5 & 6 Units

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Lecture Notes

Design of Reinforce Concrete structures


UNIT-I: Working Stress Method & Introduction Limit State Method

Working stress method- design constants, singly reinforced beam, Introduction to ultimate load
method. Introduction, Concepts of limit state design, Basic statistical principles, Characteristic
loads, Characteristic strength, Partial load and safety factors, representative stress-strain curves for
cold worked deformed bars and mild steel bars. Assumptions in limit state design, stress block
parameters, limiting moment of Resistance

UNIT-II- Design of Beams:

Analysis at service and ultimate loads, Limit state design of singly and doubly reinforced
rectangular and flanged sections- T and L.

UNIT-III-Design of Slabs:
One-way and two way slabs for flexure at ultimate limit state as per IS 456; deflection control.
Introduction of flat and ribbed slabs

UNIT-IV Design for Shear, Torsion and Bond:

Analysis and design with and without shear reinforcement at ultimate load limit state as per IS
456, development length, splicing, curtailment, code specifications.

UNIT-V Design of Compression Members:

Short and slender columns – under axial loads, uniaxial bending and biaxial bending, Braced and
un-braced columns, I S Code provisions, introduction to slender columns.

UNIT-VI: Design of Footings:

Types of footings, Design of isolated- square, rectangular and circular footings and combined
Text Books:
1. Reinforced concrete design by S.UnnikrishnaPillai&DevdasMenon, Tata Mc.Graw Hill,
New Delhi.
2. Limit state designed of reinforced concrete – P.C.Varghese, PrintiCEHall of India, New
3. IS: 456-2000. “Guidelines for Reinforced concrete design” Bureau of Indian Standards,
New Delhi
Reference Books:
1. Design Reinforced concrete structures by N Subramanian, Oxford Publications, New
2. Limit State Design by B.C.Punmia, Ashok Kumar Jain and Arun Kumar Jain, Laxmi,
publications Pvt. Ltd., New Delhi

1. Limit state design of reinforced concrete by P.C. Verghese, PHI

2. Reinforced concrete: Limit state by A.K. Jain
3. Reinforced concrete by B.C. Punmia, A.K. Jain and A.K. Jain
4. SP-16 and SP-32.
Compression members are structural elements primarily subjected to axial compressive forces
and hence, their design is guided by considerations of strength and buckling. Examples of
compression member pedestal, column, wall and strut.


(a) Effective length: The vertical distance between the points of inflection of the
compression member in the buckled configuration in a plane is termed as effective length l
of that

compression member in that plane. The effective length is different from the unsupported
length l of the member, though it depends on the unsupported length and the type of end
restraints. The relation between the effective and unsupported lengths of any compression
member is

l =kl (1)

Where k is the ratio of effective to the unsupported lengths. Clause 25.2 of IS 456 stipulates
the effective lengths of compression members (vide Annex E of IS 456). This parameter is
needed in classifying and designing the compression members.
(b) Pedestal: Pedestal is a vertical compression member whose effective length l does not

exceed three times of its least horizontal dimension b (cl., Note). The other
horizontal dimension D shall not exceed four times of b.

(c) Column: Column is a vertical compression member whose unsupported length l shall not
exceed sixty times of b (least lateral dimension), if restrained at the two ends. Further,
unsupported length of a cantilever column shall not exceed 100b /D, where D is the larger
lateral dimension which is also restricted up to four times of b (vide cl. 25.3 of IS 456).

(d) Wall: Wall is a vertical compression member whose effective height H to thickness t (least

lateral dimension) shall not exceed 30 (cl. 32.2.3 of IS 456). The larger horizontal dimension i.e.,
the length of the wall L is more than 4t.
Classification of Columns Based on Types of Reinforcement

Figure 3.1(a) Tied Column

Figure 3.1(b) Column with helical reinforcement

Figure 3.1(c) Composite column (steel section)

Figure 3.1(d) Composite column (steel pipe)

Figure 3.1 Tied, helically bound and composite columns
Based on the types of reinforcement, the reinforced concrete columns are classified into three
(i) Tied columns: The main longitudinal reinforcement bars are enclosed within closely
spaced lateral ties (Fig.3.1a).
(ii) Columns with helical reinforcement: The main longitudinal reinforcement bars are
enclosed within closely spaced and continuously wound spiral reinforcement. Circular and
octagonal columns are mostly of this type (Fig. 3.1b).

(iii) Composite columns: The main longitudinal reinforcement of the composite columns
consists of structural steel sections or pipes with or without longitudinal bars (Fig. 3.1c and

Out of the three types of columns, the tied columns are mostly common with different
shapes of the cross-sections viz. square, rectangular etc. Helically bound columns are also
used for circular or octagonal shapes of cross-sections.

Classification of Columns Based on Loadings

Figure 3.2(a) Axial loading (concentric) Figure 3.2(b) Axial loading with uniaxial bending
Figure 3.2(c) Axial loading with biaxial bending
Columns are classified into the three following types based on the loadings:
(i) Columns subjected to axial loads only (concentric), as shown in Fig. 3.2a.
(ii) Columns subjected to combined axial load and uniaxial bending, as shown in Fig. 3.2b.

(iii) Columns subjected to combined axial load and bi-axial bending, as shown in Fig. 3.2c.

Classification of Columns Based on Slenderness Ratios

Columns are classified into the following two types based on the slenderness ratios:
(i) Short columns

(ii) Slender or long columns

Figure 3.3 Modes of failure of columns
Figure 3.3 presents the three modes of failure of columns with different slenderness ratios
when loaded axially. In the mode 1, column does not undergo any lateral deformation and
collapses due to material failure. This is known as compression failure. Due to the combined
effects of axial load and moment a short column may have material failure of mode 2. On
the other hand, a slender column subjected to axial load only undergoes deflection due to
beam- column effect and may have material failure under the combined action of direct
load and bending moment. Such failure is called combined compression and bending failure
of mode
2. Mode 3 failure is by elastic instability of very long column even under small load much
before the material reaches the yield stresses. This type of failure is known as elastic

The slenderness ratio of steel column is the ratio of its effective length l to its least radius of

gyration r. In case of reinforced concrete column, however, IS 456 stipulates the slenderness

ratio as the ratio of its effective length l to its least lateral dimension. As mentioned earlier

in sec. 3.1(a), the effective length l is different from the unsupported length, the rectangular

reinforced concrete column of cross-sectional dimensions b and D shall have two effective
lengths in the two directions of b and D. Accordingly, the column may have the possibility of
buckling depending on the two values of slenderness ratios as given below:

Slenderness ratio about the major axis = l /D

Slenderness ratio about the minor axis = l /b
Based on the discussion above, cl. 25.1.2 of IS 456 stipulates the following:
A compression member may be considered as short when both the slenderness ratios l /D

and l /b are less than 12 where l = effective length in respect of the major axis, D = depth in
ey ex

respect of the major axis, l = effective length in respect of the minor axis, and b = width of

the member. It shall otherwise be considered as a slender compression member.

Further, it is essential to avoid the mode 3 type of failure of columns so that all columns
should have material failure (modes 1 and 2) only. Accordingly, cl. 25.3.1 of IS 456 stipulates
the maximum unsupported length between two restraints of a column to sixty times its
least lateral dimension. For cantilever columns, when one end of the column is
unrestrained, the unsupported length is restricted to 100b /D where b and D are as

Longitudinal Reinforcement

The longitudinal reinforcing bars carry the compressive loads along with the concrete. Clause stipulates the guidelines regarding the minimum and maximum amount, number of
bars, minimum diameter of bars, spacing of bars etc. The following are the salient points:

(a) The minimum amount of steel should be at least 0.8 per cent of the gross cross-sectional
area of the column required if for any reason the provided area is more than the required

(b) The maximum amount of steel should be 4 per cent of the gross cross-sectional area of
the column so that it does not exceed 6 per cent when bars from column below have to be
lapped with those in the column under consideration.
(c) Four and six are the minimum number of longitudinal bars in rectangular and circular
columns, respectively.
(d) The diameter of the longitudinal bars should be at least 12 mm.
(e) Columns having helical reinforcement shall have at least six longitudinal bars within and
in contact with the helical reinforcement. The bars shall be placed equidistant around its
inner circumference.
(f) The bars shall be spaced not exceeding 300 mm along the periphery of the column.

(g) The amount of reinforcement for pedestal shall be at least 0.15 per cent of the cross-
sectional area provided.
Transverse Reinforcement

Transverse reinforcing bars are provided in forms of circular rings, polygonal links (lateral
ties) with internal angles not exceeding 135 or helical reinforcement. The transverse
reinforcing bars are provided to ensure that every longitudinal bar nearest to the
compression face has effective lateral support against buckling. Clause stipulates
the guidelines of the arrangement of transverse reinforcement. The salient points are:

Figure 3.4 Lateral tie (Arrangement 1)

(a) Transverse reinforcement shall only go round corner and alternate bars if the
longitudinal bars are not spaced more than 75 mm on either side (Fig.3.4).

Figure 3.5 Lateral tie (Arrangement 2)

(b) Longitudinal bars spaced at a maximum distance of 48 times the diameter of the tie shall
be tied by single tie and additional open ties for in between longitudinal bars (Fig.3.5).
Figure 3.6 Lateral tie (Arrangement 3)

(c) For longitudinal bars placed in more than one row (Fig.10.21.9): (i) transverse
reinforcement is provided for the outer-most row in accordance with (a) above, and (ii) no
bar of the inner row is closer to the nearest compression face than three times the diameter
of the largest bar in the inner row.

Figure 3.7 Lateral tie (Arrangement 4)

(d) For longitudinal bars arranged in a group such that they are not in contact and each
group is adequately tied as per (a), (b) or (c) above, as appropriate, the transverse
reinforcement for the compression member as a whole may be provided assuming that each
group is a single longitudinal bar for determining the pitch and diameter of the transverse
reinforcement. The diameter of such transverse reinforcement should not, however, exceed
20 mm (Fig.3.7).
Pitch and Diameter of Lateral Ties

(a) Pitch: The maximum pitch of transverse reinforcement shall be the least of the following:
(i) the least lateral dimension of the compression members;
(ii) sixteen times the smallest diameter of the longitudinal reinforcement bar to be
tied; and
(iii) 300 mm.

(b) Diameter: The diameter of the polygonal links or lateral ties shall be not less than one-
fourth of the diameter of the largest longitudinal bar, and in no case less than 6 mm.

Assumptions in the Design of Compression Members by Limit State of Collapse

The following are the assumptions in addition to given in 38.1 (a) to (e) for flexure for the
design of compression members (cl. 39.1 of IS 456).

(i) The maximum compressive strain in concrete in axial compression is taken as 0.002.
(ii) The maximum compressive strain at the highly compressed extreme fibre in concrete
subjected to axial compression and bending and when there is no tension on the section
shall be 0.0035 minus 0.75 times the strain at the least compressed extreme fibre.
Minimum Eccentricity
In practical construction, columns are rarely truly concentric. Even a theoretical column
loaded axially will have accidental eccentricity due to inaccuracy in construction or variation
of materials etc. Accordingly, all axially loaded columns should be designed considering the
minimum eccentricity as stipulated in cl. 25.4 of IS 456 and given below (Fig.3.2c)
e greater of (l/500 + D/30) or 20 mm
x min ≥

e greater of (l/500 + b/30) or 20 mm

y min ≥

where l, D and b are the unsupported length, larger lateral dimension and least lateral
dimension, respectively.
Governing Equation for Short Axially Loaded Tied Columns
Factored concentric load applied on short tied columns is resisted by concrete of area A and

longitudinal steel of areas A effectively held by lateral ties at intervals. Assuming the design

strengths of concrete and steel are 0.4f and 0.67f , respectively, we can write
ck y

P = 0.4f A + 0.67f Asc (1)

u ck c y
Where P = factored axial load on the member,
f = characteristic compressive strength of the concrete,

A = area of concrete,

f = characteristic strength of the compression reinforcement, and


A = area of longitudinal reinforcement for columns.


The above equation, given in cl. 39.3 of IS 456, has two unknowns Ac and A to be

determined from one equation. The equation is recast in terms of A , the gross area of

concrete and p, the percentage of compression reinforcement employing

A = pA /100 (2)
sc g

A = A (1 – p/100) (3)
c g

Accordingly, we can write

P /A
u = 0.4f + (p/100) (0.67f – ) (4)
ck y ck

Equation 4 can be used for direct computation of A when P , f and f are known by
g u ck y

assuming p ranging from 0.8 to 4 as the minimum and maximum percentages of longitudinal

reinforcement. Equation 10.4 also can be employed to determine A and p in a similar


manner by assuming p.
Numerical Problem
Design the reinforcement in a column of size 400 mm x 600 mm subjected to an axial load of
2000 kN under service dead load and live load. The column has an unsupported length of 4.0
m and effectively held in position and restrained against rotation in both ends. Use M 25
concrete and Fe 415 steel.
Step 1: To check if the column is short or slender
Given l = 4000 mm, b = 400 mm and D = 600 mm. Table 28 of IS 456 = l = l = 0.65(l) =
ex ey

2600 mm. So, we have

l /D = 2600/600 = 4.33 < 12

l /b = 2600/400 = 6.5 < 12


Hence, it is a short column.

Step 2: Minimum eccentricity
e = Greater of (l /500 + D/30) and 20 mm = 25.2 mm
x min ex
e = Greater of (l /500 + b/30) and 20 mm = 20 mm
y min ey
0.05 D = 0.05(600) = 30 mm > 25.2 mm (= e )
x min

0.05 b = 0.05(400) = 20 mm = 20 mm (= e )
y min

Hence, the equation given in cl.39.3 of IS 456 (Eq.(1)) is applicable for the design here.
Step 3: Area of steel
Fro Eq.10.4, we have
P = 0.4 f A + 0.67 f A
u ck c y sc
3000(10 ) = 0.4(25){(400)(600) – A } + 0.67(415) A
sc sc

which gives,
A = 2238.39 mm
2 2
Provide 6-20 mm diameter and 2-16 mm diameter rods giving 2287 mm (> 2238.39 mm )
and p = 0.953 per cent, which is more than minimum percentage of 0.8 and less than
maximum percentage of 4.0. Hence, o.k.
Step 4: Lateral ties
The diameter of transverse reinforcement (lateral ties) is determined from cl. C-2 of
IS 456 as not less than (i) θ/4 and (ii) 6 mm. Here, θ = largest bar diameter used as
longitudinal reinforcement = 20 mm. So, the diameter of bars used as lateral ties = 6 mm.
The pitch of lateral ties, as per cl. C-1 of IS 456, should be not more than the least of
(i) the least lateral dimension of the column = 400 mm
(ii) sixteen times the smallest diameter of longitudinal reinforcement bar to be tied
= 16(16) = 256 mm
(iii) 300 mm

Reinforcement Detailing
Let us use p = pitch of lateral ties = 250 mm.
IS Code Method for Design of Columns under Axial Load and Biaxial Bending
IS 456 recommends the following simplified method, based on Bresler's formulation, for the
design of biaxially loaded columns. The relationship between M and M for a particular
uxz uyz

value of P = P , expressed in non-dimensional form is:

u uz

 
(M /M ) n  (M /M ) n1
ux ux1 uy (5)
where M uy1
and M = moments about x and y axes due to design loads, and
ux uy
 is related to P /P ,
u uz

P = 0.45 f A + 0.75 f A
uz ck c y sc

= 0.45 A + (0.75 f - 0.45 f ) A (6)

g y ck sc

where A = gross area of the section, and


A = total area of steel in the section


M ,M ,M and M are explained earlier.

uxz uyz ux1 uy1
 = 1.0, when P /P ≤ 0.2
u uz
 = 0.67 + 1.67 P /P , when 0.2 < (P /P ) < 0.8 (7)
u uz u uz
 = 2.0, when (P /P )  0.8
u uz

Numerical Problem
Design the reinforcement to be provided in the short column is subjected to P = 2000 kN,

M = 130 kNm (about the major principal axis) and M = 120 kNm (about the minor
ux uy

principal axis). The unsupported length of the column is 3.2 m, width b = 400 mm and depth
D = 500 mm. Use M 25 and Fe 415 for the design.
Step 1: Verification of the eccentricities
Given: l = 3200 mm, b = 400 mm and D = 500 mm, The
minimum eccentricities are:

e = greater of (3200/500 + 400/30) and 20 mm = 19.73 mm or 20 mm = 20 mm

e = greater of (3200/500 + 500/30) and 20 mm = 23.07 mm or 20 mm = 23.07 mm
Again from P = 2000 kN, M = 130 kNm and M = 120 kNm, we have e = M /P =
u ux uy x ux u
6 3 6 3
130(10 )/2000(10 ) = 65 mm and e = M /P = 120(10 )/2000(10 ) = 60 mm. Both e and e
y uy u x y

are greater than e and e , respectively.

xmin ymin

Step 2: Assuming a trial section including the reinforcement

We have b = 400 mm and D = 500 mm. For the reinforcement, Mu  1.15(M 2
ux uy

becomes 203.456 kNm. Accordingly,

P / bD = 2000(10 )/(25)(400)(500) = 0.4
f ck
M /f bD = 203.456(10 6)/(25)(400)(500)(500) = 0.0814
u ck

Assuming d' = 60 mm, we have d'/D = 0.12. From Charts 44 and 45, the value of p/f is
interpolated as 0.06. Thus, p = 0.06(25) = 1.5 per cent, giving A = 3000 mm . Provide 12-20
mm diameter bars of area 3769 mm , actual p provided = 1.8845 per cent. So, = 0.07538.

Step 3: Determination of M and M

ux1 uy1
We have P /f bD = 0.4 and p/f = 0.07538 in step 2. Now, we get M /f bD from chart
u ck ux1 ck


corresponding to d' = 58 mm i.e., d'/D = 0.116. We interpolate the values of Charts 44 and

45, and get 2 -6

M /f bD = 0.09044. So, M = 0.0944(25)(400)(500(500)(10 ) = 226.1 kNm.
ux1 ck ux1

For M , d'/b = 58/400 = 0.145. In a similar manner, we get M =

ux1 uy1
0.0858(25)(400)(400)(500)(10 ) = 171.6 kNm.
As M and M are significantly greater than M and M , respectively, redesign of the
ux1 uy1 ux uy

section is not needed.

Step 4: Determination of P and 

We have P = 0.45(25)(400)(500) + {0.75(415) - 0.45(25)}(3769) = 3380.7 kN.


Now, the value of  is obtained for P /P = 2000/3380.7 = 0.5916, i.e., 0.2 < P /P < 0.8,
u uz u uz

which gives, nα = 0.67 + 1.67 (P /P ) = 1.658.

u uz

Step 5: Checking the adequacy of the section

n 1.658
Using the values of M , M ,M,M and  in Eq.(5), we have (130/226.1) +
ux ux1 uy uy1
(120/171.6) = 0.9521 < 1.0. Hence, the design is safe.
Step 6: Design of transverse reinforcement
As per cl. of IS 456, the diameter of lateral tie should be > (20/4) mm diameter.
Provide 8 mm diameter bars following the arrangement shown in Fig.10.26.4. The spacing of
lateral tie is the least of:
(a) 400 mm = least lateral dimension of column,
(b) 320 mm = sixteen times the diameter of longitudinal reinforcement (20 mm),
(c) 300 mm
Accordingly, provide 8 mm lateral tie alternately @ 250 c/c (Fig.10.26.4).

Reinforcement Detailing
Slender Columns
Columns having both l /D and l /b less than twelve are designated as short and otherwise,
ex ey
they are slender, where l and l are the effective lengths with respect to major and minor
ex ey
axes, respectively; and D and b are the depth and width of rectangular columns, respectively.
Design of Slender Columns
The design of slender compression members shall be based on the forces and the moments
determined from an analysis of the structure, including the effect of deflections on
moments and forces. When the effect of deflections are not taken into account in the
analysis, additional moment given in cl no 39.7.1 of IS 456:2000 shall be taken into account
in the appropriate direction.
The additional moments M, and My, shall be calculated by the following formulae:
M = (P D/2000) (l /D)
ax u ex
M = (P b/2000) (l /b)
ay u ey

Where P = axial load on the member,


l = effective length in respect of the major axis,


l = effective length in respect of the minor axis,


D = depth of the cross-section at right angles to the major axis, and

b = width of the member.
The values given by equation 39.7.1 may be multiplied by the following factor:
(i) For P > P
: k = (P – P )/(P – P )
u ubx uz uz ubx

(ii) For P > P

: k = (P – P )/(P – P )
u uby uz uz uby

with a condition that k and k should be ≤ 1

ax ay

where P = axial load on compression


member P = 0.45 f A + 0.75 f A

uz ck c y st

P ,P = axial loads with respect to major and minor axes, respectively, corresponding to
ubx uby

the condition of maximum compressive strain of 0.0035 in concrete and tensile strain of
0.002 in outermost layer of tension steel.
Numerical Problem
Determine the reinforcement required for a braced column against sidesway with the
following data: size of the column = 350 x 450 mm (Fig.10.27.18); concrete and steel grades
= M 30 and Fe 415, respectively; effective lengths l and l = 7.0 and 6.0 m, respectively;
ex ey

unsupported length l = 8 m; factored load P = 1700 kN; factored moments in the direction of

larger dimension = 70 kNm at top and 30 kNm at bottom; factored moments in the direction
of shorter dimension = 60 kNm at top and 30 kNm at bottom. The column is bent in double
curvature. Reinforcement will be distributed equally on four sides.
Solution 1:
Step 1: Checking of slenderness ratios
l /D = 7000/450 = 15.56 > 12,

l /b = 6000/350 = 17.14 > 12.


Hence, the column is slender with respect to both the axes.

Step 2: Minimum eccentricities and moments due to minimum eccentricities
e = l/500 + D/30 = 8000/500 + 450/30 = 31.0 > 20 mm
x min

e = l/500 + b/30 = 8000/500 + 350/30 = 27.67 > 20 mm

y min
M (Min. ecc.) = P (e ) = (1700) (31) (10 ) = 52.7 kNm
ox u x min
M (Min. ecc.) = P (e ) = (1700) (27.67) (10 ) = 47.04 kNm
oy u y min

Step 3: Additional eccentricities and additional moments

Table I of SP-16
For l /D = 15.56, Table I of SP-16 gives:

e /D = 0.1214, which gives e = (0.1214) (450) = 54.63 mm

ax ax

For l /D = 17.14, Table I of SP-16 gives:


e /b = 0.14738, which gives e = (0.14738) (350) = 51.583 mm

ay ay

Step 4: Primary moments and primary eccentricities (Eqs.10.88 and 89)

M = 0.6M – 0.4M = 0.6(70) – 0.4(30) = 30 kNm, which should be ≥ 0.4 M (= 28 kNm).
ox 2 1 2

Hence, o.k.
M = 0.6M – 0.4M = 0.6(60) – 0.4(30) = 24 kNm, which should be ≥ 0.4 M (= 24
oy 2 1 2

kNm). Hence, o.k.

Primary eccentricities:
e=M 3
/P = (30/1700) (10 ) = 17.65 mm
x ox u
e=M 3
/P = (24/1700) (10 ) = 14.12 mm
y oy u

Since, both primary eccentricities are less than the respective minimum eccentricities (see
Step 2), the primary moments are revised to those of Step 2. So, M = 52.7 kNm and M =
ox oy

47.04 kNm.
Step 5: Modification factors
To determine the actual modification factors, the percentage of longitudinal reinforcement
should be known. So, either the percentage of longitudinal reinforcement may be assumed
or the modification factor may be assumed which should be verified subsequently. So, we
assume the modification factors of 0.55 in both directions.
Step 6: Total factored moments
M = M + (Modification factor) (M ) = 52.7 + (0.55) (92.548)
ux ox ax

= 52.7 + 50.9 = 103.6 kNm

M = M + (Modification factor) (M ) = 47.04 + (0.55) (87.43)
uy oy ay

= 47.04 + 48.09 = 95.13 kNm

Step 7: Trial section
The trial section is determined from the design of uniaxial bending with P = 1700 kN and M
u u
= 1.15(M 2 M2 )
2 2 1/2 = 161.75 kNm. With
ux . So, we have = (1.15){(103.6) + (95.13) }

these values of P (= 1700 kN) and M (= 161.75 kNm), we use chart of SP-16 for the Dd/′ =
u u

0.134. We assume the diameters of longitudinal bar as 25 mm, diameter of lateral tie = 8 mm
and cover = 40 mm, to get = 40 + 8 + 12.5 = 60.5 mm. Accordingly,
d / = 60.5/450 =
0.134 and d 
= 60.5/350 = 0.173.
P /f bD = 1700(10 )/(30)(350)(450) = 0.3598
u ck
M /f bD = 161.75(10 )/(30)(350)(450)(450) = 0.076
u ck

We have to interpolate the values of p/f for

ck d / D = 0.134 obtained from Charts 44 (for
d / D = 0.1) and 45 ( d / D = 0.15). The values of p/f are 0.05 and 0.06 from Charts 44 and

45, respectively. The corresponding values of p are 1.5 and 1.8 per cent, respectively. The
interpolated value of p for = 0.134 is 1.704 per cent, which gives Asc = (1.704)(350)(450)/100
2 2
= 2683.8 mm . We use 4-25 + 4-20 (1963 + 1256 = 3219 mm ), to have p provided = 2.044

per cent giving p/f = 0.068.

