HT32F52342-52 UserManualv130 PDF

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Holtek 32-Bit Microcontroller with Arm® Cortex®-M0+ Core

User Manual

Revision: V1.30 Date: September 28, 2018

32-Bit Arm® Cortex® -M0+ MCU

Table of Contents
1 Introduction............................................................................................................ 26
Overview............................................................................................................................... 26
Features................................................................................................................................ 27
Device Information................................................................................................................ 32

Table of Contents
Block Diagram...................................................................................................................... 33

2 Document Conventions........................................................................................ 34
3 System Architecture.............................................................................................. 35
Arm® Cortex®-M0+ Processor............................................................................................... 35
Bus Architecture.................................................................................................................... 36
Memory Organization........................................................................................................... 37
Memory Map.................................................................................................................................... 38
Embedded Flash Memory................................................................................................................ 41
Embedded SRAM Memory.............................................................................................................. 41
AHB Peripherals.............................................................................................................................. 41
APB Peripherals.............................................................................................................................. 41

4 Flash Memory Controller (FMC)........................................................................... 42

Introduction........................................................................................................................... 42
Features................................................................................................................................ 42
Functional Descriptions........................................................................................................ 43
Flash Memory Map.......................................................................................................................... 43
Flash Memory Architecture.............................................................................................................. 44
Wait State Setting............................................................................................................................ 44
Booting Configuration...................................................................................................................... 45
Page Erase...................................................................................................................................... 46
Mass Erase...................................................................................................................................... 47
Word Programming.......................................................................................................................... 48
Option Byte Description................................................................................................................... 49
Page Erase/Program Protection...................................................................................................... 49
Security Protection........................................................................................................................... 51
Register Map........................................................................................................................ 52
Register Descriptions............................................................................................................ 53
Flash Target Address Register – TADR........................................................................................... 53
Flash Write Data Register – WRDR................................................................................................ 54
Flash Operation Command Register – OCMR................................................................................ 55
Flash Operation Control Register – OPCR...................................................................................... 56
Flash Operation Interrupt Enable Register – OIER......................................................................... 57
Flash Operation Interrupt and Status Register – OISR................................................................... 58
Flash Page Erase/Program Protection Status Register – PPSR..................................................... 60
Flash Security Protection Status Register – CPSR......................................................................... 61

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Flash Vector Mapping Control Register – VMCR............................................................................ 62

Flash Manufacturer and Device ID Register – MDID....................................................................... 63
Flash Page Number Status Register – PNSR................................................................................. 64
Flash Page Size Status Register – PSSR....................................................................................... 65
Flash Cache & Pre-fetch Control Register – CFCR......................................................................... 66
Custom ID Register n – CIDRn, n = 0 ~ 3....................................................................................... 67

Table of Contents
5 Power Control Unit (PWRCU)............................................................................... 68
Introduction........................................................................................................................... 68
Features................................................................................................................................ 69
Functional Descriptions........................................................................................................ 69
Backup Domain............................................................................................................................... 69
VDD Power Domain........................................................................................................................... 70
1.5 V Power Domain........................................................................................................................ 72
Operation Modes............................................................................................................................. 72
Register Map........................................................................................................................ 74
Register Descriptions............................................................................................................ 75
Backup Domain Status Register – BAKSR...................................................................................... 75
Backup Domain Control Register – BAKCR.................................................................................... 76
Backup Domain Test Register – BAKTEST..................................................................................... 78
Low Voltage / Brown Out Detect Control and Status Register – LVDCSR...................................... 79
Backup Register n – BAKREGn, n = 0 ~ 9...................................................................................... 81

6 Clock Control Unit (CKCU)................................................................................... 82

Introduction........................................................................................................................... 82
Features................................................................................................................................ 84
Function Descriptions........................................................................................................... 84
High Speed External Crystal Oscillator – HSE................................................................................ 84
High Speed Internal RC Oscillator – HSI......................................................................................... 85
Auto Trimming of High Speed Internal RC Oscillator – HSI............................................................. 85
Phase Locked Loop – PLL............................................................................................................... 87
Low Speed External Crystal Oscillator – LSE.................................................................................. 89
Low Speed Internal RC Oscillator – LSI.......................................................................................... 89
Clock Ready Flag............................................................................................................................ 89
System Clock (CK_SYS) Selection................................................................................................. 90
HSE Clock Monitor.......................................................................................................................... 91
Clock Output Capability................................................................................................................... 91
Register Map........................................................................................................................ 92
Register Descriptions............................................................................................................ 93
Global Clock Configuration Register – GCFGR............................................................................... 93
Global Clock Control Register – GCCR........................................................................................... 95
Global Clock Status Register – GCSR............................................................................................ 97
Global Clock Interrupt Register – GCIR........................................................................................... 98
PLL Configuration Register – PLLCFGR......................................................................................... 99

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PLL Control Register – PLLCR........................................................................................................ 99

AHB Configuration Register – AHBCFGR..................................................................................... 100
AHB Clock Control Register – AHBCCR....................................................................................... 101
APB Configuration Register – APBCFGR...................................................................................... 103
APB Clock Control Register 0 – APBCCR0................................................................................... 104
APB Clock Control Register 1 – APBCCR1................................................................................... 106
Clock Source Status Register – CKST.......................................................................................... 108

Table of Contents
APB Peripheral Clock Selection Register 0 – APBPCSR0............................................................ 109
APB Peripheral Clock Selection Register 1 – APBPCSR1.............................................................111
HSI Control Register – HSICR........................................................................................................113
HSI Auto Trimming Counter Register – HSIATCR..........................................................................114
Low Power Control Register – LPCR.............................................................................................115
MCU Debug Control Register – MCUDBGCR................................................................................116

7 Reset Control Unit (RSTCU)............................................................................... 119

Introduction......................................................................................................................... 119
Functional Descriptions...................................................................................................... 120
Power On Reset............................................................................................................................ 120
System Reset................................................................................................................................ 120
AHB and APB Unit Reset............................................................................................................... 120
Register Map...................................................................................................................... 121
Register Descriptions.......................................................................................................... 121
Global Reset Status Register – GRSR.......................................................................................... 121
AHB Peripheral Reset Register – AHBPRSTR.............................................................................. 122
APB Peripheral Reset Register 0 – APBPRSTR0......................................................................... 123
APB Peripheral Reset Register 1 – APBPRSTR1......................................................................... 125

8 General Purpose I/O (GPIO)................................................................................ 127

Introduction......................................................................................................................... 127
Features.............................................................................................................................. 128
Functional Descriptions...................................................................................................... 128
Default GPIO Pin Configuration..................................................................................................... 128
General Purpose I/O – GPIO......................................................................................................... 128
GPIO Locking Mechanism............................................................................................................. 130
Register Map...................................................................................................................... 130
Register Descriptions.......................................................................................................... 131
Port A Data Direction Control Register – PADIRCR...................................................................... 131
Port A Input Function Enable Control Register – PAINER............................................................. 132
Port A Pull-Up Selection Register – PAPUR.................................................................................. 133
Port A Pull-Down Selection Register – PAPDR............................................................................. 134
Port A Open Drain Selection Register – PAODR........................................................................... 135
Port A Output Current Drive Selection Register – PADRVR.......................................................... 136
Port A Lock Register – PALOCKR................................................................................................. 137
Port A Data Input Register – PADINR............................................................................................ 138

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Port A Output Data Register – PADOUTR..................................................................................... 139

Port A Output Set/Reset Control Register – PASRR..................................................................... 140
Port A Output Reset Register – PARR........................................................................................... 141
Port B Data Direction Control Register – PBDIRCR...................................................................... 142
Port B Input Function Enable Control Register – PBINER............................................................ 143
Port B Pull-Up Selection Register – PBPUR................................................................................. 144
Port B Pull-Down Selection Register – PBPDR............................................................................. 145

Table of Contents
Port B Open Drain Selection Register – PBODR.......................................................................... 146
Port B Output Current Drive Selection Register – PBDRVR......................................................... 147
Port B Lock Register – PBLOCKR................................................................................................. 148
Port B Data Input Register – PBDINR........................................................................................... 149
Port B Output Data Register – PBDOUTR.................................................................................... 150
Port B Output Set/Reset Control Register – PBSRR..................................................................... 151
Port B Output Reset Register – PBRR.......................................................................................... 152
Port C Data Direction Control Register – PCDIRCR..................................................................... 153
Port C Input Function Enable Control Register – PCINER............................................................ 154
Port C Pull-Up Selection Register – PCPUR................................................................................. 155
Port C Pull-Down Selection Register – PCPDR............................................................................ 156
Port C Open Drain Selection Register – PCODR.......................................................................... 157
Port C Output Current Drive Selection Register – PCDRVR......................................................... 158
Port C Lock Register – PCLOCKR................................................................................................ 159
Port C Data Input Register – PCDINR........................................................................................... 160
Port C Output Data Register – PCDOUTR.................................................................................... 161
Port C Output Set/Reset Control Register – PCSRR.................................................................... 162
Port C Output Reset Register – PCRR.......................................................................................... 163
Port D Data Direction Control Register – PDDIRCR..................................................................... 164
Port D Input Function Enable Control Register – PDINER............................................................ 165
Port D Pull-Up Selection Register – PDPUR................................................................................. 166
Port D Pull-Down Selection Register – PDPDR............................................................................ 167
Port D Open Drain Selection Register – PDODR.......................................................................... 168
Port D Output Current Drive Selection Register – PDDRVR......................................................... 169
Port D Lock Register – PDLOCKR................................................................................................ 170
Port D Data Input Register – PDDINR........................................................................................... 171
Port D Output Data Register – PDDOUTR.................................................................................... 172
Port D Output Set/Reset Control Register – PDSRR.................................................................... 173
Port D Output Reset Register – PDRR.......................................................................................... 174

9 Alternate Function Input/Output Control Unit (AFIO)....................................... 175

Introduction......................................................................................................................... 175
Features.............................................................................................................................. 176
Functional Descriptions...................................................................................................... 176
External Interrupt Pin Selection..................................................................................................... 176
Alternate Function.......................................................................................................................... 177
Lock Mechanism ........................................................................................................................... 177
Register Map...................................................................................................................... 177

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Register Descriptions.......................................................................................................... 178

EXTI Source Selection Register 0 – ESSR0................................................................................. 178
EXTI Source Selection Register 1 – ESSR1................................................................................. 179
GPIO x Configuration Low Register – GPxCFGLR, x = A, B, C, D................................................ 180
GPIO x Configuration High Register – GPxCFGHR, x = A, B, C, D.............................................. 181

10 Nested Vectored Interrupt Controller (NVIC)................................................... 182

Table of Contents
Introduction......................................................................................................................... 182
Features.............................................................................................................................. 183
Function Descriptions......................................................................................................... 184
SysTick Calibration........................................................................................................................ 184
Register Map...................................................................................................................... 184

11 External Interrupt/Event Controller (EXTI)....................................................... 185

Introduction......................................................................................................................... 185
Features.............................................................................................................................. 185
Function Descriptions......................................................................................................... 186
Wakeup Event Management......................................................................................................... 186
External Interrupt/Event Line Mapping.......................................................................................... 187
Interrupt and Debounce................................................................................................................. 187
Register Map...................................................................................................................... 188
Register Descriptions.......................................................................................................... 189
EXTI Interrupt Configuration Register n – EXTICFGRn, n = 0 ~ 15.............................................. 189
EXTI Interrupt Control Register – EXTICR.................................................................................... 190
EXTI Interrupt Edge Flag Register – EXTIEDGEFLGR................................................................. 191
EXTI Interrupt Edge Status Register – EXTIEDGESR.................................................................. 192
EXTI Interrupt Software Set Command Register – EXTISSCR..................................................... 193
EXTI Interrupt Wakeup Control Register – EXTIWAKUPCR......................................................... 194
EXTI Interrupt Wakeup Polarity Register – EXTIWAKUPPOLR.................................................... 195
EXTI Interrupt Wakeup Flag Register – EXTIWAKUPFLG............................................................ 196

12 Analog to Digital Converter (ADC)................................................................... 197

Introduction......................................................................................................................... 197
Features.............................................................................................................................. 198
Function Descriptions......................................................................................................... 199
ADC Clock Setup........................................................................................................................... 199
Channel Selection.......................................................................................................................... 199
Conversion Mode........................................................................................................................... 199
Start Conversion on External Event............................................................................................... 202
Sampling Time Setting................................................................................................................... 203
Data Format................................................................................................................................... 203
Analog Watchdog.......................................................................................................................... 203
Interrupts........................................................................................................................................ 204
PDMA Request ............................................................................................................................. 204

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Register Map...................................................................................................................... 205

Register Descriptions.......................................................................................................... 206
ADC Conversion Control Register – ADCCR................................................................................ 206
ADC Conversion List Register 0 – ADCLST0................................................................................ 208
ADC Conversion List Register 1 – ADCLST1................................................................................ 209
ADC Input Sampling Time Register – ADCSTR............................................................................ 210
ADC Conversion Data Register y – ADCDRy, y = 0 ~ 7.................................................................211

Table of Contents
ADC Trigger Control Register – ADCTCR..................................................................................... 212
ADC Trigger Source Register – ADCTSR...................................................................................... 213
ADC Watchdog Control Register – ADCWCR............................................................................... 214
ADC Watchdog Threshold Register – ADCTR............................................................................... 215
ADC Interrupt Enable Register – ADCIER..................................................................................... 216
ADC Interrupt Raw Status Register – ADCIRAW.......................................................................... 217
ADC Interrupt Status Register – ADCISR...................................................................................... 218
ADC Interrupt Clear Register – ADCICLR..................................................................................... 219
ADC DMA Request Register – ADCDMAR.................................................................................... 220

13 Comparator (CMP)............................................................................................. 221

Introduction......................................................................................................................... 221
Features.............................................................................................................................. 221
Function Descriptions......................................................................................................... 222
Comparator Inputs and Output...................................................................................................... 222
Comparator Voltage Reference..................................................................................................... 222
Interrupts and Wakeup.................................................................................................................. 223
Power Mode and Hysteresis.......................................................................................................... 224
Comparator Write-Protected mechanism...................................................................................... 224
Register Map...................................................................................................................... 224
Register Descriptions.......................................................................................................... 225
Comparator Control Register n – CMPCRn, n = 0 or 1................................................................. 225
Comparator Voltage Reference Value Register n – CVRVALRn, n = 0 or 1.................................. 227
Comparator Interrupt Enable Register n – CMPIERn, n = 0 or 1.................................................. 228
Comparator Transition Flag Register n – CMPTFRn, n = 0 or 1................................................... 229

14 General-Purpose Timer (GPTM)....................................................................... 230

Introduction......................................................................................................................... 230
Features.............................................................................................................................. 231
Functional Descriptions...................................................................................................... 232
Counter Mode................................................................................................................................ 232
Clock Controller............................................................................................................................. 235
Trigger Controller........................................................................................................................... 236
Slave Controller............................................................................................................................. 237
Master Controller........................................................................................................................... 240
Channel Controller......................................................................................................................... 241
Input Stage.................................................................................................................................... 244

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Quadrature Decoder...................................................................................................................... 246

Output Stage.................................................................................................................................. 248
Update Management..................................................................................................................... 252
Single Pulse Mode......................................................................................................................... 253
Asymmetric PWM Mode................................................................................................................ 255
Timer Interconnection.................................................................................................................... 256
Trigger ADC Start.......................................................................................................................... 259

Table of Contents
PDMA Request.............................................................................................................................. 259
Register Map...................................................................................................................... 260
Register Descriptions.......................................................................................................... 261
Timer Counter Configuration Register – CNTCFR........................................................................ 261
Timer Mode Configuration Register – MDCFR.............................................................................. 263
Timer Trigger Configuration Register – TRCFR............................................................................. 266
Timer Counter Register – CTR...................................................................................................... 267
Channel 0 Input Configuration Register – CH0ICFR..................................................................... 268
Channel 1 Input Configuration Register – CH1ICFR..................................................................... 270
Channel 2 Input Configuration Register – CH2ICFR..................................................................... 272
Channel 3 Input Configuration Register – CH3ICFR..................................................................... 274
Channel 0 Output Configuration Register – CH0OCFR................................................................ 276
Channel 1 Output Configuration Register – CH1OCFR................................................................ 278
Channel 2 Output Configuration Register – CH2OCFR................................................................ 280
Channel 3 Output Configuration Register – CH3OCFR................................................................ 282
Channel Control Register – CHCTR.............................................................................................. 284
Channel Polarity Configuration Register – CHPOLR..................................................................... 285
Timer PDMA/Interrupt Control Register – DICTR.......................................................................... 286
Timer Event Generator Register – EVGR...................................................................................... 288
Timer Interrupt Status Register – INTSR....................................................................................... 290
Timer Counter Register – CNTR................................................................................................... 293
Timer Prescaler Register – PSCR................................................................................................. 294
Timer Counter Reload Register – CRR......................................................................................... 295
Channel 0 Capture/Compare Register – CH0CCR....................................................................... 296
Channel 1 Capture/Compare Register – CH1CCR....................................................................... 297
Channel 2 Capture/Compare Register – CH2CCR....................................................................... 298
Channel 3 Capture/Compare Register – CH3CCR....................................................................... 299
Channel 0 Asymmetric Compare Register – CH0ACR.................................................................. 300
Channel 1 Asymmetric Compare Register – CH1ACR.................................................................. 301
Channel 2 Asymmetric Compare Register – CH2ACR.................................................................. 302
Channel 3 Asymmetric Compare Register – CH3ACR.................................................................. 303

15 Basic Function Timer (BFTM)........................................................................... 304

Introduction......................................................................................................................... 304
Features.............................................................................................................................. 304
Functional Description........................................................................................................ 305
Repetitive Mode............................................................................................................................. 305
One Shot Mode.............................................................................................................................. 306

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Register Map...................................................................................................................... 307

Register Descriptions.......................................................................................................... 307
BFTM Control Register – BFTMCR............................................................................................... 307
BFTM Status Register – BFTMSR................................................................................................. 308
BFTM Counter Register – BFTMCNTR......................................................................................... 309
BFTM Compare Value Register – BFTMCMPR............................................................................ 310

Table of Contents
16 Motor Control Timer (MCTM)............................................................................ 311
Introduction......................................................................................................................... 311
Features.............................................................................................................................. 312
Functional Descriptions...................................................................................................... 313
Counter Mode................................................................................................................................ 313
Clock Controller............................................................................................................................. 317
Trigger Controller........................................................................................................................... 318
Slave Controller............................................................................................................................. 319
Master Controller........................................................................................................................... 321
Channel Controller......................................................................................................................... 322
Input Stage.................................................................................................................................... 325
Output Stage.................................................................................................................................. 327
Update Management..................................................................................................................... 337
Single Pulse Mode......................................................................................................................... 339
Asymmetric PWM Mode................................................................................................................ 341
Timer Interconnection.................................................................................................................... 342
Trigger ADC Start.......................................................................................................................... 346
Lock Level Table............................................................................................................................ 346
PDMA Request.............................................................................................................................. 347
Register Map...................................................................................................................... 348
Register Descriptions.......................................................................................................... 349
Timer Counter Configuration Register – CNTCFR........................................................................ 349
Timer Mode Configuration Register – MDCFR.............................................................................. 351
Timer Trigger Configuration Register – TRCFR............................................................................. 354
Timer Counter Register – CTR...................................................................................................... 355
Channel 0 Input Configuration Register – CH0ICFR..................................................................... 356
Channel 1 Input Configuration Register – CH1ICFR..................................................................... 358
Channel 2 Input Configuration Register – CH2ICFR..................................................................... 360
Channel 3 Input Configuration Register – CH3ICFR..................................................................... 362
Channel 0 Output Configuration Register – CH0OCFR................................................................ 364
Channel 1 Output Configuration Register – CH1OCFR................................................................ 366
Channel 2 Output Configuration Register – CH2OCFR................................................................ 368
Channel 3 Output Configuration Register – CH3OCFR................................................................ 370
Channel Control Register – CHCTR.............................................................................................. 372
Channel Polarity Configuration Register – CHPOLR..................................................................... 374
Channel Break Configuration Register – CHBRKCFR.................................................................. 376
Channel Break Control Register – CHBRKCTR............................................................................ 377

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Timer PDMA/Interrupt Control Register – DICTR.......................................................................... 379

Timer Event Generator Register – EVGR...................................................................................... 381
Timer Interrupt Status Register – INTSR....................................................................................... 383
Timer Counter Register – CNTR................................................................................................... 386
Timer Prescaler Register – PSCR................................................................................................. 387
Timer Counter Reload Register – CRR......................................................................................... 388
Timer Repetition Register – REPR................................................................................................ 389

Table of Contents
Channel 0 Capture/Compare Register – CH0CCR....................................................................... 390
Channel 1 Capture/Compare Register – CH1CCR....................................................................... 391
Channel 2 Capture/Compare Register – CH2CCR....................................................................... 392
Channel 3 Capture/Compare Register – CH3CCR....................................................................... 393
Channel 0 Asymmetric Compare Register – CH0ACR.................................................................. 394
Channel 1 Asymmetric Compare Register – CH1ACR.................................................................. 395
Channel 2 Asymmetric Compare Register – CH2ACR.................................................................. 396
Channel 3 Asymmetric Compare Register – CH3ACR.................................................................. 397

17 Single-Channel Timer (SCTM).......................................................................... 398

Introduction......................................................................................................................... 398
Features.............................................................................................................................. 399
Functional Descriptions...................................................................................................... 399
Counter Mode................................................................................................................................ 399
Clock Controller............................................................................................................................. 400
Trigger Controller........................................................................................................................... 401
Slave Controller............................................................................................................................. 402
Channel Controller......................................................................................................................... 404
Input Stage.................................................................................................................................... 406
Output Stage.................................................................................................................................. 407
Update Management..................................................................................................................... 409
Register Map...................................................................................................................... 410
Register Descriptions.......................................................................................................... 411
Timer Counter Configuration Register – CNTCFR.........................................................................411
Timer Mode Configuration Register – MDCFR.............................................................................. 412
Timer Trigger Configuration Register – TRCFR............................................................................. 413
Timer Counter Register – CTR...................................................................................................... 414
Channel Input Configuration Register – CHICFR.......................................................................... 415
Channel Output Configuration Register – CHOCFR..................................................................... 417
Channel Control Register – CHCTR.............................................................................................. 418
Channel Polarity Configuration Register – CHPOLR..................................................................... 419
Timer Interrupt Control Register – DICTR..................................................................................... 420
Timer Event Generator Register – EVGR...................................................................................... 421
Timer Interrupt Status Register – INTSR....................................................................................... 422
Timer Counter Register – CNTR................................................................................................... 423
Timer Prescaler Register – PSCR................................................................................................. 424
Timer Counter Reload Register – CRR......................................................................................... 425
Channel Capture/Compare Register – CHCCR............................................................................ 426

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18 Real Time Clock (RTC)...................................................................................... 427

Introduction......................................................................................................................... 427
Features.............................................................................................................................. 427
Functional Descriptions...................................................................................................... 428
RTC Related Register Reset......................................................................................................... 428
Reading RTC Register................................................................................................................... 428

Table of Contents
Low Speed Clock Configuration.................................................................................................... 428
RTC Counter Operation................................................................................................................. 429
Interrupt and Wakeup Control........................................................................................................ 429
RTCOUT Output Pin Configuration............................................................................................... 430
Register Map...................................................................................................................... 431
Register Descriptions.......................................................................................................... 431
RTC Counter Register – RTCCNT................................................................................................. 431
RTC Compare Register – RTCCMP.............................................................................................. 432
RTC Control Register – RTCCR.................................................................................................... 433
RTC Status Register – RTCSR..................................................................................................... 435
RTC Interrupt and Wakeup Enable Register – RTCIWEN............................................................. 436

19 Watchdog Timer (WDT)..................................................................................... 437

Introduction......................................................................................................................... 437
Features.............................................................................................................................. 437
Functional Description........................................................................................................ 438
Register Map...................................................................................................................... 440
Register Descriptions.......................................................................................................... 440
Watchdog Timer Control Register – WDTCR................................................................................ 440
Watchdog Timer Mode Register 0 – WDTMR0............................................................................. 441
Watchdog Timer Mode Register 1 – WDTMR1............................................................................. 442
Watchdog Timer Status Register – WDTSR.................................................................................. 443
Watchdog Timer Protection Register – WDTPR............................................................................ 444
Watchdog Timer Clock Selection Register – WDTCSR................................................................. 445

20 Inter-Integrated Circuit (I2C).............................................................................. 446

Introduction......................................................................................................................... 446
Features.............................................................................................................................. 447
Functional Descriptions...................................................................................................... 447
Two Wire Serial Interface............................................................................................................... 447
START and STOP Conditions........................................................................................................ 447
Data Validity................................................................................................................................... 448
Addressing Format........................................................................................................................ 449
Data Transfer and Acknowledge.................................................................................................... 451
Clock Synchronization................................................................................................................... 452
Arbitration...................................................................................................................................... 452
General Call Addressing................................................................................................................ 453

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Bus Error........................................................................................................................................ 453

Address Mask Enable.................................................................................................................... 453
Address Snoop.............................................................................................................................. 453
Operation Mode............................................................................................................................. 453
Conditions of Holding SCL Line..................................................................................................... 459
I2C Timeout Function..................................................................................................................... 460
PDMA Interface.............................................................................................................................. 460

Table of Contents
Register Map...................................................................................................................... 461
Register Descriptions.......................................................................................................... 462
I2C Control Register – I2CCR........................................................................................................ 462
I2C Interrupt Enable Register – I2CIER......................................................................................... 464
I2C Address Register – I2CADDR.................................................................................................. 466
I2C Status Register – I2CSR.......................................................................................................... 467
I2C SCL High Period Generation Register – I2CSHPGR............................................................... 470
I2C SCL Low Period Generation Register – I2CSLPGR................................................................ 471
I2C Data Register – I2CDR............................................................................................................ 472
I2C Target Register – I2CTAR........................................................................................................ 473
I2C Address Mask Register – I2CADDMR..................................................................................... 474
I2C Address Snoop Register – I2CADDSR.................................................................................... 475
I2C Timeout Register – I2CTOUT.................................................................................................. 476

21 Serial Peripheral Interface (SPI)....................................................................... 477

Introduction......................................................................................................................... 477
Features.............................................................................................................................. 478
Function Descriptions......................................................................................................... 478
Master Mode.................................................................................................................................. 478
Slave Mode.................................................................................................................................... 478
SPI Serial Frame Format............................................................................................................... 479
Status Flags................................................................................................................................... 483
Register Map...................................................................................................................... 486
Register Descriptions.......................................................................................................... 486
SPI Control Register 0 – SPICR0.................................................................................................. 486
SPI Control Register 1 – SPICR1.................................................................................................. 488
SPI Interrupt Enable Register – SPIIER........................................................................................ 490
SPI Clock Prescaler Register – SPICPR....................................................................................... 491
SPI Data Register – SPIDR........................................................................................................... 492
SPI Status Register – SPISR......................................................................................................... 493
SPI FIFO Control Register – SPIFCR............................................................................................ 495
SPI FIFO Status Register – SPIFSR............................................................................................. 496
SPI FIFO Time Out Counter Register – SPIFTOCR...................................................................... 497

22 Universal Synchronous Asynchronous Receiver Transmitter (USART)...... 498

Introduction......................................................................................................................... 498
Features.............................................................................................................................. 499

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Function Descriptions......................................................................................................... 500

Serial Data Format......................................................................................................................... 500
Baud Rate Generation................................................................................................................... 501
Hardware Flow Control.................................................................................................................. 502
IrDA................................................................................................................................................ 504
RS485 Mode.................................................................................................................................. 506
Synchronous Master Mode............................................................................................................ 509

Table of Contents
Interrupts and Status......................................................................................................................511
PDMA Interface...............................................................................................................................511
Register Map...................................................................................................................... 511
Register Descriptions.......................................................................................................... 512
USART Data Register – USRDR................................................................................................... 512
USART Control Register – USRCR............................................................................................... 513
USART FIFO Control Register – USRFCR................................................................................... 515
USART Interrupt Enable Register – USRIER................................................................................ 516
USART Status & Interrupt Flag Register – USRSIFR................................................................... 518
USART Timing Parameter Register – USRTPR............................................................................ 520
USART IrDA Control Register – IrDACR....................................................................................... 521
USART RS485 Control Register – RS485CR............................................................................... 522
USART Synchronous Control Register – SYNCR......................................................................... 523
USART Divider Latch Register – USRDLR................................................................................... 524
USART Test Register – USRTSTR................................................................................................ 525

23 Universal Asynchronous Receiver Transmitter (UART)................................. 526

Introduction......................................................................................................................... 526
Features.............................................................................................................................. 527
Function Descriptions......................................................................................................... 527
Serial Data Format......................................................................................................................... 527
Baud Rate Generation................................................................................................................... 528
Interrupts and Status..................................................................................................................... 529
PDMA Interface.............................................................................................................................. 529
Register Map...................................................................................................................... 530
Register Descriptions.......................................................................................................... 530
UART Data Register – URDR........................................................................................................ 530
UART Control Register – URCR.................................................................................................... 531
UART Interrupt Enable Register – URIER..................................................................................... 533
UART Status & Interrupt Flag Register – URSIFR........................................................................ 534
UART Divider Latch Register – URDLR........................................................................................ 536
UART Test Register – URTSTR..................................................................................................... 537

24 Smart Card Interface (SCI)................................................................................ 538

Introduction......................................................................................................................... 538
Features.............................................................................................................................. 539
Functional Descriptions...................................................................................................... 539

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Elementary Time Unit Counter....................................................................................................... 539

Guard Time Counter...................................................................................................................... 541
Waiting Time Counter.................................................................................................................... 542
Card Clock and Data Selection...................................................................................................... 543
Card Detection .............................................................................................................................. 543
SCI Data Transfer Mode................................................................................................................ 544
Interrupt Generator........................................................................................................................ 546

Table of Contents
PDMA Interface.............................................................................................................................. 547
Register Map...................................................................................................................... 547
Register Descriptions.......................................................................................................... 548
SCI Control Register – CR............................................................................................................. 548
SCI Status Register – SR.............................................................................................................. 550
SCI Contact Control Register – CCR............................................................................................. 552
SCI Elementary Time Unit Register – ETUR................................................................................. 553
SCI Guard Time Register – GTR................................................................................................... 554
SCI Waiting Time Register – WTR................................................................................................ 555
SCI Interrupt Enable Register – IER.............................................................................................. 556
SCI Interrupt Pending Register – IPR............................................................................................ 558
SCI Transmit Buffer – TXB............................................................................................................ 560
SCI Receive Buffer – RXB............................................................................................................. 560
SCI Prescaler Register – PSCR.................................................................................................... 561

25 USB Device Controller (USB)........................................................................... 562

Introduction......................................................................................................................... 562
Features.............................................................................................................................. 562
Functional Descriptions...................................................................................................... 563
Endpoints....................................................................................................................................... 563
EP-SRAM...................................................................................................................................... 563
Serial Interface Engine – SIE......................................................................................................... 564
Double-Buffering............................................................................................................................ 564
Suspend Mode and Wake-up........................................................................................................ 566
Remote Wake-up........................................................................................................................... 566
Register Map...................................................................................................................... 566
Register Descriptions.......................................................................................................... 568
USB Control and Status Register – USBCSR............................................................................... 568
USB Interrupt Enable Register – USBIER..................................................................................... 570
USB Interrupt Status Register – USBISR...................................................................................... 571
USB Frame Count Register – USBFCR........................................................................................ 573
USB Device Address Register – USBDEVA.................................................................................. 574
USB Endpoint 0 Control and Status Register – USBEP0CSR...................................................... 575
USB Endpoint 0 Interrupt Enable Register – USBEP0IER............................................................ 576
USB Endpoint 0 Interrupt Status Register – USBEP0ISR............................................................. 578
USB Endpoint 0 Transfer Count Register – USBEP0TCR............................................................ 579
USB Endpoint 0 Configuration Register – USBEP0CFGR............................................................ 580

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USB Endpoint 1 ~ 3 Control and Status Register – USBEPnCSR, n = 1 ~ 3................................ 581

USB Endpoint 1 ~ 3 Interrupt Enable Register – USBEPnIER, n = 1 ~ 3...................................... 582
USB Endpoint 1 ~ 3 Interrupt Status Register – USBEPnISR, n = 1 ~ 3....................................... 583
USB Endpoint 1 ~ 3 Transfer Count Register – USBEPnTCR, n = 1 ~ 3...................................... 584
USB Endpoint 1 ~ 3 Configuration Register – USBEPnCFGR, n = 1 ~ 3...................................... 585
USB Endpoint 4 ~ 7 Control and Status Register – USBEPnCSR, n = 4 ~ 7................................ 586
USB Endpoint 4 ~ 7 Interrupt Enable Register – USBEPnIER, n = 4 ~ 7...................................... 589

Table of Contents
USB Endpoint 4 ~ 7 Interrupt Status Register – USBEPnISR, n = 4 ~ 7....................................... 590
USB Endpoint 4 ~ 7 Transfer Count Register – USBEPnTCR, n = 4 ~ 7...................................... 591
USB Endpoint 4 ~ 7 Configuration Register – USBEPnCFGR, n = 4 ~ 7...................................... 592

26 Peripheral Direct Memory Access (PDMA)...................................................... 593

Introduction......................................................................................................................... 593
Features.............................................................................................................................. 593
Functional Description........................................................................................................ 594
AHB Master................................................................................................................................... 594
PDMA Channel.............................................................................................................................. 594
PDMA Request Mapping............................................................................................................... 594
Channel transfer............................................................................................................................ 596
Channel Priority............................................................................................................................. 596
Transfer Request........................................................................................................................... 597
Address Mode................................................................................................................................ 597
Auto-Reload................................................................................................................................... 597
Transfer Interrupt........................................................................................................................... 598
Register Map...................................................................................................................... 598
Register Descriptions.......................................................................................................... 600
PDMA Channel n Control Register – PDMACHnCR, n = 0 ~ 5..................................................... 600
PDMA Channel n Source Address Register – PDMACHnSADR, n = 0 ~ 5................................... 602
PDMA Channel n Destination Address Register – PDMACHnDADR, n=0~5................................ 603
PDMA Channel n Transfer Size Register – PDMACHnTSR, n = 0 ~ 5.......................................... 604
PDMA Channel n Current Transfer Size Register – PDMACHnCTSR, n=0~5.............................. 605
PDMA Interrupt Status Register – PDMAISR................................................................................ 606
PDMA Interrupt Status Clear Register – PDMAISCR.................................................................... 607
PDMA Interrupt Enable Register – PDMAIER............................................................................... 609

27 Extend Bus Interface (EBI)................................................................................ 610

Introduction......................................................................................................................... 610
Features.............................................................................................................................. 610
Function Descriptions......................................................................................................... 611
Non-multiplexed 8-bit Data 8-bit Address Mode............................................................................ 612
Non-multiplexed 16-bit Data N-bit Address Mode.......................................................................... 613
Multiplexed 16-bit Data, 16-bit Address Mode............................................................................... 614
Multiplexed 8-bit Data, 20-bit Address Mode................................................................................. 615
Write Buffer and EBI Status........................................................................................................... 616

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Bus Turn-around and Idle Cycles.................................................................................................. 616

AHB Transaction Width Conversion.............................................................................................. 617
EBI Bank Access........................................................................................................................... 619
PDMA Request.............................................................................................................................. 620
Register Map...................................................................................................................... 620
Register Descriptions.......................................................................................................... 620
EBI Control Register – EBICR....................................................................................................... 620

Table of Contents
EBI Status Register – EBISR......................................................................................................... 622
EBI Address Timing Register – EBIATR........................................................................................ 623
EBI Read Timing Register – EBIRTR............................................................................................ 624
EBI Write Timing Register – EBIWTR............................................................................................ 625
EBI Parity Register – EBIPR.......................................................................................................... 626

28 Inter-IC Sound (I2S)............................................................................................ 627

Introduction......................................................................................................................... 627
Features.............................................................................................................................. 627
Functional Description........................................................................................................ 628
I2S Master and Slave Mode........................................................................................................... 628
I2S Clock Rate Generator.............................................................................................................. 629
I2S Interface Format....................................................................................................................... 631
FIFO Control and Arrangement..................................................................................................... 638
PDMA and Interrupt....................................................................................................................... 639
Register Map...................................................................................................................... 639
Register Descriptions.......................................................................................................... 640
I2S Control Register – I2SCR......................................................................................................... 640
I2S Interrupt Enable Register – I2SIER.......................................................................................... 642
I2S Clock Divider Register – I2SCDR............................................................................................ 643
I2S TX Data Register – I2STXDR.................................................................................................. 644
I2S RX Data Register – I2SRXDR.................................................................................................. 644
I2S FIFO Control Register – I2SFCR............................................................................................. 645
I2S Status Register – I2SSR.......................................................................................................... 646
I2S Rate Counter Value Register – I2SRCNTR............................................................................. 648

29 Cyclic Redundancy Check (CRC)..................................................................... 649

Introduction ........................................................................................................................ 649
Features.............................................................................................................................. 650
Function Descriptions......................................................................................................... 650
CRC Computation.......................................................................................................................... 650
Byte and Bit Reversal for CRC Computation................................................................................. 650
CRC with PDMA............................................................................................................................ 651
Register Map...................................................................................................................... 651
Register Descriptions.......................................................................................................... 652
CRC Control Register – CRCCR................................................................................................... 652
CRC Seed Register – CRCSDR.................................................................................................... 653

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CRC Checksum Register – CRCCSR........................................................................................... 654

CRC Data Register – CRCDR....................................................................................................... 655

Table of Contents

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List of Tables
Table 1. Series Features and Peripheral List........................................................................................... 32
Table 2. Document Conventions.............................................................................................................. 34
Table 3. Register Map.............................................................................................................................. 39
Table 4. Flash Memory and Option Byte.................................................................................................. 44
Table 5. Relationship Between Wait State Cycle and HCLK................................................................... 44

List of Tables
Table 6. Booting Modes........................................................................................................................... 45
Table 7. Option Byte Memory Map.......................................................................................................... 49
Table 8. Access Permission of Protected Main Flash Page..................................................................... 50
Table 9. Access Permission When Security Protection is Enabled.......................................................... 51
Table 10. FMC Register Map................................................................................................................... 52
Table 11. Operation Mode Definitions...................................................................................................... 72
Table 12. Enter/Exit Power Saving Modes............................................................................................... 73
Table 13. Power Status After System Reset............................................................................................ 74
Table 14. PWRCU Register Map............................................................................................................. 74
Table 15. Output Divider2 Value Mapping............................................................................................... 88
Table 16. Feedback Divider2 Value Mapping.......................................................................................... 88
Table 17. CKOUT Clock Source.............................................................................................................. 91
Table 18. CKCU Register Map ................................................................................................................ 92
Table 19. RSTCU Register Map............................................................................................................ 121
Table 20. AFIO, GPIO and IO Pad Control Signal True Table............................................................... 129
Table 21. GPIO Register Map................................................................................................................ 130
Table 22. AFIO Selection for Peripheral Map Example.......................................................................... 177
Table 23. AFIO Register Map................................................................................................................. 177
Table 24. Exception Types..................................................................................................................... 182
Table 25. NVIC Register Map................................................................................................................ 184
Table 26. EXTI Register Map................................................................................................................. 188
Table 27. Data format in ADCDR [15:0]................................................................................................. 203
Table 28. A/D Converter Register Map.................................................................................................. 205
Table 29. CMP Register Map................................................................................................................. 224
Table 30. Counting Direction and Encoding Signals.............................................................................. 247
Table 31. Compare Match Output Setup............................................................................................... 248
Table 32. GPTM Register Map.............................................................................................................. 260
Table 33. GPTM Internal Trigger Connection........................................................................................ 266
Table 34. BFTM Register Map............................................................................................................... 307
Table 35. Compare Match Output Setup............................................................................................... 328
Table 36. Output Control Bits for Complementary Output with a Break Event Occurrence................... 336
Table 37. Lock Level Table.................................................................................................................... 346
Table 38. MCTM Register Map.............................................................................................................. 348
Table 39. MCTM Internal Trigger Connection........................................................................................ 354

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Table 40. Compare Match Output Setup............................................................................................... 407

Table 41. SCTM Register Map............................................................................................................... 410
Table 42. LSE Startup Mode Operating Current and Startup Time........................................................ 428
Table 43. RTCOUT Output Mode and Active Level Setting................................................................... 430
Table 44. RTC Register Map................................................................................................................. 431
Table 45. Watchdog Timer Register Map............................................................................................... 440

List of Tables
Table 46. Conditions of Holding SCL line............................................................................................... 459
Table 47. I2C Register Map.................................................................................................................... 461
Table 48. I2C Clock Setting Example..................................................................................................... 471
Table 49. SPI Interface Format Setup.................................................................................................... 479
Table 50. SPI Mode Fault Trigger Conditions........................................................................................ 484
Table 51. SPI Master Mode SEL Pin Status.......................................................................................... 484
Table 52. SPI Register Map................................................................................................................... 486
Table 53. Baud Rate Deviation Error Calculation – CK_USART = 40 MHz........................................... 501
Table 54. Baud Rate Deviation Error Calculation – CK_USART = 48 MHz........................................... 502
Table 55. USART Register Map..............................................................................................................511
Table 56. Baud Rate Deviation Error Calculation – CK_UART = 40 MHz............................................. 528
Table 57. Baud Rate Deviation Error Calculation – CK_UART = 48 MHz............................................. 529
Table 58. UART Register Map............................................................................................................... 530
Table 59. DI Field Based Di Encoded Decimal Values.......................................................................... 540
Table 60. FI Field Based Fi Encoded Decimal Values........................................................................... 540
Table 61. Possible ETU Values Obtained with the Fi/Di Ratio............................................................... 540
Table 62. SCI Register Map .................................................................................................................. 547
Table 63. Endpoint Characteristics........................................................................................................ 563
Table 64. USB Data Types and Buffer Size........................................................................................... 563
Table 65. USB Register Map................................................................................................................. 566
Table 66. Resume Event Detection....................................................................................................... 569
Table 67. PDMA Channel Assignments................................................................................................. 595
Table 68. PDMA Address Modes........................................................................................................... 597
Table 69. PDMA Register Map............................................................................................................... 598
Table 70. EBI Maps AHB Transactions Width to External Device Transactions.................................... 618
Table 71. EBI Maps AHB Transactions Width to External Device Transactions Width.......................... 618
Table 72. EBI Register Map................................................................................................................... 620
Table 73. Recommend FS List @ 8 MHz PCLK.................................................................................... 630
Table 74. Recommend FS List @ 48 MHz PCLK.................................................................................. 630
Table 75. I2S Register Map ................................................................................................................... 639
Table 76. CRC Register Map................................................................................................................. 651

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List of Figures
Figure 1. Block Diagram.......................................................................................................................... 33
Figure 2. Cortex®-M0+ Block Diagram..................................................................................................... 36
Figure 3. Bus Architecture....................................................................................................................... 37
Figure 4. Memory Map............................................................................................................................. 38
Figure 5. Flash Memory Controller Block Diagram.................................................................................. 42

List of Figures
Figure 6. Flash Memory Map................................................................................................................... 43
Figure 7. Vector Remapping.................................................................................................................... 45
Figure 8. Page Erase Operation Flowchart............................................................................................. 46
Figure 9. Mass Erase Operation Flowchart............................................................................................. 47
Figure 10. Word Programming Operation Flowchart............................................................................... 48
Figure 11. PWRCU Block Diagram.......................................................................................................... 68
Figure 12. Power On Reset / Power Down Reset Waveform.................................................................. 71
Figure 13. CKCU Block Diagram............................................................................................................. 83
Figure 14. External Crystal, Ceramic, and Resonators for HSE.............................................................. 84
Figure 15. HSI Auto Trimming Block Diagram ........................................................................................ 86
Figure 16. PLL Block Diagram................................................................................................................. 87
Figure 17. External Crystal, Ceramic, and Resonators for LSE ............................................................. 89
Figure 18. RSTCU Block Diagram..........................................................................................................119
Figure 19. Power On Reset Sequence.................................................................................................. 120
Figure 20. GPIO Block Diagram............................................................................................................ 127
Figure 21. AFIO/GPIO Control Signal.................................................................................................... 129
Figure 22. AFIO Block Diagram............................................................................................................. 175
Figure 23. EXTI Channel Input Selection.............................................................................................. 176
Figure 24. EXTI Block Diagram............................................................................................................. 185
Figure 25. EXTI Wake-up Event Management...................................................................................... 186
Figure 26. EXTI Interrupt Debounce Function....................................................................................... 187
Figure 27. ADC Block Diagram.............................................................................................................. 197
Figure 28. One Shot Conversion Mode................................................................................................. 200
Figure 29. Continuous Conversion Mode.............................................................................................. 200
Figure 30. Discontinuous Conversion Mode.......................................................................................... 202
Figure 31. Comparator Block Diagram.................................................................................................. 221
Figure 32. 6-Bit Scaler for Comparator Voltage Reference Block Diagram........................................... 222
Figure 33. Interrupt Signals of Comparators.......................................................................................... 223
Figure 34. Wakeup Signals of Comparators.......................................................................................... 223
Figure 35. GPTM Block Diagram........................................................................................................... 230
Figure 36. Up-counting Example........................................................................................................... 232
Figure 37. Down-counting Example....................................................................................................... 233
Figure 38. Center-aligned Counting Example........................................................................................ 234
Figure 39. GPTM Clock Selection Source............................................................................................. 235

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Figure 40. Trigger Controller Block........................................................................................................ 236

Figure 41. Slave Controller Diagram..................................................................................................... 237
Figure 42. GPTM in Restart Mode......................................................................................................... 237
Figure 43. GPTM in Pause Mode.......................................................................................................... 238
Figure 44. GPTM in Trigger Mode......................................................................................................... 239
Figure 45. Master GPTMn and Slave GPTMm/MCTMm Connection.................................................... 240

List of Figures
Figure 46. MTO Selection...................................................................................................................... 240
Figure 47. Capture/Compare Block Diagram......................................................................................... 241
Figure 48. Input Capture Mode.............................................................................................................. 242
Figure 49. PWM Pulse Width Measurement Example........................................................................... 243
Figure 50. Channel 0 and Channel 1 Input Stages................................................................................ 244
Figure 51. Channel 2 and Channel 3 Input Stages................................................................................ 245
Figure 52. TI0 Digital Filter Diagram with N = 2..................................................................................... 245
Figure 53. Input Stage and Quadrature Decoder Block Diagram.......................................................... 246
Figure 54. Both TI0 and TI1 Quadrature Decoder Counting.................................................................. 247
Figure 55. Output Stage Block Diagram................................................................................................ 248
Figure 56. Toggle Mode Channel Output Reference Signal (CHxPRE = 0).......................................... 249
Figure 57. Toggle Mode Channel Output Reference Signal (CHxPRE = 1).......................................... 249
Figure 58. PWM Mode Channel Output Reference Signal and Counter in Up-counting Mode............. 250
Figure 59. PWM Mode Channel Output Reference Signal and Counter in Down-counting Mode........ 250
Figure 60. PWM Mode Channel Output Reference Signal and Counter in Centre-align Mode............. 251
Figure 61. Update Event Setting Diagram............................................................................................. 252
Figure 62. Single Pulse Mode................................................................................................................ 253
Figure 63. Immediate Active Mode Minimum Delay.............................................................................. 254
Figure 64. Asymmetric PWM mode versus center align counting mode............................................... 255
Figure 65. Pausing GPTM1 using the GPTM0 CH0OREF Signal......................................................... 256
Figure 66. Triggering GPTM1 with GPTM0 Update Event..................................................................... 257
Figure 67. Trigger GPTM0 and GPTM1 with the GPTM0 CH0 Input..................................................... 258
Figure 68. GPTM PDMA Mapping Diagram........................................................................................... 259
Figure 69. BFTM Block Diagram........................................................................................................... 304
Figure 70. BFTM – Repetitive Mode...................................................................................................... 305
Figure 71. BFTM – One Shot Mode....................................................................................................... 306
Figure 72. BFTM – One Shot Mode Counter Updating ........................................................................ 306
Figure 73. MCTM Block Diagram...........................................................................................................311
Figure 74. Up-counting Example........................................................................................................... 313
Figure 75. Down-counting Example....................................................................................................... 314
Figure 76. Center-aligned Counting Example........................................................................................ 315
Figure 77. Update Event 1 Dependent Repetition Mechanism Example............................................... 316
Figure 78. MCTM Clock Selection Source............................................................................................. 317
Figure 79. Trigger Controller Block........................................................................................................ 318
Figure 80. Slave Controller Diagram..................................................................................................... 319

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Figure 81. MCTM in Restart Mode........................................................................................................ 319

Figure 82. MCTM in Pause Mode.......................................................................................................... 320
Figure 83. MCTM in Trigger Mode......................................................................................................... 320
Figure 84. Master MCTMn and Slave GPTMm Connection.................................................................. 321
Figure 85. MTO Selection...................................................................................................................... 321
Figure 86. Capture/Compare Block Diagram......................................................................................... 322

List of Figures
Figure 87. Input Capture Mode.............................................................................................................. 323
Figure 88. PWM Pulse Width Measurement Example........................................................................... 324
Figure 89. Channel 0 and Channel 1 Input Stages................................................................................ 325
Figure 90. Channel 2 and Channel 3 Input Stages................................................................................ 325
Figure 91. TI0 Digital Filter Diagram with N = 2..................................................................................... 326
Figure 92. Output Stage Block Diagram................................................................................................ 327
Figure 93. Toggle Mode Channel Output Reference Signal – CHxPRE = 0.......................................... 328
Figure 94. Toggle Mode Channel Output Reference Signal – CHxPRE = 1.......................................... 329
Figure 95. PWM Mode Channel Output Reference Signal and Counter in Up-counting Mode............. 329
Figure 96. PWM Mode Channel Output Reference Signal and Counter in Down-counting Mode........ 330
Figure 97. PWM Mode 1 Channel Output Reference Signal and Counter in Centre-aligned Counting
Mode....................................................................................................................................................... 330
Figure 98. Dead-time Insertion Performed for Complementary Outputs............................................... 331
Figure 99. MCTM Break Signal Bolck Diagram..................................................................................... 332
Figure 100. MT_BRK Pin Digital Filter Diagram with N = 2................................................................... 332
Figure 101. Channel 3 Output with a Break Event Occurrence............................................................. 333
Figure 102. Channel 0 ~ 2 Complementary Outputs with a Break Event Occurrence.......................... 334
Figure 103. Channel 0 ~ 2 Only One Output Enabled when Fault Event Occurs.................................. 334
Figure 104. Hardware Protection When Both CHxO and CHxNO Are in Active Condition.................... 335
Figure 105. Update Event 1 Setup Diagram.......................................................................................... 337
Figure 106. CHxE, CHxNE and CHxOM Updated by Update Event 2.................................................. 338
Figure 107. Update Event 2 Setup Diagram.......................................................................................... 338
Figure 108. Single Pulse Mode.............................................................................................................. 339
Figure 109. Immediate Active Mode Minimum Delay............................................................................ 340
Figure 110. Asymmetric PWM Mode versus Center-aligned Counting Mode........................................ 341
Figure 111. Pausing GPTM using the MCTM CH0OREF Signal........................................................... 342
Figure 112. Triggering GPTM with MCTM Update Event 1................................................................... 343
Figure 113. Trigger MCTM and GPTM with the MCTM CH0 Input........................................................ 344
Figure 114. CH1XOR Input as Hall Sensor Interface............................................................................ 345
Figure 115. MCTM PDMA Mapping Diagram........................................................................................ 347
Figure 116. SCTM Block Diagram......................................................................................................... 398
Figure 117. Up-counting Example......................................................................................................... 399
Figure 118. SCTM Clock Selection Source........................................................................................... 400
Figure 119. Trigger Controller Block...................................................................................................... 401
Figure 120. Slave Controller Diagram................................................................................................... 402

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Figure 121. SCTM in Restart Mode....................................................................................................... 402

Figure 122. SCTM in Pause Mode........................................................................................................ 403
Figure 123. SCTM in Trigger Mode....................................................................................................... 403
Figure 124. Capture/Compare Block Diagram....................................................................................... 404
Figure 125. Input Capture Mode............................................................................................................ 405
Figure 126. Channel Input Stages......................................................................................................... 406

List of Figures
Figure 127. TI Digital Filter Diagram with N = 2..................................................................................... 406
Figure 128. Output Stage Block Diagram.............................................................................................. 407
Figure 129. Toggle Mode Channel Output Reference Signal (CHPRE = 0).......................................... 408
Figure 130. Toggle Mode Channel Output Reference Signal (CHPRE = 1).......................................... 408
Figure 131. PWM Mode Channel Output Reference Signal.................................................................. 409
Figure 132. Update Event Setting Diagram........................................................................................... 410
Figure 133. RTC Block Diagram............................................................................................................ 427
Figure 134. Watchdog Timer Block Diagram ........................................................................................ 437
Figure 135. Watchdog Timer Behavior.................................................................................................. 439
Figure 136. I2C Module Block Diagram.................................................................................................. 446
Figure 137. START and STOP Condition.............................................................................................. 448
Figure 138. Data Validity........................................................................................................................ 448
Figure 139. 7-bit Addressing Mode........................................................................................................ 449
Figure 140. 10-bit Addressing Write Transmit Mode ............................................................................. 450
Figure 141. 10-bit Addressing Read Receive Mode ............................................................................. 450
Figure 142. I2C Bus Acknowledge......................................................................................................... 451
Figure 143. Clock Synchronization during Arbitration............................................................................ 452
Figure 144. Two Master Arbitration Procedure...................................................................................... 452
Figure 145. Master Transmitter Timing Diagram................................................................................... 454
Figure 146. Master Receiver Timing Diagram....................................................................................... 456
Figure 147. Slave Transmitter Timing Diagram..................................................................................... 457
Figure 148. Slave Receiver Timing Diagram......................................................................................... 458
Figure 149. SCL Timing Diagram........................................................................................................... 471
Figure 150. SPI Block Diagram............................................................................................................. 477
Figure 151. SPI Single Byte Transfer Timing Diagram – CPOL = 0, CPHA = 0..................................... 479
Figure 152. SPI Continuous Data Transfer Timing Diagram – CPOL = 0, CPHA = 0............................ 480
Figure 153. SPI Single Byte Transfer Timing Diagram – CPOL = 0, CPHA = 1..................................... 480
Figure 154. SPI Continuous Transfer Timing Diagram – CPOL = 0, CPHA = 1..................................... 481
Figure 155. SPI Single Byte Transfer Timing Diagram – CPOL = 1, CPHA = 0..................................... 481
Figure 156. SPI Continuous Transfer Timing Diagram – CPOL = 1, CPHA = 0..................................... 482
Figure 157. SPI Single Byte Transfer Timing Diagram – CPOL = 1, CPHA = 1..................................... 482
Figure 158. SPI Continuous Transfer Timing Diagram – CPOL = 1, CPHA = 1..................................... 482
Figure 159. SPI Multi-Master Slave Environment.................................................................................. 484
Figure 160. USART Block Diagram....................................................................................................... 498
Figure 161. USART Serial Data Format................................................................................................ 500

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Figure 162. USART Clock CK_USART and Data Frame Timing........................................................... 501
Figure 163. Hardware Flow Control between 2 USARTs....................................................................... 502
Figure 164. USART RTS Flow Control.................................................................................................. 503
Figure 165. USART CTS Flow Control.................................................................................................. 503
Figure 166. IrDA Modulation and Demodulation.................................................................................... 504
Figure 167. USART I/O and IrDA Block Diagram.................................................................................. 506

List of Figures
Figure 168. RS485 Interface and Waveform......................................................................................... 507
Figure 169. USART Synchronous Transmission Example.................................................................... 509
Figure 170. 8-bit Format USART Synchronous Waveform.................................................................... 510
Figure 171. UART Block Diagram.......................................................................................................... 526
Figure 172. UART Serial Data Format................................................................................................... 527
Figure 173. UART Clock CK_UART and Data Frame Timing................................................................ 528
Figure 174. SCI Block Diagram............................................................................................................. 538
Figure 175. Character Frame and Compensation Mode....................................................................... 541
Figure 176. Guard Time Duration.......................................................................................................... 542
Figure 177. Character and Block Waiting Time Duration – CWT and BWT........................................... 543
Figure 178. SCI Card Detection Diagram.............................................................................................. 544
Figure 179. SCI Interrupt Structure........................................................................................................ 546
Figure 180. USB Block Diagram............................................................................................................ 562
Figure 181. Endpoint Buffer Allocation Example................................................................................... 564
Figure 182. Double-buffering Operation Example................................................................................. 565
Figure 183. PDMA Block Diagram......................................................................................................... 593
Figure 184. PDMA Request Mapping Architecture................................................................................ 595
Figure 185. PDMA Channel Arbitration and Scheduling Example......................................................... 596
Figure 186. EBI Block Diagram..............................................................................................................611
Figure 187. EBI Non-multiplexed 8-bit Data, 8-bit Address Read Operation......................................... 612
Figure 188. EBI Non-multiplexed 8-bit Data, 8-bit Address Write Operation......................................... 612
Figure 189. EBI Non-multiplexed 16-bit Data, N-bit Address Read Operation...................................... 613
Figure 190. EBI Non-multiplexed 16-bit Data, N-bit Address Write Operation...................................... 613
Figure 191. An EBI Address Latch Setup Diagram................................................................................ 614
Figure 192. EBI Multiplexed 16-bit Data, 16-bit Address Read Operation............................................. 614
Figure 193. EBI Multiplexed 16-bit Data, 16-bit Address Write Operation............................................. 615
Figure 194. EBI Multiplexed 8-bit Data, 20-bit Address Read Operation............................................... 615
Figure 195. EBI Multiplexed 8-bit Data, 20-bit Address Write Operation............................................... 616
Figure 196. EBI Inserts an IDLE Cycle between Transactions in the Same Bank (NOIDLE = 0).......... 617
Figure 197. EBI De-asserts an IDLE Cycle between Transactions in the Same Bank (NOIDLE = 1)... 617
Figure 198. EBI Bank Memory Map....................................................................................................... 619
Figure 199. I2S Block Diagram............................................................................................................... 627
Figure 200. Simple I2S Master/Slave Configuration............................................................................... 628
Figure 201. I2S Clock Generator Diagram............................................................................................. 629
Figure 202. I2S-justified Stereo Mode Waveforms................................................................................. 631

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Figure 203. I2S-justified Stereo Mode Waveforms (32-bit Channel Enabled)........................................ 631
Figure 204. Left-justified Stereo Mode Waveforms................................................................................ 632
Figure 205. Left-justified Stereo Mode Waveforms (32-bit Channel Enabled)....................................... 632
Figure 206. Right-justified Stereo Mode Waveforms............................................................................. 633
Figure 207. Right-justified Stereo Mode Waveforms (32-bit Channel Enabled).................................... 633
Figure 208. I2S-justified Mono Mode Waveforms................................................................................... 634

List of Figures
Figure 209. I2S-justified Mono Mode Waveforms (32-bit Channel Enabled).......................................... 634
Figure 210. Left-justified Mono Mode Waveforms................................................................................. 635
Figure 211. Left-justified Mono Mode Waveforms (32-bit Channel Enabled)........................................ 635
Figure 212. Right-justified Mono Mode Waveforms............................................................................... 636
Figure 213. Right-justified Mono Mode Waveforms (32-bit Channel Enabled)...................................... 636
Figure 214. I2S-justified Repeat Mode Waveforms................................................................................ 637
Figure 215. I2S-justified Repeat Mode Waveforms (32-bit Channel Enabled)....................................... 637
Figure 216. FIFO Data Content Arrangement for Various Modes.......................................................... 638
Figure 217. CRC Block Diagram........................................................................................................... 649
Figure 218. CRC Data Bit and Byte Reversal Example......................................................................... 651

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32-Bit Arm® Cortex® -M0+ MCU

1 Introduction

This user manual provides detailed information including how to use the devices, system and
bus architecture, memory organization and peripheral instructions. The target audiences for this
document are software developers, application developers and hardware developers. For more

information regarding pin assignment, package and electrical characteristics, please refer to the

The devices are high performance and low power consumption 32-bit microcontrollers based
around an Arm® Cortex®-M0+ processor core. The Cortex®-M0+ is a next-generation processor
core which is tightly coupled with Nested Vectored Interrupt Controller (NVIC), SysTick timer,
and including advanced debug support.

The devices operate at a frequency of up to 48 MHz with a Flash accelerator to obtain maximum
efficiency. It provides up to 128 KB of embedded Flash memory for code/data storage and 16 KB
of embedded SRAM memory for system operation and application program usage. A variety of
peripherals, such as ADC, I2C, USART, UART, SPI, I2S, GPTM, MCTM, SCI, CRC-16/32, RTC,
WDT, PDMA, EBI, USB2.0 FS, SW-DP (Serial Wire Debug Port), etc., are also implemented in
the device series. Several power saving modes provide the flexibility for maximum optimization
between wakeup latency and power consumption, an especially important consideration in low
power applications.

The above features ensure that the devices are suitable for use in a wide range of applications,
especially in areas such as white goods application control, power monitors, alarm systems,
consumer products, handheld equipment, data logging applications, motor control and so on.

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32-Bit Arm® Cortex® -M0+ MCU

▄▄ Core
●● 32-bit Arm® Cortex®-M0+ processor core
●● Up to 48 MHz operating frequency
●● 0.93 DMIPS/MHz (Dhrystone v2.1)
●● Single-cycle multiplication
●● Integrated Nested Vectored Interrupt Controller (NVIC)

●● 24-bit SysTick timer
▄▄ On-chip Memory
●● Up to 128 KB on-chip Flash memory for instruction/data and options storage
●● 16 KB on-chip SRAM
●● Supports multiple boot modes
▄▄ Flash Memory Controller – FMC
●● Flash accelerator for maximum efficiency
●● 32-bit word programming with In System Programming Interface (ISP) and In Application
Programming (IAP)
●● Flash protection capability to prevent illegal access
▄▄ Reset Control Unit – RSTCU
●● Supply supervisor: Power On Reset / Power Down Reset (POR/PDR) and Programmable Low
Voltage Detector (LVD)
▄▄ Clock Control Unit – CKCU
●● External 4 to 16 MHz crystal oscillator
●● External 32,768 Hz crystal oscillator
●● Internal 8MHz RC oscillator trimmed to ±2 % accuracy at 3.3 V operating voltage and 25 ºC
operating temperature
●● Internal 32 kHz RC oscillator
●● Integrated system clock PLL
●● Independent clock divider and gating bits for peripheral clock sources
▄▄ Power management – PWRCU
●● Single VDD power supply: 2.0 V to 3.6 V
●● Integrated 1.5 V LDO regulator for CPU core, peripherals and memories power supply
●● VBAT battery power supply for RTC and backup registers
●● Three power domains: VDD, 1.5 V and Backup
●● Four power saving modes: Sleep, Deep-Sleep1, Deep-Sleep2, Power-Down
▄▄ External Interrupt/Event Controller – EXTI
●● Up to 16 EXTI lines with configurable trigger source and type
●● All GPIO pins can be selected as EXTI trigger source
●● Source trigger type includes high level, low level, negative edge, positive edge, or both edge
●● Individual interrupt enable, wakeup enable and status bits for each EXTI line
●● Software interrupt trigger mode for each EXTI line
●● Integrated deglitch filter for short pulse blocking

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32-Bit Arm® Cortex® -M0+ MCU

▄▄ Analog to Digital Converter – ADC

●● 12-bit SAR ADC engine
●● Up to 1 MSPS conversion rate
●● Up to 12 external analog input channels
▄▄ Analog Comparator – CMP
●● Two rail-to-rail comparator
●● Each comparator has configurable negative inputs used for flexible voltage selection
●● Dedicated I/O pin or internal voltage reference provided by 6-bit scaler.

●● Programmable hysteresis
●● Programming speed and consumption
●● Comparator output can be output to I/O or to timers or ADC trigger inputs
●● 6-bit scaler can be configurable to dedicated I/O for voltage reference.
●● Comparator has interrupt generation capability with wakeup from Sleep or Deep Sleep modes
through the EXTI controller.
▄▄ IO ports – GPIO
●● Up to 51 GPIOs
●● Port A, B, C, D are mapped as 16 external interrupts – EXTI
●● Almost I/O pins are configurable output driving current.
▄▄ Motor Control Timer – MCTM
●● One 16-bit up, down, up/down auto-reload counter
●● Up to 4 independent channels
●● 16-bit programmable prescaler allowing dividing the counter clock frequency by any factor
between 1 and 65536
●● Input Capture function
●● Compare Match Output
●● PWM waveform generation with Edge-aligned and Center-aligned Counting Modes
●● Single Pulse Mode Output
●● Complementary Outputs with programmable dead-time insertion
●● Supports 3-phase motor control and hall sensor interface
●● Break input to force the timer’s output signals into a reset or fixed condition
▄▄ PWM Generation and Capture Timer – GPTM
●● One 16-bit up, down, up/down auto-reload counter
●● Up to 4 independent channels for each timer
●● 16-bit programmable prescaler allowing dividing the counter clock frequency by any factor
between 1 and 65536
●● Input Capture function
●● Compare Match Output
●● PWM waveform generation with Edge-aligned and Center-aligned Counting Modes
●● Single Pulse Mode Output
●● Encoder interface controller with two inputs using quadrature decoder

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▄▄ Single Channel Generation and Capture Timers – SCTM

●● One 16-bit up and auto-reload counter
●● One channel for each timer
●● 16-bit programmable prescaler allowing dividing the counter clock frequency by any factor
between 1 and 65536
●● Input Capture function
●● Compare Match Output
●● PWM waveform generation with Edge-aligned

●● Single Pulse Mode Output
▄▄ Basic Function Timer – BFTM
●● One 32-bit compare/match count-up counter – no I/O control features
●● One shot mode – counting stops after a match condition
●● Repetitive mode – restart counter after a match condition
▄▄ Watchdog Timer
●● 12-bit down counter with 3-bit prescaler
●● Reset event for the system
●● Programmable watchdog timer window function
●● Registers write protection function
▄▄ Real Time Clock – RTC
●● 32-bit up-counter with a programmable prescaler
●● Alarm function
●● Interrupt and Wake-up event
▄▄ Inter-integrated Circuit – I2C
●● Supports both master and slave modes with a frequency of up to 1 MHz
●● Provide an arbitration function and clock synchronization
●● Supports 7-bit and 10-bit addressing modes and general call addressing
●● Supports slave multi-addressing mode with maskable address
▄▄ Serial Peripheral Interface – SPI
●● Supports both master and slave mode
●● Frequency of up to (fPCLK/2) MHz for master mode and (fPCLK/3) MHz for slave mode
●● FIFO Depth: 8 levels
●● Multi-master and multi-slave operation
▄▄ Universal Synchronous Asynchronous Receiver Transmitter – USART
●● Supports both asynchronous and clocked synchronous serial communication modes
●● Asynchronous operating baud rate up to (fPCLK/16) MHz and synchronous operating rate up to
(fPCLK/8) MHz
●● Capability of full duplex communication
●● Fully programmable characteristics of serial communication including: word length, parity bit,
stop bit and bit order
●● Error detection: Parity, overrun, and frame error
●● Support Auto hardware flow control mode – RTS, CTS
●● IrDA SIR encoder and decoder
●● RS485 mode with output enable control
●● FIFO Depth: 8 × 9 bits for both receiver and transmitter

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▄▄ Universal Asynchronous Receiver Transmitter – UART

●● Asynchronous serial communication operating baud-rate up to (fPCLK/16) MHz
●● Capability of full duplex communication
●● Fully programmable characteristics of serial communication including: word length, parity bit,
stop bit and bit order
●● Error detection: Parity, overrun, and frame error
▄▄ Smart Card Interface – SCI
●● Supports ISO 7816-3 Standard

●● Character mode
●● Single transmit buffer and single receive buffer
●● 11-bit ETU (elementary time unit) counter
●● 9-bit guard time counter
●● 24-bit general purpose waiting time counter
●● Parity generation and checking
●● Automatic character retry on parity error detection in transmission and reception modes
▄▄ Inter-IC Sound – I2S
●● Master or slave mode
●● Mono and stereo
●● I2S-justified, Left-justified, and Right-justified mode
●● 8/16/24/32-bit sample size with 32-bit channel extended
●● 8 × 32-bit TX & RX FIFO with PDMA supported
●● 8-bit Fractional Clock Divider with rate control
▄▄ Cyclic Redundancy Check – CRC
●● Support CRC16 polynomial: 0x8005, X16+X15+X2+1
●● Support CCITT CRC16 polynomial: 0x1021, X16+X12+X5+1
●● Support IEEE-802.3 CRC32 polynomial: 0x04C11DB7, X32+X26+X23+X22+X16+X12+X11+X10+
●● Support 1’s complement, byte reverse & bit reverse operation on data and checksum
●● Support byte, half-word & word data size
●● Programmable CRC initial seed value
●● CRC computation done in 1 AHB clock cycle for 8-bit data and 4 AHB clock cycles for 32-bit
●● Support PDMA to complete a CRC computation of a block of memory
▄▄ Peripheral Direct Memory Access – PDMA
●● 6 channels with trigger source grouping
●● 8/16/32-bit width data transfer
●● Supports Address increment, decrement or fixed mode
●● 4-level programmable channel priority
●● Auto reload mode
●● Supports trigger sources:
ADC, SPI, USART, UART, I2C, I2S, EBI, GPTM, MCTM, SCI and software request

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32-Bit Arm® Cortex® -M0+ MCU

▄▄ External Bus Interface – EBI

●● Programmable interface for various memory types
●● Translate the AHB transactions into the appropriate external device protocol
●● Individual chip select signal for per memory bank
●● Programmable timing to support a wide range of devices
●● Automatic translation when AHB transaction width and external memory interface width is
●● Write buffer to decrease the stalling of the AHB write burst transaction

●● Support multiplexed and non-multiplexed address and data line configurations
●● Multiplexed address and data line configurations
●● Up to 21 address lines
●● Up to 16-bit data bus width
▄▄ Universal Serial Bus Device Controller – USB
●● Complies with USB 2.0 full-speed (12Mbps) specification
●● On-chip USB full-speed transceiver
●● 1 control endpoint (EP0) for control transfer
●● 3 single-buffered endpoints for bulk and interrupt transfer
●● 4 double-buffered endpoints for bulk, interrupt and isochronous transfer
●● 1KB EP-SRAM used as the endpoint data buffers
▄▄ Debug Support
●● Serial Wire Debug Port – SW-DP
●● 4 comparators for hardware breakpoint or code / literal patch
●● 2 comparators for hardware watchpoints
▄▄ Package and Operation Temperature
●● 33-pin QFN, 48/64-pin LQFP package
●● Operation temperature range: -40 ˚C to +85 ˚C

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32-Bit Arm® Cortex® -M0+ MCU

Device Information
Table 1. Series Features and Peripheral List
Peripherals HT32F52342 HT32F52352
Main Flash (KB) 64 127.5
Option Bytes Flash (KB) 0.5 0.5
SRAM (KB) 8 16

Communication UART 2
I2C 2
I2S 1
SCI (ISO7816-3) 2
PDMA 6 channels
CRC-16/32 1

12-bit ADC 1
Number of channels 12 Channels
Comparator 2
GPIO Up to 51
CPU frequency Up to 48 MHz
Operating voltage 2.0 V ~ 3.6 V
Operating temperature -40 ˚C ~ +85 ˚C
Package 33-pin QFN, 48/64-pin LQFP

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32-Bit Arm® Cortex® -M0+ MCU

Block Diagram



Powered by VDD15

SW-DP Flash Memory Flash

Interface Memory HSE XTALIN

IO Port



Processor Control
Registers CRC Control Registers 8 MHz

-16/32 USB
Peripherals CLDO
Registers LDO

Clock and reset control

Bus Matrix


Interrupt request

Controller BOD
PDMA External Bus Powered by VDD
6 Channels Interafce


DMA request

Bridge Device fMax: 48 MHz








I2S I2C0 ~ 1 SCL

GPTM0 ~ 1 CH3 ~ CH0
Power control

BFTM0 ~ 1
CH0 ~CH2




SCI0~~11 DET


ADC_IN0 12-bit



CN0, CP0 VSS33
COUT0 Analog



BREG 32,768 Hz
Powered by VDDA Powered by VDD15 Backup Domain nRST


Power supply:
Control signal:
Alternate function: AF

Figure 1. Block Diagram

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32-Bit Arm® Cortex® -M0+ MCU

2 Document Conventions
The conventions used in this document are shown in the following table.
Table 2. Document Conventions
Notation Example Description
The number string with a 0x prefix indicates a hexadecimal
0x 0x5a05

Document Conventions
0xnnnn_nnnn 0x2000_0100 32-bit Hexadecimal address or data.
The number string with a lowercase b prefix indicates a binary
b b0101
Specific bit of NAME. NAME can be a register or field of register.
NAME [n] ADDR [5]
For example, ADDR [5] means bit 5 of ADDR register (field).
Specific bits of NAME. NAME can be a register or field of
NAME [m:n] ADDR [11:5] register. For example, ADDR [11:5] means bit 11 to 5 of ADDR
register (field).
X b10X1 Don’t care notation which means any value is allowed.
19 18
RW SERDYIE PLLRDYIE Software can read and write to this bit.
RW 0 RW 0
3 2
Software can only read this bit. A write operation will have no
RO 1 RO 0 effect.
1 0
Software can only read this bit. Read operation will clear it to 0
RC 0 RC 1 automatically.
3 2
Software can read this bit or clear it by writing 1. Writing a 0 will
WC 0 WC 0 have no effect.
1 0
Software can read this bit or clear it by writing 0. Writing a 1 will
RO 0 W0C 0 have no effect.
31 30
Software can only write to this bit. A read operation always
WO 0 WO 0 returns 0.
Reserved bit(s) for future use. Data read from these bits is not
1 0
well defined and should be treated as random data. Normally
Reserved LLRDY Reserved
RO 0 these reserved bits should be set to a 0 value. Note that
reserved bit must be kept at reset value.
Word Data length of a word is 32-bit.
Half-word Data length of a half-word is 16-bit.
Byte Data length of a byte is 8-bit.

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32-Bit Arm® Cortex® -M0+ MCU

3 System Architecture
The system architecture of devices that includes the Arm® Cortex®-M0+ processor, bus architecture
and memory organization will be described in the following sections. The Cortex®-M0+ is a next
generation processor core which offers many new features. Integrated and advanced features make
the Cortex®-M0+ processor suitable for market products that require microcontrollers with high
performance and low power consumption. In brief, The Cortex®-M0+ processor includes AHB-Lite

System Architecture
bus interface. All memory accesses of the Cortex®-M0+ processor are executed on the AHB-Lite
bus according to the different purposes and the target memory spaces. The memory organization
uses a Harvard architecture, pre-defined memory map and up to 4 GB of memory space, making
the system flexible and extendable.

Arm® Cortex®-M0+ Processor

The Cortex®-M0+ processor is a very low gate count, highly energy efficient processor that is
intended for microcontroller and deeply embedded applications that require an area optimized,
low-power processor. The processor is based on the ARMv6-M architecture and supports Thumb®
instruction sets; single-cycle I/O port; hardware multiplier and low latency interrupt respond time.
Some system peripherals listed below are also provided by Cortex®-M0+:
▄▄ Internal Bus Matrix connected with AHB-Lite Interface, Single-cycle I/O port and Debug
Accesses Port (DAP)
▄▄ Nested Vectored Interrupt Controller (NVIC)
▄▄ Optional Wakeup Interrupt Controller (WIC)
▄▄ Breakpoint and Watchpoint Unit
▄▄ Optional Memory Protection Unit (MPU)
▄▄ Serial Wire debug Port (SW-DP)
▄▄ Optional Micro Trace Buffer Interface (MTB)
The following figure shows the Cortex®-M0+ processor block diagram. For more information, refer
to the Arm® Cortex®-M0+ Technical Reference Manual.

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32-Bit Arm® Cortex® -M0+ MCU

Components Execution Trace Interface

Cortex®-M0+ Processor
Interrupts Nested ‡ Breakpoint
Vectored and
Interrupt Watchpoint
Controller Unit

System Architecture

‡ Memory ‡ Debug
‡ Wakeup ‡ Debugger
Protection Access Port
Interrupt Interface
Unit (DAP)
Controller (WIC)

Bus Matrix

‡ Optional Component AHB-Lite Interface ‡ Single-cycle ‡ Serial Wire or

to System I/O Port JTAG Debug Port

Figure 2. Cortex®-M0+ Block Diagram

Bus Architecture
The HT32F52342/52352 series consist of two masters and five slaves in the bus architecture. The
Cortex®-M0+ AHB-Lite bus and Peripheral Direct Memory Access (PDMA) are the masters while
the internal SRAM access bus, the internal Flash memory access bus, the AHB peripherals access
bus, External Bus Interface (EBI) and the AHB to APB bridges are the slaves. The single 32-bit
AHB-Lite system interface provides simple integration to all system regions include the internal
SRAM region and the peripheral region. All of the master buses are based on 32-bit Advanced
High-performance Bus-Lite (AHB-Lite) protocol. The following figure shows the bus architecture
of the HT32F52342/52352 series.

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Flash Memory Flash

Interface Memory
I/O Port

Processor GPIO

System Architecture
Control Control
Registers Registers A~D Control Registers


Peripherals -16/32 Registers Device
Bus Matrix


Interrupt request


PDMA External Bus

6 Channels Interafce

Bridge APB IPs
DMA request

Figure 3. Bus Architecture

Memory Organization
The Arm ® Cortex ® -M0+ processor accesses and debug accesses share the single external
interface to external AHB peripheral. The processor accesses take priority over debug accesses.
The maximum address range of the Cortex®-M0+ is 4 GB since it has 32-bit bus address width.
Additionally, a pre-defined memory map is provided by the Cortex®-M0+ processor to reduce
the software complexity of repeated implementation of different device vendors. However, some
regions are used by the Arm® Cortex®-M0+ system peripherals. Refer to the Arm® Cortex®-M0+
Technical Reference Manual for more information. The following figure shows the memory map
of HT32F52342/52352 series of devices, including Code, SRAM, peripheral, and other pre-defined

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32-Bit Arm® Cortex® -M0+ MCU

Memory Map

0x400B_0000 GPIO A ~ D
0xFFFF_FFFF 0x400A_C000 Reserved
0x400A_A000 USB SRAM
0x400A_8000 USB
0xE010_0000 0x4009_A000 Reserved

System Architecture
0x4009_8000 EBI AHB
Private peripheral bus
0xE000_0000 0x4009_2000 Reserved
0x4009_0000 PDMA
0x7000_0000 0x4008_C000 Reserved
0x4008_A000 CRC
EBI Selection Bank 64 MB x 4 0x4008_8000 CKCU/RSTCU
0x6000_0000 0x4008_2000 Reserved
0x4008_0000 FMC
0x4007_8000 Reserved
0x4007_7000 BFTM1
Reserved 0x4007_6000 BFTM0
0x4007_5000 Reserved
0x4007_4000 SCTM1
0x4010_0000 0x4007_0000 Reserved
AHB peripherals 512 KB 0x4006_F000 GPTM1
0x4008_0000 0x4006_E000 GPTM0
APB peripherals 512 KB 0x4006_B000 Reserved
0x4000_0000 0x4006_A000 RTC & PWRCU
0x4006_9000 Reserved
0x4006_8000 WDT
0x4005_9000 Reserved
0x4005_8000 CMP
0x4004_A000 Reserved
0x4004_9000 I2C1
0x4004_8000 I2C0 APB
0x4004_5000 Reserved
0x2000_4000 0x4004_4000 SPI1
0x4004_3000 SCI0
16 KB on-chip SRAM 16 KB 0x4004_2000 Reserved
0x4004_1000 UART1
0x2000_0000 0x4004_0000 USART1
Reserved 0x4003_B000 Reserved
0x1FF0_0400 0x4003_A000 SCI1
Option byte alias 1 KB 0x4003_5000 Reserved
0x1FF0_0000 0x4003_4000 SCTM0
Reserved 0x4002_D000 Reserved
0x1F00_1000 0x4002_C000 MCTM
Code Boot loader 4 KB 0x4002_7000 Reserved
0x1F00_0000 0x4002_6000 I2S
Reserved 0x4002_5000 Reserved
0x0001_0000 0x4002_4000 EXTI
0x4002_3000 Reserved
0x4002_2000 AFIO
Up to 0x4001_1000 Reserved
128 KB on-chip Flash Up to 0x4001_0000 ADC
128 KB 0x4000_5000 Reserved
0x0000_0000 0x4000_4000 SPI0
0x4000_2000 Reserved
0x4000_1000 UART0
0x4000_0000 USART0

Figure 4. Memory Map

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Table 3. Register Map

Start Address End Address Peripheral Bus
0x4000_0000 0x4000_0FFF USART0
0x4000_1000 0x4000_1FFF UART0
0x4000_2000 0x4000_3FFF Reserved
0x4000_4000 0x4000_4FFF SPI0
0x4000_5000 0x4000_FFFF Reserved
0x4001_0000 0x4001_0FFF ADC

System Architecture
0x4001_1000 0x4002_1FFF Reserved
0x4002_2000 0x4002_2FFF AFIO
0x4002_3000 0x4002_3FFF Reserved
0x4002_4000 0x4002_4FFF EXTI
0x4002_5000 0x4002_5FFF Reserved
0x4002_6000 0x4002_6FFF I2S
0x4002_7000 0x4002_BFFF Reserved
0x4002_C000 0x4002_CFFF MCTM
0x4002_D000 0x4003_3FFF Reserved
0x4003_4000 0x4003_4FFF SCTM0
0x4003_5000 0x4003_9FFF Reserved
0x4003_A000 0x4003_AFFF SCI1
0x4003_B000 0x4003_FFFF Reserved
0x4004_0000 0x4004_0FFF USART1
0x4004_1000 0x4004_1FFF UART1
0x4004_2000 0x4004_2FFF Reserved
0x4004_3000 0x4004_3FFF SCI0
0x4004_4000 0x4004_4FFF SPI1
0x4004_5000 0x4004_7FFF Reserved
0x4004_8000 0x4004_8FFF I2C0
0x4004_9000 0x4004_9FFF I2C1
0x4004_A000 0x4005_7FFF Reserved
0x4005_8000 0x4005_8FFF Comparator
0x4005_9000 0x4006_7FFF Reserved
0x4006_8000 0x4006_8FFF WDT
0x4006_9000 0x4006_9FFF Reserved
0x4006_A000 0x4006_AFFF RTC/PWRCU
0x4006_B000 0x4006_DFFF Reserved
0x4006_E000 0x4006_EFFF GPTM0
0x4006_F000 0x4006_FFFF GPTM1
0x4007_0000 0x4007_3FFF Reserved
0x4007_4000 0x4007_4FFF SCTM1
0x4007_5000 0x4007_5FFF Reserved
0x4007_6000 0x4007_6FFF BFTM0
0x4007_7000 0x4007_7FFF BFTM1
0x4007_8000 0x4007_FFFF Reserved

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Start Address End Address Peripheral Bus

0x4008_0000 0x4008_1FFF FMC
0x4008_2000 0x4008_7FFF Reserved
0x4008_8000 0x4008_9FFF CKCU/RSTCU
0x4008_A000 0x4008_BFFF CRC
0x4008_C000 0x4008_FFFF Reserved
PDMA Control
0x4009_0000 0x4009_1FFF

System Architecture
0x4009_2000 0x4009_7FFF Reserved
0x4009_8000 0x4009_9FFF EBI Control Registers AHB
0x4009_A000 0x400A_7FFF Reserved
0x400A_8000 0x400A_BFFF USB
0x400A_C000 0x400A_FFFF Reserved
0x400B_0000 0x400B_1FFF GPIOA
0x400B_2000 0x400B_3FFF GPIOB
0x400B_4000 0x400B_5FFF GPIOC
0x400B_6000 0x400B_7FFF GPIOD
0x400B_8000 0x400F_FFFF Reserved

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32-Bit Arm® Cortex® -M0+ MCU

Embedded Flash Memory

The HT32F52342/52352 series provide up to 128 KB on-chip Flash memory which is located
at address 0x0000_0000. It supports byte, half-word, and word access operations. Note that the
Flash memory only supports read operations for the bus access. Any write operations to the Flash
memory will cause a bus fault exception. The Flash memory has up to capacity of 128 pages. Each
page has a memory capacity of 1 KB and can be erased independently. A 32-bit programming
interface provides the capability of changing bits from 1 to 0. A data storage or firmware upgrade
can be implemented using several methods such as In System Programming (ISP), In Application

System Architecture
Programming (IAP) or In Circuit Programming (ICP). For more information, refer to the Flash
Memory Controller section.

Embedded SRAM Memory

The HT32F52342/52352 series contain up to 16 KB on-chip SRAM which is located at address
0x2000_0000. It support byte, half-word and word access operations.

AHB Peripherals
The address of the AHB peripherals ranges from 0x4008_0000 to 0x400F_FFFF. Some peripherals
such as Clock Control Unit, Reset Control Unit and Flash Memory Controller are connected to the
AHB bus directly. The AHB peripherals clocks are always enabled after a system reset. Access to
registers for these peripherals can be achieved directly via the AHB bus. Note that all peripheral
registers in the AHB bus support only word access.

APB Peripherals
The address of APB peripherals ranges from 0x4000_0000 to 0x4007_FFFF. An APB to AHB
Bridge provides access capability between the CPU and the APB peripherals. Additionally, the
APB peripheral clocks are disabled after a system reset. Software must enable the peripheral clock
by setting up the APBCCRn register in the Clock Control Unit before accessing the corresponding
peripheral register. Note that the APB to AHB Bridge will duplicate the half-word or byte data to
word width when a half-word or byte access is performed on the APB peripheral registers. In other
words, the access result of a half-word or byte access on the APB peripheral register will vary
depending on the data bit width of the access operation on the peripheral registers.

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32-Bit Arm® Cortex® -M0+ MCU

4 Flash Memory Controller (FMC)

The Flash Memory Controller (FMC) provides functions of flash operation and pre-fetch buffer
for the embedded on-chip Flash memory. Figure below shows the block diagram of FMC which
includes programming interface, control register, pre-fetch buffer, and access interface. Since the

Flash Memory Controller (FMC)

access speed of Flash memory is slower than the CPU, a wide access interface with pre-fetch buffer
is provided to the Flash memory in order to reduce the wait state (which will cause instruction
gaps) of the CPU. The functions of word program/page erase are also provided for instruction/data
storage of Flash memory.

Flash Memory Controller

Wait State
AHB Control
Control Register
Peripheral Bus

Main Flash
Data Memory
System Bus Pre-fetch Buffer

Figure 5. Flash Memory Controller Block Diagram

▄▄ Up to 128 KB of on-chip Flash memory for storing instruction/data and options
●● 128 KB (instruction/data + Option Byte)
●● 64 KB (instruction/data + Option Byte)
▄▄ Page size of 512 Bytes, totally up to 256 pages depending on the main Flash size
▄▄ Wide access interface with pre-fetch buffer to reduce instruction gaps
▄▄ Page erase and mass erase capability
▄▄ 32-bit word programming
▄▄ Interrupt capability when ready or error occurs
▄▄ Flash read protection to prevent illegal code/data access
▄▄ Page erase/program protection to prevent unexpected operation

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Functional Descriptions
Flash Memory Map
The following figure is the Flash memory map of the system. The address ranges from
0x0000_0000 to 0x1FFF_FFFF (0.5 GB). The address from 0x1F00_0000 to 0x1F00_0FFF is
mapped to Boot Loader Block (4 KB). Besides, address 0x1FF0_0000 to 0x1FF0_01FF is the alias
of Option Byte block (0.5 KB) which locates at the last page of main Flash physically. The memory
mapping on system view is shown as below.

Flash Memory Controller (FMC)



Option Byte 0.5 Kbytes

Boot Loader Block 4 Kbytes


127.5 Kbytes
Main Flash Block
User Application
64 Kbytes


Figure 6. Flash Memory Map

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32-Bit Arm® Cortex® -M0+ MCU

Flash Memory Architecture

The Flash memory consists of up to 128 KB main Flash with 512 Bytes per page and 4 KB
Information Block for Boot Loader. The main Flash memory contains totally 256 pages (or 128
pages for 64 KB device) which can be erased individually. The following table shows the base
address, size, and protection setting bit of each page.
Table 4. Flash Memory and Option Byte
Block Name Address Page Protection Bit Size

Flash Memory Controller (FMC)

Page 0 0x0000_0000 ~ 0x0000_01FF 512 Bytes
OB_PP [0]
Page 1 0x0000_0200 ~ 0x0000_03FF 512 Bytes
Page 2 0x0000_0400 ~ 0x0000_05FF 512 Bytes
OB_PP [1]
Page 3 0x0000_0600 ~ 0x0000_07FF 512 Bytes



Main Flash
Page 252 0x0001_F800 ~ 0x0001_F9FF 512 Bytes
OB_PP [126]
Page 253 0x0001_FA00 ~ 0x0001_FBFF 512 Bytes
Page 254 0x0001_FC00 ~ 0x0001_FDFF OB_PP [127] 512 Bytes
Page 255 Physical: 0x0001_FE00 ~ 0x0001_FFFF
OB_CP [1] 512 Bytes
(Option Byte) Alias: 0x1FF0_0000 ~ 0x1FF0_01FF
Information Block Boot Loader 0x1F00_0000 ~ 0x1F00_0FFF NA 4 KB
Notes: 1. Information Block stores boot loader, this block can not be programmed or erased by user.
2. Option Byte is always located at last page of main Flash block.

Wait State Setting

When the HCLK clock is greater than access speed of Flash memory, the wait state cycles must be
inserted during the CPU fetch instructions or load data from Flash memory. The wait state can be
changed by setting WAIT [2:0] of Flash Cache and Pre-fetch Control Register (CFCR). In order to
fit the requirement of wait state, the following two rules shall be considered.
▄▄ HCLK clock is changed from lower to higher: Change the wait state setting first and then change
the HCLK clock.
▄▄ HCLK clock is changed from higher to lower: Change the HCLK clock first and then change the
wait state setting.
The following table shows the relationship between the wait state cycle and HCLK. The default
wait state is 0 since the HSI (8 MHz) is selected as HCLK clock source after system reset.
Table 5. Relationship Between Wait State Cycle and HCLK
Wait State Cycle HCLK
0 0 MHz < HCLK <= 24 MHz
1 24 MHz < HCLK <= 48 MHz

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Booting Configuration
The system provides two kinds of booting mode which can be selected through BOOT pin. The
value of BOOT pin is sampled during the power-on reset or system reset. Once the value is decided,
the first 4 words of vector will be remapped to the corresponding source according to the booting
mode. The booting mode is shown in the following table.
Table 6. Booting Modes
Booting mode selection pin
Mode Descriptions

Flash Memory Controller (FMC)

0 Boot Loader The source of Vector is Boot Loader
1 Main Flash The source of Vector is main Flash

The Vector Mapping Control Register (VMCR) is provided to change the setting of the vector
remapping temporarily after the chip reset. The reset value of VMCR is determined by the value of
BOOT pin which will be sampled during the reset.

Boot Setting

1 : Main Flash 0 : Boot Loader

0xC Hard Fault Handler + 0xC + 0xC

0x8 NMI Handler + 0x8 + 0x8

0x4 Program Counter + 0x4 + 0x4

0x0 Initial Stack Point 0x0000 0000 0x1F00 0000

Figure 7. Vector Remapping

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32-Bit Arm® Cortex® -M0+ MCU

Page Erase
The FMC provides a page erase function which is used to reset partial content of Flash memory.
Any page can be erased independently without affecting others. The following steps show the
access sequence of the register for page erase.
▄▄ Check the OPCR register to confirm that no Flash memory operation is in progress (OPM [3:0]
equals to 0xE or 0x6). Otherwise, wait until the previous operation has been finished.
▄▄ Write the page address to TADR register

Flash Memory Controller (FMC)

▄▄ Write page erase command to OCMR register (CMD [3:0] = 0x8).
▄▄ Commit page erase command to FMC by setting OPCR register (set OPM [3:0] = 0xA).
▄▄ Wait until all the operations have been completed by checking the value of OPCR register (OPM
[3:0] equals to 0xE).
▄▄ Read and verify the page if required.
Note that a correct address of the target page must be confirmed. Software may run away if the
target erase page is being used for fetching code or accessing data and FMC will not notify when
this happens. Besides, the page erase will be ignored on the protected pages. A Flash Operation
Error interrupt will be triggered by FMC if the OREIEN bit in the OIER register is set. Software
can check the PPEF bit in the OISR register to detect this condition in the interrupt handler. The
following figure displays the flow of page erase operation.


Is OPM equal to 0xE or 0x6 ?



Commit command
by setting OPCR

Is OPM equal to 0xE ?



Figure 8. Page Erase Operation Flowchart

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32-Bit Arm® Cortex® -M0+ MCU

Mass Erase
The FMC provides a complete erase function which is used for resetting all the main Flash memory
content. The following steps show the sequence of the register access for mass erase.
▄▄ Check the OPCR register to confirm that no Flash memory operation is in progress (OPM [3:0]
equals to 0xE or 0x6). Otherwise, wait until the previous operation has been finished.
▄▄ Write mass erase command to OCMR register (CMD [3:0] = 0xA).
▄▄ Commit mass erase command to FMC by setting OPCR register (set OPM [3:0] = 0xA).

Flash Memory Controller (FMC)

▄▄ Wait until all operations have been finished by checking the value of OPCR register (OPM [3:0]
equals to 0xE).
▄▄ Read and verify the Flash memory if required.
Since all Flash data will be reset as 0xFFFF_FFFF, the mass erase operation can be done by the
program that runs in the SRAM or by the debugging tool that access FMC register directly. The
software function that is executed on the Flash memory shall not trigger a mass erase operation.
The following figure displays the flow of mass erase operation.


Is OPM equal to 0xE or 0x6 ?


Set OCMR = 0xA

Commit command
by setting OPCR

Is OPM equal to 0xE ?



Figure 9. Mass Erase Operation Flowchart

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32-Bit Arm® Cortex® -M0+ MCU

Word Programming
The FMC provides a 32 bits word programming function which is used for modifying the Flash
memory content. The following steps show the sequence of register access for word programming.
▄▄ Check the OPCR register to confirm that no Flash memory operation is in progress (OPM [3:0]
equals to 0xE, or 0x6). Otherwise, wait until the previous operation has been finished.
▄▄ Write word address to TADR register. Write data to WRDR register.
▄▄ Write word program command to OCMR register (CMD [3:0] = 0x4).

Flash Memory Controller (FMC)

▄▄ Commit word program command to FMC by setting OPCR register (set OPM [3:0] = 0xA).
▄▄ Wait until all operations have been finished by checking the value of OPCR register (OPM [3:0]
equals to 0xE).
▄▄ Read and verify the Flash memory if required.
Note that the word programming operation can not be applied to the same address twice.
Successive word programming operation to the same address must be separated by a page erase
operation. Besides, the word program will be ignored on protected pages. A Flash operation
error interrupt will be triggered by FMC if the OREIEN bit in the OIER register is set. Software
can check the PPEF bit in the OISR register to detect this condition in the interrupt handler. The
following figure displays the flow of word programming operation.


Is OPM equal to 0xE or 0x6 ?



and OCMR

Commit command
by setting OPCR

Is OPM equal to 0xE ?



Figure 10. Word Programming Operation Flowchart

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32-Bit Arm® Cortex® -M0+ MCU

Option Byte Description

The Option Byte can be treated as an independent Flash memory which base address is
0x1FF0_0000. The following table shows the function description and memory map of Option
Table 7. Option Byte Memory Map
Option Byte Offset Description Reset Value
Option Byte Base Address = 0x1FF0_0000

Flash Memory Controller (FMC)

Flash Page Erase/Program Protection (page 254 ~ page 0)
0x000 OB_PP [n] (n = 0 ~ 127) 0xFFFF_FFFF
0x004 0: Flash Page 2n and 2n+1 Erase/Program Protection is 0xFFFF_FFFF
0x008 enabled 0xFFFF_FFFF
0x00C 1: Flash Page 2n and 2n+1 Erase/Program Protection is 0xFFFF_FFFF
Flash Security Protection
OB_CP [0]
0: Flash Security protection is enabled
1: Flash Security protection is disabled
Option Byte Protection
OB_CP [1]
0: Option Byte protection is enabled
1: Option Byte protection is disabled
OB_CP [31:2]
Flash Option Byte Checksum
OB_CK [31:0]
OB_CK should be set as the content value sum of 5
registers which offset address is form 0x000 to 0x010 in
Option Byte (0x000 + 0x004 + 0x008 + 0x00C + 0x010)
when the OB_PP or OB_CP register’s content is not equal
to 0xFFFF_FFFF. Otherwise, both page erase/program
protection and security protection will be enabled.

Page Erase/Program Protection

FMC provides functions of page erase/program protection to prevent unexpected operation of Flash
memory. The page erase (CMD [3:0] = 0x8 in the OCMR register) or word program (CMD [3:0]
= 0x4) command will not be accepted by FMC on the protected pages, the PPEF bit in the OISR
register will then be set by FMC and the Flash operation error interrupt will be triggered to CPU
by FMC if the OREIEN bit in the OIER register is set. The page protection function can be enabled
for each page independently by setting the OB_PP registers of the Option Byte. The following table
shows the access permission of the main Flash page when the page protection is enabled.

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Table 8. Access Permission of Protected Main Flash Page

ISP/IAP ICP/Debug Mode
Read O O
Program X X
Page Erase X X
Mass Erase O O
Notes: 1. Note that the setting of write protection is based on page. The above access permission

Flash Memory Controller (FMC)

only affects the pages that enable protection function. Other pages are not affected.
2. Main Flash page protection is configured by OB_PP [126:0]. Option Byte is physically
located at the last page of main Flash. Option Byte page protection is configured by the
OB_CP [1] bit.
3. The page erase on Option Byte area can disable the page protection of main Flash.
4. The page protection of Option Byte can only be disabled by a mass erase operation.
The following steps show the register access sequence for page erase/program protection
▄▄ Check the OPCR register to confirm that no Flash memory operation is in progress (OPM [3:0]
equals to 0xE or 0x6). Otherwise, wait until the previous operation has been finished.
▄▄ Write OB_PP address to TADR register (TADR = 0x1FF0_0000).
▄▄ Write WRDR register which indicates the protection function of corresponding page is enabled
or disabled (0: Enabled, 1: Disabled).
▄▄ Write word program command to OCMR register (CMD [3:0] = 0x4).
▄▄ Commit word program command to FMC by setting OPCR register (set OPM [3:0] = 0xA).
▄▄ Wait until all operations have been finished by checking the value of OPCR register (OPM [3:0]
equals to 0xE).

▄ Read and verify the Option Byte if required.
▄▄ Program the OB_CK Option Byte as sum of 5 words 0x000 ~ 0x010 according to the checksum
rule of Option Byte.
▄▄ Apply a system reset to active the new OB_PP setting.

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Security Protection
FMC provides function of Security protection to prevent illegal code/data access of Flash memory.
This function is useful for protecting the software / firmware from the illegal users. The function is
activated by setting the Option Byte OB_CP [0]. Once the function has been enabled, all the main
Flash data access through ICP/Debug mode, programming, and page erase will not be allowed
except the user’s application. But the mass erase operation will still be accepted by FMC in order to
disable this function. The following table shows the access permission of Flash memory when the
security protection is enabled.

Flash Memory Controller (FMC)

Table 9. Access Permission When Security Protection is Enabled
User Application (Note 1) ICP/Debug Mode
Read O X (read as 0)
Program O (Note 1) X
Page Erase O (Note 1) X
Mass Erase O O
Notes: 1. User application means the software that is executed or booted from main Flash memory
with the JTAG/SW debugger being disconnected. But Option Byte block and page 0 are
still in protection and can not Program/Page Erase.
2. Mass erase operation can erase Option Byte block and disable security protection.
The following steps show the register access sequence for Security protection procedure.
▄▄ Check OPCR register to confirm that no Flash memory operation is ongoing (OPM [3:0] equal to
0xE or 0x6). Otherwise, wait until the previous operation has been finished.
▄▄ Write OB_CP address to TADR register (TADR = 0x1FF0_0010).
▄▄ Write WRDR register, set OB_CP [0] as 0.
▄▄ Write word program command to OCMR register (CMD [3:0] = 0x4).
▄▄ Commit word program command to FMC by setting OPCR register (set OPM = 0xA).
▄▄ Wait until all operations have been finished by checking the value of OPCR register (OPM [3:0]
equals to 0xE).
▄▄ Read and verify the Option Byte if required.
▄▄ Program the OB_CK Option Byte as sum of 5 words 0x000 ~ 0x010 according to the checksum
rule of Option Byte.

▄ Apply a system reset to active the new OB_CP setting.

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Register Map
The following table shows the FMC registers and reset values.
Table 10. FMC Register Map
Register Offset Description Reset Value
FMC Base Address = 0x4008_0000
TADR 0x000 Flash Target Address Register 0x0000_0000
WRDR 0x004 Flash Write Data Register 0x0000_0000

Flash Memory Controller (FMC)

OCMR 0x00C Flash Operation Command Register 0x0000_0000
OPCR 0x010 Flash Operation Control Register 0x0000_000C
OIER 0x014 Flash Operation Interrupt Enable Register 0x0000_0000
OISR 0x018 Flash Operation Interrupt and Status Register 0x0001_0000
0x020 0xXXXX_XXXX
0x024 0xXXXX_XXXX
PPSR Flash Page Erase/Program Protection Status Register
0x028 0xXXXX_XXXX
CPSR 0x030 Flash Security Protection Status Register 0xXXXX_XXXX
VMCR 0x100 Flash Vector Mapping Control Register 0x0000_000X
MDID 0x180 Flash Manufacturer and Device ID Register 0x0376_XXXX
PNSR 0x184 Flash Page Number Status Register 0x0000_00X0
PSSR 0x188 Flash Page Size Status Register 0x0000_0200
CFCR 0x200 Flash Cache & Pre-fetch Control Register 0x0000_0051
CIDR0 0x310 Custom ID Register 0 0xXXXX_XXXX
CIDR1 0x314 Custom ID Register 1 0xXXXX_XXXX
CIDR2 0x318 Custom ID Register 2 0xXXXX_XXXX
CIDR3 0x31C Custom ID Register 3 0xXXXX_XXXX

Note: “X” means various reset values which depend on the Device, Flash value, option byte value, or
power on reset setting.

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Register Descriptions
Flash Target Address Register – TADR
This register specifies the target address of page erase and word programming operation.
offset: 0x000
Reset value: 0x0000_0000

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Flash Memory Controller (FMC)

Type/Reset RW 0 RW 0 RW 0 RW 0 RW 0 RW 0 RW 0 RW 0
23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16
Type/Reset RW 0 RW 0 RW 0 RW 0 RW 0 RW 0 RW 0 RW 0
15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8
Type/Reset RW 0 RW 0 RW 0 RW 0 RW 0 RW 0 RW 0 RW 0
7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
Type/Reset RW 0 RW 0 RW 0 RW 0 RW 0 RW 0 RW 0 RW 0

Bits Field Descriptions

[31:0] TADB Flash Target Address Bits
For programming operations, the TADR register specifies the address where the
data is written. Since the programming length is 32 bits, the TADR shall be set
as word-aligned (4 bytes). The TADB [1:0] will be ignored during programming
operations. For page erase operations, the TADR register contains the page
address which is going to be erased. Since the page size is 512 Byte, the TADB
[8:0] will be ignored in order to limit the target address as 512 Byte-aligned. For
128 KB main Flash addressing, TADB [31:17] should be zero and TADB [31:16]
should be zero for 64 KB. Address from 0x1FF0_0000 to 0x1FF0_03FF is the 1KB
Option Byte. This field for available Flash address, it must be under 0x1FFF_FFFF.
Otherwise, the Invalid Target Address interrupt will be occurred if the corresponding
interrupt enable bit is set.

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Flash Write Data Register – WRDR

This register specifies the data to be written for programming operation.
offset: 0x004
Reset value: 0x0000_0000

31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24
Type/Reset RW 0 RW 0 RW 0 RW 0 RW 0 RW 0 RW 0 RW 0

Flash Memory Controller (FMC)

23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16
Type/Reset RW 0 RW 0 RW 0 RW 0 RW 0 RW 0 RW 0 RW 0
15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8
Type/Reset RW 0 RW 0 RW 0 RW 0 RW 0 RW 0 RW 0 RW 0
7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
Type/Reset RW 0 RW 0 RW 0 RW 0 RW 0 RW 0 RW 0 RW 0

Bits Field Descriptions

[31:0] WRDB Flash Write Data Bits
The data value for programming operation.

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32-Bit Arm® Cortex® -M0+ MCU

Flash Operation Command Register – OCMR

This register is used to specify the Flash operation commands that include read, read ID, word program, page
erase and mass erase.
Offset: 0x00C
Reset value: 0x0000_0000

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7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
Reserved CMD
Type/Reset RW 0 RW 0 RW 0 RW 0

Bits Field Descriptions

[3:0] CMD Flash Operation Command
The following table shows definitions of CMD [3:0] which specify the Flash
operation. If an invalid command is set and IOCMIEN = 1, the Invalid Operation
Command interrupt will be occurred.
CMD [3:0] Description
0x0 Idle (default)
0x4 Word program
0x8 Page erase
0xA Mass erase
Others Reserved

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Flash Operation Control Register – OPCR

This register is used for controlling the command commitment and checking the status of the FMC operations.
Offset: 0x010
Reset value: 0x0000_000C

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7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
Reserved OPM Reserved
Type/Reset RW 0 RW 1 RW 1 RW 0

Bits Field Descriptions

[4:1] OPM Operation Mode
The following table shows the operation mode of FMC. User can commit command
which is set by the OCMR register to main flash according to the address alias
setting in TADR. The content of TADR, WRDR, and OCMR registers shall be
prepared before setting this register. After all the operation has been finished, the
OPM field will be set as 0xE or 0xF by the FMC hardware. The Idle mode can be
set when all the operations have been finished for power saving. Note that the
operation status should be checked before the next action is applied to the FMC.
The content of TADR, WRDR, OCMR, and OPCR registers should not be changed
until the previous operation has been finished.
OPM [3:0] Description
0x6 Idle (default)
0xA Commit command to main Flash
0xE All operation finished on main Flash
Others Reserved

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Flash Operation Interrupt Enable Register – OIER

This register is used to enable or disable interrupt function of FMC. The FMC generates interrupt to the controller
when corresponding interrupt enable bits are set.
Offset: 0x014
Reset value: 0x0000_0000

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7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
Type/Reset RW 0 RW 0 RW 0 RW 0 RW 0

Bits Field Descriptions

[4] OREIEN Operation Error Interrupt Enable
0: Operation error does not generate an interrupt
1: Operation error generates an interrupt
[3] IOCMIEN Invalid Operation Command Interrupt Enable
0: Invalid Operation Command does not generate an interrupt
1: Invalid Operation Command generates an interrupt
[2] OBEIEN Option Byte Check Sum Error Interrupt Enable
0: Option Byte Check Sum Error does not generate an interrupt
1: Option Byte Check Sum Error generates an interrupt
[1] ITADIEN Invalid Target Address Interrupt Enable
0: Invalid Target Address does not generate an interrupt
1: Invalid Target Address generates an interrupt
[0] ORFIEN Operation Finished Interrupt Enable
0: Operation Finish does not generate an interrupt
1: Operation Finish generates an interrupt

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Flash Operation Interrupt and Status Register – OISR

This register indicates the status of the FMC interrupt to check if an operation has been finished or an error
occurs. The status bits (bit [4:0]) are available when the corresponding bits in the OIER register are set.
Offset: 0x018
Reset value: 0x0001_0000

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Flash Memory Controller (FMC)

23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16
Type/Reset RO 0 RO 1
15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8
7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
Type/Reset WC 0 WC 0 WC 0 WC 0 WC 0

Bits Field Descriptions

[17] PPEF Page Erase/Program Protected Error Flag
0: Page Erase/Program Protected Error is not occurred
1: Operation error since an invalid erase/program operation is applied to a
protected page
This bit is reset by hardware once a new flash operation command is committed.
[16] RORFF Raw Operation Finished Flag
0: The last flash operation command is not finished
1: The last flash operation command is finished
RORFF is directly connected from Flash memory for debugging purpose.
[4] OREF Operation Error Flag
0: No flash operation error occurred
1: The last flash operation is failed
This bit will be set when any error of flash operation such as invalid command,
program error and erase error, etc. is occurred. The ORE interrupt occurs if the
OREIEN bit in the OIER register is set. Reset this bit by writing 1.
[3] IOCMF Invalid Operation Command Flag
0: No invalid flash operation command was set
1: An invalid flash operation command is set into the OCMR register.
The IOCM interrupt will be occurred if the IOCMIEN bit in the OIER register is set.
Reset this bit by writing 1.
[2] OBEF Option Byte Check Sum Error Flag
0: Check sum of Option Byte is correct
1: Check sum of Option Byte is incorrect
The OBE interrupt will be occurred if the OBEIEN bit in the OIER register is set. But
the Option Byte Check Sum Error Flag has to wait the interrupt condition is cleared
then reset this bit by software writes 1 , that means the Option Byte check sum
value has to modified to correct. Otherwise, the interrupt will be continually kept or
the software disables the interrupt enable bit to release the interrupt request.

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Bits Field Descriptions

[1] ITADF Invalid Target Address Flag
0: The target address is valid
1: The target address TADR is invalid
TADR field must be below 0x1FFF_FFFF. The ITAD interrupt will be occurred if the
ITADIEN bit in the OIER register is set. Reset this bit by writing 1.
[0] ORFF Operation Finished Flag
0: No operation finished interrupt occurred
1: Last flash operation command is finished

Flash Memory Controller (FMC)

The ORF interrupt will be occurred if the ORFIEN bit in the OIER register is set.
Reset this bit by writing 1.

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32-Bit Arm® Cortex® -M0+ MCU

Flash Page Erase/Program Protection Status Register – PPSR

This register indicates the status of Flash page erase/program protection.
Offset: 0x020 (0) ~ 0x02C (3)
Reset value: 0xXXXX_XXXX

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7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0

Bits Field Descriptions

[127:0] PPSBn Page Erase/Program Protection Status Bits (n = 0 ~ 127)
PPSB[n] = OB_PP[n]
0: The corresponding pages are protected
1: The corresponding pages are not protected
The content of this register is not dynamically updated and will only be reloaded
from the Option Byte when any kind of reset occurs. The erase or program function
of specific pages is not allowed when the corresponding bits of the PPSR registers
are reset. The reset value of PPSR [127:0] is determined by the Option Byte OB_
PP [127:0]. Since the maximum page number of the main flash is various and
dependent on the chip specification. Therefore, the every page erase/program
protection status bit may protect one or two pages and dependent on the chip
specification. The other remained bits of OB_PP and PPSR registers are reserved.

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32-Bit Arm® Cortex® -M0+ MCU

Flash Security Protection Status Register – CPSR

This register indicates the status of the Flash Security protection. The content of this register is not dynamically
updated and will only be reloaded by the Option Byte loader (which is active when any kind of reset occurs).
Offset: 0x030
Reset value: 0xXXXX_XXXX

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7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
Type/Reset RO X RO X

Bits Field Descriptions

[1] OBPSB Option Byte Page Erase/Program Protection Status Bit
0: The Option Byte page is protected.
1: The Option Byte page is not protected.
The reset value of OPBSB is determined by the Option Byte, OB_CP [1].
[0] CPSB Flash Security Protection Status Bit
0: Flash Security protection is enabled
1: Flash Security protection is not enabled
The reset value of CPSB is determined by the Option Byte, OB_CP [0].

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32-Bit Arm® Cortex® -M0+ MCU

Flash Vector Mapping Control Register – VMCR

This register is used to control the mapping of vector. The reset value of VMCR is determined by booting power
on the reset setting BOOT pin.
Offset: 0x100
Reset value: 0x0000_000X

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7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
Reserved VMCB Reserved
Type/Reset RW X 1

Bits Field Descriptions

[1] VMCB Vector Mapping Control Bit
The VMCB bits is used to control the mapping source of first 4-word vector
(address 0x0 ~ 0xC). The following table shows the vector mapping setting.
BOOT VMCB [1] Descriptions
Boot Loader mode
Low 0
The source of the vector mapping is the boot loader area.
Main Flash mode
High 1
The source of the vector mapping is the main Flash area.
The reset value of VMCB is determined by the pins status of BOOT during power
on reset and system reset. The setting of the vector mapping can be changed
temporarily by setting the VMCB bit when the application is running.

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Flash Manufacturer and Device ID Register – MDID

This register specifies the manufacture ID and device part number information which can be used as the product
Offset: 0x180
Reset value: 0x0376_XXXX

31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24

Flash Memory Controller (FMC)

Type/Reset RO 0 RO 0 RO 0 RO 0 RO 0 RO 0 RO 1 RO 1
23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16
Type/Reset RO 0 RO 1 RO 1 RO 1 RO 0 RO 1 RO 1 RO 0
15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8
7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0

Bits Field Descriptions

[31:16] MFID Manufacturer ID
Read as 0x0376
[15:0] ChipID Chip ID
Read the last 4 digital codes of the MCU device part number.

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Flash Page Number Status Register – PNSR

This register specifies the page number of Flash memory.
Offset: 0x184
Reset value: 0x0000_00XX

31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24
Type/Reset RO 0 RO 0 RO 0 RO 0 RO 0 RO 0 RO 0 RO 0

Flash Memory Controller (FMC)

23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16
Type/Reset RO 0 RO 0 RO 0 RO 0 RO 0 RO 0 RO 0 RO 0
15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8
Type/Reset RO 0 RO 0 RO 0 RO 0 RO 0 RO 0 RO 0 RO 0
7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0

Bits Field Descriptions

[31:0] PNSB Flash Page Number Status Bits
0x0000_0010: Totally 16 pages for the on-chip Flash memory device.
0x0000_0020: Totally 32 pages for the on-chip Flash memory device.
0x0000_0040: Totally 64 pages for the on-chip Flash memory device.
0x0000_0080: Totally 128 pages for the on-chip Flash memory device.
0x0000_00FF: Totally 255 pages for the on-chip Flash memory device.

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Flash Page Size Status Register – PSSR

This register specifies the page size in bytes.
Offset: 0x188
Reset value: 0x0000_0200

31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24
Type/Reset RO 0 RO 0 RO 0 RO 0 RO 0 RO 0 RO 0 RO 0

Flash Memory Controller (FMC)

23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16
Type/Reset RO 0 RO 0 RO 0 RO 0 RO 0 RO 0 RO 0 RO 0
15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8
Type/Reset RO 0 RO 0 RO 0 RO 0 RO 0 RO 0 RO 1 RO 0
7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
Type/Reset RO 0 RO 0 RO 0 RO 0 RO 0 RO 0 RO 0 RO 0

Bits Field Descriptions

[31:0] PSSB Status Bits of Flash Page Size
0x200: That means the page size is 512 Byte per page.
0x400: That means the page size is 1 KB per page.
0x800: That means the page size is 2 KB per page.

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Flash Cache & Pre-fetch Control Register – CFCR

This register is used for controlling the pre-fetch module of FMC.
Offset: 0x200
Reset value: 0x0000_13D1

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Flash Memory Controller (FMC)

23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16
15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8
Reserved CE Reserved
Type/Reset RW 1 0 0 1 1
7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
Reserved PFBE Reserved WAIT
Type/Reset 1 1 0 RW 1 RW 0 RW 0 RW 1

Bits Field Descriptions

[12] CE Branch Cache Enable Bit
0 = Cache is disabled.
1 = Cache is enabled (default).
[4] PFBE Pre-fetch Buffer Enable Bit
0: Pre-fetch buffer is disabled. The Instruction/Data is provided by Flash
memory directly.
1: Pre-fetch buffer is enabled (default).
[2:0] WAIT Flash Wait State Setting
The WAIT [2:0] is used to set the count of the HCLK wait clock during non-
sequential address Flash access. The actual wait clock is (WAIT [2:0] - 1). Since
the wide access interface with pre-fetch buffer is provided, the wait state of
sequential Flash access is very close to zero.
WAIT [2:0] Wait Status Allowed HCLK Range
001 0 0 MHz < HCLK ≤ 24 MHz
010 1 24 MHz < HCLK ≤ 48 MHz
Others Reserved Reserved

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Custom ID Register n – CIDRn, n = 0 ~ 3

This register specifies the custom ID information which can be used as the custom identity.
Offset: 0x310 (0) ~ 0x31C (3)
Reset value: Various depending on Flash Manufacture Privilege Information Block.

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Flash Memory Controller (FMC)

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7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0

Bits Field Descriptions

[31:0] CIDn Custom ID
Read as the CIDn[31:0] (n=0 ~ 3) field in the Custom ID registers in Flash
Manufacture Privilege Block.

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5 Power Control Unit (PWRCU)

The power consumption can be regarded as one of the most important issues for many embedded
system applications. Accordingly the Power Control Unit, PWRCU, provides many types of power
saving modes such as Sleep, Deep-Sleep1, Deep-Sleep2, and Power-Down modes. These modes

Power Control Unit (PWRCU)

reduce the power consumption and allow the application to achieve the best trade-off between the
conflicting demands of CPU operating time, speed and power consumption. The dash line in the
Figure 11 indicates the power supply source of three digital power domains.

VDD Domain
3.3 V

1.5 V

1.5 V Domain

APB Digital
LSE BREG INTF Peripheral
Backup Domain

PORB: VBAK Power On Reset LDO: Voltage Regulator LVD: Low Voltage Detector
BREG: Backup Registers DMOS: Depletion MOS POR/PDR: Power On Reset/Power Down Reset

Figure 11. PWRCU Block Diagram

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▄▄ Three power domains: Backup, VDD and 1.5 V power domains.
▄▄ Four power saving modes: Sleep, Deep-Sleep1, Deep-Sleep2 and Power-Down modes.
▄▄ Internal Voltage regulator supplies 1.5 V voltage source.
▄▄ Additional Depletion MOS supplies 1.5 V voltage source with low leakage and low operating

Power Control Unit (PWRCU)

▄▄ A power reset is generated when one of the following events occurs:
Power-on / Power-down reset (POR / PDR reset).
When exiting Power-Down mode.
The control bits BODEN = 1, BODRIS=0 and the supply power VDD ≤ VBOD.
▄▄ BOD Brown Out Detector can issue a system reset or an interrupt when VDD power source is
lower than the Brown Out Detector voltage VBOD.
▄▄ LVD Low Voltage Detector can issue an interrupt or wakeup event when VDD is lower than a
programmable threshold voltage VLVD.
▄▄ Switch Battery power (VBAT) for backup domain when VDD is lower than VPDR voltage.
▄▄ 40 bytes of backup registers powered by VBAK for data storage of user application data when in
the Power-Down mode.

Functional Descriptions
Backup Domain
Power Switch
The Backup Domain is powered by the VDD power source or the battery power source, VBAT, which
is selected by the power switch PWRSW. The operating voltage range of the Back Domain is
from 2.0 V to 3.6 V. If VDD is lower than V PDR, then the power source of the Back Domain will be
automatically switched from VDD to VBAT. Therefore, even if VDD is powered down, all the circuitry
in the backup domain can operate normally. This means that the backup register contents will be
retained, the RTC circuitry will operate normally and the low speed oscillators can keep running.

Backup Domain Reset

The Backup Domain reset sources include the Backup Domain Power-On-Reset (PORB) and
the Backup Domain software reset which is activated by setting the BAKRST bit in the BAKCR
register. The PORB signal forces the device to stay in the reset mode until the VBAK is greater than
VPORB. The application software can set the PORBDN bit in the BAKCR register to disable PORB
circuit to save the current consumption in the Backup Domain. Also the application software can
trigger Backup Domain software reset by setting the BAKRST bit in the BAKCR register. All
registers of PWRCU and RTC will be reset only by the Backup Domain reset.

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The Real Time Clock circuitry clock source can be derived from either the Low Speed Internal
RC oscillator, LSI, or the Low Speed External Crystal oscillator, LSE. Before entering the power
saving mode by executing WFI/WFE instruction, the MCU needs to setup the compare register
with an expected wakeup time and enable the wakeup function to achieve the RTC timer wakeup
event. After entering the power saving mode for a certain amount of time, the Compare Match
flag, CMFLAG, will be asserted to wakeup the device when the compare match event occurs. The
details of the RTC configuration for wakeup timer will be described in the RTC chapter.

Power Control Unit (PWRCU)

Backup Registers and Isolation Cells
Ten 32-bit registers, up to 40 bytes, are located in the Backup Domain for user application data
storage. These registers are powered by V BAK which constantly supplies power when the 1.5 V
core power is switched off. The Backup Registers are only reset by the Backup Domain power-on-
reset, PORB, or the Backup Domain software reset, BAKRST. When the device resumes operation
from the 1.5 V power, either by Hardware or Software, access to the Backup registers and the RTC
registers are disabled by the isolation cells which protect these registers against possible parasitic
write accesses. To resume access operations, users must disable these isolation cells by setting the
BKISO bit to 1 in the LPCR register of the Clock Control Unit.

LDO Power Control

The LDO will be automatically switched off when one of the following conditions occurs:
▄▄ The Power-Down or Deep-Sleep 2 mode is entered.
▄▄ The control bits BODEN = 1, BODRIS=0 and the supply power VDD ≤ VBOD.
▄▄ The supply power VDD33 ≤ VPDR
The LDO will be automatically switched on by hardware when the supply power VDD > VPOR if any
of the following conditions occurs:
▄▄ Resume operation from the power saving mode - RTC wakeup, LVD wakeup and WAKEUP pin
rising edge.
▄▄ Detect a falling edge on the external reset pin (nRST).
▄▄ The control bit BODEN = 1 and the supply power VDD > VBOD.
To enter the Deep-Sleep1 mode, the PWRCU will request the LDO to operate in a low current
mode, LCM. To enter the Deep-Sleep 2 mode, the PWRCU will turn off the LDO and turn on the
DMOS to supply an alternative 1.5 V power.

VDD Power Domain

Voltage Regulator
The voltage regulator, LDO, Depletion MOS, DMOS, Low voltage Detector, LVD and High Speed
Internal oscillator, HSI are operated under the V DD power domain. The LDO can be configured to
operate in either normal mode (LDOOFF = 0, SLEEPDEEP = 0, IOUT = High current mode) or low
current mode (LDOOFF = 0, SLEEPDEEP=1, IOUT = Low current mode) to supply the 1.5 V power.
An alternative 1.5 V power source is the output of the DMOS which has low static and driving
current characteristics. It is controlled using the DMOSON bit in the BAKCR register. The DMOS
output has weak output current and regulation capability and only operate in the Deep-Sleep 2
mode for data retention purposes in the VDD15 power domain.

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Power On Reset (POR) / Power Down Reset (PDR)

The device has an integrated POR/PDR circuitry that allows proper operation starting from/down
to 2.0 V. The device remains in Power-Down mode when VDD is below a specified threshold VPDR,
without the need for an external reset circuit. For more details the power on / power down reset
threshold voltage, refer to the electrical characteristics of the corresponding datasheet.


Power Control Unit (PWRCU)



POR Delay Time

Figure 12. Power On Reset / Power Down Reset Waveform

Low Voltage Detector / Brown Out Detector

The Low Voltage Detector, LVD, can detect whether the supply voltage V DD is lower than a
programmable threshold voltage V LVD. It is selected by the LVDS bits in the LVDCSR register.
When a low voltage on the VDD power pin is detected, the LVDF flag will be active and an interrupt
will be generated and sent to the MCU core if the LVDEN and LVDIWEN bits in the LVDCSR
register are set. For more details concerning the LVD programmable threshold voltage VLVD, refer
to the electrical characteristics of the corresponding datasheet.

The Brown Out Detector, BOD, is used to detect if the V DD supply voltage is equal to or lower
than V BOD. When the BODEN bit in the LVDCSR register is set to 1 and the VDD supply voltage
is lower than V BOD then the BODF flag is active. The PWRCU will regard this as a power down
reset situation and then immediately disable the internal LDO regulator when the BODRIS bit is
cleared to 0 or issue an interrupt to notify the CPU to execute a power down procedure when the
BODRIS bit is set to 1. For more details concerning the Brown Out Detector voltage V BOD, refer to
the electrical characteristics of the corresponding datasheet.

High Speed Internal Oscillator

The High Speed Internal Oscillator, HSI, is located in the VDD power domain. When exiting from
the Deep-Sleep mode, the HSI clock will be configured as the system clock for a certain period
by setting the PSRCEN bit to 1 This bit is located in the Global Clock Control Register, GCCR, in
the Clock Control Unit, CKCU. The system clock will not be switched back to the original clock
source used before entering the Deep-Sleep mode until the original clock source, which may be
either sourced from the PLL or HSE stabilizes. Also the system will force the HSI oscillator to be
the system clock after a wake up from Power-Down mode since a 1.5 V power on reset will occur.

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High Speed External Oscillator

The High Speed External Oscillator, HSE, is located in the VDD power domain. The HSE crystal
oscillator can be switched on or off using the HSEEN bit in the Global Clock Control Register
(GCCR). The HSE clock can then be used directly as the system clock source or be used as the PLL
input clock.

1.5 V Power Domain

The main functions that include the APB interface for the backup domain, CPU core logic, AHB/

Power Control Unit (PWRCU)

APB peripherals and memories and so on are located in this power domain. Once the 1.5 V is
powered up, the POR will generate a reset sequence (Refer to PORB) on 1.5 V power domain.
Subsequently, to enter the expected power saving mode, the associated control bits including
the LDOOFF, DMOSON, and SLEEPDEEP bits must be configured. Then, once a WFI or WFE
instruction is executed, the device will enter an expected power saving mode which will be
discussed in the following section.

Operation Modes
Run Mode
In the Run mode, the system operates with full functions and all power domains are active. There
are two ways to reduce the power consumption in this mode. The first is to slow down the system
clock by setting the AHBPRE field in the CKCU AHBCFGR register, and the second is to turn
off the unused peripherals clock by setting the APBCCR0 and APBCCR1 registers or slow down
peripherals clock by setting the APBPCSR0 and APBPCSR1 registers to meet the application
requirement. Reducing the system clock speed before entering the sleep mode will also help to
minimize power consumption.

Additionally, there are several power saving modes to provide maximum optimization between
device performance and power consumption.
Table 11. Operation Mode Definitions
Mode name Hardware Action
Run After system reset, CPU fetches instructions to execute.
1. CPU clock will be stopped.
2. Peripherals, Flash and SRAM clocks can be stopped by setting.
1. Stop all clocks in the 1.5 V power domain.
2. Disable HSI, HSE, and PLL.
Deep-Sleep1 ~ 2
3. Turning on the LDO low current mode or DMOS to reduce the 1.5 V power
domain current.
Power-Down Shut down the 1.5 V power domain

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Sleep Mode
By default, only the CPU clock will be stopped in the Sleep mode. Clearing the FMCEN or
SRAMEN bit in the CKCU AHBCCR register to 0 will have the effect of stopping the Flash clock
or SRAM clock after the system enters the Sleep mode. If it is not necessary for the CPU to access
the Flash memory and SRAM in the Sleep mode, it is recommended to clear the FMCEN and
SRAMEN bits in the AHBCCR register to minimize power consumption. To enter the Sleep mode,
it is only necessary to clear the SLEEPDEEP bit to 0 and execute a WFI or WFE instruction. The
system will exit from the Sleep mode via any interrupt or event trigger. The accompanying table

Power Control Unit (PWRCU)

provides more information about the power saving modes.
Table 12. Enter/Exit Power Saving Modes
Mode Entry
Mode CPU CPU Mode Exit
Instruction SLEEPDEEP
WFI: Any interrupt
Sleep 0 X X Any wakeup event (1) or
Any interrupt (NVIC on) or
Any interrupt with SEVONPEND = 1 (NVIC off)
Any EXTI in event mode or
RTC wakeup or
CMP Wakeup or
Deep-Sleep1 1 0 0
WFI or WFE LVD wakeup (2) or
(Takes effect) WAKEUP pin rising edge or
USB resume
RTC wakeup or
Deep-Sleep2 1 X 1 LVD wakeup (2) or
WAKEUP pin rising edge
RTC wakeup or
LVD wakeup (2) or
Power-Down 1 1 0
WAKEUP pin rising edge or
External reset (nRST)
Notes: 1. Wakeup event means EXTI line in event mode, RTC, LVD, and WAKEUP pin rising edge
2. If the system allows the LVD activity to wake it up after the system has entered the power saving mode,
the LVDEWEN and LVDEN bits in the LVDCSR register must be set to 1 to make sure that the system
can be waked up by a LVD event and then the LDO regulator can be turned on when system is woken
up from the Deep-Sleep2 and Power-Down modes.
Deep-Sleep Mode
To enter Deep-Sleep mode, configure the registers as shown in the preceding table and execute
the WFI or WFE instruction. In the Deep-Sleep mode, all clocks including PLL and high speed
oscillator, known as HSI and HSE, will be stopped. In addition, Deep-Sleep1 turns the LDO into
low current mode while Deep-Sleep2 turns off the LDO and uses a DMOS to keep 1.5 V power.
Once the PWRCU receives a wakeup event or an interrupt as shown in the preceding Mode-Exiting
table, the LDO will then operate in normal mode and the high speed oscillator will be enabled.
Finally, the CPU will return to Run mode to handle the wakeup interrupt if required. A Low
Voltage Detection also can be regarded as a wakeup event if the corresponding wakeup control bit
LVDEWEN in the LVDCSR register is enabled. The last wakeup event is a transition from low to
high on the external WAKEUP pin sent to the PWRCU to resume from Deep-Sleep mode. During
the Deep-Sleep mode, retaining the register and memory contents will shorten the wakeup latency.

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Power-Down Mode
The Power-Down mode is derived from the Deep-Sleep mode of the CPU together with the
additional control bits LDOOFF and DMOSON. To enter the Power-Down mode, users can
configure the registers shown in the preceding Mode-Entering table and execute the WFI or WFE
instruction. A RTC wakeup trigger event, a LVD wakeup, a low to high transition on the external
WAKEUP pin or an external reset (nRST) signal will force the MCU out of the Power-Down mode.
In the Power-Down mode, the 1.5 V power supply will be turned off. The remaining active power
supplies are the 3.3 V power (VDD / VDDA) and the Backup Domain power (VBAK).

Power Control Unit (PWRCU)

After a system reset, the PORSTF bit in the RSTCU GRSR register, the PDF and BAKPORF bits
in the BAKSR register should be checked by software to confirm if the device is being resumed
from the Power-Down mode by a backup domain power on reset, an unexpected loss of the 1.5
V power or other reset events (nRST, WDT,…). If the device has entered the Power-Down mode
under the correct firmware procedure, then the PDF bit will be set. The System information could
be saved in the Backup Registers and be retrieved when the 1.5 V power domain is powered on
again. More information about the PDF and BAKPORF bits in the BAKSR register and PORSTF
bit in the RSTCU GRSR register is shown in the following table.
Table 13. Power Status After System Reset
Power-up for the first time after the backup domain is reset:
1 0 1 Power on reset when VBAK is applied for the first time or executing
software reset command on the backup domain.
Restart from unexpected loss of the 1.5 V power or other reset
0 0 1
(nRST, WDT,…)
0 1 1 Restart from the Power-Down mode.
1 1 x Reserved

Register Map
The following table shows the PWRCU registers and reset values. Note all the registers in this unit
are located in the VBAK backup power domain.
Table 14. PWRCU Register Map
Register Offset Description Reset Value
BAKSR 0x100 Backup Domain Status Register 0x0000_0001
BAKCR 0x104 Backup Domain Control Register 0x0000_0000
BAKTEST 0x108 Backup Domain Test Register 0x0000_0027
LVDCSR 0x110 Low Voltage/Brown Out Detect Control and Status Register 0x0000_0000
BAKREG0 0x200 Backup Register 0 0x0000_0000
BAKREG1 0x204 Backup Register 1 0x0000_0000
BAKREG2 0x208 Backup Register 2 0x0000_0000
BAKREG3 0x20C Backup Register 3 0x0000_0000
BAKREG4 0x210 Backup Register 4 0x0000_0000
BAKREG5 0x214 Backup Register 5 0x0000_0000
BAKREG6 0x218 Backup Register 6 0x0000_0000
BAKREG7 0x21C Backup Register 7 0x0000_0000
BAKREG8 0x220 Backup Register 8 0x0000_0000
BAKREG9 0x224 Backup Register 9 0x0000_0000

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Register Descriptions
Backup Domain Status Register – BAKSR
This register indicates backup domain status.
Offset: 0x100
Reset value: 0x0000_0001 (Reset only by Backup Domain reset)

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Reserved WUPF
Type/Reset RC 0
7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
Type/Reset RC 0 RC 1

Bits Field Descriptions

[8] WUPF External WAKEUP Pin Flag
0: The Wakeup pin is not asserted
1: The Wakeup pin is asserted
This bit is set by hardware when the WAKEUP pin asserts and is cleared by
software read. Software should read this bit to clear it after a system wake up from
the power saving mode.
[1] PDF Power Down Flag
0: Wakeup from abnormal VDD15 shutdown (Loss of VDD15 is unexpected)
1: Wakeup from Power-Down mode. The loss of VDD15 is under expectation.
This bit is set by hardware when the system has successfully entered the Power-
Down mode This bit is cleared by software read.
[0] BAKPORF Backup Domain Reset Flag
0: Backup Domain reset does not occur
1: Backup Domain reset occurs
This bit is set by hardware when Backup Domain reset occurs, either a Backup
Domain power on reset or Backup Domain software reset. The bit is cleared by
software read. This bit must be cleared after the system is first powered, otherwise it
will be impossible to detect when a Backup Domain reset has been triggered. When
this bit is read as 1, a read software loop must be implemented until the bit returns
again to 0. This software loop is necessary to confirm that the Backup Domain is
ready for access. It must be implemented after the Backup Domain is first powered

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Backup Domain Control Register – BAKCR

This register provides power control bits for the Deep-Sleep and Power-Down modes.
Offset: 0x104
Reset value: 0x0000_0000 (Reset only by Backup Domain reset)

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Type/Reset RO 0 RW 0 RW 0 RW 0
7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
Type/Reset RW 0 RW 0 RW 0 WO 0

Bits Field Descriptions

[15] DMOSSTS Depletion MOS Status
This bit is set to 1 if the DMOSON bit in this register has been set to 1.
This bit is cleared to 0 if the DMOSON bit has been set to 0 or if a POR/PDR reset
[12] V15RDYSC VDD15 Ready Source Selection.
0: BKISO bit in the LPCR register located in the CKCU
1: VDD15 POR
Setting this bit to determine what control signal of isolation cells is used to disable
the isolation function of the VDD15 to VDD power domain level shifter.
[9] WUPIEN External WAKEUP Pin Interrupt Enable
0: Disable WAKEUP pin interrupt function
1: Enable WAKEUP pin interrupt function
The software can set the WUPIEN bit to 1 to assert the LPWUP interrupt in the
NVIC unit when both the WUPEN and WUPF bits are set to1.

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Bits Field Descriptions

[8] WUPEN External WAKEUP Pin Enable
0: Disable WAKEUP pin function.
1: Enable WAKEUP pin function.
The Software can set the WUPEN bit as 1 to enable the WAKEUP pin function
before entering the power saving mode. When WUPEN = 1, a rising edge on the
WAKEUP pin wakes up the system from the power saving mode. As the WAKEUP
pin is active high, this bit will set an input pull down mode when the bit is high. The
corresponding register bits which should be properly setup are the PBPD[12] to 1 in

Power Control Unit (PWRCU)

the PBPDR register, the PBPU [12] to 0 in the PBPUR register and the PBCFG12
[3:0] field to 0x0F in the GPBCFGHR register.
Note: This bit is reset by a system reset or a Backup Domain reset. Because this
bit is located in the Backup Domain, after reset activity there will be a delay until
the bit is active. The bit will not be active until the system reset finished and the
Backup Domain ISO signal has been disabled. This means that the bit can not be
immediately set by software after a system reset finished and the Backup domain
ISO signal disabled. The delay time needed is a minimum of three 32KHz clock
periods until the bit reset activity has finished.
[7] DMOSON DMOS Control
0: DMOS is OFF
1: DMOS is ON
A DMOS is implemented to provide an alternative voltage source for the 1.5 V power
domain when the CPU enters the Deep-Sleep mode (SLEEPDEEP = 1). The control
bit DMOSON is set by software and cleared by software or PORB. If the DMOSON
bit is set to 1, the LDO will automatically be turned off when the CPU enters the
Deep-Sleep mode.
[3] LDOOFF LDO Operating Mode Control
0: The LDO operates in a low current mode when CPU enters the Deep-Sleep
mode (SLEEPDEEP = 1). The VDD15 power is available.
1: The LDO is turned off when the CPU enters the Deep-Sleep mode
(SLEEPDEEP=1). The VDD15 power is not available.
Note: This bit is only available when the DMOSON bit is cleared to 0.
[2] LDOLCM LDO Low Current Mode
0: The LDO is operated in normal current mode.
1: The LDO is operated in low current mode.
Note: This bit is only available when CPU is in the run mode. The LDO output
current capability will be limited at 10mA below and lower static current when
the LDOLCM bit is set. It is suitable for CPU is operated at lower speed
system clock to get a lower current consumption. This bit will be clear to 0
when the LDO is power down or VDD power domain reset.
[0] BAKRST Backup Domain Software Reset
0: No action
1: Backup Domain Software Reset is activated - includes all the related RTC and
PWRCU registers.

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Backup Domain Test Register – BAKTEST

This register specifies a read-only value for the software to recognize whether backup domain is ready for
Offset: 0x108
Reset value: 0x0000_0027

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7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
Type/Reset RO 0 RO 0 RO 1 RO 0 RO 0 RO 1 RO 1 RO 1

Bits Field Descriptions

[7:0] BAKTEST Backup Domain Test Bits
A constant 0x27 will be read when the Backup Domain is ready for CPU access.

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Low Voltage / Brown Out Detect Control and Status Register – LVDCSR
This register specifies flags, enable bits and option bits for low voltage detector.
Offset: 0x110
Reset value: 0x0000_0000 (Reset only by Backup Domain reset)

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Type/Reset RW 0 RW 0 RO 0 RW 0 RW 0 RW 0
15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8
7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
Reserved BODF Reserved BODRIS BODEN
Type/Reset RO 0 RW 0 RW 0

Bits Field Descriptions

[21] LVDEWEN LVD Event Wakeup Enable
0: LVD event wakeup is disabled
1: LVD event wakeup is enabled
Setting this bit to 1 will enable the LVD event wakeup function to wake up the
system when a LVD condition occurs which result in the LVDF bit being asserted. If
the system requires to be waked up from the Deep-Sleep or Power-Down mode by
a LVD condition, this bit must be set to 1.
[20] LVDIWEN LVD Interrupt Wakeup Enable
0: LVD interrupt wakeup is disabled
1: LVD interrupt wakeup is enabled
Setting this bit to 1 will enable the LVD interrupt function. When a LVD condition
occurs and the LVDIWEN bit is set to 1, a LVD interrupt will be generated and sent
to the CPU NVIC unit.
[19] LVDF Low Voltage Detect Status Flag
0: VDDA is higher than the specific voltage level
1: VDDA is equal to or lower than the specific voltage level
When the LVD condition occurs, the LVDF flag will be asserted. When the LVDF flag
is asserted, a LVD interrupt will be generated for CPU if the LVDIWEN bit is set to 1.
However, if the LVDEWEN bit is set to 1 and the LVDIWEN bit is cleared to 0, only
a LVD event will be generated rather than a LVD interrupt when the LVDF flag is
[22], [18:17] LVDS [2:0] Low Voltage Detect Level Selection
For more details concerning the LVD programmable threshold voltage, refer to the
electrical characteristics of the corresponding datasheet.

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Bits Field Descriptions

[16] LVDEN Low Voltage Detect Enable
0: Disable Low Voltage Detect
1: Enable Low Voltage Detect
Setting this bit to 1 will generate a LVD event when the VDDA power is lower than
the voltage set by LVDS bits. Therefore when the LVD function is enabled before
the system is into the Deep-Sleep2 (DMOS is turn on and LDO is power down) or
Power-Down mode (DMOS and LDO is power down), the LVDEWEN bit has to
be enabled to avoid the LDO does not activate in the meantime when the CPU is

Power Control Unit (PWRCU)

woken up by the low voltage detection activity.
[3] BODF Brown Out Detect Flag
[1] BODRIS BOD Reset or Interrupt Selection
0: Reset the whole chip
1: Generate Interrupt
[0] BODEN Brown Out Detector Enable
0: Disable Brown Out Detector
1: Enable Brown Out Detector

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32-Bit Arm® Cortex® -M0+ MCU

Backup Register n – BAKREGn, n = 0 ~ 9

This register specifies backup register n for storing data during the VDD15 power-off period.
Offset: 0x200 ~ 0x224
Reset value: 0x0000_0000 (Reset only by Backup Domain reset)

31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24
Type/Reset RW 0 RW 0 RW 0 RW 0 RW 0 RW 0 RW 0 RW 0

Power Control Unit (PWRCU)

23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16
Type/Reset RW 0 RW 0 RW 0 RW 0 RW 0 RW 0 RW 0 RW 0
15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8
Type/Reset RW 0 RW 0 RW 0 RW 0 RW 0 RW 0 RW 0 RW 0
7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
Type/Reset RW 0 RW 0 RW 0 RW 0 RW 0 RW 0 RW 0 RW 0

Bits Field Descriptions

[31:0] BAKREGn Backup Register n (n = 0 ~ 9)
These registers are used for data storage in general purpose. The contents of
BAKREGn registers will remain even if the VDD15 power is lost.

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32-Bit Arm® Cortex® -M0+ MCU

6 Clock Control Unit (CKCU)

The Clock Control unit (CKCU) provides functions of high speed internal RC oscillator (HSI),
High speed external crystal oscillator (HSE), Low speed internal RC oscillator (LSI), Low speed
external crystal oscillator (LSE), Phase Lock Loop (PLL), HSE clock monitor, clock prescaler,

Clock Control Unit (CKCU)

clock multiplexer and clock gating. The clock of AHB, APB, and CPU are derived from system
clock (CK_SYS) which can come from HSI, HSE or PLL. Watchdog Timer and Real Time Clock
(RTC) use either LSI or LSE as their clock source.

A variety of internal clocks can also be wired out though CKOUT for debugging purpose. The
clock monitor can be used to get clock failure detection of HSE. Once the clock of HSE does not
function (could be broken down or removed or etc), CKCU will force to switch the system clock
source to HSI clock to prevent system halt.

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32-Bit Arm® Cortex® -M0+ MCU

Prescaler Divider
1 ~ 32 2
Controller USB REF Pulse fCK_USB = 48 MHz


HSI RC PLLEN f CK_PLL,max = 48 MHz
8 (to SysTick)

Clock Control Unit (CKCU)

0 SW[2:0]
4-16 MHz fCK_SYS,max = 48 MHz GPIOAEN
( to GPIO port)
011 ( free running clock)
HSEEN 1,2,4,8,16,32
111 CM0PEN ( to Cortex®-M0+)
(control by HW)


Clock CK_EBI
Monitor ( to EBI)

32.768 kHz CK_LSE CRCEN ( to CRC)

1 CK_WDT ( to Flash)

32 kHz CK_LSI
LSIEN(Note1) ( to SRAM)

( to Bus Matrix)

000 CK_REF
001 HCLKC/16
CKOUT ( to APB Bridge)
011 CK_HSE/16
100 CK_HSI/16

110 CK_LSI

HSE = High Speed External clock Peripherals PCLK/2 PCLK ( CMPx, AFIO,
HSI = High Speed Internal clock Clock ADC, SPIx, USARTx,
LSE = Low Speed External clock Prescaler PCLK/4 SPIEN UARTx, I2Cx, I2S,
LSI = Low Speed Internal clock 1,2,4,8 GPTMx, MCTMx,

Prescaler CK_ADC IP


Figure 13. CKCU Block Diagram

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▄▄ 4 ~ 16 MHz external crystal oscillator (HSE)
▄▄ Internal 8 MHz RC oscillator (HSI) with configuration option calibration and custom trimming

▄ PLL with selectable clock source (from HSE or HSI) for system clock.
▄▄ 32,768 Hz external crystal oscillator (LSE) for Watchdog Timer, RTC or system clock.

Clock Control Unit (CKCU)

▄▄ Internal 32 kHz RC oscillator (LSI) for Watchdog Timer, RTC or system clock.
▄▄ HSE clock monitor

Function Descriptions
High Speed External Crystal Oscillator – HSE
The high speed external 4 to 16 MHz crystal oscillator (HSE) produces a highly accurate
clock source to the system clock. The related hardware configuration is shown in the following
figure. The crystal with specific frequency must be placed across the two HSE pins (XTALIN /
XTALOUT) and the external components such as resistors and capacitors are necessary to make it
oscillate properly.

The following guidelines are provided to improve the stability of the crystal circuit PCB layout.
▄▄ The crystal oscillator should be located as close as possible to the MCU so that the trace lengths
are kept as short as possible to reduce any parasitic capacitances.
▄▄ Shield any lines in the vicinity of the crystal by using a ground plane to isolate signals and
reduce noise.
▄▄ Keep frequently switching signal lines away from the crystal area to prevent crosstalk.




4 MHz ~ 16 MHz

Figure 14. External Crystal, Ceramic, and Resonators for HSE

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32-Bit Arm® Cortex® -M0+ MCU

The HSE crystal oscillator can be switched on or off using the HSEEN bit in the Global Clock
Control Register (GCCR). The HSERDY flag in the Global Clock Status Register (GCSR) will
indicate if the high-speed external crystal oscillator is stable. When switching on the HSE oscillator
the HSE clock will still not be released until this HSERDY bit is set by the hardware. The specific
delay period is well-known as “Start-up time”. As the HSE becomes stable, an interrupt will be
generated if the related interrupt enable bit HSERDYIE in the Global Clock Interrupt Register
(GCIR) is set. The HSE clock can then be used directly as the system clock source or be used as the
PLL input clock.

Clock Control Unit (CKCU)

High Speed Internal RC Oscillator – HSI
The high speed internal 8 MHz RC oscillator (HSI) is the default selection of clock source for the
CPU when the device is powered up. The HSI RC oscillator provides a clock source in a lower cost
because no external components are required. The HSI RC oscillator can be switched on or off
using the HSIEN bit in the Global Clock Control Register (GCCR). The HSIRDY flag in the Global
Clock Status Register (GCSR) will indicate if the internal RC oscillator is stable. The start-up
time of HSI is shorter then the HSE crystal oscillator. An interrupt can be generated if the related
interrupt enable bit HSIRDYIE in the Global Clock Interrupt Register (GCIR) is set as the HSI
becomes stable. The HSI clock can also be used as the PLL input clock.

The accuracy of the frequency of the high speed internal RC oscillator HSI can be calibrated via the
configuration options, but it is still less accurate than the HSE crystal oscillator. The applications,
the environments and the cost will determine the use of the oscillators.

Software could configure PSRCEN bit (Power Saving Wakeup RC Clock Enable) to 1 to force HSI
clock to be system clock when wake-up from Deep-Sleep or Power-Down mode. Subsequently, the
system clock will be switched back to the original clock source (HSE or PLL) if the original clock
source ready flag is asserted. This function can reduce the wakeup time when using the HSE or
PLL clock as the system clock.

Auto Trimming of High Speed Internal RC Oscillator – HSI

The frequency accuracy of the high speed internal RC oscillator HSI can vary from one chip to
another due to manufacturing process variations, this is why each device is factory calibrated by
HOLTEK for ±2% accuracy at V DD = 3.3 V and TA = 25°C. But the accuracy is not enough for
some applications and environments requirement. Therefore, this device provides the trimming
mechanism for HSI frequency calibration using more accurate external reference clock. The detail
block diagram is shown as Figure 15.

After reset, the factory trimming value is loaded in the HSICOARSE[4:0] and HSIFINE[7:0] bits
in the HSI Control Register (HSICR). The HSI frequency accuracy may be affected by the voltage
or temperature variation. If the application has to be driven by more accurate HSI frequency, the
HSI frequency can be manually trimmed using the HSIFINE[7:0] bits in the HSI Control Register
(HSICR) or automatically adjusted via the Auto Trimming Controller together with an external
reference clock in the application. The reference clock can be provided from the low speed external
crystal or ceramic resonator oscillator LSE with a 32,768 Hz frequency or a 1ms USB frame
synchronous signal.

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32-Bit Arm® Cortex® -M0+ MCU

Auto Trimming HSI Block Diagram Fine-Trimming

Write Register


0 Counter
Auto Trimming Register

Clock Control Unit (CKCU)



USB Frame Pulse 1 1KHz


LSE /32 0



Factory Read Register
Trimming Bits

Fine [7:0]
Coarse [4:0] Oscillator

Read Register

Figure 15. HSI Auto Trimming Block Diagram

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32-Bit Arm® Cortex® -M0+ MCU

Phase Locked Loop – PLL

This PLL can provide 4 ~ 48 MHz clock output which is 1 ~ 12 multiples of a fundamental
reference frequency of 4 ~ 16 MHz. The rationale of the clock synthesizer relies on the digital
Phase Locked Loop (PLL) which includes a reference divider, a feedback divider, a digital phase
frequency detector (PFD), a current-controlled charge pump, a built-in loop filter and a voltage-
controlled oscillator (VCO) to achieve a stable phase-locked state.

Clock Control Unit (CKCU)

VCOout = 48 ~ 96 MHz

CLKin Ref. Divider Output Divider 1 Output Divider 2 PLLout

= 4 ~ 16MHz (NR) (NO1) (NO2) = 4 ~ 48 MHz
/2 /2

Feedback Divider 2 Feedback Divider 1

(NF2) (NF1)



Figure 16. PLL Block Diagram

Frequency of the PLL output clock can be determined by the following formula:
NF1* NF 2 4 * NF 2 NF 2
PLLOUT = CK IN * = CK IN * = CK IN *
NR * NO1* NO 2 2 * 2 * NO 2 NO 2
where NR = Ref divider = 2, NF1 = Feedback Divider 1 = 4, NF2 = Feedback Divider 2 = 1 ~ 16,
NO1 = Output Divider 1 = 2, NO2 = Output Divider 2 = 1, 2, 4, or 8

Considering the duty cycle of 50%, both input and output frequencies are divided by 2. If a given
CLK in frequency as the PLL input generates a specific PLL output frequency, it is recommended
to load a larger value into the NF2 field to increase the PLL stability and reduce the jitter with but
the expense of settling time. The output and feedback divider 2 setup values are described in Table
15 and Table 16. All the configuration bits (S1 ~ S0, B3 ~ B0) in Table 15 and Table 16 are defined
in the PLL Configuration Register (PLLCFGR) and PLL Control Register (PLLCR) in the section
of Register Definition. Note that the VCOOUT frequency should be in the range from 48 MHz to
96 MHz. If the selected configuration exceeds this range, the PLL output frequency will not be
guaranteed to match the above PLLOUT formula.

The PLL can be switched on or off by using the PLLEN bit in the Global Clock Control Register
(GCCR). The PLLRDY flag in the Global Clock Status Register (GCSR) will indicate if the PLL
clock is stable. An interrupt can be generated if the related interrupt enable bit PLLRDYIE in the
Global Clock Interrupt Register (GCIR) is set as the PLL becomes stable.

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Table 15. Output Divider2 Value Mapping

Output divider 2 setup bits S[1:0]
NO2 (Output divider 2 value)
(POTD bits in the PLLCFGR register)
00 1
01 2
10 4
11 8

Clock Control Unit (CKCU)

Table 16. Feedback Divider2 Value Mapping
Feedback divider2 setup bits B[3:0]
NF2 (Feedback divider 2 value)
(PFBD bits in the PLLCFGR register)
0000 16
0001 1
0010 2
0011 3
0100 4
0101 5
0110 6
0111 7
1000 8
1001 9
1010 10
1011 11
1100 12
: :
: :
1111 15

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32-Bit Arm® Cortex® -M0+ MCU

Low Speed External Crystal Oscillator – LSE

The low speed external crystal or ceramic resonator oscillator with 32,768 Hz frequency produces
a low power but highly accurate clock source for the Real-Time-Clock peripheral, Watchdog Timer
or system clock. The associated hardware configuration is shown in the following figure. The
crystal or ceramic resonator must be placed across the two LSE pins (X32KIN / X32KOUT) and
the external components such as resistors and capacitors are necessary to make it oscillate properly.
The LSE oscillator can be switched on or off by using the LSEEN bit in the RTC Control Register
(RTCCR). The LSERDY flag in the Global Clock Status Register (GCSR) will indicate if the LSE

Clock Control Unit (CKCU)

clock is stable. An interrupt can be generated if the related interrupt enable bit LSERDYIE in the
Global Clock Interrupt Register (GCIR) is set as the LSE becomes stable.



Figure 17. External Crystal, Ceramic, and Resonators for LSE

Low Speed Internal RC Oscillator – LSI

The low speed internal RC oscillator with a frequency of about 32 kHz produces a low power clock
source for the Real-Time-Clock peripheral, Watchdog Timer or system clock. The LSI offers a low
cost clock source because no external component is required to make it oscillates. The LSI RC
oscillator can be switched on or off by using the LSIEN bit in the RTC Control Register (RTCCR).
The LSI frequency accuracy is shown in the datasheet. The LSIRDY flag in the Global Clock
Status Register (GCSR) will indicate if the LSI clock is stable. An interrupt can be generated if the
related interrupt enable bit LSIRDYIE in the Global Clock Interrupt Register (GCIR) is set as the
LSI becomes stable.

Clock Ready Flag

The CKCU provides the corresponding clock ready flags for the HSI, HSE, PLL, LSI, and LSE
to indicate whether these clocks are stable. Before using them as the system clock source or
other purpose, it is necessary to confirm the specific clock ready flag is set. Software can check
the specific clock is ready or not by polling the individual clock ready status bits in GCSR
register. Additionally, the CKCU can trigger an interrupt to notify specific clock is ready if the
corresponding interrupt enable bit in the GCIR register is set. Software should clear the interrupt
status bit in the GCIR register by interrupt service routine.

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32-Bit Arm® Cortex® -M0+ MCU

System Clock (CK_SYS) Selection

After the system reset occurs, the default system clock source CK_SYS will be the high speed
internal RC oscillator HSI. The CK_SYS may come from the HSI, HSE, LSE, LSI or PLL output
clock and it can be switched from one clock source to another by changing the System Clock
Switch bits, SW, in the Global Clock Control Register GCCR. The system will still run under
the original clock until the destination clock gets ready when the SW value is changed. The
corresponding clock ready status bit in the Global Clock Status Register (GCSR) will indicate
whether the selected clock is ready to use or not. The CKCU also contains the clock source status

Clock Control Unit (CKCU)

bits in the Clock Source Status Register (CKST) to indicate which clock is currently used as the
system clock. If a clock source or the PLL output clock is uses as the system clock source, it is not
possible to stop it. More details about the clock enable function is described in the following.

If any event in the following occurs, the HSI will be enabled.

▄▄ Enable PLL and configure its source clock to HSI. (PLLEN, PLLSRC)
▄▄ Enable Clock monitor. (CKMEN)
▄▄ Configure clock switch register to HSI. (SW)
▄▄ Configure HSI enable register to 1. (HSIEN)
If any event in the following occurs, the HSE will be enabled.
▄▄ Enable PLL and configure its source clock to HSE. (PLLEN, PLLSRC)
▄▄ Configure clock switch register to HSE. (SW)
▄▄ Configure HSE enable register to 1. (HSEEN)
If any event in the following occurs, the PLL will be enabled.
▄▄ Enable USB Enable register. (USBEN)
▄▄ Configure clock switch register to PLL (SW)
▄▄ Configure PLL enable register to 1. (PLLEN)
The system clock selection programming guide is listed in the following.

1. Enable any clock source which will become the system clock or PLL input clock.

2. Configuring the PLLSRC register after the ready flags of both HSI and HSE are asserted,

3. Configuring the SW register to change the system clock source will occur after the corresponding
ready flag of the clock source is asserted. Note that the system clock will be forced to HSI if
the clock monitor is enabled and the PLL output or HSE clock configured as the system clock is
stuck at 0 or 1.

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32-Bit Arm® Cortex® -M0+ MCU

HSE Clock Monitor

The HSE clock monitor function is enabled by the HSE Clock Monitor Enable bit CKMEN in the
Global Clock Control Register, GCCR. The HSE clock monitor function should be enabled after
the HSE oscillator start-up delay and disabled when the HSE oscillator is stopped. Once the HSE
oscillator failure is detected, the HSE oscillator will automatically be disabled. The HSE clock
stuck flag CKSF in the Global Clock Interrupt Register GCIR will be set and the HSE oscillator
failure event will be generated if the corresponding interrupt enable bit CKSIE in the GCIR is
set. This failure interrupt is connected to the CPU Non-Maskable Interrupt, NMI. When the HSE

Clock Control Unit (CKCU)

oscillator failure occurs, the HSE will be turned off and the system clock will be switched to the
HSI automatically by the hardware. If the HSE is used as the clock input of the PLL circuit whose
output is used as the system clock, the PLL circuit will also be turned off as well as the HSE when
the failure happens.

Clock Output Capability

The device has the clock output capability to allow the clocks to be output on the specific external
output pin CKOUT. The configuration registers of the corresponding GPIO port must be well
configured in the Alternate Function I/O, AFIO, section to output the selected clock signal. There
are seven output clock signals to be selected via the device clock output source selection bits
CKOUTSRC in the Global Clock Configuration Register, GCFGR.
Table 17. CKOUT Clock Source
CKOUTSRC[2:0] Clock Source
000 CK_REF = CK_PLL / (CKREFPRE + 1) / 2
001 HCLKC / 16
010 CK_SYS / 16
011 CK_HSE / 16
100 CK_HSI / 16
101 CK_LSE
110 CK_LSI

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Register Map
The following table shows the CKCU register and reset value.
Table 18. CKCU Register Map
Register Offset Description Reset Value
GCFGR 0x000 Global Clock Configuration Register 0x0000_0102
GCCR 0x004 Global Clock Control Register 0x0000_0803
GCSR 0x008 Global Clock Status Register 0x0000_0028

Clock Control Unit (CKCU)

GCIR 0x00C Global Clock Interrupt Register 0x0000_0000
PLLCFGR 0x018 PLL Configuration Register 0x0000_0000
PLLCR 0x01C PLL Control Register 0x0000_0000
AHBCFGR 0x020 AHB Configuration Register 0x0000_0000
AHBCCR 0x024 AHB Clock Control Register 0x0000_0065
APBCFGR 0x028 APB Configuration Register 0x0000_0000
APBCCR0 0x02C APB Clock Control Register 0 0x0000_0000
APBCCR1 0x030 APB Clock Control Register 1 0x0000_0000
CKST 0x034 Clock Source Status Register 0x0100_0003
APBPCSR0 0x038 APB Peripheral Clock Selection Register 0 0x0000_0000
APBPCSR1 0x03C APB Peripheral Clock Selection Register 1 0x0000_0000
HSICR 0x040 HSI Control Register
where X is undefined
HSIATCR 0x044 HSI Auto Trimming Counter Register 0x0000_0000
LPCR 0x300 Low Power Control Register 0x0000_0000
MCUDBGCR 0x304 MCU Debug Control Register 0x0000_0000

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32-Bit Arm® Cortex® -M0+ MCU

Register Descriptions
Global Clock Configuration Register – GCFGR
This register specifies the clock source for PLL/USART/Watchdog Timer/CKOUT.
Offset: 0x000
Reset value: 0x0000_0102

31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24

Clock Control Unit (CKCU)

LPMOD Reserved
Type/Reset RO 0 RO 0 RO 0
23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16
USBPRE Reserved
Type/Reset RW 0 RW 0
15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8
Type/Reset RW 0 RW 0 RW 0 RW 0 RW 0 RW 1
7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
Type/Reset RW 0 RW 1 RW 0

Bits Field Descriptions

[31:29] LPMOD Lower Power Mode Status
000: When Chip is in running mode
001: When Chip wants to enter Sleep mode
010: When Chip wants to enter Deep Sleep mode1
011: When Chip wants to enter Deep Sleep mode2
100: When Chip wants to enter Power Down mode
Others: Reserved
Set and reset by hardware.
[23:22] USBPRE USB Clock Prescaler Selection
01: CK_USB = CK_PLL / 2
Others: Reserved
Set and reset by software to control the USB clock prescaler setting.
[15:11] CKREFPRE CK_REF Clock Prescaler Selection
CK_REF = CK_PLL / (CKREFPRE + 1) / 2
00000: CK_REF = CK_PLL / 2
00001: CK_REF = CK_PLL / 4
11111: CK_REF = CK_PLL / 64
Set and reset by software to the control CK_REF clock prescaler setting.
[8] PLLSRC PLL Clock Source Selection
0: External 4 ~ 16 MHz crystal oscillator clock is selected (HSE)
1: Internal 8 MHz RC oscillator clock is selected (HSI)
Set and reset by software to control the PLL clock source.

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Bits Field Descriptions

[2:0] CKOUTSRC CKOUT Clock Source Selection
000: (CK_REF) is selected where CK_REF = CK_PLL / (CKREFPRE + 1) / 2
001: (HCLKC / 16) is selected
010: (CK_SYS / 16) is selected
011: (CK_HSE / 16) is selected
100: (CK_HSI / 16) is selected
101: CK_LSE is selected
110: CK_LSI is selected

Clock Control Unit (CKCU)

111: Reserved
Set and reset by software.

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Global Clock Control Register – GCCR

This register specifies the clock enable bits.
Offset: 0x004
Reset value: 0x0000_0803

31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24

Clock Control Unit (CKCU)

23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16
Type/Reset RW 0 RW 0
15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8
Type/Reset RW 1 RW 0 RW 0 RW 0
7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
Reserved SW
Type/Reset RW 0 RW 1 RW 1

Bits Field Descriptions

[17] PSRCEN Power Saving Wakeup RC Clock Enable
0: No action
1: Use Internal 8 MHz RC clock (HSI) as system clock after power down wakeup.
The software can set the PSRCEN bit high before entering the power saving mode
in order to reduce the waiting time after a wakeup. When the PSRCEN bit is set
to 1, the HSI will be used as the CK_SYS clock source after waking up from the
power saving mode. This means that the instruction can be executed early before
the original CK_SYS source is stable since the HSI clock is provided to CPU. After
the original CK_SYS clock source is ready, the CK_SYS clock will automatically be
switched back to the originally selected clock source from the HSI clock.
[16] CKMEN HSE Clock Monitor Enable
0: Disable External 4 ~ 16 MHz crystal oscillator clock monitor
1: Enable External 4 ~ 16 MHz crystal oscillator clock monitor
When the hardware detects that the HSE clock is stuck at low or high state, the
internal hardware will switch the system clock to internal high speed HSI RC clock.
[11] HSIEN Internal High Speed Oscillator Enable
0: Internal 8 MHz RC oscillator is disabled
1: Internal 8 MHz RC oscillator is enabled
Set and reset by software. This bit can not be reset if the HSI clock is used as the
system clock.
[10] HSEEN External High Speed Oscillator Enable
0: External 4 ~ 16 MHz crystal oscillator is disabled
1: External 4 ~ 16 MHz crystal oscillator is enabled
Set and reset by software. This bit can not be reset if the HSE clock is used as the
system clock or the PLL input clock.
[9] PLLEN PLL Enable
0: PLL disabled
1: PLL enabled
Set and reset by software. This bit cannot be reset if the PLL clock is used as the
system clock.

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Bits Field Descriptions

[8] HSEGAIN External High Speed Oscillator Gain Selection
0: HSE in low gain mode
1: HSE in high gain mode
[2:0] SW System Clock Switch
00x: CK_PLL clock out as system clock
010: CK_HSE as system clock
011: CK_HSI as system clock
110: CK_LSE as system clock

Clock Control Unit (CKCU)

111: CK_LSI as system clock
Other: CK_HSI as system clock
These bits are used to select the CK_SYS source. When switch the system clock
using the SW bit, the system clock will be not immediately switched and a certain
delay is necessary. The system clock source selected by the SW bits can be
indicated in the CKSWST bits in the clock source status register CKST to make sure
which clock is currently used as the system clock. Note that the HSI oscillator will be
forced as the system clock when the HSE clock failure is detected as the HSE clock
monitor function is enabled.

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Global Clock Status Register – GCSR

This register indicates the clock ready status.
Offset: 0x008
Reset value: 0x0000_0028

31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24

Clock Control Unit (CKCU)

23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16
15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8
7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
Type/Reset RO 1 RO 0 RO 1 RO 0 RO 0

Bits Field Descriptions

[5] LSIRDY Internal Low Speed Oscillator Ready Flag
0: Internal 32 kHz RC oscillator is not ready
1: Internal 32 kHz RC oscillator is ready
Set by hardware to indicate whether the LSI is stable to be used.
[4] LSERDY External Low Speed Oscillator Ready Flag
0: External 32,768 Hz crystal oscillator is not ready
1: External 32,768 Hz crystal oscillator is ready
Set by hardware to indicate whether the LSE is stable to be used.
[3] HSIRDY Internal High Speed Oscillator Ready Flag
0: Internal 8 MHz RC oscillator is not ready
1: Internal 8 MHz RC oscillator is ready
Set by hardware to indicate whether the HSI is stable to be used.
[2] HSERDY External High Speed Oscillator Ready Flag
0: External 4 ~ 16 MHz crystal oscillator is not ready
1: External 4 ~ 16 MHz crystal oscillator is ready
Set by hardware to indicate whether the HSE is stable to be used.
[1] PLLRDY PLL Clock Ready Flag
0: PLL is not ready
1: PLL is ready
Set by hardware to indicate whether the PLL output is stable to be used.

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Global Clock Interrupt Register – GCIR

This register specifies the interrupt enable and flag bits.
Offset: 0x00C
Reset value: 0x0000_0000

31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24

Clock Control Unit (CKCU)

23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16
Reserved CKSIE
Type/Reset RW 0
15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8
7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
Reserved CKSF
Type/Reset WC 0

Bits Field Descriptions

[16] CKSIE Clock Stuck Interrupt Enable
0: Disable clock failure interrupt
1: Enable clock failure interrupt
Set and reset by software to enable or disable the clock failure interrupt caused by
clock monitor.
[0] CKSF Clock Stuck Interrupt Flag
0: Clock works normally
1: HSE clock is stuck
Reset by software (Write 1 clear). Set by hardware when the HSE clock is stuck and
the CKMEN bit is set.

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32-Bit Arm® Cortex® -M0+ MCU

PLL Configuration Register – PLLCFGR

This register specifies the PLL configurations.
Offset: 0x018
Reset value: 0x0000_0000

31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24
Reserved PFBD
Type/Reset RW 0 RW 0 RW 0

Clock Control Unit (CKCU)

23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16
PFBD POTD Reserved
Type/Reset RW 0 RW 0 RW 0
15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8
7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0

Bits Field Descriptions

[26:23] PFBD PLL VCO Output Clock Feedback Divider (B3 ~ B0 in Figure 16)
The feedback Divider divides the output clock from the PLL VCO.
[22:21] POTD PLL Output Clock Divider (S1 ~ S0 in Figure 16)

PLL Control Register – PLLCR

This register specifies the PLL Bypass mode.
Offset: 0x01C
Reset value: 0x0000_0000

31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24
PLLBPS Reserved
Type/Reset RW 0
23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16
15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8
7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0

Bits Field Descriptions

[31] PLLBPS PLL Bypass Mode Enable
0: Disable PLL Bypass mode
1: Enable PLL Bypass mode which acts as FOUT = FIN

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AHB Configuration Register – AHBCFGR

This register specifies the system clock frequency.
Offset: 0x020
Reset value: 0x0000_0000

31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24

Clock Control Unit (CKCU)

23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16
15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8
7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
Reserved AHBPRE
Type/Reset RW 0 RW 0 RW 0

Bits Field Descriptions

[2:0] AHBPRE AHB Pre-scaler
000: CK_AHB = CK_SYS
001: CK_AHB = CK_SYS / 2
010: CK_AHB = CK_SYS / 4
011: CK_AHB = CK_SYS / 8
100: CK_AHB = CK_SYS / 16
101: CK_AHB = CK_SYS / 32
110: CK_AHB = CK_SYS / 32
111: CK_AHB = CK_SYS / 32
Set and reset by software to control the division factor of the AHB clock.

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32-Bit Arm® Cortex® -M0+ MCU

AHB Clock Control Register – AHBCCR

This register specifies the AHB clock enable control bits.
Offset: 0x024
Reset value: 0x0000_0005

31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24

Clock Control Unit (CKCU)

23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16
Type/Reset RW 0 RW 0 RW 0 RW 0
15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8
Type/Reset RW 0 RW 0 RW 0 RW 0
7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
Type/Reset RW 1 RW 1 RW 0 RW 1 RW 1

Bits Field Descriptions

[19] PDEN GPIO Port D Clock Enable
0: Port D clock is disabled
1: Port D clock is enabled
Set and reset by software
[18] PCEN GPIO Port C Clock Enable
0: Port C clock is disabled
1: Port C clock is enabled
Set and reset by software
[17] PBEN GPIO Port B Clock Enable
0: Port B clock is disabled
1: Port B clock is enabled
Set and reset by software
[16] PAEN GPIO Port A Clock Enable
0: Port A clock is disabled
1: Port A clock is enabled
Set and reset by software
[13] CRCEN CRC Module Clock Enable
0: CRC clock is disabled
1: CRC clock is enabled
Set and reset by software.
[12] EBIEN EBI Module Clock Enable
0: EBI clock is disabled
1: EBI clock is enabled
Set and reset by software.
[11] CKREFEN CK_REF Clock Enable
0: CK_REF clock is disabled
1: CK_REF clock is enabled
Set and reset by software

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Bits Field Descriptions

[10] USBEN USB Clock Enable
0: USB clock is disabled
1: USB clock is enabled
Set and reset by software
[6] APBEN APB bridge Clock Enable
0: APB bridge clock is automatically disabled by hardware during Sleep mode
1: APB bridge clock is always enabled during Sleep mode
Set and reset by software. User can set the APBEN bit to 0 to reduce the power

Clock Control Unit (CKCU)

consumption if the APB bridge is unused during Sleep mode.
[5] BMEN Bus Matrix Clock Enable
0: Bus Matrix clock is automatically disabled by hardware during Sleep mode
1: Bus Matrix clock is always enabled during Sleep mode
Set and reset by software. User can set the BMEN bit to 0 to reduce the power
consumption if the bus matrix is unused during Sleep mode.
[4] PDMAEN Peripheral DMA Clock Enable
0: PDMA clock is disabled
1: PDMA clock is enabled
Set and reset by software.
Note: The PDMA can independently operate when the processor enters the sleep
mode. But the relative AHB bus slave or peripherals clock has to be enabled.
[2] SRAMEN SRAM Clock Enable
0: SRAM clock is automatically disabled by hardware during Sleep mode
1: SRAM clock is always enabled during Sleep mode
Set and reset by software. User can set the SRAMEN bit to 0 to reduce the power
consumption if the SRAM is unused during Sleep mode.
[0] FMCEN Flash Memory Controller Clock Enable
0: FMC clock is automatically disabled by hardware during Sleep mode
1: FMC clock is always enabled during Sleep mode
Set and reset by software. User can set the FMCEN bit to 0 to reduce the power
consumption if the Flash Memory is unused during Sleep mode.

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32-Bit Arm® Cortex® -M0+ MCU

APB Configuration Register – APBCFGR

This register specifies the frequency of ADC conversion clock.
Offset: 0x028
Reset value: 0x0000_0000

31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24

Clock Control Unit (CKCU)

23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16
Reserved ADCDIV
Type/Reset RW 0 RW 0 RW 0
15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8
7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0

Bits Field Descriptions

[18:16] ADCDIV ADC Clock Frequency Division Selection
000: CK_ADC = (CK_AHB / 1)
001: CK_ADC = (CK_AHB / 2)
010: CK_ADC = (CK_AHB / 4)
011: CK_ADC = (CK_AHB / 8)
100: CK_ADC = (CK_AHB / 16)
101: CK_ADC = (CK_AHB / 32)
110: CK_ADC = (CK_AHB / 64)
111: CK_ADC = (CK_AHB / 3)
Set and reset by software to control the ADC conversion clock division factor.

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32-Bit Arm® Cortex® -M0+ MCU

APB Clock Control Register 0 – APBCCR0

This register specifies the APB peripherals clock enable bits.
Offset: 0x02C
Reset value: 0x0000_0000

31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24
Reserved SCI1EN Reserved I2SEN SCI0EN
Type/Reset RW 0 RW 0 RW 0

Clock Control Unit (CKCU)

23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16
15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8
Type/Reset RW 0 RW 0 RW 0 RW 0 RW 0 RW 0
7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
Reserved SPI1EN SPI0EN Reserved I2C1EN I2C0EN
Type/Reset RW 0 RW 0 RW 0 RW 0

Bits Field Descriptions

[27] SCI1EN Smart Card Interface 1 Clock Enable
0: SCI1 clock is disabled
1: SCI1 clock is enabled
Set and reset by software
[25] I2SEN I2S Interface Clock Enable
0: I2S clock is disabled
1: I2S clock is enabled
Set and reset by software
[24] SCI0EN Smart Card Interface 0 Clock Enable
0: SCI0 clock is disabled
1: SCI0 clock is enabled
Set and reset by software
[15] EXTIEN External Interrupt Clock Enable
0: EXTI clock is disabled
1: EXTI clock is enabled
Set and reset by software.
[14] AFIOEN Alternate Function I/O Clock Enable
0: AFIO clock is disabled
1: AFIO clock is enabled
Set and reset by software.
[11] UR1EN UART1 Clock Enable
0: UART1 clock is disabled
1: UART1 clock is enabled
Set and reset by software.
[10] UR0EN UART0 Clock Enable
0: UART0 clock is disabled
1: UART0 clock is enabled
Set and reset by software.

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Bits Field Descriptions

[9] USR1EN USART1 Clock Enable
0: USART1 clock is disabled
1: USART1 clock is enabled
Set and reset by software.
[8] USR0EN USART0 Clock Enable
0: USART0 clock is disabled
1: USART0 clock is enabled
Set and reset by software.

Clock Control Unit (CKCU)

[5] SPI1EN SPI1 Clock Enable
0: SPI1 clock is disabled
1: SPI1 clock is enabled
Set and reset by software.
[4] SPI0EN SPI0 Clock Enable
0: SPI0 clock is disabled
1: SPI0 clock is enabled
Set and reset by software.
[1] I2C1EN I2C1 Clock Enable
0: I2C1 clock is disabled
1: I2C1 clock is enabled
Set and reset by software.
[0] I2C0EN I2C0 Clock Enable
0: I2C0 clock is disabled
1: I2C0 clock is enabled
Set and reset by software.

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32-Bit Arm® Cortex® -M0+ MCU

APB Clock Control Register 1 – APBCCR1

This register specifies the APB peripherals clock enable bits.
Offset: 0x030
Reset value: 0x0000_0000

31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24
Reserved SCTM1EN SCTM0EN Reserved ADCCEN
Type/Reset RW 0 RW 0 RW 0

Clock Control Unit (CKCU)

23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16
Reserved CMPEN Reserved BFTM1EN BFTM0EN
Type/Reset RW 0 RW 0 RW 0
15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8
Type/Reset RW 0 RW 0
7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
Reserved BKPREN Reserved WDTREN Reserved MCTM0EN
Type/Reset RW 0 RW 0 RW 0

Bits Field Descriptions

[29] SCTM1EN SCTM1 Clock Enable
0: SCTM1 clock is disabled
1: SCTM1 clock is enabled
Set and reset by software.
[28] SCTM0EN SCTM0 Clock Enable
0: SCTM0 clock is disabled
1: SCTM0 clock is enabled
Set and reset by software.
[24] ADCCEN ADC Controller Clock Enable
0: ADC clock is disabled
1: ADC clock is enabled
Set and reset by software.
[22] CMPEN CMP Clock Enable
0: CMP clock is disabled
1: CMP clock is enabled
Set and reset by software.
[17] BFTM1EN BFTM1 Clock Enable
0: BFTM1 clock is disabled
1: BFTM1 clock is enabled
Set and reset by software.
[16] BFTM0EN BFTM0 Clock Enable
0: BFTM0 clock is disabled
1: BFTM0 clock is enabled
Set and reset by software.
[9] GPTM1EN GPTM1 Clock Enable
0: GPTM1 clock is disabled
1: GPTM1 clock is enabled
Set and reset by software.

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Bits Field Descriptions

[8] GPTM0EN GPTM0 Clock Enable
0: GPTM0 clock is disabled
1: GPTM0 clock is enabled
Set and reset by software.
[6] BKPREN Backup Domain Clock Enable for Registers Access
0: RTC clock is disabled
1: RTC clock is enabled
Set and reset by software.

Clock Control Unit (CKCU)

[4] WDTREN Watchdog Timer Clock Enable for Registers Access
0: Watchdog Timer clock is disabled
1: Watchdog Timer clock is enabled
Set and reset by software.
[0] MCTM0EN MCTM0 Clock Enable
0: MCTM0 clock is disabled
1: MCTM0 clock is enabled
Set and reset by software.

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32-Bit Arm® Cortex® -M0+ MCU

Clock Source Status Register – CKST

This register specifies the clock source status.
Offset: 0x034
Reset value: 0x0100_0003

31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24
Reserved HSIST
Type/Reset RO 0 RO 0 RO 1

Clock Control Unit (CKCU)

23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16
Reserved HSEST
Type/Reset RO 0 RO 0
15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8
Reserved PLLST
Type/Reset RO 0 RO 0 RO 0 RO 0
7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
Reserved CKSWST
Type/Reset RO 0 RO 1 RO 1

Bits Field Descriptions

[26:24] HSIST Internal High Speed Clock Occupation Status (CK_HSI)
xx1: HSI is used by System Clock (CK_SYS) (SW = 0x03)
x1x: HSI is used by PLL
1xx: HSI is used by Clock Monitor
[17:16] HSEST External High Speed Clock Occupation Status (CK_HSE)
x1: HSE is used by System Clock (CK_SYS) (SW = 0x02)
1x: HSE is used by PLL
[11:8] PLLST PLL Clock Occupation Status
xxx1: PLL is used by System Clock (CK_SYS)
xx1x: PLL is used by USART
x1xx: PLL is used by USB
1xxx: PLL is used by CK_REF
[2:0] CKSWST Clock Switch Status
00x: CK_PLL clock out as system clock
010: CK_HSE as system clock
011: CK_HSI as system clock
110: CK_LSE as system clock
111: CK_LSI as system clock
The fields are status to indicate which clock source is using as system clock

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32-Bit Arm® Cortex® -M0+ MCU

APB Peripheral Clock Selection Register 0 – APBPCSR0

This register specifies the APB peripheral clock prescaler selection.
Offset: 0x038
Reset value: 0x0000_0000

31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24
Type/Reset RW 0 RW 0 RW 0 RW 0 RW 0 RW 0 RW 0 RW 0

Clock Control Unit (CKCU)

23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16
Type/Reset RW 0 RW 0 RW 0 RW 0 RW 0 RW 0
15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8
Type/Reset RW 0 RW 0 RW 0 RW 0
7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
Type/Reset RW 0 RW 0 RW 0 RW 0 RW 0 RW 0 RW 0 RW 0

Bits Field Descriptions

[31:30] UR1PCLK UART1 Peripheral Clock Selection
01: PCLK = CK_AHB / 2
10: PCLK = CK_AHB / 4
11: PCLK = CK_AHB / 8
PCLK = Peripheral Clock; CK_AHB = AHB and CPU clock
[29:28] UR0PCLK UART0 Peripheral Clock Selection
01: PCLK = CK_AHB / 2
10: PCLK = CK_AHB / 4
11: PCLK = CK_AHB / 8
PCLK = Peripheral Clock; CK_AHB = AHB and CPU clock
[27:26] USR1PCLK USART1 Peripheral Clock Selection
01: PCLK = CK_AHB / 2
10: PCLK = CK_AHB / 4
11: PCLK = CK_AHB / 8
PCLK = Peripheral Clock; CK_AHB = AHB and CPU clock
[25:24] USR0PCLK USART0 Peripheral Clock Selection
01: PCLK = CK_AHB / 2
10: PCLK = CK_AHB / 4
11: PCLK = CK_AHB / 8
PCLK = Peripheral Clock; CK_AHB = AHB and CPU clock
[23:22] GPTM1PCLK GPTM1 Peripheral Clock Selection
01: PCLK = CK_AHB / 2
10: PCLK = CK_AHB / 4
11: PCLK = CK_AHB / 8
PCLK = Peripheral Clock; CK_AHB = AHB and CPU clock

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Bits Field Descriptions

[21:20] GPTM0PCLK GPTM0 Peripheral Clock Selection
01: PCLK = CK_AHB / 2
10: PCLK = CK_AHB / 4
11: PCLK = CK_AHB / 8
PCLK = Peripheral Clock; CK_AHB = AHB and CPU clock
[17:16] MCTM0PCLK MCTM0 Peripheral Clock Selection

Clock Control Unit (CKCU)

01: PCLK = CK_AHB / 2
10: PCLK = CK_AHB / 4
11: PCLK = CK_AHB / 8
PCLK = Peripheral Clock; CK_AHB = AHB and CPU clock
[15:14] BFTM1PCLK BFTM1 Peripheral Clock Selection
01: PCLK = CK_AHB/2
10: PCLK = CK_AHB/4
11: PCLK = CK_AHB/8
PCLK = Peripheral Clock; CK_AHB = AHB and CPU clock
[13:12] BFTM0PCLK BFTM0 Peripheral Clock Selection
01: PCLK = CK_AHB / 2
10: PCLK = CK_AHB / 4
11: PCLK = CK_AHB / 8
PCLK = Peripheral Clock; CK_AHB = AHB and CPU clock
[7:6] SPI1PCLK SPI1 Peripheral Clock Selection
01: PCLK = CK_AHB / 2
10: PCLK = CK_AHB / 4
11: PCLK = CK_AHB / 8
PCLK = Peripheral Clock; CK_AHB = AHB and CPU clock
[5:4] SPI0PCLK SPI0 Peripheral Clock Selection
01: PCLK = CK_AHB / 2
10: PCLK = CK_AHB / 4
11: PCLK = CK_AHB / 8
PCLK = Peripheral Clock; CK_AHB = AHB and CPU clock
[3:2] I2C1PCLK I2C1 Peripheral Clock Selection
01: PCLK = CK_AHB / 2
10: PCLK = CK_AHB / 4
11: PCLK = CK_AHB / 8
PCLK = Peripheral Clock; CK_AHB = AHB and CPU clock
[1:0] I2C0PCLK I2C0 Peripheral Clock Selection
01: PCLK = CK_AHB / 2
10: PCLK = CK_AHB / 4
11: PCLK = CK_AHB / 8
PCLK = Peripheral Clock; CK_AHB = AHB and CPU clock

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32-Bit Arm® Cortex® -M0+ MCU

APB Peripheral Clock Selection Register 1 – APBPCSR1

This register specifies the APB peripheral clock prescaler selection.
Offset: 0x03C
Reset value: 0x0000_0000

31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24
Type/Reset RW 0 RW 0 RW 0 RW 0

Clock Control Unit (CKCU)

23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16
Type/Reset RW 0 RW 0 RW 0 RW 0 RW 0 RW 0
15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8
Type/Reset RW 0 RW 0 RW 0 RW 0 RW 0 RW 0 RW 0 RW 0
7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
Type/Reset RW 0 RW 0 RW 0 RW 0 RW 0 RW 0 RW 0 RW 0

Bits Field Descriptions

[27:26] SCTM1PCLK SCTM1 Peripheral Clock Selection
01: PCLK = CK_AHB / 2
10: PCLK = CK_AHB / 4
11: PCLK = CK_AHB / 8
PCLK = Peripheral Clock; CK_AHB = AHB and CPU clock
[25:24] SCTM0PCLK SCTM0 Peripheral Clock Selection
01: PCLK = CK_AHB / 2
10: PCLK = CK_AHB / 4
11: PCLK = CK_AHB / 8
PCLK = Peripheral Clock; CK_AHB = AHB and CPU clock
[21:20] I2SPCLK I2S Peripheral Clock Selection
01: PCLK = CK_AHB / 2
10: PCLK = CK_AHB / 4
11: PCLK = CK_AHB / 8
PCLK = Peripheral Clock; CK_AHB = AHB and CPU clock
[19:18] SCI1PCLK SCI1 Peripheral Clock Selection
01: PCLK = CK_AHB / 2
10: PCLK = CK_AHB / 4
11: PCLK = CK_AHB / 8
PCLK = Peripheral Clock; CK_AHB = AHB and CPU clock
[17:16] SCI0PCLK SCI0 Peripheral Clock Selection
01: PCLK = CK_AHB / 2
10: PCLK = CK_AHB / 4
11: PCLK = CK_AHB / 8
PCLK = Peripheral Clock; CK_AHB = AHB and CPU clock

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Bits Field Descriptions

[15:14] BKPRCLK Backup Domain Register Access Clock Selection
00: PCLK = CK_AHB / 4
01: PCLK = CK_AHB / 8
10: PCLK = CK_AHB / 16
11: PCLK = CK_AHB / 32
PCLK = Peripheral Clock; CK_AHB = AHB and CPU clock
[13:12] WDTRPCLK WDT Register Access Clock Selection

Clock Control Unit (CKCU)

01: PCLK = CK_AHB / 2
10: PCLK = CK_AHB / 4
11: PCLK = CK_AHB / 8
PCLK = Peripheral Clock; CK_AHB = AHB and CPU clock
[9:8] CMPPCLK CMP Peripheral Clock Selection
01: PCLK = CK_AHB / 2
10: PCLK = CK_AHB / 4
11: PCLK = CK_AHB / 8
PCLK = Peripheral Clock; CK_AHB = AHB and CPU clock
[5:4] ADCCPCLK ADC Controller Peripheral Clock Selection
01: PCLK = CK_AHB / 2
10: PCLK = CK_AHB / 4
11: PCLK = CK_AHB / 8
PCLK = Peripheral Clock; CK_AHB = AHB and CPU clock
[3:2] EXTIPCLK EXTI Peripheral Clock Selection
01: PCLK = CK_AHB / 2
10: PCLK = CK_AHB / 4
11: PCLK = CK_AHB / 8
PCLK = Peripheral Clock; CK_AHB = AHB and CPU clock
[1:0] AFIOPCLK AFIO Peripheral Clock Selection
01: PCLK = CK_AHB / 2
10: PCLK = CK_AHB / 4
11: PCLK = CK_AHB / 8
PCLK = Peripheral Clock; CK_AHB = AHB and CPU clock

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32-Bit Arm® Cortex® -M0+ MCU

HSI Control Register – HSICR

This register is used to control the frequency trimming of the HSI RC oscillation.
Offset: 0x040
Reset value: 0xXXXX_0000 where X is undefined

31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24
Type/Reset RO X RO X RO X RO X RO X

Clock Control Unit (CKCU)

23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16
15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8
7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
Type/Reset RO 0 RW 0 RW 0 RW 0 RW 0

Bits Field Descriptions

[28:24] HSICOARSE HSI Clock Coarse Trimming Value
These bits are initialized automatically at startup. They are adjusted by factory
trimming and can not be trimmed by program.
[23:16] HSIFINE HSI Clock Fine Trimming Value
These bits are initialized automatically at startup. They are also adjusted by factory
trimming. But these bits provide an additional user-programmable trimming value
that is added to the HSICOARSE[4:0] bits to get higher accuracy or compensate
the variations in voltage and temperature that influence the HSI frequency. It can
be programmed by software or Auto-Trimming Controller (ATC) with an external
reference clock.
[7] FLOCK Frequency Lock
0: HSI frequency is not trimmed into target range
1: HSI frequency is trimmed into target range
[5] REFCLKSEL Reference Clock Selection
0: Select 32.768KHz external low speed clock source (LSE)
1: Select 1KHz USB frame pulse
This bit is used to select the reference clock for the HSI Auto Trimming Controller.
[4] TMSEL Trimming Mode Selection
0: Automatic by Auto Trimming Controller
1: Manual by user program
This bit is used to select the HSI RC oscillator trimming function by the ATC
hardware or user program via the HSIFINE[7:0] bits in the HSI Control Register.
[1] ATCEN ATC Enable
0: Disable Auto Trimming Controller
1: Enable Auto Trimming Controller
[0] TRIMEN Trimming Enable
0: HSI Trimming is disabled
1: HSI Trimming is enabled
The bit enables the HSI RC oscillator trimming function by the ATC hardware or
user programming.

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32-Bit Arm® Cortex® -M0+ MCU

HSI Auto Trimming Counter Register – HSIATCR

This register contains the counter value of the HSI auto trimming controller.
Offset: 0x044
Reset value: 0x0000_0000

31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24

Clock Control Unit (CKCU)

23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16
15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8
Reserved ATCNT
Type/Reset RO 0 RO 0 RO 0 RO 0 RO 0 RO 0
7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
Type/Reset RO 0 RO 0 RO 0 RO 0 RO 0 RO 0 RO 0 RO 0

Bits Field Descriptions

[13:0] ATCNT Auto Trimming Counter
These bits are the counter value of the HSI auto trimming controller.

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32-Bit Arm® Cortex® -M0+ MCU

Low Power Control Register – LPCR

This register specifies the low power control.
Offset: 0x300
Reset value: 0x0000_0000

31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24

Clock Control Unit (CKCU)

23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16
15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8
Type/Reset RW 0
7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
Reserved BKISO
Type/Reset RW 0

Bits Field Descriptions

[8] USBSLEEP USB Sleep Software Control Enable
0: Disable
1: Enable USB Software Sleeping
Set and reset by software. Please refer to the Power Control Unit chapter for more
[0] BKISO Backup Domain Isolation Control
0: Backup domain is isolated from other power domain
1: Backup domain is accessible by other power domain
Set and reset by software. Please refer to the Power Control Unit chapter for more

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32-Bit Arm® Cortex® -M0+ MCU

MCU Debug Control Register – MCUDBGCR

This register specifies the MCU debug control.
Offset: 0x304
Reset value: 0x0000_0000

31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24

Clock Control Unit (CKCU)

23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16
Type/Reset RW 0 RW 0 RW 0 RW 0 RW 0 RW 0 RW 0 RW 0
15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8
Type/Reset RW 0 RW 0 RW 0 RW 0 RW 0 RW 0 RW 0 RW 0
7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
Type/Reset RW 0 RW 0 RW 0 RW 0 RW 0 RW 0 RW 0

Bits Field Descriptions

[23] DBSCTM1 SCTM1 Debug Mode Enable
0: SCTM1 counter continues to count even if the core is halted
1: SCTM1 counter stops counting when the core is halted
Set and reset by software.
[22] DBSCTM0 SCTM0 Debug Mode Enable
0: SCTM0 counter continues to count even if the core is halted
1: SCTM0 counter stops counting when the core is halted
Set and reset by software.
[21] DBSCI1 SCI1 Debug Mode Enable
0: Same behavior as in normal mode
1: SCI1 timeout is frozen when the core is halted
Set and reset by software.
[20] DBTRACE TRACESWO Debug Mode Enable
0: Disable TRACESWO output
1: Enable TRACESWO output
Set and reset by software.
[19] DBUR1 UART1 Debug Mode Enable
0: Same behavior as in normal mode
1: UART1 FIFO timeout is frozen when the core is halted
Set and reset by software.
[18] DBUR0 UART0 Debug Mode Enable
0: Same behavior as in normal mode
1: UART0 FIFO timeout is frozen when the core is halted
Set and reset by software.
[17] DBBFTM1 BFTM1 Debug Mode Enable
0: BFTM1 counter continues to count even if the core is halted
1: BFTM1 counter stops counting when the core is halted
Set and reset by software.

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Bits Field Descriptions

[16] DBBFTM0 BFTM0 Debug Mode Enable
0: BFTM0 counter continues to count even if the core is halted
1: BFTM0 counter stops counting when the core is halted
Set and reset by software.
[15] DBSCI0 SCI0 Debug Mode Enable
0: Same behavior as in normal mode
1: SCI0 timeout is frozen when the core is halted
Set and reset by software.

Clock Control Unit (CKCU)

[14] DBDSLP2 Debug Deep-Sleep2
0: LDO = Off (but turn on DMOS), FCLK = Off, and HCLK = Off in Deep-Sleep2
1: LDO = On, FCLK = On, and HCLK = On in Deep-Sleep2
Set and reset by software.
[13] DBI2C1 I2C1 Debug Mode Enable
0: Same behavior as in normal mode
1: I2C1 timeout is frozen when the core is halted
Set and reset by software.
[12] DBI2C0 I2C0 Debug Mode Enable
0: Same behavior as in normal mode
1: I2C0 timeout is frozen when the core is halted
Set and reset by software.
[11] DBSPI1 SPI1 Debug Mode Enable
0: Same behavior as in normal mode
1: SPI1 FIFO timeout is frozen when the core is halted
Set and reset by software.
[10] DBSPI0 SPI0 Debug Mode Enable
0: Same behavior as in normal mode
1: SPI0 FIFO timeout is frozen when the core is halted
Set and reset by software.
[9] DBUSR1 USART1 Debug Mode Enable
0: Same behavior as in normal mode
1: USART1 FIFO timeout is frozen when the core is halted
Set and reset by software.
[8] DBUSR0 USART0 Debug Mode Enable
0: Same behavior as in normal mode
1: USART0 FIFO timeout is frozen when the core is halted
Set and reset by software.
[7] DBGPTM1 GPTM1 Debug Mode Enable
0: GPTM1 counter continues to count even if the core is halted
1: GPTM1 counter stops counting when the core is halted
Set and reset by software.
[6] DBGPTM0 GPTM0 Debug Mode Enable
0: GPTM0 counter continues to count even if the core is halted
1: GPTM0 counter stops counting when the core is halted
Set and reset by software.
[4] DBMCTM MCTM Debug Mode Enable
0: MCTM counter continues to count even if the core is halted
1: MCTM counter stops counting when the core is halted
Set and reset by software.
[3] DBWDT Watchdog Timer Debug Mode Enable
0: Watchdog Timer counter continues to count even if the core is halted
1: Watchdog Timer counter stops counting when the core is halted
Set and reset by software.

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Bits Field Descriptions

[2] DBPD Debug Power-Down Mode
0: LDO = Off, FCLK = Off, and HCLK = Off in Power-Down mode
1: LDO = On, FCLK = On, and HCLK = On in Power-Down mode
Set and reset by software.
[1] DBDSLP1 Debug Deep-Sleep1
0: LDO = Low power mode, FCLK = Off, and HCLK = Off in Deep-Sleep1
1: LDO = On, FCLK = On, and HCLK = On in Deep-Sleep1
Set and reset by software.

Clock Control Unit (CKCU)

[0] DBSLP Debug Sleep Mode
0: LDO = On, FCLK = On, and HCLK = Off in Sleep mode
1: LDO = On, FCLK = On, and HCLK = On in Sleep mode
Set and reset by software.

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32-Bit Arm® Cortex® -M0+ MCU

7 Reset Control Unit (RSTCU)

The Reset Control Unit, RSTCU, has three kinds of reset, the power on reset, system reset and
APB unit reset. The power on reset, known as a cold reset, resets the full system during a power
up. A system reset resets the processor core and peripheral IP components with the exception of

Reset Control Unit (RSTCU)

the debug port controller. The resets can be triggered by an external signal, internal events and the
reset generators. More information about these resets will be described in the following section.

RSTCU Cortex®-M0+

VDD15 1.5 V Core

Power Filter
VDD33 Brown Out

nRST Filter

WDT_RSTn Delay
---- HRESETn System Components
(BusMatrix, PMU)
Backup PORB RTC/PWRCU reset
VDD33 Domain Filter


WDT reset PORRESETn System Debug

WDTRST Components

USART reset

Figure 18. RSTCU Block Diagram

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32-Bit Arm® Cortex® -M0+ MCU

Functional Descriptions
Power On Reset
The Power on reset, POR, is generated by either an external reset or the internal reset generator.
Both types have an internal filter to prevent glitches from causing erroneous reset operations. By
referring to Figure 19, the POR15 active low signal will be de-asserted when the internal LDO
voltage regulator is ready to provide 1.5 V power. In addition to the POR15 signal, the Power
Control Unit, PWRCU, will assert the BODF signal as a Power Down Reset, PDR, when the

Reset Control Unit (RSTCU)

BODEN bit in the LVDCSR register is set and the brown-out event occurs. For more details about
the PWRCU function, refer to the PWRCU chapter.





t1 = 25us *Typical.
t2 = 100us
t3 t3 = 150us

* This timing is dependent on the internal LDO regulator output capacitor value.

Figure 19. Power On Reset Sequence

System Reset
A system reset is generated by a power on reset (PORRESETn), a Watchdog Timer reset (WDT_
RSTn), nRST pin or a software reset (SYSRESETREQ) event. For more information about
SYSRESETREQ event, refer to the related chapter in the Cortex®-M0+ reference manual.

AHB and APB Unit Reset

The AHB and APB unit reset can be divided into hardware and software resets. A hardware
reset can be generated by either power on reset or system reset for all AHB and APB units.
Each functional IP connected to the AHB and APB buses can be reset individually through the
associated software reset bits in the RSTCU. For example, the application software can generate a
USART0 reset via the USR0RST bit in the APBPRSTR0 register.

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32-Bit Arm® Cortex® -M0+ MCU

Register Map
The following table shows the RSTCU registers and reset values.
Table 19. RSTCU Register Map
Register Offset Description Reset Value
RSTCU Base Address = 0x4008_8000
GRSR 0x100 Global Reset Status Register 0x0000_0008
AHBPRSTR 0x104 AHB Peripheral Reset Register 0x0000_0000

Reset Control Unit (RSTCU)

APBPRSTR0 0x108 APB Peripheral Reset Register 0 0x0000_0000
APBPRSTR1 0x10C APB Peripheral Reset Register 1 0x0000_0000

Register Descriptions
Global Reset Status Register – GRSR
This register specifies a variety of reset status conditions.
Offset: 0x100
Reset value: 0x0000_0008

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15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8
7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
Type/Reset WC 1 WC 0 WC 0 WC 0

Bits Field Descriptions

[3] PORSTF Core 1.5 V Power On Reset Flag
0: No POR occurred
1: POR occurred
This bit is set by hardware when a power on reset occurs and reset by writing 1 into it.
[2] WDTRSTF Watchdog Timer Reset Flag
0: No Watchdog Timer reset occurred
1: Watchdog Timer occurred
This bit is set by hardware when a watchdog timer reset occurs and reset by writing
1 into it or by hardware when a power on reset occurs.
[1] EXTRSTF External Pin Reset Flag
0: No pin reset occurred
1 : Pin reset occurred
This bit is set by hardware when an external pin reset occurs and reset by writing 1
into it or by hardware when a power on reset occurs.

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32-Bit Arm® Cortex® -M0+ MCU

Bits Field Descriptions

[0] NVICRSTF NVIC Reset Flag
0: No NVIC asserting system reset occurred
1: NVIC asserting system reset occurred
This bit is set by hardware when a system reset occurs and reset by writing 1 into it
or by hardware when a power on reset occurs.

Reset Control Unit (RSTCU)

AHB Peripheral Reset Register – AHBPRSTR
This register specifies several AHB peripherals software reset control bits.
Offset: 0x104
Reset value: 0x0000_0000

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23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16
15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8
Type/Reset RW 0 RW 0 RW 0 RW 0 RW 0
7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
Type/Reset RW 0 RW 0 RW 0 RW 0

Bits Field Descriptions

[12] PERST GPIO Port E Reset Control
0: No reset
1: Reset Port E
This bit is set by software and cleared to 0 by hardware automatically.
[11] PDRST GPIO Port D Reset Control
0: No reset
1: Reset Port D
This bit is set by software and cleared to 0 by hardware automatically.
[10] PCRST GPIO Port C Reset Control
0: No reset
1: Reset Port C
This bit is set by software and cleared to 0 by hardware automatically.
[9] PBRST GPIO Port B Reset Control
0: No reset
1: Reset Port B
This bit is set by software and cleared to 0 by hardware automatically.
[8] PARST GPIO Port A Reset Control
0: No reset
1: Reset Port A
This bit is set by software and cleared to 0 by hardware automatically.

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Bits Field Descriptions

[7] CRCRST CRC Reset Control
0: No reset
1: Reset CRC
This bit is set by software and cleared to 0 by hardware automatically.
[6] EBIRST EBI Reset Control
0: No reset
1: Reset EBI
This bit is set by software and cleared to 0 by hardware automatically.

Reset Control Unit (RSTCU)

[5] USBRST USB Reset Control
0: No reset
1: Reset USB
This bit is set by software and cleared to 0 by hardware automatically.
[0] DMARST Peripheral DMA (PDMA) Reset Control
0: No reset
1: Reset Peripheral DMA (PDMA)
This bit is set by software and cleared to 0 by hardware automatically.

APB Peripheral Reset Register 0 – APBPRSTR0

This register specifies several APB peripherals software reset control bits.
Offset: 0x108
Reset value: 0x0000_0000

31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24
Reserved SCI1RST Reserved I2SRST SCI0RST
Type/Reset RW 0 RW 0 RW 0
23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16
15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8
Type/Reset RW 0 RW 0 RW 0 RW 0 RW 0 RW 0
7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
Reserved SPI1RST SPI0RST Reserved I2C1RST I2C0RST
Type/Reset RW 0 RW 0 RW 0 RW 0

Bits Field Descriptions

[27] SCI1RST Smart Card Interface 1 Reset Control
0: No reset
1: Reset Smart Card Interface
This bit is set by software and cleared to 0 by hardware automatically.
[25] I2SRST I2S Reset Control
0: No reset
1: Reset I2S
This bit is set by software and cleared to 0 by hardware automatically.

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Bits Field Descriptions

[24] SCI0RST Smart Card Interface 0 Reset Control
0: No reset
1: Reset Smart Card Interface
This bit is set by software and cleared to 0 by hardware automatically.
[15] EXTIRST External Interrupt Controller Reset Control
0: No reset
1: Reset EXTI
This bit is set by software and cleared to 0 by hardware automatically.

Reset Control Unit (RSTCU)

[14] AFIORST Alternate Function I/O Reset Control
0: No reset
1: Reset Alternate Function I/O
This bit is set by software and cleared to 0 by hardware automatically.
[11] UR1RST UART1 Reset Control
0: No reset
1: Reset UART1
This bit is set by software and cleared to 0 by hardware automatically.
[10] UR0RST UART0 Reset Control
0: No reset
1: Reset UART0
This bit is set by software and cleared to 0 by hardware automatically.
[9] USR1RST USART1 Reset Control
0: No reset
1: Reset USART1
This bit is set by software and cleared to 0 by hardware automatically.
[8] USR0RST USART0 Reset Control
0: No reset
1: Reset USART0
This bit is set by software and cleared to 0 by hardware automatically.
[5] SPI1RST SPI1 Reset Control
0: No reset
1: Reset SPI1
This bit is set by software and cleared to 0 by hardware automatically.
[4] SPI0RST SPI0 Reset Control
0: No reset
1: Reset SPI0
This bit is set by software and cleared to 0 by hardware automatically.
[1] I2C1RST I2C1 Reset Control
0: No reset
1: Reset I2C1
This bit is set by software and cleared to 0 by hardware automatically.
[0] I2C0RST I2C0 Reset Control
0: No reset
1: Reset I2C0
This bit is set by software and cleared to 0 by hardware automatically.

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32-Bit Arm® Cortex® -M0+ MCU

APB Peripheral Reset Register 1 – APBPRSTR1

This register specifies several APB peripherals software reset control bits.
Offset: 0x10C
Reset value: 0x0000_0000

31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24
Type/Reset RW 0 RW 0 RW 0

Reset Control Unit (RSTCU)

23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16
Type/Reset RW 0 RW 0 RW 0
15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8
Type/Reset RW 0 RW 0
7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
Reserved WDTRST Reserved MCTMRST
Type/Reset RW 0 RW 0

Bits Field Descriptions

[29] SCTM1RST SCTM1 Reset Control
0: No reset
1: Reset SCTM1
This bit is set by software and cleared to 0 by hardware automatically.
[28] SCTM0RST SCTM0 Reset Control
0: No reset
1: Reset SCTM0
This bit is set by software and cleared to 0 by hardware automatically.
[24] ADCRST A/D Converter Reset Control
0: No reset
1: Reset A/D Converter
This bit is set by software and cleared to 0 by hardware automatically.
[22] CMPRST Comparator Controller Reset Control
0: No reset
1: Reset CMP
This bit is set by software and cleared to 0 by hardware automatically.
[17] BFTM1RST BFTM1 Reset Control
0: No reset
1: Reset BFTM1
This bit is set by software and cleared to 0 by hardware automatically.
[16] BFTM0RST BFTM0 Reset Control
0: No reset
1: Reset BFTM0
This bit is set by software and cleared to 0 by hardware automatically.
[9] GPTM1RST GPTM1 Reset Control
0: No reset
1: Reset GPTM1
This bit is set by software and cleared to 0 by hardware automatically.

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Bits Field Descriptions

[8] GPTM0RST GPTM0 Reset Control
0: No reset
1: Reset GPTM0
This bit is set by software and cleared to 0 by hardware automatically.
[4] WDTRST Watchdog Timer Reset Control
0: No reset
1: Reset Watchdog Timer
This bit is set by software and cleared to 0 by hardware automatically.

Reset Control Unit (RSTCU)

[0] MCTMRST MCTM Reset Control
0: No reset
1: Reset MCTM
This bit is set by software and cleared to 0 by hardware automatically.

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32-Bit Arm® Cortex® -M0+ MCU

8 General Purpose I/O (GPIO)

There are up to 51 General Purpose I/O port, GPIO, named PA0 ~ PA15, PB0 ~ PB15, PC0 ~
PC15 and PD0 ~ PD3 for the device to implement the logic input/output functions. Each of the
GPIO ports has related control and configuration registers to satisfy the requirement of specific

General Purpose I/O (GPIO)

applications. The really available General Purpose I/O port numbers are dependent on the device
specification and package type. Plase refer the device data sheet for detail information.

The GPIO ports are pin-shared with other alternative functions (AFs) to obtain maximum flexibility
on the package pins. The GPIO pins can be used as alternative functional pins by configuring the
corresponding registers regardless of the AF input or output pins.

The external interrupts on the GPIO pins of the device have related control and configuration
registers in the External Interrupt Control Unit (EXTI).




Bus Interface PxODn








Figure 20. GPIO Block Diagram

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32-Bit Arm® Cortex® -M0+ MCU

▄▄ Input/output direction control
▄▄ Schmitt Trigger Input function enable control
▄▄ Input weak pull-up/pull-down control
▄▄ Output push-pull/open drain enable control
▄▄ Output set/reset control

General Purpose I/O (GPIO)

▄▄ Output drive current selection
▄▄ External interrupt with programmable trigger edge - using EXTI configuration registers
▄▄ Analog input/output configurations – using AFIO configuration registers
▄▄ Alternate function input/output configurations - using AFIO configuration registers
▄▄ Port configuration lock

Functional Descriptions
Default GPIO Pin Configuration
During or just after the reset period, the alternative functions are all inactive and the GPIO ports
are configured into the input disable floating mode, i.e. input disabled without pull-up/pull-down
resistors. Only the boot and Serial-Wired Debug pins which are pin-shared with the I/O pins are
active after a device reset.
▄▄ PA8: Input enable with internal pull-up
▄▄ PA9_BOOT: Input enable with internal pull-up
▄▄ SWCLK: Input enable with internal pull-up
▄▄ SWDIO: Input enable with internal pull-up

General Purpose I/O – GPIO

The GPIO pins can be configured as inputs or outputs via the data direction control registers
PxDIRCR (where x = A ~ D). When the GPIO pins are configured as input pins, the data on the
external pads can be read if the enable bits in the input enable function register PxINER are set.
The GPIO pull-up/pull-down registers PxPUR/PxPDR can be configured to fit specific applications.
When the pull-up and pull-down functions are both enabled, the pull-up function has the higher
priority while the pull-down function will be blocked until the pull-up function is released.

The GPIO pins can be configured as output pins where the output data is latched into the data
register PxDOUTR. The output type can be setup to be either push-pull or open-drain by the
open drain selection register PxODR. Only one or several specific bits of the output data will be
set or reset by configuring the port output set and reset control register PxSRR or the port output
reset control register PxRR without affecting the unselected bits. As the port output set and reset
functions are both enabled, the port output set function has the higher priority and the port output
reset function will be blocked. The output driving current of the GPIO pins can be selected by
configuring the drive current selection register PxDRVR.

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32-Bit Arm® Cortex® -M0+ MCU


General Purpose I/O (GPIO)


OENIP Control






Figure 21. AFIO/GPIO Control Signal

PxDIn/PxDOn (x=A ~ D): Data Input/Data Output PxRSTn/PxSETn (x=A ~ D): Reset/Set

PxDIRn (x=A ~ D): Direction PxINENn (x=A ~ D): Input Enable

PxDVn (x=A ~ D): Output Drive PXODn (x=A ~ D): Open Drain

PxPLn/PxPHn (x=A ~ D): Pull Low/High PxCFGn (x=A ~ D): AFIO Configuration
Table 20. AFIO, GPIO and IO Pad Control Signal True Table
GPIO Input (Note) 1 1 1 0 1 1 1 0
GPIO Output (Note)
1 1 1 1 0 (1 if need) 1 0 1 (0)
AFIO Input 1 1 0 0 X 1 1 0
AFIO Output 1 0 1 X 0 (1 if need) 1 0 1 (0)
ADC Input 0 1 1 0 0 (1 if need) 0 1 1 (0)
OSC Output 0 1 1 0 0 (1 if need) 0 1 1 (0)

Note: The signals, IEN and OEN, for I/O pads are derived from the GPIO register bits PxINENn and
PxDIRn respectively when the associated pin is configured in the GPIO input/output mode.

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32-Bit Arm® Cortex® -M0+ MCU

GPIO Locking Mechanism

The GPIO also offers a lock function to lock the port until a reset event occurs. The PxLOCKR (x
= A ~ D) registers are used to lock the port x and lock control options. The value 0x5FA0 is written
into the PxLKEY field in the PxLOCKR registers to freeze the PxDIRCR, PxINER, PxPUR,
PxPDR, PxODR, PxDRVR control and AFIO mode configuration (GPxCFGHR or GPxCFGLR,
where x = A ~ D). If the value in the PxLOCKR is 0x5FA0_0001, it means that the Port x Lock
function is enabled and the Port x pin 0 is frozen.

General Purpose I/O (GPIO)

Register Map
The following table shows the GPIO registers and reset values of the Port A ~ D.
Table 21. GPIO Register Map
Register Offset Description Reset Value
GPIO A Base Address = 0x400B_0000
PADIRCR 0x000 Port A Data Direction Control Register 0x0000_0000
PAINER 0x004 Port A Input Function Enable Control Register 0x0000_3300
PAPUR 0x008 Port A Pull-Up Selection Register 0x0000_3300
PAPDR 0x00C Port A Pull-Down Selection Register 0x0000_0000
PAODR 0x010 Port A Open Drain Selection Register 0x0000_0000
PADRVR 0x014 Port A Drive Current Selection Register 0x0000_0000
PALOCKR 0x018 Port A Lock Register 0x0000_0000
PADINR 0x01C Port A Data Input Register 0x0000_3300
PADOUTR 0x020 Port A Data Output Register 0x0000_0000
PASRR 0x024 Port A Output Set and Reset Control Register 0x0000_0000
PARR 0x028 Port A Output Reset Control Register 0x0000_0000
GPIO B Base Address = 0x400B_2000
PBDIRCR 0x000 Port B Data Direction Control Register 0x0000_0000
PBINER 0x004 Port B Input Function Enable Control Register 0x0000_0000
PBPUR 0x008 Port B Pull-Up Selection Register 0x0000_0000
PBPDR 0x00C Port B Pull-Down Selection Register 0x0000_0000
PBODR 0x010 Port B Open Drain Selection Register 0x0000_0000
PBDRVR 0x014 Port B Drive Current Selection Register 0x0000_0000
PBLOCKR 0x018 Port B Lock Register 0x0000_0000
PBDINR 0x01C Port B Data Input Register 0x0000_0000
PBDOUTR 0x020 Port B Data Output Register 0x0000_0000
PBSRR 0x024 Port B Output Set and Reset Control Register 0x0000_0000
PBRR 0x028 Port B Output Reset Control Register 0x0000_0000
GPIO C Base Address = 0x400B_4000
PCDIRCR 0x000 Port C Data Direction Control Register 0x0000_0000
PCINER 0x004 Port C Input Function Enable Control Register 0x0000_0000
PCPUR 0x008 Port C Pull-Up Selection Register 0x0000_0000
PCPDR 0x00C Port C Pull-Down Selection Register 0x0000_0000
PCODR 0x010 Port C Open Drain Selection Register 0x0000_0000
PCDRVR 0x014 Port C Drive Current Selection Register 0x0000_0000
PCLOCKR 0x018 Port C Lock Register 0x0000_0000
PCDINR 0x01C Port C Data Input Register 0x0000_0000

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Register Offset Description Reset Value

PCDOUTR 0x020 Port C Data Output Register 0x0000_0000
PCSRR 0x024 Port C Output Set and Reset Control Register 0x0000_0000
PCRR 0x028 Port C Output Reset Control Register 0x0000_0000
GPIO D Base Address = 0x400B_6000
PDDIRCR 0x000 Port D Data Direction Control Register 0x0000_0000
PDINER 0x004 Port D Input Function Enable Control Register 0x0000_0000
PDPUR 0x008 Port D Pull-Up Selection Register 0x0000_0000

General Purpose I/O (GPIO)

PDPDR 0x00C Port D Pull-Down Selection Register 0x0000_0000
PDODR 0x010 Port D Open Drain Selection Register 0x0000_0000
PDDRVR 0x014 Port D Drive Current Selection Register 0x0000_0000
PDLOCKR 0x018 Port D Lock Register 0x0000_0000
PDDINR 0x01C Port D Data Input Register 0x0000_0000
PDDOUTR 0x020 Port D Data Output Register 0x0000_0000
PDSRR 0x024 Port D Output Set and Reset Control Register 0x0000_0000
PDRR 0x028 Port D Output Reset Control Register 0x0000_0000

Register Descriptions
Port A Data Direction Control Register – PADIRCR
This register is used to control the direction of the GPIO Port A pin as input or output.
Offset: 0x000
Reset value: 0x0000_0000

31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24
23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16
15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8
Type/Reset RW 0 RW 0 RW 0 RW 0 RW 0 RW 0 RW 0 RW 0
7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
Type/Reset RW 0 RW 0 RW 0 RW 0 RW 0 RW 0 RW 0 RW 0

Bits Field Descriptions

[15:0] PADIRn GPIO Port A pin n Direction Control Bits (n = 0 ~ 15)
0: Pin n is input mode
1: Pin n is output mode

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32-Bit Arm® Cortex® -M0+ MCU

Port A Input Function Enable Control Register – PAINER

This register is used to enable or disable the GPIO Port A input function.
Offset: 0x004
Reset value: 0x0000_3300

31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24

General Purpose I/O (GPIO)

23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16
15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8
Type/Reset RW 0 RW 0 RW 1 RW 1 RW 0 RW 0 RW 1 RW 1
7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
Type/Reset RW 0 RW 0 RW 0 RW 0 RW 0 RW 0 RW 0 RW 0

Bits Field Descriptions

[15:0] PAINENn GPIO Port A pin n Input Enable Control Bits (n = 0 ~ 15)
0: Pin n input function is disabled.
1: Pin n input function is enabled.
When the pin n input function is disabled, the input Schmitt trigger will be turned off
and the Schmitt trigger output will remain at a zero state.

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32-Bit Arm® Cortex® -M0+ MCU

Port A Pull-Up Selection Register – PAPUR

This register is used to enable or disable the GPIO Port A pull-up function.
Offset: 0x008
Reset value: 0x0000_3300

31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24

General Purpose I/O (GPIO)

23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16
15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8
Type/Reset RW 0 RW 0 RW 1 RW 1 RW 0 RW 0 RW 1 RW 1
7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
Type/Reset RW 0 RW 0 RW 0 RW 0 RW 0 RW 0 RW 0 RW 0

Bits Field Descriptions

[15:0] PAPUn GPIO Port A pin n Pull-Up Selection Control Bits (n = 0 ~ 15)
0: Pin n pull-up function is disabled
1: Pin n pull-up function is enabled
Note: When the pull-up and pull-down functions are both enabled, the pull-up
function will have the higher priority and therefore the pull-down function will be
blocked and disabled.

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32-Bit Arm® Cortex® -M0+ MCU

Port A Pull-Down Selection Register – PAPDR

This register is used to enable or disable the GPIO Port A pull-down function.
Offset: 0x00C
Reset value: 0x0000_0000

31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24

General Purpose I/O (GPIO)

23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16
15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8
Type/Reset RW 0 RW 0 RW 0 RW 0 RW 0 RW 0 RW 0 RW 0
7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
Type/Reset RW 0 RW 0 RW 0 RW 0 RW 0 RW 0 RW 0 RW 0

Bits Field Descriptions

[15:0] PAPDn GPIO Port A pin n Pull-Down Selection Control Bits (n = 0 ~ 15)
0: Pin n pull-down function is disabled
1: Pin n pull-down function is enabled
Note: When the pull-up and pull-down functions are both enabled, the pull-up
function will have the higher priority and therefore the pull-down function will be
blocked and disabled.

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32-Bit Arm® Cortex® -M0+ MCU

Port A Open Drain Selection Register – PAODR

This register is used to enable or disable the GPIO Port A open drain function.
Offset: 0x010
Reset value: 0x0000_0000

31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24

General Purpose I/O (GPIO)

23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16
15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8
Type/Reset RW 0 RW 0 RW 0 RW 0 RW 0 RW 0 RW 0 RW 0
7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
Type/Reset RW 0 RW 0 RW 0 RW 0 RW 0 RW 0 RW 0 RW 0

Bits Field Descriptions

[15:0] PAODn GPIO Port A pin n Open Drain Selection Control Bits (n = 0 ~ 15)
0: Pin n Open Drain output is disabled. (The output type is CMOS output)
1: Pin n Open Drain output is enabled. (The output type is open-drain output)

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32-Bit Arm® Cortex® -M0+ MCU

Port A Output Current Drive Selection Register – PADRVR

This register specifies the GPIO Port A output driving current.
Offset: 0x014
Reset value: 0x0000_0000

31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24
Type/Reset RW 0 RW 0 RW 0 RW 0 RW 0 RW 0 RW 0 RW 0

General Purpose I/O (GPIO)

23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16
Type/Reset RW 0 RW 0 RW 0 RW 0 RW 0 RW 0 RW 0 RW 0
15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8
Type/Reset RW 0 RW 0 RW 0 RW 0 RW 0 RW 0 RW 0 RW 0
7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
Type/Reset RW 0 RW 0 RW 0 RW 0 RW 0 RW 0 RW 0 RW 0

Bits Field Descriptions

[31:0] PADVn[1:0] GPIO Port A pin n Output Current Drive Selection Control Bits (n = 0 ~ 15)
00: 4 mA source/sink current
01: 8 mA source/sink current
10: 12 mA source/sink current
11: 16 mA source/sink current

Rev. 1.30 136 of 656 September 28, 2018

32-Bit Arm® Cortex® -M0+ MCU

Port A Lock Register – PALOCKR

This register specifies the GPIO Port A lock configuration.
Offset: 0x018
Reset value: 0x0000_0000

31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24
Type/Reset RW 0 RW 0 RW 0 RW 0 RW 0 RW 0 RW 0 RW 0

General Purpose I/O (GPIO)

23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16
Type/Reset RW 0 RW 0 RW 0 RW 0 RW 0 RW 0 RW 0 RW 0
15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8
Type/Reset RW 0 RW 0 RW 0 RW 0 RW 0 RW 0 RW 0 RW 0
7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
Type/Reset RW 0 RW 0 RW 0 RW 0 RW 0 RW 0 RW 0 RW 0

Bits Field Descriptions

[31:16] PALKEY GPIO Port A Lock Key
0x5FA0: Port A Lock function is enable
Others: Port A Lock function is disable
To lock the Port A function, a value 0x5FA0 should be written into the PALKEY field
in this register. To execute a successful write operation on this lock register, the
value written into the PALKEY field must be 0x5FA0. If the value written into this
field is not equal to 0x5FA0, any write operations on the PALOCKR register will be
aborted. The result of a read operation on the PALKEY field returns the GPIO Port
A Lock Status which indicates whether the GPIO Port A is locked or not. If the read
value of the PALKEY field is 0, this indicates that the GPIO Port A Lock function is
disabled. Otherwise, it indicates that the GPIO Port A Lock function is enabled as
the read value is equal to 1.
[15:0] PALOCKn GPIO Port A Pin n Lock Control Bits (n = 0 ~ 15)
0: Port A Pin n is not locked
1: Port A Pin n is locked
The PALOCKn bits are used to lock the configurations of corresponding GPIO Pins
when the correct Lock Key is applied to the PALKEY field. The locked configurations
including PADIRn, PAINENn, PAPUn, PAPDn, PAODn and PADVn setting in the
related GPIO registers. Additionally, the GPACFGHR or GPACFGLR field which is
used to configure the alternative function of the associated GPIO pin will also be
locked. Note that the PALOCKR can only be written once which means that PALKEY
and PALOCKn (lock control bit) should be written together and can not be changed
until a system reset or GPIO Port A reset occurs.

