Sau201401 26-07-02489 11
Sau201401 26-07-02489 11
Sau201401 26-07-02489 11
June, 2014
_______________________________ _____________________________
Prof. Dr. Md. Sekender Ali Kh. Zulfikar Hossain
Supervisor Co-Supervisor
June, 2014
Department of Agricultural Extension and
Information System
Sher-e-Bangla Agricultural University
Sher-e-Bangla Nagar, Dhaka-1207
All praises and compliments are due to the Almighty Allah for helping the author to accomplish
his research study successfully.
The author wishes to express his deep sense of gratitude from the core of heart to his eminent
Research Supervisor Dr. Md. Sekender Ali, Professor, Department of Agricultural Extension
and information system, Sher-e-Bangla Agricultural University, Dhaka for his intensive care,
scholastic guidance, and innovative suggestions throughout the tenure of the research work.
The author extends his profound gratitude,sincere appreciation and heartiest indebtedness to
Kh. Zulfikar Hossain, Assistant Professor, Department of Agricultural Extension and
Information System, Sher-e-Bangla Agricultural University, Dhaka for his valuable advice and
factual comments in upgrading the quality of the research work.
The author specially expresses his gratefulness to Mohammad Shofi Ullah Mazumder ,
Associate Professor and chairman, Department of Agricultural Extension and Information
System, Sher-e-Bangla Agricultural University, Dhaka for his cordial help and constant co-
operation in completion of this thesis.
The author humbly desires to express his deepest and most sincere gratitude to all the teachers,
Department of Agricultural Extension and Information System, Sher-e-Bangla Agricultural
University, Dhaka for their valuable advice and affectionate loving.
A special appreciation is extended to all the respondents, who very kindly spared their valuable
time in giving answers to the interview schedule and providing necessary co-operation.
Last but not the least, the author is indebted to his parents, brothers, sisters, friends and other
relatives for their encouragement, blessings, moral support, prayers and sacrifices which enabled
him for completion of the thesis with patience and perseverance.
The Author
1.1 General Background 1
1.2 Statement of the Problem 6
1.3 Objectives of the Study 6
1.4 Justification of the Study 7
1.5 Scope and Limitations of the Study 8
1.6 Assumptions 8
1.8 Definition of Terms 9
2.1 Use of Tobacco Products in General 12
2.2 Relationship between Selected Characteristics of the Farmers 15
and their Family Tobacco Product Using Behavior
2.2.1 Age 15
2.2.2 Education 16
2.2.3 Annual income 17
2.2.4 Peer groups tobacco products using behavior 19
2.2.5 Family religiousness 20
2.2.6 Awareness towards harmful effect of using tobacco 21
3.1 Locale of the Study 27
3.2 Population and Sample Size of the Study 27
3.3 Measurement of Variables 30
3.3.1 Age 30
3.3.2 Education 30
3.3.3 Family annual income 30
3.3.4 Peer groups tobacco product using behavior 31
3.3.5 Family religiousness 31
3.3.6 Awareness on harmful effect of using tobacco
product 32
3.3.7 Organizational participation 32
3.3.8 Family tobacco product using behavior 33
3.4 Collection of Data 33
3.5 Compilation of Data 34
3.6 Statistical Analysis
3.7 Statement of Hypothesis
3.7.1 Research hypothesis
3.7.2 Null hypothesis
4.1 Family Tobacco Product Using Behavior 36
4.2 Selected Individual Characteristics of the Farmers 37
4.2.1 Age 38
4.2.2 Education 38
4.2.3 Annual income 39
4.2.4 Peer groups tobacco using behavior 40
4.2.5 Family religiousness 40
4.2.6 Awareness towards harmful effect of using tobacco 41
5.3.2 Recommendations for future study 51
The main purpose of this study was to have an understanding on family tobacco
product using behavior of the farmer. The relationship between selected
characteristics of the farmers (age, education, annual income, peer groups tobacco
product using behavior, family religiousness, awareness on harmful effect of using
tobacco product, organizational participation) and their family tobacco product
using behavior was also explored. Data were obtained from 103 farmers of
Dewanpara and Champatoli villages of Ghagra union of Kawkhali upazila under
Rangamati district, with the help of an interview schedule. Appropriate scales were
developed in order to measure the concerned variables. Correlation co-efficient was
computed to explore the relationship between the concerned variables. An
overwhelming majority (84.5 percent) of the respondent farmers had medium to
high family tobacco product using behavior compared to 15.5 percent low family
tobacco product using behavior. The findings also revealed that age and
organizational participation of the farmers had significant positive relationship with
their family tobacco product using behavior. Education and awareness on harmful
effects of using tobacco product of the farmers had significant negative relationship
with their family tobacco product using behavior. Annual income, peer groups
tobacco product using behavior and family religiousness of the farmer had no
significant relationship with their family tobacco product using behavior.
About one-third of the global population aged over15 years (1.1 billion people)
are smokers. Of these smokers, 800 million are in developing countries. Existing
data suggest that, globally, men are more likely to smoke than women (47%
vs.12%). Men from the developing world smoke more in proportion (48%) than
men from the developed world (42%). However, the pattern is opposite for
women 7% in the developing world versus 24%in the developed
world(Choudhury et al., 2007).
Although the impact of tobacco-related diseases and death had until recently
been a problem primarily for developed countries, smoking has, to some extent,
been brought under control through tougher legislation and increasing awareness
in the developed world.
promote smoking. The World Health Organization(WHO) estimates that by the
mid-2020s, about 85% of the world’s smokers will be in the poorer countries,
and seven in every 10 tobacco related deaths will be in these countries.
