will produce
an Alarm and/or a Trip at the output of the Supervision function. For instance, as soon as
a monitoring function, which is configured to produce an Alarm, reports a failure, the
Alarm status at the output of the Configuration Matrix will be set to active (logical true).
The same could happen to the Trip status if the monitoring function is configured to
produce a Trip. The configuration of Alarm and Trip is handled independently of each
other and therefore it provides great flexibility when engineering a project-specific
Each monitoring function that can be configured in the Configuration Matrix has a status
which is used to detect the failure and triggers Alarm and/or Trip according to the
configuration. The status from each monitoring function is implemented with a latch

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Chapter 3 - Device Overview 
memory which makes the value remain active (logical true) even after the failure has
been diminished and the monitoring function no longer reports a failure. Therefore, it is
possible to determine which monitoring function causes an Alarm or Trip even after de-
exciting the machine. The latch memory of all monitoring function statuses can be
cleared by the digital input "Reset Alarm" (only if the failure has already been diminished)
or by powering off the device (Figure 3-11).

DCH Supervision
Configuration Matrix
Status Suppervission

Functions 2

. .
Alarm assignation
Alarm assignation
Trip assignation
Reset clears (to Logic 0) each . .
latched status only when the one
from the monitoring function is
. .
already Off or Logic 0.

Monitor 20 Trip and Alarm status Alarm and Trip may be

Functions may be monitored from configured to output or
the user interfaces not its status during the
(8) 21
Channel is in Standby

Trip status
Each status signal is latched config
when it goes to On or Logic 1
Alarm status
Standby to DO
( edge detection ) config port
Alarm status config

Figure 3-11 Double Channel Supervision.

Both Alarm and Trip statuses are the outputs from the Configuration Matrix and they can
be monitored using the CMT1000 and Remote Access. Alarm and Trip Status can be
configured as digital outputs (DO), however as shown in Figure 3-11, they are not directly
connected to the output. Instead they are connected to the Standby Configuration boxes.
The Standby Configuration boxes, shown in Figure 3-11, prevent Alarm and Trip to
output their status values to the DO port during Standby mode; and this function can be
used to prevent undesired alarms as long as the Channel is in Standby. When the
Standby Configuration blocks the status of Alarm and/or Trip, the value transferred to the
DO port is logical zero.
A list with all the DCH monitoring functions (12) is shown in Table 3-1. Following, Table
3-2 shows the 5 status signals from other UN1020 functions which can also be
configured with the Configuration Matrix.

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 Chapter 3 - Device Overview

Table 3-1 Double Channel Supervision functions.

Supervision Description Detection
Function Time
SW real time error SW is not running
On CMT1000: Failure condition: 1ms Task is not finished within 1ms
MODBUS Comm. Alarm
Supervision of MODBUS keep alive Remote Access
On CMT1000: "Loss of 1 sec.
feature. Active independent of “remote access” is granted.
Remote Control".
Machine Voltage Machine PT monitoring function for 3-phase system only. 30 msec.
One or Two phases lost
Failure condition: Error is detected if U0 sum is over 70%
On CMT1000: of Unom.
"Partial Loss of UM"
Machine Voltage Machine PT monitoring function. The function is activated 60 msec.
only after the Soft start is finished.
Loss of all phases
Failure condition: Excitation current is higher than No-
On CMT1000: Load and Machine Voltage falls below 10%. Monitor
function is triggered only when no short-circuit condition is
"Loss of UM"
Short circuit is detected when voltage falls below 10% and
machine current jumps up more than 100% within 50ms.
Machine current monitor Machine CT monitoring function 60 msec.
On CMT100: Failure condition: Machine current is below 2% and
“Loss of CT” machine voltage is between 90% and 110% and excitation
current is out of the range of 50% to 150% of noload
excitation current
Machine Voltage Freeze Monitoring of the electronics for the Machine voltage 60 msec.
monitoring measurement components on the PCB (this is not a PT
Phase L1 monitoring function).
Phase L2 Failure condition: The voltage measurement is more than
Phase L3 10%, constant and not alternating.
On CMT100:
“UMLx Freeze”
Network Freeze Monitoring of the electronics for the Network voltage 60 msec.
monitoring measurement components on the PCB (this is not a PT
On CMT100: monitoring function).
“Unet Freeze” Failure condition: The voltage measurement is more than
10%, constant and not alternating.
Machine Current Freeze Monitoring of the electronics for the Machine current 60 msec.
monitoring measurement components on the PCB (this is not a CT
monitoring function).
On CMT1000: Failure condition: The current measurement is more than
"IM2 Freeze" 10%, constant and not alternating.
Loss of control Supervision of PWM control 500 msec.
Failure condition: Excitation is On, PWM stays below
On CMT1000: 12.5% of 1/Kceiling and excitation current is above 250%
"Loss of control”" compared to No Load condition.
Function is blocked when “Voltage Relay” is active

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Chapter 3 - Device Overview 
Supervision Description Detection
Function Time
Loss of Excitation Supervision of Excitation current 500 msec.
Failure condition: Excitation current is less than 50% of
On CMT1000: the specified value of No-Load condition or Upwr is less
"Loss of Excitation”" than 10V and PWM is above 2/Kceiling.
(Ie < 50% OR Upwr < 10V) AND PWM > 2/Kceiling
Function is blocked when “Voltage Relay” is active
Temperature Supervision of controller temperature 2 sec.
Level 1 Failure condition: Temperature is equal to or above 70
On CMT1000:
"Temperature Limit 70°C”"
Temperature Supervision of controller temperature 2 sec.
Level 2 Failure condition: Temperature is equal to or above 85
On CMT1000:
"Temperature Limit 85°C”"
External Alarm Supervision of external digital input signal (must be 100 msec.
On CMT1000: assigned in the digital input section).
“External Alarm” Failure condition: The digital input value is copied to the
status of this function.
RS 485 communication Communication supervision based on bad frames rates 10 / 2 sec
monitor Failure condition:
On CMT1000: Modbus: 10 bad frames in 10 sec
“RS485 Bad Frames” VDC: 10 bad frames in 2 sec
VDC ring error Mismatch of breaker detection in same section for VDC 1 sec
On CMT1000: ring configuration
“VDC Ring error” Failure condition: Same breaker will show up with
different status
Internal Power supply Supervision of all internal power supply 10 msec
monitor Failure conditions: According to HW design
On CMT1000:
“Internal Power Fail”
Digital output supervision Digital output and 24 V power supply supervision 10 msec
on CMT1000: Failure condition: Digital output current per pin exceeded
“Digital Output Fail” 500 mA or 24 V output voltage goes below 12 V dc
Monitor Alarm 1 Configured monitor Alarm 1
Monitor Alarm 2 Configured monitor Alarm 1

DCH Monitor Functions

Table 3-2 Monitor function statuses that can be configured with the Configuration Matrix.
Monitor Functions Description Time for
FCB Alarm Supervision of Field Circuit Breaker. 1 sec.
Rotating diode monitoring alarm.
Diode Alarm configurable
Requires RDM software (optional).
Supervision of diode monitoring trip status.
Diode Trip configurable
Requires RDM software (optional).
Generator Overvoltage Configurable overvoltage monitor configurable

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 Chapter 3 - Device Overview

Configurable undervoltage monitor

Generator Undervoltage configurable
Will be activated after soft start is finished
Excitation Overcurrent Configurable overcurrent monitor
Supervision of external digital input signal (must be
External Alarm 100 msec.
assigned in the digital input section).
Emergency Exc. OFF Emergency Exc. Off Command latch 5 msec.
Supervision of relative power (Prel)
Reverse Power Indication Negative threshold is used for generator mode Configurable
Positive threshold is used for motor operation
Alarm is triggered in case GCB cannot be closed by the
GCB Alarm close command within 2 sec or machine current exceeds 2 sec
5% with open GCB status

Alarm output toggling

Supervision and monitor alarms can be assigned for digital outputs as a summary alarm.
If a single monitor function is triggered, the output becomes active and the status is

The user can activate the toggling function by means of a parameter if the monitor
function detects a new alarm again. In this case the digital output linked to the alarm will
be deactivated for 1 sec (toggled off) and reactivated again (toggled on).

Channel Changeover Logic

As shown in Figure 3-12, the Changeover status is the output of the AND-gate which
depends on the Alarm and Trip Status from the current channel, Alarm and Trip Status
from the Second Channel and the DCH Communication Status which is an indication of
the communication quality between both channels.
The DCH Communication refers to the data transmitted over CAN between both
channels, and it contains setpoint information, measurements, status signals (including
Alarm and Trip) and others. The status of this communication is logical one (good) if data
coming from the Double Channel feature is received well and free of errors (CRC check).
On the other hand, the Communication Status is logical zero (bad) if the received data
contained errors, the communication was not enabled (no data received) and/or the
configuration was not set properly. Alarm and Trip from the Second Channel should be
configured using the DCH Supervision in the other channel.
To increase the flexibility, the Changeover dependency on Alarm and Trip status is
configurable; i.e. checkboxes allowing to configure whether these signals are part of the
AND and OR gate inputs of the logic decision (Figure 3-12). Each checkbox output is
determined according to the rules shown in Figure 3-13. An important setting is the
checkbox connected to the DCH Communication Status, which additionally lets the signal
pass through until the input of the AND gate. It also enables the DCH Communication
over CAN. The DCH Communication should be enabled to use the Changeover
functionality; otherwise the Changeover Status will be zero all the time (see Figure 3-12
and Figure 3-13).
The decision logic from Figure 3-12 shows that once the DCH Communication is
enabled, the dependency of Changeover Status is defined according to the checkbox
configuration and the Alarm and Trip status from both channels. When, for instance, the
checkboxes are configured according to Figure 3-12, the Changeover Status will be
logical one when: the Trip Status from the current channel is equal to one, the Trip Status

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Chapter 3 - Device Overview 
from the Second Channel is equal to zero (i.e. no trip in the Second Channel and it is
ready to takeover) and the Communication Status is equal to one (data from the Second
Channel is being received correctly).
The Changeover status value is latched (retains the value) when the AND gate output
changes from zero-to-one. The latched value may be cleared (to zero) using the Reset
command only if the output of the AND gate is already zero as well.
The Changeover status can be assigned to a digital output signal from the AVR. When
compared with Alarm and Trip DO signals, the DO assigned for Changeover always
outputs the Changeover Status disregarding whether the channel is Standby or Active;
for Changeover DO, this cannot be configured as it is for Alarm and Trip.

Changeover Logic
Alarm 1 status

Alarm 2 status OR

Trip status

2nd. Channel Alarm 1 to DO

AND Changeover status
2nd. Channel Trip

Changeover status is latched

DCH Comm. Status when it goes from zero-to-one
(edge detection)

Enable DCH Communication
Clears (to zero) the latched
Changeover status only if
the AND output is also zero.

DCH CAN communication data flow

to second
Measurement &

2nd. Channel measurements & Status

Measurements & Status and will not be available if DCH Comm. is
Setpoints for DCH Follow-Up not enabled or if DCH Comm. Status
and user interfaces Ok is equal to zero (i.e. bad quality).

Figure 3-12 Channel Changeover logic and configuration.

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 Chapter 3 - Device Overview

Check box for Alarm & Trip (also 2nd. Channel)


A 0 (logic)

Check box for DCH communication


A A A 0

1 (enable) 0 (disable)

Measurement & Measurement &
Communication Communication

Figure 3-13 Configuration checkboxes rules.

The Changeover output is intended to be used together with the Standby input, in order
to activate the Redundant channel and deactivate the Main one. The Standby status can
be set via Remote Access or via a digital input (common case). Figure 3-14 shows a
typical example of Changeover output to set the Redundant Channel to Standby or Active
mode. The ResetAlarm input is normally used to clear the latch memory of Changeover
output and bring the Main Channel back to Active (and the Redundant back to Standby)
once the failure has been diminished or fixed.

Main Channel Redundant Channel

DO - Changeover DI - Standby

DI - Standby

DI - ResetAlarm DI - ResetAlarm

CAN interface

Figure 3-14 Typical configuration of Changeover output

Delay on Switch Over output after Power Cycle

Switching back to channel 1 can be done by applying reset Alarm signal to Channel 1
AVR or by power cycling Channel 1.

In order to enable the correct setpoint follow up on Channel 1, the switch over output is
kept active for a defined delay time, configurable by the parameter SWO Startup Hold
Time, which allows Channel 1 to initialize all filters and statuses before taking over control

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Chapter 3 - Device Overview 
Automatic Logic
Within the DCH SW a configurable logic for forcing the AVR into Manual or automatically
switching off excitation logic is provided.

Automatic forcing logic

Alarm 1 status
Manual ON
Alarm 2 status OR
Manual ON

GCB Status
Excitation ON
Trip AND
Excitation ON

Figure 3-15 Automatic forcing logic

DCH Follow-Up
The DCH Follow-up is an automatic function that runs in the Standby channel, following
the actual setpoint used by the Active channel, in order to perform a bumpless transfer
during changeover. The DCH Follow-up is different from Channel Follow-up, which is
used to have bumpless changeover between operating modes within the same Channel
and could also be used on systems without Double Channel software support. For more
information about Channel Follow-up see Chapter - Channel Follow-up.
The DCH Follow-up uses the setpoint information from the Active channel over the CAN
interface. During DCH software operation, the Active channel sends the setpoints of the
current operation mode and the one for Manual mode through the CAN interface. These
two values are setpoints delayed and calculated out of the measurements of the Active
channel; the delaying method minimizes the influence of failures on the setpoint
calculation (e.g. wrong measurement due to PT failure) and improves the bumpless
characteristic at the moment of changeover.
At the moment of changeover, the Standby channel decides whether to take the setpoint
from the Active channel (over the CAN interface) or from its current measurements,
before it goes Active. The decision depends on the operation mode of both channels
according to the following:

• If operation modes on both channels are the same (except for OpenLoop), the
setpoint is taken from the Active channel, i.e. delayed setpoint over CAN.
• If the Standby channel has Manual mode enabled, the setpoint is taken from the
Active channel, i.e. delayed setpoint over CAN.
• If the Standby channel has Open Loop mode enabled, the setpoint after
changeover is set to zero.
• For all other possibilities not described above, the setpoint will be calculated from
the current measurements of the Standby channel; i.e. not from CAN. Under
these conditions, the setpoint is calculated based on delayed measurements from
the own channel; the delaying method minimizes the influence of failures on the
setpoint calculation and improves the bumpless characteristic.

A summary of the described cases is shown in Table 3-1

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 Chapter 3 - Device Overview

Table 3-3 Setpoint follow-up logic Note: SP = Setpoint.

Mode Standby AVR
Auto Manual PF VAR Openloop

Mode Auto Calculated Calculated

Manual SP
Sync Auto SP of from from
of Active SP = 0%
VDC Active AVR Standby AVR Standby AVR
Measurements Measurements
Active Manual Calculated Calculated Calculated
Manual SP
from from from
of Active SP = 0%
Standby AVR Standby AVR Standby AVR
Measurements Measurements Measurements
AVR PF Calculated Calculated
Manual SP
from PF SP of from
of Active SP = 0%
Standby AVR Active AVR Standby AVR
Measurements Measurements
VAR Calculated Calculated
Manual SP
from from VAR SP of
of Active SP = 0%
Standby AVR Standby AVR Active AVR
Measurements Measurements
Openloop Calculated Calculated Calculated
Manual SP
from from from
of Active SP = 0%
Standby AVR Standby AVR Standby AVR
Measurements Measurements Measurements

The dark-gray cells show the setpoint follow-up taken from the CAN Interface (more
In order that the channel take over the previous operation point as fast as possible, the
PWM of the standby channel starts regulating with the same PWM value of the main

DCH Follow-up is not supported during synchronization. If a double channel system is
engineered, the option Synchronization should be available only from one channel.
Remote Setpoint via analog inputs should be avoided when using any feature from
Redundant Channel support. The reason is that it influences the DCH Follow-up
functionality, and as a result, the latter might not work properly.

DCH Communication: Configuration and Compatibility

As explained in Chapter DCH Monitor Functions

DCH communication must be enabled to use the Changeover feature. When the DCH
communication is enabled, measurement, setpoints and status indications from the
Second Channel are read and valid as long as the DCH Communication Status is logic
one; i.e. correctly configured, enabled and free of communication errors.

The Double Channel software is only partially compatible with the UN1000-PM40
module. The DCH Supervision can be used together with UN1000-PM40, because it
does not depend on the CAN communication status and activation. However, a PM40

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Chapter 3 - Device Overview 
module cannot be used in the same device, where Changeover and/or DCH Follow-up
features are also required. Even whenever DCH Communication can be enabled, the
operation of the UN1000-PM40 has a higher priority and the DCH data transmission will
be stopped as soon as the AVR detects a UN1000-PM40 on the CAN bus. This priority
order is fixed in the AVR and not configurable.

Even without functions from Redundant Channel support, a double channel system with
UN1000-PM40 can be built using analog and digital inputs and outputs as communication
interface between the AVRs. Furthermore, Alarm and Trip output signals from DCH
Supervision could be used to extend the functionality to some extent.

The AVR-ID should be configured with the same number in both channels. One channel
should be configured as Main and the other as Redundant. The channel identification can
be configured using the CMT1000 or Remote Access. Only one channel should be Active
while the other is in Standby. The use of interlocked contacts (connected externally) is a
recommended practice to assure this situation. The Standby/Active status of both
channels can be monitored using the CMT1000. For more information refer to Chapter
6.4 PC Software Tool. Rotating Diode Monitoring (RDM)

The aim of the Diode Monitoring is to detect the following failures:

• Break of a diode
• Short circuit of a diode
It is needed in brushless excitation systems and can only be done indirectly, because the
diodes are part of the rotor. See the principle circuit for the excitation in Figure 3-16.


ie AC Exciter Synchronous Machine


Figure 3-16 Rotating Diode Monitoring application

RDM parameters

Nominal exciter frequency f Exc Nominal [Hz]

(Machine) :
Exciter time constant : Tconst Exc [s]
Diode monitoring active : Active = TRUE/FALSE
Diode alarm level: Alarm Level [%]
Diode alarm delay : Alarm Delay [s]

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 Chapter 3 - Device Overview

Diode trip level : Trip Level [%]

Diode trip delay : Trip Delay [s]

The device evaluates the alternating current induced in the field circuit of the exciter in
the event of a fault in the rotating rectifier.
The ALARM is triggered in the event of a broken branch in the rotating exciter.
The TRIP is triggered in the event of a branch short-circuit in the rotating exciter.
The machine frequency must be configured prior to using RDM (in the System Data) in
addition to the above-mentioned RDM parameters. Data Logger

The Data Logger is a SW-Option. If this SW-Option is not enabled there is only a reduced
functionality available.
It can record max. 12 signals, 7 of which are fixed and 5 of which can be programmed

Fix predefined signals

• Generator Voltage
• Generator Current
• Reactive Power
• Excitation Current
• Generator Status
• Generator Operation Mode
The number of samples is limited to 2000 samples/signal. If the SW-Option is disabled
the recording will be limited to 200 samples/signal. Event Monitor

Events are stored on non-volatile flash and can be read out by MODBUS requests. Event
triggering signals are grouped as follows:
• Generator state changes
• Active Mode changes
• Limiters ON and OFF
• Alarms
• Trips
• Excitation ON (operation mode)
• Parameter change

3.4.5 Miscellaneous Functions FCB Control

Field circuit breaker control

FCB Control is an alternative way to control the field circuit breaker. The control is active,
when the FCB command signals are configured.

