Renewable Energy: Hüseyin Benli

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Renewable Energy 50 (2013) 58e67

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Experimentally derived efficiency and exergy analysis of a new solar air heater
having different surface shapes
Hüseyin Benli*
, Turkey
Department of Technical and Vocational Education, Fırat University, TR-23119 Elazıg

a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t

Article history: The aim of this study is to provide a remedy for the low thermo-physical properties of air which is used
Received 1 May 2012 as different absorber surface of air heater. This paper presents an experimental investigation on the
Accepted 9 June 2012 absorber surface of the collector whose shape and arrangement were made up to provide better heat
Available online 17 July 2012
transfer surfaces. In the study an experimental performance and exergy analysis of five types of air
heating solar collectors: corrugated trapeze, reverse corrugated, reverse trapeze, and a base flat-plate
collector are presented. The results of the experiments were evaluated at the same time of the days
Solar air collector
with the same radiation. The efficiencies were determined for the collectors and comparisons were made
Collector efficiency
Exergy loss
among them. The present data showed that heat transfer coefficient and pressure drop increase with
Thermal efficiency shape of absorbers surface.
Ó 2012 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

1. Introduction constructed of corrugated surfaces similar to those used for

compact heat exchangers, with the air flowing normal to the
Solar energy can play vital role in clean and sustainable energy corrugations. Reyes et al. [2] studied the optimal process of solar
sources. Solar collectors have an important place among applica- thermal energy conversion and design optimization of irreversible
tions of solar energy system. Solar collectors are classified into two flat-plate solar collector based on energy analysis for different
groups according to the fluid used. Water is usually used in liquid geometry of system and derived different formula. Öztürk and
collectors and air is used in gas collectors. Since the air has worse Demirel [3] presented an experimental investigation of the thermal
thermodynamic properties in terms of heat transfer compared to performance of a SAH having its flow channel packed with Raschig
liquid, the efficiency of air collectors is naturally of low value. rings. They observed that the energy and exergy efficiencies of
Concerning the solar air collectors, various techniques favor and packed-bed SAH increased as the outlet temperature of heat
increase the heat transfer coefficient between the using fluid (air) transfer fluid increased. Moummi et al. [4] conducted experiments
and the absorber surface. One of these techniques is to improve the in solar air collectors with rectangular plate fins inserted perpen-
heat transfer, which can be achieved by creating fully turbulent dicular to the flow. Kurtbaş and Durmuş [5] experimentally eval-
flow in these systems. The other technique is to improve the uated the energy efficiency, friction factor and dimensionless
absorber surface shape. The absorber surface shape factor is the exergy loss, of a solar air heater having five sub-collectors for
most important parameter in the design for solar air heaters. The various values of Reynolds numbers. Tayagi et al. [6] investigated
main applications for solar air heaters are space heating, drying and energy analysis and parametric study of concentrating type solar
paint spraying operations. Numerous solar air heater devices have collectors. Karsli [7] determined the first and second laws of effi-
been developed and used experimentally. The effects of material ciencies of four types of air heating flat-plate solar collectors. The
and construction of the absorber on the efficiency of the collectors results showed that the efficiency depends on the solar radiation
have been widely reported in the literature. and the construction of the solar air collectors. The temperature rise
Recently, several researchers have undertaken many studies varied almost linearly with the incident radiation. Hatami and
covering the thermodynamic analysis of solar air heater system Bahadorinejad [8] studied experimentally, natural convection heat
(SAHs). Metwally et al. [1] conducted an experimental investigation transfer in a vertical flat-plate solar air heater of 2.5 m height and
on an advanced corrugated duct solar collector. The collector was 1 m width, with one-and two glass covers. An experimental study
has been carried out to investigate the effect of roughness and
operating parameters on heat transfer and friction factor in
* Tel.: þ90 424 2370000x4402; fax: þ90 424 218 8947. roughened duct provided with dimple-shape roughness geometry
E-mail addresses:, by Saini and Verma [9]. Gupta and Kaushik ([10] studied energetic

0960-1481/$ e see front matter Ó 2012 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
H. Benli / Renewable Energy 50 (2013) 58e67 59

Nomenclature W uncertainty in the measurement (%)

