2.10 Pressure Measurement: Chapter 2 Pressure Distribution in A Fluid

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102 Chapter 2 Pressure Distribution in a Fluid


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2.10 Pressure Measurement Pressure is a derived property. It is the force per unit area as related to fluid
molecular bombardment of a surface. Thus most pressure instruments only infer
the pressure by calibration with a primary device such as a deadweight piston
tester. There are many such instruments, for both a static fluid and a moving stream.
The instrumentation texts in Refs. 7 to 10, 12, and 13 list over 20 designs for
pressure measurement instruments. These instruments may be grouped into four
1. Gravity-based: barometer, manometer, deadweight piston.
2. Elastic deformation: bourdon tube (metal and quartz), diaphragm, bellows,
strain-gage, optical beam displacement.
3. Gas behavior: gas compression (McLeod gage), thermal conductance (Pirani
gage), molecular impact (Knudsen gage), ionization, thermal conductivity, air
4. Electric output: resistance (Bridgman wire gage), diffused strain gage, capacita-
tive, piezoelectric, potentiometric, magnetic inductance, magnetic reluctance,
linear variable differential transformer (LVDT), resonant frequency.
5. Luminescent coatings for surface pressures [15].
The gas-behavior gages are mostly special-purpose instruments used for certain sci-
entific experiments. The deadweight tester is the instrument used most often for
calibrations; for example, it is used by the U.S. National Institute for Standards and
Technology (NIST). The barometer is described in Fig. 2.6.
The manometer, analyzed in Sec. 2.4, is a simple and inexpensive hydrostatic-
principle device with no moving parts except the liquid column itself. Manometer
measurements must not disturb the flow. The best way to do this is to take the meas-
urement through a static hole in the wall of the flow, as illustrated for the two instru-
ments in Fig. 2.25. The hole should be normal to the wall, and burrs should be avoided.
2.10 Pressure Measurement 103

Flow Flow

p1 p2

Fig. 2.25 Two types of accurate

manometers for precise measure-
ments: (a) tilted tube with
eyepiece; (b) micrometer pointer
with ammeter detector. (a) (b)

If the hole is small enough (typically 1-mm diameter), there will be no flow into the
measuring tube once the pressure has adjusted to a steady value. Thus the flow is almost
undisturbed. An oscillating flow pressure, however, can cause a large error due to pos-
sible dynamic response of the tubing. Other devices of smaller dimensions are used for
dynamic-pressure measurements. Note that the manometers in Fig. 2.25 are arranged
to measure the separate pressures p1 and p2. If the pressure difference p1  p2 is
desired, a significant error is incurred by subtracting two independent measurements,
and it would be far better to connect both ends of one instrument to the two static holes
p1 and p2 so that one manometer reads the difference directly.
In category 2, elastic-deformation instruments, a popular, inexpensive, and reliable
device is the bourdon tube, sketched in Fig. 2.26. When pressurized internally, a

Section AA
tube A

Pointer for
Flattened tube deflects
dial gage
outward under pressure


Fig. 2.26 Schematic of a bourdon-

tube device for mechanical meas-
urement of high pressures. High pressure
104 Chapter 2 Pressure Distribution in a Fluid

curved tube with flattened cross section will deflect outward. The deflection can be
measured by a linkage attached to a calibrated dial pointer, as shown. Or the deflec-
tion can be used to drive electric-output sensors, such as a variable transformer. Sim-
ilarly, a membrane or diaphragm will deflect under pressure and can either be sensed
directly or used to drive another sensor.
An interesting variation of Fig. 2.26 is the fused-quartz, force-balanced bourdon
tube, shown in Fig. 2.27, whose spiral-tube deflection is sensed optically and returned
to a zero reference state by a magnetic element whose output is proportional to the
fluid pressure. The fused-quartz, force-balanced bourdon tube is reported to be one of
the most accurate pressure sensors ever devised, with uncertainty on the order of
0.003 percent.
The quartz gages, both the bourdon type and the resonant type, are expensive but
extremely accurate, stable, and reliable [14]. They are often used for deep-ocean
pressure measurements, which detect long waves and tsunami activity over extensive
time periods.
The last category, electric-output sensors, is extremely important in engineering
because the data can be stored on computers and freely manipulated, plotted, and ana-
lyzed. Three examples are shown in Fig. 2.28, the first being the capacitive sensor in
Fig. 2.28a. The differential pressure deflects the silicon diaphragm and changes the
capacitance of the liquid in the cavity. Note that the cavity has spherical end caps to
prevent overpressure damage. In the second type, Fig. 2.28b, strain gages and other
sensors are chemically diffused or etched onto a chip, which is stressed by the applied
pressure. Finally, in Fig. 2.28c, a micromachined silicon sensor is arranged to deform
under pressure such that its natural vibration frequency is proportional to the pressure.
An oscillator excites the element’s resonant frequency and converts it into appropri-
ate pressure units.

Fig. 2.27 The fused-quartz, force-

balanced bourdon tube is the most
accurate pressure sensor used in
commercial applications today.
(Courtesy of Ruska Instrument
Corporation, Houston, TX.)
Cover flange
Seal diaphragm

High-pressure side Low-pressure side

Filling liquid
Sensing diaphragm


Wire bonding
Strain gages Stitch bonded
Diffused into integrated connections from
silicon chip chip to body plug

Fig. 2.28 Pressure sensors with

electric output: (a) a silicon
diaphragm whose deflection
Etched cavity changes the cavity capacitance
(Courtesy of Johnson-Yokogawa
silicon sensor
Inc.); (b) a silicon strain gage that
is stressed by applied pressure;
(c) a micromachined silicon
element that resonates at a
frequency proportional to applied
pressure. [(b) and (c) are courtesy
of Druck, Inc., Fairfield, CT.]

(b) Temperature sensor

On-chip diode for
optimum temperature
performance (c) 105
106 Chapter 2 Pressure Distribution in a Fluid

Connector −

Potting Integrated

clamp nut

Acceleration Seal ring

compensation M
mass and plate Preload sleeve
Fig. 2.29 A piezoelectric transducer Quartz plates Housing 0.218 in dia
measures rapidly changing pressures.
(Courtesy of PCB Piezotronics, Inc.
Depew, New York.) Diaphragm

Another kind of dynamic electric-output sensor is the piezoelectric transducer,

shown in Fig. 2.29. The sensing elements are thin layers of quartz, which generate
an electric charge when subjected to stress. The design in Fig. 2.29 is flush-mounted
on a solid surface and can sense rapidly varying pressures, such as blast waves. Other
designs are of the cavity type. This type of sensor primarily detects transient pres-
sures, not steady stress, but if highly insulated can also be used for short-term static
events. Note also that it measures gage pressure—that is, it detects only a change
from ambient conditions.

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