J&C RSB Estimate
J&C RSB Estimate
J&C RSB Estimate
Description Bar φ Number of bars
L(m) W(m) (mm)
Column Footing 32 2 2 20
Intersection of steel bars Total ties Total Length weight
121 3872 1162 22
Dimension Bar φ # of
Description Set Vertical H (m)
B(m) W(m) (mm) Bars
Ground Floor 32 0.3 0.3 20 8 6
Second Floor 32 0.3 0.3 20 8 3
Third Floor 0 0.3 0.3 20 8 3
Roof Deck 18 0.3 0.3 20 8 1.5
Stair house 4 0.3 0.3 20 8 3
Intersection of steel bars Total ties Total Length weight
Ground Floor 200 6400 1920 37
Second Floor 200 6400 1920 37
Third Floor 0 0 0 0
Roof Deck 100 1800 540 11
Stair house 200 800 240 5
TOTAL = 4620 90
Main Bars
Bar Φ # of Longitudinal
Level Direction L(m) Pcs. of bars
(mm) bars (pcs)
Longitudinal 128 20 2 43
ground floor Transverse 88 20 2 30
Hanger 216 20 2 72
Longitudinal 128 20 6 128
Second Floor Transverse 88 20 3 44
Hanger 216 20 2 72
Longitudinal 128 20 6 128
Roof Deck Transverse 88 20 4 59
Hanger 216 20 2 72
Bar Φ Total bar
Level Direction Set Stirrups
(mm) pcs
Longitudinal (4m) 20 31 10 104
Longitudinal (6m) 4 43 10 29
Ground beam Transverse (3m) 8 22 10 30
Transverse (4m) 12 31 10 62
Transverse (7m) 0 0 10 0
Longitudinal (4m) 20 31 10 104
Longitudinal (6m) 4 43 10 29
Second Floor Transverse (3m) 8 22 10 30
Transverse (4m) 12 31 10 62
Transverse (7m) 0 0 10 0
Longitudinal (3m) 20 31 10 104
Longitudinal (6m) 4 43 10 29
Roof Deck Transverse (3m) 8 22 10 30
Transverse (4m) 12 31 10 62
Transverse (7m) 0 0 10 0
Bar Φ Total bar
Level Direction Set Stirrups
(mm) pcs
Transverse (12m) 0 0 10 0
Second Floor
Transverse (15m) 0 0 10 0
Transverse (12m) 0 0 10 0
Third Floor
Transverse (15m) 0 0 10 0
Transverse (12m) 0 0 10 0
Roof Deck
Transverse (15m) 0 0 10 0
Barφ(mm) Total pcs of Bar (6m)
20 648 pcs
16 0 pcs
10 675 pcs
Tie wire 141 kgs
Area (sq.m) Barφ(mm) Total bars 6m (pcs)
For Vertical
938 10 0.4 459
For horizontal
938 10 0.4 459
Area (sq.m) Tie wire (30cm) #16 GI wire (Kg)
Barφ(mm) Total pcs of Bar (6m)
12 459 pcs
10 459 pcs
Tie wire 61 kgs
Two-Way Slab O
Bar Spacing Bar Spacing
Number of steel bars per sq.m
in in
Centimeters 6.00m 7.5m 9.00m 12.00m Centimeters
10 4.369 3.337 2.772 2.022 10
12.5 3.603 2.662 2.245 1.635 12.5
15 3.221 2.296 1.921 1.382 15
17.5 2.647 2.025 1.65 1.196 17.5
20 2.36 1.775 1.461 1.056 20
22.5 2.168 1.601 1.312 0.907 22.5
25 1.977 1.466 1.217 0.862 25
12mm Ø bars
description set floor area sq.m qty of bars(6m)
slab1 14 16 722
slab2 8 24 619
slab3 4 16 207
slab4 10 12 387
slab5 4 18 187
total 2122
Net Length Total number
2 of bars
Total # of cut bars 150
Total cut bars for
32 footings
Length of the main steel bar reinforcement Length of the main ste
Bend at the base footing 0.4 Height from second fl
Length from footing to ground floor 2 Depth of Beam
Height from ground line to beam 2.6 Thickness of Floor Sl
Depth of Beam 0.4
Thickness of Floor Slab 0
Total = 6 Length of the main ste
Height from third floo
Length of the main steel bar reinforcement
Height from third floor line to apex 2.5
Total = 3
Tie Wire
Lngtdnl. #16 G.I.
Level Direction Set Stirrups
bars Tie Wire
Longitudinal (3m) 20 4 31 15
Longitudinal (6m) 4 4 43 4
Ground floor Transverse (3m) 8 4 22 4
Transverse (4m) 12 4 31 9
Transverse (7m) 0 0 0 0
Longitudinal (3m) 20 8 31 29
Longitudinal (6m) 4 8 43 8
Second Floor Transverse (3m) 8 5 22 5
Transverse (4m) 12 5 31 11
Transverse (7m) 0 0 0 0
Longitudinal (3m) 20 8 31 29
Longitudinal (6m) 4 8 43 8
Roof Deck Transverse (3m) 8 6 22 6
Transverse (4m) 12 6 31 13
Transverse (7m) 0 0 0 0
Tie Wire
Lngtdnl. #16 G.I.
Level Direction Set Stirrups
bars Tie Wire
Transverse (12m) 0 9 0 0
Second Floor
Transverse (15m) 0 9 0 0
Transverse (12m) 0 9 0 0
Third Floor
Transverse (15m) 0 9 0 0
Transverse (12m) 0 9 0 0
Roof Deck
Transverse (15m) 0 9 127 0
One-Way Slab
Number of steel bars per sq.m
6.00m 7.50m 9.00m 12.00m
3.764 2.937 2.421 1.769
3.062 2.381 1.934 1.427
2.584 2.004 1.636 1.197
2.232 1.726 1.407 1.033
1.98 1.528 1.258 0.914
1.786 1.369 1.109 0.81
1.627 1.25 1.014 0.736
Length of the main steel bar reinforcement
Height from second floor line to beam 2.6
Depth of Beam 0.4
Thickness of Floor Slab 0
Total = 3
mercial Length of Steel Bars
Outer Ties
area neutralizer(L)primer(L) full putty(L) spot putty(L) topcoat(L) thinner
wall 1876 22 375 625 375 600 0
column 173 2 35 58 35 55 0
beam 95 1 19 32 19 30 0
ceiling 704 141 235 313 65
total(L) 25 570 950 429 998 65
total(gal) 7 151 251 114 264
d1(1/2" thick clear glass door with frame(2x2.1) 3
d2(2 way wood panel door with jambs(2x2.1) 1
d3( wood panel door with jambs(1x2.1) 14
d4( flush door with jambs(.7x2.1)) 4
d5( flush door with jambs(.6x2.1)) 20
d6( steel panel door (1x2.1)) 3
w1(tinted fixed glass window1.75x2) 2
w2(tinted fixed glass window1.6x3.5) 4
w3(tinted fixed glass window1.75x1.6) 2
w4(analok sliding glass(.5x1.6) 11
w5(analok open up glass(3x.5) 1
w6(analok open up glass(5x.5) 1
w7(analok open up glass(.5x.5) 8
w8(analok open up glass(2x.5) 2
w9(analok sliding glass(2x2.1) 13