Bangladesh is already experiencing an increasing number of cancer cases; there
was a 10-fold increase of cases between 1960 and 1980. Part of the reason for
this increase could also be the availability of better diagnosis and/or increased
contact with healthcare providers. However, the Bangladesh Cancer
Society estimates that a significant proportion of all cancers in Bangladesh are
related to tobacco. A study in Dhaka concluded that tobacco consumption either
through chewing or smoking was an important factor in the development of oral
cancer. Smoking has also been named as an important risk factor for heart
disease among male patients in their 40s and 50s in Bangladesh (Barkatet al.,
Overall cigarette and bidi consumption have been rising in Bangladesh in recent
years, with cigarette smoking rising by over 40% between 1997 and 2010 and
bidi consumption rising by over 80% during the same period. While its
population has been growing rapidly, the increases in consumption have
outpaced population growth so that per capita consumption of both grew sharply
over this period (Choudhury et al., 2007).
Given the high levels of tobacco use, Bangladesh faces considerable health and
economic consequences from tobacco. Over 57,000 deaths are attributed to
tobacco use each year, about one in six of all deaths among Bangladeshis of 30
years and older. In 2004, nearly 51 billion taka was spent to treat the diseases
caused by smoking, including 5.8 billion taka spent to treat non-smokers
exposed to tobacco smoke. In addition, smoking harms the economy, with a
conservative estimate that smoking-attributable lost productivity was 59 billion
taka in 2004. Together, the economic costs of tobacco use in Bangladesh
accounted for over 3% of GDP in 2004(web.1).
Addressing these issues, the fight against tobacco has been taken for many years.
Finally, Bangladesh made strides in the fight against tobacco. The long awaited
bill named Smoking and Tobacco Product Usage (Control) Bill 2013 has already
been passed in the Parliament, reviewed and waiting for final signature. This was
a historical feat. However, challenges are still there. Experts identified
sensitising people to comply with law and help establish and strengthen support
services to quit tobacco products as two major challenges.
Even with the passed bill, there was shortcoming like keeping provision of
smoking zone in public places which is contrary to the WHO Framework
Convention on Tobacco Control (FCTC) that Bangladesh ratified. Keeping this
zone in public places will pollute the entire environment that expose people at
risk of passive smoking hazards.
Even with the flawless law in place, implementation of law is the biggest
challenge. Most of the people are not aware about the law, about fatal
consequences and the suitable ways to quit smoking or using smoke free tobacco
like betel leaves. “There is a need of strong nationwide campaign specially
addressing people living in rural area on dangers of tobacco use and laws” says
Iqbal Masud, one of law drafting members. As tobacco smoking causes serious
addiction, it is not always easy to quit. Many people want to quit, but they just
cannot find a way to control over nicotine. There are strong motivational
counseling and drugs that can help quit smoking which is virtually absent in
Bangladesh. One of the main behavioral health risks for a host of chronic
illnesses is the use of tobacco and related products.
Tobacco smoking and other forms of tobacco use impose a large and growing
public health burden globally and particularly in Bangladesh. Globally, tobacco
use currently causes 5.4 million premature deaths each year, and current trends
predict that one billion people will die from tobacco use in the 21st century.
Tobacco use imposes considerable economic costs, both on account of the health
care expenses incurred to treat the diseases caused by tobacco use and from the
lost productivity resulting from tobacco-related illnesses and premature death.
Bangladesh is one of the largest tobacco consuming countries in the world.
Applying prevalence figures from the 2009 Global Adult Tobacco survey to the
2012 population, it is estimated that over 46.3 million persons aged 15 and older
consume tobacco products, including over 43% of them and nearly 29% of
women.Tobacco use in Bangladesh is split among a variety of different products,
with 23% of adults smoking tobacco, and 27.2% consuming smokeless tobacco
products. Men are much more likely to smoke than women, with smoking
prevalence among men at nearly 45%, as compared to 1.5% among women.
Most female smokers smoke bidis, while men are more likely to smoke
manufactured cigarettes, although many consume bidis. In contrast, smokeless
tobacco use rates among women are slightly higher than they are among men. In
addition, a significant number of Bangladeshi youth are taking up tobacco use,
with over 9% of boys and 5% of girls’ aged between 13 through 15 are
consuming some tobacco product.(Hossainet al., 2012).
no warnings are required on smokeless tobacco products. Tobacco excise taxes
have increased over time, but tobacco products have become more affordable
over time and significant tax increases have not been adopted to curb tobacco
(i) To what extent tobacco products are being used by the farmers?
(ii) Which characteristics of the farmers are related to their use of tobacco
v) Family religiousness
vi) Awareness on harmful effect of tobacco use
vii) Organizational participation
3. To explore the relationships between the selected characteristics of the
farmers with
their family tobacco product using behavior.
1.4 Justification of the Study
Bangladesh is one of the largest tobacco consuming countries in the world. Over
58% of menand 29% of women use some form of tobacco, whether smoked
(both cigarettes and bidis) or smokeless. In 2012, an estimated 46.3 million
adults used some form of tobacco product, smoked or smokeless. Most smokers
are male, 28.3% of adult men smoke manufactured cigarettes and 21.4% smoke
bidis. In contrast, smokeless tobacco use is substantial across both genders, with
26.4% of men and 27.9% of women using some form of smokeless tobacco.
Most smokeless tobacco use is of betel quid with tobacco (zarda) though other
forms of smokeless tobacco products including gul and sadapata, are also
commonly used (Barakatet al., 2012). However, there is a major weakness
concerning tobacco cultivation in the country. The previous law offered the
possibility of loans on easy terms for tobacco farmers willing to switch to
alternative crops. But the Government of Bangladesh didn't implement this
section within the time period mentioned. The new tobacco control law is even
weaker in this respect; it doesn't give any constructive direction about regulating
tobacco cultivation. The Government has amended the law to curb the growing
use of tobacco in Bangladesh. Some study showed that more than 43 per cent
adults either smoke or chew tobacco. Tobacco is also linked to about 57,000
deaths in Bangladesh with additional over 350,000 people suffering from various
ailments, according to WHO (World Health Organisation). And the costs of
treatment of tobacco-related illness are double than the revenue Government
earns from the tobacco industry (web.2).
In view of the above discussion, a passionate feeling and a felt need was
developed to conduct this sort of research about uses of tobacco products. The
researcher was, therefore, interested to undertake this research entitled “USE OF
3. The investigator was dependent on the data furnished by the selected farmers
during their interview.
4. The facts and figures collected by the investigator applied to the situation
prevailing during 01 October, 2014 to 06 February,2015.
1.6 Assumptions
An assumption is “the supposition that an apparent fact or principle is true in the
light of available evidence” (Good, 1945). The following assumptions were
made in conducting the study:
i) The respondents included in the sample of the study were able to provide
their opinions and were competent enough to satisfy the queries.
ii) The information furnished by the respondents was reliable.
iii) Views and opinions furnished by the farmers included in the sample were
the representatives of the whole population of the study area.
iv) The collected data were reliable because the researcher who acted as
interviewer was well adjusted to the social environment of the study area.
Tobacco products: The term "tobacco product" means any product made or
derived from tobacco that is intended for human consumption, including any
component, part, or accessory of a tobacco product. This includes, among other
products, cigarettes, cigarette tobacco, roll-your-own tobacco, and smokeless
Bidi: A bidi is a thin, cigarette filled with flake and wrapped leaf tied with a
string at one end.
Zarda:Tobacco leaves are broken up and boiled with lime and spices. The
mixture is dried and colored with vegetable dyes, then mixed with finely
chopped areca nuts is called zarda.
Gul:Gul is an oral tobacco powder which is rubbed over the gum and teeth.
Cigarettes: A cigarette is a small cylinder of finely cut tobacco leaves rolled in
thin paper for smoking. The cigarette is ignited at one end and allowed to
smoulder; its smoke is inhaled from the other end, which is held in or to the
mouth; in some cases, a cigarette holder may be used, as well. Most modern
manufactured cigarettes are filtered and also include reconstituted tobacco and
other additives.
Age: Age of the respondent was defined as the period of time from his birth to
the time of interview.
Family annual income: It defined as the total earnings of an individual and the
members of his family both from agriculture and other sources (business, service
and other sources).
Peer groups tobacco product using behavior: It referred to the ways and
means gained by the peer groups of a farmer on using different tobacco product
from different sources and also through their experiences of using tobacco
Family religiousness:
It referred having or showing belief in and reverence for God or a deity. The
terms religiousness/religiosity are used interchangeably but often defined as an
individual’s conviction, devotion, and veneration towards a divinity. However,
in its most comprehensive use, religiosity can encapsulate all dimensions of
religion, yet the concept can also be used in a narrow sense to denote an extreme
view and over dedication to religious rituals and traditions. This rigid form of
religiosity in essence is often viewed as a negative side of the religious
experience, it can be typified by an over involvement in religious practices
which are deemed to be beyond the social norms of one’s faith.
Sample: A data sample is a set of data collected and/or selected from a statistical
population by a defined procedure.
The purpose of this Chapter is to review literature having relevance to the present
study. The purpose of this study was to ascertain the use of tobacco products by the
farmers and explore their relationship with the selected characteristics. Very few
works had been done in Bangladesh in this connection. The researcher, therefore,
made an exhaustive effort to review researches directly or indirectly related to the
present study. The available reviews are presented in the following sections:
Tobacco products are used in many ways. Bidis consist of sun-dried and cured
tobacco flakes hand-rolled in a rectangular piece of paper or tobacco leaf; these are
generally very inexpensive costing only a fraction of the price of cigarettes and
deliver large amounts of tar and nicotine. Cigarettes of local producers generally
also contain high tar and nicotine. With the hookah, which is rare, tobacco mixed
with molasses is burnt, and the smoke passed through water in a specially-devised
tool before inhalation. The smokeless forms of tobacco commonly consumed
include chewing tobacco either as shada or zarda; these are commonly consumed
with sliced betel or areca nut and rolled in the Piper betel vine or paan leaf with
slaked lime. Whatever the form of tobacco consumption either chewable or smoke,
results of studies have shown their health hazards to be similar (Bolinder et al.,
Chewing tobacco is placed between the cheek and lower lip, and chewed to
facilitate the release of nicotine. Chewing tobacco typically comes in the form of
either loose leaf “chew”, plug, or twist. Loose leaf chewing tobacco is made from
cigar tobacco leaves that are air cured, sweetened, cut and loosely packed to form
small strips of shredded tobacco. Moist plug is made by mixing sweet tobacco
leaves (burley, oriental, and cigar tobaccos), wrapping and compressing them into a
cake or “plug” form Twist chewing tobacco is made from cured tobacco leaves that
are often flavoured and twisted together to resemble rope (Wyckham, 1999).
Reddy and Gupta (2004) reported that smokeless tobacco refers to any type of
tobacco that is consumed without heating or burning, and can be used nasally or
orally (such as chewing, sucking, or applying to the teeth and gums.
Snus is a form of moist snuff. It is subject to humidifying agents and kept cold to
avoid fermentation . This processing method reduces the formation of nitrates and
nitrosamines and is therefore much lower in TSNAs compared to other forms of
smokeless tobacco (Savitz et al., 2006).
Tobacco and/or paan are quite often the only items, which are offered to visitors, or
when meeting with a friend. Tobacco in chewable form is a very common
household consumption item and is always offered to a visitor—male or female. A
Bangladeshi household without tobacco in some form or other is hard to imagine
(Choudhury et al., 2007).
Barkat et al. (2008) reported that health and illness is directly being affected
among tobacco cultivators through increasing smoking and leaf chewing practices
as well as through cultivation and drying of tobacco leaves. The mean age of death
in tobacco cultivating household is 11 years less than non-tobacco cultivating
Smokeless tobacco is a leaf tobacco product that can be placed in the mouth or
inhaled through the nose, providing nicotine to users without being smoked.
Smokeless tobacco is addictive and contains over 3,000 chemicals, including
sweeteners, flavourings, abrasives, salt and other chemicals. While some of these
chemicals are naturally occurring, manufacturing, processing and length of storage
can influence the levels of toxic chemicals present in smokeless tobacco products
(Health Canada, 2010)
Snuff is ground or shredded tobacco and sold in powder form as ‘dry’ or ‘moist’
snuff in small pre-measured pouches that resemble small teabags Dry powder snuff
can be sniffed or inhaled into the nose and does not require spitting or swallowing
of saliva (CDCP, 2010).
“Pinch” or “dip” is another name for moist snuff, which is the predominant form of
ST sold in North America. Moist snuff is made from cured tobacco which is
processed into ‘fine cut’ particles or ‘long cut’ strips and is often flavoured or
sweetened. A “pinch” of moist snuff is often placed between the cheek or lower lip
and the gum where it releases nicotine by mixing with saliva. The saliva can be spit
out; however there are also forms of moist snuff that do not require spitting (PSFC,
Singh (2012) reported that most of the world’s tobacco consumption is in the form
of manufactured cigarettes. Multiple forms of both smoked and smokeless tobacco
products widely consumed. The most popular smoked form of tobacco is bidis,
which are made by rolling tobacco in a tendu leaf, followed by cigarettes.
Smokeless tobacco use is more prevalent overall than smoked tobacco, and 90% of
the world’s smokeless tobacco users are found in this region.
Tobacco can be addictive like alcohol, cocaine, and morphine. Tobacco is a plant
grown for its leaves, which are smoked, chewed, or sniffed for a variety of effects.
It is a plant within the genus Nicotiana of the nightshade family. While there are
more than 70 species of tobacco, the chief commercial crop is Nicotiana tabacum.
Dried tobacco leaves are mainly smoked in cigarettes, cigars, pipe tobacco and
flavored shisha tobacco. They can also be consumed as snuff as well as chewing
tobacco and dipping tobacco (Hayley 2014).
2.2.1 Age
A nationwide survey reported smoking by 25.2% of the population aged 15 years
and above. (Hossain et al., 1996)
Studies suggest that, in less than three years (2001-2004), tobacco use almost
doubled among youth in larger cities (Reddy et al., 2006)
Many are of the belief that young people are picking up the habit of smoking due to
ignorance about risks associated with smoking and also that it is a part of
adolescent rebelliousness. (Dawn, 2006).
An estimated 65% of all adult men and 33% of all adult women use some form of
tobacco and of the millions of people who use chewing tobacco, as many as 25%
are under the age of 19 years (Chaly, 2007)
2.2.2 Education
In developing country highest rate of tobacco users (64%) was found among the
illiterate population. This prevalence decreases to about one fifth (21%) among
those with more than 12 years of schooling. This happens in developed countries
too (Jha and Chaloupka, 2000).
A study was done by Subramanian et al. (2004) who used data from the National
Family Health Survey-2 (1998- 1999). Individuals 15 years and older across all
parts of India were surveyed to provide nationally representative estimates of the
prevalence of tobacco use, as well as socioeconomic and demographic correlates of
tobacco consumption. Socioeconomic differentials of tobacco prevalence were
assessed with respect to 3 measures of socioeconomic status were caste, education,
and household wealth. The results of this study showed 195 million people chewed
or smoked tobacco (an underestimate according to the study) and tobacco
consumption was significantly higher among the poor, less educated, scheduled
castes, and scheduled tribes. “Scheduled caste” and “Scheduled tribe” represents
population groups identified by India’s constitution as being marginal to the
mainstream socioeconomic and political processes.
Another study examined the effect of parental education on initiation over time
found that higher parental education had a small protective effect on initiation until
about age 15, but became a risk factor between ages 17-24. The findings indicated
that parental education may delay initiation, but did not have a lasting protective
effect (Edelen et al., 2007).
Similarly, Giovino (2007) found that parental education was inversely correlated
with smoking prevalence for 8th grade students, but, by 12th grade, the differences
in prevalence by parental education were less pronounced. These results
substantiate findings that children of parents with more formal education begin
smoking at a slightly later age.
2.2.3 Annual income
In Bangladesh where nearly half of the population live below the poverty line and
half of those again below the ‘hard core’ poverty line, the high rates of tobacco
consumption in these groups have far reaching consequences. Any spending on
tobacco from already-constrained household budgets must compete with
expenditure on other basic needs of household members. Concurrently households
are placed in a more vulnerable position from the related health problems and their
associated economic consequences. Results of a study showed that an estimated 10
million people in Bangladesh currently malnourished could have an adequate diet if
money spent on tobacco were spent on food instead (Efroymson et al., 2001)
Economically, the costs of smoking to smokers and their families include money
spent on buying tobacco, which could have been used on food, clothing and shelter,
and other important things. As smoking causes the death of many in their working
years, a lot family is deprived of many years of income. Smokers also lose a lot of
their income through illness. In the event of a smoker’s premature death, a partner,
children or elderly parents can be left without a means of sustainance. A
considerable amount of money is lost by family members of smokers through time
spent looking after them when they are sick, and time lost taking them to health
centers or hospital. (MacCay and Eriksen, 2002).
The fact that the poor are also more likely to consume tobacco in its more harmful
forms are already more likely to be malnourished and particularly ill equipped to
withstand respiratory and other smoking-related diseases and that they are less able
to afford healthcare worsens the situation; tobacco-use, thus, may further
exacerbate and perpetuate their already vulnerable situation. (Choudhury et al.,
According to McCay et al. (2009) smoking costs the smoker in many ways and the
cost of smoking goes beyond purchasing tobacco products. A smoker spends a
considerable amount of money on medical bills, lost wages, higher insurance costs,
and spends a lot of money on cosmetics and clothing. Studies have found that
people in the lower socioeconomic classes smoke more than people in the upper
socioeconomic classes.
2.2.4 Peer groups tobacco products using behavior
Peer pressure was the greatest influencing factor to beginning to smoke, and health
was the major reason for not beginning to smoke. Addiction and stress maintained
smoking (Hayes, 2007).
Young people are less likely to start smoking if their parents do not smoke, it is
likely that parental influence is more important than knowledge about smoking
(Thomas et al., 2007).
Concerns for health and addiction, a positive self-image, and perceived confidence,
emerged as factors affecting participants’ decisions not to smoke. The approval of
parents and friends, and personal beliefs further reinforced adolescents’
nonsmoking decisions (Kulbok et al., 2008).
Young people are also more likely to smoke if their friends smoke (Thomas and
Perera, 2008), so a young person in a group with a low prevalence of smoking, will
be less likely to start smoking.
Those students whose siblings smoked were 1.35 times more at risk than those
whose siblings did not smoke. Those whose friends smoked were 2.42 times more
at risk than those whose friends did not smoke. Those with poor grades 2.62 more
at risk than those with good grades. Subjects whose mothers smoked were 1.57
times more at risk than those whose mothers did not smoke (Can et al., 2009).
A study on smokers in the ITC 4-Country Survey indeed found that smokers with
fewer smoking friends were more likely to intend to quit, to make a quit attempt,
and to be successful in their attempts at the next survey wave (Hitchman and Fong,
Close friends and family play an important role in the influence of social norms on
behaviour, such as smoking initiation and cessation. Unhealthy behaviours such as
smoking tend to cluster within social networks, so we would expect smokers to
have more friends who smoke than non-smokers (Mead et al., 2014).
Being exposed to friends or family who smoke may also influence smoking
cessation outcomes by increasing exposure to smoking cues and to more positive
social norms towards smoking (Hitchman et al., 2014).
Where one’s closest friends that one hangs around on a daily basis tend to use the
same tobacco products. Who use both smoked and smokeless tobacco had the
greatest number of friends who use either product compared to single tobacco
product users (Genevieve C.S., 2014).
Samer and Fouad (2004) stated that family religiousness may play a part in health
beliefs and behaviors such as tobacco use. They suggest that religiousness in
different faiths is associated with less use of tobacco. Members of the same
community, even if they adhere to different faiths, seem to have similar patterns of
tobacco use.
Parental religiousness has positive association with the prevention of adolescent
risk behaviors is consistently confirmed. Religiousness in the family including
increased teens' spiritual practices and a higher level of parental monitoring is
significantly related to teens' alcohol and tobacco use. The negative relationship to
drug use is also evident although the statistical association is not as strong. This
may be due to the low rates of drug use within this young adolescent population
(Aphichat et al., 2010)
Smoking has also been named as an important risk factor for heart disease among
male patients in their 40s and 50s in Bangladesh (Rahim, 1986)
By 2025, 70% of the 10 million 3 deaths each year will occur in developing
countries, mainly in China and India (Gupta and Ball, 1990).
Tobacco use is estimated to cause 800,000 deaths annually and an estimated 5,500
adolescents initiate daily tobacco use causing an enormous burden on public health
(Patel, 1999).
It was found that cancers are steadily increasing and occurring more frequently
among younger people (Gupta, 1999).
Tobacco has been found to cause many chronic diseases, acute respiratory diseases
such as pneumonia and influenza, and a number of persistent respiratory symptoms
such as wheezing and cough (Colditz and Hunter, 2000).
Recent research has demonstrated that smoking increases the risk of death among
patients with Tuberculosis (TB) and causes 200,000 extra deaths due to
Tuberculosis (TB). Tuberculosis is one of world’s foremost infectious diseases and
it disproportionately affects the poor and underprivileged (Gajalakshmi et al.,2001)
The burning and smoking of tobacco produces a complex mixture of chemicals
which are harmful to the health of people who inhale the smoke. Children are at
great risk from adults smoking and smoking around a pregnant woman poses a
health risk to a foetus (Mackay and Erikson, 2002).
Only 20% of total tobacco consumption is in the form of cigarettes; bidis account
for the largest proportion, at about 40% of the total (Shimkhada and Peabody,
Smoking does not only have harmful health effects, but smoking cessation has been
found to result in improvements in health. Quitting smoking leads to almost instant
improvements in general health and benefits both persons with smoking-related
illnesses as well as those with other ailments. People who stop smoking increase
their life expectancy. Also smoking cessation has been found to be related to
reductions in the risk of developing lung and other types of cancers. It has also been
found to reduce the risk of heart disease. Pregnant women who quit smoking have
reduced risks of smoking-related complications such as low birth weight. (Sorensen
et al., 2004).
