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EViews Training

EViews Programming
The EViews Command Language

The EViews Command Language

The EViews command language may be split into four groups:

• Commands
• Functions
• Object Views and Procs
• Object Data Members

EViews Commands

EViews commands tell EViews to:

• Manipulate object containers (Workfiles, Pages, Databases).

• Create new objects.
• Show, copy, delete, rename or close objects.
• Set Program options.

A list of all EViews commands can be found in Chapter 12 of the

EViews 9 Command and Programming Reference (PDF available
from the EViews Help Menu).

EViews Commands: Container Manipulation

The most common type of EViews commands are those that

create, open, or interact with EViews workfiles.
In general these commands start with "wf":

• wfopen – open an existing workfile on disk, or a foreign file.

• wfcreate – create a new workfile.
• wfclose – close a workfile.
• wfsave – save the current workfile as an EViews file or a foreign
• wfselect – change the current active workfile.
• wfrefresh – refresh the links in the current workfile.

EViews Commands: Container Manipulation

Commands that manipulate pages generally start with "page":

• pageload – load a new page in the current workfile.

• pagecreate – create a new page in the current workfile.
• pagedelete – delete a page in the current workfile.
• pageselect – change the current active workfile page.
• pagestruct – restructure the current page.
• pagerename – rename a page in the current workfile.

EViews Commands: Container Manipulation

Similarly, commands that work on databases start with "db".

Other object container commands include:

• smpl – change the sample of the current workfile page.

• import – import data into the current workfile page.
• fetch – fetch data from a database into the current workfile
• store – store data from the current workfile page into a

EViews Commands: Object Creation

Object creation commands (often called object declaration

commands) are used to create new objects in the current workfile.
The commands are, generally, simply the type of object, followed
by the name of the new object:

• series x – create a new series called "X".

• equation eq1 – create a new equation called "EQ1".
• group g – create a new group called "G".

EViews Commands: Object Creation

Often you can follow the command with further specification for the

• series x = @nrnd – create a new series called "X" filled with

normal random numbers.

• group g x y z – create a new group called "G" containing the

series "X", "Y" and "Z".

The full syntax for each object's declaration command can be

found at the start of each object's section of Chapter 1. of the
EViews 8 Object Reference.

EViews Commands: Object

The following commands work on workfile objects

• show – display a view of an object.

• freeze – freeze the view of an object into a new object.
• copy – copy the object from workfile to workfile, or page to page,
or create a copy in the current page.
• rename – rename an object.
• delete – delete an object.
• close – close an object (if it object is currently being shown).

EViews Functions

EViews functions are used to assign values to Series or Alpha

objects, or Matrix and Scalar objects, or program variables.

Functions generally start with an "@" symbol, and are preceded by

an object name (and, possibly declaration) and an "=". For
series x = @nrnd
Here the @nrnd function is used to assign standard normal random
numbers to the series X.

A list of all EViews functions can be found in Chapter 14 of the

EViews 9 Command and Programming Reference. Full details of
the functions can be found in Chapter 13.
EViews Functions

There are many types of EViews functions:

• Basic mathematical • By-Group

• Time series • Trigonometric
• Financial • Statistical Distribution
• Descriptive Statistics • String
• Cumulative Statistics • Date
• Moving Statistics • Indicator
• Group Row • Workfile & Information

EViews Functions

Some examples:
series x = @log(y) Create a series, X, and assign the values of log(Y) to it.
series x = @pch(y) Assign the one-period percentage change in Y to X.
series x = @pv(r,n,y) Present value of Y, given a rate of R and N periods.
scalar x = @mean(y) Create a scalar, X, equal to the mean of Y.
series x = @cumsum(y) Cumulative sum of Y.
series x = @movav(y,3) Three period moving average of Y.
series x = @rsum(g) Row-sum of the group, G.
series x = @minsby(y,s) Minimum values of Y for each category of S.
!x = @tan(y) Assign the tangent of the program variable !y to !x.
scalar x = @cnorm(y) Cumulative normal distribution at value Y.
!x = @instr(%y, "he") Find the position of the phrase "he" in the string %y.
string x = @strnow Create a string object containing the current date/time.
series x = @trend Create a trend series. 13
Object Views and Procs

The EViews workfile is a collection of objects. Each object type has

different Views and Procs available to it, and they are generally
accessed by clicking on either the View menu or the Proc menu
when an object is open.

Each object view and proc has a command line equivalent. The
general syntax of object views and procs is:
object.view(options) arguments
i.e. the name of the workfile object, followed by a dot, then the
view/proc name, followed by options and any arguments.

