AdH Manual 4.3

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Guidelines for Solving Two-Dimensional Shallow Water Problems
with the Adaptive Hydraulics Modeling System

AdH Version 4.3

R.C. Berger | J.N. Tate | G.L. Brown | G. Savant

Last modified March 1, 2013

Table of Contents
Abstract/Introduction .......................................................................5
Shallow water example .....................................................................6
Sign convention/A note on units .......................................................8
Files needed to run AdH ....................................................................8
1. Mesh file.........................................................................................8
2. Hotstart file ....................................................................................9
3. Boundary Condition file .................................................................10
Boundary Condition file: Control cards .......................................10
Using control cards ......................................................................11
Input file template ............................................................................12
Control card categories .....................................................................13
Operation parameters .......................................................................13
Iteration parameters ..........................................................................13
Material properties ............................................................................14
Boundary strings ................................................................................15
Constituent properties .......................................................................15
Time series .........................................................................................15
Friction controls .................................................................................15
Sediment Process controls .................................................................16
Output controls ..................................................................................16
Solution controls ................................................................................16
Time controls .....................................................................................17
Operation parameters .......................................................................18
Simulating vessels in a waterway ......................................................19
Operation parameter cards ...............................................................19
Iteration parameters .........................................................................22
Iteration parameter cards ..................................................................22
Material properties ...........................................................................25
Specifying flow parameters ...............................................................25
Constant Eddy Viscosity (EVS)............................................................25
Estimated Eddy Viscosity (EEV) ..........................................................26
Mesh refinement ...............................................................................27
Wetting and drying ............................................................................29
Wind Specification .............................................................................29
Wind Attenuation ..............................................................................29
Material property cards .....................................................................30
Material meshing cards .....................................................................33
Vorticity transport-bendway correction ............................................34
Baroclinic transport (Salinity and temperature) ................................34
Constituent cards ...............................................................................35
Boundary strings ...............................................................................37

Node strings .......................................................................................37
Edge strings ........................................................................................37
Mid strings .........................................................................................37
Material strings ..................................................................................37
Ice strings ...........................................................................................37
Boundary string cards ........................................................................38
Time series ........................................................................................40
X-Y series ............................................................................................40
Wind series.........................................................................................40
DSS Time Series Input ........................................................................43
Time series cards................................................................................43
Friction controls ................................................................................45
Bed shear stress .................................................................................45
Submerged aquatic vegetation ..........................................................45
Unsubmerged rigid vegetation ..........................................................45
Ice friction ..........................................................................................46
Friction control cards .........................................................................46
Solution controls ...............................................................................49
Friction ...............................................................................................49
Bed ...............................................................................................49
Sidewalls ......................................................................................49
Upstream boundary ...........................................................................50
Downstream boundary ......................................................................50
Rain or evaporation ...........................................................................51
Stage discharge ..................................................................................52
Stationary lid in the flow ....................................................................52
Structures library ...............................................................................53
Solution control cards ........................................................................55
Time controls ....................................................................................61
Steady state .......................................................................................61
Automatic Time Step Determination .................................................62
Sediment time steps ..........................................................................62
Quasi-unsteady ..................................................................................62
DSS Input Time Control ......................................................................63
Time control cards .............................................................................63
Output control .................................................................................66
Auto-build output series ....................................................................66
Standard screen output .....................................................................68
DSS Output .........................................................................................68
MEO Output .......................................................................................68
Output control cards ..........................................................................69
Sediment transport ...........................................................................72
Cohesionless sediment (Sand) ...........................................................72
Cohesive sediment (Sand and/or silt) ................................................73

Mixed sediments (Sand, silt or clay) ..................................................74
Sediment output files.........................................................................75
Transport constituent properties ......................................................75
Material property cards .....................................................................75
Constituent cards ...............................................................................79
Sediment process cards .....................................................................80
Solution control cards ........................................................................81
Running AdH .....................................................................................82
Output filename conventions ............................................................83
Two-dimensional shallow water equations,
finite element formulation ................................................................86
Precision of Conservation in AdH .......................................................92
Troubleshooting ................................................................................94
AdH-DSS Instructions ........................................................................97
References ........................................................................................98

Guidelines are presented for using the US Army Corps of Engineers (USACE) AdH modeling
software to model two-dimensional shallow water problems. AdH can be used in
conjunction with the Department of Defense Groundwater Modeling System (GMS) or the
Surface Water Modeling System (SMS); examples in this manual did use these systems.
Other pre- and post-processors are available for grid generation and visualization and can
be used with AdH with some modification of the files.
This two-dimensional modeling module of AdH is intended to be of general use and, as
such, examples are given for supercritical flow channels, rivers, and even currents caused by
the wave radiation stresses along a coastal shoreline. These examples can be obtained in
the supplemental material provided with the AdH code.

The Adaptive Hydraulics (AdH) Model is a modeling package that can describe both
saturated and unsaturated groundwater, overland flow, 3D Navier-Stokes and 3D shallow
water problems, in addition to the 2D shallow water module described here.
It can be used in a serial or multiprocessor mode on personal computers (currently serial
only), UNIX, Silicon Graphics and CRAY operating systems. The uniqueness of AdH is its
ability to dynamically refine the domain mesh in areas where more resolution is needed at
certain times due to changes in the flow conditions.
AdH can simulate the transport of conservative constituents, such as dye clouds, as well as
sediment transport that is coupled to bed and hydrodynamic changes. The ability of AdH to
allow the domain to wet and dry as flow conditions or tides change is suitable for shallow
marsh environments, beach slopes, floodplains and the like.
AdH is set up such that supercritical and subcritical flows can be represented at the model
boundaries as well as internal to the system. It has the ability to simulate vessel transport
as well as bridge decks and culvert entrances as pressure field applications.
This tool is being developed at the Coastal and Hydraulics Laboratory (CHL) and has been
used to model sediment transport in sections of the Mississippi River, tidal conditions in
southern California, and vessel traffic in the Houston Ship Channel. The model is designed to
work in conjunction with the DoD Surface Water Modeling System (SMS). The Surface
Water Modeling System (SMS) and the Groundwater Modeling System (GMS) are modeling
packages for building models, running simulations, and visualizing results.
For further information regarding the GMS or SMS, contact the USACE Research and
Development Center, Waterways Experiment Station Site or visit the website at and select the software link.

Shallow water example
An example of the use of AdH for shallow water is Pool 8 of the Mississippi River. This
detailed mesh was run using AdH, giving the velocity distribution seen here in Fig. 1.1. Also
shown is the overland head depth distribution in the flow field, Fig. 1.2.

Figure 1.1: Velocity for Pool 8, Mississippi River

Figure 1.2: Depth for Pool 8, Mississippi River

Files needed to run AdH Sign Convention
Three files are needed to run a model in AdH — the The sign convention in AdH is the
mesh file, the boundary conditions file and the standard Cartesian coordinate
hotstart file. system and flow into the control
The mesh file must be constructed first and can be volume is positive.
generated directly with GMS (2D or 3D) or SMS (2D).
Once a mesh file has been constructed, the A note on units
boundary conditions for the problem and operating ADH is designed so that the user
parameters for AdH must be specified in the can specify the unit system to use.
boundary condition file. However, all parameters must be
The hotstart file is then generated to establish the consistent in that they are all given in
initial conditions of the problem. English units or SI units and not
Once the three required files have been created, mixed.
pre_AdH is run and it creates the necessary input file The geometry file, boundary
for AdH. Then the AdH model is run. The commands condition file, and hotstart file must
are: all be given in the same unit system.
pre_adh filename There is no card that directly
adh filename specifies the units being used.
Rather, AdH uses the values given
where filename is the root of the model’s filenames, and calculates with them. If any
i.e. for a model named pl8_AdH the following three equations internal to AdH are unit
files would be required pl8_AdH.3dm, specific, the density or gravity terms
and pl8_AdH.bc. All three files must have the same are used to decipher which system is
filename as their root followed by one of three being used.
suffixes. After the model is run, GMS or SMS can be This manual will give unit
used to visualize the results. specifications where necessary in
dimensional form. The exception to
1. Mesh file allowing the user to determine the
AdH can run two-dimensional shallow water flow in unit system is when sediment
two manners. The first is to simply create a 2D mesh. transport is being simulated. These
The second is for the shallow water flow to be run on equations are based on empirical
the surface of a 3D mesh. This facilitates running in relationships of SI units and require
conjunction with groundwater problems or as a part all calculations to be made in SI
of a 3D shallow water simulation. units. This means that all of the
Mesh files can be generated quickly and efficiently input files must also be given in SI
using GMS or SMS. Mesh files, filename.3dm, follow units. Sediment transport must be in
the GMS 3-D mesh format. AdH uses only linear SI units.
tetrahedral elements, although GMS supports
tetrahedral, pyramid, wedge and hexahedral
elements in 3D.
In 2D, AdH uses linear triangles while GMS and SMS support triangles and quadrilaterals.
AdH uses the mesh files generated with GMS or SMS directly, without any modifications.
GMS mesh files are designated with a .3dm extension. SMS mesh files are designated with

a .2dm extension, which the user must simply change to .3dm. However, if the mesh files
are created using the AdH module of SMS, the appropriate .3dm extension is assigned.
Simple rectilinear domains are convenient starting points for more complicated models.
For full details on how to produce mesh files using GMS or SMS, refer to the appropriate
reference manual and tutorials, which can be found at

2. Hotstart file
The hotstart file,, is used to specify two types of model data: initial
conditions and scale factors. Initial conditions for hydrodynamics consist of the depths and
velocity components.
Field data is often available and used as a starting point for many problems. The field data
can be specified as the initial conditions used in the flow and transport equations for a
specific problem. This data is specified in the hotstart file. GMS or SMS provides a simple
interface for entering field data. This data is entered into a scatter point data file and
interpolated to the problem mesh.
A hotstart file is a required part of a model. For AdH, initial water depths must be given,
although some can be zero or negative (dry). All other variables can start at zero and,
therefore, be omitted from the hotstart file. If data types are not specified, default values
of zero will be supplied.
A set of predefined dataset names is used to declare data types. An example of these is
shown below (additional dataset names are provided near the end of this document):
ioh or IOH Initial Depth
iov or IOV Initial Velocity
icon # or ICON # Initial Concentration
id or ID Initial Displacement (sediment calculations)

The datasets used for the hotstart file can be generated with GMS or SMS. A standard
GMS 3-D mesh data set format is used in the hotstart file. The files contain a specific
heading, the timestep for the values to follow, and the depths or X, Y, Z velocity
components. No node or element numbers are given as the values are listed; there is simply
the correct number of lines to match sequentially with the number of nodes.
Multiple data sets are exported from GMS or SMS and copied to the hotstart file in any
order. If a dataset is not supplied for one or more of the parameters, AdH will assign default
values to all the nodes for that parameter. Default initial conditions assume a value of 0.0.
Typically initial velocities of zero are fine, but zero depth everywhere will create problems
and is never a good method for starting a problem.
When hotstarting, AdH reads the values in the hotstart file and assigns them at the start
time specified in the boundary conditions file. The time in the hotstart file is ignored by
AdH. For consistency, however, it is recommended that the time in the hotstart file —
located on the TS line — match the start time in the boundary conditions file, located on the
TC T0 card. To create a hotstart file from a previous run, the ASCII data list for each variable
at the desired time should be taken from the output files and combined to create the new
hotstart file.

3. Boundary Condition file
The boundary condition file contains many pieces of information necessary to perform
simulations with AdH, including:
• Specified water surface elevation and velocity boundary conditions
• Natural and outflow boundary conditions
• Timestep data
• Output controls
• Adaptivity controls
• Model operation controls
• Transport controls.

Details of the options available for the boundary conditions file and therefore the type of
computations that AdH can perform are in the following sections. These options will be
expanded as the AdH model continues its development and new needs arise.
Boundary Condition file: Control cards
A boundary condition file, filename.bc, for the AdH code contains a series of one-line
control cards. There is no particular order that these cards must be provided, so the user
can develop a method that is convenient. Cards are single line entries and cannot be
wrapped across lines.
The cards fall into ten basic categories:
• Operational parameters
• Iteration parameters
• Material properties
• Boundary strings
• Solution controls/boundary conditions
• Constituent properties
• Friction properties
• Time controls
• Output controls
• Time series

Operation parameters control the operation of the code, the reserved memory space,
type of problem being modeled, and the solver preconditioning arrangement.
Iteration parameters control the iterative methods employed by the model and the level
of convergence.
Material properties define how the model is divided up spatially in order to define
properties differently in various locations.
Boundary strings are set using string array cards defining the interior and surface
boundaries of the problem, including node and face boundaries.
Solution controls specify the initial/boundary conditions.

Time controls specify the time steps used to run the model as well as the model’s start
and end time.
Output controls define the times at which the output is printed.
Time series define how the data used to define various aspects of the model changes with
Constituent properties define transport parameters for sediment and other transported
Friction controls define the method and parameters for roughness properties.

Using control cards

Each card consists of at least one character string identifying the type of card. It may then
contain further character fields and/or numeric data fields.
There are two important points to note about this file. First, the leading six columns are
reserved for character field keywords ONLY. All numeric data MUST start in column 7 or
later. As an example, consider the line of input:

This input would result in two character fields being read. One would have the value “MP”
and the other, the value “MU” as intended.
The following incorrect line:


would result in fields containing the values “MP” and “MU1”. It is important to note that
the parser cannot handle lines more than 150 characters wide.
Comments can be included in the Boundary Condition file by preceding the comment with
and exclamation point (!).
The following input file template gives the required cards for any hydrodynamic simulation
using AdH.

