Munshiganj Alu Research
Munshiganj Alu Research
Munshiganj Alu Research
June, 2021
A Thesis
Submitted to the Faculty of Agribusiness Management
Sher-e-Bangla Agricultural University, Dhaka,
in partial fulfillment of the requirements
for the degree of
Approved by
(Prof. Dr. Mohammad Mizanul Haque Kazal) (Dr. Md. Sadique Rahman)
Supervisor Associate professor
Dept. of Development and Poverty Studies Co- supervisor
Sher-e-Bangla Agricultural University Dept. of Management and Finance
Sher-e-Bangla Agricultural University
Fatema Sarker
Examination Committee
Dept. of Development and Poverty Studies
Sher-e-Bangla Agricultural University
Dept. of Development and Poverty Studies
Sher-e-Bangla Agricultural University
Sher-e-Bangla Nagar, Dhaka-1207, Bangladesh
Telephone: +88-02-44814053
This is to certify that the thesis entitled, “Profitability and Factor Analysis of
Potato Cultivation in Some Selected Areas of Munshiganj District in
Bangladesh” submitted to the Faculty of Agribusiness Management, Sher-e-
Bangla Agricultural University, Dhaka, in partial fulfillment of the
requirements for the degree of MASTER OF SCIENCE in Development and
Poverty Studies, embodies the result of a piece of bona fide research work
carried out by NAINA ANWAR, Registration No. 14-05971 under my
supervision and guidance. No part of the thesis has been submitted for any
other degree or diploma.
I further certify that such help or source of information, as has been availed
of during the course of this investigation has duly been acknowledged.
The present study was designed to assess the Profitability and Factor Analysis of Potato
Cultivation in Some Selected Areas of Munshiganj District in Bangladesh. Farmers were
randomly selected for data collection purpose. The selected upazilas were Munshiganj
Sadar and Tangibari under Munshiganj district. Descriptive statistics and Cobb-Douglas
production function were used to achieve the objective of the study. The major findings of
the study revealed that the potato production was profitable for the year of 2021. Per hectare
total cost of potato was Tk. 2, 64, 873 and the gross return was Tk. 2, 67, 690. Per hectare
net return for potato production was Tk. 2, 817. Gross margin was Tk. 42, 619. Return per
taka of potato production was 1.01 and discounted BCR was 1.29. The results of the Cobb-
Douglas production function indicated that the gross return of the potato production were
highly influenced by the human labor, seed, irrigation, manure, fertilizer, insecticide etc.
𝑅 2 was 0.447, adjusted 𝑅 2 0.401, returns to scale was 0.87 and F-value 9.822. The
problems faced by potato farmers were shortage of financial capital, high price of input,
low price of output, lack of quality seed, inadequate extension services etc. It also showed
that imbalanced investment and poor management of potato farming may lead to less profit.
So efficient policy for pricing, effective production management, lower input price were
required for the highest net return of the potato cultivation. For these Bangladesh
government should play vital role for the effective management of potato.
First of all I would like to thank Almighty Allah, the most merciful and compassionate, the
most gracious and beneficent to Whom every praise is due and to His prophet Mohammad
(SM) Who is forever a torch of knowledge and guidance for humanity as a whole with
whose delighting the present and endeavor.
Now, I would like to pay indefinable gratitude to my supervisor Prof. Dr. Mohammad.
Mizanul Haque Kazal, Professor, Dept. of Development and Poverty Studies, Sher-e-
Bangla Agricultural University, Dhaka, for his ever inspirational guidance, keen interest,
scholastic and helpful suggestions throughout the research work and preparation of thesis.
I also want to thank respected Ashek Md Asif vai and beloved Asif Ur Rahman who
encouraged me to start my MS program in Sher-e-Bangla Agricultural University. I would
like to express my sincere appreciation to my dear seniors and juniors, my beloved friends
and cousins who helped me and were always with me to complete this work.
I found no words to thank my mom and brother for their never ending affection and
continuous support, their sacrifice and untiring efforts to fulfill my dream of higher
education. They were constant source of inspiration in the critical moments of my studies.
Table of Contents
Chapter Title Page
1.1 Background of the Study 1
1.2 Importance of Potato in Bangladesh 3
1.3 Varieties of Potato in Bangladesh 5
1.4 Area, Production and Yield of Potato in 6
1.5 Justification of the Study 10
1.6 Objectives of the Study 11
1.7 Structure of the Study 11
2.1 Introduction 12
2.2 Potato Related Studies 12
2.3 Conclusion 17
3.1 Introduction 18
3.2 Selection of Study Area 18
3.3 Sources of Data 18
3.4 Selection of the Samples and Sampling Technique 19
3.5 Preparation of the Survey Schedule 19
3.6 Collection of Data 19
3.7 Editing and Tabulation of Data 20
3.8 Analytical Techniques 20
3.8.1 Descriptive Analysis 20
3.8.2 Production Function Analysis 20
3.9 Procedure for Computation of Costs and Return 23
3.9.1 Variable Costs 24
3.9.2 Fixed Costs 24
3.9.3 Procedure for Estimating of Return 26
3.10 Profitability Analysis 27
3.10.1 Calculation of Gross Return 28
3.10.2 Calculation of Gross Margin 28
3.10.3 Problem Faced in Collecting Data 28
4.1 Introduction 30
4.2 Geography 31
4.3 Climate 31
4.4 Soil Type 32
4.5 Administration 33
4.6 Economic Situation 33
4.7 Conclusion 33
5.1 Introduction 34
5.2 Age Distribution of the Potato Farmers 34
5.3 Sex Category of Potato Farmers 35
5.4 Size and Composition of Family of Potato 35
5.5 Level of Education of the Potato Farmers 36
5.6 Occupational Status of Potato Farmers 37
5.7 Monthly Income of Potato Farmers 37
5.8 Monthly Expenditure of Potato Farmers 38
5.9 Average Size of the Land Holding of the Potato 39
5.10 Sources of Credit Facilities of the Respondents 39
5.11 Concluding Remarks 40
6.1 Introduction 41
6.2 Variable Costs 41
6.2.1 Cost of Land Preparation 41
6.2.2 Cost of Human Labor 41
6.2.3 Cost of Seed 42
6.2.4 Cost of Irrigation 42
6.2.5 Cost of Fertilizer 42
6.2.6 Cost of Manure 42
6.2.7 Cost of Insecticides 42
6.2.8 Cost of Pesticides 43
6.2.9 Cost of Transportation 43
6.2.10 Cost of Others 43
6.3 Fixed Costs 43
6.3.1 Land Use Cost 43
6.3.2 Interest on Operating Capital (IOC) 43
6.4 Total Cost 45
6.5 Gross Return 45
6.6 Net Return 46
6.7 Gross Margin 46
6.8 Benefit Cost Ratio 46
6.9 Profits 46
7.1 Introduction 47
7.2 Functional Analysis for Measuring Production 47
7.3 Estimated Values of the Production Function 47
7.4 Interpretation of Results 48
7.5 Coefficient of Multiple Determinations (𝑅 2 ) 49
7.6 Adjusted 𝑅 2 50
7.7 Returns to Scale 50
7.8 F-Value 50
8.1 Introduction 51
8.2 Land Use Cost is High 51
8.3 Lack of Quality Seeds 52
8.4 Fertilizer and Insecticides are Highly Expensive 52
8.5 Higher Charge of Cold Storages 52
8.6 High Labor Wage Rate 52
8.7 Disease and Pest Infestation 52
8.8 Lack of Credit Facilities 53
8.9 Inefficient Marketing Structures and Occasional 53
Product Fee
8.10 Other Problems 54
8.11 Suggestions to Overcome the Constraints 54
8.11.1 Availability of Inputs 54
8.11.2 Provision of Schooling on Potato Production 55
8.11.3 Availability of Instrumental Credits 55
8.11.4 Storage Facility 55
8.11.5 To Improve Advertising and Marketing Facility: 55
8.12 Chapter Summary 56
9.1 Introduction 57
9.2 Summary 57
9.3 Conclusion 60
9.4 Policy Recommendation 60
9.5 Limitations 61
9.5 Scope for Further Research 62
References 63-65
Appendix 66-70
List of Tables
List of Figures
Bangladesh is a rustic based in particular on agriculture. Out of land area of 14.96 million
hectares, the total cultivated area of the Bangladesh is 7.97 million hectares and its
cropping intensity is 176 percentage (BBS, 2019). Although the entire land location is the
same in every year, the entire cultivated vicinity is reducing year to year. It was 8.03 million
hectares in 2003-2004 but decreased to 7.97 million hectare in 2004-2005 and it is
gradually reducing day by day.
Bangladesh is striving hard for its improvement. The economy of Bangladesh remains
predominantly agricultural. The economic development of Bangladesh is mainly primarily
based on agricultural. The direct contribution of agricultural to GDP is 12.92 % (MoF,
2020). But its oblique contribution which includes agro-based totally industries to GDP in
a great deal better. It is the main occupation of the people wherein 38.3 % of labor force is
engaged in agriculture (BBS, 2019). As such the countrywide improvement relies upon to
a considerable extent on the improvement of its agriculture and farmers. The population
growth rate is 0.98 percentage per annum (Bangladesh Gender Ratios, 2021)
The root and tuber vegetation commonly grown in Bangladesh. Comprise potato, sweet
potato, aroids, yam, arrowroot and cassava; among these potato is the predominant crops.
The potato is the sector’s maximum critical non-grain meals crop worldwide underneath
Solanaceae family. It is used mainly as a vegetable and has potential as a staple food. Potato
(Solanum tuberosum) is a suitable for eating tuber of the cultivated plant, Solanaceae has
been cultivated on this part of the sub-continent and occupied a vital area in the list of
predominant food and cash crop of Bangladesh.
Bangladesh skilled a lot progress in its potato production and improved with the aid of 5%
consistent with annum. Bangladesh has ranked seventh role within the global in terms of
potato production in 2015 (FAO, 2019). In 2019-20, around 96, 06,000 metric tons of
potato were produced 4, 61,000 hectares (3.09% of overall cultivated vicinity) of land in
Bangladesh (BBS, 2020). Among all crops, potato (Solanum tuberosum L.) is one of the
maximum vital veggies as well as cash vegetation in Bangladesh. Potato technology in
Bangladesh inside the economic year of (FY) 2012-2013, hit another document of 8.603
million tons outperforming the record of 8.38 million tons in FY'11 (BBS, 2015). Potato
has end up the 1/3 most vital food terms of Bangladesh (FAOSTAT, 2019).
The farmers who used best seed received higher yield and income. But shortage of great
seed forced some farmers to apply the inferior seed (Hoq, 1998). As a result, the Tuber
Crop Research Centre (TCRC) of BARI launched 40 HYV potato sorts that have properly
yield ability and tolerant to insect pests and diseases (Haque et al., 2012). BADC
additionally produces best potato seeds under agreement farming and distribute them to the
manufacturers, yet proof is lacking (Moniruzzaman et al., 2015). Introduction of Modern
Potato Varieties (MPV) started in early sixties. Since then the vicinity, production and yield
of potato steadily commenced to rise despite the fact that in a gradual pace first of all.
Sustained efforts of TCRC of BARI brought about slow improvement of the potato area of
Bangladesh, specifically in admire of recommendation of varieties, seed potato production
and improvement of production technology of MPV. The amount of seed coverage in 2007-
08 was, 4.02 lac hectare and production (66.5 MT) and yield (16.6 t/ha) of potato in
Bangladesh throughout the year (BBS, 2020). Today potato has grown to be one of the
essential meals and coins vegetation in Bangladesh.
Efficiency and input use pattern varies with the socio-financial characteristics of farmer or
manager (Islam et al., 2016). Technical and managerial skills on cultivation practices and
provision of technical knowledge to control diseases in addition to right allocation of inputs
and available resources could assist to increase profitability and productiveness of potato
(Bajracharya and Sapkota, 2017).
Agricultural production policy decisions in Bangladesh are limited through lack of records
on profitability of growing exceptional agricultural crops (Sarkar et al., 2014). It is possible
to boom potato manufacturing by vertical and horizontal expression (Uddin, 2009).
Though Bangladesh has grown to be a first-rate potato producer within the SAARC
nations, the popularity of this crop has remained vegetable in the country. The time has
come now for all of us to recognize and admire the position of potato that may play an
important position in the gift monetary scenario of Bangladesh.
Potato is the main vegetable crop in the international, which occupies the topmost role after
rice and wheat each in appreciate of production and consumption. Considering global
meals grain scarcity particularly declining trend of rice production, the importance of
potato in the meals listing is growing daily.
In declaring 2008, the global year of the potato, the UN General Assembly seeks to focus
international attention on the role of potato in defeating hunger and poverty. The total
requirement of potato was about 664800 MT in Bangladesh and its added fee to agricultural
sector was about Tk. 44,016 million in 2007-08 (BBS, 2020). From that year potato
production was at booming stage in Bangladesh.
Figure 1.1: Pictorial view of potato in the farmer’s field. (Source: Field Survey, 2021)
With the direct technical help of the Agro-primarily based Industries and Technical
Development Project (ATDP) of the MoA in Bangladesh, funded by the United States
Agency for International Development (USAID) private exporters have exported about 130
MT of potatoes which become valued in about Tk.2.04 million to Singapore, Malaysia and
Sri Lanka during March-April 1999. During the year of 1999-2000 and 2000-2001
Bangladesh earned approximately Tk.4.04 million and Tk.3.81 million through exporting
potatoes respectively (Export Statistics, 1998-99).
Potatoes are also a notable service of vitamins, even presenting nutrition B and C, the light
nutrition. Vitamin B6 performs several roles in our worried machine, a lot of which contain
neurological (mind cell) interest. Vitamin B6 is necessary for the creation of amines, a kind
of messaging molecule or neurotransmitter that the fearful device is based directly to
transmit messages from one nerve to the subsequent. Vitamin B6 plays any other
significantly important role in methylation, a chemical procedure in which methyl
businesses are transferred from one molecule to any other. Many critical chemical activities
in the frame are made viable via methylation, for example, genes can be switched on and
turned off on this manner. Vitamin B6 is likewise necessary for the breakdown of glycogen,
the shape wherein sugar is saved in our muscle cells and liver. Vitamin C is critical to help
hold healthy connective tissue and heal wounds. Potatoes are also good resources of B
vitamins, helping the body make healthful pink blood cells and amino acids.
But potato farmers are dealing with issues to advantage now, but their actual funding on
generating potato not to mention the income. Considering the above factors of view in
thoughts, the present study ass undertaken to assess the existing scenario of potato growers
and identifying the principal challenges of potato production as well as to find out the
answers against this troubles in Bangladesh. Some economic investigations on potato
cultivation in Bangladesh had been undertaken by way of unique groups but which have
been now not good enough. Nevertheless, sufficient studies portraits were no longer
undertaken for studying the profitability and aid use efficiency of potato production in a
present manner potato growing region like Munshiganj district. Therefore, the unique goals
of the present study are to investigate the profitability, aid use performance and the factors
affecting the production of potato within the selected study region.
In the remote past the ones were brought to this part of the subcontinent however within
the absence of varietal development efforts, steadily degenerated, displaying terrible yield
performance. In spite of poor yields, some of the local varieties are nonetheless being
cultivated because of their flavor and cooking qualities. There are about 27 local forms of
potatoes cultivated in different parts of Bangladesh.
Huge quantity of potato seeds are importing each year by way of the Bangladesh
Agricultural Development Corporation (BADC) for distribution among farmers.
A) Cardinal- in all likelihood maximum popular the various foreign types with
rectangular, reddish, tubers, shallow eyes, and, smooth skin. The variety imported from
Holland and has yield potential from 20 to 25 metric ton/ha.
B) Diament- Another Holland variety with oval to oblong, faded yellow tubers, smooth
pores and skin and shallow eyes. It is pretty disease resistant. Per hectare yield levels from
18 to 24 metric ton/ha.
C) Kufri Shindhury- Tubers are reddish and spherical and deep eyes with difficult skin.
This variety changed into introduction from India and is relatively much less at risk of pests
and disease. It has a yield capability of 18 to 22 metric ton/ha.
D) Other exquisite individual types are patronis, Alpha, Archa, Multa, Ukama, Hira,
Maurin, Origo, Alisa, and many others.
The Tuber Crops Research Centre of BARI has collected many new styles of potato from
the International Potato Research Centre, Peru and from different sources. These being
examined under Bangladesh conditions to decide whether they can be advocated for
cultivation in the country. The centre has already made exact contribution closer to the
development of a few high yielding potato types.
The land and climatic circumstance of Bangladesh with abundant water and humid
temperature are preferably congenial to the cultivation of potato and yield of potato have
increased considerably over the last three decades. Area under potato cultivation and
production has extended at some point of the same duration.
Figure 1.2 shows the area, production and yield of potato which extended appreciably over
the last 11 years from 2009-10 to 2019-20. It showed that the production of potato is
gradually increasing over the years from 2009-10 to 2019-20. The average yield consistent
with hectare for the country additionally elevated from 18.249 metric tons to 20.822 metric
tons (Source: BBS, 2020).
Figure 1.2: Trend of area, yield and production of potato in Bangladesh
In recent years, potato has occupied a vital role in vicinity allocation due to its excessive
yield among important meals and vegetable vegetation of Bangladesh. Bangladesh has
made an amazing development inside the production of potatoes over the last two decades
2008-09 to 2019-20. Considering the area coverage in Bangladesh, potato is the 3rd crop
after paddy and wheat.
Potato area elevated from 1, 36,330 hectares in 1997-98 to 4, 64,035 hectares in 2008-09
nearly triple during the same length. The average yield consistent with hectare also
multiplied from 11.39 to 14.54 tons in the course of this period. The production improved
because of using HYV seed and modern-day production technology. In 2007-08 cropping
season, the highest potato vicinity changed into proven and recorded the best Production
inside the records of Bangladesh (Source: BBS, 2007 & BBS, 2020).
Here is also a subject survey which suggests the area wise potato production across
Bangladesh. (Table- 1.2)
Table 1.2: Division wise potato production of Bangladesh, 20019-20.
Zone/Division Area (Ha) Total Production Yield (M. ton/ha)
(M. ton)
Dhaka 56,223 27.185 15,28,799
Average - 20.08 -
Munshiganj district alone produced 1146437 M. ton potato during the year 2019-2020 from
35,938 hectors of land and yield rate was 31.901 M. tons/ha. (BBS, 2020)
The trend of potato area, yield and production in Bangladesh in last 11 years are given in
the table below (Table-1.3).
Table 1.3: Acreage and production rate of Potato during the last 11 years.
Years Area (ha) Yield M. Production M.
tons/ha tons/ha
2009-2010 435 18.249 7,938
2010-2011 460 18.093 8,323
2011-2012 430 19.071 8,201
2012-2013 443 19.370 8,581
2013-2014 462 19.371 8,949
2014-2015 471 19.648 9,254
2015-2016 476 19.925 9,484
2016-2017 500 20.443 10,222
2017-2018 478 20.411 9,756
2018-2019 469 20.614 9,668
2019-2020 462 20.822 9,620
Source: (BBS, 2012, 2015, 2018 and 2020)
From the given table above, it is obvious that area and production of beneath Potato are
increasing gradually. Per hectare yield additionally registers upward trend. In the year of
2016-2017 there's a big leap on the trend line of production and then decline in the next
years. High demand of the meals crop resulted in producing greater Potatoes.
Total potato area during 2019-20 has been estimated 4, 61,317/ha in compare to 4, 68,375
ha during 2018-19 which was 1.51% lower than previous year.
Table showed that the farmers are losing their interests gradually for producing potato in
recent years. They are facing loses which is very alarming for agricultural sector as potato
is a very crucial product in the market.
Potato has super significance within the financial system of Bangladesh. Potato can play a
prodigious function to recover the situations of farmers. As the production of potato is
extraordinary, export magnificence potato will offer them the possibility to obtain greater
returns and thus, ensuring their earnings inside the market place. Use of advance
technology with preservation and storage facilities of potato will be beneficiary for potato
growers inside the market place too. Thus, adaptation of modern technology and right
monitoring of the marketing channel could ensure profit of potato growers.
The research is useful for the individual farmers for operation and control in their farms
through pointing the drawbacks and for the planners for correct planning and policy making
in potato cultivation. The results of the studies may also help extension workers for higher
expertise the modern scenario and for taking techniques to accelerate the improvement for
potato production and export. Understanding the problems of this area and similarly
initiative may be taken. This research will also be beneficial to the researchers for similarly
conceptualization who will work on related to this topic. As in this examine it will likely
be shown the price of inputs and others, and why the potato growers are not worthwhile
now a days, and thus, take initiation for the overall development of potato growers.
1.6 Objectives of the Study
iv. Investigate the problems and constrains of production and marketing of potato.
The study consists of nine chapters. Chapter 1 describes introduction of the study, Chapter
2 reviewed the relevant literature. Chapter 3 deals with the methodology of the study. In
Chapter 4, a brief description of the study area is presented. Socioeconomic characteristics
of the sample farmers are presented in Chapter 5. Chapter 6 estimated and analysed the
costs and returns of the potato production. The results of Cobb- Douglas production
function analysis are given in Chapter 7. Chapter 8 is designed to identify production
problems and constraints of the potato growers. Finally, conclusion and recommendations
of the study are presented in Chapter 9.
2.1 Introduction
The reason of this chapter is to provide critiques of studies, which might be related with
the present study. There are a few studies on cultivation and their effect on earnings in the
farm family in Bangladesh. But there are only some unique research at the advertising of
potato inside Bangladesh. The Bangladesh Agricultural Research Institute (BARI) and a
few personal and foreign businesses have achieved some empirical works on Potato. Brief
evaluations of the research on potato cultivation and effect on income are given beneath.
Potato is a staple food in the developed countries and which accounts for 37% of the total
potato production in the world (FAO & CIP, 1995). Considering the trend of population
growth and consequently the increased demand for food in the country and dwindling
cultivable land area, the potato is likely to play a very important role in the future. Potato
is a popular and important vegetable in Bangladesh.
Elias et al. (1980) conducted an economic study on potatoes production in some selected
areas of Bangladesh. They estimated the average per acre production cost of potato was
Tk. 7,376 and the average gross return was Tk. 9,931. Average yield was 242 mounds per
Elias et al. (1982) assessed improved technology and constraints of potato in two district
of Bangladesh (Bogra and Munshigonj). They found that the yield per production hectare
was much higher in Munshigonj (25,009 kg) than that of Bogra (13,278 kg).They estimated
per hector average net return was Tk. 7,211 which was higher in Munshigonj (Tk. 8,751)
than in Bogra (Tk. 4,953) .
Das (1992) conducted a study on the profitability of potato cultivation and found that the
average yield of potato was 4,720 kg per hectare and the average gross per hectare return
amounted to Tk. 33,040. The calculated per hectare net return above full-costs was Tk.
Rashid (1994) conducted a study on the profitability of different cropping patterns with
and without potatoes in two villages in Dinajpur district. He observed that the pe rhectre
average yields were 15,550 kg and 4,721 kg for HYVs and LVs of potatoes, respectively
and their respective values were Tk. 46,084 and Tk. 24,575. He also mentioned that the
HYV potatoes were more profitable than other crops.
Arif (1998) conducted a study on potato production on selected areas of Comilla district.
He showed that the per hectare gross returns were Tk. 1,01,859, 1,02,359 and 1,01,359;
gross costs were Tk. 64,251, Tk. 65,180 and BDT 64742; net returns were Tk. 37,608,
37,179 and 36,617 for small, medium and large categories of farmers, respectively.
Rahman (1999) carried out a study on “Economic Analysis of Potato Production in Some
Selected Areas of Rangpur District”. The study was mainly designed to analyze the
socioeconomic characteristics of potato farmers and to determine the costs and returns of
producing HYV potato varieties on different categories of farmers and identifying the
factors affecting yield and returns. One hundred twenty potato farmers were selected as
sample. Findings showed that, the total cost was Tk. 84,292 per hectare was the highest for
the large farmers growing Cardinal and it was the lowest Tk.56,761 for the small farmers
growing the same variety. The gross return was Tk. 1, 13,225 kg per hectare was the highest
for the large farmers producing BARI TSP 1. On the contrary, the gross return Tk.95,759
per hectare was the lowest for the small farmers producing Diamant. The functional
analysis showed the effects of using human labor, animal power, manure, seed and
irrigation were positive for Diamant production.
Islam et al. (2000) executed a studies titled “Potato Production System in Bangladesh:
Resource use, productivity, efficiency and comparative profitability of real potato seed
generation over conventional tuber technology”. They carried out a performance evaluation
that, the potato growers using TPS era allotted their resources in rational stage of
Akhter et al. (2001) found that potato Production is noticeably profitable and it can
provide cash to farmer. In phrases of profitability, potato production was more attractive
than any other iciness vegetables Production. Per unit yield and gross return of potato were
observed better than other competitive crops/vegetables.
Majid (2004) performed an analysis on the availability and utilization of potato credit in
Bogra district. The study revealed that potato cultivation under the institutional loan was a
profitable business. It was found that the average per acre potato production for small,
medium and large farmers were 800 kg, 740 kg and 760 kg, respectively. The findings of
the study clearly indicated that the loaner farmers having small farm holding obtained
higher profit followed by medium and large farmers. The credit aspects of the study
indicated that RAKUB has greater contribution as financing agency to potato production
than other institutional sources of credit.
Moazzem and Fujita (2004) said Potato is one of the primary commercial crop grown
everywhere in the country. In Bangladesh, potato is specially ate up as vegetable. Various
types of food items (Singara, Samucha, Chop, chips etc.) are also crafted from potato.
Adequate supply of potato stabilizes the vegetable market price all around the year.
Alam (2006) said generally, granule varieties of potato are produced in Bangladesh.
However, for export motive, Seeds of Atlanta, Spunta and Banta kind sorts also are
imported to produce excessive excellent potatoes in Bangladesh. About 100 Small and
Medium Enterprises (SMEs) are worried in manufacturing and processing of meals
products of which handiest 10 corporations export clean potato and potato products from
Islam et al. (2007) found that the farmers in general were using excessive urea and
comparatively fewer amounts of TSP and MP, while some farmers were using
comparatively more TSP and MP, in contrast and less in amount of urea. The estimated
results of determinant functions indicated that the use of TSP and MP at the farm level
could be increased by reducing their prices and increasing the urea price at the farm level,
simultaneously. Side by side, massive extension programs for motivating farmers towards
the balanced fertilizers use could also increase the use of these two fertilizers at farm level
and the use of better combination of TSP and MP along with urea might reduce the
tendency of using more urea.
Barkat et al. (2010) revealed that small farmers were more restricted in their choices and
opportunities because of their lack of assets and their economic profits from crop
production activities are moderate. A selective, targeted fertilizer subsidy scheme for only
the small farmers may be the correct subsidy policy. They mentioned that farmers are quite
often not getting the required amount of fertilizers and even sometimes not any fertilizer at
all at the dealer‘s shops.
Chowdhury et al. (2015) conducted a study and found that 30 percent of their investment
in the current season, which has created a shocking situation for them. Again cold storage
charge was Tk. 4.2 to 4.5 per kg across the country which seems very high rate, on the
other hand nearly 420 cold storages across the country can be stored 3.6 million tons of
potato, which is 44 percent capacity of the total production. Dissemination of market
information should be increased so that farmers can get the fair price of the potato.
Muktasha Deena Chowdhury et al. (2015) conducted a survey on potato production in
some selected areas of Bangladesh. They showed that in the context of production and
export potato has a great prospect in Bangladesh. Potato farming is assuming a greater
dimension, however bringing pressure on the government to expand its use as alternative
food in the domestic sector as well as to explore it for greater export markets in overseas
Akter et al. (2016) described the age distribution of farmers in three categories. 0-35 years,
36 t0 55 years and 56 to above years. Young aged category consisted with the farmers who
was happened to be up to 35, middle consisted with the farmers who was between 36 to 55
years lod, and old aged considered the farmers above 55 years.
Sujan et al. (2017) revealed that sufficient supply of quality seed at fair price in sowing
time can help to reduce the cost of production. Furthermore, optimum use of fertilizer can
also increase the productivity and profitability of potato cultivation.
Finally, Begum (2017) conducted an economic study of potato production in selected areas
of Sylhet district and found that large farms received the highest amount of yield but it was
the lowest for small farms. Potato cultivation was financially profitable among the farmers.
Most of potato growers face same category problems but in different ways. Non-
availability of quality seed and high price were the major constraint of potato cultivations.
The quality seeds as well as other inputs need to be available to the potato growers in time
at reasonable price.
2.3 Concluding Remarks
Above review and discussions indicate that there are large numbers of studies conducted
on profitability of potato production. The present study was conducted on present status
and potentialities of potato production. This study is a moderate attempt to find out the
relative costs, returns of growing potato at farmers field and efficiency in selected areas of
Munshiganj district. Under the circumstances, the present study could be treated as a good
attempt and the findings of the present study are expected to provide useful information for
the researcher’s policy makers and extension personnel’s.
