Inkblood 1-12-23 (40594786)
Inkblood 1-12-23 (40594786)
Inkblood 1-12-23 (40594786)
Below her clever fingers, flushed flesh squirms and sighs. The M AGICAL I NKS
needle descends, pricking lightly, adding another indelible mark:
The core of the Inkblood’s power is also their
it is accompanied by a muted cry somewhere between pain and namesake. Refined by arcane methods passed
passion. "Hush," the dark-eyed woman chides. "We are nearly down over centuries of experimentation, by the
done." The captive she holds so tenderly falls silent. Around time ink pierces the skin it already holds great
the two entwined, low fires burn and herbs waft strong soporific power of potential. This magic has energy, but no
scents into the heady air. The whole experience seems almost purpose—until the Inkblood shapes and directs it
like a dream... but the marks will be there to remind, tomorrow. in the form of an intricate tattoo. The designs and
"There," the woman exclaims, and pricks the last dot of the the picture an Inkblood paints are their own...
intricate tattoo. An unadorned gap is left at the very center of but in the seeming flourish of a line is a runic
the stomach: She leans down and presses a heated, furious kiss magic woven on the skin, written on the flesh as if
to that space, and there a flower blooms in black, magic ink— it was vellum.
paper, before they scratched arcane notes The true power of an Inkblood becomes clear the
on vellum, before marks were made on moment an intricate pattern glows, flashes, and
clay tablets... a yet more delicate, more becomes manifest. From roiling lines comes a
intimate surface bore magical inscription. With wreath of flame; from winding marks comes forth
some, these ancient traditions are alive today; a burst of thorny vines. Any seasoned spellcaster
more, they thrive. recognizes the intricate tattoos that adorn an
Inkbloods are mages who imbue themselves and Inkblood’s body are more than just illustration:
sometimes others with powerful magical spells, they are their own living spellbook, and their ink
inscribing ensorcellments onto living skin with the spells.
special inks. The magic tattoos they create marry Sufficiently trained Inkbloods can breathe
art with potential: each delicately-drawn pattern magic from the intricacies of their art, channeling
is a spell waiting for release, a magical effect ready powerful spells prepared ahead of time. These
at the wearer’s fingertips. sorcerous sigils pulse with the heart’s beat,
Such an ancient tradition carries a stigma of fractions of an inch from the blood... more
hexcraft and witchery: most magical colleges and powerful for it when they are finally unleashed.
schools do their best to fill students’ heads with
prejudices against a magical method they consider
"barbaric." And yet, what is the difference between
a spell marked in a spellbook and that same spell As you build an Inkblood, think about the
written on a magician’s arm? following questions:
• What art or artists have inspired you?
• How have you marked yourself, and what do
To make an Inkblood quickly:
Ability score priorities: Intelligence, then Cha–
risma, then Wisdom...
Backgrounds: Sage, Hermit, Courtesan Spells known Spell slots
Level Cantrips Spells Level 1 2 3 4 5
As an Inkblood, you gain the following class 3rd 1 2 3rd 4 1 - - -
features. 4th 1 2 4th 4 2 - - -
5th 1 3 5th 4 3 - - -
The Inkblood 6th 1 3 6th 4 3 - - -
Level Proficiency Features 7th 2 4 7th 4 3 - - -
1st +2 Spellcasting, Inscribed Spell, Crests 8th 2 4 8th 4 3 - - -
2nd +2 Beguiling Patterns 9th 2 5 9th 4 3 1 - -
3rd +2 Artistry 10th 2 5 10th 4 3 2 - -
4th +2 Ability Score Improvement 11th 2 6 11th 4 3 3 - -
5th +3 2 Inscriptions 12th 2 6 12th 4 3 3 - -
6th +3 Call ability 13th 2 7 13th 4 3 3 1 -
7th +3 Lithifying Ink 14th 3 7 14th 4 3 3 1 -
8th +3 Ability Score Improvement 15th 3 8 15th 4 3 3 2 -
9th +4 Metamagic Inscription 16th 3 8 16th 4 3 3 2 -
10th +4 3 Inscriptions 17th 3 9 17th 4 3 3 3 1
11th +4 Artistry ability 18th 3 9 18th 4 3 3 3 1
12th +4 Ability Score Improvement 19th 3 10 19th 4 3 3 3 2
13th +5 Contingent Inscription 20th 3 10 20th 4 3 3 3 2
14th +5 Enthralling Patterns
15th +5 4 Inscriptions As an Arcane spellcaster you maintain a kind of a
16th +5 Ability Score Improvement "spellbook:" intricate unobtrusive tattoos marked
17th +6 Artistry ability on your body. You may also retain a book of
18th +6 Reflective Ink patterns and illustrations from which you draw
19th +6 Ability Score Improvement from when you inscribe a tattoo.
20th +6 5 Inscriptions
You cast and learn spells from the Wizard spell
Hit Dice: 1d6 per Inkblood level The above table shows how many spell slots you
have to cast your spells of 1st level and higher. To
cast one of these spells, you must expend a slot of
Armor: Skimpy armor
the spell’s level or higher. You regain all expended
Weapons: rapiers, darts, shortswords, shortbows,
spell slots when you finish a long rest.
light crossbows
You prepare the list of spells that are available
Tools: Tattooist’s tools
for you to cast. To do so, choose a number of
Saving Throws: Intelligence, Charisma
spells from your spellbook equal to your
Skills: Choose two skills from the following:
Intelligence modifier + your Inkblood level
Arcana, History, Investigation, Medicine, Per–
(minimum of one spell). The spells must be of a
ception and Religion. All Inkbloods are proficient
level for which you have spell slots.
in Sensuality*.