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Chapter 3 - Device Overview 
Excitation ON Input
Close FCB Command Output
Open FCB Command Output

FCB closed Status Input


FCB closed Status FALSE Input

1s 1s
Alarm (MODBUS) Output Power System Stabilizer (PSS)

The PSS is used to improve the damping of possible oscillations in large transmission
networks by adding a signal to the voltage regulator of the existing excitation system.
It is also used to attenuate local rotor oscillations in synchronous generators through
additional influencing of the excitation. The main application is in excitation systems in
single or multi-machine power plants.
Electromechanical oscillations can be classified into four main categories:

• Local oscillations between a unit and the rest of the generating station and
between the latter and the rest of the power system. Their frequencies typically
range from 0.8 to 2.0 Hz.
• Inter-plant oscillations between two electrically close generation plants.
Frequencies may vary from 1 to 2 Hz.
• Inter-area oscillations between two major groups of generation plants.
Frequencies are in a typical range of 0.2 to 0.8 Hz.
• Global oscillation characterized by a common in-phase oscillation of all
generators as found on an isolated system. The frequency of such a global mode
is typically under 0.2 Hz.

The IEEE Std. 421.5-1995 PSS 2A/2B type model functionally represents the PSS. This
model is shown in the figure below.
The object of power system stabilizing (PSS) equipment is to increase the generator
exciter‘s contribution to improving the stability to the highest possible operating range of
the generator. The PSS derives additional signals from the generator internal frequency,
which considerably improves the stability of the power transmission.

70 3BHS335648 E82 UNITROL 1020 User Manual

 Chapter 3 - Device Overview

Frequency injection Lead lag injection

Scaling: ±0.1% to ±1.0% Scaling: ±0.1% to ±1.0%

WASH-OUTS Integrator Filter PSS-Gain LEAD-LAGS

USTmax VSTmax
+ +
sT1 + 1 sT3 + 1 sT10 + 1
Stator voltage + + sTW 1 sTW 2 + +  sT8 + 1  ++ +
frequency Σ Σ  M  Σ K S1 UST_PWM
fT [delta pu] sTW 1 + 1 sTW 2 + 1  ( sT9 + 1)  sT2 + 1 sT4 + 1 sT11 + 1 (AUTIO)
+ -
Ks3 USTmin VSTmin
Power ++ + sTW 3 sTW 4 KS 2 PSS TP output 1: Free configurable (blue dots)
Σ PSS TP ouptut 2: Free configurable (blue dots)
P [delta pu] sTW 3 + 1 sTW 4 + 1 sT7 + 1
TP Settings of PID are interlinked to AUTO-PID
(Voltage regulator)
UST_PWM is added to the AVR output

Power injection
Scaling: ±1.0% to ±10.0%

Figure 3-17 PSS model.

Figure 3-18 shows a simplified diagram of the PSS and related functions
UM Calc

IM2 Calc

Figure 3-18. Simplified diagram of PSS.

The frequency input is based on synthesized frequency measurement taking into account
terminal voltage as well as machine current.
Due to the PSS function implementation and structure of UNITROL 1020 AVR, there are
some points to be noticed when using this PSS. The following elements limit the
maximum performance of the PSS:

• Brushless excitation system,

• Single-phase machine current measurement (only) is available,
• Positive field voltage (only) can be supplied.

PSS Parameters
The PSS function can be activated by the PSS_SELECT configuration and by digital input
or over Modbus.
If digital input “PSS Enable” is activated, PSS activation only depends on the status of the
digital input. Otherwise PSS activation is defined by parameter PSS-Select or the Modbus
control bit.
PSS is blocked in case the machine voltage is below 0.8 p.u., above 1.2 p.u. or active
power is below the defined threshold. In addition, the PSS can be blocked by configurable
frequency gradients.
The PSS feature is only functional if the PSS SW Option is released on the unit.
The PSS signal comes either from the internal PSS or from the analog input ‘External
PSS’. The switch is controlled by a checkbox in the PSS setup.

UNITROL 1020 User Manual 3BHS335648 E82 71

Chapter 3 - Device Overview 
When the switch is set to external PSS, the internal PSS calculation can be skipped.

The parameters are not explained here. For more information refer to the following
• UNITROL 1020 Power System Stabilizer (PSS) Engineering Notes
Doc. No. 3BHS351450 E01
• Simplified Computer Representation for Power System Stability Studies
UNITROL 1020 and UNITROL 1010
Doc. No. 3BHS354059 E01

72 3BHS335648 E82 UNITROL 1020 User Manual

 Chapter 3 - Device Overview

3.4.6 Modbus for Remote Access

Remote Access is a feature that allows monitoring and control of the AVR using the
MODBUS protocol. It can be suitable for applications where the control from remote
locations is preferred (i.e. offshore) and/or a custom user interface is required.
The following sections explain the Remote Access software and configuration. The
electrical connections are described in Chapter 3.3.9 Communication Ports. It is
recommended to read Chapter 3.4.7 Access Levels prior to this section, in order to fully
understand the software capabilities. Overview

A remote terminal configured as MODBUS master can access the device through RS485
or Ethernet TCP/IP using Remote Access. The communication choice is up to the
application requirements but since VDC needs a dedicated RS485 connection, Ethernet
TCP/IP is the only choice when VDC is used. When VDC is not needed, Remote Access
can be performed using the RS485 interface. More information about the communication
interfaces can be found in 3.3.9 Communication Ports.

The Remote Access feature allows the user to read and write registers (measurements,
setpoints and other information) from the AVR. The document that describes the
MODBUS Registers Table is normally included in the CD-ROM that comes with new
devices. It can also be ordered from ABB. The manufacturer details and contact
information can be found in Chapter 1.5 - Manufacturer’s Address.

The feature supports up to one MODBUS remote terminal and it must be assured that
requests are sent from only one remote terminal using the same communication interface
(RS485 or Ethernet TCP/IP). If more than one request comes from different interfaces,
they might be answered via the same interface from where they come. This method is
however not recommended and should not be used.

In order to communicate with the device, the remote terminal should gain a determined
access level in the AVR according to the operation desired: Monitor Access for reading
only and Control Access for reading and writing to registers. More information about
Access Levels can be found in Chapter 3.4.7 - Access Levels. Compatibility

The Remote Access feature over RS485 cannot be used together with VDC. If both
Remote Access and VDC are required, Remote Access should be used via TCP/IP using
an external gateway. When VDC mode is not required, Remote Access can be used via
either RS485 or Ethernet. For more information see Chapter 3.3.9 - Communication
Ports. Configuration

Remote Access over RS485 has a number of parameters that should be configured:
Protocol (Modbus RTU or TCP), Activation (of the feature over RS485), Baud Rate,
Answer delay and others shown in Chapter 6.4.7 Communication Menu.

The Modbus Slave ID value is used for both Remote Access over RS485 and Ethernet
TCP/IP; there is no differentiation of the physical interface. This number can be

UNITROL 1020 User Manual 3BHS335648 E82 73

Chapter 3 - Device Overview 
configured between 1 and 247; the latter being the default value. A restriction applies
when the number is configured between 1 and 63 (except 32) and matches with the AVR
ID number for main channels or AVR ID number +32 for the redundant channel.

In these situations, the AVR will change the Remote Access Slave ID to 247 upon restart.
The Modbus Slave-ID for Remote Access can be configured between 64 and 247 without
restrictions. This is the range which is recommended for most applications.

The Modbus slave ID used for CMT1000 access is a number between 1 and 63, which
depends on the AVR-ID and the Channel Identification (Main or Redundant), even if the
Double Channel feature is not being used. When the parameterization is done using the
CMT1000, the Modbus ID used for CMT1000 is shown in the MODBUS Supervision
window. This number should not be used as Modbus Slave ID for Remote Access. For
further information refer to Chapter 6.4.7 Communication Menu.

3.4.7 Access Levels

Generally, digital inputs have the highest priority when controlling the AVR. Remote
access for control signals, e.g. Excitation ON, is only possible if the digital input is not
The UN1020 device can be accessed from three different operators: Front Panel,
CMT1000 or Remote Access. While all operators can read data simultaneously, only one
of them can have control access and is allowed to write or change parameters in the
AVR. This concurrence is managed in the AVR main controller by assigning, to each
operator, a determined Access Level or privilege:
• Local control mode (default)
The UN1020 device is by default in local control.
• Front panel control (highest priority)
The customer can take over control to change parameters, the UN1020 device will
automatically switch back to local control mode
Customers who are taking control by the panel will block out other operators
• CMT1000 control (medium priority)
CMT1000 can be connected to the target, where three different access levels are
defined: Offline, Monitor and Control.
If front panel control is granted, then CMT1000 cannot be set to control mode in
order to change parameters.
CMT1000 will block out other CMT1000 applications or remote access of plant
control system if CMT1000 control mode is used.
In case CMT1000 is disconnected from the target the UN1020 device will go back
to local control mode.
• Remote access (lowest priority)
Remote access is granted only if the UN1020 device is in local control mode.

The Access Level status of each operator is stored in the AVR main controller and is
used to grant and deny access requests. An operator can request the change of its
Access level to the AVR main controller, i.e. from Monitor to Control. Access changes to
Monitor are normally granted without restrictions since all sources can read
simultaneously from the AVR.
An Access Level changing request can be denied when more than one CMT1000 and/or
more than one Remote Access device are trying to establish a connection to the same
AVR. The UN1020 supports a simultaneous connection of one CMT1000 and up to ten

74 3BHS335648 E82 UNITROL 1020 User Manual

 Chapter 3 - Device Overview

independent Remote Access connections per device (maximum). If those limitations are
surpassed, one or all connected operators can lose their access and go Offline. This
practice is not recommended by ABB. The method to change Access Levels from Panel,
CMT1000 and Remote Access is explained in the following sections. For more details
about UN1020 user interfaces, refer to Chapter 6 - Operation. Panel

The Panel is normally in Monitor mode. By clicking the LOC button, the access right is
given to the panel. All other operators are blocked out. CMT1000

The CMT1000 manages the Access changing requests (Offline, Monitor and Control) by
using a graphic slide-bar displayed in the software main window. The slide-bar shows the
CMT1000 current access status from the AVR and allows the user to simply change it by
sliding up and down. For more information about the user interfaces see Chapter 6 -
Changing to Control mode is not granted if the panel is in local mode. If the Plant control
system is in Control mode over remote access, the CMT1000 forces it into Monitor mode.
This means the plant control system has only read access.
• Offline or disconnected (no access)
If the status of an operator is Offline, the AVR microcontroller considers the
operator as not connected to the UN1020 and, therefore, there is mainly no data
exchange with the AVR. Only when using the CMT1000 as operator and the
presence of a compatible AVR is detected, a small quantity of data is exchanged to
provide and display the AVR-ID information on the main window of the software.
• Monitor (read access)
If an operator has Monitor Access, it is only possible to read data from the device
(i.e. measurements, parameters, etc.). Data cannot be changed or modified in the
AVR during this access mode. All the operators, i.e. Panel, CMT1000 and Remote
Access, can have Monitor access to the AVR at the same time; all of them can read
simultaneously from the same AVR.
• Control (read and write, full access)
If an operator has Control Access, he has full control of the device (write and read
data). All operators can request Control Access, but the access will be granted to
only one operator at the same time, based on the operator's priority. Remote Access

Changing of Access Levels from Remote Access is performed by requests via Modbus
protocol. Control access level is only granted if no other operator is in control mode. For
more information, refer to the UN1020 Modbus Reference document: Doc. No
3BHS358281 E80.

UNITROL 1020 User Manual 3BHS335648 E82 75


Chapter 4 - Installation and Storage

4.1 General

Chapter 4 – Installation and Storage provides all instructions for

installation and storage of the excitation system. It also contains
information on how to dispose of and recycle materials.

4.2 Safety Regulations

First read and understand the general safety instructions in Chapter
2 - Safety Instructions before starting to work with the excitation

Converter components can be damaged while transporting the
excitation system.

4.3 Unpacking

The unit should be unpacked with the maximum care, without the use of
force and using suitable tools.
The unit should be inspected visually to check for any damage caused
during transport. Complaints regarding defects resulting from
inappropriate transport are to be addressed immediately to the receiving
station or the last carrier.

The unit is visibly damaged:
• Safe operation is not possible.
• The unit must not be installed and taken into operation.

UNITROL 1020 User Manual 3BHS335648 E82 77

Chapter 4 - Installation and Storage 
4.4 Mechanical Installation

The unit is mounted by means of four

See dimensional diagram for fixing holes
and spacing.
Mounting instructions see Chapter 3.3 -
The unit should only be installed in indoor
areas which are dry and dust-free and
which do not contain any gases, acid
fumes or similar.


Rack mounting Wall mounting

The UNITROL 1020 is designed for
rack or wall mounting in upright
A distance of approx. 50 mm around
the unit shall be kept free for optimal
111 mm

Electrostatic discharge (ESD) can damage electronic boards and
• Do not touch printed circuit boards or other sensitive
components without taking static-sensitive handling
• Do not touch the components without wearing a wrist
grounding strap.
• Put the board or component on a grounded working surface
which is protected against electrostatic discharges.
• Hold a board only at the edge.
• Handle a faulty board with care.

78 3BHS335648 E82 UNITROL 1020 User Manual

 Chapter 4 - Installation and Storage

4.5 Electrical Installation

The emission limits in accordance with standard EN 61000-6-4 will only

be complied with if the connections for the power electronics supply and
the field output are made using shielded cables grounded at each end.
We also recommend that shielded cables be used for the analog and
digital connections.
The connection terminals are fitted on the front side of the unit, on three

Cross sections - Power electronics, terminal numbers 1 to 17 0.2 to 4 mm2 (AWG 10 to 30)

- Electronic sections, terminal numbers 20 to 77 0.2 to 2.5 mm2 (AWG 12 to 30)

The casing must be grounded at terminal 17 with 4 mm2. Additional earth

terminals are provided for the shielded cables. The ground connection
should be kept as short as possible.

Excitation cables longer than 3 m should be shielded. If not, there is
a risk of severe EMI-distortion.

4.5.1 Inrush current of UNITROL 1020

Due to the large internal DC capacitor the inrush current might become
very high especially with a strong voltage source.
Following instructions must be followed in order not to damage UNITROL
Excitation power is taken from the generator output over
a shunt transformer
Shunt supply
 Always use excitation supply transformer
 Excitation transformer must not exceed 10 kVA

Excitation power is taken form PMG

PMG supply
 PMG output power must not exceed 10 kVA

Excitation power is taken from additional stator winding

Auxiliary of the generator
 No measures must be taken

Excitation power is taken directly from an auxiliary power

Auxiliary supply
 Use always excitation supply transformer
 Excitation transformer must not exceed 10 kVA

UNITROL 1020 User Manual 3BHS335648 E82 79

Chapter 4 - Installation and Storage 
Excitation is taken from a battery
DC battery
 Inrush current must be limited by a resistor

This inrush current must be limited to 200 A average for 10 ms,
otherwise the unit might be damaged

4.5.2 Extended operation lifetime with external capacitor

Operation lifetime is limited by the internal capacitor used to filter the

excitation input power. The operation lifetime is influenced by:
a) Ambient temperature, +10 °C decreases lifetime by factor 2
b) Nominal excitation output current
c) Source of input voltage, DC, 3-phase or single-phase

The following table defines when an external capacitor is needed in order

to have a suitable operation lifetime.
Table 4-1 Operational Lifetime Chart for UNITROL 1020
Operational Lifetime Chart for UNITROL 1020

Light Grey: No external capacitor needed

Dark Grey: External capacitor needed
Black: No operation possible

Excitation Current 5A to 8A to 10A to 15A to Ambient

Supply 8A 10A 15A 20A Temperature

30° to 40°C
1 phase input
40° to 55°C
55° to 70°C
3 phase or DC 30° to 40°C
input 40° to 55°C
55° to 70°C

4.6 Storage

The storage procedures described below must be followed in order to

avoid damage or a degradation of quality due to corrosion, dirt or
mechanical damage. The corresponding precautions must be observed

80 3BHS335648 E82 UNITROL 1020 User Manual

 Chapter 4 - Installation and Storage

from the time the equipment is put into storage until the time it is taken
out of storage and installed.

4.6.1 Storage Conditions

The equipment must be stored in the original packing.

Make sure that the following environmental conditions are fulfilled during
the entire period of storage. ABB recommends keeping the air
temperature and the relative air humidity constant:
Air temperature: 0 °C to +55 °C

4.6.2 Disposal

Used materials can serve as raw materials for recycling or other

purposes. For an ecological separation of materials and waste handling
contact your community or the local waste disposal company.
The printed circuit boards are simple to remove. The boards must be
removed and should be disposed of by a licensed disposal company.
Environmentally hazardous elements such as capacitors must be
separated from the boards.
Dispose of the following components according to local regulations:
1. Capacitors
2. Printed circuit boards
3. Electronic components
4. Batteries

4.7 Recycling Instructions

The inappropriate disposal of electrical equipment can lead to an

environmental hazard. It is therefore important that electrical equipment
be disposed of by qualified personnel.
The metallic casing, cover and front frame do not present any
environmental risk and can be recycled.
The circuit boards must be removed and should be disposed of by a
licensed disposal company. Environmentally harmful elements such as
capacitors must be separated from the circuit boards.
The Unitrol 1000 devices are environmentally friendly designed. The
circuit boards are easy to remove.
Product disposal can be made in two alternative ways. The product can
be disassembled manually or crushed in a shredding machine.