The health effects of tobacco use in India and Bangladesh are more diverse than
other nations of the world, given the variety of forms in which tobacco is consumed
in this country, including cigarettes, bidis (hand rolled, filterless cigarette), and
gutkha (widely available, inexpensive form of chewing tobacco) (Reddy and
Bidis contain higher concentrations of nicotine than both filtered and unfiltered
cigarettes and have equally (if not more) deleterious effects on health. Extensive
use of chewing tobacco cause oral cancer in the world, with 83,000 incident cases
and 46,000 deaths annually (Ferlay, 2004).
Due to steady population growth, coupled with tobacco industry targeting, tobacco
use has grown exponentially in low-income countries, leading to millions of
individuals becoming addicted to nicotine each year (Mathers et al., 2006).
Studies have shown that the smoker does not only harm him or herself but also puts
the life of others at risk. Research has firmly established that an environment
devoid of smoke is the only effective way to protect the population from the
detrimental effects of secondhand smoke exposure. (WHO, 2007).
Most tobacco users start consuming tobacco before the age of 18, while some
initiate as young as 23. In 2006, prevalence of current use of any tobacco among
students aged 13-15 years was 14.1 % (Sinha and Gupta, 2007).
Tobacco smoking can have negative effects on the oral cavity such as bad breath,
stained teeth and life threatening conditions such as oral cancer. Also tobacco users
often develop gum disease. Since cigarette smoking has negative effects on the
respiratory system, a smoker who quits may notice that it is easier to breathe.
Smoking cessation reduces the occurrence of symptoms such as cough, mucus
production, and wheezing. Smoking cessation may also reduce the occurrence of
respiratory infections such as bronchitis and pneumonia (Alters and Schiff, 2009).
Women who are smokers or who stay with a smoker are prone to health effects
associated with reproductive health such as problems associated with pregnancy,
use of oral contraceptive, menstrual function, and cancers of the cervix and bladder.
Smoking may also lead to irregular menstrual cycles and increased menstrual
discomfort. Women who are smokers may also have earlier menopause, which
increases chances of getting osteoporosis, heart disease and other conditions for
which estrogen provides a protective effect. The risk of sudden infant death
syndrome may also increase when a pregnant woman smokes (Issac, 2011).
Based on the findings of a study, it was suggested that the risk of death from lung
cancer may rise with amount of cigarettes smoked and duration of smoking (Singh
et al., 2012).
Farmers’ characteristics
• Age
• Education
• Annual family income Family tobacco products
using behavior
• Peer groups tobacco using
• Family religiousness
• Awareness towards
harmful effects of tobacco
product use
• Organizational
Thus, one hundred and three (103) farmers were selected which constituted the
sample for this study. However, a reserve list of 10 farmers was also prepared.
Farmers in the reserve list were used only when a respondent in the original list was
not available.
Figure 2. A map of Rangamati district showing Kawkhali upazila
Figure 3. A map of Kawkhali upazila showing the study area
The distribution of the population and sample farmers and those in the reserved list
from the selected village is shown in Table 3.1
Table 3.1 Distribution of population and sample of the farmers in two villages
of Ghagra union
Name of village Population of the Number of Number of
farmers farmers included farmers included
in the sample in the reserve list
Dewanpara 650 65 6
Champatoli 380 38 4
Total 1030 103 10
3.3.2 Education
Education was measured in terms of years of schooling completed by an individual
in educational institutions. The education score was computed for each respondent
by giving one score for each year of successful schooling completed. The person
who could sign only and who did not read and write was given a score of zero (0).
respondents or other members of his family. A score of 1 was assigned for one
thousand Taka of income of a respondent.
3.3.6 Awareness on harmful effect of tobacco use
Awareness is the ability to perceive, to feel, or to be conscious of
events, objects, thoughts, emotions, or sensory patterns. In this level of
consciousness, sense data can be confirmed by an observer without
necessarily implying understanding. More broadly, it is the state or quality of
being aware of something. In biological psychology, awareness is defined as
a human's or an animal's perception and cognitive reaction to a condition or
event. The scale contained ten statements and all were positive. The respondents
were asked to express their opinion in the form of true, false, no opinion. Scores of
1 was assigned for true. On the other hand, 0 was assigned for false and no opinion.
Nature of participation Score assigned
No participation 0
Participation as ordinary member 1
Participation as executive member 2
Participation as president/secretary 3
The duration was computed by assigning a score of 1 for each year of participation
subject to a maximum of 10 for participation for 10 years or more in an
organization. The organizational participation score of a respondent was obtained
by multiplying his/her participation score and his/her duration of participation score
and then adding his scores for all the organizations he/she participated.
3.7.2 Null hypothesis
For statistical testing of the research hypothesis they were converted into null form.
The null hypotheses were as follows:
“There were no relationship between the family tobacco product using behavior by
the farmers and each of their age, education, family annual income, , peer groups
tobacco product using behavior, family religiousness, awareness towards harmful
effect of tobacco use and organizational participation”.
This Chapter is divided into three sections. First section deals with the selected
characteristics of the farmers. Second section deals with the family tobacco product
using behavior by the farmers. The last section deals with the relationship between
selected characteristics of the farmers and their family tobacco product using
Data contained in Table 4.1 show that the majority (69.0 percent) of the
respondents had medium tobacco product using behavior, 15.5 percent had low use,
and 15.5 percent had high use on tobacco product by the farmer’s family members.
It is revealed that overwhelming majority (84.5 percent) of the respondent farmer
had medium to high family tobacco product using behavior compared to 15.5
percent low family tobacco product using behavior.
