Tuna Fish Comsumption Model of Pregnant Women

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Volume 5, Issue 3, March – 2020 International Journal of Innovative Science and Research Technology

ISSN No:-2456-2165

Tuna Fish Comsumption Model of Pregnant Women

(Study in Palopo)
Sri Wahyuny Mustafa Rahmatia
Department of Economics and Development Studies Department of Economics and Development Studies
University of Muhammadiyah Palopo Hasanuddin University
Makassar, Indonesia Makassar, Indonesia

Abstract:- Pregnant women who consume less fish are a production rate over a period of five years is a key indicator
strong factor in the birth of prenature and low birth of the utilization of the type of large pelagic fish (Tuna,
weight babies. The purpose of this study was to Skipjack, Cob).
determine the model of tuna consumption in pregnant
women in Palopo City. The sample in this study Based on the habitat, the fish is classified into two
amounted to 437 pregnant women. Data collection is saltwater fish and freshwater fish. Habitat will determine
carried out by distributing questionnaires through the type of fish meal, which would then affect the nutrient
Google Form and then performed a data analysis test content of fish. Freshwater fish particularly rich in
using multiple linear regression analysis. The results carbohydrates and protein, while sea fish rich in fat,
showed that consumer behavior, price, as well as vitamins and minerals. (Khomsan, 2004).
processing and presentation methods had a positive
effect on the model of tuna consumption in pregnant The increase in fish production potential in the region,
women, while the attitude had a negative effect on the also is one of them their minapolitan program, by
model of tuna consumption in pregnant women. improving the quality and quantity of fish production were
included in the main commodity. To assess the potential for
Keyword:- Comsuption; Tuna Fish; Pregnant Women. the application of food technology and industrial
development to tourism needs to be done, given the
I. INTRODUCTION changes in eating habits (food habits) in Indonesia is
largely determined by the potential of the region. Creative
Indonesia is one country has great potential as a effort is needed to carry out diversification of processed
producer of world fisheries komoniti. As should make fish products so that the rich flavors and varieties of fish as
marine and fisheries sector as the mainstay of a very a source of nutrition. Variations of processed fish products
rational choice and appropriate. According to the data, will also affect the public interest in the consumption of
about 12.5 million people make fishing as an activity in certain fish which have been less enthused.
economic development there. Of course the support of
natural resources and climate help determine the choice of As a food source, fish has a very good nutrients like
this sector is very potential to be developed. Issue forefront protein as a source of growth, fatty acids omega 3 and 6
in the development of marine and fisheries sector is a target that are beneficial to maternal health and fetal brain
of increasing fish production was 22.4 million tons in 2014 formation, vitamins, and minerals that are beneficial to both
and 40-50 million tonnes in 2019. This was done to make mother and fetus. Fish as a food that contains high protein
Indonesia as the largest fish producer in the world with the and contain the essential amino acids needed by the body,
export target in 2019 amounted to 9.54 billion dollars. in addition to the biological value reached 90%, with little
connective tissue, making them easier to digest. The most
Palopo is one fish producing areas in Indonesia. The important thing is the price is much cheaper compared to
city is the main fish supplier in the district / city neighbors, other protein sources. (Directorate General of Fishing,
namely Luwu, North Luwu, Luwu Timur, Toraja regency, 2018)
North Toraja Regency and Enrekang. Location of Palopo
directly adjacent to the Gulf of Bone made a great According to the Directorate General of Fishing
contribution to the economy, one of which is a sub-sector. Indonesia (2018), the fish consumed need to meet certain
Aquaculture production is dominated by marine fisheries requirements, such as habitat is not polluted heavy metals
by the number of 11423.20 tons whereas production (Hg, Pb, and Cu). In addition, the fish should be in a fresh
1859.10 tons land fishery. condition. The characteristics of the fish are still fresh: not
fishy, the meat was chewy, the tail does not dry and
According to the Central Bureau of Statistics and blackened, and his eyes are not red, Avoid fish whose post
Information, large pelagic fishery is one fishery commodity is being pinned together with other marine animals such as
that has economic value that is relatively high compared to crabs, clams and shrimp, because it would lead to
other fish species. The development of large pelagic contamination cross. Indonesia has a very wide waters,
primary commodity production nationally indicate the type either sea or land, thus the potential of fishery resources are
of tuna in the period of 2018 amounted to 16.146%, 6.83% extremely large. Efforts to increase fish consumption will
skipjack, tuna 4.27%, and the type of tunny 5.03%. The provide multiple benefits, besides improving intelligence,
data shows that as the principal crops of economic value also more exciting fishing sector.

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Volume 5, Issue 3, March – 2020 International Journal of Innovative Science and Research Technology
ISSN No:-2456-2165
The World Health Organization (WHO) recommends II. LITERATURE REVIEW
the intake of at least two servings of fish per week (WHO,
2003). Nevertheless, the data suggest that the level of fish A. Consumer Behavior
consumption Indonesia still tend to be low compared to Consumer behavior is the study of individual, group,
other countries. Indonesian fish consumption in 2013 or organization and processes used by the consumer to
amounted to 35.14 kg / cap / yr. It already shows an choose, make sure, spent a product, service, experience, or
increase when compared with previous years is 33.89 kg / ideas to satisfy needs and their impact on the process
cap / yr (2012), 32.25 kg / cap / yr (2011), and 30.48 kg / undertaken consumers and communities who had become
cap / yr (2010) (www.statistikkkp.go.id). Brich et al. (2012) the target company. (Hawkins & Mothersbaugh, 2010).
say that the level of fish consumption is still low when According to Peter & Olson (2013), consumer behavior
compared with FAO recommendations. Indonesian fish involves the thoughts and feelings they experience and
consumption is also low compared to countries of Europe what they are doing in the communication process. It
and Asia. Korean state fish consumption was 54 kg / cap / includes everything in the environment that affects
yr, Netherlands 52 kg / cap / yr, Spain 41 kg / cap / yr, and thoughts, feelings, and actions (Peter & Olson, 2013).
the French 35 kg / cap / yr. Council food security (2013)
also mentioned that the consumption of fish Indonesia (5 g Broadly speaking, consumer behavior can be divided
/ cap / day) is still far compared to other Asian countries into two factors: internal and external factors. Internal
such as Malaysia (50 g / cap / day), Japan (24 g / cap / day), factors include the perception, learning, memory,
Vietnam ( 22 g / cap / day), Korea (9 g / cap / day), and motivation, personality, emotions, and attitudes. External
Myanmar (43 g / cap / day). factors include the culture, subcultures, demographic, social
status, reference groups, families, and marketing activities.
Eating fish during pregnancy, brings a variety of Both groups of factors can influence each other in the
health benefits. The reason is because fish contains a purchase decision process (Hawkins & Mothersbaugh,
variety of vitamins, minerals, and nutrients that are good 2010). Consumer behavior is dynamic because of thoughts,
for the health of pregnant women and fetuses in the womb. feelings, and actions of individual consumers, consumer
Eating fish during pregnancy is good for health because target groups and the wider community changes constantly.
fish contains protein, omega 3, vitamin B12, vitamin D,
iron, iodine, and selenium. However, pregnant women B. Fish Consumption
should still be careful when eating fish. If carelessly eating Consumption of fish means all types of social
fish, the mother's health and fetal hami could be threatened. activities carried out so that it can be used to characterize
(Marianti, 2020) and identify them, other than (in addition to) what allows
them to do for a living (Damsar, 2002).
Tuna is one type of fish recommended for pregnant
women. In one serving of tuna or equal to 6 tablespoons, The level of fish consumption in Indonesia has
contain omega-3 fatty acids up to as much as 300 mg. increased each year. Fish consumption reached 38.14 kg
Benefits tuna beromega 3 can be felt even before we were per capita in 2014. Then, the number increased to 40.9 kg
born. Omega 3 is an essential fatty acid that the body needs per capita in 2015. Then, consumption increased again to
in order to function correctly. Omega-3 fatty acids in tuna 43.88 kg in 2016 and 47.12 kg per capita in 2017. In 2018
fish have anti-inflammatory effects. It can lower blood fish consumption in the country reached 50.69 kg per
pressure and triglyceride levels, reduce blood clots and capita. While the target in 2019 amounted to 54 kg per
irregular heart rate, and lower risk of stroke and heart capita. (Aldin, 2019)
failure. (Prime, 2020)
Community Palopo is apparently very fond of eating
Kusuma et.al (2017) explains that the low fish fish. 2018 ago, the level of fish consumption in Palopo
consumption be a strong risk factor for the incidence of reach 58 kg per capita per year. This figure is on top of the
premature delivery and low birth weight (LBW). South Sulawesi Provincial Government's target of 54 kg per
Consumers in many pregnant women are still unable to capita and the national target of 44 kg per capita. As for
consume fish during pregnancy because due to the 2019, fish consumption reached 60.03 kg per capita figure,
condition of pregnancy that sometimes does not stambil which would exceed the national target of 54 kg per capita.
because of food cravings and blood pressure factor. Several (Indriani, 2019)
factors are thought to influence the Tuna Fish Consumption
in Pregnancy namely: Attitude, Social Pressure, Price, and C. Factors Affecting Fish Consumption
Processing and Presentation.  The days Pregnancy Fish Consumption
When pregnant, the effort to eat healthy foods so that
optimal fetal development continues. Doctors also suggest
eating a variety of vegetables, fruits, meat, and fish.
Although some pregnant women are still reluctant to eat
fish during pregnancy, despite the incredible benefits. This
is caused by worry there is mercury in fish, especially sea.

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Volume 5, Issue 3, March – 2020 International Journal of Innovative Science and Research Technology
ISSN No:-2456-2165
High seafood consumption during pregnancy is Thorsdottir et al. (2012) assessed the attitude of
associated with a favorable neurological development of confidence factor of sensory and health involvement.
children and vice versa mothers who ate seafood lower then Someone who is familiar with the smell and taste of the fish
their neurological development to less than optimal. The will tend to have high levels of fish consumption is higher
advantage of eating fish during pregnancy, but on the one than someone who is not familiar with the taste and smell
hand contribute to the total consumption of fish protein of fish. Confidence Sensory is a strong predictor for
consumption is still low. Contributions consumption of fish assessing the level of fish consumption. The involvement of
protein in pregnant women only 13.7% of the total health is a predictor of the weak against the consumption of
consumption of protein. (Circumstance et.al, 2007) fish.

 Attitude Ketidaksesusaian taste, smell, and feeling that eating

Attitude is defined as an overall evaluation done by fish was troublesome for the low level of fish consumption
someone on a concept (Peter & Olson, 2013). Attitude is (Brunsø et al., 2009). Brich et al., (2012) stated that the
divided into three components, namely the belief Australian respondents preferred the fish meat that has been
(cognitive), feeling (affective), and propensity to respond packaged. It is considered to be more convenient and saves
(behavioral). Namely cognitive beliefs about an object. time. Another advantage of marine fish products that have
Affective a feeling or emotional reaction to an object. been packaged is the inclusion of the date on the packaging,
Behavioral is a person's tendency to respond in certain so as to enable the respondent to determine the level of
ways to an object or activity. freshness of the fish. The meat is packaged normally
equipped with cooking methods. It is easier for consumers
The attitude of consuming fish is defined as a to eat fish.
comprehensive evaluation of a person to fish, how to fish
belief, she felt when eating fish, as well as the propensity to Brunsø et al., (2009) examined the consumption of
respond to the fish and processed fish. Confidence in the fish in the segments lovers of processed fish and not a lover
fish is trust someone to fish and processed fish. Confidence of fish processed in Belgium and Spain, found that lovers
is divided into two, namely the belief sensory and non- of fish processed able to determine the freshness of fish
sensory beliefs. Sensory beliefs include beliefs that can be from the smell and the shape of the fish meat, while
perceived by the senses like a fish has a fishy smell, tastes segments that are not a lover of fish processed can not do it.
good, fish has scales, and have a soft texture of meat. Non- The ability to choose fresh fish is also one factor that can
sensory beliefs include the location of the purchase of fish, increase the purchase of fish.
packaging, as well as the belief that fish can meet the
nutritional needs of the body.  Social pressure
Indonesian dictionary defines social pressure as the
Feeling when eating fish is a favorite expression force used for a person to do certain things. Coercion
shown by a person against such fish like fish are packed exercised may come from parents, friends, and media.
neatly, and better enjoy using fish meal than not. The Social pressure is said to be successful when a person is
tendency of the response is something that is usually done able to behave in accordance with the desired demands. In
when eating fish eating fish such as the notion that it's a childhood (2-11 years) the greatest social pressure comes
hassle, really do not like fish, appreciate food made from from parents. Children learn to adjust to a social
fish, as well as the habit of consuming fish because it has a environment that is family first. Thorsdottir et al., (2012)
place to stay that is close to the coastal areas. (Pratisti, mentions that the social pressure is strong enough factors
2015) influencing consumption of fish at young consumers.
Parents have the power to influence the choice of eating his
Research on the consumption of fruit carried by Qing children until the early 20s. This is possible when children
et al., (2012) mentions that the attitude of consumers in live with their parents.
buying the fruit is based on sensory and non-sensory
attributes of the fruit. Sensory attributes include consumer The next social pressure comes from peers. Peer is a
perceptions about the appearance, texture, and taste of the friend to the age level or the same level of maturity. The
fruit (Peneau et al., 2006). The taste is one of the most age of adolescents (13-21 years), children begin to socialize
important sensory quality in explaining the attitude into the wider environment. The main requirement in
(Aikman et al., 2006). Olsen (2004) also adds that the smell adolescence is the need to have friends so that people can
affects the attitude to consume fish. Non-sensory attributes share the same interests with other individuals. Peers
associated with the location of fruit purchase, brand, and influence adolescent personality patterns in two ways. First,
the time required from the arrangement is finalized in the adolescent self-concept is a reflection of presumption of her
consumption of fruit (Peneau et al., 2006; Qing et al., friends. Second, individuals are under pressure to develop
2012). Olsen (2001); JIFSAN (2002) adds that one of the personality traits that are recognized by the group (Hurlock,
reasons a person consumes fish is their sense of 1988).
responsibility to eat healthy food,

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Volume 5, Issue 3, March – 2020 International Journal of Innovative Science and Research Technology
ISSN No:-2456-2165
Social pressure Another important enough media. The Australian respondents who were not originally planning to
high exposure to a variety of advertising through mass buy fish would be willing to buy fish when they're on sale.
media and social media has influenced the behavior of
private consumption. Marketing communications made by  Processing and Presentation
the company through advertising delivered on mass media Ways of presenting and processing is the process of
and social media has effectively generate interest or preparing fish from fish species selection, purchase,
consumer purchasing behavior (Kotler & Keller, 2012). storage, preparation / compounding, and fish processing
into food to be served, as well as ensure preparations are
Today young people spend 5-6 hours / day to use a made from fish to avoid contamination (Purawidjaja, 1995).
combination of various media such as television, radio,
internet, magazines, and more. Media exposure has affected Consumption of fish may require additional skills to
consumer behavior in young consumers. The survey, process and present the fish that is suitable for young
conducted in adolescents and young adults (15-24 years) in consumers. Brich et al., (2012); Thorsdottir et al., (2012)
Europe showed that the highest information obtained from states that one can increase the consumption of seafood is a
TV / radio (29%), magazines (27%), newspapers (27%), way of processing and presentation. Altintzoglou et al.,
professionals (26%), food packaging (22%) and friends (2010) say that the lack of knowledge about how to cook
(22%). Studies in the US show ¾ young consumers choose the fish into one of the bottlenecks in consuming the fish.
the media as a source of information regarding healthy Tolerance time required to prepare the fish until ready to be
nutrition. Surveys in Germany also showed that in served very dependent on the respondent and the situation
adolescents aged 14 years and older, newspapers and (Altintzoglou et al., 2010).
magazines are also the highest position (56%). Freisling et
al., (2009) also reported that adolescents exposed to Socio-cultural changes, including an increase in the
advertising of fruit and vegetables have a probability of number of women in the workforce, changes in household
47% -59% higher to consume fruits and vegetables that are composition including smaller households, and the more
advertised. limited time for cooking led to a high demand for more
convenient foods. Research in Denmark, Norway, and
Sumarwan et al., (2012) investigated the influence of Iceland revealed that consumers want to consume more
advertising in the purchase of snack products in children marine fish but is limited to the time and effort it takes to
found that the more often children see on television cook. Young consumers tend to want fish that are practical
advertising snacks, the more often the children buy snacks and ready to be cooked (Brich et al., 2012)
advertised product.
D. Research Hypothesis
Research Olsen (2004); Verbeke & Vackier (2005) Based on the literature review that has been
found that social pressures or expectations of family and mentioned above, it was determined the hypothesis in this
friends influence adolescents food preferences. study as follows:
Altintzoglou et al., (2010) added that after seeing an ad on H1: Attitude positive effect on future pregnancies fish
fish, respondents are interested to see and begin to think to consumption
buy. However, respondents obstacles the lack of H2: Social Pressure positive effect on future pregnancies
information provided about the location of seafood fish consumption
purchases in supermarkets. H3: Prices positive effect on future pregnancies fish
 Price H4: Processing and Presentation positive effect on future
Kotler and Keller (2012) mention that the price is the pregnancies fish consumption
amount of money charged for a product or service. The
number of consumers that are exchanged for benefits held III. DATA ANALYSIS METHOD
by using products and services. Research Qing et al.,
(2012) in China found that the purchase price does not A. Respondents and Data Collection
affect the level of the fruit. Nevertheless, the findings Data obtained through an online questionnaire
Oktari (2008) in Indonesia explained that the fish according distributed to pregnant mothers in Palopo City and
to non-fishing family group of underprivileged including surrounding areas. Respondents Data obtained from data on
expensive consumer goods. The condition shows that price pregnant women who had a pregnancy check at the
is an important factor. This is supported by research on fruit Hospital ST. Madyang, Nasirah Midwife Maternity Clinic,
purchases at Carrefour, Medan found that price is one of AT-Medika Hospital, General Hospital Sawerigading
the dominant factors in the purchase of fruit. Palopo many as 437 people. Of these, who filled out a
questionnaire online just as much as 309 respondents. This
Selection as a determinant of the purchase price is also is because katerbatasan information and the ability to
supported by Trondsen et al., (2003) which says that one of operate a mobile phone android and ios. The questionnaire
the barriers to eating fish is the perception of a relatively contained 20 statements and four open-ended questions.
high price. In line with previous findings, Brich et al., The statement was assessed by a likert scale, points 1 to
(2012) found that when entering the supermarket, 2/3 "Strongly Disagree" and 5 points to "Strongly Agree".

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Volume 5, Issue 3, March – 2020 International Journal of Innovative Science and Research Technology
ISSN No:-2456-2165
B. Data analysis construct or variable. This can be done by comparing the
The data have been tabulated and then held validity significance test with the count r table. This test is whether
and reliability to ensure that the questionnaire used in this there is a questionnaire which can reveal data that exist on
study is valid or invalid. After passing the test validity and the research variables appropriately. The results of testing
reliability, hereinafter normality test to ensure that the data the validity of the questionnaire in this study are all
collected is taken from the normal distribution or normal otherwise valid, because the value of the 20 items of the
population. Furthermore, the multiple linear regression tests statement rhitung greater than the rtable. As well as to test
to determine the effect of each variable and to test the reliability, more than 0.60 Cronbach alpha (α> 0.60), so it
hypothesis. The model will be tested in this study are: can be concluded that all variables are reliable and the
questionnaire can be used as a data collection tool.
Y = α + β1X1 + β2X2 + β3X3 + β4X4 + e
Normality test is done in this study to ensure that the
IV. RESULTS AND DISCUSSION data collected is taken from the normal distribution or
normal population. Here are the results of data normality
A. Test of Data Analysis test:
Test Validity test is done by calculating the
correlation between the score or the questions with a score

Fig 1:- Normality Test Results

Test this hypothesis using multiple regression analysis. Summary multiple regression results are presented in table below:

Table 1:- Summary of Multiple Regression Test Results

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Volume 5, Issue 3, March – 2020 International Journal of Innovative Science and Research Technology
ISSN No:-2456-2165
Based on the above test results, it can be explained V. CONCLUSIONS
that the attitude variable (X1), Price (X3), Processing and
Presentation (X4) positive effect on Fish Consumption The A. Conclusion
days of Pregnancy (Y). While the Social Pressure (X2) Based on the above results it can be concluded that:
negatively affect pregnancy days the Fish Consumption
(Y). Value Adj. R2 of 0613% indicates that the variable  The results of hypothesis testing 1 shows that the
attitudes, social pressures, pricing, as well as the processing attitude factor positive effect on fish consumption
and presentation of future fish consumption can affect during pregnancy. So the first hypothesis is accepted.
pregnancy in Palopo amounted to 61.30%. While the  Hypothesis test results show that social stress factors
remaining 38.70% influenced by other factors outside of negatively affect fish consumption during pregnancy.
the factors examined in this study. Whereby it is possible So that the second hypothesis is rejected.
the addition of other variables in subsequent studies.  Hypothesis test results showed that the price factor
positive effect on fish consumption during pregnancy.
B. Statistical Hypothesis Test So the first hypothesis is accepted.
 The results of hypothesis testing 1 shows that the  Hypothesis test results showed that the factors of
attitude factor positive effect on fish consumption processing and presenting positive effect on fish
during pregnancy. The results are consistent with consumption during pregnancy. So the first hypothesis
research conducted by Thorsdottir et al., (2012) is accepted.
assessed the attitude of confidence factor of sensory and
health involvement. Someone who is familiar with the B. Suggestion
smell and taste of the fish will tend to have high levels Based on the above results, the researchers suggest
of fish consumption is higher than someone who is not further research would be able to add other variables that
familiar with the taste and smell of fish. Confidence are considered may affect future fish consumption in
Sensory is a strong predictor for assessing the level of pregnancy. In addition, further research is expected to be
fish consumption. The involvement of health is a able to use other research methods so that the expected
predictor of the weak against the consumption of fish. results of this study lebihn nice and more complex.
 The results of hypothesis testing 2 show that social Tentunta by increasing the area of population.
stress factors negatively affect fish consumption during
pregnancy. The results of this study are not supported REFERENCES
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