UNITROL 1020 User Manual 3BHS335648 E82 81

Chapter 4 - Installation and Storage 
4.7.1 Manual Disassembly

The product is disassembled manually and parts are sorted according to

their material contents as follows:
• Aluminum (cabinets, heat sinks etc.)
• Plastics
• Printed circuit boards
Metal parts (iron, copper and aluminum) can easily be recycled, other
materials according to local arrangements.

4.7.2 Mechanical Shredding

In this method, a whole product is mechanically shredded into small

pieces. Materials are sorted using dedicated sorting processes.
Components containing harmful materials must however be removed
before shredding.

82 3BHS335648 E82 UNITROL 1020 User Manual


Chapter 5 - Commissioning

5.1 General

The commissioning should be carried out by certified commissioning


5.2 Safety Regulations

The safety regulations according to Chapter 2 - Safety Instructions must

be followed.


! UNITROL 1020 units operate with dangerous voltages of up to 300 V ac

or 300 V dc.
Manipulation of live parts can lead to death or injury to the persons
involved or damage to the surroundings.
Possible risks are largely excluded if the unit is handled properly in
accordance with these instructions.


! The secondary voltage of the excitation transformer and the voltage of

the excitation field are fed into the excitation cabinet.
These components present a great danger of electric shocks.
The control elements and the PC interface on the front plate of the
UNITROL 1020 unit are to be touched and/or attached only with caution.

After the unit has been switched off, it must be ensured by measurement
that no measuring voltages or control voltages >50 V are present at the
terminals. At an interrupted field circuit the input capacitor is slowly
discharged through internal circuits.
In order to prevent unintentional closing of open voltage circuits by third
parties, the circuits in question should be identified at the point of
interruption (e.g. by means of a warning sign).
Before switching on, check whether the connection terminals are wired up
according to the plant schematic.

UNITROL 1020 User Manual 3BHS335648 E82 83

Chapter 5 - Commissioning 
5.3 Setting Aids

All parameters have to be controlled at the first commissioning.

See the description of the parameters in Chapter Description of
Parameters and settings recorded in Chapter 7.3 - Standard Procedures
for Maintenance.
Parameter Settings, Default Values

Overview of parameter blocks

Setup System Data
Soft Start
Field Flashing
Voltage Droop Compensation
Digital I/Os
Analog Inputs
Analog Outputs
Diode Monitoring
Double Channel
AVR Time and Date
Data Logger
Communication ID Definition
Port Configuration
AVR Ethernet Settings
MODBUS Supervision
VDC Monitor
Tune Setpoint Adjust
PF/Var/PQ Limiter
Manual/Ie Limiter

5.3.1 Setting Aids Setup \ System Data, Ceiling Factor Kceil

The following section describes how to determine the Ceiling Factor in two different ways.
We recommend the measuring method. Measuring method:
Ue max 100 U PWR
K ceil =
Ueo = PWMnoload
UM Nominal
Uemax: Maximum output voltage
Ueo: Output voltage at nominal
voltage of the machine U emax
(machine in no-load SM E U eo

84 3BHS335648 E82 UNITROL 1020 User Manual

 Chapter 5 - Commissioning

PWM no load: Regulator output at no load (PWM)

Definition: The ceiling factor Kceil determines the relationship between the maximum
output voltage of the regulator and the exciter voltage, which is required for no-load
excitation and is thus a measure for the possible overexcitation of the machine.

Example: Regulator output signal (PWM) at no load shows 20% at nominal voltage
K ceil = =5

Calculating method
Power electronics supply Three-phase Uemax = 1.35 * UPWR - 8 V
Single-phase Uemax = 1.25 * UPWR - 8 V
DC Uemax = 0.98 * UPWR - 8 V

Specifications Power electronics supply UPWR = 240 V, single-phase
No-load exciter voltage Ueo = 50 V

Calculation Uemax = 1.25 * 240 V - 8 V = 292 V

Kceil = 292 V/50 V = 5.8 p.u.

The Kceiling value must be in the range of 5 to 15 in order to
achieve optimal and stable regulation. If not, the input voltage
value may have to be reduced.

The ceiling value must be calculated for a machine working at
nominal load, therefore ceiling factor measurement with PWM can
only be considered after the machine reaches nominal operational
temperature. Setup \ System Data, Machine Reactance Xq (non-saturated)

- Salient pole machine: Xq ≈ 0.7 to 0.5 Xd

- Cylindrical-rotor machine (Turbo): Xq ≈ Xd

UNITROL 1020 User Manual 3BHS335648 E82 85

Chapter 5 - Commissioning  Setup \ Soft Start

Soft start must match the start-up time of the machine. Soft start ramp should reach
100% nominal voltage after the machine reaches nominal frequency. Setup \ Field Flashing

Field flashing must start to build up voltage, but on the other hand must not over-excite
the machine. Designing a proper field flashing is a demanding engineering task.
Maximum excitation current of field flashing circuits must be between 10% and 15% of
Ie no load. Setup \ Limiters, in Manual and Open Loop Mode

No limiters are active in Manual and Open loop mode. Setup \ Limiters \ Operational Limits \ UM Limiter

The limiting values of the UM limiter are, as a rule, set equally, like the setpoint range
of the voltage regulator (Auto mode).

Setpoint Auto UM Limiter Example

Minimum = Minimum 90%
Maximum = Maximum 110% Setup \ Limiters \ Operational Limits \ Ie Limiter

Depending on the machine data and recommendations of the machine supplier. Setup \ Limiters \ Operational Limits \ IM Limiter

Depending on the machine data and recommendations of the machine supplier. Setup \ Limiters \ Operational Limits \ Q Limiter

Depending on the machine data and recommendations of the machine supplier. Setup \ Digital I/Os, Configuration

Software configuration of the digital I/Os

• Define terminal as input or output
• Assign terminal to desired signal
• Select polarity

86 3BHS335648 E82 UNITROL 1020 User Manual

 Chapter 5 - Commissioning

Digital IO can be configured at the same time as input and output Setup \ Analog Inputs / Outputs, Configuration

Software configuration of the analog inputs

• Assign terminal to desired signal.
• Define signal level of the input signal [Uin 0% to Uin 100%].
• If the input is used as a digital input, the desired signal name is to be assigned in the

Software configuration of the analog outputs

• Assign terminal to desired signal.
• Define signal level of the output signal [Uout 0% to Uout 100%].
• Define signal level of the field current [Ie 0% to Ie 100%]. Setup \ Digital I/Os, Selection of Operating Mode

The operating mode is selected via the digital inputs. For this purpose, a maximum of
10 inputs have to be occupied by the following signals:

Mode Digital inputs to be assigned

Stand SYN Gen CB Parallel Manual Open Loop VDC PF Var

by Closed with Grid Enable Enable Enable Enable Enable
Status Status
Standby 1 X X X X X X X X
Sync 0 1 X X X X X X X
Manual 0 0 X X 1 X X X X
Open Loop 0 0 X X 0 1 X X X
VDC 0 0 1 0 0 0 1 X X
PF 0 0 1 1 0 0 0 1 X
Var 0 0 1 1 0 0 0 0 1
Auto 0 0 0 X 0 0 X X X
with *) 0 0 1 X 0 0 0 0 0

*) with droop or compensation

0 = logical 0 or open 1 = logical 1, X = not relevant

Note: If an input is to be continuously logical 1, then it can also be inverted by software

means. The input then naturally counts as being occupied.
The inputs DI13 to DI18 can be used as virtual digital inputs even if they are not defined in
Analog Inputs as Digital Inputs. Setup \ Synchronization

The machine frequency must always be higher than the network frequency and cannot be
synchronized by a positive slip.

UNITROL 1020 User Manual 3BHS335648 E82 87

Chapter 5 - Commissioning  Setup \ Diode Monitoring

The Nominal Exciter Frequency has to be adjusted. For the others, the default value has to
be kept.

fexc = Pexc x fgen / Pgen fexc Nominal Exciter frequency

Pexc Number of pole pairs in exciter machine
fgen Nominal Generator frequency
Pgen Number of pole pairs in generator Setup \ PSS

ABB offers PSS parameter calculation and stability studies, contact us for further
For more information refer to following documents:
• UNITROL 1020 Power System Stabilizer (PSS) Engineering Notes
Doc. No. 3BHS351450 E01
• Simplified Computer Representation for Power System Stability Studies
UNITROL 1020 and UNITROL 1010
Doc. No. 3BHS354059 E01
See manufacturer’s details, Chapter 1.5 - Manufacturer’s Address. Setup \ Double Channel

The configuration of Double Channel depends on the application and connections. For
detailed information about configuration, refer to Double Channel (DCH). Tune \ Setpoint Adjust, Step

Mode Maximum adjustable setpoint jump during 10 s

Manual ±50%
Open Loop ±20%
PF ±0.2
Var ±50%
Auto ±20% Tune, Order of Priorities

If several operating modes are selected simultaneously by the digital inputs, the following
order of priority applies:

Priority Mode Remark

1. resp. top Standby
2. Sync
3. Manual
4. Open Loop
5. VDC Only active, if Gen CB Closed status is active and

88 3BHS335648 E82 UNITROL 1020 User Manual

 Chapter 5 - Commissioning

Parallel with Grid status is not active

6. PF Only active, if parallel with Grid status is active
7. Var Only active, if parallel with Grid status is active
8. resp. lowest Auto Active, if no other operation mode is active Tune, Auto

The PID tuning tool is on the CMT1000 CD. The following settings can be preset on the
basis of the machine data.

Integral time constant Ta

This lies within the range of Td‘ of the main machine.
Setting: Ta = 1.0 to 1.5 x Td‘ (Typical value 2 to 5 s).
(Optimized for load conditions)

Derivative time constant Tb

This approximately compensates the load time constant TE of the exciter machine.
Setting: Tb = 0.7 to 1.0 * TE (Typical value 0.1 to 0.3 s).

Proportional gain Vp
This most important setting value depends primarily on the controlled system.
If the ceiling factor Kceil has been set correctly, values between 10 and 40 should result in
stable regulation of the machine.

A default value of 20 is set for the first excitation.

Note: Since the Kceiling affects Vp from all the operating modes, be sure to calculate this
value before tuning the AVR. If Kceiling has changed after tuning, the AVR shall be re-tuned

Reactive power influence Kq

In case of machines which, without step-up transformers, are connected to the fixed grid
or, via a busbar, to other synchronous machines, it is essential that the droop Kq is set to a
negative value of -5 to -20%. A higher negative value makes the machine more
independent of voltage fluctuations in the grid. This stabilizes the reactive power output or
consumption in those configurations. At low negative values, the machine will support the
grid or busbar voltage.
In the case of machines with step-up transformers, the voltage drop of the transformer can
be partly compensated with positive values of Kq.

Step-up transformer Reactance = 12%
Compensation Kq = +7%
= 12% - 5%

 After step up transformer

Drop of 5%

UNITROL 1020 User Manual 3BHS335648 E82 89

Chapter 5 - Commissioning  Communication \ MODBUS (Remote Access)

The RS485 port is shared between VDC mode and MODBUS. With factory settings,
MODBUS is disabled.
To use MODBUS, the parameter MB_Enable must be set to true, then the parameters
have to be written to the EEPROM. Afterwards, the UNITROL 1020 must be restarted.
This procedure has to be followed for any change to MODBUS related parameters to take
effect. It serves as a protection against inadvertently overwriting the setup by MODBUS
itself and therefore losing connection to the UNITROL 1020.

Standard Configuration Answer Delay: 10 ms

Bit Rate = 19200
Character Framing = even
RTU: Protocol of the RS485

Slave ID
Zero and values higher than 247 are reserved, so the valid range for the slave ID is 1 to
247. The default value is 247. Recommended range is 64 to 247 due to the possible
influence with the Modbus ID used for CMT1000 access. For more information refer to
Chapter 3.4.6 – Modbus for Remote Access

Keep-alive time
The parameter “MB_KeepAliveTime” defines in what time-period the “Keep Alive Bit” in
control word 1 must be changed. Valid settings are 1 to 120 seconds and 0 to disable the
connection monitoring.

Keep-alive action
If the timer reaches the supervision time, a “Modbus Communication Alarm” will appear
and one of the events can be selected with the “MB_KeepAliveAction”.

Priority of input signals

All signal assigned to a physical input (digital or analog) cannot be overwritten by modbus
remote acces, and data are ignored

Configurable modbus signals

UNITROL 1020 provides a free configurable signal list to read out required signal with one

Access Levels
Modbus Remote Access shares the control of the AVR with the CMT1000 and the SCP
Panel. The control access has to be granted as explained in Chapter 3.4.7.

For more information, refer to the UN1020 Modbus Reference document, document
number 3BHS348611 E80

90 3BHS335648 E82 UNITROL 1020 User Manual

 Chapter 5 - Commissioning

5.4 Work carried out while Machine is at Standstill

Preliminary Checks
• Wiring check, compare connections with schematics.

Check the insulation strength of the plant with the insulation tester
During the test, the equipment could be damaged by the testing voltage.
Disconnect cables to the UNITROL 1020

• Switch on auxiliary voltage UAUX

• Adjust parameters
• Check measuring voltage and current transformer circuits
• Measure field resistance
• Checking input and output signals
• Low-load test: External power electronics supply (3x <300 V ac)
- Open loop mode
- Optimize regulator Ie
• Adjust limiter settings based on the customer’s power chart

5.5 Work carried out while Machine is running

5.5.1 No-load Tests (nominal speed, not synchronized)

• Field flashing and discharge in Auto and Manual mode

• Soft start in Auto mode
• Adapt setpoint range, optimize voltage regulator
• V/Hz limiter: The actuation point fknee is set to 48 Hz by default
For 60 Hz machines the fknee should be set at approximately 58 Hz.

5.5.2 Tests under Load

• Stator current measurement, internal P- and Q-measurement, droop/compensation.

The droop/compensation is set to 0% by default. If the machine is paralleled directly
with the rigid grid or, via a busbar, with other synchronous machines, it is essential that
the droop Kq is set to a value of approx. -10% before the first synchronization. The
reactive current must be monitored carefully during the first paralleling. If it increases
uncontrollably following the first synchronization, then the current polarity of the IM2
measurement is incorrect or the CT phase position is wrong.

• Load rejection overexcited and underexcited

UNITROL 1020 User Manual 3BHS335648 E82 91

Chapter 5 - Commissioning 
• Optimize Iemin / Iemax Limiter

• Optimize PQ Limiter
The setting of the PQ limiter must be coordinated with the settings of the generator
protection. As a rule, the limiter should be set at least 5% lower.

• PF and Var regulator, stability, setpoint range.

To enable correct operation of PQ Limiter, the PF / Var regulator must be tuned, even if
these modes are not used.

5.5.3 Synchronization

It is a prerequisite for the correct functioning of

the synchronization that there is no error in
phase or magnitude between UNET and UM,
caused by wrong connection or ratio of PTs on
the grid side and generator side.

Another prerequisite is the correct rotating

direction of the three phases on the machine
and line side.

• Measurement of the phase angle of the voltages UNET and UM

Open the isolator, close the circuit breaker (CB). Due to safety reasons the
measurements have to be obtained not only from the Monitor\Oscilloscope or
Monitor\Sync Diagram but also from an external oscilloscope.

• “Blind” synchronization
Monitor the Synchronoscope (Monitor\Sync Diagram) by disabling the closing
mechanism of the circuit breaker.

• “Live” synchronization
Record the event with a Synchronoscope.

The synchronoscope must stand at “twelve o’clock”. If the
synchronoscope stands at “six o’clock”, one voltage is incorrectly
connected. In other positions, either measuring is being carried out on
incorrect phases or a phase shift caused by the connection group of a
step-up transformer has not been compensated.

92 3BHS335648 E82 UNITROL 1020 User Manual

 Chapter 5 - Commissioning

In this status, the phase-angle difference must be 0 deg. Otherwise the
measuring cable is incorrectly connected. Incorrect polarity cannot be
detected by the UNITROL 1020. Paralleling with incorrect polarity can
lead to serious damage.
A phase shift caused by one of both measuring transformers or by the
connection group of a step-up transformer must never take place.

Be careful when the opening the star point of the primary voltage range
of the PT

5.6 Concluding Work after Commissioning

Write the currently adjusted parameters to EEPROM so that they are saved in
the device. Save the corresponding settings into an INI file or print the INI file
(see Chapter 9.3 – Parameter Settings, Default Values).
The INI file can be opened using an editor (Word, Note- or WordPad) and

UNITROL 1020 User Manual 3BHS335648 E82 93


Chapter 6 - Operation

6.1 General

ABB recommends periodical training for operating personnel

6.2 Safety Regulations

Dangerous voltage.
There is a danger of electric shock.

Before operating the excitation system the general safety instructions in
Chapter 2 - Safety Instructions must be read and understood.

Parameters are set during commissioning of the device and must not be
changed afterwards without taking into consideration the consequences
they can produce.
Running the excitation system with incorrect data can result in improper
operation, reduction in control accuracy and damage to the equipment.
Only qualified and certified personnel are allowed to operate the device,
i.e. personnel who are familiar with the excitation system and the
hazards involved.

UNITROL 1020 User Manual 3BHS335648 E82 95

Chapter 6 - Operation 
6.3 Panel Operation

The panel is operated using the buttons from the keypad installed in the front. The Panel
can even be used to read measurements and/or change parameters in local operation.

6.3.1 Panel Start-up

After powering up the device (UAUX power) the panel performs an initialization stage to
establish the communication with the AVR main controller.

1. During power up the panel tries to UN IT RO L

establish communication with the AVR 10 2 0
main controller. During this process the
panel displays the information shown in Figure 6-1 Panel screen just after
connecting Uaux power.
Figure 6-1

2. Few seconds after the SW revisions REM 100.0% S

have been shown, the panel shows the AUTO NoLoad
main menu as in Figure 6-2. The panel 0.00 % UM
can now be operated using the Keypad. 0.00 A Ie
Figure 6-2 Main menu. The panel can
now be operated. Connection Problems

When the panel is unable to communicate

with the AVR main controller due to AVR Not Responding
hardware problems, the screen might show
the message displayed in Figure 6-3. This Figure 6-3 Message shown when
message can also appear when the panel communication problems occur
and AVR main controller (DSP) firmware between panel and AVR controller.
are incompatible each other; which might
occur after a firmware upgrade.
However, regulation and protection
functions are normally still in operation,
without being influenced by communication
problems with the panel.

96 3BHS335648 E82 UNITROL 1020 User Manual

 Chapter 6 - Operation

6.3.2 Display elements

Alarm and Limiter Indication Setpoint:

Operator Access: E: Excitation ON
LOC: local Highlighted: can be changed
L: Limiter
REM: remote A: Alarm Saved:
Appears when parameters
Active State: L are saved
Standby Generator State:
Sync Grid
Manual Sec. Net
Open Loop Prim. Net
Pf NoLoad

Function of Softkey Buttons

6.3.3 Keypad Operation

Key Command

Up, Select mode: Moves the highlighted line up or down

Settings: Decrements or increments the highlighted value of a
selected parameter and the value of the setpoint

Soft key Select SETPNT: Highlights the setpoint value for changing the value
Left Select EXIT: Returns to the last state
Continue to click EXIT until the main display appears.

Soft key Select MENU: Selects main menu

Right Select ENTER: Selects submenu of the highlighted line
Select SEL: Selects the highlighted Parameter or Clock Set group
Select EDIT: Edits parameters (mostly write-protected)
Select ENTER: Confirms the form of date or the new value
Select CANCEL: Returns to the last menu without change
Select OK: Confirms the time and date of the new value
Select EXIT: Returns to the last state

REM/LOC Select remote or local operation, click twice for local operation in case
CMT or fieldbus remote access is active.
The panel switches back to remote mode after 1 min without user
Remote: Panel has no write access rights, only indications
Local: Panel has full write access and blocks CMT and field
bus remote access

UNITROL 1020 User Manual 3BHS335648 E82 97

Chapter 6 - Operation 
? Not used

STOP Not used

START Not used

6.3.4 Emergency Excitation OFF

Activate or deactivate Emergeny Excitation OFF

Panel must be in local mode to enable the START/STOP buttons.
Signal from panel is overwritten by emergency excitation signal from digital IO, when configured.

• STOP sets the Emergency Excitation signal to 1 (= excitation disabled)

• START sets the Emergency Excitation signal to 0. (= excitation enabled)

6.3.5 Setpoint Adjustment

The panel uses INCREASE and DECREASE commands to change setpoint within DSP.
Thus setpoint changes according to ramp rate settings of DSP settings.
Setpoint mode must be left by user, it is not left automatically after a certain time with no user

98 3BHS335648 E82 UNITROL 1020 User Manual

 Chapter 6 - Operation

6.3.6 Menu Structure

Main screenshots Menu items

REM 100.0% E
0.0 V UN
0.0 kV UM


01 Commands
02 Measurements
03 2nd ch Measurement
04 Supervision Status
05 Limiter Status SEL
EXIT 12:47 SEL

01 Commands 0101 RESET ALARM
0102 Save to EEPROM
0103 AUTO Step
0104 PF Step
0105 VAR Step
0106 MANUAL Step
0107 OpenLoop Step

02 Measurements 0201 Mode

0202 Machine Voltage
0203 Machine Vol rel
0204 Exc. Current
0205 Exc Current rel
0206 Net Voltag rel
0207 Machine Current
0208 Machine Cur rel
0209 Reactive Power
0210 React Power rel
0211 Active Power
0212 Act Power rel
0213 Net Frequency
0214 Machine Freq
0215 Power Factor
0216 DI Emergency OFF

03 2nd ch Measurement 0301 AVR2_Mode

0302 AVR2_ActiveSP

UNITROL 1020 User Manual 3BHS335648 E82 99

Chapter 6 - Operation 
0303 AVR2_ManualSP
0304 AVR2_Umrel
0305 AVR2_UnetRel
0306 AVR2_IM2rel
0307 AVR2_Iqrel
0308 AVR2_IeAbs
0309 AVR2_CntrlSWVer

04 Supervision Status 0401 Watchdog

0402 Loss of RC
0403 Part Loss UM
0404 Loss UM
0405 Loss CT
0406 UML1 Freeze
0407 UML2 Freeze
0408 UML3 Freeze
0409 Unet Freeze
0410 IM2 Freeze
0411 Loss of Control
0412 Loss of Exc
0413 Temp Limit 1
0414 Temp Limit 2
0415 External Alarm
0416 RS485 Bad Frames
0417 VDC Ring Error
0418 Int Power Fail
0419 Dig Output Fail
0420 Monitor Alarm 1
0421 Monitor Alarm 2
0422 Supervision Alrm
0423 Supervision Trip
0424 2nd CH Alarm
0425 2nd CH Trip
0426 Switch Over

05 Monitor Fnc Status 0501 FCB Alarm

0502 Diode Alarm
0503 Diode Trip
0504 Gen Over Volt
0505 Gen Under Volt
0506 Exc Over Curr
0507 External Alarm

06 Limiter Status 0601 Active Oper Lim

0602 V/Hz Limiter
0603 SP Min Reached
0604 SP Max Reached

07 Alarms Status 0701 Software Alarm

0702 FCB Alarm

100 3BHS335648 E82 UNITROL 1020 User Manual

 Chapter 6 - Operation

0703 External Alarm

0704 Modbus Alarm
0705 Diode Alarm
0706 Diode Trip
0707 Supervision Alrm
0708 Supervision Trip
0709 Switch Over

08 Comm Status 0801 RS485 Good Frams

0802 RS485 Bad Frames
0803 RS485 Rcv Frames
0804 RS485 Tx Frames
0805 RS485 Bit Errors

Parameters are listed in the same order as in the CMT1000 menu for Setup, Communication and
Tune. For parameter setup refer to Chapter 9.3

UNITROL 1020 User Manual 3BHS335648 E82 101

Chapter 6 - Operation 

REM 100.0% E
0.0 V UN
0.0 kV UM





SEL, Oks
EXIT 12:47 SEL

SET TIME Change time and date settings with the panel
SET DATE - Time format is always 24 hours
- Date format is always
Can be adjusted in remote and local operation

6.3.7 Setpoint Step

Apply a step to any setpoint. panel is in local mode.

It is the user’s responsibility to choose the right step type according to the actual generator mode. If
the wrong step is chosen, the value will also keep its value for 10 sec, but there is no influence on
the operation of the AVR.


01 Commands 0104 PF Step
0105 VAR Step
0106 MANUAL Step
0107 OpenLoop Step

6.3.8 Save to EEPROM

01 Commands 0101 RESET ALARM
0102 Save to EEPROM

Setting new parameters over the panel or over CMT changes the parameters in the volatile memory
only. To make the modification permanent, the entire parameter set must be saved.

102 3BHS335648 E82 UNITROL 1020 User Manual

 Chapter 6 - Operation

6.3.9 Limiters

A limiter triggers the SCP’s limiter response, which causes the panel’s green LED to flash
and a limiter message will be displayed on the screen every few seconds.

Operating Resulting Display

LIMITERS in REMOTE mode REM L 100.0% E

The display periodically switches from the indication view AUTO Grid
to the limiter view and back to the indication view. 0.0 V UN
It is still possible to navigate in the SETPNT or MENU, but 0.0 kV UM
the limiter is always displayed for a short time.
The blinking display can be disabled by changing the
panel to local control. Active limiters can be seen in the
parameter/signal group “Limiter status” (Group 05). LIMITER 12
Limiter Active
Example: Limiter 12 = 4 + 8 (see the table below)
The limiters “Max Ie” and “V/Hz” are blinking 12:50

The V/Hz and setpoint limiters are added to the other limiter.
E.g. Limiter 12 display means that Max Ie and the V/Hz limiter are active.

The following limiter numbers can be monitored from the panel:

Limiter No. Description Short Term

0 None
1 Minimum Excitation Current Limiter active Min Ie
2 Minimum Machine Voltage Limiter active Min UM
3 Minimum Iq Limiter active (PQ-Limiter) Min Iq
4 Maximum Excitation Current Limiter active Max Ie
5 Maximum Machine Voltage Limiter active Max UM
6 Reserved
7 Maximum Machine Current Limiter active Max IM
+8 V/Hz Limiter active
+16 Minimum Setpoint reached
+32 Maximum Setpoint reached

UNITROL 1020 User Manual 3BHS335648 E82 103

Chapter 6 - Operation 
6.3.10 Alarms and Fault Messages

An event triggers the Alarm/Trip state of the SCP. The Alarm/Trip state is indicated with a
red LED. An event message appears on the screen every few seconds.

Operating Resulting Display


The fault display periodically switches from the indication ALM/TRIP 1
view to the alarm/trip view and back to normal view. Active Alarm
It is still possible to navigate in the MENU (click the EXIT
button) but the Alarm/Trip state will resume after 10 12:52 EXIT
The blinking display can be disabled by changing the
panel to local control. REM A ALM/TRIP
Alarms/trip can be cleared in the parameter/signal group Active Trip
12:53 EXIT
Alarm has higher priority than Limiter, meaning that there
is a moving “A” letter in the running symbol even if there is
an active limiter.
Example: “ALM/TRIP 12” = 0 +4 +8 (see table below)
Syntax meaning: Both External Alarm and Modbus
Communication Alarms active.

The following Alarm/Trip numbers can be monitored from the panel:

Alarm or Trip Nr. Description

0 None
+1 SW Alarm active
+2 FCB Alarm active
+4 External Alarm active
+8 Modbus Communication Alarm active
+16 Diode Alarm active (requires RDM SW)
+32 Diode Trip active (requires RDM SW)
+64 Supervision Alarm active (requires Double Channel SW)
+128 Supervision Trip active (requires Double Channel SW)
+256 DCH SwitchOver active (requires Double Channel SW)

A defective unit should be first reported to ABB in order to send back the unit after
authorization. For contact information, refer to Chapter 1.5 Manufacturer’s Address.

104 3BHS335648 E82 UNITROL 1020 User Manual

 Chapter 6 - Operation

6.4 PC Software Tool

The PC software tool used with UNITROL 1020 is called CMT1000. Release 6.200 is
compatible with all previous releases but not with releases older than 6.000.

6.4.1 General

Parameter configuration and optimization can be done with the user-friendly software
CMT1000 for Microsoft Windows. CMT1000 accesses the UN1020 device through a serial
connection point-to-point via the USB or the Ethernet port, allowing access from remote
locations. The connection options to use CMT1000 are described in Chapter 3.3.9 –
Communication Ports.

Basic features of CMT1000

• Configuration of parameters
and I/O signals.
• Measurement reading
• Trending function for controller
optimization (Oscilloscope,
Power chart).
• Parameter File upload or
• PID tuning, Setpoint step and
other powerful commissioning

The CMT1000 software operation is described in Chapter 6.4 – PC Software Tool.

6.4.2 System Requirements for CMT1000 Release 6.200

• Minimum Pentium 1 GHz or equivalent processor. Recommended: Pentium III or

Celeron 1 GHz or equivalent processor or higher.
• Minimum 512 MB RAM.
• Minimum screen resolution of 800x600 pixels. Recommended: 1024x768 pixels or
• CD-ROM drive.
• Microsoft® Windows TM XP, Vista or Win 7.
• Minimum 10 GB of free hard disk space.

UNITROL 1020 User Manual 3BHS335648 E82 105

Chapter 6 - Operation 
6.4.3 Installing CMT1000 Software

Distribution rights:
CMT1000 was developed with the Lab VIEW software and is distributed free of license
charges and costs. The copyright to Lab VIEW is owned by the company National
Instruments International Distribution (NIID).

“Copyright © [02-03-20] National Instruments Corporation.“

Put the CMT1000 CD in the CD-ROM drive.

Open the CD root directory

1 Driver Installation
Open CMT1000 Installer
Files\USB Driver.


The following Window appears

and disappears after a few

Connect the device with the delivered USB cable to your PC. The window “New Hardware
Found” appears. Click Next until the device is installed.

2 CMT1000 Installation
Open C) CMT1000 Installer
Files and double-click

106 3BHS335648 E82 UNITROL 1020 User Manual

 Chapter 6 - Operation

Click Next

Select I accept the License


Click Next

Select I accept the License


Click Next

UNITROL 1020 User Manual 3BHS335648 E82 107

Chapter 6 - Operation 
Click Next

Click Finish

Connect the USB cable.

and check in the Device
Manager if UNITROL 1000 is
listed under Ports

108 3BHS335648 E82 UNITROL 1020 User Manual

 Chapter 6 - Operation

3 PC Firewall Configuration
Click Start – Settings – Network
Connections – Change
Windows Firewall Settings

Click the tab Exceptions and

Add Port

Fill out Name: Scanning

Port: 5002

Do the same for Port 5003

UNITROL 1020 User Manual 3BHS335648 E82 109

Chapter 6 - Operation 
6.4.4 Starting with CMT1000

The CMT1000 communicates with the AVR via USB or Ethernet. . For more information
about the hardware connections refer to Chapter 3.3.9 Communication Ports. Start the
CMT1000 V6.200 application from Start-Programs

or from the desktop shortcut Configuring the Port Interface (CMT1000 configuration)

Before the communication with

the AVR can be established, the
connection type should be
specified in the CMT1000. The
connection type is specified
using the Port Configuration
window, which can be accessed
from the main window of the
CMT1000 (Figure 6-4). Figure 6-4 Port Configuration.

Connection over a USB port from the PC (no Ethernet)

1. Connect via the USB port from the PC

select the "Serial" tab (1) first. See
Figure 6-5
2. Click the Ok button (2) to save the
changes, or Cancel to abort the

Figure 6-5 USB COM Port Configuration.

If the respective COM port is not found, check whether the required COMx is correctly
configured in the operating system or being used by another application.
Port settings normally used for COM:

110 3BHS335648 E82 UNITROL 1020 User Manual

 Chapter 6 - Operation

Base I/O Port address: 3f8

Interrupt Request Line (IRQ): 4

Connection over an Ethernet port from the PC (TCP / IP)

1. To connect to the AVR using a

TCP/IP connection, select the
"TCP/IP" tab first. See Figure 6-6.
2. Fill out the IP Address of the remote
terminal in the Remote IP Address
field and click Enter on the keyboard.
A pinging process should be
automatically started to check
whether the remote terminal can be
reached using MODBUS TCP.
After a couple of seconds the pinging
process should be finished and a
message is displayed whether the
remote terminal could be reached or
The message "Connection Ok"
indicates that the remote terminal
could be reached and that the
connection is Ok. In case the
message "Not accessible" shows up,
check whether the Ethernet, gateway, Figure 6-6 Remote IP Address Configuration.
firewall and/or cabling are correctly
configured and installed. For
configuration refer to Chapter 3.3.9
Communication Ports.
3. The pinging process is repeated periodically and it should start a couple of seconds after
displaying the last message. The message "Connection Ok" indicates that the remote
terminal could be reached and that the connection is Ok. In case the message "Not
accessible" shows up, check whether the Ethernet, gateway, firewall and/or cabling are
correctly configured and installed. For configuration refer to Chapter 3.3.9
Communication Ports.
The pinging process is repeated periodically and it should start a couple of seconds after
displaying the last message.
4. Click the Ok button to save the configuration or Cancel to abort the changes.

Note: The message "In use" can appear when the IP address is already being used by
CMT1000. This message can be ignored.

UNITROL 1020 User Manual 3BHS335648 E82 111

Chapter 6 - Operation  Communicating with the AVR

Once the port connection is

configured, the CMT1000 performs
a scanning process to detect the
AVR over the interface selected
(USB or Ethernet). During the
scanning time (few seconds) the
access levels (Control and Monitor)
cannot be changed. Figure 6-7 CMT1000 during AVR Scanning Process

As soon as an AVR is detected, the

CMT1000 displays the AVR-ID and
channel identification (Main or
Redundant). The access level/type
is controlled by the green slide bar
and can now be used to change to
Monitor or Control Access. When
the CMT1000 is in Offline, most Figure 6-8 CMT1000 during Offline
parameters are read from the
computer memory, only the
information shown in the main
window is read from the device.

As long as the CMT1000 has Monitor or Control Access, the main window looks as in
Figure 6-9 and Figure 6-10. In this case all parameters accessed through the menus are
read from the device.
A green LED (“EEPROM”) on the
right side of the window indicates
whether all parameters in the RAM
are stored in the non-volatile
memory of the device or not. The
LED is lit (green) when all
parameter values match the ones
stored in the EEPROM memory. Figure 6-9 CMT1000 during Monitor Access

If the LED is dark, at least one

parameter has been modified and
its value will be lost after restarting
the device.
To store all parameters in the
EEPROM using CMT1000, click
"Write parameters to EEPROM"
from the File menu. Figure 6-10 CMT1000 during Control Access

112 3BHS335648 E82 UNITROL 1020 User Manual

 Chapter 6 - Operation

AVR scanning process failure: "Link Not Found"

The CMT1000 scanning process

can last up to one minute before
the AVR is detected; especially if
connection type is Ethernet. If no
AVR is detected by that time, the
message "Link Not Found" will be
shown in the main window (Figure
6-11). Check if the AVR is truly Figure 6-11 LinkNotFound message when the AVR
connected by verifying the cannot be found or the communication port cannot be
configuration and/or the hardware. accessed by the CMT1000

Even after the message "Link Not

Found" has been displayed, the
CMT1000 continues the scanning
process in the background until
the AVR is found.
For details about the configuration
refer to USB Interface.

6.4.5 Menu Structure of CMT1000

The main window of the CMT1000 is shown in Figure 6-12 and is the starting point to access
all software features. The software features are accessed from the menu and each menu
item is grouped according to functionality.

• File: Load/save parameters

and enable optional SW.
• Monitor: Online measuring
• Setup: Set parameters
• Communication: Set IDs /
Ports / MODBUS
• Tune: Tune regulator
• Help: Software information Figure 6-12 Main Window of CMT1000

The following sections describe the CMT1000 menu organization and window contents.

All software windows shown in this User Manual were taken with
standard style of Microsoft Windows (R) XP and most of them can be
closed by using the mouse and clicking on the cross in the upper right
corner. If the cross button is not available, the information in the window
explains how to close it. This is the case for “About CMT1000” which
can be opened using the menu “Help”.

UNITROL 1020 User Manual 3BHS335648 E82 113

Chapter 6 - Operation  Help Menu

SW Update

Software and AVR Information

About CMT1000
AVR S/N: Unit’s serial number
Control: DSP software version
MCU: Panel software version
SW Revision: CMT1000 version
Configuration: ABB or Custom
Click on the window to close it.
Note: the serial number of the AVR is
shown in the window of and it should
be provided when an optional software
is requested from ABB.

Figure 6-13 About CMT Window File Menu

*. ini (see warning message below)

saves the parameters to the PC hard disk

saves the parameters to the device’s EEPROM

user defined application
enables SW optional features (password required)
closes the application

Open Parameter File

A set of parameters values, previously stored in a so-called Configuration INI file, can be
downloaded to the AVR by using the option Open Parameter File from the CMT1000
menu. In order to download parameters to the AVR, make sure that the CMT1000 has
Control Access before trying to use the Open Parameter File option. The Configuration INI
file can also be opened when OFFLINE, in order to verify the values of the parameters,
prior to downloading them to the AVR.
The Configuration INI file should be compatible and previously created with CMT1000
release, otherwise a warning message may show up. Additionally, a message
indicating writing failure can appear after continuing the download of the incompatible
configuration INI file, when it contains at least one parameter value out of the permitted
range of selection.
The download of an incompatible configuration INI file is not recommended and it is up to
the user to verify if all parameters are set correctly before going into Operation with the

114 3BHS335648 E82 UNITROL 1020 User Manual

 Chapter 6 - Operation

While the parameters are downloading, a warning

message may appear if at least one optional SW
is marked as activated in the INI file but is not
available in the AVR (Figure 6-14).
The warning window (Figure 6-14) also shows a
list of all optional SW which is activated according
to the INI file but which is not available in the
AVR. These will only be activated in the AVR, Figure 6-14 A warning message is
when they have been enabled (available) using shown when one or more optional
the SW Options tool from the CMT1000. SW is set as active in the INI file but
not available in the AVR.

Save Parameter File

The parameter values can be stored in a configuration INI file to the PC hard disk, for
further download to one or more AVRs (i.e. during commissioning) or for use as a
reference parameter file. A configuration INI file can be downloaded to a UN1020 AVR by
using the command "Open Parameter File".

When "Save Parameter File" is executed during Offline, it allows the user to create a
preconfigured file for further download to one or more AVRs. Once the CMT1000 is
started, all parameters are normally set to default values and they can be modified when
Offline. After they have been modified and the command "Save Parameter File" is
selected, all parameter values are stored in an INI file whose name is specified by the user
during the file creation process. The resulting INI file can be downloaded to an AVR using
the command "Open Parameter File".

When "Save Parameter File" is executed during Monitor or Control mode, all parameter
values written in the configuration INI file are read directly from the connected AVR; i.e. the
created INI file reflects the actual configuration of the AVR. During Monitor or Control
mode, this command can be used when a device must be replaced by a spare unit.

A parameter *.INI file can be opened and read with a common text
editor and without the CMT1000 tool.

However, modifying a *.INI file by directly writing-in with a text editor

may lead to the complete inoperability of the parameters file. The
CMT1000 may not be able to correctly read the file any longer and
serious damage may be caused to the equipment due to the incorrect
parameter settings.

Please open an *.INI file using the CMT1000 all the time, when a
parameter value has to be changed.

UNITROL 1020 User Manual 3BHS335648 E82 115

Chapter 6 - Operation 
Customer Setup
Option for user-defined application
and OEM customers (password

It allows the user to enable (unblock) optional software in the AVR. A password code is
required for each specific function (SW-option) and it shall be ordered with ABB.

The following steps should be

followed in order to enable optional
software in the UN1020:

1. Make sure the CMT1000 has

Control Access (Figure 6-15).

2. Type the password provided by Figure 6-15 CMT1000 must have Control Access before
ABB (case sensitive) in the
white box located beside the
SW-option intended to enable
(Figure 6-16). Click the Enter
key on the keyboard in order to
validate the password.

A couple of seconds after

clicking Enter, the oval button at
the right side of the white box
should not be shaded anymore.
Check the password spelling if
this is not the case.
The behavior rules for the SW
activation buttons are shown in
Figure 6-17.

3. Once the oval button becomes

clear, click the button once.
After a few seconds the LED on
the button should be bright,
indicating the optional SW is

116 3BHS335648 E82 UNITROL 1020 User Manual

 Chapter 6 - Operation

now enabled. enabling optional SW.

4. After the oval button is lit click

the button “Save to EEPROM“,
to make the change permanent
even after restarting the device.

5. In the CMT1000 main window,

click in File and then, in "Write
Parameters to EEPROM".

6. Restart the device.

7. After the unit is powered up,

check if the SW-Option remains
enabled. If not, repeat the
procedure starting by Step 1.

Figure 6-16.The SW Options window allows

the user to enable optional software in the

Figure 6-17 Upper: LED is bright when the

optional SW is enabled in the AVR. Lower: A
wrong password does not enable the SW.

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Chapter 6 - Operation 
Exit the CMT1000 software. Monitor Menu

Monitor \ Measurements
• Network Voltage (UNet) [% and kV]
• Machine Voltage (UM) [% and kV]
• Machine Real Power (P) [% and kW]
• Excitation Current (Ie) [A]
• Machine Current (IM2) [% and A]
• Machine Reactive Power (Q) [% and kVar]
• Network Frequency (fNet) [Hz]
• Machine Frequency (fM) [Hz]
• Power Factor (PF) --

118 3BHS335648 E82 UNITROL 1020 User Manual

 Chapter 6 - Operation

Figure 6-18 Measurements window

UNITROL 1020 User Manual 3BHS335648 E82 119

Chapter 6 - Operation 
Monitor \ Oscilloscope
Measurements and transients can be visualized, analyzed and stored to the hard disk
using the Oscilloscope tool of CMT1000. Up to 6 different measurement channels can be
visualized simultaneously on the black box of the Oscilloscope window (see Figure 6-19).
The signal or measurement to be displayed is configured on the right end side of the
Oscilloscope window with the options shown in Figure 6-19.
The Buffer Length defines the length of the buffer size used to record the transient data
and displays them on the black box of the Oscilloscope. The selection can be performed at
predefined values: 1, 2, 5, 10, 20, 50, 100 and higher up to 500 seconds. Each time the
Buffer Length value is changed by the user, the black box is resized in order to match with
the new value selected. The transient shown on the black box can be stored to the hard
disk afterwards; the transient data that could already pass-through the black box and is not
shown anymore, is lost (there is no additional memory or buffer).
When a set of consecutive data measurements is received with errors (i.e. due to cabling
or communication problems), the Out of Frame LED indication lights up. Under these
circumstances it is recommended to check the cabling and configuration between
CMT1000 and UN1020, in order to solve the problem. During the Out of Frame indication,
the Oscilloscope freezes and displays the last correct (error-free) measurement for each
channel, until the failure is resolved.

Figure 6-19 Oscilloscope window.

The Oscilloscope window menu and the function description of each item are explained in
Figure 6-20. The Oscilloscope can be started and stopped as explained in Figure 6-21.

120 3BHS335648 E82 UNITROL 1020 User Manual

 Chapter 6 - Operation

Open a previously stored waveform (ASCII table or *.xls)

Open a custom settings file for the Oscilloscope (*.cfg)

Save the current waveform to an ASCII file

Save the current Oscilloscope settings to a file (*.cfg)

Save the current waveform to a BMP format file

Export the current waveform to IEEE Comtrade

Figure 6-20 Menu structure of the Oscilloscope tool window and function
of each item.

Figure 6-21 The Oscilloscope is started and stopped using the "Start" /
"Freeze Waveform" button located in the menu of the window.

Previous waveform files saved with CMT1000 releases or
are not compatible with CMT1000 release
Use the appropriate version of CMT1000 to open waveform files older
than release

Evaluation of the Waveform

Instantaneous values from transients can be observed using the cursors feature of the
Oscilloscope (menu Edit > Cursors).
As long as the cursors are enabled (Edit > Cursors), the two pointers or cursors A and B
are shown in the black box of the Oscilloscope with their standard configuration options, as
shown in Figure 6-22. The cursors can be moved with the mouse (click + hold + drag)
along the curve of the transient from the Channel they are configured. When the cursors
are moved, the user can see the instantaneous value of the curve at the time (dt) where
they are placed (Figure 6-22). If the instantaneous value from another Channel is object of
interest, the channel selection for the cursors A and/or B can be changed on the
Oscilloscope window itself (see Figure 6-22).

UNITROL 1020 User Manual 3BHS335648 E82 121

Chapter 6 - Operation 
The temporal buffer of the UN1020 can be used for troubleshooting by allowing retrieval of
data history recorded during the AVR operation time. As long as the CMT1000 is Offline,
the cursor A can be used to observe measurements and data stored on the temporary
buffer but on the Instrument windows. When instruments such as Measurements, Setpoint
Adjust, PQ Monitor and/or others are open when the cursor A is displaced along a curve in
the Oscilloscope window, the Instruments will show measurements reading from the AVR
at the time the temporal buffer was recorded (Figure 6-22). This additional information is
also stored in the temporary buffer but (some of them) are not shown in the Oscilloscope
Notice that the cursors moved along the temporary buffer will show historical data on the
Instrument only if the CMT1000 is Offline; otherwise the Instruments show actual
measurements and reading from the AVR (and the system).

Figure 6-22 Evaluation of a waveform

A feature called Sweep Buffer can be used to displace the cursor A along the transient
curve at real time speed, and so, to observe the variations of measurements and data as
they might have been gathered during operation of the AVR.
When Sweep Buffer is enabled from the menu, a vertical line replaces the pointer A and
runs along the transient curve starting from the cursor A until the end of the transient at
real time speed (i.e. one second of cursor movement is equal to one second of operation
with the AVR). During the time the vertical line runs, the instantaneous value of the curve
is displayed on the Oscilloscope window, under the cursor A information. If an Instrument

122 3BHS335648 E82 UNITROL 1020 User Manual

 Chapter 6 - Operation

window is opened during this process, the instantaneous data is also updated and shown
in the window. The Sweep Buffer should be used together with the Instruments windows,
and therefore, it is only available when the CMT1000 is Offline. It can only be activated
from the menu when the cursors were already enabled as well.


a) During OFF LINE: previously stored waveform files

File \ Open Waveform: Open stored waveform file.
Adjust the Buffer Length if necessary to see the full
transient on the Oscilloscope.
Edit \ Cursors: Assign channel with buttons A and B, use left mouse
button to drag cursor A to the desired point on the signal
curve. The measured values can be measured on the
oscilloscope, instruments or PQ diagram.
Edit \ Sweep Buffer: The curves are run through from cursor point A using the
scanning bar.

b) During MONITOR or CONTROL: Real time data

Start: The recording of the waveform is started.
Freeze Waveform: The recording is stopped.
File \ Save Waveform: Save waveform.
File \ Save Setup: Save oscilloscope settings.

• The window in "Tune" can also be opened to set the regulators.
• The setpoint step is simulated in “Tune Setpoint Adjust“.
• The buffer length can be adjusted from 1, 2, 5, 10, 20, 50, 100 and higher values
up to 500 seconds.
• The time scale can be adjusted in the bar above the waveform (Zoom).

UNITROL 1020 User Manual 3BHS335648 E82 123

Chapter 6 - Operation 
Monitor \ Oscilloscope, Status Display

There are 4 analog signals that represent status changes on the oscilloscope. The
decoding of those signals is explained as follows:

Generator Control Mode:

0 = Auto
1 = Var
2 = PF
3 = Manual
4 = Open Loop
5 = VDC
6 = Sync
7 = Standby
Combined Limit:
0 = None
1 = Minimum Excitation Current Limiter active (Min Ie)
2 = Minimum Machine Voltage Limiter active (Min UM
3 = Minimum Iq Limiter active (Min Iq)
4 = Maximum Excitation Current Limiter active (Max Ie)
5 = Maximum Machine Voltage Limiter active (Max UM)
6 = Reserved
7 = Maximum Machine Current Limiter active (Max IM)
+8 = V/Hz Limiter active
+16 = Minimum Setpoint reached
+32 = Maximum Setpoint reached
Excitation ON active: Combined Limit = See values above
Excitation ON not active: Combined Limit = -1.0

GenState (Generator State):

0 = Idle (NoLoad)
1 = Change NoLoad -> Primary Net
2 = Primary Net
3 = Change Primary Net <-> Secondary Net
4 = Secondary Net
5 = Change Secondary Net -> NoLoad
6 = Primary Net or Secondary Net -> Grid ON
7 = Grid ON
8 = Grid ON -> Primary Net or Secondary Net

0 = None
+ 1 = SW Alarm active
+ 2 = FCB Alarm active
+ 4 = External Alarm active
+ 8 = Modbus Communication Alarm active
+ 16 = Diode Alarm active (requires RDM SW)
+ 32 = Diode Trip active (requires RDM SW)
+ 64 = Supervision Alarm active (requires Double Channel SW)
+128 = Supervision Trip active (requires Double Channel SW)
+256 = DCH SwitchOver active (requires Double Channel SW)

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 Chapter 6 - Operation

Combined Limit
Max UM Active + V/Hz 13.0
Max Ie Active + V/Hz 12.0
Min Iq Active + V/Hz 11.0
Min UM Active + V/Hz 10.0
Min Ie Active + V/Hz 9.0
V/Hz Limit Active 8.0

Max UM Active 5.0

Max Ie Active 4.0
Min Iq Active 3.0
Min UM Active 2.0
Min Ie Active 1.0 s

Figure 6-23 Example of Combined Limit Status

PQ Diagram (Power Chart)

Monitor \ PQ Diagram

Note: The Limiter points can be moved with the cursor.

Synchronization Diagram, Synchroscope

Monitor \ Sync Diagram

UNITROL 1020 User Manual 3BHS335648 E82 125

Chapter 6 - Operation 
IM or Ie Temperature Monitor
Monitor \ Temp Influence

IM Limiter

Ie Limiter

126 3BHS335648 E82 UNITROL 1020 User Manual

 Chapter 6 - Operation

Second Channel Measurements

Displays status and measurements from the Second Channel. Double Channel SW is
required to show this window; otherwise it is not accessible from the CMT1000 menu.

1. Displays the current

measurements of UNET, UM,
Excitation Current and
Machine Current from the
second channel.

2. Displays the current status

(Active or Standby) and the
current operating mode
(Auto, Standby, etc.) of the
second channel.

3. Displays Alarm and Trip

statuses of the second
channel. The LED(s) are lit
(light red) when the signal
is active (logical 1). Figure 6-24 Second Channel Measurements window, when
Double Channel communication over CAN is OK (data is being
4. Indicates the received correctly)
communication quality of
the CAN communication for
DCH software. The LED is
lit (light green as the
picture shows) during the
time the CAN
communication is enabled,
established between both
channels and the data free
of errors (i.e. no CRC
errors on data packets).

The complete Second

Channel Measurements
window becomes shaded if
the Double Channel
Comm. Ok LED is dark
(Figure 6-25) This means
that no valid data is
transmitted between both
channels and that data is
irrelevant to be displayed. Figure 6-25 Second Channel Measurements, when Double
Channel communication failed or is disabled.

Data Logger

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Chapter 6 - Operation 
Max 10 data logs are stored
on non-volatile memory on
the target triggered by
configured events. All
available data logs are

Opening a log file goes

faster when in Monitor Mode

Event Monitor

Events are stored to the

target and periodically listed.

Complete list can be stored

on PC as a text file

Filters can be set to give a

better view on certain

Freeze button stops

periodical update in order to
evaluate the received

The UNITROL device can

store max 500 events.
CMT1000 can store up to
1000 events, when
connected to the UNITROL

128 3BHS335648 E82 UNITROL 1020 User Manual

 Chapter 6 - Operation

6.4.6 Setup Menu

Configuration of system data parameters

Soft start ramp parameters
Field flashing configuration
Limiters configuration
Setpoint configuration
VDC software configuration
Digital Input / Output configuration
Analog inputs configuration
Analog outputs configuration
Synchronization parameters
Rotating Diode Monitoring settings
Power System Stabilizer parameters
Double Channel and Supervision
Set AVR Date and time
Data Logger Setup

V / Hz limiter configuration
PQ, UM, IM and Ie limiter configuration
Line short circuit support
IM and Ie temperature monitor

Auto mode setpoint configuration

PF mode setpoint configuration
VAR mode setpoint configuration
Manual mode setpoint configuration
Open Loop mode setpoint configuration

Note: Some menu items may not be accessible when the CMT1000 has Monitor or
Control Access and/or the AVR has optional software which is not available. All menu
items are accessible when the CMT is Offline.

UNITROL 1020 User Manual 3BHS335648 E82 129

Chapter 6 - Operation  Operational parameters

Adjust System Data

Setup \ System Data

Configure Soft Start

Setup \ Soft Start

Adjust Field Flashing

Setup \ Field Flashing

Adjust V/Hz Limiter

Setup \ Limiters \ V/Hz

130 3BHS335648 E82 UNITROL 1020 User Manual

 Chapter 6 - Operation

Operational Limits. Adjust Ie, UM, PQ and IM Limiter

Setup \ Limiters \ Operational Limits

Excitation current (Ie) limiter

Machine voltage (UM) limiter

PQ limiter and machine current (IM) limiters

UNITROL 1020 User Manual 3BHS335648 E82 131

Chapter 6 - Operation 
Adjust Short Circuit Support
Setup \ Limiters \ Boost

Threshold % applies for both Boost and Voltage
Relay features. Boost and Voltage Relay cannot
be configured with different threshold values.

FRT detection (Fault ride through)

Setup for FRT detection output

Adjust Limiters Temperature

Setup \ Limiters \ Temp

IM and Ie nominal values can

be changed in System Data

Adjust Setpoint Range

Initial SP refers to the Initial setpoint of the operation mode.

Setup \ Setpoints \ Auto

The Initial Setpoint (SP) of Auto
mode is the final value of the Soft
Start ramp. For more information
refer to Chapter Soft Start.
1. Parameter configuration: "SYNC
For more information see Chapter Synchronization (SYNC)
False (default)

132 3BHS335648 E82 UNITROL 1020 User Manual

 Chapter 6 - Operation

Setup \ Setpoints \ PF

Setup \ Setpoints \ Var

Setup \ Setpoints \ Manual

Setup \ Setpoints \ Open Loop

Adjust Voltage Droop Compensation

Control Range
Setup \ Voltage Droop Compensation

Setup Window for busbar configuration

Setup Window for ring configuration

For configuration refer to Chapter Voltage Droop Compensation

UNITROL 1020 User Manual 3BHS335648 E82 133

Chapter 6 - Operation 

134 3BHS335648 E82 UNITROL 1020 User Manual

 Chapter 6 - Operation IO configuration

Configure Digital I/O

Setup \ Digital I/Os

UNITROL 1020 User Manual 3BHS335648 E82 135

Chapter 6 - Operation 
Example of configuration of the input signals with the CMT1000 software tool

1. Select the analog input AI1 2. Select one or two digital signals
(or AI2 or AI3) and adjust the input DI13 from +AI
range [Setup \ Analog Inputs] DI114 from –AI
[Setup \ Digital I/Os]

Range : Uin0% = 2.0 V

Uin100% = 5.0 V

When using AI pins for DI signals, both inputs should not simultaneously be active.

Example of parameter setting using CMT1000

Example: Assigning
Parallel with Grid Status to
input DI10
Make Control-connection
to the unit

Menu bar CMT1000, start

1. Select setup and then

Digital I/Os

136 3BHS335648 E82 UNITROL 1020 User Manual

 Chapter 6 - Operation

2. Open input DI10 by

clicking on the white

3. Select input: "Parallel

with Grid Status"

4. Result: DI10 configured 4

The procedure above only changes the parameters in the volatile memory.
To make the modification permanent (even after restarting the AVR), all the parameters
have to be stored in the non-volatile EEPROM.

Save parameters during CONTROL Access:

- Unit: Menu bar CMT1000 \ File \ Write Parameters to EEPROM
- Hard disk: Menu bar CMT1000 \ File \ Save Parameter File

UNITROL 1020 User Manual 3BHS335648 E82 137

Chapter 6 - Operation 
Configure Analog Inputs
Setup \ Analog Inputs

138 3BHS335648 E82 UNITROL 1020 User Manual

 Chapter 6 - Operation

Configure Analog Outputs

Setup \ Analog Outputs Miscellaneous Functions

Adjust Synchronization
Setup \ Synchronization

The window is shown if CMT1000 is

OFFLINE and/or Synchronization SW
(optional) is available in the device.

Adjust Diode Monitoring

Setup \ Diode Monitoring

The window is shown when the CMT1000

is OFFLINE and/or the Rotating Diode
Monitor SW (optional) is available in the

UNITROL 1020 User Manual 3BHS335648 E82 139

Chapter 6 - Operation 
Adjust PSS
Setup \ PSS
The window is shown when the CMT1000 is OFFLINE and/or the Power System
Stabilizer SW (optional) is available in the device.

This window below can only be opened when the device is online and connected. Only
then both configurable test points can be monitored in the CMT oscilloscope.

140 3BHS335648 E82 UNITROL 1020 User Manual

 Chapter 6 - Operation

PSS Test Interface

a. Operator switches on/off PSS input signals and injections points
b. Operator selects two test points out of TP1 to TP14
The two selected signals are shown in the CMT1000 Oscilloscope and are
routed to the analog output
c. Operator adjusts analog output amplitude
l-shift (0 to 7) is equal to a factor of 2 (I-sift)
E.g. If l-shift equals 2, the analog output is multiplied by factor 4
Scaling of TP can be seen in the table below.
Analog output range can be configured with min (-10V to +10V) and max (-10V to +10V)
values which represent the scaling. All values represent peak values.

TP Signal Name Scaling I-

1 Frequency meausurement input ±12.5% 0
2 Frequency washout input ±12.5% 0
3 Frequency washout output ±12.5% 0
4 Ramp Track filter output ±25.0% 1
5 Power Input ±200% 4
6 Power washout input ±200% 4
7 Delta Power integrator output ±25.0% 1
8 Lead lag input ±25.0% 1
9 Lead lag output ±25.0% 1
10 Lead lag output limited ±25.0% 1
11 PID output ±100.0% 3
12 PID output limited ±50.0% 2
13 Frequency injection point ±12.5% 0
14 Power injection point ±200% 4
15 LeadLag injection point ±12.5% 1
16 PSS Status bits 0

Bit 0: PSS selected

Bit 1: PSS active (contributing)
Bit 2: PSS blocked by Power
Bit 3: PSS blocked by Voltage lever
Bit 4: PSS blocked by frequency gradient

In order to get normalized gain for the measuring transfer function using analog outputs,
the I-shift parameter must be used. The table above shows a possible setup of I-shift
parameter in order to get normalized gains.

If multiple machines are connected to the same step up transformer, the user can apply a
common step command to all AVRs simultaneously. This allows to test the PSS and
measure more clearly the increased damping with a step response.
The user has to enable the common step at all AVRs. The command is given only at one
AVR and is distributed over RS-485 lines to all other AVRs. A common step on all

UNITROL 1020 User Manual 3BHS335648 E82 141

Chapter 6 - Operation 
machines is applied within 1ms.
Below extract shows how the common step can be enabled.

During the time that this is enabled, the VDC communication will be disabled

If the ‚Common Step Enable‘ button is selected, then this status is shown in the setpoint
adjust window (indication turns green)

The common step function is disabled as soon as the mode is changed or excitation is
switched off.

142 3BHS335648 E82 UNITROL 1020 User Manual

 Chapter 6 - Operation

Double Channel Configuration

Setup \ Double Channel
The window can only be accessed when Offline or when Double Channel (optional)
software is available in the AVR. For more information about the configuration refer to
Chapter Double Channel (DCH).

LEDs signalization Trip DO outputs zero (logical) during Standby.

All LEDs including DCH Comm.Ok
Trip DO outputs Trip Status during Standby.
Signal inactive, i.e. logical zero.
Alarm DO outputs zero (logical) during Standby.
Signal active, i.e. logical one. Alarm DO outputs Alarm Status during Standby.

Configuration Matrix settings

Monitoring function does not trigger Trip.
Monitoring function triggers Trip.

Monitoring function does not trigger Alarm.

Function Name Monitoring function triggers Alarm.
Output status of Latch memory status of the monitoring function (latched to one
the monitoring when the Output status changes from zero-to-one).
function. The Latch status is used as input for the Configuration Matrix.

UNITROL 1020 User Manual 3BHS335648 E82 143

Chapter 6 - Operation 
AVR Date and Time
Setup \ AVR Time and Date

Adjust the time by means of the lower and raise buttons, then click Set AVR time
Set AVR to PC time: Click this button and the AVR will show the same time as in

Data Logger
The Data Logger Setup can adjust
1 Sampling rate
2 Pre-Trigger value
3 Source
3 Extended Signal

The 7 basic signals are not listed, they are always active
• Generator Voltage
• Generator Current
• Reactive Power
• Excitation Current
• Generator Status
• Generator Operation Mode

144 3BHS335648 E82 UNITROL 1020 User Manual

 Chapter 6 - Operation

1 Sampling

UNITROL 1020 User Manual 3BHS335648 E82 145

Chapter 6 - Operation 
2 Source

146 3BHS335648 E82 UNITROL 1020 User Manual

 Chapter 6 - Operation

3 Extended

UNITROL 1020 User Manual 3BHS335648 E82 147

Chapter 6 - Operation 
6.4.7 Communication Menu

Set AVR-ID (VDC) and the Channel Identification (DCH)

Configuration of serial COM port or TCP/IP address
AVR Ethernet Settings
Set MODBUS configuration for Remote Access
Monitoring tool for VDC
Protection against changing parameters

ID Definition (AVR-ID & DCH)

Communication \ ID Definition
Configuration window for AVR-ID (VDC) and
Channel Identification (Double Channel).
1. AVR-ID should be configured before the
use of VDC. For more information refer to
Chapter Voltage Droop
Compensation (VDC). 1

2. Channel Identification should be

configured before using Changeover and
Follow-up from the Double Channel
feature. The chosen selection, Main or
Redundant, is displayed in the main
window of the CMT1000 (and panel) even
if the Double Channel feature is not
available in the AVR.

If the Double Channel feature is not used,

the channel identification can be changed
without affecting other UN1020 functions
with the exception of the Modbus ID,
which is used for CMT1000 access. That
allows changing the name displayed in
the CMT1000 and panel. For more
information refer to Chapter 3.4.6 Modbus
for Remote Access

148 3BHS335648 E82 UNITROL 1020 User Manual

 Chapter 6 - Operation

Port configuration
Communication \ Port configuration \ Serial

Configures the connection interface with the

AVR. For more information refer to Chapter Configuring the Port Interface.

Communication \ Port configuration\TCP/IP

AVR Ethernet Settings

UNITROL 1020 User Manual 3BHS335648 E82 149

Chapter 6 - Operation 
MODBUS configuration (RS485)
Communication \ MODBUS Supervision \ Remote Access
The MODBUS Slave-ID is the same used for MODBUS RS485. For configuration refer to
Chapter 3.4.6 Modbus for Remote Access.

Keep-alive action

Configuration parameters for RS485 communication ONLY.

Protocol Bit rate (b/s)

Character frame

MODBUS over RS485 not active. VDC can be activated.
MODBUS over RS485 active. VDC should not be activated.

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 Chapter 6 - Operation

Communication \ MODBUS Supervision \


Do not use the ID displayed here

Please be aware that this number will be automatically
adjusted according the AVR-ID number and the Channel
Indentification (Main / Redundant)

Communication \ MODBUS Supervision \

Channel Setup

UNITROL 1020 User Manual 3BHS335648 E82 151

Chapter 6 - Operation 
VDC Monitor
Communication \ VDC Monitor
VDC Monitor is a tool to analyze the VDC communication between the AVRs connected to
the same RS485 bus. The VDC communication should be enabled before using this tool.

1. Displays the AVR-ID number

and the actual compensation
used for regulation. The
compensation value will only 1
be used when the AVR is 2
operating in VDC mode.
2. Each LED number = the AVR-
ID 1 to 31 for each AVR 3
connected to the RS-485 bus.
A LED is lit when valid (error
free) VDC data packets are
being received from the AVR
whose AVR-ID matches the
LED number. 4
The LEDs indication is useful
for troubleshooting problems
when using VDC.
Q sharing on same bus
Q sharing on different bus
AVR is forced to AUTO
3. It selects the AVR-ID (or
LED) of the AVR from
which specific (Net ID, IM
Nominal and Iq rel) has to
be displayed.

4. This is the information displayed after the user selects an AVR-ID using the selector
explained in Item 3 (above).
All data displayed is real-time data. The Net ID shows Primary or Secondary Net
numbers according to the current status of the AVR. A special case applies if Net ID
is equal to zero, which means that the VDC data packets had communication errors
or the data packets from this particular AVR-ID is not being received at all. During
the time Net ID = 0, the LED for this AVR-ID is shown dark.
IM Nominal refers to the Nominal Machine Current and Iq Rel to the Reactive
Current in p.u. units.

152 3BHS335648 E82 UNITROL 1020 User Manual

 Chapter 6 - Operation

Control Password
In order to protect parameter changes by unauthorized persons, the customer can define
passwords to enter CONTROL mode to change parameters.

When hash is 1...9999, CMT will ask for a password before going to CONTROL mode. 0
means no password.
Setting for password, range 0 to 9999
0000 No password is active / default
4783 Default password, will work independently of any setting

Password will be asked when changing CMT from MONITOR to CONTROL mode. The
password is active for 10min

When CMT runs in MONITOR

mode, the password setting field
is grayed out.
When CMT runs in CONTROL
mode password can be set

6.4.8 Tune Menu

Adjust Setpoint, Trigger Setpoint, Status Displays

Tune \ Setpoint Adjust
It allows setpoint adjustment, step response tests and visualization of operating
modes, generator states, limiters and alarms status.

UNITROL 1020 User Manual 3BHS335648 E82 153

Chapter 6 - Operation 

1. Displays the generator state condition, according to the Gen CB Closed and
Parallel with the Grid status signals. Prim. Net and Sec. Net are used during
VDC operation mode.
2. Displays the actual operating mode of the AVR. Some modes may be shaded
(disabled) if an optional feature is not available or due to system conditions or
configuration. For more information about the software feature and operation
modes refer to Chapter 3.4 Software.
3. Displays Limiters status.
4. Displays AVR Alarms status. Not all alarms statuses are shown when an
optional feature is not available in the AVR.
5. The actual setpoint can be adjusted with the upper Up and Down buttons (if
the adjustment is not performed via analog or digital inputs). A step response
can be performed by specifying the Step value and then clicking the lower Up
(actual setpoint + Step) and Down (actual setpoint – Step) buttons.

154 3BHS335648 E82 UNITROL 1020 User Manual

 Chapter 6 - Operation

Regulator Parameters AUTO

Tune \ Auto

Allows the configuration of parameters of the

PID regulator used during AUTO mode and the
Kq Droop.

Expert Tuning:
In order to open the window, click
Control+Shift+F9 when the Tune Auto window
is active

For details on the field rotor limitation, refer to Field Voltage Limiter.

Regulator Parameters PF/VAR/PQ Limiter

Tune \ [ PF/VAR/PQ Limiter ]

Allows the configuration of parameters of the

PI regulator used during PF/VAR modes and
PQ Limiter.

UNITROL 1020 User Manual 3BHS335648 E82 155

Chapter 6 - Operation 
Regulator Parameters Manual / Ie Limiter
Tune \ [ Manual/Ie Limiter ]

Allows the configuration of parameters of the PI

regulator used during Manual mode and Ie

6.4.9 Help Menu

Help \ Firmware update

Click Load File and select the appropriate

*.abb file.

Newest version as of release date of this


Then click Update. It is possible to update

the Target SW from USB or Ethernet

In the following pop-up click Continue:

156 3BHS335648 E82 UNITROL 1020 User Manual

 Chapter 6 - Operation

The update process is started and will take

around three minutes.
Download successful
The download succeeded successfully if
following pop-up appears:
Click Ok.

If the programming completed successfully, disconnect the USB cable and power cycle
the device.
Connect the CMT1000 to the device and double-check the loaded target software version
against the CMT1000.
In all other cases, the download has failed.

Proceed with following instructions.

1. Close all the pop-ups by clicking Continue

2. Disconnect the USB cable, after 5 seconds connect it again.
3. Go into CONTROL mode
4. Repeat the download
Help \ About CMT1000...

Shows SW and HW Revision and HW serial number

UNITROL 1020 User Manual 3BHS335648 E82 157

Chapter 6 - Operation 
6.4.10 Save Parameter File

PC UNITROL 1010/1020

Open Write
Parameter Parameters Parameters
File to EEPROM

EEPROM LED lights up, if data RAM = EEPROM (MONITOR or CONTROL only) Status during MONITOR or CONTROL

After switching from OFF LINE to MONITOR/CONTROL, CMT1000 reads the parameters
from the device‘s RAM. Now, all parameter changes carried out using CMT1000 are
written directly into the device‘s RAM.

- Write Parameters to EEPROM: The parameters in the RAM are stored in the device (only
possible during CONTROL Access).
- Save Parameter File: The parameters are saved to the hard disk as an INI file.
- Open Parameter File: The INI file is loaded into CMT1000 and the RAM is
overwritten again (only possible during CONTROL Access).

When opening a parameter file from disk, the old parameter file is immediately overwritten
in the RAM (only possible during CONTROL Access). Status during OFF-LINE

No parameter changes carried out in CMT1000 are transferred into the device.

- Write Parameters to EEPROM: No effect, since there is no communication between

CMT1000 and the device.
- Save Parameter File: The parameters are saved to the hard disk as an INI file.
- Open Parameter File: The INI file is only loaded into CMT1000.

If you now switch to MONITOR or CONTROL the CMT1000 reads data from the RAM

6.5 Additional Tools

In addition to the tool on the delivered CD, ABB recommends using following SW Tools,
which can be downloaded free of charge from the internet:

Software Tool Description URL

Notepad++ compares parameter files and
indicates differences

158 3BHS335648 E82 UNITROL 1020 User Manual

 Chapter 6 - Operation

TOP enables viewing IEEE comtrade files

and doing overlays

UNITROL 1020 User Manual 3BHS335648 E82 159


Chapter 7 - Preventive Maintenance

7.1 General

ABB recommends periodical training for the maintenance personnel.

7.2 Safety Regulations

The secondary voltage of the excitation transformer and the voltage of
! the excitation field are fed into the excitation cabinet.
These components present a great danger of electric shocks.
The control elements and the PC interface on the front plate of the
UNITROL 1020 unit are to be touched and/or attached only with

7.3 Standard Procedures for Maintenance

When the system is at a standstill, the screwed terminals, which can get
loose due to vibrations, should be checked for tightness. Dusty cooling
flanges should also be cleaned.

UNITROL 1020 User Manual 3BHS335648 E82 161


Chapter 8 - Troubleshooting

8.1 General

Chapter 8 - Troubleshooting provides instructions to assist in localizing a

fault within the excitation system as a whole. However, it is not possible to
deal with all eventualities in full.

8.2 Safety Regulations

Before working on the excitation system the general safety instructions in

Chapter 2 - Safety Instructions must be read and understood.

8.3 List of Possible Faults

Possible causes Checks, action

Check operation of AVR, green LED must be
Machine is not excited
blinking and yellow LED must be on
Field circuit interrupted Check wiring for break
Field circuit-breaker does not close Check field circuit-breaker
Shunt supply:
Field flashing does not work Check field flashing circuit
No electronic supply UAUX Measure auxiliary supply UAUX
Check for tripped protective circuit-breaker
No control element supply UPWR Measure power electronics supply UPWR
Check for tripped protective circuit-breaker
Shunt supply:
Machine is only excited to the value supplied by the Measure auxiliary supply UAUX,
field flashing Measure power electronics supply UPWR
Check field flashing Off level
Machine is first excited then discharges again Check operating mode. For field flashing Auto is
normally used
Check field flashing Off level
Check setpoint
Measure power electronics supply UPWR
If all supplies and setpoints are correct, then
change the unit
Setpoint error Check operating mode. For field flashing normally
Auto is used
Check setpoint
Regulator error Measure output voltage at terminals 8, 9 (Osc.) ->
Measure voltage UPWM (CMT1000, Monitor)
-> positive rising

UNITROL 1020 User Manual 3BHS335648 E82 163

Chapter 8 - Troubleshooting 
Possible causes Checks, action
Overvoltage during build-up Check Soft start settings with the oscilloscope

Overvoltage caused by voltage regulator Machine voltage UM present

Check system data
Check operating mode. For field flashing normally
Auto is used
Check setpoint
Check thresholds of UM Limiter
Check regulator settings

Field flashing current too high Check design of the field flashing circuit.
Field flashing should deliver 10 to 15% of the no
load excitation current

Machine voltage not stable in no-load operation

Regulator error Check operating mode. For field flashing Auto is

normally used
Check setpoints
Check parameters of Auto regulator

Setpoint error Higher, lower inputs unstable

External input setpoint unstable

Control element fault Check wiring, loose contact UM, Ie

Parallel operation with grid unstable.

Periodic oscillation of reactive and possibly active power

Regulator settings incorrect Were changes made to the grid configuration?

Additional outputs, loads etc. installed?

Yes: reset regulator

No: check parameters of Auto and PF, Var

164 3BHS335648 E82 UNITROL 1020 User Manual

 Chapter 8 - Troubleshooting

Possible causes Checks, action

Irregular instability, i.e. sporadic over- or underexcitation which is not caused by grid

Droop influence of the voltage regulator ineffective or Check droop/compensation setting

IM2 measurement defective Check external current transformer circuit
Gen CB Closed Status not active
Machine within inadmissible operating range Bring machine into normal operating range by
(normally protected by limiters) adjusting the setpoint.
Check setting of limiters

Regulator fault Measure output voltage at terminals 8, 9 (oscillos-

Measure voltage UPWM (CMT1000, Monitor)

Signals in phase opposition: unit defective

Signals in phase: disturbance possibly caused by
the driving side of the machine or by disturbances
from the grid

Operating point cannot be adjusted

Setpoint error Check operating mode. For field flashing normally

Auto is used
Check setpoint

Limiter active Bring machine into normal operating range by

adjusting the setpoint.
Check setting of limiters

Excitation with compounding and boost circuit:

Excitation is only supplied by the series compounding

No control element voltage

Measure power electronics supply UPWR
Check for tripped protective circuit-breaker
Regulator fault
Check operating mode. For field flashing normally
Auto is used
Check setpoint
Check parameters of Auto regulator

UNITROL 1020 User Manual 3BHS335648 E82 165

Chapter 8 - Troubleshooting 
Possible causes Checks, action
External controls faulty

No external control voltage Measure control voltage

Check wiring

No internal control voltages Vdig, Vref Measure internal control voltages

Configuration of the digital or analog inputs or outputs Check configuration

is not correct

8.4 Repair

It is forbidden to open the plastic cover of the unit. A defective unit has to be sent in to
the return center for repair with a failure description and, if possible, trending of the
failure. Contact our return center prior to sending it to the manufacturer’s address. Note
that the manufacturer’s address may be different than the one specified by our return
See manufacturer’s details on Chapter 1.5 Manufacturer’s Address.

8.5 Compatibility

Target Release PC Tools / CMT1000 Panel Release VDC CMT1000 Release OS 2.04, Control 1.001 No restrictions

Earlier versions of CMT1000 are no longer compatible with this AVR.

166 3BHS335648 E82 UNITROL 1020 User Manual


Chapter 9 - Technical Data

9.1 General

9.1.1 Ordering Information

Material description Order code
UNITROL 1020-0003 BA 3BHE030579R0003

UNITROL 1020-0004 BASIC + SYNC 3BHE030579R0004
UNITROL 1020-0006 FULL 3BHE030579R0006
UNITROL 1020-0007 FULL + PSS 3BHE030579R0007
UNITROL 1020 SCP door kit 3AUA0000013086 Order Text: OPMP-01-Kit :
Mounting Cabinet Panel
UNITROL 1020 Cable to Panel 3BHE027825R0150 Ethernet Patch Cable,
CAT5, RJ45,
Length: 150 cm
Color: Grey

9.1.2 Electrical Data of AVR UN1020:

Excitation Input (AC/DC) Voltage Regulation
AC Nominal voltage (sinusoidal) 0...250 V ac Accuracy @ 25 °C 0.2%
AC voltage (max, sinusoidal) 300 V ac Reaction time 20 ms
Frequency 40…600 Hz PWM limitation 0.5...99%
DC nominal voltage 0...300 V dc
Max. DC voltage 420 V dc Exciter Current Measurement
Max. peak voltage (non-sinusoidal) 420V peak Full range 0...40 A dc
Test voltage for 1 min 2.8 kV dc Accuracy after digital filter < ±1 %
Resolution of sensor 808 mA
Auxiliary Power Supply Input (AC/DC) Sample rate 130 kS
3-ph AC Nominal voltage (sin.)(1 9…250 V ac Resolution after average filter 100 mA

UNITROL 1020 User Manual 3BHS335648 E82 167

Chapter 9 - Technical Data 
1-ph AC Nominal voltage (sin.)(1 16…250 V ac
AC voltage (max, sinusoidal) 300 V ac Machine Voltage Measurement (5
Frequency 40…600 Hz Full range peak voltage against PE ±500 Vp
DC nominal voltage (min/max)(1 18…300 V dc Full range voltage, (phase to phase) 600 V ac
Max. DC voltage 420 V dc Nominal voltage 3 x 450 V ac
Max. peak voltage (non-sinusoidal) 420V peak Input impedance 6.0 MOhm
Test voltage for 1 min 2.8 kV dc Test voltage for 1 min. 2.8 kV dc
Max power consumption 40 W Accuracy (4 (-40 to 70 °C / 25 °C) ±1% / 0.1%
Resolution 245 mV rms
Excitation Output – Maximum Ratings
Continuous current at 55 °C 20 A Network Voltage Measurement
Continuous current at 70 °C 10 A Full range voltage 600 V ac
Maximum current for 10 sec 38 A Nominal voltage 1 x 450 V ac
Input impedance against PE 9.0 MOhm
Recommended Excitation Current Test voltage for 1 min 2.8 kV dc
3~ Phase Input (2 Accuracy (4 (-40 to 70 °C / 25 °C) ±1% / 0.1%
Continuous current at 40 °C 20 A Resolution 440 mV rms
Continuous current at 55 °C 15 A / 20 A (3
Machine Current Measurement
Recommended Excitation Current Full range current 1A / 5A 2.8 / 13.4 A ac
1~ Phase Input (2 Nominal current 1 to 5 A ac
Continuous current at 40 °C 10 A / 20 A (3 Shunt resistor 10 mOhm
Continuous current at 55 °C 8 A / 15 A (3 Maximum current for 10 s 22 A rms
Maximum current for 1 s 38 A rms
Recommended Excitation Current Maximum current for 100 ms 54 A rms
DC Input (2 Common mode range ±5 V p
Continuous current at 40 °C 20 A (3 Accuracy (4 (-40 to 70 °C / 25 °C) ±1% / 0.1%
Continuous current at 55 °C 15 A /20 A (3 Resolution 0.2% of In
Impedance to Pe (not galvanically 500 Ohm
insulated from Pe)
IGBT with Free Wheeling Diode
Max. forward voltage of integrated
freewheeling diode (25 °C, IF = 30 A) 2.6 V

M.a.s.l. >1000m derating factor

(1:Start voltage:

Load condition no load at Vdig 100 mA at Vdig

Ambient -40 °C 0 °C -40 °C 0 °C
<0.5 Imax <4.0 A
DC 18 V dc 18 V dc 18 V dc 18 V dc
Ohm Pmax = 100 W
3 ph <0.5 Ohm 9 V ac 9 V ac 11 V ac 9 V ac
1ph <2.0 Ohm 30 V ac 16 V ac 55 V ac 24 V ac

(2: Excitation current can be raised by choosing improved cooling or mounting of an aluminum plate. Temperature
behavior is dependent on input voltage, single, three phase or DC input and its value as well as on the resistance
load of the exciter winding. Max heat sink temperature of 90 °C must not be exceeded. Please contact ABB for
further information.

168 3BHS335648 E82 UNITROL 1020 User Manual

 Chapter 9 - Technical Data

(3: With external capacitor of 1 mF

Min. Voltage: >=450 V
Temp. Range: -40...85 °C
Oper. lifetime at 85: >5000h
Ripple curr. at 100Hz at 85: >5ª
ESR 20°C 100Hz: <120mOm
Recommended type: Manufacturer Evox Rifa PEH200TO4100M, PEH200YK410TM, PEH169YO4100M

(4: Frequency bandwidth: 10...200 Hz. Define the accuracy up to 140 Hz with 1% and up to 200 Hz with 10%
(5: Voltage measurement shall always be connected over potential transformers (PT’s)
In case Um > 250Vac, the star point of the secondary side must be connected to PE
PT configuration : Three phase (star point connected to PE)  Max nominal value 500Vac
Single phase / Three phase GN  Max nominal value 250Vac

Short time overcurrent capability for excitation output

Duration 3 sec 10 sec 20 sec 30 sec 1 min 2 min 5 min cont. units
Ambient Temp.
40 °C 38 38 34 32 26 25 24 20 A
55°C 38 38 34 30 25 24 22 20 A
60°C 38 36 32 24 20 18 16 15 A
65°C 36 34 26 20 16 15 13 12 A
70°C 34 30 20 16 14 12 11 10 A

Remark: After an overcurrent occurs, device must not be loaded again for 100 x the defined duration.

Electrical Data of Analog and Digital Input / Output (max. cable length 30m):
Analog Input Digital Inputs
Full range peak voltage ±10 V Number of inputs 4
Input impedance 240 kOhm Input impedance to GND 2 kOhm
Common mode range ±5 V GND reference PE
Accuracy < ±1% Input voltage range 0…28 V
Resolution 10 mV Digital input thresholds (high / low) 13 V / 5 V

Analog Output Digital Inputs / Outputs

Full range peak voltage ±10 V No. of configurable inputs / outputs 8
Max output current ±10 mA Voltage range of 24 V supply 21...25 V
Output impedance 100 Ohm Maximum output current 24 V supply 600 mA
GND reference PE Input impedance (set as input) 1.65 kOhm
Accuracy < ±1% GND reference PE
Input voltage range 0...28 V
Digital input thresholds (high / low) 13 V / 5 V
Max driver current (to GND) 150 mA

Electrical Data of Communication Interfaces:

Ethernet Interface CAN Interface
Data rate 10/100 MBit/s CAN_L / CAN_H signal level 0…5V
Maximal cable length 100m Data rate 500 kBit/s
Auto-MDIX Max cable length 30m
Auto-negotiation and Termination (configurable with
parallel detection Jumpers) 2 x 68 Ohm
Isolation to PE 1 kV dc Isolation to PE 1 kV dc

UNITROL 1020 User Manual 3BHS335648 E82 169

Chapter 9 - Technical Data 
RS-485 Interface USB Service Interface
RX / TX signal level ±5V Data rate 12 MBit/s
RS-485 bus Half duplex Max. cable length 3m
Data rate Configurable USB Version 1.0, 1.1, 2.0
Maximal cable length 500m
Termination (configurable with Service Control Panel
Jumpers) 120 Ohm Display resolution (pixel) 128 x 64
Isolation to PE 1 kV dc Max. cable length 3m
Connector RJ-45

9.1.3 Environmental data of AVR UNITROL 1020:

Permission ambient Temperature Isolation Coordination
Storage temperature maximum 0°...55 °C IEC60664-1
Recommended storage temperature 25 °C
Operating temperature -40...70 °C cUL-Certification
Maximum heat sink temperature 90 °C UL 508, user group (ongoing)
File number E251846
Mechanical Stability
Vibration, IEC60068-2-6 DNV class B
Shock and bump, IEC 60255-21-2 Class 2 DNV Certification
Seismic, IEC 60255-21-3 Class 2
EMC Immunity Protection class of housing IP20
EN 61000-6-2 Pollution degree 3
(Generic immunity standard) Dimension, L x W 302 x 170 mm
Height 111.4 mm
EMC Emission Weight 3.8 kg
IEC 61000-6-4
(Generic emission standard)

9.1.4 UL Certification

To use UNITROL 1020 in a UL compliant way, the following must be considered:

Max. surrounding air temperature 70 °C

UNITROL 1010 max output capability at 70 °C 5 A /150 V
UNITROL 1020 max output capability at 70 °C 10 A /150 V
Only 60/75 °C wires shall be used
Marking for proper connections for the power supply, control, load
For use in Pollution Degree 2 Environment
Grounding conductor terminal shall be green-colored or plainly identified with “G”, “GRD”,
“GND”, “GRND”, “Ground”, “Grounding” or IEC Publication 417, Symbol 5019.

170 3BHS335648 E82 UNITROL 1020 User Manual

 Chapter 9 - Technical Data

9.1.5 Reliability UNITROL 1020

MTBF (MIL-HDBK-217F) GB(40°) 22.8 years

Failure rate in time GB(40°) 5000 FIT

Operational life time of capacitors > 100’000 h

Average ambient temperature 40 °C
Input power 3 phases
Exciter current (without external cap) 15 A

9.1.6 Battery life time information

A battery is installed inside the panel. The battery keeps the clock operating in memory during
power interruptions.
Expected lifetime of battery at 45 °C > 10 years
To remove the battery, use a coin to rotate the battery holder on the back of the control panel.
Replace the battery with type CR2032.

The battery is NOT required for any control functions except for the

9.1.7 Mechanical data

UNITROL 1020 User Manual 3BHS335648 E82 171

Chapter 9 - Technical Data 

172 3BHS335648 E82 UNITROL 1020 User Manual

 Chapter 9 - Technical Data

9.2 Settings Record for UNITROL 1020

Name and Address of Customer:

Order No.:
Plant Schematic No.:

Device Identification:
Type Plate:
Delivery Date:
Software Revision: Control:


Place and Date of Commissioning:

Name: Company:

UNITROL 1020 User Manual 3BHS335648 E82 173

Chapter 9 - Technical Data 
9.3 Parameter Settings, Default Values

Parameter Parameter INI-File Standar Setting range Set Unit

d value
Setup \
System Data [SYSTEM DATA]
- Nominal excitation current Ie Nominal 5.00 0.1 to 1000.0 A
- Measuring volt., three- or single-phase Potential Transformer Three_ Three_Phase /
Phase Single_Phase /
- Nominal voltage of the machine UM Nominal 1.00 0.010 to 32.000 kV
- Potential transformer, primary voltage UM Primary 1.00 0.010 to 32.000 kV
- Pot. Transformer, secondary volt. 3-Ph UM Secondary 110.00 60.0 to 500.0 V
1-Ph 60.0 to 500.0 V
3-Ph gnd 60.0 to 500.0 V

- Nominal Voltage of the network UNet Nominal 10.00 0.10 to 320.000 kV

- Potential transformer, primary voltage (Net) UNet Primary 10.00 0.100 to 320.000 kV
- Pot. Transformer, secondary voltage (Net) UNet Secondary 110.00 60.0 to 500.0 V

- Nominal machine current IM2 Nominal 500.00 1 to 32000 A

- Current transformer primary current IM2 Primary 500.00 1 to 32000 A
- Current transformer secondary current IM2 Secondary 1.00 0.500 to 8.000 A

- No-load current Ie No Load 30.00 0.1 to 100.0 %

- Ceiling factor Kceiling 3.00 1.00 to 100.00 V/V
- Machine reactance Xq 0.80 0.20 to 4.00
- Frequency nominal f Nominal 50.00 10.00 to 200.00 Hz
- Single Phase Machine Single Phase Machine FALSE TRUE / FALSE
Soft Start [SOFT START]
Soft start
- Starting voltage Starting Level 20.0 0 to 100.0 %
- Delay until ramp Hold Time 2.00 0 to 327.0 s
- Ramp time Ramp Time 8.00 0 to 327.0 s
- Start Frequency Frequency Start 0.0 0 to 300 Hz
Line Charging
- Starting voltage Line Charging Starting 20.0 0 to 100.0 %
- Delay until ramp Line Charging Hold 20.0 0 to 327.0 s
- Ramp time Line Charging Ramp 80.0 0 to 327.0 s
Field Flashing [FIELD FLASHING]
- Reached voltage off level Off Level 0.00 0 to 95.5 %
V/Hz Limiter [V/Hz LIMITER]
- Cut-off frequency fKnee 48.00 10.0 to 200.0 Hz
- Slope Slope 90.00 0 to 327.0 %
Operational Limits
IeMin Limiter: [IeMin LIMITER]
- Minimum limit Minimum 0.00 0 to 150.0 %
- Limiter active Active FALSE TRUE / FALSE
IeMax Limiter: [IeMax LIMITER]
- 1st limit Maximum 160.00 0 to 400.0 %
- Delay time Maximum Hold Time 10.00 0 to 327.0 s
- 2nd limit Delayed 120.00 0 to 300.0 %

174 3BHS335648 E82 UNITROL 1020 User Manual

 Chapter 9 - Technical Data

Parameter Parameter INI-File Standard Setting range Set Unit

- Delay time Delayed Hold Time 60.00 0 to 327.0 s
- Continuous current Continuous 105.00 0 to 150.0 %
- Limiter active Active TRUE TRUE / FALSE
UMMin Limiter: [UM LIMITER]
- Limiting value mini. machine voltage Minimum 90.00 0 to 150.0 %
- Limiter low level Minimum Active TRUE TRUE / FALSE
UMMax Limiter: [UM LIMITER]
- Limiting value maxi. machine voltage Maximum 110.00 0 to 150.0 %
- Limiter high level Maximum Active TRUE TRUE / FALSE
IM Limiter: [IM Limiter]
- Maximum IM2 IMlim_Im_th 100.00 0.0 to 150.0 %
- Time Multiplier K IMlim_K 1.00 0.01 to 100.00
- Limiter high level IMlim_Active FALSE TRUE / FALSE
PQ Limiter (Min Q): [PQ LIMITER]
- Q Limiter at P = 0% Minimum Q (P @ 0%) -40.00 -400.0 to -0.5 %
- Q Limiter at P = 25% Minimum Q (P @ 25%) -35.00 -400.0 to 0 %
- Q Limiter at P = 50% Minimum Q (P @ 50%) -30.00 -400.0 to 0 %
- Q Limiter at P = 75% Minimum Q (P @ 75%) -25.00 -400.0 to 0 %
- Q Limiter at P = 100% Minimum Q (P @ -20.00 -400.0 to 0 %
- Voltage depen. active Voltage Dependency TRUE TRUE / FALSE
- Limiter active Active TRUE TRUE / FALSE
Boost [BOOST]
- Minimum machine voltage Threshold 40.00 0 to 100.0 %
- Time boost output is active Hold Time 3.00 0 to 32.0 s
- Hysteresis Hysteresis 15.00 0 to 100.0 %
- Delayed OFF Delayed OFF 0.0 0 to 10.0 s
- Boost on Grid only Block Boosting in case FALSE FALSE / TRUE
of PT Alarm
- Block Boosting in case of PT Alarm Boost on Grid only FALSE FALSE / TRUE
Power Threshold Power Threshold 25.00 0.0 to 100.0 %
Machine Voltage low level Low Level 40.00 0.0 to 100.0 %
Machine Voltage high level High Level 55.00 0.0 to 100.0 %
Temp Influence: [TEMP INFLUENCE]
- T1 at Max IM IMlim_T1 50.00 -100.0 to 100.0 °C
- Machine current level IMlim_Im_th2 75.00 0.0 to 150.0 %
- T2 at IM th2 IMlim_T2 60.00 -100.0 to 100.0 °C
- Machine current level IMlim_Im_th3 50.00 0.0 to 150.0 %
- T3 at IM th3 IMlim_T3 70.00 -100.0 to 100.0 °C
- T4 at IM = 0 A IMlim_T4 80.00 -100.0 to 100.0 °C
- T1 at Max contin. Ie IElim_T1 50.00 -100.0 to 100.0 °C
- Excitation current level IElim_Ie_th2 75.00 0.0 to 150.0 %
- T2 at Ie th2 IElim_T2 60.00 -100.0 to 100.0 °C
- Excitation current level IElim_Ie_th3 50.00 0.0 to 150.0 %
- T3 at Ie th3 IElim_T3 70.00 -100.0 to 100.0 °C
- T4 at Ie = 0 A IElim_T4 80.00 -100.0 to 100.0 °C
- Initial SP Initial 100.00 0 to 150.0 %
- Minimum value Minimum 90.00 0 to 150.0 %
- Maximum value Maximum 110.00 0 to 150.0 %
- Ramp Rate Ramp Rate 0.30 0.01 to 100.00 %/s
- Disable CB check Disable CB check FALSE TRUE / FALSE
- PF/VAR Initial SP enable PF and VAR Initial SP FALSE TRUE / FALSE
- Reset SP to Initial SP Reset SP to Initial SP FALSE TRUE / FALSE