Input file template
! Operation parameters
OP SW2 2 Dimensional Shallow Water
OP INC # memory allocation increment
OP BLK blocks per processor
OP TRN # transport equations
OP PRE pre-conditioner selection
! Iteration parameters
IP NIT max # non-linear iterations per group
IP MIT max # linear iterations
IP NTL non-linear tolerances
! Material properties
MP MUC Manning’s units constant
MP G gravity
MP MU kinematic viscosity
MP RHO density
MP DTL wetting/drying limits (defaults to 0 if not included)
MP EEV estimated eddy viscosity
MP EVS eddy viscosity (MP DF required when OP TRN>0)
MP ML max # refinement levels
MP SRT error tolerance for refinement (MP TRT required when OP TRN>0)
! Strings (see manual for optional strings depending on specific problem)
MTS material strings
! Time Series
XY1 xy-series
! Boundary conditions (boundary condition according to specific problem)
! Friction controls (several options available)
! Time controls
TC T0 starting time of model
TC TF extending time of model
TF IDT xy-series number giving timestep size
! Output controls
OC timestep series defining the output (requires corresponding xy-series)
OS auto-build output series (if used, omit OC with corresponding xy-series)
END stops the model

Control card categories
The cards and their categories are:
Operation parameters

OP SW2 2D Shallow Water

OP INC Incremental memory
OP TRN Transport Quantities
OP BLK Blocks per processor
OP PRE Preconditioner
OP BT Enable Vessel Movement
OP BTS Enable Vessel Entrainment
OP TEM Enable Second Order Temporal Terms
OP TPG Petrov-Galerkin Coefficient
OP NF2 Velocity Gradients

Iteration parameters

IP NIT Non-Linear Iterations

IP NTL Non-Linear Tolerance
IP ITL Increment Tolerance
IP MIT Maximum Linear Iterations
IP FNI Forced Non-Linear Iterations
IP FLI Forced Linear Iterations
IP RTL Runga-Kutta tolerance for reactive constituents
IP SST Quasi-Unsteady Tolerance

Material properties

MP EVS Constant Eddy Viscosity

MP EEV Estimated Eddy Viscosity
MP MU Kinematic Molecular Viscosity
MP G Gravitational Acceleration
MP MUC Manning’s units constant
MP RHO Density
MP COR Coriolis Latitude
MP DTL Wetting/Drying Limit
MP ML Maximum Mesh Refinement
MP SRT Mesh Refinement Tolerance
MP DF Turbulent Diffusion (Transport Constituent Property)
MP WAT Wind Attenuation
MP TRT Transport Refinement Tolerance (Transport Constituent Property)
MP NBL Number of Bed Layers
MP SBA Bed layer applied to all nodes
MP SBN Bed layer applied to selected nodes
MP SBM Bed layer applied by material
MP CBA Cohesive bed sediment applied by layer
MP CBN Cohesive bed sediment applied to selected nodes
MP CBM Cohesive bed sediment applied by material
MP NCP Number of consolidated layers
MP CPA Consolidation properties applied by layer
MP CPN Consolidation properties applied to selected nodes
MP CPM Consolidation properties applied by material
MP NDM Turn off sediment bed displacement activated by material
MP WND Wind specification by material

Boundary strings

NDS Node String

EGS Edge String
MDS Mid String
MTS Material String
INS Ice Node String

Constituent properties

CN CON Any Constituent

CN CLA Cohesive Sediment (Clay and/or Silt)
CN SND Cohesionless Sediment (Sand)
CN VOR Vorticity Transport - Bendway Correction
CN SAL Salinity (Baroclinic Transport)
CN TMP Temperature (Baroclinic Transport)

Time series

XY1 X-Y Series Cards

XY2 X-Y-Y Series Cards
XYC Wind Station Coordinates
DSS DSS formatted time series input data

Friction controls

FR MNG Manning’s N Roughness

FR ERH Equivalent Roughness Height
FR SAV Submerged Aquatic Vegetation
FR URV Un-submerged Rigid Vegetation
FR ICE Ice Thickness

FR IRH Ice Roughness Height
FR BRH Bed Roughness Height

Sediment Process controls

SP NSE Noncohesive Suspended Sediment Entrainment

SP NBE Noncohesive Bedload Sediment Entrainment
SP HID Noncohesive Hiding Factor
SP CSV Cohesive Settling Velocity
SP WWS Bed Shear Stress due to Wind waves

Output controls

OC Output Control Series

OS Auto-build Output Series
FLX Flow Output
PC ADP Adapted Mesh Print Control
PC ELM Numerical Fish Surrogate Output
PC LVL Screen Output Level
PC HOT Hotstart File Print Control
PC DSS Output data in DSS format
PC MEO Mass Error Output
END Signifies the end of the BC file

Solution controls

DB OVL Dirichlet - Velocity

DB OVH Dirichlet - Velocity and Depth
DB TRN Dirichlet - Transport
DB LDE Dirichlet - Stationary lid elevation

DB LDH Dirichlet - Depth of water under stationary lid
DB LID Dirichlet - Floating stationary lid assignment
DB BCH Dirichlet – Breach Elevation
NB DIS Natural - Total Discharge
NB OVL Natural - Flow
NB OTW Natural - Tailwater elevation
NB TRN Natural – Transport
NB SDR Stage - Discharge Boundary
NB SPL Spillway Boundary
OB OF Outflow Boundary
EQ TRN Equilibrium Sand Transport Boundary
OFF Deactivate String
OUT Outflow Edge String
WER Number of Weirs
WRS Weir Parameters
FLP Number of Flap Gates
FGT Flap Gate Parameters

Time controls

TC T0 Start Time
TC IDT Time Step Series
TC TF Final Time
TC ATF Auto Time Step Find
TC SDI Sediment transport increment for time step
TC STD Steady State solution
TC STH Quasi-Unsteady solution
TC DS0 DSS start time
TC DSF DSS final time
TC FIN File input (currently only used for wind fields, WND)

Each operation parameter card consists of two character fields and may contain one
numeric field. An OP in the first field identifies operational parameter cards. OP cards
control the type of system being modeled. An OP SW2 card is used to specify 2D shallow
water flow modeling.
The code allocates memory as needed during the run to store the additional elements and
nodes created during the refinement process. The memory is allocated in blocks. The size of
the block is specified by the user on the OP INC card. If the specified number is too small,
the program will continually seek additional memory, slowing the run time of the program.
Alternately, if the number is too large, the program will require excess memory not needed
to run the code.
The OP PRE and the OP BLK cards specify the preconditioner for the linear solver and the
manner in which it is implemented.

The first card specifies the preconditioner. The integer can be 0, 1, 2, or 3 for various
preconditioning schemes. The second card defines how many blocks per processor are to be
used in the preconditioner. These are subdividing the problem to perform a direct solve on
each block and the total group of all blocks can be used to perform a coarse grid solve.
Which of these options is used is specified by the OP PRE choice. In this case, the 2 indicates
two-level Additive Schwarz preconditioning using 10 blocks per processor. A good starting
option is PRE = 1 and BLK = 1.
After finding a flow solution, an associated transport problem can be solved. The number
of transported quantities is given on an OP TRN card. The OP TRN card is a required input
card. If the problem does not involve transport, zero (0) quantities are specified on the
OP TRN card.
In addition, if transport equations are not being modeled, no transport properties or
boundary conditions may be specified. An error message will be displayed if transport
properties are included in the input file but no transport quantities have been specified.
The following card specifies one transported quantity:


The OP TEM card is an optional card that can be included to enable second order temporal
terms when solving the time derivatives so that numerical dissipation is reduced. The
numerical scheme is a form in which the user can choose between the first or second order
schemes or even a fractional amount of each with the use of the variable tau_temporal.
This variable, the alpha term below, is controlled via the OP TEM card and is defaulted to 0

if not included in the boundary conditions file. The final form of the temporal scheme is
given by:

3 1 3 1
( h n 1  h n )  ( h n  h n 1 )
dh h n 1  h n
 2 2 2 2  (1   )
dt dt dt
The following card specifies to use only the second order temporal terms since the
variable is given a value of 1:

The OP NF2 operational parameter activates the computation of 2D Shallow water

gradients using a Superconvergent Patch Recovery (SPR) method (Zeinkiewicz and Zhu,
2005). When this card is included, two additional output files will be generated that contain
the velocity gradients with time. The OP TPG card can be included to inform AdH of the
coefficient to be utilized in Streamwise Upwind Petrov-Galerkin (SUPG) stabilization for
convection dominated flows.

Simulating vessels in a waterway

ADH has the ability to simulate the presence of vessels moving within a waterway. This is
accomplished by calculating a pressure field, which applies a draft equal to that of the
modeled vessel. The vessel characteristics are specified in a boat definition file, which will
be read by Pre_AdH if the OP BT card is given in the boundary condition file.
Also, bed shear stresses due to vessel entrainment will be calculated and included as
output upon inclusion of the OP BTS card. Use of this card requires inclusion of an
additional card in the boat definition file (PROP).
NOTE: There can be no blank lines in the boat definition file.
For reference, there is a technical report titled “Modeling vessel-generated currents and
bed shear stresses” and a technical note titled “Considerations for modeling vessel-
generated currents and bed shear stresses” for the vessel effects modeling study located on
the AdH publications page.

Operation parameter cards

Field Type Value Description
1 char OP Card type
2 char SW2 Specifies 2-D shallow water problem

Field Type Value Description
1 char OP Card type
2 char INC Parameter
3 int >0 Incremental memory allocation

Field Type Value Description
1 char OP Card type
2 char TRN Parameter
3 int ≥0 Total number of transported materials

Field Type Value Description
1 char OP Card type
2 char BLK Parameter
3 int >0 Number of blocks per processor, used to perform pre-

Field Type Value Description
1 char OP Card type
2 char NF2 Parameter
(Optional card)

Field Type Value Description
1 char OP Card type
2 char PRE Parameter
3 int 3≥#≥0 Prec_value
0 No pre-conditioning
1 one level Additive Schwarz pre-conditioning
2 two level Additive Schwarz pre-conditioning
3 two level Hybrid pre-conditioning

Field Type Value Description
1 char OP Card type
2 char BT Parameter

Field Type Value Description
1 char OP Card type
2 char BTS Parameter

Field Type Value Description
1 char OP Card type
2 char TEM Parameter
3 real 1≥#≥0 Coefficient for the second order temporal scheme

Field Type Value Description
1 char OP Card type
2 char TPG Parameter
3 real 0.5 ≥ # ≥ 0 Coefficient for the Petrov-Galerkin equation
(optional input card)

There are three iteration parameter cards that must be specified by the user. Iteration
parameter cards are identified by an IP in the first field.
An IP NIT card specifies the maximum number of non-linear iterations.
An IP NTL card specifies the convergence tolerance for the non-linear iterations.
An IP MIT card specifies the maximum number of linear iterations for each non-linear
At the maximum number of iterations specified on the IP NIT or IP MIT cards, if the
convergence is not sufficient AdH will reduce the time step size of ¼ of the previous and
continue the calculations.
Another option is available for each of these cards. They function like the two previous
cards, but if the maximum iteration count is reached the calculations are accepted and AdH
The IP FNI card then is for the non-linear iteration maximum and IP FLI is for the linear
iteration maximum. The IP ITL card is an additional card that allows convergence to be
determined by the change in the velocity, depth and concentration solutions. By default
this tolerance is zero. The user may use either the IP NTL or IP ITL card to determine
convergence; however, if both cards are used then convergence is determined when one of
the tolerances is met, not both. The IP RTL parameter specifies a change tolerance against
which a 4th order Runge-Kutta (RK) solution is compared. If the RK solution change is
greater than the specified tolerance, RK internally reduced the time step and repeats the
computation until the solution change is less than or equal to the tolerance (Numerical
Recipes in C, 1992) . IP RTL is an optional card. The IP SST card is used to specify the
tolerance for quasi-unsteady convergence so that it can differ from the tolerance set for the
transport convergence. More details on the quasi-unsteady method can be found under
Time Controls.

IP NTL 1.0E-3
IP MIT 100

Iteration parameter cards

Field Type Value Description
1 char IP Card type
2 char NIT Parameter
3 int ≥1 Number of non-linear iterations per time step, if at NIT the

tolerance is not satisfied AdH will reduce the time step and

Field Type Value Description
1 char IP Card type
2 char FNI Parameter
3 int ≥1 Number of non-linear iterations per time step, even if at
FNI the tolerance is not satisfied then AdH will accept the
solution and proceed to the next time step

Field Type Value Description
1 char IP Card type
2 char NTL Parameter
3 real ≥0 Tolerance for Non-Linear Equations

Field Type Value Description
1 char IP Card type
2 char ITL Parameter
3 real ≥0 Tolerance for maximum change in the velocity and depth

Field Type Value Description
1 char IP Card type
2 char MIT Parameter
3 int ≥1 Maximum number of linear iterations per non-linear
iteration by the interative solver. If the internal linear
tolerance (0.0001* NTL) is not met at MIT the solution
stops and the time step size is reduced.

Field Type Value Description
1 char IP Card type
2 char FLI Parameter
3 int ≥1 Maximum number of linear iterations by the iterative
solver. If the internal tolerance (0.0001 * NTL) is not met
at FLI the solution will proceed to the next nonlinear

Field Type Value Description
1 char IP Card type
2 char RTL Parameter

Field Type Value Description
1 char IP Card type
2 char SST Parameter
3 real >0 Tolerance for quasi-unsteady hydrodynamic convergence

Material property cards are identified by the designation MP. There will be a set of cards
for each material type in the model. Each group contains a set of refinement control cards.
Refinement may be adjusted to independently follow the error in the flowfield and
transport equations.
For several of these cards, the first two fields contain character strings, specifying the type
of card (MP) and the specific parameter (ML, SRT, EVS, etc.). The third field is an integer
field containing the material number to which the values apply (mat#). However, a few of
these cards are applied throughout the entire problem and do not include a material
number. These are MU, G, RHO, MUC, and DTL.

Specifying flow parameters

Four cards can be used to specify flow parameters: kinematic eddy viscosity (EVS),
estimated or calculated eddy viscosity (EEV), kinematic molecular viscosity (MU), and
density (RHO).
The acceleration due to gravity is defined as Length/Time2 (G). The Manning’s units
constant (MUC) is used to keep the units proper for shear stress calculation. This is 1.0 for SI
units and 1.486 in English units.
The density for 2-D shallow water problems is also set such that units remain consistent
when wind data is used to influence the flow. The density (RHO) should be set to values
corresponding to units of Mass/Length3 (kg/m3 or slugs/ft3); for water, 1000.0 kg/m3 for SI
units and 1.94 slugs/ft3 for English units.
The 2-D shallow water equations also include the coriolis force due to the earth’s rotation.
The COR card requires the material number and the latitude in decimal degrees for each
material. Most of these parameters are obvious but some explanation of the kinematic
eddy viscosity and estimated eddy viscosity is warranted.
Constant Eddy Viscosity (EVS)
The eddy viscosity is representative of the turbulence generated in the spreading of
momentum that is smaller than can be represented by the grid resolution. Kinematic eddy
viscosity has units of Length2/Time and is related to the flow itself. The molecular viscosity
on the other hand is a fluid property.
The kinematic eddy viscosity is expressed as a tensor in the following form:

EVxx EVxy
EVxy EVyy
The three values of the tensor are entered on the MP EVS card in the following order:
EVxx, EVyy, EVxy. If the hydraulic conductivity is independent of the direction of
measurement, the formation is termed isotropic. In the isotropic case, EVxx = EVyy and EVxy=
0. Another option is to set all terms in the tensor equal to 0 and declare the total viscosity
through the MP MU card.

Estimated Eddy Viscosity (EEV)
The estimated eddy viscosity is used as a means to calculate the eddy viscosity needed
within the model as it runs. If the EEV card is used in place of the EVS card, the user will
give only a weighting factor or coefficient on the following equation and the components of
the eddy viscosity are then determined.

The estimated eddy viscosity is given by one of 3 methods. The first method is a purely
isotropic treatment of the eddy viscosity. The second method consists of both isotropic and
anisotropic terms. The third method is the Smagorinsky (1963) method which is a common
eddy viscosity method for rapidly changing velocity directions. The user determines which
method they wish to employ as part of the input to the EEV card.

Method 1 is an isotropic estimate of the eddy viscosity, as given in Rodi (1984). The
equation is given as follows:

ε EVI  2K C d hu

Method 2 is a means of estimating the eddy viscosity with 2 separate terms: : an

isotropic term that accounts for turbulent mixing (EVI), and an additional anisotropic term
in the direction of flow that accounts for streamwise dispersion (SDA). The equations for
each of these are given as follows (Note: the equation for turbulent mixing (EVI) is taken
from Webel and Schatzmann(1984). The anisotropic term is derived from basic hydraulic

ε EVI  0.92K Cd hu

ε SDA  1.3 C d hu

The terms for the above equations are listed below:

K = a user-defined scaling coefficient (default = 0.5)

Cd = the drag coefficient, as determined by the bed friction
h = the water depth
u = the depth averaged velocity
NOTE for these equations, a minimum value of u is specified, as follows:
u MIN  0.1 gh

Note that if vorticity transport is active, an anisotropic dispersion term normal to the
direction of flow is included in the calculations that accounts for transverse dispersion.

ε TDA  0.5 C d hu T.MAX

uT.MAX = the maximum transverse velocity (taken from the vorticity calculations)

Method 3 uses the Smagorinsky formulation to compute the eddy viscosity. This option
utilizes the square-root of the area of the element as the length scale, L, and a user
specified coefficient, c. . The algorithm is given below.

 u v  2  u v  2 
vt  CL  -    -  
 x y   y x  

Lilly (1967) analytically derived the value of C to be between 0.16 and 0.20.
Eddy viscosity must be given for every material with either an EEV or EVS card. Both
cannot be used for one material, but both can be used in a single model. Note that, if the
EEV card is used, the DF values for turbulent diffusion of constituent calculations will
override the EEV values in wet/dry elements. Vorticity induced dispersion is always active
when vorticity transport is active.
Mesh refinement
An MP ML card is used to specify the maximum levels of mesh refinement, or the total
number of times that an original element may be split within a material type. Refinement
can be turned off in a material by specifying zero (0) as the maximum level of refinement.
The number of times an element can be divided is 2ML. So when setting the ML value to 4, a
single element can be divided into a maximum of 16 elements.
When refinement is on, the refinement error tolerance is given on the SRT card. If the
solution error on an element exceeds the refinement error tolerance given on the SRT card,
the element is split. A separate error tolerance is specified for the transport equations and
is set on the TRT card when transport quantities are included in the model. This card is only
a tolerance, however. The material must be set to allow refinement in order for any
adaption to occur.

The error for hydrodynamics is calculated as:

 h h h u v 
coefficient     u  v  h  h 
t x y x y 
Error  coefficient * Areaelement

and this value is compared to the number given on the SRT card. The error value given in
the output data file is the ratio of the calculated error to the specified tolerance. By
observing the project_name_err.dat file produced, an appropriate error tolerance for
adaption can be determined.

The error for transport calculations is:

 c c u c v 
coefficient    h *  uh  ch  vh  ch 
t x x y y 
Error  coefficient * Areaelement

In models with transport, the larger of the flow refinement or the transport refinement will
determine each element's value in the project_name_err.dat file. However, the
hydrodynamic and transport errors will be stored separately in files labeled as such:
project_name_err_hydro.dat and project_name_err_con#.dat.

It is useful to run a short time with the SRT card set to one (1) in order to get an idea of
what this value should be for a particular model run. When including transport
constituents, the error tolerance for hydrodynamics and sediment should be determined
separately. This can be accomplished by setting the transport tolerance, the TRT card, to a
value of one (1) as well so that both sets of errors are stored accordingly and can be
referenced in order to determine the appropriate refinement tolerance for each parameter
and material. The combined error file, project_name_err.dat, contains values that are
normalized by the tolerance values and can be useful to determine how the refinement is
adjusting the mesh. The individual error files for hydrodynamics and transport are not
normalized but as the mesh is refined, these values should reduce in areas where
refinement is occurring.
The unrefine tolerance is currently set within the code as 10 percent of the refine
tolerance for both flow conditions and transport conditions. When the grid solution error
improves, the elements are recombined, although no coarser than the original mesh. The
solutions saved, although calculated on a finer mesh, are displayed on the original mesh.
MP ML 1 5
MP SRT 1 100

Different material types can have different levels of refinement. Some experimentation
with the error tolerance is usually necessary to gain the desired level of refinement. The
adapted meshes can be output during the simulation by including a PC ADP card. By
including this card, the mesh and associated solution files will be saved at the time step
intervals specified on the output control card. The output files will be named like so:
“filename.3dm-timestep#.0”, “filename.dep-timestep#.0”, “filename.ovl-timestep#.0”

which is a geometry file for each time step, the depths for each time step, and the velocities
for each time step.

Wetting and drying

ADH has the ability to allow areas of the mesh to become dry and then wet again as the
flow varies over time. The limit specified on the DTL card does NOT represent a depth
below or above which the node is dry or wet, rather the value describes parameters that
control the shock capturing and stability parameters applied within AdH. Nodes in AdH are
considered dry when the depth at the node falls below 0.0, and wet when the depth is
greater than 0.0 . The wetting and drying level is given in the boundary condition file with
the MP DTL card in units of Length.

MP DTL 0.01

The model does not have to begin completely wet and as time progresses it will wet and
dry as necessary. However, there must be water at your boundary condition location such
that the flow can progress into the model domain. This card is not required, but the limits
will default to 0.0 if no other values are given.

Wind Specification
Wind can be applied over the model domain multiple ways and will be discussed in more
detail in a later section of this manual. However, alternative formulations for different
materials within AdH can be used by including the MP WIND STR control card and specifying
different wind stress computations for different areas of the domain. The default
calculation of wind shear utilizes the Wu transformation. The following example tells AdH
to use two different wind stress calculations for the two different material types. The Wu
transformation is specified by “1” and the Teeter method by “2”. If wind stresses are
supplied to the model then a “0” transformation option can be specified meaning that no
computations will be performed to convert the supplied data.


(Note: the MP WND 2 1 is redundant, since the default calculation for material 2 is Wu).

Wind Attenuation
Wind is applied over the entire domain based on time series data to be described later.
However, a wind attenuation card is available to modify the wind stress by material. This is
a means to account for structures or vegetation affecting the wind that are not included in
the model’s definition. The wind attenuation card, MP WAT, references a material number

and gives a fraction between 0 and 1. The default is 1.0 such that the wind is applied fully.
As the fraction decreases, less of the wind stress is applied for the specified material region.

Material property cards

Field Type Value Description
1 char MP Card type
2 char EVS Parameter
3 int ≥1 Material type ID number
4 real >0 Exx
5 real >0 Eyy
6 real >0 Exy

Field Type Value Description
1 char MP Card type
2 char EEV Parameter
3 int ≥1 Material type ID number
4 real 0.1 ≤ coef ≤ 1 Coefficient (default = 0.5)
5 int 1, 2, or 3 1 for isotropic (legacy) formulation, 2 for
anisotropic formulation, 3 for Smagorinsky.

Field Type Value Description
1 char MP Card type
2 char MU Parameter
3 real ≥0 Uniform background viscosity (kinematic molecular
Viscosity, units L2/T)

Field Type Value Description
1 char MP Card type
2 char COR Parameter
3 int ≥1 Material type ID number
4 real -90 ≤ # ≤ 90 Latitude

Field Type Value Description
1 char MP Card type
2 char G Parameter
3 real ≥0 Value of gravity induced acceleration

Field Type Value Description
1 char MP Card type
2 char RHO Parameter
3 real ≥0 Density

Field Type Value Description
1 char MP Card type
2 char MUC Parameter
3 real > 0.0 Coefficient
(1.486 for English units, 1.0 for SI standard)

Field Type Value Description
1 char MP Card type
2 char DTL Parameter
3 real ≥ 0.0 Depth below which stability parameters are included,
default is 0.0

Field Type Value Description
1 char MP Card type
2 char DF Parameter
3 int ≥1 Material type ID number
4 int >0 Constituent ID number
5 real ≥ 0.0 Turbulent diffusion rate

Field Type Value Description
1 char MP Card type
2 char WND Parameter
3 char STR Parameter
3 int ≥1 Material type ID number
4 real 0,1,2 Wind transform (0 = no transform, 1 = Wu, and
2 = Teeter)

Field Type Value Description
1 char MP Card type
2 char WAT Parameter
3 int ≥1 Material type ID number
4 real 0 ≤ #coef ≤ 1 Fraction applied to wind stress (default is 1.0)

Material meshing cards

Field Type Value Description
1 char MP Card type
2 char ML Parameter
3 int ≥1 Material type ID number
4 int ≥0 Maximum number of refinement levels

Field Type Value Description
1 char MP Card type
2 char SRT Parameter
3 int ≥1 Material type ID number
4 real ≥0 Error tolerance for the refinement terms

Field Type Value Description
1 char MP Card type.
2 char TRT Parameter.
3 int ≥1 Material type ID number
4 int ≥1 Constituent ID number
5 real ≥0 Error tolerance for refinement terms

To add any transported constituent, the OP TRN card should be set for the number of
quantities being included. Every transported constituent will also require the necessary
transport constituent properties discussed below.
The constituent cards are provided so that specific sediment types can be accounted for as
well as other transported quantities. There is a separate card for each sediment type. Sand
is specified on a card by itself. Clay and silt can be specified with the same card. Vorticity,
temperature, and salinity can also be transported as constituents. Other constituent types
can be categorized as a general constituent and use the CON card. Also included on the CN
cards are the constituent ID number, the reference concentration, and other sediment
specific parameters.
CN CON 1 10.0 generic
CN SND 2 0.4 0.00044 2.65 0.3 sand
CN CLA 3 1.0 0.00001 2.65 1400.0 0.02 0.00018 0.015 0.00016 clay or silt

The first number indicates the constituent number. The next number for all cases is the
reference concentration. The reference concentration, like all concentration of suspended
sediment in AdH, is in mass per unit mass multiplied by 1.E+6. That is, it is micromass per
unit mass or parts per million. If uncertain about how to set this parameter, it should be set
equal to 1.0. Transport will be described in more detail in a later section. The results for
each constituent are saved according to the user specified options in a file entitled
filename_con#.dat where # is the constituent ID number.