You can change your list of prepared spells when
*at family-friendly tables, replace with Persuasion.
you finish a long rest.
You start with the following equipment, in addition
Intelligence is your spellcasting ability.
to the equipment granted by your background:
• a set of robes
• a rapier or a shortsword
At first level and every other Inkblood level
• a component pouch or an arcane focus
thereafter, you may learn a new Wizard spell by
• Scholar’s pack or Diplomat’s pack
marking it upon your body. This process takes 2
• Tattooist’s tools
hours and costs 50GP per level of the spell. This
spell must be of a level for which you have spell
slots, as shown on the above table.
When you prepare your spells for the day, you may At level 9 your clever fingers embed meaning in
also inscribe magical tattoos upon your body or a every line and detail of your tattoos. When you
willing creature’s body. You choose the locations create a magical tattoo using Inscribed Spell you
and the shapes. When you inscribe a magical may choose one Metamagic modifier from the
tattoo in this way, choose a spell you can cast: Sorcerer class to apply to the spell. When the
the power of that spell remains latent in the tattoo spell is cast, that modifier is applied.
until you release it. As a Bonus Action on your
turn you may expend a spell slot to cast that spell C ONTINGENT I NSCRIPTION
at the spell level of the slot expended; the tattoo The latent magic in your ink is ready to burst forth
then fades from the wearer’s skin and its power at the slightest twitch of a finger. Beginning at
dissipates. You can use only one tattoo per turn, level 13, when you create a magical tattoo using
and you can only use a tattoo if you have a spell Inscribed Spell you may attach a trigger which
slot available at the spell’s level or higher. You can chooses when that spell will be cast, as if Readying
cast a spell with a casting time of 1 Action on the an Action. Triggers are objective events (such as
same turn you cast an Inscribed Spell. "when an enemy moves within 5 feet" or "when
A creature cannot wear more than one tattoo of combat begins"). Your GM decides when a trigger
the same spell. occurs. The first time that trigger happens you
The number of magical tattoos you can have may immediately cast the spell as a Free Action.
inscribed increases by one every 5 levels: 2 tattoos If you do, the tattoo fades. If you do not, the
at level 5, 3 at level 10, 4 at level 15, and 5 at level trigger is lost and the tattoo is treated as a normal
20. An inscribed spell lasts for one day, at which Inscribed Spell.
point if not already cast it fades harmlessly from
the skin and loses its power. E NTHRALLING P ATTERNS
The latent magic in your tattoos is strong enough
I NK C RESTS to sway the mind and dull the senses. At level
The intricate patterns inscribed on the bodies of 14 you gain the ability to cast Charm Person as
the willing are a powerful channel through which an Action once per day at your Spellcasting DC.
the Inkblood’s magic flows. When an Inkblood Casting this spell does not use up any spell slots.
takes a Long Rest, they may grant an Ink Crest to Your target makes their save at Disadvantage if
a willing creature (including themselves) or alter you are wearing Skimpy armor or no armor.
one they already wear.
More information can be found in Ink Crests.
The magic circulating in your tattoos is a vortex of
B EGUILING P ATTERNS power. Beginning at level 18, if a creature wearing
tattoos created by Inscribed Spell would make a
At level 2 the canvas you’ve made of your body Spell Save roll, they add +1 to their save for each
can overwhelm opponents with sheer power of its Inscribed Spell they wear. This bonus increases to
restrained magic. Once per Short Rest, when you +2 while the creature is wearing Skimpy armor or
make a social check (e.g., Persuasion, Deception, no armor.
Sensuality), you may roll at Advantage. Additionally, you may choose to consume the
Inscribed Spell without casting its effect in order
Y OUR A R TISTRY to grant the wearer Advantage on their save.
As you develop your talent, you choose your
specific style of inking. At level 3 Inkbloods I NKBLOOD A R TISTRIES
choose an Artistry from the Inkblood Artistries, When you reach level 3, your honed skill begins
subclasses that enhance your tattoos in different to develop a certain edge, a certain style which
manners. appreciators of your work can identify at a glance.
The power in your tattoos thus bends to a certain
L ITHIFYING I NK appearance and a certain function.
Choose from one of the following Artistries. The
When you reach level 7 parts of the skin touched first two are intended for all-ages tables—while the
by your ink become strong as steel, made resilient second two feature adult content.
by the magic flowing in veins beneath. For each
Inscribed Spell a creature wears, they add +1 to
their AC, or +2 if the creature is wearing Skimpy
armor or no armor.
Your pen and your inks have a steely power to The magic in your ink has become the sole target
them. You prefer the simple truth of straight, of your study. Unlocking the mysteries of magic
strong lines and faithful depiction. You know that through your art has granted you a place deeper
your tattoos are often the last barrier between life and more insightful among the curving lines and
and death—you have no need to put a pretty geometric patterns of your art. The complex
picture over the reality of survival. shapes utilized in your tattoos are more than just
mesmerizing—they speak to the integral methods
of the inherent magic.
Iron Art
Level Feature Summary
3rd Tempered Ink Convert Insc. Spell to Firebolt Enchanted Art
6th Fortifying Ink Insc. Spell improves attacks Level Feature Summary
11th Crucible Art Use Insc. Spell for damage 3rd Magical Ink Insc. Spell as Cantrips
17th Retaliatory Ink Insc. Spell retaliates 6th Enchanted Enhancement Insc. Spell benefits spells
11th Group Cast Allies cast Insc. Spell
17th Enduring Ink Insc. Spell doesn’t fade
The heated blood of your allies can be called forth,
transforming the nature of your tattoos. When M AGICAL I NK
you choose this Artistry at level 3, you can When you choose this Artistry at level 3 the
convert any Inscribed Spell into a Firebolt spell. inherent magic in your tattoos can be called forth
You must expend a spell slot at least equal to the in powerful ways. When you would cast an
minimum level of the original spell. When you Inscribed Spell you may choose to instead cast a
cast the Firebolt spell the Inscribed Spell fades. Cantrip spell known to you. You must expend a
spell slot at least equal to the minimum spell level
F OR TIFYING I NK of the Inscribed Spell. After casting a Cantrip this
When you reach 6th level the sharp intention of way, the tattoo fades.
your tattoos manifests itself: you improve the
defensive effects of your tattoos, and grant them a E NCHANTED E NHANCEMENT
new violent purpose. For each Inscribed Spell a When you reach 6th level the complex weave of
creature wears, they add +1 to their Attack and your magic enhances the power of the magical
Damage rolls. energy latent in the body. For each of your
At level 13 this bonus increases to +2. Inscribed spells a creature wears, they gain +1 to
spell attack rolls and spell damage.
C RUCIBLE A R T This bonus increases to +2 at level 9.
By the time you reach 11th level, the powerful
purpose of your art is clear. When a creature G ROUP C AST
wearing an Inscribed Spell would make an attack The mastery in your ink now holds the key, as well
roll or cast a damaging spell, you may use a as the lock. At level 11 a friendly creature may
Reaction to consume the spell without casting it. as a Bonus Action cast a spell Inscribed upon
The tattoo fades from their skin and they may add them. They choose the target and the specifics of
the level of the spell to their attack roll, if any, the spell.
and roll an additional number of the attack’s When an ally casts one of your Inscribed Spells
damage dice equal to the spell level. in this way, they cast the spell at its minimum
Damage added in this way is not multiplied or level.
re-rolled by a critical strike.
R ETALIATORY I NK At level 17, the needs of your spells are well filled
Passively defending your allies is no longer by the latent magic flowing within the veins of
enough, when you reach level 17. You have your allies. If an ally would cast one of your
developed a method of protecting them—and Inscribed spells, they may choose to expend an
destroying your enemies in the same fell swoop. Action instead of casting it as a Bonus Action. If
When an enemy makes a successful melee attack they do so, the ink does not fade and the
against a creature wearing one or more of your Inscribed Spell can be used again.
Inscribed Spells, the ink itself lashes out with
iron barbs. The attacker takes piercing damage
equal to the combined levels of all Inscribed
Spells worn by the creature.
You have come to learn the power of your ink Your art emphasizes the most beautiful moments
is secondary to the beauty of the body... and of mortal experience—the times when flesh meets
the secrets it holds. Instead of seeking to cover and souls become one. The lucky few who feel
and obscure these elementary shapes, your art is your artful touch are left flushed, heated, wanting.
leveraged to highlight and to showcase the majesty And their expressions of ecstasy are your favorite
already there. to capture.
Orgone Art
Sensuous Art Level Feature Summary
Level Feature Summary 3rd Orgasmic Ink Insc. Spell becomes
3rd Arousing Ink Insc. Spells cause Arousal Stimulation
6th Sculpting Marks Insc. Spell improves Ability score 6th Depicted Debauchery Orgasm empowers spell
11th Enrapturing Art First sight of body is Arousing 11th Inked Memory Stimulate via Insc. Spell
17th Hands of Ink Tattoo wearers Stimulate better 17th Orgone Explosion Free spell from orgasm
The heat of the blood intermingling with your ink When you choose this Artistry at level 3, the
is enough to make viewers sweat. After choosing scenes of pleasure inked on the skin of your
this Artistry at level 3, when you cast an Inscribed subjects seem more real than real life. As a Bonus
Spell the target of the spell is also Enticed at your Action, you may consume an Inscribed Spell and
Spell Save DC: if they fail their Wisdom save, they spend a spell slot equal to or higher than the level
become Aroused. of the spell. When you do, Stimulate the creature
wearing the inscription. Add the level of the spell
S CULPTING M ARKS slot to your Sexual skill check. Their AC is
At level 6, you’ve learned how to sculpt the body in considered to be 10 for this effect.
a way which draws forth the senses, the spirit and
the strength of your subjects. When you apply an D EPICTED D EBAUCHERY
Inscribed Spell to a creature, you may choose one The scenes of passion you ink are no mere
of their Ability Scores to increase by 1. A score figments of imagination. When you reach level 6,
can’t be increased above 20 this way. Once the you learn how to empower your tattoos with
Inscribed Spell fades from their skin, they lose this moments of very real pleasure. When you apply
score increase. an Inscribed Spell, if the wearer is brought to
orgasm during application, the Inscribed Spell is
E NRAPTURING A R T empowered. When cast, this empowered spell is
When you reach level 11, the highlighting nature treated as if it was cast at 1 Spell Level higher
of your art causes others to stop and to stare at than the slot you expend.
the beautiful bodies your ink adorns. The first At level 13, this bonus increases to 2 levels.
time each day a creature sees a wearer of your
Inscribed spells, they are Enticed at the Spell I NKED M EMORY
Save DC for the highest level spell the wearer has When you reach level 11, the magic you pour into
been inscribed with. your inscriptions kindles a deep heat within those
This save is made at Disadvantage if the wearer who wear them. When you cast an Inscribed Spell
is clad in Skimpy armor or no armor. you may choose to cast it as an Action. If you do
so, you may also Stimulate the wearer of the spell.
H ANDS OF I NK Their AC is considered to be 10 for this effect.
By level 17 the power of your ink has bled into the
very bodies of those you tattoo: their fingers are O RGONE E XPLOSION
cleverer, their embrace hungrier. When a creature At level 17 and thereafter your tattoos tap into the
wearing an Inscribed Spell uses the Stimulate latent lines of power in the core of a creature’s
action, they add the level of their highest Inscribed body. If a creature wearing an Inscribed Spell
Spell to their Sexual skill check. orgasms, choose an Inscribed Spell they wear: you
may immediately cast this spell as a Reaction. This
spell is cast at its minimum Spell Level and does
not consume a Spell Slot.
An Inkblood’s inks are ground from mundane—or
Flesh meets flesh in a rolling press: gasps and sighs fill the air. In mostly-mundane—ingredients on a daily basis,
the darkened tent candlelight flickers to highlight flushed, sweaty and for ordinary spells this is sufficient. However,
skin... but a light remains even as the flames gutter. Imprinted if a truly powerful and lasting magic is to be
below the stomach, shimmering black, swirling lines form the enacted, the constituent parts must be as magical.
delicate shape of an artistically-scribed heart. At first it seems a
And finding the ingredients can be difficult as
trick of the light: the tattoo remains faintly visible as its slender
constructing the tattoo.
wearer passes into shadow. A white glow begins to shine from
Magical ink is made from three types of
within, from the latent magic in the ink or perhaps the power of
ingredient: a powder, an oil and a thickener.
the union. And soon that glow is overpowering, nearly blinding,
When an Ink Crest is being created, sufficiently
powerful items of these categories must be found,
and it erupts in a flood of light...
plundered, or procured. Locate the rarity of Crest
you want to make: each of the ingredients you
find must match or exceed the CR marked on the
An Ink Crest is the very highest example of an
below table. Your GM will have to approve their
Inkblood’s power: a powerful and lasting tattoo
use—and provide an appropriate CR for
which marks the wearer indelibly. Effective in the
ingredients found outside of combat encounters.
extreme, a Crest grants those lucky enough to be
Some Crests can come in multiple rarities; if
marked a unique kind of power inaccessible to
you intend to create a Crest of a higher rarity
most. However, creating an Ink Crest is no mean
than its most basic rarity level, you must procure
feat—and requires a commitment from the wearer
ingredients—and pay the according time and
as well, not just the Inkblood holding the pen.
money!—for the higher rarity you choose.
F INDING AN I NKBLOOD Crest rarity and minimum ingredient CR
Before even a type of Crest has been chosen, an Rarity Minimum ingredient CR
interested adventurer must be able to find Mundane N/A
someone who can apply it! Some lucky few may Common 1
have Inkblood party members or friends who are Uncommon 2
willing—but most must go searching elsewhere. Rare 5
Inkbloods are a relatively well-kept secret among Very Rare 11
the magical community... but ask enough probing Legendary 17
questions and some kind of information is
guaranteed. Although availability is likely to vary by campaign,
Most Inkbloods disguise their practice in some setting and party interest, a selection of potential
way or another; here are a few situations in which ingredients by CR is provided below. A higher-CR
they might be found. ingredient may be used for a lower-CR Crest. For
adventurers with more money than time, these
d8 A resident Inkblood... components may also be available in special
1 ...makes their home in a dangerous ruin. markets for a proper fee...
2 ...lives a humble life in the wilds.
3 ...disguises their practice, and shop, as ordinary. Example ingredients by CR
4 in the grasp of a shadowy organization.
CR Powder Oil Thickener
5 on the run, and will be in town only briefly.
N/A Wood ash Lamp oil Tree sap
6 ...runs a shop never twice found in the same location.
1 Wyrmling shell Giant toad oil Imp spit
7 ...has been recently imprisoned, locked in chains.
8 ...lives free, openly and unafraid.
2 Gargoyle dust Carrion Crawler Gelatinous
ichor Cube jelly
However, even when the Inkblood has been 5 Vampire Spawn Umber Hulk Wraith
located the work has only just begun! Magic, ash ichor ectoplasm
especially magic as powerful as this, needs a 11 Efreeti ash Behir stomach Horned Devil
catalyst. The ink making up the tattoo must be acid horn
up to the challenge. 17 Death Knight Iron Golem oil Iron Golem
dust plating
Once the ingredients have been assembled, all C REST OF A BSORPTION
that’s left is the application! However, these are Rarity: Rare
no mere pinpricks—the process is very similar to Location: Erogenous zones
the creation of a magical item. Indeed, money is Design: Stylized lines leading inward from
needed for the process and to pay the Inkblood for erogenous zones to curl and coil around central
their time... and a long time it might be. body parts
Often used for nefarious means, the sight of this
Costs and duration by Crest rarity Crest is sure to inspire dread—or foolish desire.
Rarity Cost* Duration When the wearer of this Crest causes another
Mundane 1SP 1 hour creature to orgasm, the wearer may replenish one
Common 50GP 1 day of their expended spell slots. However, the
Uncommon 100GP 2 days creature who orgasmed gains one point of
Rare 500GP 1 week Exhaustion. This point is gained in addition to
Very Rare 5,000GP 1 month any Exhaustion they might gain from orgasming
Legendary 50,000GP 1 year more times in a day than their Constitution
*An Inkblood may claim up to 20 percent of the tattoo’s cost as
an additional fee. This fee may be reduced or even waived if the
Inkblood is on good terms with the party, at the GM’s discretion.
Crest Base Rarity Location Summary
Absorption Rare Erogenous zones Others’ orgasms replenish your spells but exhaust your partners.
Allure Uncommon Erogenous zones Tattooed, erotic words entice lust in others.
Arms Mundane Arm Call forth the physical embodiment of a tattooed weapon.
Beast Rare Back Summon tattooed beasts to fight for you.
Binding Rare Arms, back Produce grappling vines.
Bound, the Uncommon Wrists, ankles Become immobilized by a command phrase.
Childbearer, the Uncommon Under stomach Increase the chances of conception.
Commanded, the Rare Forehead Orders become difficult to disobey.
Enumeration Common Thighs, rear, etc. Gain expendable Inspiration points by causing orgasms.
Feathers Rare Back Gain the ability to fly.
Glory Rare Back Roll at Disadvantage to give nearby allies Advantage.
Indomitability Rare Chest Resist death and regain hit points.
Invisibility Rare Forehead Fade from sight.
Light Common Varies Emit light.
Lust Uncommon Erogenous zones Struggle to resist Arousal and its symptoms.
Orgone, the Common Pubic mound Cast a random Cantrip spell when you orgasm.
Protection Rare Chest Gain AC.
Relentless, the Uncommon Chest Improved Athletics and resistance to Exhaustion.
Ruler, the Uncommon Head Cast enchantment spells to dominate others.
Sensuality Uncommon Pubic mound Advantage on Sexual Skill checks every Short Rest.
Servitude Rare Neck Advantage while following a master’s orders, Disadvantage otherwise.
Speed Common Ankles Increased movement speed.
Telepathy Uncommon Forehead Cast telepathic spells and send messages.
Transformation Uncommon Torso Change your form.
Transparency Uncommon Stomach, etc. See internal, foreign items through skin.
True Sight Uncommon Eyelids Pierce darkness, illusions, and obstacles.
Waterbreathing Rare Neck, sides Breathe underwater.
Rarity: Rare Rarity: Rare
Location: Arms and upper back Location: Forehead
Design: Thorned vines in spiral pattern, beginning Design: A demeaning word such as "servant"
at the fingers and interlocking over the upper back
If the Crest of Servitude indicates a com–
A close inspection notes these vines seem to move, passionate bond, this Crest is the reverse. The
coiling firmly about the arms. Their true power is wearer of a Crest of the Slave has little say in
shown when the wearer initiates a Grapple: real their actions when commanded by another. A
vines in black and white emerge from their arms creature may speak a brief command (such as
to constrict their victim. Creatures attempting to "give me your valuables" or "satisfy me", subject
evade or escape a Grapple with the wearer roll their to GM approval) to the wearer and make a
Athletics or Acrobatics checks at Disadvantage. Persuasion or Intimidation check; the wearer
Additionally, while grappled by the wearer must then make a Wisdom save at Disadvantage.
creatures take 1d4 bludgeoning damage at the If their save is lower than the speaker’s check,
beginning of their turns. they must carry out the command to the best of
their ability. The compulsion upon them lasts an
hour or until the wearer falls unconscious, during
C REST OF THE B OUND which time the tattoo glows and pulses. The
Rarity: Uncommon wearer may choose to fail their Wisdom save.
Location: Wrists and ankles If the creature who gave the command
Design: Stylized, twisting chains determines the demand was successfully carried
Often used more as a punishment than a reward, out, and it took at least one round, the wearer
this Crest is paired with a command phrase gains a d6 they may add to any subsequent roll.
devised at the time of its application. When the Only one d6 can be retained in this way at a time.
command phrase is spoken, the wearer’s ankles Only one compulsion can be active at a time. If
and wrists snap together as if bound in manacles. a creature successfully makes another command,
They are considered Incapacitated. At the it overwrites the first.
beginning of the wearer’s turns they may make a
DC 16 Strength save to break free of these
constraints; if successful, the effect ends.
Otherwise the effect remains until the command
phrase is spoken once more. Rarity: Common
Location: Thighs, rear, or lower back
Design: Tally marks
Unique among the Crests, this tattoo instead of a
C REST OF THE C HILDBEARER design creates an area of skin where, when marks
Rarity: Uncommon are made, they remain—holding their own kind of
Location: Under stomach power. A creature brought to orgasm by the wearer
Design: A stylized womb chamber with a seed is compelled to draw a mark on the creature’s
inside body, adding to any existing marks. When the
wearer would make a roll, they may expend one
Most famously bestowed upon the concubines of
of these marks, causing it to fade from their body
certain influential rulers, this Crest facilitates
and gaining a bonus die they may add to their roll.
certain conception—and ease of bearing. If the
The die size and the maximum number of marks
wearer of this Crest is able to bear children, they
depends on the rarity of the Crest:
are almost certain to conceive when the right
conditions are met. If the wearer would engage in
conduct which has a chance of conception, roll a
1d10. On any roll but a 1, they are successfully Die size and maximum tallies by Crest rarity
made pregnant. Rarity Die Max tallies
The power of this Crest also protects in part from Common d4 3
the pains and the trials often attached to carrying Uncommon d6 5
a child to term, such as morning sickness. Rare d8 8
As the child inside the wearer’s womb grows, Very Rare d10 10
the seed at the center of the Crest is also seen to Legendary d12 15
sprout and eventually blossom.
Rarity: Rare Rarity: Rare
Location: Full back Location: Forehead
Design: Large feathered, gossamer or mem– Design: A closed eye large enough to fill the
branous wings reaching down to the waist forehead
Legends tell of a trapped Inkblood who once When the wearer wills it, this eye opens wide—and
escaped his tower confinement by spreading these the wearer disappears. Once per Long Rest the
wings. Once per Long Rest, the wearer of this wearer may cast Invisibility targeting themselves.
Crest may spread physical wings from this tattoo, It lasts until it’s dispelled, ended by the wearer, or
ink becoming flesh for the duration of 10 minutes. after 1 hour has passed.
Until the end of that time, the wearer gains 60 At higher rarity:
feet of flying speed as if affected by the spell Fly.
• Very Rare: instead, cast Greater Invisibility.
After 10 minutes the wings fade back into tattoo
form: if still airborne, the wearer then falls.
Rarity: Common
C REST OF G LORY Location: Varies
Rarity: Rare Design: A sun with wavy rays
Location: Full back
This sun glows with a radiant light. As an Action,
Design: Scenes of heroism
the wearer may cast the Light spell targeting the
Evoking the power of this Crest is a risk, but one tattoo. The spell lasts until canceled as a Free
with a powerful payoff. Once, entire ranks of Action by the wearer, or until they fall uncon–
tattooed soldiers inspired their allies to victory—or scious.
so the tales say. Once per Short Rest, when the
wearer would make an Attack roll or a Skill check
they aren’t already making at Disadvantage, they
Rarity: Uncommon
may make their roll at Disadvantage. If they are
Location: Varies (erogenous zones)
successful despite this, all friendly creatures
Design: Erotic illustrations
within 10 feet gain Advantage on their next roll as
if affected by the Help action. This effect lasts A blessing to some and a curse to others, this
until the beginning of the wearer’s next turn. Crest has a notable effect on the wearer’s sexual
The roll which calls forth the power of this Crest arousal. When a wearer of this Crest would roll
must be one which can reasonably be failed. If the a save to resist becoming Aroused or Desperate,
GM decides the roll is very likely to succeed, even to act normally when Desperate or resist orgasm,
with Disadvantage, they may rule the Crest does they roll at Disadvantage.
not take effect and the ability is not used up.
Rarity: Common
C REST OF I NDOMITABILITY Location: Pubic mound
Rarity: Rare Design: A stylized sun with radiating rays
Location: Chest
Design: Iron chains coil around a stylized heart This Crest allows access to a touch of the power
in the center of the chest, padlocked and strong. latent in an orgasm. When the wearer experiences
orgasm, magic bursts forth from them in the form
This tattoo pulses lightly with the draw and the of a random spell. Spells are chosen from the
release of the wearer’s breath. It forestalls the wearer’s spell list; if they can’t cast spells, choose
possibility of death: once per Long Rest, if the a random spell of that level from the Wizard spell
wearer would drop to 0 or fewer hit points they list instead. The wearer determines the target and
instead drop to 1 hit point. details of the spell after it’s chosen.
At higher rarity:
• Very Rare: additionally, the wearer makes Death Spell level by Orgone Crest rarity
Saving throws at Advantage. Rarity Spell level
• Legendary: additionally, the wearer gains HP Common Cantrip
at the beginning of their turns equal to their Uncommon 1st-level
Constitution modifier. Rare 3rd-level
Very Rare 5th-level
Legendary 7th-level
Rarity: Rare Rarity: Rare
Location: Chest Location: Neck
Design: A shield interwoven with thorned vines Design: A chained collar with padlock
This tattooed shield firms the skin and wards off This Crest is commonly granted to the very best
all but the most devastating blows. The wearer servants of the rich and the powerful. At the time
gains +1 to their AC. of inscription, this Crest is paired with one or
more "masters." As a Bonus Action, a master may
At higher rarity:
speak a brief command (such as "kill this enemy"
• Very Rare: +3 AC.
or "unlock this door"). This command must be
• Legendary: +5 AC.
approved by the GM and lasts at most an hour,
or until the command is carried out. While a
C REST OF THE R ELENTLESS command is active, the Crest glows and if the
Rarity: Uncommon wearer would make a roll the GM determines is in
Location: Chest service of the command, they do so at Advantage.
Design: Faux torn skin which reveals inked However, rolls not made explicitly in service of the
muscle command are made at Disadvantage.
Only one command can be active at a time. If
The faux muscle detailed by this tattoo seems to a master issues a command while one is already
stretch, to throb, to pulse with the wearer’s active, the new command overwrites the old.
heartbeat. Refined over years of experimentation
in barbarians’ ritual battles, this Crest allows the C REST OF S PEED
wearer to ignore exertion which would otherwise
Rarity: Common
incapacitate a lesser fighter. The wearer gains
Location: Ankles
Advantage on Athletics checks. Additionally, if
Design: Wings facing outwards
they would gain a point of Exhaustion, they may
make a DC 16 Constitution save. If successful, no Legends say once Inkbloods adorned in this way
exhaustion is gained. served as messengers to the Gods, or even ferried
the souls of the dead to their final resting place.
This Crest evokes a feeling of lightness and
limberness on the feet. The wearer may use the
Rarity: Uncommon
power of this tattoo to double their movement
Location: Head
speed for one round. Once used, this Crest’s
Design: A delicate crown tattooed around the
power cannot be used again until after the
forehead and onto the scalp
wearer’s next Long Rest.
A creature who wears this Crest speaks with
At higher rarity:
undeniable power. When compelled by the wearer,
• Uncommon: instead, triple the wearer’s move–
this crown parts from the head and encircles it,
rotating slowly in floating black ink. Once per ment speed.
