VAR Slides
VAR Slides
VAR Slides
VAR models - Variance decompositions
If the forecast error variance is explained by shocks in the
variable itself, then the variable is exogenous
It is typical for a variable to explain almost all its forecast
error variance for short horizons and smaller proportions
at longer horizons (Enders, 2010).
It is also subject to an under-identification problem as is
the impulse response function, thus there might be need to
place additional restrictions on the system in order to
obtain the decomposition and impulse responses.
VAR models - Variance decompositions
One such restriction is the Choleski decomposition
☞The contemporaneous value of Y has no contemporaneous effect
on X.
☞This implies an ordering of the variables
Brooks and Tsolacos (1998) and Enders (2010) - the Choleski
ordering of the variables has important ramifications on the
resulting impulse responses and variance decompositions and is
equivalent to an identifying restriction on the VAR.
VAR models - Variance decompositions
Variance Decom pos ition of GDP:
Period S.E. GDP CPI
1 0.010434662... 100 0
2 0.019854780... 99.96213939... 0.037860603...
3 0.028857777... 99.90578994... 0.094210059...
4 0.037233104... 99.85880332... 0.141196675...
5 0.044969145... 99.83029345... 0.169706540...
6 0.052124967... 99.81909349... 0.180906509...
7 0.058778024... 99.82012292... 0.179877077...
8 0.065003846... 99.82812272... 0.171877275...
9 0.070869061... 99.83916409... 0.160835907...
10 0.076429957... 99.85083276... 0.149167230...
2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20
2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20
2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20
Criticisms of the VAR
☞Many argue that the VAR approach is lacking in theory.
☞There is much debate on how the lag lengths should be
☞It is possible to end up with a model including numerous
explanatory variables, with different signs, which has
implications for degrees of freedom.
☞Many of the parameters will be insignificant, this affects
the efficiency of a regression.
☞There is always a potential for multicollinearity with many
lags of the same variable
SVAR Methodology
☞The main objective of SVAR models is to find out the
dynamic responses of economic variables to disturbances
by combining time series analysis and economic theory.
☞SVAR employs additional restrictions and estimation of
structural shocks to transform VAR errors into uncorrelated
structural Shocks. We begin with the SVAR specification:
SVAR Methodology
☞SVAR estimation uses estimates obtained from the reduced
form VAR, the short-run covariance relationship and any
restrictions in the above Equation and long-run
restrictions on the accumulated impulse responses to
identify and estimate the model
☞There are only free parameters in , given its symmetric
nature, only that many parameters may be estimated in the A
and B matrices.
☞As there are parameters in A and B, the order condition for
identification requires that restrictions be placed on the
elements of these matrices.
Move to EViews
Vector Error-Correction (VEC)
Regressing a nonstationary variable upon a nonstationary variable may lead
to a so-called spurious regression, in which estimators and test statistics
are misleading.
Johansen and Jesilius enhance the VAR (p) by including the long run
components (cointegrating relations) in the VAR (p) process i.e. separating
permanent effects from transitory effects.
It specifies a VECM among variables.
The error correction model also known as the dynamics of adjustment are
estimated using the lagged differences of the data series and the lag of the
equilibrium error.
Given that:
Vector Error-Correction (VEC)
Given that: