Instructions:: No of Pages Course Code
Instructions:: No of Pages Course Code
Instructions:: No of Pages Course Code
Roll No:
(To be filled in by the candidate)
Time: 3 Hours Maximum Marks: 100
1. Answer ALL questions from GROUP – I.
2. Answer any 4 questions from GROUP – II.
3. Answer any ONE question from GROUP – III.
4. Ignore the box titled as “Answers for Group III” in the Main Answer Book.
5. Moody’s Chart, Fluid properties and Minor loss coefficient tables are permitted. .
6. Graph Sheet is to be provided.
7. State the assumptions wherever necessary while answering Group II and III.
8. Vector quantities are represented as bold letters throughout the question paper.
GROUP - I Marks : 10 x 3 = 30
1. The information on a can of a certain drink indicates that the can contains 355 mL. The
mass of a full can with the drink is 0.369 kg while an empty can weighs 0.153 N.
Determine the specific weight, density, and specific gravity of the drink.
2. A velocity field is given by u = cx2 and v = cy2, where c is a constant. Determine the x
and y components of acceleration. At what point(s) in the flow field is the acceleration
3. List the differences in the boundary layers between internal flows and external flows.
4. A smooth, flat plate of length 6 m and width 4 m is placed in water with an upstream
velocity of 0.5 m/s. Determine the boundary layer thickness and the wall shear stress at
the center and the trailing edge of the plate. Assume a laminar boundary layer.
5. At what minimum speed would an automobile have to travel for compressibility effects to
be important? Assume the local air temperature is 15° C.
6. List three possible ways to delay the boundary layer separation.
7. Derive the discharge equation of a venturimeter and state the significance of coefficient
of discharge
8. The velocity field in the region shown in figure 1 is given by V = az j + b k, where a = 10
s-1 and b = 5 m/s. For the 1 m X 1 m triangular control volume (depth w = 1 m), an
element of area 1 may be represented by w(-dz j + dy k) and an element of area 2 by
wdz j. Determine the mass flow rate through the element of area 1 if the density of the
fluid is ρ.
Figure 1
Page No: 1
9. “At very large Reynolds numbers, the friction factor is independent of the Reynolds
number”. Is the above statement True or False? Justify your answer. (Note: answer
without reasons will not be entertained).
10. Prove that for a given jet speed, volume flow rate, turning angle and wheel radius, the
maximum shaft power produced by a Pelton wheel occurs when the turbine bucket
moves at half the jet speed.
11. As a valve is opened, water flows through the diffuser shown in figure 2 at an increasing
flow rate so that the velocity along the centerline is given by 𝑽 = 𝑢𝒊 = 𝑉0 1 −
𝑒−𝑐𝑡 1−𝑥/𝑙𝒊, where V0, c and l are constants. Determine the acceleration as a function
of x and t. If V0 = 3 m/s and l = 1.5 m, what value of c (other than c = 0) is needed to
make the acceleration zero for any x at t = 1 s? Explain how acceleration can be zero if
the flow rate is increasing with time.
Figure 2
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iii) The viscometer was used to verify the viscosity of a particular fluid is 0.1 Ns/m 2.
Unfortunately the cord failed during the experiment. How long will it take the cylinder
to lose 99% of its speed? The moment of inertia of the cylinder - pulley system is
0.0273 kg.m2.
17. Figures 5a, 5b, 5c are the results of experiments conducted on various objects to
determine their drag characteristics.
i) Bring out the physics behind these experimental results
ii) Identify a real time example for each of these experiments and explain the
techniques adopted to reduce drag in each case.
Page No: 3
Figure 5a. Drag coefficient for an ellipse with the characteristic area either the frontal
area or the planform area
Figure 5b. Drag coefficient as a function of Reynolds number for a smooth circular cylinder
and a smooth sphere
Figure 5c. The effect of surface roughness on the drag coefficient of a sphere
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