Long Rest, you may cast Charm Person as the
spell. Roll a Persuasion or Intimidation check: the C REST OF T ELEPATHY
result is the DC they must save against. Rarity: Uncommon
At higher rarity: Location: Forehead
• Rare: instead, cast Suggestion.
Design: A closed eye on the site of the "third eye"
• Very Rare: instead, cast Dominate Person.
between and above both eyes
• Legendary: instead, cast Mass Suggestion. This Crest opens the wearer’s mind to those
around them, allowing their thoughts to reach out
C REST OF S ENSUALITY and brush others’. As an Action, the wearer may
Rarity: Uncommon freely cast the spell Message. The mark is ample
Location: Pubic mound reason for suspicion to many—doubly so when it
Design: A heart begins to glow, the telltale sign someone’s secrets
are being dug through.
The power of this Crest bestows the wearer an
impressive electricity in their touch and their At higher rarity:
mannerisms. Once per Short Rest when the • Rare: additionally, once per short rest cast
wearer would roll a Sexual Skill check, such as Detect Thoughts.
Domination, they may roll at Advantage. • Very Rare: additionally, once per long rest cast
Rarity: Uncommon Rarity: Rare
Location: Full torso Location: Neck or sides
Design: Swirling lines and interweaving patterns Design: Slits in the skin through which inked
around body features muscle is visible
This large tattoo is mildly mesmerizing to look This Crest is worn by those creatures who feel
at: carefully-laid lines drape over the body in a as at home under the waves—or perhaps more at
fashion which seems almost natural, as if the ink home. The wearer can breathe water as if it were
was a natural extension of the shapes and curves air.
of the body. Once per Long Rest as an Action the
wearer can cast Alter Self targeting themselves.
Casting this spell does not require Concentration.
It lasts until dispelled, ended by the wearer or 1
hour has passed.
At higher rarity:
• Rare: additionally, once per Long Rest you may
Rare Item
Medium female Elf, true neutral Inkblood 3 (Sensuous Art)
These ten vials of glittering, opalescent ink seem STR DEX CON INT WIS CHA
almost like liquid mercury or molten silver, but 10 (+0) 15 (+2) 8 (–1) 15 (+2) 13 (+1) 14 (+2)
are pleasantly cool to the touch. When applied,
the tattoos these inks create look almost invisible Saving Throws Int +4, Wis +3
to the naked eye... until a small glint betrays it. Skills Arcana +4, Insight +3, Perception +3, Sensuality +4
And yet, under the light of the stars or the moon,
these glimmering tattoos are almost blinding. An Description
Inkblood may consume one of these vials when Safiyah is a delicate craftswoman who delights in beautifying
they create an Inscribed Spells: when that spell is others.
cast, it is cast at one Spell Level higher than the
Appearance. Safiyah’s light brown skin is marked by slim,
Spell Slot expended, so long as the sun is down. curving lines of dark and light ink. Threads trace along her
On the night of the full moon, an Inscribed Spell slender body, seemingly placed at random—but when subjected
made with these inks, it is considered Maximized to more careful inspection, each line has been inked with intent
as by Metamagic. and purpose. They peek here and there from her sleek gold
If these inks are found as part of a treasure cocktail dress. Safiyah’s tattoos accentuate and improve the
natural lines of her body: they curve under her small breasts,
hoard, roll 2d6; that many vials are found.
highlight her long legs, and refine her sharp cheekbones. In her
startling yellow eyes she displays an artist’s intelligent stare, and
A UTOMATIC N EEDLE her slim lips curl in a smile when she regards a beautiful form...
could it be enhanced?
Rare Item Personality. Safiyah has a penchant for perfectionism. Cold and
The brainchild of a strange—or perhaps exacting, she rarely expresses her favor with anyone—or
revolutionary—Gnomish inventor, this item is a anything—before her pen has visited it. Those targeted by her
box of gears, knobs, hydraulics... and a needle. single-minded nature may find her dedication flattering... or they
Though its operation is complex, once running may find it invasive and insulting. She claims to be able to see
the beauty in everyone, and is only too happy to "bring it out..."
the machine produces a rapid pin-pricking which
using her unique inks and careful attention to detail. Still, it’s
allows remarkably quick tattoo application.
impossible to ignore the power of her work: those who emerge
However, whatever energy source provides motion from beneath her pen always shine twice as resplendently.
quickly tires. Once per day, an Inkblood using
this item can create an Inscribed Spells in the Utility
time of a Short Rest instead of a Long Rest. Safiyah can make anyone the belle of the ball.
Cosmetic Artist. Safiyah considers others with a critical eye, but
A THEIRA ’ S T WINED F INGERS at the heart of that criticism is a potential gift. A player who pays
Safiyah 2,000GP and spends a Long Rest with her gains a cosmetic
Legendary Item, requires Attunement tattoo that permanently adds 1 to their Charisma. Their Charisma
can’t be raised above 20 in this way.
This ink pen is gnarled, crooked, and slightly
warm to the touch. Carved from living, ebony Dear Eye. Safiyah notices when others devalue their own
wood as if to resemble two twisted mortal fingers, appearance. She makes it her personal mission to give back
some of the confidence she feels they should possess. Safiyah
its prick is light and sweet; often the subject fails
may target the party member with the lowest Charisma and
to realize they’ve been jabbed at all.
attempt to beautify them—with her tattoos and with fine clothing,
Once per Long Rest, an Inkblood Attuned to makeup, and more.
this item may choose two spells, not one, when
creating an Inscribed Spells. Two tattoos are Pleasures
weaved in one: when the Inscribed Spell is used, Safiyah surrounds herself with beautiful things. And sometimes,
the Inkblood expends two spell slots and the beautiful people.
effects of both spells are realized at once. Seduction – DC 15. Safiyah has strong opinions about what
people should wear and how they should appear. She likes
beautiful people. A player wearing at least 1,000GP worth of
S AMPLE I NKBLOODS clothing Seduces Safiyah at Advantage.
Preferences. Safiyah is matter-of-fact in her lusts. She doesn’t
It’s no easy feat to find an Inkblood—unless, of make excuses, and she doesn’t accept them, either. Safiyah will
course, they want to be found. Whispers may proposition a player who makes her Aroused.
describe the hidden sanctums of these strange,
Kinks. Safiyah likes voyeurism, hidden sex, and marking. She
powerful magicians, or they may be happily doesn’t like crassness, romantic flirtation, or exhibitionism.
employed by those who recognize their powers are
far too great to overlook.
Medium male Human, neutral evil
Inkblood 3 (Iron Art)
10 (+0) 15 (+2) 14 (+2) 15 (+2) 13 (+1) 8 (–1) Tattoos can be a touchy subject for some. Check
with your fellow players before you use this
Saving Throws Int +4, Wis +3 content in your game. Be sure you have their
Skills Athletics +2, Deception +1, Domination +1, Perception +3 enthusiastic consent, and be open to downplaying
objectionable parts—or playing something else.
Description There will be other opportunities.
Vigo is a hotblooded duelist always putting his ink to the test.
Appearance. Vigo wears very little—all the better to show off the E NDING T HOUGHTS
expansive artwork his body is a canvas for. Spreading up from his Everything you’ve read so far has been developed
kilt come sharp, jagged lines of deadly purpose: shields, swords, with the intent of suiting fun, consensual and
and lightning bolts. Even his head is marked with his power: a erotic roleplay at an interested table. It’s not
central rune on his bald crown and a death’s-head skull upon his perfectly polished; it’s not necessarily balanced in
face. His eyes glint when he thinks about testing a new tattoo
all situations; it’s most certainly not officially
in combat, and his smile is positively ghoulish. His muscles belie
approved. Nonetheless, it’s my hope you’ll enjoy
his early calling as a pit fighter. Vigo is broad-chested and thick
of neck, with strong thighs revealed by his short kilt. He has a playing with it! If you do, or if you don’t, I
bold and booming laugh, but the times he chooses to use it are welcome your feedback, your recommendations
moments that aren’t quite appropriate for mirth. and your patronage.
Personality. Vigo is an intense force, and one to be reckoned with.
If you want to hear about more of this
He’s the kind of magician people want on their side, even if they
don’t necessarily want to deal with him in person. Bloodthirsty content as it’s developed, consider
and fervent, he never passes up an opportunity to duel—all the following the conversation on Twitter.
better to test his protective magics. Vigo boasts his bare chest
is "stronger than any steel breastplate..." and is eager to put his If you’d like to be part of the conversation
words to the test. Often his respect can only be bought with single and suggest new content or potentially
combat... though his opponent doesn’t necessarily need to win.
contribute your own creations, visit us on
Utility Patreon!
Vigo can extend the protection of his art to others—provided they
And once again, thank you!
impress him.
Armor Scribe. Vigo specializes in tattoos that improve defense
with a good bit of offense as well. A player tattooed by Vigo gains
20 temporary hit points: the lithified ink absorbs damage until all 20
has been used. Then it explodes, dealing 20 damage to all enemies
within 10 feet.
Make a Mark. Vigo boasts his tattoos have made his skin too
hard to pierce: he allows others to break their swords on his iron These are living documents. When changes are
flesh. Vigo will goad players into attacking him with their weapons. made to them, you can update your edition by
If any manage to beat his 20 AC, he will ask them to use his needles visiting the Patreon.
to draw a tattoo of their own design somewhere on his body—to • 1.0 - 1/21/22
remember them by, he says.
– Initial release
Pleasures • 1.1 - 1/4/23
Vigo plays hard, and loves hard. Maybe harder. – Update to match core rulebook re-release
Seduction – DC 14. Vigo likes his partners to be made of the – Some minor rules changes
same iron he is: that way, there’s no danger of anyone breaking
in the process. A player who uses Constitution to Seduce Vigo does
so at Advantage.
Preferences. Vigo doesn’t think a good time has been had unless
a few beds have been broken, and a few noise ordinances too.
When Vigo causes someone to orgasm and they would gain a point
of Exhaustion, they gain 2 instead. • Cover
Kinks. Vigo likes rough sex, clawing, exhibitionism and Portrait of Omai by Joseph Reynolds
scarification. He doesn’t like romance, mutual masturbation, or A public domain artwork.
teasing. • Page 7 illustration (absorption crest)
by @enne_project
OGL print or photocopy this document for personal use only.
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15. COPYRIGHT NOTICE Open Game License v 1.0a
Copyright 2000, Wizards of the Coast, LLC.
System Reference Document 5.1 Copyright 2016,
Wizards of the Coast, Inc.; Authors Mike Mearls,
Jeremy Crawford, Chris Perkins, Rodney Thompson,
Peter Lee, James Wyatt, Robert J. Schwalb, Bruce R.
Cordell, Chris Sims, and Steve Townshend, based on
original material by E. Gary Gygax and Dave Arneson.
The Inkblood, Copyright 2023, Rolling for Seduction.