The Views and Procs available to each object type are listed in the
EViews 9 Object Reference.
Object Views and Procs

Some examples:
show eq01.stats Show the regression output of the equation object EQ01.
show gdp.line Show a line graph of the series GDP.
freeze(gr1) gdp.line Freeze the graph of GDP into a new graph object, GR1.
eq01.forecast yf Forecast EQ01, storing the forecast values into series YF.
unemp.smooth unemps Exponential smoothing on UNEMP, and save to UNEMPS.
show gp.coint(s) Show the summary cointegration test results for group GP.

Object Data Members

Along with the Views and Procs available to each object type,
objects also contain "data members". These are retrievable
objects that contain information about the parent object.

Data members are only available via command. There is no mouse

equivalent. The syntax for retrieving a data member is always:


Data members always return strings, scalars, or matrix objects.

Note, they never return series or alpha objects.

Object Data Members

Data members are stored with the object. EViews, in general, does
not need to perform calculations to retrieve the members (unlike
Views and Procs).

Each object's data members are listed at the start of the object's
section of the EViews 9 Object Reference.

Object Data Members

Some examples:
=unemp.@displayname Returns the UNEMP series' display name.
=gdp.@first Returns the date of the first non-NA in GDP.
scalar x = eq01.@r2 Stores the R-squared from EQ01 into the scalar X.
matrix x = eq01.@coefcov Saves EQ01's coefficient covariance matrix into matrix X.
vector x = eq01.@tstats Saves the t-statistics into vector X.
=g1.@count Returns the number of series in the group G1.
=g1.@seriesname(1) Returns the name of the first series in the group G1.

EViews Program Basics

Creating a New Program

EViews programs are merely a collection EViews commands

collected together in a text file named with a .prg extension. As
such any text editor can be used to create an EViews program.

However the easiest

way to create one is to
use EViews itself, by
clicking on

Loading and Saving Programs

To open an existing program, simply click on File->Open->Program.

To save an open program, click on File->Save.

Running a Program

Once you have created your program, you can run it by clicking on
the Run button.

This brings up the Run dialog,

which contains some program
execution options. We’ll ignore
those for now, and just hit the OK

A Simple Program

The simplest program is just a collection of simple commands:

Program Comments

EViews uses the apostrophe as a comment character in programs.

Any text following a ' and on the same line will be ignored by the

series x = @nrnd 'this is a comment
Only the "series x = @nrnd" part of this line is executed by EViews.

Program Variables

Program Variables

Program variables are variables that only exist when the program is
running. Once the program has finished, the variables disappear.
They do not form part of your workfile.

There are two types of program variables. Numeric and string

variables. Numeric variables start with an “!”. String variables start
with a “%”.

Tip: Due to their temporary nature, displaying program variables is

difficult. For debugging purposes it is often useful to temporarily
assign program variables to workfile objects (such as scalars,
strings or tables) to help you follow what is happening to your
program variables.
! Variables

! variables are numeric scalar program variables. They can be used

in most mathematical calculations in a program.

!x = 3
!y = 3+2
!z = !x + !y
!pi = 4*@atan(1)
series y = @sqrt(!z)

% Variables

% variables are character/string program variables. They contain

quoted text.

You can concatenate two strings with a + sign. You may also use
string functions to assign to a % variable.

%x = "hello"
%y = "my name is" + %name
%pi = "3.142"
%z = "The date/time is " + @strnow

Replacement Variables

You can use % variables in two ways. The first is as an string actual
string – i.e. anywhere EViews expects a string value, you can use a
% variable instead.

The second way is as a "replacement". Replacement variables are

used to substitute the variable with its string value.

To instruct EViews to use a % variable as a replacement, rather

than as a string, enclose the % variable inside braces {}.

Replacement Variables

%x = "gdp"
series y = %x
series z = {%x}

The first line assigns "gdp" to the % variable %x.

The second line is read by EViews as:

series y = "gdp"
This will error (series are numeric and cannot contain text).

The third line, however, is read by EViews as:

series z = gdp
Replacement Variables

A good rule of thumb to follow when deciding whether you should

enclose your % variable inside braces or not, is to think "Does
EViews expect quotes in this command?" If EViews is expecting
quotes, leave the % variable as it is. If it is not expecting quotes,
uses the braces.

series y = {%z} + {%z}

scalar p = @instr(%z, %y)
%z = "name"
alpha a = %z
alpha b = {%z}
Note the difference between the last two – the first sets A equal to
"name", and the second sets B equal to the alpha series called
Program Arguments

Program arguments are special % string variables whose value may

be changed every time you run the program. The individual
arguments are called "%0", "%1", "%2" and so on.