3.1 Introduction
This chapter presents a detailed sequential steps of research work for instance, selection of
study areas, study period, sources of data, processing of data and analytical techniques.
Munshiganj district turned into selected as one of the important potato producing area of
Bangladesh. Before selection, a preliminary visit was made inside the respective sites. The
survey turned into behavior in decided on potato producinging Upazillas of Munshiganj
district in Bangladesh. The survey became run within the 2 Upazillas- Munshiganj Sadar,
Tangibari were selected, which might be the vast potato growing areas.
had some same traits like homogeneous soil kind, topographical and climatic
situation for production of potato;
Data required for the existing study were amassed from primary and secondary sources.
Primary facts have been acquired from farmers and secondary records were accrued from
numerous published sources. Secondary sources had been Bangladesh Bureau of Statistics
(BBS), Department of Agriculture Extension (DAE), FAOSTATE and other related
corporations in Bangladesh.
3.4 Selection of the Samples and Sampling Technique
Potato growing farmers have been the respondent of number one sources of information
for this research. Cultivators of potato had been selected from the above selected areas as
they constitute the entire farmers in terms of output and coverage. Survey technique turned
into observed to accumulate production related information while, simple random
sampling method became used to choose the potato farmers. The list of potato farmers
become organized through a initial quick survey with the assistance of Department of
Agricultural Extension (DAE) employees, and then they had been selected by using
random quantity desk. Finally 80 potato growing farmers had been selected from the
chosen areas/villages.
Preparation of survey schedule is one of the important task for field level data collection.
A comprehensive survey agenda turned into prepared to collect essential data statistics
from the selected respondents. The interview agenda turned into pretested for judging their
suitability. After pre testing, the agenda turned into finalized.
To satisfy the objectives of the research, vital information had been accumulated through
traveling each farm for my part and by using interviewing them with the assist of a pretested
interview agenda. Usually most of the respondent does no longer maintain facts of their
tasks. Hence, its miles very tough to accumulate real data and the researcher has to rely on
the reminiscence of the respondent. Before going to an actual interview, a brief introduction
of the objectives of the research was given to every respondent. The query changed into
requested systematically in a totally easy way and the facts changed into recorded at the
interview schedule. When every interview turned into over the interview schedule was
checked and demonstrated to make sure that statistics to each of the data have been nicely
recorded. In order to minimize mistakes, statistics had been accrued in nearby implements.
These have been sooner or later converted into suitable trendy unit.
Data collection period was 15th October to 15th November, 2021. In order to reap reliable
data the researcher to begin with visited for several times to introduces herself with the
human beings of the examine areas during the season. Secondary information have been
accrued via literature and distinctive courses from BBS, BER, DAE, and Bangladesh Bank
(BB) and many others.
After series of primary statistics, the stuffed schedules were edited for evaluation. These
records have been established to eliminate viable mistakes and inconsistencies. All the
collected records had been summarized and scrutinized carefully. For data entry and
statistics evaluation, the Microsoft Excel packages and SPSS programs were used. And
after checking the amassed information, it changed into transformed into well-known units.
Finally, some relevant tables were organized consistent with necessity of analysis to satisfy
the targets of the task.
Data were analyzed with the purpose of fulfilling the objectives of the study. Both
descriptive and statistical analysis were used for analyzing the data.
Tabular technique of analysis was generally used to find out the socio-demographic profile
of the respondent; determination of the cost, returns and profitability of potato farming
enterprises. It is simple in calculation, widely used and easy to understand. It was used to
get the simple measures like average, percentage etc.
One of the most extensively used production function for empirical estimation is the Cobb
Douglas production function. This characteristic become in the beginning utilized by C.W.
Cobb and P.H. Douglas in twenties to estimate the marginal productivities of hard work
and capital in American production industries. Their most important motive become to
estimate the stocks of hard work and capital in overall product; as a result they used this
function with the constraint that the sum of elasticity’s or regression coefficients must
general one. Later on, they secure this restraint. Cobb and Douglas at the start outfitted the
feature to time series 1930s and 1940s; the identical form became used for cross phase of
industries. This form of the function become sooner or later used in lots of manufacturing
feature studies for technical devices (plants, farm animals) and farm-firms in agricultures.
(ii) It permits more levels of freedom than other algebraic paperwork (like quadratic
feature) which permit growing or lowering marginal productivities; and
(iii) It simplifies the calculations via lowering the range of regression to be treated in
regression analysis.
Y = output;
From Eq. (3.1) it is clear that the relationship between output and the two inputs is
nonlinear. However, if we log-transform this model, we obtain:
Where 𝛽0 = ln𝛽1.
Thus written, the version is linear in the parameters, 𝛽0, 𝛽2 and 𝛽3 and is therefore a linear
regression model. Notice, though, it's far nonlinear in the variables Y and X but linear in
the logs of these variables. In short, (3.2) is a log-log, double-log, or log-linear model, a
couple of regression counter part of the 2-variable log-linear version.
The houses of the Cobb–Douglas production characteristic are pretty widely known:
𝛽 2 is the (partial) elasticity of output with recognize to the labor input, this
is, it measures the percentage trade in output for, say, a 1 percentage
exchange in the labor enter, protecting the capital enter consistent.
Likewise, 𝛽 3 is the (partial) elasticity of output with respect to the capital
enter, keeping the exertions enter constant.
The sum (𝛽 2 + 𝛽 3 ) gives information about the returns to scale, this is, the
response of output to a proportionate exchange within the inputs. If this sum
is 1, then there are regular returns to scale, this is, doubling the inputs will
double the output, tripling the inputs will triple the output, and so forth. If
the sum is much less than 1, there are decreasing returns to scale—doubling
the inputs will much less than double the output. Finally, if the sum is
greater than 1, there are increasing returns to scale— doubling the inputs
will extra than double the output.
Before intending further, observe that each time you've got a log–linear regression model
regarding any variety of variables the coefficient of each of the X variables measures the
(partial) elasticity of the established variable Y with respect to that variable. Thus, if you
have a okay-variable log-linear model:
3.8.3 Specification of the Cobb-Douglas Production Function
The input-output relationships in potato farming was analyzed with the help of Cobb-
Douglas production function approach.
The Cobb-Douglas production function was transformed into following logarithmic form
so that it could be solved by ordinary least squares (OLS) method.
𝐥𝐧 𝒀 = 𝐥𝐧 𝒂 + 𝒃𝟏 ln 𝑿𝟏 + 𝒃𝟐 ln 𝑿𝟐 + 𝒃𝟑 ln 𝑿𝟑 + 𝒃𝟒 ln 𝑿𝟒 + 𝒃𝟓 ln 𝑿𝟓 + 𝒃𝟔 ln 𝑿𝟔 +
𝑼𝒊 …………………….(3.4)
ln Y= Yield (kg/ha);
A = intercept;
𝑈𝑖 = = Error Term;
i= 1, 2,…….6.
3.9 Procedure for Computation of Costs and Return
Variable Costs
i. Land Preparation,
ii. Hired Labor,
iii. Family Labor,
iv. Seed Purchased,
v. Irrigation,
vi. Fertilizer,
vii. Manure,
viii. Insecticides,
ix. Pesticides,
x. Transportation,
xi. Others.
Fixed Costs
Both cash costs and full cost were considered in enterprise costing techniques. Full costs
included cost of all inputs whether purchased or not.
Power tiller turned into used by the farmers for land preparation for potato cultivation.
There become a aggressive rate for electricity tiller use within the study place. The fee
worried fee for using strength tiller and the driving force. It became very hard to split the
value for the power tiller and the driving force. A power tiller proprietor supplied gasoline
as well as driving force for land preparation.
ii. Cost of Human Labor
Human labor become determined to be the important input for potato cultivation. Human
hard work was classified as circle of relatives labor for which cash charge changed into no
longer made and employed exertions for which the farmers needed to pay coins. To decide
the value of unpaid own family exertions, the opportunity cost of hard work turned into
typically taken into consideration. However, a number of researchers used the winning
salary rate of hired exertions for estimating own family exertions price which blanketed
the price of vital privileges further to the coins fee. Information of every price for employed
hard work become amassed on the premise of actual cost. In this look at 8 hours period
become considered to be one labor man-day. The wage charge numerous from Tk. 400 to
600 depending at the season and availability of day labors. However, the common wage
charge became taken into consideration to be Tk. 400/man-day.
The farmers ordinarily used bought seeds were utilized by the farmers in producing potato.
The costs of home provided seeds have been determined at the existing market rate and
costs of bought seeds were calculated on the idea of costs paid by means of the farmers.
Fertilizers and manures namely Urea, TSP, MP, Gypsum and Zinc were utilized by the
farmers. Fertilizer fee numerous in line with real charge paid by using the person farmers
and the amount of fertilizers they used. Cost of these fertilizers changed into envisioned in
line with the coins fee paid by means of the farmers.
v. Cost of Manure
The potato growing farmers used FYM as manure. Manure price numerous in line with
real rate paid by way of the individual farmers and the quantity of manure they used. Cost
of those fertilizers changed into predicted consistent with the coins rate paid through the
vi. Cost of Pesticides
Most of the farmers used pesticides in producing potato. Some farmers inside the look at
areas used diverse pesticides. The prices of various pesticides were computed on the idea
of rate which farmers sincerely paid for it.
Most of the farmers used various kinds of insecticides in producing potato. The expenses
of numerous pesticides have been computed on the basis of price which farmers definitely
paid for it.
All the farmers used irrigation water for producing potato. In the study area, there was
handiest one device of charge for irrigation. This became coins charge in keeping with unit
of land. The price of irrigation was computed on the farm of hiring price per unit of land
and net oil and fuel price paid by using the owner of irrigation system.
There was cost of transportation for transporting inputs and outputs from marketplace to
fields and field to cold storage or in local market. The cost of transportation was computed
on the basis of actual cost which farmers virtually paid for it.
x. Others
There had been a few different expenses like charge of baggage’s, sorting value and many
others. This charges were computed on the basis of rate which farmers virtually paid for it.
The value of land use changed into exceptional for exceptional plots depending upon the
field location, topography and fertility of soil. The value of land use can be expected by
the usage of any of the following concepts:
For this examine, price of the land use changed into accounted for with the aid of taking
the condo cost of land.
Interest on running capital was calculated through thinking of the fee incurred for all the
area operations. The components were used as follows:
The interest was charged on the price of 10% in line with in keeping with annum. Four
months had been taken into consideration for potato production. The period taken into
consideration for a corporation ranged from the time of land coaching to the harvesting of
the crop.
Per hectare gross return was calculated via multiplying the entire amount of products with
the aid of their respective common market price at the time of harvest. The cost of return
was estimated as net return above cash cost and net return above full cost. Excluding the
cash costs from the gross return, the return above cash price was derived. The net go back
above complete price was calculated by deduction all cash and non-cash costs from gross
3.10 Profitability Analysis
Cost and return evaluation method was used to determining and evaluating the profitability
of potato cultivation. The profitability of potato farming is calculated by using the
following equation:
π= TR-TC
Where, TR and TC represents Total Return and Total Cost, respectively; and
Per hectare gross go back turned into calculated through multiplying the whole amount of
product and by-product by using their respective per unit price.
Gross Return (GR) or Total Return (TR) = Quantity of the product * Average price of the
Gross margin is defined as the distinction between gross return and variable costs.
Generally, farmers want maximum return over variable price of production. The argument
for the usage of the gross margin analysis is that the farmers are interested to get returns
over variable price. Gross margin became calculated on TVC basis. Per hectare gross
margin changed into received with the aid of subtracting variable charges from gross go
During the collection of information data, the researcher faced the following troubles:
i) Most of the farmers felt disturbed to reply questions considering the concept that the
researcher might use the facts towards their interest. To earn the confidence of the farmers
a incredible deal of time became spent;
ii) The farmers do not hold facts in their activities and day to day charges. Therefore, the
author needed to depend on their reminiscence;
iii) The farmers were generally busy with their filed works. So, the researcher sometimes
additionally needed to pay extra visits to meet the farmer;
iv) Respondents from all categories were frequently unable to provide the exact data, e.g.
income, sales extent, price, overall production and many others. Reliability of records
consequently, posed some confuting; and
v) There became the problem of time and employees and inadequate statistics of potato
cultivation, for this motives statistics and different vital facts had to be accumulated within
the shortest viable time, etc.
The description of the study area is crucial because it provide a quick, clean and
unambiguous description of the study location to become aware of the farmer’s level of
dwelling and the salient features of the location. The description of the study area consists
of vicinity, region, instructional and occupational reputation, physical features and
topography inclusive of weather, temperature and rainfall, financial condition,
transportation, conversation and advertising facilities. This data is critical for better know-
how of the records and findings of the studies and for the selection of a consultant pattern.
4.2 Geography
Total land vicinity is about 95536 hectares acres (954 km sq.), out of which 56,062 hectares
(560 km sq.) are cultivable and 2,271 hectares (23 km sq.) are fallow land. It has no forest
area. 16306 hectares (163 km sq.) of land is irrigated while 10,624 hectares (106 km sq.)
of land is below river. It has 14 rivers of one hundred fifty five km passing via.
4.3 Climate
The climate of the district is tropical in nature. The temperature almost uniform all through
the 12 months. The most and minimum suggest temperature throughout the wintry weather
range from 25.8𝑐 0 to 12.1𝑐 0 . During summer the most and minimal temperature vary from
34.6𝑐 0 to 25.6𝑐 0 . The dry wintry weather season starts from November and continues as
much as the month of February. Summer starts from March and continues up to the mid of
June. The rainfall is lightly heavy in the month of July and August. The annual rainfall
become recorded as 2,376 millimeter. The annual humidity changed into 70 in January and
84 in July.
Figure 4.3: Map of Study Location Tangibari upazila
The district of munshiganj is positioned in the apparent of antique ganges with mature
delta. The soil condition is special in one-of-a-kind region. The soils are heavy dark clays
in the Sreenagar upazila whilst they are yellowish, friable silt loams, silt clay loams in
Sadar, Tangibari and Lauhojong Upazilas. In the south-eastern part of the district there are
specifically olive-brown silt loams, silty clays. There are massive guy-made raised land
near Munshiganj and an awesome despair named Areal Beel.
4.5 Administration
The district consist of 6 Upazilas, 67 Union, 662 Mauzas, 919 Villages, 2 Paurasava, 18
Ward’s and 73 Mahallas. Munshiganj Sadar and Tangibari Upazils were selected areas for
the study.
The rural economy of Munshiganj district is predominantly agriculture. Farm holdings that
produce verities of plants specifically neighborhood and HYV rice, jute, wheat, veggies,
spices, cash vegetation, pulses and others. Munshiganj district is well-known for potato
production. Various fruits like, banana, guava and so forth are grown properly. Verities of
fish are taken from rivers, cannels and from paddy fields at some stage in the wet season.
Livestock farming is other source of earnings of the people of Munshuganj district. Most
of the milk that produces verities of goodies in Dhaka town is furnished from Munshiganj.
The status of non-farming activities in the district is neither excessive nor low.
The above brief description offers a view of the physical, topographical, demographic and
socio-economic scenario of the Munshiganj district in general and for the study Upazilas
of Munshiganj Sadar and Tangibari.The study area is suitable for potato cultivation and its
contribution within the national economy. The right control and usage of the available
herbal assets is also necessary to beautify the productivity of potato.
5.1 Introduction
This chapter deals with the socioeconomic traits of the sample farmers. Socioeconomic
traits of the farmers are important in influencing production making plans. People range
from each other in many respects. Behavior of a man or woman is basically decided by
his/her traits. There are several interrelated and constituent attributes that signify a man or
woman and profoundly have an effect on development of his/her conduct and personality.
Finally socioeconomic components of the sample families were examined. These have
been family size, age distribution, occupation, educational level and so forth. A short
dialogue of these factors is given below-
Considering all sample farmers, age of 0-35 years were 13.8%, 36 to 55 years were 55%
and above 56 years were 31.8% percent (Table 5.1).
Total 80 100
Source: Field Survey, 2021
It appears from Table 5.1 that, most of the farmers belonged to 36 to 45 years age group
and they were active in farming activities.
Sex category of the farmers is very important in present days. According to different sex,
there are three groups. i.e. male, female and others. Considering all the samples, male
farmers were 95%, 5% were female farmers. But 0% for the other category. So male
farmers are leading the potato cultivation side.
A family in the present study was defined as a group of persons living together, taking
meals from a single kitchen and living under the control of one head. If any person of a
family is employed outside home but take meals from the same kitchen while at home and
shares the income and expenditure of the family, he/she has been considered to be a
member of that family. Total family number was 80 and there were three categories of
family size. i.e. family consist of 1-4 members was 24.9%, 5-7 group of members has 65%
and 10.1% of 8 and above family members. In this family groups, the most of the family
members are related with various economical activities in the society (Table 5.3).
5.5 Level of Education of the Potato Farmers
Education was considered as the key factor for transforming technology. Education was
defined as the ability of an individual aged above 6 years to read and write or formal
education received up-to certain standard.
Considering all farmers, about 21.3 percent farmers were illiterate. About 28.7 percent
farmers had education of primary level. The percentages of secondary education of farmers
was 18.8 percent. However, 28.7 percent farmers were able to read and write only. Only 3
percent farmers completed SSC (Table 5.4).
The sample farmers engaged various types of occupations. The occupation of the farmers
and farmer’s family’s members were classified such as agriculture, business, service and
other (i.e. small trading, tailoring, day laboring, van pulling and rickshaw pulling, etc.)
Labor 11 15.0
Business 5 6.0
Service 4 5.0
Others 7 7.7
Total 80 100
Source: Field survey, 2021
Agriculture was found to be the inherent and single major occupation of almost all the
farmers in the study areas. A bulk of the total labor force was engaged in agriculture. Only
a small portion of the farmers families were found to have dealt with business, services and
other occupations (Rickshaw/ Van pulling, Day laboring, Tailoring, Petty business, etc) in
addition to agriculture. Tables 5.5 shows that the occupational classification of the farmers
according to size of land holding. It shows that 66.3 percent of the farmers had agriculture
as the single main occupation. Whereas, 15 percent, 6 percent, 5 percent and 7.7 percent
were engaged of the labor, business, service and others occupations, respectively; in
addition to agriculture.
Monthly income of the potato farmers and their family members varies person to person.
Monthly income of the respondent farmers were categorized into 5 distinct groups. The
groups were formed according to money range. There were 44% farmers belonged in the
range of Tk. 1,000 to 20,000 which means a large number of farmers monthly income is
very low. About 34 %, and 22% farmers belonged Tk. 20,001 to Tk.50,000 and Tk.50,001
& above groups, respectively.
5.8 Monthly Expenditure
Monthly expenditure of the potato farmers and their family members showed the living
standard of the sample farmers. From the survey it is revealed that 59.3 percent money was
expended on food only, 10.5 percent for education, 7.2 percent for cloth, 9.8 percent for
medication, 4.3 percent for feed, and 8.9 percent for other purposes.
Land is the most important asset for farmer household. Land was used for producing
diversified crops and productive enterprises. Sample farmers were categorized into three
groups according to total land owned by them. According to Yang (1995) “Farm size is
measured by the entire land area operated by the operator.”
