Newsletter 19th December 2010
Newsletter 19th December 2010
Newsletter 19th December 2010
Sunday’s Service:
4th of Advent
10.00 am - Prayer.
Wednesday’s Service
Advent 4
Christmas Eve 11.30 pm - Midnight Communion as Mary waited for the birth of your Son,
Christmas Day 10.30 am - Family Communion bring us through the birth pangs of this present age
Freedom in Christ A new course will begin in the New to see, with her, our great salvation
Year. Sarah Clark will be heading it up if you want
in Jesus Christ our Lord.
further information have a word with her. It may be
Tuesday or Wednesday depending upon demand. Amen.
This may be last course before the Autumn so now is
the time to do it.
Christingles Candles are on the welcome desk for Collect for Christmas Eve
you to take home to fill and bring back with you to one
of the Christingle services. If you would like to take
one for anyone else in your family then please feel Almighty God,
free to do so.
as we prepare with joy
Christingle Making We are making the Christingles at
to celebrate the gift of the Christ-child,
7.00 on Thursday 23rd in church. Let’s see if we can
beat our last record! embrace the earth with your glory
Christmas Card This year we are suggesting that and be for us a living hope
instead of sending individual Christmas cards
in Jesus Christ our Lord.
everyone signs the large Wakefield Hospice
Christmas card on the notice board and then puts a Amen.
donation equivalent to that which you would have
paid for the cards you have not bought for the
Hospice in the box provided on the chair below the
Collect for Christmas Day
notice board.
PCC The minutes from the last meeting are in the Amen.
pigeon holes.
Worship Rotas
Vicar: Revd. Don Gilkes
01924 893100
Sunday 2nd January
07821 325350
10.30 am - Service of Thanksgiving.
6.30 pm - Communion.
07872 551640
Reader - Mrs J Clarkson.
Weekly Action
Tues 7.00 pm - The Aftershock in Parish Rooms
Church Office
7.30 pm - Freedom in Christ Youth in Parish Rooms
01924 220868
7.30 pm - Youthy in Well@Woodhouse
7.30 pm - Worship Team in Church
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