COVID-19 Guidelines For Companies PDF

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Coronavirus disease (COVID-19):

BIMCO’s general advice for shipping companies

Beside common sense, please consider the below non-exhaustive list of items that should be
considered carefully when the COVID-19 is active in your area:

• Stay informed regarding the current situation and developments:

o relevant media
o local authorities
o national authorities
o World Health Organization (WHO)
o Be critical of the source of information on social media.

• Adhere to local authorities’ guidance and instructions:

o Implement guidance as instructed and advised.
o Provide clear instructions to all personnel.
o Inform all personnel about local guidance.

Avoid creating panic.

As with all other challenges, this calls for prudent and sound use of common sense.

Protect your employees:

 Involve and keep employees up to date and duly informed – share
information in writing.
 Provide personnel with relevant information and guidance from WHO and
National Health Authorities – emphasise how it affects their daily routines.
 Implement stricter hygiene and cleaning standards for workplaces, offices and
 Provide hand sanitiser at strategic locations in the workplace, offices and
 Limit all unnecessary travel.
 Consider repatriation of personnel from abroad.
 Avoid personnel attending crowded meetings and events – attend meetings
online if possible.
 Minimise employees’ public travel during rush hours – allow for flexible
working hours or working from home.
 Avoiding shaking hands and other greetings involving body contact.
 Implement strict procedures for handwash and hand rub – promote high
hygiene with posters at all hand wash facilities.
 Implement a social distance of minimum 2 metres for all personnel – consider applying
stickers to the floor for recommended social position – eg in the vicinity of vending machines.
 Cancel buffet lunch arrangements – establish safe distance in dining halls by removing every
second chair.
Coronavirus disease (COVID-19):
BIMCO’s general advice for shipping companies 1
Protect your business:
 Make a business continuity plan for how to cope with the COVID-19.
 Inform your service providers, clients and customers that you are prepared accordingly.
 Provide relevant guidance and information to employees.
 Inform all if implementing procedures affecting your day to day business.
 Implement health screening of personnel (body temperature and general condition).
 Respect people and other companies in the affected areas.
 Avoid crowed in-house meetings and gatherings – arrange for online meetings to the extent
possible and make sure employees are well equipped for these arrangements.

Proposed content of a Health Safety Management plan:

• health policy
• planning process for accidents and sickness prevention
• line of command and responsibilities
• practices, procedures and resources for developing and implementing the health policy.

Proposed content of a health contingency plan:

• List of appointed key personnel as contact for clients and customers – make sure to have
replacements prepared to take over on short notice.
• Inform all personnel, service providers, clients and customers of your overall plan.
• Implement self-isolation for employees considered a risk or who show COVID-19 symptoms.
• Provide Personal Protection Equipment (PPE) if appropriate.
• Frequent cleaning and disinfection of relevant workplace locations and surfaces.
• Minimise staff in office during normal office hours – eg implement personnel arrangements for
working in shifts.
• Consider remote operation – eg employees having functions that allows for working from
• Closely monitor the stock of essential consumables – eg portable hand sanitisers and soap.
• Minimise direct contact with clients and customers – eg make a social contract to avoid physical
• Ensure enough material, resources and manpower is available to operate remotely.
• Make arrangement with your bank for ensuring cash flow and payment of obligations.
• Screen visitors for temperature and general health condition.

Proposed content of an emergency plan:

• Engage the company’s crisis management plan.
• Update all personnel, service providers, clients and customers.
• Close and lock down affected locations and premises.
• Ensure the location is securely guarded and locked to avoid unauthorised access.
• Maintain remote operation only.

Coronavirus disease (COVID-19):

BIMCO’s general advice for shipping companies 2
Proposal for placing signs at strategic locations (please see the examples below):
• sign at entrances for visitors
• sign in offices
• sign at exits.

Related links to COVID-19 information:

Related links to BIMCO COVID-19:

Contact BIMCO:
Tel: +45 4436 6800

Coronavirus disease (COVID-19):

BIMCO’s general advice for shipping companies 3

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