Table 5.8: Average size of the land holding of the potato farmers
Land (ha) Number of Respondents Percent
Small(0-0.750) 31 38.7
Medium(0.751-1.35) 40 50.0
Large(1.36-2.55) & above 9 11.3
Total 80 100
Source: Field Survey, 2021
It computed by adding the area of land owned, rented in and mortgaged in farm from others
and subtracting the area rented out and mortgaged out to others. It may be noted that,
sample farmers did not lease out or rented out in the study area. Thus, the farm size was
measured by using the following formula:
Farm size= Own cultivable land + Lease in + Mortgaged in – Lease out – Mortgaged out
Table 5.8 reveals that 38.7% farmers belonged to small farm group of 0- 0.750 hectares;
while 50% farmers were in the medium group of 0.751-1.35 hectares and 1.36-2.55
hectares and above group was 11.3% farmers, which indicate the number of large farm
Available amount of funding is an important factor for any kind of farming. The sources
of credit facilities for the potato producing farmers include Banks, NGOs, Relatives and
also their own funding. In the study area different NGOs such as BRAC, ASA, CARE, etc.
are operating their services for providing loan to the poor farmer’s rate, so they can use this
fund in the potato cultivation.
Table 5.9: Source of fund of the sample potato farmers for potato cultivation
Source Number of Respondents Percent
Own Savings 12 15.0
Bank 11 13.8
NGO 7 8.8
Cooperative Society 15 18.8
Neighbor and Relatives 23 28.7
Other 12 15.0
Total 80 100
Source: Field Survey, 2021
About 13.8 percent farmers were taken loan from Banks, 8.8 percent farmers were taken
credit from NGOs, 28.7 percent farmers were taken loan from their relatives as reported by
the sample farmers and 18.8 percent farmers were taken loan from cooperative society.
And 15 percent farmers were used their own funding and 15 percent from other sources
(Table 5.9)
5.11 Concluding Remarks
This chapter analyzed the socioeconomic attributes of the sample farmers. The findings of
analysis clearly indicate the socioeconomic characteristics from each other in respect of
age distribution, sex, education, occupation, farm size, income, expenditure etc.
6.1 Introduction
The fundamental reason of this liquidation is to evaluate the in step with hectare value,
return and profitability of potato production within the study at location. Cost of inputs
used for producing a crop play a crucial function in farmer’s selection making. Cost of
potato production vary from variety to variety. All potato farmer practices production of
Diament range potato for availability of seed and climatic circumstance. Farmers used both
purchased and home provided inputs for cultivating potato. Both inputs and outputs had
been worth the farm gate price throughout the survey duration. It turned into less
complicated for a farmer to determine the price of the bought inputs like seed, fertilizer,
insecticide and many others. But it was not so clean to decide the value of home furnished
inputs like family exertions, etc., for which no payment turned into in reality made. For
fixing this trouble of such domestic supplied inputs the precept of opportunity cost turned
into hired inputs like family exertions.
Power tiller was used in lieu of animal power. It is a time saving modern tillage technology.
Per hectare average land preparation cost was Tk. 24,700 which shared 11 percent of total
cost for potato farmers.
The wage rate was Tk. 400 per man day depending on the season and availability of day
laborers. Labors required for different farm operations were like land preparation, sowing,
mulching, weeding, irrigation, insecticide application, application of fertilizer, harvesting,
carrying, etc.
In the case of potato production, total human labor requirement were 122 man-days per
hectare. Per hectare costs of hired labor were Tk. 48,800` which representing 21.68 percent
of the total cost. Other hand, per hectare costs of permanent (family labor) labor were
Tk.10,000 which representing 4.4 percent of total cost.
The cost of seed is one of the basic cost items for potato production. In the study area, the
seed cost per hectare was found Tk. 60,840 which were representing 27.03 percent of the
total cost.
Potato farmers in all the villages used irrigation water in the potato fields during cultivation
period. It may be noted here that maximum of the selected farmers had to buy water from
the owners of shallow tube-wells (STWs) and a few of them had their own STWs. The
average per hectare cost of irrigation was Tk. 12,500. The cost of irrigation constituted 5.5
percent of total cost.
In the study area, farmers used five types of fertilizer namely urea, triple super phosphate
(TSP), muriate of potash (MP), gypsum and zinc for potato cultivation. Fertilizer cost was
determined by the actual market prices paid by the farmers. The average per kg price of
those fertilizers was Tk. 16.00 for urea, Tk. 25.00 for TSP and Tk. 18.00 for MoP for potato
farmers. Per Kg gypsum and zinc cost Tk. 110 and Tk. 90 respectively. Thus, the respective
total average cost of fertilizer per hectare stood at Tk. 9,612 for urea, Tk. 12,375 for TSP,
Tk. 9,568 for MoP, Tk. 2,750 for Gypsum and Tk. 2,340 for zinc representing 4.2%, 5.4%,
4.2%, 1.2% and 1.03% of the total cost in the study area.
In the study area, the potato farmers used farm yard manure as manure. FYM cost per
hectare was Tk.1,769. It constitute 0.78% of total cost.
All sample potato farmers used insecticides in their potato fields. They used different kinds
of insecticides namely Actara, Shobiorn, Basudin, etc. The price of the insecticides largely
varied from brand to brand. The total average cost of insecticide per hectare was Tk.
16,466 for potato farmers which representing 7.31 percent of total cost for potato
Pesticides also have a great impact on the cost of potato production. The sample farmers
mainly used Dithan as pesticide and there were other names too. The total average cost of
pesticide per hectare was Tk. 8,794 for potato farmers which representing 3.90 percent of
total cost for potato cultivation.
Transportation cost for per hector of potato cultivation was calculated Tk. 1,857 and it was
0.82 percent of the total cost.
There were some miscellaneous cost of potato production. Like weeding, baggage’s etc.
This activities cost Tk. 2,700 per hector. It’s only 1.19 percent of the total cost.
Some of the potato farmers leased in land for study year and they had to pay a certain
amount of money per hectare of land. Other farmers produced potatoes on their own land.
Land use cost was estimated for the cropping period covering 4 months in the study area.
The average per hectare land use cost for all categories was Tk. 27,664.00 which
representing 16.87%, 16.41% and 15.61% of total cost for small, medium and large farmers
respectively. So, the highest land use cost was borne by small farmers, followed by large
and medium farmers in the study area.
IOC included both labor and materials used in the production of potato and were calculated
for a period of four months at the rate of 10 percent per annum. It was assumed that if the
farmers borrowed money from bank and other financial and non-financial institutions, they
had to pay interest at specified rate. This rate was taken to calculate IOC. IOC per hectare
was estimated at Tk. 4,602 for potato farmers and which comprising 11.56 percent of the
total cost potato farming.
Table 6.1: Variable cost and fixed cost of potato cultivation in some selected areas of
Item Unit Quantity Cost per Total Value Percent
Unit (Tk.)
Variable Cost
6.4 Total Cost (TC)
The total cost was worked out for potato farmers and is presented in Table 6.2. The average
per hectare total fixed cost of potato production was estimated at Tk. 39,802 and variable
cost was Tk. 2,25,071. So the per hectare total cost for potato farming was Tk. 2,64,873.
Table 6.2: Total cost of potato cultivation in some selected areas of Munshiganj
Cost Item Cost per Hectare Percent
Gross return from potato production was defined as the sum of the returns from main
product as potato. The per hectare average yields of potato was 26,769 kg and sale prices
of per kg potato was Tk. 10. Returns from main product (potato) were Tk. 2,67,690 for
potato farmers/growers.
Table 6.3: Average per hectare gross returns, total cost, gross margins, net returns,
profits and Returns Per Capita for potato farmers
Item Yield(kg) Unit Price (Tk.) Total (Tk.)
Gross Return 26,769 10 2,67,690
TVC 2,25,071
TFC 39,802
TC 2,64,873
Net Return (GR-TC) 2,817
Gross Margin (GR- 42,619
Returns Per Capita 1.01
Discounted BCR 1.29
Source: Field Survey, 2021
6.6 Net Returns (NR)
Net returns were obtained by deducting total cost for gross return (GR-TC). Per hectare net
returns of potato were Tk. 2,817 for potato farmers in the study area.
Gross margin is defined as the difference between gross return and variable costs (GR-TC).
Farmers generally want to maximize their return over variable cost of production. Per
hectare gross margins from potato production was estimated at Tk. 42,619 for potato
farmers in the study area.
In the study area, returns per Taka from potato production was 1.01, which indicates potato
farming is a profitable for the farmers in the year of 2021 in the study area.
The discounted BCR from potato production was 1.29, which means potato farming is
profitable for the farmers in the study area.
5.8 Profits
Profit (Tk. /kg) of potato production means the difference between per kg selling price of
main product (potato) and per kg production cost. In the study area, sample potato farmers
faced less profitability as they had to sell their product for Tk. 10/kg.
7.1 Introduction
An attempt has been made this chapter to identify and measure the effects of the major
variables on potato production. Cobb-Douglas production function was chosen to estimate
the contribution of key variables on the production process of potato farming. The
estimated values of the model are presented in Table 7.1.
i. F-value was used to measure the goodness of match for special styles of inputs;
ii. The coefficient of a couple of determinations (𝑅 2 ) shows the whole variations of output
defined through the impartial variables blanketed inside the version;
iii. Coefficients having sufficient stages of freedom were examined for significance stage
at 1%, 5% and 10% degrees of full-size; and
iv. Stage of manufacturing changed into anticipated by way of returns to scale which
changed into the summation of all the manufacturing elasticity of numerous inputs.
The estimated coefficients and related statistics of the Cobb-Douglas production function
for potato production are shown in Table 7.1.
𝑅2 0.447
Adj. 𝑅 2 0.401
Returns to Scale 0.87
F-Value 9.822
Source: Field survey, 2021.
Cost of seed (𝑿𝟐 ): The estimated coefficient of seed was -0.219 which was negative and
significant at 1 percent level for potato farming. It indicates that 1% increase in the seed,
keeping other factors constant, would decrease gross returns by 0.219% (Table 7.1).
Cost of irrigation (𝑿𝟑 ): The regression coefficient of irrigation 0.341 was positive and
significant at 10 percent level for potato farming. It implies the 1% increase in the cost of
irrigation, keeping other factors constant, would increase gross returns by 0.341% (Table
Cost of Fertilizer (𝑿𝟒 ): The regression coefficient of fertilizer was -0.021 which is
negatively insignificant for potato farming (Table 7.1).
Cost of Manure (𝑿𝟓 ): Estimated coefficients of manure was 0.496 that means manure was
significant for potato farming at 1% level of significance. It implies that 1 percent increase
in the amount of manure, remaining other factors constant, would increase gross returns by
0.496% (Table 7.1).
Cost of Insecticide (𝑿𝟔 ): The estimated coefficient of insecticide for potato farming was
0.385 and significant at 1 percent level. It indicates that 1% increase in the amount of
insecticide for potato farming, remaining other factors constant, would increase gross
returns by 0.385% (Table 7.1).
The values of the coefficient of multiple determination of potato farming was found 0.447,
which implied that about 45% of the total variation in the gross return could be explained
by the included explanatory variables of the model. So, we can say the goodness of fit of
this regression model is better since 𝑅 2 indicates the goodness of fit of the regression model
(Table 7.1).
7.6 Adjusted 𝑹𝟐
The term adjusted means adjusted for the degrees of freedom. The adjusted 𝑅 2 for potato
farming was found 0.401, which indicated that about 40% of the variations of the output
were explained by the explanatory variables included in the model (Table 7.1).
7.7 Returns to Scale
The summation of all the production coefficients of potato farming is equal to 0.87. This
means that production function for potato farming exhibits decreasing returns to scale. This
means that, if all the variables specified in the model were increased by 1%, gross return
would be decreased by 0.87% (Table 7.1)
7.8 F-value
The F-statistic was computed to denote the overall goodness of fit of any fitted model. The
F-value for the potato farming was estimated at 9.822, which was significant at 1 percent
level. It means that the explanatory variables included in the model were important for
explaining the variation in gross return of potato production (Table 7.1)
8.1 Introduction
The purpose of this chapter is to identify and analyze the major problems and constraints
associated with potato production and marketing in the study area. The most burning
problems of growing potato that the farmers were usually facing are summarized and
briefly discussed in this chapter (Table 8.1).
Table 8.1: Problems identified from the sample potato farmers on potato cultivation
in the study area
Problems/Constraints Number of Respondents Percent
High Land Use Cost 43 53.75
Lack of good quality seeds 58 72.5
Fertilizer and Insecticides 51 63.75
are Highly Expensive
High Labor Wage Rate 12 15
Disease and Pest Infestation 17 21.25
Higher Charge of Cold 6 7.5
Lack of Loan Facilities 21 26.25
Inefficient Marketing 80 100
Systems and Low Product
8.2.1 High land Use Cost: The seasonal land use fee (lease fee) was excessive, which was
reported by 54% farmers (Table 8.1).
8.2.2 Lack of Good Quality Seeds: Non-availability of good quality potato seed and its
high market price restricting potato cultivation. 73% potato farmers reported this problem
(Table 8.1). Most of the farmers purchased HYV seed potatoes but they reported that most
of the cases the seeds quality was inferior. Besides, the costs of the seeds were also very
high duration of the planting season.
8.2.3 Fertilizer and Insecticides are Highly Expensive: Fertilizer and insecticide are
essential inputs for the production of potato. The supplies of the chemical at some stage in
the potato cultivation season are commonly not regular and good enough, and the prices
was often higher than the standard agency quoted. In case of fertilizer, TSP, Urea, MP and
Gypsum fertilizers are available in the markets are frequently of negative nice, and are
adulterated. About 64% farmers reported that despite the fact that there was well timed
supply of fertilizer but the price became higher (Table 8.1). This is a normal phenomenon
in Bangladesh and it's far happening very frequently due to privatization of agricultural
inputs manufacturing and supply system.
8.2.4 Higher Charge of Cold Storage: Lack of right adequate storage facilities became a
critical hassle. But nowadays, farmers are glad with the storage facilities in their region.
Only 8% of farmers complained about higher storage charge (Table 8.1). Potato is a
perishable good and due to lack of good enough storage facilities, many farmers had been
pressured to promote pretty a tremendous element in their product at a decrease price just
after the harvest time. The first-rate of the seed potato became even worse in the sense that
maximum of the farmers couldn't store it properly due to inadequate storage facility.
8.2.5 High Labor Wage Rate: Since potato cultivation is labor intensive, supply human
labor need to balance the demand. So that wages ought to continue to be within the
acceptable restrict. Potato season is usually the busiest season in terms of crop production;
labor wage remains within the high side which compel farmers to restriction labor intensive
crop production. About 15% potato farmers confronted acute scarcity of human labor in
the production of potato ensuing in high wage price and sub-finest potato hectare (Table
8.2.6 Disease and Pest Infestation: With the growth of modern-day range adoption, pest
management to ‘seed to seed’ is getting growing importance. Attack of disease/pests is a
hassle of potato in Bangladesh mentioned via 21% of the respondents. Farmers usually
can't differentiate between pests and predators. They are unskilled in using expertise based
pest management techniques in an economically foremost manner. As a end result, the
sustainable productiveness of potato is being threatened.
8.2.7 Lack of Loan Facilities: Potato is a capital and labor intensive crop in depth-
corporation and its wanted massive amount of money for cultivation. However the various
farmers couldn't have the funds for it. For this purpose they should take loan. In the study
are, Shonali Bank Grameen Bank (GB)and Palli Daridro Bimochan Foundation (PDBF)
supplied credit for the cause of agriculture and that they price a better amount of interest
rate. The potato producers additionally confronted issues in acquiring financial institution
loans for one of a kind terms and conditions. Again they do no longer get loans in due time
at pick season. Therefore, the farmers have to borrow cash from other sources including
cash lender (call Mahajan) with higher interest rate. Approximately 26% of potato farmers
have been in problem because of complicated credit score system.
8.2.9 Other Problems
Transportation is one of the crucial signs which lacking in the study areas. Potato
farmers mentioned that due to lack of transportation facilities and higher cost they
couldn't take their products to distant markets towns and towns and thus could not
have the benefit of having better prices triumphing on the town and metropolis
markets (Table 8.1).
Knowledge is a useful asset to construct profitability of any harvest. The potato
developing ranchers within the study regions referenced that they needed
appropriate studying with appreciate to distinctive parts of potato production. The
information hollow wins in each segment of potato introduction especially for the
appropriation of modern-day potato production innovation. The majority of the
ranchers had learning hole approximately new assortments, seed medications, soil
management, ideal sowing facts and counseled manure the executives which have
been primary for yield growth
Natural calamities also turned into determined that potato farmers faced a few acute
problems referring to the character in their production method. Natural calamities
like kalboishakhi, drought, flood, hail typhoon, immoderate rainfall, brought about
substantial damage to the crop within the field. Farmers stated that immoderate
rainfall all through the harvesting period reduces both the quantity and storability
of potato. On an average, approximately 6% farmers confronted untimely/useless
rainfall at some stage in potato developing period. This problem arises whilst
rainfall befell straight away after giving irrigation to the potato plot. However, this
became now not a fantastic problem for potato cultivation.
The farmers in the study regions have been asked to offer hints to triumph over the
restrictions identified earlier in potato production. Their guidelines are discussed
underneath in brief:
8.3.1 Availability of Inputs at Backed Charge: Good satisfactory seeds, fertilizers and
insecticides are essential inputs for producing potato. So, these inputs need to be available
to the farmers at backed price. Authority can take due steps in opposition to impure
fertilizers and terrible seeds.
8.3.3 Availability of Institutional Credit: Farmers need cash on the time of cultivation.
So, institutional credit centers should be made available on the proper time to the potato
farmers for increasing the extent of production. This facilities ought to offer through
diverse institutional and non- institutional assets at low interest fee on smooth phrases and
8.3.4 Introduction of Storage Facility: Farmers did no longer acquire higher price
because of lack of storage facility. Farmers asked for introducing storage facility. The local
Government authority can also broaden low price storage centers on the primary and
secondary markets. This could offer adequate storage helps to the farmers.
8.11.5 To Improve Advertising and Marketing Facility: Farmers have been facing loss
because of the bindings for the authority’s policies that the product had to offer on Tk. 10
in step per kg. There must be some advertising policy that allows to reserve the each
producer and the patron aspect. The farmers mentioned that they have been faced critical
hassle because of loss of advertising facilities. They are demanding market facts and
weather forecasts need to be made at right time. On the premise of priority, village roads
need to be advanced at the least brick bedded road, so that rickshaws or motor vehicles
ought to flow without difficulty. It could also assist in reducing the transportation value.
Market facilities including pucca ground, tin shed, drainage, water deliver, electricity
supply, and so forth ought to be arranged through an appropriate Government authorities
to facilitate right marketing of potato within the observe regions. Also, Government should
make sure a stable charge to forestall market price fluctuation.
The above decreasing show, that potato producers are confronting a decent quantity of
problems. In this respects, the ranchers set forward various suggestions to conquer the
previously referred to barriers. Accordingly, it is probably reasoned that potato hectare just
as its creation could be elevated to a great degree if the previously referred to problems
will be settled.
