Tuna Fish Comsumption Model of Pregnant Women
Tuna Fish Comsumption Model of Pregnant Women
Tuna Fish Comsumption Model of Pregnant Women
ISSN No:-2456-2165
Abstract:- Pregnant women who consume less fish are a production rate over a period of five years is a key indicator
strong factor in the birth of prenature and low birth of the utilization of the type of large pelagic fish (Tuna,
weight babies. The purpose of this study was to Skipjack, Cob).
determine the model of tuna consumption in pregnant
women in Palopo City. The sample in this study Based on the habitat, the fish is classified into two
amounted to 437 pregnant women. Data collection is saltwater fish and freshwater fish. Habitat will determine
carried out by distributing questionnaires through the type of fish meal, which would then affect the nutrient
Google Form and then performed a data analysis test content of fish. Freshwater fish particularly rich in
using multiple linear regression analysis. The results carbohydrates and protein, while sea fish rich in fat,
showed that consumer behavior, price, as well as vitamins and minerals. (Khomsan, 2004).
processing and presentation methods had a positive
effect on the model of tuna consumption in pregnant The increase in fish production potential in the region,
women, while the attitude had a negative effect on the also is one of them their minapolitan program, by
model of tuna consumption in pregnant women. improving the quality and quantity of fish production were
included in the main commodity. To assess the potential for
Keyword:- Comsuption; Tuna Fish; Pregnant Women. the application of food technology and industrial
development to tourism needs to be done, given the
I. INTRODUCTION changes in eating habits (food habits) in Indonesia is
largely determined by the potential of the region. Creative
Indonesia is one country has great potential as a effort is needed to carry out diversification of processed
producer of world fisheries komoniti. As should make fish products so that the rich flavors and varieties of fish as
marine and fisheries sector as the mainstay of a very a source of nutrition. Variations of processed fish products
rational choice and appropriate. According to the data, will also affect the public interest in the consumption of
about 12.5 million people make fishing as an activity in certain fish which have been less enthused.
economic development there. Of course the support of
natural resources and climate help determine the choice of As a food source, fish has a very good nutrients like
this sector is very potential to be developed. Issue forefront protein as a source of growth, fatty acids omega 3 and 6
in the development of marine and fisheries sector is a target that are beneficial to maternal health and fetal brain
of increasing fish production was 22.4 million tons in 2014 formation, vitamins, and minerals that are beneficial to both
and 40-50 million tonnes in 2019. This was done to make mother and fetus. Fish as a food that contains high protein
Indonesia as the largest fish producer in the world with the and contain the essential amino acids needed by the body,
export target in 2019 amounted to 9.54 billion dollars. in addition to the biological value reached 90%, with little
connective tissue, making them easier to digest. The most
Palopo is one fish producing areas in Indonesia. The important thing is the price is much cheaper compared to
city is the main fish supplier in the district / city neighbors, other protein sources. (Directorate General of Fishing,
namely Luwu, North Luwu, Luwu Timur, Toraja regency, 2018)
North Toraja Regency and Enrekang. Location of Palopo
directly adjacent to the Gulf of Bone made a great According to the Directorate General of Fishing
contribution to the economy, one of which is a sub-sector. Indonesia (2018), the fish consumed need to meet certain
Aquaculture production is dominated by marine fisheries requirements, such as habitat is not polluted heavy metals
by the number of 11423.20 tons whereas production (Hg, Pb, and Cu). In addition, the fish should be in a fresh
1859.10 tons land fishery. condition. The characteristics of the fish are still fresh: not
fishy, the meat was chewy, the tail does not dry and
According to the Central Bureau of Statistics and blackened, and his eyes are not red, Avoid fish whose post
Information, large pelagic fishery is one fishery commodity is being pinned together with other marine animals such as
that has economic value that is relatively high compared to crabs, clams and shrimp, because it would lead to
other fish species. The development of large pelagic contamination cross. Indonesia has a very wide waters,
primary commodity production nationally indicate the type either sea or land, thus the potential of fishery resources are
of tuna in the period of 2018 amounted to 16.146%, 6.83% extremely large. Efforts to increase fish consumption will
skipjack, tuna 4.27%, and the type of tunny 5.03%. The provide multiple benefits, besides improving intelligence,
data shows that as the principal crops of economic value also more exciting fishing sector.
Test this hypothesis using multiple regression analysis. Summary multiple regression results are presented in table below: