COVID-2019 Preparedness Checklist Survey 2020200213 - 1

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COVID-19 Preparedness and Response Checklist: Survey of Global Duty Stations

This preparedness survey, developed by the Public Health Unit of the Division of Healthcare
Management and Occupational Safety and Health (DHMOSH), provides an outline to all UN duty
stations of the essential minimum elements of preparedness and response to a novel coronavirus
(COVID-19) outbreak.

All duty stations globally should review and implement this COVID-19 preparedness checklist. Duty
stations that already have their own disease specific preparedness and response plan in place may
use the survey to evaluate the completeness of their current plan. (Please note that depending on
whether you have a local UN medical services or not, some of the elements may or may not be
applicable to your duty station.)

All duty stations globally, regardless if such an outbreak is occurring locally or not, should review this
survey in accordance with plans and guidance from your local health authorities. For questions,
please contact (Please note that all questions below require an

If you prefer to email a hardcopy of this survey, please send to

* 1. This survey is submitted on behalf of which duty station?

* 2. Name, and Job Title of Submittor

* 3. Organization/Department of Submittor

* 4. Email Address of Submittor

5. If you are not completing this survey for the entire duty station, which organisation/entity are you completing
it for?

* 6. Are you completing this on behalf of a peacekeeping or political mission?


If Yes, please specify which mission:

* 7. Do you have a in-house UN Medical Services in your duty station?



Any comments

* 8. Senior officials of the duty station should be briefed on the current COVID-2019 outbreak situation globally,
its possible outcomes and related
resource requirements for preparedness.

In Process

Not Started

Date Completed or Expected Date of Completion (DD/MM/YYYY)

* 9. Ensure systems are in place for close coordination with relevant

stakeholders and partners (e.g. WHO country office, national
government, health authorities).

In Process

Not started

Date Completed or Expected Date of Completion (DD/MM/YYYY)

* 10. UN country office/mission should convene either a formal outbreak
committee or an equivalent committee (e.g. SMT/CMT) for
management of the outbreak, or if the need should arise later.

In Process

Not Started

Date Completed or Expected Date of Completion (DD/MM/YYYY)

* 11. All offices should develop business continuity plans that will allow
performance of critical functions with reduced number of personnel.

In Process

Not Started

Date Completed or Expected Date of Completion (DD/MM/YYYY)

* 12. If applicable, your in-house UN health facility should have a business continuity plan that will allow
performance of critical functions with reduced number of medical personnel.

In Process

Not Started

Not applicable to my duty station

Date Completed or Expected Date of Completion (DD/MM/YYYY)

* 13. All UN personnel should have awareness about COVID-2019 prevention
strategies including hand hygiene, respiratory etiquette (covering
coughs and sneezes), social distancing (minimum 3 feet or 1 meter),
signs and symptoms, staying away from ill persons and staying home
when ill. If applicable, UN medical staff should actively educate and
raise awareness amongst UN personnel. For more information, see

In Process

Not Started

Date Completed or Expected Date of Completion (DD/MM/YYYY)

* 14. If applicable, your in-house UN medical staff should be aware of and follow appropriate infection
prevention and control measures and should always routinely and consistently implement standard
precautions regardless of the patient’s diagnosis. For more information on specific COVID-2019 infection
control precautions, see
Any recommendations for cleaning/disinfection of environment and equipment including linens and utensils
should also be adhered to.

In Process

Not Started

Not applicable to my duty station

Date Completed or Expected Date of Completion (DD/MM/YYYY)

* 15. UN personnel should be advised to return to work only if they are completely free from any signs and
symptoms. They should be advised to monitor their health daily for 14 days after travel to China and to seek
medical attention should they develop any signs and symptoms.

HR personnel and managers are encouraged to exercise flexibility

around remote working arrangements in case asymptomatic staff want to self-quarantine and work from home
for 14 days post travel to China.

All individuals who are ill must be advised to stay at home and not come into the workplace if they develop
symptoms. They should only return to work when free of symptoms and/or once cleared by a medical

In Process

Not started

Date Completed or Expected Date of Completion (DD/MM/YYYY)

* 16. If applicable, your in-house UN medical staff should review, familiarize and be trained to don and doff the
PPE needed for management of a COVID-2019 outbreak. For more information,

In Process

Not Started

Not Applicable to my duty station

Date Completed or Expected Date of Completion (DD/MM/YYYY)

* 17. Ensure UN personnel identified as high-risk populations (such as medical staff, front-line security or
cleaners) are trained on the proper use and disposal of masks and other PPE used. Ensure access and
availability of necessary PPE for such personnel.

Please note that for individuals without respiratory symptoms, a

medical mask is not required, as no evidence is available on its
usefulness to protect non-sick persons. However, masks might be
worn in some countries according to local cultural habits. If masks are used, ensure best practices should be
followed on how to wear, remove, and dispose of them and on hand hygiene action after removal

In Process

Not Started

Date Completed or Expected Date of Completion (DD/MM/YYYY)

* 18. Currently, WHO does not recommend any travel or trade restrictions. Travelers should be provided
contents of travel advisories issued from WHO and DHMOSH. See


In Process

Not Started

Date Completed or Expected Date of Completion (DD/MM/YYYY)

* 19. All UN personnel should be advised to check with the destination

country’s embassy, consulate or Ministry of Health and keep up to date
with local health advice before and during their travel. They should also
be advised to comply with any screening measures put in place by local

In Process

Not Started

Date Completed or Expected Date of Completion (DD/MM/YYYY)

* 20. Assess capability of both in-house, if applicable, and external medical
systems to meet expected needs during a COVID-2019 outbreak and
identify actions needed to fill gaps. For pre-identified facilities or
providers supporting outpatient and hospital-based healthcare, prepare
contractual agreements if necessary, and develop specific protocols to
allow UN personnel to use these facilities, if applicable.

In Process

Not Started

Date Completed or Expected Date of Completion (DD/MM/YYYY)

* 21. If applicable, UN medical personnel at duty station should familiarise

themselves with WHO’s COVID-2019 technical guidance including on
diagnosis of cases, clinical management and stay up to date on new
developments on vaccination and therapeutics. For more information,

If applicable, UN health facility in the duty station should develop specific SOPs to identify, triage, and manage
cases of suspect COVID-2019, in coordination with local health authorities and local referral hospitals. Such
plans should be exercised periodically. Specific guidance from DHMOSH on how to manage suspect cases is
found at

In Process

Not Started

Not Applicable to my duty station

Date Completed or Expected Date of Completion (DD/MM/YYYY)

* 22. If applicable, all in-house UN medical staff should know how to administer
supportive care to suspect/confirmed COVID-2019 cases if encountered, especially for cases with

In Process

Not Started

Not Applicable to my duty station

Date Completed or Expected Date of Completion (DD/MM/YYYY)

* 23. In coordination with local health authorities, ensure there is a
surveillance mechanism in place to identify, manage and report cases.
for-human-infection-with-novel-coronavirus-(ncov) for WHO
case definitions. Any cases identified should be reported to dos-dhmosh- and local health authorities.

In Process

Not Started

Date Completed or Expected Date of Completion (DD/MM/YYYY)

* 24. In coordination with local health authorities, ensure there is protocol for
how to manage potential COVID-2019 cases and contacts that occur at the workplace. Keep staff informed of
these protocols.

In Process

Not Started

Date Completed or Expected Date of Completion (DD/MM/YYYY)

* 25. Continue to promote and facilitate an annual seasonal influenza

vaccination programme for UN personnel and their dependants.

In Process

Not Started

Date Completed or Expected Date of Completion (DD/MM/YYYY)

* 26. UN personnel should be encouraged to procure their own supplies of

antipyretics, hand sanitisers, masks as needed. Please note that face masks for UN personnel who are well
and free from symptoms are not recommended by WHO or DHMOSH.

In Process

Not Started

Date Completed or Expected Date of Completion (DD/MM/YYYY)

* 27. All UN personnel in duty station should be updated about the current
outbreak situation and the UN country/mission’s preparedness
activities as necessary, including local healthcare arrangements if staff
are ill and general prevention Information for all staff. See

In Process

Not Started

Date Completed or Expected Date of Completion (DD/MM/YYYY)

* 28. Develop in advance presentation materials that can be used in briefings

or during other communication initiatives.

In Process

Not Started

Date Completed or Expected Date of Completion (DD/MM/YYYY)

* 29. If needed, provide specialised training to specific categories of UN

personnel (e.g. medical staff, cleaners of health facility, security

In Process

Not Started

Date Completed or Expected Date of Completion (DD/MM/YYYY)

* 30. Develop a psychosocial support plan for UN personnel.


In Process

Not Started

Date Completed or Expected Date of Completion (DD/MM/YYYY)

31. Thank you very much for your time to complete this survey! Please contact the Public Health Unit,
DHMOSH at for any questions. Please feel free to elaborate on any of
your answers provided in the comment box below.


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