Pretest and Post Test Evaluation
Pretest and Post Test Evaluation
Pretest and Post Test Evaluation
Pretest Evaluation
In reference to the training conducted during 16 th – 18th Oct, 2014, which focused on
checking the development of life skills in people from all walks of life-an assessment report
was required to check the development and understanding of 15 participants regarding the
given topic.
The pre-test questionnaire had a total of 4 multiple choice questions and one question
which required a descriptive answer. The responses to all the questions were evaluated
The question “What is the most important health concern of young boys and girls?” had five
options of: 1) lack of hospitals and less number of doctors 2) malnutrition 3) lack of
awareness regarding personal hygiene 4) unawareness regarding the changes associated
with puberty 5) insufficient knowledge of the measures necessary for the prevention of
various diseases. A total of 10 participants believed that the 5 th option was true, three
respondents considered 4th option as true, and only two respondents believed option 1 and
3 as the right answer.
The second question “What needs to be done in order to protect one’s self and others from
the bad effects of smoking?” had three options of: 1) denying all kinds of smoking 2)
informing others about the bad effects of smoking 3) smoking occasionally. Out of the total
number of participants, only three believed option one to be correct and twelve took 2 nd
option as correctly expressing the right solution to the problem of smoking.
The third question was about consumption of illicit drugs, which had options of: 1) staying
away from all kind of drugs 2) refusing to consume drugs even once 3) disconnecting with
people who invite to use drugs 4) continuing to socialize with people who abuse drugs.
Eight participants believed option 3 to be effective, two participants took 2 nd option as true,
and five respondents considered the 1st option to be effective in prevention of drugs.
The fourth question was regarding AIDS which had options of: 1) seizing to socialize with
those having AIDS 2) receiving a blood donation only which is screened for HIV 3) using a
new syringe every time. Eleven respondents out of fifteen considered the third option the
best, three believed 2nd option promising, and only one ticked the 1 st option better for the
prevention of AIDS
The last question of the pretest required a descriptive answer to the question “what is life
skill education?”, which was answered in various ways with participants having their own
views in their diverse sentences. But most common understanding revolved around having
better education and health awareness. Participants considered personal hygiene as one of
the most important determinants for maintaining good physical and psychological health.
Post-test Evaluation
In reference to the training conducted during 16 th – 18th Oct, 2014, which focused on
checking the development of life skills in people from all walks of life-an assessment report
was required to check the development and understanding of 15 participants regarding the
given topic.
The post test had 8 questions, out of which 2 questions were of multiple choice patterns
and the remaining six required a descriptive answer. The responses to all the questions
were evaluated individually.
The descriptive question “what is peer pressure?” was answered by most of the
participants as a pressure that is built up by friends and other associates of the same age,
insisting for the given individual to generate a particular behavioral aspect or fulfill a task
as advised. One participant considered parents capable of generating peer pressure while
another respondent did not answer the question.
The second question “mostly what are the health problems of young boys and girls?” was
fully answered in all the questionnaires. Out of all, 10 respondents considered lack of
information regarding disease prevention as the answer to the question; three participants
believe that lack of information regarding personal hygiene is true, and one participant
considered shortage of doctors and hospitals as the appropriate response to the question.
The third question “what should the youth do in order to save them and others from the
bad effects of smoking?” had two different answers from the respondents. Six respondents
believed that denying every possible way and kind of smoking would be promising, while
eight participants thought that it is necessary to also tell others about the bad effects of
The fourth question (descriptive) “what is life skill based education and what is its
importance?” was answered in a uniform way but with different words. They considered
life skill based education as a set of skills that improves the quality of life as a whole. It
involves improving one’s self as a way of uplifting the life of others at a later stage. One
participant’s response was vague.
The fifth question “what are the various styles of communication?” was answered by all the
participants in a uniform manner by saying that there are passive, aggressive, and assertive
styles of communication and some went on by saying that among all these styles, assertive
way of communication is the most helpful.
The sixth question (descriptive) “what is the difference between empathy and sympathy?”
had similar answers among all respondents. Participants understood that sympathy is
expressing that one understands the other’s problem, while empathy is a situation in which
somebody else’s pain and suffering is relived by that person mentally.
The descriptive question in seventh place “write down salient features of decision making”
had a similar answer among all the participants that there are five features of assess, brain
storming, consequence, decision, and evaluation. One respondent did not answer the
The question standing at last place “what do you know about relations?” was answered
with an understanding that relations are the connections which one has with his friends,
family, classmates, and colleagues at work, that are crucial for one’s healthy ad fruitful
existence in this world. Two respondents did not answer this question.