4.2 Selected Individual Characteristics of the Farmers
- 0-16 4.64 4.27
4.2.1 Age
Age of the farmer was measured by computing the use score according to the
procedure described earlier in Chapter 3. Findings revealed the score of range of
age of the farmers had 20-79 with a mean and standard deviation of 37.01 and 9.59
respectively. The respondents were classified into three categories on the basis of
their age as shown in Table 4.3.
Data contained in Table 4.3 show that above half proportion (51.5 percent) of the
respondents were young farmers compared to 39.8 percent middle aged, and 8.7
percent old aged. It appears that overwhelming majority (91.3 percent) of the
farmers in the study area were either young or middle aged as compared to 8.7
percent constituting the old aged category. Young and middle aged people are
generally more receptive to use of tobacco products. Hilly areas in Rangamati
district, their tobacco using behavior is more than the aged people.
4.2.2 Education
Education of the respondents was measured by following the procedure as
discussed earlier in Chapter 3. The education score ranged from 0 to 16 with an
average of 6.14 and the standard deviation of 5.58. Based on their education score,
the farmers were classified into four categories as shown in Table 4.4.
Table 4.4 Distribution of the respondents according to their education
Data presented in Table 4.4 indicate that the highest proportion (43.7 percent) of
the respondents were illiterate compared to 6.8 percent had primary education, 22.3
percent had secondary education, 27.2 percent had above secondary education.
The data in Table 4.5 showed that 68.9 percent of the farmers had medium annual
income, 24.3 percent of the respondents had low income and 6.8 percent had high
income category. It also shows that above half proportion (68.9 percent) of the
respondents had medium annual income compared to 6.8 percent high and 24.3
percent had low annual income. Practically, the per capita income is comparatively
higher in hilly areas then the average capita income in Bangladesh.
4.2.4 Peer groups tobacco using behavior
The data in the Table 4.6 showed that above half proportion(55.3 percent) of the
respondent had medium peer groups tobacco product using behavior compared to
15.5 percent respondent had high and 29.2 percent respondent farmers had low
peer groups tobacco product using behavior.
Data presented in Table 4.7 indicate that the highest proportion (73.7 percent) of
the farmers were medium religious, 14.6 percent of the farmers were high religious
and 11.7 percent of the respondents low religious.
Table 4.7 Distribution of the respondents according to their family
Selected Observed Number Percent
Categories Mean SD
characteristics range
Low (upto 3) 12 11.7
Family 76 73.7
2-8 Medium (4-6) 5.18 1.41
High (> 6) 15
It appears that overwhelming majority (88.4 percent) of the farmers were medium
to high religious. It is therefore, likely that family religiousness might have effect
on the family tobacco product using behavior by the farmer.
Awareness on harmful effect of using tobacco product score of the farmers ranged
from 1 to 10 against the possible range of 0-10 with the mean and standard
deviation 5.95 and 2.30 respectively. The farmers were classified into three
categories based on their Awareness on harmful effects of using tobacco product.
The categories and the distribution of the farmers are shown in
Table 4.8
The data presented in Table 4.8 show that the above half (51.4 percent) proportion
of the respondents had moderately awareness compared to 35.0 percent high
awareness and 13.6 percent low awareness on using of tobacco products.
4.2.7 Organizational participation
Data presented in Table 4.9 indicate that the highest proportion (60.2 percent) of
the farmers had low organizational participation while, 24.3 percent of the farmers
had medium and 11.6 percent of the respondents had high participation in different
organizations and 3.9 percent had no participation in any organization.
Family tobacco product using behavior of the farmer was the main focus of the
study.Again, the seven selected characteristics of the farmers such as age,
education, family annual income, peer groups tobacco product using behavior,
awareness on harmful effect of using tobacco product, organizational participation
were considered as the independent variables for the study.
The purpose of the section was to examine the relationship of the selected
characteristics of the farmer with their family tobacco product using behavior.
Person Product Moment Co-efficient of Correlation (r) was computed to determine
the relationship between the variables which are discussed in the following sub-
sections. (Table 4.10)
Education -0.484**
Awareness on
harmful effect of -0.465**
tobacco products use
NS = Not significant
*Correlation is significant at 0.05 level of probability
** Correlation is significant at 0.01 level of probability
4.3.1 Age and family tobacco product using behavior
The computed value of correlation was found to be 0.459 as shown in Table 4.10.
Following observation were made regarding the relationship between these two
variables under consideration:
b) The computed value of r (0.459) was found to be greater than tabulated value
(r = 0.252) with 101 degrees of freedom at 0.01 level of probability.
Based on the above findings, the null hypothesis was rejected and hence, the
researcher concluded that the age of the respondents had significant relationship
with family tobacco product using behavior by the farmer. Similar findings were
also found by Reddy (2006), Dawn(2006), Chaly(2007) in their studis.
b) The computed value of r (-0.484) was found to be greater than the tabulated
value (r =0.252) with 101 degrees of freedom at 0.01 level of probability.
Based on the above findings the null hypothesis was rejected and hence, it was
concluded that the education of the respondents had negatively significant positive
relationship with their family tobacco product using behavior by the farmer. This
indicates that the higher is the level of the education of a person the less would be
the extent of use of tobacco products. Education enables individuals to gain
knowledge and thus increase their power of understanding, consequently their
outlook is broadened and horizon of knowledge is expanded. The educated person
used to have frequent contact with printed materials which increase their power of
understanding compared to the individuals with less educational background.
Similar findings were also found by Edelen (2007), Giovino (2007), Subramanian
(2004) in their studis.
b) The computed value of r (0.145) was found to be smaller than the tabulated
value (r = 0.252) with 101 degrees of freedom at 0.01 level of probability.
From the above findings, the null hypothesis could not be rejected and hence, the
researcher concluded that the annual income of the respondents had no significant
relationship with family tobacco product using behavior by the farmer. As the
computed value showed a positive trend, it may be expected that the higher the
income, the more use of tobacco products. Similar findings were also found by
MacCay and Eriksen, (2002), Rani(2004) in their studis.
4.3.4 Peer groups tobacco product using behavior and family tobacco product
using behavior
The computed value of correlation was found to be 0.058 as shown in Table 4.10.
Following observations were made regarding the relationship between these two
variables under considerations:
b) The computed value of r (0.058) was found to be smaller than the tabulated
value (r=0.252) with 101 degrees of freedom at 0.01 level of probability.
Based on the above findings, the null hypothesis could not be rejected and hence,
the researcher concluded that the peer groups tobacco product using behavior of the
respondents had no relationship with family tobacco product using behavior by the
farmer. Similar findings were also found by Hitchman and Fong(2011),
Kulbok(2008) in their studis.
b) The computed value of r (0.077) was found to be smaller than the tabulated
value (r=0.193) with 101 degrees of freedom at .05 level of probability.
Based on the above findings, the null hypothesis could not be rejected and hence,
the researcher concluded that the family religiousness of the respondents had no
relationship with family tobacco product using behavior by the farmer. Similar
findings were also found by Samer and Fouad (2004), Cotton (2006), Choudhury
The computed value of correlation was found to be 0.127 as shown in Table 4.10.
Following observations were made regarding the relationship between these two
variables under consideration:
b) The computed value of 'r' (-0.465) was found to be greater than the tabulated
value (r=0.252) with 101 degrees of freedom at 0.01 level of probability. Hence,
the relationship was negatively significant.
Based on the above finding the concerned null hypothesis was rejected. This
implies that awareness helped to less the family tobacco product using behavior by
the farmers. Awareness helps to know the harmful effect of tobacco product as a
result farmer decreases using tobacco product. Similar findings were also found by
Ahmed and Islam (1990), Patel(1999), Gupta (1999).
b) The computed value of r (.352) was found to be greater than the tabulated value
(r=0.252) with 101 degrees of freedom at 0.01 level of probability. Hence, the
relationship was significant at 0.01 level of probability. Considering the
correlation value the concerned null hypothesis was rejected.
Family annual income: It was revealed that above three-fourth proportion (68.9
percent) of the respondents had medium family annual income compared to 6.8
percent high and 24.3 percent had low family annual income.
Peer groups tobacco product using behavior: Above fifty percent (55.3 percent)
of the respondents had medium peer groups tobacco product using behavior
compared to 15.5 percent had high and 29.2 percent had low peer groups tobacco
product using behavior.
Family religiousness: An overwhelming majority (88.4 percent) of the farmers
were medium to high religious compared to 11.7 percent low religious.
The Pearson's Product Moment Correlation (r) showed that age and organizational
participation were positive and significantly related with the family tobacco product
using behavior by the farmers. Education and awareness showed negatively
significant relationship with the family tobacco product using behavior by the
farmers. However, annual income, peer groups tobacco using behavior, family
religiousness of the farmers had no significant relationship with the family tobacco
product using behavior by the farmers.
5.2 Conclusions
Based on the findings of this study the following conclusions have been drawn:
1. Family tobacco product using behavior of the farmer was very high in the study
areas of Rangamati districts. It is therefore, necessary to reduce tobacco product
using behavior of the farmers and warn them against its adverse effect.
2. Age of the farmers had positive significant relationship with their family
tobacco product using behavior which leads to the conclusion that more the age
of the farmers the more was their use of tobacco products and vice-versa.
3. Education of the farmers had negative and highly significant relationship with
their family tobacco product using behavior which leads to the conclusion that
more the level of education of the farmers the less was their use of tobacco
products and vice-versa.
5.3 Recommendation
Based on the findings and conclusions of the study, the following recommendations
were made.
5.3.1 Recommendations for policy implication
1. Family tobacco product using behavior of the farmers was very high. Therefore,
it may be recommended that steps should be taken to motivate the farmer and
their family member for lowering family tobacco product use.
2. Aged farmers were the more users of tobacco products. On the other hand
educated farmers were the less users of tobacco products. Therefore, It may be
recommended that motivational activities should be done by establishing adult
learning centers for reducing tobacco product use.
3. Farmers having more organizational participation were the more user of tobacco
product. Therefore, it may be recommended that motivational activities need to
be promoted in the meetings of the local organizations to reduce tobacco product
4. Farmers having more awareness on harmful effect of using tobacco product were
the less user of tobacco product. Therefore, it may be recommended that
development agencies and health extension providers should provide functional
education to the farmers, so that they became aware about the harmful effect of
using tobacco product and minimize harmful effects of using those products in
2. Only seven characteristics of the farmers were studies in this research, but there
are so many characteristics which can influence the use of tobacco products.
Considering other important characteristics similar research should be
conducted in future to address this issue in a more holistic view.
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(English Version of the Interview Schedule)
Department of Agricultural Extension and Information System
Sher-e-Bangla Agricultural University, Dhaka-1207
Date......................... Serial.No......................
2. Level of education
Please mention your level of education
a) Can not read and write ....................
4. Tobacco product using behavior by the peer groups:
Please mention your extent of using the following tobbaco products .
Name of the Extent of using tobacco product
peer Cigarettes Bidis Zarda Gul Hukka
(No. of (No. of (No. of (No. of (No. of
times per times per times per times per times per
day) day) day) day) day)
6. Awareness on harmful effect of tobacco product use:
7. Organizational participation
Please indicate the nature and duration of your participation in the following
Thank you for your kind co-operation,