Vorticity transport-bendway correction

A method for correcting 2-dimensional models for the 3-dimensional effects of vorticity
around bends has been included in AdH. The development of the method is given by
Bernard (1992). Vorticity is activated voluntarily with the VOR card. The vorticity is
included as a transport constituent due to its constituent like behavior as it moves within
the model and must therefore be included in the OP TRN card.
Including CN VOR in the boundary condition file enables the bendway correction. This
card is followed by the constituent id number, a normalization factor, A s term, and Ds term.
The As and Ds terms are semi-empirical coefficients determined by comparisons against
measured values. AdH uses default values of As = 5.0 and Ds = 0.5 which will be set
automatically if these terms are input as 0.0 in the boundary condition file.
CN VOR 1 1.0 0.0 0.0

Baroclinic transport (Salinity and temperature)

AdH typically computes independent of density, meaning that the solutions are not
affected by density gradients. However, salinity and temperature affect density and must
be simulated as such when modeling salinity or temperature. AdH will automatically invoke

the baroclinic effects so that these transport constituents can be model appropriately when
SAL or TMP cards are used.
Here is an example of salinity transport using a reference concentration of 35.
CN SAL 1 35.0

Constituent cards

Field Type Value Description
1 char CN Card type
2 char CON Parameter
3 int ≥1 The constituent ID number
4 real >0 Characteristic concentration

Field Type Value Description
1 char CN Card type
2 char VOR Parameter
3 int ≥1 The constituent ID number
4 real >0 Normalization factor
5 real ≥0 As term, default is 0.0 which sets As = 5.0
6 real ≥0 Ds term, default is 0.0 which sets Ds = 0.5

Field Type Value Description
1 char CN Card type
2 char SAL Parameter
3 int ≥1 The constituent ID number
4 real >0 Reference concentration

Field Type Value Description
1 char CN Card type
2 char TMP Parameter
3 int ≥ 1 The constituent ID number
4 real >0 Reference concentration

For most problems, boundary data includes Dirichlet data on the domain and flux data
(Natural) through a region of the domain surface. Each of these boundary conditions is
applied to a “string” of element nodes or faces. Each component of a string is input on a
card that specifies the string type and node or element face it contains.
There are five types of boundary strings:
• Node
• Edge
• Mid
• Material
• Ice

Complete strings are input on multiple cards with one node, edge, or material per card.
Cards may be input in any order and cards for different node strings may be interspersed.
The string number will group the items together such that the same boundary conditions
will be applied to all items on a specified string.
Node strings
Dirichlet data are specified on node strings. These can be made up of boundary and/or
interior nodes, as the problem requires. The identifier for this card is NDS. On each card, the
node number is followed by a string number (string#).
Edge strings
Natural or flux data are specified across edge strings. They can be also used to identify a
wall, i.e. solid boundary. The identifier for this card is EGS. The card lists the identifier, two
node numbers that comprise an element edge, and then the string number.
Mid strings
Flow outputs (flux computations) internal to the domain are determined across mid-
strings. They must begin and end on a mesh boundary and are created specifically for flow
output. The MDS card has the same format as the EGS card and requires that elements exist
on both sides of the string.
Material strings
These strings are used to designate a group of elements for Natural or flux data. They
identify a surface area. The identifier for this card is MTS. The card lists the identifier, the
material number from the mesh file and the string number. The string number does not
have to be identical to the mesh material number.
Ice strings
ADH includes a friction option that is appropriate to account for the effects on the flow
due to stationary ice on the water surface. The ice covered area is applied using an
imposed pressure field and can be defined by material or by a circular area. To define the
ice covered area by a circle, an ice string must be defined. The INS card is followed by the x

and y coordinates for the center of the circle, the radius of the circle, and then the string
NDS 1037 2
EGS 1601 1603 3
MTS 1 4
INS 100.0 50.0 10.0 5

All strings are included in the calculations by default. You can turn off a string if it will not
be included in shallow water computations by using the OFF card followed by the string
number. This allows the modeler to add or remove sections of the domain without having
to generate a new mesh.

Boundary string cards

Field Type Value Description
1 char NDS Card type
2 int ≥1 ID number of a node with a Dirichlet condition
3 int ≥1 String ID number

Field Type Value Description
1 char EGS Card type
2 int ≥1 ID number of the first node of an edge element
3 int ≥1 ID number of the second node of an edge element
4 int ≥1 String ID number

Field Type Value Description
1 char MDS Card type
2 int ≥1 ID number of the first node of an edge element
3 int ≥1 ID number of the second node of an edge element
4 int ≥1 String ID number

Field Type Value Description
1 char MTS Card type
2 int ≥1 Material type ID number
3 int ≥1 String ID number

Field Type Value Description
1 char INS Card type
2 real # X coordinate for center
3 real # Y coordinate for center
4 real ≥0 Radius
5 real ≥1 String ID number

The data that is to be applied at or along a boundary string is specified in a time series.
The time series are just as they sound — a value for a given time. The series may be used to
define how the flow changes with time, the change in the
boundary depth over time, the change in the timestep as the
model runs, and even the time at which data is output for
XY1 1 2 0 0
review. 0.0 1.0
These series must be sequential in time and the data values 2000.0 1.0
will be linearly interpolated for times falling between two
specified values. Therefore the time increment on the time XY1 2 8 0 0
series does not have to match the time step being taken by the 100. 0.0
model. There are several different time series options that will
be discussed.
200. 0.0
400. 0.0
All time series, regardless of the type, should be numbered
600. 0.0
sequentially. You will not have a time series one for both XY1,
XY2, DSS, and OS (details given in the output control section) 800. 0.0
but rather a time series one, time series two, time series three, 1200. 0.0
and time series four. 1600. 0.0
Also to note, the final time of the series must be equal to or 2000. 0.0
greater than the final time of the simulation so that AdH knows
the values to define the boundary conditions.
XY1 3 4 0 0
X-Y series 0.0 20.0
The first time series is a basic XY time series. These series 100.0 40.0
begin with XY1 to signify that they are the start of a time series. 200.0 100.0
The XY1 is followed by the number of the series, the number of
points (time, value) that are to follow, the units of which the
2000.0 100.0
times will be read in and the units of which the times will be
output (if it is the output series). The unit specifications are as follows: 0 = seconds, 1 =
minutes, 2 = hours, 3 = days, and 4 = weeks. These unit specifications only refer to the time
column. They do not impact the data in the additional data columns and these values will
always reference time in seconds. Below this XY1 line are the points making up the series.
These series will be referenced in the solution controls section of the boundary condition
Wind series
Typically, AdH includes wind stresses by user-specification of some number of wind
stations within the boundary condition file. When applying wind data to the model run,
the wind stresses/velocities for each of the wind stations are specified as a time series. The
coordinates of the wind station are given using an XYC card followed by the time series
number containing the data for that station and the x and y coordinate of the station.
Some situations arise, however, when wind data are given at many locations, even at
every finite element node. For such cases, time-series specification within the BC file can be
cumbersome. In this scenario, it is better to use a file listing the wind grid and associated

stresses/velocities at each time-snap data are given. AdH will interpolate the wind grid
onto the AdH finite element mesh on each read. More specifically, wind data must be
supplied via a *.winds file structured as follows:

“project name”.winds

x(0) y(0)
x(1) y(1)

t(0) unit_flag
Dx(0) Dy(0)
Dx(1) Dy(1)

t(1) unit_flag
Dx(0) Dy(0)
Dx(1) Dy(1)


In the above file description, np is the total number of wind grid point locations, {x(i),y(i)}
are the locations of the i-th wind grid point, t(i) is the wind snap time and {Dx(i),Dy(i)} are
winds stresses/velocities at the i-th grid point location. The variable unit_flag is used to
specify what units t(i) are given in (i.e. secs=0, mins=1, hours=2, days=3, weeks=4).

For AdH to read this file, an additional control card is used, TC FIN WND, so that AdH
knows to look for the wind file.

There are two methods that are currently included for wind stress calculations in AdH. The
first is the Wu method, which is typically used for deep waters, while the second, the Teeter
method, is used for very shallow water. The default calculation of wind shear assumes wind
velocities are given and utilizes the Wu transformation. Alternative formulations for
different materials within AdH can be used by including the MP WND STR control card.

The wind components are then either read by file or provided for individual stations. If
supplying the wind at individual stations, the wind terms are given using an XY2 card
followed by the series number and the number of points to follow. The XY2 card tells the
code that there will be two values to read at each time given (the x and y-component of the
wind term). These values can be in English or SI units and AdH will convert them if necessary
for the wind stress coefficient equations to be accurate. An example using both the Wu and
Teeter transform (two materials) is as follows such that material 1 will use the Wu method,
material 2 will use the Teeter method, the data is located at the coordinate 5, 15, and the
values (wind velocities since Wu and Teeter are selected) over time are given in the XY2 series
for 0 to 2000 seconds:


XYC 4 5.0 15.0

XY2 4 3 0 0
0.0 0.1 0.1
100.0 0.25 0.2
2000.0 0.25 0.2

The Wu and Teeter methods determine the wind stress in the x and y directions from the
wind speed and direction by the following formulation.

Twx  a * C *(W 2 cos )

Twy  a * C *(W 2 sin  )
Where ρa = air density, W = wind speed in L/T (m/s, ft/s) at 10 meter height, Θ = wind
direction measured counter-clockwise from East. C is a wind stress coefficient
defined according to the method used. The equation below is for the Wu method (Wu,
1982) where W is the magnitude of the wind speed in m/s.

C  (0.8  0.065*W )*0.001

The Teeter method for computing wind shear stress gives a wind stress coefficient based
on water depth and wind speed. W is the wind speed in meters per second and W* is the
wind speed limited to a minimum value of 5 m/s. The depth is given by h and h* is a limited
depth set to a minimum value of 2.001 meters. For more specifics on the development of
the Teeter method for wind shear, see Teeter 2002.

   1.118   ( 0.6( h 2.0))

 0.4
C   *  1.0   *e *

 16.11  0.5*ln(h)  2.48*ln(W )    W 

 * 

DSS Time Series Input
AdH can read time series data in DSS format for input as well as save data in this format
for output. Many users of AdH also model in the one-dimensional HEC tools. Data from
these output can be read by AdH as input when the DSS cards are used. To read data from
a DSS file, the DSS time series card must be used in the boundary conditions file. This time
series is given a reference number just like all other time series data. This card allows the
user to specify a DSS file name and a pathname from that file to use. The date in the
pathname is ignored, and a time window is specified using two required time control cards:
TC DS0 and TC DSF. Parameters used with these two cards are dates and times, readable by
the HECLIB Fortran functions, DATJUL and IHM2M, respectively. The DSS time series input
is then referenced on a solution control card for discharge or other appropriate boundary
condition. An example of the DSS time series card is given here.


An example of how to set up the DSS parameters is provided at the end of this manual.
NOTE: DSS files from HEC tools are binary files and therefore bit dependent. If the DSS file
was created as 32 bit, then a 32 bit version of AdH will need to be used and vice versa for 64

Times series cards

Field Type Value Description
1 char XY1 Card type
2 int >0 ID number of the series
3 int >0 Number of points in the series
4 int >0 Input units. (0 = seconds;
1 = minutes; 2 = hours;
3 = days; and 4 = weeks)
5 int >0 Output units (0 = seconds;
1 = minutes; 2 = hours;
3 = days; and 4 = weeks)

Field Type Value Description
1 char XY2 Card type
2 int >0 ID number of the series
3 int >0 Number of points in the series
4 int >0 Input units. (0 = seconds;
1 = minutes; 2 = hours;
3 = days; and 4 = weeks)
5 int >0 Output units (0 = seconds;
1 = minutes; 2 = hours;
3 = days; and 4 = weeks)

Currently, only the data that is to be used for wind series is to be input via the X-Y-Y series.

Field Type Value Description
1 char XYC Card type
2 int ≥1 ID number of the series to which it is associated
3 real # X coordinate of the wind station
4 real # Y coordinate of the wind station

Field Type Value Description
1 char DSS Card type
2 int ≥1 ID number of the series
3 char * Filename (with or without extension)
4 char * Full path (spaces are allowed)

Friction controls are used to compute estimated values of the bed friction induced by
several types of bed roughness conditions. These represent many of the roughness types
that are encountered in typical riverine and estuarine environments.
Bed shear stress
This method is used to compute a shear stress coefficient for use in computing the bottom
shear stress resulting from a steady or (quasi-steady) current field. The formulation given
here is derived from a modified form of the classic logarithmic velocity profile. This
modified profile was physically justified by Christensen (1972). The traditional profile yields
a velocity of -∞ at the bed, whereas the modified profile forces the velocity to 0 at the
bed. To specify bed roughness using Manning’s values, use FR MNG followed by the string
number and roughness value. Note that a value of 0 is not a realistic Manning’s value.
FR MNG 1 0.006
FR MNG 2 0.008
FR MNG 3 0.010

Here we are specifying the friction on strings 1, 2 and 3.

Bed roughness can also be specified as an equivalent roughness height by using the FR
ERH card. The value given for this height is an average height of the roughness particles
found on the bed over a given area and is specified in the units of the model.
Submerged aquatic vegetation
This method is used to compute a shear stress coefficient for use in computing the bottom
shear stress resulting from a steady (or quasi-steady) current field over a bed consisting of
submerged aquatic vegetation (SAV).
To specify bed roughness using submerged aquatic vegetation values, use FR SAV followed
by the string number, the effective bed roughness height, and and undeflected stem height.
The formulation is from Christensen (1985) with average vegetation characteristics taken
from Jacobs and Wang (2003).
Unsubmerged rigid vegetation
This method is used to compute a shear stress coefficient for use in computing the bottom
shear stress resulting from a steady (or quasi-steady) current through rigid, unsubmerged
Some examples of this might include flow through mangrove stands, through phragmites
in coastal wetlands, or through trees and other obstructions in coastal storm surge flooding.
To specify bed roughness using unsubmerged rigid vegetation values, use FR URV followed
by the string number, the roughness height, average stem diameter and average stem
density. This roughness height overwrites the one specified on the FR ERH (equivalent
roughness height) card.

The formulation is taken from Walton and Christensen (1980) and it includes both the
form drag induced by flow through the obstructions, and the skin drag induced by flow over
the bed.
Ice Friction
ADH has the ability to account for the effects that stationary ice on the water surface has
on the flow below. The ice is applied as a pressure field on the water surface and
appropriate functions are applied to determine the correct friction on the flow field. The
ice covered area can be defined by material or by ice circles using the INS card. In the
absence of INS card, the string number on the FR ICE card is defaulted to ice designation by
material number. If the string number specified does not correspond to a material an error
will result.
Once a string is defined, it is referenced on three additional cards: FR ICE card to give the
ice thickness and density, FR IRH card to give the ice roughness height, and FR BRH card to
give the bed roughness height. These cards define the necessary parameters for the friction
library to accurately account for this type of roughness element.

Friction control cards

Field Type Value Description
1 char FR Card type
2 char MNG Parameter
3 int >0 String ID number
4 real ≥ 0.0 Manning’s n

Field Type Value Description
1 char FR Card type
2 char ERH Parameter
3 int >0 String ID number
4 real ≥ 0.0 Roughness height

Field Type Value Description
1 char FR Card type
2 char SAV Parameter
3 int >0 String ID number
4 real ≥ 0.0 The effective roughness height of the SAV cover
(e.g. 0.1 * the undeflected stem height)
5 real ≥ 0.0 Undeflected stem height

Field Type Value Description
1 char FR Card type
2 char URV Parameter
3 int >0 String ID number
4 real > 0.0 Bed Roughness Height (not including the stems)
5 real > 0.0 Average stem diameter
6 real > 0.0 Average stem density

Field Type Value Description
1 char FR Card type
2 char ICE Parameter
3 int >0 String ID number
4 real > 0.0 Ice thickness
5 real > 0.0 Ice density
6 int =0 0 – stationary
=1 1 – moving ice (not implemented yet)

Field Type Value Description
1 char FR Card type
2 char IRH Parameter
3 int >0 String ID number
4 real > 0.0 Ice roughness height

Field Type Value Description
1 char FR Card type
2 char BRH Parameter
3 int >0 String ID number
4 real > 0.0 Bed roughness height

Solution development is controlled through the specification of the initial and boundary
conditions as well as the time step parameters.
Dirichlet boundary conditions are specified on a DB card, and Natural data on a NB card.
The following sections discuss how to impose boundary conditions for the various boundary
configurations; sidewalls, inflows, and outflows.

The friction parameter is the constant used to calculate the shear stress at the bed or skin
friction at the walls. The formulation for the shear stress on the bed is as follows:

where Cf is determined by the method used on the FR card.

A sidewall can have friction or be frictionless. It can have no flow passing through it, or
one can impose a flow in or out of the wall.
Frictionless walls with no through flow are very easy to invoke. You do this by not including
this wall in the boundary conditions at all. This means you don’t need to create the EGS
string, which can be time consuming. Also you don’t have to include a friction card with the
associated roughness.
Walls with either or both friction and through flow require that an edge string (EGS) be
developed that forms the one-dimensional (1D) elements of this sidewall. Also, the
roughness or skin friction must be input. One must also specify a boundary condition for
this string via the NB OVL or the NB DIS line. An example would look like the following
EGS 101 102 2
EGS 102 103 2
EGS 103 106 2
EGS 106 99 2
FR MNG 2 0.006
NB OVL 2 6

The EGS lines create four 1D elements along a boundary. The first two numbers of each line
are node numbers that form each element. The third number on each line is the string
number identifying this group of elements. In this case it is string number 2. The FR MNG
line states that string number 2 has a skin friction coefficient of 0.006. This line is followed

by the boundary condition of NB OVL that states that there is flow through this wall – string
number 2 – and that the specifier for the flow is given in time series number 6.

Upstream boundary
Typical subcritical inflow is to use an edgestring along the entrance and a natural boundary
condition to specify flow or a node string across the entrance and a dirichlet boundary
condition to specify the velocity components. For the following example, the DB OVL
boundary condition is followed by the string number and then the series number for the x-
component and the series number for the y-component of velocity.
NDS 101 3
NDS 102 3
NDS 103 3
NDS 106 3
DB OVL 3 1 2

String 3 is defined as including nodes 101, 102, 103, and 106. Dirichlet boundary
conditions are applied for the velocity components of string 3. The x-component is defined
by the time series number 1 and the y-component is defined by time series number 2. Other
flow options are the natural boundary flow per unit width (NB OVL) or the total flow (NB
DIS) along an edge string.

Supercritical inflow requires that both components of velocity and the depth be defined.
This is similar to the previous example except now one uses the DB OVH card to define all
three items. Here’s the example:

NDS 221 4
NDS 232 4
NDS 223 4
NDS 126 4
DB OVH 4 1 2 5

Here the node string is number 4. The dirichlet boundary condition for this is for
supercritical flow. The x-component of velocity is given by series number 1, the y-
component by series number 2, and the depth by series number 5.
Downstream boundary
The downstream boundary is either going to be subcritical or supercritical. If no flow will
be leaving, treat this as a sidewall boundary of some sort.

Subcritical outflow requires the tailwater elevation to be specified. To do this one delineates

an EGS string of nodes forming 1D elements and then a NB OTW card is used to link a
particular time series of water surface elevation to this string. See the following example:

EGS 623 624 5

EGS 624 627 5
EGS 627 629 5
NB OTW 5 6

This group of 1D elements composes string number 5. By not specifying a friction card, this
string will have a roughness (to tangential flow) of 0.0. The tailwater elevations for this
string are found in time series number 6.

A supercritical downstream boundary requires no boundary condition mathematically.

However, the model needs to know where this flow is to be able to pass out of the model.
To do this we define this string and define it with an OB OF card. Here’s the example.

EGS 623 624 5

EGS 624 627 5
EGS 627 629 5

This says that string number 5 is an outflow boundary and no boundary condition is
Rain or evaporation
The 2D plan view extent of the model can have evaporation or rain coming into or out of
the model. To do this the 2D faces must be linked to a string number. Then we can apply a
NB OVL boundary condition to specify the flow crossing the boundary surface. Each
element has a material number associated with it.
Many elements may have the same material number. Usually these material numbers are
chosen to represent a particular feature or material character. We use these material
numbers to identify all the elements that will be grouped into a string. Here’s the example.
MTS 1 6
MTS 2 6
FR MNG 6 0.006
NB OVL 6 7

This example says that material types 1 and 2 (which represent many elements) are
grouped together and represented by string number 6. String 6 will have a friction
coefficient of 0.006.

The inflow/outflow rate per unit area is specified on time series number 7. The third field
of the DB and NB cards specifies the node or edge string, respectively. The fourth and fifth
fields of the DB OVL card specifies the x- and y-component velocity time series, while the
fourth field of the NB OVL card specifies the unit flow rate time series.
As with inflow directions on the boundary, positive values are into the control volume
(rain) and negative values are out (evaporation).

Stage Discharge
The NB SDR card specifies a stage-discharge boundary dependent on the user specified
power relationship in the form:

Q = CoefE * [CoefA + CoefC * (WaterSurfaceElevation – CoefB)CoefD]

This boundary condition option requires an edge string and relates the total flow to be
applied along this edge to a stage elevation.

Stationary lid in the flow

If a vessel is moving in the waterway then the “Boat” library (Vessel Movement Library)
can move this pressure throughout the domain to represent the long-wave impacts on the
waterway. If, however, a pressure field is stationary then it shouldn’t be necessary to
define a boat path and speed. For this case and the case in which a lid is prescribed in the
flow we have developed another approach.
This method is implemented by selecting all the nodes that are to comprise the lid or
pressure field and assigning them to a node string. This node string will then be assigned
the lid elevation with a DB LDE card, the depth of the water with a DB LDH card, or the
pressure (in terms of draft) that is desired with a DB LID card. None of these parameters
affect the friction that is applied. Also, since the depth or elevation is enforced via a penalty
it will not be exact. The figure below shows the stationary lid options in the vertical plane.

Structures Library
AdH now has several boundary conditions to represent structures such as flap gates, weirs,
and spillways. The NB SPL boundary can be specified when a free outflow is required but
the flow is not supercritical at all computation times. The WRS card is used in conjunction
with the WER where the number of weirs being modeled is given and then the definition of
the wier is provided. A description of the weir implementation is provided in Savant and
Berger (2009) and the image below shows the definitions required.
The weir card can also be used to specify a free flowing weir as a model boundary
condition. To do this, the downstream reference string is defined as the same string as the
upstream reference string and the downstream weir string is defined as the same string as
the upstream weir string.
Flap gates are defined similarly to the weirs. The number of gates is given on the FLP card
and the definition of each gate is given on the FGT card. A description of the necessary
strings for both flap gates and weirs is given in the image below.

Flap gate flow is computed using a user defined polynomial rating curve in the form:

q= [CoefA * Δh]CoefB + CoefC * h + CoefD

Where Δh= upstream water surface elevation – downstream water surface elevation

A total of 6 user specified coefficients are available such that a larger polynomial expression
can be implemented, but at this time only four are used and the additional values are
simply placeholders. The flap gate must be specified by a separate material and then that
material must be turned OFF. To do this, use the OFF card followed by the flap gate string
In addition to typical structures that are often included in modeling, a breaching boundary
condition is included in AdH. This card, DB BCH, is a dirichlet boundary condition such that
values are assigned at particular nodes. This card is intended to assist engineers with
realistic dam and levee breach simulations by allowing users to input time varying bed
elevations to define the breach displacement. This condition does not applying any
functions - it simply moves the bed at a node according to the given elevation. An
additional output file is supplied when using the BCH card. The projectname_belev.dat file
gives the change in the bed elevation throughout the simulation in order to track the breach

Solution control cards

Field Type Value Description
1 char DB Card type
2 char OVL Parameter
3 int ≥1 String ID number (node)
4 int ≥1 Series ID number for x-velocity component
5 int ≥1 Series ID number for y-velocity component

Field Type Value Description
1 char DB Card type
2 char OVH Parameter
3 int ≥1 String ID number (node)
4 int ≥1 Series ID number for x-velocity component
5 int ≥1 Series ID number for y-velocity component
6 int ≥1 Series ID number for the depth

Field Type Value Description
1 char DB Card type
2 char TRN Parameter
3 int ≥1 String ID number (node)
4 int ≥1 Constituent ID number
5 int ≥1 Series ID number that contains the constituent
concentration (units depend on the transport type)

Field Type Value Description

1 char DB Card type
2 char LDE Parameter
3 int ≥1 String ID number (node)
4 int ≥1 Series ID number that contains the elevation to be

Field Type Value Description
1 char DB Card type
2 char LDH Parameter
3 int ≥1 String ID number (node)
4 int ≥1 Series ID number that contains the depth

Field Type Value Description
1 char DB Card type
2 char LID Parameter
3 int ≥1 String ID number (node)
4 int ≥1 Series ID number that contains the draft of the lid

Field Type Value Description
1 char DB Card type
2 char LID Parameter
3 int ≥1 String ID number (node)
4 int ≥1 Series ID number that contains the elevation of the

Field Type Value Description
1 char NB Card type

2 char DIS Parameter
3 int ≥1 String ID number (edge)
4 int ≥1 Series ID number containing the total discharge across the
string; positive in

Field Type Value Description
1 char NB Card type
2 char OVL Parameter
3 int ≥1 String ID number (edge or face)
4 int ≥1 Series ID number containing the flow data; for face strings
the series values represent the flow per unit area (positive
in); for edge strings the series values represent the flow
per unit length (positive in)

Field Type Value Description
1 char NB Card type
2 char OTW Parameter
3 int ≥1 String ID number (edge)
4 int ≥1 Series ID number that contains the time series of the
water surface elevation

Field Type Value Description
1 char NB Card type
2 char TRN Parameter
3 int ≥1 String ID number (edge)
4 int ≥1 Constituent ID number
5 int ≥1 Series ID number that contains the constituent
concentration (units dependent of the transport type)

Field Type Value Description
1 char NB Card type
2 char SDR Parameter

3 int ≥1 String ID number
4 dbl ≥0 Coefficient A
5 dbl ≥0 Coefficient B
6 dbl ≥0 Coefficient C
7 dbl ≥0 Coefficient D
8 dbl ≥0 Coefficient E

Field Type Value Description
1 char NB Card type
2 char SPL Parameter
3 int ≥1 String ID number (edge)
4 int ≥1 Series ID number that contains the time series of the
Percent (%) flow out.

Field Type Value Description
1 char OB Card type
2 char OF Parameter
3 int ≥1 String ID number (edge)

Field Type Value Description
1 char OUT Card type
2 int ≥1 Outflow edge string
3 int ≥1 Inflow edge string
4 int ≥1 Series of outflow

Field Type Value Description
1 char WER Card type
2 int ≥1 Number of weirs

Field Type Value Description
1 char WRS Card type
2 int ≥1 Weir Number
3 int ≥1 String upstream of weir
4 int ≥1 String downstream of weir
5 int ≥1 Weir string on upstream
6 int ≥1 Weir string on downstream
7 real ≥0 Length of wir
8 real ≥0 Weir crest elevation
9 real ≥0 Weir height

Field Type Value Description
1 char FLP Card type
2 int ≥1 Number of flap gates

Field Type Value Description
1 char FGT Card type
2 int ≥1 Flap gate number
3 int =1 1 – User specified parameters

=2 2 – Automatic computation
4 int ≥1 String upstream of flap
5 int ≥1 String downstream of flap
6 int ≥1 Flap string on the upstream
7 int ≥1 Flap string on the downstream
8 real ≥0 Coefficient A
9 real ≥0 Coefficient B
10 real ≥0 Coefficient C
11 real ≥0 Coefficient D
12 real ≥0 Coefficient E
13 real ≥0 Coefficient F
14 real ≥0 Length of flap gate

Evolution of the solution is determined by a group of cards with the Time Control specifier
TC. The start time is specified on a TC T0 card. The TC IDT references a time series in the
third field that will control the time step size. The time step size is always given in seconds
regardless of the units of the time variability of the series. The final time, at which the run
will terminate, is specified on a TC TF card. The final time does not have to equal the largest
value in the time series. The units for the start and end time controls can be individually set
using a certain flag after the time values (0 = seconds; 1 = minutes; 2 = hours; 3 = days; and
4 = weeks). Units designation is purely optional, meaning that if you don’t include numbers
after the starting and final times, they will be read in as seconds.
Time steps will be reduced if the model fails to converge for the current time step. The
time step is dropped to ¼ the previous time step size with each failure. When a reduced
time step size does converge, however, the time step size will double until it reaches the
value specified in the appropriate time series. This is the suggested method to use:

TC T0 0.0
TC TF 2000.0

Steady state
The steady state option in AdH is invoked using the TC STD card. For steady state, AdH
utilizes pseudo-transient continuation. This technique time steps its way to the steady state
solution. To reduce computation time, the time step, DT, is determined using the switched
evolution relaxation (SER) strategy where

Rn refers to the spatial residual for time step n. The initial time step size is the first entry
on the TC STD card, followed by the maximum timestep size desired for the simulation. The
simulation will perform two time steps with the initial time step size, then the above
equation is used to determine each time step thereafter. The simulation will end when one
of two flags occur. If the simulation reaches the final time specified on the TC TF card the
simulation will stop or if the spatial residual becomes less than the residual value specified
by the IP NTL card. When either of these conditions is satisfied, the simulation will be
This option can be very useful to obtain an initial condition set to be used as the model’s
hot start file. The steady state option should NOT be used when the model includes

constituent transport, fish passage, vorticity or any other transport method. This option
can ONLY be used for hydrodynamics.
Automatic Time Step Determination
This Automatic time step computation option is invoked using the TC ATF card. For time
step determination AdH utilized the property of the continuity equation that the spatial and
temporal terms must sum to ‘0’. The gradient in the spatial terms is an indication of the
temporal gradient and is utilized to determine the time step for the present computation
step. The automatic time step calculation is dependent upon the initial time step (user
specified), an explicit time step is a good choice and is computed as:
 0  x / gh
 x = mesh element length
g = gravitational acceleration
h = initial water depth.

A detailed description of the automatic time step find option is provided in Savant et al.
The TC ATF can be used for both hydrodynamics and transport. TC ATF and STD can not
be utilized at the same time.
Sediment time steps
When modeling sediment transport, it is often necessary to have a smaller time increment
than for hydrodynamic solutions. This is achieved with the TC SDI card, which sets the
maximum allowable sediment time step. If the hydro time step exceeds this, then multiple
sediment time steps will be taken.
If the model does not converge and the time step is cut, the sediment time step will also
be cut. If it is desired to have the sediment take the same time step as specified with the
TC IDT card, this card should be omitted.
The quasi-unsteady option in AdH is invoked using the TC STH card. This option is
intended to be used when running multiple steady state flow conditions in lieu of running a
complete hydrograph, especially when attempting to simulate sediment transport. This
option will solve the hydrodynamics for the current steady state condition then time step
through the sediment calculations.
The next hydrodynamic solution is found when the sediment calculations have time
stepped to the time associated with the new hydrodynamic step. The time series defining
the quasi-unsteady boundary condition is specified on the TC STH card along with the
maximum number of iterations to allow when attempting to reach steady state and the
initial time step for the steady state calculation since this time increment should start
small. The sediment calculations will progress according to the time increment given by the
TC IDT card so the sediment time increment, TC SDI card, should be omitted. The
IP SST card is used to specify the tolerance for quasi-unsteady convergence, or the

convergence tolerance for the hydrodynamics if a different tolerance is desired for the
hydrodynamic and sediment computations. This allows the hydro convergence to differ
from the tolerance set for the transport convergence. If the SST card is not included, then
the tolerance defaults to the value given on the NTL card so that the hydro and sediment
converge to the same tolerance.

DSS Input Time Control

The DSS input data as specified in the Solution Controls section requires two time control
cards to provide the time window of the DSS data to use. Multiple DSS input files can be
used but all will use the same time window as specified on the TC DS0 and TC DSF cards
which give the start and end dates and times in DSS format.

TC DS0 03-01-1997 1200

TC DSF 03-11-1997 1200

Time control cards

Field Type Value Description
1 char TC Card type
2 char T0 Parameter
3 real >0 Starting time of the model
4 int # Units (optional; 0 = seconds, 1 = minutes, 2 = hours,
3 = days, 4 = weeks)

Field Type Value Description
1 char TC Card type
2 char TF Parameter
3 real >0 Ending time of the model
4 int # Units (optional; 0 = seconds, 1 = minutes, 2 = hours,
3 = days, 4 = weeks)

Field Type Value Description
1 char TC Card type
2 char IDT Parameter
3 int >0 Series ID number containing the length of timestep (∆t).

Field Type Value Description
1 char TC Card type
2 char SDI Parameter
3 real >0 The maximum allowable sediment time step. If the hydro
time step exceeds this, then multiple sediment time steps
will be performed

Field Type Value Description
1 char TC Card type
2 char STD Steady state option turned on - omit to run dynamic
3 real >0 Initial time step
4 real >0 Maximum time step

Field Type Value Description
1 char TC Card type
2 char STH Parameter
3 int >0 Series ID number containing the steady state
hydrodynamic condition
4 int >0 Maximum number of iterations for steady state solve
5 real >0 Initial time step size for steady state calculation

Field Type Value Description
1 char TC Card type
2 char ATF Parameter
3 real >0 Initial time step size
4 int >0 Series ID number containing the maximum time step size

Field Type Value Description
1 char TC Card type
2 char DS0 Parameter
3 char * Start date in format readable by DATJUL
4 char * Start time in format readable by IHM2M

Field Type Value Description
1 char TC Card type
2 char DSF Parameter
3 char * End date in format readable by DATJUL
4 char * End time in format readable by IHM2M

An OC card causes the solution to be printed at startup and at each specified time step.
The OC card references a time series that controls the output data. The solutions are output
as data set files at the solution for the closest time equal to or greater than each time
requested on the output control time series. Since AdH can vary the timestep size
throughout the simulation, the times requested for output may not match those for which a
solution is obtained. This is why the exact time requested may not appear in the solution
files. If using the auto-build feature for the output time series, the OC card is not required.
An END statement is used at the end of the boundary conditions file. The code will read
the boundary conditions file through to the END statement. Any information in the
boundary conditions file after the END statement will not be read as input to the run.
Another output option is a calculation of flow across strings. For two-dimensional shallow
water models (SW2), the calculated flow across edge-strings (EGS) and mid-strings (MDS) is
output at every time step.
Strings are selected for flow output with the FLX card, followed by the string number. The
strings can be existing edge-strings (EGS) used for boundary condition input or mid-strings
(MDS) created specifically for flow output (if the string exists for a boundary condition, do
not recreate it, you cannot have duplicate string segments in AdH).
The MDS card has the same format as the EGS card. Strings used for flow output must
begin and end on a mesh boundary and cannot have common elements shared between
String segments must also be input in the same direction along the string (direction being
from the first node to the second node in the segment), and positive flow will be from right
to left when looking in that direction.
Values will be output into the filename_tflx file. This file format is a table of values giving
time, string #, flux value, and water surface values. It is not an output file read by SMS or
GMS. When simulating transport of any kind, the concentration flux is also saved with the
inclusion of the FLX card. The results of these computations for all transported constituents
are in the filename_conflx file.
OC 3

Auto-build output series

The auto-build feature enables an output series to be automatically created during
runtime, given certain parameters. This eliminates the need to manually type out each time
step desired to be in the solution files. In order to activate this feature, simply use an OS
card followed by the series number, number of time segments used to build the output
series, and the time output units. A time segment is composed of four parameters: start
time; end time; progression interval; then input units (the output units are determined by
the OS card time output units). The unit specifications are as follows: 0 = seconds, 1 =
minutes, 2 = hours, 3 = days, and 4 = weeks. The inclusion of the auto-build feature makes

the OC card unnecessary, as this feature automatically designates the time series as the
output series. An example is shown below:
OS 2 4 0
0.0 77.90 5.0 0
1.5 6.0 2.0 1
7.0 9.0 2.0 0
0.5 20.0 6.0 2

The auto-build time series above is equivalent to the time series, given in seconds, below:
XY1 2 28 0 0
0.0 0.0
5.0 0.0
10.0 0.0
15.0 0.0
20.0 0.0
25.0 0.0
30.0 0.0
35.0 0.0
40.0 0.0
45.0 0.0
50.0 0.0
55.0 0.0
60.0 0.0
65.0 0.0
70.0 0.0
75.0 0.0
77.0 0.0
90.0 0.0
210.0 0.0
330.0 0.0
360.0 0.0
420.0 0.0
540.0 0.0
1800.0 0.0
23400.0 0.0
45000.0 0.0
66600.0 0.0
72000.0 0.0

OC 2

The OS card is still a time series card and it is numbered in the same list as the X-Y series.
Therefore, if you have an XY1 series with an ID number of 1, if you were to use an OS card
next, it will be OS with an ID number of 2. It has been found that memory limits can be
reached when applying a small output increment over a long time period. If pre_AdH fails
with a memory limit at this location, modifying the total number of output times in the
output series is likely to fix the problem.
All strings are included in the calculations by default. You can turn off a string if it will not
be included in the shallow water computations by using the OFF card followed by the string
number. This allows the modeler to add or remove sections of the domain without having
to generate a new mesh.
When including adaption in the simulation it may be desired to see the adapted meshes.
To request that the meshes are saved with the associated hydrodynamic solution files, the
PC ADP card can be included in the boundary condition file. By including this card, the
mesh and associated solution files will be saved at the time step intervals specified on the
output control card. The output files will be named like so: filename.3dm-timestep#.0,
filename.dep-timestep#.0, filename.ovl-timestep#.0 which is a geometry file for each
timestep, the depths for each timestep, and the velocities for each timestep.
PC ELM card can be included to activate the printout in TecPlot format of numerical fish
surrogate information. If PC ELM is turned on the OP NF2 card must be included in the
boundary conditions file. Ommission will result in catastrophic failure during ADH runtime.

Standard Screen Output

The standard screen output is in a tab delimited format. The details will be given in a
later section on “Running AdH”. However, if the user chooses, additional formats of the
standard output can be obtained by including a PC LVL card in the boundary condition file.
The screen output is always given in seconds.

DSS Output
AdH can store solution data in DSS format for specified node strings. To get a DSS file
output from AdH, the user must include the PC DSS card and declare a node string that
designates points of interest on the input mesh. This card and the node string are linked
together, allowing for all data at each node in the node string to be printed to the DSS file at
each output time. This creates an AdH output DSS file that shares the project name of the
simulation being run.

MEO Output
AdH can output the mass error to the screen. To get the mass error output to the screen
from AdH, the user must include the PC MEO card and set it to 1. This will enable the screen
output of the mass error. By default this output is turned off.

Output control cards

Field Type Value Description
1 char OC Parameter
2 int >0 Series ID number that contains the time steps to be output

Field Type Value Description
1 char OS Card type
2 int >0 ID number of the series
3 int >0 Number of points in the series
4 int >0 Output units (Units 0 = seconds, 1 = minutes, 2 = hours,
3 = days, 4 = weeks)

Field Type Value Description
1 char FLX Parameter
2 int >0 String ID number for the mid string or edge string for
which flow is to be output

Field Type Value Description
1 char OFF Card type
2 int >0 String ID number

Field Type Value Description
1 char PC Card type
2 char ADP Adaptive mesh printing turned on - omit to turn off

Field Type Value Description
1 char PC Card type
2 char LVL Screen output format – level 0 is default
3 int 0, 1, 2 0 gives short column format; 1 gives long column format;
2 gives original AdH format (non-tabular)

Field Type Value Description
1 char PC Card type
2 char HOT Hotstart print control turned on - omit to turn off
3 int >0 Number of time step increments between saving hot start

Field Type Value Description
1 char PC Card type
2 char ELM Numerical Fish Surrogate output (optional card)

Field Type Value Description
1 char PC Card type
2 char DSS DSS output format from AdH simulation
3 int >0 Node string ID where DSS data is desired

Field Type Value Description
1 char PC Card type
2 char MEO MEO output from AdH simulation
3 int 0, 1 0 is the default (does not print), 1 prints
the mass error output to screen

Field Type Value Description
1 char END Close the model

Sediment Transport
ADH allows the user to calculate the transport of cohesionless sediment (sand), cohesive
sediment (clay and silt), and mixed sediments (i.e. sand, clay, and silt). The model is capable
of running multiple grain sizes in a single simulation.
The sediment is transported separately as suspended load and bed load. Each grain class is
transported as a moving constituent. So in making a sediment transport calculation, one
must determine how many grain classes are going to be modeled. One will have this
number of constituents plus any other non-sediment constituents being routed. In other
words, one might be routing 3 grain classes of sediment and 1 other constituent so the card
describing this is OP TRN 4.

Cohesionless sediment (Sand)

The characteristics of the cohesionless sediment are its grain diameter, its specific gravity,
and its porosity. These are supplied via the CN SND cards. SND stands for sand. Here’s an
CN SND 1 1.0 1.E-4 2.65 0.3
CN SND 2 1.0 5.E-4 2.65 0.3
CN SND 3 1.0 1.E-3 2.65 0.3

Beginning after the CN SND are the constituent number, the reference concentration for
this grain class, grain diameter, the specific gravity, and the porosity. The reference
concentration, like all sediment concentrations given in AdH, is in units of micromass per
unit mass. AdH actually operates on the dimensionless units but the input/output is easier if
multiplied by 1.E+6. AdH sediment transport is also based on metric units, so grain
diameter must be given in meters.
Next, describe the bed layer structure. Each layer must be described by beginning with the
lowest layer and then working the way up to the bed surface. These can be given by
individual node, by material type, or for all nodes at once. In fact, the model writes over any
prior designation so one could specify all first, followed by a few material types, followed by
individual nodes. As an example for two layers we might have the following:
MP SBA 1 0.5 0.0 0.4 0.6
MP SBA 2 0.5 0.4 0.3 0.3

The MP NBL card tells AdH to expect two bed layers to be defined with the MP SBA
cards. MP SBA means that the sediment bed description will be used for all nodes. The next
number is the layer number, followed by the layer thickness. Layer 1 is the deepest (or
bottom) layer. The next three numbers are the fractions of each of the sediments shown in
the CN SND cards. There are two layers shown here. Layer 2 is the top layer and its
distribution is more weighted toward the smaller grain diameter sand. Material and/or

node can now be designated and these nodes would be modified to reflect this difference.
Note that it is often desireable to have several layers of zero thickness specified at the bed
surface (i.e. the highest layer numbers). These are used by the model as depositional
layers, each one storing information from discrete depositional events, and thereby
generating new strata in the bed.
The implementation of boundary conditions is handled precisely the same as any other
constituent. An additional equilibrium transport boundary condition is available for
cohesionless sediment transport. When this condition is specified, the concentration that is
required for a state of equilibrium at that location is applied in suspension. An equilibrium
condition is one in which no sediment would erode or deposit. This condition is specified
with an EQ TRN card followed by the node string number where it is to be applied, and the
constituent number for the grain being applied.
Cohesive sediment (Clay and/or silt)
Cohesive sediment behaves differently than cohesionless sediment. Cohesionless
sediment tends to erode grain by grain; hence the erosional and depositional properties of
cohesionless sediment can be defined purely as grain properties. However, the cohesive
properties of silts and clays result in erosion behavior that is more generally a property of
the condition of the sediment bed than a property of the individual grains. Therefore, the
user must specify the erosion characteristics of the cohesive bed. In AdH, these erosion
characteristics are governed by the following equation:

Where FE is the erosion flux, M is the erosion rate constant, n is the erosion rate exponent,
and τc is the critical shear stress for erosion.
The erosional characteristics of newly deposited sediment are given in the CN CLA card
(CLA stands for clay, although both clay and silt are specified with this card.) This card also
gives the grain properties and settling properties of the individual cohesive sediment grain
The parameters given on the CN CLA card are:
 Grain diameter
 Specific gravity
 Bulk density
 Critical shear stress for erosion (τc)
 Erosion rate constant (M)
 Critical shear stress for deposition
 Settling velocity.

Note that the erosion rate exponent (n) is assumed to be equal to 1 for newly deposited
sediment (this is consistent with the observation of Parthenaides).

CN CLA 1 1.0 0.000001 2.65 1200.0 0.014 0.00016 0.01 0.00006

CN CLA 2 1.0 0.00001 2.65 1400.0 0.02 0.00018 0.015 0.00016

The reference concentration like all sediment concentrations given in AdH is in units of
micromass per unit mass, ppm. The grain class distributions in the bed are defined in the
same way as they are defined for the cohesionless case (i.e. with MP NBL and MP SBA
cards). In addition to these, cohesive sediment beds require a MP CBA card for each bed
layer to define the cohesive properties of the layers.
The inputs to the MP CBA cards include the following:
 Layer number
 Bulk density
 Critical shear stress for erosion (τc)
 Erosion rate constant (M)
 Erosion rate exponent (n).

Here’s an example for 2 bed layers:

MP CBA 1 2200.0 0.1 0.00018 3.0
MP CBA 2 2000.0 0.08 0.00016 2.0

As with sand beds, the cohesive bed can be defined by all nodes (CBA), specific materials
(CBM), or specific nodes (CBN). As with the previous bed definitions, the layer numbering
begins with the bottom-most layer.
EQ TRN cards cannot be used for cohesive sediments. The concept of an equilibrium
concentration has no physical meaning for cohesive sediments, since in general
simultaneous erosion and deposition does not occur.
Mixed sediments (Sand, silt and clay)
Mixed sediment beds behave as either cohesive or cohesionless beds, depending on the
total fraction of cohesive material in the bed. In AdH, this fraction has been set at 0.1. So at
each time step, the model calculates the fraction of cohesive sediment present in the bed
surface at each node. If, at a given node, that fraction is greater than 0.1, then the bed at
that node behaves as a cohesive bed for that time step. Below is an example of 2 sands, 1
clay, and 1 silt being given in the same file:
CN SND 1 1.0 0.0001 2.65 0.3
CN SND 2 1.0 0.001 2.65 0.3
CN CLA 3 1.0 0.000001 2.65 1200.0 0.01 0.00016326 0.01 0.00006
CN CLA 4 1.0 0.00001 2.65 1400.0 0.01 0.00016326 0.01 0.00016

Sediment output files
When running the transport functions in AdH, much more data is saved and output than
when running just the hydrodynamics. In addition to the water depth, velocity, and residual
error files, concentration files are provided for each transported quantity along with
solution files for bed displacement, bedload vector, and bed shear stress. The bed layer
thickness for each bed layer and the active layer as well as the grain distribution for each
bed layer and active layer are saved. Cohesive bed properties are also saved for each bed
layer. An additional file is saved containing the sediment mass residual information for use
in mass balance computations.
Transport constituent properties
When the model contains transported quantities, those constituents must be described
within the boundary condition file. The diffusion and refinement tolerance must all be
specified as given in the control cards. These quantities must be given for each material
type and constituent; meaning that if the model has two materials and two constituents,
there will be four sets of constituent properties. The turbulent diffusion is set on the MP DF
card, but if an estimated eddy viscosity (EEV) card is used then it will override the diffusion
set on the MP DF card for diffusion of transported material. The refinement tolerance is set
on the MP TRT card.

Material property cards

Field Type Value Description
1 char MP Card type
2 char NBL Parameter
3 int ≥0 Number of bed layers for sediment transport (layer
number begins with the bottom-most layer )

Field Type Value Description
1 char MP Card type
2 char SBN Parameter
3 int >0 Bed layer ID number
4 int >0 The node number from which to start
5 int >0 The node number at which to end
6 real ≥ 0.0 The bed layer thickness
7 real ≥ 0.0 The grain class fraction for the first sediment
8 real ≥ 0.0 The grain class fraction for the second sediment
# real ≥ 0.0 The grain class fraction for the final sediment

Field Type Value Description
1 char MP Card type
2 char SBA Parameter
3 int >0 Bed layer ID number
4 real ≥ 0.0 The bed layer thickness
5 real ≥ 0.0 The grain class fraction for the first sediment
6 real ≥ 0.0 The grain class fraction for the second sediment
# real ≥ 0.0 The grain class fraction for the final sediment.

Field Type Value Description
1 char MP Card type
2 char SBM Parameter
3 int >0 Bed layer ID number
4 int >0 Material type ID number
5 real ≥ 0.0 The bed layer thickness
6 real ≥ 0.0 The grain class fraction for the first sediment
7 real ≥ 0.0 The grain class fraction for the second sediment
# real ≥ 0.0 The grain class fraction for the final sediment

Field Type Value Description
1 char MP Card type
2 char CBN Parameter
3 int >0 Bed layer ID number
4 int >0 The node number from which to start
5 int >0 The node number at which to end
6 real ≥ 0.0 The bulk density
7 real ≥ 0.0 The critical shear stress for erosion
8 real ≥ 0.0 The erosion rate constant
9 real ≥ 0.0 The erosion rate exponent

Field Type Value Description
1 char MP Card type
2 char CBM Parameter
3 int >0 Bed layer ID number
4 int >0 Material type ID number
5 real ≥ 0.0 The bulk density
6 real ≥ 0.0 The critical shear stress for erosion
7 real ≥ 0.0 The erosion rate constant
8 real ≥ 0.0 The erosion rate exponent

1 char MP Card type
2 char CBA Parameter
3 int >0 Bed layer ID number
4 real ≥ 0.0 The bulk density
5 real ≥ 0.0 The critical shear stress for erosion
6 real ≥ 0.0 The erosion rate constant
7 real ≥ 0.0 The erosion rate exponent

1 char MP Card type
2 char NCP Parameter
3 int ≥0 Number of time values in the consolidation time series for
sediment transport

1 char MP Card type
2 char CPN Parameter
3 int >0 Consolidation time value number
4 int >0 The node number from which to start
5 int >0 The node number at which to end
6 real ≥ 0.0 Elapsed time since sediment deposition (sec)
7 real ≥ 0.0 The bulk density
8 real ≥ 0.0 The critical shear stress for erosion
9 real ≥ 0.0 The erosion rate constant
10 real ≥ 0.0 The erosion rate exponent

1 char MP Card type
2 char CPM Parameter
3 int >0 Consolidation time value number
4 int >0 Material type ID number
5 real ≥ 0.0 Elapsed time since sediment deposiiton (sec)
6 real ≥ 0.0 The bulk density
7 real ≥ 0.0 The critical shear stress for erosion
8 real ≥ 0.0 The erosion rate constant
9 real ≥ 0.0 The erosion rate exponent

1 char MP Card type
2 char CPA Parameter
3 int >0 Consolidation time value number
4 real ≥ 0.0 Elapsed time since sediment deposiiton (sec)
5 real ≥ 0.0 The bulk density
6 real ≥ 0.0 The critical shear stress for erosion
7 real ≥ 0.0 The erosion rate constant
8 real ≥ 0.0 The erosion rate exponent

1 char MP Card type
2 char NDM Parameter
3 int >0 Material type ID number

Constituent cards

Field Type Value Description
1 char CN Card type
2 char CLA Parameter
3 int ≥1 The constituent ID number
4 real >0 Characteristic concentration
5 real >0 Grain diameter
6 real >1 Specific gravity
7 real >0 Bulk density
8 real >0 Critical shear for erosion
9 real >0 Erosion rate constant
10 real >0 Critical shear for deposition
11 real >0 Free Settling velocity

Field Type Value Description
1 char CN Card type
2 char SND Parameter
3 int ≥1 The constituent ID number
4 real >0 Characteristic concentration
5 real >0 Grain diameter
6 real >1 Specific gravity
7 real >0 Grain porosity

Sediment Process cards
The sediment process cards are designed to allow the user to select among various
methods of describing a specific process. Since some methods require additional
parameters, the fields 4 and above are reserved for any parameter that may be required for
a specific method.

Field Type Value Description
1 char SP Card type
2 char CSV Parameter
3 int =0 0 - Free Settling
=1 1 - Hwang and Mehta
4… real ≥0 Process specific parameter(s)

Field Type Value Description
1 char SP Card type
2 char WWS Parameter
3 int =0 0 – No applied wind-wave stress
=1 1 - Grant and Madsen
=2 2 - Teeter
4… real ≥ 0.0 Process specific parameter(s)

Field Type Value Description
1 char SP Card type
2 char NSE Parameter
3 int =0 0 - Garcia-Parker
=1 1 - Wright-Parker
=2 2 – Van Rijn

4… real ≥ 0.0 Process specific parameter(s)

Field Type Value Description
1 char SP Card type
2 char NSE Parameter
3 int =0 0 – Van Rijn
=1 1 – Meyer Peter Mueller
=2 2 – Meyer Peter Mueller with Wong Parker Correction
4… real ≥ 0.0 Process specific parameter(s)

Field Type Value Description
1 char SP Card type
2 char NSE Parameter
3 int =0 0 – Karim Holly Yang
=1 1 - Egiazaroff
4… real ≥ 0.0 Process specific parameter(s)

Solution control cards

The solution control cards for sediment boundary conditions include the NB TRN and DB
TRN card that apply to any transport quantity as well as the EQ TRN which is described

Field Type Value Description
1 char EQ Card type
2 char TRN Parameter
3 int ≥1 String ID number (node)
4 int ≥1 Constituent ID number
5 int ≥0 placeholder

Running AdH
Once the three required files have been created, pre_AdH is run and it creates the
necessary input file for AdH. Then the AdH model is run. The commands are:
pre_adh filename
adh filename

where filename is the root of the model’s filenames, i.e. for a model named pl8_AdH the
following three files would be required pl8_AdH.3dm, and pl8_AdH.bc. All
three files must have the same filename as their root followed by one of three suffixes.

The standard output for AdH is in a tab delimited format so that it can be manipulated by
the user in many different ways. The order of the data in the short column tabular form (PC
LVL 0) from left to right is time, time step size, percent completion progress, nonlinear
iteration number, linear iteration count, node number giving the maximum residual, node
number giving the maximum increment norm, node count after adaption, failure flag. The
order of the data in the long column tabular form (PC LVL 1) from left to right is time, time
step size, percent completion progress, nonlinear iteration number, linear iteration count,
maximum residual norm, node number giving the maximum residual, x, y, and z-coordinates
of this worst node, maximum increment norm, node number giving this maximum
increment, x, y, and z-coordinates of this worst node, node count after adaption, failure
flag. All time values in the screen output are in seconds. The maximum residual norm is
used to determine convergence against the NTL value. The maximum increment norm is
used to determine convergence against the ITL value, if included in the boundary conditions
file. If no adaption is taking place, the node count after adaption will not change
throughout the run. The failure flag is the # symbol and indicates that convergence did not
occur and the time step will be cut to ¼ the previous value. This column is left empty in all
other instances. For transport iterations, the same information is provided but preceded by
a line indicating that the data to follow is from the transport computations.

After the model is run, GMS or SMS can be used to visualize the results. The depth,
velocity, and error files are the minimum output files that will be produced in any
simulation. Other output files will be generated depending on the options requested in the
boundary conditions file.

