A Guide To Technical Report Writing
A Guide To Technical Report Writing
A Guide To Technical Report Writing
report writing
A guide to technical report writing – Contents
1. What makes a good technical report? 3
Objectives 4
2.1 Who are you producing the report for? 4
Format 5
3.1 Appendices 5
3.2 Sections and subsections 5
References 6
Writing 7
Spelling 7
Punctuation 7
Sentences 7
Paragraphs 8
Formality 8
Example 8
Diagrams 9
Positioning 9
Tables 9
Graphs 9
Diagram references 9
Finishing the report 10
6.1 Summaries 10
6.2 Abstracts 10
6.3 Table of contents 10
Title page 10
Appearance 10
Checking 10
Resources 11
A guide to technical report writing – What makes a good technical report?
There are no absolute rules on report production Notice that the first law is repeated because it’s a law
because every report must be adapted to the needs of which shouldn’t be broken. Taking shortcuts to save
its reader. This guide, however, suggests that there are time and money are counterproductive if your reader is
laws of good report writing which should be generally left confused by the report or decides it’s too difficult to
applied (but broken if necessary). work out what you are trying to say.
A guide to technical report writing – Objectives
2. Objectives
Set the objectives for your report before you start 2.1 Who are you producing the report for?
writing. Note them down and check that you are
keeping to them, even during the last stages of If you want your report to make an impact, you need
production. to consider your reader. Knowing your reader should
determine your approach, the technical content and
Your objectives should identify: style of your writing.
– why you’re producing the report – What does the reader already know about the
– what information you’re covering
– What do you need to tell the reader?
A guide to technical report writing – Format
3. Format
Once the objectives have been established, start 3.2 Sections and subsections
organising the information available. As you find
material, put it into one of three categories: Divide information and place it under headings that are
as specific as possible. From a visual point of view, this
1. important information that is relevant to the space on the page makes your report easier to read.
objectives Also, readers can identify and refer to sections which
are relevant to their interests.
2. borderline information which might be useful
to some readers or support more important Section headings
If you don’t have a template for a report provided by
3. information which may be interesting to you, your company or university, then there are some widely
but is not relevant to the objectives accepted section headings you can use:
– References/Bibliography
A guide to technical report writing – Format
8. MAIN HEADING There are various referencing systems and you should
8.4 Lesser Heading use the system preferred by your company or university.
8.4.6 Small Heading If you don’t have guidance on referencing, a couple of
options are shown below.
The heading numbered 1.1.1 should be equal in
importance to heading 8.4.6. Ideally notations should In-text citing
have no more than four numbers, as more subdivisions
are difficult to follow. In the text, references are shown by a number in square
brackets [1] and the full references are listed in order at
Appendices should be distinguished from the main text the end of the report:
by a letter, and if necessary, a decimal notation after the
letter: 1. Van Emden, J. (2005). Writing for Engineers.
3rd ed. Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan.
Appendix B2.4
This is the fourth subsection of the second major 2. Hawley, R. (1996). Leadership challenges in an
section of the second Appendix. engineering environment. Engineering
Management Journal, 6 (5), pp. 217-231
Harvard referencing
A guide to technical report writing – Writing
4. Writing
A guide to technical report writing – Writing
A guide to technical report writing – Diagrams
5. Diagrams
Diagrams — which include tables, graphs, Tips for creating space in your tables
photographs and line drawings — are an
– Put units and powers of ten in column headings
essential part of many technical reports.
They can summarise a lot of information or – Group together similar items, e.g. in annual
clarify a situation or complex details in a way financial breakdown, you could group together
that continuous text can’t. months in quarters (January-March)
A guide to technical report writing – Finishing the report
The abstract selects areas of interest covered by the If you’re checking your own work, do it with fresh eyes.
report and may include a list of key words, so that your Leave the report for at least 48 hours after writing it,
report is more discoverable. before you give it that final check. Then it’s ready to go!
A guide to technical report writing – Resources
Van Edmen, J and Becker, L. (2017). Writing for Engineers (Macmillan Study Skills).
4th ed. Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan.
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