You can set the arguments using the Run dialog:

Simply enter a space delimited

list of values in the Program
arguments box.

Program Arguments

For example, take the following program line:

equation eq1.ls {%0} C {%1}

If you enter "Y X" into the Program arguments box on the run dialog,
then the program will execute the line:
equation eq1.ls Y C X

Whereas entering "GDP UNEMP" would execute:

equation eq1.ls GDP C UNEMP

Control of Execution

If/else/endif statements

If statements are used when you wish to execute a line of code only
if a certain condition is met. The basic syntax is:
if [condition] then
'line of code to execute

[condition] must be an expression that evaluates to a scalar value of

1 or 0, or a scalar true/false. Note this means you cannot, in
general, use a series expression as part of an if statement.

If/else/endif statements

if 1+1=2 then
wfcreate a 1990 2000
Since 1+1 does equal 2, the wfcreate command will be executed
(creating an annual workfile between 1990 and 2000).

if !p>3 then
equation eq1.ls y c x1 x2
Only if the program variable, !p, is greater than three will equation
EQ1 be estimated.
If/else/endif statements

if @instr(%x, "gdp")>0 then

var v1.ls 1 3 {%x} unemp m2
Only if the program variable %x contains the string "gdp" will the
VAR be estimated.

if @max(sales)>1000000 then
show price.hist
If the maximum value of SALES is greater than 1,000,000, show the
histogram and descriptive statistics of the series PRICE.

If/else/endif statements

You may use an else statement to tell EViews what to do if the

condition is not met. The basic syntax is:
if [condition] then
'line of code to execute if true
'line of code to execute if not true

If/else/endif statements

if !p>3 then
equation eq1.ls y c x1 x2 x3
equation eq1.ls y c z1 z2 z3
If !p is greater than 3, equation Y is regressed against X1, X2 and
X3. Otherwise Y is regressed against Z1, Z2 and Z3.

If statements and series/samples

As already mentioned, you may not use an if statement on a series

expression. If you want to conditionally assign values to a series you
must either use a sample, or the @recode function.

smpl if x<0
series y = 100
smpl if x<=0
series y = 200
smpl @all

series z = @recode(x<0, 100, 200) 40

For Loops

EViews supports two types of for loop; numerical and string.

Numerical for loops take the form:

for !i=1 to 10
'lines to be repeatedly executed
A scalar variable (either a ! variable, as shown here, or a scalar
object in the workfile) is used to control the loop. Each time through
the loop the scalar variable is incremented by 1. The loop stops
once the variable reaches its terminal value (here 10).

For Loops

for !i=1 to 5
series x{!i} = @nrnd
This loop generates 5 random normal series, X1, X2, X3, X4 and

for !i=1 to 10
equation eq1.ls y c x{!i}
Five equations are created, each regressing Y against a single X
For Loops

You may optionally add a step statement to change how much the
control variable increases at each iteration of the loop:
for !i=1 to 10 step 2
series x{!i} = @nrnd
This loop generates 5 random normal series, X1, X3, X5, X7 and

for !i=20 to 1 step -5

equation eq1.ls y c x{!i}
Four equations are created, each regressing Y against a single X
variable, first X20, then X15, then X10, then X5 43
For Loops

String for loops simply loop a string control variable over different
string values.

String for loops take the form:

for %j [space delimited list of values]
'lines to be repeatedly executed
A string variable (either a % variable, as shown here, or a string
object in the workfile) is used to control the loop. Each time through
the loop the control variable is set equal to the next value in the
given list.

For Loops

for %j gdp unemp time
series {%j} = @nrnd
This loop generates 3 random normal series, GDP, UNEMP and

%regs = "sales_uk sales_usa sales_fra"

for %k {%regs}
equation eq1.ls {%k} c demand_global
Three equations are created, each with a different dependent
variable, but the same independent variable. 45
Error Handling

Maximum Number of Errors

By default, an EViews program will stop as soon as EViews issues

an error. There are two methods available to override this behavior:

• Use the Run dialog to increase the "Maximum errors before


• Use the setmaxerrs command within the program to dynamically

change the number of errors allowed. 47
Maximum Number of Errors

wfcreate m 1990 2000
series y=@nrnd
series x=@nrnd
series w=@nrnd
series z=3
for %reg x z w
equation eq_{%reg}.ls y c {%reg}
This program loops through the series X, Z and W, performing a
regression of Y against a constant and each of those series, one at
a time. It will cause an error when it regresses against Z, since Z is
perfectly collinear with the constant.
Maximum Number of Errors

Increasing the maximum number of errors to something greater than

1 in the Run dialog will let the program continue past the error.