9.1 Introduction
This chapter attempts to summarize the major findings of the observation. Section 9.2
offers a summary of the principal findings of the observation. Conclusion, coverage
pointers, drawback and scope for the addition of observations are given in this chapter
The objectives of the studies are, as follows:
iii. To identify the factors affecting the production of potato in the study area; and
The area selected for the study blanketed at 4 villages specifically Noirpukurpar,
Dholagaon, Dhipur and Shimulia. Systematic Sampling technique become implemented to
gather the information. In all 80 samples have been selected. Data were accumulated by
using comprehensive interview schedules. Simple statistical strategies in addition to Cobb-
Douglas production function have been used to manner and examine the facts to fullfill the
objectives of the study. In analyzing socioeconomic traits, age shape, sex of the farmer,
composition of family size, educational status, occupation, farm area, land possession
sample, month-to-month income and expenditure had been taken into consideration. It was
observed that age group from 36 to 55 years became the prominent class. Male farmers
have been leading the potato production sector. The average family size of potato farmers
had been 5-7 members. In the study vicinity about 53% of circle of relatives contributors
have been employed in agriculture as their main occupation whilst 5% and 4% percentage
of the circle of relatives participants were hired in commercial enterprise and provider,
respectively as their primary career. The average farm size of potato was (0.59) hectare.
The common farm size indicated that most of the sample fell inside the small size category.
In order to determine the price of purchased inputs, triumphing marketplace charge become
used and for domestic furnished inputs the opportunity price precept become used. The
financial institution rate of 10 % consistent with annum became used to determine the
possibility price of running capital. In the production manner human exertions changed
into the maximum important thing. In per hectare human labor required for potato
production had been 122 man-days. Per hectare expenses of human hard work for potato
production have been Tk. 48,800.
In the study area farmers used power tiller for land guidance. The per hectare tillage cost
for potato was Tk. 24,700. The tillage price constituted 11%, of general value of potato
production. Per hectare seed cost for potato was Tk. 60,840. The fee of seed constituted
27%. Fertilizer is a major requirement of potato cultivation. In the study area, farmers
specifically used five sorts of fertilizer namely Urea, TSP MOP, Gypsum and Zinc. The
consistent with hectare cost of potato for Urea, TSP, MOP, Gypsum and Zinc had been
calculated Tk. 9,712, Tk. 12,375, Tk. 9,568, Tk. 2,750 and Tk. 2,340 which protecting 4.2
percent, 5.4 percent, 4.2%, 1.2% and 1.03% of overall productivity respectively. The per
hectare cost of manure amounted Tk. 1,769 for potato production. The per hectare cost of
irrigation water amounted to Tk. 12,500.00 for potato production. The per hectare value of
pesticides amounted Tk. 16,466 for, which occupied 7.31 and pesticides costs Tk. 8,794
and gave 3.90% in their respective overall cost. Transport cost become Tk. 1,857 and other
cost changed into Tk. 2,700 with the share of 0.82% and 1.19% oftotal cost. Per hectare
interest on running capital became Tk. 4,602 for potato production, according to hectare
variable prices of potato production have been anticipated Tk. 2,25,071. Per hectare fixed
cost of potato production had been calculated Tk. 39,802. Per hectare overall expenses of
potato production have been Tk. 2,64,873. Per hectare net returns of potato production was
Tk. 2,817. Undiscounted (BCR) of potato production consistent with hectare came out 1.01
and discounted BCR was 1.29. Cobb-Douglas Production Function model turned into
applied on the idea of the quality in shape and significant outcomes of assets on gross
returns. For all of the enterprises, six explanatory variables were taken into account to
explain versions in production.
The coefficient of more than one determinations, Adj. 𝑅 2 became 0.401 in case of potato
production feature. This indicates that 40% of the variant of output of potato turned into
explained by way of the explanatory variables including the model. The F- value (9.822)
which shows nicely match of the model. In the study area numerous troubles which have
been confronted by way of farmers had been identified. These common troubles were
labeled in to four essential groups including, economics, technical, marketing and social
Economic troubles and constraints had been loss of capital, high price of fertilizers and
pesticides. Technical constraints have been lack of understanding and method, insufficient
irrigation, scarcity of quality seeds, attack by using pest and ailment. Marketing problems
were lack of adequate financial instruments, lack of advertising centers, and absence of
marketing data. Social problems have been lack of production because of robbery, wastage
and harm by way of wild or home animals. In order to increase the production of potato,
these troubles should be solved as far as feasible. And there need to be implementation of
rules to defend farmers from losses.
9.3 Conclusion
From the outcomes of the study, it could be concluded that massive scope reputedly exists
in the study place to increase the productiveness of potato. However, farmers are facing
lots of problems because of weak financial choices and contemplating giving up potato
farming over vegetables. The management practices of potato production in the study area
were not found efficient enough. Farmers have lack of knowledge for use of the
approximate application of inputs in right time with proper doses. Consequently, they
revamped or underneath use of some inputs. Thus, well deliberate management schooling
according with their issues, needs, desires and resource base can cause feasible production
practices and sustainable profits from potato. Also, the rules have to be well enough to
shield the farmers from losses in future.
(a) In view of real subject position and revel in gained so far, it's far found out that public
and private interventions required for this field;
(ii) Encourage to irrigate the land properly if it's far wanted; and
(iii) Training the farmers by extension provider people in using suitable doses and
combinations of fertilizers.
(b) Availability of suitable quantity of irrigation water in time of need and its control is the
principle factor at the back of the growth of potato. So proper measures should be taken to
improve irrigation water management;
(c) Operating capital is a trouble for the useful resource negative farmers of the study area.
Institutional credit score application must be lunched aiming at mainly the small and
medium farmers. The commercial banks need to be encouraged to offer loans at a lower
interest permit farmers to function their farming on business basis;
(d) Farmers couldn't get reasonable charges for his or her products. Marketing charges are
high due to insufficient records, infrastructure, excessive fee dangers, and many others. So,
steps must be taken to ensure:
(e) Quality seeds of improved types in good quantity are identified to be one of the key
factors for boosting potato production. Emphasis have to take delivery of on growing
facilities and infrastructure supported for hybrid seed production, advertising and
marketing and improvement;
(f) Establishment of food processing industries on the potato growing vicinity may be
useful to the farmers to maintain and system potato during peak period;
(h) Government policy such as instill 1 or 2 compartment may be used for the management
reason of the potato for the duration of the harvesting season. It is very cheap and safe
management purpose for potato distribution manner.
9.5 Limitation
The research study suffers from some of obstacles. The obstacles are as follows:
i. Inadequate fund and time availability for the study became a crucial quandary. Due to
scarcity of time the study could not cowl wide areas for series of necessary information
from the farmers; corona pandemic was also a reason that only 80 farmers were taken as
the sample for the study; and
ii. The researcher needed to rely on the memory of the farmers for gathering important
information because a lot of them did not hold any written record or kept document partly.
Despite some boundaries, the findings of the prevailing look at might also offer some
valuable records for the farmers, extension people and researchers.
Although the existing study presents a few beneficial records for researchers, policy makers
as well as farmers, it isn't unfastened from criticisms. The weaknesses of the prevailing
research work, open up scopes for similarly research which can be outlined beneath:
i. It will be stated here that the future researchers should soak up a broad – primarily based
study with large samples;
ii. A similarly study can be undertaken via thinking of large farm sizes to evaluate the
influences on income generation via other vegetable cultivation and different businesses;
iii. A research can be taken by taking the import-export pattern off the potato; and
iv. There also are may be studies at the processed potato products and its profitability.
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Sample ID #
1. Socio-Economic profile of the respondent:
Sl. No. Question’s/query Response/Answer Code
2 Village name:
3 Age:
2. Sources of Income: (Monthly)
Occupation Income (Tk) Code
Crop 1=2000-4000, 2=4001-8000,
Agricultural Livestock 3=8001-12000, 4=12001-
Fishery’s 16000, 5=16000 & above
Non-Agricultural Service
6. Tenure System
Tenure type Area ( decimals / acres) Cost(tk)
a. Own Cultivated Land
b. Rented In
c. Rented Out
d. Mortgaged In
e. Mortgaged Out
f. Pond(own)
g. Orchard land (own)
Land ownership code: Owned-1, Rented-2, Mortgage-3, and others-4*
7. Sources of Funding
What are the major source of potato farming? A. own savings: ( ) Amount: Tk. ______
B. Credit Borrowed: ( ) Amont: Tk. ________
Source Amount (Tk) Interest (%)
Own Savings
Bank Loan
NGO Loan
Cooperative Society
Loan main source code: Own savings-1, Bank-2, NGO-3, Cooperative socity-4, Relative/Neghbour-5 and Others-68.
8.Operational cost of Potato Cultivation: Cultivated Land: ________ Decimals
No. of
Operations No. of Human Mechanical / Taka/ Labor Taka/Machine Other cost Total
Labor Animal per day per day (TK)
powers /
Amount per
Own Hired
Land preparation
Pesticide Spraying
9. Cost of Fertilizers:
Name Amount(Kg/unit Price per Kg Total(Tk)
Decimal )
Cow dung
Farmyard manure
(Insecticide name & code: Karate-1, Voliam-2, Proclaim-3, Actara-4, Admire-5, Shobicron-6, Sevin-85-7 and Others-8.
Pesticide name & code: Tilt-1, Ridomil Gold MZ-2, Score-3, Amistar top-4, Vertimec-5, Dithan-M-45-6, Nuben-7,
Boudeaux mixture-8, Secure-9, Indofil-M-45-10 & others-1)
13. Problems:
Problems Yes/No
a. Production related
b. Input related
c. Technical Efficiency related
d. Storage related
e. Marketing related
f. Others
(Note: Yes=1, No=2)
14. Suggestions:
Name: Signature: