Assignment 3 Diode As A Rectifier
Assignment 3 Diode As A Rectifier
Assignment 3 Diode As A Rectifier
Q3 A diode whose internal resistance is 20Ω is to supply power to a 1KΩ load from a
110V(rms) source of supply. Calculate
(a)The peak load current (b)the dc load current (c)the ac load current (d)the dc diode voltage
(e) the total input power to the circuit (f)the peak inverse voltage (g)the percentage regulation
from no load to full load. Ans (a)152.5ma (b)48.54mA (c)76.25mA (d)-48.54V
( e)5.33watts (f) 155.56V (g)1.94%
Q4.A half wave rectifier circuit with a 1KΩ load operates from a 120-V(rms) 60-Hz
household supply through a 10-to-1 step-down transformer. It uses a silicon diode that can be
modelled to have a 0.7V drop for any current. Find
(a)The peak voltage of rectified output
(b)For what fraction of the cycle does the diode conduct?
(c)What is the average output voltage?
(d)What is the average current in the load?
Q5.Consider a half wave rectifier circuit with a triangular wave input of 5V peak-to-peak
amplitude and zero average and with R=1KΩ.Assume that the diode can be represented by
the piecewise linear model with Vᵧ=0.65V and rD =20Ω find the average value of output
Q6.For the half-wave rectifier circuit neglect the effect of diode forward resistance. Show the
(a)For the half-cycles during which the diode conducts. Conduction begins at an angle(ᶿ)
=sin-1 (Vᵧ/VS ) and terminates at for a total conduction angle of ( ).
(b)The average value of output voltage is .The peak diode current is (
Find numerical values for these quantities for the case of 12V (rms) sinusoidal input,
and R=100Ω also give the value for PIV.
Q7. For the centre-tap full-wave rectifier circuit neglect the effect of diode forward
resistance. Show the following
(a)The output is zero for an angle of 2sin-1 (Vᵧ/VS ) and conduction angle is ( ).
Application of Diode as a rectifier
(b)The average value of output voltage is .The peak diode current is
( )
(c)Find the fraction (percentage) of each cycle during which output voltage is greater than
(d)the average output voltage,the peak diode current and the value of PIV .
for these quantities for the case of 12V (rms) sinusoidal input, Vᵧ=0.7V and R=100Ω also
give the value for PIV.
Q8.It is required to design a centre tap full-wave rectifier circuit to provide an average output
voltage of
(b) 100V
In each case find the required turns ration of the transformer .Assume that a conducting diode
has a voltage drop of 0.7V .The ac line voltage is 120rms.
Q9.A full wave rectifier circuit with a 1KΩ load operates from a 120-V(rms) 60-Hz
household supply through a 5-to-1 transformer having a centre tapped secondary winding. It
uses two silicon diode that can be modelled to have a 0.7V drop for any current. Find
(a)The peak voltage of rectified output
(b)For what fraction of the cycle does the diode conduct?
(c)What is the average output voltage?
(d)What is the average current in the load?
Q10.A full wave bridge rectifier circuit with a 1KΩ load operates from a 120-V(rms) 60-Hz
household supply through a 10-to-1 step-down transformer. It uses four silicon diode that can
be modelled to have a 0.7V drop for any current. Find
(a)The peak voltage of rectified output voltage.
(b)For what fraction of the cycle does the diode conduct?
(c)What is the average output voltage?
(d)What is the average current in the load?
Q11.It is required to design a dc power supply that provides an average dc output voltage of
15V on which a maximum of ±1V ripple is allowed. The rectifier feeds a load of 150Ω.The
rectifier is fed from the line voltage (120V rms, 60Hz) through transformer. The diodes
available have 0.7V drop when conducting If the designer opts for the half wave circuit
(a)Specify the rms voltage that must appear across the transformer secondary.
(b)Find the required value of the filter capacitor.
(c)find the maximum reverse voltage that will appear across the diode and specify the PIV
rating of the diode.
(d)Calculate the average current through the diode during conduction
(e)calculate the peak diode current.
Q12For the circuit shown in fig1.diode cut-in voltage is zero. The ripple voltage is to be no
more than 4V.Find the minimum load resistance that can be connected to the output.
Ans 6.25KΩ
Application of Diode as a rectifier
Q13.The input to full-wave rectifier is Vs =120Sin(2π60t)Vas shown in fig3. Each diode has
a cut in voltage of .7V.If output voltage cannot drop below 100V find the required value of
Ans 20.6 µF
Q13.Determine the output waveform of the network shown in fig4. Calculate the output dc
voltage (reading of dc voltmeter) and the required PIV of each diode.
Q14.Sketch Vo for the network shown in fig5 and determine the d.c voltage(reading of dc
voltmeter) available at load.
Q15.The circuit in fig6. Implements a complementary output rectifier. Sketch and clearly
label the waveform of V1 and V2.Assume a 0.7V drop across each conducting diode. If the
magnitude of the average of each output is to be 15V, find the required amplitude of the sine
wave across the entire secondary winding. What is the PIV of each diode?
Application of Diode as a rectifier
Q16.Consider the circuit shown in fig6 with two equal filter capacitors placed across the load
resistors R. Assume that the diodes available exhibit a 0.7V drop when conducting. Design
the circuit to provide ± 15V-dc output voltages with a peak –to-peak ripple no greater than
1V.Each supply should be capable of providing 200mA dc current to its load resistor
.Completely specify the capacitors, diodes and transformer.
Q17.Consider a half wave rectifier circuit with capacitor filter fed with a voltage V having a
triangular waveform with 20-V peak to peak amplitude, zero average and 1 KHz frequency.
Assume that the diode has a 0.7V drop when conducting .Let the load resistance R=100Ω and
the filter capacitor C=100µF.Find
(a) the average dc output voltage
(b)the time interval during which the diode conducts
(c)the average diode current during conduction and maximum diode current
Q.18 The transformer of a half wave rectifier has a secondary voltage of 20V (r.m.s) and a
winding resistance of 10Ω.The diode has a forward resistance of 5Ω and load resistance is
985Ω.Draw the suitable circuit of half wave rectifier and find (a) maximum load current (b)
d.c load current (c) a.c load current (d) total input power to the circuit.