Step 8: Calculation of balanced loads Pb
The values of P and P are determined using Table 60 of SP-16. For this purpose, two
bx by

parameters k and k are to be determined first from the table. We have p/f = 0.068,
1 2 ck d / D =
0.134 d / b = 0.173. From Table 60, k = 0.19952 and k = 0.243 (interpolated for d / D
and 1 2

= 0.134) for P . So, we have: P /f bD = k + k (p/f ) = 0.19952 + 0.243(0.068) = 0.216044,

bx bx ck 1 2 ck
which gives P = 0.216044(30)(350)(450)(10 ) = 1020.81 kN.

Similarly, for P :
by d / D = 0.173, p/f = 0.068. From Table 60 of SP-16, k = 0.19048 and k
ck 1 2

= 0.1225 (interpolated for d / b = 0.173). This gives P /f bD = 0.19048 + 0.1225(0.068) =

by ck
0.19881, which gives P = (0.19881)(30)(350)(450)(10 ) = 939.38 kN.

Since, the values of P and P are less than P , the modification factors are to be used.
bx by u

Step 9: Determination of P

Method 1: From Eq.10.59 of Lesson 26

P = 0.45 f A
uz ck g + (0.75 f – 0.45 )A
y ck sc
= 0.45(30)(350)(450) + {0.75(415) – 0.45(30)}(3219) = 3084.71 kN
Step 10: Determination of modification factors
k = (P – P )/(P – P )
ax uz u uz ubx

or k = (3084.71 – 1700)/(3084.71 – 1020.81) = 0.671 and


k = (P – P )/(P – P )
ay uz u uz uby

or k = (3084.71 – 1700)/(3084.71 – 939.39) = 0.645


The values of the two modification factors are different from the assumed value of 0.55 in
Step 5. However, the moments are changed and the section is checked for safety.
Step 11: Total moments incorporating modification factors
M = M (from Step 4) + (k ) M (from Step 3)
ux ox ax ax

= 52.7 + 0.671(92.548) = 114.8 kNm

uy (from Step 4) + k (M ) (from Step 3)
ay ay

= 47.04 + (0.645)(87.43) = 103.43 kNm.

Step 12: Uniaxial moment capacities
The two uniaxial moment capacities M and M are determined as stated: (i) For M , by
ux1 uy1 ux1

interpolating the values obtained from Charts 44 and 45, knowing the values of P /f bD =
u ck

0.3598 (see Step 7), p/f = 0.068 (see Step 7),

ck d / D = 0.134 (see Step 7), (ii) for M , by

interpolating the values obtained from Charts 45 and 46, knowing the same values of P /f bD
u ck

and p/f as those of (i) and

ck d / D = 0.173 (see Step 7). The results are given below:
(i) M /f bD = 0.0882 (interpolated between 0.095 and 0.085)
ux1 ck
(ii) M /f bb = 0.0827 (interpolated between 0.085 and 0.08)
uy1 ck

So, we have, M = 187.54 kNm and M = 136.76 kNm.

ux1 uy1

Step 13: Value of 
We have P /P = 1700/3084.71 = 0.5511. We have 
u uz = 0.67 + 1.67 (P /P ) = 1.59.
u uz
Step 14: Checking of column for safety

 
(M ux / Mux1) n  (M uy / M ) n1

Here, putting the values of M 1.5452

, M ,M ,M and nα, we get: (114.8/187.54) +
1.5852 ux ux1 uy
uy 1
(103.43/136.76) = 0.4593 + 0.6422 = 1.1015. Hence, the section or the reinforcement has
to be revised.

Step R9: Determination of P


P = 0.45(30)(350)(450) + {0.75(415) – 0.45(30)}(3927) = 3295.514 kN.


Step R10: Determination of modification factors

k = (3295.514 – 1700)/(3295.514 – 1038.145) = 0.707

k = (3295.514 – 1700)/(3295.514 – 948.12) = 0.68


Step R11: Total moments incorporating modification factors

M = 52.70 + 0.707(92.548) = 118.13 kNm


M = 47.04 + 0.68(87.43) = 106.49 kNm


Step R12: Uniaxial moment capacities

Using Charts 44 and 45 for M and Charts 45 and 46 for M , we get (i) the coefficient
ux1 uy1

0.1032 (interpolating 0.11 and 0.10) and (ii) the coefficient 0.0954 (interpolating 0.1 and
0.09) for M and M , respectively.
ux1 uy1

M -6
1 = (0.1032)(30)(350)(450)(450)(10 ) = 219.429 kNm
uy = (0.0954)(30)(450)(350)(350)(10 ) = 157.77 kNm

Step R13: Value of 
P /P = 1700/3295.514 = 0.5158 which gives
u uz

nα = 1 + (0.5158 – 0.2)/0.6 = 1.5263

Step R14: Checking of column for safety

(118.13/219.424 1.5263 1.5263

) + (106.49/157.77) = 0.3886 + 0.5488 = 0.9374 < 1.0

Hence, the revised reinforcement is safe.

Design of isolated column footing.

The superstructure is placed on the top of the foundation structure, designated as substructure
as they are placed below the ground level. The elements of the superstructure transfer the
loads and moments to its adjacent element below it and finally all loads and moments come to
the foundation structure, which in turn, transfers them to the underlying soil or rock. Thus, the
foundation structure effectively supports the superstructure. However, all types of soil get
compressed significantly and cause the structure to settle. Accordingly, the major requirements
of the design of foundation structures are the two as given below (see cl.34.1 of IS 456):

1. Foundation structures should be able to sustain the applied loads, moments, forces and
induced reactions without exceeding the safe bearing capacity of the soil.

2. The settlement of the structure should be as uniform as possible and it should be within
the tolerable limits. It is well known from the structural analysis that differential settlement
of supports causes additional moments in statically indeterminate structures. Therefore,
avoiding the differential settlement is considered as more important than maintaining
uniform overall settlement of the structure.

Types of Foundation Structures

1. Shallow Foundation

Shallow foundations are used when the soil has sufficient strength within a short depth below
the ground level. They need sufficient plan area to transfer the heavy loads to the base soil.
These heavy loads are sustained by the reinforced concrete columns or walls (either of bricks or
reinforced concrete) of much less areas of cross-section due to high strength of bricks or
reinforced concrete when compared to that of soil. The strength of the soil, expressed as the
safe bearing capacity of the soil is normally supplied by the geotechnical experts to the
structural engineer. Shallow foundations are also designated as footings. The different types of
shallow foundations or footings are discussed below.

(i) Plain concrete pedestal footings

(ii) Isolated footings
(iii) Combined footings
(iv) Strap footings
(v) Strip foundation or wall footings
(vi) Raft or mat foundation
2. Deep foundations
As mentioned earlier, the shallow foundations need more plan areas due to the low
strength of soil compared to that of masonry or reinforced concrete. However, shallow
foundations are selected when the soil has moderately good strength, except the raft
foundation which is good in poor condition of soil also. Raft foundations are under the
category of shallow foundation as they have comparatively shallow depth than that of deep
foundation. It is worth mentioning that the depth of raft foundation is much larger than
those of other types of shallow foundations.
However, for poor condition of soil near to the surface, the bearing capacity is very less and
foundation needed in such situation is the pile foundation. Piles are, in fact, small diameter
columns which are driven or cast into the ground by suitable means. Precast piles are driven
and cast-in-situ are cast. These piles support the structure by the skin friction between the
pile surface and the surrounding soil and end bearing force, if such resistance is available to
provide the bearing force. Accordingly, they are designated as frictional and end bearing
piles. They are normally provided in a group with a pile cap at the top through which the
loads of the superstructure are transferred to the piles.
Piles are very useful in marshy land where other types of foundation are impossible to
construct. The length of the pile which is driven into the ground depends on the availability
of hard soil/rock or the actual load test. Another advantage of the pile foundations is that
they can resist uplift also in the same manner as they take the compression forces just by
the skin friction in the opposite direction.
However, driving of pile is not an easy job and needs equipment and specially trained
persons or agencies. Moreover, one has to select pile foundation in such a situation where
the adjacent buildings are not likely to be damaged due to the driving of piles. The choice of
driven or bored piles, in this regard, is critical.
Exhaustive designs of all types of foundations mentioned above are beyond the scope of
this course. Accordingly, this module is restricted to the design of some of the shallow
footings, frequently used for normal low rise buildings only.
Isolated Footing

Figure 3.8: Uniform and rectangular footing

Design Considerations
(a) Minimum nominal cover (cl. of IS 456)
The minimum nominal cover for the footings should be more than that of other structural
elements of the superstructure as the footings are in direct contact with the soil. Clause of IS 456 prescribes a minimum cover of 50 mm for footings. However, the actual
cover may be even more depending on the presence of harmful chemicals or minerals,
water table etc.
(b) Thickness at the edge of footings (cls. 34.1.2 and 34.1.3 of IS 456)
The minimum thickness at the edge of reinforced and plain concrete footings shall be at
least 150 mm for footings on soils and at least 300 mm above the top of piles for footings on
piles, as per the stipulation in cl.34.1.2 of IS 456.
For plain concrete pedestals, the angle α (see Fig.11.28.1) between the plane passing
through the bottom edge of the pedestal and the corresponding junction edge of the
column with pedestal and the horizontal plane shall be determined from the following
expression (cl.34.1.3 of IS 456)

tan  0.9{(100qa / fck ) 1}0.5

where q = calculated maximum bearing pressure at the base of pedestal in N/mm , and
f = characteristic strength of concrete at 28 days in N/mm .

(c) Bending moments (cl. 34.2 of IS 456)

1. It may be necessary to compute the bending moment at several sections of the footing
depending on the type of footing, nature of loads and the distribution of pressure at the
base of the footing. However, bending moment at any section shall be determined taking all
forces acting over the entire area on one side of the section of the footing, which is
obtained by passing a vertical plane at that section extending across the footing (cl.
of IS 456).
2. The critical section of maximum bending moment for the purpose of designing an
isolated concrete footing which supports a column, pedestal or wall shall be:
(i) at the face of the column, pedestal or wall for footing supporting a concrete column,
pedestal or reinforced concrete wall, and
(ii) halfway between the centre-line and the edge of the wall, for footing under masonry
wall. This is stipulated in cl. of IS 456.
The maximum moment at the critical section shall be determined as mentioned in 1 above.
For round or octagonal concrete column or pedestal, the face of the column or pedestal
shall be taken as the side of a square inscribed within the perimeter of the round or
octagonal column or pedestal (see cl.34.2.2 of IS 456 and Figs.11.28.13a and b).
(d) Shear force (cl. 31.6 and 34.2.4 of IS 456)
Footing slabs shall be checked in one-way or two-way shears depending on the nature of
bending. If the slab bends primarily in one-way, the footing slab shall be checked in one-way
vertical shear. On the other hand, when the bending is primarily two-way, the footing slab
shall be checked in two-way shear or punching shear. The respective critical sections and
design shear strengths are given below:
1. One-way shear (cl. 34.2.4 of IS 456)
One-way shear has to be checked across the full width of the base slab on a vertical section
located from the face of the column, pedestal or wall at a distance equal to

(i) effective depth of the footing slab in case of footing slab on soil, and

(ii) half the effective depth of the footing slab if the footing slab is on piles.
The design shear strength of concrete without shear reinforcement is given in Table 19 of
cl.40.2 of IS 456.
2. Two-way or punching shear (cls.31.6 and 34.2.4)
Two-way or punching shear shall be checked around the column on a perimeter half
the effective depth of the footing slab away from the face of the column or pedestal.
The permissible shear stress, when shear reinforcement is not provided, shall not ksc
, where k = (0.5 + cβ), but not greater than one, cβ being the ratio of short side to long side of
the column, and  = 0.25(f ) in limit state method of design, as stipulated in cl.31.6.3 of

IS 456.
Normally, the thickness of the base slab is governed by shear. Hence, the necessary
thickness of the slab has to be provided to avoid shear reinforcement.
(e) Bond (cl. of IS 456)
The critical section for checking the development length in a footing slab shall be the same
planes as those of bending moments in part (c) of this section. Moreover, development
length shall be checked at all other sections where they change abruptly. The critical
sections for checking the development length are given in cl. of IS 456, which
further recommends to check the anchorage requirements if the reinforcement is curtailed,
which shall be done in accordance with cl.26.2.3 of IS 456.
(f) Tensile reinforcement (cl.34.3 of IS 456)
The distribution of the total tensile reinforcement, calculated in accordance with the
moment at critical sections, as specified in part (c) of this section, shall be done as given
below for one-way and two-way footing slabs separately.
(i) In one-way reinforced footing slabs like wall footings, the reinforcement shall be
distributed uniformly across the full width of the footing i.e., perpendicular to the direction
of wall. Nominal distribution reinforcement shall be provided as per cl. 34.5 of IS 456 along
the length of the wall to take care of the secondary moment, differential settlement,
shrinkage and temperature effects.

(ii) In two-way reinforced square footing slabs, the reinforcement extending in each
direction shall be distributed uniformly across the full width/length of the footing.
(iii) In two-way reinforced rectangular footing slabs, the reinforcement in the long direction
shall be distributed uniformly across the full width of the footing slab. In the short direction, a
central band equal to the width of the footing shall be marked along the length of the footing,
where the portion of the reinforcement shall be determined as given in the equation below.
This portion of the reinforcement shall be distributed across the central band:

Figure 3.10 Bands for reinforcement in rectangular footing

Reinforcement in the central band = {2/(β+1)} (Total reinforcement in the short direction)
Where β is the ratio of longer dimension to shorter dimension of the footing slab (Fig.3.10).

Each of the two end bands shall be provided with half of the remaining reinforcement,
distributed uniformly across the respective end band.

(g) Transfer of load at the base of column (cl.34.4 of IS 456)

All forces and moments acting at the base of the column must be transferred to the
pedestal, if any, and then from the base of the pedestal to the footing, (or directly from the
base of the column to the footing if there is no pedestal) by compression in concrete and
steel and tension in steel. Compression forces are transferred through direct bearing while
tension forces are transferred through developed reinforcement. The permissible bearing
stresses on full area of concrete shall be taken as given below from cl.34.4 of IS 456:

br = 0.25f , in working stress method, and

br = 0.45f , in limit state method

The stress of concrete is taken as 0.45f while designing the column. Since the area of

footing is much larger, this bearing stress of concrete in column may be increased
considering the dispersion of the concentrated load of column to footing. Accordingly, the
permissible bearing stress of concrete in footing is given by (cl.34.4 of IS 456):
br = (A /A )
ck 1 2

with a condition that

(A /A ) 2.0 (11.8) ≤ 2
1 2

where A = maximum supporting area of footing for bearing which is geometrically similar to

and concentric with the loaded area A .


A = loaded area at the base of the column.


The above clause further stipulates that in sloped or stepped footings, A may be taken as the

area of the lower base of the largest frustum of a pyramid or cone contained wholly within
the footing and having for its upper base, the area actually loaded and having side slope of
one vertical to two horizontal.
If the permissible bearing stress on concrete in column or in footing is exceeded,
reinforcement shall be provided for developing the excess force (cl.34.4.1 of IS 456), either
by extending the longitudinal bars of columns into the footing (cl.34.4.2 of IS 456) or by
providing dowels as stipulated in cl.34.4.3 of IS 456 and given below:
(i) Sufficient development length of the reinforcement shall be provided to transfer the
compression or tension to the supporting member in accordance with cl.26.2 of IS 456,
when transfer of force is accomplished by reinforcement of column (cl.34.4.2 of IS 456).
(ii) Minimum area of extended longitudinal bars or dowels shall be 0.5 per cent of the cross-
sectional area of the supported column or pedestal (cl.34.4.3 of IS 456).
(iii) A minimum of four bars shall be provided (cl.34.4.3 of IS 456).

(iv) The diameter of dowels shall not exceed the diameter of column bars by more than 3

(v) Column bars of diameter larger than 36 mm, in compression only can be doweled at the
footings with bars of smaller size of the necessary area. The dowel shall extend into the
column, a distance equal to the development length of the column bar and into the footing,
a distance equal to the development length of the dowel, as stipulated in cl.34.4.4 of IS 456.
(h) Nominal reinforcement (cl. 34.5 of IS 456)
Clause 34.5.1 of IS 456 stipulates the minimum reinforcement and spacing of the bars in
footing slabs as per the requirements of solid slab (cls. and 26.3.3b(2) of IS 456,

Numerical Problem

Design an isolated footing of uniform thickness of a RC column bearing a vertical load of 600
KN and having a base of size 500x500 mm. the safe bearing capacity of soil may be taken as
120 KN/m2. Use M20 concrete and Fe 415 steel.


Size of footing

W=600 KN;

Self weight of footing @ 10% =60 KN

Total load =660 KN

Size of footing = 660/120 = 5.5 m2

Since square footing , B= 5.5 =2.345 m2

Provide a square footing = 2.4mx 2.4m

Net upward pressure , p0= 600/(2.4x2.4) = 104.17 KN/m2

Design of section

The maximum BM acts at the face of column

M= p o (B  b)2  112.8 KN  m

Mu = 1.5M =169.2 KN-m

Therefore d = 160 mm; D = 160+60 = 220mm

Depth on the basis of one-way shear

For a one way shear, critical section is located at a distance ‗d‘ from the face of the column
where shear force V is given by
V  poB{0.5(B  b)  d}  104.17x2.4{0.5x(2.4  0.5)  0.001d}

Vu = 1.5V
 
c 375012(0.95  0.001d )
 2400d

From table B. of IS 456:2000 k=1.16 for D = 220mm.

Also for under-reinforced section with pt = 0.3% for M20 concrete,  c =0.384 N/mm2.

Hence design shear stress = k c =0.445 N/mm2

From which we get d= 246.7 250 mm

Depth for two way shear

Take d greater one of the two i.e. 250mm. for two-way shear, the section lies at d/2 from the
column face all round. The width bo of the section = b+d = 750mm

Shear force around the section

F  po[B2  b2 o]  541.42 KN


Fu 812.13x106
 4x750x250  N / mm2

Permissible shear stress ksc


Wher k  (0.5   )  (0.5 1) with a maximum value 1. ks=1

s c

c  0.25 fck =1.118 N/mm2

Permissible shear stress= 1.118 N/mm2

Hence safe.

Hence d=250 mm, using 60 mm as effective cover and keeping D=330 mm, effective depth =
330-60= 270 mm in one direction and other direction d=270- 12 =258 mm.
Calculation of reinforcement Ast= 1944 mm2

Using 12 mm bars, spacing required = 138.27 mm

So provide 12 mm @ 125 c/c in each direction.

Development length

Ld=564 mm

Provide 60 mm side cover, length of bars available =0.5[B-b]-60=890 mm >L d

So safe.

Transfer of load at column base

A2= 500x500 = 250000 mm2

A1=[500+2(2x330)]= 3312400 mm2

A1 A2
 3.64

A1 A2
Taking =2

Hence permissible bearing stress = 18 KN/m 2

Actual bearing stress = 3.6 N/mm2

Hence safe.


The safe bearing capacity (SBC) of soil is 300 kN/m2. The grade of concrete to be used is M30
and grade of steel is Fe415.

Step by Step Procedure of Isolated Footing Design:

Step -1: Determining size of footing:

Loads on footing consists of load from column, self weight of footing and weight of soil above
footing. For simplicity, self weight of footing and weight of soil on footing is considered as 10
to 15% of the vertical load.

Load on column = 1000 kN

Extra load at 10% of load due to self weight of soil = 1000 x 10% = 100kN

Therefore, total load P = 1100 kN.

Size of footing to be designed can be square, rectangular or circular in plan. Here we will
consider square isolated footing.

Therefore, length of footing (L) = Width of footing (B)

Therefore area of footing required = Area of footing

= 1100/300 = 3.67 m2
Provide Length and width of footing = 2m
Area of footing = 2 x 2 = 4m2
Now the pressure on isolated footing is calculated as

± ±
When calculated, pmax = 325 kN/m2
pmin = 175 kN/m2

But pmax is greater than SBC of soil, so we need to revise the size of footing so that Pmax is
below 300 kN/m2.

Consider width and length of footing = L =B =2.25m

Now, pmax = 250.21 kN/m2 (<300 kN/m2 -> OK)

and pmin = 144.86 kN/m2 > 0 (OK)

Hence, factored upward pressure of soil = pu max = 375.315 kN/m2

Pu min = 217.29 kN/m2
Further, average pressure at the center of the footing is given by Pu,avg= 296.3 kN/m2

and, factored load, Pu= 1500 kN, factored uniaxial moment, Mu= 150 kN-m.

Step 2: Two way shear

Assume an uniform overall thickness of footing, D =500 mm

Assuming 16 mm diameter bars for main steel, effective depth of footing ‘d’ is

d = 500 – 50 – 8 = 452 mm

The critical section for the two way shear or punching shear occurs at a distance of d/2 from
the face of the column (Fig. 1), where a and b are the dimensions of the column.
Fig 1: Critical section for Two Way Shear (Punching Shear)

Hence, punching area of footing = (a + d)2 = (0.45 + 0.442)2 = 0.796 m2

where a = b = side of column

Punching shear force = Factored load – (Factored average pressure x punching area of footing)

= 1500 – (296.3 x 0.0.796)

= 1264.245 kN

Perimeter along the critical section = 4 (a+d) = 4 (450+ 442) = 3568 mm

Therefore, nominal shear stress in punching or punching shear stress allowable shear stress is
calculated as below:

therefore, allowable shear stress = 1×1.369 = 1.369 N/mm2

Since the punching shear stress (0.802 N/mm2) is less than the allowable shear stress (1.369
N/mm2), the assumed thickness is sufficient to resist the punching shear force. Hence, the
assumed thickness of footing D = 500 mm is sufficient. Please note, there is much difference
between allowable and actual values of shear stress, so depth of footing can be revised and
reduced. For our example, we will continue to use D = 500mm.

Step 3: Design for flexure:

The critical section for flexure occurs at the face of the column (Fig. 2).

The projection of footing beyond the column face is treated as a cantilever slab subjected to
factored upward pressure of soil.

Factored maximum upward pressure of soil, pu,max= 375.315 kN/m2

Factored upward pressure of soil at critical section, pu= 312.1 kN/m2

Projection of footing beyond the column face, l = (2250 – 450)/2 = 900 mm

Bending moment at the critical section in the footing is given by:

Mu = Total force X Distance from the critical section

Considering uniform soil pressure of 375.315, Mu = 180 kN/m2

b d2

from SP 16, percentage of reinforcement can be found for M30 concrete, fe415 steel for above
= pt = 0.265%
b d2

Ast = pt x bxd

considering 1m wide footing, Ast required = 1171.1 mm2/ m width

Provide 16 dia bar @ 140mm c/c

Repeat this exercise for other direction as well. Since, uniform base pressure is assumed, and it
is a square footing, Mu and Ast for other direction will be same.

Step 4: Check for One-Way Shear:

The critical section for one way shear occurs at a distance of ‘d’ from the face of the column.

Factored maximum upward pressure of soil, pu,max= 375.315 kN/m2

Factored upward pressure of soil at critical section, pu= 375.315 kN/m2

For the cantilever slab, total Shear Force along critical section considering the entire width B is

Vu = Total Force X (l – d) X B

= 375.315 X (0.9 – 0.442) X 2 = 343.8 kN

Nominal shear stress = Vu/(Bxd) = 0.346 N/mm2

For, pt = 0.265, and M30, allowable shear force from Table – 19, IS456 is greater than 0.346

Therefore, the foundation is safe in one-way shear.

Step 5: Check for development length

Sufficient development length should be available for the reinforcement from the critical

Here, the critical section considered for Ld is that of flexure.

The development length for 16 mm diameter bars is given by

Ld= 47xdiameter of bar = 47 x 16 = 752 mm.

Providing 60 mm side cover, the total length available from the critical section is

0.5x( L – a) – 60 = 0.5x(2250 – 450) – 60 = 840 > Ld, Hence O.K.

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