Rev. 1.30 137 of 656 September 28, 2018

32-Bit Arm® Cortex® -M0+ MCU

Port A Data Input Register – PADINR

This register specifies the GPIO Port A input data.
Offset: 0x01C
Reset value: 0x0000_3300

31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24

General Purpose I/O (GPIO)

23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16
15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8
Type/Reset RO 0 RO 0 RO 1 RO 1 RO 0 RO 0 RO 1 RO 1
7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
Type/Reset RO 0 RO 0 RO 0 RO 0 RO 0 RO 0 RO 0 RO 0

Bits Field Descriptions

[15:0] PADINn GPIO Port A pin n Data Input Bits (n = 0 ~ 15)
0: The input data of pin is 0
1: The input data of pin is 1

Rev. 1.30 138 of 656 September 28, 2018

32-Bit Arm® Cortex® -M0+ MCU

Port A Output Data Register – PADOUTR

This register specifies the GPIO Port A output data.
Offset: 0x020
Reset value: 0x0000_0000

31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24

General Purpose I/O (GPIO)

23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16
15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8
Type/Reset RW 0 RW 0 RW 0 RW 0 RW 0 RW 0 RW 0 RW 0
7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
Type/Reset RW 0 RW 0 RW 0 RW 0 RW 0 RW 0 RW 0 RW 0

Bits Field Descriptions

[15:0] PADOUTn GPIO Port A pin n Data Output Bits (n = 0 ~ 15)
0: Data to be output on pin n is 0
1: Data to be output on pin n is 1

Rev. 1.30 139 of 656 September 28, 2018

32-Bit Arm® Cortex® -M0+ MCU

Port A Output Set/Reset Control Register – PASRR

This register is used to set or reset the corresponding bit of the GPIO Port A output data.
Offset: 0x024
Reset value: 0x0000_0000

31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24
Type/Reset WO 0 WO 0 WO 0 WO 0 WO 0 WO 0 WO 0 WO 0

General Purpose I/O (GPIO)

23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16
Type/Reset WO 0 WO 0 WO 0 WO 0 WO 0 WO 0 WO 0 WO 0
15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8
Type/Reset WO 0 WO 0 WO 0 WO 0 WO 0 WO 0 WO 0 WO 0
7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
Type/Reset WO 0 WO 0 WO 0 WO 0 WO 0 WO 0 WO 0 WO 0

Bits Field Descriptions

[31:16] PARSTn GPIO Port A pin n Output Reset Control Bits (n = 0 ~ 15)
0: No effect on the PADOUTn bit
1: Reset the PADOUTn bit
[15:0] PASETn GPIO Port A pin n Output Set Control Bits (n = 0 ~ 15)
0: No effect on the PADOUTn bit
1: Set the PADOUTn bit
Note that the function enabled by the PASETn bit has the higher priority if both the
PASETn and PARSTn bits are set at the same time.

Rev. 1.30 140 of 656 September 28, 2018

32-Bit Arm® Cortex® -M0+ MCU

Port A Output Reset Register – PARR

This register is used to reset the corresponding bit of the GPIO Port A output data.
Offset: 0x028
Reset value: 0x0000_0000

31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24

General Purpose I/O (GPIO)

23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16
15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8
Type/Reset WO 0 WO 0 WO 0 WO 0 WO 0 WO 0 WO 0 WO 0
7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
Type/Reset WO 0 WO 0 WO 0 WO 0 WO 0 WO 0 WO 0 WO 0

Bits Field Descriptions

[15:0] PARSTn GPIO Port A pin n Output Reset Bits (n = 0 ~ 15)
0: No effect on the PADOUTn bit
1: Reset the PADOUTn bit

Rev. 1.30 141 of 656 September 28, 2018

32-Bit Arm® Cortex® -M0+ MCU

Port B Data Direction Control Register – PBDIRCR

This register is used to control the direction of GPIO Port B pin as input or output.
Offset: 0x000
Reset value: 0x0000_0000

31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24

General Purpose I/O (GPIO)

23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16
15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8
Type/Reset RW 0 RW 0 RW 0 RW 0 RW 0 RW 0 RW 0
7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
Type/Reset RW 0 RW 0 RW 0 RW 0 RW 0 RW 0 RW 0 RW 0

Bits Field Descriptions

[15:10] PBDIRn GPIO Port B pin n Direction Control Bits (n = 0 ~ 8, 10 ~ 15)
[8:0] 0: Pin n is input mode
1: Pin n is output mode

Rev. 1.30 142 of 656 September 28, 2018

32-Bit Arm® Cortex® -M0+ MCU

Port B Input Function Enable Control Register – PBINER

This register is used to enable or disable the GPIO Port B input function.
Offset: 0x004
Reset value: 0x0000_0000

31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24

General Purpose I/O (GPIO)

23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16
15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8
Type/Reset RW 0 RW 0 RW 0 RW 0 RW 0 RW 0 RW 0
7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
Type/Reset RW 0 RW 0 RW 0 RW 0 RW 0 RW 0 RW 0 RW 0

Bits Field Descriptions

[15:10] PBINENn GPIO Port B pin n Input Enable Control Bits (n = 0 ~ 8, 10 ~ 15)
[8:0] 0: Pin n input function is disabled.
1: Pin n input function is enabled.
When the pin n input function is disabled, the input Schmitt trigger will be turned off
and the Schmitt trigger output will remain at a zero state.

Rev. 1.30 143 of 656 September 28, 2018

32-Bit Arm® Cortex® -M0+ MCU

Port B Pull-Up Selection Register – PBPUR

This register is used to enable or disable the GPIO Port B pull-up function.
Offset: 0x008
Reset value: 0x0000_0000

31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24

General Purpose I/O (GPIO)

23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16
15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8
PBPU Reserved PBPU
Type/Reset RW 0 RW 0 RW 0 RW 0 RW 0 RW 0 RW 0
7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
Type/Reset RW 0 RW 0 RW 0 RW 0 RW 0 RW 0 RW 0 RW 0

Bits Field Descriptions

[15:10] PBPUn GPIO Port B pin n Pull-Up Selection Control Bits (n = 0 ~ 8, 10 ~ 15)
[8:0] 0: Pin n pull-up function is disabled
1: Pin n pull-up function is enabled
Note: When the pull-up and pull-down functions are both enabled, the pull-up
function will have the higher priority and therefore the pull-down function will be
blocked and disabled.

Rev. 1.30 144 of 656 September 28, 2018

32-Bit Arm® Cortex® -M0+ MCU

Port B Pull-Down Selection Register – PBPDR

This register is used to enable or disable the GPIO Port B pull-down function.
Offset: 0x00C
Reset value: 0x0000_0000

31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24

General Purpose I/O (GPIO)

23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16
15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8
PBPD Reserved PBPD
Type/Reset RW 0 RW 0 RW 0 RW 0 RW 0 RW 0 RW 0
7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
Type/Reset RW 0 RW 0 RW 0 RW 0 RW 0 RW 0 RW 0 RW 0

Bits Field Descriptions

[15:10] PBPDn GPIO Port B pin n Pull-Down Selection Control Bits (n = 0 ~ 8, 10 ~ 15)
[8:0] 0: Pin n pull-down function is disabled
1: Pin n pull-down function is enabled
Note: When the pull-up and pull-down functions are both enabled, the pull-up
function will have the higher priority and therefore the pull-down function will be
blocked and disabled.

Rev. 1.30 145 of 656 September 28, 2018

32-Bit Arm® Cortex® -M0+ MCU

Port B Open Drain Selection Register – PBODR

This register is used to enable or disable the GPIO Port B open drain function.
Offset: 0x010
Reset value: 0x0000_0000

31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24

General Purpose I/O (GPIO)

23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16
15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8
PBOD Reserved PBOD
Type/Reset RW 0 RW 0 RW 0 RW 0 RW 0 RW 0 RW 0
7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
Type/Reset RW 0 RW 0 RW 0 RW 0 RW 0 RW 0 RW 0 RW 0

Bits Field Descriptions

[15:10] PBODn GPIO Port B pin n Open Drain Selection Control Bits (n = 0 ~ 8, 10 ~ 15)
[8:0] 0: Pin n Open Drain output is disabled. (The output type is CMOS output)
1: Pin n Open Drain output is enabled. (The output type is open-drain output)

Rev. 1.30 146 of 656 September 28, 2018

32-Bit Arm® Cortex® -M0+ MCU

Port B Output Current Drive Selection Register – PBDRVR

This register specifies the GPIO Port B output driving current.
Offset: 0x014
Reset value: 0x0000_0000

31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24
Type/Reset RW 0 RW 0 RW 0 RW 0 RW 0 RW 0 RW 0 RW 0

General Purpose I/O (GPIO)

23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16
PBDV11 PBDV10 Reserved PBDV8
Type/Reset RW 0 RW 0 RW 0 RW 0 RW 0 RW 0
15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8
Type/Reset RW 0 RW 0 RW 0 RW 0 RW 0 RW 0 RW 0 RW 0
7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
Type/Reset RW 0 RW 0 RW 0 RW 0 RW 0 RW 0 RW 0 RW 0

Bits Field Descriptions

[31:20], PBDVn[1:0] GPIO Port B pin n Output Current Drive Selection Control Bits (n = 0 ~ 8, 10 ~ 15)
[17:0] 00: 4 mA source/sink current
01: 8 mA source/sink current
10: 12 mA source/sink current
11: 16 mA source/sink current

Rev. 1.30 147 of 656 September 28, 2018

32-Bit Arm® Cortex® -M0+ MCU

Port B Lock Register – PBLOCKR

This register specifies the GPIO Port B lock configuration.
Offset: 0x018
Reset value: 0x0000_0000

31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24
Type/Reset RW 0 RW 0 RW 0 RW 0 RW 0 RW 0 RW 0 RW 0

General Purpose I/O (GPIO)

23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16
Type/Reset RW 0 RW 0 RW 0 RW 0 RW 0 RW 0 RW 0 RW 0
15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8
Type/Reset RW 0 RW 0 RW 0 RW 0 RW 0 RW 0 RW 0
7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
Type/Reset RW 0 RW 0 RW 0 RW 0 RW 0 RW 0 RW 0 RW 0

Bits Field Descriptions

[31:16] PBLKEY GPIO Port Block Key
0x5FA0: Port Block function is enable
Others: Port B Lock function is disable
To lock the Port B function, a value 0x5FA0 should be written into the PBLKEY field
in this register. To execute a successful write operation on this lock register, the
value written into the PBLKEY field must be 0x5FA0. If the value written into this
field is not equal to 0x5FA0, any write operations on the PBLOCKR register will be
aborted. The result of a read operation on the PBLKEY field returns the GPIO Port
B Lock Status which indicates whether the GPIO Port B is locked or not. If the read
value of the PBLKEY field is 0, this indicates that the GPIO Port B Lock function is
disabled. Otherwise, it indicates that the GPIO Port B Lock function is enabled as
the read value is equal to 1.
[15:10] PBLOCKn GPIO Port B pin n Lock Control Bits (n = 0 ~ 8, 10 ~ 15)
[8:0] 0: Port B pin n is not locked
1: Port B pin n is locked
The PBLOCKn bits are used to lock the configurations of corresponding GPIO Pins
when the correct Lock Key is applied to the PBLKEY field. The locked configurations
including PBDIRn, PBINENn, PBPUn, PBPDn and PBODn setting in the related
GPIO registers. Additionally, the GPBCFGHR or GPBCFGLR field which is used
to configure the alternative function of the associated GPIO pin will also be locked.
Note that the PBLOCKR can only be written once which means that PBLKEY and
PBLOCKn (lock control bit) should be written together and can not be changed until
a system reset or GPIO Port B reset occurs.

Rev. 1.30 148 of 656 September 28, 2018

32-Bit Arm® Cortex® -M0+ MCU

Port B Data Input Register – PBDINR

This register specifies the GPIO Port B input data.
Offset: 0x01C
Reset value: 0x0000_0000

31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24

General Purpose I/O (GPIO)

23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16
15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8
Type/Reset RO 0 RO 0 RO 0 RO 0 RO 0 RO 0 RO 0
7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
Type/Reset RO 0 RO 0 RO 0 RO 0 RO 0 RO 0 RO 0 RO 0

Bits Field Descriptions

[15:10] PBDINn GPIO Port B pin n Data Input Bits (n = 0 ~ 8, 10 ~ 15)
[8:0] 0: The input data of corresponding pin is 0
1: The input data of corresponding pin is 1

Rev. 1.30 149 of 656 September 28, 2018

32-Bit Arm® Cortex® -M0+ MCU

Port B Output Data Register – PBDOUTR

This register specifies the GPIO Port B output data.
Offset: 0x020
Reset value: 0x0000_0000

31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24

General Purpose I/O (GPIO)

23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16
15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8
Type/Reset RW 0 RW 0 RW 0 RW 0 RW 0 RW 0 RW 0
7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
Type/Reset RW 0 RW 0 RW 0 RW 0 RW 0 RW 0 RW 0 RW 0

Bits Field Descriptions

[15:10] PBDOUTn GPIO Port B pin n Data Output Bits (n = 0 ~ 8, 10 ~ 15)
[8:0] 0: Data to be output on pin n is 0
1: Data to be output on pin n is 1

Rev. 1.30 150 of 656 September 28, 2018

32-Bit Arm® Cortex® -M0+ MCU

Port B Output Set/Reset Control Register – PBSRR

This register is used to set or reset the corresponding bit of the GPIO Port B output data.
Offset: 0x024
Reset value: 0x0000_0000

31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24
PBRST Reserved
Type/Reset WO 0 WO 0 WO 0 WO 0 WO 0 WO 0 WO 0

General Purpose I/O (GPIO)

23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16
Type/Reset WO 0 WO 0 WO 0 WO 0 WO 0 WO 0 WO 0 WO 0
15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8
Type/Reset WO 0 WO 0 WO 0 WO 0 WO 0 WO 0 WO 0
7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
Type/Reset WO 0 WO 0 WO 0 WO 0 WO 0 WO 0 WO 0 WO 0

Bits Field Descriptions

[31:26] PBRSTn GPIO Port B pin n Output Reset Control Bits (n = 0 ~ 8, 10 ~ 15)
[23:16] 0: No effect on the PBDOUTn bit
1: Reset the PBDOUTn bit
[15:10] PBSETn GPIO Port B pin n Output Set Control Bits (n = 0 ~ 8, 10 ~ 15)
[8:0] 0: No effect on the PBDOUTn bit
1: Set the PBDOUTn bit
Note that the function enabled by the PBSETn bit has the higher priority if both the
PBSETn and PBRSTn bits are set at the same time.

Rev. 1.30 151 of 656 September 28, 2018

32-Bit Arm® Cortex® -M0+ MCU

Port B Output Reset Register – PBRR

This register is used to reset the corresponding bit of the GPIO Port B output data.
Offset: 0x028
Reset value: 0x0000_0000

31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24

General Purpose I/O (GPIO)

23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16
15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8
Type/Reset WO 0 WO 0 WO 0 WO 0 WO 0 WO 0 WO 0
7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
Type/Reset WO 0 WO 0 WO 0 WO 0 WO 0 WO 0 WO 0 WO 0

Bits Field Descriptions

[15:10] PBRSTn GPIO Port B pin n Output Reset Bits (n = 0 ~ 8, 10 ~ 15)
[8:0] 0: No effect on the PBDOUTn bit
1: Reset the PBDOUTn bit

Rev. 1.30 152 of 656 September 28, 2018

32-Bit Arm® Cortex® -M0+ MCU

Port C Data Direction Control Register – PCDIRCR

This register is used to control the direction of GPIO Port C pin as input or output.
Offset: 0x000
Reset value: 0x0000_0000

31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24

General Purpose I/O (GPIO)

23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16
15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8
Type/Reset RW 0 RW 0 RW 0 RW 0 RW 0 RW 0 RW 0 RW 0
7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
Type/Reset RW 0 RW 0 RW 0 RW 0 RW 0 RW 0 RW 0 RW 0

Bits Field Descriptions

[15:0] PCDIRn GPIO Port C pin n Direction Control Bits (n = 0 ~ 15)
0: Pin n is input mode
1: Pin n is output mode

Rev. 1.30 153 of 656 September 28, 2018

32-Bit Arm® Cortex® -M0+ MCU

Port C Input Function Enable Control Register – PCINER

This register is used to enable or disable the GPIO Port C input function.
Offset: 0x004
Reset value: 0x0000_0000

31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24

General Purpose I/O (GPIO)

23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16
15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8
Type/Reset RW 0 RW 0 RW 0 RW 0 RW 0 RW 0 RW 0 RW 0
7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
Type/Reset RW 0 RW 0 RW 0 RW 0 RW 0 RW 0 RW 0 RW 0

Bits Field Descriptions

[15:0] PCINENn GPIO Port C pin n Input Enable Control Bits (n = 0 ~ 15)
0: Pin n input function is disabled.
1: Pin n input function is enabled.
When the pin n input function is disabled, the input Schmitt trigger will be turned off
and the Schmitt trigger output will remain at a zero state.

Rev. 1.30 154 of 656 September 28, 2018

32-Bit Arm® Cortex® -M0+ MCU

Port C Pull-Up Selection Register – PCPUR

This register is used to enable or disable the GPIO Port C pull-up function.
Offset: 0x008
Reset value: 0x0000_0000

31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24

General Purpose I/O (GPIO)

23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16
15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8
Type/Reset RW 0 RW 0 RW 0 RW 0 RW 0 RW 0 RW 0 RW 0
7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
Type/Reset RW 0 RW 0 RW 0 RW 0 RW 0 RW 0 RW 0 RW 0

Bits Field Descriptions

[15:0] PCPUn GPIO Port C pin n Pull-Up Selection Control Bits (n = 0 ~ 15)
0: Pin n pull-up function is disabled
1: Pin n pull-up function is enabled
Note: When the pull-up and pull-down functions are both enabled, the pull-up
function will have the higher priority and therefore the pull-down function will be
blocked and disabled.

Rev. 1.30 155 of 656 September 28, 2018

32-Bit Arm® Cortex® -M0+ MCU

Port C Pull-Down Selection Register – PCPDR

This register is used to enable or disable the GPIO Port C pull-down function.
Offset: 0x00C
Reset value: 0x0000_0000

31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24

General Purpose I/O (GPIO)

23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16
15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8
Type/Reset RW 0 RW 0 RW 0 RW 0 RW 0 RW 0 RW 0 RW 0
7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
Type/Reset RW 0 RW 0 RW 0 RW 0 RW 0 RW 0 RW 0 RW 0

Bits Field Descriptions

[15:0] PCPDn GPIO Port C pin n Pull-Down Selection Control Bits (n = 0 ~ 15)
0: Pin n pull-down function is disabled
1: Pin n pull-down function is enabled
Note: When the pull-up and pull-down functions are both enabled, the pull-up
function will have the higher priority and therefore the pull-down function will be
blocked and disabled.

Rev. 1.30 156 of 656 September 28, 2018

32-Bit Arm® Cortex® -M0+ MCU

Port C Open Drain Selection Register – PCODR

This register is used to enable or disable the GPIO Port C open drain function.
Offset: 0x010
Reset value: 0x0000_0000

31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24

General Purpose I/O (GPIO)

23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16
15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8
Type/Reset RW 0 RW 0 RW 0 RW 0 RW 0 RW 0 RW 0 RW 0
7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
Type/Reset RW 0 RW 0 RW 0 RW 0 RW 0 RW 0 RW 0 RW 0

Bits Field Descriptions

[15:0] PCODn GPIO Port C pin n Open Drain Selection Control Bits (n = 0 ~ 15)
0: Pin n Open Drain output is disabled. (The output type is CMOS output)
1: Pin n Open Drain output is enabled. (The output type is open-drain output)

Rev. 1.30 157 of 656 September 28, 2018

32-Bit Arm® Cortex® -M0+ MCU

Port C Output Current Drive Selection Register – PCDRVR

This register specifies the GPIO Port C output driving current.
Offset: 0x014
Reset value: 0x0000_0000

31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24
Type/Reset RW 0 RW 0 RW 0 RW 0 RW 0 RW 0 RW 0 RW 0

General Purpose I/O (GPIO)

23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16
Type/Reset RW 0 RW 0 RW 0 RW 0 RW 0 RW 0 RW 0 RW 0
15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8
Type/Reset RW 0 RW 0 RW 0 RW 0 RW 0 RW 0 RW 0 RW 0
7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
Type/Reset RW 0 RW 0 RW 0 RW 0 RW 0 RW 0 RW 0 RW 0

Bits Field Descriptions

[31:0] PCDVn[1:0] GPIO Port C pin n Output Current Drive Selection Control Bits (n = 0 ~ 15)
00: 4 mA source/sink current
01: 8 mA source/sink current
10: 12 mA source/sink current
11: 16 mA source/sink current
Becuase the PC13 ~ 15 are located at the Backup Domain. Therefore only the
sink current capability can be set with PCDV[0] bit and don’t care the PCDV[1] bit.
x0: 4 mA sink current
x1: 8 mA sink current
For the soruce current of this pins are always limited at 2mA.

Rev. 1.30 158 of 656 September 28, 2018

32-Bit Arm® Cortex® -M0+ MCU

Port C Lock Register – PCLOCKR

This register specifies the GPIO Port C lock configuration.
Offset: 0x018
Reset value: 0x0000_0000

31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24
Type/Reset RW 0 RW 0 RW 0 RW 0 RW 0 RW 0 RW 0 RW 0

General Purpose I/O (GPIO)

23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16
Type/Reset RW 0 RW 0 RW 0 RW 0 RW 0 RW 0 RW 0 RW 0
15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8
Type/Reset RW 0 RW 0 RW 0 RW 0 RW 0 RW 0 RW 0 RW 0
7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
Type/Reset RW 0 RW 0 RW 0 RW 0 RW 0 RW 0 RW 0 RW 0

Bits Field Descriptions

[31:16] PCLKEY GPIO Port C lock Key
0x5FA0: Port C Lock function is enable
Others: Port C Lock function is disable
To lock the Port C function, a value 0x5FA0 should be written into the PCLKEY field
in this register. To execute a successful write operation on this lock register, the value
written into the PCLKEY field must be 0x5FA0. If the value written into this field is
not equal to 0x5FA0, any write operations on the PCLOCKR register will be aborted.
The result of a read operation on the PCLKEY field returns the GPIO Port C Lock
Status which indicates whether the GPIO Port C is locked or not. If the read value of
the PCLKEY field is 0, this indicates that the GPIO Port C Lock function is disabled.
Otherwise, it indicates that the GPIO Port C Lock function is enabled as the read value
is equal to 1.
[15:0] PCLOCKn GPIO Port C pin n Lock Control Bits (n = 0 ~ 15)
0: Port C pin n is not locked
1: Port C pin n is locked
The PCLOCKn bits are used to lock the configurations of corresponding GPIO Pins
when the correct Lock Key is applied to the PCLKEY field. The locked configurations
including PCDIRn, PCINENn, PCPUn, PCPDn and PCODn setting in the related GPIO
registers. Additionally, the GPCCFGHR or GPCCFGLR field which is used to configure
the alternative function of the associated GPIO pin will also be locked. Note that the
PCLOCKR can only be written once which means that PCLKEY and PCLOCKn (lock
control bit) should be written together and can not be changed until a system reset or
GPIO Port C reset occurs.

Rev. 1.30 159 of 656 September 28, 2018

32-Bit Arm® Cortex® -M0+ MCU

Port C Data Input Register – PCDINR

This register specifies the GPIO Port C input data.
Offset: 0x01C
Reset value: 0x0000_0000

31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24

General Purpose I/O (GPIO)

23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16
15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8
Type/Reset RO 0 RO 0 RO 0 RO 0 RO 0 RO 0 RO 0 RO 0
7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
Type/Reset RO 0 RO 0 RO 0 RO 0 RO 0 RO 0 RO 0 RO 0

Bits Field Descriptions

[15:0] PCDINn GPIO Port C pin n Data Input Bits (n = 0 ~ 15)
0: The input data of corresponding pin is 0
1: The input data of corresponding pin is 1

Rev. 1.30 160 of 656 September 28, 2018

32-Bit Arm® Cortex® -M0+ MCU

Port C Output Data Register – PCDOUTR

This register specifies the GPIO Port C output data.
Offset: 0x020
Reset value: 0x0000_0000

31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24

General Purpose I/O (GPIO)

23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16
15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8
Type/Reset RW 0 RW 0 RW 0 RW 0 RW 0 RW 0 RW 0 RW 0
7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
Type/Reset RW 0 RW 0 RW 0 RW 0 RW 0 RW 0 RW 0 RW 0

Bits Field Descriptions

[15:0] PCDOUTn GPIO Port C pin n Data Output Bits (n = 0 ~ 15)
0: Data to be output on pin n is 0
1: Data to be output on pin n is 1

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32-Bit Arm® Cortex® -M0+ MCU

Port C Output Set/Reset Control Register – PCSRR

This register is used to set or reset the corresponding bit of the GPIO Port C output data.
Offset: 0x024
Reset value: 0x0000_0000

31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24
Type/Reset WO 0 WO 0 WO 0 WO 0 WO 0 WO 0 WO 0 WO 0

General Purpose I/O (GPIO)

23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16
Type/Reset WO 0 WO 0 WO 0 WO 0 WO 0 WO 0 WO 0 WO 0
15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8
Type/Reset WO 0 WO 0 WO 0 WO 0 WO 0 WO 0 WO 0 WO 0
7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
Type/Reset WO 0 WO 0 WO 0 WO 0 WO 0 WO 0 WO 0 WO 0

Bits Field Descriptions

[31:16] PCRSTn GPIO Port C pin n Output Reset Control Bits (n = 0 ~ 15)
0: No effect on the PCDOUTn bit
1: Reset the PCDOUTn bit
[15:0] PCSETn GPIO Port C pin n Output Set Control Bits (n = 0 ~ 15)
0: No effect on the PCDOUTn bit
1: Set the PCDOUTn bit
Note that the function enabled by the PCSETn bit has the higher priority if both the
PCSETn and PCRSTn bits are set at the same time.

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32-Bit Arm® Cortex® -M0+ MCU

Port C Output Reset Register – PCRR

This register is used to reset the corresponding bit of the GPIO Port C output data.
Offset: 0x028
Reset value: 0x0000_0000

31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24

General Purpose I/O (GPIO)

23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16
15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8
Type/Reset WO 0 WO 0 WO 0 WO 0 WO 0 WO 0 WO 0 WO 0
7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
Type/Reset WO 0 WO 0 WO 0 WO 0 WO 0 WO 0 WO 0 WO 0

Bits Field Descriptions

[15:0] PCRSTn GPIO Port C pin n Output Reset Bits (n = 0 ~ 15)
0: No effect on the PCDOUTn bit
1: Reset the PCDOUTn bit

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32-Bit Arm® Cortex® -M0+ MCU

Port D Data Direction Control Register – PDDIRCR

This register is used to control the direction of GPIO Port D pin as input or output.
Offset: 0x000
Reset value: 0x0000_0000

31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24

General Purpose I/O (GPIO)

23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16
15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8
7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
Reserved PDDIR
Type/Reset RW 0 RW 0 RW 0 RW 0

Bits Field Descriptions

[3:0] PDDIRn GPIO Port D pin n Direction Control Bits (n = 0 ~ 3)
0: Pin n is input mode
1: Pin n is output mode

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32-Bit Arm® Cortex® -M0+ MCU

Port D Input Function Enable Control Register – PDINER

This register is used to enable or disable the GPIO Port D input function.
Offset: 0x004
Reset value: 0x0000_0000

31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24

General Purpose I/O (GPIO)

23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16
15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8
7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
Reserved PDINEN
Type/Reset RW 0 RW 0 RW 0 RW 0

Bits Field Descriptions

[3:0] PDINENn GPIO Port D pin n Input Enable Control Bits (n = 0 ~ 3)
0: Pin n input function is disabled.
1: Pin n input function is enabled.
When the pin n input function is disabled, the input Schmitt trigger will be turned off
and the Schmitt trigger output will remain at a zero state.

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32-Bit Arm® Cortex® -M0+ MCU

Port D Pull-Up Selection Register – PDPUR

This register is used to enable or disable the GPIO Port D pull-up function.
Offset: 0x008
Reset value: 0x0000_0000

31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24

General Purpose I/O (GPIO)

23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16
15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8
7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
Reserved PDPU
Type/Reset RW 0 RW 0 RW 0 RW 0

Bits Field Descriptions

[3:0] PDPUn GPIO Port D pin n Pull-Up Selection Control Bits (n = 0 ~ 3)
0: Pin n pull-up function is disabled
1: Pin n pull-up function is enabled
Note: When the pull-up and pull-down functions are both enabled, the pull-up
function will have the higher priority and therefore the pull-down function will
be blocked and disabled.

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32-Bit Arm® Cortex® -M0+ MCU

Port D Pull-Down Selection Register – PDPDR

This register is used to enable or disable the GPIO Port D pull-down function.
Offset: 0x00C
Reset value: 0x0000_0000

31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24

General Purpose I/O (GPIO)

23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16
15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8
7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
Reserved PDPD
Type/Reset RW 0 RW 0 RW 0 RW 0

Bits Field Descriptions

[3:0] PDPDn GPIO Port D pin n Pull-Down Selection Control Bits (n = 0 ~ 3)
0: Pin n pull-down function is disabled
1: Pin n pull-down function is enabled
Note: When the pull-up and pull-down functions are both enabled, the pull-up
function will have the higher priority and therefore the pull-down function will
be blocked and disabled.

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32-Bit Arm® Cortex® -M0+ MCU

Port D Open Drain Selection Register – PDODR

This register is used to enable or disable the GPIO Port D open drain function.
Offset: 0x010
Reset value: 0x0000_0000

31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24

General Purpose I/O (GPIO)

23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16
15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8
7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
Reserved PDOD
Type/Reset RW 0 RW 0 RW 0 RW 0

Bits Field Descriptions

[3:0] PDODn GPIO Port D pin n Open Drain Selection Control Bits (n = 0 ~ 3)
0: Pin n Open Drain output is disabled. (The output type is CMOS output)
1: Pin n Open Drain output is enabled. (The output type is open-drain output)

Rev. 1.30 168 of 656 September 28, 2018

32-Bit Arm® Cortex® -M0+ MCU

Port D Output Current Drive Selection Register – PDDRVR

This register specifies the GPIO Port D output driving current.
Offset: 0x014
Reset value: 0x0000_0000

31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24

General Purpose I/O (GPIO)

23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16
15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8
7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
Type/Reset RW 0 RW 0 RW 0 RW 0 RW 0 RW 0 RW 0 RW 0

Bits Field Descriptions

[7:0] PDDVn[1:0] GPIO Port D pin n Output Current Drive Selection Control Bits (n = 0 ~ 3)
00: 4 mA source/sink current
01: 8 mA source/sink current
10: 12 mA source/sink current
11: 16 mA source/sink current

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32-Bit Arm® Cortex® -M0+ MCU

Port D Lock Register – PDLOCKR

This register specifies the GPIO Port D lock configuration.
Offset: 0x018
Reset value: 0x0000_0000

31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24
Type/Reset RW 0 RW 0 RW 0 RW 0 RW 0 RW 0 RW 0 RW 0

General Purpose I/O (GPIO)

23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16
Type/Reset RW 0 RW 0 RW 0 RW 0 RW 0 RW 0 RW 0 RW 0
15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8
7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
Reserved PDLOCK
Type/Reset RW 0 RW 0 RW 0 RW 0

Bits Field Descriptions

[31:16] PDLKEY GPIO Port D Lock Key
0x5FA0: Port D Lock function is enable
Others: Port D Lock function is disable
To lock the Port D function, a value 0x5FA0 should be written into the PDLKEY field
in this register. To execute a successful write operation on this lock register, the
value written into the PDLKEY field must be 0x5FA0. If the value written into this
field is not equal to 0x5FA0, any write operations on the PDLOCKR register will be
aborted. The result of a read operation on the PDLKEY field returns the GPIO Port
D Lock Status which indicates whether the GPIO Port D is locked or not. If the read
value of the PDLKEY field is 0, this indicates that the GPIO Port D Lock function is
disabled. Otherwise, it indicates that the GPIO Port D Lock function is enabled as
the read value is equal to 1.
[3:0] PDLOCKn GPIO Port D pin n Lock Control Bits (n = 0 ~ 3)
0: Port D pin n is not locked
1: Port D pin n is locked
The PDLOCKn bits are used to lock the configurations of corresponding GPIO Pins
when the correct Lock Key is applied to the PDLKEY field. The locked configurations
including PDDIRn, PDINENn, PDPUn, PDPDn and PDODn setting in the related
GPIO registers. Additionally, the GPDCFGHR or GPDCFGLR field which is used
to configure the alternative function of the associated GPIO pin will also be locked.
Note that the PDLOCKR can only be written once which means that PDLKEY and
PDLOCKn (lock control bit) should be written together and can not be changed until
a system reset or GPIO Port D reset occurs.

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32-Bit Arm® Cortex® -M0+ MCU

Port D Data Input Register – PDDINR

This register specifies the GPIO Port D input data.
Offset: 0x01C
Reset value: 0x0000_0000

31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24

General Purpose I/O (GPIO)

23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16
15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8
7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
Reserved PDDIN
Type/Reset RO 0 RO 0 RO 0 RO 0

Bits Field Descriptions

[3:0] PDDINn GPIO Port D pin n Data Input Bits (n = 0 ~ 3)
0: The input data of corresponding pin is 0
1: The input data of corresponding pin is 1

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32-Bit Arm® Cortex® -M0+ MCU

Port D Output Data Register – PDDOUTR

This register specifies the GPIO Port D output data.
Offset: 0x020
Reset value: 0x0000_0000

31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24

General Purpose I/O (GPIO)

23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16
15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8
7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
Reserved PDDOUT
Type/Reset RW 0 RW 0 RW 0 RW 0

Bits Field Descriptions

[3:0] PDDOUTn GPIO Port D pin n Data Output Bits (n = 0 ~ 3)
0: Data to be output on pin n is 0
1: Data to be output on pin n is 1

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32-Bit Arm® Cortex® -M0+ MCU

Port D Output Set/Reset Control Register – PDSRR

This register is used to set or reset the corresponding bit of the GPIO Port D output data.
Offset: 0x024
Reset value: 0x0000_0000

31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24

General Purpose I/O (GPIO)

23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16
Reserved PDRST
Type/Reset WO 0 WO 0 WO 0 WO 0
15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8
7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
Reserved PDSET
Type/Reset WO 0 WO 0 WO 0 WO 0

Bits Field Descriptions

[19:16] PDRSTn GPIO Port D pin n Output Reset Control Bits (n = 0 ~ 3)
0: No effect on the PDDOUTn bit
1: Reset the PDDOUTn bit
[3:0] PDSETn GPIO Port D pin n Output Set Control Bits (n = 0 ~ 3)
0: No effect on the PDDOUTn bit
1: Set the PDDOUTn bit
Note that the function enabled by the PDSETn bit has the higher priority if both the
PDSETn and PDRSTn bits are set at the same time.

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32-Bit Arm® Cortex® -M0+ MCU

Port D Output Reset Register – PDRR

This register is used to reset the corresponding bit of the GPIO Port D output data.
Offset: 0x028
Reset value: 0x0000_0000

31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24

General Purpose I/O (GPIO)

23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16
15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8
7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
Reserved PDRST
Type/Reset WO 0 WO 0 WO 0 WO 0

Bits Field Descriptions

[3:0] PDRSTn GPIO Port D pin n Output Reset Bits (n = 0 ~ 3)
0: No effect on the PDDOUTn bit
1: Reset the PDDOUTn bit

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32-Bit Arm® Cortex® -M0+ MCU

9 Alternate Function Input/Output Control

Unit (AFIO)

In order to expand the flexibility of the GPIO or the usage of peripheral functions, each IO pin can

Alternate Function Input/Output Control Unit (AFIO)

be configured to have up to sixteen different functions such as GPIO or IP functions by setting the
GPxCFGLR or GPxCFGHR register where x is the different port name. According to the usage of
the IP resource and application requirements, suitable pin-out locations can be selected by using
the peripheral IO remapping mechanism. Additionally, various GPIO pins can be selected to be
the EXTI interrupt line by setting the EXTInPIN [3:0] field in the ESSRn register to trigger an
interrupt or event. Please refer to the EXTI section for more details.

AFIO control signal

APB Interface

AFIO Configuration
Lock Signal

Peripheral IP I / O Alternative Function AFIO output signal

Output Selections GPIOx

GPIO Module

Alternate function output through GPIO

AFIO control signal

APB Interface
AFIO Configuration

Lock Signal

AFIO Input signal

Peripheral IPm Input

GPIO Module

Peripheral IPn Input

AFIO Input signal

Alternate function input through GPIO

Figure 22. AFIO Block Diagram

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32-Bit Arm® Cortex® -M0+ MCU

▄▄ APB slave interface for register access
▄▄ EXTI source selection
▄▄ Configurable pin function for each GPIO, up to sixteen alternative functions on each pin
▄▄ AFIO lock mechanism

Functional Descriptions

Alternate Function Input/Output Control Unit (AFIO)

External Interrupt Pin Selection
The GPIO pins are connected to the 16 EXTI lines as shown in the accompanying figure. For
example, the user can set the EXTI0PIN [3:0] field in the ESSR0 register to b0000 to select the
GPIO PA0 pin as EXTI line 0 input. Since not all the pins of the Port A ~ D pins are available in all
package types, please refer to the pin assignment section for detailed pin information. The setting
of the EXTInPIN [3:0] field is invalid when the corresponding pin is not available.

EXTIn Pin Selection




PC15 EXTI 15

Figure 23. EXTI Channel Input Selection

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32-Bit Arm® Cortex® -M0+ MCU

Alternate Function
Up to sixteen alternative functions can be chosen for each I/O pad by setting the PxCFGn [3:0]
field in the GPxCFGLR or GPxCFGHR (n = 0~15, x = A~ D) registers. If the pin is selected as
an unavailable item which is noted as a “N/A” item in the “Alternate Function Mapping” table in
the device datasheet, this pin will be defined as the default alternate function. Please refer to the
“Alternate Function Mapping” table in the device datasheet for the detailed mapping of the alternate
function I/O pins. In addition to this flexible I/O multiplexing architecture, each peripheral has
alternate functions mapped onto different I/O pins to optimize the number of peripherals available

Alternate Function Input/Output Control Unit (AFIO)

in smaller packages. The following description shows the setting of the PxCFGn [3:0] field.
▄▄ PxCFGn [3:0] = 0000: The default alternated function (after reset, AF0)
▄▄ PxCFGn [3:0] = 0001: Alternate Function 1 (AF1)
▄▄ PxCFGn [3:0] = 0010: Alternate Function 2 (AF2)
▄▄ …….
▄▄ PxCFGn [3:0] = 1110: Alternate Function 14 (AF14)
▄▄ PxCFGn [3:0] = 1111: Alternate Function 15 (AF15)

Table 22. AFIO Selection for Peripheral Map Example

AF0 AF1 AF2 AF3 AF4 AF5 AF6 AF7 AF8 AF9 AF10 AF11 AF12 AF13 AF14 AF15
System MCTM USART System
Default /GPTM /UART Other

Lock Mechanism
The device also offers a lock function to lock the AFIO configuration using the GPIO lock register,
PxLOCKR, until a reset event occurs. Refer to the GPIO Locking Mechanism section in the GPIO
chapter for more details.

Register Map
The following table shows the AFIO registers and reset value.
Table 23. AFIO Register Map
Register Offset Description Reset Value
ESSR0 0x000 EXTI Source Selection Register 0 0x0000_0000
ESSR1 0x004 EXTI Source Selection Register 1 0x0000_0000
GPACFGLR 0x020 GPIO Port A AFIO Configuration Register 0 0x0000_0000
GPACFGHR 0x024 GPIO Port A AFIO Configuration Register 1 0x0000_0000
GPBCFGLR 0x028 GPIO Port B AFIO Configuration Register 0 0x0000_0000
GPBCFGHR 0x02C GPIO Port B AFIO Configuration Register 1 0x0000_0000
GPCCFGLR 0x030 GPIO Port C AFIO Configuration Register 0 0x0000_0000
GPCCFGHR 0x034 GPIO Port C AFIO Configuration Register 1 0x0000_0000
GPDCFGLR 0x038 GPIO Port D AFIO Configuration Register 0 0x0000_0000
GPDCFGHR 0x03C GPIO Port D AFIO Configuration Register 1 0x0000_0000

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32-Bit Arm® Cortex® -M0+ MCU

Register Descriptions
EXTI Source Selection Register 0 – ESSR0
This register specifies the IO selection of EXTI0 ~ EXTI7.
Offset: 0x000
Reset value: 0x0000_0000

31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24

Alternate Function Input/Output Control Unit (AFIO)

Type/Reset RW 0 RW 0 RW 0 RW 0 RW 0 RW 0 RW 0 RW 0
23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16
Type/Reset RW 0 RW 0 RW 0 RW 0 RW 0 RW 0 RW 0 RW 0
15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8
Type/Reset RW 0 RW 0 RW 0 RW 0 RW 0 RW 0 RW 0 RW 0
7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
Type/Reset RW 0 RW 0 RW 0 RW 0 RW 0 RW 0 RW 0 RW 0

Bits Field Descriptions

[31:0] EXTInPIN[3:0] EXTIn Pin Selection (n = 0 ~ 7)
0000: PA Bit n is selected as EXTIn source signal
0001: PB Bit n is selected as EXTIn source signal
0010: PC Bit n is selected as EXTIn source signal
0011: PD Bit n is selected as EXTIn source signal
Others: Reserved
Note: Since not all GPIO pins are available in all products and package types,
refer to the pin assignment section for detailed pin information. The
EXTInPIN [3:0] field setting is invalid when the corresponding pin is not

Rev. 1.30 178 of 656 September 28, 2018

32-Bit Arm® Cortex® -M0+ MCU

EXTI Source Selection Register 1 – ESSR1

This register specifies the IO selection of EXTI8~EXTI15.
Offset: 0x004
Reset value: 0x0000_0000

31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24
Type/Reset RW 0 RW 0 RW 0 RW 0 RW 0 RW 0 RW 0 RW 0

Alternate Function Input/Output Control Unit (AFIO)

23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16
Type/Reset RW 0 RW 0 RW 0 RW 0 RW 0 RW 0 RW 0 RW 0
15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8
Type/Reset RW 0 RW 0 RW 0 RW 0 RW 0 RW 0 RW 0 RW 0
7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
Type/Reset RW 0 RW 0 RW 0 RW 0 RW 0 RW 0 RW 0 RW 0

Bits Field Descriptions

[31:0] EXTInPIN[3:0] EXTIn Pin Selection (n = 8 ~ 15)
0000: PA Bit n is selected as EXTIn source signal
0001: PB Bit n is selected as EXTIn source signal
0010: PC Bit n is selected as EXTIn source signal
0011: PD Bit n is selected as EXTIn source signal
Others: Reserved
Note: Since not all GPIO pins are available in all products and package types,
refer to the pin assignment section for detailed pin information. The
EXTInPIN [3:0] field setting is invalid when the corresponding pin is not

Rev. 1.30 179 of 656 September 28, 2018

32-Bit Arm® Cortex® -M0+ MCU

GPIO x Configuration Low Register – GPxCFGLR, x = A, B, C, D

This low register specifies the alternate function of GPIO Port x. x = A, B, C, D
Offset: 0x020, 0x028, 0x030, 0x038
Reset value: 0x0000_0000

31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24
Type/Reset RW 0 RW 0 RW 0 RW 0 RW 0 RW 0 RW 0 RW 0

Alternate Function Input/Output Control Unit (AFIO)

23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16
Type/Reset RW 0 RW 0 RW 0 RW 0 RW 0 RW 0 RW 0 RW 0
15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8
Type/Reset RW 0 RW 0 RW 0 RW 0 RW 0 RW 0 RW 0 RW 0
7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
Type/Reset RW 0 RW 0 RW 0 RW 0 RW 0 RW 0 RW 0 RW 0

Bits Field Descriptions

[31:0] PxCFGn[3:0] Port x Pin n Alternate function selection (n = 0~7)
0000: Port x pin n is selected as AF0.
0001: Port x pin n is selected as AF1.
1110: Port x pin n is selected as AF14
1111: Port x pin n is selected as AF15
If the pin is selected as an unavailable item which is noted as a “N/A” item in the
“Alternate Function Mapping” table in the device datasheet, this pin will be defined
as the default alternate function. Please refer to the “Alternate Function Mapping”
table in the device datasheet for the detailed mapping of the alternate function I/O

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32-Bit Arm® Cortex® -M0+ MCU

GPIO x Configuration High Register – GPxCFGHR, x = A, B, C, D

This high register specifies the alternate function of GPIO Port x. x = A, B, C, D
Offset: 0x024, 0x02C, 0x034, 0x03C
Reset value: 0x0000_0000

31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24
Type/Reset RW 0 RW 0 RW 0 RW 0 RW 0 RW 0 RW 0 RW 0

Alternate Function Input/Output Control Unit (AFIO)

23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16
Type/Reset RW 0 RW 0 RW 0 RW 0 RW 0 RW 0 RW 0 RW 0
15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8
Type/Reset RW 0 RW 0 RW 0 RW 0 RW 0 RW 0 RW 0 RW 0
7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
Type/Reset RW 0 RW 0 RW 0 RW 0 RW 0 RW 0 RW 0 RW 0

Bits Field Descriptions

[31:0] PxCFGn[3:0] Port x Pin n Alternate function selection (n = 8~15)
0000: Port x pin n is selected as AF0.
0001: Port x pin n is selected as AF1.
1110: Port x pin n is selected as AF14
1111: Port x pin n is selected as AF15
If the pin is selected as an unavailable item which is noted as a “N/A” item in the
“Alternate Function Mapping” table in the device datasheet, this pin will be defined
as the default alternate function. Please refer to the “Alternate Function Mapping”
table in the device datasheet for the detailed mapping of the alternate function I/O

Rev. 1.30 181 of 656 September 28, 2018

32-Bit Arm® Cortex® -M0+ MCU

10 Nested Vectored Interrupt Controller (NVIC)

In order to reduce the latency and increase the interrupt processing efficiency, a tightly coupled
integrated section, which is named as Nested Vectored Interrupt Controller (NVIC) is provided
by the Cortex® -M0+. The NVIC controls the system exceptions and the peripheral interrupt

Nested Vectored Interrupt Controller (NVIC)

which include functions such as the enable/disable control, priority, clear-pending, active status
report, software trigger and vector table remapping. Refer to the Technical Reference Manual of
Cortex®-M0+ for more details.

Additionally, an integrated simple, 24-bit down count timer (SysTick) is provided by the
Cortex® -M0+ to be used as a tick timer for the Real Timer Operation System (RTOS) or as a
simple counter. The SysTick counts down from the reloaded value and generates a system interrupt
when it reached zero. The accompanying table lists the 16 system exceptions types and a variety of
peripheral interrupts.
Table 24. Exception Types
Interrupt Exception Exception Vector
Priority Description
Number Number type Address
— 0 — — 0x000 Initial Stack Point value
— 1 Reset -3 (Highest) 0x004 Reset
Non-Maskable Interrupt. The clock stuck
interrupt signal (clock monitor function
-14 2 NMI -2 0x008
provided by Clock Control Unit) is
connected to the NMI input
-13 3 Hard Fault -1 0x00C All fault classes
- 4-10 Reserved — — —
-5 11 SVCall Configurable(1) 0x02C SVC instruction System service call
- 12-13 Reserved — — —
-2 14 PendSV Configurable(1) 0x038 System Service Pendable request
-1 15 SysTick Configurable(1) 0x03C SysTick timer decremented to zero
0 16 LVD Configurable (2)
0x040 Low voltage detection interrupt
1 17 RTC Configurable(2) 0x044 RTC global interrupt
2 18 FMC Configurable(2) 0x048 FMC global interrupt
EXTI event wakeup or external WAKEUP
3 19 WKUP Configurable(2) 0x04C
pin interrupt
4 20 EXTI0 ~ 1 Configurable(2) 0x050 EXTI Line 0 & 1 interrupt
5 21 EXTI2 ~ 3 Configurable(2) 0x054 EXTI Line 2 & 3 interrupt
6 22 EXTI4 ~ 15 Configurable (2)
0x058 EXTI Line 4 ~ 15 interrupt
7 23 CMP Configurable(2) 0x05C Comparator global interrupt
8 24 ADC Configurable(2) 0x060 ADC global interrupt
9 25 Reserved — 0x064 —
10 26 MCTM Configurable(2) 0x068 MCTM global interrupt
11 27 GPTM1 Configurable (2)
0x06C GPTM1 global interrupt
12 28 GPTM0 Configurable(2) 0x070 GPTM0 global interrupt
13 29 SCTM0 Configurable(2) 0x074 SCTM0 global interrupt
14 30 SCTM1 Configurable (2)
0x078 SCTM1 global interrupt

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32-Bit Arm® Cortex® -M0+ MCU

Interrupt Exception Exception Vector

Priority Description
Number Number type Address
15 31 Reserved — 0x07C —
16 32 Reserved — 0x080 —
17 33 BFTM0 Configurable(2) 0x084 BFTM0 global interrupt
18 34 BFTM1 Configurable (2)
0x088 BFTM1 global interrupt
19 35 I2C0 Configurable(2) 0x08C I2C0 global interrupt
20 36 I C1
Configurable (2)
0x090 I2C1 global interrupt

Nested Vectored Interrupt Controller (NVIC)

21 37 SPI0 Configurable(2) 0x094 SPI0 global interrupt
22 38 SPI1 Configurable(2) 0x098 SPI1 global interrupt
23 39 USART0 Configurable (2)
0x09C USART0 global interrupt
24 40 USART1 Configurable(2) 0x0A0 USART1 global interrupt
25 41 UART0 Configurable(2) 0x0A4 UART0 global interrupt
26 42 UART1 Configurable (2)
0x0A8 UART1 global interrupt
27 43 SCI0 ~ 1 Configurable(2) 0x0AC SCI0 & SCI1 global interrupt
28 44 IS
Configurable (2)
0x0B0 I2S global interrupt
29 45 USB Configurable (2)
0x0B4 USB global interrupt
30 46 PDMA_CH0~1 Configurable(2) 0x0B8 PDMA channel 0 & 1 global interrupt
31 47 PDMA_CH2~5 Configurable (2)
0x0BC PDMA channel 2 ~ 5 global interrupt
Notes: 1. The exception priority can be changed using the NVIC System Handler Priority Registers. For more
information, refer to the Arm® “Cortex®-M0+ Devices Generic User Guide” document.
2. The interrupt priority can be changed using the NVIC Interrupt Priority Registers. For more information,
refer to the Arm® “Cortex®-M0+ Devices Generic User Guide” document.

▄▄ 7 system Cortex®-M0+ exceptions
▄▄ Up to 32 Maskable peripheral interrupts
▄▄ 16 programmable priority levels (4 bits for interrupt priority setting)
▄▄ Non-Maskable interrupt
▄▄ Low-latency exception and interrupt handling
▄▄ Vector table remapping capability
●● Integrated simple, 24-bit system timer, SYSTICK
●● 24-bit down counter
●● Auto-reloading capability
●● Maskable system interrupt generation when counter decrements to 0
●● SysTick clock source derived from the HCLK clock divided by 8

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32-Bit Arm® Cortex® -M0+ MCU

Function Descriptions
SysTick Calibration
The SysTick Calibration Value Register (SCALIB) is provided by the NVIC to give a reference time
base of 1ms for the RTOS tick timer or other purpose. The TENMS field in the SCALIB register
has a fixed value of 6000 which is the counter reload value to indicate 1 ms when the clock source
comes from the SysTick reference input clock STCLK with a frequency of 6 MHz (48 MHz divide
by 8).

Nested Vectored Interrupt Controller (NVIC)

Register Map
The following table shows the NVIC registers and reset values.
Table 25. NVIC Register Map
Register Offset Description Reset Value
NVIC Base Address = 0xE000_E000
SYST_CSR 0x010 SysTick Control and Status Register 0x0000_0000
SYST_RVR 0x014 SysTick Reload Value Register Unpredictable
SYST_CVR 0x018 SysTick Current Value Register Unpredictable
SYST_CALIB 0x01C SysTick Calibration Value Register 0x4000_1770
NVIC_ISER 0x100 Interrupt Set Enable Register 0x0000_0000
NVIC_ICER 0x180 Interrupt Clear Enable Register 0x0000_0000
NVIC_ISPR 0x200 Interrupt Set Pending Register 0x0000_0000
NVIC_ICPR 0x280 Interrupt Clear Pending Register 0x0000_0000
NVIC_IPR0 0x400 Interrupt 0 ~ 3 Priority Register 0x0000_0000
NVIC_IPR1 0x404 Interrupt 4 ~ 7 Priority Register 0x0000_0000
NVIC_IPR2 0x408 Interrupt 8 ~ 11 Priority Register 0x0000_0000
NVIC_IPR3 0x40C Interrupt 12 ~ 15 Priority Register 0x0000_0000
NVIC_IPR4 0x410 Interrupt 16 ~ 19 Priority Register 0x0000_0000
NVIC_IPR5 0x414 Interrupt 20 ~ 23 Priority Register 0x0000_0000
NVIC_IPR6 0x418 Interrupt 24 ~ 27 Priority Register 0x0000_0000
NVIC_IPR7 0x41C Interrupt 28 ~ 31 Priority Register 0x0000_0000
CPUID 0xD00 CPUID register 0x410C_C601
ICSR 0xD04 Interrupt Control and State Register 0x0000_0000
VTOR 0xD08 Vector Table Offset Register 0x0000_0000
AIRCR 0xD0C Application Interrupt and Reset Control Register 0xFA05_0000
SCR 0xD10 System Control Register 0x0000_0000
CCR 0xD14 Configuration and Control Register 0x0000_0204
SHPR2 0xD1C System Handlers Priority Register 2 0x0000_0000
SHPR3 0xD20 System Handlers Priority Register 3 0x0000_0000

Note: For more information of the above detail register descriptions, please refer to the “Cortex®-M0+
Devices Generic User Guide” document from Arm®.

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32-Bit Arm® Cortex® -M0+ MCU

11 External Interrupt/Event Controller (EXTI)

The External Interrupt/Event Controller, EXTI, comprises 16 edge detectors which can generate
a wake-up event or interrupt requests independently. In interrupt mode there are five trigger types
which can be selected as the external interrupt trigger type, low level, high level, negative edge,

External Interrupt/Event Controller (EXTI)

positive edge and both edges, selectable using the SRCnTYPE field in the EXTICFGRn (n = 0 ~
15) register. In the wake-up event mode, the wake-up event polarity can be configured by setting
the EXTInWPOL (n = 0 ~ 15) field in the EXTIWAKUPPOLR register. If the EVWUPIEN bit in
the EXTIWAKUPCR Register is set, the EVWUP interrupt can be generated when the associated
wake-up event occurs and the corresponding EXTI wake-up enable bit is set. Each EXTI line can
also be masked independently.

High or Low level

Rising or Falling
or Both Edges
Edge/Level Software
Control Activate
(SRCnTYPE[2:0]) (EXTInSC) Interrupt Enable bits
EXTI_PCLK & Interrupt Flags

EXTI Interrupt External I/O Interrupt

16 Edge/Level 16 16 (To NVIC control unit)
Debounce 16 Control &
16 16
EXTI 0 DBnCNT[15:0]
16 DBnEN

EXTI 15 Event Enable bits
& Event Flags

EXTI Event External I/O Event

16 Polarity 16 16 (To NVIC control unit)
Deglitch Control &
Detection (To clock control unit)

High or Low level

Figure 24. EXTI Block Diagram

▄▄ Up to 16 EXTI lines with configurable trigger source and type
All GPIO pins can be selected as EXTI trigger source
Source trigger type includes high level, low level, negative edge, positive edge, or both edge
▄▄ Individual interrupt enable, wakeup enable and status bits for each EXTI line
▄▄ Software interrupt trigger mode for each EXTI line
▄▄ Integrated deglitch filter for short pulse blocking

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32-Bit Arm® Cortex® -M0+ MCU

Function Descriptions
Wakeup Event Management
In order to wakeup the system from the power saving mode, the EXTI controller provides a
function which can monitor external events and send them to the CPU core and the Clock Control
Unit, CKCU. These external events include EXTI events, Low Voltage Detection, WAKEUP input
pin, Comparator, USB and RTC wakeup functions. By configuring the wakeup event enable bit
in the corresponding peripheral, the wakeup signal will be sent to the CPU and the CKCU via the

External Interrupt/Event Controller (EXTI)

EXTI controller when the corresponding wakeup event occurs. Additionally, the software can
enable the event wakeup interrupt function by setting the EVWUPIEN bit in the EXTIWAKUPCR
register and the EXTI controller will then assert an interrupt when the wakeup event occurs

EXTIn 16 0 16
16 16
EVWUP interrupt
High/Low level (NVIC)
detector 16 16

16 wakeup (CKCU)
CMP 16



PWRCU Set event signal to NVIC

To wake up MCU



(NVIC) EXTI Wakeup Event Management

Figure 25. EXTI Wake-up Event Management

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External Interrupt/Event Line Mapping

All GPIO pins can be selected as EXTI trigger sources by configuring the EXTInPIN [3:0] field in
the AFIO ESSRn (n= 0 ~ 1) register to trigger an interrupt or event. Refer to the AFIO section for
more details.

Interrupt and Debounce

The application software can set the DBnEN bit in the EXTIn Interrupt Configuration Register
EXTICFGRn (n= 0 ~ 15) to enable the corresponding pin de-bounce function and configure the

External Interrupt/Event Controller (EXTI)

DBnCNT field in the EXTICFGRn so as to select an appropriate de-bounce time for specific
applications. The interrupt signal will however be delayed due to the de-bounce function. When
the device is woken up from the power saving mode by an external interrupt, an interrupt request
will be generated by the EXTI wakeup flag. After the device has been woken up and the clock
has recovered, the EXTI wake-up flag that was triggered by the EXTI line must be read and then
cleared by application software. The accompanying diagram shows the relationship between the
EXTI input signal and the EXTI interrupt/event request signal.

Low pulse is
shorter than
debounce time
time delay
pin input


Figure 26. EXTI Interrupt Debounce Function

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Register Map
The following table shows the EXTI registers and reset values.
Table 26. EXTI Register Map
Register Offset Description Reset Value
EXTICFGR0 0x000 EXTI Interrupt 0 Configuration Register 0x0000_0000
EXTICFGR1 0x004 EXTI Interrupt 1 Configuration Register 0x0000_0000
EXTICFGR2 0x008 EXTI Interrupt 2 Configuration Register 0x0000_0000

External Interrupt/Event Controller (EXTI)

EXTICFGR3 0x00C EXTI Interrupt 3 Configuration Register 0x0000_0000
EXTICFGR4 0x010 EXTI Interrupt 4 Configuration Register 0x0000_0000
EXTICFGR5 0x014 EXTI Interrupt 5 Configuration Register 0x0000_0000
EXTICFGR6 0x018 EXTI Interrupt 6 Configuration Register 0x0000_0000
EXTICFGR7 0x01C EXTI Interrupt 7 Configuration Register 0x0000_0000
EXTICFGR8 0x020 EXTI Interrupt 8 Configuration Register 0x0000_0000
EXTICFGR9 0x024 EXTI Interrupt 9 Configuration Register 0x0000_0000
EXTICFGR10 0x028 EXTI Interrupt 10 Configuration Register 0x0000_0000
EXTICFGR11 0x02C EXTI Interrupt 11 Configuration Register 0x0000_0000
EXTICFGR12 0x030 EXTI Interrupt 12 Configuration Register 0x0000_0000
EXTICFGR13 0x034 EXTI Interrupt 13 Configuration Register 0x0000_0000
EXTICFGR14 0x038 EXTI Interrupt 14 Configuration Register 0x0000_0000
EXTICFGR15 0x03C EXTI Interrupt 15 Configuration Register 0x0000_0000
EXTICR 0x040 EXTI Interrupt Control Register 0x0000_0000
EXTIEDGEFLGR 0x044 EXTI Interrupt Edge Flag Register 0x0000_0000
EXTIEDGESR 0x048 EXTI Interrupt Edge Status Register 0x0000_0000
EXTI Interrupt Software Set Command
EXTISSCR 0x04C 0x0000_0000
EXTIWAKUPCR 0x050 EXTI Interrupt Wakeup Control Register 0x0000_0000
EXTIWAKUPPOLR 0x054 EXTI Interrupt Wakeup Polarity Register 0x0000_0000
EXTIWAKUPFLG 0x058 EXTI Interrupt Wakeup Flag Register 0x0000_0000

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Register Descriptions
EXTI Interrupt Configuration Register n – EXTICFGRn, n = 0 ~ 15
This register is used to specify the debounce function and select the trigger type.
Offset: 0x000 (0) ~ 0x03C (15)
Reset value: 0x0000_0000

31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24

External Interrupt/Event Controller (EXTI)

Type/Reset RW 0 RW 0 RW 0 RW 0
23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16
15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8
Type/Reset RW 0 RW 0 RW 0 RW 0 RW 0 RW 0 RW 0 RW 0
7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
Type/Reset RW 0 RW 0 RW 0 RW 0 RW 0 RW 0 RW 0 RW 0

Bits Field Descriptions

[31] DBnEN EXTIn De-bounce Circuit Enable Bit (n = 0 ~ 15)
0: De-bounce circuit is disabled
1: De-bounce circuit is enabled
[30:28] SRCnTYPE EXTIn Interrupt Source Trigger Type (n = 0 ~ 15)
SRCnTYPE [2:0] Interrupt Source Type
0 0 0 Low-level Sensitive
0 0 1 High-level Sensitive
0 1 0 Negative-edge Triggered
0 1 1 Positive-edge Triggered
1 X X Both-edge Triggered
[15:0] DBnCNT EXTIn De-bounce Counter (n = 0 ~ 15)
The de-bounce time is calculated with DBnCNT x APB clock (EXTI_PCLK) period
and should be long enough to take effect on the input signal.

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EXTI Interrupt Control Register – EXTICR

This register is used to control the EXTI interrupt.
Offset: 0x040
Reset value: 0x0000_0000

31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24

External Interrupt/Event Controller (EXTI)

23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16
15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8
Type/Reset RW 0 RW 0 RW 0 RW 0 RW 0 RW 0 RW 0 RW 0
7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
Type/Reset RW 0 RW 0 RW 0 RW 0 RW 0 RW 0 RW 0 RW 0

Bits Field Descriptions

[15:0] EXTInEN EXTIn Interrupt Enable Bit (n = 0 ~ 15)
0: EXTI line n interrupt is disabled
1: EXTI line n interrupt is enabled

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EXTI Interrupt Edge Flag Register – EXTIEDGEFLGR

This register is used to indicate if an EXTI edge has been detected.
Offset: 0x044
Reset value: 0x0000_0000

31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24

External Interrupt/Event Controller (EXTI)

23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16
15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8
Type/Reset WC 0 WC 0 WC 0 WC 0 WC 0 WC 0 WC 0 WC 0
7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
Type/Reset WC 0 WC 0 WC 0 WC 0 WC 0 WC 0 WC 0 WC 0

Bits Field Descriptions

[15:0] EXTInEDF EXTIn Both Edge Detection Flag (n = 0 ~ 15)
0: No edge is detected
1: Positive or negative edge is detected
This bit is set by the hardware circuitry when a positive or negative edge is detected
on the corresponding EXTI line. Software should write 1 to clear it.

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32-Bit Arm® Cortex® -M0+ MCU

EXTI Interrupt Edge Status Register – EXTIEDGESR

This register indicates the polarity of a detected EXTI edge.
Offset: 0x048
Reset value: 0x0000_0000

31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24

External Interrupt/Event Controller (EXTI)

23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16
15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8
Type/Reset WC 0 WC 0 WC 0 WC 0 WC 0 WC 0 WC 0 WC 0
7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
Type/Reset WC 0 WC 0 WC 0 WC 0 WC 0 WC 0 WC 0 WC 0

Bits Field Descriptions

[15:0] EXTInEDS EXTIn Both Edge Detection Status (n = 0 ~ 15)
0: Negative edge is detected
1: Positive edge is detected
Software should write 1 to clear it.

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EXTI Interrupt Software Set Command Register – EXTISSCR

This register is used to activate the EXTI interrupt.
Offset: 0x04C
Reset value: 0x0000_0000

31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24

External Interrupt/Event Controller (EXTI)

23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16
15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8
Type/Reset RW 0 RW 0 RW 0 RW 0 RW 0 RW 0 RW 0 RW 0
7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
Type/Reset RW 0 RW 0 RW 0 RW 0 RW 0 RW 0 RW 0 RW 0

Bits Field Descriptions

[15:0] EXTInSC EXTIn Software Set Command (n = 0 ~ 15)
0: Deactivates the corresponding EXTI interrupt
1: Activates the corresponding EXTI interrupt

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32-Bit Arm® Cortex® -M0+ MCU

EXTI Interrupt Wakeup Control Register – EXTIWAKUPCR

This register is used to control the EXTI interrupt and wakeup function.
Offset: 0x050
Reset value: 0x0000_0000

31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24
Type/Reset RW 0

External Interrupt/Event Controller (EXTI)

23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16
15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8
Type/Reset RW 0 RW 0 RW 0 RW 0 RW 0 RW 0 RW 0 RW 0
7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
Type/Reset RW 0 RW 0 RW 0 RW 0 RW 0 RW 0 RW 0 RW 0

Bits Field Descriptions

[31] EVWUPIEN EXTI Event Wakeup Interrupt Enable Bit
0: Disable EVWUP interrupt
1: Enable EVWUP interrupt
[15:0] EXTInWEN EXTIn Wakeup Enable Bit (n = 0 ~ 15)
0: Power saving mode wakeup is disabled
1: Power saving mode wakeup is enabled

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32-Bit Arm® Cortex® -M0+ MCU

EXTI Interrupt Wakeup Polarity Register – EXTIWAKUPPOLR

This register is used to select the EXTI line interrupt wakeup polarity.
Offset: 0x054
Reset value: 0x0000_0000

31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24

External Interrupt/Event Controller (EXTI)

23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16
15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8
Type/Reset RW 0 RW 0 RW 0 RW 0 RW 0 RW 0 RW 0 RW 0
7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
Type/Reset RW 0 RW 0 RW 0 RW 0 RW 0 RW 0 RW 0 RW 0

Bits Field Descriptions

[15:0] EXTInWPOL EXTIn Wakeup Polarity (n = 0 ~ 15)
0: EXTIn wakeup is high level active
1: EXTIn wakeup is low level active

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32-Bit Arm® Cortex® -M0+ MCU

EXTI Interrupt Wakeup Flag Register – EXTIWAKUPFLG

This register is the EXTI interrupt wake flag register.
Offset: 0x058
Reset value: 0x0000_0000

31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24

External Interrupt/Event Controller (EXTI)

23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16
15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8
Type/Reset WC 0 WC 0 WC 0 WC 0 WC 0 WC 0 WC 0 WC 0
7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
Type/Reset WC 0 WC 0 WC 0 WC 0 WC 0 WC 0 WC 0 WC 0

Bits Field Descriptions

[15:0] EXTInWFL EXTIn Wakeup Flag (n = 0 ~ 15)
0: No wakeup occurs
1: System is waken up by EXTIn
Software should write 1 to clear it.

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32-Bit Arm® Cortex® -M0+ MCU

12 Analog to Digital Converter (ADC)

A 12-bit multi-channel Analog to Digital Converter is integrated in the device. There are a total of
14 multiplexed channels including 12 external channels on which the external analog signal can
be supplied and 2 internal channels. If the input voltage is required to remain within a specific

Analog to Digital Converter (ADC)

threshold window, the Analog Watchdog function will monitor and detect the signal. An interrupt
will then be generated to inform that the input voltage is higher or lower than the set thresholds.
There are three conversion modes to convert an analog signal to digital data. The A/D conversion
can be operated in one shot, continuous and discontinuous conversion mode. A 16-bit data register
is provided to store the data after conversion.



Start Trigger


From ADC Prescaler

Up to 14

GPIO ADC Controller
. Converter




DMA Request

Analog Watchdog

High Threshold (12 bits)

Low Threshold (12 bits)


Analog Watchdog Event

ADC Interrupt to NVIC

Analog Watchdog Interrupt
Interrupt Generator

Figure 27. ADC Block Diagram

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32-Bit Arm® Cortex® -M0+ MCU

▄▄ 12-bit SAR ADC engine
▄▄ Up to 1 MSPS conversion rate
▄▄ 12 external analog input channels
▄▄ 2 internal analog input channels for reference voltage detection
▄▄ Programmable sampling time for conversion channel

Analog to Digital Converter (ADC)

▄▄ Up to 8 programmable conversion channel sequence and dedicated data registers for conversion
▄▄ Three conversion mode
●● One shot conversion mode
●● Continuous conversion mode
●● Discontinuous conversion mode.
▄▄ Analog watchdog for predefined voltage range monitor
●● Lower/upper threshold register
●● Interrupt generation
▄▄ Various trigger start source for conversion modes
●● Software trigger
●● EXTI - external interrupt input pin
●● GPTM0 / GPTM1 trigger
●● MCTM trigger
●● BFTM0 / BFTM1 trigger
●● CMP0 / CMP1 trigger
▄▄ Multiple generated interrupts
●● End of single conversion
●● End of subgroup conversion
●● End of cycle conversion
●● Analog Watchdog
●● Data register overwriting
▄▄ PDMA request on end of conversion occurred

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32-Bit Arm® Cortex® -M0+ MCU

Function Descriptions
ADC Clock Setup
The ADC clock, CK_ADC is provided by the Clock Controller which is synchronous and divided
by with the AHB clock known as HCLK. Refer to the Clock Control Unit chapter for more details.
Notes that the ADC requires at least two ADC clock cycles to switch between power-on and power-
off conditions (ADEN bit = ‘0’).

Analog to Digital Converter (ADC)

Channel Selection
The A/D converter supports 12 multiplexed channels and organizes the conversion results into
a specific group. A conversion group can organize a sequence which can be implemented on the
channels arranged in a specific conversion sequence length from 1 to 8. For example, conversion
can be carried out with the following channel sequence: CH2, CH4, CH7, CH5, CH6, CH3, CH1
and CH0 one after another.

A group is composed of up to 8 conversions. The selected channels of the group conversion can
be specified in the ADCLST0~ADCLST1 registers. The total conversion sequence length is setup
using the ADSEQL[2:0] bits in the ADCCONV register.

Modifying the ADCCONV or ADCHCONV register during a conversion process will reset the
current conversion, after which a new start pulse is required to restart a new conversion.

Conversion Mode
The A/D has three operating conversion modes. The conversion modes are One Shot Conversion
Mode, Continuous Conversion Mode, and Discontinuous Conversion mode. Details are provided

One Shot Conversion Mode

In the One Shot Conversion mode, the ADC will perform conversion cycles on the channels
specified in the A/D conversion list registers ADCLSTn with a specific sequence when an A/D
converter trigger event occurs. When the A/D conversion mode field ADMODE [1:0] in the
ADCCONV register is set to 0x0, the A/D converter will operate in the One Shot Conversion
Mode. This mode can be started by a software trigger, a comparator output transition event, an
external EXTI event or a TM event determined by the Trigger Control Register ADCTCR and the
Trigger Source Register ADCTSR.

After Conversion:
▄▄ The converted data will be stored in the 16-bit ADCDRy (y = 0~7) registers.
▄▄ The ADC single sample end of conversion event raw status flag, ADIRAWS, in the ADCIRAW
register will be set when the single sample conversion is finished.
▄▄ An interrupt will be generated after a single sample end of conversion if the ADIES bit in the
ADCIER register is enabled.
▄▄ An interrupt will be generated after a group cycle end of conversion if the ADIEC bit in the
ADCIER register is enabled.

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32-Bit Arm® Cortex® -M0+ MCU

Conversion (ex: Sequence Length=8)

Cycle Cycle


Start of

Analog to Digital Converter (ADC)

Single sample
End of

Cycle End of

Figure 28. One Shot Conversion Mode

Continuous Conversion Mode

In the Continuous Conversion Mode, repeated conversion cycle will restart automatically without
requiring additional A/D start trigger signals after a channel group conversion has completed.
When the A/D conversion mode field ADMODE[1:0] is set to 0x2, the A/D converter will operate
in the Continuous Conversion Mode which can be started by a software trigger, a comparator
output transition event, an external EXTI event or a TM event determined by the Trigger Control
Register ADCTCR and the Trigger Source Register ADCTSR.

After conversion:
▄▄ The converted data will be stored in the 16-bit ADCDRy (y = 0~7) registers.
▄▄ The ADC group cycle end of conversion event raw status flag, ADIRAWC, in the ADCIRAW
register will be set when the conversion cycle is finished.
▄▄ An interrupt will be generated after a group cycle end of conversion if the ADIEC bit in the
ADCIER register is enabled.

Continuous Conversion Mode

(ex: Sequence Length=8)

Cycle Cycle

Idle CH2 CH4 CH7 CH5 CH6 CH3 CH0 CH1 CH2 CH4 CH7 CH1

Start of Conversion

Single sample End of


Cycle End of Conversion

Figure 29. Continuous Conversion Mode

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32-Bit Arm® Cortex® -M0+ MCU

Discontinuous Conversion Mode

The A/D converter will operate in the Discontinuous Conversion Mode for channels group when
the A/D conversion mode bit field ADMODE [1:0] in the ADCCONV register is set to 0x3. The
group to be converted can have up to 8 channels and can be arranged in a specific sequence by
configuring the ADCLSTn registers where n ranges from 0 to 1. This mode is provided to convert
data for the group with a short sequence, named as the A/D conversion subgroup, each time a
trigger event occurs. The subgroup length is defined by the ADSUBL [2:0] field in the ADCCONV
register to specify the subgroup length. In the Discontinuous Conversion Mode the A/D converter

Analog to Digital Converter (ADC)

can be started by a software trigger, a comparator output transition event, an external EXTI event
or a TM event for the groups determined by the Trigger Control Register ADCTCR and the Trigger
Source Register ADCTSR.

In the Discontinuous Conversion Mode, the A/D Converter will start to convert the next n
conversions where the number n is the subgroup length defined by the ADSUBL field. When a
trigger event occurs, the channels to be converted with a specific sequence are specified in the
ADCLSTn registers. After n conversions have completed, the subgroup EOC interrupt raw flag
ADIRAWG in the ADCIRAW register will be asserted. The A/D converter will now not continue
to perform the next n conversions until the next trigger event occurs. The conversion cycle will end
after all the group channels, of which the total number is defined by the ADSEQL[2:0] bits in the
ADCCONV register, have finished their conversion, at which point the cycle EOC interrupt raw
flag ADIRAWC in the ADCIRAW register will be asserted. If a new trigger event occurs after all
the subgroup channels have all been converted, i.e., a complete conversion cycle has been finished,
the conversion will restart from the first subgroup.


A/D subgroup length = 3 (ADSUBL=2) and sequence length = 8 (ADSEQL=7), channels to be

converted = 2, 4, 7, 5, 6, 3, 0 and 1 - specific converting sequence as defined in the ADCLSTn
▄▄ Trigger 1: subgroup channels to be converted are CH2, CH4 and CH7 with the ADIRAWG flag
being asserted after subgroup EOC.

▄ Trigger 2: subgroup channels to be converted are CH5, CH6 and CH3 with the ADIRAWG flag
being asserted after subgroup EOC.
▄▄ Trigger 3: subgroup channels to be converted are CH0 and CH1 with the ADIRAWG flag
being asserted after subgroup EOC. Also a Cycle end of conversion (EOC) interrupt raw flag
ADIRAWC will be asserted.
▄▄ Trigger 4: subgroup channels to be converted are CH2, CH4 and CH7 with the ADIRAWG flag
being asserted - conversion sequence restarts from the beginning.

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32-Bit Arm® Cortex® -M0+ MCU

Discontinuous Conversion Mode

(ex: Sequence Length=8, Subgroup Length=3 )

Cycle Cycle


Subgroup 0 Subgroup 1 Subgroup 2 Subgroup 0

Analog to Digital Converter (ADC)

Start of

Single sample
End of

Subgroup End
of Conversion

Cycle End of

Figure 30. Discontinuous Conversion Mode

Start Conversion on External Event

An A/D conversion can be initiated by a software trigger, a comparator output transition event, a
General-Purpose Timer Module (GPTM) event, a Motor Control Timer Module (MCTM) event,
a Basic Function Timer Module (BFTM) event or an external trigger. Each trigger source can be
enabled by setting the corresponding enable control bit in the ADCTCR register and then selected
by configuring the associated selection bits in the ADCTSR register to start a group channel

An A/D converter conversion can be started by setting the software trigger bit, ADSC, in the
ADCTSR register for the group channel when the software trigger enable bit, ADSW, in the
ADCTCR register is set to 1. After the A/D converter starts converting the analog data, the
corresponding enable bit ADSC will be cleared to 0 automatically.

The A/D converter can also be triggered to start a group conversion by a TM event. The TM events
include a GPTM or MCTM master trigger output MTO, four GPTM or MCTM channel outputs
CH0~CH3 and a BFTM trigger output. If the corresponding Timer trigger enable bit is set to 1 and
the trigger output or the TM channel event is selected via the relevant TM event selection bits, the
A/D converter will start a conversion when a rising edge of the selected trigger event occurs.

In addition to the internal trigger sources, the A/D converter can be triggered to start a conversion
by an external trigger event. The external trigger event is derived from the external lines, EXTIn.
If the external trigger enable bit ADEXTI is set to 1 and the corresponding EXTI line is selected by
configuring the ADEXTIS field in the ADCTSR register, the A/D converter will start a conversion
when an EXTI line active edge determined in the EXTI Unit occurs.

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32-Bit Arm® Cortex® -M0+ MCU

Sampling Time Setting

The conversion channel sampling time can be programmed according to the input resistance of the
input voltage source. This sampling time must be enough for the input voltage source to charge the
internal sample and hold capacitor in A/D the converter to the input voltage level. Each conversion
channel is sampled with the same sampling time. By modifying the ADST[7:0] bits in the ADCSTR
register, the sampling time of the analog input signal can be determined.

The total conversion time (Tconv) is calculated using the following formula:

Analog to Digital Converter (ADC)

Tconv = TSampling + TLatency

Where the minimum sampling time TSampling = 1.5 cycles (when ADST[7:0] = 0) and the minimum
channel conversion latency TLatency = 12.5 cycles.


With the A/D Converter clock CK_ADC = 14 MHz and a sampling time =1.5 cycles:

Tconv = 1.5 + 12.5 = 14 cycles = 1 μs

Data Format
The ADC conversion result can be read in the ADCDRy register and the data format is shown in
the following Table 1.
Table 27. Data format in ADCDR [15:0]
Description ADCDR register Data Format
Right aligned “0_0_0_0_d11_d10_d9_d8_d7_d6_d5_d4_d3_d2_d1_d0”

Analog Watchdog
The A/D converter includes a watchdog function to monitor the converted data. There are two
kinds of thresholds for the watchdog monitor function, known as the watchdog upper threshold
and watchdog lower threshold, which are specified in the Watchdog Upper and Lower Threshold
Registers respectively. The watchdog monitor function is enabled by setting the watchdog upper
and lower threshold monitor function enable bits, ADWUE and ADWLE, in the watchdog control
register ADCWCR. The channel to be monitored can be specified by configuring the ADWCH
and ADWALL bits. When the converted data is less or higher than the lower or upper threshold, as
defined in the ADCLTR or ADCUTR registers respectively, the watchdog lower or upper threshold
interrupt raw flags, ADIRAWL or ADIRAWU in the ADCIRAW register, will be asserted if the
watchdog lower or upper threshold monitor function is enabled. If the lower or upper threshold
interrupt raw flag is asserted and the corresponding interrupt is enabled by setting the ADIML or
ADIMU bit in the ADCIME register, the A/D watchdog lower or upper threshold interrupt will be

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32-Bit Arm® Cortex® -M0+ MCU

When an A/D conversion is completed, an End of Conversion EOC event will occur. There are
three kinds of EOC events which are known as single sample EOC, subgroup EOC and cycle EOC
for A/D conversion. A single sample EOC event will occur and the single sample EOC interrupt
raw flag, ADIRAWS bits in the ADCIRAW register, will be asserted when a single channel
conversion has completed. A subgroup EOC event will occur and the subgroup EOC interrupt
raw flag, ADIRAWG in the ADCIRAW register, will be asserted when a subgroup conversion has
completed. A cycle EOC event will occur and the cycle EOC interrupt raw flag, ADIRAWC bits in

Analog to Digital Converter (ADC)

the ADCIRAW register, will be asserted when a cycle conversion is finished. When a single sample
EOC, a subgroup EOC or a cycle EOC raw flag is asserted and the corresponding interrupt enable
bit, ADIMC, ADIEG or ADIES bit in the ADCIER register, is set to 1, the associated interrupt will
be generated.

After a conversion has completed, the 12-bit digital data will be stored in the associated ADCDRy
registers and the value of the data valid flag named as ADVLDy will be changed from low to high.
The converted data should be read by the application program, after which the data valid flag
ADVLDy will be automatically changed from high to low. Otherwise, a data overwrite event will
occur and the data overwrite interrupt raw flag ADIRAWO bit in the ADCIRAW register will be
asserted. When the related data overwrite raw flag is asserted, the data overwrite interrupt will be
generated if the interrupt enable bit ADIEO in the ADCIER register is set to 1.

If the A/D watchdog monitor function is enabled and the data after a channel conversion is less
than the lower threshold or higher than the upper threshold, the watchdog lower or upper threshold
interrupt raw flag ADIRAWL or ADIRAWU in the ADCIRAW register will be asserted. When
the ADIRAWL or ADIRAWU flag is asserted and the corresponding interrupt enable bit, ADIEL
or ADIEU in the ADCIER register, is set a watchdog lower or upper threshold interrupt will be

The A/D Converter interrupt clear bits are used to clear the associated A/D converter interrupt raw
and interrupt status bits. Writing a 1 into the specific A/D converter interrupt clear bit in the A/D
converter interrupt clear register ADCICLR will clear the corresponding A/D converter interrupt
raw and interrupt status bits. These bits are automatically cleared to 0 by hardware after being set
to 1.

PDMA Request
The converted channel value will be stored in the corresponding data register. The A/D Converter
can inform the MCU using the A/D Converter EOC interrupt if a new conversion data is already
stored in the ADCDRn register. Users also can determine the PDMA request is asserted by setting
the ADDMAC, ADDMAG or ADDMAS bits in the ADCDMAR register. A PDMA request will
be automatically generated at the relevant end of A/D conversion. The detail description will be
introduced in the ADCDMAR register description.

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32-Bit Arm® Cortex® -M0+ MCU

Register Map
The following table shows the A/D Converter registers and reset values.
Table 28. A/D Converter Register Map
Register Offset Description Reset Value
ADCCR 0x000 ADC Conversion Control Register 0x0000_0000
ADCLST0 0x004 ADC Conversion List Register 0 0x0000_0000
ADCLST1 0x008 ADC Conversion List Register 1 0x0000_0000

Analog to Digital Converter (ADC)

ADCSTR 0x020 ADC Input Sampling Time Register 0x0000_0000
ADCDR0 0x030 ADC Conversion Data Register 0 0x0000_0000
ADCDR1 0x034 ADC Conversion Data Register 1 0x0000_0000
ADCDR2 0x038 ADC Conversion Data Register 2 0x0000_0000
ADCDR3 0x03C ADC Conversion Data Register 3 0x0000_0000
ADCDR4 0x040 ADC Conversion Data Register 4 0x0000_0000
ADCDR5 0x044 ADC Conversion Data Register 5 0x0000_0000
ADCDR6 0x048 ADC Conversion Data Register 6 0x0000_0000
ADCDR7 0x04C ADC Conversion Data Register 7 0x0000_0000
ADCTCR 0x070 ADC Trigger Control Register 0x0000_0000
ADCTSR 0x074 ADC Trigger Source Register 0x0000_0000
ADCWCR 0x078 ADC Watchdog Control Register 0x0000_0000
ADCTR 0x07C ADC Watchdog Threshold Register 0x0000_0000
ADCIER 0x080 ADC Interrupt Enable register 0x0000_0000
ADCIRAW 0x084 ADC Interrupt Raw Status Register 0x0000_0000
ADCISR 0x088 ADC Interrupt Status Register 0x0000_0000
ADCICLR 0x08C ADC Interrupt Clear Register 0x0000_0000
ADCDMAR 0x090 ADC DMA Request Register 0x0000_0000

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32-Bit Arm® Cortex® -M0+ MCU

Register Descriptions
ADC Conversion Control Register – ADCCR
This register specifies the mode setting, sequence length, and subgroup length of the ADC conversion mode.
Note that once the content of ADCCR is changed, the conversion in progress will be aborted and the A/D
converter will return to an idle state. The application program has to wait for at least one CK_ADC clock before
issuing the next command.
Offset: 0x000

Analog to Digital Converter (ADC)

Reset value: 0x0000_0000

31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24
23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16
Reserved ADSUBL
Type/Reset RW 0 RW 0 RW 0
15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8
Reserved ADSEQL
Type/Reset RW 0 RW 0 RW 0
7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
Type/Reset RW 0 RW 0 RW 0 RW 0

Bits Field Descriptions

[18:16] ADSUBL ADC Conversion Subgroup Length
The ADSUBL field specifies the conversion channel length of each subgroup in
the Discontinuous Conversion Mode. Subgroup length = ADSUBL [2:0] + 1. If
the sequence length (ADSEQL [2:0] + 1) is not a multiple of the subgroup length
(ADSUBL [2:0] + 1), the last subgroup will be the rest of the group channels that
have not been converted.
[10:8] ADSEQL ADC Conversion Length
0x00: The channel specified by the ADSEQ0 field in the ADCLST0 register will
be converted.
Others: Sequence length = ADSEQL [2:0] + 1.
The ADSEQL field specifies the whole conversion sequence length for the
conversion group.
[7] ADCEN ADC Enable
0: ADC disable
1: ADC enable
When this bit is cleared to 0, the A/D converter will be disabled and the CK_ADC
clock will also be switched off.
[6] ADCRST ADC Reset
0: No effect
1: Reset A/D converter except for the A/D Converter controller.

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Bits Field Descriptions

[1:0] ADMODE ADC Conversion Mode
ADMODE [1:0] Mode Descriptions
After a start trigger, the conversion will be
00 One shot mode executed on the specific channels for the
whole conversion sequence once.
01 Reserved
After a start trigger, the conversion will

Analog to Digital Converter (ADC)

be executed on the specific channels for
10 Continuous mode
the whole sequence continuously until
conversion mode is changed.
After a start trigger, the conversion will be
executed on the current subgroup. When
11 Discontinuous mode the last subgroup is finished, the conversion
will restart from the first subgroup if another
start trigger occurs.

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32-Bit Arm® Cortex® -M0+ MCU

ADC Conversion List Register 0 – ADCLST0

This register specifies the conversion sequence order No.0 ~ No.3 of the ADC.
Offset: 0x004
Reset value: 0x0000_0000

31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24
Reserved ADSEQ3
Type/Reset RW 0 RW 0 RW 0 RW 0 RW 0

Analog to Digital Converter (ADC)

23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16
Reserved ADSEQ2
Type/Reset RW 0 RW 0 RW 0 RW 0 RW 0
15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8
Reserved ADSEQ1
Type/Reset RW 0 RW 0 RW 0 RW 0 RW 0
7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
Reserved ADSEQ0
Type/Reset RW 0 RW 0 RW 0 RW 0 RW 0

Bits Field Descriptions

[28:24] ADSEQ3 ADC Conversion Sequence Select 3
Select the ADC input channel for the 3rd ADC conversion sequence.
0x0: ADC_IN0
0x1: ADC_IN1
0x2: ADC_IN2
0x3: ADC_IN3
0x4: ADC_IN4
0x5: ADC_IN5
0x6: ADC_IN6
0x7: ADC_IN7
0x8: ADC_IN8
0x9: ADC_IN9
0xA: ADC_IN10
0xB: ADC_IN11
0xC ~ 0xF: Reserved
0x10: Analog ground, AVSS (VREF-)
0x11: Analog power, AVDD (VREF+)
0x12 ~ 0x1F: Invalid setting. These values must not be selected as it may cause
the ADC abnormal operations.
[20:16] ADSEQ2 ADC Conversion Sequence Select 2
[12:8] ADSEQ1 ADC Conversion Sequence Select 1
[4:0] ADSEQ0 ADC Conversion Sequence Select 0

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ADC Conversion List Register 1 – ADCLST1

This register specifies the conversion sequence order No.4 ~ No.7 of the ADC.
Offset: 0x008
Reset value: 0x0000_0000

31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24
Reserved ADSEQ7
Type/Reset RW 0 RW 0 RW 0 RW 0 RW 0

Analog to Digital Converter (ADC)

23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16
Reserved ADSEQ6
Type/Reset RW 0 RW 0 RW 0 RW 0 RW 0
15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8
Reserved ADSEQ5
Type/Reset RW 0 RW 0 RW 0 RW 0 RW 0
7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
Reserved ADSEQ4
Type/Reset RW 0 RW 0 RW 0 RW 0 RW 0

Bits Field Descriptions

[28:24] ADSEQ7 ADC Conversion Sequence Select 7
Select the ADC input channel for the 7th ADC conversion sequence.
0x0: ADC_IN0
0x1: ADC_IN1
0x2: ADC_IN2
0x3: ADC_IN3
0x4: ADC_IN4
0x5: ADC_IN5
0x6: ADC_IN6
0x7: ADC_IN7
0x8: ADC_IN8
0x9: ADC_IN9
0xA: ADC_IN10
0xB: ADC_IN11
0xC ~ 0xF: Reserved
0x10: Analog ground, AVSS (VREF-)
0x11: Analog power, AVDD (VREF+)
0x12 ~ 0x1F: Invalid setting. These values must not be selected as it may cause
the ADC abnormal operations.
[20:16] ADSEQ6 ADC Conversion Sequence Select 6
[12:8] ADSEQ5 ADC Conversion Sequence Select 5
[4:0] ADSEQ4 ADC Conversion Sequence Select 4

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ADC Input Sampling Time Register – ADCSTR

This register specifies the A/D converter input channel sampling time.
Offset: 0x020
Reset value: 0x0000_0000

31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24

Analog to Digital Converter (ADC)

23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16
15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8
7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
Type/Reset RW 0 RW 0 RW 0 RW 0 RW 0 RW 0 RW 0 RW 0

Bits Field Descriptions

[7:0] ADST ADC Input Channel Sampling Time
Sampling time = (ADST[7:0] + 1.5) × CK_ADC clocks.

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ADC Conversion Data Register y – ADCDRy, y = 0 ~ 7

This register is used to store the conversion data of the conversion sequence order No.y which is specified by
the ADSEQy field in the ADCLSTn (n= 0 ~ 1) registers.
Offset: 0x030 ~ 0x04C
Reset value: 0x0000_0000

31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24
ADVLDy Reserved

Analog to Digital Converter (ADC)

Type/Reset RC 0
23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16
15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8
Type/Reset RO 0 RO 0 RO 0 RO 0 RO 0 RO 0 RO 0 RO 0
7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
Type/Reset RO 0 RO 0 RO 0 RO 0 RO 0 RO 0 RO 0 RO 0

Bits Field Descriptions

[31] ADVLDy ADC Conversion Data of Sequence Order No.y Valid Bit (y = 0 ~ 7)
0: Data are invalid or have been read
1: New data is valid
[15:0] ADDy ADC Conversion Data of Sequence Order No.y (y = 0 ~ 7)
The conversion result of Sequence Order ADSEQy in the ADCLSTn (n=0 ~1)

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ADC Trigger Control Register – ADCTCR

This register contains the ADC start conversion trigger enable bits.
Offset: 0x070
Reset value: 0x0000_0000

31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24

Analog to Digital Converter (ADC)

23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16
15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8
7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
Type/Reset RW 0 RW 0 RW 0 RW 0 RW 0

Bits Field Descriptions

[4] CMP ADC Conversion CMP Event Trigger enable control
0: Disable conversion trigger by CMP output transition
1: Enable conversion trigger by CMP output transition
[3] BFTM ADC Conversion BFTM Event Trigger enable control
0: Disable conversion trigger by BFTM events
1: Enable conversion trigger by BFTM events
[2] TM ADC Conversion GPTM or MCTM Event Trigger enable control
0: Disable conversion trigger by GPTM or MCTM events
1: Enable conversion trigger by GPTM or MCTM events
[1] ADEXTI ADC Conversion EXTI Event Trigger enable control
0: Disable conversion trigger by EXTI lines
1: Enable conversion trigger by EXTI lines
[0] ADSW ADC Conversion Software Trigger enable control
0: Disable conversion trigger by software trigger bit
1: Enable conversion trigger by software trigger bit

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ADC Trigger Source Register – ADCTSR

This register contains the trigger source selection and the software trigger bit of the conversion.
Offset: 0x074
Reset value: 0x0000_0000

31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24
Reserved TME
Type/Reset RW 0 RW 0 RW 0

Analog to Digital Converter (ADC)

23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16
Type/Reset RW 0 RW 0 RW 0 RW 0 RW 0
15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8
Reserved ADEXTIS
Type/Reset RW 0 RW 0 RW 0 RW 0
7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
Reserved ADSC
Type/Reset RW 0

Bits Field Descriptions

[26:24] TME GPTM or MCTM Trigger Event Selection of ADC Conversion
000: GPTM or MCTM MTO event
001: GPTM or MCTM CH0O event
010: GPTM or MCTM CH1O event
011: GPTM or MCTM CH2O event
100: GPTM or MCTM CH3O event
Others: Reserved - Should not be used to avoid unpredictable results
[20] CMPS CMP Trigger Selection of ADC Conversion
0: CMP0
1: CMP1
[19] BFTMS BFTM Trigger Timer Selection of ADC Conversion
0: BFTM0
1: BFTM1
[18:16] TMS GPTM or MCTM Trigger Timer Selection of ADC Conversion
000: MCTM
001: Reserved
010: GPTM0
011: GPTM1
Others: Reserved - Should not be used to avoid unpredictable results
[11:8] ADEXTIS EXTI Trigger Source Selection of ADC Conversion
0x00: EXTI line 0
0x01: EXTI line 1

0x0F: EXTI line 15
Note that the EXTI line active edge to start an A/D conversion is determined in the
External Interrupt/Event Control Unit, EXTI.
[0] ADSC ADC Conversion Software Trigger Bit
0: No operation
1: Start conversion immediately
This bit is set by software to start a conversion manually and then cleared by
hardware automatically after conversion started.

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ADC Watchdog Control Register – ADCWCR

This register provides the control bits and status of the ADC watchdog function.
Offset: 0x078
Reset value: 0x0000_0000

31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24
Reserved ADUCH
Type/Reset RO 0 RO 0 RO 0 RO 0

Analog to Digital Converter (ADC)

23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16
Reserved ADLCH
Type/Reset RO 0 RO 0 RO 0 RO 0
15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8
Reserved ADWCH
Type/Reset RW 0 RW 0 RW 0 RW 0
7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
Type/Reset RW 0 RW 0 RW 0

Bits Field Descriptions

[27:24] ADUCH Upper Threshold Channel Status
0000: ADC_IN0 converted data is higher then the upper threshold
0001: ADC_IN1 converted data is higher then the upper threshold
1011: ADC_IN11 converted data is higher then the upper threshold
Others: Reserved
If one of these status bits is set to 1 by the watchdog monitor function, the status
field value should first be stored in the user-defined memory location in the
corresponding ISR. Otherwise, the ADUCH field will be changed if another input
channel converted data is higher than the upper threshold.
[19:16] ADLCH Lower Threshold Channel Status
0000: ADC_IN0 converted data is lower then the lower threshold
0001: ADC_IN1 converted data is lower then the lower threshold
1011: ADC_IN11 converted data is lower then the lower threshold
Others: Reserved
If one of these status bits is set to 1 by the watchdog monitor function, the status
field value should first be stored in the user-defined memory location in the
corresponding ISR. Otherwise, the ADLCH field will be changed if another input
channel converted data is lower than the lower threshold.
[11:8] ADWCH ADC Watchdog Specific Channel Selection
0000: ADC_IN0 is monitored
0001: ADC_IN1 is monitored
1011: ADC_IN11 is monitored
Others: Reserved
[2] ADWALL ADC Watchdog Specific or All Channel Setting
0: Only the channel which specified by the ASWCH field is monitored
1: All channels are monitored

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Bits Field Descriptions

[1] ADWUE ADC Watchdog Upper Threshold Enable Bit
0: Disable upper threshold monitor function
1: Enable upper threshold monitor function
[0] ADWLE ADC Watchdog Lower Threshold Enable Bit
0: Disable lower threshold monitor function
1: Enable lower threshold monitor function

Analog to Digital Converter (ADC)

ADC Watchdog Threshold Register – ADCTR
This register specifies the upper and lower threshold of the ADC watchdog function.
Offset: 0x07C
Reset value: 0x0000_0000

31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24
Reserved ADUT
Type/Reset RW 0 RW 0 RW 0 RW 0
23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16
Type/Reset RW 0 RW 0 RW 0 RW 0 RW 0 RW 0 RW 0 RW 0
15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8
Reserved ADLT
Type/Reset RW 0 RW 0 RW 0 RW 0
7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
Type/Reset RW 0 RW 0 RW 0 RW 0 RW 0 RW 0 RW 0 RW 0

Bits Field Descriptions

[27:16] ADUT ADC Watchdog Upper Threshold Value
Specify the upper threshold for the ADC watchdog monitor function.
[11:0] ADLT ADC Watchdog Lower Threshold Value
Specify the lower threshold for the ADC watchdog monitor function.

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ADC Interrupt Enable Register – ADCIER

This register contains the ADC interrupt enable bits.
Offset: 0x080
Reset value: 0x0000_0000

31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24
Reserved ADIEO
Type/Reset RW 0

Analog to Digital Converter (ADC)

23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16
Type/Reset RW 0 RW 0
15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8
7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
Type/Reset RW 0 RW 0 RW 0

Bits Field Descriptions

[24] ADIEO ADC Data Register Overwrite Interrupt enable
0: ADC data register overwrite interrupt is disabled
1: ADC data register overwrite interrupt is enabled
[17] ADIEU ADC Watchdog Upper Threshold Interrupt enable
0: ADC watchdog upper threshold interrupt is disabled
1: ADC watchdog upper threshold interrupt is enabled
[16] ADIEL ADC Watchdog Lower Threshold Interrupt enable
0: ADC watchdog lower threshold interrupt is disabled
1: ADC watchdog lower threshold interrupt is enabled
[2] ADIEC ADC Cycle EOC Interrupt enable
0: ADC cycle end of conversion interrupt is disabled
1: ADC cycle end of conversion interrupt is enabled
[1] ADIEG ADC Subgroup EOC Interrupt enable
0: ADC subgroup end of conversion interrupt is disabled
1: ADC subgroup end of conversion interrupt is enabled
[0] ADIES ADC Single EOC Interrupt enable
0: ADC single end of conversion interrupt is disabled
1: ADC single end of conversion interrupt is enabled

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ADC Interrupt Raw Status Register – ADCIRAW

This register contains the ADC interrupt raw status bits.
Offset: 0x084
Reset value: 0x0000_0000

31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24
Reserved ADIRAWO
Type/Reset RO 0

Analog to Digital Converter (ADC)

23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16
Type/Reset RO 0 RO 0
15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8
7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
Type/Reset RO 0 RO 0 RO 0

Bits Field Descriptions

[24] ADIRAWO ADC Data Register Overwrite Interrupt Raw Status
0: ADC data register overwrite event does not occur
1: ADC data register overwrite event occurs
[17] ADIRAWU ADC Watchdog Upper Threshold Interrupt Raw Status
0: ADC watchdog upper threshold event does not occur
1: ADC watchdog upper threshold event occurs
[16] ADIRAWL ADC Watchdog Lower Threshold Interrupt Raw Status
0: ADC watchdog lower threshold event does not occurs
1: ADC watchdog lower threshold event occurs
[2] ADIRAWC ADC Cycle EOC Interrupt Raw Status
0: ADC cycle end of conversion event does not occur
1: ADC cycle end of conversion event occurs
[1] ADIRAWG ADC Subgroup EOC Interrupt Raw Status
0: ADC subgroup end of conversion event does not occur
1: ADC subgroup end of conversion event occurs
[0] ADIRAWS ADC Single EOC Interrupt Raw Status
0: ADC single end of conversion event does not occur
1: ADC single end of conversion event occurs

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32-Bit Arm® Cortex® -M0+ MCU

ADC Interrupt Status Register – ADCISR

This register contains the ADC interrupt masked status bits. The corresponding interrupt status will be set to 1 if
the associated interrupt event occurs and the related enable bit is set to 1.
Offset: 0x088
Reset value: 0x0000_0000

31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24
Reserved ADISRO

Analog to Digital Converter (ADC)

Type/Reset RO 0
23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16
Type/Reset RO 0 RO 0
15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8
7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
Type/Reset RO 0 RO 0 RO 0

Bits Field Descriptions

[24] ADISRO ADC Data Register Overwrite Interrupt Status
0: ADC data register overwrite interrupt does not occur or the data register
overwrite interrupt is disabled.
1: ADC data register overwrite interrupt occurs as the data register overwrite
interrupt is enabled.
[17] ADISRU ADC Watchdog Upper Threshold Interrupt Status
0: ADC watchdog upper threshold interrupt does not occur or the watchdog upper
threshold interrupt is disabled.
1: ADC watchdog upper threshold interrupt occurs as the watchdog upper
threshold interrupt is enabled.
[16] ADISRL ADC Watchdog Lower Threshold Interrupt Status
0: ADC watchdog lower threshold interrupt does not occur or the watchdog lower
threshold interrupt is disabled.
1: ADC watchdog lower threshold interrupt occurs as the watchdog lower
threshold interrupt is enabled.
[2] ADISRC ADC Cycle EOC Interrupt Status
0: ADC cycle end of conversion interrupt does not occur or the cycle end of
conversion interrupt is disabled.
1: ADC cycle end of conversion interrupt occurs as the cycle end of conversion
interrupt is enabled.
[1] ADISRG ADC Subgroup EOC Interrupt Status
0: ADC subgroup end of conversion interrupt does not occur or the subgroup end
of conversion interrupt is disabled.
1: ADC subgroup end of conversion interrupt occurs as the subgroup end of
conversion interrupt is enabled.
[0] ADISRS ADC Single EOC Interrupt Status
0: ADC single end of conversion interrupt does not occur or the single end of
conversion interrupt is disabled.
1: ADC single end of conversion interrupt occurs as the single end of conversion
interrupt is enabled.

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32-Bit Arm® Cortex® -M0+ MCU

ADC Interrupt Clear Register – ADCICLR

This register provides the clear bits used to clear the interrupt raw and masked status of the ADC. These bits are
set to 1 by software to clear the interrupt status and automatically cleared to 0 by hardware after being set to 1.
Offset: 0x08C
Reset value: 0x0000_0000

31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24
Reserved ADICLRO

Analog to Digital Converter (ADC)

Type/Reset WO 0
23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16
Type/Reset WO 0 WO 0
15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8
7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
Type/Reset WO 0 WO 0 WO 0

Bits Field Descriptions

[24] ADICLRO ADC Data Register Overwrite Interrupt Status Clear Bit
0: No effect
1: Clear ADISRO and ADIRAWO bits
[17] ADICLRU ADC Watchdog Upper Threshold Interrupt Status Clear Bit
0: No effect
1: Clear ADISRU and ADIRAWU bits
[16] ADICLRL ADC Watchdog Lower Threshold Interrupt Status Clear Bit
0: No effect
1: Clear ADISRL and ADIRAWL bits
[2] ADICLRC ADC Cycle EOC Interrupt Status Clear Bit
0: No effect
1: Clear ADISRC and ADIRAWC bits
[1] ADICLRG ADC Subgroup EOC Interrupt Status Clear Bit
0: No effect
1: Clear ADISRG and ADIRAWG bits
[0] ADICLRS ADC Single EOC Interrupt Status Clear Bit
0: No effect
1: Clear ADISRS and ADIRAWS bits

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32-Bit Arm® Cortex® -M0+ MCU

ADC DMA Request Register – ADCDMAR

This register contains the ADC DMA request enable bits.
Offset: 0x090
Reset value: 0x0000_0000

31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24

Analog to Digital Converter (ADC)

23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16
15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8
7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
Type/Reset RW 0 RW 0 RW 0

Bits Field Descriptions

[2] ADDMAC ADC Cycle EOC DMA Request Enable Bit
0: ADC cycle end of conversion DMA request is disabled
1: ADC cycle end of conversion DMA request is enabled
[1] ADDMAG ADC Subgroup EOC DMA Request Enable Bit
0: ADC subgroup end of conversion DMA request is disabled
1: ADC subgroup end of conversion DMA request is enabled
[0] ADDMAS ADC Single EOC DMA Request Enable Bit
0: ADC single end of conversion DMA request is disabled
1: ADC single end of conversion DMA request is enabled

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32-Bit Arm® Cortex® -M0+ MCU

13 Comparator (CMP)

The two general purpose comparators (CMP) are implemented within the device. They can be
configured either as standalone comparators or combined with the different kinds of peripheral IP.
Each comparator is capable of asserting interrupts to the NVIC or wakeup the CPU Deep Sleep

Comparator (CMP)
mode through EXTI wakeup event management unit.

Comparator Analog IP Hysteresis


Mux 0 GPIO



Reserved 1
Reserved CMPPOL
Programmable SYNCSEL
Response Time
CMP Status

& Interrupt
VREF+ 6-Bit CVREF Control &
1 Reguest
VSSA Scaler Interrupt
CVRVAL[5:0] Wakeup
VDDA Domain VCORE Domain Management

Figure 31. Comparator Block Diagram

▄▄ Rail-to-rail comparator
▄▄ Configurable negative inputs used for flexible voltage selection
●● Dedicated I/O pin
●● Internal voltage reference provided by 6-bit scaler
▄▄ Programmable hysteresis
▄▄ Programming response speed and consumption
▄▄ Comparator output used as multiple timers or ADC trigger inputs
▄▄ Programmable internal voltage reference provided by 6-bit scaler.
▄▄ Comparator output transition with interrupt generation and wake-up functions from Sleep or
Deep Sleep modes through the EXTI controller.

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32-Bit Arm® Cortex® -M0+ MCU

Function Descriptions
Comparator Inputs and Output
The I/O pins used as comparator inputs or output must be configured in the AFIO controller
registers. The detail comparator I/Os information will be referred in the pin assignment table
in the datasheet. The output can also be internally connected to a variety of timer or ADC for
trigger purpose. The comparator output can be used for both internal and external functions

Comparator (CMP)
Comparator Voltage Reference
The comparator voltage reference is a 64-tap resistor ladder network that provides a selectable
reference voltage. It also has a power-down function to conserve the power when the reference
is not used. The comparator voltage reference provides 64 distinct levels. The equation used to
calculate the comparator voltage reference is as follows:


The comparator voltage reference power source, V RP, can come from either the V DDA or external
V REF+ pin. The voltage source is selected by the CVRSS bit in the Comparator Control Register
CMPCR. The primary purpose of the CVREF output is to provide a reference voltage for the
analog comparator. It may also be used independently of them and configured output to CN pin
by setting the CVROE bit in the Comparator Control Register CVRCR. The settling time of the
comparator voltage reference must be considered when changing the CVREF output.




64:1 Mux


6-Bit Scaler for Comparator Voltage

Figure 32. 6-Bit Scaler for Comparator Voltage Reference Block Diagram

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32-Bit Arm® Cortex® -M0+ MCU

Interrupts and Wakeup

The comparator can generate an interrupt when its output waveform generates a rising or falling
edge and its corresponding interrupt enables control bit is also set.

For example, when a comparator output rising edge occurs, the comparator rising edge flag bit
CMPRF in the Comparator Transition Flag Register CMPTFR will be set. If the comparator output
rising edge interrupt enable control bit CMPRIEN in the Comparator Interrupt Enable Register
CMPIER is enabled, an interrupt will then be generated and sent to the NVIC unit. Writing “1”

Comparator (CMP)
into the comparator rising edge flag bit CMPRF in the Comparator Transition Flag Register
CMPTFR will clear the CMPRF bit. The comparator output falling edge interrupt also has the
same corresponding interrupt setting. A block diagram of interrupt signal for comparators is shown
in Figure 33.










Figure 33. Interrupt Signals of Comparators

The comparator outputs are also internally connected to the EXTI Wake-up Event Management
unit. The comparator output rising transition is used to wake up the MCU from the Deep Sleep 1
or 2 modes when the comparator wake-up enable bit CMPWPEN is set in the Comparator Control
Register CMPCR. A block diagram of wakeup signal for comparators is shown in Figure 34.




Figure 34. Wakeup Signals of Comparators

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32-Bit Arm® Cortex® -M0+ MCU

Power Mode and Hysteresis

The comparator response time can be programmed to meet the trade-off between the power
consumption and application requirement. The bit CMPSM in CMPCR register can be programmed
as “1” to get the comparator in the low speed mode with low power consumption.

The comparator also has four hysteresis levels to avoid spurious output transitions in case of noisy
signals. The bit CMPHM[1:0] in CMPCR register can be programmed to get the different hysteresis
level for the comparator.

Comparator (CMP)
Comparator Write-Protected mechanism
As the comparator can be used for safety purposes, it is necessary to insure that the comparator
configurations cannot be altered in case of spurious register access or program counter corruption.
For this purpose, the write protection is provided by writing a specific value into the PROTECT
filed in the Comparator Control Register CMPCR. The write protection function is enabled in
default. Before configuring the bits [15:0] in the Comparator Control Register CMPCR, the register
protection bits [31:16] of the CMPCR register has to be written into with the 0x9C3A pattern first.
Then the write protection mode is disabled and the CMPCR register becomes programmable.
As the same reason, the comparator input and output also can be locked with the corresponding
configuration lock bit in the Port n Lock Register PnLOCKR (n = A ~ E) in the GPIO unit.

Register Map
The following table shows the CMP registers and reset values.
Table 29. CMP Register Map
Register Offset Description Reset Value
CMPCR0 0x000 Comparator Control Register 0 0x0001_0000
CVRVALR0 0x004 Comparator Voltage Reference Value Register 0 0x0000_0000
CMPIER0 0x008 Comparator Interrupt Enable Register 0 0x0000_0000
CMPTFR0 0x00C Comparator Transition Flag Register 0 0x0000_0000
CMPCR1 0x100 Comparator Control Register 1 0x0001_0000
CVRVALR1 0x104 Comparator Voltage Reference Value Register 1 0x0000_0000
CMPIER1 0x108 Comparator Interrupt Enable Register 1 0x0000_0000
CMPTFR1 0x10C Comparator Transition Flag Register 1 0x0000_0000

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Register Descriptions
Comparator Control Register n – CMPCRn, n = 0 or 1
This register contains the comparator function and comparator voltage reference control bits.
Offset: 0x000 (n = 0), 0x100 (n = 1)
Reset value: 0x0001_0000

31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24

Comparator (CMP)
Type/Reset RW 0 RW 0 RW 0 RW 0 RW 0 RW 0 RW 0 RW 0
23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16
Type/Reset RW 0 RW 0 RW 0 RW 0 RW 0 RW 0 RW 0 RW 1
15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8
Type/Reset R 0 RW/R 0 RW/R 0 RW/R 0 RW/R 0 RW/R 0 RW/R 0 RW/R 0
7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
Type/Reset RW/R 0 RW/R 0 RW/R 0 RW/R 0 RW/R 0 RW/R 0 RW/R 0 RW/R 0

Bits Field Descriptions

[31:16] PROTECT Register Protection
For write operation:
0x9C3A: Disable the CMPCR register write protection
Others values: Enable the CMPCR register write protection
For read operation:
0x0000: CMPCR register write protection is disabled
0x0001: CMPCR register write protection is enabled
These bits are used to enable or disable the write protection of the filed [14:0] of
the CMPCR register. Enabling the write protection will make the filed [14:0] of the
CMPCR register become read-only to prevent any unexpected write operation. The
value read from this field will indicate if the write protection is enabled or not.
[15] CMPSTS Comparator Output Status
0: Output is low
1: Output is high
This read-only bit is a copy of the comparator output status after the polarity
[14] CMPWPEN Comparator Wake-up Enable
0: Disable comparator wake-up function.
1: Enable comparator wake-up function.
This bit is enabled to wake up the MCU from the Deep-Sleep when the comparator
output after the polarity selection changes state from low to high.