UNITROL 1020 User Manual 3BHS335648 E82 175

Chapter 9 - Technical Data 
Parameter Parameter INI-File Standard Setting range Set Unit
1.0000 -0.2500 to
- Initial SP PF Initial
- Minimum value Minimum -0.8500 -0.2500 to
- Maximum value Maximum 0.8500 -0.2500 to
- Ramp Rate Ramp Rate 0.0050 0.0001 to /s
- Initial SP PF Initial 0.00 -200.0 to +200.0 %
- Minimum value Minimum -20.00 -200.0 to +200.0 %
- Maximum value Maximum 100.00 -200.0 to +200.0 %
- Ramp Rate Ramp Rate 1.00 0.02 to 100.00 %/s
- Initial SP Initial 0.00 0 to 300.0 %
- Minimum value Minimum 0.00 0 to 50.0 %
- Maximum value Maximum 150.00 10.0 to 300.0 %
- Ramp Rate Ramp Rate 1.67 0.01 to 100.0 %/s
Open Loop: [OPEN LOOP
- Initial SP Initial 0.00 0 to 100.0 -- %
- Minimum value Minimum 0.00 0 to 100.0 -- %
- Maximum value Maximum 100.00 10.0 to 100.0 -- %
- Ramp rate Ramp Rate 1.00 0.01 to 80.0 -- %/s
- Primary Net ID A Primary Net ID 1 1 to 31
- Secondary Net ID B Secondary Net ID 1 2 1 to 31
- Secondary Net ID C Secondary Net ID 2 3 1 to 31
- Secondary Net ID D Secondary Net ID 3 4 1 to 31

- VDC Ramp time Ramp Up Time 10.00 0.1 to 60.0 s

- Segment count Segment Count 1 1 to 6
- Baud Rate Baud Rate 59.9 59.9 / 57.6 kBd
- Error on 485 forces Auto Error on 485 forces FALSE FALSE / TRUE
- Calc Ref from AVRs in VDC mode only Calc Ref from AVRs in FALSE FALSE / TRUE
VDC mode only
Digital I/Os
- Input Input None DI / DO signal
- Polarity Polarity_IN (for Normal Normal /
Input) Inverted
Polarity_OUT (for
- Output Output None Signal name
- Direction Direction In In / Out
- Input Input None DI / DO signal
- Polarity Polarity_IN (for Normal Normal /
Input) Inverted
Polarity_OUT (for
- Output Output None Signal name
- Direction Direction In In / Out

176 3BHS335648 E82 UNITROL 1020 User Manual

 Chapter 9 - Technical Data

Parameter INI-File Standard Setting range Set Unit

- Input Input None DI / DO signal
- Polarity Polarity_IN (for Normal Normal /
Input) Inverted
Polarity_OUT (for
- Output Output None Signal name
- Direction Direction In In / Out
- Input Input None DI / DO signal
- Polarity Polarity_IN (for Normal Normal /
Input) Inverted
Polarity_OUT (for
- Output Output None Signal name
- Direction Direction In In / Out
- Input Input None DI / DO signal
- Polarity Polarity_IN (for Normal Normal /
Input) Inverted
Polarity_OUT (for
- Output Output None Signal name
- Direction Direction In In / Out
- Input Input None DI / DO signal
- Polarity Polarity_IN (for Normal Normal /
Input) Inverted
Polarity_OUT (for
- Output Output None Signal name
- Direction Direction In In / Out
- Input Input None DI / DO signal
- Polarity Polarity_IN (for Normal Normal /
Input) Inverted
Polarity_OUT (for
- Output Output None Signal name
- Direction Direction In In / Out
- Input Input None DI / DO signal
- Polarity Polarity_IN (for Normal Normal /
Input) Inverted
Polarity_OUT (for
- Output Output None Signal name
- Direction Direction In In / Out
- Input Input None DI signal name
- Polarity Polarity_IN Normal Normal /

UNITROL 1020 User Manual 3BHS335648 E82 177

Chapter 9 - Technical Data 
Parameter INI-File Standard Setting range Set Unit
- Input Input None DI signal name
- Polarity Polarity_IN Normal Normal /
Parameter Parameter INI-File Standard Setting range Set Unit
- Input Input None DI signal name
- Polarity Polarity_IN Normal Normal /
- Input Input None DI signal name
- Polarity Polarity_IN Normal Normal /
Assign analog input to digital signal
DI13 from +AI: [DIGITAL INPUT 13
from +AI]
- Input Input None DI signal name
- Polarity Polarity_IN Normal Normal /
DI14 from -AI: [DIGITAL INPUT 14
from -AI]
- Input Input None DI signal name
- Polarity Polarity_IN Normal Normal /
DI15 from +AI: [DIGITAL INPUT 15
from +AI]
- Input Input None DI signal name
- Polarity Polarity_IN Normal Normal /
DI16 from -AI: [DIGITAL INPUT 16
from -AI]
- Input Input None DI signal name
- Polarity Polarity_IN Normal Normal /
DI17 from +AI: [DIGITAL INPUT 17
from +AI]
- Input Input None DI signal name
- Polarity Polarity_IN Normal Normal /
DI18 from -AI: [DIGITAL INPUT 18
from -AI]
- Input Input None DI signal name
- Polarity Polarity_IN Normal Normal /

178 3BHS335648 E82 UNITROL 1020 User Manual

 Chapter 9 - Technical Data

Signal name:
Digital inputs Digital outputs
DIO1 to 8 DIO1 to 8
DI9 to 12
(DI13 to18)

UNITROL 1020 User Manual 3BHS335648 E82 179

Chapter 9 - Technical Data 
Parameter Parameter INI-File Standard Setting range Set Unit
Analog Inputs [ANALOG INPUT]
UM Aux: - Minimum value UM Aux Minimum -10.00 -100.0 to +100.0 %
- Maximum value UM Aux Maximum 10.00 -100.0 to +100.0 %
Ie Ext Range: - Minimum value Ie Ext Minimum 0.00 0 to 1000.0 A
- Maximum value Ie Ext Maximum 30.00 0 to 1000.0 A
- Input Input None AI signal name
- Low level Uin 0% 0.00 -10.0 to +10.0 V
- High level Uin 100% 10.00 -10.0 to +10.0 V
- Input Input None AI signal name
- Low level Uin 0% 0.00 -10.0 to +10.0 V
- High level Uin 100% 10.00 -10.0 to +10.0 V
- Input Input None AI signal name
- Low level Uin 0% 0.00 -10.0 to +10.0 V
- High level Uin 100% 10.00 -10.0 to +10.0 V
Analog Outputs [ANALOG OUTPUT]
Ie Range: Output voltage range
- Low level Ie 0% 0.00 0 to 400.0 %
- High level Ie 100% 300.00 0 to 400.0 %
PWM - Low level 0.00 %
- High level 100.0 %
Fbias Range: Offset signal
- Low level Fbias 0% -3.00 -10.0 to +10.0 Hz
- High level Fbias 100% 3.00 -10.0 to +10.0 Hz
Slip (range): - Low level - -10.00 Fixed = (-1)*Slip 100% Hz
- High level Slip 100% 10.00 0.0 to +10.0 Hz
Active Power): - Low level Active Power 0% -200.00 Fixed = 0 %
- High level Active Power 100% 200.00 0.0 to 200.0 %
Ue Field Volt.: - High level Ue Field Voltage 100% 450.00 0.0 to 500.0 V
Upwr DC Ling Volt.: High level Upwr DC Link Voltage 450.00 0.0 to 500.0 V
Um releative - High level UM relative 100% 199.99 0.0 to 400 %
VAR relative - High level VAR relative 100% 200 0.0 to 800 %
- Output Output1 None AO signal name
- Low level Uout1 0% 0.00 -10.0 to +10.0 V
- High level Uout1 100% 10.00 -10.0 to +10.0 V
- Output Output2 None AO signal name
- Low level Uout2 0% 0.00 -10.0 to +10.0 V
- High level Uout2 100% 10.00 -10.0 to +10.0 V

180 3BHS335648 E82 UNITROL 1020 User Manual

 Chapter 9 - Technical Data

Signal name:
Analog inputs Analog outputs
AI1 to 3 AO1 to 2

UNITROL 1020 User Manual 3BHS335648 E82 181

Chapter 9 - Technical Data 
Parameter Parameter INI-File Standard Setting range Set Unit
Synchronization [SYNCHRONIZATION]
- Minimum Slip Min Slip 0.00 -1.00 to 0.00 Hz
- Maximum Slip Max Slip -0.40 -1.00 to 0.00 Hz
- Maximum Voltage Difference MaxDeltaU 5.00 0 to 10.00 %
- Maximum Delta Angle Max Delta Angle 10.00 0 to 72 deg
- Total CB Closing Time Tot CB Close Time 90.00 0 to 630 ms
- Voltage Offset UNetoffset 0.00 -30.0 to 30.0 %
- Angle Offset Angleoffset 0.00 -120.0 to 120.0 deg
Diode Monitoring [DIODE MONITORING]
- Nominal Exciter Frequency f Exc Nominal 50.00 10 to 400 Hz
- Exciter Time Constant Tconst Exc 350.00 1 to 2000 ms
- Alarm Level Alarm Level 5.00 2.0 to 100.0 %
- Alarm Delay Alarm Delay 10.00 2.0 to 50.0 s
- Trip Level Trip Level 20.00 10.0 to 200.0 %
- Trip Delay Trip Delay 0.30 0 to 50.0 s
- Diode Monitoring Active Active FALSE TRUE / FALSE
External PSS External_PSS FALSE TRUE / FALSE

Wash out time constants TW1 5.00 0.0 to 30.0 s

Wash out time constants TW2 5.00 0.0 to 30.0 s
Wash out time constants TW3 5.00 0.0 to 30.0 s
Wash out time constants TW4 0.00 0.0 to 30.0 s
PSS gain factor KS1 15.00 0.1 to 50.0 p.u.
Compensation factor for calculation of integral KS2 0.60 0.05 to 5.00 p.u.
of electric power
Signal matching factor KS3 1.00 0.05 to 5.00 p.u.
Lead time constants of conditioning network T1 0.10 0.02 to 6.00 s
Lead time constants of conditioning network T3 0.18 0.02 to 6.00 s
Lead time constants of conditioning network T10 0.26 0.02 to 6.00 s
Lag time constants of conditioning network T2 0.02 0.02 to 6.00 s
Lag time constants of conditioning network T4 0.02 0.02 to 6.00 s
Lag time constants of conditioning network T11 0.02 0.02 to 6.00 s
Time constant for integral of electrical power T7 5.00 0.00 to 30.00 s
Ramp tracking filter time constant T8 0.00 0.00 to 2.50 s
Ramp tracking filter time constant T9 0.10 0.00 to 2.50 s
Ramp tracking filter degree M 5 2 to 5
Ramp tracking filter degree N 1 0 to 4

Upper limit of stabilizing signal (PWM) PSS max 10.00 0.0 to 25.0 %
Lower limit of stabilizing signal (PWM PSS min -10.00 0.0 to -25.0 %
Max limit for voltage influence VST max 20.00 0.0 to 50.0 %
Activation level for PSS functionality P min 5.00 0.0 to 50.0 %
Frequency Gradients PSS Frequency OFF OFF
Gradient 50mHz @ 1sec
100mHz @ 1sec
Rotor speed measurement factor XX Frequency xx 0.00 0.00 to 2.50
Lead lag setting for frequency input Freq. LeadLag 1.00 0.10 to 10.00 s
Freq. LeadLag 1.00 0.10 to 10.00 s
Common filter for P and F input Freq. and P Filter OFF OFF / 12Hz /
8 Hz / 4 Hz

182 3BHS335648 E82 UNITROL 1020 User Manual

 Chapter 9 - Technical Data

Parameter Parameter INI-File Standard Setting range Set Unit

AVR Time and Date
Time source: [TIME]
Use SNTP server SNTP IP
Time Offset 01:00
Time Zone: Not selected

Data Logger [Data Logger]

Sample Rate Sample Rate OFF ms
Pre Trigger Pre Trigger 50.0% %
Trigger Event Trigger Event 1 0
Trigger Event Trigger Event 2 0
Trigger Event Trigger Event 3 0
Trigger Event Trigger Event 4 0
Trigger Event Trigger Event 5 0
Trigger Event Trigger Event 6 0
Trigger Event Trigger Event 7 0
Trigger Event Trigger Event 8 0
External Signal Ext Signal 8 379
External Signal Ext Signal 9 375
External Signal Ext Signal 10 352
External Signal Ext Signal 11 397
External Signal Ext Signal 12 602

UNITROL 1020 User Manual 3BHS335648 E82 183

Chapter 9 - Technical Data 
Parameter Parameter INI-File Standard Setting range Set Unit
Communication [COMMUNICATION]
ID Definition
- AVR-ID AVR ID 1 1 to 31
- Channel Identification Channel Identification Main Main / Redundant
Port Configuration
- Serial ASRLx COMx)
AVR Ethernet Settings
- IP address TCP IP
- Subnet mask SubNet
- Default gateway Gateway
MODBUS Supervision
Remote Access: [MODBUS]
MODBUS Remote Control:
Slave ID MB Slave ID 247 1 to 247
Keep-alive time MB_KeepAliveTime 0 0 to 120 s
Keep-alive actions MB_KeepAliveAction 0 0 to 3
MODBUS on RS-485:
Answer delay MB_Delay 10.00 10 to 500 (step of 10) ms
Protocol MB_Protocol 0 0 to 1
Bit rate MB_Bitrate 7 3 to 7 & 10 to 12
Character framing MB_ChrFrame 0 0 to 3
Control Password
- Control Password for CMT Control Password >9999 0 to 9999

Setting values for Modbus (INI-file and Panel)

Protocol Bit rate Character framing Keep-alive action
0 3 0 0
1 4 1 1
5 2 2
6 3

184 3BHS335648 E82 UNITROL 1020 User Manual

 Chapter 9 - Technical Data

Parameter Parameter INI-File Standard Setting range Set Unit

- Proportional gain Vp Proportional Gain (Vp) 20.00 1.0 to 200.0
- Derivative time constant Tb Derivation Time (Tb) 0.20 0.01 to 5.00 s
- Integral time constant Ta Integration Time (Ta) 4.00 0.01 to 20.00 s
- Reactive current influence Kq Droop (Kq) 0.00 -20.0 to +20.0 %
- Derivator gain Derivatin gain (Kb) 3 1 to 50
- Kceiling adjust by input power No Load Power Voltage 0.0 0.0 to 400.0 V
- Kceiling adjust by Frequency Kceil Freq. Dependency FALSE TRUE / FALSE
- Apply 100% PWM during Boosting Max. PWM at Boost FALSE TRUE / FALSE
PF /Var /PQ Limiter: [TUNE PF/Var/PQ LIMITER]
- Proportional gain Vp Proportional Gain (Vp) 10.00 0.1 to 200.0
- Integral time constant Ta Integration Time (Ta) 3.00 0.01 to 20.00 s
Manual/Ie Limiter: [TUNE MANUAL/Ie LIMITER]
- Proportional gain Vp Proportional Gain (Vp) 1.00 1.0 to 200.0
- Integral time constant Ta Integration Time (Ta) 0.30 0.01 to 20.00 s

Parameter values should be stored in the device's EEPROM after
Panel: Start menu MAIN => Save to EEPROM => OK => OK
CMT1000: Main Menu => File => Write Parameters to EEPROM
CMT1000 must be in Control mode.
For additional information refer to Chapter 6 - Operation.

UNITROL 1020 User Manual 3BHS335648 E82 185


Chapter 10 - Appendix

10.1 Documentation References

This User Manual is available in the following languages:

1. UNITROL 1020 User Manual 3BHS539297 E82
2. UNITROL 1020 Benutzerhandbuch 3BHS539297 D82
3. UNITROL 1020 Manuel d'Utilisation 3BHS539297 F82
4. UNITROL 1020 Manual de Usuario 3BHS539297 S82

UNITROL 1020 User Manual 3BHS335648 E82 186

 Chapter 10 - Appendix


Rev. Page (P), Description Date

ind. Chapt. (C) (or number of revision) Dept./ Init.
- First issue 2011 09 22
A Changes new Release 2011 10 10
B General changes and updates 2011 12 15
C Small changes in layout, review by several people 2012 01 25
D General changes and updates 2012 05 02
E Release 6.1 2013-05-17
F Release 6.2 2014-01-15
G Release 6.2 2014-02-14

UNITROL 1020 User Manual 3BHS335648 E82 187

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