Similarly, adding a setmaxerrs line to the program will allow it to

wfcreate m 1990 2000
series y=@nrnd
series x=@nrnd
series w=@nrnd
series z=3
setmaxerrs 100
for %reg x z w
equation eq_{%reg}.ls y c {%reg}
next 49
Program Execution

Running/Executing Programs

There are a number of ways to instruct EViews to run a program:

• The Run button/dialog.

• The Run command.
• The Exec command.
• The Include command.

Run Command

The Run command can be issued from the EViews command line
to instruct EViews to open and run a program. The syntax is:
run myprogram.prg [arguments]
Simply give the name of the program (with a path, if required)
following the Run command.

You may add arguments as a space delimited list following the

name of the program.

Run Command

For example:

Run Command

You may also use the Run command inside a program to launch
and run a second program.
For example:

Run Command

However, the Run command has one drawback when being used
inside a program: EViews will not return to the calling program
once the child program has finished running. For example:

In this program the line estimating equation eq2 will never execute.
EViews stops all program execution once run_monthly.prg has

Exec Command

The Exec command works in the same was as the Run command,
with one main differences; unlike the Run command, EViews will
continuing executing the calling program after an Exec.

This program will execute the run_monthly.prg program, and then

continue to execute the following lines, creating the equation eq2.

Exec Command

Note that with the Exec command (and Run) each program's
program variables are isolated. i.e. setting a variable, such as !i, in
the parent program will not interfere with a variable with the same
name in the child program.

Similarly, any subroutines defined in the child program will not be

available in the calling program.

The final way to execute a program from within a program is with

the include command.

Include is similar to Exec with a couple of differences:

• Unlike Exec, program variables are not isolated – the child
program can interfere with program variables used in the parent

• Subroutines are available to the parent program.


• Run should never be used in a program

• Include should only be used when loading a "library" of
subroutines – the included program should not actually execute
any code, merely provide subroutines for use in the parent
• Exec should be used for all other times you wish to run a child


Subroutine Definition

EViews subroutines are user-defined functions that exist within the

scope of the EViews programming language.

Subroutines allow you to define a set of commands in one part of

your program and then call (or execute) those commands
repeatedly in other parts of your program.

The basic syntax to define the start of a subroutine is to use the

subroutine keyword, followed by the name of the subroutine.
The subroutine ends with the endsub keyword.

Subroutine Definition


Calling Subroutines

To execute the code inside a subroutine, the call keyword is

used, followed by the name of the subroutine you wish to execute.

Subroutine Arguments

Subroutines may include arguments, allowing you to define the

variables used within the subroutine.

To declare arguments with your subroutine you define the type of

object being passed in, as well as its name:
subroutine name(obj_type1 arg1, obj_type2 arg2, …)

The name of the arguments in your subroutine do not (and should

not) be the name of objects in your workfile.

Subroutine Examples

Subroutine and Argument Placement

Subroutines can be placed anywhere in your program: at the start,

at the end, or spread throughout the program. They need not be
defined above the call statement that calls them.

Subroutine arguments can be inputs (i.e. objects that the

subroutine uses) or outputs (i.e. objects that the subroutine
produces), or both. There is no way to indicate that an object is an
input or an output.


• Subroutine should all be placed at the start of the program file for
easy debugging access.
• If you have many subroutines, define them in a separate program
file and then include that file at the top of your program.
• Define your subroutines such that outputs come first in the
argument list (or come last). Don't mix inputs and outputs.
• For even greater clarity, name the arguments with a name that
indicates whether the argument is an input or output.

Subroutine Strings and Scalars

When defining a subroutine, you will often want to use a string or a

scalar value as one of the arguments. You can choose whether to
use a string/scalar workfile object, or a program variable as the

subroutine foo(string a, scalar b)

subroutine goo(string %a, scalar !b)

Here foo uses workfile objects, and goo uses program variables
(note the use of % and ! in the argument names).