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Bits Field Descriptions

[13:11] CMPOSEL Comparator 0 Output Selection
000: No selection
001: GPTM0 capture channel 3
010: MCTM capture channel 3
011: MCTM break input 1
100: ADC trigger input
Other: Reserved
Comparator 1 Output Selection

Comparator (CMP)
000: No selection
001: GPTM1 capture channel 3
010: MCTM capture channel 3
011: MCTM break input 1
100: ADC trigger input
Other: Reserved
These bits are used to select the destination for the comparator output after the
polarity selection.
[10] CVRSS Comparator Voltage Reference Source Selection
0: 6-bit scaler reference voltage source comes from VDDA
1: 6-bit scaler reference voltage source comes from VREF+
[9] CVROE Comparator Voltage Reference Output Enable
0: Disable 6-bit scaler output to CN pin
1: Enable 6-bit scaler output to CN pin
[8] CVREN Comparator Voltage Reference Enable
0: Disable 6-bit scaler for comparator voltage reference
1: Enable 6-bit scaler for comparator voltage reference
[7] SYNSEL Synchronization Selection
0: Asynchronous signal of Comparator output is selected
1: Synchronous signal of comparator output is selected
The synchronous comparator output should be selected before being passed to the
AFIO unit.
[6] CMPPOL Comparator Output Polarity Selection
0: Comparator output is not inverted
1: Comparator output is inverted
[5:4] CMPINSEL Comparator Inverted Input Selection
00: Comparator external CN pin is selected
01: Comparator internal 6-bit reference voltage scaler output is selected
1x: Reserved
These bits are used to select the comparator inverted input source.
[3:2] CMPHM Comparator Hysteresis Mode Selection
00: No hysteresis
01: Low hysteresis mode
10: Middle hysteresis mode
11: High hysteresis mode
[1] CMPSM Comparator Speed Mode Selection
0: High speed mode
1: Low speed mode
[0] CMPEN Comparator Enable
0: Disable Comparator (entering the power down mode)
1: Enable Comparator

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Comparator Voltage Reference Value Register n – CVRVALRn, n = 0 or 1

The register is used to set the comparator voltage reference level.
Offset: 0x004 (n = 0), 0x104 (n = 1)
Reset value: 0x0000_0000

31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24

Comparator (CMP)
23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16
15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8
7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
Reserved CVRVAL
Type/Reset RW 0 RW 0 RW 0 RW 0 RW 0 RW 0

Bits Field Descriptions

[5:0] CVRVAL Comparator Voltage Reference Value
There are 64 levels of the comparator voltage reference which is set using the
CVRVAL bits. The relationship between the CVRVAL register value and the
comparator voltage reference CVREF is given by the following equation:
CVREF = CVRVAL×(VRP –VSSA)/63, where the VRP can come from the VDDA or VREF+.

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Comparator Interrupt Enable Register n – CMPIERn, n = 0 or 1

The register is used to enable the comparator n interrupt when the comparator output transition event occurs.
Offset: 0x008 (n = 0), 0x108 (n = 1)
Reset value: 0x0000_0000

31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24

Comparator (CMP)
23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16
15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8
7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
Type/Reset RW 0 RW 0

Bits Field Descriptions

[1] CMPRIEN Comparator Output Rising Edge Interrupt Enable
0: Comparator output rising edge interrupt is disabled.
1: Comparator output rising edge interrupt is enabled.
[0] CMPFIEN Comparator Output Falling Edge Interrupt Enable
0: Comparator output falling edge interrupt is disabled.
1: Comparator output falling edge interrupt is enabled.

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Comparator Transition Flag Register n – CMPTFRn, n = 0 or 1

This register contains the comparator n transition detection enable bits and flags.
Offset: 0x00C (n = 0), 0x10C (n = 1)
Reset value: 0x0000_0000

31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24

Comparator (CMP)
23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16
15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8
Type/Reset RW 0 RW 0
7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
Type/Reset WC 0 WC 0

Bits Field Descriptions

[9] CMPRDEN Comparator Output Rising Edge Detection Enable
0: Disable comparator output rising edge detection
1: Enable comparator output rising edge detection
Note: The detected comparator transition signal is a copy of the comparator output
state after the polarity selection and synchronized by the HCLK clock.
[8] CMPFDEN Comparator Output Falling Edge Detection Enable
0: Disable comparator output falling edge detection
1: Enable comparator output falling edge detection
Note: The detected comparator transition signal is a copy of the comparator output
state after the polarity selection and synchronized by the HCLK clock.
[1] CMPRF Comparator Output Rising Edge Flag
0: No comparator output rising edge occurs
1: Comparator output rising edge occurs
This flag is available when the comparator output rising edge detection is enabled.
This bit is set to 1 by hardware and cleared by software written a “1” into it.
[0] CMPFF Comparator Output Falling Edge Flag
0: No Comparator output falling edge occurs
1: Comparator output falling edge occurs
This flag is available when the comparator output falling edge detection is enabled.
This bit is set to 1 by hardware and cleared by software written a “1” into it.

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32-Bit Arm® Cortex® -M0+ MCU

14 General-Purpose Timer (GPTM)

The General-Purpose Timer consists of one 16-bit up/down-counter, four 16-bit Capture/
Compare Registers (CCRs), one 16-bit Counter-Reload Register (CRR) and several control/status
registers. It can be used for a variety of purposes including general timer, input signal pulse width

General-Purpose Timer (GPTM)

measurement or output waveform generation such as single pulse generation or PWM output. The
GPTM supports an encoder interface using a quadrature decoder with two inputs.


Colck Master MTO
ITI1 Controller Controller
Detector CHxOREF To other Times
ITI2 CLKPULSE (x = 0 ~ 3) To ADC

TEV : Trigger Event

UEV1G TI0S0ED CEVx : Channel x Capture Event

MEVx : Channel x Compare Match Event
Quadrature Slave BEV : Break Event
TI1S0ED Decoder Controller
TI0S0 Controll UEV1 : Update Event 1

TI1S1 UEV2 : Update Event 2

Restart Reload Register

Pause (CRR)



TI0 Input Filter CEV0
& Polarity Selection CH0 CH0 Capture/Compare CH0OREF Output
& Edge Detection PRESCALER Register (CH0CCR) Control

TI1 Input Filter
GT_CH1 & Polarity Selection
TI1S1ED CH1 CH1 Capture/Compare CH1OREF Output
& Edge Detection GT_CH1O
PRESCALER Register (CH1CCR) Control

Input Filter
GT_CH2 & Polarity Selection CH2 CH2 Capture/Compare Output
& Edge Detection

Input Filter
GT_CH3 & Polarity Selection
TI3S3ED CH3 CH3 Capture/Compare CH3OREF Output
& Edge Detection
Register (CH3CCR) Control

Figure 35. GPTM Block Diagram

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▄▄ 16-bit up/down auto-reload counter
▄▄ 16-bit programmable prescaler that allows division of the counter clock frequency by any factor
between 1 and 65536

▄ Up to 4 independent channels for:
●● Input Capture function
●● Compare Match Output

General-Purpose Timer (GPTM)

●● Generation of PWM waveform – Edge and Center-aligned Mode
●● Single Pulse Mode Output
▄▄ Encoder interface controller with two inputs using quadrature decoder
▄▄ Synchronization circuit to control the timer with external signals and to interconnect several
timers together
▄▄ Interrupt/PDMA generation with the following events:
●● Update event
●● Trigger event
●● Input capture event
●● Output compare match event
▄▄ GPTM Master/Slave mode controller

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32-Bit Arm® Cortex® -M0+ MCU

Functional Descriptions
Counter Mode
In this mode the counter counts continuously from 0 to the counter-reload value, which is defined
in the CRR register, in a count-up direction. Once the counter reaches the counter-reload value,
the Timer Module generates an overflow event and the counter restarts to count once again from
0. This action will continue repeatedly. The counting direction bit DIR in the CNTCFR register

General-Purpose Timer (GPTM)

should be set to 0 for the up-counting mode.

When the update event is generated by setting the UEVG bit in the EVGR register to 1, the counter
value will also be initialized to 0.




CNTR F2 F3 F4 F5 0 1 2 3

CRR F5 36
CRR Shadow Register F5 36

PSCR 0 1
PSCR Shadow Register 0 1

PSC_CNT 0 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1

Counter Overflow

Update Event Flag

Write a new value Software clearing
Update the new value

Figure 36. Up-counting Example

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32-Bit Arm® Cortex® -M0+ MCU

In this mode the counter counts continuously from the counter-reload value, which is defined in
the CRR register, to 0 in a count-down direction. Once the counter reaches 0, the Timer module
generates an underflow event and the counter restarts to count once again from the counter-reload
value. This action will continue repeatedly. The counting direction bit DIR in the CNTCFR register
should be set to 1 for the down-counting mode.

When the update event is set by the UEVG bit in the EVGR register, the counter value will also be
initialized to the counter-reload value.

General-Purpose Timer (GPTM)




CNTR 3 2 1 0 36 35 34 33

CRR F5 36
CRR Shadow Register F5 36

PSCR 0 1
PSCR Shadow Register 0 1

PSC_CNT 0 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1

Counter Underflow

Update Event Flag

Write a new value Software clearing
Update a new value

Figure 37. Down-counting Example

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32-Bit Arm® Cortex® -M0+ MCU

Center-Align Counting
In the center-aligned counting mode, the counter counts up from 0 to the counter-reload value
and then counts down to 0 alternatively. The Timer module generates an overflow event when the
counter counts to the counter-reload value in the up-counting mode and generates an underflow
event when the counter counts to 0 in the down-counting mode. The counting direction bit DIR in
the CNTCFR register is read-only and indicates the counting direction when in the center-align
mode. The counting direction is updated by hardware automatically.

Setting the UEVG bit in the EVGR register will initialize the counter value to 0 irrespective of

General-Purpose Timer (GPTM)

whether the counter is counting up or down in the center-align counting mode.

The UEVIF bit in the INTSR register can be set to 1 when an overflow or underflow event or both
of them occur according to the CMSEL field setting in the CNTCFR register.

CNTR F2 F3 F4 4 3 2 1 0 1 2 3

CRR F5 4
CRR Shadow Register F5 4

Counter Overflow
Counter Underflow
Update Event Flag

Write a new value Software clearing Software clearing

Figure 38. Center-aligned Counting Example

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32-Bit Arm® Cortex® -M0+ MCU

Clock Controller
The following describes the Timer Module clock controller which determines the clock source of
the internal prescaler counter.
▄▄ Internal APB clock fCLKIN:
The default internal clock source is the APB clock fCLKIN used to drive the counter prescaler
when the slave mode is disabled. If the slave mode controller is enabled by setting SMSEL field
in the MDCFR register to an available value including 0x1, 0x2, 0x3 and 0x7, the prescaler is

General-Purpose Timer (GPTM)

clocked by other clock sources selected by the TRSEL field in the TRCFR register and described
as follows. When the slave mode selection bits SMSEL are set to 0x4, 0x5 or 0x6, the internal
APB clock fCLKIN is the counter prescaler driving clock source.
▄▄ Quadrature Decoder:
To select Quadrature Decoder mode the SMSEL field should be set to 0x1, 0x2 or 0x3 in the
MDCFR register. The Quadrature Decoder function uses two input states of the GT_CH0 and
GT_CH1 pins to generate the clock pulse to drive the counter prescaler. The counting direction
bit DIR is modified by hardware automatically at each transition on the input source signal. The
input source signal can be derived from the GT_CH0 pin only, the GT_CH1 pin only or both
GT_CH0 and GT_CH1 pins.
The counter prescaler can count during each rising edge of the STI signal. This mode can be
selected by setting the SMSEL field to 0x7 in the MDCFR register. Here the counter will act
as an event counter. The input event, known as STI here, can be selected by setting the TRSEL
field to an available value except the value of 0x0. When the STI signal is selected as the clock
source, the internal edge detection circuitry will generate a clock pulse during each STI signal
rising edge to drive the counter prescaler. It is important to note that if the TRSEL field is set to
0x0 to select the software UEVG bit as the trigger source, then when the SMSEL field is set to
0x7, the counter will be updated instead of counting.


CLKPULSE Update Event

(Quadrature Decoder)


(Internal APB clock) PSC Prescaler CNTR TM_CNT
Reset Reset
(Trigger events)


Overflow / Slave Restart
Underflow UEVG bit mode trigger

Figure 39. GPTM Clock Selection Source

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32-Bit Arm® Cortex® -M0+ MCU

Trigger Controller
The trigger controller is used to select the trigger source and setup the trigger level or edge trigger
condition. For the internal trigger input, it can be selected by the Trigger Selection bits TRSEL in
the TRCFR register. For all the trigger sources except the UEVG bit software trigger, the internal
edge detection circuitry will generate a clock pulse at each trigger signal rising edge to stimulate
some GPTM functions which are triggered by a trigger signal rising edge.

General-Purpose Timer (GPTM)

Trigger Controller Block = Edge Trigger Mux + Level Trigger Mux

Internal Trigger Input

ITI2 Detection ITI1ED


Edge Trigger = Internal (ITIx) + Channel input (TIn)

Edge Trigger Mux
0 000
TI0S0ED 001
TI1S1ED 010
Reserved 011
others STIED_S0
TI0BED 000
ITI0ED 001 0
ITI2ED 011
Reserved others


Level Trigger Source = Internal (ITIx) + Channel input (TIn) + Software UEV1G bit
SW Set Level Trigger Mux
UEV1G Bit 000
TI0S0 001
TI1S1 010
Reserved 011
Reserved others
0 000
ITI0 001 0
ITI2 011
Reserved others

Figure 40. Trigger Controller Block

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Slave Controller
The GPTM can be synchronized with an external trigger in several modes including the Restart
mode, the Pause mode and the Trigger mode which is selected by the SMSEL field in the MDCFR
register. The trigger input of these modes comes from the STI signal which is selected by the
TRSEL field in the TRCFR register. The operation modes in the Slave Controller are described in
the accompanying sections.

General-Purpose Timer (GPTM)

Trigger Event
STI Slave
Trigger Controller
Reset/Stop/Start Counter

SMSEL Restart/Pause/Trigger Mode

Figure 41. Slave Controller Diagram

Restart Mode
The counter and its prescaler can be reinitialized in response to a rising edge of the STI signal.
When a STI rising edge occurs, the update event software generation bit named UEVG will
automatically be asserted by hardware and the trigger event flag will also be set. Then the counter
and prescaler will be reinitialized. Although the UEVG bit is set to 1 by hardware, the update event
does not really occur. It depends upon whether the update event disable control bit UEVDIS is set
to 1 or not. If the UEVDIS is set to 1 to disable the update event to occur, there will no update event
be generated, however the counter and prescaler are still reinitialized when the STI rising edge
occurs. If the UEVDIS bit in the CNTCFR register is cleared to enable the update event to occur,
an update event will be generated together with the STI rising edge, then all the preloaded registers
will be updated.

Timer Counter Reload Register CRR = 32

STI source signal
STI source signal

STI Sync.


UEVG bit Trigger Event

(reset counter)
27 28 29 30 31 0 1 2
27 26 25 24 23 32 31 30


Figure 42. GPTM in Restart Mode

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Pause Mode
In the Pause Mode, the selected STI input signal level is used to control the counter start/stop
operation. The counter starts to count when the selected STI signal is at a high level and stops
counting when the STI signal is changed to a low level, here the counter will maintain its present
value and will not be reset. Since the Pause function depends upon the STI level to control the
counter stop/start operation, the selected STI trigger signal can not be derived from the TI0BED

General-Purpose Timer (GPTM)

STI source signal
STI source signal

STI Sync



CNTR 27 28 29 30 31


Software clearing

Figure 43. GPTM in Pause Mode

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32-Bit Arm® Cortex® -M0+ MCU

Trigger Mode
After the counter is disabled to count, the counter can resume counting when a STI rising edge
signal occurs. When an STI rising edge occurs, the counter will start to count from the current
value in the counter. Note that if the STI signal is selected to be derived from the UEVG bit
software trigger, the counter will not resume counting. When software triggering using the UEVG
bit is selected as the STI source signal, there will be no clock pulse generated which can be used to
make the counter resume counting. Note that the STI signal is only used to enable the counter to
resume counting and has no effect on controlling the counter to stop counting.

General-Purpose Timer (GPTM)

STI source signal
STI source signal




27 28 29 30 31 32


Software clearing

Figure 44. GPTM in Trigger Mode

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32-Bit Arm® Cortex® -M0+ MCU

Master Controller
The GPTMs and MCTMs can be linked together internally for timer synchronization or chaining.
When one GPTM is configured to be in the Master Mode, the GPTM Master Controller will
generate a Master Trigger Output (MTO) signal which includes a reset, a start, a stop signal or
a clock source which is selected by the MMSEL field in the MDCFR register to trigger or drive
another GPTM or MCTM, if exists, which is configured in the Slave Mode.

General-Purpose Timer (GPTM)

GPTMn Master GPTMm/MCTMm Slave


Figure 45. Master GPTMn and Slave GPTMm/MCTMm Connection

The Master Mode Selection bits, MMSEL, in the MDCFR register are used to select the MTO
source for synchronizing another slave GPTM or MCTM if exists.

UEVG bit
Counter enable signal
Update Event
Channel 0 Capture/Compare event



Figure 46. MTO Selection

For example, setting the MMSEL field to 0x5 is to select the CH1OREF signal as the MTO signal
to synchronize another slave GPTM or MCTM. For a more detailed description, refer to the related
MMSEL field definitions in the MDCFR register.

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Channel Controller
The GPTM has four independent channels which can be used as capture inputs or compare match
outputs. Each capture input or compare match output channel is composed of a preload register and
a shadow register. Data access of the APB bus is always through the read/write preload register.

When used in the input capture mode, the counter value is captured into the CHxCCR shadow
register first and then transferred into the CHxCCR preload register when the capture event occurs.

When used in the compare match output mode, the contents of the CHxCCR preload register is

General-Purpose Timer (GPTM)

copied into the associated shadow register; the counter value is then compared with the register

APB Bus Interface

CHxPSC (Preload Register) Write CHxCCR

Capture Capture Transfer

Compare Transfer
Controller Controller
Read CHxCCR Update Event

(Shadow Register)
CHxCCG Capture

Figure 47. Capture/Compare Block Diagram

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32-Bit Arm® Cortex® -M0+ MCU

Capture Counter Value Transferred to CHxCCR

When the channel is used as a capture input, the counter value is captured into the Channel
Capture/Compare Register (CHxCCR) when an effective input signal transition occurs. Once the
capture event occurs, the CHxCCIF flag in the INTSR register is set accordingly. If the CHxCCIF
bit is already set, i.e., the flag has not yet been cleared by software, and another capture event on
this channel occurs, the corresponding channel Over-Capture flag, named CHxOCF, will be set.

General-Purpose Timer (GPTM)



CNTR 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35

CHxCCR 0 26 32



Figure 48. Input Capture Mode

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Pulse Width Measurement

The input capture mode can be also used for pulse width measurement from signals on the GT_
CHx pins, TIx. The following example shows how to configure the GPTM operated in the input
capture mode to measure the high pulse width and the input period on the GT_CH0 pin using
channel 0 and channel 1. The basic steps are shown as follows.
▄▄ Configure the capture channel 0 (CH0CCS = 0x1) to select the TI0 signal as the capture input.
▄▄ Configure the CH0P bit to 0 to choose the rising edge of the TI0 input as the active polarity.

General-Purpose Timer (GPTM)

▄▄ Configure the capture channel 1 (CH1CCS = 0x2) to select the TI0 signal as the capture input.
▄▄ Configure the CH1P bit to 1 to choose the falling edge of the TI0 input as the active polarity.
▄▄ Configure the TRSEL bits to 0x0001 to select TI0S0 as the trigger input.
▄▄ Configure the Slave controller to operate in the Restart mode by setting the SMSEL field in the
MDCFR register to 0x4
▄▄ Enable the input capture mode by setting the CH0E and CH1E bits in the CHCTR register to 1.
As the following diagram shows, the high pulse width on the GT_CH0 pin will be captured into
the CH1CCR register while the input period will be captured into the CH0CCR register after input
capture operation.

Restart mode Restart mode

Reset counter value Reset counter value


Capture CH0 Capture CH1

CNTR 7 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 0 1 2 3 4 5 6



Figure 49. PWM Pulse Width Measurement Example

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Input Stage
The input stage consists of a digital filter, a channel polarity selection, edge detection and a
channel prescaler. The channel 0 input signal (TI0) can be chosen to come from the GT_CH0
signal or the Excusive-OR function of the GT_CH0, GT_CH1 and GT_CH2 signals. The channel
input signal (TIx) is sampled by a digital filter to generate a filtered input signal TIxFP. Then the
channel polarity and the edge detection block can generate a TIxS0ED or TIxS1ED signal for the
input capture function. The effective input event number can be set by the channel input prescaler
register (CHxPSC).

General-Purpose Timer (GPTM)

GT_CH0 Detection

GT_CH2 Edge

TI0 TI0S0 Edge TI0S0ED

Filter Detection
CH0CAP Event



Edge TI0S1ED

TI1S1 Edge TI1S1ED CH1CAP Event
TI1 TI1FP TI1FN Detection
GT_CH1 Filter
fsampling CH1PSC


Figure 50. Channel 0 and Channel 1 Input Stages

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Filter TI2S2 Edge
fsampling TI2FN Detection

CH2CAP Event



General-Purpose Timer (GPTM)

Edge TI2S3ED
Filter TI3S3 Edge CH3CAP Event
fsampling TI3FN Detection



Figure 51. Channel 2 and Channel 3 Input Stages

Digital Filter
The digital filters are embedded in the input stage for the GT_CH0 ~ GT_CH3 pins respectively.
The digital filter in the GPTM is an N-event counter where N refers to how many valid transitions
are necessary to output a filtered signal. The N value can be 0, 2, 4, 5, 6 or 8 according to the user
selection for each filter.

Digital Filter (N=2) No Filtered


fSYSTEM fsampling

Figure 52. TI0 Digital Filter Diagram with N = 2

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Quadrature Decoder
The Quadrature Decoder function uses two quadrantal inputs TI0 and TI1 derived from the GT_
CH0 and GT_CH1 pins respectively to interact to generate the counter value. The DIR bit is
modified by hardware automatically during each input source transition. The input source can be
either TI0 only, TI1 only or both TI0 and TI1, the selection made by setting the SMSEL field to
0x01, 0x02 or 0x03. The mechanism for changing the counter direction is shown in the following
table. The Quadrature decoder can be regarded as an external clock with a directional selection.
This means that the counter counts continuously in the interval between 0 and the counter-reload

General-Purpose Timer (GPTM)

value. Therefore, users must configure the CRR register before the counter starts to count.

GT_CH0 Detection


GT_CH2 Edge

TI0 TI0S0 Edge TI0S0ED

TI0FP TI0FN Detection
CH0CAP Event
TI1S0 Edge TI1S0ED

CH1CAP Event
TI1 TI1S1 Edge TI1S1ED
GT_CH1 TI1FP TI1FN Detection
Filter CH1PSC


TI1S0ED Decoder


Figure 53. Input Stage and Quadrature Decoder Block Diagram

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Table 30. Counting Direction and Encoding Signals

Counting mode Level
Rising Falling Rising Falling
Counting on TI0 only TI1S1 = High Down Up — —
(SMSEL = 0x01) TI1S1 = Low Up Down — —
Counting on TI1 only TI0S0 = High — — Up Down
(SMSEL = 0x02) TI0S0 = Low — — Down Up
TI1S1 = High Down Up X X

General-Purpose Timer (GPTM)

Counting on TI0 and TI1 TI1S1 = Low Up Down X X
(SMSEL = 0x03) TI0S0 = High X X Up Down
TI0S0 = Low X X Down Up
Note: “—” → means “no counting”, “X” → impossible




Quadrature Decoder Counting on

Down Both TI0 & TI1
(CH0P = 0, CH1P = 0)

Figure 54. Both TI0 and TI1 Quadrature Decoder Counting

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Output Stage
The GPTM has four channels for compare match, single pulse or PWM output function. The
channel output GT_CHxO is controlled by the CHxOM, CHxP and CHxE bits in the corresponding
CHxOCFR, CHPOLR and CHCTR registers.

Output Enable

General-Purpose Timer (GPTM)

Output Controller
Mode CHxP CHxE

CHxCMP Event

x: 0 ~ 3

Figure 55. Output Stage Block Diagram

Channel Output Reference Signal

When the GPTM is used in the compare match output mode, the CHxOREF signal (Channel x
Output Reference signal) is defined by the CHxOM bit setup. The CHxOREF signal has several
types of output function which defines what happens to the output when the counter value matches
the contents of the CHxCCR register. In addition to the low, high and toggle CHxOREF output
types; there are also PWM mode 1 and PWM mode 2 outputs. In these modes, the CHxOREF
signal level is changed according to the count direction and the relationship between the counter
value and the CHxCCR content. There are also two modes which will force the output into an
inactive or active state irrespective of the CHxCCR content or counter values. With regard to a
more detailed description refer to the relative bit definition. The accompanying Table 31 shows a
summary of the output type setup.
Table 31. Compare Match Output Setup
CHxOM value Compare Match Level
0x00 No change
0x01 Clear Output to 0
0x02 Set Output to 1
0x03 Toggle Output
0x04 Force Inactive Level
0x05 Force Active Level
0x06 PWM Mode 1
0x07 PWM Mode 2

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Counter Value CHxOM=0x03, CHxPRE=0

(Output toggle, preload disable)

(New value 2)

(New value 3)

General-Purpose Timer (GPTM)

(New value 1)


CHxCCR value (1) (2) (3)


(Update Event)

Figure 56. Toggle Mode Channel Output Reference Signal (CHxPRE = 0)

Counter Value CHxOM=0x03, CHxPRE=1

(Output toggle, preload enable)

(New value 2)

(New value 3)

(New value 1)


CHxCCR value (1) (2) (3)



(Update Event)

Figure 57. Toggle Mode Channel Output Reference Signal (CHxPRE = 1)

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Counter Value Counter Value Counter Value




General-Purpose Timer (GPTM)

CHxOM = 0x06 CHxCCR = 0x00


CHxOM = 0x07

Figure 58. PWM Mode Channel Output Reference Signal and Counter in Up-counting Mode

Counter Value Counter Value




CHxOM = 0x06 100%



CHxOM = 0x07

Figure 59. PWM Mode Channel Output Reference Signal and Counter in Down-counting Mode

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CMSEL= 0x01 CRR = 5

Up-counting Down-counting

0 1 2 3 4 5 4 3 2 1 0 1

CHxCCR = 3

General-Purpose Timer (GPTM)


CHxCCR = 4


CHxCCR >= 5 100%


CHxCCR = 0 0%


Figure 60. PWM Mode Channel Output Reference Signal and Counter in Centre-align Mode

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32-Bit Arm® Cortex® -M0+ MCU

Update Management
The Update event is used to update the CRR, the PSCR, the CHxACR and the CHxCCR values
from the actual registers to the corresponding shadow registers. An update event occurs when the
counter overflows or underflows, the software update control bit is triggered or an update event
from the slave controller is generated.

The UEVDIS bit in the CNTCFR register can determine whether the update event occurs or
not. When the update event occurs, the corresponding update event interrupt will be generated

General-Purpose Timer (GPTM)

depending upon whether the update event interrupt generation function is enabled or not by
configuring the UGDIS bit in the CNTCFR register. For more detail description, refer to the
UEVDIS and UGDIS bit definition in the CNTCFR register.

Update Event Management

Counter Overflow / Underflow


Slave Restart mode Registers)


Update Event Interrupt Management

Counter Overflow / Underflow
UEV interrupt

Slave Restart mode UEVDIS


Figure 61. Update Event Setting Diagram

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Single Pulse Mode

Once the timer is set to operate in the single pulse mode, it is not necessary to set the timer enable
bit TME in the CTR register to 1 to enable the counter. The trigger to generate a pulse can be
sourced from the STI signal rising edge or by setting the TME bit to 1 using software. Setting the
TME bit to 1 or a trigger from the STI signal rising edge can generate a pulse and then keep the
TME bit at a high state until the update event occurs or the TME bit is written to 0 by software.
If the TME bit is cleared to 0 using software, the counter will be stopped and its value held. If the
TME bit is automatically cleared to 0 by a hardware update event, the counter will be reinitialized.

General-Purpose Timer (GPTM)

Counter Value


reinitialized Counter stopped and


TME bit
Trigger by STI
Cleared by Trigger by S/W Cleared by S/W
Update Event


(PWM1) delay delay
delay delay

CHxOREF min. delay

(PWM1) delay
(PWM2) min. delay

Flag is set by update event 1

and clear by S/W


Flag is set by compare match and

cleared by S/W

Figure 62. Single Pulse Mode

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In the Single Pulse mode, the STI active edge which sets the TME bit to 1 will enable the counter.
However, there exist several clock delays to perform the comparison result between the counter
value and the CHxCCR value. In order to reduce the delay to a minimum value, the user can set
the CHxIMAE bit in each CHxOCFR register. After a STI rising edge trigger occurs in the single
pulse mode, the CHxOREF signal will immediately be forced to the state which the CHxOREF
signal will change to as the compare match event occurs without taking the comparison result into
account. The CHxIMAE bit is available only when the output channel is configured to operate in
the PWM1 or PWM2 output mode and the trigger source is derived from the STI signal.

General-Purpose Timer (GPTM)

Counter Value

CKDIV = 0 Up-Counting Mode







Counter Start Time


Minimum delay

Figure 63. Immediate Active Mode Minimum Delay

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Asymmetric PWM Mode

Asymmetric PWM mode allows two center-aligned PWM signals to be generated with a
programmable phase shift. While the PWM frequency is determined by the value of the CRR
register, the duty cycle and the phase-shift are determined by the CHxCCR and CHxACR register.
When the counter is counting up, the PWM using the value in CHxCCR as up-count compare
value. When the counter is into counting down stage, the PWM using the value in CHxACR as
down-count compare value. The Figure 64 is shown an example for asymmetric PWM mode in
center-aligned counting mode.

General-Purpose Timer (GPTM)

Note: Asymmetric PWM mode can only be operated in center-aligned counting mode.

CNTR 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1

CCR = 8
PWM center align mode
CRR = 8
CCR = 3, ACR = X
CCR = 3


PWM center align mode

CRR = 8
CCR = 5, ACR = X
CCR = 3


Asymetric PWM center align mode

CRR = 8 CCR = 3
CCR = 3, ACR = 5
ACR = 5


Asymetric PWM center align mode

CRR = 8 CCR = 5 Phase delay =2
CCR = 5, ACR = 3
ACR = 3


Figure 64. Asymmetric PWM mode versus center align counting mode

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Timer Interconnection
The timers can be internally connected together for timer chaining or synchronization. This can
be implemented by configuring one timer to operate in the Master mode while configuring another
timer to be in the Slave mode. The following figures present several examples of trigger selection
for the master and slave modes.

Using one timer to enable/disable another timer start or stop counting

▄▄ Configure GPTM0 as the master mode to send its channel 0 Output Reference signal CH0OREF

General-Purpose Timer (GPTM)

as a trigger output (MMSEL = 0x04).
▄▄ Configure GPTM0 CH0OREF waveform.
▄▄ Configure GPTM1 to receive its input trigger source from the GPTM0 trigger output (TRSEL=0x09)
▄▄ Configure GPTM1 to operate in the pause mode (SMSEL = 0x05).
▄▄ Enable GPTM1 by writing "1" to the TME bit.
▄▄ Enable GPTM0 by writing "1" to the TME bit.

Master GPTM0



CNTR 32 33 34 35 36 00 01

Slave GPTM1



Software cleaning

Figure 65. Pausing GPTM1 using the GPTM0 CH0OREF Signal

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Using one timer to trigger another timer start counting

▄▄ Configure GPTM0 to operate in the master mode to send its Update Event UEV as the trigger
output (MMSEL = 0x02).
▄▄ Configure the GPTM0 period by setting the CRR register.
▄▄ Configure GPTM1 to get the input trigger source from the GPTM0 trigger output (TRSEL=0x09)
▄▄ Configure GPTM1 to be in the slave trigger mode (SMSEL = 0x06).
▄▄ Start GPTM0 by writing "1" to the TME bit.

General-Purpose Timer (GPTM)



CNTR 13 14 15 00 01 02 03


TME bit


Software cleaning

Figure 66. Triggering GPTM1 with GPTM0 Update Event

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Starting two timers synchronously in response to an external trigger

▄▄ Configure GPTM0 to operate in the master mode to send its enable signal as a trigger output
(MMSEL = 0x01).
▄▄ Configure GPTM0 slave mode to receive its input trigger source from GTn_CH0 pin (TRSEL=
▄▄ Configure GPTM0 to be in the slave trigger mode (SMSEL = 0x06).
▄▄ Enable the GPTM0 master timer synchronization function by setting the TSE bit in the MDCFR

General-Purpose Timer (GPTM)

register to 1 to synchronize the slave timer.
▄▄ Configure GPTM1 to receive its input trigger source from the GPTM0 trigger output (TRSEL =
▄▄ Configure GPTM1 to be in the slave trigger mode (SMSEL = 0x06).

Master GPTM0



GPTM0 (TME bit)


GPTM0 CNTR 34 0 1 2 3 4 5
Write UEVG bit

Slave GPTM1
GPTM1 (TME bit)



GPTM1 CNTR 11 0 0 1 2 3 4 5
Write UEVG bit

Figure 67. Trigger GPTM0 and GPTM1 with the GPTM0 CH0 Input

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Trigger ADC Start

To interconnect to the Analog-to-Digital Converter, the GPTM can output the MTO signal or the
channel compare match output signal CHxOREF (x = 0 ~ 3) to be used as an Analog-to-Digital
Converter input trigger signal.

PDMA Request
The GPTM supports the interface for PDMA data transfer. There are certain events which can
generate the PDMA requests if the corresponding enable control bits are set to 1 to enable the

General-Purpose Timer (GPTM)

PDMA access. These events are the GPTM update events, trigger events and channel capture/
compare events. When the PDMA request is generated from the GPTM channel, it can be derived
from the channel capture/compare event or the GPTM update event selected by the channel PDMA
selection bit, CHCCDS, for all channels. For more detailed PDMA configuring information, refer
to the corresponding section in the PDMA chapter.


CH0_EV 0
CH0 PDMA Request



CH1_EV 0
CH1 PDMA Request


CH2_EV 0
CH2 PDMA Request



CH3_EV 0
CH3 PDMA Request


UEV PDMA Request

Trigger PDMA Request

Figure 68. GPTM PDMA Mapping Diagram

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Register Map
The following table shows the GPTM registers and reset values.
Table 32. GPTM Register Map
Register Offset Description Reset Value
CNTCFR 0x000 Timer Counter Configuration Register 0x0000_0000
MDCFR 0x004 Timer Mode Configuration Register 0x0000_0000
TRCFR 0x008 Timer Trigger Configuration Register 0x0000_0000

General-Purpose Timer (GPTM)

CTR 0x010 Timer Control Register 0x0000_0000
CH0ICFR 0x020 Channel 0 Input Configuration Register 0x0000_0000
CH1ICFR 0x024 Channel 1 Input Configuration Register 0x0000_0000
CH2ICFR 0x028 Channel 2 Input Configuration Register 0x0000_0000
CH3ICFR 0x02C Channel 3 Input Configuration Register 0x0000_0000
CH0OCFR 0x040 Channel 0 Output Configuration Register 0x0000_0000
CH1OCFR 0x044 Channel 1 Output Configuration Register 0x0000_0000
CH2OCFR 0x048 Channel 2 Output Configuration Register 0x0000_0000
CH3OCFR 0x04C Channel 3 Output Configuration Register 0x0000_0000
CHCTR 0x050 Channel Control Register 0x0000_0000
CHPOLR 0x054 Channel Polarity Configuration Register 0x0000_0000
DICTR 0x074 Timer PDMA / Interrupt Control Register 0x0000_0000
EVGR 0x078 Timer Event Generator Register 0x0000_0000
INTSR 0x07C Timer Interrupt Status Register 0x0000_0000
CNTR 0x080 Timer Counter Register 0x0000_0000
PSCR 0x084 Timer Prescaler Register 0x0000_0000
CRR 0x088 Timer Counter Reload Register 0x0000_FFFF
CH0CCR 0x090 Channel 0 Capture/Compare Register 0x0000_0000
CH1CCR 0x094 Channel 1 Capture/Compare Register 0x0000_0000
CH2CCR 0x098 Channel 2 Capture/Compare Register 0x0000_0000
CH3CCR 0x09C Channel 3 Capture/Compare Register 0x0000_0000
CH0ACR 0x0A0 Channel 0 Asymmetric Compare Register 0x0000_0000
CH1ACR 0x0A4 Channel 1 Asymmetric Compare Register 0x0000_0000
CH2ACR 0x0A8 Channel 2 Asymmetric Compare Register 0x0000_0000
CH3ACR 0x0AC Channel 3 Asymmetric Compare Register 0x0000_0000

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Register Descriptions
Timer Counter Configuration Register – CNTCFR
This register specifies the GPTM counter configuration.
Offset: 0x000
Reset value: 0x0000_0000

31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24

General-Purpose Timer (GPTM)

Reserved DIR
Type/Reset RW 0
23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16
Reserved CMSEL
Type/Reset RW 0 RW 0
15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8
Reserved CKDIV
Type/Reset RW 0 RW 0
7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
Type/Reset RW 0 RW 0

Bits Field Descriptions

[24] DIR Counting Direction
0: Count-up
1: Count-down
Note: This bit is read only when the Timer is configured to be in the Center-aligned
mode or when used as a Quadrature decoder.
[17:16] CMSEL Counter Mode Selection
00: Edge aligned mode. Normal up-counting and down-counting available for this
mode. Counting direction is defined by the DIR bit.
01: Center aligned mode 1. The counter counts up and down alternatively. The
compare match interrupt flag is set during the count-down period.
10: Center aligned mode 2. The counter counts up and down alternatively. The
compare match interrupt flag is set during the count-up period.
11: Center aligned mode 3. The counter counts up and down alternatively. The
compare match interrupt flag is set during the count-up and count-down
[9:8] CKDIV Clock Division
These two bits define the frequency ratio between the timer clock (fCLKIN) and the
dead-time clock (fDTS). The dead-time clock is also used for digital filter sampling
00: fDTS = fCLKIN
01: fDTS = fCLKIN / 2
10: fDTS = fCLKIN / 4
11: Reserved

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Bits Field Descriptions

[1] UGDIS Update event interrupt generation disable control
0: Any of the following events will generate an update PDMA request or interrupt
- Counter overflow/underflow
- Setting the UEVG bit
- Update generation through the slave mode
1: Only counter overflow/underflow generates an update PDMA request or

General-Purpose Timer (GPTM)

[0] UEVDIS Update event Disable control
0: Enable the update event request by one of following events:
- Counter overflow/underflow
- Setting the UEVG bit
- Update generation through the slave mode
1: Disable the update event (However the counter and the prescaler are
reinitialized if the UEVG bit is set or if a hardware restart is received from the
slave mode)

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Timer Mode Configuration Register – MDCFR

This register specifies the GPTM master and slave mode selection and single pulse mode.
Offset: 0x004
Reset value: 0x0000_0000

31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24
Reserved SPMSET
Type/Reset RW 0

General-Purpose Timer (GPTM)

23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16
Reserved MMSEL
Type/Reset RW 0 RW 0 RW 0
15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8
Reserved SMSEL
Type/Reset RW 0 RW 0 RW 0
7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
Reserved TSE
Type/Reset RW 0

Bits Field Descriptions

[24] SPMSET Single Pulse Mode Setting
0: Counter counts normally irrespective of whether the update event occurred or
1: Counter stops counting at the next update event and then the TME bit is
cleared by hardware.

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Bits Field Descriptions

[18:16] MMSEL Master Mode Selection
Master mode selection is used to select the MTO signal source which is used to
synchronize the other slave timer.
MMSEL [2:0] Mode Descriptions
The MTO in the Reset mode is an output
derived from one of the following cases:
1. Software setting UEVG bit
000 Reset Mode

General-Purpose Timer (GPTM)

2. The STI trigger input signal which will be
output on the MTO signal line when the Timer
is used in the slave Restart mode
The Counter Enable signal is used as the
001 Enable Mode
trigger output.
The update event is used as the trigger output
according to one of the following cases when
the UEVDIS bit is cleared to 0:
010 Update Mode 1. Counter overflow / underflow
2. Software setting UEVG
3. Slave trigger input when used in slave restart
When a Channel 0 capture or compare match
011 event occurs, it will generate a positive pulse
used as the master trigger output.
The Channel 0 Output reference signal named
100 Compare Mode 0
CH0OREF is used as the trigger output.
The Channel 1 Output reference signal named
101 Compare Mode 1
CH1OREF is used as the trigger output.
The Channel 2 Output reference signal named
110 Compare Mode 2
CH2OREF is used as the trigger output.
The Channel 3 Output reference signal named
111 Compare Mode 3
CH3OREF is used as the trigger output.

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Bits Field Descriptions

[10:8] SMSEL Slave Mode Selection
SMSEL [2:0] Mode Descriptions
The prescaler is clocked directly by the internal
000 Disable mode
The counter uses the clock pulse generated
from the interaction between the TI0 and
Quadrature Decoder
001 TI1 signals to drive the counter prescaler. A

General-Purpose Timer (GPTM)

mode 1
transition of the TI0 edge is used in this mode
depending upon the TI1 level.
The counter uses the clock pulse generated
from the interaction between the TI0 and
Quadrature Decoder
010 TI1 signals to drive the counter prescaler. A
mode 2
transition of the TI1 edge is used in this mode
depending upon the TI0 level.
The counter uses the clock pulse generated
from the interaction between the TI0 and
Quadrature Decoder TI1 signals to drive the counter prescaler. A
mode 3 transition of one channel edge is used in the
quadrature decoder mode 3 depending upon
the other channel level.
The counter value restarts from 0 or the CRR
shadow register value depending upon the
100 Restart Mode
counter mode on the rising edge of the STI
signal. The registers will also be updated.
The counter starts to count when the selected
trigger input STI is high. The counter stops
counting on the instant, not being reset, when
101 Pause Mode
the STI signal changes its state to a low level.
Both the counter start and stop control are
determined by the STI signal.
The counter starts to count from the original
value in the counter on the rising edge of the
110 Trigger Mode
selected trigger input STI. Only the counter
start control is determined by the STI signal.
The rising edge of the selected trigger signal
STI will clock the counter.
[0] TSE Timer Synchronization Enable
0: No action
1: Master timer (current timer) will generate a delay to synchronize its slave timer
through the MTO signal.

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Timer Trigger Configuration Register – TRCFR

This register specifies the trigger source selection of GPTM.
Offset: 0x008
Reset value: 0x0000_0000

31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24

General-Purpose Timer (GPTM)

23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16
15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8
7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
Reserved TRSEL
Type/Reset RW 0 RW 0 RW 0 RW 0

Bits Field Descriptions

[3:0] TRSEL Trigger Source Selection
These bits are used to select the trigger input (STI) for counter synchronizing.
0000: Software Trigger by setting the UEVG bit
0001: Filtered input of channel 0 (TI0S0)
0010: Filtered input of channel 1 (TI1S1)
0011: Reserved
1000: Channel 0 Edge Detector (TI0BED)
1001: Internal Timing Module Trigger 0 (ITI0)
1010: Internal Timing Module Trigger 1 (ITI1)
1011: Internal Timing Module Trigger 2 (ITI2)
Others: Default 0
Note: These bits must be updated only when they are not in use, i.e. the slave mode
is disabled by setting the SMSEL field to 0x00.
Table 33. GPTM Internal Trigger Connection
Slave Timing Module ITI0 ITI1 ITI2

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Timer Counter Register – CTR

This register specifies the timer enable bit (TME), CRR buffer enable bit (CRBE) and Channel PDMA selection
bit (CHCCDS).
Offset: 0x010
Reset value: 0x0000_0000

31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24

General-Purpose Timer (GPTM)

23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16
Reserved CHCCDS
Type/Reset RW 0
15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8
7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
Reserved CRBE TME
Type/Reset RW 0 RW 0

Bits Field Descriptions

[16] CHCCDS Channel PDMA event selection
0: Channel PDMA request derived from the channel capture/compare event.
1: Channel PDMA request derived from the Update event.
[1] CRBE Counter-Reload register Buffer Enable
0: Counter reload register can be updated immediately
1: Counter reload register can not be updated until the update event occurs
[0] TME Timer Enable bit
0: GPTM off
1: GPTM on - GPTM functions normally
When the TME bit is cleared to 0, the counter is stopped and the GPTM consumes
no power in any operation mode except for the single pulse mode and the slave
trigger mode. In these two modes the TME bit can automatically be set to 1 by
hardware which permits all the GPTM registers to function normally.

Rev. 1.30 267 of 656 September 28, 2018

32-Bit Arm® Cortex® -M0+ MCU

Channel 0 Input Configuration Register – CH0ICFR

This register specifies the channel 0 input mode configuration.
Offset: 0x020
Reset value: 0x0000_0000

31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24
TI0SRC Reserved
Type/Reset RW 0

General-Purpose Timer (GPTM)

23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16
Reserved CH0PSC CH0CCS
Type/Reset RW 0 RW 0 RW 0 RW 0
15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8
7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
Reserved TI0F
Type/Reset RW 0 RW 0 RW 0 RW 0

Bits Field Descriptions

[31] TI0SRC Channel 0 Input Source TI0 Selection
0: The GT_CH0 pin is connected to channel 0 input TI0
1: The XOR operation output of the GT_CH0, GT_CH1, and GT_CH2 pins are
connected to the channel 0 input TI0
[19:18] CH0PSC Channel 0 Capture Input Source Prescaler Setting
These bits define the effective events of the channel 0 capture input. Note that the
prescaler is reset once the Channel 0 Capture/Compare Enable bit, CH0E, in the
Channel Control register named CHCTR is cleared to 0.
00: No prescaler, channel 0 capture input signal is chosen for each active event
01: Channel 0 Capture input signal is chosen for every 2 events
10: Channel 0 Capture input signal is chosen for every 4 events
11: Channel 0 Capture input signal is chosen for every 8 events
[17:16] CH0CCS Channel 0 Capture/Compare Selection
00: Channel 0 is configured as an output
01: Channel 0 is configured as an input derived from the TI0 signal
10: Channel 0 is configured as an input derived from the TI1 signal
11: Channel 0 is configured as an input which comes from the TRCED signal
derived from the Trigger Controller
Note: The CH0CCS field can be accessed only when the CH0E bit is cleared to 0.

Rev. 1.30 268 of 656 September 28, 2018

32-Bit Arm® Cortex® -M0+ MCU

Bits Field Descriptions

[3:0] TI0F Channel 0 Input Source TI0 Filter Setting
These bits define the frequency divided ratio used to sample the TI0 signal. The
Digital filter in the GPTM is an N-event counter where N is defined as how many
valid transitions are necessary to output a filtered signal.
0000: No filter, the sampling clock is fSYSTEM.
0001: fSAMPLING = fCLKIN, N = 2
0010: fSAMPLING = fCLKIN, N = 4
0011: fSAMPLING = fCLKIN, N = 8

General-Purpose Timer (GPTM)

0100: fSAMPLING = fDTS / 2, N = 6
0101: fSAMPLING = fDTS / 2, N = 8
0110: fSAMPLING = fDTS / 4, N = 6
0111: fSAMPLING = fDTS / 4, N = 8
1000: fSAMPLING = fDTS / 8, N = 6
1001: fSAMPLING = fDTS / 8, N = 8
1010: fSAMPLING = fDTS / 16, N = 5
1011: fSAMPLING = fDTS / 16, N = 6
1100: fSAMPLING = fDTS / 16, N = 8
1101: fSAMPLING = fDTS / 32, N = 5
1110: fSAMPLING = fDTS / 32, N = 6
1111: fSAMPLING = fDTS / 32, N = 8

Rev. 1.30 269 of 656 September 28, 2018

32-Bit Arm® Cortex® -M0+ MCU

Channel 1 Input Configuration Register – CH1ICFR

This register specifies the channel 1 input mode configuration.
Offset: 0x024
Reset value: 0x0000_0000

31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24

General-Purpose Timer (GPTM)

23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16
Reserved CH1PSC CH1CCS
Type/Reset RW 0 RW 0 RW 0 RW 0
15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8
7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
Reserved TI1F
Type/Reset RW 0 RW 0 RW 0 RW 0

Bits Field Descriptions

[19:18] CH1PSC Channel 1 Capture Input Source Prescaler Setting
These bits define the effective events of the channel 1 capture input. Note that the
prescaler is reset once the Channel 1 Capture/Compare Enable bit, CH1E, in the
Channel Control register named CHCTR is cleared to 0.
00: No prescaler, channel 1 capture input signal is chosen for each active event
01: Channel 1 Capture input signal is chosen for every 2 events
10: Channel 1 Capture input signal is chosen for every 4 events
11: Channel 1 Capture input signal is chosen for every 8 events
[17:16] CH1CCS Channel 1 Capture/Compare Selection
00: Channel 1 is configured as an output
01: Channel 1 is configured as an input derived from the TI1 signal
10: Channel 1 is configured as an input derived from the TI0 signal
11: Channel 1 is configured as an input which comes from the TRCED signal
derived from the Trigger Controller
Note: The CH1CCS field can be accessed only when the CH1E bit is cleared to 0.

Rev. 1.30 270 of 656 September 28, 2018

32-Bit Arm® Cortex® -M0+ MCU

Bits Field Descriptions

[3:0] TI1F Channel 1 Input Source TI1 Filter Setting
These bits define the frequency divided ratio used to sample the TI1 signal. The
Digital filter in the GPTM is an N-event counter where N is defined as how many
valid transitions are necessary to output a filtered signal.
0000: No filter, the sampling clock is fSYSTEM.
0001: fSAMPLING = fCLKIN, N = 2
0010: fSAMPLING = fCLKIN, N = 4
0011: fSAMPLING = fCLKIN, N = 8

General-Purpose Timer (GPTM)

0100: fSAMPLING = fDTS / 2, N = 6
0101: fSAMPLING = fDTS / 2, N = 8
0110: fSAMPLING = fDTS / 4, N = 6
0111: fSAMPLING = fDTS / 4, N = 8
1000: fSAMPLING = fDTS / 8, N = 6
1001: fSAMPLING = fDTS / 8, N = 8
1010: fSAMPLING = fDTS / 16, N = 5
1011: fSAMPLING = fDTS / 16, N = 6
1100: fSAMPLING = fDTS / 16, N = 8
1101: fSAMPLING = fDTS / 32, N = 5
1110: fSAMPLING = fDTS / 32, N = 6
1111: fSAMPLING = fDTS / 32, N = 8

Rev. 1.30 271 of 656 September 28, 2018

32-Bit Arm® Cortex® -M0+ MCU

Channel 2 Input Configuration Register – CH2ICFR

This register specifies the channel 2 input mode configuration.
Offset: 0x028
Reset value: 0x0000_0000

31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24

General-Purpose Timer (GPTM)

23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16
Reserved CH2PSC CH2CCS
Type/Reset RW 0 RW 0 RW 0 RW 0
15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8
7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
Reserved TI2F
Type/Reset RW 0 RW 0 RW 0 RW 0

Bits Field Descriptions

[19:18] CH2PSC Channel 2 Capture Input Source Prescaler Setting
These bits define the effective events of the channel 2 capture input. Note that the
prescaler is reset once the Channel 2 Capture/Compare Enable bit, CH2E, in the
Channel Control register named CHCTR is cleared to 0.
00: No prescaler, channel 2 capture input signal is chosen for each active event
01: Channel 2 Capture input signal is chosen for every 2 events
10: Channel 2 Capture input signal is chosen for every 4 events
11: Channel 2 Capture input signal is chosen for every 8 events
[17:16] CH2CCS Channel 2 Capture/Compare Selection
00: Channel 2 is configured as an output
01: Channel 2 is configured as an input derived from the TI2 signal
10: Channel 2 is configured as an input derived from the TI3 signal
11: Channel 2 is configured as an input which comes from the TRCED signal
derived from the Trigger Controller
Note: The CH2CCS field can be accessed only when the CH2E bit is cleared to 0

Rev. 1.30 272 of 656 September 28, 2018

32-Bit Arm® Cortex® -M0+ MCU

Bits Field Descriptions

[3:0] TI2F Channel 2 Input Source TI2 Filter Setting
These bits define the frequency divided ratio used to sample the TI2 signal. The
Digital filter in the GPTM is an N-event counter where N is defined as how many
valid transitions are necessary to output a filtered signal.
0000: No filter, the sampling clock is fSYSTEM.
0001: fSAMPLING = fCLKIN, N = 2
0010: fSAMPLING = fCLKIN, N = 4
0011: fSAMPLING = fCLKIN, N = 8

General-Purpose Timer (GPTM)

0100: fSAMPLING = fDTS / 2, N = 6
0101: fSAMPLING = fDTS / 2, N = 8
0110: fSAMPLING = fDTS / 4, N = 6
0111: fSAMPLING = fDTS / 4, N = 8
1000: fSAMPLING = fDTS / 8, N = 6
1001: fSAMPLING = fDTS / 8, N = 8
1010: fSAMPLING = fDTS / 16, N = 5
1011: fSAMPLING = fDTS / 16, N = 6
1100: fSAMPLING = fDTS / 16, N = 8
1101: fSAMPLING = fDTS / 32, N = 5
1110: fSAMPLING = fDTS / 32, N = 6
1111: fSAMPLING = fDTS / 32, N = 8

Rev. 1.30 273 of 656 September 28, 2018

32-Bit Arm® Cortex® -M0+ MCU

Channel 3 Input Configuration Register – CH3ICFR

This register specifies the channel 3 input mode configuration.
Offset: 0x02C
Reset value: 0x0000_0000

31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24

General-Purpose Timer (GPTM)

23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16
Reserved CH3PSC CH3CCS
Type/Reset RW 0 RW 0 RW 0 RW 0
15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8
7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
Reserved TI3F
Type/Reset RW 0 RW 0 RW 0 RW 0

Bits Field Descriptions

[19:18] CH3PSC Channel 3 Capture Input Source Prescaler Setting
These bits define the effective events of the channel 3 capture input. Note that the
prescaler is reset once the Channel 3 Capture/Compare Enable bit, CH3E, in the
Channel Control register named CHCTR is cleared to 0.
00: No prescaler, channel 3 capture input signal is chosen for each active event
01: Channel 3 Capture input signal is chosen for every 2 events
10: Channel 3 Capture input signal is chosen for every 4 events
11: Channel 3 Capture input signal is chosen for every 8 events
[17:16] CH3CCS Channel 3 Capture/Compare Selection
00: Channel 3 is configured as an output
01: Channel 3 is configured as an input derived from the TI3 signal
10: Channel 3 is configured as an input derived from the TI2 signal
11: Channel 3 is configured as an input which comes from the TRCED signal
derived from the Trigger Controller
Note: The CH3CCS field can be accessed only when the CH3E bit is cleared to 0

Rev. 1.30 274 of 656 September 28, 2018

32-Bit Arm® Cortex® -M0+ MCU

Bits Field Descriptions

[3:0] TI3F Channel 3 Input Source TI3 Filter Setting
These bits define the frequency divided ratio used to sample the TI3 signal. The
Digital filter in the GPTM is an N-event counter where N is defined as how many
valid transitions are necessary to output a filtered signal.
0000: No filter, the sampling clock is fSYSTEM.
0001: fSAMPLING = fCLKIN, N = 2
0010: fSAMPLING = fCLKIN, N = 4
0011: fSAMPLING = fCLKIN, N = 8

General-Purpose Timer (GPTM)

0100: fSAMPLING = fDTS / 2, N = 6
0101: fSAMPLING = fDTS / 2, N = 8
0110: fSAMPLING = fDTS / 4, N = 6
0111: fSAMPLING = fDTS / 4, N = 8
1000: fSAMPLING = fDTS / 8, N = 6
1001: fSAMPLING = fDTS / 8, N = 8
1010: fSAMPLING = fDTS / 16, N = 5
1011: fSAMPLING = fDTS / 16, N = 6
1100: fSAMPLING = fDTS / 16, N = 8
1101: fSAMPLING = fDTS / 32, N = 5
1110: fSAMPLING = fDTS / 32, N = 6
1111: fSAMPLING = fDTS / 32, N = 8

Rev. 1.30 275 of 656 September 28, 2018

32-Bit Arm® Cortex® -M0+ MCU

Channel 0 Output Configuration Register – CH0OCFR

This register specifies the channel 0 output mode configuration.
Offset: 0x040
Reset value: 0x0000_0000

31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24

General-Purpose Timer (GPTM)

23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16
15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8
Reserved CH0OM[3]
Type/Reset RW 0
7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
Reserved CH0IMAE CH0PRE Reserved CH0OM[2:0]
Type/Reset RW 0 RW 0 RW 0 RW 0 RW 0

Bits Field Descriptions

[5] CH0IMAE Channel 0 Immediate Active Enable
0: No action
1: Single pulse Immediate Active Mode is enabled
The CH0OREF will be forced to the compare matched level immediately after an
available trigger event occurs irrespective of the result of the comparison between
the CNTR and the CH0CCR values.
The effective duration ends automatically at the next overflow or underflow event.
Note: The CH0IMAE bit is available only if the channel 0 is configured to be
operated in the PWM mode 1 or the PWM mode 2.
[4] CH0PRE Channel 0 Capture/Compare Register (CH0CCR) Preload Enable
0: CH0CCR preload function is disabled.
The CH0CCR register can be immediately assigned a new value when
the CH0PRE bit is cleared to 0 and the updated CH0CCR value is used
1: CH0CCR preload function is enabled.
The new CH0CCR value will not be transferred to its shadow register until the
update event occurs.

Rev. 1.30 276 of 656 September 28, 2018

32-Bit Arm® Cortex® -M0+ MCU

Bits Field Descriptions

[8][2:0] CH0OM[3:0] Channel 0 Output Mode Setting
These bits define the functional types of the output reference signal CH0OREF.
0000: No Change
0001: Output 0 on compare match
0010: Output 1 on compare match
0011: Output toggles on compare match
0100: Force inactive – CH0OREF is forced to 0
0101: Force active – CH0OREF is forced to 1

General-Purpose Timer (GPTM)

0110: PWM mode 1
- During up-counting, channel 0 has an active level when CNTR <
CH0CCR or otherwise has an inactive level.
- During down-counting, channel 0 has an inactive level when CNTR >
CH0CCR or otherwise has an active level.
0111: PWM mode 2
- During up-counting, channel 0 is has an inactive level when CNTR <
CH0CCR or otherwise has an active level.
- During down-counting, channel 0 has an active level when CNTR >
CH0CCR or otherwise has an inactive level.
1110: Asymmetric PWM mode 1
- During up-counting, channel 0 has an active level when CNTR <
CH0CCR or otherwise has an inactive level.
- During down-counting, channel 0 has an inactive level when CNTR >
CH0ACR or otherwise has an active level.
1111: Asymmetric PWM mode 2
- During up-counting, channel 0 has an inactive level when CNTR <
CH0CCR or otherwise has an active level.
- During down-counting, channel 0 has an active level when CNTR >
CH0ACR or otherwise has an inactive level
Note: When channel 0 is used as asymmetric PWM output mode, the Counter Mode
Selection bit in Counter Configuration Register must be configured as Center-
aligned Counting mode (CMSEL = 01/02/03)

Rev. 1.30 277 of 656 September 28, 2018

32-Bit Arm® Cortex® -M0+ MCU

Channel 1 Output Configuration Register – CH1OCFR

This register specifies the channel 1 output mode configuration.
Offset: 0x044
Reset value: 0x0000_0000

31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24

General-Purpose Timer (GPTM)

23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16
15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8
Reserved CH1OM[3]
7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
Reserved CH1IMAE CH1PRE Reserved CH1OM[2:0]
Type/Reset RW 0 RW 0 RW 0 RW 0 RW 0

Bits Field Descriptions

[5] CH1IMAE Channel 1 Immediate Active Enable
0: No action
1: Single pulse Immediate Active Mode is enabled
The CH1OREF will be forced to the compare matched level immediately after an
available trigger event occurs irrespective of the result of the comparison between
the CNTR and the CH1CCR values.
The effective duration ends automatically at the next overflow or underflow event.
Note: The CH1IMAE bit is available only if the channel 1 is configured to be
operated in the PWM mode 1 or the PWM mode 2.
[4] CH1PRE Channel 1 Capture/Compare Register (CH1CCR) Preload Enable
0: CH1CCR preload function is disabled.
The CH1CCR register can be immediately assigned a new value when
the CH1PRE bit is cleared to 0 and the updated CH1CCR value is used
1: CH1CCR preload function is enabled
The new CH1CCR value will not be transferred to its shadow register until the
update event occurs.

Rev. 1.30 278 of 656 September 28, 2018

32-Bit Arm® Cortex® -M0+ MCU

Bits Field Descriptions

[8][2:0] CH1OM[3:0] Channel 1 Output Mode Setting
These bits define the functional types of the output reference signal CH1OREF.
0000: No Change
0001: Output 0 on compare match
0010: Output 1 on compare match
0011: Output toggles on compare match
0100: Force inactive – CH1OREF is forced to 0
0101: Force active – CH1OREF is forced to 1

General-Purpose Timer (GPTM)

0110: PWM mode 1
- During up-counting, channel 1 has an active level when CNTR <
CH1CCR or otherwise has an inactive level.
- During down-counting, channel 1 has an inactive level when CNTR >
CH1CCR or otherwise has an active level.
0111: PWM mode 2
- During up-counting, channel 1 has an inactive level when CNTR <
CH1CCR or otherwise has an active level.
- During down-counting, channel 1 has an active level when CNTR >
CH1CCR or otherwise has an inactive level.
1110: Asymmetric PWM mode 1
- During up-counting, channel 1 has an active level when CNTR <
CH1CCR or otherwise has an inactive level.
- During down-counting, channel 1 has an inactive level when CNTR >
CH1ACR or otherwise has an active level.
1111: Asymmetric PWM mode 2
- During up-counting, channel 1 has an inactive level when CNTR <
CH1CCR or otherwise has an active level.
- During down-counting, channel 1 has an active level when CNTR >
CH1ACR or otherwise has an inactive level
Note: When channel 1 is used as asymmetric PWM output mode, the Counter Mode
Selection bit in Counter Configuration Register must be configured as Center-
aligned Counting mode (CMSEL = 01/02/03)

Rev. 1.30 279 of 656 September 28, 2018

32-Bit Arm® Cortex® -M0+ MCU

Channel 2 Output Configuration Register – CH2OCFR

This register specifies the channel 2 output mode configuration.
Offset: 0x048
Reset value: 0x0000_0000

31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24

General-Purpose Timer (GPTM)

23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16
15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8
Reserved CH2OM[3]
7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
Reserved CH2IMAE CH2PRE Reserved CH2OM[2:0]
Type/Reset RW 0 RW 0 RW 0 RW 0 RW 0

Bits Field Descriptions

[5] CH2IMAE Channel 2 Immediate Active Enable
0: No action
1: Single pulse Immediate Active Mode is enabled
The CH2OREF will be forced to the compare matched level immediately after an
available trigger event occurs irrespective of the result of the comparison between
the CNTR and the CH2CCR values.
The effective duration ends automatically at the next overflow or underflow event.
Note: The CH2IMAE bit is available only if the channel 2 is configured to be
operated in the PWM mode 1 or the PWM mode 2.
[4] CH2PRE Channel 2 Capture/Compare Register (CH2CCR) Preload Enable
0: CH2CCR preload function is disabled.
The CH2CCR register can be immediately assigned a new value when
the CH2PRE bit is cleared to 0 and the updated CH2CCR value is used
1: CH2CCR preload function is enabled
The new CH2CCR value will not be transferred to its shadow register until the
update event occurs.

Rev. 1.30 280 of 656 September 28, 2018

32-Bit Arm® Cortex® -M0+ MCU

Bits Field Descriptions

[8][2:0] CH2OM[3:0] Channel 2 Output Mode Setting
These bits define the functional types of the output reference signal CH2OREF.
0000: No Change
0001: Output 0 on compare match
0010: Output 1 on compare match
0011: Output toggles on compare match
0100: Force inactive – CH2OREF is forced to 0
0101: Force active – CH2OREF is forced to 1

General-Purpose Timer (GPTM)

0110: PWM mode 1
- During up-counting, channel 2 has an active level when CNTR <
CH2CCR or otherwise has an inactive level.
- During down-counting, channel 2 has an inactive level when CNTR >
CH2CCR or otherwise has an active level.
0111: PWM mode 2
- During up-counting, channel 2 has an inactive level when CNTR <
CH2CCR or otherwise has an active level.
- During down-counting, channel 2 has an active level when CNTR >
CH2CCR or otherwise has an inactive level.
1110: Asymmetric PWM mode 1
- During up-counting, channel 2 has an active level when CNTR <
CH2CCR or otherwise has an inactive level.
- During down-counting, channel 2 has an inactive level when CNTR >
CH2ACR or otherwise has an active level.
1111: Asymmetric PWM mode 2
- During up-counting, channel 2 has an inactive level when CNTR <
CH2CCR or otherwise has an active level.
- During down-counting, channel 2 has an active level when CNTR >
CH2ACR or otherwise has an inactive level
Note: When channel 2 is used as asymmetric PWM output mode, the Counter Mode
Selection bit in Counter Configuration Register must be configured as Center-
aligned Counting mode (CMSEL = 01/02/03)

Rev. 1.30 281 of 656 September 28, 2018

32-Bit Arm® Cortex® -M0+ MCU

Channel 3 Output Configuration Register – CH3OCFR

This register specifies the channel 3 output mode configuration.
Offset: 0x04C
Reset value: 0x0000_0000

31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24

General-Purpose Timer (GPTM)

23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16
15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8
Reserved CH3OM[3]
7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
Reserved CH3IMAE CH3PRE Reserved CH3OM[2:0]
Type/Reset RW 0 RW 0 RW 0 RW 0 RW 0

Bits Field Descriptions

[5] CH3IMAE Channel 3 Immediate Active Enable
0: No action
1: Single pulse Immediate Active Mode is enabled
The CH3OREF will be forced to the compare matched level immediately after an
available trigger event occurs irrespective of the result of the comparison between
the CNTR and the CH3CCR values.
The effective duration ends automatically at the next overflow or underflow event.
Note: The CH3IMAE bit is available only if the channel 3 is configured to be
operated in the PWM mode 1 or the PWM mode 2.
[4] CH3PRE Channel 3 Capture/Compare Register (CH3CCR) Preload Enable
0: CH3CCR preload function is disabled.
The CH3CCR register can be immediately assigned a new value when
the CH3PRE bit is cleared to 0 and the updated CH3CCR value is used
1: CH3CCR preload function is enabled
The new CH3CCR value will not be transferred to its shadow register until the
update event occurs.

Rev. 1.30 282 of 656 September 28, 2018

32-Bit Arm® Cortex® -M0+ MCU

Bits Field Descriptions

[8][2:0] CH3OM[3:0] Channel 3 Output Mode Setting
These bits define the functional types of the output reference signal CH3OREF
0000: No Change
0001: Output 0 on compare match
0010: Output 1 on compare match
0011: Output toggles on compare match
0100: Force inactive – CH3OREF is forced to 0
0101: Force active – CH3OREF is forced to 1

General-Purpose Timer (GPTM)

0110: PWM mode 1
- During up-counting, channel 3 has an active level when CNTR <
CH3CCR or otherwise has an inactive level.
- During down-counting, channel 3 has an inactive level when CNTR >
CH3CCR or otherwise has an active level.
0111: PWM mode 2
- During up-counting, channel 3 has an inactive level when CNTR <
CH3CCR or otherwise has an active level.
- During down-counting, channel 3 has an active level when CNTR >
CH3CCR or otherwise has an inactive level
1110: Asymmetric PWM mode 1
- During up-counting, channel 3 has an active level when CNTR <
CH3CCR or otherwise has an inactive level.
- During down-counting, channel 3 has an inactive level when CNTR >
CH3ACR or otherwise has an active level.
1111: Asymmetric PWM mode 2
- During up-counting, channel 3 has an inactive level when CNTR <
CH3CCR or otherwise has an active level.
- During down-counting, channel 3 has an active level when CNTR >
CH3ACR or otherwise has an inactive level
Note: When channel 3 is used as asymmetric PWM output mode, the Counter Mode
Selection bit in Counter Configuration Register must be configured as Center-
aligned Counting mode (CMSEL = 01/02/03)

Rev. 1.30 283 of 656 September 28, 2018

32-Bit Arm® Cortex® -M0+ MCU

Channel Control Register – CHCTR

This register contains the channel capture input or compare output function enable control bits.
Offset: 0x050
Reset value: 0x0000_0000

31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24

General-Purpose Timer (GPTM)

23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16
15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8
7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
Reserved CH3E Reserved CH2E Reserved CH1E Reserved CH0E
Type/Reset RW 0 RW 0 RW 0 RW 0

Bits Field Descriptions

[6] CH3E Channel 3 Capture/Compare Enable
- Channel 3 is configured as an input (CH3CCS = 0x01/0x02/0x03)
0: Input Capture Mode is disabled
1: Input Capture Mode is enabled
- Channel 3 is configured as an output (CH3CCS = 0x00)
0: Off –Channel 3 output signal CH3O is not active
1: On –Channel 3 output signal CH3O generated on the corresponding output pin
[4] CH2E Channel 2 Capture/Compare Enable
- Channel 2 is configured as an input (CH2CCS = 0x01/0x02/0x03)
0: Input Capture Mode is disabled
1: Input Capture Mode is enabled
- Channel 2 is configured as an output (CH2CCS = 0x00)
0: Off –Channel 2 output signal CH2O is not active
1: On –Channel 2 output signal CH2O generated on the corresponding output pin
[2] CH1E Channel 1 Capture/Compare Enable
- Channel 1 is configured as an input (CH1CCS = 0x01/0x02/0x03)
0: Input Capture Mode is disabled
1: Input Capture Mode is enabled
- Channel 1 is configured as an output (CH1CCS = 0x00)
0: Off –Channel 1 output signal CH1O is not active
1: On –Channel 1 output signal CH1O generated on the corresponding output pin
[0] CH0E Channel 0 Capture/Compare Enable
- Channel 0 is configured as an input (CH0CCS = 0x01/0x02/0x03)
0: Input Capture Mode is disabled
1: Input Capture Mode is enabled
- Channel 0 is configured as an output (CH0CCS = 0x00)
0: Off –Channel 0 output signal CH0O is not active
1: On –Channel 0 output signal CH0O generated on the corresponding output pin

Rev. 1.30 284 of 656 September 28, 2018

32-Bit Arm® Cortex® -M0+ MCU

Channel Polarity Configuration Register – CHPOLR

This register contains the channel capture input or compare output polarity control.
Offset: 0x054
Reset value: 0x0000_0000

31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24

General-Purpose Timer (GPTM)

23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16
15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8
7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
Reserved CH3P Reserved CH2P Reserved CH1P Reserved CH0P
Type/Reset RW 0 RW 0 RW 0 RW 0

Bits Field Descriptions

[6] CH3P Channel 3 Capture/Compare Polarity
- When Channel 3 is configured as an input
0: capture event occurs on a Channel 3 rising edge
1: capture event occurs on a Channel 3 falling edge
- When Channel 3 is configured as an output (CH3CCS = 0x00)
0: Channel 3 Output is active high
1: Channel 3 Output is active low
[4] CH2P Channel 2 Capture/Compare Polarity
- When Channel 2 is configured as an input
0: capture event occurs on a Channel 2 rising edge
1: capture event occurs on a Channel 2 falling edge
- When Channel 2 is configured as an output (CH2CCS = 0x00)
0: Channel 2 Output is active high
1: Channel 2 Output is active low
[2] CH1P Channel 1 Capture/Compare Polarity
- When Channel 1 is configured as an input
0: capture event occurs on a Channel 1 rising edge
1: capture event occurs on a Channel 1 falling edge
- Channel 1 is configured as an output (CH1CCS = 0x00)
0: Channel 1 Output is active high
1: Channel 1 Output is active low
[0] CH0P Channel 0 Capture/Compare Polarity
- When Channel 0 is configured as an input
0: capture event occurs on a Channel 0 rising edge
1: capture event occurs on a Channel 0 falling edge
- When Channel 0 is configured as an output (CH0CCS = 0x00)
0: Channel 0 Output is active high
1: Channel 0 Output is active low

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32-Bit Arm® Cortex® -M0+ MCU

Timer PDMA/Interrupt Control Register – DICTR

This register contains the timer PDMA and interrupt enable control bits.
Offset: 0x074
Reset value: 0x0000_0000

31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24
Reserved TEVDE Reserved UEVDE
Type/Reset RW 0 RW 0

General-Purpose Timer (GPTM)

23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16
Type/Reset RW 0 RW 0 RW 0 RW 0
15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8
Reserved TEVIE Reserved UEVIE
Type/Reset RW 0 RW 0
7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
Type/Reset RW 0 RW 0 RW 0 RW 0

Bits Field Descriptions

[26] TEVDE Trigger event PDMA Request Enable
0: Trigger PDMA request is disabled
1: Trigger PDMA request is enabled
[24] UEVDE Update event PDMA Request Enable
0: Update event PDMA request is disabled
1: Update event PDMA request is enabled
[19] CH3CCDE Channel 3 Capture/Compare PDMA Request Enable
0: Channel 3 PDMA request is disabled
1: Channel 3 PDMA request is enabled
[18] CH2CCDE Channel 2 Capture/Compare PDMA Request Enable
0: Channel 2 PDMA request is disabled
1: Channel 2 PDMA request is enabled
[17] CH1CCDE Channel 1 Capture/Compare PDMA Request Enable
0: Channel 1 PDMA request is disabled
1: Channel 1 PDMA request is enabled
[16] CH0CCDE Channel 0 Capture/Compare PDMA Request Enable
0: Channel 0 PDMA request is disabled
1: Channel 0 PDMA request is enabled
[10] TEVIE Trigger event Interrupt Enable
0: Trigger event interrupt is disabled
1: Trigger event interrupt is enabled
[8] UEVIE Update event Interrupt Enable
0: Update event interrupt is disabled
1: Update event interrupt is enabled
[3] CH3CCIE Channel 3 Capture/Compare Interrupt Enable
0: Channel 3 interrupt is disabled
1: Channel 3 interrupt is enabled
[2] CH2CCIE Channel 2 Capture/Compare Interrupt Enable
0: Channel 2 interrupt is disabled
1: Channel 2 interrupt is enabled

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Bits Field Descriptions

[1] CH1CCIE Channel 1 Capture/Compare Interrupt Enable
0: Channel 1 interrupt is disabled
1: Channel 1 interrupt is enabled
[0] CH0CCIE Channel 0 Capture/Compare Interrupt Enable
0: Channel 0 interrupt is disabled
1: Channel 0 interrupt is enabled

General-Purpose Timer (GPTM)

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32-Bit Arm® Cortex® -M0+ MCU

Timer Event Generator Register – EVGR

This register contains the software event generation bits.
Offset: 0x078
Reset value: 0x0000_0000

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General-Purpose Timer (GPTM)

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Reserved TEVG Reserved UEVG
Type/Reset WO 0 WO 0
7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
Type/Reset WO 0 WO 0 WO 0 WO 0

Bits Field Descriptions

[10] TEVG Trigger Event Generation
The trigger event TEV can be generated by setting this bit. It is cleared by hardware
0: No action
1: TEVIF flag is set
[8] UEVG Update Event Generation
The update event UEV can be generated by setting this bit. It is cleared by hardware
0: No action
1: Reinitialize the counter
The counter value returns to 0 or the CRR preload value, depending on the
counter mode in which the current timer is being used. An update operation of any
related registers will also be performed. For more detail descriptions, refer to the
corresponding section.
[3] CH3CCG Channel 3 Capture/Compare Generation
A Channel 3 capture/compare event can be generated by setting this bit. It is cleared
by hardware automatically.
0: No action
1: Capture/compare event is generated on channel 3
If Channel 3 is configured as an input, the counter value is captured into the
CH3CCR register and then the CH3CCIF bit is set. If Channel 3 is configured as an
output, the CH3CCIF bit is set.
[2] CH2CCG Channel 2 Capture/Compare Generation
A Channel 2 capture/compare event can be generated by setting this bit. It is cleared
by hardware automatically.
0: No action
1: Capture/compare event is generated on channel 2
If Channel 2 is configured as an input, the counter value is captured into the
CH2CCR register and then the CH2CCIF bit is set. If Channel 2 is configured as an
output, the CH2CCIF bit is set.

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32-Bit Arm® Cortex® -M0+ MCU

Bits Field Descriptions

[1] CH1CCG Channel 1 Capture/Compare Generation
A Channel 1 capture/compare event can be generated by setting this bit. It is cleared
by hardware automatically.
0: No action
1: Capture/compare event is generated on channel 1
If Channel 1 is configured as an input, the counter value is captured into the
CH1CCR register and then the CH1CCIF bit is set. If Channel 1 is configured as an
output, the CH1CCIF bit is set.

General-Purpose Timer (GPTM)

[0] CH0CCG Channel 0 Capture/Compare Generation
A Channel 0 capture/compare event can be generated by setting this bit. It is cleared
by hardware automatically.
0: No action
1: Capture/compare event is generated on channel 0
If Channel 0 is configured as an input, the counter value is captured into the
CH0CCR register and then the CH0CCIF bit is set. If Channel 0 is configured as an
output, the CH0CCIF bit is set.

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32-Bit Arm® Cortex® -M0+ MCU

Timer Interrupt Status Register – INTSR

This register stores the timer interrupt status.
Offset: 0x07C
Reset value: 0x0000_0000

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General-Purpose Timer (GPTM)

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15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8
Reserved TEVIF Reserved UEVIF
Type/Reset W0C 0 W0C 0
7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
Type/Reset W0C 0 W0C 0 W0C 0 W0C 0 W0C 0 W0C 0 W0C 0 W0C 0

Bits Field Descriptions

[10] TEVIF Trigger Event Interrupt Flag
This flag is set by hardware on a trigger event and is cleared by software.
0: No trigger event occurs
1: Trigger event occurs
[8] UEVIF Update Event Interrupt Flag.
This bit is set by hardware on an update event and is cleared by software.
0: No update event occurs
1: Update event occurs
Note: The update event is derived from the following conditions:
- The counter overflows or underflows
- The UEVG bit is asserted
- A restart trigger event occurs from the slave trigger input
[7] CH3OCF Channel 3 Over-Capture Flag
This flag is set by hardware and cleared by software.
0: No over-capture event is detected
1: Capture event occurs again when the CH3CCIF bit is already set and it is not
yet cleared by software
[6] CH2OCF Channel 2 Over-Capture Flag
This flag is set by hardware and cleared by software.
0: No over-capture event is detected
1: Capture event occurs again when the CH2CCIF bit is already set and it is not
cleared yet by software
[5] CH1OCF Channel 1 Over-Capture Flag
This flag is set by hardware and cleared by software.
0: No over-capture event is detected
1: Capture event occurs again when the CH1CCIF bit is already set and it is not
cleared yet by software.

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Bits Field Descriptions

[4] CH0OCF Channel 0 Over-Capture Flag
This flag is set by hardware and cleared by software.
0: No over-capture event is detected
1: Capture event occurs again when the CH0CCIFbit is already set and it is not
yet cleared by software.
[3] CH3CCIF Channel 3 Capture/Compare Interrupt Flag
- Channel 3 is configured as an output:

General-Purpose Timer (GPTM)

0: No match event occurs
1: The contents of the counter CNTR have matched the contents of the CH3CCR
This flag is set by hardware when the counter value matches the CH3CCR value
except in the center-aligned mode. It is cleared by software.
- Channel 3 is configured as an input:
0: No input capture occurs
1: Input capture occurs
This bit is set by hardware on a capture event. It is cleared by software or by
reading the CH3CCR register.
[2] CH2CCIF Channel 2 Capture/Compare Interrupt Flag
- Channel 2 is configured as an output:
0: No match event occurs
1: The contents of the counter CNTR have matched the contents of the CH2CCR
This flag is set by hardware when the counter value matches the CH2CCR value
except in the center-aligned mode. It is cleared by software.
- Channel 2 is configured as an input:
0: No input capture occurs
1: Input capture occurs.
This bit is set by hardware on a capture event. It is cleared by software or by
reading the CH2CCR register.
[1] CH1CCIF Channel 1 Capture/Compare Interrupt Flag
- Channel 1 is configured as an output:
0: No match event occurs
1: The contents of the counter CNTR have matched the contents of the CH1CCR
This flag is set by hardware when the counter value matches the CH1CCR value
except in the center-aligned mode. It is cleared by software.
- Channel 1 is configured as an input:
0: No input capture occurs
1: Input capture occurs
This bit is set by hardware on a capture event. It is cleared by software or by
reading the CH1CCR register.

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Bits Field Descriptions

[0] CH0CCIF Channel 0 Capture/Compare Interrupt Flag
- Channel 0 is configured as an output:
0: No match event occurs
1: The contents of the counter CNTR have matched the content of the CH0CCR
This flag is set by hardware when the counter value matches the CH0CCR value
except in the center-aligned mode. It is cleared by software.
- Channel 0 is configured as an input:

General-Purpose Timer (GPTM)

0: No input capture occurs
1: Input capture occurs
This bit is set by hardware on a capture event. It is cleared by software or by
reading the CH0CCR register.

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32-Bit Arm® Cortex® -M0+ MCU

Timer Counter Register – CNTR

This register stores the timer counter value.
Offset: 0x080
Reset value: 0x0000_0000

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Type/Reset RW 0 RW 0 RW 0 RW 0 RW 0 RW 0 RW 0 RW 0
7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
Type/Reset RW 0 RW 0 RW 0 RW 0 RW 0 RW 0 RW 0 RW 0

Bits Field Descriptions

[15:0] CNTV Counter Value.

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32-Bit Arm® Cortex® -M0+ MCU

Timer Prescaler Register – PSCR

This register specifies the timer prescaler value to generate the counter clock.
Offset: 0x084
Reset value: 0x0000_0000

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Type/Reset RW 0 RW 0 RW 0 RW 0 RW 0 RW 0 RW 0 RW 0
7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
Type/Reset RW 0 RW 0 RW 0 RW 0 RW 0 RW 0 RW 0 RW 0

Bits Field Descriptions

[15:0] PSCV Prescaler Value
These bits are used to specify the prescaler value to generate the counter clock
frequency fCK_CNT.
fCK_CNT = , where the fCK_PSC is the prescaler clock source.
PSCV[15:0] + 1

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32-Bit Arm® Cortex® -M0+ MCU

Timer Counter Reload Register – CRR

This register specifies the timer counter reload value.
Offset: 0x088
Reset value: 0x0000_FFFF

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General-Purpose Timer (GPTM)

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15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8
Type/Reset RW 1 RW 1 RW 1 RW 1 RW 1 RW 1 RW 1 RW 1
7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
Type/Reset RW 1 RW 1 RW 1 RW 1 RW 1 RW 1 RW 1 RW 1

Bits Field Descriptions

[15:0] CRV Counter Reload Value
The CRV is the reload value which is loaded into the actual counter register.

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32-Bit Arm® Cortex® -M0+ MCU

Channel 0 Capture/Compare Register – CH0CCR

This register specifies the timer channel 0 capture/compare value.
Offset: 0x090
Reset value: 0x0000_0000

31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24

General-Purpose Timer (GPTM)

23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16
15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8
Type/Reset RW 0 RW 0 RW 0 RW 0 RW 0 RW 0 RW 0 RW 0
7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
Type/Reset RW 0 RW 0 RW 0 RW 0 RW 0 RW 0 RW 0 RW 0

Bits Field Descriptions

[15:0] CH0CCV Channel 0 Capture/Compare Value
- When Channel 0 is configured as an output
The CH0CCR value is compared with the counter value and the comparison result
is used to trigger the CH0OREF output signal.
- When Channel 0 is configured as an input
The CH0CCR register stores the counter value captured by the last channel 0
capture event.

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32-Bit Arm® Cortex® -M0+ MCU

Channel 1 Capture/Compare Register – CH1CCR

This register specifies the timer channel 1 capture/compare value.
Offset: 0x094
Reset value: 0x0000_0000

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General-Purpose Timer (GPTM)

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15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8
Type/Reset RW 0 RW 0 RW 0 RW 0 RW 0 RW 0 RW 0 RW 0
7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
Type/Reset RW 0 RW 0 RW 0 RW 0 RW 0 RW 0 RW 0 RW 0

Bits Field Descriptions

[15:0] CH1CCV Channel 1 Capture/Compare Value
- When Channel 1 is configured as an output
The CH1CCR value is compared with the counter value and the comparison result
is used to trigger the CH1OREF output signal.
- When Channel 1 is configured as an input
The CH1CCR register stores the counter value captured by the last channel 1
capture event.

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32-Bit Arm® Cortex® -M0+ MCU

Channel 2 Capture/Compare Register – CH2CCR

This register specifies the timer channel 2 capture/compare value.
Offset: 0x098
Reset value: 0x0000_0000

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General-Purpose Timer (GPTM)

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15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8
Type/Reset RW 0 RW 0 RW 0 RW 0 RW 0 RW 0 RW 0 RW 0
7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
Type/Reset RW 0 RW 0 RW 0 RW 0 RW 0 RW 0 RW 0 RW 0

Bits Field Descriptions

[15:0] CH2CCV Channel 2 Capture/Compare Value
- When Channel 2 is configured as an output
The CH2CCR value is compared with the counter value and the comparison result
is used to trigger the CH2OREF output signal.
- When Channel 2 is configured as an input
The CH2CCR register stores the counter value captured by the last channel 2
capture event.

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32-Bit Arm® Cortex® -M0+ MCU

Channel 3 Capture/Compare Register – CH3CCR

This register specifies the timer channel 3 capture/compare value.
Offset: 0x09C
Reset value: 0x0000_0000

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General-Purpose Timer (GPTM)

23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16
15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8
Type/Reset RW 0 RW 0 RW 0 RW 0 RW 0 RW 0 RW 0 RW 0
7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
Type/Reset RW 0 RW 0 RW 0 RW 0 RW 0 RW 0 RW 0 RW 0

Bits Field Descriptions

[15:0] CH3CCV Channel 3 Capture/Compare Value
- When Channel 3 is configured as an output
The CH3CCR value is compared with the counter value and the comparison result
is used to trigger the CH3OREF output signal.
- When Channel 3 is configured as an input
The CH3CCR register stores the counter value captured by the last channel 3
capture event.

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32-Bit Arm® Cortex® -M0+ MCU

Channel 0 Asymmetric Compare Register – CH0ACR

This register specifies the timer channel 0 asymmetric compare value.
Offset: 0x0A0
Reset value: 0x0000_0000

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General-Purpose Timer (GPTM)

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15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8
Type/Reset RW 0 RW 0 RW 0 RW 0 RW 0 RW 0 RW 0 RW 0
7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
Type/Reset RW 0 RW 0 RW 0 RW 0 RW 0 RW 0 RW 0 RW 0

Bits Field Descriptions

[15:0] CH0ACV Channel 0 Asymmetric Compare Value
When channel 0 is configured as asymmetric PWM mode and the counter is
counting down, the value written is this register will be compared to the counter.

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32-Bit Arm® Cortex® -M0+ MCU

Channel 1 Asymmetric Compare Register – CH1ACR

This register specifies the timer channel 1 asymmetric compare value.
Offset: 0x0A4
Reset value: 0x0000_0000

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General-Purpose Timer (GPTM)

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15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8
Type/Reset RW 0 RW 0 RW 0 RW 0 RW 0 RW 0 RW 0 RW 0
7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
Type/Reset RW 0 RW 0 RW 0 RW 0 RW 0 RW 0 RW 0 RW 0

Bits Field Descriptions

[15:0] CH1ACV Channel 1 Asymmetric Compare Value
When channel 1 is configured as asymmetric PWM mode and the counter is
counting down, the value written is this register will be compared to the counter.

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32-Bit Arm® Cortex® -M0+ MCU

Channel 2 Asymmetric Compare Register – CH2ACR

This register specifies the timer channel 2 asymmetric compare value.
Offset: 0x0A8
Reset value: 0x0000_0000

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General-Purpose Timer (GPTM)

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15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8
Type/Reset RW 0 RW 0 RW 0 RW 0 RW 0 RW 0 RW 0 RW 0
7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
Type/Reset RW 0 RW 0 RW 0 RW 0 RW 0 RW 0 RW 0 RW 0

Bits Field Descriptions

[15:0] CH2ACV Channel 2 Asymmetric Compare Value
When channel 2 is configured as asymmetric PWM mode and the counter is
counting down, the value written is this register will be compared to the counter.

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32-Bit Arm® Cortex® -M0+ MCU

Channel 3 Asymmetric Compare Register – CH3ACR

This register specifies the timer channel 3 asymmetric compare value.
Offset: 0x0AC
Reset value: 0x0000_0000

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General-Purpose Timer (GPTM)

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15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8
Type/Reset RW 0 RW 0 RW 0 RW 0 RW 0 RW 0 RW 0 RW 0
7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
Type/Reset RW 0 RW 0 RW 0 RW 0 RW 0 RW 0 RW 0 RW 0

Bits Field Descriptions

[15:0] CH3ACV Channel 3 Asymmetric Compare Value
When channel 3 is configured as asymmetric PWM mode and the counter is
counting down, the value written is this register will be compared to the counter.

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32-Bit Arm® Cortex® -M0+ MCU

15 Basic Function Timer (BFTM)

The Basic Function Timer Module, BFTM, is a 32-bit up-counting counter designed to measure
time intervals, generate one shot or generate repetitive interrupts. The BFTM can operate in two
modes which are repetitive and one shot modes. The repetitive mode restarts the counter at each

Basic Function Timer (BFTM)

compare match event which is generated by the internal comparator. The BFTM also supports a
one shot mode which will force the counter to stop counting when a compare match event occurs.

Counter OSM
Controller To A/D Converter

clock 32-bit Up Counter Comparator


Figure 69. BFTM Block Diagram

▄▄ 32-bit up-counting counter
▄▄ Compare Match function
▄▄ Includes debug mode
▄▄ Clock source: BFTM APB clock
▄▄ Counter value can be R/W on the fly
▄▄ One shot mode: counter stops counting when compare match occurs
▄▄ Repetitive mode: counter restarts when compare match occurs
▄▄ Compare Match interrupt enable/disable control

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32-Bit Arm® Cortex® -M0+ MCU

Functional Description
The BFTM is a 32-bit up-counting counter which is driven by the BFTM APB clock, PCLK. The
counter value can be changed or read at any time even when the timer is counting. The BFTM
supports two operating modes known as the repetitive mode and one shot mode allowing the
measurement of time intervals or the generation of periodic time durations.

Repetitive Mode

Basic Function Timer (BFTM)

The BFTM counts up from zero to a specific compare value which is pre-defined by the
BFTMCMPR register. When the BFTM operates in the repetitive mode and the counter reaches
a value equal to the specific compare value in the BFTMCMPR register, the timer will generate a
compare match event signal, MIF. When this occurs, the counter will be reset to 0 and resume its
counting operation. When the MIF signal is generated, a BFTM compare match interrupt will also
be generated periodically if the compare match interrupt is enabled by setting the corresponding
interrupt control bit, MIEN, to 1. The counter value will remain unchanged and the counter will
stop counting if it is disabled by clearing the CEN bit to 0.



Keep counter value

when CEN is reset



: Updated by software : Cleared by software

Figure 70. BFTM – Repetitive Mode

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32-Bit Arm® Cortex® -M0+ MCU

One Shot Mode

By setting the OSM bit in BFTMCR register to 1, the BFTM will operate in the one shot mode. The
BFTM starts to count when the CEN bit is set to 1 by the application program. The counter value
will remain unchanged if the CEN bit is cleared to 0 by the application program. However, the
counter value will be reset to 0 and stop counting when the CEN bit is cleared automatically to 0 by
the internal hardware when a counter compare match event occurs.

Basic Function Timer (BFTM)

: Updated by software
CNT value unchanged
when CEN is reset
By S/W : Cleared by software

: Cleared by hardware




Figure 71. BFTM – One Shot Mode






: Updated by software : Cleared by software : Cleared by hardware

Figure 72. BFTM – One Shot Mode Counter Updating

Trigger ADC Start

When a BFTM compare match event occurs, a compare match interrupt f lag, MIF, will be
generated which can be used as an A/D Converter input trigger source.

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32-Bit Arm® Cortex® -M0+ MCU

Register Map
The following table shows the BFTM registers and their reset values.
Table 34. BFTM Register Map
Register Offset Description Reset Value
BFTMCR 0x000 BFTM Control Register 0x0000_0000
BFTMSR 0x004 BFTM Status Register 0x0000_0000
BFTMCNTR 0x008 BFTM Counter Value Register 0x0000_0000

Basic Function Timer (BFTM)

BFTMCMPR 0x00C BFTM Compare Value Register 0xFFFF_FFFF

Register Descriptions
BFTM Control Register – BFTMCR
This register specifies the overall BFTM control bits.
Offset: 0x000
Reset value: 0x0000_0000

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7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
Type/Reset RW 0 RW 0 RW 0

Bits Field Descriptions

[2] CEN BFTM Counter Enable Control
0: BFTM is disabled
1: BFTM is enabled
When this bit is set to 1, the BFTM counter will start to count. The counter will stop
counting and the counter value will remain unchanged when the CEN bit is cleared
to 0 by the application program regardless of whether it is in the repetitive or one
shot mode. However, in the one shot mode, the counter will stop counting and be
reset to 0 when the CEN bit is cleared to 0 by the timer hardware circuitry which
results from a compare match event.
[1] OSM BFTM One Shot Mode Selection
0: Counter operates in repetitive mode
1: Counter operates in one shot mode
[0] MIEN BFTM Compare Match Interrupt Enable Control
0: Compare Match Interrupt is disabled
1: Compare Match Interrupt is enabled

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32-Bit Arm® Cortex® -M0+ MCU

BFTM Status Register – BFTMSR

This register specifies the BFTM status.
Offset: 0x004
Reset value: 0x0000_0004

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Basic Function Timer (BFTM)

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7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
Reserved MIF
Type/Reset W0C 0

Bits Field Descriptions

[0] MIF BFTM Compare Match Interrupt Flag
0: No compare match event occurs
1: Compare match event occurs
When the counter value, CNT, is equal to the compare register value, CMP, a
compare match event will occur and the corresponding interrupt flag, MIF will be
set. The MIF bit is cleared to 0 by writing a data ”0” .

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32-Bit Arm® Cortex® -M0+ MCU

BFTM Counter Register – BFTMCNTR

This register specifies the BFTM counter value.
Offset: 0x008
Reset value: 0x0000_0000

31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24
Type/Reset RW 0 RW 0 RW 0 RW 0 RW 0 RW 0 RW 0 RW 0

Basic Function Timer (BFTM)

23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16
Type/Reset RW 0 RW 0 RW 0 RW 0 RW 0 RW 0 RW 0 RW 0
15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8
Type/Reset RW 0 RW 0 RW 0 RW 0 RW 0 RW 0 RW 0 RW 0
7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
Type/Reset RW 0 RW 0 RW 0 RW 0 RW 0 RW 0 RW 0 RW 0

Bits Field Descriptions

[31:0] CNT BFTM Counter Value
A 32-bit BFTM counter value is stored in this field which can be read or written on-

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32-Bit Arm® Cortex® -M0+ MCU

BFTM Compare Value Register – BFTMCMPR

The register specifies the BFTM compare value.
Offset: 0x00C
Reset value: 0xFFFF_FFFF

31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24
Type/Reset RW 1 RW 1 RW 1 RW 1 RW 1 RW 1 RW 1 RW 1

Basic Function Timer (BFTM)

23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16
Type/Reset RW 1 RW 1 RW 1 RW 1 RW 1 RW 1 RW 1 RW 1
15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8
Type/Reset RW 1 RW 1 RW 1 RW 1 RW 1 RW 1 RW 1 RW 1
7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
Type/Reset RW 1 RW 1 RW 1 RW 1 RW 1 RW 1 RW 1 RW 1

Bits Field Descriptions

[31:0] CMP BFTM Compare Value
This register specifies a 32-bit BFTM compare value which is used for comparison
with the BFTM counter value.

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32-Bit Arm® Cortex® -M0+ MCU

16 Motor Control Timer (MCTM)

The Motor Control Timer consists of one 16-bit up/down-counter, four 16-bit Capture/Compare
Registers (CCRs), one 16-bit Counter-Reload Register (CRR), one 8-bit Repetition Counter (REPR)
and several control/status registers. It can be used for a variety of purposes which include general

Motor Control Timer (MCTM)

time measurement, input signal pulse width measurement, output waveform generation for signals
such as single pulse generation or PWM generation, including dead time insertion.

ITI1 Edge
Master MTO
UEV1 Master

Detector TI0S0ED STIED Controller


ITI2 CHxOREF To other Times ITIx

TI1S1ED (x = 0 ~ 3)



TEV : Trigger Event

CEVx : Channel x Capture Event

STI MEVx : Channel x Compare Match Event

TI0S0 Controller
BEV : Break Event

TI1S1 UEV1 : Update Event 1

UEV2 : Update Event 2


Restart Reload

Pause Register (CRR)

Register (CRR)

Up/Dn Repetition


Dead Time
Dead Time Output Conf.
Output Conf.


TI0 Input Filter CEV0
& Polarity Selection CH0 CH0 Capture/Compare CH0OREF Output MT_CH0O
& Edge Detection PRESCALER Register (CH0CCR) Control MT_CH0NO

TI1 Input Filter
MT_CH1 & Polarity Selection CEV1
TI1S1ED CH1 CH1 Capture/Compare CH1OREF Output MT_CH1O
& Edge Detection DTG
PRESCALER Register (CH1CCR) Control MT_CH1NO

Input Filter TI2S2ED CEV2
MT_CH2 & Polarity Selection CH2 CH1 Capture/Compare Output
& Edge Detection PRESCALER Register (CH2CCR) Control MT_CH2NO

Input Filter
MT_CH3 & Polarity Selection
TI3S3ED CH3 CH1 Capture/Compare CH3OREF Output
& Edge Detection MT_CH3O
PRESCALER Register (CH3CCR) Control
MT_BRK Input Polarity &
MT_BRK Filter
Clock Failure Event
CMPx Transition

Figure 73. MCTM Block Diagram

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▄▄ 16-bit up/down auto-reload counter.
▄▄ 16-bit programmable prescaler that allows division the counter clock frequency by any factor
between 1 and 65536.

▄ Up to 4 independent channels for:
●● Input Capture function
●● Compare Match Output

Motor Control Timer (MCTM)

●● PWM waveform Generation – Edge and Center-aligned Counting Mode
●● Single Pulse Mode Output
▄▄ Complementary Outputs with programmable dead-time insertion
▄▄ Repetition counter updates timer registers only after a given number of counter cycles.
▄▄ Synchronization circuit controls the timer with external signals and can interconnect several
timers together.
▄▄ Interrupt/PDMA generation on the following events:
●● Update event 1
●● Update event 2
●● Trigger event
●● Input capture event
●● Output compare match
●● Break event – only interrupt
▄▄ MCTM Master/Slave mode controller
▄▄ Supports 3-phase motor control and hall sensor interface
▄▄ Break input signals to assert the timer output signals in reset state or in a known state

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Functional Descriptions
Counter Mode
In this mode the counter counts continuously from 0 to the counter-reload value, which is defined
in the CRR register, in a count-up direction. Once the counter reaches the counter-reload value,
the Timer Module generates an overflow event and the counter restarts to count once again from
0. This action will continue repeatedly. The counting direction bit DIR in the CNTCFR register

Motor Control Timer (MCTM)

should be set to 0 for the up-counting mode.

When an update event 1 is generated by setting the UEV1G bit in the EVGR register to 1, the
counter value will also be initialised to 0.




CNTR F2 F3 F4 F5 0 1 2 3

CRR F5 36
CRR Shadow Register F5 36

PSCR 0 1
PSCR Shadow Register 0 1

PSC_CNT 0 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1

Counter Overflow

Update Event 1 Flag

Write a new value Software clearing
Update the new value

Figure 74. Up-counting Example

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32-Bit Arm® Cortex® -M0+ MCU

In this mode the counter counts continuously from the counter-reload value, which is defined in
the CRR register, to 0 in a count-down direction. Once the counter reaches 0, the Timer module
generates an underflow event and the counter restarts to count once again from the counter-reload
value. This action will continue repeatedly. The counting direction bit DIR in the CNTCFR register
should be set to 1 for the down-counting mode.

When an update event 1 is generated by setting the UEV1G bit in the EVGR register to 1, the
counter value will also be initialised to the counter-reload value.

Motor Control Timer (MCTM)




CNTR 3 2 1 0 36 35 34 33

CRR F5 36
CRR Shadow Register F5 36

PSCR 0 1
PSCR Shadow Register 0 1

PSC_CNT 0 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1

Counter Underflow

Update Event 1 Flag

Write a new value Software clearing
Update a new value

Figure 75. Down-counting Example

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Center-aligned Counting
In the center-aligned counting mode, the counter counts up from 0 to the counter-reload value
and then counts down to 0 alternatively. The Timer Module generates an overflow event when the
counter counts to the counter-reload value in the up-counting mode and generates an underflow
event when the counter counts to 0 in the down-counting mode. The counting direction bit DIR
in the CNTCFR register is read-only and indicates the count direction when in the center-aligned
counting mode. The count direction is updated by hardware automatically.

Setting the UEV1G bit in the EVGR register will initialise the counter value to 0 irrespective of

Motor Control Timer (MCTM)

whether the counter is counting up or down in the center-aligned counting mode.

The UEV1IF bit in the INTSR register can be set to 1 according to the CMSEL field setting in
the CNTCFR register. When CMSEL=0x01, an underflow event will set the UEV1IF bit to 1.
When CMSEL=0x10, an overflow event will set the UEV1IF bit to 1. When CMSEL=0x11, either
underflow or overflow event will set the UEV1IF bit to 1.

CNTR F2 F3 F4 4 3 2 1 0 1 2 3

CRR F5 4
CRR Shadow Register F5 4

Counter Overflow
Counter Underflow

Write a new value Software clearing Software clearing

Figure 76. Center-aligned Counting Example

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Repetition Down-counter Operation

The update event 1 is usually generated at each overflow or underflow event occurrence. However,
when the repetition operation is active by assigning a non-zero value into the REPR register, the
update event is only generated if the REPR counter has reached zero. The REPR value is decreased
when the following conditions occur:
▄▄ At each counter overflow in the up-counting mode
▄▄ At each counter underflow in the down-counting mode

Motor Control Timer (MCTM)

▄▄ At each counter overflow and underflow in the center-aligned counting mode


CNTR 0 1 2 3 4 5 0 1 2 3 4 5 0 1 2 3 4


REPR Counter = 0 REPR Counter = 1 REPR Counter = 0


CNTR 3 2 1 0 3 2 1 0 3 2 1 0 3 2 1 0 3


REPR Counter = 0 REPR Counter = 2 REPR Counter = 1 REPR Counter = 0




CNTR 2 3 4 3 2 1 0 1 2 3 4 3 2 1 0 1 2 3 4 3 2 1 0


REPR Counter = 1 REPR Counter = 0 REPR Counter = 1 REPR Counter = 0 REPR Counter = 1 REPR Counter = 0

Figure 77. Update Event 1 Dependent Repetition Mechanism Example

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Clock Controller
The following describes the Timer Module clock controller which determines the internal prescaler
counter clock source.
▄▄ Internal APB clock fCLKIN
The default internal clock source is the APB clock fCLKIN which is used to drive the counter pr-
escaler when the slave mode is disabled. When the slave mode selection bits SMSEL are set to
0x4, 0x5 or 0x6, the internal APB clock fCLKIN is the counter prescaler driving clock source.

Motor Control Timer (MCTM)

The counter prescaler can count during each rising edge of the STI signal. This mode can be
selected by setting the SMSEL field to 0x7 in the MDCFR register. Here the counter will act
as an event counter. The input event, known as STI here, can be selected by setting the TRSEL
field to an available value except the value of 0x0. When the STI signal is selected as the clock
source, the internal edge detection circuitry will generate a clock pulse during each STI signal
rising edge to drive the counter prescaler. It is important to note that if the TRSEL field is set to
0x0 to select the software UEV1G bit as the trigger source, then when the SMSEL field is set to
0x7, the counter will be updated instead of counting.


Repetition Down

Update Event 1
(Slave mode disable) CK_PSC CK_CNT
(Trigger events) Reset Reset TM_CNT


Start/Stop Overflow / Slave Restart

UEV1G bit
Underflow mode trigger

Figure 78. MCTM Clock Selection Source

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Trigger Controller
The trigger controller is used to select the trigger source and setup the trigger level and edge trigger
conditions. For the internal trigger input (ITIx), it can be selected by the Trigger Selection bits,
TRSEL, in the TRCFR register. For all the trigger sources except the UEV1G bit software trigger,
the internal edge detection circuitry will generate a clock pulse at each trigger signal rising edge to
activate some MCTM functions which are triggered by a trigger signal rising edge.

Motor Control Timer (MCTM)

Trigger Controller Block = Edge Trigger Mux + Level Trigger Mux

Internal Trigger Input

ITI2 Detection ITI1ED


Edge Trigger = Internal (ITIx) + Channel input (TIn)

Edge Trigger Mux

0 000
TI0S0ED 001
TI1S1ED 010
Reserved 011
others STIED_S0

TI0BED 000
ITI0ED 001 0
ITI2ED 011
Reserved others

Level Trigger Source = Internal (ITIx) + Channel input (TIn) + Software UEV1G bit

SW Set Level Trigger Mux

UEV1G Bit 000
TI0S0 001
TI1S1 010
Reserved 011
Reserved others
0 000
ITI0 001 0
ITI2 011
Reserved others

Figure 79. Trigger Controller Block

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Slave Controller
The MCTM can be synchronised with an internal/external trigger in several modes including the
Restart mode, the Pause mode and the Trigger mode which are selected by the SMSEL field in the
MDCFR register. The trigger input of these modes comes from the STI signal which is selected by
the TRSEL field in the TRCFR register. The operation modes in the Slave Controller are described
in the accompanying sections.

Motor Control Timer (MCTM)

Trigger Event
STI Slave
Trigger Controller
Reset/Stop/Start Counter

SMSEL Restart/Pause/Trigger Mode

Figure 80. Slave Controller Diagram

Restart Mode
The counter and its prescaler can be reinitialised in response to an STI signal rising edge. If
the UEV1DIS bit is set to 1 to disable the update event, then no update event will be generated,
however the counter and prescaler are still reinitialized when an STI rising edge occurs. If the
UEV1DIS bit in the CNTCFR register is cleared to enable the update event, then an update event
will be generated together with the STI rising edge and all the preloaded registers will be updated.

Timer Counter Reload Register CRR = 32

STI source signal

STI source signal

STI Sync.


UEV1G bit
(reset counter) Trigger Event

27 28 29 30 31 0 1 2

27 26 25 24 23 32 31 30


Figure 81. MCTM in Restart Mode

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Pause Mode
In the Pause Mode, the selected STI input signal level is used to control the counter start/stop
operation. The counter starts to count when the selected STI signal is at a high level and stops
counting when the STI signal is changed to a low level. When the counter stops, it will maintain its
present value and not be reset. Since the Pause function depends upon the STI level to control the
counter stop/start operation, the selected STI trigger signal can not be derived from the TI0BED

Motor Control Timer (MCTM)

STI source signal
STI source signal

STI Sync



CNTR 27 28 29 30 31


Software clearing

Figure 82. MCTM in Pause Mode

Trigger Mode
After the counter is disabled to count, the counter can resume counting when an STI rising edge
signal occurs. When an STI rising edge occurs, the counter will start to count from the current
value in the counter. Note that if the STI signal is selected to be sourced from the UEV1G bit
software trigger, the counter will not resume counting. When software triggering using the UEV1G
bit is selected as the STI source signal, there will be no clock pulse generated which can be used to
make the counter resume counting. Note that the STI signal is only used to enable the counter to
resume counting and has no effect to stop counting.

STI source signal

STI source signal




27 28 29 30 31 32


Software clearing

Figure 83. MCTM in Trigger Mode

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Master Controller
The MCTMs and GPTMs can be linked together internally for timer synchronisation or chaining.
When one MCTM is configured to be in the Master Mode, the MCTM Master Controller will
generate a Master Trigger Output (MTO) signal which can reset, restart, stop the Slave counter or
be a clock source of the Slave Counter. This can be selected by the MMSEL field in the MDCFR
register to trigger or drive another MCTM or GPTM which should be configured in the Slave

Motor Control Timer (MCTM)

MCTMn Master GPTMm Slave


Figure 84. Master MCTMn and Slave GPTMm Connection

The Master Mode Selection bits, MMSEL, in the MDCFR register are used to select the MTO
source for synchronising another slave MCTM or GPTM.

UEV1G bit
Counter enable signal
Update Event 1
Channel 0 Capture/Compare event



Figure 85. MTO Selection

For example, setting the MMSEL field to 0x5 is to select the CH1OREF signal as the MTO signal
to synchronise another slave MCTM or GPTM. For a more detailed description, refer to the related
MMSEL field definitions in the MDCFR register.

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Channel Controller
The MCTM has four independent channels which can be used as capture inputs or compare match
outputs. Each capture input or compare match output channel is composed of a preload register
and a shadow register. Data access of the APB bus is always implemented through the read/write
preload register.

When used in the input capture mode, the counter value is captured into the CHxCCR shadow
register first and then transferred into the CHxCCR preload register when the capture event occurs.

Motor Control Timer (MCTM)

When used in the compare match output mode, the contents of the CHxCCR preload register is
copied into the associated shadow register, the counter value is then compared with the register

APB Bus Interface

CHxPSC (Preload Register) Write CHxCCR

Capture Capture Transfer

Compare Transfer
Controller Controller
Read CHxCCR Update Event 1

(Shadow Register)
CHxCCG Capture

Figure 86. Capture/Compare Block Diagram

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Capture Counter Value Transferred to CHxCCR

When the channel is used as a capture input, the counter value is captured into the Channel
Capture/Compare Register (CHxCCR) when an effective input signal transition occurs. Once the
capture event occurs, the CHxCCIF flag in the INTSR register is set accordingly. If the CHxCCIF
bit is already set, i.e., the flag has not yet been cleared by software, and another capture event on
this channel occurs, the corresponding channel Over-Capture flag, named CHxOCF, will be set.

Motor Control Timer (MCTM)


CNTR 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35

CHxCCR 0 26 32



Figure 87. Input Capture Mode

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Pulse Width Measurement

The input capture mode can be also used for pulse width measurement from signals on the MT_
CHx pins, TIx. The following example shows how to configure the MCTM when operated in the
input capture mode to measure the high pulse width and the input period on the MT_CH0 pin using
channel 0 and channel 1. The basic steps are shown as follows.
▄▄ Configure the capture channel 0 (CH0CCS = 0x1) to select the TI0 signal as the capture input.
▄▄ Configure the CH0P bit to 0 to choose the rising edge of the TI0 input as the active polarity.

Motor Control Timer (MCTM)

▄▄ Configure the capture channel 1 (CH1CCS = 0x2) to select the TI0 signal as the capture input.
▄▄ Set the CH1P bit to 1 to choose the falling edge of the TI0 input as the active polarity.
▄▄ Setup the TRSEL bits to 0x0001 to select TI0S0 as the trigger input.
▄▄ Configure the Slave controller to operate in the Restart mode by setting the SMSEL field in the
MDCFR register to 0x4
▄▄ Enable the input capture mode by setting the CH0E and CH1E bits in the CHCTR register to 1.
As the following diagram shows, the high pulse width on the MT_CH0 pin will be captured into
the CH1CCR register while the input period will be captured into the CH0CCR register after an
input capture operation.

Restart mode Restart mode

Reset counter value Reset counter value


Capture CH0 Capture CH1

CNTR 7 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 0 1 2 3 4 5 6



Figure 88. PWM Pulse Width Measurement Example

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Input Stage
The input stage consists of a digital filter, a channel polarity selection, edge detection and a channel
prescaler. The channel 0 input signal TI0 can be chosen to come from the MT_CH0 signal or the
Excusive-OR function of the MT_CH0, MT_CH1 and MT_CH2 signals. The channel input signal
TIx is sampled by a digital filter to generate a filtered input signal TIxFP. Then the channel polarity
and the edge detection block can generate a TIxSxED signal for the input capture function. The
effective input event number can be set by the channel input prescaler register CHxPSC.

Motor Control Timer (MCTM)

MT_CH0 Detection

MT_CH2 Edge

TI0 TI0S0 Edge TI0S0ED

Filter Detection
fsampling CH0PSC
CH0CAP Event



Edge TI0S1ED

TI1S1 Edge TI1S1ED CH1CAP Event
MT_CH1 Detection
fsampling CH1PSC


Figure 89. Channel 0 and Channel 1 Input Stages

Filter TI2S2 Edge
fsampling TI2FN Detection

CH2CAP Event



Edge TI2S3ED
Filter TI3S3 Edge CH3CAP Event
fsampling TI3FN Detection



Figure 90. Channel 2 and Channel 3 Input Stages

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Digital Filter
The digital filters are embedded in the input stage and clock controller block for the MT_CH0 ~
MT_CH3 pins. The digital filter in the MCTM is an N-event counter where N refers to how many
valid transitions are necessary to output a filtered signal. The N value can be 0, 2, 4, 5, 6 or 8
according to the selection for each filter.

No Filtered
Digital Filter (N=2)

Motor Control Timer (MCTM)

TI0 D Q D Q D Q J Q Filtered
fSYSTEM fsampling

Figure 91. TI0 Digital Filter Diagram with N = 2

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Output Stage
The MCTM supports complementary outputs for channels 0, 1 and 2 with dead time insertion. The
MCTM channel 3 output function is almost the same as that of GPTM channel 3 except for the
break function.

The channel outputs, CHxO and CHxNO, are referenced to the CHxOREF signal. These channel
outputs generate a wide variety of wide waveforms according to the configuration values of
corresponding control bits, as shown by the dashed box in the diagram.

Motor Control Timer (MCTM)

0 x0
01 Output Enable
CNTR CHxO_DT Controller CHxO
Output Mode CHxE CHMOE
x=0~2 Controller CHxNO_DT CHxP x=0~2
Output Enable CHxNO
CHxOM 11 Controller


CHxCMP Event

Output Enable
CNTR Controller CH3O
Output Mode
CH3CCR Controller CH3E CHMOE

CH3CMP Event


CKFAIL Break Event

line Filter
Break Interrupt

Figure 92. Output Stage Block Diagram

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Channel Output Reference Signal

When the MCTM is used in the compare match output mode, the CHxOREF signal (Channel x
Output Reference signal) is defined by the CHxOM bit setup. The CHxOREF signal has several
types of output function which defines what happens to the output when the counter value matches
the contents of the CHxCCR register. In addition to the low, high and toggle CHxOREF output
types; there are also PWM mode 1 and PWM mode 2 outputs. In these modes, the CHxOREF
signal level is changed according to the count direction and the relationship between the counter
value and the CHxCCR content. There are also two modes which will force the output into an

Motor Control Timer (MCTM)

inactive or active state irrespective of the CHxCCR content or counter values. With regard to a
more detailed description refer to the relative bit definition. The accompanying Table 35 shows a
summary of the output type setup.
Table 35. Compare Match Output Setup
CHxOM value Compare Match Level
0x00 No change
0x01 Clear Output to 0
0x02 Set Output to 1
0x03 Toggle Output
0x04 Force Inactive Level
0x05 Force Active Level
0x06 PWM Mode 1
0x07 PWM Mode 2

Counter Value
CHxOM=0x03, CHxPRE=0
(Output toggle, preload disable)

(New value 2)

(New value 3)

(New value 1)


CHxCCR value (1) (2) (3)


(Update Event 1)

Figure 93. Toggle Mode Channel Output Reference Signal – CHxPRE = 0

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Counter Value CHxOM=0x03, CHxPRE=1

(Output toggle, preload enable)

(New value 2)

(New value 3)


Motor Control Timer (MCTM)

(New value 1)


CHxCCR value (1) (2) (3)



(Update Event 1)

Figure 94. Toggle Mode Channel Output Reference Signal – CHxPRE = 1

Counter Value Counter Value Counter Value




= 0x00
CHxOM = 0x06


CHxOM = 0x07 100%


Figure 95. PWM Mode Channel Output Reference Signal and Counter in Up-counting Mode

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Counter Value Counter Value




Motor Control Timer (MCTM)

CHxOM = 0x06 100%


CHxOM = 0x07


Figure 96. PWM Mode Channel Output Reference Signal and Counter in Down-counting Mode

CMSEL= 0x01 CRR = 5

Up-counting Down-counting

0 1 2 3 4 5 4 3 2 1 0 1

CHxCCR = 3


CHxCCR = 4


CHxCCR >= 5 100%


CHxCCR = 0 0%


Figure 97. PWM Mode 1 Channel Output Reference Signal and Counter in Centre-aligned
Counting Mode

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Dead Time Generator

An 8-bit dead time generator function is included for channels 0~2. The dead time insertion is
enabled by setting both the CHxE and CHxNE bits. The relationship between the CHxO and
CHxNO signals with respect to the CHxOREF signal is as follows:
▄▄ The CHxO signal is the same as the CHxOREF signal except for the rising edge which is delayed
with a dead time relative to the reference signal rising edge.
▄▄ The CHxNO is the opposite of the CHxOREF signal except for the rising edge which is delayed

Motor Control Timer (MCTM)

with a dead time relative to the reference signal falling edge.

CHxP=0, CHxNP=0, CHMOE=1,CHxE=1, CHxNE=1




When dead-time greater than negative pulse



CHxP=0, CHxNP=0, CHxMOE=1,CHxE=1, CHxNE=1




When dead-time is greater than positive pulse



Figure 98. Dead-time Insertion Performed for Complementary Outputs

If the delay is greater than the width of the active output of CHxO or CHxNO, then the
corresponding PWM pulses will not be generated.

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Break Function
The MCTM includes break function and one input signals for MCTM break. The MT_BRK is default
function and from external MT_BRK pin. The detail block diagram is shown as below figure.


Delay CKFAIL Break Event


Motor Control Timer (MCTM)

line Filter (BEV)
Break Interrupt

Figure 99. MCTM Break Signal Bolck Diagram

When the MT_BRK input has an active level or the Clock Monitor Circuitry detects a clock failure
event, a break event will be generated if the break function is enabled. Meanwhile, each channel
output will be forced to a reset state, an inactive or idle state. Moreover, a break event can also be
generated by the software asserting the BRKG bit in the EVGR register even if the break function
is disabled.

The MT_BRK input signal can be enabled by setting the BKE bit in the CHBRKCTR register. The
break input polarity can be selected by setting the BKP bit in CHBRKCTR register. The BKE and
BKP bits can be modified at the same time.

The digital filters are embedded in the input stage and clock controller block for the break
signal. The input filter of the MT_BRK signal can be enabled by by setting the BKF bits in the
CHBRKCTR register. The digital filter is an N-event counter where N refers to how many valid
transitions are necessary to output a filtered signal.

Digital Filter (N=2)

No Filtered

D Q D Q D Q Filtered


fSYSTEM fsampling

Figure 100. MT_BRK Pin Digital Filter Diagram with N = 2

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When using the break function, the channel output enable signals and output levels are changed
depending on several control bits which include the CHMOE, CHOSSI, CHOSSR, CHxOIS
and CHxOISN bits. Once a break event occurs, the output enable bit CHMOE will be cleared
asynchronously. The break interrupt f lag, BRKIF, will be set and then an interrupt will be
generated if the break function interrupt is enabled by setting the BRKIE bit to 1. The channel
output behavior is as described below:
▄▄ If complementary outputs are used, the channel outputs a level signal first which can be
selected to be either a disable or inactive level, selected by configuring the CHOSSI bit in the

Motor Control Timer (MCTM)

CHBRKCTR register. After the dead-time duration, the outputs will be changed to the idle state.
The idle state is determined by the CHxOIS/CHxOISN bits in the CHBRKCFR register.
▄▄ If complementary outputs are not used (Channel 3), the channel will output an idle state.
The main output enable control bit, CHMOE can not be set until the break event is cleared.

break event



CH3P = 0, CH3OIS =0

CH3P = 0, CH3OIS =1

CH3P = 1, CH3OIS =0

CH3P = 1, CH3OIS =1

Figure 101. Channel 3 Output with a Break Event Occurrence

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The accompanying diagram shows that the complementary output states when a break event occurs
where the complementary outputs are enabled by setting both the CHxE and CHxNE bits to 1.

Break event


Motor Control Timer (MCTM)


CHxP = 0, CHxOIS =0
CHxNP = 0, CHxOISN =1
Dead-time Dead-time

CHxP = 0, CHxOIS =1
Dead-time Dead-time
CHxNO CHxNP = 1, CHxOIS =1


Figure 102. Channel 0 ~ 2 Complementary Outputs with a Break Event Occurrence

The accompanying diagram shows the output states in the case of the output being enabled by
setting the CHxE bit to 1 and the complementary output being disabled by clearing the CHxNE to
0 when a break event occurs.

Break event



CHxP = 0, CHxOIS =0
CHxNP = 0, CHxOISN =1


CHxP = 0, CHxOIS =1

CHxNP = 0, CHxOIS =0 Dead-time


Figure 103. Channel 0 ~ 2 Only One Output Enabled when Fault Event Occurs

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32-Bit Arm® Cortex® -M0+ MCU

The CHxO and CHxNO complementary outputs should not be set to an active level at the same
time. The hardware will protect the MCTM circuitry to force only one channel output to be in the
active state.

Example: Both CHxOIS and CHxOISN are set to active levels after a break event; only the CHxO
waveform is generated.

Break event

Motor Control Timer (MCTM)



CHxP = 0, CHxOIS =0

CHxNP = 0, CHxOISN =0

CHxP = 0, CHxOIS =1

CHxNP = 0, CHxOIS =1

Figure 104. Hardware Protection When Both CHxO and CHxNO Are in Active Condition

CHMOE can be set automatically by update event 1 if the automatic output enable function is
enabled by setting the CHAOE bit in the CHBRKCTR register to 1.

Channel Complementary Output with Break Function

The Channel complementary outputs, CHxO and CHxNO, are enabled by a combination of the
CHxE, CHxNE, CHMOE, CHOSSR, CHOSSI control bits.

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Table 36. Output Control Bits for Complementary Output with a Break Event Occurrence
Control bit Output status
MT_CHxN Pin output
Output disabled - floating Output disabled - floating
- not driven by the timer - not driven by the timer
0 0 0
MT_CHx (Note 1) = floating MT_CHxN = floating
MT_CHx_OEN (Note 2) = 1 MT_CHxN_OEN = 1

Motor Control Timer (MCTM)

Output enbaled
Output disable - floating
0 0 1 - not driven by the timer
xor CHxNP
MT_CHx_OEN = 1
Output enabled Output disabled - floating
MT_CHx = CHx_OREF xor - not driven by the timer
0 1 0
CHxP MT_CHxN = floating
MT_CHx_OEN = 0 MT_CHxN_OEN = 1
Output enabled
Output enabled
MT_CHxN = not CHx_
MT_CHx = CHx_OREF xor
0 1 1 OREF xor CHxNP + dead-
CHxP + dead-time
MT_CHx_OEN = 0
1 MT_CHxN_OEN = 0
(Run) Output disabled - floating Output disabled floating
- not driven by the timer - not driven by the timer
1 0 0
MT_CHx = floating MT_CHxN = floating
MT_CHx_OEN = 1 MT_CHxN_OEN = 1
Output enabled
1 0 1 MT_CHx= CHxP
xor CHxNP
MT_CHx_OEN = 0
Output enbaled
1 1 0 MT_CHxN = CHxNP
xor CHxP
MT_CHx_OEN = 0
Output enabled
Output enabled
MT_CHxN = not CHx_
MT_CHx = CHx_OREF xor
1 1 1 OREF xor CHxNP + dead-
CHxP + dead-time
MT_CHx_OEN = 0
0 0 0
0 0 1 Before dead-time: Output disabled - floating
0 1 0 MT_CHx = floating, MT_CHxN = floating
0 1 1 MT_CHx_OEN = 1, MT_CHxN_OEN = 1
0 1 0 0
(Idle) 1 0 1 Before dead-time: Off state
1 1 0 MT_CHx = CHxP, MT_CHxN = CHxNP
MT_CHx_OEN = 0, MT_CHxN_OEN = 0
After dead-time: Output enabled
1 1 1 MT_CHx = CHxOIS, MT_CHxN = CHxOISN
MT_CHx_OEN = 0, MT_CHxN_OEN = 0
Note: 1. The MT_CHx pin is the MCTM I/O Pin.
2. The MT_CHx_OEN and MT_CHxN_OEN signals are the MCTM I/O pin output enable combinational
logic control signals which are active low.

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Update Management
The update events are categorised into two different types which are the update event 1, UEV1, and
update event 2, UEV2. The update event 1 is used to update the CRR, the PSCR, the CHxACR and
the CHxCCR values from the actual registers to the corresponding shadow registers. An update
event 1 occurs when the counter overflows or underflows, the UEV1G bit is set or the slave restart
mode is triggered. The update event 2 is used to update the CHxE, CHxNE and CHxOM control
bits. An update event 2 is generated when a rising edge on the STI occurs or the corresponding
software update control bit is set.

Motor Control Timer (MCTM)

Update Event 1
The UEV1DIS bit in the CNTCFR register can determine whether an update event 1 occurs or
not. When the update event 1 occurs, the corresponding update event interrupt will be generated
depending upon whether the update event 1 interrupt generation function is enabled or not by
configuring the UGDIS bit in the CNTCFR register. For a more detailed description, refer to the
UEV1DIS and UGDIS bit definition in the CNTCFR register.

Update Event 1 Management

Counter Overflow / Underflow


Slave Restart mode Registers)


Update Event 1 Interrupt Management

Counter Overflow / Underflow
UEV1 interrupt

Slave Restart mode UEV1DIS


Figure 105. Update Event 1 Setup Diagram

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Update Event 2
The CHxE, CHxNE, CHxOM control bits for the complementary outputs can be preloaded by
setting the COMPRE bit in the CTR register. Here the shadow bits of the CHxE, CHxNE, and
CHxOM bits will be updated when an update event 2 occurs.


Update Event 2

Motor Control Timer (MCTM)



Shadow CHxE

Shadow CHxNE

CHxOM PWM1 Forced Inactive Forced Active

Shadow CHxOM PWM1 Forced Inactive Forced Active



Figure 106. CHxE, CHxNE and CHxOM Updated by Update Event 2

An update event 2 can be generated by setting the software update bit, UEV2G, in the EVGR
register or by the rising edge of the STI signal if the COMUS bit is set in the CTR register.


Update Event 2
(Update CHxE/CHxNE/CHxOM)
STI Rising Edge

Figure 107. Update Event 2 Setup Diagram

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32-Bit Arm® Cortex® -M0+ MCU

Single Pulse Mode

Once the timer is set to operate in the single pulse mode, it is not necessary to set the timer enable
bit TME in the CTR register to 1 to enable the counter. The trigger to generate a pulse can be
sourced from the STI signal rising edge or by setting the TME bit to 1 using software. Setting the
TME bit to 1 or a trigger from the STI signal rising edge can generate a pulse and then keep the
TME bit at a high state until the update event 1 occurs or the TME bit is cleared to 0 by software.
If the TME bit is cleared to 0 using software, the counter will be stopped and its value held.
If the TME bit is automatically cleared to 0 by a hardware update event 1, the counter will be

Motor Control Timer (MCTM)


Counter Value

reinitialized Counter stopped
and held

TME bit
Trigger by STI
Cleared by Trigger by S/W Cleared by S/W
Update Event

(PWM1) delay delay
delay delay

CHxOREF min. delay

(PWM1) delay
(PWM2) min. delay

Flag is set by update event 1

and clear by S/W

Flag is set by compare match
and cleared by S/W

Figure 108. Single Pulse Mode

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32-Bit Arm® Cortex® -M0+ MCU

In the Single Pulse mode, the STI active edge which sets the TME bit to 1 will enable the counter.
However, there exist several clock delays to perform the comparison result between the counter
value and the CHxCCR value. In order to reduce the delay to a minimum value, users can set the
CHxIMAE bit in each CHxOCFR register. After a STI rising edge trigger occurs in the single
pulse mode, the CHxOREF signal will immediately be forced to the state to which the CHxOREF
signal will change to as the compare match event occurs without taking the comparison result into
account. The CHxIMAE bit is available only when the output channel is configured to operate in
the PWM1 or PWM2 output mode and the trigger source is derived from the STI signal.

Motor Control Timer (MCTM)

Counter Value

CKDIV = 0 Up-Counting Mode







Counter Start Time


Minimum delay

Figure 109. Immediate Active Mode Minimum Delay

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32-Bit Arm® Cortex® -M0+ MCU

Asymmetric PWM Mode

Asymmetric PWM mode allows two center-aligned PWM signals to be genetated with a
programmable phase shift. While the PWM frequency is determined by the value of the MCTMx_
CRR register, the duty cycle and the phase-shift are determined by the CHxCCR and CHxACR
register. When the counter is counting up, the PWM using the value in CHxCCR as up-count
compare value. When the counter is in counting down stage, then the value in the CHxACR register
is used as the down-count compare value. The Figure 110 is shown an example for asymmetric
PWM mode in Center-aligned Counting mode.

Motor Control Timer (MCTM)

Note: Asymmetric PWM mode can only be operated in Center-aligned Counting mode.

CNTR 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1

CCR = 8
PWM center align mode
CRR = 8
CCR = 3, ACR = X
CCR = 3


PWM center align mode

CRR = 8
CCR = 5, ACR = X
CCR = 3


Asymetric PWM center align mode CCR = 3

CRR = 8
CCR = 3, ACR = 5
ACR = 5


Asymetric PWM center align mode CCR = 5

CRR = 8 Phase delay =2
CCR = 5, ACR = 3
ACR = 3


Figure 110. Asymmetric PWM Mode versus Center-aligned Counting Mode

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32-Bit Arm® Cortex® -M0+ MCU

Timer Interconnection
The timers can be internally connected together for timer chaining or synchronization. This can
be implemented by configuring one timer to operate in the master mode while configuring another
timer to be in the slave mode. The following figures present several examples of trigger selection
for the master and slave modes.

Using one timer to trigger another timer to start or stop counting

▄▄ Configure MCTM to be in the master mode and to send its channel 0 Output Reference signal

Motor Control Timer (MCTM)

CH0OREF as a trigger output (MMSEL = 0x04).
▄▄ Configure the MCTM CH0OREF waveform.
▄▄ Configure the GPTM to receive its input trigger source from the MCTM trigger output (TRSEL
= 0x0A).
▄▄ Configure GPTM to operate in the pause mode (SMSEL = 0x05).
▄▄ Enable GPTM by writing ‘1’ to the TME bit.
▄▄ Enable MCTM by writing ‘1’ to the TME bit.

Master MCTM

CNTR 32 33 34 35 36 00 01

Slave GPTM



Software cleaning

Figure 111. Pausing GPTM using the MCTM CH0OREF Signal

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Using one timer to trigger another timer to start counting

▄▄ Configure MCTM to operate in the master mode and to send its Update Event UEV as the trigger
output (MMSEL = 0x02).
▄▄ Configure the MCTM period by setting the CRR register.
▄▄ Configure GPTM to get the input trigger source from the MCTM trigger output (TRSEL =
▄▄ Configure GPTM to be in the slave trigger mode (SMSEL = 0x06).

Motor Control Timer (MCTM)

▄▄ Start MCTM by writing ‘1’ to the TME bit.



CNTR 13 14 15 00 01 02 03


TME bit


Software cleaning

Figure 112. Triggering GPTM with MCTM Update Event 1

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Starting two timers synchronously in response to an external trigger

▄▄ Configure MCTM to operate in the master mode to send its enable signal as a trigger output
(MMSEL = 0x01).
▄▄ Configure MCTM slave mode to receive its input trigger source from MT_CH0 pin (TRSEL =
▄▄ Configure MCTM to be in the slave trigger mode (SMSEL = 0x06).
▄▄ Enable the MCTM master timer synchronisation function by setting the TSE bit in the MDCFR

Motor Control Timer (MCTM)

register to 1 to synchronise the slave timer.
▄▄ Configure GPTM to receive its input trigger source from the MCTM trigger output (TRSEL =
▄▄ Configure GPTM to be in the slave trigger mode (SMSEL = 0x06).

Master MCTM
f =f




MCTM (TME bit)


MCTM CNTR 34 0 1 2 3 4 5
Write UEV1G bit

Slave GPTM
GPTM (TME bit)



GPTM CNTR 11 0 0 1 2 3 4 5
Write UEV1G bit

Figure 113. Trigger MCTM and GPTM with the MCTM CH0 Input

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Using one timer as a hall sensor interface to trigger another timer with update event 2
▄▄ Configure channel 0 to choose an input XOR function (TI0SRC = 1)
▄▄ Configure channel 0 to be in the input capture mode and TRCED as capture source (CH0CCS=
0x03) and Enable channel 0 (CH0E=1)
▄▄ Configure the UEVG bit as the source of MTO (MMSEL= 0x00)
▄▄ Configure TI0BED to be connected to STI (TRSEL = 0x08)

Motor Control Timer (MCTM)

▄▄ Configure the counter to be in the slave restart mode (SMSEL = 0x04)
▄▄ Enable GPTM (TME=1)

▄▄ Select GPTM MTO to be the STI source of MCTM (TRSEL = 0x0A)
▄▄ Enable the CHxE, CHxNE and CHxOM preload function (COMPRE = 1)
▄▄ Select the rising edge on STI to generate an update event 2 (COMUS = 1)
▄▄ Enable the update event 2 interrupt (UEV2IE = 1)
▄▄ In the update event 2 ISR: write CHxE, CHxNE and CHxOM register for the next step







CH1CCR 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000









:Update CHxE, CHxNE, CHxOM

Figure 114. CH1XOR Input as Hall Sensor Interface

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32-Bit Arm® Cortex® -M0+ MCU

Trigger ADC Start

To interconnect to the Analog-to-Digital Converter, the MCTM can output the MTO signal or the
channel compare match output signal CHxOREF (x = 0 ~ 3) to be used as an Analog-to-Digital
Converter input trigger signal.

Lock Level Table

In addition to the break input and output management, a write protection has been internally
implemented in the break circuitry to safeguard the application. Users can choose one protection

Motor Control Timer (MCTM)

level selected by the LOCKLV bits to protect the relative control bits of the registers. The LOCKLV
bits can only be written once after an MCTM or system reset. Then the protected bits will be
locked and can not be changed anymore except by the MCTM reset or when the system is reset.
Table 37. Lock Level Table
Lock Configuration Protected Bits
Lock Level 2 (LOCKLV = "10")

1. The MCTMEN bit of the APBCCR1 register is located in the CKCU unit and use to control the
clock source of the MCTM unit.

2. The CKMEN bit of the GCCR register is located in the CKCU unit and use to monitor the high
speed external clock (HSE) source. If the CKMEN bit is enabled and when hardware detects
HSE clock stuck at low/high state, internal hardware will automatically switch the system clock
to internal high speed RC clock (HSI) to protect the system safety.

3. When the MCTMEN and CKMEN control bits of the CKCU lock protection mode is enabled in
the MCTM unit, the bits will be allowed to enable only and inhibited to disable again.

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32-Bit Arm® Cortex® -M0+ MCU

PDMA Request
The MCTM has a PDMA data transfer interface. There are certain events which can generate
PDMA requests if the corresponding enable control bits are set to 1 to enable the PDMA access.
These events are the MCTM update events, trigger event and channel capture/compare events.
When the PDMA request is generated from the MCTM channel, it can be derived from the channel
capture/compare event or the MCTM update event 1 selected by the channel PDMA selection
bit, CHCCDS, for all channels. For more detailed PDMA configuring information, refer to the
corresponding section in the PDMA chapter.

Motor Control Timer (MCTM)


CH0_EV 0
CH0 PDMA Request



CH1_EV 0
CH1 PDMA Request


CH2_EV 0
CH2 PDMA Request



CH3_EV 0
CH3 PDMA Request


UEV1 PDMA Request

UEV2 PDMA Request

Trigger PDMA Request

Figure 115. MCTM PDMA Mapping Diagram

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32-Bit Arm® Cortex® -M0+ MCU

Register Map
The following table shows the MCTM registers and reset values.
Table 38. MCTM Register Map
Register Offset Description Reset Value
CNTCFR 0x000 Timer Counter Configuration Register 0x0000_0000
MDCFR 0x004 Timer Mode Configuration Register 0x0000_0000
TRCFR 0x008 Timer Trigger Configuration Register 0x0000_0000

Motor Control Timer (MCTM)

CTR 0x010 Timer Control Register 0x0000_0000
CH0ICFR 0x020 Channel 0 Input Configuration Register 0x0000_0000
CH1ICFR 0x024 Channel 1 Input Configuration Register 0x0000_0000
CH2ICFR 0x028 Channel 2 Input Configuration Register 0x0000_0000
CH3ICFR 0x02C Channel 3 Input Configuration Register 0x0000_0000
CH0OCFR 0x040 Channel 0 Output Configuration Register 0x0000_0000
CH1OCFR 0x044 Channel 1 Output Configuration Register 0x0000_0000
CH2OCFR 0x048 Channel 2 Output Configuration Register 0x0000_0000
CH3OCFR 0x04C Channel 3 Output Configuration Register 0x0000_0000
CHCTR 0x050 Channel Control Register 0x0000_0000
CHPOLR 0x054 Channel Polarity Configuration Register 0x0000_0000
CHBRKCFR 0x06C Channel Break Configuration Register 0x0000_0000
CHBRKCTR 0x070 Channel Break Control Register 0x0000_0000
DICTR 0x074 Timer PDMA/Interrupt Control Register 0x0000_0000
EVGR 0x078 Timer Event Generator Register 0x0000_0000
INTSR 0x07C Timer Interrupt Status Register 0x0000_0000
CNTR 0x080 Timer Counter Register 0x0000_0000
PSCR 0x084 Timer Prescaler Register 0x0000_0000
CRR 0x088 Timer Counter Reload Register 0x0000_FFFF
REPR 0x08C Timer Repetition Register 0x0000_0000
CH0CCR 0x090 Channel 0 Capture/Compare Register 0x0000_0000
CH1CCR 0x094 Channel 1 Capture/Compare Register 0x0000_0000
CH2CCR 0x098 Channel 2 Capture/Compare Register 0x0000_0000
CH3CCR 0x09C Channel 3 Capture/Compare Register 0x0000_0000
CH0ACR 0x0A0 Channel 0 Asymmetric Compare Register 0x0000_0000
CH1ACR 0x0A4 Channel 1 Asymmetric Compare Register 0x0000_0000
CH2ACR 0x0A8 Channel 2 Asymmetric Compare Register 0x0000_0000
CH3ACR 0x0AC Channel 3 Asymmetric Compare Register 0x0000_0000

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Register Descriptions
Timer Counter Configuration Register – CNTCFR
This register specifies the MCTM counter configuration.
Offset: 0x000
Reset value: 0x0000_0000

31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24

Motor Control Timer (MCTM)

Reserved DIR
Type/Reset RW 0
23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16
Reserved CMSEL
Type/Reset RW 0 RW 0
15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8
Reserved CKDIV
Type/Reset RW 0 RW 0
7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
Type/Reset RW 0 RW 0

Bits Field Descriptions

[24] DIR Counting Direction
0: Count-up
1: Count-down
Note: This bit is read only when the Timer is configured to be in the Center-aligned
counting mode or when used as a Quadrature decoder.
[17:16] CMSEL Counter Mode Selection
00: Edge-aligned counting mode. Normal up-counting and down-counting
available for this mode. Counting direction is defined by the DIR bit.
01: Center-aligned counting mode 1. The counter counts up and down
alternatively. The compare match interrupt flag is set during the count-down
10: Center-aligned counting mode 2. The counter counts up and down
alternatively. The compare match interrupt flag is set during the count-up
11: Center-aligned counting mode 3. The counter counts up and down
alternatively. The compare match interrupt flag is set during the count-up and
count-down period.
[9:8] CKDIV Clock Division
These two bits define the frequency ratio between the timer clock (fCLKIN) and the
dead-time clock (fDTS). The dead-time clock is also used as the digital filter sampling
00: fDTS = fCLKIN
01: fDTS = fCLKIN/2
10: fDTS = fCLKIN/4
11: Reserved

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Bits Field Descriptions

[1] UGDIS Update event 1 interrupt generation disable control
0: Any of the following events will generate an update PDMA request or interrupt
- Counter overflow / underflow
- Setting the UEV1G bit
- Update generation through the slave mode
1: Only counter overflow/underflow generates an update PDMA request or

Motor Control Timer (MCTM)

[0] UEV1DIS Update event 1 Disable control
0: Enable the update event 1 request by one of following events
- Counter overflow / underflow
- Setting the UEV1G bit
- Update generation through the slave mode
1: Disable the update event 1 – however the counter and the prescaler are
reinitialised if the UEV1G bit is set or if a hardware restart is received from the
slave mode

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Timer Mode Configuration Register – MDCFR

This register specifies the MCTM master and slave mode selection and single pulse mode.
Offset: 0x004
Reset value: 0x0000_0000

31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24
Reserved SPMSET
Type/Reset RW 0

Motor Control Timer (MCTM)

23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16
Reserved MMSEL
Type/Reset RW 0 RW 0 RW 0
15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8
Reserved SMSEL
Type/Reset RW 0 RW 0 RW 0
7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
Reserved TSE
Type/Reset RW 0

Bits Field Descriptions

[24] SPMSET Single Pulse Mode Setting
0: Counter counts normally irrespective of whether a update event occurred or
1: Counter stops counting at the next update event and then the TME bit is
cleared by hardware

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Bits Field Descriptions

[18:16] MMSEL Master Mode Selection
Master mode selection is used to select the MTO signal source which is used to
synchronise the other slave timer.
MMSEL [2:0] Mode Descriptions
The MTO in the Reset mode is an output
derived from one of the following cases:
000 Reset Mode 1. Software setting UEV1G bit

Motor Control Timer (MCTM)

2. Slave has trigger input when used in slave
restart mode
The Counter Enable signal is used as the trigger
001 Enable Mode
The update event 1 is used as the trigger output
according to one of the following cases when
the UEV1DIS bit is cleared to 0:
010 Update Mode 1. Counter overflow/underflow
2. Software setting UEV1G
3. Slave has trigger input when used in slave
restart mode
When a Channel 0 capture or compare match
011 event occurs, it will generate a positive pulse
which is used as the master trigger output.
The Channel 0 Output reference signal named
100 Compare output 0
CH0OREF is used as the trigger output.
The Channel 1 Output reference signal named
101 Compare output 1
CH1OREF is used as the trigger output.
The Channel 2 Output reference signal named
110 Compare output 2
CH2OREF is used as the trigger output.
The Channel 3 Output reference signal named
111 Compare output 3
CH3OREF is used as the trigger output.

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Bits Field Descriptions

[10:8] SMSEL Slave Mode Selection
SMSEL [2:0] Mode Descriptions
000 Disable mode The prescaler is clocked directly by the internal clock.
001 Reserved
010 Reserved
011 Reserved
The counter value restarts from 0 or the CRR shadow

Motor Control Timer (MCTM)

register value depending upon the counter mode on
100 Restart Mode
the rising edge of the STI signal. The registers will
also be updated.
The counter starts to count when the selected trigger
input STI is high. The counter stops counting on the
101 Pause Mode instant, not being reset, when the STI signal changes
its state to a low level. Both the counter start and stop
control are determined by the STI signal.
The counter starts to count from the original value in
110 Trigger Mode the counter on the rising edge of the selected trigger
input STI. Only the star of counter is controlled.
The rising edge of the selected trigger signal STI will
be the counter clock.
[0] TSE Timer Synchronisation Enable
0: No action
1: Master timer (current timer) will generate a delay to synchronise its slave timer
through the MTO signal.

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Timer Trigger Configuration Register – TRCFR

This register specifies the trigger source selection of MCTM.
Offset: 0x008
Reset value: 0x0000_0000

31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24

Motor Control Timer (MCTM)

23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16
15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8
7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
Reserved TRSEL
Type/Reset RW 0 RW 0 RW 0 RW 0

Bits Field Descriptions

[3:0] TRSEL Trigger Source Selection
These bits are used to select the trigger input (STI) for counter synchronising.
0000: Software Trigger by setting the UEV1G bit
0001: Channel 0 filtered input – TI0S0
0010: Channel 1 filtered input – TI1S1
0011: Reserved
1000: Channel 0 Edge Detector – TI0BED
1001: Internal Timer Trigger 0 – ITI0
1010: Internal Timer Trigger 1 – ITI1
1011: Internal Timer Trigger 2 – ITI2
Others: Default 0
Note: These bits must be updated only when they are not in use, i.e. the slave mode
is disabled by setting the SMSEL field to 0x00.
Table 39. MCTM Internal Trigger Connection
Slave Timing Module ITI0 ITI1 ITI2

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32-Bit Arm® Cortex® -M0+ MCU

Timer Counter Register – CTR

This register specifies the timer enable bit (TME), CRR buffer enable bit (CRBE), Capture/compare control bit
and Channel PDMA selection bit (CHCCDS).
Offset: 0x010
Reset value: 0x0000_0000

31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24

Motor Control Timer (MCTM)

23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16
Reserved CHCCDS
Type/Reset RW 0
15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8
Type/Reset RW 0 RW 0
7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
Reserved CRBE TME
Type/Reset RW 0 RW 0

Bits Field Descriptions

[16] CHCCDS Channel Capture/Compare PDMA Selection
0: Channel PDMA request derived from the channel capture/compare event.
1: Channel PDMA request derived from the update event 1.
[9] COMUS Capture/Compare Control Update Selection
0: Updated by setting the UEV2G bit only
1: Updated by setting the UEV2G bit or when a STI signal rising edge occurs
This bit is only available when the capture/compare preload function is enabled by
setting the COMPRE bit to 1.
[8] COMPRE Capture/Compare Preloaded Enable Control
0: CHxE, CHxNE and CHxOM bits are not preloaded
1: CHxE, CHxNE and CHxOM bits are preloaded
If this bit is set to 1, the corresponding capture/compare control bits including the
CHxE, CHxNE and CHxOM bits will be upadted when the update event 2 occurs.
[1] CRBE Counter-Reload register Buffer Enable
0: Counter reload register can be updated immediately
1: Counter reload register can not be updated until the update event occurs
[0] TME Timer Enable bit
0: MCTM off
1: MCTM on – MCTM functions normally
When the TME bit is cleared to 0, the counter is stopped and the MCTM consumes
no power in any operational mode except for the single pulse mode and the slave
trigger mode. In these two modes the TME bit can automatically be set to 1 by
hardware which permits all the MCTM registers to function normally.

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32-Bit Arm® Cortex® -M0+ MCU

Channel 0 Input Configuration Register – CH0ICFR

This register specifies the channel 0 input mode configuration.
Offset: 0x020
Reset value: 0x0000_0000

31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24
TI0SRC Reserved
Type/Reset RW 0

Motor Control Timer (MCTM)

23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16
Reserved CH0PSC CH0CCS
Type/Reset RW 0 RW 0 RW 0 RW 0
15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8
7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
Reserved TI0F
Type/Reset RW 0 RW 0 RW 0 RW 0

Bits Field Descriptions

[31] TI0SRC Channel 0 Input Source TI0 Selection
0: The MT_CH0 pin is connected to the channel 0 input TI0
1: The XOR operation output of the MT_CH0, MT_CH1, and MT_CH2 pins are
connected to the channel 0 input TI0
[19:18] CH0PSC Channel 0 Capture Input Source Prescaler Setting
These bits define the effective events of the channel 0 capture input. Note that the
prescaler is reset once the Channel 0 Capture/Compare Enable bit, CH0E, in the
Channel Control register named CHCTR is cleared to 0.
00: No prescaler, channel 0 capture input signal is chosen for each active event
01: Channel 0 Capture input signal is chosen for every 2 events
10: Channel 0 Capture input signal is chosen for every 4 events
11: Channel 0 Capture input signal is chosen for every 8 events
[17:16] CH0CCS Channel 0 Capture/Compare Selection
00: Channel 0 is configured as an output
01: Channel 0 is configured as an input derived from the TI0 signal
10: Channel 0 is configured as an input derived from the TI1 signal
11: Channel 0 is configured as an input which comes from the TRCED signal
derived from the Trigger Controller
Note: The CH0CCS field can be accessed only when the CH0E bit is cleared to 0.

Rev. 1.30 356 of 656 September 28, 2018

32-Bit Arm® Cortex® -M0+ MCU

Bits Field Descriptions

[3:0] TI0F Channel 0 Input Source TI0 Filter Setting
These bits define the frequency divided ratio used to sample the TI0 signal. The
Digital filter in the MCTM is an N-event counter where N is defined as how many
valid transitions are necessary to output a filtered signal.
0000: No filter, the sampling clock is fSYSTEM.
0001: fSAMPLING = fCLKIN, N = 2
0010: fSAMPLING = fCLKIN, N = 4
0011: fSAMPLING = fCLKIN, N = 8

Motor Control Timer (MCTM)

0100: fSAMPLING = fDTS/2, N = 6
0101: fSAMPLING = fDTS/2, N = 8
0110: fSAMPLING = fDTS/4, N = 6
0111: fSAMPLING = fDTS/4, N = 8
1000: fSAMPLING = fDTS/8, N = 6
1001: fSAMPLING = fDTS/8, N = 8
1010: fSAMPLING = fDTS/16, N = 5
1011: fSAMPLING = fDTS/16, N = 6
1100: fSAMPLING = fDTS/16, N = 8
1101: fSAMPLING = fDTS/32, N = 5
1110: fSAMPLING = fDTS/32, N = 6
1111: fSAMPLING = fDTS/32, N = 8

Rev. 1.30 357 of 656 September 28, 2018

32-Bit Arm® Cortex® -M0+ MCU

Channel 1 Input Configuration Register – CH1ICFR

This register specifies the channel 1 input mode configuration.
Offset: 0x024
Reset value: 0x0000_0000

31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24

Motor Control Timer (MCTM)

23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16
Reserved CH1PSC CH1CCS
Type/Reset RW 0 RW 0 RW 0 RW 0
15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8
7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
Reserved TI1F
Type/Reset RW 0 RW 0 RW 0 RW 0

Bits Field Descriptions

[19:18] CH1PSC Channel 1 Capture Input Source Prescaler Setting
These bits define the effective events of the channel 1 capture input. Note that the
prescaler is reset once the Channel 1 Capture/Compare Enable bit, CH1E, in the
Channel Control register named CHCTR is cleared to 0.
00: No prescaler, channel 1 capture input signal is chosen for each active event
01: Channel 1 Capture input signal is chosen for every 2 events
10: Channel 1 Capture input signal is chosen for every 4 events
11: Channel 1 Capture input signal is chosen for every 8 events
[17:16] CH1CCS Channel 1 Capture/Compare Selection
00: Channel 1 is configured as an output
01: Channel 1 is configured as an input derived from the TI1 signal
10: Channel 1 is configured as an input derived from the TI0 signal
11: Channel 1 is configured as an input which comes from the TRCED signal
derived from the Trigger Controller
Note: The CH1CCS field can be accessed only when the CH1E bit is cleared to 0.

Rev. 1.30 358 of 656 September 28, 2018

32-Bit Arm® Cortex® -M0+ MCU

Bits Field Descriptions

[3:0] TI1F Channel 1 Input Source TI1 Filter Setting
These bits define the frequency divide ratio used to sample the TI1 signal. The
Digital filter in the MCTM is an N-event counter where N is defined as how many
valid transitions are necessary to output a filtered signal
0000: No filter, the sampling clock is fSYSTEM.
0001: fSAMPLING = fCLKIN, N = 2
0010: fSAMPLING = fCLKIN, N = 4
0011: fSAMPLING = fCLKIN, N = 8

Motor Control Timer (MCTM)

0100: fSAMPLING = fDTS/2, N = 6
0101: fSAMPLING = fDTS/2, N = 8
0110: fSAMPLING = fDTS/4, N = 6
0111: fSAMPLING = fDTS/4, N = 8
1000: fSAMPLING = fDTS/8, N = 6
1001: fSAMPLING = fDTS/8, N = 8
1010: fSAMPLING = fDTS/16, N = 5
1011: fSAMPLING = fDTS/16, N = 6
1100: fSAMPLING = fDTS/16, N = 8
1101: fSAMPLING = fDTS/32, N = 5
1110: fSAMPLING = fDTS/32, N = 6
1111: fSAMPLING = fDTS/32, N = 8

Rev. 1.30 359 of 656 September 28, 2018

32-Bit Arm® Cortex® -M0+ MCU

Channel 2 Input Configuration Register – CH2ICFR

This register specifies the channel 2 input mode configuration.
Offset: 0x028
Reset value: 0x0000_0000

31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24

Motor Control Timer (MCTM)

23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16
Reserved CH2PSC CH2CCS
Type/Reset RW 0 RW 0 RW 0 RW 0
15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8
7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
Reserved TI2F
Type/Reset RW 0 RW 0 RW 0 RW 0

Bits Field Descriptions

[19:18] CH2PSC Channel 2 Capture Input Source Prescaler Setting
These bits define the effective events of the channel 2 capture input. Note that the
prescaler is reset once the Channel 2 Capture/Compare Enable bit, CH2E, in the
Channel Control register named CHCTR is cleared to 0.
00: No prescaler, channel 2 capture input signal is chosen for each active event
01: Channel 2 Capture input signal is chosen for every 2 events
10: Channel 2 Capture input signal is chosen for every 4 events
11: Channel 2 Capture input signal is chosen for every 8 events
[17:16] CH2CCS Channel 2 Capture/Compare Selection
00: Channel 2 is configured as an output
01: Channel 2 is configured as an input derived from the TI2 signal
10: Channel 2 is configured as an input derived from the TI3 signal
11: Channel 2 is configured as an input which comes from the TRCED signal
derived from the Trigger Controller
Note: The CH2CCS field can be accessed only when the CH2E bit is cleared to 0.

Rev. 1.30 360 of 656 September 28, 2018

32-Bit Arm® Cortex® -M0+ MCU

Bits Field Descriptions

[3:0] TI2F Channel 2 Input Source TI2 Filter Setting
These bits define the frequency divide ratio used to sample the TI2 signal. The
Digital filter in the MCTM is an N-event counter where N is defined as how many
valid transitions are necessary to output a filtered signal.
0000: No filter, the sampling clock is fSYSTEM.
0001: fSAMPLING = fCLKIN, N = 2
0010: fSAMPLING = fCLKIN, N = 4
0011: fSAMPLING = fCLKIN, N = 8

Motor Control Timer (MCTM)

0100: fSAMPLING = fDTS / 2, N = 6
0101: fSAMPLING = fDTS / 2, N = 8
0110: fSAMPLING = fDTS / 4, N = 6
0111: fSAMPLING = fDTS / 4, N = 8
1000: fSAMPLING = fDTS / 8, N = 6
1001: fSAMPLING = fDTS / 8, N = 8
1010: fSAMPLING = fDTS / 16, N = 5
1011: fSAMPLING = fDTS / 16, N = 6
1100: fSAMPLING = fDTS / 16, N = 8
1101: fSAMPLING = fDTS / 32, N = 5
1110: fSAMPLING = fDTS / 32, N = 6
1111: fSAMPLING = fDTS / 32, N = 8

Rev. 1.30 361 of 656 September 28, 2018

32-Bit Arm® Cortex® -M0+ MCU

Channel 3 Input Configuration Register – CH3ICFR

This register specifies the channel 3 input mode configuration.
Offset: 0x02C
Reset value: 0x0000_0000

31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24

Motor Control Timer (MCTM)

23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16
Reserved CH3PSC CH3CCS
Type/Reset RW 0 RW 0 RW 0 RW 0
15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8
7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
Reserved TI3F
Type/Reset RW 0 RW 0 RW 0 RW 0

Bits Field Descriptions

[19:18] CH3PSC Channel 3 Capture Input Source Prescaler Setting
These bits define the effective events of the channel 3 capture input. Note that the
prescaler is reset once the Channel 3 Capture/Compare Enable bit, CH3E, in the
Channel Control register named CHCTR is cleared to 0.
00: No prescaler, channel 3 capture input signal is chosen for each active event
01: Channel 3 Capture input signal is chosen for every 2 events
10: Channel 3 Capture input signal is chosen for every 4 events
11: Channel 3 Capture input signal is chosen for every 8 events
[17:16] CH3CCS Channel 3 Capture/Compare Selection
00: Channel 3 is configured as an output
01: Channel 3 is configured as an input derived from the TI3 signal
10: Channel 3 is configured as an input derived from the TI2 signal
11: Channel 3 is configured as an input which comes from the TRCED signal
derived from the Trigger Controller
Note: The CH3CCS field can be accessed only when the CH3E bit is cleared to 0.

Rev. 1.30 362 of 656 September 28, 2018

32-Bit Arm® Cortex® -M0+ MCU

Bits Field Descriptions

[3:0] TI3F Channel 3 Input Source TI3 Filter Setting
These bits define the frequency divide ratio used to sample the TI3 signal. The
digital filter in the GPTM is an N-event counter where N is defined as how many
valid transitions are necessary to output a filtered signal
0000: No filter, the sampling clock is fSYSTEM.
0001: fSAMPLING = fCLKIN, N = 2
0010: fSAMPLING = fCLKIN, N = 4
0011: fSAMPLING = fCLKIN, N = 8

Motor Control Timer (MCTM)

0100: fSAMPLING = fDTS / 2, N = 6
0101: fSAMPLING = fDTS / 2, N = 8
0110: fSAMPLING = fDTS / 4, N = 6
0111: fSAMPLING = fDTS / 4, N = 8
1000: fSAMPLING = fDTS / 8, N = 6
1001: fSAMPLING = fDTS / 8, N = 8
1010: fSAMPLING = fDTS / 16, N = 5
1011: fSAMPLING = fDTS / 16, N = 6
1100: fSAMPLING = fDTS / 16, N = 8
1101: fSAMPLING = fDTS / 32, N = 5
1110: fSAMPLING = fDTS / 32, N = 6
1111: fSAMPLING = fDTS / 32, N = 8

Rev. 1.30 363 of 656 September 28, 2018

32-Bit Arm® Cortex® -M0+ MCU

Channel 0 Output Configuration Register – CH0OCFR

This register specifies the channel 0 output mode configuration.
Offset: 0x040
Reset value: 0x0000_0000

31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24

Motor Control Timer (MCTM)

23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16
15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8
Reserved CH0OM[3]
Type/Reset RW 0
7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
Reserved CH0IMAE CH0PRE Reserved CH0OM[2:0]
Type/Reset RW 0 RW 0 RW 0 RW 0 RW 0

Bits Field Descriptions

[5] CH0IMAE Channel 0 Immediate Active Enable
0: No action
1: Single pulse Immediate Active Mode is enabled
CH0OREF will be forced to the compare matched level immediately after an
available trigger event occurs irrespective of the result of the comparison between
the CNTR and the CH0CCR values.
The effective duration ends automatically at the next overflow or underflow event.
Note: The CH0IMAE bit is available only if channel 0 is configured operate in PWM
mode 1 or PWM mode 2.
[4] CH0PRE Channel 0 Capture/Compare Register (CH0CCR) Preload Enable
0: CH0CCR preload function is disabled
The CH0CCR register can be immediately assigned a new value when
the CH0PRE bit is cleared to 0 and the updated CH0CCR value is used
1: CH0CCR preload function is enabled
The new CH0CCR value will not be transferred to its shadow register until an
update event 1 occurs.

Rev. 1.30 364 of 656 September 28, 2018

32-Bit Arm® Cortex® -M0+ MCU

Bits Field Descriptions

[8][2:0] CH0OM[3:0] Channel 0 Output Mode Setting
These bits define the functional types of the output reference signal CH0OREF.
0000: No Change
0001: Output 0 on compare match
0010: Output 1 on compare match
0011: Output toggles on compare match
0100: Force inactive – CH0OREF is forced to 0
0101: Force active – CH0OREF is forced to 1

Motor Control Timer (MCTM)

0110: PWM mode 1
- During up-counting, channel 0 has an active level when CNTR <
CH0CCR or otherwise has an inactive level.
- During down-counting, channel 0 has an inactive level when CNTR >
CH0CCR or otherwise has an active level.
0111: PWM mode 2
- During up-counting, channel 0 is has an inactive level when CNTR <
CH0CCR or otherwise has an active level.
- During down-counting, channel 0 has an active level when CNTR >
CH0CCR or otherwise has an inactive level.
1110: Asymmetric PWM mode 1
- During up-counting, channel 0 has an active level when CNTR <
CH0CCR or otherwise has an inactive level.
- During down-counting, channel 0 has an inactive level when CNTR >
CH0ACR or otherwise has an active level.
1111: Asymmetric PWM mode 2
- During up-counting, channel 0 has an inactive level when CNTR <
CH0CCR or otherwise has an active level.
- During down-counting, channel 0 has an active level when CNTR >
CH0ACR or otherwise has an inactive level
Note: When channel 0 is used as asymmetric PWM output mode, the Counter Mode
Selection bit in Counter Configuration Register must be configured as Center-
aligned Counting mode (CMSEL = 01/02/03)

Rev. 1.30 365 of 656 September 28, 2018

32-Bit Arm® Cortex® -M0+ MCU

Channel 1 Output Configuration Register – CH1OCFR

This register specifies the channel 1 output mode configuration.
Offset: 0x044
Reset value: 0x0000_0000

31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24

Motor Control Timer (MCTM)

23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16
15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8
Reserved CH1OM[3]
Type/Reset RW 0
7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
Reserved CH1IMAE CH1PRE Reserved CH1OM[2:0]
Type/Reset RW 0 RW 0 RW 0 RW 0 RW 0

Bits Field Descriptions

[5] CH1IMAE Channel 1 Immediate Active Enable
0: No action
1: Single pulse Immediate Active Mode is enabled
The CH1OREF will be forced to the compare matched level immediately after an
available trigger event occurs irrespective of the result of the comparison between
the CNTR and the CH1CCR values.
The effective duration ends automatically at the next overflow or underflow event.
Note: The CH1IMAE bit is available only if channel 1 is configured to be operated in
PWM mode 1 or PWM mode 2.
[4] CH1PRE Channel 1 Capture/Compare Register (CH1CCR) Preload Enable
0: CH1CCR preload function is disabled.
The CH1CCR register can be immediately assigned a new value when
the CH1PRE bit is cleared to 0 and the updated CH1CCR value is used
1: CH1CCR preload function is enabled
The new CH1CCR value will not be transferred to its shadow register until an
update event 1 occurs.

Rev. 1.30 366 of 656 September 28, 2018

32-Bit Arm® Cortex® -M0+ MCU

Bits Field Descriptions

[8][2:0] CH1OM[3:0] Channel 1 Output Mode Setting
These bits define the functional types of the output reference signal CH1OREF.
0000: No Change
0001: Output 0 on compare match
0010: Output 1 on compare match
0011: Output toggles on compare match
0100: Force inactive – CH1OREF is forced to 0
0101: Force active – CH1OREF is forced to 1

Motor Control Timer (MCTM)

0110: PWM mode 1
- During up-counting, channel 1 has an active level when CNTR <
CH1CCR or otherwise has an inactive level.
- During down-counting, channel 1 has an inactive level when CNTR >
CH1CCR or otherwise has an active level.
0111: PWM mode 2
- During up-counting, channel 1 has an inactive level when CNTR <
CH1CCR or otherwise has an active level.
- During down-counting, channel 1 has an active level when CNTR >
CH1CCR or otherwise has an inactive level.
1110: Asymmetric PWM mode 1
- During up-counting, channel 1 has an active level when CNTR <
CH1CCR or otherwise has an inactive level.
- During down-counting, channel 1 has an inactive level when CNTR >
CH1ACR or otherwise has an active level.
1111: Asymmetric PWM mode 2
- During up-counting, channel 1 has an inactive level when CNTR <
CH1CCR or otherwise has an active level.
- During down-counting, channel 1 has an active level when CNTR >
CH1ACR or otherwise has an inactive level
Note: When channel 1 is used as asymmetric PWM output mode, the Counter Mode
Selection bit in Counter Configuration Register must be configured as Center-
aligned Counting mode (CMSEL = 01/02/03)

Rev. 1.30 367 of 656 September 28, 2018

32-Bit Arm® Cortex® -M0+ MCU

Channel 2 Output Configuration Register – CH2OCFR

This register specifies the channel 2 output mode configuration.
Offset: 0x048
Reset value: 0x0000_0000

31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24

Motor Control Timer (MCTM)

23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16
15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8
Reserved CH2OM[3]
Type/Reset RW 0
7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
Reserved CH2IMAE CH2PRE Reserved CH2OM[2:0]
Type/Reset RW 0 RW 0 RW 0 RW 0 RW 0

Bits Field Descriptions

[5] CH2IMAE Channel 2 Immediate Active Enable
0: No action
1: Single pulse Immediate Active Mode is enabled
The CH2OREF will be forced to the compare matched level immediately after an
available trigger event occurs irrespective of the result of the comparison between
the CNTR and the CH2CCR values.
The effective duration ends automatically at the next overflow or underflow event.
Note: The CH2IMAE bit is available only if the channel 2 is configured to be
operated in PWM mode 1 or PWM mode 2.
[4] CH2PRE Channel 2 Capture/Compare Register (CH2CCR) Preload Enable
0: CH2CCR preload function is disabled.
The CH2CCR register can be immediately assigned a new value when
the CH2PRE bit is cleared to 0 and the updated CH2CCR value is used
1: CH2CCR preload function is enabled
The new CH2CCR value will not be transferred to its shadow register until an
update event 1 occurs.

Rev. 1.30 368 of 656 September 28, 2018

32-Bit Arm® Cortex® -M0+ MCU

Bits Field Descriptions

[8][2:0] CH2OM[3:0] Channel 2 Output Mode Setting
These bits define the functional types of the output reference signal CH2OREF.
0000: No Change
0001: Output 0 on compare match
0010: Output 1 on compare match
0011: Output toggles on compare match
0100: Force inactive – CH2OREF is forced to 0
0101: Force active – CH2OREF is forced to 1

Motor Control Timer (MCTM)

0110: PWM mode 1
- During up-counting, channel 2 has an active level when CNTR <
CH2CCR or otherwise has an inactive level.
- During down-counting, channel 2 has an inactive level when CNTR >
CH2CCR or otherwise has an active level.
0111: PWM mode 2
- During up-counting, channel 2 has an inactive level when CNTR <
CH2CCR or otherwise has an active level.
- During down-counting, channel 2 has an active level when CNTR >
CH2CCR or otherwise has an inactive level.
1110: Asymmetric PWM mode 1
- During up-counting, channel 2 has an active level when CNTR <
CH2CCR or otherwise has an inactive level.
- During down-counting, channel 2 has an inactive level when CNTR >
CH2ACR or otherwise has an active level.
1111: Asymmetric PWM mode 2
- During up-counting, channel 2 has an inactive level when CNTR <
CH2CCR or otherwise has an active level.
- During down-counting, channel 2 has an active level when CNTR >
CH2ACR or otherwise has an inactive level
Note: When channel 2 is used as asymmetric PWM output mode, the Counter Mode
Selection bit in Counter Configuration Register must be configured as Center-
aligned Counting mode (CMSEL = 01/02/03)

Rev. 1.30 369 of 656 September 28, 2018

32-Bit Arm® Cortex® -M0+ MCU

Channel 3 Output Configuration Register – CH3OCFR

This register specifies the channel 3 output mode configuration.
Offset: 0x04C
Reset value: 0x0000_0000

31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24

Motor Control Timer (MCTM)

23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16
15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8
Reserved CH3OM[3]
Type/Reset RW 0
7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
Reserved CH3IMAE CH3PRE Reserved CH3OM[2:0]
Type/Reset RW 0 RW 0 RW 0 RW 0 RW 0

Bits Field Descriptions

[5] CH3IMAE Channel 3 Immediate Active Enable
0: No action
1: Single pulse Immediate Active Mode is enabled
The CH3OREF will be forced to the compare matched level immediately after an
available trigger event occurs irrespective of the result of the comparison between
the CNTR and the CH3CCR values.
The effective duration ends automatically at the next overflow or underflow event.
Note: The CH3IMAE bit is available only if channel 3 is configured to be operated in
PWM mode 1 or PWM mode 2.
[4] CH3PRE Channel 3 Capture/Compare Register (CH3CCR) Preload Enable
0: CH3CCR preload function is disabled.
The CH3CCR register can be immediately assigned a new value when
the CH3PRE bit is cleared to 0 and the updated CH3CCR value is used
1: CH3CCR preload function is enabled
The new CH3CCR value will not be transferred to its shadow register until an
update event 1 occurs.

Rev. 1.30 370 of 656 September 28, 2018

32-Bit Arm® Cortex® -M0+ MCU

Bits Field Descriptions

[8][2:0] CH3OM[3:0] Channel 3 Output Mode Setting
These bits define the functional types of the output reference signal CH3OREF
0000: No Change
0001: Output 0 on compare match
0010: Output 1 on compare match
0011: Output toggles on compare match
0100: Force inactive – CH3OREF is forced to 0
0101: Force active – CH3OREF is forced to 1

Motor Control Timer (MCTM)

0110: PWM mode 1
- During up-counting, channel 3 has an active level when CNTR <
CH3CCR or otherwise has an inactive level.
- During down-counting, channel 3 has an inactive level when CNTR >
CH3CCR or otherwise has an active level.
0111: PWM mode 2
- During up-counting, channel 3 has an inactive level when CNTR <
CH3CCR or otherwise has an active level.
- During down-counting, channel 3 has an active level when CNTR >
CH3CCR or otherwise has an inactive level
1110: Asymmetric PWM mode 1
- During up-counting, channel 3 has an active level when CNTR <
CH3CCR or otherwise has an inactive level.
- During down-counting, channel 3 has an inactive level when CNTR >
CH3ACR or otherwise has an active level.
1111: Asymmetric PWM mode 2
- During up-counting, channel 3 has an inactive level when CNTR <
CH3CCR or otherwise has an active level.
- During down-counting, channel 3 has an active level when CNTR >
CH3ACR or otherwise has an inactive level
Note: When channel 3 is used as asymmetric PWM output mode, the Counter Mode
Selection bit in Counter Configuration Register must be configured as Center-
aligned Counting mode (CMSEL = 01/02/03)

Rev. 1.30 371 of 656 September 28, 2018

32-Bit Arm® Cortex® -M0+ MCU

Channel Control Register – CHCTR

This register contains the channel capture input or compare output function enable control bits.
Offset: 0x050
Reset value: 0x0000_0000

31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24

Motor Control Timer (MCTM)

23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16
15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8
7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
Type/Reset RW 0 RW 0 RW 0 RW 0 RW 0 RW 0 RW 0

Bits Field Descriptions

[6] CH3E Channel 3 Capture/Compare Enable
- Channel 3 is configured as an input (CH3CCS = 0x01/0x02/0x03)
0: Input Capture Mode is disabled
1: Input Capture Mode is enabled
- Channel 3 is configured as an output (CH3CCS = 0x00)
0: Off – Channel 3 output signal CH3O is not active
1: On – Channel 3 output signal CH3O is generated on the corresponding output
pin depending on the condition of the CHMOE, CHOSSI, CHOSSR and
CH3OIS bits.
[5] CH2NE Channel 2 Capture/Compare Complementary Enable
0: Off – Channel 2 complementary output CH2NO is not active. The CH2NO level
is then determined by the CHMOE, CHOSSI, CHOSSR, CH2OIS, CH2OISN
and CH2E bits.
1: On – Channel 2 complementary output CH2NO is generated on the
corresponding output pin depending on the condition of the CHMOE, CHOSSI,
[4] CH2E Channel 2 Capture/Compare Enable
- Channel 2 is configured as an input (CH2CCS = 0x01/0x02/0x03)
0: Input Capture Mode is disabled
1: Input Capture Mode is enabled
- Channel 2 is configured as an output (CH2CCS = 0x00)
0: Off – Channel 2 output signal CH2O is not active. The CH2O level is then
determined by the condition of the CHMOE, CHOSSI, CHOSSR, CH2OIS,
CH2OISN and CH2NE bits.
1: On – Channel 2 output signal CH2O is generated on the corresponding output
pin determined by the condition of the CHMOE, CHOSSI, CHOSSR, CH2OIS,
CH2OISN and CH2NE bits.

Rev. 1.30 372 of 656 September 28, 2018

32-Bit Arm® Cortex® -M0+ MCU

Bits Field Descriptions

[3] CH1NE Channel 1 Capture/Compare Complementary Enable
0: Off – Channel 1 complementary output CH1NO is not active. The CH1NO
level is then determined by the condition of the CHMOE, CHOSSI, CHOSSR,
CH1OIS, CH1OISN and CH1E bits.
1: On – Channel 1 complementary output CH1NO is generated on the
corresponding output pin determined by the condition of the CHMOE,
[2] CH1E Channel 1 Capture/Compare Enable

Motor Control Timer (MCTM)

- Channel 1 is configured as an input (CH1CCS = 0x01/0x02/0x03)
0: Input Capture Mode is disabled
1: Input Capture Mode is enabled
- Channel 1 is configured as an output (CH1CCS = 0x00)
0: Off – Channel 1 output signal CH1O is not active. The CH1O level is then
determined by the condition of the CHMOE, CHOSSI, CHOSSR, CH1OIS,
CH1OISN and CH1NE bits.
1: On – Channel 1 output signal CH1O is generated on the corresponding output
pin depending on the condition of the CHMOE, CHOSSI, CHOSSR, CH1OIS,
CH1OISN and CH1NE bits.
[1] CH0NE Channel 0 Capture/Compare Complementary Enable
0: Off – Channel 0 complementary output CH0NO is not active. The CH0NO
level is then determined by the condition of the CHMOE, CHOSSI, CHOSSR,
CH0OIS, CH0OISN and CH0E bits.
1: On – Channel 0 complementary output CH0NO is generated on the
corresponding output pin depending on the condition of the CHMOE, CHOSSI,
[0] CH0E Channel 0 Capture/Compare Enable
- Channel 0 is configured as an input (CH0CCS = 0x01/0x02/0x03)
0: Input Capture Mode is disabled
1: Input Capture Mode is enabled
- Channel 0 is configured as an output (CH0CCS = 0x00)
0: Off – Channel 0 output signal CH0O is not active. The CH0O level is then
determined by the condition of the CHMOE, CHOSSI, CHOSSR, CH0OIS,
CH0OISN and CH0NE bits.
1: On – Channel 0 output signal CH0O is generated on the corresponding output
pin determined by the condition of the CHMOE, CHOSSI, CHOSSR, CH0OIS,
CH0OISN and CH0NE bits.

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32-Bit Arm® Cortex® -M0+ MCU

Channel Polarity Configuration Register – CHPOLR

This register contains the channel capture input or compare output polarity control.
Offset: 0x054
Reset value: 0x0000_0000

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7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
Type/Reset RW 0 RW 0 RW 0 RW 0 RW 0 RW 0 RW 0

Bits Field Descriptions

[6] CH3P Channel 3 Capture/Compare Polarity
- When Channel 3 is configured as an input
0: capture event occurs on a Channel 3 rising edge
1: capture event occurs on a Channel 3 falling edge
- When Channel 3 is configured as an output (CH3CCS = 0x00)
0: Channel 3 Output is active high
1: Channel 3 Output is active low
[5] CH2NP Channel 2 Capture/Compare Complementary Polarity
0: Channel 2 Output is active high.
1: Channel 2 Output is active low
[4] CH2P Channel 2 Capture/Compare Polarity
- When Channel 2 is configured as an input
0: capture event occurs on a Channel 2 rising edge
1: capture event occurs on a Channel 2 falling edge
- When Channel 2 is configured as an output (CH2CCS = 0x00)
0: Channel 2 Output is active high
1: Channel 2 Output is active low
[3] CH1NP Channel 1 Capture/Compare Complementary Polarity
0: Channel 1 Output is active high.
1: Channel 1 Output is active low.
[2] CH1P Channel 1 Capture/Compare Polarity
- When Channel 1 is configured as an input
0: capture event occurs on a Channel 1 rising edge
1: capture event occurs on a Channel 1 falling edge
- Channel 1 is configured as an output (CH1CCS = 0x00)
0: Channel 1 Output is active high
1: Channel 1 Output is active low
[1] CH0NP Channel 0 Capture/Compare Complementary Polarity
0: Channel 0 Output is active high.
1: Channel 0 Output is active low.

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32-Bit Arm® Cortex® -M0+ MCU

Bits Field Descriptions

[0] CH0P Channel 0 Capture/Compare Polarity
- When Channel 0 is configured as an input
0: capture event occurs on a Channel 0 rising edge
1: capture event occurs on a Channel 0 falling edge
- When Channel 0 is configured as an output (CH0CCS = 0x00)
0: Channel 0 Output is active high
1: Channel 0 Output is active low

Motor Control Timer (MCTM)

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32-Bit Arm® Cortex® -M0+ MCU

Channel Break Configuration Register – CHBRKCFR

This register specifies the channel output idle state when using the break function.
Offset: 0x06C
Reset value: 0x0000_0000

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7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
Type/Reset RW 0 RW 0 RW 0 RW 0 RW 0 RW 0 RW 0

Bits Field Descriptions

[6] CH3OIS MT_CH3O Output Idle State
0: Channel 3 output CH3O = 0 when CHMOE = 0.
1: Channel 3 output CH3O = 1 when CHMOE = 0.
[5] CH2OISN MT_CH2NO Output Idle State
0: Channel 2 complementary output CH2NO=0 after a dead time when CHMOE=0
1: Channel 2 complementary output CH2NO=1 after a dead time when CHMOE=0
[4] CH2OIS MT_CH2O Output Idle State
0: Channel 2 output CH2O = 0 after a dead time when CHMOE = 0
1: Channel 2 output CH2O = 1 after a dead time when CHMOE = 0
[3] CH1OISN MT_CH1NO Output Idle State
0: Channel 1 complementary output CH1NO=0 after a dead time when CHMOE=0
1: Channel 1 complementary output CH1NO=1 after a dead time when CHMOE=0
[2] CH1OIS MT_CH1O Output Idle State
0: Channel 1 output CH1O = 0 after a dead time when CHMOE = 0
1: Channel 1 output CH1O = 1 after a dead time when CHMOE = 0
[1] CH0OISN MT_CH0NO Output Idle State
0: Channel 0 complementary output CH1NO=0 after a dead time when CHMOE=0
1: Channel 0 complementary output CH1NO=1 after a dead time when CHMOE=0
[0] CH0OIS MT_CH0O Output Idle State
0: Channel 0 output CH0O = 0 after a dead time when CHMOE = 0
1: Channel 0 output CH0O = 1 after a dead time when CHMOE = 0

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32-Bit Arm® Cortex® -M0+ MCU

Channel Break Control Register – CHBRKCTR

This register specifies the channel break control bits.
Offset: 0x070
Reset value: 0x0000_0000

31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24
Type/Reset RW 0 RW 0 RW 0 RW 0 RW 0 RW 0 RW 0 RW 0

Motor Control Timer (MCTM)

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Type/Reset RW 0 RW 0 RW 0 RW 0 RW 0
15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8
Reserved BKF
Type/Reset RW 0 RW 0 RW 0 RW 0
7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
Reserved CHAOE CHMOE Reserved BKP BKE
Type/Reset RW 0 RW 0 RW 0 RW 0

Bits Field Descriptions

[31:24] CHDTG Channel Dead Time Duration Definition
CHDTG[7:5]=0xx: Channel Dead Time=CHDTG [7:0]×tdtg, with tdtg=tDTS
CHDTG[7:5]=10x: Channel Dead Time=(64 + CHDTG [5:0])×tdtg, with tdtg=2×tDTS
CHDTG[7:5]=110: Channel Dead Time=(32 + CHDTG [4:0])×tdtg, with tdtg=8×tDTS
CHDTG[7:5]=111: Channel Dead Time=(32 + CHDTG [4:0])×tdtg, with tdtg=16×tDTS
[21] CHOSSR Channel Off State (CHxE, CHxNE=0) Selection for Normal Run State (CHMOE = 1)
0: When inactive, MT_CHxO/MT_CHxNO output disable - not driven by timer
1: When inactive, MT_CHxO/MT_CHxNO output enabled with their inactive level
[20] CHOSSI Channel Off State Selection for Idle Mode (CHMOE = 0)
0: When inactive, MT_CHxO/MT_CHxNO output disable - not driven by timer
1: When inactive, MT_CHxO/MT_CHxNO output enabled with their idle level
depending upon the condition of the the CHxOIS and CHxOISN bits.
[18] GFSEL Deglitch Filter Selction for Break
0: no input deglitch filter
1: 50ns deglitch filter
[17:16] LOCKLV Lock Level Setting
These bits offer write protection against software errors. The bits can be written only
once after a reset.
00: LOCK OFF. Register write protected function disabled.
01: LOCK Level 1
10: LOCK Level 2
11: LOCK Level 3

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32-Bit Arm® Cortex® -M0+ MCU

Bits Field Descriptions

[11:8] BKF Break Input Filter Setting
These bits define the frequency ratio used to sample the MT_BRK signal. The digital
filter in the MCTM is an N-event counter where N is defined as how many valid
transitions are necessary to output a filtered signal.
0000: No filter – don’t need sample clock.
0001: fSAMPLING = fCLKIN, N = 2.
0010: fSAMPLING = fCLKIN, N = 4.
0011: fSAMPLING = fCLKIN, N = 8.

Motor Control Timer (MCTM)

0100: fSAMPLING = fDTS/2, N = 6.
0101: fSAMPLING = fDTS/2, N = 8.
0110: fSAMPLING = fDTS/4, N = 6.
0111: fSAMPLING = fDTS/4, N = 8.
1000: fSAMPLING = fDTS/8, N = 6.
1001: fSAMPLING = fDTS/8, N = 8.
1010: fSAMPLING = fDTS/16, N = 5.
1011: fSAMPLING = fDTS/16, N = 6.
1100: fSAMPLING = fDTS/16, N = 8.
1101: fSAMPLING = fDTS/32, N = 5.
1110: fSAMPLING = fDTS/32, N = 6.
1111: fSAMPLING = fDTS/32, N = 8.
[5] CHAOE Channel Automatic Output Enable
0: CHMOE can be set only by software.
1: CHMOE can be set by software or automatically by an update event
[4] CHMOE Channel Main Output Enable
Cleared asynchronously by hardware on a break event occurrence.
0: MT_CHxO and MT_CHxNO are disabled or forced to idle states.
1: MT_CHxO and MT_CHxNO are enabled if the enable bits (CHxE, CHxNE) are
[1] BKP Break Input Polarity.
0: Break input active low
1: Break input active high
[0] BKE Break Enable
0: Break inputs disabled
1: Break inputs enabled

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32-Bit Arm® Cortex® -M0+ MCU

Timer PDMA/Interrupt Control Register – DICTR

This register contains the timer PDAM and interrupt enable control bits.
Offset: 0x074
Reset value: 0x0000_0000

31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24
Type/Reset RW 0 RW 0 RW 0

Motor Control Timer (MCTM)

23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16
Type/Reset RW 0 RW 0 RW 0 RW 0
15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8
Type/Reset RW 0 RW 0 RW 0 RW 0
7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
Type/Reset RW 0 RW 0 RW 0 RW 0

Bits Field Descriptions

[26] TEVDE Trigger event PDMA Request Enable
0: Trigger PDMA request is disabled
1: Trigger PDMA request is enabled
[25] UEV2DE Update event 2 PDMA Request Enable
0: Update event 2 PDMA request is disabled
1: Update event 2 PDMA request is enabled
[24] UEV1DE Update event 1 DMA Request Enable
0: Update event 1 PDMA request is disabled
1: Update event 1 PDMA request is enabled
[19] CH3CCDE Channel 3 Capture/Compare PDMA Request Enable
0: Channel 3 PDMA request is disabled
1: Channel 3 PDMA request is enabled
[18] CH2CCDE Channel 2 Capture/Compare PDMA Request Enable
0: Channel 2 PDMA request is disabled
1: Channel 2 PDMA request is enabled
[17] CH1CCDE Channel 1 Capture/Compare PDMA Request Enable
0: Channel 1 PDMA request is disabled
1: Channel 1 PDMA request is enabled
[16] CH0CCDE Channel 0 Capture/Compare PDMA Request Enable
0: Channel 0 PDMA request is disabled
1: Channel 0 PDMA request is enabled
[11] BRKIE Break event Interrupt Enable
0: Break event interrupt is disabled
1: Break event interrupt is enabled
[10] TEVIE Trigger event Interrupt Enable
0: Trigger event interrupt is disabled
1: Trigger event interrupt is enabled
[9] UEV2IE Update event 2 Interrupt Enable
0: Update event 2 interrupt is disabled
1: Update event 2 interrupt is enabled

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32-Bit Arm® Cortex® -M0+ MCU

Bits Field Descriptions

[8] UEV1IE Update event 1 Interrupt Enable
0: Update event 1 interrupt is disabled
1: Update event 1 interrupt is enabled
[3] CH3CCIE Channel 3 Capture/Compare Interrupt Enable
0: Channel 3 interrupt is disabled
1: Channel 3 interrupt is enabled
[2] CH2CCIE Channel 2 Capture/Compare Interrupt Enable

Motor Control Timer (MCTM)

0: Channel 2 interrupt is disabled
1: Channel 2 interrupt is enabled
[1] CH1CCIE Channel 1 Capture/Compare Interrupt Enable
0: Channel 1 interrupt is disabled
1: Channel 1 interrupt is enabled
[0] CH0CCIE Channel 0 Capture/Compare Interrupt Enable
0: Channel 0 interrupt is disabled
1: Channel 0 interrupt is enabled

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32-Bit Arm® Cortex® -M0+ MCU

Timer Event Generator Register – EVGR

This register contains the software event generation bits.
Offset: 0x078
Reset value: 0x0000_0000

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Type/Reset WO 0 WO 0 WO 0 WO 0
7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
Type/Reset WO 0 WO 0 WO 0 WO 0

Bits Field Descriptions

[11] BRKG Software Break Event Generation
The break event BEV can be generated by setting this bit. It is automatically cleared
by hardware.
0: No action.
1: The BRKIF flag is set and then the CHMOE bit will be cleared.
[10] TEVG Trigger Event Generation
The trigger event TEV can be generated by setting this bit. It is cleared by hardware
0: No action
1: The TEVIF flag is set
[9] UEV2G Update Event 2 Generation
The update event 2 UEV2 can be generated by setting this bit. It is cleared by
hardware automatically.
0: No action
1: Update the CHxE, CHxNE, and CHxOM bits when COMPRE bit in CTR
Register is set to 1.
[8] UEV1G Update Event 1 Generation
The update event 1 UEV1 can be generated by setting this bit. It is cleared by
hardware automatically.
0: No action
1: Reinitialise the counter
The counter value returns to 0 or the CRR preload value, depending on the
counter mode in which the current timer is being used. An update operation on any
related registers will also be executed. For a more detailed description, refer to the
corresponding section.

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32-Bit Arm® Cortex® -M0+ MCU

Bits Field Descriptions

[3] CH3CCG Channel 3 Capture/Compare Generation
A Channel 3 capture/compare event can be generated by setting this bit. It is cleared
by hardware automatically.
0: No action
1: Capture/compare event is generated on channel 3
If Channel 3 is configured as an input, the counter value is captured into the
CH3CCR register and then the CH3CCIF bit is set. If Channel 3 is configured as an
output, the CH3CCIF bit is set.

Motor Control Timer (MCTM)

[2] CH2CCG Channel 2 Capture/Compare Generation
A Channel 2 capture/compare event can be generated by setting this bit. It is cleared
by hardware automatically.
0: No action
1: Capture/compare event is generated on channel 2
If Channel 2 is configured as an input, the counter value is captured into the
CH2CCR register and then the CH2CCIF bit is set. If Channel 2 is configured as an
output, the CH2CCIF bit is set.
[1] CH1CCG Channel 1 Capture/Compare Generation
A Channel 1 capture/compare event can be generated by setting this bit. It is cleared
by hardware automatically.
0: No action
1: Capture/compare event is generated on channel 1
If Channel 1 is configured as an input, the counter value is captured into the
CH1CCR register and then the CH1CCIF bit is set. If Channel 1 is configured as an
output, the CH1CCIF bit is set.
[0] CH0CCG Channel 0 Capture/Compare Generation
A Channel 0 capture/compare event can be generated by setting this bit. It is cleared
by hardware automatically.
0: No action
1: Capture/compare event is generated on channel 0
If Channel 0 is configured as an input, the counter value is captured into the
CH0CCR register and then the CH0CCIF bit is set. If Channel 0 is configured as an
output, the CH0CCIF bit is set.

Rev. 1.30 382 of 656 September 28, 2018

32-Bit Arm® Cortex® -M0+ MCU

Timer Interrupt Status Register – INTSR

This register stores the timer interrupt status.
Offset: 0x07C
Reset value: 0x0000_0000

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Type/Reset W0C 0 W0C 0 W0C 0 W0C 0
7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
Type/Reset W0C 0 W0C 0 W0C 0 W0C 0 W0C 0 W0C 0 W0C 0 W0C 0

Bits Field Descriptions

[11] BRKIF Break Event Interrupt Flag
This flag is set by hardware when a break event occurs and is cleared by software.
0: No break event occurred
1: Break event occurred
[10] TEVIF Trigger Event Interrupt Flag
This flag is set by hardware when a trigger event occurs and is cleared by software.
0: No trigger event occurred
1: Trigger event occurred
[9] UEV2IF Update Event 2 Interrupt Flag
This bit is set by hardware when an update event 2 occurs and is cleared by
0: No update event 2 occurred
1: Update event 2 occurred
[8] UEV1IF Update Event 1 Interrupt Flag
This bit is set by hardware when a update event 1 occurs and is cleared by software.
0: No update event 1 occurred
1: Update event 1 occurred
Note: The update event 1 is sourced from the following conditions:
- A counter overflow or underflow
- The UEV1G bit is set with UEV1DIS=0
- A STI rising edge is received in slave restart mode with UEV1DIS=0
[7] CH3OCF Channel 3 Over-capture Flag
This flag is set by hardware and cleared by software.
0: No over-capture event is detected
1: Capture event occurs again when the CH3CCIF bit is already set and it is not
yet cleared by software.

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32-Bit Arm® Cortex® -M0+ MCU

Bits Field Descriptions

[6] CH2OCF Channel 2 Over-capture Flag
This flag is set by hardware and cleared by software.
0: No over-capture event is detected
1: Capture event occurs again when the CH2CCIF bit is already set and it is not
cleared yet by software.
[5] CH1OCF Channel 1 Over-capture Flag
This flag is set by hardware and cleared by software.

Motor Control Timer (MCTM)

0: No over-capture event is detected
1: Capture event occurs again when the CH1CCIF bit is already set and it is not
cleared yet by software.
[4] CH0OCF Channel 0 Over-capture Flag
This flag is set by hardware and cleared by software.
0: No over-capture event is detected
1: Capture event occurs again when the CH0CCIFbit is already set and it is not
yet cleared by software
[3] CH3CCIF Channel 3 Capture/Compare Interrupt Flag
- Channel 3 is configured as an output
0: No match event occurred
1: The contents of the counter CNTR have matched the contents of the CH3CCR
This flag is set by hardware when the counter value matches the CH3CCR value
with exception in the center-aligned counting mode. It is cleared by software.
- Channel 3 is configured as an input
0: No input capture occurred
1: Input capture occurred
This bit is set by hardware when a capture event occurs. It is cleared by software
or by reading the CH3CCR register.
[2] CH2CCIF Channel 2 Capture/Compare Interrupt Flag
- Channel 2 is configured as an output
0: No match event occurred
1: The contents of the counter CNTR have matched the contents of the CH2CCR
This flag is set by hardware when the counter value matches the CH2CCR value
with exception in the center-aligned counting mode. It is cleared by software.
- Channel 2 is configured as an input
0: No input capture occurred
1: Input capture occurred.
This bit is set by hardware on a capture event. It is cleared by software or by
reading the CH2CCR register.
[1] CH1CCIF Channel 1 Capture/Compare Interrupt Flag
- Channel 1 is configured as an output
0: No match event occurred
1: The contents of the counter CNTR have matched the contents of the CH1CCR
This flag is set by hardware when the counter value matches the CH1CCR value
with exception in the center-aligned counting mode. It is cleared by software.
- Channel 1 is configured as an input
0: No input capture occurred
1: Input capture occurred
This bit is set by hardware on a capture event. It is cleared by software or by
reading the CH1CCR register.

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32-Bit Arm® Cortex® -M0+ MCU

Bits Field Descriptions

[0] CH0CCIF Channel 0 Capture/Compare Interrupt Flag
- Channel 0 is configured as an output
0: No match event occurs
1: The contents of the counter CNTR have matched the content of the CH0CCR
This flag is set by hardware when the counter value matches the CH0CCR value
with exception in the center-aligned counting mode. It is cleared by software.
- Channel 0 is configured as an input

Motor Control Timer (MCTM)

0: No input capture occurred
1: Input capture occurred
This bit is set by hardware on a capture event. It is cleared by software or by
reading the CH0CCR register.

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32-Bit Arm® Cortex® -M0+ MCU

Timer Counter Register – CNTR

This register stores the timer counter value.
Offset: 0x080
Reset value: 0x0000_0000

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Type/Reset RW 0 RW 0 RW 0 RW 0 RW 0 RW 0 RW 0 RW 0
7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
Type/Reset RW 0 RW 0 RW 0 RW 0 RW 0 RW 0 RW 0 RW 0

Bits Field Descriptions

[15:0] CNTV Counter Value.

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32-Bit Arm® Cortex® -M0+ MCU

Timer Prescaler Register – PSCR

This register specifies the timer prescaler value to generate the counter clock.
Offset: 0x084
Reset value: 0x0000_0000

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Type/Reset RW 0 RW 0 RW 0 RW 0 RW 0 RW 0 RW 0 RW 0
7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
Type/Reset RW 0 RW 0 RW 0 RW 0 RW 0 RW 0 RW 0 RW 0

Bits Field Descriptions

[15:0] PSCV Prescaler Value
These bits are used to specify the prescaler value to generate the counter clock
frequency fCK_CNT.
fCK_CNT = , where the fCK_PSC is the prescaler input clock source.
PSCV[15:0] + 1

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32-Bit Arm® Cortex® -M0+ MCU

Timer Counter Reload Register – CRR

This register specifies the timer counter reload value.
Offset: 0x088
Reset value: 0x0000_FFFF

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Type/Reset RW 1 RW 1 RW 1 RW 1 RW 1 RW 1 RW 1 RW 1
7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
Type/Reset RW 1 RW 1 RW 1 RW 1 RW 1 RW 1 RW 1 RW 1

Bits Field Descriptions

[15:0] CRV Counter Reload Value
The CRV is the reload value which is loaded into the actual counter register.

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32-Bit Arm® Cortex® -M0+ MCU

Timer Repetition Register – REPR

This register specifies the timer repetition counter value.
Offset: 0x08C
Reset value: 0x0000_0000

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7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
Type/Reset RW 0 RW 0 RW 0 RW 0 RW 0 RW 0 RW 0 RW 0

Bits Field Descriptions

[7:0] REPV Repetition Counter Value.
These bits allow the user to specify the update rate of the compare registers.

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32-Bit Arm® Cortex® -M0+ MCU

Channel 0 Capture/Compare Register – CH0CCR

This register specifies the timer channel 0 capture/compare value.
Offset: 0x090
Reset value: 0x0000_0000

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Motor Control Timer (MCTM)

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Type/Reset RW 0 RW 0 RW 0 RW 0 RW 0 RW 0 RW 0 RW 0
7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
Type/Reset RW 0 RW 0 RW 0 RW 0 RW 0 RW 0 RW 0 RW 0

Bits Field Descriptions

[15:0] CH0CCV Channel 0 Capture/Compare Value
- When Channel 0 is configured as an output
The CH0CCR value is compared with the counter value and the comparison result
is used to trigger the CH0OREF output signal.
- When Channel 0 is configured as an input
The CH0CCR register stores the counter value captured by the last channel 0
capture event.

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32-Bit Arm® Cortex® -M0+ MCU

Channel 1 Capture/Compare Register – CH1CCR

This register specifies the timer channel 1 capture/compare value.
Offset: 0x094
Reset value: 0x0000_0000

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Motor Control Timer (MCTM)

23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16
15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8
Type/Reset RW 0 RW 0 RW 0 RW 0 RW 0 RW 0 RW 0 RW 0
7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
Type/Reset RW 0 RW 0 RW 0 RW 0 RW 0 RW 0 RW 0 RW 0

Bits Field Descriptions

[15:0] CH1CCV Channel 1 Capture/Compare Value
- When Channel 1 is configured as an output
The CH1CCR value is compared with the counter value and the comparison result
is used to trigger the CH1OREF output signal.
- When Channel 1 is configured as an input
The CH1CCR register stores the counter value captured by the last channel 1
capture event.

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32-Bit Arm® Cortex® -M0+ MCU

Channel 2 Capture/Compare Register – CH2CCR

This register specifies the timer channel 2 capture/compare value.
Offset: 0x098
Reset value: 0x0000_0000

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Motor Control Timer (MCTM)

23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16
15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8
Type/Reset RW 0 RW 0 RW 0 RW 0 RW 0 RW 0 RW 0 RW 0
7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
Type/Reset RW 0 RW 0 RW 0 RW 0 RW 0 RW 0 RW 0 RW 0

Bits Field Descriptions

[15:0] CH2CCV Channel 2 Capture/Compare Value
- When Channel 2 is configured as an output
The CH2CCR value is compared with the counter value and the comparison result
is used to trigger the CH2OREF output signal.
- When Channel 2 is configured as an input
The CH2CCR register stores the counter value captured by the last channel 2
capture event.

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32-Bit Arm® Cortex® -M0+ MCU

Channel 3 Capture/Compare Register – CH3CCR

This register specifies the timer channel 3 capture/compare value.
Offset: 0x09C
Reset value: 0x0000_0000

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Motor Control Timer (MCTM)

23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16
15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8
Type/Reset RW 0 RW 0 RW 0 RW 0 RW 0 RW 0 RW 0 RW 0
7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
Type/Reset RW 0 RW 0 RW 0 RW 0 RW 0 RW 0 RW 0 RW 0

Bits Field Descriptions

[15:0] CH3CCV Channel 3 Capture/Compare Value
- When Channel 3 is configured as an output
The CH3CCR value is compared with the counter value and the comparison result
is used to trigger the CH3OREF output signal.
- When Channel 3 is configured as an input
The CH3CCR register stores the counter value captured by the last channel 3
capture event.

Rev. 1.30 393 of 656 September 28, 2018

32-Bit Arm® Cortex® -M0+ MCU

Channel 0 Asymmetric Compare Register – CH0ACR

This register specifies the timer channel 0 asymmetric compare value.
Offset: 0x0A0
Reset value: 0x0000_0000

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Motor Control Timer (MCTM)

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15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8
Type/Reset RW 0 RW 0 RW 0 RW 0 RW 0 RW 0 RW 0 RW 0
7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
Type/Reset RW 0 RW 0 RW 0 RW 0 RW 0 RW 0 RW 0 RW 0

Bits Field Descriptions

[15:0] CH0ACV Channel 0 Asymmetric Compare Value
When channel 0 is configured as asymmetric PWM mode and the counter is
counting down, the value written into this register will be compared to the counter.

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Channel 1 Asymmetric Compare Register – CH1ACR

This register specifies the timer channel 1 asymmetric compare value.
Offset: 0x0A4
Reset value: 0x0000_0000

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Motor Control Timer (MCTM)

23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16
15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8
Type/Reset RW 0 RW 0 RW 0 RW 0 RW 0 RW 0 RW 0 RW 0
7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
Type/Reset RW 0 RW 0 RW 0 RW 0 RW 0 RW 0 RW 0 RW 0

Bits Field Descriptions

[15:0] CH1ACV Channel 1 Asymmetric Compare Value
When channel 1 is configured as asymmetric PWM mode and the counter is
counting down, the value written into this register will be compared to the counter.

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Channel 2 Asymmetric Compare Register – CH2ACR

This register specifies the timer channel 2 asymmetric compare value.
Offset: 0x0A8
Reset value: 0x0000_0000

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Motor Control Timer (MCTM)

23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16
15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8
Type/Reset RW 0 RW 0 RW 0 RW 0 RW 0 RW 0 RW 0 RW 0
7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
Type/Reset RW 0 RW 0 RW 0 RW 0 RW 0 RW 0 RW 0 RW 0

Bits Field Descriptions

[15:0] CH2ACV Channel 2 Asymmetric Compare Value
When channel 2 is configured as asymmetric PWM mode and the counter is
counting down, the value written into this register will be compared to the counter.

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Channel 3 Asymmetric Compare Register – CH3ACR

This register specifies the timer channel 3 asymmetric compare value.
Offset: 0x0AC
Reset value: 0x0000_0000

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Motor Control Timer (MCTM)

23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16
15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8
Type/Reset RW 0 RW 0 RW 0 RW 0 RW 0 RW 0 RW 0 RW 0
7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
Type/Reset RW 0 RW 0 RW 0 RW 0 RW 0 RW 0 RW 0 RW 0

Bits Field Descriptions

[15:0] CH3ACV Channel 3 Asymmetric Compare Value
When channel 3 is configured as asymmetric PWM mode and the counter is
counting down, the value written into this register will be compared to the counter.

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17 Single-Channel Timer (SCTM)

The Single-Channel Timer consists of one 16-bit up-counter, one 16-bit Capture/Compare Register
(CCR), one 16-bit Counter-Reload Register (CRR) and several control/status registers. It can be
used for a variety of purposes including general timer, input signal pulse width measurement or

Single-Channel Timer (SCTM)

output waveform generation such as single pulse generation or PWM output.






Trigger Register

Controller TEV : Trigger Event

CEV : Capture Event
MEV : Compare Match Event
STI Slave
UEV : Update Event
TIS Controller

Restart Register

Pause (CRR)



Input Filter TISED CEV
TI CH Channel Capture/Compare CHOREF Output
SCTM_CH & Polarity Selection TIBED SCTM_CHO
PRESCALER Register (CHCCR) Control
& Edge Detection

Figure 116. SCTM Block Diagram

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▄▄ 16-bit auto-reload up counter
▄▄ 16-bit programmable prescaler that allows division of the counter clock frequency by any factor
between 1 and 65536

▄ Single channel for:
●● Input Capture function
●● Compare Match Output

Single-Channel Timer (SCTM)

●● PWM waveform output
▄▄ Interrupt generation with the following events:
●● Update event
●● Trigger event
●● Input capture event
●● Output compare match event

Functional Descriptions
Counter Mode
The counter counts continuously from 0 to the counter-reload value, which is defined in the
CRR register. Once the counter reaches the counter-reload value, the Timer Module generates
an overflow event and the counter restarts to count once again from 0. This action will continue
repeatedly. When the update event is generated by setting the UEVG bit in the EVGR register to 1,
the counter value will also be initialized to 0.




CNTR F2 F3 F4 F5 0 1 2 3

CRR F5 36
CRR Shadow Register F5 36

PSCR 0 1
PSCR Shadow Register 0 1

PSC_CNT 0 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1

Counter Overflow

Update Event Flag

Write a new value Software clearing
Update the new value

Figure 117. Up-counting Example

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Clock Controller
The following describes the Timer Module clock controller which determines the clock source of
the internal prescaler counter.
▄▄ Internal APB clock fCLKIN
The default internal clock source is the APB clock fCLKIN used to drive the counter prescaler
when the slave mode is disabled. If the slave mode controller is enabled by setting SMSEL field
in the MDCFR register to 0x7, the prescaler is clocked by other clock sources selected by the

Single-Channel Timer (SCTM)

TRSEL field in the TRCFR register and described as follows. When the slave mode selection bits
SMSEL are set to 0x4, 0x5 or 0x6, the internal APB clock fCLKIN is the counter prescaler driving
clock source.
The counter prescaler can count during each rising edge of the STI signal. This mode can be
selected by setting the SMSEL field to 0x7 in the MDCFR register. Here the counter will act
as an event counter. The input event, known as STI here, can be selected by setting the TRSEL
field to an available value except the value of 0x0. When the STI signal is selected as the clock
source, the internal edge detection circuitry will generate a clock pulse during each STI signal
rising edge to drive the counter prescaler. It is important to note that if the TRSEL field is set to
0x0 to select the software UEVG bit as the trigger source, then when the SMSEL field is set to
0x7, the counter will be updated instead of counting.


Update Event

(Internal APB clock) CK_PSC CK_CNT
(Trigger events) Reset Reset


Overflow / Slave Restart
Underflow UEVG bit mode trigger

Figure 118. SCTM Clock Selection Source

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Trigger Controller
The trigger controller is used to select the trigger source and setup the trigger level or edge trigger
condition. For the internal trigger input, it can be selected by the Trigger Selection bits TRSEL in
the TRCFR register. For all the trigger sources except the UEVG bit software trigger, the internal
edge detection circuitry will generate a clock pulse at each trigger signal rising edge to stimulate
some SCTM functions which are triggered by a trigger signal rising edge.
Trigger Controller Block = Edge Trigger Mux + Level Trigger Mux

Single-Channel Timer (SCTM)

Edge Trigger = Channel input

Edge Trigger Mux

0 000
Reserved 010
Reserved 011
Reserved others STIED_S0

Reserved 001 0
Reserved 010 STIED_S1 1
Reserved 011
Reserved others

Level Trigger Source = Channel input + Software UEVG bit

SW Set Level Trigger Mux

UEVG Bit 000
TIS 001
Reserved 010
Reserved 011
Reserved others
0 000
Reserved 001 0
Reserved 010 STI_S1 STI
Reserved 011 1

Reserved others

Figure 119. Trigger Controller Block

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Slave Controller
The SCTM can be synchronized with an external trigger in several modes including the Restart
mode, the Pause mode and the Trigger mode which is selected by the SMSEL field in the MDCFR
register. The trigger input of these modes comes from the STI signal which is selected by the
TRSEL field in the TRCFR register. The operation modes in the Slave Controller are described in
the accompanying sections.

Single-Channel Timer (SCTM)

Trigger Event
STI Slave
Trigger Controller
Reset/Stop/Start Counter

SMSEL Restart/Pause/Trigger Mode

Figure 120. Slave Controller Diagram

Restart Mode
The counter and its prescaler can be reinitialized in response to a rising edge of the STI signal.
When a STI rising edge occurs, the update event software generation bit named UEVG will
automatically be asserted by hardware and the trigger event flag will also be set. Then the counter
and prescaler will be reinitialized. Although the UEVG bit is set to 1 by hardware, the update event
does not really occur. It depends upon whether the update event disable control bit UEVDIS is set
to 1 or not. If the UEVDIS is set to 1 to disable the update event to occur, there will no update event
be generated, however the counter and prescaler are still reinitialized when the STI rising edge
occurs. If the UEVDIS bit in the CNTCFR register is cleared to enable the update event to occur,
an update event will be generated together with the STI rising edge, then all the preloaded registers
will be updated.

Timer Counter Reload Register CRR = 32

STI source signal

STI source signal

STI Sync.


Trigger Event
UEVG bit
(reset counter)

27 28 29 30 31 0 1 2


Figure 121. SCTM in Restart Mode

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Pause Mode
In the Pause Mode, the selected STI input signal level is used to control the counter start/stop
operation. The counter starts to count when the selected STI signal is at a high level and stops
counting when the STI signal is changed to a low level, here the counter will maintain its present
value and will not be reset. Since the Pause function depends upon the STI level to control the
counter stop/start operation, the selected STI trigger signal can not be derived from the TIBED

Single-Channel Timer (SCTM)

STI source signal
STI source signal

STI Sync



CNTR 27 28 29 30 31


Software clearing

Figure 122. SCTM in Pause Mode

Trigger Mode
After the counter is disabled to count, the counter can resume counting when a STI rising edge
signal occurs. When an STI rising edge occurs, the counter will start to count from the current
value in the counter. Note that if the STI signal is selected to be derived from the UEVG bit
software trigger, the counter will not resume counting. When software triggering using the UEVG
bit is selected as the STI source signal, there will be no clock pulse generated which can be used to
make the counter resume counting. Note that the STI signal is only used to enable the counter to
resume counting and has no effect on controlling the counter to stop counting.

STI source signal

STI source signal




27 28 29 30 31 32


Software clearing

Figure 123. SCTM in Trigger Mode

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32-Bit Arm® Cortex® -M0+ MCU

Channel Controller
The SCTM channel can be used as the capture input or compare match output. The capture input or
compare match output channel is composed of a preload register and a shadow register. Data access
of the APB bus is always through the read/write preload register.

When used in the input capture mode, the counter value is captured into the CHCCR shadow
register first and then transferred into the CHCCR preload register when the capture event occurs.

When used in the compare match output mode, the contents of the CHCCR preload register is

Single-Channel Timer (SCTM)

copied into the associated shadow register; the counter value is then compared with the register

APB Bus Interface

CHPSC (Preload Register) Write CHCCR

Cpature Compare
Capture Transfer Compare Transfer
Controller Controller
Read CHCCR Update Event

(Shadow Register)
CHCCG Capture

Figure 124. Capture/Compare Block Diagram

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Capture Counter Value Transferred to CHCCR

When the channel is used as a capture input, the counter value is captured into the Channel
Capture/Compare Register (CHCCR) when an effective input signal transition occurs. Once the
capture event occurs, the CHCCIF flag in the INTSR register is set accordingly. If the CHCCIF bit
is already set, i.e., the flag has not yet been cleared by software, and another capture event on this
channel occurs, the corresponding channel Over-Capture flag, named CHOCF, will be set.

Single-Channel Timer (SCTM)



CNTR 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35

CHCCR 0 26 32



Figure 125. Input Capture Mode

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Input Stage
The input stage consists of a digital filter, a channel polarity selection, edge detection and a channel
prescaler. The channel input signal (TI) is sampled by a digital filter to generate a filtered input
signal TIFP. Then the channel polarity and the edge detection block can generate a TISED signal
for the input capture function. The effective input event number can be set by the channel input
prescaler register (CHPSC).

Single-Channel Timer (SCTM)


Filter Detection
fsampling CHP


Figure 126. Channel Input Stages

Digital Filter
The digital filters are embedded in the channel input stage. The digital filter in the SCTM is an
N-event counter where N refers to how many valid transitions are necessary to output a filtered
signal. The N value can be 0, 2, 4, 5, 6 or 8 according to the user selection for this digital filter.

No Filtered
Digital Filter (N=2)

D Q D Q D Q J Q Filtered

fSYSTEM fsampling

Figure 127. TI Digital Filter Diagram with N = 2

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Output Stage
The SCTM output has function for compare match, single pulse or PWM output. The channel
output SCTM_CHO is controlled by the CHOM, CHP and CHE bits in the corresponding
CHOCFR, CHPOLR and CHCTR registers.

Output Enable

Single-Channel Timer (SCTM)

CHCCR Output Mode
Controller CHP CHE



Figure 128. Output Stage Block Diagram

Channel Output Reference Signal

When the SCTM is used in the compare match output mode, the CHOREF signal (Channel Output
Reference signal) is defined by the CHOM bit setup. The CHOREF signal has several types of
output function which defines what happens to the output when the counter value matches the
contents of the CHCCR register. In addition to the low, high and toggle CHOREF output types;
there are also PWM mode 1 and PWM mode 2 outputs. In these modes, the CHOREF signal level
is changed according to the relationship between the counter value and the CHCCR content. There
are also two modes which will force the output into an inactive or active state irrespective of the
CHCCR content or counter values. With regard to a more detailed description refer to the relative
bit definition. The accompanying Table 40 shows a summary of the output type setup.
Table 40. Compare Match Output Setup
CHOM value Compare Match Level
0x00 No change
0x01 Clear Output to 0
0x02 Set Output to 1
0x03 Toggle Output
0x04 Force Inactive Level
0x05 Force Active Level
0x06 PWM Mode 1
0x07 PWM Mode 2

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Counter Value
CHOM=0x03, CHPRE=0
(Output toggle, preload disable)

(New value 2)

(New value 3)

Single-Channel Timer (SCTM)

(New value 1)


CHCCR value (1) (2) (3)


(Update Event)

Figure 129. Toggle Mode Channel Output Reference Signal (CHPRE = 0)

Counter Value CHOM=0x03, CHPRE=1

(Output toggle, preload enable)

(New value 2)
(New value 3)
(New value 1)


CHCCR value (1) (2) (3)



(Update Event)

Figure 130. Toggle Mode Channel Output Reference Signal (CHPRE = 1)

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Counter Value Counter Value Counter Value




Single-Channel Timer (SCTM)

CHOM = 0x06 CHCCR = 0x00


CHOM = 0x07

Figure 131. PWM Mode Channel Output Reference Signal

Update Management
The Update event is used to update the CRR, the PSCR and the CHCCR values from the actual
registers to the corresponding shadow registers. An update event will occur when the counter
overflows, the software update control bit is triggered or an update event from the slave controller
is generated.

The UEVDIS bit in the CNTCFR register can determine whether the update event occurs or
not. When the update event occurs, the corresponding update event interrupt will be generated
depending upon whether the update event interrupt generation function is enabled or not by
configuring the UGDIS bit in the CNTCFR register. For more detailed description, refer to the
UEVDIS and UGDIS bit definition in the CNTCFR register.

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32-Bit Arm® Cortex® -M0+ MCU

Update Event Management

Counter Overflow / Underflow


CHCCR Shadow Registers)
Slave Restart mode


Single-Channel Timer (SCTM)

Update Event Interrupt Management

Counter Overflow / Underflow

UEV interrupt


Slave Restart mode UEVDIS


Figure 132. Update Event Setting Diagram

Register Map
The following table shows the SCTM registers and reset values.
Table 41. SCTM Register Map
Register Offset Description Reset Value
CNTCFR 0x000 Timer Counter Configuration Register 0x0000_0000
MDCFR 0x004 Timer Mode Configuration Register 0x0000_0000
TRCFR 0x008 Timer Trigger Configuration Register 0x0000_0000
CTR 0x010 Timer Control Register 0x0000_0000
CHICFR 0x020 Channel Input Configuration Register 0x0000_0000
CHOCFR 0x040 Channel Output Configuration Register 0x0000_0000
CHCTR 0x050 Channel Control Register 0x0000_0000
CHPOLR 0x054 Channel Polarity Configuration Register 0x0000_0000
DICTR 0x074 Timer Interrupt Control Register 0x0000_0000
EVGR 0x078 Timer Event Generator Register 0x0000_0000
INTSR 0x07C Timer Interrupt Status Register 0x0000_0000
CNTR 0x080 Timer Counter Register 0x0000_0000
PSCR 0x084 Timer Prescaler Register 0x0000_0000
CRR 0x088 Timer Counter Reload Register 0x0000_FFFF
CHCCR 0x090 Channel Capture/Compare Register 0x0000_0000

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Register Descriptions
Timer Counter Configuration Register – CNTCFR
This register specifies the SCTM counter configuration.
Offset: 0x000
Reset value: 0x0000_0000

31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24

Single-Channel Timer (SCTM)

23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16
15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8
Reserved CKDIV
Type/Reset RW 0 RW 0
7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
Type/Reset RW 0 RW 0

Bits Field Descriptions

[9:8] CKDIV Clock Division
These two bits define the frequency ratio between the timer clock (fCLKIN) and the
dead-time clock (fDTS). The dead-time clock is also used for digital filter sampling
00: fDTS = fCLKIN
01: fDTS = fCLKIN / 2
10: fDTS = fCLKIN / 4
11: Reserved
[1] UGDIS Update event interrupt generation disable control
0: Any of the following events will generate an update interrupt
- Counter overflow
- Setting the UEVG bit
- Update generation through the slave mode
1: Only counter overflow generates an update interrupt
[0] UEVDIS Update event Disable control
0: Enable the update event request by one of following events:
- Counter overflow
- Setting the UEVG bit
- Update generation through the slave mode
1: Disable the update event (However the counter and the prescaler are
reinitialized if the UEVG bit is set or if a hardware restart is received from the
slave mode)

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32-Bit Arm® Cortex® -M0+ MCU

Timer Mode Configuration Register – MDCFR

This register specifies the SCTM slave mode selection.
Offset: 0x004
Reset value: 0x0000_0000

31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24

Single-Channel Timer (SCTM)

23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16
15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8
Reserved SMSEL
Type/Reset RW 0 RW 0 RW 0
7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0

Bits Field Descriptions

[10:8] SMSEL Slave Mode Selection
SMSEL [2:0] Mode Descriptions
000 Disable mode The prescaler is clocked directly by the internal clock.
The counter value restarts from 0 or the CRR shadow
register value depending upon the counter mode on
100 Restart Mode
the rising edge of the STI signal. The registers will
also be updated.
The counter starts to count when the selected trigger
input STI is high. The counter stops counting on the
101 Pause Mode instant, not being reset, when the STI signal changes
its state to a low level. Both the counter start and stop
control are determined by the STI signal.
The counter starts to count from the original value in
the counter on the rising edge of the selected trigger
110 Trigger Mode
input STI. Only the counter start control is determined
by the STI signal.
The rising edge of the selected trigger signal STI will
clock the counter.
Others Reserved

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Timer Trigger Configuration Register – TRCFR

This register specifies the trigger source selection of SCTM.
Offset: 0x008
Reset value: 0x0000_0000

31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24

Single-Channel Timer (SCTM)

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7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
Reserved TRSEL
Type/Reset RW 0 RW 0 RW 0 RW 0

Bits Field Descriptions

[3:0] TRSEL Trigger Source Selection
These bits are used to select the trigger input (STI) for counter synchronizing.
0000: Software Trigger by setting the UEVG bit
0001: Filtered input of channel (TIS)
0011: Reserved
1000: Channel both edge detector (TIBED)
Others: Default 0
Note: These bits must be updated only when they are not in use, i.e. the slave mode
is disabled by setting the SMSEL field to 0x00.

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32-Bit Arm® Cortex® -M0+ MCU

Timer Counter Register – CTR

This register specifies the timer enable bit (TME), CRR buffer enable bit (CRBE).
Offset: 0x010
Reset value: 0x0000_0000

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Single-Channel Timer (SCTM)

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7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
Reserved CRBE TME
Type/Reset RW 0 RW 0

Bits Field Descriptions

[1] CRBE Counter-Reload register Buffer Enable
0: Counter reload register can be updated immediately
1: Counter reload register cannot be updated until the update event occurs
[0] TME Timer Enable bit
0: SCTM off
1: SCTM on - SCTM functions normally
When the TME bit is cleared to 0, the counter is stopped and the SCTM consumes
no power in any operation mode except for the single pulse mode and the slave
trigger mode. In these two modes the TME bit can automatically be set to 1 by
hardware which permits all the SCTM registers to function normally.

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Channel Input Configuration Register – CHICFR

This register specifies the channel input mode configuration.
Offset: 0x020
Reset value: 0x0000_0000

31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24

Single-Channel Timer (SCTM)

23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16
Type/Reset RW 0 RW 0 RW 0 RW 0
15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8
7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
Reserved TIF
Type/Reset RW 0 RW 0 RW 0 RW 0

Bits Field Descriptions

[19:18] CHPSC Channel Capture Input Source Prescaler Setting
These bits define the effective events of the channel capture input. Note that the
prescaler is reset once the Channel Capture/Compare Enable bit, CHE, in the
Channel Control register named CHCTR is cleared to 0.
00: No prescaler, channel capture input signal is chosen for each active event.
01: Channel Capture input signal is chosen for every 2 events.
10: Channel Capture input signal is chosen for every 4 events.
11: Channel Capture input signal is chosen for every 8 events.
[17:16] CHCCS Channel Capture/Compare Selection.
00: Channel is configured as an output.
01: Channel is configured as an input derived from the TI signal.
10: Reserved.
11: Channel is configured as an input which comes from the TIBED signal.
Note: The CHCCS field can be accessed only when the CHE bit is cleared to 0.

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Bits Field Descriptions

[3:0] TIF Channel Input Source TI Filter Setting
These bits define the frequency divided ratio used to sample the TI signal. The
Digital filter in the SCTM is an N-event counter where N is defined as how many
valid transitions are necessary to output a filtered signal.
0000: No filter, the sampling clock is fSYSTEM.
0001: fSAMPLING = fCLKIN, N = 2
0010: fSAMPLING = fCLKIN, N = 4
0011: fSAMPLING = fCLKIN, N = 8

Single-Channel Timer (SCTM)

0100: fSAMPLING = fDTS / 2, N = 6
0101: fSAMPLING = fDTS / 2, N = 8
0110: fSAMPLING = fDTS / 4, N = 6
0111: fSAMPLING = fDTS / 4, N = 8
1000: fSAMPLING = fDTS / 8, N = 6
1001: fSAMPLING = fDTS / 8, N = 8
1010: fSAMPLING = fDTS / 16, N = 5
1011: fSAMPLING = fDTS / 16, N = 6
1100: fSAMPLING = fDTS / 16, N = 8
1101: fSAMPLING = fDTS / 32, N = 5
1110: fSAMPLING = fDTS / 32, N = 6
1111: fSAMPLING = fDTS / 32, N = 8

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Channel Output Configuration Register – CHOCFR

This register specifies the channel output mode configuration.
Offset: 0x040
Reset value: 0x0000_0000

31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24

Single-Channel Timer (SCTM)

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15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8
7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
Reserved CHPRE Reserved CHOM[2:0]
Type/Reset RW 0 RW 0 RW 0 RW 0

Bits Field Descriptions

[4] CHPRE Channel Capture/Compare Register (CHCCR) Preload Enable
0: CHCCR preload function is disabled.
The CHCCR register can be immediately assigned a new value when the
CHPRE bit is cleared to 0 and the updated CHCCR value is used immediately.
1: CHCCR preload function is enabled.
The new CHCCR value will not be transferred to its shadow register until the
update event occurs.
[2:0] CHOM[2:0] Channel Output Mode Setting
These bits define the functional types of the output reference signal CHOREF.
000: No Change
001: Output 0 on compare match
010: Output 1 on compare match
011: Output toggles on compare match
100: Force inactive – CHOREF is forced to 0
101: Force active – CHOREF is forced to 1
110: PWM mode 1
- During up-counting, channel has an active level when CNTR < CHCCR or
otherwise has an inactive level.
111: PWM mode 2
- During up-counting, channel is has an inactive level when CNTR <
CHCCR or otherwise has an active level.

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32-Bit Arm® Cortex® -M0+ MCU

Channel Control Register – CHCTR

This register contains the channel capture input or compare output function enable control bits.
Offset: 0x050
Reset value: 0x0000_0000

31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24

Single-Channel Timer (SCTM)

23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16
15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8
7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
Reserved CHE
Type/Reset RW 0

Bits Field Descriptions

[0] CHE Channel Capture/Compare Enable
- Channel is configured as an input (CHCCS = 0x01/0x03)
0: Input Capture Mode is disabled
1: Input Capture Mode is enabled
- Channel is configured as an output (CHCCS = 0x00)
0: Off –Channel output signal CHO is not active
1: On –Channel output signal CHO generated on the corresponding output pin

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Channel Polarity Configuration Register – CHPOLR

This register contains the channel capture input or compare output polarity control.
Offset: 0x054
Reset value: 0x0000_0000

31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24

Single-Channel Timer (SCTM)

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15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8
7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
Reserved CHP
Type/Reset RW 0

Bits Field Descriptions

[0] CHP Channel Capture/Compare Polarity
- When Channel is configured as an input
0: capture event occurs on a Channel rising edge
1: capture event occurs on a Channel falling edge
- When Channel is configured as an output (CHCCS = 0x00)
0: Channel Output is active high
1: Channel Output is active low

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32-Bit Arm® Cortex® -M0+ MCU

Timer Interrupt Control Register – DICTR

This register contains the timer interrupt enable control bits.
Offset: 0x074
Reset value: 0x0000_0000

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Single-Channel Timer (SCTM)

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Reserved TEVIE Reserved UEVIE
Type/Reset RW 0 RW 0
7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
Reserved CHCCIE
Type/Reset RW 0

Bits Field Descriptions

[10] TEVIE Trigger event Interrupt Enable
0: Trigger event interrupt is disabled
1: Trigger event interrupt is enabled
[8] UEVIE Update event Interrupt Enable
0: Update event interrupt is disabled
1: Update event interrupt is enabled
[0] CHCCIE Channel Capture/Compare Interrupt Enable
0: Channel interrupt is disabled
1: Channel interrupt is enabled

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32-Bit Arm® Cortex® -M0+ MCU

Timer Event Generator Register – EVGR

This register contains the software event generation bits.
Offset: 0x078
Reset value: 0x0000_0000

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Single-Channel Timer (SCTM)

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Reserved TEVG Reserved UEVG
Type/Reset WO 0 WO 0
7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
Reserved CHCCG
Type/Reset WO 0

Bits Field Descriptions

[10] TEVG Trigger Event Generation
The trigger event TEV can be generated by setting this bit. It is cleared by hardware
0: No action
1: TEVIF flag is set
[8] UEVG Update Event Generation
The update event UEV can be generated by setting this bit. It is cleared by hardware
0: No action
1: Reinitialize the counter
The counter value returns to 0 or the CRR preload value, depending on the
counter mode in which the current timer is being used. An update operation of any
related registers will also be performed. For more detail descriptions, refer to the
corresponding section.
[0] CHCCG Channel Capture/Compare Generation
A Channel capture/compare event can be generated by setting this bit. It is cleared
by hardware automatically.
0: No action
1: Capture/compare event is generated on channel.
If Channel is configured as an input, the counter value is captured into the CHCCR
register and then the CHCCIF bit is set. If Channel is configured as an output, the
CHCCIF bit is set.

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32-Bit Arm® Cortex® -M0+ MCU

Timer Interrupt Status Register – INTSR

This register stores the timer interrupt status.
Offset: 0x07C
Reset value: 0x0000_0000

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Single-Channel Timer (SCTM)

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15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8
Reserved TEVIF Reserved UEVIF
Type/Reset W0C 0 W0C 0
7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
Reserved CHOCF Reserved CHCCIF
Type/Reset W0C 0 W0C 0

Bits Field Descriptions

[10] TEVIF Trigger Event Interrupt Flag
This flag is set by hardware on a trigger event and is cleared by software.
0: No trigger event occurs
1: Trigger event occurs
[8] UEVIF Update Event Interrupt Flag.
This bit is set by hardware on an update event and is cleared by software.
0: No update event occurs
1: Update event occurs
Note: The update event is derived from the following conditions:
- The counter overflows or underflows
- The UEVG bit is asserted
- A restart trigger event occurs from the slave trigger input
[4] CHOCF Channel Over-Capture Flag
This flag is set by hardware and cleared by software.
0: No over-capture event is detected
1: Capture event occurs again when the CHCCIF bit is already set and it is not
yet cleared by software.
[0] CHCCIF Channel Capture/Compare Interrupt Flag
- Channel is configured as an output:
0: No match event occurs
1: The contents of the counter CNTR have matched the content of the CHCCR
This flag is set by hardware when the counter value matches the CHCCR value.
It is cleared by software.
- Channel is configured as an input:
0: No input capture occurs
1: Input capture occurs
This bit is set by hardware on a capture event. It is cleared by software or by
reading the CHCCR register.

Rev. 1.30 422 of 656 September 28, 2018

32-Bit Arm® Cortex® -M0+ MCU

Timer Counter Register – CNTR

This register stores the timer counter value.
Offset: 0x080
Reset value: 0x0000_0000

31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24

Single-Channel Timer (SCTM)

23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16
15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8
Type/Reset RW 0 RW 0 RW 0 RW 0 RW 0 RW 0 RW 0 RW 0
7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
Type/Reset RW 0 RW 0 RW 0 RW 0 RW 0 RW 0 RW 0 RW 0

Bits Field Descriptions

[15:0] CNTV Counter Value.

Rev. 1.30 423 of 656 September 28, 2018

32-Bit Arm® Cortex® -M0+ MCU

Timer Prescaler Register – PSCR

This register specifies the timer prescaler value to generate the counter clock.
Offset: 0x084
Reset value: 0x0000_0000

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Single-Channel Timer (SCTM)

23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16
15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8
Type/Reset RW 0 RW 0 RW 0 RW 0 RW 0 RW 0 RW 0 RW 0
7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
Type/Reset RW 0 RW 0 RW 0 RW 0 RW 0 RW 0 RW 0 RW 0

Bits Field Descriptions

[15:0] PSCV Prescaler Value
These bits are used to specify the prescaler value to generate the counter clock
frequency fCK_CNT.
fCK_CNT = , where the fCK_PSC is the prescaler clock source.
PSCV[15:0] + 1

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32-Bit Arm® Cortex® -M0+ MCU

Timer Counter Reload Register – CRR

This register specifies the timer counter reload value.
Offset: 0x088
Reset value: 0x0000_FFFF

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Single-Channel Timer (SCTM)

23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16
15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8
Type/Reset RW 1 RW 1 RW 1 RW 1 RW 1 RW 1 RW 1 RW 1
7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
Type/Reset RW 1 RW 1 RW 1 RW 1 RW 1 RW 1 RW 1 RW 1

Bits Field Descriptions

[15:0] CRV Counter Reload Value
The CRV is the reload value which is loaded into the actual counter register.

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32-Bit Arm® Cortex® -M0+ MCU

Channel Capture/Compare Register – CHCCR

This register specifies the timer channel capture/compare value.
Offset: 0x090
Reset value: 0x0000_0000

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Single-Channel Timer (SCTM)

23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16
15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8
Type/Reset RW 0 RW 0 RW 0 RW 0 RW 0 RW 0 RW 0 RW 0
7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
Type/Reset RW 0 RW 0 RW 0 RW 0 RW 0 RW 0 RW 0 RW 0

Bits Field Descriptions

[15:0] CHCCV Channel Capture/Compare Value
- When Channel is configured as an output
The CHCCR value is compared with the counter value and the comparison result
is used to trigger the CHOREF output signal.
- When Channel is configured as an input
The CHCCR register stores the counter value captured by the last channel
capture event.

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32-Bit Arm® Cortex® -M0+ MCU

18 Real Time Clock (RTC)

The Real Time Clock, RTC, circuitry includes the APB interface, a 32-bit up-counter, a control
register, a prescalmer, a compare register and a status register. Most of the RTC circuits are located
in the Backup Domain, as shown shaded in the accompanying figure, except for the APB interface.

Real Time Clock (RTC)

The APB interface is located in the V DD15 domain. Therefore, it is necessary to be isolated from
the ISO signal that comes from the power control unit when the VDD15 domain is powered off, i.e.,
when the device enters the Power-Down mode. The RTC counter is used as a wakeup timer to let
the system resume from the Power-Down mode. The detailed RTC function will be described in the
following sections.

Prescaler CSECFLAG
( To NVIC )

ISO 32 bits counter OVFLAG


APB Interface 32
Compare set OVWEN
and CMFLAG ( To EXTI and PWRCU )
ISO & Level Shift

Back-up Power Domain CMWEN


1.5V Core Power Domain


Figure 133. RTC Block Diagram

▄▄ 32-bit up counter for counting elapsed time
▄▄ Programmable clock prescaler
●● Division factor: 1, 2, 4, 8, …, 32768
▄▄ 32-bit compare register for alarm usage
▄▄ RTC clock source
●● LSE oscillator clock
●● LSI oscillator clock
▄▄ Three RTC Interrupt/wakeup settings
●● RTC second clock interrupt/wakeup
●● RTC compare match interrupt/wakeup
●● RTC counter overflow interrupt/wakeup
▄▄ The RTC interrupt/wakeup event can work together with power management to wake up the chip
from power saving mode

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32-Bit Arm® Cortex® -M0+ MCU

Functional Descriptions
RTC Related Register Reset
The RTC registers can only be reset by either a Backup Domain power on reset, PORB, or by a
Backup Domain software reset by setting the BAKRST bit in the BAKCR register. Other reset
events have no effect to clear the RTC registers.

Reading RTC Register

Real Time Clock (RTC)

The RTC control logic and the related registers are powered by the V BAK supply voltage. Therefore,
the RTC circuitry remains operational in the Power-Down mode where VDD15 is powered off. Only
the APB bus, which is located in the VDD15 domain, is interconnected to the circuits located in the
VBAK domain using level shift circuitry and isolated by the ISO signals when the V DD15 supply
voltage is powered off. The isolation function must be disabled by setting the BAKISO bit to 1 in
the LPCR register as described in the Clock Control Unit before accessing the RTC registers using
the APB bus.

Low Speed Clock Configuration

The default RTC clock source, CK_RTC, is derived from the LSI oscillator. The CK_RTC clock
can be derived from either the external 32768 Hz crystal oscillator, named the LSE oscillator, or
the internal 32K RC oscillator named the LSI oscillator, by setting the RTCSRC bit in the RTCCR
register. A prescaler is provided to divide the CK_RTC by a ratio ranged from 20 to 215 determined
by the RPRE [3:0] field. For instance, setting the prescaler value RPRE [3:0] to 0x0F will generate
an exact 1 Hz CK_SECOND clock if the CK_RTC clock frequency is equal to 32,768 Hz. The
LSI and LSE oscillators can be enabled by the LSIEN and LSEEN control bits in the RTCCR
register respectively. In addition, the LSE oscillator startup mode can be selected by configuring
the LSESM bit in the RTCCR register. This enables the LSE oscillator to have either a shorter
startup time or a lower power consumption, both of which are traded off depending upon specific
application requirements. An example of the startup time and the power consumption for different
startup modes are shown in the accompanying table for reference.
Table 42. LSE Startup Mode Operating Current and Startup Time
LSECM Setting
Startup mode Operating Current Startup time
in the RTCCR register
Normal startup 0 2.0 μA Above 500 ms
Fast startup 1 3.5 μA Below 300 ms
@ VDD = 3.3 V and LSE clock = 32,768 Hz; these values are only for reference, actual values are
dependent on the specification of the external 32.768KHz crystal.

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32-Bit Arm® Cortex® -M0+ MCU

RTC Counter Operation

The RTC provides a 32-bit up-counter which increments at the falling edge of the CK_SECOND
clock and whose value can be read from the RTCCNT register asynchronously via the APB bus.
A 32-bit compare register, RTCCMP, is provided to store the specific value to be compared with
the RTCCNT content. This is used to define a pre-determined time interval. When the RTCCNT
register content is equal to the RTCCMP register value, the match flag CMFLAG in the RTCSR
register will be set by hardware and an interrupt or wakeup event can be sent according to the
corresponding enable bits in the RTCIWEN register. The RTC counter will be either reset to zero

Real Time Clock (RTC)

or keep counting when the compare match event occurs, dependent upon the CMPCLR bit in the
RTCCR register. For example, if the RPRE [3:0] is set to 0x0F, the RTCCMP register content is
set to a decimal value of 60 and the CMPCLR bit is set to 1, then the CMFLAG bit will be set
every minute. In addition, the OVFLAG bit in the RTCSR register will be set when the RTC
counter overflows. A read operation on the RTCSR register clears the status flags including the

Interrupt and Wakeup Control

The falling edge of the CK_SECOND clock causes the CSECFLAG bit in the RTCSR register
to be set and generates an interrupt if the corresponding interrupt enable bit, CSECIEN, in the
RTCIWEN register is set. The wakeup event can also be generated to wake up the HSI/HSE
oscillators, the PLL circuitry, the LDO and the CPU core if the corresponding wakeup enable
bit CSECWEN is set. When the RTC counter overflows or a compare match event occurs, it will
generate an interrupt or a wake up event determined by the corresponding interrupt or wakeup
enable control bits, OVIEN/OVWEN or CMIEN/CMWEN bits, in the RTCIWEN register. Refer to
the related register definitions for more details.

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32-Bit Arm® Cortex® -M0+ MCU

RTCOUT Output Pin Configuration

The following table shows RTCOUT output format according to the mode, polarity, and event
selection setting.
Table 43. RTCOUT Output Mode and Active Level Setting
ROWM ROES RTCOUT Output Waveform


Real Time Clock (RTC)

RTCCNT 3 4 5
Compare match

(Pulse mode)

RTCCNT 3 4 5
Second clock


RTCCNT 3 4 5

Compare match


(Level mode)

RTCCNT 3 4 5

Second clock

ROLF → →
TR: RTCOUT output pulse time = 1 / fCK_RTC
→: Clear by software reading ROLF bit

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32-Bit Arm® Cortex® -M0+ MCU

Register Map
The following table shows the RTC registers and reset values. Note all the registers in this unit are
located at the V BAK backup power domain.
Table 44. RTC Register Map
Register Offset Description Reset Value
RTCCNT 0x000 RTC Counter Register 0x0000_0000
RTCCMP 0x004 RTC Compare Register 0x0000_0000

Real Time Clock (RTC)

RTCCR 0x008 RTC Control Register 0x0000_0F04
RTCSR 0x00C RTC Status Register 0x0000_0000
RTCIWEN 0x010 RTC Interrupt and Wakeup Enable Register 0x0000_0000

Register Descriptions
RTC Counter Register – RTCCNT
This register defines a 32-bit up counter which is incremented by the CK_SECOND clock.
Offset: 0x000
Reset value: 0x0000_0000

31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24
Type/Reset RO 0 RO 0 RO 0 RO 0 RO 0 RO 0 RO 0 RO 0
23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16
Type/Reset RO 0 RO 0 RO 0 RO 0 RO 0 RO 0 RO 0 RO 0
15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8
Type/Reset RO 0 RO 0 RO 0 RO 0 RO 0 RO 0 RO 0 RO 0
7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
Type/Reset RO 0 RO 0 RO 0 RO 0 RO 0 RO 0 RO 0 RO 0

Bits Field Descriptions

[31:0] RTCCNTV RTC Counter Value
The current value of the RTC counter is returned when reading the RTCCNT
register. The RTCCNT register is updated during the falling edge of the CK_
SECOND. This register is reset by one of the following conditions:
- Backup Domain software reset - set the BAKRST bit in the BAKCR register
- Backup Domain power on reset - PORB
- Compare match (RTCCNT=RTCCMP) when CMPCLR=1 (in the RTCCR register)
- RTCEN bit changed from 0 to 1

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32-Bit Arm® Cortex® -M0+ MCU

RTC Compare Register – RTCCMP

This register defines a specific value to be compared with the RTC counter value.
Offset: 0x004
Reset value: 0x0000_0000 (Reset by Backup Domain reset only)

31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24
Type/Reset RW 0 RW 0 RW 0 RW 0 RW 0 RW 0 RW 0 RW 0

Real Time Clock (RTC)

23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16
Type/Reset RW 0 RW 0 RW 0 RW 0 RW 0 RW 0 RW 0 RW 0
15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8
Type/Reset RW 0 RW 0 RW 0 RW 0 RW 0 RW 0 RW 0 RW 0
7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
Type/Reset RW 0 RW 0 RW 0 RW 0 RW 0 RW 0 RW 0 RW 0

Bits Field Descriptions

[31:0] RTCCMPV RTC Compare Match Value
A match condition happens when the value in the RTCCNT register is equal to
RTCCMP value. An interrupt can be generated if the CMIEN bit in the RTCIWEN
register is set. When the CMPCLR bit in the RTCCR register is set to 0 and a match
condition happens, the CMFLAG bit in the RTCSR register is set while the value in
the RTCCNT register is not affected and will continue to count until overflow. When
the CMPCLR bit is set to 1 and a match condition happens, the CMFLAG bit in the
RTCSR register is set and the RTCCNT register will be reset to zero and then the
counter continues to count.

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32-Bit Arm® Cortex® -M0+ MCU

RTC Control Register – RTCCR

This register specifies a range of RTC circuitry control bits.
Offset: 0x008
Reset value: 0x0000_0F04 (Reset by Backup Domain reset only)

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Real Time Clock (RTC)

23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16
Type/Reset RC 0 RW 0 RW 0 RW 0 RW 0
15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8
Reserved RPRE
Type/Reset RW 1 RW 1 RW 1 RW 1
7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
Type/Reset RW 0 RW 0 RW 0 RW 1 RW 0 RW 0

Bits Field Descriptions

[20] ROLF RTCOUT Level Mode Flag
0: RTCOUT Output is inactive
1: RTCOUT Output is holding as active level
Set by hardware when level mode (ROWM = 1) and a RTCOUT output event
occurred. Cleared by software reading this flag. The RTCOUT signal will return to
the inactive level after software has read this bit.
[19] ROAP RTCOUT Output is active Polarity
0: Active level is high
1: Active level is low
[18] ROWM RTCOUT Output Waveform Mode
0: Pulse mode
The output pulse duration is one RTC clock (CK_RTC) period.
1: Level mode
The RTCOUT signal will remain at an active level until the ROLF bit is cleared by
software reading the ROLF bit.
[17] ROES RTCOUT Output Event Selection
0: RTC compare match is selected
1: RTC second clock (CK_SECOND) event is selected
The ROES bit can be used to select whether the RTCOUT signal is output on the
RTCOUT pin when a RTC compare match event or the RTC second clock (CK_
SECOND) event occurs.
[16] ROEN RTCOUT Output Pin Enable
0: Disable RTCOUT output pin
1: Enable RTCOUT output pin
When the ROEN bit is set to 1, the RTCOUT signal will be at an active level once
a RTC compare match on the RTC second clock (CK_SECOOD) event occurs.
The active polarity and output waveform mode can be configured by the ROAP and
ROWM bits respectively. When the ROEN bit is cleared to 0, the RTCOUT pin will
be in a floating state.

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32-Bit Arm® Cortex® -M0+ MCU

Bits Field Descriptions

[11:8] RPRE RTC Clock Prescaler Select
0000: CK_SECOND = CK_RTC / 20
0001: CK_SECOND = CK_RTC / 21
0010: CK_SECOND = CK_RTC / 22

1111: CK_SECOND = CK_RTC / 215
[5] LSESM LSE oscillator Startup Mode

Real Time Clock (RTC)

0: Normal startup and requires less operating power
1: Fast startup but requires higher operating current
[4] CMPCLR Compare Match Counter Clear
0: 32-bit RTC counter is not affected when compare match condition occurs
1: 32-bit RTC counter is cleared when compare match condition occurs
[3] LSEEN LSE oscillator Enable Control
0: LSE oscillator disabled
1: LSE oscillator enabled
[2] LSIEN LSI oscillator Enable Control
0: LSI oscillator disabled
1: LSI oscillator enabled
The LSIEN bit default value is 1 which means the LSI oscillator is enabled
automatically after the Backup Domain powered up.
Note: After the backup domain is powered on, the internal LSI RC oscillator will
start to oscillate. The frequency range of the LSI oscillator is shown in the LSI
oscillator electrical characteristics in the datasheet. The device also provides
a production trim value to obtain a more accurate oscillation frequency. The
procedure is to disable the LSI oscillator and then enable it again after the
backup domain is powered on. After the trimming procedure has completed,
the system will automatically load the production trim value to the frequency
trimming circuit of the LSI RC oscillator.
[1] RTCSRC RTC Clock Source Selection
0: LSI oscillator selected as the RTC clock source
1: LSE oscillator selected as the RTC clock source
[0] RTCEN RTC Enable Control
0: RTC is disabled
1: RTC is enabled

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32-Bit Arm® Cortex® -M0+ MCU

RTC Status Register – RTCSR

This register stores the counter flags.
Offset: 0x00C
Reset value: 0x0000_0000 (Reset by Backup Domain reset and RTCEN bit change from 1 to 0)

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Real Time Clock (RTC)

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7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
Type/Reset RC 0 RC 0 RC 0

Bits Field Descriptions

[2] OVFLAG Counter Overflow Flag
0: Counter overflow not occurred since the last RTCSR register read operation
1: Counter overflow has occurred since the last RTCSR register read operation
This bit is set by hardware when the counter value in the RTCCNT register changes
from 0xFFFF_FFFF to 0x0000_0000 and cleared by read operation. This bit is
suggested to read in the RTC IRQ handler and should be taken care when software
polling is used.
[1] CMFLAG Compare Match Condition Flag
0: Compare match condition does not occurred since the last RTCSR register
read operation
1: Compare match condition has occurred since the last RTCSR register read
This bit is set by hardware on the CK_SECOND clock falling edge when the
RTCCNT register value is equal to the RTCCMP register content. It is cleared by
software reading this bit. This bit is suggested for access in the corresponding RTC
interrupt routine – do not use software polling during software free running.
[0] CSECFLAG CK_SECOND Occurrence Flag
0: CK_SECOND does not occurred since the last RTCSR register read operation
1: CK_SECOND has occurred since the last RTCSR register read operation
This bit is set by hardware on the CK_SECOND clock falling edge. It is cleared by
software reading this bit. This bit is suggested for access in the corresponding RTC
interrupt routine – do not use software polling during software free running.

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32-Bit Arm® Cortex® -M0+ MCU

RTC Interrupt and Wakeup Enable Register – RTCIWEN

This register contains the interrupt and wakeup enable bits.
Offset: 0x010
Reset value: 0x0000_0000 (Reset by Backup Domain reset only)

31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24

Real Time Clock (RTC)

23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16
15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8
Type/Reset RW 0 RW 0 RW 0
7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
Type/Reset RW 0 RW 0 RW 0

Bits Field Descriptions

[10] OVWEN Counter Overflow Wakeup Enable
0: Counter overflow wakeup disabled
1: Counter overflow wakeup enabled
[9] CMWEN Compare Match Wakeup Enable
0: Compare match wakeup disabled
1: Compare match wakeup enabled
[8] CSECWEN Counter Clock CK_SECOND Wakeup Enable
0: Counter Clock CK_SECOND wakeup disabled
1: Counter Clock CK_SECOND wakeup enabled
[2] OVIEN Counter Overflow Interrupt Enable
0: Counter Overflow Interrupt disabled
1: Counter Overflow Interrupt enabled
[1] CMIEN Compare Match Interrupt Enable
0: Compare Match Interrupt disabled
1: Compare Match Interrupt enabled
[0] CSECIEN Counter Clock CK_SECOND Interrupt Enable
0: Counter Clock CK_SECOND Interrupt disabled
1: Counter Clock CK_SECOND Interrupt enabled

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32-Bit Arm® Cortex® -M0+ MCU

19 Watchdog Timer (WDT)

The Watchdog timer is a hardware timing circuitry that can be used to detect a system lock-up
due to software trapped in a deadlock. The Watchdog timer can be operated in a reset mode. The
Watchdog timer will generate a reset when the counter counts down to a zero value. Therefore, the

Watchdog Timer (WDT)

software should reload the counter value before a Watchdog timer underflow occurs. In addition, a
reset is also generated if the software reloads the counter before it reaches a delta value. That means
that the Watchdog timer prevents a software deadlock that continuously triggers the Watchdog, the
reload must occur when the Watchdog timer value has a value within a limited window of 0 and
WDTD. The Watchdog timer counter can be stopped when the processor is in the debug or sleep
mode. The register write protection function can be enabled to prevent an unexpected change in the
Watchdog timer configuration.



Reload Underflow


LSI RC Clear
32kHz 0
CK_WDT Prescaler
12-bit Down
LSE OSC 1 /2 /4
1 Counter WDT_RSTn
32.768kHz /8…/128


Read WDTSR Register
WDT Error

Figure 134. Watchdog Timer Block Diagram

▄▄ Clock source from either internal 32 kHz RC oscillator (LSI) or 32,768 Hz oscillator (LSE)
▄▄ Can be independently setup to keep running or to stop when entering the sleep or deep sleep
mode 1
▄▄ 12-bit down counter with 3-bit prescaler structure
▄▄ Provides reset to the system
▄▄ Limited reload window setup function for custom Watchdog timer reload times
▄▄ Watchdog Timer may be stopped when the processor is in the debug
▄▄ Reload lock key to prevent unexpected operation
▄▄ Configuration register write protection function for counter value, reset enable, delta value, and

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32-Bit Arm® Cortex® -M0+ MCU

Functional Description
The Watchdog timer is formed from a 12-bit count-down counter and a fixed 3-bit prescaler. The
largest time-out period is 16 seconds, using the LSE or LSI clock and a 1/128 maximum prescaler

The Watchdog timer configuration setup includes a programmable counter reload value, reset
enable, window value and prescaler value. These configurations are setup using the WDTMR0
and WDTMR1 registers which must be properly programmed before the Watchdog timer starts

Watchdog Timer (WDT)

counting. In order to prevent unexpected write operations to those configurations, a register write
protection function can be enabled by writing any value, other than 0x35CA to PROTECT[15:0],
in the WDTPR register. A value of 0x35CA can be written to PROTECT[15:0] to disable the
register write protection function before accessing any configuration register. A read operation on
PROTECT[0] can obtain the enable/disable status of the register write protection function.

During normal operation, the Watchdog timer counter should be reloaded before it underflows to
prevent the generation of a Watchdog reset. The 12-bit count-down counter can be reloaded with
the required Watchdog Timer Counter Value (WDTV) by first setting the WDTRS bit to1 with the
correct key, which is 0x5FA0 in the WDTCR register.

If a software deadlock occurs during a Watchdog timer reload routine, the reload operation will
still go ahead and therefore the software deadlock cannot be detected. To prevent this situation
from occurring, the reload operation must be executed in such a way that the value of the Watchdog
timer counter is limited within a delta value (WDTD). If the Watchdog timer counter value is
greater than the delta value and a reload operation is executed, a Watchdog Timer error will
occur. The Watchdog timer error will generate a Watchdog reset if the related functional control is
enabled. Additionally, the above features can be disabled by programming a WDTD value greater
than or equal to the WDTV value.

The WDTERR and WDTUF f lags in the WDTSR register will be set respectively when the
Watchdog timer underflows or when a Watchdog timer error occurs. A system reset or write-one
operation on the WDTSR register clears the WDTERR and WDTUF flags.

The watchdog timer uses two clocks: PCLK and CK_WDT. The PCLK clock is used for APB
access to the watchdog registers. The CK_WDT clock is used for the Watchdog timer functionality
and counting. There is some synchronization logic between these two clock domains.

When the system enters the Sleep or Deep sleep mode 1, the Watchdog timer counter will either
continue to count or stop depending on the WDTSHLT bits in the WDTMR0 register. The
Watchdog stops counting when the WDTSHLT bits are set in the Sleep mode. The count value
is retained so that it continues counting after the system is woken up from the Sleep mode. A
Watchdog reset will occur any time when the Watchdog timer is running and when it has an
operating clock source. When the system enters the debug mode, the Watchdog timer counter will
either continue to count or stop depending on the DBWDT bit (in the MCUDBGCR register) in the
Clock Control Unit.

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32-Bit Arm® Cortex® -M0+ MCU

The Watchdog timer should be used in the following manners:

▄▄ Set the Watchdog timer reload value (WDTV) and reset in the WDTMR0 register.
▄▄ Set the Watchdog timer delta value (WDTD) and prescaler in the WDTMR1 register.
▄▄ Start the Watchdog timer by writing to the WDTCR register with WDTRS = 1 and RSKEY =
▄▄ Write to the WDTPR register to lock all the Watchdog timer registers except for WDTCR and

Watchdog Timer (WDT)

▄▄ The Watchdog timer counter should be reloaded again within the delta value (WDTD).

Reset occurred
C ounter value

Reset not occurred


Reload is not allowed


Reload is allowed

Start counter Reload counter when Reload counter when counter > WDTD
counter <= WDTD Watchdog Timer error
Normal behavior
Watchdog Timer underflow

Figure 135. Watchdog Timer Behavior

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32-Bit Arm® Cortex® -M0+ MCU

Register Map
The following table shows the Watchdog Timer registers and reset values.
Table 45. Watchdog Timer Register Map
Register Offset Description Reset Value
WDTCR 0x000 Watchdog Timer Control Register 0x0000_0000
WDTMR0 0x004 Watchdog Timer Mode Register 0 0x0000_0FFF
WDTMR1 0x008 Watchdog Timer Mode Register 1 0x0000_7FFF

Watchdog Timer (WDT)

WDTSR 0x00C Watchdog Timer Status Register 0x0000_0000
WDTPR 0x010 Watchdog Timer Protection Register 0x0000_0000
WDTCSR 0x018 Watchdog Timer Clock Selection Register 0x0000_0000

Register Descriptions
Watchdog Timer Control Register – WDTCR
This register is used to reload the Watchdog timer.
Offset: 0x000
Reset value: 0x0000_0000

31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24
Type/Reset WO 0 WO 0 WO 0 WO 0 WO 0 WO 0 WO 0 WO 0
23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16
Type/Reset WO 0 WO 0 WO 0 WO 0 WO 0 WO 0 WO 0 WO 0
15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8
7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
Reserved WDTRS
Type/Reset WO 0

Bits Field Descriptions

[31:16] RSKEY Watchdog Timer Reload Lock Key
The RSKEY [15:0] bits should be written with a 0x5FA0 value to enable the WDT
reload operation function. Writing any other value except 0x5FA0 in this field will
abort the write operation.
[0] WDTRS Watchdog Timer Reload
0: No effect
1: Reload Watchdog Timer.
This bit is used to reload the Watchdog timer counter as a WDTV value which
is stored in the WDTMR0 register. It is set to 1 by software and cleared to 0 by
hardware automatically.

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Watchdog Timer Mode Register 0 – WDTMR0

This register specifies the Watchdog timer counter reload value and reset enable control.
Offset: 0x004
Reset value: 0x0000_0FFF

31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24

Watchdog Timer (WDT)

23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16
Reserved WDTEN
Type/Reset RW 0
15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8
Type/Reset RW 0 RW 0 RW 0 RW 1 RW 1 RW 1 RW 1
7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
Type/Reset RW 1 RW 1 RW 1 RW 1 RW 1 RW 1 RW 1 RW 1

Bits Field Descriptions

[16] WDTEN Watchdog Timer Running Enable
0: Watchdog timer is disabled
1: Watchdog timer is enabled to run.
When the Watchdog timer is disabled, the counter will be reset to its hardware
default condition. When the WDTEN bit is set, the Watchdog timer will be reloaded
with the WDTV value and count down.
[15:14] WDTSHLT Watchdog Timer Sleep Halt
00: The Watchdog runs when the system is in the Sleep mode or Deep Sleep
mode 1
01: The Watchdog runs when the system is in the Sleep mode and halts in Deep
Sleep mode 1
10 or 11: The Watchdog halts when the system is in the Sleep mode and Deep
Sleep mode 1
Note that the Watchdog timer always halts when the system is in Deep Sleep mode
2. If a Watchdog interrupt occurs in Sleep or Deep Sleep mode 1, it will wake up the
device. The Watchdog stops counting when the WDTSHLT bits are set in the Sleep
mode. The count value is retained so that it continues counting after the system
wakes up from the Sleep mode.
[13] WDTRSTEN Watchdog Timer Reset Enable
0: A Watchdog Timer underflow or error has no effect on the reset of system.
1: A Watchdog Timer underflow or error triggers a Watchdog timer system reset.
[11:0] WDTV Watchdog Timer Counter Value
WDTV defines the value loaded into the 12-bit Watchdog down counter.

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Watchdog Timer Mode Register 1 – WDTMR1

This register specifies the Watchdog delta value and the prescaler selection.
Offset: 0x008
Reset value: 0x0000_7FFF

31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24

Watchdog Timer (WDT)

23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16
15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8
Reserved WPSC WDTD
Type/Reset RW 1 RW 1 RW 1 RW 1 RW 1 RW 1 RW 1
7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
Type/Reset RW 1 RW 1 RW 1 RW 1 RW 1 RW 1 RW 1 RW 1

Bits Field Descriptions

[14:12] WPSC Watchdog Timer Prescaler Selection
000: 1/1
001: 1/2
010: 1/4
011: 1/8
100: 1/16
101: 1/32
110: 1/64
111: 1/128
[11:0] WDTD Watchdog Timer Delta Value
Define the permitted range to reload the Watchdog timer. If the Watchdog timer
counter value is less than or equal to WDTD, writing to the WDTCR register with
WDTRS = 1 and RSKEY = 0x5FA0 will reload the timer. If the Watchdog Timer value
is greater than WDTD, then writing WDTCR with WDTRS = 1 and RSKEY = 0x5FA0
will cause a Watchdog Timer error. This feature can be disabled by programming a
WDTD value greater then or equal to the WDTV value.

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Watchdog Timer Status Register – WDTSR

This register specifies the Watchdog timer status.
Offset: 0x00C
Reset value: 0x0000_0000

31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24

Watchdog Timer (WDT)

23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16
15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8
7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
Type/Reset WC 0 WC 0

Bits Field Descriptions

[1] WDTERR Watchdog Timer Error
0: No Watchdog timer error has occurred since the last read of this register
1: A Watchdog timer error has occurred since the last read of this register
Note: A reload operation when the Watchdog timer counter value is larger than
WDTD causes a Watchdog timer error. Note that this bit is a write-one-clear
[0] WDTUF Watchdog timer Underflow
0: No Watchdog timer underflow since the last read of this register
1: A Watchdog timer underflow has occurred since the last read of this register
Note that this bit is a write-one-clear flag.

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Watchdog Timer Protection Register – WDTPR

This register specifies the Watchdog timer protect key configuration.
Offset: 0x010
Reset value: 0x0000_0000

31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24

Watchdog Timer (WDT)

23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16
15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8
Type/Reset RW 0 RW 0 RW 0 RW 0 RW 0 RW 0 RW 0 RW 0
7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
Type/Reset RW 0 RW 0 RW 0 RW 0 RW 0 RW 0 RW 0 RW 0

Bits Field Descriptions

[15:0] PROTECT Watchdog Timer Register Protection
For write operation:
0x35CA: Disable the Watchdog timer register write protection
Others: Enable the Watchdog timer register write protection
For read operation:
0x0000: Watchdog timer register write protection is disabled
0x0001: Watchdog timer register write protection is enabled
This register is used to enable/disable the Watchdog timer configuration register
write protection function. All configuration registers become read only except for
WDTCR and WDTPR when the register write protection is enabled. Additionally, the
read operation of PROTECT[0] can obtain the enable/disable status of the register
write protection function.

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Watchdog Timer Clock Selection Register – WDTCSR

This register specifies the Watchdog timer clock source selection and lock configuration.
Offset: 0x018
Reset value: 0x0000_0000

31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24

Watchdog Timer (WDT)

23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16
15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8
7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
Reserved WDTLOCK Reserved WDTSEL
Type/Reset RW 0 RW 0

Bits Field Descriptions

[4] WDTLOCK Watchdog Timer Lock Mode
0: This bit is only set to 0 on any reset. It cannot be cleared by software.
1: This bit is set once only by software and locks the Watchdog timer function.
Software can set this bit to 1 at any time. Once the WDTLOCK bit is set, the function
and registers of the Watchdog timer cannot be modified or disabled, including the
Watchdog timer clock source, and only waits for a system reset to disable the lock
[0] WDTSRC Watchdog Timer Clock Source Selection
0: Internal 32 kHz RC oscillator clock selected (LSI)
1: External 32.768 kHz crystal oscillator clock selected (LSE)
Select using software to control the Watchdog timer clock source.

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32-Bit Arm® Cortex® -M0+ MCU

20 Inter-Integrated Circuit (I2C)

The I2C Module is an internal circuit allowing communication with an external I2C interface which
is an industry standard two line serial interface used for connection to external hardware. These
two serial lines are known as a serial data line, SDA, and a serial clock line, SCL. The I2C module

Inter-Integrated Circuit (I2C)

provides three data transfer rates: (1) 100 kHz in the Standard mode, (2) 400 kHz in the Fast mode
and (3) 1MHz in the Fast-mode plus. The SCL period generation register is used to setup different
kinds of duty cycle implementation for the SCL pulse.

The SDA line which is connected to the whole I2C bus is a bi-directional data line between the
master and slave devices used for the transmission and reception of data. The I2C module also has
an arbitration detection function to prevent the situation where more than one master attempts to
transmit data on the I2C bus at the same time.


Control Register Interrupts

SCL High/Low SCL_out
Generator control

Target Register SCL Sync

SDA out

control SDA_out

Data Shift Register Sync SDA_in

SCL Edge
Detect SCL_in
Data Register

Address Address
Register Comparator


Bus Status

Figure 136. I2C Module Block Diagram

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▄▄ Two–wire I2C serial interface
●● Serial data line (SDA) and serial clock (SCL)
▄▄ Multiple speed modes
●● Standard mode – 100 kHz
●● Fast mode – 400 kHz
●● Fast mode plus – 1 MHz

Inter-Integrated Circuit (I2C)

▄▄ Bi-directional data transfer between master and slave
▄▄ Multi-master bus – no central master
●● The same interface can act as Master or Slave
▄▄ Arbitration among simultaneously transmitting masters without corrupting of serial data on the bus
▄▄ Clock synchronization
●● Allow devices with different bit rates to communicate via one serial bus
▄▄ Supports 7-bit and 10-bit addressing mode and general call addressing.
▄▄ Multiple slave addresses using address mask function
▄▄ Time-out function
▄▄ Supports PDMA Interface

Functional Descriptions
Two Wire Serial Interface
The I2C module has two external lines, the serial data SDA and serial clock SCL lines, to carry
information between the interconnected devices connected to the bus. The SCL and SDA lines are
both bidirectional and must be connected to a pull-high resistor. When the I2C bus is in the free or
idle state, both pins are at a high level to perform the required wired-AND function for multiple
connected devices.

START and STOP Conditions

A master device can initialize a transfer by sending a START signal and terminate the transfer with
a STOP signal. A START signal is usually referred to as the “S” bit, which is defined as a High to
Low transition on the SDA line while the SCL line is high. A STOP signal is usually referred to as
the “P” bit, which is defined as a Low to High transition on the SDA line while SCL is high.

A repeated START, which is denoted as the “Sr” bit, is functionally identical to the normal START
condition. A repeated START signal allows the I2C interface to communicate with another slave
device or with the same device but in a different transfer direction without releasing the I2C bus

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Inter-Integrated Circuit (I2C)


START Condition STOP Condition

Figure 137. START and STOP Condition

Data Validity
The data on the SDA line must be stable during the high period of the SCL clock. The SDA data
state can only be changed when the clock signal on the SCL line is in a low state.



Change of
Stable data line
data allowed

Figure 138. Data Validity

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32-Bit Arm® Cortex® -M0+ MCU

Addressing Format
The I2C interface starts to transfer data after the master device has sent the address to confirm the
targeted slave device. The address frame is sent just after the START signal by master device. The
addressing mode selection bit named ADRM in the I2CCR register should be defined to choose
either the 7-bit or 10-bit addressing mode.

7-bits Address Format

The 7-bit address format is composed of the seven-bit length slave address, which the master device

Inter-Integrated Circuit (I2C)

wants to communicate with a R/W bit and an ACK bit. The R/W bit defines the direction of the
data transfer.

R/W=0 (Write): The master transmits data to the addressed slave.

R/W=1 (Read): The master receives data from the addressed slave.

The slave address can be assigned through the ADDR field in the I2CADDR register. The slave
device sends back the acknowledge bit (ACK) if its slave address matches the transmitted address
sent by master.

Note that it is forbidden to own the same address for two slave devices.

Send by master


S A6 A5 A4 A3 A2 A1 A0 R/W ACK

Slave address
Send by slave
S = START condition

R/W = 1: Read direction

= 0: Write direction
ACK = Acknowledge bit

Figure 139. 7-bit Addressing Mode

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32-Bit Arm® Cortex® -M0+ MCU

10-bit Address Format

In order to prevent address clashes, due to the limited range of the 7-bit addresses, a new 10-bit
address scheme has been introduced. This enhancement can be mixed with the 7-bit addressing
mode which increases the available address range about ten times. For the 10-bit addressing mode,
the first two bytes after a START signal include a header byte and an address byte that usually
determines which slave will be selected by the master. The header byte is composed of a leading
“11110”, 10th and 9th bits of the slave address. The second byte is the remaining 8 bit address of the
slave device.

Inter-Integrated Circuit (I2C)


S 1 1 1 1 0 A9 A8 W Ack A7 A6 A5 A4 A3 A2 A1 A0 Ack Data

S = START condition
W = Write command
Ack = Acknowledge
A9 ~ A0 = 10-bits Address

Figure 140. 10-bit Addressing Write Transmit Mode


S 1 1 1 1 0 A9 A8 W Ack A7 A6 A5 A4 A3 A2 A1 A0 Ack Sr 1 1 1 1 0 A9 A8 R Ack Data

S = START condition
Sr = Repeated-START condition
W = Write command
R = Read command
Ack = Acknowledge
A9 ~ A0 = 10-bits Address

Figure 141. 10-bit Addressing Read Receive Mode

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Data Transfer and Acknowledge

Once the slave device address has been matched, the data can be transmitted to or received from
the slave device according to the transfer direction specified by the R/W bit. Each byte is followed
by an acknowledge bit on the 9th SCL clock

If the slave device returns a Not Acknowledge (NACK) signal to the master device, the master
device can generate a STOP signal to terminate the data transfer or generate a repeated START
signal to restart the transfer.

Inter-Integrated Circuit (I2C)

If the master device sends a Not Acknowledge (NACK) signal to the slave device, the slave device
should release the SDA line for the master device to generate a STOP signal to terminate the

Data Frame

Acknowledge bit

SCL from
Master 1 2 8 9

Data output
Not acknowledge

Data output
by Receiver

Figure 142. I2C Bus Acknowledge

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32-Bit Arm® Cortex® -M0+ MCU

Clock Synchronization
Only one master device can generate the SCL clock under normal operation. However when there
is more than one master trying to generate the SCL clock, the clock should be synchronized so
that the data output can be compared. Clock synchronization is performed using the wired-AND
connection of the I2C interface to the SCL line.

Wait Start High

Inter-Integrated Circuit (I2C)

state period

SCL from
device 1

SCL from
device 2

SCL on

Figure 143. Clock Synchronization during Arbitration

A master may start a transfer only if the I2C bus line is in the free or idle mode. If two or more
masters generate a START signal at approximately the same time, an arbitration procedure will

Arbitration takes place on the SDA line and can continue for many bits. The arbitration procedure
gives a higher priority to the device that transmits serial data with a binary low bit (logic low).
Other master devices which want to transmit binary high bits (logic high) will lose the arbitration.
As soon as a master loses the arbitration, the I2C module will set the ARBLOS bit in the I2CSR
register and generate an interrupt if the interrupt enable bit, ARBLSIEN, in the I2CIER register is
set to 1. Meanwhile, it stops sending data and listens to the bus in order to detect an I2C stop signal.
When the stop signal is detected, the master which has lost the arbitration may try to access the bus


from 1 0 1
device 1 Device 1 loses arbitration

from 1 0 0 1 1
device 2

SDA line 1 0 0 1 1

Figure 144. Two Master Arbitration Procedure

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32-Bit Arm® Cortex® -M0+ MCU

General Call Addressing

The general call addressing function can be used to address all the devices connected to the I2C
bus. The master device can activate the general call function by writing a value “00” into the TAR
and setting the RWD bit to 0 in the I2CTAR register on the addressing frame.

The device can support the general call addressing function by setting the corresponding enable
control bit GCEN to 1. If the GCEN bit is set to 1 to support the general call addressing, the AA bit
in the I2CCR register should also be set to 1 to send an acknowledge signal back when the device

Inter-Integrated Circuit (I2C)

receives an address frame with a value of 00H. When this condition occurs, the general call flag,
GCS, will be set to 1, but the ADRS flag will not be set.

Bus Error
If an unpredictable START or STOP condition occurs when the data is being transferred on the I2C
bus, it will be considered as a bus error and the transferring data will be aborted. When a bus error
event occurs, the relevant bus error flag BUSERR in the I2CSR register will set to 1 and both the
SDA and SCL lines are released. The BUSERR flag should be cleared by writing a 1 to it to initiate
the I2C module to an idle state.

Address Mask Enable

The I2C module provides address mask function for user to decide which address bit can be ignored
during the comparison with the address frame sent from the master. The ADRS flag will be
asserted when the unmasked address bits and the address frame sent from the master are matched.
Note that this function is only available in the slave mode.

For instance, the user sets a data transfer with 7-bit addressing mode together with the I2CADDMR
register value as 0x05h and the I2CADDR register value as 0x55h, this means if an address which
is sent by an I2C master on the bus is equal to 0x50h, 0x51h, 0x54h or 0x55h, the I2C slave address
will all be considered to be matched and the ADRS flag in the I2CSR register will be asserted after
the address frame.

Address Snoop
The Address Snoop register, I2CADDSR, is used to monitor the calling address on the I2C bus
during the whole data transfer operation no matter if the I2C module operates as a master or a slave
device. Note that the I2CADDSR register is a read only register and each calling address on the I2C
bus will be stored in the I2CADDSR register automatically even if the I2C device is not addressed.

Operation Mode
The I2C module can operate in one of the following modes:
▄▄ Master Transmitter
▄▄ Master Receiver
▄▄ Slave Transmitter
▄▄ Slave Receiver
The I2C module operates in the slave mode by default. The interface will switch to the master mode
automatically after generating a START signal.

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Master Transmitter Mode

Start condition
Users write the target slave device address and communication direction into the I2CTAR register
after setting the I2CEN bit in the I2CCR register. The STA flag in the I2CSR register is set by
hardware after a start condition occurs. In order to send the following address frame, the STA flag
must be cleared to 0 if it has been set to 1. The STA flag is cleared by reading the I2CSR register.

Address Frame

Inter-Integrated Circuit (I2C)

The ADRS flag in the I2CSR register will be set after the address frame is sent by the master
device and the acknowledge signal from the address matched slave device is received. In order
to send the following data frame, the ADRS flag must be cleared to 0 if it has been set to 1. The
ADRS bit is cleared by reading the I2CSR register.

Data Frame
The data to be transmitted to the slave device must be transferred to the I2CDR register.

The TXDE bit in the I2CSR register is set to indicate that the I2CDR register is empty, which
results in the SCL line being held at a logic low state. New data must then be transferred to the
I2CDR register to continue the data transfer process. Writing a data into the I2CDR register will
clear the TXDE flag.

Close / Continue Transmission

After transmitting the last data byte, the STOP bit in the I2CCR register can be set to terminate the
transmission or re-assign another slave device by configuring the I2CTAR register to restart a new

7-bits Master Transmitter

S Address A Data1 A Data2 A DataN A P


10-bits Master Transmitter

S Header A Address A Data1 A Data2 A DataN A P


BEH1 : cleared by reading I2CSR register

BEH2 : cleared by writing I2CDR register
BEH3 : cleared by HW automatically by sending STOP condition

Figure 145. Master Transmitter Timing Diagram

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Master Receiver Mode

Start condition
The target slave device address and communication direction must be written into the I2CTAR
register. The STA flag in the I2CSR register is set by hardware after a start condition occurs. In
order to send the following address frame, the STA flag must be cleared to 0 if it has been set to 1.The
STA flag is cleared by reading the I2CSR register.

Address Frame

Inter-Integrated Circuit (I2C)

In the 7-bit addressing mode: The ADRS flag is set after the address frame is sent by the master
device and the acknowledge signal from the address matched slave device is received. In order
to receive the following data frame, the ADRS bit must be cleared to 0 if it has been set to 1. The
ADRS bit is cleared after reading the I2CSR register.

In the 10-bit addressing mode: The ADRS bit in the I2CSR register will be set twice in the 10-
bit addressing mode. The first time the ADRS bit is set is when the 10-bit address is sent and the
acknowledge signal from the slave device is received. The second time the ADRS bit is set is
when the header byte is sent and the slave acknowledge signal is received. In order to receive the
following data frame, the ADRS bit must be cleared to 0 if it has been set to 1. The ADRS bit is
cleared after reading the I2CSR register. The detailed master receiver mode timing diagram is
shown in the following figure.

Data Frame
In the master receiver mode, data is transmitted from the slave device. Once a data is received by
the master device, the RXDNE flag in the I2CSR register is set but it will not hold the SCL line.
However, if the device receives a complete new data byte and the RXDNE flag has already been set
to 1, the RXBF bit in the I2CSR register will be set to 1 and the SCL line will be held at a logic low
state. When this situation occurs, data from the I2CDR register should be read to continue the data
transfer process. The RXDNE flag can be cleared after reading the I2CDR register.

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Close / Continue Transmission

The master device needs to reset the AA bit in the I2CCR register to send a NACK signal to the
slave device before the last data byte transfer has been completed. After the last data byte has
been received from the slave device, the master device will hold the SCL line at a logic low state
following after a NACK signal sent by the master device to the slave device. The STOP bit can be
set to terminate the data transfer process or re-assign the I2CTAR register to restart a new transfer.

Inter-Integrated Circuit (I2C)

7-bits Master Receiver
S Address A Data1 A Data2 A DataN NA P

10-bits Master Receiver

S Header A Address A



Sr Header A Data1 A Data2 A DataN NA P


BEH1 : cleared by reading I2CSR register

BEH2 : cleared by reading I2CDR register

BEH3 : cleared by reading I2CDR register, set AA=0 to send NACK signal

BEH4 : cleared by reading I2CDR register, set STOP=1 to send STOP signal

Figure 146. Master Receiver Timing Diagram

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Slave Transmitter Mode

Address Frame
In the 7-bit addressing mode, the ADRS bit in the I2CSR register is set after the slave device
receives the calling address which matches with the slave device address. In the 10-bit addressing
mode, the ADRS bit is set when the first header byte is matched and the second address byte is
matched respectively. After the ADRS bit has been set to 1, it must be cleared to 0 to continue the
data transfer process. The ADRS bit is cleared after reading the I2CSR register.

Inter-Integrated Circuit (I2C)

Data Frame
In the Slave transmitter mode, the TXDE bit is set to indicate that the I2CDR is empty, which
results in the SCL line being held at a logic low state. New transmission data must then be written
into the I2CDR register to continue the data transfer process. Writing a data into the I2CDR
register will clear the TXDE bit.

Receive Not-Acknowledge
When the slave device receives a Not-Acknowledge signal, the RXNACK bit in the I2CSR Register
is set but it will not hold the SCL line. Writing “1” to RXNACK will clear the RXNACK flag.

STOP Condition
When the slave device detects a STOP condition, the STO bit in the I2CSR register is set to indicate
that the I2C interface transmission is terminated. Reading the I2CSR register can clear the STO

7-bits Slave Transmitter

S Address A Data1 A Data2 A DataN NA P


10-bits Slave Transmitter

S Header A Address A



Sr Header A Data1 A Data2 A DataN NA P



BEH1 : cleared by reading I2CSR register

BEH2 : cleared by writing I2CDR register

BEH3 : cleared by writing 1 clear for RXNACK flag, TXDE is not set when NACK is received.

BEH4 : cleared by reading I2CSR register

Figure 147. Slave Transmitter Timing Diagram

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Slave Receiver Mode

Address Frame
The ADRS bit in the I2CSR register is set after the slave device receives the calling address which
matches with the slave device address. After the ADRS bit has been set to 1, it must be cleared to 0
to continue the data transfer process. The ADRS flag is cleared after reading the I2CSR register.

Data Frame
In the slave receiver mode, the data is transmitted from the master device. Once a data byte is

Inter-Integrated Circuit (I2C)

received by the slave device, the RXDNE flag in the I2CSR register is set but it will not hold the
SCL line. However, if the device receives a complete new data byte and the RXDNE bit has been
set to 1, the RXBF bit in the I2CSR register will be set to 1 and the SCL line will be held at a logic
low state. When this situation occurs, data from the I2CDR register should be read to continue the
data transfer process. The RXDNE flag bit can be cleared after reading the I2CDR register.

STOP condition
When the slave device detects a STOP condition, the STO flag bit in the I2CSR register is set to
indicate that the I2C interface transmission is terminated. Reading the I2CSR register can clear the
STO flag bit.

7-bits Slave Receiver

S Address A Data1 A Data2 A DataN A P

10-bits Slave Receiver

S Header A Address A Data1 A Data2 A DataN A P

BEH1 : cleared by reading I2CSR register

BEH2 : cleared by reading I2CDR register

BEH3 : cleared by reading I2CSR register

Figure 148. Slave Receiver Timing Diagram

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32-Bit Arm® Cortex® -M0+ MCU

Conditions of Holding SCL Line

The following conditions will cause the SCL line to be held at a logic low state by hardware
resulting in all the I2C transfers being stopped. Data transfer will be continued after the creating
conditions are eliminated.
Table 46. Conditions of Holding SCL line
Type Condition Description Eliminated
Master case:

Inter-Integrated Circuit (I2C)

Writing data to I2CDR register
I2C is used in transmitted mode and I2CDR register Set TAR
TXDE needs to have data to transmit. Set STOP
(Note: TXDE won’t be assert after receiving a NACK)
Slave case:
Writing data to I2CDR register
GCS I2C is addressed as slave through general call Reading I2CSR register
I2C is sent over address frame and is returned an
ACK from slave
ADRS (Note: Reference Fig.145 and Fig.146) Reading I2CSR register
I2C is addressed as slave device
(Note: Reference Fig.147 and Fig.148)
STA Master send START signal Reading I2CSR register
Received a complete new data and meanwhile the
RXBF Reading I2CDR register
RXDNE flag has been set already before.
Master receives No matter in address or data frame, once received a Set TAR
NACK NACK signal will hold SCL line in master mode. Set STOP
Event Occurred when receiving the last data byte in Master
Master send
received mode. Set TAR
NACK used in
(Note: Reference Fig.145, and RXNACK flag won’t Set STOP
received mode
be assert at this case)

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32-Bit Arm® Cortex® -M0+ MCU

I2C Timeout Function

In order to reduce the occurrence of I2C lockup problem due to the reception of erroneous clock
source, a timeout function is provided. If the I 2C bus clock source is not received for a certain
timeout period, then a corresponding I 2C timeout flag will be asserted. This timeout period is
determined by a 16-bit down-counting counter with a programmable preload value. The timeout
counter is driven by the I2C timeout clock, f I2CTO, which is specified by the timeout prescaler field
in the I2CTOUT register. The TOUT field in the I2CTOUT register is used to define the timeout
counter preload value. The timeout function is enabled by setting the ENTOUT bit in the I2CCR

Inter-Integrated Circuit (I2C)

register. The timeout counter will start to count down from the preloaded value if the ENTOUT bit
is set to 1 and one of the following conditions occurs:
▄▄ The I2C master module sends a START signal.
▄▄ The I2C slave module detects a START signal.
▄▄ The RXBF, TXDE, RXDNE, RXNACK, GCS or ADRS flags are asserted.
The timeout counter will stop counting when the ENTOUT bit is cleared. However, the counter
will also stop counting when the conditions, listed as follows occur:
▄▄ The I2C slave module is not addressed.
▄▄ The I2C slave module detects a STOP signal.
▄▄ The I2C master module sends a STOP signal.
▄▄ The ARBLOS or BUSERR flags in the I2CSR register are asserted.
If the timeout counter underflows, the corresponding timeout flag, TOUTF, in the I2CSR register
will be set to 1 and a timeout interrupt will be generated if the relevant interrupt is enabled.

PDMA Interface
The PDMA interface is integrated in the I 2C module. The PDMA function can be enabled by
setting the TXDMAE or RXDMAE bit to 1 in the transmitter or receiver mode respectively. When
the data register is empty in the transmitter mode and the TXDMAE bit is set to 1, the PMDA
function will be activated to move data from a certain memory location into the I2C data register.
Similarly, when the data register is not empty in the receiver mode and the RXDMAE bit is set to
1, the PDMA function will also be activated to move data from the I2C data register to a specific
memory location.

The DMA NACK control bit, DMANACK, is used to determine whether the NACK signal is
sent or not when the I 2C module operates in the master receiver mode and the PDMA function
is enabled. If the DMANACK bit is set to 1 and the data has all been received and moved using
the PDMA interface, a NACK signal will automatically be sent out to properly terminate the data

For a mode detailed description on the PDMA configurations, refer to the PDMA chapter.

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32-Bit Arm® Cortex® -M0+ MCU

Register Map
The following table shows the I2C registers and reset values.
Table 47. I2C Register Map
Register Offset Description Reset Value
I2CCR 0x000 I2C Control Register 0x0000_2000
I2CIER 0x004 I2C Interrupt Enable Register 0x0000_0000
I2CADDR 0x008 I2C Address Register 0x0000_0000

Inter-Integrated Circuit (I2C)

I2CSR 0x00C I2C Status Register 0x0000_0000
I2CSHPGR 0x010 I C SCL High Period Generation Register
I2CSLPGR 0x014 I2C SCL Low Period Generation Register 0x0000_0000
I2CDR 0x018 I2C Data Register 0x0000_0000
I2CTAR 0x01C I C Target Register
I2CADDMR 0x020 I2C Address Mask Register 0x0000_0000
I2CADDSR 0x024 I C Address Snoop Register
I2CTOUT 0x028 I2C Timeout Register 0x0000_0000

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Register Descriptions
I2C Control Register – I2CCR
This register specifies the corresponding I2C function enable control.
Offset: 0x000 (0)
Reset value: 0x0000_2000

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Type/Reset RW 0 RW 0 RW 1 RW 0 RW 0 RW 0 RW 0
7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
Type/Reset RW 0 RW 0 RW 0 RW 0 RW 0

Bits Field Descriptions

[15:14] SEQFILTER SDA or SCL Input Sequential Filter Configuration Bits
00: Sequential filter disable
01: 1 PCLK glitch filter
1x: 2 PCLK glitch filter
Note: This setting would affect the frequency of SCL. Detail is described in
I2CSLPGR register.
[13] COMBFILTEREn SDA or SCL Input Combinational Filter Enable Bit
0: Combinational filter Disable
1: Combinational filter Enable
[12] ENTOUT I2C Timeout Function Enable Control
0: Timeout Function disabled
1: Timeout Function enabled
This bit is used to enable or disable the I2C timeout function. When the I2CEN
bit is cleared to 0, the ENTOUT bit will be automatically cleared to 0 by
hardware. It is recommended that users have to properly configure the PSC
and TOUT fields in the I2CTOUT register before the timeout counter starts to
count by setting the ENOUT bit to 1.
[10] DMANACK DMA Mode NACK Control
0: No operation
1: The I2C master receiver module sends a NACK signal automatically after
receiving the last byte from the slave transmitter in the DMA mode
When the I2CEN bit is cleared to 0, the DMANACK bit is automatically cleared
to 0 by hardware.

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Bits Field Descriptions

[9] RXDMAE DMA Mode RX Request Enable Control
0: RX DMA request disabled
1: RX DMA request enabled
If the data register is not empty in the receiver mode and the RXDMAE bit is
set to 1, the relevant PDMA channel will be activated to move the data from the
data register to a specific location which is defined in the corresponding PDMA
register. When the I2CEN bit is cleared to 0, the RXDMAE bit is automatically
cleared to 0 by hardware.

Inter-Integrated Circuit (I2C)

[8] TXDMAE DMA Mode TX Request Enable Control
0: TX DMA request disabled
1: TX DMA request enabled
If the data register is empty in the transmitter mode and the TXDMAE bit is
set to 1, the relevant PDMA channel will be activated to move the data from
a specific location defined in the related PDMA register to the data register.
When the I2CEN bit is cleared to 0, the TXDMAE bit is automatically cleared
to 0 by hardware.
[7] ADRM Addressing Mode
0: 7-bit addressing mode
1: 10-bit addressing mode
When the I2C master/slave module operates in the 7-bit addressing mode, it
can only send out and respond to a 7-bit address and vice versa. When the
I2CEN bit is disabled, the ADRM bit is automatically cleared to 0 by hardware.
[3] I2CEN I2C Interface Enable
0: I2C interface disabled
1: I2C interface enabled
[2] GCEN General Call Enable
0: General call disabled
1: General call enabled
When the device receives the calling address with a value of 0x00 and if both
the GCEN and the AA bits are set to 1, then the I2C interface is addressed as a
slave and the GCS bit in the I2CSR register is set to 1. When the I2CEN bit is
cleared to 0, the GCEN bit is automatically cleared to 0 by hardware.
[1] STOP STOP Condition Control
0: No action
1: Send a STOP condition in master mode
This bit is set to 1 by software to generate a STOP condition and automatically
cleared to 0 by hardware. The STOP bit is only available for the master device.
[0] AA Acknowledge Bit
0: Send a Not Acknowledge (NACK) signal after a byte is received
1: Send an Acknowledge (ACK) signal after a byte is received
When the I2CEN bit is cleared to 0, the AA bit is automatically cleared to 0 by

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I2C Interrupt Enable Register – I2CIER

This register specifies the corresponding I2C interrupt enable bits.
Offset: 0x004
Reset value: 0x0000_0000

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15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8
Type/Reset RW 0 RW 0 RW 0 RW 0
7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
Type/Reset RW 0 RW 0 RW 0 RW 0

Bits Field Descriptions

[18] RXBFIE RX Buffer Full Interrupt Enable Bit
0: Interrupt disabled
1: Interrupt enabled
When the I2CEN bit in the I2CCR register is cleared to 0, this bit is cleared to 0 by
[17] TXDEIE Data Register Empty Interrupt Enable Bit in Transmitter Mode
0: Interrupt disabled
1: Interrupt enabled
When the I2CEN bit in the I2CCR register is cleared to 0, this bit is cleared to 0 by
[16] RXDNEIE Data Register Not Empty Interrupt Enable Bit in Received Mode
0: Interrupt disabled
1: Interrupt enabled
When the I2CEN bit in the I2CCR register is cleared to 0, this bit is cleared to 0 by
[11] TOUTIE Timeout Interrupt Enable Bit
0: Interrupt disabled
1: Interrupt enabled
When the I2CEN bit in the I2CCR register is cleared to 0, this bit is cleared to 0 by
[10] BUSERRIE Bus Error Interrupt Enable Bit
0: Interrupt disabled
1: Interrupt enabled
When the I2CEN bit in the I2CCR register is cleared to 0, this bit is cleared to 0 by
[9] RXNACKIE Received Not Acknowledge Interrupt Enable Bit
0: Interrupt disabled
1: Interrupt enabled
When the I2CEN bit in the I2CCR register is cleared to 0, this bit is cleared to 0 by

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Bits Field Descriptions

[8] ARBLOSIE Arbitration Loss Interrupt Enable Bit in the I2C multi-master mode
0: Interrupt disabled
1: Interrupt enabled
When the I2CEN bit in the I2CCR register is cleared to 0, this bit is cleared to 0 by
[3] GCSIE General Call Slave Interrupt Enable Bit
0: Interrupt disabled
1: Interrupt enabled

Inter-Integrated Circuit (I2C)

When the I2CEN bit in the I2CCR register is cleared to 0, this bit is cleared to 0 by
[2] ADRSIE Slave Address Match Interrupt Enable Bit
0: Interrupt disabled
1: Interrupt enabled
When the I2CEN bit in the I2CCR register is cleared to 0, this bit is cleared to 0 by
[1] STOIE STOP Condition Detected Interrupt Enable Bit
0: Interrupt disabled
1: Interrupt enabled
When the I2CEN bit in the I2CCR register is cleared to 0, this bit is cleared to 0 by
hardware. The bit is used for the I2C slave mode only.
[0] STAIE START Condition Transmit Interrupt Enable Bit
0: Interrupt disabled
1: Interrupt enabled
When the I2CEN bit in the I2CCR register is cleared to 0, this bit is cleared to 0 by
hardware. The bit is used for the I2C master mode only.

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I2C Address Register – I2CADDR

This register specifies the I2C device address.
Offset: 0x008
Reset value: 0x0000_0000

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Reserved ADDR
Type/Reset RW 0 RW 0
7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
Type/Reset RW 0 RW 0 RW 0 RW 0 RW 0 RW 0 RW 0 RW 0

Bits Field Descriptions

[9:0] ADDR Device Address
The register indicates the I2C device address. When the I2C device is used in the
7-bit addressing mode, only the ADDR[6:0] bits will be compared with the received
address sent from the I2C master device.

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32-Bit Arm® Cortex® -M0+ MCU

I2C Status Register – I2CSR

This register contains the I2C operation status.
Offset: 0x00C
Reset value: 0x0000_0000

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Inter-Integrated Circuit (I2C)

23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16
Type/Reset RO 0 RO 0 RO 0 RO 0 RO 0 RO 0
15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8
Type/Reset WC 0 WC 0 WC 0 WC 0
7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
Type/Reset RC 0 RC 0 RC 0 RC 0

Bits Field Descriptions

[21] TXNRX Transmitter / Receiver Mode
0: Receiver mode
1: Transmitter mode
Read only bit.
[20] MASTER Master Mode
0: I2C is in the slave mode or idle
1: I2C is in the master mode
The I2C interface is switched as a master device on the I2C bus when the I2CTAR
register is assigned and the I2C bus is idle. The MASTER bit is cleared by hardware
when software disables the I2C bus by clearing the I2CEN bit to 0 or sends a STOP
condition to the I2C bus or the bus error is detected. This bit is set and cleared by
hardware and is a read only bit.
[19] BUSBUSY Bus Busy
0: I2C bus is idle
1: I2C bus is busy
The I2C interface hardware starts to detect the I2C bus status if the interface is
enabled by setting the I2CEN bit to 1. It is set to 1 when the SDA or SCL signal is
detected to have a logic low state and cleared when a STOP condition is detected.
[18] RXBF Buffer Full Flag in Receiver Mode
0: Data buffer is not full
1: Data buffer is full
This bit is set when the data register I2CDR has already stored a data byte and
meanwhile the data shift register also has been received a complete new data byte.
The RXBF bit is cleared by software reading the I2CDR register.

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Bits Field Descriptions

[17] TXDE Data Register Empty Using in Transmitter Mode
0: Data register I2CDR not empty
1: Data register I2CDR empty
This bit is set when the I2CDR register is empty in the Transmitter mode. Note that
the TXDE bit will be set after the address frame is being transmitted to inform that
the data to be transmitted should be loaded into the I2CDR register. The TXDE bit
is cleared by software writing data to the I2CDR register in both the master and
slave mode or cleared automatically by hardware after setting the STOP signal

Inter-Integrated Circuit (I2C)

to terminate the data transfer or setting the I2CTAR register to restart a new data
transfer in the master mode.
[16] RXDNE Data Register Not Empty in Receiver Mode
0: Data register I2CDR empty
1: Data register I2CDR not empty
This bit is set when the I2CDR register is not empty in the receiver mode. The
RXDNE bit is cleared by software reading the data byte from the I2CDR register.
[11] TOUTF Timeout Counter Underflow Flag
0: No timeout counter underflow occurred
1: Timeout counter underflow occurred
Writing “1” to this bit will clear the TOUTF flag.
[10] BUSERR Bus Error Flag
0: No bus error has occurs
1: Bus error has occurred
This bit is set by hardware when the I2C interface detects a misplaced START or
STOP condition in a transfer process. Writing a “1” to this bit will clear the BUSERR
In Master Mode: Once the Bus Error event occurs, both the SDA and SCL lines are
released by hardware and the BUSERR flag is asserted. The application software
has to clear the BUSERR flag before the next address byte is transmitted.
In Slave Mode: Once a misplaced START or STOP condition has been detected by
the slave device, the software must clear the BUSERR flag before the next address
byte is received.
[9] RXNACK Received Not Acknowledge Flag
0: Acknowledge is returned from receiver
1: Not Acknowledge is returned from receiver
The RXNACK bit indicates that the not Acknowledge signal is received in master or
slave transmitter mode. Writing “1” to this bit will clear the RXNACK flag.
[8] ARBLOS Arbitration Loss Flag
0: No arbitration loss is detected
1: Bit arbitration loss is detected
This bit is set by hardware on the current clock which the I2C interface loses the bus
arbitration to another master during the address or data frame transmission. Writing
“1” to this bit will clear the ARBLOS flag. Once the ARBLOS flag is asserted by
hardware, the ARBLOS flag must be cleared before the next transmission.
[3] GCS General Call Slave Flag
0: No general call slave occurs
1: I2C interface is addressed by a general call command
When the I2C interface receives an address with a value of 0x00 or 0x000 in the
7-bit or 10-bit addressing mode, if both the GCEN and the AA bit are set to 1, then
it is switched as a general call slave. This flag is cleared automatically after being

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Bits Field Descriptions

[2] ADRS Address Transmit (master mode) / Address Receive (slave mode) Flag
Address Sent in Master Mode
0: Address frame has not been transmitted
1: Address frame has been transmitted
For the 7-bit addressing mode, this bit is set after the master device receives
the address frame acknowledge bit sent from the slave device. For the 10-bit
addressing mode, this bit is set after receiving the acknowledge bit of the first
header byte and the second address.

Inter-Integrated Circuit (I2C)

Address Matched in Slave Mode
0: I2C interface is not addressed
1: I2C interface is addressed as slave
When the I 2C interface has received the calling address that matches the
address defined in the I2CADDR register together with the AA bit being set to
1 in the I2CCR register, it will be switched to a slave mode. This flag is cleared
automatically after the I2CSR register has been read.
[1] STO STOP Condition Detected Flag
0: No STOP condition detected
1: STOP condition detected in slave mode
This bit is only available for the slave mode and is cleared automatically after the
I2CSR register is read.
[0] STA START Condition Transmit
0: No START condition detected
1: START condition is transmitted in master mode
This bit is only available for the master mode and is cleared automatically after the
I2CSR register is read.

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32-Bit Arm® Cortex® -M0+ MCU

I2C SCL High Period Generation Register – I2CSHPGR

This register specifies the I2C SCL clock high period interval.
Offset: 0x010
Reset value: 0x0000_0000

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Type/Reset RW 0 RW 0 RW 0 RW 0 RW 0 RW 0 RW 0 RW 0
7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
Type/Reset RW 0 RW 0 RW 0 RW 0 RW 0 RW 0 RW 0 RW 0

Bits Field Descriptions

[15:0] SHPG SCL Clock High Period Generation
High period duration setting SCLHIGH = TPCLK × (SHPG + d)
where TPCLK is the APB bus peripheral clock (PCLK) period, and d value depends on
the setting of the SEQFILTER field in the I2C Control Register (I2CCR).
If SEQFILTER=00, d=6
If SEQFILTER=01, d=8
If SEQFILTER=10 or 11, d=9

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32-Bit Arm® Cortex® -M0+ MCU

I2C SCL Low Period Generation Register – I2CSLPGR

This register specifies the I2C SCL clock low period interval.
Offset: 0x014
Reset value: 0x0000_0000

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15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8
Type/Reset RW 0 RW 0 RW 0 RW 0 RW 0 RW 0 RW 0 RW 0
7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
Type/Reset RW 0 RW 0 RW 0 RW 0 RW 0 RW 0 RW 0 RW 0

Bits Field Descriptions

[15:0] SLPG SCL Clock Low Period Generation
Low period duration setting SCLLOW = TPCLK × (SLPG + d)
where TPCLK is the APB bus peripheral clock (PCLK) period, and d value depends on
the setting of the SEQFILTER field in the I2C Control Register (I2CCR).
If SEQFILTER=00, d=6
If SEQFILTER=01, d=8
If SEQFILTER=10 or 11, d=9

High period duration

High period duration


Low period duration Low period duration


Figure 149. SCL Timing Diagram

Table 48. I2C Clock Setting Example

TSCL = TPCLK × [ (SHPG + d) + (SLPG + d) ] (where d = 6)
I C Clock
2 SHPG + SLPG value at PCLK
8MHz 24MHz 48MHz 72MHz
100 kHz (Standard Mode) 68 228 468 708
400 kHz (Fast Mode) 8 48 108 168
1 MHz (Fast-Mode Plus) x 12 36 60

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I2C Data Register – I2CDR

This register specifies the data to be transmitted or received by the I2C module.
Offset: 0x018
Reset value: 0x0000_0000

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7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
Type/Reset RW 0 RW 0 RW 0 RW 0 RW 0 RW 0 RW 0 RW 0

Bits Field Descriptions

[7:0] DATA I2C Data Register
For the transmitter mode, a data byte which is transmitted to a slave device can be
assigned to these bits. The TXDE flag is cleared if the application software assigns
new data to the I2CDR register. For the receiver mode, a data byte is received bit by
bit from MSB to LSB through the I2C interface and stored in the data shift register.
Once the acknowledge bit is given, the data shift register value is delivered into the
I2CDR register if the RXDNE flag is equal to 0.

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32-Bit Arm® Cortex® -M0+ MCU

I2C Target Register – I2CTAR

This register specifies the target device address to be communicated.
Offset: 0x01C
Reset value: 0x0000_0000

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Reserved RWD TAR
Type/Reset RW 0 RW 0 RW 0
7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
Type/Reset RW 0 RW 0 RW 0 RW 0 RW 0 RW 0 RW 0 RW 0

Bits Field Descriptions

[10] RWD Read or Write Direction
0: Write direction to target slave address
1: Read direction from target slave address
If this bit is set to 1 in the 10-bit master receiver mode, the I2C interface will initiate
a byte with a value of 11110XX0b in the first header frame and then continue to
deliver a byte with a value of 11110XX1b in the second header frame by hardware
[9:0] TAR Target Slave Address
The I2C interface will assign a START signal and send a target slave address
automatically once the data is written to this register. When the system wants to
send a repeated START signal to the I2C bus, the timing is suggested to set the
I2CTAR register after a byte transfer is completed. It is not allowed to set TAR in the
address frame. I2CTAR[9:7] is not available under the 7-bit addressing mode.

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32-Bit Arm® Cortex® -M0+ MCU

I2C Address Mask Register – I2CADDMR

This register specifies which bit of the I2C address is masked and not compared with corresponding bit of the
received address frame.
Offset: 0x020
Reset value: 0x0000_0000

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Reserved ADDMR
Type/Reset RW 0 RW 0
7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
Type/Reset RW 0 RW 0 RW 0 RW 0 RW 0 RW 0 RW 0 RW 0

Bits Field Descriptions

[9:0] ADDMR Address Mask Control Bit
The ADDMR[i] is used to specify whether the ith bit of the ADDR in the I2CADDR
register is masked and is compared with the received address frame or not on the
I2C bus. The register is only used for the I2C slave mode only.
0: ith bit of the ADDR is compared with the address frame on the I2C bus.
1: ith bit of the ADDR is masked and not compared with the address frame on the
I2C bus.

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I2C Address Snoop Register – I2CADDSR

This register is used to indicate the address frame value appeared on the I2C bus.
Offset: 0x024
Reset value: 0x0000_0000

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Reserved ADDSR
Type/Reset RO 0 RO 0
7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
Type/Reset RO 0 RO 0 RO 0 RO 0 RO 0 RO 0 RO 0 RO 0

Bits Field Descriptions

[9:0] ADDSR Address Snoop
Once the I2CEN bit is enabled, the calling address value on the I 2C bus will
automatically be loaded into this ADDSR field.

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32-Bit Arm® Cortex® -M0+ MCU

I2C Timeout Register – I2CTOUT

This register specifies the I2C Timeout counter preload value and clock prescaler ratio.
Offset: 0x028
Reset value: 0x0000_0000

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Reserved PSC
Type/Reset RW 0 RW 0 RW 0
15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8
Type/Reset RW 0 RW 0 RW 0 RW 0 RW 0 RW 0 RW 0 RW 0
7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
Type/Reset RW 0 RW 0 RW 0 RW 0 RW 0 RW 0 RW 0 RW 0

Bits Field Descriptions

[18:16] PSC I2C Time-out Counter Prescaler Selection
This PSC field is used to specify the I2C time-out counter clock frequency, fI2CTO. The
time-out clock frequency is obtained using the formula.
PSC=0 → fI2CTO = fPCLK / 20 = fPCLK
PSC=1 → fI2CTO = fPCLK / 21 = fPCLK / 2
PSC=2 → fI2CTO = fPCLK / 22 = fPCLK / 4

PSC=7 → fI2CTO = fPCLK / 27 = fPCLK / 128
[15:0] TOUT I2C Timeout Counter Preload Value
The TOUT field is used to define the counter preloaded value
The counter value is reloaded as the following conditions occur:
1. The RXBF, TXDE, RXDNE, RXNACK, GCS or ADRS flag in the I2CSR register
is asserted.
2. The I2C master module sends a START signal.
3. The I2C slave module detects a START signal.
The counter stops counting as the following conditions occur:
1. The I2C slave device is not addressed.
2. The I2C master module sends a STOP signal.
3. The I2C slave module detects a STOP signal.
4. The ARBLOS or BUSERR flag in the I2CSR register is asserted.

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21 Serial Peripheral Interface (SPI)

The Serial Peripheral Interface, SPI, provides an SPI protocol data transmit and receive functions
in both master or slave mode. The SPI interface uses 4 pins, among which are serial data input and
output lines MISO and MOSI, the clock line SCK, and the slave select line SEL. One SPI device

Serial Peripheral Interface (SPI)

acts as a master who controls the data flow using the SEL and SCK signals to indicate the start of
the data communication and the data sampling rate. To receive the data bits, the streamlined data
bits which range from 1 bit to 16 bits specified by the DFL field in the SPICR1 register are latched
in a specific clock edge and stored in the data register or in the RX FIFO. Data transmission
is carried in a similar way but with the reverse sequence. The mode fault detection provides a
capability for multi-master applications.


MOSI Transmit/Receive SPIFSR
TX Buffer
SEL Register

SCK RX Buffer








Figure 150. SPI Block Diagram

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▄▄ Master or slave mode
▄▄ Master mode speed up to fPCLK/2
▄▄ Slave mode speed up to fPCLK/3
▄▄ Programmable data frame length up to 16 bits
▄▄ FIFO Depth: 8 levels

Serial Peripheral Interface (SPI)

▄▄ MSB or LSB first shift selection
▄▄ Programmable slave select high or low active polarity
▄▄ Multi-master and multi-slave operation
▄▄ Master mode supports the dual output read mode of SPI series NOR Flash
▄▄ Four error flags with individual interrupt
●● Read overrun
●● Write collision
●● Mode fault
●● Slave abort
▄▄ Support PDMA interface

Function Descriptions
Master Mode
Each data frame can range from 1 to 16 bits in data length. The first bit of the transmitted data can
be either an MSB or LSB determined by the FIRSTBIT bit in the SPICR1 register. The SPI module
is configured as a master or a slave by setting the MODE bit in the SPICR1 register. When the
MODE bit is set, the SPI module is configured as a master and will generate the serial clock on the
SCK pin. The data stream will transmit data in the shift register to the MOSI pin on the serial clock
edge. The SEL pin is active during the full data transmission. When the SELAP bit in the SPICR1
register is set, the SEL pin is active high during the complete data transactions. When the SELM
bit in the SPICR1 register is set, the SEL pin will be driven by the hardware automatically and the
time interval between the active SEL edge and the first edge of SCK is equal to half an SCK period.

Slave Mode
In the slave mode, the SCK pin acts as an input pin and the serial clock will be derived from the
external master device. The SEL pin also acts as an input. When the SELAP bit is cleared to 0, the
SEL signal is active low during the full data stream reception. When the SELAP bit is set to 1, the
SEL signal will be active high during the full data stream byte reception.

Note: For the slave mode, the APB clock, known as f PCLK, must be at least 3 times faster than the
external SCK clock input frequency.

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SPI Serial Frame Format

The SPI interface format is base on the Clock Polarity, CPOL, and the Clock Phase, CPHA,
▄▄ Clock Polarity Bit – CPOL
When the Clock Polarity bit is cleared to 0, the SCK line idle state is LOW. When the Clock
Polarity bit is set to 1, the SCK line idle state is HIGH.
▄▄ Clock Phase Bit – CPHA

Serial Peripheral Interface (SPI)

When the Clock Phase bit is cleared to 0, the data is sampled on the first SCK clock transition.
When the Clock Phase bit is set to1, the data is sampled on the second SCK clock transition.
There are four formats contained in the SPI interface. Table 49 shows how to configure these
formats by setting the FORMAT field in the SPICR1 register.
Table 49. SPI Interface Format Setup
001 0 0
010 0 1
110 1 0
101 1 1
Others Reserved

CPOL = 0, CPHA = 0
In this format, the received data is sampled on the SCK line rising edge while the transmitted data
is changed on the SCK line falling edge. In the master mode, the first bit is driven when data is
written into the SPIDR Register. In the slave mode, the first bit is driven when the SEL signal goes
to an active level. Figure 151 shows the single byte data transfer timing of this format.





MOSI TX[7] TX[6] TX[5] TX[4] TX[3] TX[2] TX[1] TX[0]

MISO RX[7] RX[6] RX[5] RX[4] RX[3] RX[2] RX[1] RX[0]

data sampled

Figure 151. SPI Single Byte Transfer Timing Diagram – CPOL = 0, CPHA = 0

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Figure 152 shows the continuous data transfer timing diagram of this format. Note that the SEL
signal must change to an inactive level between each data frame.




Serial Peripheral Interface (SPI)

MOSI/MISO Data1 Data2

Figure 152. SPI Continuous Data Transfer Timing Diagram – CPOL = 0, CPHA = 0

CPOL = 0, CPHA = 1
In this format, the received data is sampled on the SCK line falling edge while the transmitted
data is changed on the SCK line rising edge. In the master mode, the first bit is driven when data is
written into the SPIDR register. In the slave mode, the first bit is driven at the first SCK clock rising
edge. Figure 153 shows the single data byte transfer timing.





MOSI TX[7] TX[6] TX[5] TX[4] TX[3] TX[2] TX[1] TX[0]

MISO RX[7] RX[6] RX[5] RX[4] RX[3] RX[2] RX[1] RX[0]

Data sampled

Figure 153. SPI Single Byte Transfer Timing Diagram – CPOL = 0, CPHA = 1

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Figure 154 shows the continuous data transfer diagram timing. Note that the SEL signal must
remain active until the last data transfer has completed.




Serial Peripheral Interface (SPI)

MOSI/MISO Data1 Data2

Figure 154. SPI Continuous Transfer Timing Diagram – CPOL = 0, CPHA = 1

CPOL = 1, CPHA = 0
In this format, the received data is sampled on the SCK line falling edge while the transmitted
data is changed on the SCK line rising edge. In the master mode, the first bit is driven when data
is written into the SPIDR register. In the slave mode, the first bit is driven when the SEL signal
changes to an active level. Figure 155 shows the single byte transfer timing of this format.




MOSI TX[7] TX[6] TX[5] TX[4] TX[3] TX[2] TX[1] TX[0]

MISO RX[7] RX[6] RX[5] RX[4] RX[3] RX[2] RX[1] RX[0]

data sampled

Figure 155. SPI Single Byte Transfer Timing Diagram – CPOL = 1, CPHA = 0

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Figure 156 shows the continuous data transfer timing of this format. Note that the SEL signal must
change to an inactive level between each data frame.





Serial Peripheral Interface (SPI)

MOSI/MISO Data1 Data2

Figure 156. SPI Continuous Transfer Timing Diagram – CPOL = 1, CPHA = 0

CPOL = 1, CPHA = 1
In this format, the received data is sampled on the SCK line rising edge while the transmitted data
is changed on the SCK line falling edge. In the master mode, the first bit is driven when data is
written into the SPIDR register. In the slave mode, the first bit is driven at the first SCK falling
edge. Figure 157 shows the single byte transfer timing of this format.




MOSI TX[7] TX[6] TX[5] TX[4] TX[3] TX[2] TX[1] TX[0]

MISO RX[7] RX[6] RX[5] RX[4] RX[3] RX[2] RX[1] RX[0]

data sampled

Figure 157. SPI Single Byte Transfer Timing Diagram – CPOL = 1, CPHA = 1

Figure 158 shows the continuous data transfer timing of this format. Note that the SEL signal must
remain active until the last data transfer has completed.




MOSI/MISO Data1 Data2

Figure 158. SPI Continuous Transfer Timing Diagram – CPOL = 1, CPHA = 1

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Status Flags
TX Buffer Empty – TXBE
This TXBE flag is set when the TX buffer is empty in the non-FIFO mode or when the TX FIFO
data length is equal to or less than the TX FIFO threshold level as defined by the TXFTLS field in
the SPIFCR register in the FIFO mode. The following data to be transmitted can then be loaded
into the buffer again. After this, the TXBE flag will be reset when the TX buffer already contains
new data in the non-FIFO mode or the TX FIFO data length is greater than the TX FIFO threshold
level determined by the TXFTLS bits in FIFO mode.

Serial Peripheral Interface (SPI)

Transmission Register Empty – TXE
This TXE flag is set when both the TX buffer and the TX shift registers are empty. It will be reset
when the TX buffer or the TX shift register contains new transmitted data.

RX Buffer Not Empty – RXBNE

This RXBNE flag is set when there is valid received data in the RX Buffer in the non-FIFO mode
or the RX FIFO data length is equal to or greater than the RX FIFO threshold level as defined by
the RXFTLS field in the SPIFCR register in the SPI FIFO mode. This flag will be automatically
cleared by hardware when the received data have been read out from the RX buffer totally in the
non-FIFO mode or when the RX FIFO data length is less than the RX FIFO threshold level set in
the RXFTLS field.

Time Out Flag – TO

The time out function is only available in the SPI FIFO mode and is disabled by loading a zero
value into the TOC field in the Time Out Counter register. The time out counter will start counting
if the SPI RX FIFO is not empty, once data is read from the SPIDR register or new data is received,
the time out counter will be reset to 0 and count again. When the time out counter value is equal to
the value specified by the TOC field in the SPIFTOCR register, the TO flag will be set. The flag is
cleared by writing 1 to this bit.

Mode Fault – MF
The mode fault flag can be used to detect SPI bus usage in the SPI multi-master mode. For the
multi-master mode, the SPI module is configured as a master device and the SEL signal is setup as
an input signal. The mode fault flag is set when the SPI SEL pin is suddenly changed to an active
level by another SPI master. This means that another SPI master is requesting to use the SPI bus.
Therefore, when an SPI mode fault occurs, it will force the SPI module to operate in the slave mode
and also disable all of the SPI interface signals to avoid SPI bus signal collisions. For the same
reason, if the SPI master wants to transfer data, it also needs to inform other SPI masters by driving
its SEL signal to an active state. The detailed configuration diagram for the SPI multi-master mode
is shown in the following figure.

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Master Master


I/O 0 I/O 0

Serial Peripheral Interface (SPI)

I/O 1 I/O 1
I/O 2 I/O 2







Figure 159. SPI Multi-Master Slave Environment

Table 50. SPI Mode Fault Trigger Conditions

Mode fault Descriptions
1. SPI Master mode
Trigger condition 2. SELOEN = 0 in the SPICR0 register – SEL pin is configured to be the input mode
3. SEL signal changes to an active level when driven by the external SPI master
1. Mode fault flag is set.
2. The SPIEN bit in the SPICR0 register is reset. This disables the SPI interface and blocks
SPI behavior
all output signals from the device.
3. The MODE bit in the SPICR1 register is reset. This forces the device into slave mode.

Table 51. SPI Master Mode SEL Pin Status

SEL as Input - SELOEN = 0 SEL as Output - SELOEN = 1
Multi-master Support Not support
Use Another GPIO to replace the SEL pin in hardware or software mode
SPI SEL control signal
SEL pin function - using SELM setting
Case 1 Case 2 Case 1 Case 2
Continuous transfer
Not supported Supported Using hardware control Hardware or software control
Case 1: SEL signal must be inactive between each data transfer.
Case 2: SEL signal will not to be active until the last data frame has finished.
Note: When the SPI is in the slave mode, the SEL signal is always an input and not affected by the SELOEN bit in
the SPICR0 register.

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Write Collision – WC
The following conditions will assert the Write Collision Flag.
▄▄ The FIFOEN bit in the SPIFCR register is cleared
The write collision flag is asserted when new data is written into the SPIDR register while both
the TX buffer and the shift register are already full. Any new data written into the TX buffer will
be lost.
▄▄ The FIFOEN bit in the SPIFCR register is set

Serial Peripheral Interface (SPI)

The write collision flag is asserted to indicate that new data is written into the SPIDR register
while both the TX FIFO and the TX shift register are already full. Any new data written into the
TX FIFO will be lost.
Read Overrun – RO
▄▄ The FIFOEN bit in the SPIFCR register is cleared
The read overrun flag is asserted to indicate that both the RX shift register and the RX buffer are
already full, if one more data is received. This will result in the newly received data not being
shifted into the SPI shift register. As a result the latest received data will be lost.
▄▄ The FIFOEN bit in the SPIFCR register is set
The read overrun flag is set to indicate that the RX shift register and the RX FIFO are both full,
if one more data is received. This means that the latest received data can not be shifted into the
SPI shift register. As a result the latest received data will be lost.
Slave Abort – SA
In the SPI slave mode, the slave abort flag is set to indicate that the SEL pin suddenly changed to an
inactive state during the reception of a data frame transfer. The data frame length is set by the DFL
field in the SPICR1 register.

PDMA Interface
The PDMA interface is integrated in the SPI module. The PDMA function can be enabled by
setting the TXDMAE or RXDMAE bit to 1 in the transmitter or receiver mode respectively. When
the transmit buffer empty flag, TXBE, is asserted and the TXDMAE bit is set to 1, the PMDA
function will be activated to move data from the memory location that users designated into the SPI
data register or the TX FIFO until the TXBE flag is cleared to 0. The TXBE flag will be asserted
when the transmit buffer is empty in the non-FIFO mode or the data contained in the TX FIFO is
equal to or less than the level defined by the TXFTLS field in the FIFO mode.

Similarly, when the receive buffer not empty flag, RXBNE, is asserted and the RXDMAE bit is set
to 1, the PDMA function will be activated to move data from the SPI data register or the RX FIFO
to the memory location that users designated until the RXBNE flag is cleared to 0. The RXBNE
flag will be asserted when the receive buffer is not empty in the non-FIFO mode or the data
contained in the RX FIFO is equal to or greater than the level defined by the RXFTLS field in the
FIFO mode.

For a mode detailed description on the PDMA configurations, refer to the PDMA chapter.

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Register Map
The following table shows the SPI registers and their reset values.
Table 52. SPI Register Map
Register Offset Description Reset Value
SPICR0 0x000 SPI Control Register 0 0x0000_0000
SPICR1 0x004 SPI Control Register 1 0x0000_0000
SPIIER 0x008 SPI Interrupt Enable Register 0x0000_0000

Serial Peripheral Interface (SPI)

SPICPR 0x00C SPI Clock Prescaler Register 0x0000_0000
SPIDR 0x010 SPI Data Register 0x0000_0000
SPISR 0x014 SPI Status Register 0x0000_0003
SPIFCR 0x018 SPI FIFO Control Register 0x0000_0000
SPIFSR 0x01C SPI FIFO Status Register 0x0000_0000
SPIFTOCR 0x020 SPI FIFO Time Out Counter Register 0x0000_0000

Register Descriptions
SPI Control Register 0 – SPICR0
This register specifies the SEL control and the SPI enable bits.
Offset: 0x000
Reset value: 0x0000_0000

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Type/Reset RW 0 RW 0 RW 0 RW 0 RW 0 RW 0 RW 0 RW 0
7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
Type/Reset RW 0 RW 0 RW 0 RW 0 RW 0 RW 0 RW 0

Bits Field Descriptions

[15:12] SELHT Chip Select Hold Time
0x0: 1/2 SCK
0x1: 1 SCK
0x2: 3/2 SCK
0x3: 2 SCK
Note that SELHT is for master mode only.

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Bits Field Descriptions

[11:8] GUADT Guard Time
0x0:1 SCK
0x1:2 SCK
0x2: 3 SCK
Note that GUADT is for master mode only.
[7] GUADTEN Guard Time Enable

Serial Peripheral Interface (SPI)

0: Guard Time is 1/2 SCK
1: When set this bit, Guard time can be controlled by GUADT
Note that GUADTEN is for master mode only.
[6] DUALEN Dual Port Enable
0: Dual port is disabled
1: Dual port is enabled
The control bit is used to support the dual output read mode of the series SPI NOR
Flash. When this bit is set and the MOSI signal will change the direction from output
to input and receive the series data stream. That means the DUALEN control bit is
only for master mode.
[4] SSELC Software Slave Select Control
0: Set the SEL output to an inactive state
1: Set the SEL output to an active state
The application Software can setup the SEL output to an active or inactive state by
configuring the SSELC bit. The active level is configured by the SELAP bit in the
SPICR1 register. Note that the SSELC bit is only available when the SELOEN bit
is set to 1 for enabling the SEL output meanwhile the SELM bit is cleared to 0 for
controlling the SEL signal by software. Otherwise, the SSELC bit has no effect.
[3] SELOEN Slave Select Output Enable
0: Set the SEL signal to the input mode for Multi-master mode
1: Set the SEL signal to the output mode for slave select
The SELOEN is only available in the master mode to setup the SEL signal as an
input or output signal. When the SEL signal is configured to operate in the output
mode, it is used as a slave select signal in either the hardware or software mode
according to the SELM bit setting in the SPICR1 register. The SEL signal is used
for mode fault detection in the multi-master environment when it is configured to
operate in the input mode
[2] RXDMAE RX PDMA request enable
0: SPI RX path PDMA request disabled.
1: SPI RX path PDMA request enabled.
[1] TXDMAE TX PDMA request enable
0: SPI TX path PDMA request disabled.
1: SPI TX path PDMA request enabled.
[0] SPIEN SPI Enable
0: SPI interface is disabled
1: SPI interface is enabled

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SPI Control Register 1 – SPICR1

This register specifies the SPI parameters including the data length, the transfer format, the SEL active polarity/
mode, the LSB/MSB control, and the master/slave mode.
Offset: 0x004
Reset value: 0x0000_0000

31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24

Serial Peripheral Interface (SPI)

23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16
15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8
Type/Reset RW 0 RW 0 RW 0 RW 0 RW 0 RW 0 RW 0
7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
Reserved DFL
Type/Reset RW 0 RW 0 RW 0 RW 0

Bits Field Descriptions

[14] MODE Master or Slave Mode
0: Slave mode
1: Master mode
[13] SELM Slave Select Mode
0: SEL signal is controlled by software – asserted or de-asserted by the SSELC
1: SEL signal is controlled by hardware – generated automatically by the SPI
Note that SELM bit is available for master mode only - MODE = 1
[12] FIRSTBIT LSB or MSB Transmitted First
0: MSB transmitted first
1: LSB transmitted first
[11] SELAP Slave Select Active Polarity
0: SEL signal is active low
1: SEL signal is active high

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Bits Field Descriptions

[10:8] FORMAT SPI Data Transfer Format
These three bits are used to determine the data transfer format of the SPI interface
001 0 0
010 0 1
110 1 0
101 1 1

Serial Peripheral Interface (SPI)

Others Reserved
CPOL: Clock Polarity
0: SCK Idle state is low
1: SCK Idle state is high
CPHA: Clock Phase
0: Data is captured on the first SCK clock edge
1: Data is captured on the second SCK clock edge
[3:0] DFL Data Frame Length
Selects the data transfer frame from 1 bit to 16 bits.
0x1: 1 bit
0x2: 2 bits

0xF: 15 bits
0x0: 16 bits

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SPI Interrupt Enable Register – SPIIER

This register contains the corresponding SPI interrupt enable control bit.
Offset: 0x008
Reset value: 0x0000_0000

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7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
Type/Reset RW 0 RW 0 RW 0 RW 0 RW 0 RW 0 RW 0 RW 0

Bits Field Descriptions

[7] TOIEN Time Out Interrupt Enable
0: Disable
1: Enable
[6] SAIEN Slave Abort Interrupt Enable
0: Disable
1: Enable
[5] MFIEN Mode Fault Interrupt Enable
0: Disable
1: Enable
[4] ROIEN Read Overrun Interrupt Enable
0: Disable
1: Enable
[3] WCIEN Write Collision Interrupt Enable
0: Disable
1: Enable
[2] RXBNEIEN RX Buffer Not Empty Interrupt Enable
0: Disable
1: Enable
Generates an interrupt request when the RXBNE flag is set and when RXBNEIEN is
set. In the FIFO mode, the interrupt request being generated depends upon the RX
FIFO trigger level setting
[1] TXEIEN TX Empty Interrupt Enable
0: Disable
1: Enable
The TX register empty interrupt request will be generated when the TXE flag and the
TXEIEN bit are set

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Bits Field Descriptions

[0] TXBEIEN TX Buffer Empty Interrupt Enable
0: Disable
1: Enable
The TX buffer empty interrupt request will be generated when the TXBE flag and
the TXBEIEN bit are set. In the FIFO mode, the interrupt request being generated
depends upon the TX FIFO trigger level setting.

Serial Peripheral Interface (SPI)

SPI Clock Prescaler Register – SPICPR
This register specifies the SPI clock prescaler ratio.
Offset: 0x00C
Reset value: 0x0000_0000

31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24
23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16
15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8
Type/Reset RW 0 RW 0 RW 0 RW 0 RW 0 RW 0 RW 0 RW 0
7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
Type/Reset RW 0 RW 0 RW 0 RW 0 RW 0 RW 0 RW 0 RW 0

Bits Field Descriptions

[15:0] CP SPI Clock Prescaler
The SPI clock (SCK) is determined by the following equation:
fSCK = fPCLK / (2 × (CP + 1)), where the CP ranges is from 0 to 65535
Note: For the SPI slave mode, the system clock (fPCLK) must be at least 3 times
faster than the external SPI SCK input.

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SPI Data Register – SPIDR

This register stores the SPI received or transmitted Data.
Offset: 0x010
Reset value: 0x0000_0000

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Serial Peripheral Interface (SPI)

23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16
15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8
Type/Reset RW 0 RW 0 RW 0 RW 0 RW 0 RW 0 RW 0 RW 0
7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
Type/Reset RW 0 RW 0 RW 0 RW 0 RW 0 RW 0 RW 0 RW 0

Bits Field Descriptions

[15:0] DR Data Register
The SPI data register is used to store the serial bus transmitted or received data.
In the non-FIFO mode, writing data into the SPI data register will also load the data
into the data transmission buffer, known as the TX buffer. Reading data from the SPI
data register will return the data held in the data received buffer, named RX buffer.

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SPI Status Register – SPISR

This register contains the relevant SPI status.
Offset: 0x014
Reset value: 0x0000_0003

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Serial Peripheral Interface (SPI)

23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16
15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8
Reserved BUSY
Type/Reset RO 0
7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
Type/Reset WC 0 WC 0 WC 0 WC 0 WC 0 RO 0 RO 1 RO 1

Bits Field Descriptions

[8] BUSY SPI Busy flag
0: SPI not busy
1: SPI busy
In the master mode, this flag is reset when the TX buffer and TX shift register are
both empty and is set when the TX buffer or the TX shift register are not empty.
In the slave mode, this flag is set when SEL changes to an active level and is reset
when SEL changes to an inactive level.
[7] TO Time Out flag
0: No RX FIFO time out
1: RX FIFO time out has occurred.
Write 1 to clear it.
Once the time out counter value is equal to the TOC field setting in the SPIFTOCR
register, the time out flag will be set and an interrupt will be generated if the TOIEN
bit in the SPIIER register is enabled. This bit is cleared by writing 1
Note: This Time Out flag function is only available in the SPI FIFO mode.
[6] SA Slave Abort flag
0: No slave abort
1: Slave abort has occurred.
This bit is set by hardware and cleared by writing 1.
[5] MF Mode Fault flag
0: No mode fault
1: Mode fault has occurred
This bit is set by hardware and cleared by writing 1.
[4] RO Read Overrun flag
0: No read overrun
1: Read overrun has occurred.
This bit is set by hardware and cleared by writing 1.

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Bits Field Descriptions

[3] WC Write Collision flag
0: No write collision
1: Write collision has occurred.
This bit is set by hardware and cleared by writing 1.
[2] RXBNE Receive Buffer Not Empty flag
0: RX buffer empty
1: RX buffer not empty
This bit indicates the RX buffer status in the non-FIFO mode. It is also used to

Serial Peripheral Interface (SPI)

indicate if the RX FIFO trigger level has been reached in the FIFO mode. This bit will
be cleared when the SPI RX buffer is empty in the non-FIFO mode or if the number
of data contained in RX FIFO is less than the trigger level which is specified by the
RXFTLS field in the SPIFCR register in the SPI FIFO mode
[1] TXE Transmission Register Empty flag
0: TX buffer or TX shift register is not empty
1: TX buffer and TX shift register both are empty
[0] TXBE Transmit Buffer Empty flag
0: TX buffer not empty
1: TX buffer empty
In the FIFO mode, this bit indicates that the number of data contained in TX FIFO is
equal to or less than the trigger level specified by the TXFTLS field in the SPIFCR

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SPI FIFO Control Register – SPIFCR

This register contains the related SPI FIFO control including the FIFO enable control and the FIFO trigger level
Offset: 0x018
Reset value: 0x0000_0000

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Serial Peripheral Interface (SPI)

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Reserved FIFOEN Reserved
Type/Reset RW 0
7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
Type/Reset RW 0 RW 0 RW 0 RW 0 RW 0 RW 0 RW 0 RW 0

Bits Field Descriptions

[10] FIFOEN FIFO Enable
0: FIFO disable
1: FIFO enable
This bit cannot be set or reset when the SPI interface is in transmitting.
[7:4] RXFTLS RX FIFO Trigger Level Select
0000: Trigger level is 0
0001: Trigger level is 1
1000: Trigger level is 8
Others: Reserved
The RXFTLS field is used to specify the RX FIFO trigger level. When the number of
data contained in the RX FIFO is equal to or greater than the trigger level defined by
the RXFTLS field, the RXBNE flag will be set
[3:0] TXFTLS TX FIFO Trigger Level Select
0000: Trigger level is 0
0001: Trigger level is 1
1000: Trigger level is 8
Others: Reserved
The TXFTLS field is used to specify the TX FIFO trigger level. When the number of
data contained in the TX FIFO is equal to or less than the trigger level defined by the
TXFTLS field, the TXBE flag will be set.

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SPI FIFO Status Register – SPIFSR

This register contains the relevant SPI FIFO status.
Offset: 0x01C
Reset value: 0x0000_0000

31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24

Serial Peripheral Interface (SPI)

23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16
15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8
7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
Type/Reset RO 0 RO 0 RO 0 RO 0 RO 0 RO 0 RO 0 RO 0

Bits Field Descriptions

[7:4] RXFS RX FIFO Status
0000: RX FIFO empty
0001: RX FIFO contains 1 data
1000: RX FIFO contains 8 data
Others: Reserved
[3:0] TXFS TX FIFO Status
0000: TX FIFO empty
0001: TX FIFO contains 1 data

1000: TX FIFO contains 8 data
Others: Reserved

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SPI FIFO Time Out Counter Register – SPIFTOCR

This register stores the SPI RX FIFO time out counter value.
Offset: 0x020
Reset value: 0x0000_0000

31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24
Type/Reset RW 0 RW 0 RW 0 RW 0 RW 0 RW 0 RW 0 RW 0

Serial Peripheral Interface (SPI)

23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16
Type/Reset RW 0 RW 0 RW 0 RW 0 RW 0 RW 0 RW 0 RW 0
15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8
Type/Reset RW 0 RW 0 RW 0 RW 0 RW 0 RW 0 RW 0 RW 0
7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
Type/Reset RW 0 RW 0 RW 0 RW 0 RW 0 RW 0 RW 0 RW 0

Bits Field Descriptions

[15:0] TOC Time Out Counter
The time out counter starts to count from 0 after the SPI RX FIFO receives a data,
and reset the counter value once the data is read from the SPIDR register by
software or another new data is received. If the FIFO does not receive new data
or the software does not read data from the SPIDR register the time out counter
value will continuously increase. When the time out counter value is equal to the
TOC setting value, the TO flag in the SPISR register will be set and an interrupt will
be generated if the TOIEN bit in the SPIIEN register is set. The time out counter
will be stopped when the RX FIFO is empty. The SPI FIFO time out function can
be disabled by setting the TOC field to zero. The time out counter is driven by the
system APB clock, named fPCLK.

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22 Universal Synchronous Asynchronous

Receiver Transmitter (USART)

The Universal Synchronous Asynchronous Receiver Transceiver, USART, provides a flexible

Universal Synchronous Asynchronous Receiver Transmitter (USART)

full duplex data exchange using synchronous or asynchronous transfer. The USART is used to
translate data between parallel and serial interfaces, and is also commonly used for RS232 standard
communication. The USART peripheral function supports a variety of interrupts.

The USART module includes an 8-byte transmit FIFO, TX FIFO, and a 8-byte receive FIFO,
RX FIFO. Software can detect a USART error status by reading USART Status & Interrupt Flag
Register, USRSIFR. The status includes the condition of the transfer operations as well as several
error conditions resulting from Parity, Overrun, Framing and Break events.

The USART includes a programmable baud rate generator which is capable of dividing the USART
clock of the CK_APB (CK_USART) to produce a baud rate clock for the USART transmitter and


Transmit FIFO

Transmit Shift Register

APB Receive Shift Register
USART Control
Interface RX
and USART I/O and
Configuration IrDA
Registers Receive FIFO

Baud Rate
Divisor Clock CTS
USART Generator

Figure 160. USART Block Diagram

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▄▄ Supports both asynchronous and clocked synchronous serial communication modes
▄▄ Full Duplex Communication Capability
▄▄ Programming baud rate up to 3 Mbit/s for asynchronous mode and 6 Mbit/s for synchronous
▄▄ IrDA SIR encoder and decoder

Universal Synchronous Asynchronous Receiver Transmitter (USART)

●● Support of normal 3/16 bit duration and low-power (1.41 ~ 2.23 μs) durations
▄▄ Supports RS485 mode with output enable
▄▄ Auto hardware flow control mode – RTS, CTS
▄▄ Fully programmable serial communication functions including:
●● Word length: 7, 8, or 9-bit character
●● Parity: Even, odd, or no-parity bit generation and detection
●● Stop bit: 1 or 2 stop bit generation
●● Bit order: LSB-first or MSB-first transfer
▄▄ Error detection: Parity, overrun, and frame error
▄▄ FIFO:
●● Receive FIFO: 8 × 9 bits (max 9 data bits)
●● Transmit FIFO: 8 × 9 bits (max 9 data bits)
▄▄ Supports PDMA Interface

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Function Descriptions
Serial Data Format
The USART module performs a parallel-to-serial conversion on data that is written to the transmit
FIFO registers and then sends the data with the following format: Start bit, 7 ~ 9 LSB first data
bits, optional Parity bit and finally 1 ~ 2 Stop bits. The Start bit has the opposite polarity of the
data line idle state. The Stop bit is the same as the data line idle state and provides a delay before
the next start situation. The both Start and Stop bits are used for data synchronization during the

Universal Synchronous Asynchronous Receiver Transmitter (USART)

asynchronous data transmission.

The USART module also performs a serial-to-parallel conversion on the data that is read from the
receive FIFO registers. It will first check the Parity bit and will then look for a Stop bit. If the Stop
bit is not found, the USART module will consider the entire word transmission to have failed and
respond with a Framing Error.

7-Bit Data Format

Next Start
Start Bit Bit0 Bit1 Bit2 Bit3 Bit4 Bit5 Bit6 Stop Bit Bit

8-Bit Data Format

Next Start
Start Bit Bit0 Bit1 Bit2 Bit3 Bit4 Bit5 Bit6 Bit7 Stop Bit

Next Start
Start Bit Bit0 Bit1 Bit2 Bit3 Bit4 Bit5 Bit6 Parity Bit Stop Bit

9-Bit Data Format

Next Start
Start Bit Bit0 Bit1 Bit2 Bit3 Bit4 Bit5 Bit6 Bit7 Bit8 Stop Bit Bit

Next Start
Start Bit Bit0 Bit1 Bit2 Bit3 Bit4 Bit5 Bit6 Bit7 Parity Bit Stop Bit Bit

Figure 161. USART Serial Data Format

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Baud Rate Generation

The baud rate for the USART receiver and transmitter are both set with the same values. The baud-
rate divisor, BRD, has the following relationship with the USART clock which is known as CK_

Baud Rate Clock = CK_USART / BRD

Where CK_USART clock is the APB clock connected to the USART while the BRD range is from
16 to 65535 for asynchronous mode and 8 to 65535 for synchronous mode.

Universal Synchronous Asynchronous Receiver Transmitter (USART)


BRD =18

Divisor Clock

Parity Bit
Next Start
Start Bit Bit0 Bit1 Bit2 Bit3 Bit4 Bitn Stop Bit Bit

Figure 162. USART Clock CK_USART and Data Frame Timing

Table 53. Baud Rate Deviation Error Calculation – CK_USART = 40 MHz

Baud rate CK_USART = 40 MHz
No Kbps Actual BRD Deviation Error rate
1 2.4 2.4 16667 0.00%
2 9.6 9.6 4167 -0.01%
3 19.2 19.2 2083 0.02%
4 57.6 57.6 694 0.06%
5 115.2 115.3 347 0.06%
6 230.4 229.9 174 -0.22%
7 460.8 459.8 87 -0.22%
8 921.6 930.2 43 0.94%
9 2250 2222.2 18 -1.23%
10 3000 3076.9 13 2.56%

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Table 54. Baud Rate Deviation Error Calculation – CK_USART = 48 MHz

Baud rate CK_USART = 48 MHz
No Kbps Actual BRD Deviation Error rate
1 2.4 2.4 20000 0.00%
2 9.6 9.6 5000 0.00%
3 19.2 19.2 2500 0.00%
4 57.6 57.6 833 0.04%
5 115.2 115.1 417 -0.08%

Universal Synchronous Asynchronous Receiver Transmitter (USART)

6 230.4 230.8 208 0.16%
7 460.8 461.5 104 0.16%
8 921.6 923.1 52 0.16%
9 2250 2285.7 21 1.59%
10 3000 3000 16 0.00%

Hardware Flow Control

The USART supports the hardware flow control function which is enabled by setting the HFCEN
bit in the USRCR register to 1. It is possible to control the serial data flow between 2 USART
devices by using the CTS input and the RTS output. The Figure 163 shows the connection diagram
in this mode. The hardware flow control function is categorized into to types. One is the RTS flow
control function and the other is the CTS flow control function.


Transmitter Receiver


Receiver Transmitter

Figure 163. Hardware Flow Control between 2 USARTs

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RTS Flow Control

In the RTS flow control, the USART RTS pin is active with a logic low state when the receive data
register is empty. It means that the receiver is ready to receive a new data. When the RX FIFO
reaches the trigger level which is specified by configuring the RXTL field in the USRFCR register,
the USART RTS pin is inactive with a logic high state. Figure 164 shows the example of RTS flow

Universal Synchronous Asynchronous Receiver Transmitter (USART)

Start Bit Parity Bit Start Bit Parity Bit
Bit 0 Bit 1 Bit 2 Bit 3 Bit 4 Bit N Stop Bit Idle Bit 0 Bit 1 Bit 2 Bit 3 Bit 4 Bit N Stop Bit
N=6~8 N=6~8

RXFS[3:0] 3 4 0 1

Reach the RX trigger level Read data until RX FIFO is empty

RFTL[2:0] = 0x01

Figure 164. USART RTS Flow Control

CTS Flow Control

If the hard flow control function is enabled, the URTXEN bit in the USRCR register will be
controlled by the USART CTS input signal. If the USART CTS pin is forced to a logic low state,
the URTXEN bit will automatically be set to 1 to enable the data transmission. However, if the
USART CTS pin is forced to a logic high state, the URTXEN bit will be cleared to 0 and then the
data transmission will also be disabled.

When the USART CTS pin is forced to a logic high state during a data transmission period, the
current data transmission will be continued until the stop bit is completed. The Figure 165 shows
an example of communication with CTS flow control.

Start Bit Parity Bit Start Bit Parity Bit Start Bit
Bit 0 Bit 1 Bit 2 Bit 3 Bit 4 Bit N Stop Bit Idle Bit 0 Bit 1 Bit 2 Bit 3 Bit 4 Bit N Stop Bit 0
N=6~8 N=6~8

TXFS[3:0] 4 3 2

Figure 165. USART CTS Flow Control

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The USART IrDA mode is provided half-duplex point-to-point wireless communication.

The USART module includes an integrated modulator and demodulator which allow a wireless
communication using infrared transceivers. The transmitter specifies a logic data ‘0’ as a ‘high’
pulse and a logic data ‘1’ as a ‘low’ level while the Receiver specifies a logic data ‘0’ as a ‘low’
pulse and a logic data ‘1’ as ‘high’ level in the IrDA mode.

Universal Synchronous Asynchronous Receiver Transmitter (USART)

Data Frame

TX_Data 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 1 1 0


bit width 3/16 bit width


Data Frame

Rx_Data 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 1 1 0

Figure 166. IrDA Modulation and Demodulation

The IrDA mode provides two operation modes, one is the normal mode, and the other is the low-
power mode.

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IrDA Normal Mode

For the IrDA normal mode, the width of each transmitted pulse generated by the transmitter
modulator is specified as 3/16 of the baud rate clock period. The receiver pulse width for the IrDA
receiver demodulator is based on the IrDA receive debounce filter which is implement using an
8-bit down-counting counter. The debounce filter counter value is specified by the IrDAPSC field
in the IrDACR register. When a falling edge is detected on the receiver pin, the debounce filter
counter starts to count down, driven by the CK_USART clock. If a rising edge is detected on the
receiver pin, the counter stops counting and is reloaded with the IrDAPSC value. When a low

Universal Synchronous Asynchronous Receiver Transmitter (USART)

pulse falling edge on the receiver pin is detected and then before the debounce filter has counted
down to zero, a rising edge is also detected, then this low pulse will be considered as glitch noise
and will be discarded. If a low pulse falling edge appears on the receiver pin but no rising edge
is detected before the debounce counter reaches 0, then the input is regarded as a valid data “0”
for this bit duration. The IrDAPSC value must be set to be greater than or equal to 0x01, then the
IrDA receiver demodulation operation can function properly. The IrDAPSC value can be adjusted
to meet the USART baud rate setting to filter the IrDA received glitch noise of which the width is
smaller than the prescaler setting duration.

IrDA Low-Power Mode

In the IrDA low-power mode, the transmitted IrDA pulse width generated by the transmitter
modulator is not kept at 3/16 of the baud rate clock period. Instead, the pulse width is fixed and is
calculated by the following formula. The transmitted pulse width can be adjusted by the IrDAPSC
field to meet the minimum pulse width specification of the external IrDA Receiver device.


Note: TIrDA_L is transmitted pulse width in the low power mode.

The IrDAPSC filed is the IrDA prescaler value in the IrDA Control Register IrDACR.

The debounce behavior in the IrDA low-power receiving mode is similar to the IrDA normal mode.
For glitch detection, the low pulse of which the pulse width is shorter than 1 × (IrDAPSC / CK_
USART) should be discarded in the IrDA receiver demodulation. A valid low data is accepted if its
low pulse width is greater than 2 × (IrDAPSC / CK_USART) duration.

The IrDA physical layer specification specifies a minimum delay with a value of 10 ms between the
transmission and reception switch; and this IrDA receiver set-up time also should be managed by
the software.

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TX_Data 0



Universal Synchronous Asynchronous Receiver Transmitter (USART)


0 RX




Figure 167. USART I/O and IrDA Block Diagram

RS485 Mode
The RS485 mode of the USART provides the data transmission on the interface transmitted over
a 2-wire twisted pair bus. The RS485 transceiver interprets the voltage levels of the differential
signals with respect to a third common voltage. Without this common reference, the transceiver
may interpret the differential signals incorrectly. This enhances the noise rejection capabilities of
the RS485 interface. The USART RTS pin is used to control the external RS485 transceiver whose
polarity can be selected by configuring the TXENP bit in the RS485 Control Register, named
RS485CR, when the USART operates in the RS485 mode.

RS485 Auto Direction Mode – AUD

When the RS485 mode is configured as a master transmitter, it will operate in the Auto Direction
Mode, AUD. In the AUD mode the polarity of the USART RTS pin is configurable according to the
TXENP bit in the RS485 Control Register in the RS485 mode. This pin can be used to control the
external RS485 transceiver to enable the transmitter.

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RS-485 Transceiver



Universal Synchronous Asynchronous Receiver Transmitter (USART)




TG = 4
Reference Divisor


Start D0 D1 D2 D3 D4 D5 D6 D7 ParityStop
Bit Bit


Figure 168. RS485 Interface and Waveform

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RS485 Normal Multi-drop Operation Mode – NMM

When the RS485 mode is configured as an addressable slave, it will operate in the Normal Multi-
drop Operation Mode, NMM. This mode is enabled when the RSNMM field is set in the RS485CR
register. Regardless of the URRXEN value in the USRCR register, all the received data with a
parity bit “0” will be ignored until the first address byte is detected with a parity bit “1” and then
the received address byte will be stored in the RXFIFO. Once the first address data is detected
and stored in the RXFIFO, the RSADD flag in the USRSIFR register will be set and generate
an interrupt if the RSADDIE bit in the USRIER register is set to 1. Application software can

Universal Synchronous Asynchronous Receiver Transmitter (USART)

determine whether the receiver is enabled or disabled to accept the following data by configuring
the URRXEN bit. When the receiver is enabled by setting the URRXEN bit to 1, all received
data will be stored in the RXFIFO. Otherwise, all received data will be ignored if the receiver is
disabled by clearing the URRXEN bit to 0.

RS485 Auto Address Detection Operation Mode – AAD

Except in the Normal Multi-drop Operation Mode, the RS485 mode can operate in the Auto
Address Detection Operation Mode, AAD, when it is configured as an addressable slave. This
mode is enabled by setting the RSAAD filed to 1 in the RS485CR register. The receiver will
detect the address frame with a parity bit “1” and then compare the received address data with the
ADDMATCH field value which is a programmable 8-bit address value specified in the RS485CR
register. If the address data matches the ADDMATCH value, it will be stored in the RXFIFO and
the URRXEN bit will be automatically set. When the receiver is enabled, all received data will be
stored in the RXFIFO until the next address frame does not match the ADDMATCH value and
then the receiver will be automatically disabled. After the receiver is enabled, software can disable
the receiver by setting the URRXEN bit to ‘0’.

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Synchronous Master Mode

The data is transmitted in a full-duplex style in the USART Synchronous Master Mode, i.e.,
data transmission and reception both occur at the same time and only support master mode. The
USART CTS pin is the synchronous USART transmitter clock output. In this mode, no clock
pulses will be sent to the CTS pin during the start bit, parity bit and stop bit duration. The CPS bit
in the Synchronous Control Register SYNCR, can be used to determine whether data is captured
on the first or the second clock edge. The CPO bit in the SYNCR can be use to configure the clock
polarity in the USART Synchronous Mode idle state. Detailed timing information is shown in

Universal Synchronous Asynchronous Receiver Transmitter (USART)

Figure 169.

In the USART synchronous Mode, the USART CTS/SCK clock output pin is only used to transmit
the data to slave device. If the transmission data register USRDR, is written with valid data, the
USART synchronous mode will automatically transmit this data with the corresponding clock
output and the USART receiver will also receive data on the RX pin. Otherwise the receiver will
not obtain synchronous data if no data is transmitted.

Data in
Data out

USART (Master)

GPIO for Chip Select


Figure 169. USART Synchronous Transmission Example

Note: The USART supports the synchronous master mode only: it cannot receive or send data
related to an input clock. The USART CTS/SCK clock is always an output.

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Clock (CPO=0)

Clock (CPO=1)

USART TX (From Start

Universal Synchronous Asynchronous Receiver Transmitter (USART)

D0 D1 D2 D3 D4 D5 D6 D7 Stop
Master to Slave)

Slave to Master) D0 D1 D2 D3 D4 D5 D6 D7


Clock (CPO=0)

Clock (CPO=1)

USART TX (From Start D0 D1 D2 D3 D4 D5 D6 Parity Stop

Master to Slave)

Slave to Master) D0 D1 D2 D3 D4 D5 D6 Parity


Clock (CPO=0)

Clock (CPO=1)

USART TX (From Start D0 D1 D2 D3 D4 D5 D6 D7 Stop

Master to Slave)

Slave to Master) D0 D1 D2 D3 D4 D5 D6 D7


Clock (CPO=0)

Clock (CPO=1)

Master to Slave) Start D0 D1 D2 D3 D4 D5 D6 Parity Stop

Slave to Master) D0 D1 D2 D3 D4 D5 D6 Parity

Figure 170. 8-bit Format USART Synchronous Waveform

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Interrupts and Status

The USART can generate interrupts when the following event occurs and corresponding interrupt
enable bits are set:
▄▄ Receive FIFO time-out interrupt: An interrupt will be generated when the USART receive FIFO
does not receive a new data package during the specified time-out interval.
▄▄ Receiver line status interrupts: The interrupts will be generated when the USART receiver
overrun error, parity error, framing error and break events occur.

Universal Synchronous Asynchronous Receiver Transmitter (USART)

▄▄ Transmit FIFO threshold level interrupt: An interrupt will be generated when the data to be
transmitted in the USART Transmit FIFO is less than the specified threshold level.
▄▄ Transmit complete interrupt: An interrupt will be generated when the Transmit FIFO is empty
and the content of the transmit shift register (TSR) is also completely shifted.
▄▄ Receive FIFO threshold level interrupt: An interrupt will be generated when the FIFO received
data amount has reached the specified threshold level.

PDMA Interface
The PDMA interface is integrated in the USART. The PDMA function can be enabled by setting
the TXDMAEN or RXDMAEN bit in the USRCR register to 1 in the transmit or receive mode
respectively. When the data to be transmitted in the USART Transmit FIFO is less than the TX
FIFO threshold level specified by the TXTL field in the USRFCR register and the TXDMAEN
bit is set to 1, the PDMA function will be activated to move data from a source location into the

Similarly, when the received data amount in the receive FIFO is equal to the RX FIFO threshold
level specified by the RXTL field in the USRFCR register and the RXDMAEN bit is set to 1, the
PDMA function will be activated to move data from the USART RX FIFO to a specific destination
location. For a mode detailed description on the PDMA configurations, refer to the PDMA chapter.

Register Map
The following table shows the USART registers and reset values.
Table 55. USART Register Map
Register Offset Description Reset Value
USRDR 0x000 USART Data Register 0x0000_0000
USRCR 0x004 USART Control Register 0x0000_0000
USRFCR 0x008 USART FIFO Control Register 0x0000_0000
USRIER 0x00C USART Interrupt Enable Register 0x0000_0000
USRSIFR 0x010 USART Status & Interrupt Flag Register 0x0000_0180
USRTPR 0x014 USART Timing Parameter Register 0x0000_0000
IrDACR 0x018 USART IrDA Control Register 0x0000_0000
RS485CR 0x01C USART RS485 Control Register 0x0000_0000
SYNCR 0x020 USART Synchronous Control Register 0x0000_0000
USRDLR 0x024 USART Divider Latch Register 0x0000_0010
USRTSTR 0x028 USART Test Register 0x0000_0000

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Register Descriptions
USART Data Register – USRDR
The register is used to access the USART transmitted and received FIFO data.
Offset: 0x000
Reset value: 0x0000_0000

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Universal Synchronous Asynchronous Receiver Transmitter (USART)

23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16
15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8
Reserved DB
Type/Reset RW 0
7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
Type/Reset RW 0 RW 0 RW 0 RW 0 RW 0 RW 0 RW 0 RW 0

Bits Field Descriptions

[8:0] DB Reading data via this receiver buffer register will return the data from the receive
FIFO. The receive FIFO has a capacity of up to 8 x 9 bits. By reading this register,
the USART will return a 7, 8 and 9-bit received data. The DB field bit 8 is valid for
9-bit mode only and is fixed at 0 for the 8-bit mode. For the 7-bits mode, the DB[6:0]
contains the available bits.
Writing data to this buffer register will load data into the Transmit FIFO. The Transmit
FIFO has a capacity of up to 8 x 9 bits. By writing to this register, the USART will
send out 7, 8 or 9-bit transmitted data. The DB field bit 8 is valid for the 9-bit mode
only and will be ignored for the 8-bit mode. For the 7-bit mode, the DB[6:0] contains
the available bits.

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USART Control Register – USRCR

The register specifies the serial parameters such as data length, parity, and stop bit for the USART. It also
contains the USART enable control bits together with the USART mode and data transfer mode selections.
Offset: 0x004
Reset value: 0x0000_0000

31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24

Universal Synchronous Asynchronous Receiver Transmitter (USART)

23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16
15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8
Type/Reset RW 0 RW 0 RW 0 RW 0 RW 0 RW 0 RW 0 RW 0
7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
Type/Reset RW 0 RW 0 RW 0 RW 0 RW 0 RW 0 RW 0 RW 0

Bits Field Descriptions

[15] RTS Request-To-Send Signal
0: Drive USART RTS pin to logic 1
1: Drive USART RTS pin to logic 0
Note that the RTS bit is used to control the USART RTS pin status when the HFCEN
bit is reset.
When the HFCEN bit is set, this RTS bit indicates the pin status that is controlled by
hardware flow control function.
[14] BCB Break Control Bit
When this bit is set 1, the serial data output on the USART TX pin will be forced to
the Spacing State (logic 0). This bit acts only on USART TX output pin and has no
effect on the transmitter logic.
[13] SPE Stick Parity Enable
0: Disable stick parity
1: Stick Parity bit is transmitted
This bit is only available when the PBE bit is set to 1. If both the PBE and SPE bits
are set to 1 and the EPE bit is cleared to 0, the transmitted parity bit will be stuck to
1. However, when the PBE and SPE bits are set to 1 and also the EPE bit is set to
1, the transmitted parity bit will be stuck to 0.
[12] EPE Even Parity Enable
0: Odd number of logic 1’s are transmitted or checked in the data word and parity
1: Even number of logic 1’s are transmitted or checked in the data word and
parity bits.
This bit is only available when PBE is set to 1.

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Bits Field Descriptions

[11] PBE Parity Bit Enable
0: Parity bit is not generated (transmitted data) or checked (receive data) during
1: Parity bit is generated or checked during transfer.
Note: When the WLS field is set to “10” to select the 9-bit data format, writing to the
PBE bit has no effect.
[10] NSB Number of “STOP bit”
0: One “STOP bit” is generated in the transmitted data

Universal Synchronous Asynchronous Receiver Transmitter (USART)

1: Two “STOP bit” is generated when 8- and 9-bit word length is selected.
[9:8] WLS Word Length Select
00: 7 bits
01: 8 bits
10: 9 bits
11: Reserved
0: Disabled
1: Enabled
0: Disabled
1: Enabled
0: Disable
1: Enable
0: Disable
1: Enable
[3] HFCEN Hardware Flow Control Function Enable
0: Disabled
1: Enabled
[2] TRSM Transfer Mode Selection
This bit is used to select the data transfer protocol.
0: LSB first
1: MSB first
[1:0] MODE USART Mode Selection.
00: Normal operation
01: IrDA
10: RS485
11: Synchronous

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32-Bit Arm® Cortex® -M0+ MCU

USART FIFO Control Register – USRFCR

This register specifies the USART FIFO control and configurations including threshold level and reset function
together with the USART FIFO status.
Offset: 0x008
Reset value: 0x0000_0000

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Reserved RXFS

Universal Synchronous Asynchronous Receiver Transmitter (USART)

Type/Reset RO 0 RO 0 RO 0 RO 0
23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16
Reserved TXFS
Type/Reset RO 0 RO 0 RO 0 RO 0
15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8
7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
Type/Reset RW 0 RW 0 RW 0 RW 0 WO 0 WO 0

Bits Field Descriptions

[27:24] RXFS RX FIFO Status
The RXFS field shows the current number of data contained in the RX FIFO.
0000: RX FIFO is empty
0001: RX FIFO contains 1 data
1000: RX FIFO contains 8 data
Others: Reserved
[19:16] TXFS TX FIFO Status
The TXFS field shows the current number of data contained in the TX FIFO.
0000: TX FIFO is empty
0001: TX FIFO contains 1 data
1000: TX FIFO contains 8 data
Others: Reserved
[7:6] RXTL RX FIFO Threshold Level Setting
00: 1 byte
01: 2 bytes
10: 4 bytes
11: 6 bytes
The RXTL field defines the RX FIFO trigger level.
[5:4] TXTL TX FIFO Threshold Level Setting
00: 0 byte
01: 2 bytes
10: 4 bytes
11: 6 bytes
The TXTL field determines the TX FIFO trigger level.
[1] RXR RX FIFO Reset
Setting this bit will generate a reset pulse to reset the RX FIFO which will empty the
RX FIFO, i.e., the RX pointer will be reset to 0 after a reset signal. This bit returns to
0 automatically after the reset pulse is generated.

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Bits Field Descriptions

[0] TXR TX FIFO Reset
Setting this bit will generate a reset pulse to reset TX FIFO which will empty the TX
FIFO, i.e., the TX pointer will be reset to 0 after a reset signal. This bit returns to 0
automatically after the reset pulse is generated.

Universal Synchronous Asynchronous Receiver Transmitter (USART)

USART Interrupt Enable Register – USRIER
This register is used to enable the related USART interrupt function. The USART module generates interrupts to
the controller when the corresponding events occur and the corresponding interrupt enable bits are set.
Offset: 0x00C
Reset value: 0x0000_0000

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15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8
Type/Reset RW 0 RW 0
7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
Type/Reset RW 0 RW 0 RW 0 RW 0 RW 0 RW 0 RW 0 RW 0

Bits Field Descriptions

[9] CTSIE CTS Clear-To-Send Interrupt Enable
0: Disable interrupt
1: Enable interrupt
An interrupt will be generated when the CTSC bit is set in the USRSIFR register.
[8] RXTOIE Receive FIFO Time-Out Interrupt Enable
0: Disable interrupt
1: Enable interrupt
Receive FIFO Time-Out Interrupt means that receive FIFO is not empty and no
activities have occurred in the receive FIFO during the time-out duration specified by
the RXTOC field.
[7] RSADDIE RS485 Address Detection Interrupt Enable
0: Disable interrupt
1: Enable interrupt
An interrupt will be generated when the RSADD bit is set in the USRSIFR register.
[6] BIE Break Interrupt Enable
0: Disable interrupt
1: Enable interrupt
An interrupt will be generated when the BII bit is set in the USRSIFR register.

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Bits Field Descriptions

[5] FEIE Framing Error Interrupt Enable
0: Disable interrupt
1: Enable interrupt
An interrupt will be generated when the FEI bit is set in the URSIFR register.
[4] PEIE Parity Error Interrupt Enable
0: Disable interrupt
1: Enable interrupt
An interrupt will be generated when the PEI bit is set in the USRSIFR register.

Universal Synchronous Asynchronous Receiver Transmitter (USART)

[3] OEIE Overrun Error Interrupt Enable
0: Disable interrupt
1: Enable interrupt
An interrupt will be generated when the OEI bit is set in the USRSIFR register.
[2] TXCIE Transmit Complete Interrupt Enable
0: Disable interrupt
1: Enable interrupt
An interrupt will be generated when the TXC bit is set in the USRSIFR register.
[1] TXDEIE Transmit Data Empty Interrupt Enable
0: Disable interrupt
1: Enable interrupt
An interrupt will be generated when the TXDE bit is set in the USRSIFR register.
[0] RXDRIE Receive Data Ready Interrupt Enable
0: Disable interrupt
1: Enable interrupt
An interrupt will be generated when the RXDR bit is set in the USRSIFR register.

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USART Status & Interrupt Flag Register – USRSIFR

This register contains the corresponding USART status.
Offset: 0x010
Reset value: 0x0000_0180

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Universal Synchronous Asynchronous Receiver Transmitter (USART)

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Type/Reset RO 0 WC 0 WC 0 RO 1
7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
Type/Reset RO 1 WC 0 RO 0 WC 0 WC 0 WC 0 WC 0 RO 0

Bits Field Descriptions

[11] CTSS CTS Clear-To-Send Status
0: CTS pin is inactive
1: CTS pin is active and kept at a logic low state
[10] CTSC CTS Status Change Flag
This bit will be set whenever the CTS input pin status is changed and an Interrupt
will be generated if the CTSIE = 1 in the USRIER register. Writing 1 to this bit clears
the flag.
[9] RSADD RS485 Address Detection
0: Address is not detected
1: Address is detected
This bit will be set to 1 when the receiver detects the address. An interrupt will be
generated if RSADDIE = 1 in the USRIER register. Writing 1 to this bit clears the
Note: This bit is only used in the RS485 mode by setting the MODE field in the
USRCR register.
[8] TXC Transmit Complete
0: Either transmit FIFO (TX FIFO) or transmit shift register (TSR) is not empty
1: Both the TX FIFO and TSR register are empty
An interrupt will be generated if TXCIE=1 in the USRIER register. This bit is cleared
by a write to the USRDR register with new data.
[7] TXDE Transmit Data FIFO Empty
0: TX FIFO level is higher than threshold
1: TX FIFO level is less than threshold
The TXDE bit will be set when transmit FIFO level is less than the transmit FIFO
threshold level setting which is set by the TXTL field in the USRFCR register. This
bit will be cleared when the new data is written into the USRDR register and the TX
FIFO level is higher than threshold setting.

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Bits Field Descriptions

[6] RXTOF Receive FIFO Time-Out Flag
0: RX FIFO Time-Out does not occur.
1: RX FIFO Time-Out occurs.
This bit is clear when RX FIFO is empty.
[5] RXDR Receive FIFO Ready Flag
0: RX FIFO level is less than threshold
1: RX FIFO level is higher than threshold
The RXDR bit will be set when the FIFO received data amount reaches the specified

Universal Synchronous Asynchronous Receiver Transmitter (USART)

threshold level which is set by the RXTL field in the USRFCR register. This bit will
be cleared when the data is read from the USRDR register and the RX FIFO level is
less than threshold setting.
[4] BII Break Interrupt Indicator
This bit will be set to 1 whenever the received data input is held in the “spacing
state” (logic 0) for longer than a full word transmission time, which is the total time of
“start bit” + “data bits” + “parity” + “stop bits” duration. Writing 1 to this bit clears the
[3] FEI Framing Error Indicator
This bit will be set to 1 whenever the received character does not have a valid “stop
bit”, which means the stop bit following the last data bit or parity bit is detected as a
logic 0. Writing 1 to this bit clears the flag.
[2] PEI Parity Error Indicator
This bit will be set to 1 whenever the received character does not have a valid “parity
bit”. Writing 1 to this bit clears the flag.
[1] OEI Overrun Error Indicator
An overrun error will occur only after the RX FIFO is full and when the next character
has been completely received in the RX shift register. The character in the shift
register is overwritten when an overrun event occurs, but the data in the RX shift
register will not be transferred to the RX FIFO. The OEI bit is used to indicate the
overrun event as soon as it happens. Writing 1 to this bit clears the flag.
[0] RXDNE RX FIFO Data Not Empty
0: RX FIFO is empty
1: RX FIFO contains at least 1 received data word

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32-Bit Arm® Cortex® -M0+ MCU

USART Timing Parameter Register – USRTPR

This register contains the USART timing parameters including the transmitter time guard parameters and the
receive FIFO time-out value together with the RX FIFO time-out function enable control.
Offset: 0x014
Reset value: 0x0000_0000

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Type/Reset RW 0 RW 0 RW 0 RW 0 RW 0 RW 0 RW 0 RW 0
7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
Type/Reset RW 0 RW 0 RW 0 RW 0 RW 0 RW 0 RW 0 RW 0

Bits Field Descriptions

[15:8] TG Transmitter Time Guard
The transmitter time guard counter is driven by the baud rate clock. When the
TX FIFO transmits data, the counter will be reset and then starts to count. Only
when the counter content is equal to the TG value, are further word transmission
transactions allowed.
[7] RXTOEN Receive FIFO Time-Out Counter Enable
0: Receive FIFO Time-Out Counter is disabled
1: Receive FIFO Time-Out Counter is enabled
[6:0] RXTOC Receive FIFO Time-Out Counter Compare Value
The RX FIFO time-out counter is driven by the baud rate clock. When the RX FIFO
receives new data, the counter will be reset and then starts to count. Once the
time-out counter content is equal to the time-out counter compare value RXTOC, a
receive FIFO time-out interrupt, RXTOI, will be generated if the RXTOIE bit in the
USRIER register is set to 1. New received data or the empty RX FIFO after being
read will clear the RX FIFO time-out counter.

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32-Bit Arm® Cortex® -M0+ MCU

USART IrDA Control Register – IrDACR

This register is used to control the IrDA mode of USART.
Offset: 0x018
Reset value: 0x0000_0000

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Type/Reset RW 0 RW 0 RW 0 RW 0 RW 0 RW 0 RW 0 RW 0
7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
Type/Reset RW 0 RW 0 RW 0 RW 0 RW 0 RW 0

Bits Field Descriptions

[15:8] IrDAPSC IrDA Prescaler value
This field contains the 8-bit debounce prescaler value.
The debounce count-down counter is driven by the USART clock, named as CK_
USART. The counting period is specified by the IrDAPSC field. The IrDAPSC field
must be set to a value equal to or greater than 0x01 for normal debounce counter
operation. If the pulse width is less than the duration specified by the IrDAPSC field,
the pulse will be considered as glitch noise and discarded.
00000000: Reserved – can not be used.
00000001: CK_USART clock divided by 1
00000010: CK_USART clock divided by 2
00000011: CK_USART clock divided by 3
[5] RXINV RX Signal Inverse Control
0: No inversion
1: RX input signal is inversed
[4] TXINV TX Signal Inverse Control
0: No inversion
1: TX output signal is inversed
[3] LB IrDA Loop Back Mode
0: Disable IrDA loop back mode
1: Enable IrDA loop back mode for self testing.
[2] TXSEL Transmit Select
0: Enable IrDA receiver
1: Enable IrDA transmitter
[1] IrDALP IrDA Low Power Mode
Select the IrDA operation mode.
0: Normal mode
1: IrDA low power mode

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Bits Field Descriptions

[0] IrDAEN IrDA Enable control
0: Disable IrDA mode
1: Enable IrDA mode

USART RS485 Control Register – RS485CR

Universal Synchronous Asynchronous Receiver Transmitter (USART)

This register is used to control the RS485 mode of USART.
Offset: 0x01C
Reset value: 0x0000_0000

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15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8
Type/Reset RW 0
7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
Type/Reset RW 0 RW 0 RW 0

Bits Field Descriptions

[15:8] ADDMATCH RS485 Auto Address Match value
The field contains the address match value for the RS485 auto address detection
operation mode.
[2] RSAAD RS485 Auto Address Detection Operation Mode Control
0: Disable
1: Enable
[1] RSNMM RS485 Normal Multi-drop Operation Mode Control
0: Disable
1: Enable
[0] TXENP USART RTS/TXE Pin Polarity
0: RTS/TXE is active high in the RS485 transmission mode
1: RTS/TXE is active low in the RS485 transmission mode

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32-Bit Arm® Cortex® -M0+ MCU

USART Synchronous Control Register – SYNCR

This register is used to control the USART synchronous mode.
Offset: 0x020
Reset value: 0x0000_0000

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7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
Reserved CPO CPS Reserved CLKEN
Type/Reset RW 0 RW 0 RW 0

Bits Field Descriptions

[3] CPO Clock Polarity
0: CTS/SCK pin idle state is low.
1: CTS/SCK pin idle state is high.
Selects the polarity of the clock output on the USART CTS/SCK pin in the
synchronous mode. Works in conjunction with the CPS bit to specify the desired
clock idle state.
[2] CPS Clock Phase
0: Data is captured on the first clock edge.
1: Data is captured on the second clock edge.
This bit allows the user to select the phase of the clock output on the USART
CTS/SCK pin in the synchronous mode. Works in conjunction with the CPO bit to
determine the data capture edge.
[0] CLKEN Clock Enable
0: CTS/SCK pin disabled
1: CTS/SCK pin enabled
Enable/disable the USART CTS/SCK pin.

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32-Bit Arm® Cortex® -M0+ MCU

USART Divider Latch Register – USRDLR

The register is used to determine the USART clock divided ratio to generate the appropriate baud rate.
Offset: 0x024
Reset value: 0x0000_0010

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Type/Reset RW 0 RW 0 RW 0 RW 0 RW 0 RW 0 RW 0 RW 0
7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
Type/Reset RW 0 RW 0 RW 0 RW 1 RW 0 RW 0 RW 0 RW 0

Bits Field Descriptions

[15:0] BRD Baud Rate Divider
The 16 bits define the USART clock divider ratio.
Baud Rate = CK_USART / BRD
Where the CK_USART clock is the clock connected to the USART module.
BRD = 16 ~ 65535 for asynchronous mode
BRD = 8 ~ 65535 for synchronous mode.

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32-Bit Arm® Cortex® -M0+ MCU

USART Test Register – USRTSTR

This register controls the USART debug mode.
Offset: 0x028
Reset value: 0x0000_0000

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7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
Reserved LBM
Type/Reset RW 0 RW 0

Bits Field Descriptions

[1:0] LBM Loopback Test Mode Select
00: Normal Operation
01: Reserved
10: Automatic Echo Mode
11: Loopback Mode

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32-Bit Arm® Cortex® -M0+ MCU

23 Universal Asynchronous Receiver

Transmitter (UART)

The Universal Asynchronous Receiver Transceiver, UART, provides a flexible full duplex data

Universal Asynchronous Receiver Transmitter (UART)

exchange using asynchronous transfer. The UART is used to translate data between parallel and
serial interfaces, and is also commonly used for RS232 standard communication. The UART
peripheral function supports a variety of interrupts.

The UART module includes a transmit data register TDR and transmit shift register TSR, and a
receive data register RDR and receive shift register RSR. Software can detect a UART error status
by reading UART Status & Interrupt Flag Register, URSIFR. The status includes the condition of
the transfer operations as well as several error conditions resulting from Parity, Overrun, Framing
and Break events.

The UART includes a programmable baud rate generator which is capable of dividing the UART
clock of the CK_APB (CK_UART) to produce a baud rate clock for the UART transmitter and


Transmit Data Register (TDR)

Transmit Shift Register (TSR)

APB Receive Shift Register (RSR) TX
Interface UART Control and
Configuration UART I/O
Registers RX
Receive Data Register (RDR)

Baud Rate
Divisor Clock
UART Generator

Figure 171. UART Block Diagram

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32-Bit Arm® Cortex® -M0+ MCU

▄▄ Supports asynchronous serial communication modes
▄▄ Full Duplex Communication Capability
▄▄ Programming baud rate up to 3 Mbit/s.
▄▄ Fully programmable serial communication functions including:
●● Word length: 7, 8, or 9-bit character

Universal Asynchronous Receiver Transmitter (UART)

●● Parity: Even, odd, or no-parity bit generation and detection
●● Stop bit: 1 or 2 stop bit generation
●● Bit order: LSB-first or MSB-first transfer
▄▄ Error detection: Parity, overrun, and frame error
▄▄ Supports PDMA Interface

Function Descriptions
Serial Data Format
The UART module performs a parallel-to-serial conversion on data that is written to the transmit
data register and then sends the data with the following format: Start bit, 7 ~ 9 LSB first data
bits, optional Parity bit and finally 1 ~ 2 Stop bits. The Start bit has the opposite polarity of the
data line idle state. The Stop bit is the same as the data line idle state and provides a delay before
the next start situation. The both Start and Stop bits are used for data synchronization during the
asynchronous data transmission.

The UART module also performs a serial-to-parallel conversion on the data that is read from the
receive data register. It will first check the Parity bit and will then look for a Stop bit. If the Stop
bit is not found, the UART module will consider the entire word transmission to have failed and
respond with a Framing Error.

7-Bit Data Format

(WLS[1:0]=0x00, PBE=0)
Next Start
Start Bit Bit0 Bit1 Bit2 Bit3 Bit4 Bit5 Bit6 Stop Bit Bit

8-Bit Data Format

(WLS[1:0]=0x01, PBE=0)
Next Start
Start Bit Bit0 Bit1 Bit2 Bit3 Bit4 Bit5 Bit6 Bit7 Stop Bit Bit

(WLS[1:0]=0x00, PBE=1)
Next Start
Start Bit Bit0 Bit1 Bit2 Bit3 Bit4 Bit5 Bit6 Parity Bit Stop Bit Bit

9-Bit Data Format

(WLS[1:0]=0x10, PBE=0)
Next Start
Start Bit Bit0 Bit1 Bit2 Bit3 Bit4 Bit5 Bit6 Bit7 Bit8 Stop Bit Bit

(WLS[1:0]=0x01, PBE=1)
Next Start
Start Bit Bit0 Bit1 Bit2 Bit3 Bit4 Bit5 Bit6 Bit7 Parity Bit Stop Bit Bit

Figure 172. UART Serial Data Format

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32-Bit Arm® Cortex® -M0+ MCU

Baud Rate Generation

The baud rate for the UART receiver and transmitter are both set with the same values. The baud-
rate divisor, BRD, has the following relationship with the UART clock which is known as CK_

Baud Rate Clock = CK_UART / BRD

Where CK_UART clock is the APB clock connected to the UART while the BRD range is from 16
to 65535.

Universal Asynchronous Receiver Transmitter (UART)


BRD =18

Divisor Clock

Parity Bit
Next Start
Start Bit Bit0 Bit1 Bit2 Bit3 Bit4 Bitn Stop Bit Bit

Figure 173. UART Clock CK_UART and Data Frame Timing

Table 56. Baud Rate Deviation Error Calculation – CK_UART = 40 MHz

Baud rate CK_UART = 40 MHz
No Kbps Actual BRD Deviation Error rate
1 2.4 2.4 16667 0.00%
2 9.6 9.6 4167 -0.01%
3 19.2 19.2 2083 0.02%
4 57.6 57.6 694 0.06%
5 115.2 115.3 347 0.06%
6 230.4 229.9 174 -0.22%
7 460.8 459.8 87 -0.22%
8 921.6 930.2 43 0.94%
9 2250 2222.2 18 -1.23%
10 3000 3076.9 13 2.56%

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Table 57. Baud Rate Deviation Error Calculation – CK_UART = 48 MHz

Baud rate CK_UART = 48 MHz
No Kbps Actual BRD Deviation Error rate
1 2.4 2.4 20000 0.00%
2 9.6 9.6 5000 0.00%
3 19.2 19.2 2500 0.00%
4 57.6 57.6 833 0.04%
5 115.2 115.1 417 -0.08%

Universal Asynchronous Receiver Transmitter (UART)

6 230.4 230.8 208 0.16%
7 460.8 461.5 104 0.16%
8 921.6 923.1 52 0.16%
9 2250 2285.7 21 1.59%
10 3000 3000 16 0.00%

Interrupts and Status

The UART can generate interrupts when the following event occurs and corresponding interrupt
enable bits are set:
▄▄ Receiver line status interrupts: The interrupts are generated when the overrun error, parity error,
framing error or break event occurs for the UART receiver.
▄▄ Transmit data register empty interrupt: An interrupt is generated when the content of the transmit
data register is transferred to the transmit shift register (TSR).
▄▄ Transmit complete interrupt: An interrupt is generated when the transmit data register (TDR) is
empty and the content of the transmit shift register (TSR) is also completely shifted.
▄▄ Receive data ready interrupt: An interrupt is generated when the content of the receive shift
register RDR has been transferred to the URDR register and is ready to read.

PDMA Interface
The PDMA interface is integrated in the UART. The PDMA function can be enabled by setting
the TXDMAEN or RXDMAEN bit in the URCR register to 1 in the transmit or receive mode
respectively. When the UART transmit data register TDR is empty and the TXDMAEN bit is set to 1,
the PDMA function will be activated to move data from a source location into the UART transmit
data register TDR.

Similarly, when the received data has been in the UART receive data register RDR and the
RXDMAEN bit is set to 1, the PDMA function will be activated to move data from the UART
receive data register RDR to a specific destination location. For a mode detailed description on the
PDMA configurations, refer to the PDMA chapter.

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32-Bit Arm® Cortex® -M0+ MCU

Register Map
The following table shows the UART registers and reset values.
Table 58. UART Register Map
Register Offset Description Reset Value
URDR 0x000 UART Data Register 0x0000_0000
URCR 0x004 UART Control Register 0x0000_0000
URIER 0x00C UART Interrupt Enable Register 0x0000_0000

Universal Asynchronous Receiver Transmitter (UART)

URSIFR 0x010 UART Status & Interrupt Flag Register 0x0000_0180
URDLR 0x024 UART Divider Latch Register 0x0000_0010
URTSTR 0x028 UART Test Register 0x0000_0000

Register Descriptions
UART Data Register – URDR
The register is used to access the UART transmitted and received data.
Offset: 0x000
Reset value: 0x0000_0000

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Reserved DB
Type/Reset RW 0
7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
Type/Reset RW 0 RW 0 RW 0 RW 0 RW 0 RW 0 RW 0 RW 0

Bits Field Descriptions

[8:0] DB By reading this register, the UART will return a 7, 8 and 9-bit received data. The
DB field bit 8 is valid for 9-bit mode only and is fixed at 0 for the 8-bit mode. For the
7-bits mode, the DB[6:0] contains the available bits.
By writing to this register, the UART will send out 7, 8 or 9-bit transmitted data. The
DB field bit 8 is valid for the 9-bit mode only and will be ignored for the 8-bit mode.
For the 7-bit mode, the DB[6:0] contains the available bits.

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UART Control Register – URCR

The register specifies the serial parameters such as data length, parity, and stop bit for the UART.
Offset: 0x004
Reset value: 0x0000_0000

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Type/Reset RW 0 RW 0 RW 0 RW 0 RW 0 RW 0 RW 0
7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
Type/Reset RW 0 RW 0 RW 0 RW 0 RW 0

Bits Field Descriptions

[14] BCB Break Control Bit
When this bit is set 1, the serial data output on the UART TX pin will be forced to the
Spacing State (logic 0). This bit acts only on UART TX output pin and has no effect
on the transmitter logic.
[13] SPE Stick Parity Enable
0: Disable stick parity
1: Stick Parity bit is transmitted
This bit is only available when the PBE bit is set to 1. If both the PBE and SPE bits
are set to 1 and the EPE bit is cleared to 0, the transmitted parity bit will be stuck to
1. However, when the PBE and SPE bits are set to 1 and also the EPE bit is set to
1, the transmitted parity bit will be stuck to 0.
[12] EPE Even Parity Enable
0: Odd number of logic 1’s are transmitted or checked in the data word and parity
1: Even number of logic 1’s are transmitted or checked in the data word and
parity bits.
This bit is only available when PBE is set to 1.
[11] PBE Parity Bit Enable
0: Parity bit is not generated (transmitted data) and checked (receive data) during
1: Parity bit is generated and checked during transfer.
Note: When the WLS field is set to “10” to select the 9-bit data format, writing to the
PBE bit has no effect.
[10] NSB Number of “STOP bit”
0: One “STOP bit” is generated in the transmitted data
1: Two “STOP bit” is generated when 8- and 9-bit word length is selected.

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32-Bit Arm® Cortex® -M0+ MCU

Bits Field Descriptions

[9:8] WLS Word Length Select
00: 7 bits
01: 8 bits
10: 9 bits
11: Reserved
0: Disabled
1: Enabled

Universal Asynchronous Receiver Transmitter (UART)

0: Disabled
1: Enabled
0: Disable
1: Enable
0: Disable
1: Enable
[2] TRSM Transfer Mode Selection
This bit is used to select the data transfer protocol.
0: LSB first
1: MSB first

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32-Bit Arm® Cortex® -M0+ MCU

UART Interrupt Enable Register – URIER

This register is used to enable the related UART interrupt function. The UART module generates interrupts to the
controller when the corresponding events occur and the corresponding interrupt enable bits are set.
Offset: 0x00C
Reset value: 0x0000_0000

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Universal Asynchronous Receiver Transmitter (UART)

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15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8
7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
Type/Reset RW 0 RW 0 RW 0 RW 0 RW 0 RW 0 RW 0

Bits Field Descriptions

[6] BIE Break Interrupt Enable
0: Disable interrupt
1: Enable interrupt
An interrupt is generated when the break interrupt is enabled and the BII bit is set in
the URSIFR register.
[5] FEIE Framing Error Interrupt Enable
0: Disable interrupt
1: Enable interrupt
An interrupt is generated when the framing error interrupt is enabled and the FEI bit
is set in the URSIFR register.
[4] PEIE Parity Error Interrupt Enable
0: Disable interrupt
1: Enable interrupt
An interrupt is generated when the parity error interrupt is enabled and the PEI bit is
set in the URSIFR register.
[3] OEIE Overrun Error Interrupt Enable
0: Disable interrupt
1: Enable interrupt
An interrupt is generated when the overrun error interrupt is enabled and the OEI bit
is set in the URSIFR register.
[2] TXCIE Transmit Complete Interrupt Enable
0: Disable interrupt
1: Enable interrupt
An interrupt is generated when the transmit complete interrupt is enabled and the
TXC bit is set in the URSIFR register.

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Bits Field Descriptions

[1] TXDEIE Transmit Data Register Empty Interrupt Enable
0: Disable interrupt
1: Enable interrupt
An interrupt is generated when the transmit data register empty interrupt is enabled
and the TXDE bit is set in the URSIFR register.
[0] RXDRIE Receive Data Ready Interrupt Enable
0: Disable interrupt
1: Enable interrupt

Universal Asynchronous Receiver Transmitter (UART)

An interrupt is generated when the receive data ready interrupt is enabled and the
RXDR bit is set in the URSIFR register.

UART Status & Interrupt Flag Register – URSIFR

This register contains the corresponding UART status.
Offset: 0x010
Reset value: 0x0000_0180

31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24
23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16
15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8
Reserved TXC
Type/Reset RO 1
7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
Type/Reset RO 1 RO 0 WC 0 WC 0 WC 0 WC 0

Bits Field Descriptions

[8] TXC Transmit Complete
0: Either the transmit data register (TDR) or transmit shift register (TSR) is not
1: Both the transmit data register (TDR) and transmit shift register (TSR) are
An interrupt is generated if TXCIE=1 in the URIER register. This bit is cleared by a
write to the URDR register with new data.
[7] TXDE Transmit Data Register Empty
0: Transmit data register is not empty.
1: Transmit data register is empty.
The TXDE bit is set by hardware when the content of the transmit data register is
transferred to the transmit shift register (TSR). An interrupt is generated if TXEIE=1
in the URIER register. This bit is cleared by a write to the URDR register with a new

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Bits Field Descriptions

[5] RXDR RX Data Ready
0: Receive data register is empty
1: Received data in the receive data register is ready to read.
This bit is set by hardware when the content of the receive shift register RDR has
been transferred to the URDR register. It is cleared by a read to the URDR register.
An interrupt is generated if RXDRIE=1 in the URIER register.
[4] BII Break Interrupt Indicator

Universal Asynchronous Receiver Transmitter (UART)

This bit is set to 1 whenever the received data input is held in the "spacing state"
(logic 0) for longer than a full character transmission time, which is the total time of
"start bit" + “data bits” + “parity” + “stop bits” duration. Writing 1 to this bit clears the
[3] FEI Framing Error Indicator
This bit is set 1 whenever the received character does not have a valid "stop bit",
which means the stop bit following the last data bit or parity bit is detected as logic
0. Writing 1 to this bit clears the flag.
[2] PEI Parity Error Indicator
This bit is set to 1 whenever the received character does not have a valid "parity bit".
Writing 1 to this bit clears the flag.
[1] OEI Overrun Error Indicator
An overrun error will occur only after the receive data register is full and when
the next character has been completely received in the receive shift register. The
character in the receive shift register will be overwritten when an overrun event
occurs. But the data in the receive shift register will not be transferred to the
receive data register. The OEI bit is used to indicate the overrun event as soon as it
happens. Writing 1 to this bit clears the flag.

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UART Divider Latch Register – URDLR

The register is used to determine the UART clock divided ratio to generate the appropriate baud rate.
Offset: 0x024
Reset value: 0x0000_0010

31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24

Universal Asynchronous Receiver Transmitter (UART)

23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16
15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8
Type/Reset RW 0 RW 0 RW 0 RW 0 RW 0 RW 0 RW 0 RW 0
7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
Type/Reset RW 0 RW 0 RW 0 RW 1 RW 0 RW 0 RW 0 RW 0

Bits Field Descriptions

[15:0] BRD Baud Rate Divider
The 16 bits define the UART clock divider ratio.
Baud Rate = CK_UART / BRD
Where the CK_UART clock is the clock connected to the UART module.
BRD = 16 ~ 65535 for UART mode

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UART Test Register – URTSTR

This register controls the UART debug mode.
Offset: 0x028
Reset value: 0x0000_0000

31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24

Universal Asynchronous Receiver Transmitter (UART)

23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16
15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8
7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
Reserved LBM
Type/Reset RW 0 RW 0

Bits Field Descriptions

[1:0] LBM Loopback Test Mode Select
00: Normal Operation
01: Reserved
10: Automatic Echo Mode
11: Loopback Mode

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32-Bit Arm® Cortex® -M0+ MCU

24 Smart Card Interface (SCI)

The Smart Card Interface, SCI, is compatible with the ISO 7816-3 standard. This interface includes
functions for card Insertion/Removal detection, SCI data transfer control logic and data buffers,
internal Timer Counters and corresponding control logic circuits to perform the required Smart

Smart Card Interface (SCI)

Card operations. The Smart Card interface acts as a Smart Card Reader to facilitate communication
with the external Smart Card. The overall functions of the Smart Card interface are controlled
by a series of registers including control and status registers together with several corresponding
interrupts which are generated to get the attention of the microcontroller for SCI transfer status.

As the complexity of ISO7816-3 standard data protocol does not permit comprehensive specifications
to be provided in this datasheet, the reader should therefore consult other external information for a
detailed understanding of this standard.

fPCLK 6-bit Prescaler


11-bit Elementary fETU 9-bit

Time Unit Guard Time
(ETU) (GT) Clock
Control Control SCI_CLK

24-bit SCI transfer

Waiting Time fWT SCI TX/RX I/O
Control SCI_DIO
Counter Circuitry buffers Control

Interrupt Control Card

SCI Interrupt to NVIC Detection SCI_DET

Figure 174. SCI Block Diagram

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▄▄ Supports ISO 7816-3 standard
▄▄ Character Transfer Mode
▄▄ 1 transmit buffer and 1 receive buffer
▄▄ 11-bit ETU (elementary time unit) counter
▄▄ 9-bit guard time counter

Smart Card Interface (SCI)

▄▄ 24-bit general purpose waiting time counter
▄▄ Parity generation and checking
▄▄ Automatic character repetition on parity error detection in transmission and reception modes
▄▄ Supports PDMA access at a transmission or reception completion

Functional Descriptions
To communicate with an external Smart Card, the integrated Smart Card Interface has a series
of external pins known as SCI_CLK, SCI_DIO and SCI_DET. The SCI_CLK pin is the clock
output signal used to communicate with the external Smart Card together with the serial data pin
named SCI_DIO. The operation of the SCI_CLK and SCI_DIO pins can be selected to be the SCI
data Transfer Mode which is driven automatically by the SCI control circuits or to be the Manual
mode which is controlled by configuring the internal CLK and DIO register bits respectively by
the application program. The SCI_DET pin is the external card detection input pin. Insertion or
removal of the external Smart Card can be automatically detected and generate an interrupt signal
which is sent to the microcontroller if the corresponding interrupt function is enabled.

For proper data transfer, some timing related procedures must be executed before the Smart
Card Interface can begin to communicate with the external card. There are three counters named
Elementary Time Unit, ETU, Guard Time Counter, GT, and Waiting Time Counter, WT, which are
used for the timing related functions in Smart Card Interface data transfer operations.

Elementary Time Unit Counter

The Elementary Time Unit, ETU, is an 11-bit up-counting counter which generates a clock
denoted as f ETU to be used as the operating frequency source for the SCI data transmission and
reception. The clock source of the ETU comes from the Smart Card clock, named f PSC_CK, which is
derived from the 6-bit prescaler. The data transfer of the SCI is a character frame based protocol,
which basically consists of a Start bit, 8-bits of data and a Parity bit. The time period, tETU (1/
f ETU), generated by the ETU, is the time unit for a character bit. There is a register related to the
Elementary Time Unit known as the ETUR register which stores the expected contents of the
ETU. Each time the ETUR register is written, the ETU circuitry will reload the new written value
and restart counting. The elementary time unit tETU is obtained from the following formula which
defines the bit rate in the ISO 7816-3 standard specification.
Fi 1
1etu = tETU = D ×
i f

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▄▄ etu is the nominal duration of the data bit on the signal SCI_DIO provided to the card by the

▄ Di is the bit-rate adjustment factor
▄▄ Fi is the clock rate conversion factor
▄▄ f is the frequency value of the clock signal SCI_CLK provided to the card by the interface

Smart Card Interface (SCI)

D i is an encoded decimal value based on a 4-bit field, named DI, as represented in the
accompanying table.
Table 59. DI Field Based Di Encoded Decimal Values
DI field 0001 0010 0011 0100 0101 0110 1000 1001
Di (decimal) 1 2 4 8 16 32 12 20

Fi is an encoded decimal value based on a 4-bit field, named FI, as represented in the following
Table 60. FI Field Based Fi Encoded Decimal Values
FI field 0000 0001 0010 0011 0100 0101 0110 1001 1010 1011 1100 1101
Fi (decimal) 372 372 558 744 1116 1488 1860 512 768 1024 1536 2048

The values of FI and DI, as they appear in the preceding tables, will be obtained from the Answer-
to-Reset packet sent from the external Smart Card to the Smart Card Interface the first time the
external Smart Card is inserted. When the SCI receives the FI and DI information, the Fi and
Di values can be obtained by looking up the preceding two tables. After the Fi and Di values are
obtained, the value which should be written into the ETUR register can be calculated by Fi/Di. The
following table shows the possible ETU values obtained by the Fi/Di ratio.
Table 61. Possible ETU Values Obtained with the Fi/Di Ratio
372 558 774 1116 1488 1860 512 768 1024 1536 2048
1 372 558 744 1116 1488 1860 512 768 1024 1536 2048
2 186 279 372 558 744 930 256 384 512 768 1024
4 93 139.5 186 279 372 465 128 192 256 384 512
8 46.5 69.75 93 139.5 186 232.5 64 96 128 192 256
16 23.25 34.87 46.5 69.75 93 116.2 32 48 64 96 128
32 22.62 17.43 23.25 34.87 46.5 58.13 16 24 32 48 64
12 31 46.5 62 93 124 155 42.66 64 85.33 128 170.6
20 18.6 27.9 37.2 55.8 74.4 93 25.6 38.4 51.2 76.8 102.4

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32-Bit Arm® Cortex® -M0+ MCU

Compensation mode
As the value of the ETUR register is obtained by the above procedure, the calculation results of the
value may not be an integer. If the calculation result is not an integer and is less than the integer
n but greater than the integer (n-1), either the integer n or (n-1) should be written into the ETUR
register depending upon whether the result is closer to integer n or (n-1). The integer n mentioned
here is a decimal.

If the calculation result is close to the value of (n-0.5), the compensation mode should be enabled by
setting the compensation enable control bit, COMP, in the ETUR register to 1 for successful data

Smart Card Interface (SCI)

transfer. When the result is close to the value of (n-0.5) and the compensation mode is enabled, the
value written into the ETUR register should be n. The ETU circuitry will then generate the time
unit sequence with n clock cycles and next (n-1) clock cycles alternately and so on. This results
in an average time unit of (n-0.5) clock cycles and allows a time granularity down to a half clock
cycle. Note that the ETU will reload the ETUR register value and restart counting at the time when
the Start bit appears in the SCI data Transfer Mode.

Start bit Parity bit

Data bits

n n n n n n n n n n

n n-1 n n-1 n n-1 n n-1 n n-1 COMP=1
(Average time unit= n-0.5)
n-1 n n-1 n n-1 n n-1 n n-1 n
Note: The ETUR register value = n, i.e. 1 tETU=n clocks in this example.

Figure 175. Character Frame and Compensation Mode

Guard Time Counter

The Guard Time Counter, GT, is a 9-bit up-counting counter which generates a minimum time
duration known as a character frame, denoted as tGT, between the leading edges of two consecutive
characters in the SCI data transfer. The clock source of the guard time counter comes from the
ETU, named f ETU in the block diagram. There is a register related to the guard time counter known
as the GTR register, which stores the expected value of the guard time counter. The guard time
value will be reloaded at the end of the current guard time period. Note that the guard time between
the last character received from the Smart Card and the next character transmitted by the SCI
circuitry which should be properly managed by the application program. There is no guard time
insertion when the first character is transmitted.

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Start Start Start Start

SCI_DIO Char 0 Char 1 Char n

Start Start Start
Smart CardàSCI Char 0 Char 1

SCIàSmart Card

Smart Card Interface (SCI)

Figure 176. Guard Time Duration

Waiting Time Counter

The Waiting Time counter, WT, is a 24-bit down counting counter which generates a maximum
time duration, denoted as tWT, for data transfer. The clock source of the waiting time counter comes
from the ETU and is named f ETU.

There is a register for the waiting time counter known as the WTR register which stores the
expected waiting time counter value. The waiting time counter can be used in both the SCI data
Transfer Mode and manual mode and can reload the value for specific conditions. The function
of the waiting time counter is controlled by the WTEN bit in the CR register. When the SCI is
configured to be operated in the SCI data Transfer Mode and the waiting time counter is enabled
by setting the WTEN bit to 1, the updated WTR register value will be loaded into the waiting time
counter when the Start bit is detected. Note that the WTEN bit should not be set to 1 to enable the
waiting time counter in the SCI data Transfer Mode until after the external Smart Card is inserted.

If the SCI is configured to operate in the manual mode, the waiting time counter can be used as a
general purpose timer and this timer is enabled or disabled by setting or clearing the WTEN bit.
The updated WTR register value will not be loaded into the waiting time counter if the waiting
time counter is enabled. When the waiting time counter is disabled by setting the WTEN bit to 0
and an updated value is written into the WTR register, the new value will immediately be loaded
into the waiting time counter and then the counter will start to count after the WTEN bit is again
set to 1.

Software can change the Waiting Time value on-the-fly. For example, in T=1 mode, the value of the
Block Waiting Time, tBWT, should be written into the WTR register before the Start bit of the last
transmitted character occurs. After the transmission of the last character is completed, software
should write the Character Waiting Time value, tCWT, into the WTR register.

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Start bit
Program the BWT Program the CWT

SCI_DIO Char 0 Char 1 Char n

tBWT Start bit

SCIàSmart Card BWT is reloaded Char 0 Char 1 SCI_DIO

on Start bit

Smart Card Interface (SCI)


Smart CardàSCI

Figure 177. Character and Block Waiting Time Duration – CWT and BWT

Card Clock and Data Selection

The SCI communicates with an external Smart Card using a series of external pins. These are the
serial data pin, SCI_DIO, output clock pin, SCI_CLK, and the Card Detection input pin, SCI_DET.

The SCI serial data pin, named SCI_DIO, can be controlled by the SCI hardware circuitry or the
software control bits depending upon whether the SCI is operated in the SCI Transfer Mode or in
the Manual Mode. The mode selection is determined by the SCIM bit in the CR register. The SCI_
DIO pin status is controlled by the CDIO bit in the CCR register when the SCI is configured to
operate in the Manual mode by clearing the SCIM bit in the CR register. In the Manual Mode the
SCI_DIO pin status is a copy of the CDIO bit. However, when the SCI is configured to operate in
the SCI Transfer Mode, the SCI_DIO pin status is determined by the SCI transfer circuitry.

The SCI clock output pin named SCI_CLK can be controlled by the 6-bit SCI prescaler or the
software control bits depending upon the condition of the CLKSEL bit in the CCR register. The
SCI_CLK pin status is controlled by the CCLK bit in the CCR register when the CLKSEL bit is
cleared to 0. The SCI_CLK pin status is a copy of the CCLK bit. However, when the CLKSEL bit is
set to 1, the SCI_CLK signal is sourced from the 6-bit prescaler output. The prescaler division ratio
is determined by the PSC field in the PSCR register.

Card Detection
When an external Smart Card is inserted, the internal card detector can detect this insertion
operation and generate a card insertion interrupt if the corresponding interrupt enable control
bit, CARDIRE, in the IER register is set to 1. Similarly, if the card is removed, the internal card
detector can also detect the removal and consequently generate a card removal interrupt when
the corresponding interrupt function is enabled by setting the control bit, CARDIRE, in the IER
register, to 1.

The card detector can support two kinds of card detect switch mechanisms. One is a normally
open switch mechanism when the card is not present and the other is a normally closed switch
mechanism. After noting which card detect switch mechanism type is used, the card switch
selection should be configured by setting the selection bit, DETCNF, in the CR register to correctly
detect the card presence. No matter what type of the card switch is selected, by configuring the
DETCNF bit, the card Insertion/Removal flag, CPREF, in the SR register will be set to 1 when the
card is actually present on the SCI_DET pin. Note that there are no hardware de-bounce circuits in
the card detector. Any change of the SCI_DET pin level will cause the CPREF bit to change. The
required de-bounce time should be handled by the application program.

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Detection 0 SCI_DET
Card Insertion / Removal
Interrupt request

Smart Card Interface (SCI)


Figure 178. SCI Card Detection Diagram

SCI Data Transfer Mode

The SCI data transfer with the external Smart Card is implemented with two operating modes. One
is the SCI mode while the other is the Manual Mode. The data Transfer Mode is selected by the
SCI mode selection bit, SCIM, in the CR register. When the SCIM bit is set to 1, the SCI mode is
enabled and data will automatically be transferred by the SCI transfer circuitry. Otherwise, data
transfer operates in the Manual Mode if the SCIM bit is cleared to 0. The SCI transfer interface is a
half-duplex interface and communicates with the external Smart Card via the SCI_CLK and SCI_
DIO pins. After a reset condition the SCI transfer interface is in the reception mode but the SCI
transfer operation is disabled. When the SCI mode is enabled, data transfer is driven by the SCI
transfer circuitry automatically through the SCI_CLK and SCI_DIO pins.

There are two data registers related to data transmission and reception, TXB and RXB, which store
the data to be transmitted and received respectively. If a character is written into the TXB register
in the SCI Transfer Mode, the SCI transfer interface will automatically switch to the Transmission
Mode from the reception mode after a reset. When the SCI transmission or reception has finished,
the corresponding request flag, named TXCF or RXCF, in the SR register is set to 1. If the transmit
buffer is empty, the transmit buffer empty flag, TXBEF, in the SR register will be set to 1.

Parity Check Function

The SCI transfer interface supports a parity generator and a parity check function. As the parity
error occurs during a data transfer, the corresponding request f lag, named PARF in the SR
register, will be set to 1. Once the PARF bit is set to 1, the parity error pending flag, PARP, in the
IPR register will also be set to 1 if the relevant interrupt control bit, PARE, in the IER register is

If the data transmitted by the SCI is received by the external Smart Card without a parity error, the
SCI transmission request flag, TXCF, will be set to 1 and the SCI parity error request flag, PARF,
will be cleared to 0. If the data transmitted by the external Smart Card is received by the SCI
without a parity error, the SCI reception request flag, RXCF, will be set to 1 and the parity error
flag, PARF, will be cleared to 0.

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Repetition Function
There is a Character Repetition function supported by the SCI transfer circuitry when a parity error
occurs. The Character Repetition function is enabled by setting the CREP bit in the CR register
to 1. A repetition function will then be activated when a parity error occurs during a data transfer.
The repetition time number can be selected to be 4 or 5 by configuring the RETRY bit in the CR

When the CREP bit is set to 1, the character repetition function will be activated. Taking a 4
time repetition as an example, when the CREP bit is set to 1 and the RETRY bit is set to 1, in the

Smart Card Interface (SCI)

Transmission Mode, the SCI will repeatedly transmit the data a maximum of 4 times when an
error signal occurs. However, if the SCI is informed that there is still an error signal during the 4
transmissions, the parity error flag PARF will be set to 1 after the same data has been transmitted
4 times but the TXCF flag will not be set. At this time the data in the transmit buffer will be
loaded into the transmit shift register and the transmit buffer will be empty which will result in the
TXBEF flag being set to 1.

Similarly, when the SCI operates in the reception mode, it will inform the external Smart Card that
there is a parity error for a maximum of 4 times if the character repetition function is enabled. If
the SCI informs the external Smart Card that there is still an error signal for the 4 receptions, the
parity error flag, PARF, will be set to 1 together with the reception request flag, RXCF.

If the CREP bit is cleared to 0, the character repetition function will be disabled. When the SCI
operates in the reception mode, both the PARF and RXCF bits will be set to 1 as data with a parity
error has been received. If the SCI is informed that there is a parity error in the Transmission
Mode, the PARF bit will be set to 1 but the TXCF bit will not be set.

Manual Data Transfer Mode

When the SCIM bit is cleared to 0, data will be transferred in the Manual Mode. In the Manual
Mode, the data is controlled by the control bit, CDIO, in the CCR register. The CDIO bit value
will be reflected immediately on the SCI_DIO pin in the Manual Mode. Note that in the Manual
Mode the character repetition function can not be used as well as the related flags and all the data
transfer is handled by the application program. The clock used to drive the external Smart Card
that appears on the SCI_CLK pin can be derived from the internal clock source, which is the 6-bit
prescaler output, f PSC_CK, or from the control bit, CCLK, in the CCR register. The clock source is
selected using the bit, CLKSEL, in the CCR register. When CLKSEL bit is set to 1, the clock used
to drive the Smart Card will be sourced from the 6-bit prescaler output, f PSC_CK. If the clock is to be
managed manually, the CLKSEL bit should first be cleared to 0 and then the value of the CCLK bit
will be present in the SCI_CLK pin.

Data Transfer Direction Convention

If the direction convention used by the Smart Card is the same as the convention used by the SCI,
the SCI will generate a reception interrupt if the reception interrupt is enabled without a parity
error flag. Otherwise, the SCI will generate a reception interrupt and the parity error flag will be
asserted. By checking the parity error flag, the SCI can know if the data direction convention is
correct or not.

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Interrupt Generator
There are several conditions for the SCI to generate an SCI interrupt. When these conditions are
met, an interrupt signal will be generated to obtain the attention of the microcontroller. These
conditions are a Smart Card Insertion/Removal, a Waiting Time Counter Underflow, a Parity
error, an end of a Character Transmission or Reception and an empty Transmit buffer. When a
Smart Card interrupt is generated by any of these conditions, then if the SCI global interrupt and
the corresponding SCI interrupt are together enabled, the program will jump to the corresponding
interrupt vector where it can be serviced before returning to the main program.

Smart Card Interface (SCI)

For SCI interrupt events, there are corresponding pending flags which can be masked by the
relevant interrupt enable control bit. When the related interrupt enable control is disabled, the
corresponding interrupt pending flag will not be affected by the request flag and no interrupt will
be generated. If the related interrupt enable control is enabled, the relevant interrupt pending flag
will be affected by the request flag and then the interrupt will be generated. The pending flag
register, named IPR, is read only and once the pending flag is read by the application program, it
will be automatically cleared while the related request flag should be cleared by the application
program manually.

For an SCI Interrupt to be serviced, in addition to the bits for the corresponding interrupt enable
control in the SCI being set, the SCI global interrupt enable control bit in the NVIC must also be
set. If this SCI global interrupt control bit is not set, then no SCI interrupt will be serviced.

Card Insertion/Removal 0 Card Insertion/Removal

Request flag CPREF CARDIRE
1 pending flag CARDIRP

Transmit Buffer Empty 0 Transmit Buffer Empty

request flag TXBEF TXBEE
1 pending flag TXBEP

End of Transmission 0 End of Transmission

Request flag TXCF 1 pending flag TXCP
TXCE SCI Interrupt Signal
End of Reception 0 End of Reception sent to NVIC
Request flag RXCF RXCE
1 pending flag RXCP

Parity Error 0 Parity Error

Request flag PARF PARE
1 pending flag PARP

WTC Underflow 0 WTC Underflow

Request flag WTF WTE
1 pending flag WTP

CSR Register CIER Register CIPR Register

Figure 179. SCI Interrupt Structure

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PDMA Interface
The PDMA interface is integrated in the SCI module. The PDMA function can be enabled by
setting the TXDMA or RXDMA bit to 1 in the transmitter or receiver mode respectively. When the
transmit buffer is empty which results in the transmit buffer empty flag, TXBEF, being asserted
and the TXDMA bit is set to 1, the PDMA function will be activated to move data from a certain
memory location into the SCI Transmit buffer. Similarly, when the SCI receives a character which
results in the character received flag, RXCF, being asserted and the RXDMA bit is set to 1, the
PDMA function will be activated to move data from the SCI Receive buffer to a specific memory

Smart Card Interface (SCI)


For a mode detailed descriptions on the PDMA configurations, refer to the PDMA chapter.

Register Map
There are several registers associated with the Smart Card function. Some of these registers control
the SCI overall function as well as the interrupts, while some of the registers contain the status
bits which indicate the Smart Card data transfer situation and error conditions. Also there are two
registers for the SCI transmission and reception respectively to store the data received from or to
be transmitted to the external Smart Card. The following table shows the SCI register list and reset
Table 62. SCI Register Map
Register Offset Description Reset Value
CR 0x000 SCI Control Register 0x0000_0000
SR 0x004 SCI Status Register 0x0000_0080
CCR 0x008 SCI Contact Control Register 0x0000_0008
ETUR 0x00C SCI Elementary Time Unit Register 0x0000_0174
GTR 0x010 SCI Guard Time Register 0x0000_000C
WTR 0x014 SCI Waiting Time Register 0x0000_2580
IER 0x018 SCI Interrupt Enable Register 0x0000_0000
IPR 0x01C SCI Interrupt Pending Register 0x0000_0000
TXB 0x020 SCI Transmit Buffer 0x0000_0000
RXB 0x024 SCI Receive Buffer 0x0000_0000
PSCR 0x028 SCI Prescaler Register 0x0000_0000

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Register Descriptions
SCI Control Register – CR
This register contains the SCI control bits.
Offset: 0x000
Reset value: 0x0000_0000

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Smart Card Interface (SCI)

23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16
15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8
Type/Reset RW 0 RW 0
7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
Type/Reset RW 0 RW 0 RW 0 RW 0 RW 0 RW 0 RW 0

Bits Field Descriptions

[9] RXDMA SCI reception DMA request enable
0: SCI reception DMA request is disabled
1: SCI reception DMA request is enabled
[8] TXDMA SCI transmission DMA request enable control
0: SCI transmission DMA request is disabled
1: SCI transmission DMA request is enabled
[6] DETCNF Card switch type selection
0: Switch is normally opened if no card is present
1: Switch is normally closed if no card is present
0 1 No card insert
0 0 Card insert
1 1 Card insert
1 0 No card insert
This bit is set and cleared by the application program to configure the card detector
switch type.
[5] ENSCI SCI finite state machine enable bit
0: SCI FSM is disabled and forced to its initial state
1: SCI FSM is enabled
[4] RETRY Character transfer repetition time selection for a parity error condition
0: Data transfer 5 times when parity error occurs
1: Data transfer 4 times when parity error occurs
The bit is available only when the CREP bit is set to 1. When this bit is set to 1, the
data will be transmitted or received 4 times once a parity error occurs. If the bit is
cleared to 0, the data will be transferred 5 times if a parity error occurs.

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32-Bit Arm® Cortex® -M0+ MCU

Bits Field Descriptions

[3] SCIM SCI Mode Selection
0: SCI data transfer in manual mode
1: SCI data transfer in SCI mode
This bit is set and cleared by the application program to select the SCI data Transfer
Mode. If it is cleared to 0, the SCI_DIO pin status is the same as the value of the
CDIO bit in the CCR register. If it is set to 1, the SCI_DIO pin is driven by the internal
SCI control circuitry. Before the data transfer type is switched from the Manual Mode
to the SCI Mode, the CDIO bit must be set to 1 to avoid an SCI malfunction.

Smart Card Interface (SCI)

[2] WTEN Waiting Time Counter enable control
0: Waiting Time Counter stops counting
1: Waiting Time Counter starts counting
The WTEN bit is set and cleared by the application program. When the WTEN bit is
cleared to 0, a write access to the WTR register will load the value into the waiting
time counter. If it is set to 1, the waiting time counter is enabled and automatically
reloaded with the value at each start bit occurrence.
[1] CREP Automatic character repetition enable control for a parity error condition
0: No retry on parity error
1: Automatic retry on parity error
The CREP bit is set and cleared by the application program. When the CREP bit is
cleared to 0, both the RXCF and PARF flags will be set when a parity error occurs in
the reception mode after the data is received. However, in the Transmission Mode,
the PARF flag will be set but the TXCF flag will not be set when a parity error occurs.
If the CREP bit is set to 1, a character transfer will automatically be activated 4 or 5
times depending upon the RETRY bit value. In the Transmission Mode the character
will be re-transmitted if the transmitted data has a parity error. Here the parity error
flag, PARF, will be set at the end of the 4th or 5th transmission without the TXCF bit
being set. In the reception mode if the received data has a parity error, the SCI will
inform the external Smart Card for 4 or 5 times and then the PARF and RXCF flags
will both be set at the end of the 4th or 5th reception.
[0] CONV Data direction convention select
0: LSB is transferred first; a data “1” is a logic high level on the SCI_DIO pin and
the parity bit is added after the MSB.
1: MSB is transferred first; a data “1” is a logic low level on the SCI_DIO pin and
the parity bit is added after the LSB.
This bit is set and cleared by the application program to select if the data is
transmitted LSB or MSB first. When the data direction convention is the same as the
data direction specified by the external Smart Card, only the RXCF flag will be set
to 1 without a parity error. Otherwise, both the RXCF and PARF flags will be set to 1
after the data is received.

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32-Bit Arm® Cortex® -M0+ MCU

SCI Status Register – SR

This register contains the SCI status bits.
Offset: 0x004
Reset value: 0x0000_0080

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7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
Type/Reset RO 1 RO 0 RO 0 W0C 0 RO 0 W0C 0

Bits Field Descriptions

[7] TXBEF Transmit Buffer Empty Request Flag
0: Transmit buffer is not empty
1: Transmit buffer is empty
This bit is used to indicate if the transmit buffer is empty and is set or cleared by
hardware automatically.
[6] CPREF Card Presence Request Flag
0: No card is present
1: A card is present
This bit is used to indicate if a card is present and is set or cleared by hardware
automatically. The card presence detection function is enabled after the ENSCI bit is
[3] WTF Waiting Time Counter Underflow Request Flag
0: No Waiting Time Counter underflow
1: The Waiting Time Counter underflows
This bit is set and cleared by the application program and indicates if the Waiting
Time Counter underflows.
[2] TXCF Character Transmission Request Flag.
0: No character transmitted
1: A character has been transmitted
This bit is set by hardware and cleared by writing a “0” into it.
[1] RXCF Character Received Request Flag.
0: No character received
1: A character has been received
This bit is set by hardware and cleared after a read access to the RXB register by
the application program. The RXCF bit will be set to 1 when a character is received
regardless of the result of the parity check.
When the character has been received, the received data stored in the RXB register
should be moved to the data memory as specified by the application program. If the
contents of the RXB register are not read before the end of the next character to be
shifted in, the data stored in the RXB register will be overwritten.

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32-Bit Arm® Cortex® -M0+ MCU

Bits Field Descriptions

[0] PARF Parity Error Request Flag.
0: No parity error occurs
1: Parity error has occurred
This bit is set by hardware and cleared by writing a “0” into it. When a character is
received, the parity check circuitry will check that the parity is correct or not. If the
result of the parity check is not correct, the parity error request flag, PARF, will be
set to 1. Otherwise, the PARF bit will remain zero. In the Transmission Mode when
the SCI is informed that there is a parity error in the transmitted character by the

Smart Card Interface (SCI)

external Smart Card, the PARF bit will also be set to 1.

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32-Bit Arm® Cortex® -M0+ MCU

SCI Contact Control Register – CCR

This register specifies the SCI pin setting and clock selection.
Offset: 0x008
Reset value: 0x0000_0008

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7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
CLKSEL Reserved CDIO CCLK Reserved
Type/Reset RW 0 RW 1 RW 0

Bits Field Descriptions

[7] CLKSEL Card Clock Selection
0: The CCLK bit content is present on the external SCI_CLK pin
1: The clock output on the external SCI_CLK pin is sourced from the fPSC_CK clock
This bit is used to select the external SCI_CLK pin clock source. It is set and cleared
by the application program. It is recommended that to activate the clock at a known
level a certain value should be first programmed into the CCLK bit before the
CLKSEL bit is switched from 1 to 0.
[3] CDIO SCI_DIO pin control
0: SCI_DIO pin is logic level 0
1: SCI_DIO pin in open-drain condition
This bit is available only when the SCIM bit in the CR register is cleared to 0 to
configure the SCI to operate in the Manual Transfer Mode. It is set and cleared by
application program to control the external SCI_DIO pin status in the Manual Mode.
Reading this bit will return the present status of the SCI_DIO pin.
[2] CCLK SCI_CLK pin control.
0: SCI_CLK pin is logic level 0
1: SCI_CLK pin is logic level 1
This bit is available only when the SCIM bit in the CR register is cleared to 0 to
configure the SCI to operate in the Manual Transfer Mode. It is set and cleared by
application program to control the external SCI_CLK pin status in the Manual Mode.
Reading this bit will return the current value in the register and not the present status
of the external SCI_CLK pin. To ensure that the clock remains at a known level a
certain value should be first programmed into the CCLK bit before the CLKSEL bit is
switched from 1 to 0.

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32-Bit Arm® Cortex® -M0+ MCU

SCI Elementary Time Unit Register – ETUR

The register specifies the value determined by the formula described in the ETU section. It also includes the
Compensation function enable control bit for the ETU time granularity.
Offset: 0x00C
Reset value: 0x0000_0174

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COMP Reserved ETU
Type/Reset RW 0 RW 0 RW 0 RW 1
7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
Type/Reset RW 0 RW 1 RW 1 RW 1 RW 0 RW 1 RW 0 RW 0

Bits Field Descriptions

[15] COMP Elementary Time Unit Compensation mode enable control
0: Compensation mode is disabled
1: Compensation mode is enabled
This bit is set and cleared by application program and used to control the ETU
compensation function. For more details regarding the compensation function
consult the Elementary Time Unit section.
[10:0] ETU ETU value for a character data bit
This field is configured by the application program to modify the ETU time duration.
Note that the value of ETU must be in the range of 0x00C to 0x7FF. To obtain the
maximum ETU decimal value of 2048, a 0x000 value should be written into this bit

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32-Bit Arm® Cortex® -M0+ MCU

SCI Guard Time Register – GTR

This register specifies the guard time value obtained from the Answer-to-Reset packet described in the Guard
Time Counter section.
Offset: 0x010
Reset value: 0x0000_000C

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Reserved GT
Type/Reset RW 0
7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
Type/Reset RW 0 RW 0 RW 0 RW 0 RW 1 RW 1 RW 0 RW 0

Bits Field Descriptions

[8:0] GT Character Guard Time value
This field is configured by the application program to modify the guard time duration.
The updated GT value will be loaded into the GT counter at the end of the current
guard time period. Note that the GT value must be in the range from 0x00C to

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32-Bit Arm® Cortex® -M0+ MCU

SCI Waiting Time Register – WTR

This register specifies the waiting time value obtained from the Answer-to-Reset packet described in the Waiting
Time Counter section.
Offset: 0x014
Reset value: 0x0000_2580

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Type/Reset RW 0 RW 0 RW 0 RW 0 RW 0 RW 0 RW 0 RW 0
15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8
Type/Reset RW 0 RW 0 RW 1 RW 0 RW 0 RW 1 RW 0 RW 1
7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
Type/Reset RW 1 RW 0 RW 0 RW 0 RW 0 RW 0 RW 0 RW 0

Bits Field Descriptions

[23:0] WT Character Waiting Time value expressed in ETU (0/16777215).
This field is configured by the application program to modify the waiting time
duration. The reload conditions of the updated waiting time counter value are
described in the waiting time counter section. Refer to the waiting time counter section
for more details. Note that the WT value can range from 0x00_0000 to 0xFF_FFFF.

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32-Bit Arm® Cortex® -M0+ MCU

SCI Interrupt Enable Register – IER

This register specifies the interrupt enable control bits for all of the interrupt events in the SCI.
Offset: 0x018
Reset value: 0x0000_0000

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7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
Type/Reset RW 0 RW 0 RW 0 RW 0 RW 0 RW 0

Bits Field Descriptions

[7] TXBEE Transmit buffer empty interrupt enable control
0: Disabled
1: Enabled
This bit is set and cleared by application program and is used to control the Transmit
Buffer Empty interrupt. If this bit is set to 1, the transmit buffer empty interrupt will be
generated when the transmit buffer is empty.
[6] CARDIRE Card Insertion / Removal interrupt enable control
0: Disabled
1: Enabled
This bit is set and cleared by application program and is used to control the card
insertion/removal interrupt. If this bit is set to 1, the card insertion/removal interrupt
will be generated when the external Smart Card is inserted or removed.
[3] WTE Waiting Timer Underflow interrupt enable control
0: Disabled
1: Enabled
This bit is set and cleared by the application program and is used to control the
Waiting Timer underflow interrupt. If this bit is set to 1, the waiting time counter
underflow interrupt will be generated when the waiting time counter underflows.
[2] TXCE Character Transmission Completion interrupt enable control
0: Disabled
1: Enabled
This bit is set and cleared by the application program and is used to control the
Character Transmission Completion interrupt. If this bit is set to1, the Character
Transmission Completion interrupt will be generated at the end of the character

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32-Bit Arm® Cortex® -M0+ MCU

Bits Field Descriptions

[1] RXCE Character Reception Completion interrupt enable control
0: Disabled
1: Enabled
This bit is set and cleared by the application program and is used to control the
Character Reception Completion interrupt. If this bit is set to 1, the Character
Reception Completion interrupt will be generated at the end of the character

Smart Card Interface (SCI)

[0] PARE Parity Error interrupt enable control
0: Disabled
1: Enabled
This bit is set and cleared by the application program and is used to control the
parity error interrupt. if this bit is set to 1, the Parity Error interrupt will be generated
when a parity error occurs.

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32-Bit Arm® Cortex® -M0+ MCU

SCI Interrupt Pending Register – IPR

This register contains the interrupt pending flags for all of the interrupt events in the SCI. These pending flags
can be masked by the corresponding interrupt enable control bits.
Offset: 0x01C
Reset value: 0x0000_0000

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7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
Type/Reset RC 0 RC 0 RC 0 RC 0 RC 0 RC 0

Bits Field Descriptions

[7] TXBEP Transmit Buffer Empty interrupt pending flag
0: No interrupt pending
1: Interrupt pending
This bit is set by hardware and cleared by a read access to this register using the
application program. This bit is used to indicate if there is a Transmit Buffer Empty
interrupt pending or not. If the Transmit Buffer is empty and the corresponding
interrupt enable control bit is set to 1, this bit will be set to 1 to indicate that the
transmit buffer empty interrupt is pending.
[6] CARDIRP Card Insertion/Removal interrupt pending flag
0: No interrupt pending
1: Interrupt pending
This bit is set by hardware and cleared by a read access to this register using the
application program. It is used to indicate if there is an external Smart Card insertion/
removal interrupt pending or not. If an external Smart Card is inserted or removed
and the corresponding interrupt enable control bit is set to 1, this bit will be set to 1
to indicate that the Card insertion/removal interrupt is pending.
[3] WTP Waiting Timer Underflow interrupt pending flag
0: No interrupt pending
1: Interrupt pending
This bit is set by hardware and cleared by a read access to this register using
the application program. It is used to indicate if there is a waiting time counter
underflow interrupt pending or not. If the waiting time counter underflows and
the corresponding interrupt enable control bit is set to 1, this bit will be set to 1 to
indicate that the waiting time counter underflow interrupt is pending.

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32-Bit Arm® Cortex® -M0+ MCU

Bits Field Descriptions

[2] TXCP Character Transmission Completion interrupt pending flag
0: No interrupt pending
1: Interrupt pending
This bit is set by hardware and cleared by a read access to this register using
the application program. It is used to indicate if there is a Character Transmission
Completion interrupt pending or not. If a character has been transmitted and the
related interrupt enable control bit is set to 1, this bit will be set to 1 to indicate that
the character transmission completion interrupt is pending.

Smart Card Interface (SCI)

[1] RXCP Character Reception Completion interrupt pending flag
0: No interrupt pending
1: Interrupt pending
This bit is set by hardware and cleared by a read access to this register using
the application program. It is used to indicate if there is a Character Reception
Completion interrupt pending or not. If a character has been received and the
relevant interrupt enable control bit is set to 1, this bit will be set to 1 to indicate that
the character reception completion interrupt is pending.
[0] PARP Parity Error interrupt pending flag
0: No interrupt pending
1: Interrupt pending
This bit is set by hardware and cleared by a read access to this register using the
application program. It is used to indicate if there is a Parity Error interrupt pending
or not. If the parity error occurs and its interrupt enable control bit is set to 1, this bit
will be set to 1 to indicate that the parity error interrupt is pending.

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32-Bit Arm® Cortex® -M0+ MCU

SCI Transmit Buffer – TXB

This register is used to store the SCI data to be transmitted.
Offset: 0x020
Reset value: 0x0000_0000

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7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
Type/Reset RW 0 RW 0 RW 0 RW 0 RW 0 RW 0 RW 0 RW 0

Bits Field Descriptions

[7:0] TB SCI data byte to be transmitted

SCI Receive Buffer – RXB

This register is used to store the SCI received data.
Offset: 0x024
Reset value: 0x0000_0000

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7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
Type/Reset RW 0 RW 0 RW 0 RW 0 RW 0 RW 0 RW 0 RW 0

Bits Field Descriptions

[7:0] RB SCI Received data byte

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32-Bit Arm® Cortex® -M0+ MCU

SCI Prescaler Register – PSCR

This register specifies the prescaler division ratio which is used the SCI internal clock.
Offset: 0x028
Reset value: 0x0000_0000

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7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
Reserved PSC
Type/Reset RW 0 RW 0 RW 0 RW 0 RW 0 RW 0

Bits Field Descriptions

[5:0] PSC SCI prescaler division ratio
0: fPSC_CK = fPCLK
1~63: fPSC_CK = PCLK
2 × PSC

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32-Bit Arm® Cortex® -M0+ MCU

25 USB Device Controller (USB)

The USB device controller is compliant with the USB 2.0 full-speed specification. There is one
control endpoint know as Endpoint 0 and seven configurable endpoints (EP1~EP7). A 1024-
byte EP-SRAM is used for the endpoint buffers. Each endpoint buffer size is programmable

USB Device Controller (USB)

by corresponding registers, which provides maximum flexibility for various applications. The
integrated USB full-speed transceiver helps to minimize overall system complexity and cost. The
USB also contains the suspend and resume features to meet low-power consumption requirement.
The accompanying figure shows the USB block diagram.

Registers Control Logic

AHB bus

Endpoint 0
IN and OUT
Endpoint type A On-chip
256 x 32-bit Interface
Int/Bulk USB Full-Speed
IN or OUT Transceiver
HCLK Endpoint type B

USB Device Controller (USB)

Figure 180. USB Block Diagram

▄▄ Complies with USB 2.0 full-speed (12Mbps) specification
▄▄ Fully integrated USB full-speed transceiver
▄▄ 1 control endpoint (EP0) for control transfer
▄▄ 3 single-buffered endpoint (EP1~EP3) for bulk and interrupt transfer
▄▄ 4 double-buffered endpoint (EP4~EP7) for bulk, interrupt and isochronous transfer
▄▄ 1,024 bytes EP-SRAM used as endpoint data buffers

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32-Bit Arm® Cortex® -M0+ MCU

Functional Descriptions
The USB Endpoint 0 is the only bidirectional endpoint dedicated to USB control transfer. The
device also contains seven unidirectional endpoints for other USB transfer types. There are three
endpoints (EP1~EP3) which supports a single buffering function which is used for Bulk and
Interrupt IN or OUT data transfer. There are four other endpoints (EP4~EP7) which supports
single or double buffering functions for Bulk, Interrupt and Isochronous IN or OUT data transfer.

USB Device Controller (USB)

The address of the seven unidirectional endpoints (EP1~EP7) can be configured by the application
software. The following table lists the endpoint characteristics.
Table 63. Endpoint Characteristics
Endpoint Number
Transfer Type Direction Buffer Type
Number Address
0 Fixed Control IN and OUT Single buffering
1~3 Configurable Interrupt/Bulk IN or OUT Single buffering
4~7 Configurable Interrupt/Bulk/Isochronous IN or OUT Single or Double buffering

The USB controller contains a dedicated memory space, EP-SRAM, which is used for the USB
endpoint buffers. The EP-SRAM, which is connected to the APB bus, can be accessed by the CPU
and PDMA. The EP-SRAM base address is 0x400A_A000 with an offset which ranges from 0x000
to 0x3FF. The EP-SRAM first two words are reserved for Endpoint 0 to temporarily store the 8-byte
SETUP data. Therefore the valid start address of the endpoint buffer should start from 0x008
and align to a 4-byte boundary. Each endpoint buffer size is programmable. The following table
lists the maximum USB endpoint buffer size which is compliant with USB 2.0 full-speed device
Table 64. USB Data Types and Buffer Size
Direction Supported Buffer Size Bandwidth CRC Retrying
Control Bidirectional 8, 16, 32, 64 Not guaranteed Yes Automatic
Bulk Unidirectional 8, 16, 32, 64 Not guaranteed Yes Yes
Interrupt Unidirectional ≤ 64 Not guaranteed Yes Yes
Isochronous Unidirectional < 512 Guaranteed Yes No

In the following endpoint buffer allocation example, the Endpoint “4” is configured as a double-
buffered Bulk IN endpoint while the Endpoint “5” is configured as a double-buffered Bulk OUT
endpoint. Each endpoint buffer size is set to 64-bytes.

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BRD =18

Divisor Clock

Parity Bit

USB Device Controller (USB)

Next Start
Start Bit Bit0 Bit1 Bit2 Bit3 Bit4 Bitn Stop Bit Bit

Figure 181. Endpoint Buffer Allocation Example

Serial Interface Engine – SIE

The Serial Interface Engine, SIE, which is connected to the USB full-speed transceiver and internal
USB control circuitry provides a temporal buffer for the transmitted and received data. The SIE
also decodes the SE0 signal, SE1 signal, J-state, K-state, USB RESET event and End of Packet
event signals, EOP, when the USB module receives data, transmits data or transmits the resume
signal for remote control. The SIE detects the number of SOF packets and generates the SOF
interrupt signal to the USB control circuitry which includes data format conversion from parallel to
serial or serial to parallel. It also includes, CRC checking and generation, PID decoder, bit-stuffing
and debit-stuffing functions.

The double buffering function is recommended to be enabled when the corresponding endpoint is
specified to be used for Isochronous transfer or high throughput Bulk transfer. The double buffering
function stores the preceding data packet sent by the USB host in a simple buffer for the CPU to
process and the hardware will ensure that it continues to receive the current data packet in the other
buffer during a OUT transaction, and vice versa. Using a double buffering function can achieve the
highest possible data transfer rate. The details regarding double buffering usage is provided in the
corresponding UDBTG and MDBTG control bit description in the USBEPnCSR register where the
denotation n ranges from 4 to 7.

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32-Bit Arm® Cortex® -M0+ MCU

IN Transaction Buffer toggled by SIE hardware

Buffer Accessed Endpoint 4 Endpoint 4 Endpoint 4

by USB SIE Buf 0 Buf 1 Buf 0

1st Data packet 2nd Data packet 3rd Data packet

transmitted to Host transmitted to Host transmitted to Host

Buffer toggled by MCU software

USB Device Controller (USB)

Buffer Accessed Endpoint 4 Endpoint 4 Endpoint 4 Endpoint 4
by MCU Buf 0 Buf 1 Buf 0 Buf 1

1st Data packet 2nd Data packet 3rd Data packet

processed by MCU processed by MCU processed by MCU
[UDBTG, MDBTG]=[0,0]→[0,1]→[1,1]→[1,0]→[0,0]→[0,1]→[1,1]→[1,0]→[0,0]

OUT Transaction Buffer toggled by SIE hardware

Buffer Accessed Endpoint 4 Endpoint 4 Endpoint 4 Endpoint 4

by USB SIE Buf 0 Buf 1 Buf 0 Buf 1

1st Data packet 2nd Data packet 3rd Data packet

received from Host received from Host received from Host

Buffer toggled by MCU software

Buffer Accessed Endpoint 4 Endpoint 4 Endpoint 4

by MCU Buf 0 Buf 1 Buf 0

1st Data packet 2nd Data packet 3rd Data packet

processed by MCU processed by MCU processed by MCU
[UDBTG, MDBTG]=[0,0]→[0,1]→[1,1]→[1,0]→[0,0]→[0,1]→[1,1]→[1,0]→[0,0]

Figure 182. Double-buffering Operation Example

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32-Bit Arm® Cortex® -M0+ MCU

Suspend Mode and Wake-up

According to USB specifications, the device must enter the suspend mode after a 3 ms bus idle
time. When the USB device enters the suspend mode, the current from the USB bus must not be
greater than 500 μA to meet the specification suspend mode current requirements. The USB control
circuitry will generate a suspend interrupt if the bus is in the idle state for 3 ms. Here the software
should set the LPMODE and PDWN bits in the USBCSR register to 1. The LPMODE bit is used
to determine whether the USB controller enters the low power mode or not by holding the USB
bus in a reset condition while the PDWN bit is used to determine if the integrated USB full-speed

USB Device Controller (USB)

transceiver is turned off or not.

There are two ways for the USB host to wake up the USB device, one is to send a USB reset signal,
SE0, and the other is to send a USB resume signal known as the K-state, After a wake-up signal,
regardless of whether a SE0 signal or a K-state is detected, the USB device will be woken up.

Remote Wake-up
As the USB device has a remote wake-up function, it can wake up the USB host by sending a
resume request signal by setting the GENRSM bit in the USBCSR register to 1. Once the USB host
receives the remote wake-up signal from the USB device, it will send a resume signal to the USB

Register Map
The following table shows the USB registers and reset values.
Table 65. USB Register Map
Register Offset Description Reset Value
USB Base Address = 0x400A_8000
USBCSR 0x000 USB Control and Status Register 0x0000_00X6
USBIER 0x004 USB Interrupt Enable Register 0x0000_0000
USBISR 0x008 USB Interrupt Status Register 0x0000_0000
USBFCR 0x00C USB Frame Count Register 0x0000_0000
USBDEVAR 0x010 USB Device Address Register 0x0000_0000
USBEP0CSR 0x014 USB Endpoint 0 Control and Status Register 0x0000_0002
USBEP0IER 0x018 USB Endpoint 0 Interrupt Enable Register 0x0000_0000
USBEP0ISR 0x01C USB Endpoint 0 Interrupt Status Register 0x0000_0000
USBEP0TCR 0x020 USB Endpoint 0 Transfer Count Register 0x0000_0000
USBEP0CFGR 0x024 USB Endpoint 0 Configuration Register 0x8000_0002
USBEP1CSR 0x028 USB Endpoint 1 Control and Status Register 0x0000_0002
USBEP1IER 0x02C USB Endpoint 1 Interrupt Enable Register 0x0000_0000
USBEP1ISR 0x030 USB Endpoint 1 Interrupt Status Register 0x0000_0000
USBEP1TCR 0x034 USB Endpoint 1 Transfer Count Register 0x0000_0000
USBEP1CFGR 0x038 USB Endpoint 1 Configuration Register 0x1000_03FF
USBEP2CSR 0x03C USB Endpoint 2 Control and Status Register 0x0000_0002
USBEP2IER 0x040 USB Endpoint 2 Interrupt Enable Register 0x0000_0000
USBEP2ISR 0x044 USB Endpoint 2 Interrupt Status Register 0x0000_0000
USBEP2TCR 0x048 USB Endpoint 2 Transfer Count Register 0x0000_0000
USBEP2CFGR 0x04C USB Endpoint 2 Configuration Register 0x1000_03FF
USBEP3CSR 0x050 USB Endpoint 3 Control and Status Register 0x0000_0002

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Register Offset Description Reset Value

USBEP3IER 0x054 USB Endpoint 3 Interrupt Enable Register 0x0000_0000
USBEP3ISR 0x058 USB Endpoint 3 Interrupt Status Register 0x0000_0000
USBEP3TCR 0x05C USB Endpoint 3 Transfer Count Register 0x0000_0000
USBEP3CFGR 0x060 USB Endpoint 3 Configuration Register 0x1000_03FF
USBEP4CSR 0x064 USB Endpoint 4 Control and Status Register 0x0000_0002
USBEP4IER 0x068 USB Endpoint 4 Interrupt Enable Register 0x0000_0000
USBEP4ISR 0x06C USB Endpoint 4 Interrupt Status Register 0x0000_0000

USB Device Controller (USB)

USBEP4TCR 0x070 USB Endpoint 4 Transfer Count Register 0x0000_0000
USBEP4CFGR 0x074 USB Endpoint 4 Configuration Register 0x1000_03FF
USBEP5CSR 0x078 USB Endpoint 5 Control and Status Register 0x0000_0002
USBEP5IER 0x07C USB Endpoint 5 Interrupt Enable Register 0x0000_0000
USBEP5ISR 0x080 USB Endpoint 5 Interrupt Status Register 0x0000_0000
USBEP5TCR 0x084 USB Endpoint 5 Transfer Count Register 0x0000_0000
USBEP5CFGR 0x088 USB Endpoint 5 Configuration Register 0x1000_03FF
USBEP6CSR 0x08C USB Endpoint 6 Control and Status Register 0x0000_0002
USBEP6IER 0x090 USB Endpoint 6 Interrupt Enable Register 0x0000_0000
USBEP6ISR 0x094 USB Endpoint 6 Interrupt Status Register 0x0000_0000
USBEP6TCR 0x098 USB Endpoint 6 Transfer Count Register 0x0000_0000
USBEP6CFGR 0x09C USB Endpoint 6 Configuration Register 0x1000_03FF
USBEP7CSR 0x0A0 USB Endpoint 7 Control and Status Register 0x0000_0002
USBEP7IER 0x0A4 USB Endpoint 7 Interrupt Enable Register 0x0000_0000
USBEP7ISR 0x0A8 USB Endpoint 7 Interrupt Status Register 0x0000_0000
USBEP7TCR 0x0AC USB Endpoint 7 Transfer Count Register 0x0000_0000
USBEP7CFGR 0x0B0 USB Endpoint 7 Configuration Register 0x1000_03FF

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32-Bit Arm® Cortex® -M0+ MCU

Register Descriptions
USB Control and Status Register – USBCSR
This register specifies the USB control bits and USB data line status.
Offset: 0x000
Reset value: 0x0000_00X6

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Type/Reset RW 0 RW 0 RW 0 RW 0
7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
Type/Reset RO X RO X RW 0 RW 0 RW 1 RW 1

Bits Field Descriptions

[11] DPWKEN DP Wake Up Enable
0: Disable DP wake up
1: Enable DP wake up
[10] DPPUEN DP Pull Up Enable
0: Disable DP pull up
1: Enable DP pull up
[9] SRAMRSTC USB SRAM reset condition
0: Reset USB SRAM when (DP, DM) = (0, 0)
1: User can access USB SRAM in spite of (DP, DM) state
[8] ADRSET Device Address Setting Control
This bit is used to determine when the USB SIE updates the device address with the
value of the UDEVA register.
0: The SIE updates the device address immediately after an address is written
into the UDEVA register.
1: The SIE updates the device address after the USB Host has successfully read
the data from the device by the IN operation. This bit is cleared by the SIE
after the device address is updated.
[7] RXDM Received DM Line Status
This bit is used to observe the status of DM data line status at the end of suspend
routines to determine whether a wakeup event has occurred.
[6] RXDP Received DP Line Status
This bit is used to observe the status of DP data line status at the end of suspend
routines to determine whether a wakeup event has occurred.
[5] GENRSM Resume Request Generation Control
This bit is used to generate a resume request which is sent to the USB host by
writing 1 into this bit location. The USB remote wakeup function is always enabled.
This bit will be cleared to 0 after a resume signal, sent by the USB host, has been

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32-Bit Arm® Cortex® -M0+ MCU

Bits Field Descriptions

[3] LPMODE Low-power Mode Control
This bit is used to determine the USB operating mode. Setting this bit will force
the USB to enter the low-power mode. When USB bus traffic, known as a wakeup
event, is detected by the hardware, this bit should be cleared by software.
0: Exit the Low-power mode
1: Enter the Low-power mode
[2] PDWN Power Down Mode Control

USB Device Controller (USB)

Setting this bit will power down the full-speed USB PHY transceiver. This will
disconnect the USB PHY transceiver from the USB bus.
0: Exit the Power-Down mode
1: Enter the Power-Down mode
[1] FRES Force USB Reset Control
This bit is used to reset the USB circuitry. Setting this bit will force the USB into a
reset state until the software clears it. A USB reset interrupt will be generated if the
corresponding interrupt enable bit in the USBIER register is set to 1. All related USB
registers are reset to their default values.
0: Release USB reset
1: Force USB reset

Table 66. Resume Event Detection

[RXDP, RXDM] Status Wakeup event Required resume software action
00 Root reset None
10 None (noise on bus) Go back to suspend mode
01 Root resume None
11 Not allowed (noise on bus) Go back to suspend mode

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USB Interrupt Enable Register – USBIER

This register specifies the USB interrupt enable control.
Offset: 0x004
Reset value: 0x0000_0000

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Type/Reset RW 0 RW 0 RW 0 RW 0 RW 0 RW 0 RW 0 RW 0
7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
Type/Reset RW 0 RW 0 RW 0 RW 0 RW 0 RW 0

Bits Field Descriptions

[15:8] EPnIE Endpoint n Interrupt Enable Control (n = 0 ~ 7)
0: Disable interrupt
1: Enable interrupt
[5] ESOFIE Expected Start Of Frame (ESOF) Interrupt Enable Control
0: Disable ESOF interrupt
1: Enable ESOF interrupt
[4] SUSPIE Suspend Interrupt Enable Control
0: Disable suspend interrupt
1: Enable suspend interrupt
[3] RSMIE Resume Interrupt Enable Control
0: Disable Resume interrupt
1: Enable Resume interrupt
[2] URSTIE USB Reset Interrupt Enable Control
0: Disable USB Reset interrupt
1: Enable USB Reset interrupt
[1] SOFIE Start Of Frame (SOF) Interrupt Enable Control
0: Disable SOF interrupt
1: Enable SOF interrupt
[0] UGIE USB Global Interrupt Enable Control
0: USB Global interrupt is disabled
1: USB Global interrupt is enabled
This bit must be set to 1 to enable the corresponding USB interrupt function, If this
bit is cleared to 0, the relevant USB interrupt will not be generated. However, the
corresponding interrupt flags will still be asserted.

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USB Interrupt Status Register – USBISR

This register specifies the USB interrupt status.
Offset: 0x008
Reset value: 0x0000_0000

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USB Device Controller (USB)

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15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8
Type/Reset WC 0 WC 0 WC 0 WC 0 WC 0 WC 0 WC 0 WC 0
7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
Type/Reset RW 0 WC 0 WC 0 WC 0 WC 0

Bits Field Descriptions

[15:8] EPnIF Endpoint n Interrupt Flag (n = 0 ~ 7)
This bit is set by the hardware to indicate the generation of relevant endpoint
Writing 1 into this bit to clear it. It is important to note that the interrupt flag can only
be cleared when the endpoint interrupt status bit in the USBEPnISR register is equal
to 0.
[5] ESOFIF Expected Start Of Frame Interrupt Flag
This bit is set by the hardware when an SOF packet is expected to be received.
The USB host sends an SOF (Start Of Frame) packet each millisecond. If the USB
device hardware does not receive it properly, an ESOF interrupt will be generated
when the ESOFIE bit in the USBIER register is set to 1. If three consecutive ESOF
interrupts are generated, which means that the SOF packet has been missed 3
times, the SUSPIF will be set to 1. This bit will be set to 1 when the missing SOF
packets occur if the timer is not yet locked.
This bit can be read or written. However, only 0 can be written into this bit. Writing 1
has no effect.
[4] SUSPIF Suspend Interrupt Flag
This bit is set by the hardware when no data transfer has occurred for 3ms,
indicating that a suspend request has been sent from the USB host. The suspend
condition check is enabled immediately after a USB reset.
This bit is cleared to 0 by writing 1.
[3] RSMIF Resume Interrupt Flag
This bit is set by the hardware. When this bit is set to 1, this means that a device
resume has occurred.
This bit is cleared to 0 by writing 1.

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Bits Field Descriptions

[2] URSTIF USB Reset Interrupt Flag
This bit is set by the hardware when the USB reset has been detected. When a
USB reset occurs, the internal protocol state machine will be reset and an USB
reset interrupt will be generated if the URSTIE bit in the USBIER register is set to
1. Data reception and transmission are disabled until the URSTIF bit is cleared
to 0. The USB configuration related registers ( USBCSR, USBIER, USBISR,
USBFCR and USBDEVAR) will not be reset by a USB reset event except for the

USB Device Controller (USB)

USB device address (USBDEVAR), this is to ensure that a USB reset interrupt can
be safely excited and any data transactions immediately followed by the USB reset
can be completely accessed by the software. Therefore the microcontroller must
properly reset these registers. The USB endpoint related registers (USBEPnCSR,
USBEPnISR and USBEPnTCR) are also reset by a USB reset event, however, the
endpoint configuration (USBEPnCFGR) and interrupt enable (USBEPnIER) registers
are not affected by the USB reset event and will remain unchanged.
This bit is cleared to 0 by writing 1.
[1] SOFIF SOF Interrupt Flag
This bit is set by the hardware when a start-of-frame packet has been received.
This bit is cleared to 0 by writing 1.

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USB Frame Count Register – USBFCR

This register specifies the lost Start-of-Frame number and the USB frame count.
Offset: 0x00C
Reset value: 0x0000_0000

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USB Device Controller (USB)

23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16
Type/Reset RO 0 RO 0 RO 0
15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8
Reserved FRNUM
Type/Reset RO 0 RO 0 RO 0
7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
Type/Reset RO 0 RO 0 RO 0 RO 0 RO 0 RO 0 RO 0 RO 0

Bits Field Descriptions

[18:17] LSOF Lost Start-of-Frame number
These bits are written and incremented by 1 by the hardware each time the ESOFIF
bit is set. It is used to count the number of lost SOF packets. When a SOF packet
has been received, these bits are cleared.
[16] SOFLCK Start-of-Frame Lock Flag
This bit is set by the hardware when SOF packets have been received before the
frame timer times out. Once this flag is set to 1, the frame number which is sent from
the USB host will be loaded into the Frame Number field in the USBFCR register. If
there no SOF packet has been received during the 1ms frame time duration, this bit
will be cleared to 0.
[10:0] FRNUM Frame Number
This field stores the frame number received from the USB host.

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USB Device Address Register – USBDEVA

This register specifies the USB device address.
Offset: 0x010
Reset value: 0x0000_0000

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7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
Reserved DEVA
Type/Reset RW 0 RW 0 RW 0 RW 0 RW 0 RW 0 RW 0

Bits Field Descriptions

[6:0] DEVA Device Address
This field is used to specify the USB device address. This field is cleared when a
USB reset event occurs.

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USB Endpoint 0 Control and Status Register – USBEP0CSR

This register specifies the Endpoint 0 control and status.
Offset: 0x014
Reset value: 0x0000_0002

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7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
Type/Reset RW 0 RW 0 RW 0 RW 0 RW 1 RW 0

Bits Field Descriptions

[5] STLRX STALL Status for reception (OUT) transfer
This bit is set to 1 by the application software and then returns a STALL signal in the
handshake phase of an OUT transaction if a functional error is detected. This means
that a control request delivered from the USB host is not supported by the USB
device. The STALL status is cleared by the hardware circuitry when a SETUP token
is received.
This bit can be read and written and can only be toggled by writing 1.
[4] NAKRX NAK Status for reception (OUT) transfer
This bit is toggled from 0 to 1 by the hardware circuitry, which will result in a NAK
signal in the handshake phase of an OUT transaction after an ACK signal has been
transmitted. This means that the USB device will be temporarily unable to accept
data from the USB host. Therefore, more time will be required for the received data
to be properly processed.
This bit can be read and written and can only be toggled by writing 1.
[3] DTGRX Data Toggle Status for reception (OUT) transfer
This bit contains the expected value of the data toggle bit (0=DATA0, 1=DTAT1) for
the next data packet to be received. When the current valid data packet is received
and the corresponding ACK signal is sent to the USB host by the USB device, the
hardware circuitry will toggle this bit and the device will be ready to receive the next
data packet. For Endpoint 0, the hardware circuitry will toggle this bit to 1 after the
SETUP token is received as Endpoint 0 is addressed. This bit can also be toggled
by the software to initialize its value for certain applications.
This bit can be read and written and can only be toggled by writing 1.
[2] STLTX STALL Status for transmission (IN) transfer
This bit is set to 1 by the application software and then returns a STALL signal in
response to an IN token if a functional error is detected. This means that the USB
device is unable to transmit data. The STALL status is cleared by the hardware
circuitry when a SETUP token is received.
This bit can be read and written and can only be toggled by writing 1.

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32-Bit Arm® Cortex® -M0+ MCU

Bits Field Descriptions

[1] NAKTX NAK Status for transmission (IN) transfer
This bit is toggled from 0 to 1 by the hardware circuitry, which will result in a NAK
signal in the handshake phase of an IN transaction after an ACK signal has been
received. It indicates that the USB device is temporarily unable to transmit data
to the USB host. Therefore, there will be more time for the application software to
properly prepare the data to be transmitted.
This bit can be read and written and can only be toggled by writing 1.

USB Device Controller (USB)

[0] DTGTX Data Toggle Status for transmission (IN) transfer
This bit contains the required value of the data toggle bit (0=DATA0, 1=DATA1) for
the next data packet to be transmitted. When the current data packet is transmitted
by the USB device and the corresponding ACK signal sent by the USB host is
received, the hardware circuitry will toggle this bit and the next data packet will be
transmitted. For Endpoint 0, the hardware circuitry will toggle this bit to 1 after the
SETUP token is received as Endpoint 0 is addressed. This bit can also be toggled
by the software to initialize its value for certain applications.
This bit can be read and written and can only be toggled by writing 1.

USB Endpoint 0 Interrupt Enable Register – USBEP0IER

This register specifies the Endpoint 0 interrupt control bits.
Offset: 0x018
Reset value: 0x0000_0000

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Type/Reset RW 0 RW 0 RW 0 RW 0
7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
Type/Reset RW 0 RW 0 RW 0 RW 0 RW 0 RW 0 RW 0 RW 0

Bits Field Descriptions

[11] ZLRXIE Zero Length Data Received Interrupt Enable Control
0: Disable interrupt
1: Enable interrupt
[10] SDERIE SETUP Data Error Interrupt Enable Control
0: Disable interrupt
1: Enable interrupt
[9] SDRXIE SETUP Data Received Interrupt Enable Control
0: Disable interrupt
1: Enable interrupt

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Bits Field Descriptions

[8] STRXIE SETUP Token Received Interrupt Enable Control
0: Disable interrupt
1: Enable interrupt
[7] UERIE USB Error Interrupt Enable Control
0: Disable interrupt
1: Enable interrupt
[6] STLIE STALL Transmitted Interrupt Enable Control

USB Device Controller (USB)

0: Disable interrupt
1: Enable interrupt
[5] NAKIE NAK Transmitted Interrupt Enable Control
0: Disable interrupt
1: Enable interrupt
[4] IDTXIE IN Data Transmitted Interrupt Enable Control
0: Disable interrupt
1: Enable interrupt
[3] ITRXIE IN Token Received Interrupt Enable Control
0: Disable interrupt
1: Enable interrupt
[2] ODOVIE OUT Data Buffer Overrun Interrupt Enable Control
0: Disable interrupt
1: Enable interrupt
[1] ODRXIE OUT Data Received Interrupt Enable Control
0: Disable interrupt
1: Enable interrupt
[0] OTRXIE OUT Token Received Interrupt Enable Control
0: Disable interrupt
1: Enable interrupt

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USB Endpoint 0 Interrupt Status Register – USBEP0ISR

This register specifies the Endpoint 0 interrupt status.
Offset: 0x01C
Reset value: 0x0000_0000

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Type/Reset WC 0 WC 0 WC 0 WC 0
7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
Type/Reset WC 0 WC 0 WC 0 WC 0 WC 0 WC 0 WC 0 WC 0

Bits Field Descriptions

[11] ZLRXIF Zero Length Data Received Interrupt Flag
This bit is set by the hardware when a zero length data packet is received.
This bit is cleared by hardware when a SETUP Token is received or by writing 1.
[10] SDERIF SETUP Data Error Interrupt Flag
This bit is set by the hardware when the SETUP data packet length is not 8 bytes.
This bit is cleared by hardware when a SETUP Token is received or by writing 1.
[9] SDRXIF SETUP Data Received Interrupt Flag
This bit is set by the hardware when a SETUP data packet from the USB host has
been received. This bit is cleared by the hardware when a SETUP Token is received
or by writing 1. If the received SETUP data is not accessed by the application
software before the next SETUP packet is received, the SETUP data buffer will be
[8] STRXIF SETUP Token Received Interrupt Flag
This bit is set by the hardware when a SETUP token is received and is cleared by
writing 1.
[7] UERIF USB Error Interrupt Flag
This bit is set by the hardware when an error occurs during the Endpoint 0
This bit is cleared by hardware when a SETUP Token is received or by writing 1.
[6] STLIF STALL Transmitted Interrupt Flag
This bit is set by the hardware when a STALL signal is sent in response to an IN or
OUT transaction.
This bit is cleared by hardware when a SETUP Token is received or by writing 1.
[5] NAKIF NAK Transmitted Interrupt Flag
This bit is set by the hardware when a NAK signal is sent in response to an IN or
OUT transaction.
This bit is cleared by hardware when a SETUP Token is received or by writing 1.

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Bits Field Descriptions

[4] IDTXIF IN Data Transmitted Interrupt Flag
This bit is set by the hardware when a data packet is transmitted to and then an
ACK signal is received from the USB host.
This bit is cleared by hardware when a SETUP Token is received or by writing 1.
[3] ITRXIF IN Token Received Interrupt Flag
This bit is set by the hardware when the IN token is received from the USB host.
This bit is cleared by hardware when a SETUP Token is received or by writing 1.

USB Device Controller (USB)

[2] ODOVIF OUT Data Buffer Overrun Interrupt Flag
This bit is set by the hardware when the number of received data bytes is larger
than the endpoint buffer size.
This bit is cleared by hardware when a SETUP Token is received or by writing 1.
[1] ODRXIF OUT Data Received Interrupt Flag
This bit is set by the hardware when a data packet is successfully received frome
and then an ACK signal is sent to the USB host.
This bit is cleared by hardware when a SETUP Token is received or by writing 1.
[0] OTRXIF OUT Token Received Interrupt Flag
This bit is set by the hardware when the OUT token is received from the USB host.
This bit is cleared by hardware when a SETUP Token is received or by writing 1.

USB Endpoint 0 Transfer Count Register – USBEP0TCR

This register specifies the Endpoint 0 data transfer byte count.
Offset: 0x020
Reset value: 0x0000_0000

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Reserved RXCNT
Type/Reset RO 0 RO 0 RO 0 RO 0 RO 0 RO 0 RO 0
15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8
7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
Reserved TXCNT
Type/Reset RW 0 RW 0 RW 0 RW 0 RW 0 RW 0 RW 0

Bits Field Descriptions

[22:16] RXCNT Reception Byte Count
The bit field contains the number of data bytes received by Endpoint 0 in the
preceding SETUP transaction.
[6:0] TXCNT Transmission Byte Count
The bit field contains the number of data bytes to be transmitted by Endpoint 0 in the
next IN token. If the value of this field is zero, it indicates that a zero length packet
will be sent.

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32-Bit Arm® Cortex® -M0+ MCU

USB Endpoint 0 Configuration Register – USBEP0CFGR

This register specifies the Endpoint 0 configurations.
Offset: 0x024
Reset value: 0x8000_0002

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Type/Reset RO 1 RO 0 RO 0 RO 0 RO 0

USB Device Controller (USB)

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Reserved EPLEN
Type/Reset RW 0
15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8
Type/Reset RW 0 RW 0 RW 0 RW 0 RW 0 RW 0 RW 0 RW 0
7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
Type/Reset RW 0 RW 0 RW 0 RW 0 RW 0 RW 0 RW 1 RW 0

Bits Field Descriptions

[31] EPEN Endpoint Enable Control
This bit is always set to 1 by the hardware circuitry to always enable Endpoint 0.
[27:24] EPADR Endpoint Address
This field is always set to 0 by the hardware circuitry.
[16:10] EPLEN Endpoint Buffer Length
This field is used to specify the control transfer packet size which can be 8, 16, 32 or
64 bytes as defined in the USB full-speed standard specification.
[9:0] EPBUFA Endpoint Buffer Address
This field is used to specify the star address of the Endpoint 0 buffer allocated in the
EP_SRAM. It starts from 0x008 and should be aligned to 4-byte boundary.
Start address of EP0 IN buffer = EPBUFA
Start address of EP0 OUT buffer = EPBUFA + EPLEN

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32-Bit Arm® Cortex® -M0+ MCU

USB Endpoint 1 ~ 3 Control and Status Register – USBEPnCSR, n = 1 ~ 3

This register specifies the Endpoint 1 ~ 3 control and status bit.
Offset: 0x028 (n = 1), 0x03C (n = 2), 0x050 (n = 3)
Reset value: 0x0000_0002

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7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
Type/Reset RW 0 RW 0 RW 0 RW 0 RW 1 RW 0

Bits Field Descriptions

[5] STLRX STALL bit for reception transfers
This bit is set to 1 by the application software if a functional error has been detected.
This bit can be read and written and can only be toggled by writing 1. It can also be
toggled by the software to initialize the value under certain conditions.
[4] NAKRX NAK bit for reception transfers
This bit is toggled from 0 to 1 by the hardware circuitry, which will result in a NAK
signal in the handshake phase of an OUT transaction after an ACK signal has been
transmitted. It means that the USB device will be temporarily unable to accept data
from the USB host until the received data is properly processed.
This bit can be read and written and can be only toggled by writing 1.
[3] DTGRX Data Toggle bit for reception transfers
This bit contains the expected value of the data toggle bit (0=DATA0, 1=DATA1) for
the next data packet to be received. When the current valid data packet is received
and the corresponding ACK signal is sent to the USB host by the USB device, the
hardware circuitry will toggle this bit and the device will be ready to receive the next
data packet.
This bit can be read and written and can only be toggled by writing 1. This bit can
also be toggled by the software to initialize its value under certain conditions.
[2] STLTX STALL bit for transmission transfers
This bit is set to 1 by the application software if a functional error has been detected.
This bit can be read and written and can be only toggled by writing 1. It can also be
toggled by the software to initialize its value under certain conditions.
[1] NAKTX NAK bit for transmission transfers
This bit is toggled from 0 to 1 by the hardware circuitry, which will result in a NAK
signal in the handshake phase of an IN transaction after an ACK signal has been
received. It means that the USB device will be temporarily unable to transmit data
packet until the data to be transmitted is appropriately prepared by the application
This bit can be read and written and can be only toggled by writing 1.

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32-Bit Arm® Cortex® -M0+ MCU

Bits Field Descriptions

[0] DTGTX Data Toggle bit for transmission transfers.
This bit contains the required value of the data toggle bit (0=DATA0, 1=DATA1) for
the next data packet to be transmitted. When the current data packet is transmitted
by the USB device and the corresponding ACK signal sent from the USB host is
received, the hardware circuitry will toggle this bit and then the next data packet will
be transmitted.
This bit can be read and written and can only be toggled by writing 1. It can also be

USB Device Controller (USB)

toggled by the software to initialize its value under certain conditions.

USB Endpoint 1 ~ 3 Interrupt Enable Register – USBEPnIER, n = 1 ~ 3

This register specifies the Endpoint 1 ~ 3 interrupt enable control bits.
Offset: 0x02C (n = 1), 0x040 (n = 2), 0x054 (n = 3)
Reset value: 0x0000_0000

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7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
Type/Reset RW 0 RW 0 RW 0 RW 0 RW 0 RW 0 RW 0 RW 0

Bits Field Descriptions

[7] UERIE USB Error Interrupt Enable Control.
1: Enable interrupt
0: Disable interrupt
[6] STLIE STALL Transmitted Interrupt Enable Control.
1: Enable interrupt
0: Disable interrupt
[5] NAKIE NAK Transmitted Interrupt Enable Control.
1: Enable interrupt
0: Disable interrupt
[4] IDTXIE IN Data Transmitted Interrupt Enable Control.
1: Enable interrupt
0: Disable interrupt
[3] ITRXIE IN Token Received Interrupt Enable Control.
1: Enable interrupt
0: Disable interrupt
[2] ODOVIE OUT Data Buffer Overrun Interrupt Enable Control.
1: Enable interrupt
0: Disable interrupt

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Bits Field Descriptions

[1] ODRXIE OUT Data Received Interrupt Enable Control.
1: Enable interrupt
0: Disable interrupt
[0] OTRXIE OUT Token Received Interrupt Enable Control.
1: Enable interrupt
0: Disable interrupt

USB Device Controller (USB)

USB Endpoint 1 ~ 3 Interrupt Status Register – USBEPnISR, n = 1 ~ 3
This register specifies the Endpoint 1 ~ 3 interrupt status.
Offset: 0x030 (n = 1), 0x044 (n = 2), 0x058 (n = 3)
Reset value: 0x0000_0000

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7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
Type/Reset WC 0 WC 0 WC 0 WC 0 WC 0 WC 0 WC 0 WC 0

Bits Field Descriptions

[7] UERIF USB Error Interrupt Flag.
This bit is set by the hardware when an error occurs during the transaction.
Writing 1 into this status bit will clear it to 0.
[6] STLIF STALL Transmitted Interrupt Flag.
This bit is set by hardware circuitry when a STALL-token is sent in response to an IN
or OUT token and is cleared to 0 by writing 1.
[5] NAKIF NAK Transmitted Interrupt Flag.
This bit is set by hardware circuitry when a NAK-token is sent in response to an IN
or OUT token and is cleared to 0 by writing 1.
[4] IDTXIF IN Data Transmitted Interrupt Flag.
This bit is set by hardware circuitry when a data packet is successfully transmitted to
the host in response to an IN-token and an ACK-token is received.
Writing 1 into this status bit will clear it to 0.
[3] ITRXIF IN Token Received Interrupt Flag.
This bit is set by the hardware circuitry when the endpoint receives an IN token from
the host and is cleared to 0 by writing 1.

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32-Bit Arm® Cortex® -M0+ MCU

Bits Field Descriptions

[2] ODOVIF OUT Data Buffer Overrun Interrupt Flag.
This bit is set by the hardware circuitry when the received data byte count is larger
than the corresponding endpoint OUT data buffersize.
Writing 1 into this status bit will clearit to 0.
[1] ODRXIF OUT Data Received Interrupt Flag.
This bit is set by the hardware circuitry when a data packet is successfully received
from the host for an OUT-token and when an endpoint n ACK signal is sent to the

USB Device Controller (USB)

Writing 1 into this status bit will clear it to 0.
[0] OTRXIF OUT Token Received Interrupt Flag.
This bit is set by the hardware circuitry when the endpoint receives an OUT token
from the host and is cleared to 0 by writing 1.

USB Endpoint 1 ~ 3 Transfer Count Register – USBEPnTCR, n = 1 ~ 3

This register specifies the Endpoint 1 ~ 3 transfer byte count.
Offset: 0x034 (n = 1), 0x048 (n = 2), 0x05C (n = 3)
Reset value: 0x0000_0000

31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24
23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16
15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8
Reserved TCNT
Type/Reset RW 0
7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
Type/Reset RW 0 RW 0 RW 0 RW 0 RW 0 RW 0 RW 0 RW 0

Bits Field Descriptions

[8:0] TCNT Transfer Byte Count
This field contains the number of bytes received by the endpoint n in the preceding
OUT transaction or the number of bytes to be transmitted by the endpoint n in the
next IN transaction.

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32-Bit Arm® Cortex® -M0+ MCU

USB Endpoint 1 ~ 3 Configuration Register – USBEPnCFGR, n = 1 ~ 3

This register specifies the Endpoint 1 ~ 3 configurations.
Offset: 0x038 (n = 1), 0x04C (n = 2), 0x060 (n = 3)
Reset value: 0x1000_03FF

31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24
Type/Reset RW 0 RW 0 RW 1 RW 0 RW 0 RW 0 RW 0

USB Device Controller (USB)

23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16
Reserved EPLEN
Type/Reset RW 0
15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8
Type/Reset RW 0 RW 0 RW 0 RW 0 RW 0 RW 0 RW 1 RW 1
7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
Type/Reset RW 1 RW 1 RW 1 RW 1 RW 1 RW 1 RW 1 RW 1

Bits Field Descriptions

[31] EPEN Enable Control
0: Disable the endpoint n
1: Enable the endpoint n
[29] EPTYPE Transfer Type
This bit is set to 0 by the hardware circuitry to specify that the endpoint n transfer
type is an Interrupt or Bulk transfer type.
[28] EPDIR Transfer Direction
0: OUT
1: IN
[27:24] EPADR Endpoint Address
The EPADR field value can be assigned by the application software to specify the
ad­dress of the endpoint n. It is important to note that this EPADR field should not be
set to 0; otherwise, the endpoint will be disabled.
[16:10] EPLEN Buffer Length
This field is used to specify the endpoint n data packet size. The field value must
be word-aligned to a 4-byte boundary. The maximum size in this field can be 64
bytes which is the maximum payload as defined in the USB full-speed standard
specification. Note that the EPLEN value should not be assigned to 0 which will
result in the endpoint being disabled.
[9:0] EPBUFA Endpoint Buffer Address
This field is used to specify the endpoint n data buffer start address which ranges
from 0x008 to 0x3FC in the EP-SRAM which has a capacity of 1024 bytes and
whose field value must be a multiple of 4.

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USB Endpoint 4 ~ 7 Control and Status Register – USBEPnCSR, n = 4 ~ 7

This register specifies the Endpoint 4 ~ 7 control and status bits.
Offset: 0x064 (n = 4), 0x078 (n = 5), 0x08C (n = 6), 0x0A0 (n = 7)
Reset value: 0x0000_0002

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USB Device Controller (USB)

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15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8
7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
Type/Reset RW 0 RW 0 RW 0 RW 0 RW 0 RW 0 RW 1 RW 0

Bits Field Descriptions

[7] UDBTG USB Double Buffer Toggle bit
The UDBTG and MDBTG bits are used to indicate which data buffer is accessed by
the USB SIE hardware and which data buffer is accessed by the CPU software if
the double buffering function is enabled. The UDBTG bit will be toggled by the SIE
hardware circuitry after the current buffer operation is complete. After the UDBTG
bit is toggled by the SIE, a NAK signal will be sent automatically to the USB host by
the hardware circuitry. Therefore, the data transfer will be stopped temporarily until
the data in the other buffer has been properly setup after which the MDBTG bit is
toggled by the CPU application software.
The following tables show the double buffering operation and the UDBTG and MD­
BTG bit status for an IN or OUT transaction.
Transaction Buffer read by Buffer written by
0 0 None* EP_BUF0
1 1 None* EP_BUF1

Transaction Buffer written by Buffer read by

0 0 None* EP_BUF1
1 1 None* EP_BUF0
* Means the USB device sends a NAK signal to the USB host using the hardware
The UDBTG and MDBTG bits setting procedure for the double buffering function is
shown in the following example:
[UDBTG, MDBTG]=[0, 0]→[0, 1]→[1, 1]→[1, 0]→[0, 0]→[0, 1]→[1, 1]→[1, 0]→...

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32-Bit Arm® Cortex® -M0+ MCU

Bits Field Descriptions

[6] MDBTG CPU Double Buffer Toggle bit
The MDBTG bit is used to indicate which data buffer is accessed by the CPU if the
double buffering function is enabled. It can be toggled to switch to the other buffer
by the CPU application software after the data in the current buffer accessed by
the CPU has been properly setup. The double buffering operation together with the
UDBTG and MDBTG bits are shown in the preceding two tables for the UDBTG bit

USB Device Controller (USB)

[5] STLRX STALL bit for reception transfers
This bit is set to 1 by the application software if a functional error has been detected.
This bit can be read and written and can only be toggled by writing 1. It can also be
toggled by software to initialize its value under certain conditions.
[4] NAKRX NAK bit for reception transfers
This bit is toggled from 0 to 1 by the hardware circuitry, which will result in a NAK
signal in the handshake phase of an OUT transaction after an ACK signal has been
transmitted. It means that the USB device will be temporarily unable to accept data
from the USB host until the received data is properly processed. If the endpoint
is defined as an Isochronous transfer type, this bit is not available for usage. The
hardware will not change the NAKRX bit status after a complete transaction.
This bit can be read and written and can be only toggled by writing 1.
[3] DTGRX Data Toggle bit for reception transfers
If the endpoint is not used for Isochronous transfer, this bit is available for usage.
This bit contains the expected value of the data toggle bit (0 = DATA0, 1 = DATA1)
for the next data packet to be received. When the current valid data packet is
received and the corresponding ACK signal is sent to the USB host by the USB
device, the hardware circuitry will toggle this bit and the device will be ready to
receive the next data packet. If the endpoint is defined as an Isochronous transfer
type, this bit is not used since no data toggling is used and only the DATA0 packet
will be transferred for normal Isochronous transfers.
This bit can be read and written and can only be toggled by writing 1. This bit can
also be toggled by the software to initialize its value under certain conditions.
[2] STLTX STALL bit for transmission transfers
This bit is set to 1 by the application software if there a functional error has been
This bit can be read and written and can be only toggled by writing 1. It can be
toggled by the software to initialize its value under certain conditions.
[1] NAKTX NAK bit for transmission transfers
This bit is toggled from 0 to 1 by the hardware circuitry, which will result in a NAK
signal in the handshake phase of an IN transaction after an ACK signal has been
received. It means that the USB device will be temporarily unable to transmit a
data packet until the data to be transmitted is properly setup by the application
software. If the endpoint is defined as an Isochronous transfer type, then this bit is
not available for usage. The hardware will not change the NAKTX bit status after a
complete transaction.
This bit can be read and written and can be only toggled by writing 1. It can also be
toggled by the software to initialize its value under certain conditions.

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32-Bit Arm® Cortex® -M0+ MCU

Bits Field Descriptions

[0] DTGTX Data Toggle bit for transmission transfers.
If the endpoint is not used for Isochronous transfer, this bit is available for usage.
This bit contains the required value of the data toggle bit (0 = DATA0, 1 = DATA1) for
the next data packet to be transmitted. When the current data packet is transmitted
by the USB device and the corresponding ACK signal sent from the USB host is
received, the hardware circuitry will toggle this bit and then the next data packet will
be transmitted. If the endpoint is used for Isochronous transfer, this bit is not used

USB Device Controller (USB)

since no data toggling is used and only the DATA0 packet will be transferred for
normal Isochronous transfer.
This bit can be read and written and can only be toggled by writing 1. It can also be
toggled by the software to initialize its value under certain conditions.

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32-Bit Arm® Cortex® -M0+ MCU

USB Endpoint 4 ~ 7 Interrupt Enable Register – USBEPnIER, n = 4 ~ 7

This register specifies the Endpoint 4 ~ 7 interrupt enable control bits.
Offset: 0x068 (n = 4), 0x07C (n = 5), 0x090 (n = 6), 0x0A4 (n = 7)
Reset value: 0x0000_0000

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USB Device Controller (USB)

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15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8
7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
Type/Reset RW 0 RW 0 RW 0 RW 0 RW 0 RW 0 RW 0 RW 0

Bits Field Descriptions

[7] UERIE USB Error Interrupt Enable Control
1: Enable interrupt
0: Disable interrupt
[6] STLIE STALL Transmitted Interrupt Enable Control
1: Enable interrupt
0: Disable interrupt
[5] NAKIE NAK Transmitted Interrupt Enable Control
1: Enable interrupt
0: Disable interrupt
[4] IDTXIE IN Data Transmitted Interrupt Enable Control
1: Enable interrupt
0: Disable interrupt
[3] ITRXIE IN Token Received Interrupt Enable Control
1: Enable interrupt
0: Disable interrupt
[2] ODOVIE OUT Data Buffer Overrun Interrupt Enable Control
1: Enable interrupt
0: Disable interrupt
[1] ODRXIE OUT Data Received Interrupt Enable Control
1: Enable interrupt
0: Disable interrupt
[0] OTRXIE OUT Token Received Interrupt Enable Control
1: Enable interrupt
0: Disable interrupt

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32-Bit Arm® Cortex® -M0+ MCU

USB Endpoint 4 ~ 7 Interrupt Status Register – USBEPnISR, n = 4 ~ 7

This register specifies the Endpoint 4 ~ 7 interrupt status.
Offset: 0x06C (n = 4), 0x080 (n = 5), 0x094 (n = 6), 0x0A8 (n = 7)
Reset value: 0x0000_0000

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15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8
7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
Type/Reset WC 0 WC 0 WC 0 WC 0 WC 0 WC 0 WC 0 WC 0

Bits Field Descriptions

[7] UERIF USB Error Interrupt flag
This bit is set by the hardware circuitry when an error occurs during the transaction.
Writing 1 into this status bit will clear it to 0.
[6] STLIF STALL Transmitted Interrupt flag
This bit is set by the hardware circuitry when a STALL-token is sent in response to
an IN or OUT token and is cleared to 0 by writing 1.
[5] NAKIF NAK Transmitted Interrupt flag
This bit is set by the hardware circuitry when a NAK-token is sent in response to an
IN or OUT token and is cleared to 0 by writing 1.
[4] IDTXIF IN Data Transmitted Interrupt flag
This bit is set by the hardware circuitry when a data packet is successfully
transmitted to the host in response to an IN-token and an ACK-token is received.
Writing 1 into this status bit will clear it to 0.
[3] ITRXIF IN Token Received Interrupt flag
This bit is set by the hardware circuitry when the endpoint receives an IN token from
the host and is cleared to 0 by writing 1.
[2] ODOVIF OUT Data Buffer Overrun Interrupt flag
This bit is set by the hardware circuitry when the received data byte count is larger
than the endpoint OUT data buffer size.
Writing 1 into this status bit will clear it to 0.
[1] ODRXIF OUT Data Received Interrupt flag
This bit is set by the hardware circuitry when a data packet is successfully received
from the host for an OUT-token and an ACK signal is sent to the host.
Writing 1 into this status bit will clear it to 0.
[0] OTRXIF OUT Token Received Interrupt flag
This bit is set by the hardware circuitry when the endpoint receives an OUT token
from the host and is cleared to 0 by writing 1.

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32-Bit Arm® Cortex® -M0+ MCU

USB Endpoint 4 ~ 7 Transfer Count Register – USBEPnTCR, n = 4 ~ 7

This register specifies the Endpoint 4 ~ 7 transfer byte count.
Offset: 0x070 (n = 4), 0x084 (n = 5), 0x098 (n = 6), 0x0AC (n = 7)
Reset value: 0x0000_0000

31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24
Reserved TCNT1
Type/Reset RW 0 RW 0

USB Device Controller (USB)

23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16
Type/Reset RW 0 RW 0 RW 0 RW 0 RW 0 RW 0 RW 0 RW 0
15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8
Reserved TCNT0
Type/Reset RW 0 RW 0
7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
Type/Reset RW 0 RW 0 RW 0 RW 0 RW 0 RW 0 RW 0 RW 0

Bits Field Descriptions

[25:16] TCNT1 Buffer 1 Transfer Byte Count
This bit field contains the number of data bytes received by the endpoint n buffer 1
in the preceding OUT transaction or the number of data bytes to be transmitted by
the endpoint n buffer1 in the next IN transaction.
[9:0] TCNT0 Buffer 0 Transfer Byte Count
This bit field contains the number of data bytes received by the endpoint n buffer 0 in
the preceding OUT transaction or the number of data bytes to be transmitted by the
endpoint n buffer 0 in the next IN transaction. Only the TCNT0 field is used for the
endpoint data transfer count when the endpoint is configured as a single-buffering
transfer type.

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32-Bit Arm® Cortex® -M0+ MCU

USB Endpoint 4 ~ 7 Configuration Register – USBEPnCFGR, n = 4 ~ 7

This register specifies the Endpoint 4 ~ 7 configurations.
Offset: 0x074 (n = 4), 0x088 (n = 5), 0x09C (n = 6), 0x0B0 (n = 7)
Reset value: 0x1000_03FF

31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24
Type/Reset RW 0 RW 0 RW 1 RW 0 RW 0 RW 0

USB Device Controller (USB)

23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16
Type/Reset RW 0 RW 0 RW 0 RW 0 RW 0
15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8
Type/Reset RW 0 RW 0 RW 0 RW 0 RW 0 RW 0 RW 1 RW 1
7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
Type/Reset RW 1 RW 1 RW 1 RW 1 RW 1 RW 1 RW 1 RW 1

Bits Field Descriptions

[31] EPEN Enable Control
0: Disable the endpoint n
1: Enable the endpoint n
[29] EPTYPE Transfer Type
0: Interrupt or Bulk transfer type
1: Isochronous transfer type
[28] EPDIR Transfer Direction
0: OUT
1: IN
[27:24] EPADR Endpoint Address
The EPADR field can be configured by the application software to specify the
address of endpoint n. It is important to note that this EPADR field should not be set
to 0; other­wise, the endpoint n will be disabled.
[23] SDBS Single-Buffering or Double-Buffering Selection
0: Single-buffering
1: Double-buffering
If SDBS bit is set to 1, the endpoint buffer size is twice that of the EPLEN value:
- Endpoint Buffer 0 start address is EPBUFA
- Endpoint Buffer 1 start address is (EPBUFA + EPLEN)
[19:10] EPLEN Buffer Length
This field is used to specify the endpoint n data packet size whose field value must
be word-aligned to a 4-byte boundary. Note that the endpoint will be disabled if the
LEN value is assigned to 0.
[9:0] EPBUFA Buffer Address
This field is used to specify the endpoint n data buffer start address which ranges
from 0x008 to 0x3FC in the EP-SRAM which has a capacity of 1024 bytes where
the endpoint transfer data is stored. Note that the buffer start address value must be
a multiple of 4.

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32-Bit Arm® Cortex® -M0+ MCU

26 Peripheral Direct Memory Access (PDMA)

The Peripheral Direct Memory Access circuitry, PDMA, provides 6 unidirectional channels for
dedicated peripherals to implement the peripheral-to-memory and memory-to-peripheral data
transfer. The memory-to-memory data transfer such as the FLASH-to-SRAM or SRAM-to-

Peripheral Direct Memory Access (PDMA)

SRAM type is also supported and requested by the application program. Each PDMA channel
configuration is independent. The PDMA channel transfer is split into multiple block transactions
and the size of a block is equal to the block length multiplied by the data width.

▄▄ 6 unidirectional PDMA channels
▄▄ Memory-to-peripheral, peripheral-to-memory and memory-to-memory data transfer
▄▄ 8-bit, 16-bit and 32-bit width data transfer
▄▄ Software and hardware requested data transfer with configurable channel priority
▄▄ Linear, circular and non-increment address modes
▄▄ 4 transfer event flags – Transfer complete, Half Transfer, Block End and Transfer Error
▄▄ Auto-Reload function

AHB Slave Channel Logic & AHB Master

Interface Registers Interface

Control Logic & Transfer
Req & Ack
Registers Interrupts

Figure 183. PDMA Block Diagram

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32-Bit Arm® Cortex® -M0+ MCU

Functional Description
AHB Master
The PDMA is an AHB master connected to other AHB peripherals such as the FLASH memory,
the SRAM memory and the AHB-to-APB bridges through the bus-matrix. The CPU and PDMA
can access different AHB slaves at the same time via the bus-matrix.

PDMA Channel

Peripheral Direct Memory Access (PDMA)

There are 6 unidirectional PDMA channels used to support data transfer between the peripherals
and the memory. The configuration and operation of each PDMA channel is independent. For
a bidirectional transfer application, two PDMA channels are required. Each PDMA channel is
designed to support the dedicated multiple peripherals with the same registers. Therefore, one
PDMA channel only can service one peripheral at the same time. The related registers of the
PDMA channel are limited to be accessed with 32-bit operation; otherwise a system hard fault
event will occur.

PDMA Request Mapping

The multiple requests from the peripherals (ADC, SPI, I2C, USART and so on) are simply logically
ANDed before entering the PDMA, that means that only one request must be enabled at a time
in each PDMA channel. Refer to Figure 184: PDMA request mapping architecture and detail
peripheral IP requests mapping table is show as the Table 67. The peripheral DMA requests can be
independently activated/de-activated by programming the DMA control bit in the registers of the
corresponding peripheral.

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32-Bit Arm® Cortex® -M0+ MCU

Peripheral request signals

CH0 HW REQ High priority
Channel 0

Peripheral Direct Memory Access (PDMA)

Enable Channel 1

Channel 2


Channel n
1 Low priority


Figure 184. PDMA Request Mapping Architecture

Table 67. PDMA Channel Assignments

IP PDMA Channel Number
(x=0,1) CH0 CH1 CH2 CH3 CH4 CH5
I2Cx I2C0_RX I2C1_RX I2C0_TX I2C1_TX

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32-Bit Arm® Cortex® -M0+ MCU

Channel transfer
A PDMA channel transfer is split into multiple block transactions with PDMA arbitration occurring
at the end of each block transaction. Although these channel transfers can all be activated, there
is only one block transaction being transferred through the bus at a time. The channel transfer
sequence depends upon the channel priority setting of each PDMA channel. The total transfer size
is calculated from the block transaction count and block size. The block size is equal to the product
of the block length and data bit width. For an efficient transfer, it is recommended that the block
length is set as a multiple of 4.

Peripheral Direct Memory Access (PDMA)

The total transfer data size calculation is shown as below equation:

A PDMA channel total transfer data size = Block transaction count x (Block length x Data width)

Channel Priority
The PDMA provides four priority levels, known as very high, high, medium and low, which can
be configured by the application software. The PDMA also provides two methods to determine
the channel priority. One is determined by application software configuration and the other is
determined by the fixed hardware channel number. The PDMA arbitration processor will first
check the software configuring channel priority level used to request the PDMA to provide the
data transfer services. If more than one channel has the same priority, the channel with a smaller
channel number will have priority over one with a larger channel number after arbitration.

Note that the highest priority channel will not occupy the PDMA service all the time when other
lower priority channel requests are pending. The highest priority channel will be skipped for one
block transaction time duration after one block transaction is complete. Then a block transaction
requested by the second priority channel will be performed. After a block transaction of the second
priority channel is complete, the PDMA arbitration processor will re-check all of the requested
channel priority with the exception of the second priority channel since the second priority
channel will be excluded after the end of a block transaction. Therefore, a block data transaction
of the higher priority channel will be serviced and this channel will be excluded from the priority
arbitration at the end of the block transaction. The PDMA will keep transferring the data using the
method described above until all of the requested channel data transfer is complete. Refer to the
accompanying figure for an example which shows the PDMA channel arbitration and scheduling.

Channel 0: priority=very high, block count=2, block length=2

Channel 1: priority=high, block count=3, block length=4
Channel 2: priority=low, block count=3, block length=6
Priority : CH0 > CH1 > CH2

Priority: CH1 > CH2 Priority: CH1 > CH2 Priority: CH1 Priority: CH2
Skip: CH0 Skip: CH0 Skip: CH2 Skip: n/a


Block 0 Block 0 Block 1 Block 1 Block 0 Block 2 Block 1 Block 2

Priority: CH0 > CH2 Priority: CH2 Priority: CH2
Skip: CH1 Skip: CH1 Skip: n/a

Priority: CH0 > CH1 > CH2

Skip: n/a

Figure 185. PDMA Channel Arbitration and Scheduling Example

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32-Bit Arm® Cortex® -M0+ MCU

Transfer Request
For a peripheral-to-memory or memory-to-peripheral transfer, one peripheral hardware request will
trigger one block transaction of the dedicated PDMA channel. However, a complete data transfer
of the relevant dedicated PDMA channel will be triggered when a software request occurs. It is
recommended that the PDMA channel is configured to have a lower priority level and a smaller
block length which is requested by the software for memory-to-memory data copy applications.

Address Mode

Peripheral Direct Memory Access (PDMA)

The PDMA provides three kinds of address modes which are the linear address, circular address
and fixed address modes. These different address modes are used to support different kinds of
source and destination address arrangements. The following table shows the detailed address mode
Table 68. PDMA Address Modes
Source Address Mode Destination Address Mode
Linear Increment / Decrement Address Linear Increment / Decrement Address
Linear Increment / Decrement Address Circular Increment / Decrement Address
Linear Increment / Decrement Address Fixed Address
Circular Increment / Decrement Address Linear Increment / Decrement Address
Circular Increment / Decrement Address Circular Increment / Decrement Address
Fixed Address Linear Increment / Decrement Address
Fixed Address Fixed Address

Linear Address Mode

After data is transferred, the current address will be increased or decreased by 1, 2 or 4 depending
upon the data bit width setting.

Circular Address Mode

After data is transferred, the current address will be increased or decreased by 1, 2 or 4 depending
upon the data bit width setting. When a block transaction is complete, the current address is loaded
with the configured start address.

Fixed Address Mode

After data is transferred, the current address remains unchanged.

When the auto-reload control bit, AUTORLn, in the PDMA channel n control register
PDMACHnCR is set, both the channel n current address and the channel n current transfer size
will be automatically reloaded with the corresponding start value after the current PDMA channel
data transfer has totally completed. The channel n will still be activated and the next relative
PDMA request can be serviced without any re-configuration using the application software.

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32-Bit Arm® Cortex® -M0+ MCU

Transfer Interrupt
There are five transfer events during which the interrupts can be asserted for each PDMA channel.
These are the block transaction end (BE), half-transfer (HT), transfer complete (TC), transfer
error (TE) and global transfer event (GE). Setting the corresponding control bits in the PDMA
interrupt enable register PDMAIER will enable the relevant interrupt events. The global interrupt
event, GE, will be generated if any of the four interrupt events including the BE, HT, TC or TE
occurs. Clearing the BE, HT, TC or TE event flags will also clear the GE flag. Clearing the GE
flag will automatically clear all other event flags. The TE interrupt event will occur when the

Peripheral Direct Memory Access (PDMA)

PDMA accesses a system reserved address space or the PDMA receives a request but when the
corresponding transfer size setting is equal to zero.

Register Map
The following table shows the PDMA registers and the reset values.
Table 69. PDMA Register Map
Register Offset Description Reset Value
PDMA Base Address = 0x4009_0000
PDMA Channel 0 Registers
PDMACH0CR 0x000 PDMA Channel 0 Control Register 0x0000_0000
PDMACH0SADR 0x004 PDMA Channel 0 Source Address Register 0x0000_0000
PDMACH0DADR 0x008 PDMA Channel 0 Destination Address Register 0x0000_0000
PDMACH0TSR 0x010 PDMA Channel 0 Transfer Size Register 0x0000_0000
PDMACH0CTSR 0x014 PDMA Channel 0 Current Transfer Size Register 0x0000_0000
PDMA Channel 1 Registers
PDMACH1CR 0x018 PDMA Channel 1 Control Register 0x0000_0000
PDMACH1SADR 0x01C PDMA Channel 1 Source Address Register 0x0000_0000
PDMACH1DADR 0x020 PDMA Channel 1 Destination Address Register 0x0000_0000
PDMACH1TSR 0x028 PDMA Channel 1 Transfer Size Register 0x0000_0000
PDMACH1CTSR 0x02C PDMA Channel 1 Current Transfer Size Register 0x0000_0000
PDMA Channel 2 Registers
PDMACH2CR 0x030 PDMA Channel 2 Control Register 0x0000_0000
PDMACH2SADR 0x034 PDMA Channel 2 Source Address Register 0x0000_0000
PDMACH2DADR 0x038 PDMA Channel 2 Destination Address Register 0x0000_0000
PDMACH2TSR 0x040 PDMA Channel 2 Transfer Size Register 0x0000_0000
PDMACH2CTSR 0x044 PDMA Channel 2 Current Transfer Size Register 0x0000_0000
PDMA Channel 3 Registers
PDMACH3CR 0x048 PDMA Channel 3 Control Register 0x0000_0000
PDMACH3SADR 0x04C PDMA Channel 3 Source Address Register 0x0000_0000
PDMACH3DADR 0x050 PDMA Channel 3 Destination Address Register 0x0000_0000
PDMACH3TSR 0x058 PDMA Channel 3 Transfer Size Register 0x0000_0000
PDMACH3CTSR 0x05C PDMA Channel 3 Current Transfer Size Register 0x0000_0000
PDMA Channel 4 Registers
PDMACH4CR 0x060 PDMA Channel 4 Control Register 0x0000_0000
PDMACH4SADR 0x064 PDMA Channel 4 Source Address Register 0x0000_0000
PDMACH4DADR 0x068 PDMA Channel 4 Destination Address Register 0x0000_0000
PDMACH4TSR 0x070 PDMA Channel 4 Transfer Size Register 0x0000_0000

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32-Bit Arm® Cortex® -M0+ MCU

Register Offset Description Reset Value

PDMA Base Address = 0x4009_0000
PDMACH4CTSR 0x074 PDMA Channel 4 Current Transfer Size Register 0x0000_0000
PDMA Channel 5 Registers
PDMACH5CR 0x078 PDMA Channel 5 Control Register 0x0000_0000
PDMACH5SADR 0x07C PDMA Channel 5 Source Address Register 0x0000_0000
PDMACH5DADR 0x080 PDMA Channel 5 Destination Address Register 0x0000_0000
PDMACH5TSR 0x088 PDMA Channel 5 Transfer Size Register 0x0000_0000

Peripheral Direct Memory Access (PDMA)

PDMACH5CTSR 0x08C PDMA Channel 5 Current Transfer Size Register 0x0000_0000
PDMA Global Register
PDMAISR 0x120 PDMA Interrupt Status Register 0x0000_0000
PDMAICLR 0x128 PDMA Interrupt Status Clear Register 0x0000_0000
PDMAIER 0x130 PDMA Interrupt Enable Register 0x0000_0000

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32-Bit Arm® Cortex® -M0+ MCU

Register Descriptions
PDMA Channel n Control Register – PDMACHnCR, n = 0 ~ 5
This register is used to specify the PDMA channel n data transfer configuration.
Offset: 0x000 (0), 0x018 (1), 0x030 (2), 0x048 (3), 0x060 (4), 0x078 (5)
Reset value: 0x0000_0000

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Peripheral Direct Memory Access (PDMA)

23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16
15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8
Type/Reset RW 0 RW 0 RW 0 RW 0
7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
Type/Reset RW 0 RW 0 RW 0 RW 0 RW 0 RW 0 RW 0 RW 0

Bits Field Descriptions

[11] AUTORLn Channel n Auto Reload Enable Control
0: Disable Auto Reload function
1: Enable Auto Reload function
If this bit is set to 1 to enable the auto-reload function, PDMACHnCTSR register will
be reloaded with the relevant start value and the PDMA channel n will be activated
when a transfer is complete. If this bit is cleared to 0, the PDMACHnCTSR register
will remain unchanged and the PDMA channel n will be disabled after a transfer
[10] FIXAENn Channel n Fixed Address Enable control
0: Disable fixed address function in the circular address mode
1: Enable fixed address function in the circular address mode
Note that this bit is only available when the source or destination address mode is
set to be in the circular address mode. For example, the source address mode is
set as in the linear address mode and the destination address mode is set as in the
circular mode. If this bit is set to enable the fixed address function, then the source
address mode will still be in the linear address but the destination address mode will
be in the fixed address mode instead of the circular address mode.
[9:8] CHnPRI Channel n Priority
00: Low
01: Medium
10: High
11: Very high
The CHnPRI field is used to configure the channel priority using the application
program. If there are more than one channel which have the same software
configured priority level, the channel with the smaller channel number will have
priority to transfer one block of data after the arbitration.

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32-Bit Arm® Cortex® -M0+ MCU

Bits Field Descriptions

[7] SRCAMODn Channel n Source Address Mode selection
0: Linear address mode
1: Circular address mode
In the linear address mode, the current source address value can be incremented
or decremented, determined by the SRCAINCn bit value during a complete transfer.
In the circular address mode, the current source address value can be incremented
or decremented which is also determined by the SRCAINCn bit value during a block
transfer and the lower 16-bit value of the PDMACHnSADR register will be regarded

Peripheral Direct Memory Access (PDMA)

as the current source address when a block transaction has completed.
[6] SRCAINCn Channel n Source Address Increment control
0: Increment
1: Decrement
This bit is used to determine whether the current source address is increased or
decreased during a complete transfer in the linear address mode or a block transfer
in the circular address mode.
[5] DSTAMODn Channel n Destination Address Mode selection
0: Linear address mode
1: Circular address mode
In linear address mode, the current destination address value can be incremented
or decremented, determined by the DSTAINCn bit value during a complete transfer.
In the circular address mode, can be incremented or decremented which is also
determined by the DSTAINCn bit value during a block transfer and the lower 16-bit
value of the PDMACHnDADR register will be regarded as the current destination
address when a block transfer has completed.
[4] DSTAINCn Channel n Destination Address Increment Control
0: Increment
1: Decrement
This bit is used to determine if the current destination address is increased or
decreased during a complete transfer in the linear address mode or a block transfer
in the circular address mode.
[3:2] DWIDTHn Data Bit Width selection
00: 8-bit
01: 16-bit
10: 32-bit
11: Reserved
The field is used to select the data bit width of the corresponding PDMA channel n.
[1] SWTRIGn Software Trigger control
0: No operation
1: Software triggered transfer request
Setting this bit will generate a memory-to-memory software transfer request on the
corresponding PDMA channel n. It is automatically cleared when a transfer has
completely finished.
[0] CHnEN Channel n Enable control
0: Disable the PDMA channel n
1: Enable the PDMA channel n
Setting this bit will enable a software or hardware transfer request on the PDMA
channel n. It is automatically cleared by hardware when a transfer has completed
with the auto-reload function being disabled. However, if the AUTORLn bit is set
to 1 to enable the auto-reload function, this bit will be remain high to enable the
PDMA channel n function for the next transfer request instead of automatically being
cleared by hardware after a transfer has finished.

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32-Bit Arm® Cortex® -M0+ MCU

PDMA Channel n Source Address Register – PDMACHnSADR, n = 0 ~ 5

This register specifies the source address of the PDMA channel n.
Offset: 0x004 (0), 0x01C (1), 0x034 (2), 0x04C (3), 0x064 (4), 0x07C (5)
Reset value: 0x0000_0000

31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24
Type/Reset RW 0 RW 0 RW 0 RW 0 RW 0 RW 0 RW 0 RW 0

Peripheral Direct Memory Access (PDMA)

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Type/Reset RW 0 RW 0 RW 0 RW 0 RW 0 RW 0 RW 0 RW 0
15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8
Type/Reset RW 0 RW 0 RW 0 RW 0 RW 0 RW 0 RW 0 RW 0
7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
Type/Reset RW 0 RW 0 RW 0 RW 0 RW 0 RW 0 RW 0 RW 0

Bits Field Descriptions

[31:0] SADRn Channel n Source Address
The register is used to specify the 32-bit source address of the PDMA channel n.

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32-Bit Arm® Cortex® -M0+ MCU

PDMA Channel n Destination Address Register – PDMACHnDADR, n=0~5

This register specifies the destination address of the PDMA channel n.
Offset: 0x008 (0), 0x020 (1), 0x038 (2), 0x050 (3), 0x068 (4), 0x080 (5)
Reset value: 0x0000_0000

31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24
Type/Reset RW 0 RW 0 RW 0 RW 0 RW 0 RW 0 RW 0 RW 0

Peripheral Direct Memory Access (PDMA)

23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16
Type/Reset RW 0 RW 0 RW 0 RW 0 RW 0 RW 0 RW 0 RW 0
15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8
Type/Reset RW 0 RW 0 RW 0 RW 0 RW 0 RW 0 RW 0 RW 0
7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
Type/Reset RW 0 RW 0 RW 0 RW 0 RW 0 RW 0 RW 0 RW 0

Bits Field Descriptions

[31:0] DADRn Channel n Destination Address
The register is used to specify the 32-bit destination address of the PDMA channel n.

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32-Bit Arm® Cortex® -M0+ MCU

PDMA Channel n Transfer Size Register – PDMACHnTSR, n = 0 ~ 5

This register is used to specify the block transaction count and block transaction length.
Offset: 0x010 (0), 0x028 (1), 0x040 (2), 0x058 (3), 0x070 (4), 0x088 (5)
Reset value: 0x0000_0000

31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24
Type/Reset RW 0 RW 0 RW 0 RW 0 RW 0 RW 0 RW 0 RW 0

Peripheral Direct Memory Access (PDMA)

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Type/Reset RW 0 RW 0 RW 0 RW 0 RW 0 RW 0 RW 0 RW 0
15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8
7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
Type/Reset RW 0 RW 0 RW 0 RW 0 RW 0 RW 0 RW 0 RW 0

Bits Field Descriptions

[31:16] BLKCNTn Channel n Block Transaction Count
BLKCNTn represents the number of block transactions for a channel n complete
transfer. The capacity of a complete transfer is the product of the BLKCNTn and
BLKLENn values. The maximum BLKCNTn value is 65,535.
[7:0] BLKLENn Channel n Block Length
The BLKLENn represents the length of a data block. The data width is defined by
the DWIDTHn field in the PDMACHnCR register. The maximum BLKLENn value is

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32-Bit Arm® Cortex® -M0+ MCU

PDMA Channel n Current Transfer Size Register – PDMACHnCTSR, n=0~5

This register is used to indicate the current block transaction count.
Offset: 0x014 (0), 0x02C (1), 0x044 (2), 0x05C (3), 0x074 (4), 0x08C (5)
Reset value: 0x0000_0000

31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24
Type/Reset RO 0 RO 0 RO 0 RO 0 RO 0 RO 0 RO 0 RO 0

Peripheral Direct Memory Access (PDMA)

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Type/Reset RO 0 RO 0 RO 0 RO 0 RO 0 RO 0 RO 0 RO 0
15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8
7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0

Bits Field Descriptions

[31:16] CBLKCNTn Channel n Current Block Count
The CBLKCNTn field is a 16-bit read-only value indicating the number of data blocks
that remain to be transferred. After a data block has transferred completely, the
CBLKCNTn value will be decremented by 1. Writing a new value to the BLKCNTn
field in the PDMACHnTSR register will update the CBLKCNTn field value.

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32-Bit Arm® Cortex® -M0+ MCU

PDMA Interrupt Status Register – PDMAISR

This register is used to indicate the corresponding interrupt status of the PDMA channel 0 ~ 5.
Offset: 0x120
Reset value: 0x0000_0000

31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24
Type/Reset RO 0 RO 0 RO 0 RO 0 RO 0 RO 0

Peripheral Direct Memory Access (PDMA)

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Type/Reset RO 0 RO 0 RO 0 RO 0 RO 0 RO 0 RO 0 RO 0
15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8
Type/Reset RO 0 RO 0 RO 0 RO 0 RO 0 RO 0 RO 0 RO 0
7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
Type/Reset RO 0 RO 0 RO 0 RO 0 RO 0 RO 0 RO 0 RO 0

Bits Field Descriptions

[ 2 9 ] , [ 2 4 ] , TEISTAn Channel n Transfer Error Interrupt Status (n = 0 ~ 5)
[19], [14], [9], 0: No Transfer Error occurs
[4] 1: Transfer Error occurs
This bit is set by hardware and is cleared by writing a “1” into the corresponding
interrupt status clear bit in the PDMAISR register. A Transfer error will occur when
the PDMA accesses a system reserved address space or the PDMA receives a
request but when the corresponding transfer capacity is equal to zero.
[ 2 8 ] , [ 2 3 ] , TCISTAn Channel n Transfer Complete Interrupt Status (n= 0 ~ 5)
[18], [13], [8], 0: No Transfer Completion Occurs
[3] 1: Transfer Completion Occurs
This bit is set by hardware and is cleared by writing a “1” into the corresponding
interrupt status clear bit in the PDMAISR register. The Transfer Completion event
will occur when the PDMA has completed a data transfer task.
[ 2 7 ] , [ 2 2 ] , HTISTAn Channel n Half Transfer Interrupt Status (n= 0 ~ 5)
[17], [12], [7], 0: No Half Transfer Event Occurs
[2] 1: Half Transfer Event Occurs
This bit is set by hardware and is cleared by writing a “1” into the corresponding
interrupt status clear bit in the PDMAISR register. A Half Transfer event will occur
when the PDMA has completed half of the data transfer task.
[ 2 6 ] , [ 2 1 ] , BEISTAn Channel n Block Transaction End Interrupt Status (n= 0 ~ 5)
[16], [11], [6], 0: No Block Transaction End Event Occurs
[1] 1: Block Transaction End Event Occurs
This bit is set by hardware and is cleared by writing a “1” into the corresponding
interrupt status clear bit in the PDMAISR register. A Block Transaction End event will
occur when the PDMA completes a data block transaction task.

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Bits Field Descriptions

[ 2 5 ] , [ 2 0 ] , GEISTAn Channel n Global Transfer Interrupt Status (n= 0 ~ 5)
[15], [10], [5], 0: No TE, TC, HT or BE event occurs
[0] 1: TE, TC, HT, or BE event occurs
This bit is set by hardware and is cleared by writing a “1” into the corresponding
interrupt status clear bit, GEICLRn, in the PDMAISR register. A Global Transfer
Event will occur if any of the BE, HT, TC or TE events occur. Also clearing any of the
BE, HT, TC or TE event interrupt flags will clear the GE interrupt flag. Note that if a
“1” is written into the GEICLRn bit in the PDMAISR register to clear the GE interrupt

Peripheral Direct Memory Access (PDMA)

flag, the BE, HT, TC and TE event interrupt flags will also be cleared to 0 together
with the GE interrupt status flag.

PDMA Interrupt Status Clear Register – PDMAISCR

This register is used to clear the corresponding interrupt status bits in the PDMAISR Register.
Offset: 0x128
Reset value: 0x0000_0000

31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24
Type/Reset WC 0 WC 0 WC 0 WC 0 WC 0 WC 0
23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16
Type/Reset WC 0 WC 0 WC 0 WC 0 WC 0 WC 0 WC 0 WC 0
15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8
Type/Reset WC 0 WC 0 WC 0 WC 0 WC 0 WC 0 WC 0 WC 0
7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
Type/Reset WC 0 WC 0 WC 0 WC 0 WC 0 WC 0 WC 0 WC 0

Bits Field Descriptions

[ 2 9 ] , [ 2 4 ] , TEICLRn Channel n Transfer Error Interrupt Status Clear (n = 0 ~ 5)
[19], [14], [9], 0: No Operation
[4] 1: Clear the corresponding TEISTAn bit in the PDMAISR register
Writing a “1” into the TEICLRn bit will clear the TEISTAn status bit in the PDMAISR
register. This bit will be automatically cleared to 0 after a “1” is written.
[ 2 8 ] , [ 2 3 ] , TCICLRn Channel n Transfer Complete Interrupt Status Clear (n = 0 ~ 5)
[18], [13], [8], 0: No Operation
[3] 1: Clear the corresponding TCISTAn bit in the PDMAISR register
Writing a “1” into the TCICLRn bit will clear the TCISTAn status bit in the PDMAISR
register. This bit will be automatically cleared to 0 after a “1” is written.
[ 2 7 ] , [ 2 2 ] , HTRICLRn Channel n Half Transfer Interrupt Status Clear (n = 0 ~ 5)
[17], [12], [7], 0: No Operation
[2] 1: Clear the corresponding HTISTAn bit in the PDMAISR register
Writing a “1” into the HTRICLRn bit will clear the HTISTAn status bit in the PDMAISR
register. This bit will be automatically cleared to 0 after a “1” is written.

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32-Bit Arm® Cortex® -M0+ MCU

Bits Field Descriptions

[ 2 6 ] , [ 2 1 ] , BEICLRn Channel n Block Transaction End Interrupt Status Clear (n = 0 ~ 5)
[16], [11], [6], 0: No Operation
[1] 1: Clear the corresponding BEISTAn bit in the PDMAISR register
Writing a “1” into the BEICLRn bit will clear the BEISTAn status bit in the PDMAISR
register. This bit will automatically cleared to 0 after a data “1” is written.
[ 2 5 ] , [ 2 0 ] , GEICLRn Channel n Global Transfer Event Interrupt Status Clear (n = 0 ~ 5)
[15], [10], [5], 0: No Operation
1: Clear the corresponding TEISTAn, TCISTAn, HTISTAn, BEISTAn, and

Peripheral Direct Memory Access (PDMA)

GEISTAn bits in the PDMAISR register
Writing a “1” into the GEICLRn bit will clear the GEISTAn status bit together with the
TEISTAn, TCISTAn, HTISTAn, BEISTAn bits in the PDMAISR register. This bit will
be automatically cleared to 0 after a “1” is written.

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32-Bit Arm® Cortex® -M0+ MCU

PDMA Interrupt Enable Register – PDMAIER

This register is used to enable or disable the related interrupts of the PDMA channel 0 ~ 5.
Offset: 0x130
Reset value: 0x0000_0000

31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24
Type/Reset RW 0 RW 0 RW 0 RW 0 RW 0 RW 0

Peripheral Direct Memory Access (PDMA)

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Type/Reset RW 0 RW 0 RW 0 RW 0 RW 0 RW 0 RW 0 RW 0
15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8
Type/Reset RW 0 RW 0 RW 0 RW 0 RW 0 RW 0 RW 0 RW 0
7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
Type/Reset RW 0 RW 0 RW 0 RW 0 RW 0 RW 0 RW 0 RW 0

Bits Field Descriptions

[ 2 9 ] , [ 2 4 ] , TEIEn Channel n Transfer Error Interrupt Enable control (n = 0 ~ 5)
[19], [14], [9], 0: Transfer Error interrupt is disabled
[4] 1: Transfer Error interrupt is enabled
This bit is set and cleared by software.
[ 2 8 ] , [ 2 3 ] , TCIEn Channel n Transfer Complete Interrupt Enable control (n = 0 ~ 5)
[18], [13], [8], 0: Transfer Completion interrupt is disabled
[3] 1: Transfer Completion interrupt is enabled
This bit is set and cleared by software.
[ 2 7 ] , [ 2 2 ] , HTIEn Channel n Half Transfer Interrupt Enable control (n = 0 ~ 5)
[17], [12], [7], 0: Half Transfer interrupt is disabled
[2] 1: Half Transfer interrupt is enabled
This bit is set and cleared by software.
[ 2 6 ] , [ 2 1 ] , BEIEn Channel n Block Transaction End Interrupt Enable control (n = 0 ~ 5)
[16], [11], [6], 0: Block Transaction End interrupt is disabled
[1] 1: Block Transaction End interrupt is enabled
This bit is set and cleared by software.
[ 2 5 ] , [ 2 0 ] , GEIEn Channel n Global Transfer Event Interrupt Enable control (n = 0 ~ 5)
[15], [10], [5], 0: Global Transfer Event interrupt is disabled
[0] 1: Global Transfer Event interrupt is enabled
This bit is set and cleared by software.

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32-Bit Arm® Cortex® -M0+ MCU

27 Extend Bus Interface (EBI)

The external bus interface is able to access external parallel interface devices such as SRAM, Flash
and LCD modules. The interface is memory mapped into the internal address bus of the CPU. The
data and address lines can be multiplexed in order to reduce the number of pins required to connect

Extend Bus Interface (EBI)

to external devices. The bus read/write timing can be adjusted to meet the timing specifications of
the external devices. Note that the interface only supports asynchronous 8 or 16-bit bus interfaces.

▄▄ Programmable interface for various memory types
●● Asynchronous static random access memory – SRAM
●● Read-only memory – ROM
●● NOR Flash memory
●● 8-bit or 16-bit parallel bus CPU interface device
▄▄ Translates AHB transactions into appropriate external device protocol
▄▄ Up to 4 memory bank regions and independent chip select control for each memory bank
▄▄ Programmable timings to support a wide range of devices
●● Programmable wait states
●● Programmable bus turnaround cycles
●● Programmable output enable and write enable cycles extension
●● Programmable active high or low setting of interface control signal
▄▄ Automatic translation when AHB transaction width and external memory interface width is
▄▄ Write buffer to decrease stalling of the AHB write burst transactions
▄▄ Supports multiplexed and non-multiplexed address and data line configurations
●● Up to 21 address lines
●● 8-bit or 16-bit data bus width

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32-Bit Arm® Cortex® -M0+ MCU

Function Descriptions
An overview of the EBI module is shown in Figure 186. The EBI enables internal CPU and other
bus matrix master peripherals to access external memories or devices. The EBI automatically
translates the internal AHB transactions into the external device protocol. In particular, if the
selected external memory is 16 or 8 bits width, then 32-bit wide transactions on the AHB are auto
split into consecutive 16 or 8-bit accesses.

Extend Bus Interface (EBI)


Interface AHB Slave Interface


Control Block

External Bus Interface


External Bus

Figure 186. EBI Block Diagram

The EBI supports multiplexed and non-multiplexed addressing modes. The non-multiplexed
addressing mode can be operated more efficiently and faster but it requires a higher number of
pins. The multiplexed addressing modes are slower and require an external address latch device
and a lower number of pins. The functionality of the 16 EBI_AD pins depends on what kind of the
multiplexed addressing mode is used. They are used for both address and data in the multiplexed
modes. Also for the non-multiplexed 8-bit address mode, both the address and data fit into these 16
EBI_AD pins. If more address bits or data bits are needed, an external latch can be used to support
up to 20-bit addresses or 16-bit data in the multiplexed addressing modes using only the 16 EBI_
AD pins. Furthermore, independent of the addressing mode, up to 21 non-multiplexed address lines
can be enabled on the EBI_A pin connections. The detailed operation in the supported modes is
presented in the following sections. The AHB clock (HCLK) is the reference clock for the EBI.

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32-Bit Arm® Cortex® -M0+ MCU

Non-multiplexed 8-bit Data 8-bit Address Mode

In this mode, 8-bit address and 8-bit data is supported. The address is located on the higher 8
bits of the EBI_AD lines and the data uses the lower 8 bits. This mode is set by programming the
MODE field in the EBICR register to D8A8. Read and write timing in the 8-bit mode are shown in
Figure 187 and Figure 188.


Extend Bus Interface (EBI)

(0, 1, 2, …) (1, 2, 3, …) (0, 1, 2, …)

EBI_AD[15:8] ADDR[7:0]

EBI_AD[7:0] DATA[7:0]



Figure 187. EBI Non-multiplexed 8-bit Data, 8-bit Address Read Operation


(0, 1, 2, …) (1, 2, 3, …) (0, 1, 2, …)

EBI_AD[15:8] ADDR[7:0]

EBI_AD[7:0] DATA[7:0]



Figure 188. EBI Non-multiplexed 8-bit Data, 8-bit Address Write Operation

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32-Bit Arm® Cortex® -M0+ MCU

Non-multiplexed 16-bit Data N-bit Address Mode

In this non-multiplexed mode 16-bit data is provided on the 16 EBI_AD lines. The addresses are
provided on the EBI_A lines. This mode is set by programming the MODE field in the EBICR
register to D16. Read and write signals are shown in Figure 189 and Figure 190 for the case in
which N address lines on EBI_A have been enabled.


Extend Bus Interface (EBI)

(0, 1, 2, …) (1, 2, 3, …) (0, 1, 2, …)

EBI_A[N:0] ADDR[N+1:1]

EBI_AD[15:0] DATA[15:0]



Figure 189. EBI Non-multiplexed 16-bit Data, N-bit Address Read Operation


(0, 1, 2, …) (1, 2, 3, …) (0, 1, 2, …)

EBI_A[N:0] ADDR[N+1:1]

EBI_AD[15:0] DATA[15:0]



Figure 190. EBI Non-multiplexed 16-bit Data, N-bit Address Write Operation

Since the internal AHB address (HADDR) is a byte (8-bit) address whereas the 16-bit width of
external device is addressed in words (16-bit), the address actually issued to the external device
varies according to the data width as shown in the following table.

Memory width Data address issued to the EBI

8-bit HADDR[N:0] → EBI_A[N:0]
16-bit HADDR[N+1:1] → EBI_A[N:0]

In case of a 16-bit external device width, the EBI will internally use HADDR[N+1:1] to generate
the address EBI_A[N:0] for external device. Whatever the external memory width (16-bit or 8-bit),
EBI_A[0] should be connected to external device address A[0].

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32-Bit Arm® Cortex® -M0+ MCU

Multiplexed 16-bit Data, 16-bit Address Mode

In this mode, 16-bit address and 16-bit data is supported, but the utilization of an external latch and
an extra signal EBI_ALE is required. The 16-bit address and 16-bit data bits are multiplexed on
the EBI_AD pins. An EBI address latch setup diagram is shown in Figure 191. This mode is set by
programming the MODE field in the EBICR register to D16A16ALE.

Extend Bus Interface (EBI)

EBI_AD Address

EBI Asynchronous
EBI_ALE Device



Figure 191. An EBI Address Latch Setup Diagram

At the start of the transaction the address is output on the EBI_AD lines. The external address
latch is controlled by the EBI_ALE signal and stores the address. Then the data is read or written
according to operation. Read and write signals are shown in Figure 192 and Figure 193.


(1, 2, 3, …) (0, 1, 2, …) (1, 2, 3, …) (0, 1, 2, …)

EBI_AD[15:0] ADDR[16:1] DATA[15:0]




Figure 192. EBI Multiplexed 16-bit Data, 16-bit Address Read Operation

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(1, 2, 3, …) (0, 1, 2, …) (0, 1, 2, …) (1, 2, 3, …) (0, 1, 2, …)

EBI_AD[15:0] ADDR[16:1] DATA[15:0]


Extend Bus Interface (EBI)



Figure 193. EBI Multiplexed 16-bit Data, 16-bit Address Write Operation

Multiplexed 8-bit Data, 20-bit Address Mode

This mode allows 20-bit address with 8-bit data multiplexed on the EBI_AD[15:0] lines to reduce
the pins utilization and uses the EBI_ALE signal to decode 8-bit data and 20-bit address. The
upper 8 bits of the EBI_AD lines (EBI_AD[15:8]) are consecutively used for the highest 4 bits and
the lowest 8 bits of the address. The lower 8 bits of the EBI_AD lines (EBI_AD[7:0]) are used for
the middle 8 address bits and 8-bit data. This mode is set by programming the MODE field in the
EBICR register to D8A24ALE. Read and write signals are shown in Figure 194 and Figure 195


(1, 2, 3, …) (0, 1, 2, …) (1, 2, 3, …) (0, 1, 2, …)

EBI_AD[15:8] ADDR[19:16] ADDR[7:0]

EBI_AD[7:0] ADDR[15:8] DATA[7:0]




Figure 194. EBI Multiplexed 8-bit Data, 20-bit Address Read Operation

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(1, 2, 3, …) (0, 1, 2, …) (0, 1, 2, …) (1, 2, 3, …) (0, 1, 2, …)

EBI_AD[15:8] ADDR[19:16] ADDR[7:0]

EBI_AD[7:0] ADDR[15:8] DATA[7:0]

Extend Bus Interface (EBI)




Figure 195. EBI Multiplexed 8-bit Data, 20-bit Address Write Operation

Write Buffer and EBI Status

The EBI has a 32-bit wide write buffer. The write buffer can be used to limit stalling of an AHB
write burst transaction which comes from the CPU or PDMA to a potentially slow external device.

The EBIBUSY status bit in the EBISR register indicates whether an AHB transaction is still active
in the EBI or not. When performing an AHB read or write, the EBIBUSY bit stays 1 until the
required transaction(s) with the external device has finished.

Bus Turn-around and Idle Cycles

The EBI_AD lines can be driven by either the EBI or the external device depending on the cycle
state of EBI bus. The RDHOLD timing parameter is for the bus turn-around time and should be
programmed to ensure enough time for the characteristics of an external device. The default setting
for the EBI is to insert an IDLE cycle between EBI transactions to the same bank. The IDLE
cycle insertion is shown for two back-to-back read transactions in Figure 196. For cases where the
IDLE state can also provide the required bus turn-around time, the RDHOLD parameter can be
programmed to 0. For increased EBI access performance, the automatic IDLE state insertion can
be disabled by setting the NOIDLEn (n = 0 ~ 3) bits in the EBICR register to 1. This example is
shown in Figure 197 for two back-to-back reads in a non-multiplexed address mode.

An IDLE cycle will automatically be inserted for the following cases:

▄▄ Between two external device transactions to the same bank when the NOIDLE bit is 0.
▄▄ Between two external device transactions to different banks.
▄▄ Between a read and a subsequent write on the EBI_AD lines.
▄▄ When no request for an external transaction is available in the EBI.

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(0, 1, 2, …) (1, 2, 3, …) (0, 1, 2, …) (0, 1, 2, …) (1, 2, 3, …) (0, 1, 2, …)



Extend Bus Interface (EBI)



Figure 196. EBI Inserts an IDLE Cycle between Transactions in the Same Bank (NOIDLE = 0)


(0, 1, 2, …) (1, 2, 3, …) (0, 1, 2, …) (0, 1, 2, …) (1, 2, 3, …) (0, 1, 2, …)





Figure 197. EBI De-asserts an IDLE Cycle between Transactions in the Same Bank (NOIDLE = 1)

AHB Transaction Width Conversion

The mapping of AHB transactions to an external device depends on the data width of the external
device as the byte lanes of the external device are supported in the device. The Table 70 shows
the EBI mapping of AHB transactions to external device transactions. The EBI will automatically
translate the different AHB transaction width to external device transactions which matches the
external bus capabilities of the device.
▄▄ If the AHB master (CPU or PDMA) transaction width is larger than the external bus transaction
width. The EBI will split and translate the AHB transaction into consecutive multiple external
transactions which have consecutively incrementing the address and start with the least
significant data from AHB transaction.
▄▄ If the AHB master (CPU or PDMA) transaction width is smaller than the external bus transaction
width. The EBI will read the data according to the full data bus width of the external device
and ignore the superfluous data. For write operation the EBI will automatically perform a read-
modify-write sequence to write the data.

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Table 70. EBI Maps AHB Transactions Width to External Device Transactions.
8-bit External Device 16-bit External Device
AHB Transaction
Transaction Transaction
1 x 16-bit read
8-bit read 1 x 8-bit read
(EBI ignore the superfluous data)
16-bit read 2 x 8-bit read 1 x 16-bit read
32-bit read 4 x 8-bit read 2 x 16-bit read
1 x 16-bit read;

Extend Bus Interface (EBI)

8-bit write 1 x 8-bit write 1 x 16-bit write
(EBI read-modify-write)
16-bit write 2 x 8-bit write 1 x 16-bit write
32-bit write 4 x 8-bit write 2 x 16-bit write

Table 71. EBI Maps AHB Transactions Width to External Device Transactions Width
Access from AHB Master Access to External Bus Interface (EBI)
External Output
Bus Width Access type Address Valid data at
Note Access split value from
HADDR[1:0] EBI_AD[15:0]
0b00 No split 0b00
0b01 No split 0b01
Byte (8-bit)
0b10 No split 0b10
0b11 No split 0b11
Half-word 1/2 access 0b00
(16-bit) 2/2 access 0b01
8-bit EBI_AD[7:0]
Half-word 1/2 access 0b10
(16-bit) 2/2 access 0b11
1/4 access 0b00
Word 2/4 access 0b01
(32-bit) 3/4 access 0b10
4/4 access 0b11
0b00 No split 0bx0 EBI_AD[7:0]
0b01 No split 0bx0 EBI_AD[15:8]
Byte (8-bit)
0b10 No split 0bx1 EBI_AD[7:0]
0b11 No split 0bx1 EBI_AD[15:8]
Half-word 0b00 No split 0bx0 EBI_AD[15:0]
(16-bit) 0b10 No split 0bx1 EBI_AD[15:0]
Word 1/2 access 0bx0 EBI_AD[15:0]
(32-bit) 2/2 access 0bx1 EBI_AD[15:0]

Note: HADDR is AHB bus address input.

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EBI Bank Access

The EBI is split into 4 different address regions and each owns an individual EBI_CSn line. When
accessing one of the memory regions, the corresponding EBI_CSn line is asserted. This way up
to 4 separate devices can share the EBI lines and be identified by the EBI_CSn line. Each bank
can individually be enabled or disabled in the EBICR register. The data space of each bank can be
accessed up to 4MB and is shown as Figure 198.

Extend Bus Interface (EBI)


EBI Selection Bank

EBI Bank 3 (4MB)
EBI Bank 2 (4MB) 4 MBytes
Reserved x4
EBI Bank 1 (4MB)
EBI Bank 0 (4MB)
SRAM 0x6000_0000




Figure 198. EBI Bank Memory Map

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PDMA Request
The EBI only supports a software trigger for activating a PDMA service.

Register Map
The following table shows the EBI register and reset value.
Table 72. EBI Register Map

Extend Bus Interface (EBI)

Register Offset Description Reset Value
EBI Base Address = 0x4009_8000
EBICR 0x000 EBI Control Register 0x0000_0000
EBISR 0x008 EBI Status Register 0x0000_0000
EBIATR 0x010 EBI Address Timing Register 0x0000_0707
EBIRTR 0x014 EBI Read Timing Register 0x0007_1F07
EBIWTR 0x018 EBI Write Timing Register 0x0007_1F07
EBIPR 0x01C EBI Parity Register 0x0000_0000

Register Descriptions
EBI Control Register – EBICR
This register specifies the control setting for EBI bank.
Offset: 0x000
Reset value: 0x0000_0000

31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24
IDLET Reserved
Type/Reset RW 0 RW 0 RW 0 RW 0
23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16
15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8
Type/Reset RW 0 RW 0 RW 0 RW 0 RW 0 RW 0 RW 0 RW 0
7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
Mode3 Mode2 Mode1 Mode0
Type/Reset RW 0 RW 0 RW 0 RW 0 RW 0 RW 0 RW 0 RW 0

Bits Field Descriptions

[31:28] IDLET IDLE Time
Sets the number of cycles between EBI transactions. If set to 0, one cycle is inserted
by the hardware. The cycle unit is based on the HCLK clock period.
[15] NOIDLE3 No IDLE 3
0: Enable IDLE state insertion
1: Disable IDLE state insertion
Enable or disable the insertion of an idle state between transactions for bank 3.

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Bits Field Descriptions

[14] NOIDLE2 No IDLE 2
0: Enable IDLE state insertion
1: Disable IDLE state insertion
Enable or disable the insertion of an idle state between transactions for bank 2.
[13] NOIDLE1 No IDLE 1
0: Enable IDLE state insertion
1: Disable IDLE state insertion
Enable or disable the insertion of an idle state between transactions for bank 1.

Extend Bus Interface (EBI)

[12] NOIDLE0 No IDLE 0
0: Enable IDLE state insertion
1: Disable IDLE state insertion
Enable or disable the insertion of an idle state between transactions for bank 0.
[11] BANKEN3 Bank 3 Enable
0: Disable
1: Enable
This bit enables or disables bank 3.
[10] BANKEN2 Bank 2 Enable
0: Disable
1: Enable
This bit enables or disables bank 2.
[9] BANKEN1 Bank 1 Enable
0: Disable
1: Enable
This bit enables or disables bank 1.
[8] BANKEN0 Bank 0 Enable
0: Disable
1: Enable
This bit enables or disables bank 0.
[7:6] MODE3 Set EBI bank 3 access mode
00: D8A8
01: D16A16ALE
10: D8A24ALE
11: D16
[5:4] MODE2 Set EBI bank 2 access mode
00: D8A8
01: D16A16ALE
10: D8A24ALE
11: D16
[3:2] MODE1 Set EBI bank 1 access mode
00: D8A8
01: D16A16ALE
10: D8A24ALE
11: D16
[1:0] MODE0 Set EBI bank 0 access mode
00: D8A8
01: D16A16ALE
10: D8A24ALE
11: D16

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EBI Status Register – EBISR

This register indicates the EBI status.
Offset: 0x008
Reset value: 0x0000_0000

31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24

Extend Bus Interface (EBI)

23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16
15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8
Type/Reset RW 0
7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
Reserved EBIBUSY
Type/Reset RO 0

Bits Field Descriptions

[8] EBISMRST EBI State Machine Reset
0: Normal
1: Reset EBI state machine
Write a “1” to reset the EBI internal state machine to its initial state and keep the
original register settings.
0: EBI is idle
1: EBI is busy
Indicates the EBI is busy with an AHB transaction.

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EBI Address Timing Register – EBIATR

This register specifies the address timing setting for each bank.
Offset: 0x010
Reset value: 0x0000_0707

31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24

Extend Bus Interface (EBI)

23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16
15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8
Type/Reset RW 1 RW 1 RW 1
7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
Type/Reset RW 1 RW 1 RW 1

Bits Field Descriptions

[10:8] ADDRHOLD Address Hold Time
Sets the number of cycles for which the address should be held on the EBI_AD
bus after the EBI_ALE signal is asserted. This field is allowed to be set to 0.
[2:0] ADDRSETUP Address Setup Time
Sets the number of cycles for which the address is driven onto the EBI_AD bus
before the EBI_ALE signal is asserted. If set to 0, one cycle is inserted by the
hardware. The cycle unit is based on an HCLK clock period.

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EBI Read Timing Register – EBIRTR

This register specifies the read timing setting for each bank
Offset: 0x014
Reset value: 0x0007_1F07

31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24

Extend Bus Interface (EBI)

23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16
Reserved RDHOLD
Type/Reset RW 1 RW 1 RW 1
15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8
Reserved RDSTRB
Type/Reset RW 1 RW 1 RW 1 RW 1 RW 1
7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
Reserved RDSETUP
Type/Reset RW 1 RW 1 RW 1

Bits Field Descriptions

[18:16] RDHOLD Read Hold Time
Sets the number of cycles for which the EBI_CSn signal is held active after the EBI_
OE signal is de-asserted. This interval is used for bus turnaround.
[12:8] RDSTRB Read Strobe Time
Sets the number of cycles in which the data will be read when the EBI_OE is held
active. After the specified number of cycles, the data will be read. If set to 0, one
cycle is inserted by the hardware. The cycle unit is based on an HCLK clock period.
[2:0] RDSETUP Read Setup Time
Sets the number of cycles for which the address is setup before the EBI_OE signal
is asserted. The cycle unit is based on an HCLK clock period.

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EBI Write Timing Register – EBIWTR

This register specifies the write timing setting for each bank.
Offset: 0x018
Reset value: 0x0007_1F07

31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24

Extend Bus Interface (EBI)

23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16
Reserved WRHOLD
Type/Reset RW 1 RW 1 RW 1
15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8
Reserved WRSTRB
Type/Reset RW 1 RW 1 RW 1 RW 1 RW 1
7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
Reserved WRSETUP
Type/Reset RW 1 RW 1 RW 1

Bits Field Descriptions

[18:16] WEHOLD Write Hold Time
Sets the number of cycles for which the EBI_CSn signal is held active after the EBI_
WE signal is de-asserted.
[12:8] WESTRB Write Strobe Time
Sets the number of cycles in which the data will be written when the EBI_WE signal
is held active. If set to 0, one cycle is inserted by the hardware. The cycle unit is
based on an HCLK clock period.
[2:0] WESETUP Write Setup Time
Sets the number of cycles for which the data is setup before the EBI_WE signal is
asserted. The cycle unit is based on an HCLK clock period.

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EBI Parity Register – EBIPR

This register specifies the polarity of the EBI control signal for each bank.
Offset: 0x01C
Reset value: 0x0000_0000

31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24

Extend Bus Interface (EBI)

23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16
Type/Reset RW 0 RW 0 RW 0
15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8
7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
Type/Reset RW 0 RW 0 RW 0 RW 0

Bits Field Descriptions

[3] ALEPOL Address Latch Polarity
0: EBI_ALE is active low
1: EBI_ALE is active high
Set the polarity of the EBI_ALE line
[2] WEPOL Write Enable Polarity
0: EBI_WE is active low
1: EBI_WE is active high
Set the polarity of the EBI_WE line.
[1] OEPOL Output Enable Polarity
0: EBI_OE is active low
1: EBI_OE is active high
Set the polarity of the EBI_OE line.
[0] CSPOL Chip Selection Polarity
0: EBI_CS is active low
1: EBI_CS is active high
Set the polarity of the EBI_CSn line.

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28 Inter-IC Sound (I2S)

The I 2S is a synchronous communication interface that can be used as a master or slave to
exchange data with other audio peripherals, such as ADCs or DACs. The I2S supports a variety of
data formats. In addition to the stereo I2S-justified, Left-justified and Right-justified modes, there

Inter-IC Sound (I2S)

are mono PCM modes with 8/16/24/32-bit sample size. When the I2S operates in the master mode,
then when using the fractional divider, it can provide an accurate sampling frequency output and
support the rate control function and fine-tuning of the output frequency to avoid system problems
caused by the cumulative frequency error between different devices.


I2S Clock Generator



TX FIFO TX Shift Register I2SDO




PDMA Req RX FIFO RX Shift Register I2SDI



Figure 199. I2S Block Diagram

▄▄ Master or slave mode
▄▄ Mono and stereo
▄▄ I2S-justified, Left-justified, and Right-justified mode
▄▄ 8/16/24/32-bit sample size with 32-bit channel extended
▄▄ 8 × 32-bit TX & RX FIFO with PDMA supported
▄▄ 8-bit Fractional Clock Divider with rate control

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Functional Description
I2S Master and Slave Mode
The I2S can operate in slave or master mode. Within the I2S module the difference between these
modes lies in the word select (WS) signal which determines the timing of data transmissions.
▄▄ In the master mode, the word select signal is generated internally by a clock rate generator.
▄▄ In the slave mode, the word select signal is input on the I2S_WS pin.

Inter-IC Sound (I2S)

▄▄ When an I2S bus is enabled, the word select, bit clock signals are sent continuously by the bus
▄▄ The mute control bit will place the transmit channel in a mute condition. When the mute mode
is enabled, the transmit channel FIFO operates normally, but the output data stream is discarded
and replaced by zeroes. This bit does not affect the receive channel so data reception can occur


I2S Master I2S Slave




I2S Slave I2S Slave


Figure 200. Simple I2S Master/Slave Configuration

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I2S Clock Rate Generator

The main (I2S_MCLK) and bit clock (I2S_BCLK) rates for the I2S are determined by the values in
the I2SCDR register. The required I2S bit clock rate setting depends on the desired audio sample
rate desired, the format (stereo/mono) used, and the data size. The main clock rate (I2S_MCLK)
is generated using a fractional rate divider which is a divided down PCLK frequency of the I2S.
Values of the numerator (X) and the denominator (Y) must be chosen to produce a frequency twice
that of the main clock (I2S_MCLK). The output frequency of the divider is divided by 2 in order to
get the duty cycle of the output clock more even. The I2S clock generator block diagram is shown in

Inter-IC Sound (I2S)

Figure 201. The equation for the fractional rate divider is:

I2S_MCLK = 1/2 × PCLK × (X/Y), and X/Y ≤ 1, X = 1 ~ 255, Y = 1 ~ 255

I2S_BCLK = I2S_MCLK / (N+1), N = 0 ~ 255

Because the fractional rate divider is a fully digital implementation function, the divider output
clock transitions are synchronous with the input source clock. Therefore, the fractional rate divider
will generate some jitter with some divider settings. Users should make note of this phenomenon
when choosing the X and Y setup values. It is possible to avoid jitter entirely by choosing fractions
such that X divides evenly into Y. For example, 2/4, 2/6, 3/9, etc.

The tables below show the recommended setup values to reduce clock jitter for different source
clocks and sample rates.

I2S Clock Generator


8-bit Fractional
PCLK Rate Divider
2 (N+1) I2S_BCLK
& Fine-Tuning

I2S Control

Figure 201. I2S Clock Generator Diagram

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Table 73. Recommend FS List @ 8 MHz PCLK

512 FS 384 FS 256 FS 192 FS 128 FS 64 FS
Fs (Hz) X Y X Y X Y X Y X Y X Y
8,000 — — 96 125 64 125 48 125 32 125 16 125
11,025 — — — — 170 241 118 223 90 255 42 238
12,000 — — — — 96 125 72 125 48 125 24 125
16,000 — — — — — — 96 125 64 125 32 125
22,050 — — — — — — — — 170 241 90 255

Inter-IC Sound (I2S)

24,000 — — — — — — — — 96 125 48 125
32,000 — — — — — — — — — — 64 125
44,100 — — — — — — — — — — 170 241
48,000 — — — — — — — — — — 96 125
96,000 — — — — — — — — — — — —
192,000 — — — — — — — — — — — —

Table 74. Recommend FS List @ 48 MHz PCLK

512 FS 384 FS 256 FS 192 FS 128 FS 64 FS
Fs (Hz) X Y X Y X Y X Y X Y X Y
8,000 36 211 16 125 18 211 8 125 10 234 2 94
11,025 4 17 6 34 2 17 6 68 2 34 2 68
12,000 32 125 24 125 16 125 12 125 8 125 4 125
16,000 86 252 32 125 36 211 16 125 18 211 10 234
22,050 8 17 6 17 4 17 6 34 2 17 2 34
24,000 64 125 48 125 32 125 24 125 16 125 8 125
32,000 142 208 64 125 86 252 32 125 36 211 18 211
44,100 238 253 170 241 8 17 6 17 4 17 2 17
48,000 — — 96 125 64 125 48 125 32 125 16 125
96,000 — — — — — — 96 125 64 125 32 125
192,000 — — — — — — — — — — 64 125

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I2S Interface Format

I2S-justified Stereo Mode
The standard I2S-justified mode is where the Most Significant Bit (MSB) of the stereo audio sample
data is available on the second rising edge of the BCLK clock following a WS signal transition. In
the stereo mode, a low WS state indicates left channel data and a high state indicates right channel
data. Figure 202 and Figure 203 show the standard I2S-justified stereo mode format.

Inter-IC Sound (I2S)


WS Channel Left Channel Right


Sample size: 8, 16, 24 or 32-bit

Figure 202. I2S-justified Stereo Mode Waveforms

32 BCLK cycles mode


WS Channel Left Channel Right

SDO/SDI MSB LSB 0 forced or skipped MSB LSB 0 forced or skipped

Sample size: 8, 16 or 24-bit (32 - Sample size)

bits remaining

Figure 203. I2S-justified Stereo Mode Waveforms (32-bit Channel Enabled)

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Left-justified Stereo Mode

Left-Justified mode is where the Most Significant Bit (MSB) of the stereo audio sample data is
available on the first rising edge of BCLK following a WS transition. Figure 204 and Figure 205 are
shown with a left I2S-justified stereo mode format.


Inter-IC Sound (I2S)

WS Channel Left Channel Right


Sample size: 8, 16, 24 or 32-bit

Figure 204. Left-justified Stereo Mode Waveforms


WS Channel Left Channel Right

SDO/SDI MSB LSB 0 forced or skipped MSB LSB 0 forced or skipped

Sample size: 8, 16 or 24-bit (32 - Sample size)

bits remaining

Figure 205. Left-justified Stereo Mode Waveforms (32-bit Channel Enabled)

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Right-justified Stereo Mode

Right-Justified mode is where the Least Significant Bit (LSB) of the stereo audio sample data is
available on the rising edge of BCLK preceding a WS transition and where the MSB is transmitted
first. Figure 206 and Figure 207 show a right I2S-justified stereo mode format.


Inter-IC Sound (I2S)

WS Channel Left Channel Right


Sample size: 8, 16, 24 or 32-bit

Figure 206. Right-justified Stereo Mode Waveforms


WS Channel Left Channel Right

SDO/SDI 0 forced or skipped MSB LSB 0 forced or skipped MSB LSB

(32 - Sample size) Sample size: 8, 16 or 24-bit

bits remaining

Figure 207. Right-justified Stereo Mode Waveforms (32-bit Channel Enabled)

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I2S-justified Mono Mode

In the I2S-justified mono mode, the Most Significant Bit (MSB) of the mono audio sample data is
available on the second rising edge of the BCLK clock following a falling edge on the WS signal.
Figure 208 and Figure 209 show an I2S-justified mono mode format.



Inter-IC Sound (I2S)




1 BCLK Sample size: 8, 16, 24 or 32-bit

Figure 208. I2S-justified Mono Mode Waveforms




SDO/SDI MSB LSB 0 forced or skipped MSB LSB 0 forced or skipped

1 BCLK Sample size: 8, 16 or 24-bit (32 - Sample size)

bits remaining

Figure 209. I2S-justified Mono Mode Waveforms (32-bit Channel Enabled)

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Left-justified Mono Mode

In the left-justified mono mode, the Most Significant Bit (MSB) of the mono audio sample data
is available on the first rising edge of the BCLK clock following a falling edge on the WS signal.
Figure 210 and Figure 211 show a left-justified mono mode format.



Inter-IC Sound (I2S)




1 BCLK Sample size: 8, 16, 24 or 32-bit

Figure 210. Left-justified Mono Mode Waveforms




SDO/SDI MSB LSB 0 forced or skipped MSB LSB 0 forced or skipped

1 BCLK Sample size: 8, 16 or (32 - Sample size)

24-bit bits remaining

Figure 211. Left-justified Mono Mode Waveforms (32-bit Channel Enabled)

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Right-justified Mono Mode

In the right-justified mono mode, the Least Significant Bit (LSB) of the mono audio sample data
is available on the last rising edge of the BCLK clock preceding a rising edge on the WS signal.
Figure 212 and Figure 213 show the right-justified mono mode format.



Inter-IC Sound (I2S)




Sample size: 8, 16, 24 or 32-bit 1 BCLK

Figure 212. Right-justified Mono Mode Waveforms




SDO/SDI 0 forced or skipped MSB LSB 0 forced or skipped MSB LSB

(32 - Sample size) Sample size: 8, 16 or 1 BCLK

bits remaining 24-bit

Figure 213. Right-justified Mono Mode Waveforms (32-bit Channel Enabled)

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I2S-justified Repeat Mode

In the I2S-justified repeat mode, the Most Significant Bit (MSB) of the mono audio sample data is
available on the second rising edge of the BCLK clock following a WS signal transition. In this
mode the same data is transmitted twice, once when WS is low and again when WS is high. Figure
214 and Figure 215 show the I2S-justified repeat mode format.


Inter-IC Sound (I2S)

WS Mono Sample repeat sample or skipped


Sample size: 8, 16, 24 or 32-bit

Figure 214. I2S-justified Repeat Mode Waveforms


WS Mono Sample repeat sample or skipped

SDO/SDI MSB LSB 0 forced or skipped MSB LSB 0 forced

Sample size: 8, 16 or 24-bit (32 - Sample size)

bits remaining

Figure 215. I2S-justified Repeat Mode Waveforms (32-bit Channel Enabled)

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FIFO Control and Arrangement

The I2S handles audio data for transmission and reception and is performed via the FIFO controller.
Each transmitted or received FIFO has a depth of 8 words (8 × 32-bit) and can buffer the data. The
format is dependent upon the stereo/mono mode and sample size setting. The detailed FIFO data
content format is shown in Figure 216. The FIFO controller consists of comparators which compare
the current FIFO levels with configurable depth settings. The current level of the TX or RX FIFO
status can be seen in the TXFS and RXFS fields of the I2S status register (I2SSR).

Inter-IC Sound (I2S)

FIFO Pointer
Mono 8-bit Data

7 N+3 0 7 N+2 0 7 N+1 0 7 N 0 M

Mono 16-bit Data

15 N+1 0 15 N 0 M

Mono 24-bit Data

31 23 N 0 M

Mono 32-bit Data

31 N 0 M

Stereo 8-bit Data

7 LEFT+1 0 7 RIGHT+1 0 7 LEFT 7 RIGHT 0 M


Stereo 16-bit Data

15 LEFT 0 15 RIGHT 0 M

Stereo 24-bit Data

31 23 LEFT 0 M

31 23 RIGHT 0 M+1

Stereo 32-bit Data

31 LEFT 0 M

31 RIGHT 0 M+1

Figure 216. FIFO Data Content Arrangement for Various Modes

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PDMA and Interrupt

When the level of received data in the RX FIFO is equal to or greater than the level defined by the
RXFTLS field in the I2S FIFO control register (I2SFCR), the relative RXFTL flag will be set and
then an I2S RX PDMA request will be generated. A CPU interrupt will be generated if the enable
bit of the I2S RX PDMA request or the RX FIFO trigger level interrupt is asserted. When the level
of transmitted data in the TX FIFO is equal to or less than the level defined by the TXFTLS field
in the I2S FIFO control register (I2SFCR), the relative TXFTL flag will be set and a I2S TX PDMA
request will be generated. A CPU interrupt will be generated if the enable bit of the I2S TX PDMA

Inter-IC Sound (I2S)

request or TX FIFO trigger level interrupt is asserted.

The I2S transmitter and receiver have separate PDMA requests and can be assigned to two different
PDMA channels. When a PDMA request is enabled for the I 2S transmitter (TXDMAEN = 1)
then this will automatically request that data is transferred to the assigned I2S TX PDMA channel
whenever TX FIFO space is available and TXFTL is active. When a PDMA request is enabled for
the receiver (RXDMAEN = 1) then this will automatically request the data transfers to the I2S RX
PDMA channel whenever data is present in the receive FIFO and when RXFTL is active.

Register Map
The following table shows the I2S registers and reset values.
Table 75. I2S Register Map
Register Offset Description Reset Value
I2SCR 0x000 I2S Control Register 0x0000_0000
I2SIER 0x004 I2S Interrupt Enable Register 0x0000_0000
I2SCDR 0x008 I2S Clock Divider Register 0x0000_0000
I2STXDR 0x00C I2S TX Data Register 0x0000_0000
I2SRXDR 0x010 I S RX Data Register
I2SFCR 0x014 I2S FIFO Control Register 0x0000_0000
I2SSR 0x018 I S Status Register
I2SRCNTR 0x01C I2S Rate Counter Value Register 0x0000_0000

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32-Bit Arm® Cortex® -M0+ MCU

Register Descriptions
I2S Control Register – I2SCR
This register specifies the corresponding I2S function enable control.
Offset: 0x000
Reset value: 0x0000_0000

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Inter-IC Sound (I2S)

23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16
Type/Reset RW 0 RW 0 RW 0 RW 0
15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8
Type/Reset RW 0 RW 0 RW 0 RW 0 RW 0 RW 0 RW 0 RW 0
7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
Type/Reset RW 0 RW 0 RW 0 RW 0 RW 0 RW 0 RW 0 RW 0

Bits Field Descriptions

[19] MCKINV MCLK Inverse Enable
0: Disable
1: Enable
[18] BCKINV BCLK Inverse Enable
0: Disable
1: Enable
[17] RCSEL Rate Control Select (master only)
0: slower
1: faster
[16] RCEN Rate Control Enable (master only)
0: Disable
1: Enable
[15] CLKDEN Clock Divider Enable (master only)
0: Disable
1: Enable
The clock divider can be used to generate the MCLK and BCLK clock of the I2S
interface for master mode.
[14] RXDMAEN RX PDMA Request Enable
0: Disable
1: Enable
[13] TXDMAEN TX PDMA Request Enable
0: Disable
1: Enable
[12] TXMUTE TX Mute Enable
0: Disable
1: Enable

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32-Bit Arm® Cortex® -M0+ MCU

Bits Field Descriptions

[11] CHANNEL Stereo or Mono
0: Stereo
1: Mono
Note: This bit should be configured when I2S is disabled.
[10] REPEAT Repeat Mode
0: Disable
1: Enable
This mode is for I2S-justified stereo configuration only, transmitting the mono data

Inter-IC Sound (I2S)

on both channels and receiving just the left channel data and ignoring the right.
Enabling the repeat mode will reset the CHANNEL bit automatically.
Note: This bit should be configured when the I2S is disabled.
[9] MCLKEN MCLK Output Enable (master only)
0: Disable
1: Enable
Note: This bit should be configured when the I2S is disabled.
[8] BITEXT 32-bit Channel Enable
0: Disable
1: Enable
Setting this bit will force the channel size to 32-bits. If the sample size is 8/16/24-
bits, the remaining bits will be forced to 0 in the TX and ignored in the RX.
Note: This bit should be configured when the I2S is disabled.
[7:6] FORMAT Data Format
00: I2S-justified
01: Left-justified
10: Right-justified
11: reserved
Note: This bit should be configured when the I2S is disabled.
[5:4] SMPSIZE Sample Size
00: 8-bit
01: 16-bit
10: 24-bit
11: 32-bit
Note: This bit should be configured when the I2S is disabled.
[3] MS Master or Slave Mode
0: Master
1: Slave
Note: This bit should be configured when the I2S is disabled.
[2] RXEN RX Enable
0: Disable
1: Enable
[1] TXEN TX Enable
0: Disable
1: Enable
[0] I2SEN I2S Enable
0: Disable
1: Enable

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32-Bit Arm® Cortex® -M0+ MCU

I2S Interrupt Enable Register – I2SIER

This register contains the corresponding I2S interrupt enable bits.
Offset: 0x004
Reset value: 0x0000_0000

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Inter-IC Sound (I2S)

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7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
Type/Reset RW 0 RW 0 RW 0 RW 0 RW 0 RW 0

Bits Field Descriptions

[6] RXOVIEN RX FIFO Overflow Interrupt Enable
0: Disable
1: Enable
[5] RXUDIEN RX FIFO Underflow Interrupt Enable
0: Disable
1: Enable
[4] RXFTLIEN RX FIFO Trigger Level Interrupt Enable
0: Disable
1: Enable
[2] TXOVIEN TX FIFO Overflow Interrupt Enable
0: Disable
1: Enable
[1] TXUDIEN TX FIFO Underflow Interrupt Enable
0: Disable
1: Enable
[0] TXFTLIEN TX FIFO Trigger Level Interrupt Enable
0: Disable
1: Enable

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32-Bit Arm® Cortex® -M0+ MCU

I2S Clock Divider Register – I2SCDR

This register specifics the I2S clock divider ratio.
Offset: 0x008
Reset value: 0x0000_0000

31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24

Inter-IC Sound (I2S)

23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16
Type/Reset RW 0 RW 0 RW 0 RW 0 RW 0 RW 0 RW 0 RW 0
15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8
Type/Reset RW 0 RW 0 RW 0 RW 0 RW 0 RW 0 RW 0 RW 0
7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
Type/Reset RW 0 RW 0 RW 0 RW 0 RW 0 RW 0 RW 0 RW 0

Bits Field Descriptions

[23:16] N_DIV N divider for BCLK
0x00: divide 1
0x01: divide 2
0xFF: divide 256
Note: This bit should be configured when the I2S is disabled.
[15:8] X_DIV X divider for MCLK
(X = 1 ~ 255) && (X / Y ≤ 1)
Note: This bit should be configured when the I2S is disabled.
[7:0] Y_DIV Y divider for MCLK
(Y = 1 ~ 255) && (X / Y ≤ 1)
Note: This bit should be configured when the I2S is disabled.

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32-Bit Arm® Cortex® -M0+ MCU

I2S TX Data Register – I2STXDR

This register is used to specify the I2S transmitted data.
Offset: 0x00C
Reset value: 0x0000_0000

31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24
Type/Reset WO 0 WO 0 WO 0 WO 0 WO 0 WO 0 WO 0 WO 0

Inter-IC Sound (I2S)

23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16
Type/Reset WO 0 WO 0 WO 0 WO 0 WO 0 WO 0 WO 0 WO 0
15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8
Type/Reset WO 0 WO 0 WO 0 WO 0 WO 0 WO 0 WO 0 WO 0
7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
Type/Reset WO 0 WO 0 WO 0 WO 0 WO 0 WO 0 WO 0 WO 0

Bits Field Descriptions

[31:0] TXDR TX Data Register

I2S RX Data Register – I2SRXDR

This register is used to store the I2S received data.
Offset: 0x010
Reset value: 0x0000_0000

31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24
Type/Reset RO 0 RO 0 RO 0 RO 0 RO 0 RO 0 RO 0 RO 0
23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16
Type/Reset RO 0 RO 0 RO 0 RO 0 RO 0 RO 0 RO 0 RO 0
15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8
Type/Reset RO 0 RO 0 RO 0 RO 0 RO 0 RO 0 RO 0 RO 0
7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
Type/Reset RO 0 RO 0 RO 0 RO 0 RO 0 RO 0 RO 0 RO 0

Bits Field Descriptions

[31:0] RXDR RX Data Register

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32-Bit Arm® Cortex® -M0+ MCU

I2S FIFO Control Register – I2SFCR

This register contains the related I2S FIFO control bits.
Offset: 0x014
Reset value: 0x0000_0000

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Inter-IC Sound (I2S)

23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16
15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8
Type/Reset RW 0 RW 0
7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
Type/Reset RW 0 RW 0 RW 0 RW 0 RW 0 RW 0 RW 0 RW 0

Bits Field Descriptions

Set this bit to reset the RX FIFO.
Set this bit to reset the TX FIFO.
[7:4] RXFTLS RX FIFO Trigger Level Select
0000: Trigger level is 0
0001: Trigger level is 1
0111: Trigger level is 7
1xxx: Trigger level is 8
When the data contained in the RX FIFO is equal to or greater than the level
defined by the RXFTLS field, the RXFTL flag will be set.
[3:0] TXFTLS TX FIFO Trigger Level Select
0000: Trigger level is 0
0001: Trigger level is 1
0111: Trigger level is 7
1xxx: Trigger level is 8
When the data contained in the TX FIFO is equal to or less than the level defined
by the TXFTLS field, the TXFTL flag will be set.

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32-Bit Arm® Cortex® -M0+ MCU

I2S Status Register – I2SSR

This register contains the relevant I2S status.
Offset: 0x018
Reset value: 0x0000_0809

31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24
Type/Reset RO 0 RO 0 RO 0 RO 0 RO 0 RO 0 RO 0 RO 0

Inter-IC Sound (I2S)

23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16
Type/Reset RO 0 RO 0 RO 0
15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8
Type/Reset RO 0 RO 1 WC 0 WC 0 WC 0
7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
Type/Reset RO 0 RO 1 WC 0 WC 0 WC 1

Bits Field Descriptions

[31:28] RXFS RX FIFO Status
0000: RX FIFO empty
0001: RX FIFO contains 1 data
1000: RX FIFO contains 8 data
Others: Reserved
[27:24] TXFS TX FIFO Status
0000: TX FIFO empty
0001: TX FIFO contains 1 data

1000: TX FIFO contains 8 data
Others: Reserved
[18] CLKRDY Clock Divider Output Ready Flag
0: not ready
1: ready
[17] TXBUSY TX Busy Flag
0: not busy
1: busy
[16] CHS Channel Status
0: left channel
1: right channel
[12] RXFFUL RX FIFO Full Flag
0: RX FIFO not full
1: RX FIFO full
[11] RXFEMT RX FIFO Empty Flag
0: RX FIFO not empty
1: RX FIFO empty

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32-Bit Arm® Cortex® -M0+ MCU

Bits Field Descriptions

[10] RXFOV RX FIFO Overflow Flag
0: RX FIFO not overflow
1: RX FIFO overflow
This bit is set by hardware and cleared by writing 1.
[9] RXFUD RX FIFO Underflow Flag
0: RX FIFO not underflow
1: RX FIFO underflow
This bit is set by hardware and cleared by writing 1.

Inter-IC Sound (I2S)

[8] RXFTL RX FIFO Trigger Level Flag
0: Data in the RX FIFO is less than the trigger level
1: Data in the RX FIFO is equal to or higher than the trigger level
This bit is set by hardware and cleared by writing 1.
[4] TXFFUL TX FIFO Full Flag
0: TX FIFO not full
1: TX FIFO full
[3] TXFEMT TX FIFO Empty Flag
0: TX FIFO not empty
1: TX FIFO empty
[2] TXFOV TX FIFO Overflow Flag
0: TX FIFO not overflow
1: TX FIFO overflow
This bit is set by hardware and cleared by writing 1.
[1] TXFUD TX FIFO Underflow Flag
0: TX FIFO not underflow
1: TX FIFO underflow
This bit is set by hardware and cleared by writing 1.
[0] TXFTL TX FIFO Trigger Level Flag
0: Data in the TX FIFO is higher than the trigger level
1: Data in the TX FIFO is equal to or less than the trigger level
This bit is set by hardware and cleared by writing 1.

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32-Bit Arm® Cortex® -M0+ MCU

I2S Rate Counter Value Register – I2SRCNTR

This register specifics the I2S rate control counter value.
Offset: 0x01C
Reset value: 0x0000_0000

31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24
Type/Reset RW 0 RW 0 RW 0 RW 0 RW 0 RW 0 RW 0 RW 0

Inter-IC Sound (I2S)

23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16
Reserved RCNTR
Type/Reset RW 0 RW 0 RW 0 RW 0 RW 0 RW 0 RW 0 RW 0
15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8
Type/Reset RW 0 RW 0 RW 0 RW 0 RW 0 RW 0 RW 0 RW 0
7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
Type/Reset RW 0 RW 0 RW 0 RW 0 RW 0 RW 0 RW 0 RW 0

Bits Field Descriptions

[19:0] RCNTR Rate Counter Value
This value must be equal to or higher than Y_DIV for useful rate fine-tuning control.

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32-Bit Arm® Cortex® -M0+ MCU

29 Cyclic Redundancy Check (CRC)

The CRC (Cyclic Redundancy Check) calculation unit is an error detection technique test algorithm
and uses to verify data transmission or storage data correctness. A CRC calculation takes a data
stream or a block of data as input and generates a 16- or 32-bit output remainder. Ordinarily, a data

Cyclic Redundancy Check (CRC)

stream is suffixed by a CRC code and used as a checksum when being sent or stored. Therefore,
the received or restored data stream is calculated by the same generator polynomial as described
above. If the new CRC code result does not match the one calculated earlier, that means data stream
contains a data error.

CRC Control

CRC Seed



B2 CRC-16




Figure 217. CRC Block Diagram

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32-Bit Arm® Cortex® -M0+ MCU

▄▄ Support CRC16 polynomial: 0x8005, X16+X15+X2+1
▄▄ Support CCITT CRC16 polynomial: 0x1021, X16+X12+X5+1
▄▄ Support IEEE-802.3 CRC32 polynomial: 0x04C11DB7, X32+X26+X23+X22+X16+X12+X11+X10+X8
▄▄ Support 1’s complement, byte reverse & bit reverse operation on data and checksum

Cyclic Redundancy Check (CRC)

▄▄ Support byte, half-word & word data size
▄▄ Programmable CRC initial seed value
▄▄ CRC computation done in 1 AHB clock cycle for 8-bit data and 4 AHB clock cycles for 32-bit
▄▄ Support PDMA to complete a CRC computation of a block of memory

Function Descriptions
This unit only enables the calculation in the CRC16, CCITT CRC16 and IEEE-802.3 CRC32
polynomial. In this unit, the generator polynomial is fixed to the numeric values for those modes;
therefore, the CRC value based on other generator polynomials cannot be calculated.

CRC Computation
The CRC calculation unit has 32-bit write CRC data register (CRCDR) and read CRC checksum
register (CRCCSR). The CRCDR register is used to input new data (write access), and the
CRCCSR register is used to hold the result of the previous CRC calculation (read access). Each
write operation to the CRCDR register creates a combination of the previous CRC value (stored
in CRCCSR) and the new one. The CRC block diagram is shown as Figure 217. The CRC unit
calculates the CRC data register (CRCDR) value is basic on byte by byte and default byte and bit
order is big-endian. The CRCDR register can be accessed write by word, right-aligned half-word
and right-aligned byte. For the other registers only 32-bit access is allowed. The duration of the
computation depends on data width:
▄▄ 4 AHB clock cycles for 32-bit data input
▄▄ 2 AHB clock cycles for 16-bit data input
▄▄ 1 AHB clock cycles for 8-bit data input

Byte and Bit Reversal for CRC Computation

The byte reordering and byte-level bit reversal operation can be occurred before the data is
used in the CRC calculation or after the CRC checksum output. They are configurable using the
corresponding setting field of the CRCCR register. These operations occur on word or half words
write. The hardware ignores the DATBYRV bit of the CRCRCR register with any byte writes but
the bit reversal setting DATBIRV are still applied to the byte. The Figure 218 is shown the byte and
bit reversal operation example.

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32-Bit Arm® Cortex® -M0+ MCU

Byte 3 Byte 2 Byte 1 Byte 0

Input data is


Byte Reversal Enable

Cyclic Redundancy Check (CRC)

Byte 0 Byte 1 Byte 2 Byte 3
Bit Reversal Enable

Byte 0 Byte 1 Byte 2 Byte 3

Figure 218. CRC Data Bit and Byte Reversal Example


A PDMA channel with software trigger may be used to transfer data into the CRC unit. If a huge
block data is needed to calculate. The recommended PDMA model is to use the PDMA to transfer
all available words of data and uses software writes to transfer the other remaining bytes. To write
data into the CRC unit, the PDMA should be accessed with data write by word from the source
location of memory to the CRC data register (CRCDR) in non-incrementing address mode. Then
software can write any remaining bytes to the CRC data register (CRCDR) and read the CRC
calculation result value from the CRC checksum register (CRCCSR).

Register Map
The following table shows the CRC registers and reset values.
Table 76. CRC Register Map
Register Offset Description Reset Value
CRC Base Address = 0x4008A000
CRCCR 0x000 CRC Control Register 0x0000_0000
CRCSDR 0x004 CRC Seed Register 0x0000_0000
CRCCSR 0x008 CRC Checksum Register 0x0000_0000
CRCDR 0x00C CRC Data Register 0x0000_0000

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32-Bit Arm® Cortex® -M0+ MCU

Register Descriptions
CRC Control Register – CRCCR
This register specifies the corresponding CRC function enable control.
Offset: 0x000
Reset value: 0x0000_0000

31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24

Cyclic Redundancy Check (CRC)

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7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
Type/Reset RW 0 RW 0 RW 0 RW 0 RW 0 RW 0 RW 0 RW 0

Bits Field Descriptions

[7] SUMCMPL 1’s Complement operation on Checksum Output
0: Disable
1: Enable
[6] SUMBYRV Byte Reverse operation on Checksum Output
0: Disable
1: Enable
[5] SUMBIRV Bit Reverse operation on Checksum Output
0: Disable
1: Enable
[4] DATCMPL 1’s Complement operation on Data
0: Disable
1: Enable
[3] DATBYRV Byte Reverse operation on Data
0: Disable
1: Enable
[2] DATBIRV Bit Reverse operation on Data
0: Disable
1: Enable
[1:0] POLY CRC polynomial
00: CRC-CCITT (0x1021)
01: CRC-16 (0x8005)
1X: CRC-32 (0x04C11DB7)

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32-Bit Arm® Cortex® -M0+ MCU

CRC Seed Register – CRCSDR

This register is used to specify the CRC seed.
Offset: 0x004
Reset value: 0x0000_0000

31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24
Type/Reset WO 0 WO 0 WO 0 WO 0 WO 0 WO 0 WO 0 WO 0

Cyclic Redundancy Check (CRC)

23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16
Type/Reset WO 0 WO 0 WO 0 WO 0 WO 0 WO 0 WO 0 WO 0
15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8
Type/Reset WO 0 WO 0 WO 0 WO 0 WO 0 WO 0 WO 0 WO 0
7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
Type/Reset WO 0 WO 0 WO 0 WO 0 WO 0 WO 0 WO 0 WO 0

Bits Field Descriptions

[31:0] SEED CRC Seed Data
Put the 16/32-bit seed value in this register according to the polynomial setting in
the CRCCR register.

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32-Bit Arm® Cortex® -M0+ MCU

CRC Checksum Register – CRCCSR

This register contains the CRC checksum output.
Offset: 0x008
Reset value: 0x0000_0000

31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24
Type/Reset RO 0 RO 0 RO 0 RO 0 RO 0 RO 0 RO 0 RO 0

Cyclic Redundancy Check (CRC)

23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16
Type/Reset RO 0 RO 0 RO 0 RO 0 RO 0 RO 0 RO 0 RO 0
15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8
Type/Reset RO 0 RO 0 RO 0 RO 0 RO 0 RO 0 RO 0 RO 0
7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
Type/Reset RO 0 RO 0 RO 0 RO 0 RO 0 RO 0 RO 0 RO 0

Bits Field Descriptions

[31:0] CHKSUM CRC Checksum Data
Get the CRC 16/32-bit checksum result thought this register according to the
polynomial setting in the CRCCR register after all data are written to the CRCDR

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32-Bit Arm® Cortex® -M0+ MCU

CRC Data Register – CRCDR

This register is used to specify the CRC input data.
Offset: 0x00C
Reset value: 0x0000_0000

31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24
Type/Reset WO 0 WO 0 WO 0 WO 0 WO 0 WO 0 WO 0 WO 0

Cyclic Redundancy Check (CRC)

23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16
Type/Reset WO 0 WO 0 WO 0 WO 0 WO 0 WO 0 WO 0 WO 0
15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8
Type/Reset WO 0 WO 0 WO 0 WO 0 WO 0 WO 0 WO 0 WO 0
7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
Type/Reset WO 0 WO 0 WO 0 WO 0 WO 0 WO 0 WO 0 WO 0

Bits Field Descriptions

[31:0] CRCDATA CRC Input Data
Byte, half-word & word write are allowed. 1’s complement, byte reverse and bit
reverse operation can be applied.

Rev. 1.30 655 of 656 September 28, 2018

32-Bit Arm® Cortex® -M0+ MCU

Cyclic Redundancy Check (CRC)

The information appearing in this Data Sheet is believed to be accurate at the time
of publication. However, Holtek assumes no responsibility arising from the use of
the specifications described. The applications mentioned herein are used solely for
the purpose of illustration and Holtek makes no warranty or representation that such
applications will be suitable without further modification, nor recommends the use of
its products for application that may present a risk to human life due to malfunction or
otherwise. Holtek's products are not authorized for use as critical components in life
support devices or systems. Holtek reserves the right to alter its products without prior
notification. For the most up-to-date information, please visit our web site at http://www.

Rev. 1.30 656 of 656 September 28, 2018

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