Here is the complete list of the output files:

Output filename conventions (*.dat)

*_dep.dat overland head (scalar, depth)

*_ovl.dat overland velocity (vector)

*_err.dat normalized residual error for use in setting refinement parameters


*err_hydro.dat non-normalized residual error for the hydro (scalar)

*_con#.dat constituent concentration, # = constituent number (scalar, parts per

million for sediment), rouse profile factor, bedload mass per unit area

*err_con#.dat non-normalized residual error for the transport constituent (scalar)

*_dpl.dat bed displacement (scalar, meters)

*_alt.dat active layer thickness (scalar, meters)

*_ald.dat active layer distribution (scalar, one column for each grain class)

*_blt#.dat bed layer thickness, # = layer number (scalar, meters, 1 is the

bottom-most layer)

*_bld#.dat bed layer distribution, # = layer number (scalar, 1 is the bottom-most

layer, one column for each grain class )

*_cbp#.dat cohesive bed property, # = layer number (scalar, 1 is the bottom-most

layer, one column for each grain class)

*_bsh.dat bed shear stress magnitude (scalar)

*_smr.dat sediment mass residual (kg/m2)

*_bedload.dat bedload (vector, kg/m2/s)

*_belev.dat breach bed elevation (scalar, length)

*_conflx concentration flux across a string for each constituent is included

when the FLX card is used followed by the string
number...this is NOT an SMS file

*_tflx hydrodynamic flux across a string is included when the FLX card is
used followed by the string number…this is NOT an SMS

*_ugd u-velocity gradients is included when the OP NF2 card is used

*_vgd v-velocity gradients is included when the OP NF2 card is used

*_ELAM numerical fish surrogate format output when OP NF2

and PC ELM are specified

For a 3-constituent simulation (1 non-sediment constituent and 2 sediment constituents)

of 2 grains and 3 bed layers, the sediments are constituent 2 and 3, information in
parenthesis gives names for the hotstart file.
*_dep.dat (ioh) Depth value
*_ovl.dat (iov) X_vel, Y_vel, Z_vel (Z_vel = 0 for 2D)
*_err.dat Residual error
*_err_hydro.dat Hydro residual error
*_con1.dat (icon 1) Concentration 1
*_con2.dat (icon 2) Concentration 2, Rouse factor*, bedload mass per unit
*_con3.dat (icon 3) Concentration 3, Rouse factor, bedload mass per unit
*_err_con1.dat Transport residual error for transport 1
*_err_con2.dat Transport residual error for transport 2
*_err_con3.dat Transport residual error for transport 3
*_dpl.dat (id) Displacement
*_alt.dat (ialt) Active layer thickness
*_ald.dat (iald) Ald-grain1, Ald-grain2
*_blt1.dat (iblt 1) Bed layer thickness
*_blt2.dat (iblt 2) Bed layer thickness
*_blt3.dat (iblt 3) Bed layer thickness
*_bld1.dat (ibld 1) Bld-grain1, Bld-grain2
*_bld2.dat (ibld 2) Bld-grain1, Bld-grain2

*_bld3.dat (ibld 3) Bld-grain1, Bld-grain2
*_bsh.dat Bed shear magnitude
*_smr.dat Sediment mass residual grain 1, grain 2
*_bedload.dat Bedload_X, Bedload_Y

*Rouse factor is the ratio of the near-bed concentration to the depth averaged

Two-Dimensional Shallow Water Equations,
Finite Element Formulation
The 2D shallow water equations can be written in conservative form as


 
Q  uh 
 vh 
 
 
 
 uh 
  
Fx  u 2 h  12 gh 2  h xx 
  
  yx 
 uvh  h 
  
 
 vh 
 
  xy 
Fy   uvh  h 
  
 2  yy 
v h  2 gh  h
1 2

  


 = fluid density
g = gravitational acceleration
ZD = bottom elevation
h = flow depth
u = x-component of velocity
v = y-component of velocity

σ represents the Reynolds’ stresses due to the turbulence plus the molecular stresses.

S represents the friction slope, which can be calculated in two forms:


where Cf = coefficient of friction; n = Manning’s roughness coefficient; and CD = a

dimensional conversion coefficient (1 for SI units, 1.486 for U.S. customary units).

For the Finite Element formulation, first use the linear Lagrange basis functions that are C 0,
i.e., the functions are continuous, so that:

The test function is similar to that of Berger and Stockstill (1995). In this method, consider
the shallow water equations in non-conservative form:

The shallow-water equations are the basis from which the following test function is

where, α is a coefficient between 0 and 0.5,

( ξ, η are the local variables that have values between 0 and 1)

The weak form finite element approximation is then

where the subscript e identifies a particular element; and (n x, ny) = n is the unit vector
outward and normal to the boundary Γe.

ADH solves conservation statements concerning water volume, momentum, and
constituent mass. ADH is written in conservative form and thus can be regarded as both a
finite element method and also a finite volume method. As such ADH can be shown to
represent a sum of fluxes around the edge of an element to be in balance with the mass or
volume change within the element. In the case of the momentum equation it will be a sum
of fluxes and forces balancing the momentum change within an element. We shall focus on
water and constituent conservation, and will refer to these conservation properties of
balance over an element as elemental conservation of mass.

Another factor that must be considered in relation to elemental conservation is that of the
nonlinearity of the differential equations. This means that items that we don’t know are
multiplied times each other, times themselves, raised to a power, etc. For a linear problem
the elemental conservation of mass in ADH is exact. That is, it is as good as the
computational accuracy of the machine that solves it. This is so for the convection-diffusion
equation, typically. However, for the conservation of water mass equation we don’t have a
linear equation. In the 2D shallow water equation we have terms involving the velocity
times the depth. There are at least two common ways to linearize the problem so that it
can be solved. One is to use lagging of terms. That is we could use old velocity (that we
know) times new depths. If we lag all the non-temporal terms we would have an explicit
method. An explicit method has a stringent time step restriction. Even lagged methods
have pretty severe restrictions due to accuracy. The other method, and, in fact, the one
used in ADH is to use the Newton method.

In the Newton method we linearize the discrete equations and solve for the change in the
unknowns, rather than for the unknowns themselves. This method is repeated (iterated)
until the original differential equations (in discrete form) are satisfied below a tolerance.
With this approach the time step size can be selected with much less concern for stability,
but it still must be small enough for accuracy. The tolerance of the convergence then
influences how tightly conservation is achieved. For problems in which we are not solving
problems that wet and dry, it turns out that the conservation of mass equations for water
are less nonlinear than the momentum equation. In fact, if the conservation of mass
equation were linear and the momentum equation nonlinear, the conservation of mass
would be satisfied to machine precision at each iteration regardless of the user defined
tolerance. The solver would continue iterating until the momentum equations were
satisfied within the tolerance, but the conservation of mass would be exact. However since
the conservation of mass is somewhat nonlinear, but less so than the momentum
equations, it will converge much more tightly than the tolerance. So for a problem in which
all the domain remains wet the elemental conservation of mass for water (and also
constituent) should be much better than the tolerance.

When ADH is solving a problem in which regions of the model wet and dry, it is solving not
only for the depth and velocity, but also for the boundary of the domain. ADH solves for
the water edge by allowing both positive and negative depths. The equations are only
solved in the wet (or positive depth regions). But now the Newton method is responsible to
find the water surface elevation that not only satisfies the differential equations but also
what is the wet region of the domain. This is a much more nonlinear problem. The
conservation of mass equation is much more nonlinear. The Newton method will have
more trouble converging, and it isn’t assured that the conservation of mass equation will
converge more quickly than the momentum equation. Therefore, for problems with
significant wetting and drying regions the elemental conservation of mass is more directly
related to the tolerance used to determine that the equations are satisfied. These
tolerances are specified by either the IP NTL or the IP ITL or both.

Technically the drying tolerance (specified via the MP DTL) doesn’t directly affect
elemental mass conservation. What the DTL specifies is a value that can be thought of as
the thickness of a groundwater layer that allows flow within a partially wet element to be
determined solely by the pressure differential created by water surface slope and friction.
It actually isn’t really groundwater but it is a useful analogy. The fluxes within this drying-
wetting thickness are included in the mass conservation, so that elemental mass
conservation is preserved. We would want this thickness (DTL) to be large enough to keep
the model stable during wetting and drying but small enough not to severely modify the
equations we wish to solve. So the selection of DTL can impact how well ADH converges.
But once it does converge the results should satisfy the elemental mass conservation within
a limit associated with the user defined tolerance set via NTL and ITL.

The basic steps for preparing and running AdH are given in this section along with several
checks to possibly prevent solver errors and delays.
Prepare the mesh file (.3dm). This can be done with SMS or GMS. Be certain to check the
mesh quality and modify the mesh where necessary. In SMS and GMS the mesh quality can
be turned on under the display options dialog box. Nodes can be selected and moved to
better the quality. Also check for and delete disjoint nodes, or nodes not connected to any
elements. These can be found under the nodes menu in the mesh environment of SMS. For
good meshes that run best in the solver:
• The percent area change between adjacent elements should not exceed 50%.
• Typically the minimum for interior angles is 20 degrees and the maximum is 130 degrees.
• No more than eight elements should join at one node.
• Try to avoid large gradients due to slope in bed elevation.

The bed elevations can be included after the initial mesh is developed by mapping a
scatter data set of the bed elevations to the existing mesh. Be certain to check the box
labeled map elevations in order to have them included in the mesh geometry file.
Prepare the boundary condition file (.bc). For ease in inputting large sets of data,
spreadsheet software may be used, but avoid tabs and other control characters. Save the
file as a text file so that formatting characters are eliminated. If ftp software is used to move
the text files, transfer using ASCII mode rather than binary to avoid excess characters
attached to the end of each line.
Prepare the hotstart file (.hot). The solver does not like to begin with values of zero for
depth. The best choice is to begin with the initial water surface at some level. If a tide is
being included, then begin with the water surface at the initial tide level. This step can be
done in SMS with the Data Calculator to set the water surface level and exporting the data
set that it generates to a text editor. These values should be equal to the desired water
surface elevation minus the bed elevation so that the depth at each node is calculated
regardless of the signs on your elevations. Make certain to change the “NAME” to ioh in the
text file. No difficulties have been found from starting the velocities at zero; therefore, if
zero velocity is appropriate for your problem, the velocity portion of the hotstart file may be
Run Pre_ADH first, and then run AdH. AdH runs on multiple processors, so consult your
system administrators for the correct method of running interactively or submitting jobs.
The preconditioner and number of blocks per processor, BLK card in the boundary condition
file, can be modified to determine best performance for an individual problem.
ADH outputs a velocity file and a depth file with a .dat extension. These files can be
opened and viewed in SMS or GMS without any further post-processing.
Sediment transport simulation requires the use of SI units. If converting input files from
English to SI units, be certain to convert the geometry file, hotstart file, and boundary
condition file. The geometry file can be easily converted within SMS. The hotstart file can
be converted with the help of the data calculator is SMS or a spreadsheet application. The
boundary condition file will need to be corrected for any cards containing length units.

These cards include the eddy viscosity (EVS), wetting/drying limits (DTL), density (RHO),
gravity (G), Manning’s units constant (MUC), and any XY1 series describing flows and
Refinement Levels allows an element to be divided into a maximum of 2lev# of elements,
you may not use all of them depending on the flow conditions and the SRT.
Refinement Tolerances for Adaption are determined by running a short simulation with
ML = 0 and SRT = 1, view the *err.dat output file to determine the magnitude of the residual
error values, use the SMS contour options to determine which elements may be refined for
a given tolerance value. The values in the *err.dat file are ratios of residual error to
tolerance value. When this ratio is greater than 1, an element can be refined. The values in
the *err_hydro.dat and *err_con#.dat files are non-ratioed residual error values for the
hydrodynamic equations and transport equations, respectively. Once an appropriate SRT
value is determined for each material from the initial run, set the SRT values and run again.
This time the *err.dat file should contain much lower values. Locations where the values
remain greater than 1 usually require more refinement levels. A standard rule of thumb is
to not refine more than about 20% of your mesh at a given time, so select the appropriate
SRT with this in mind. Watch the run and check the amount of resolution that is being
added to make sure that you are getting the expected results.
Wetting/Drying Tolerance defaults to 0 if the card is not included and it is not needed
when the domain remains wet. However, once drying begins to occur, the model can
become unstable unless this value is set greater than 0. This value has a unit of length.
Once the depth becomes equal to or less than the tolerance depth a stability factor is
applied to prevent large velocity results and instabilities (essentially placing mass balance as
the priority and not worrying with the physics). It is best to keep this value as low as
possible…starting around 0.001*max depth in the model and then adjusting to improve
model performance is a good method.
Steady State Initial Timestep (STD #) option doesn’t care about time but AdH still
computes through a timestepping method. When using this option, an initial timestep is
requested. This value should be fairly small, on the order of 5 or 10 in most cases. The
code will increase or decrease this value as is runs in an effort to reach convergence to the
NTL value. Since the product of the initial residual and the initial timestep size is kept
constant to determine how to vary the timesteps as the residual changes throughout the
run, the initial timestep size can have a large effect on the solution. If the run fails, drop the
initial timestep by about half and try again.
Eddy Viscosity (EEV and EVS) is a parameter that helps numerical solutions match reality.
Higher values indicate more viscous flow and vice versa. It is often difficult to determine
how to set the various EVS values so the Estimated Eddy Viscosity (EEV) can help. This
parameter computes the appropriate viscosity term depending on the depth and velocity
magnitude at each location and time. This option requires the user to input a coefficient
greater than 0. There are three methods, one in which the eddy viscosity is applied
isotropically one in which the eddy viscosity is directed in the direction of flow, and a
Smagorinsky method. Typically 0.5 is a good place to start and sensitivity checks can be
performed to determine if this coefficient should be adjusted. If using EVS, an initial

estimate can be calculated as 1/40*h*u, where u is a representative depth in the model and
u is a representative velocity magnitude.
Setting the convergence Values - the NTL value converges on the maximum residual
norm. The ITL value converges on the maximum increment norm or the change in the
solution. AdH will converge on either of the tolerances included in the boundary conditions
file, so if you have both an ITL and NTL, you may only converge on one, not both. An
estimate for an appropriate NTL value for a problem is (total_area*10 -6)/#_elements. The
NTL is the maximum allowance, so you will likely want to set it higher than the estimate so
that your simulation will progress.
Common Error Messages
• 2D elements do not exist to match 1D elements
Check node numbers in edge strings, there is likely a wrong node number or a gap

• Overland flow does not match available types

Either the hotstart file does not contain correct initial depths (the mesh is dry) or there
is a string that does not have an associated boundary condition

DSS Input:

1. Export your HEC-RAS data to a *.dss file.

2. If a *.dsc file is not generated, open the *.dss file in DSSVue. That will automatically
generate one for you.

3. Once you have selected which data set(s) within the *.dss file you would like to use,
open the *.dsc file and take note of the data set(s) you would like to use.

4. With that open, also open the *.bc file and add the DSS card, which is input thusly:
DSS [time series ID] [DSS file name] [pathname]

5. Continue adding DSS time series, pasting the data set pathname(s) from the *.dsc file,
until you are finished. Note: The time parameter of the pathname is ignored.

6. Pick a time window to use for all of the data that was just included in the *.bc file.

7. Include the window start time in the *.bc file:

TC DS0 [MM]-[DD]-[YYYY] [TIME (24 hour)]

8. Include the window end time in the *.bc file:

TC DSF [MM]-[DD]-[YYYY] [TIME (24 hour)]

9. Run AdH.

DSS Output:

1. Locate the nodes in the mesh you would like to use as output stations.

2. Create a node string using those nodes in the *.bc file.

3. Add the DSS output card to the *.bc file:

PC DSS [node string ID]

4. Run AdH.

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USAE Research and Development Center


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