Subroutine Strings and Scalars

When calling a subroutine with a string or scalar argument you can

use a program variable, a workfile object, or a value, whether you
defined the subroutine with or without a program variable.

subroutine foo(scalar b)
subroutine goo(scalar !b)
call foo(myscalar)
call foo(!x)
call foo(3)
call goo(myscalar)
call goo(!x)
call goo(3)
Subroutine Strings and Scalars

Thus there is very little difference between defining your

subroutines with either objects or program variables when using
strings or scalars.

The one exception is if the subroutine changes workfile page.

When using a workfile object as an argument, changing the

workfile page means that the object is no longer available inside
the subroutine.

Subroutine Strings and Scalars

For example the following program will error inside foo because the
scalar a is not available on the new page, so x cannot be created.

Using goo instead will work just fine.

User Dialogs

User Dialogs

EViews provides a number of functions for the creation of custom

dialogs inside an EViews program.

These custom dialogs (or User Dialogs to use the EViews term)
allow the program to present information, or collect information,
from the person running the program.

They provide a more elegant way of providing program input

options than program arguments, program options, or simply letting
the user configure some settings at the top of the program.

User Dialogs

The simplest form of User Dialog is the @uiprompt("msg")


It simply produces a message box for the user containing the

message msg:

User Dialogs

Other simple User Dialogs functions:

Function Description Full Syntax
@uiedit Produces an edit field. @uiedit(string iostring, string prompt)

@uilist Produces a list box. @uilist(string iostring, string prompt, string list)
Has two versions, one @uilist(scalar ioscalar, string prompt, string list)
returns a string, the
other a scalar.
@uiradio Produces a set of radio @uiradio(scalar ioscalar, string prompt, string list)

The iostring or ioscalar arguments are both an input and output.

They decide what is pre-filled in in the dialog, and they return the
user's input to the dialog.

User Dialogs

All User Dialogs are EViews functions, and as such have return
values. The value returned depends upon whether the user clicked
on the "OK" button or the "Cancel" button.

If a user clicks "OK" on the User Dialog, the function will return a
value of 0. "Cancel" returns -1.


The final User Dialog function is @uidialog, and it is the most

complicated, allowing you to build extensive dialogs with many
different controls inside them.

To specify a dialog with @uidialog, you must enter a list of

control types and the arguments for each control type.


The controls are:

Control Arguments Description
"edit" string iostring, string prompt Edit box

"list" string iostring, string prompt, string list List box

scalar ioscalar, string prompt, string list

"radio" scalar ioscalar, string prompt, string list Set of radio buttons

"check" scalar ioscalar, string prompt Single check box

"caption" string caption Dialog title

"button" string buttontext Custom button

@uidialog also returns a 0 or -1 depending on whether "OK" or

"Cancel" was pressed, unless there is a custom button control, in
which case pressing the button rather than "OK" or "Cancel" will
return a positive integer. 78
EViews Add-ins

EViews Add-ins

EViews Add-ins are ways of extending the features available in

EViews via the menu system, or via the command language.

A number of Add-ins are available to download by clicking on the

Add-ins menu.

However, the most important thing about Add-ins (at least for this
class) is that Add-ins are really nothing more than EViews

Any program you write can be turned into an EViews Add-in, simply
by using the Manage Add-ins menu item.

Adding Add-ins

When you add an Add-in to your copy of EViews, you may specify
whether the Add-in is available via the menu system, via a
command, or both.

You may also choose whether to make your Add-in Global or


Global add-ins are available at all times, and always appear in the
Add-ins menu. Object-specific add-ins only appear in the Add-ins
menu when an object of that type is open.


Rather than using the menu system to register/add an Add-in, you

may add one via the addin command. The syntax is:
addin(type=type, docs=docspath, menu=menutext,
proc=proctext) programname
(There are other options also available – see the Command
Reference entry for more details).

Type should be the object type of the Add-in, or "Global" for a

Global Add-in.
Docspath should be the full path and file name of any
documentation accompanying the Add-in.
Menutext should be the text to add to the Add-ins menu (if any).
Proctext should be the command line given to the Add-in.

Object-specific Add-ins work on whatever object is currently open.

An equation-specific Add-in might, for example, use the coefficient
covariance matrix to perform a post-estimation diagnostic.

The problem is that you probably won't know the name of the
currently open object, so referencing the data-members, or
accessing views and procs of the currently open object could be


Thankfully, EViews provides the _this keyword. _this simply tells

EViews that you want to work with the current open object.

All of the object data members, procs and views are available by
using _this rather than the object's name.

_this.hist will show a histogram of the current open object
(if the current open object is a series).
_this.@coefcov will access the equation's coefficient
covariance matrix (if the current open object is an equation).


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