a heat convection coefficient (W/m2 K)
Ac collector surface area (m2) l heat conduction coefficient (W/m K)
Ah channel cross-section area (m2) m_ mass flow rate of air (kg/s)
Cp specific heat (J/kg K) DTlog-mean logarithmic main temperature difference (K)
DH hydraulic diameter (m) r density of air (kg/m3)
E_ energy rate (W) m dynamic viscosity of air (Pa. s)
Ex exergy rate (W)
ExD dimensionless exergy loss (-) Greek symbols
Ex rate of irreversibility (W) a absorptivity (dimensionless)
f friction coefficient hI thermal efficiency (dimensionless)
h specific enthalpy (J/kg) hII exergetic efficiency (dimensionless)
I global solar irradiance (W/m2) ho optical yield (dimensionless)
I P_ rate of improvement potential (W) sa effective transmission (dimensionless)
k adiabatic constant of the air j specific exergy (J/kg)
m_ mass flow rate (kg/s)
M mass (kg) Subscripts
Nu Nusselt number (e) a air
P pressure (N/m2) ave average
Pr Prandtl number (e) C collector
R universal gas constant (J/kg K) e environment
R regression coefficients f fluid
Re Reynolds number (e) gen generation
Qc useful heat rate (W) in inlet
Qs incident energy in the collector area (W) m mean
s specific entropy (J/kg K) out outlet
S entropy generation rate (W/kg K) max maximum
t time (s, min) min minimum
T temperature (K) p plate
Tas surface temperature of the absorber (K) r radiation
U channel perimeter exposed to air (m) s sun
V average velocity of air (m/s) x x, direction
W _ work rate or power (W)

performance of solar air heater. The studies aim to establish the This paper presents the performance and exergy analysis of five
optimal performance parameters for the maximum exergy delivery types of air heating solar collectors. The experimental analysis includes
during the collection of solar energy in flat-plate solar air heater. both the first law and second law of thermodynamics. The collector
They stated that based on the output energy evaluation, the SAH efficiencies, friction coefficient and exergy loss were determined for
should have high aspect ratio, low duct depth and low inlet five types of solar collectors and comparisons were made among them.
temperature of air. They have observed and proved that if the inlet
temperature of air is low, then maximum exergy output is achieved 2. Experimental setup
at low value of mass flow rate. Esen [11] reported an experimental
study to evaluate the energetic and exergetic efficiencies of four The experimental setup of the solar air collector is schematized
types of double-flow SAHs with several obstacles and without as shown in Fig. 1. Although, the collectors designed are composed
obstacles under a wide range of operating conditions. Esen et al. of basically the same elements present in the conventional flat-
[12] investigated a modeling of new SAHs efficiency by using least- plate solar air collectors, it has special constructions due to the
squares support vector machine (LS-SVM) method. In their study, absorption surface. The system is comprised of solar air collectors,
an LS-SVM based method was intended to adopt SAH system for an air circulation fan, air valves, a multi-meter, a pyranometer, and
efficient modeling. They showed that the proposed LS-SVM model other measurement devices (Fig. 2).
can be used for estimating the some parameters of SAHs with Five different solar air collectors are used. The main features of the
reasonable accuracy. Esen et al. [13] investigated a modeling study five tested solar air collectors are described below. The air flow is
of new SAHs by using artificial neural network (ANN) and wavelet provided as seen in Fig. 3a-e. Type-I is named as corrugated profile
neural network (WNN) models. In this study, an ANN and WNN plate solar air collector. In this type, the narrowest gap is 25mm and
based methods were intended to adopt SAH system for efficient the widest gap is 50 mm along the plates (Fig. 3a). Type-II is named as
modeling. They found that the WNN model can be used for esti- trapeze profile plate. In this type, the narrowest gap is 25 mm and the
mating the some parameters of SAHs with reasonable accuracy. widest gap is 50 mm, too (Fig. 3b). Type-III and type-IV are named as
Akpınar and Koçyig it [14] performed an experimental study to reverse corrugated profile plate and reverse trapeze profile, respec-
investigate the performance of four flat-plate solar air heater Three tively. In these types, the gap between plates is kept as 25 mm along
of them were several obstacles, the other one was without obsta- the plates (Fig. 3c, d). Type-V of the absorber is flat-plate with 25 mm
cles. They used two different air mass flow rates. The first and gap between parallel plates (Fig. 3e). In this study experiments were
second laws of efficiencies were determined for SAHs and performed at the Firat University campus under the meteorological
comparisons were made among them. conditions in Elazig, East Anatolia of TURKEY (38:41 N latitude;
60 H. Benli / Renewable Energy 50 (2013) 58e67

Fig. 1. Design of solar collectors and insulation of the collector.

39:14 E longitude). All the collectors were placed facing south and In order to minimize energy losses from the bottom of the
a slope angle of 37 with respect to horizontal line. collectors, all collectors had the backs and sides insulated with a 70
Each of the five collectors had 0.7 m width and 1.7 m length. The and 50 mm of glass wool insulation, respectively. The detailed
collection surfaces area of solar radiation were 1.8663 m2 in type-I, specifications of the absorbers are given in Table 1.
1.3125 m2 in type-II, 1.8663 m2 in type-III, 1.3125 m2 in type-IV and The air was provided by a radial fan with a maximum
1.19 m2 type-V. All collectors had a 25 mm minimum flow duct m_ ¼ 0:05 kg=s mass flow rate. The radial fan placed at the outlet of
height, leading to a minimum flow passage area of 0.0175 m2. The the collectors sucked in the air. If the radial fan was placed at the
absorbing surfaces in all collectors were formed by a dull black- inlet of collectors, the turbulence could have occurred because of
painted galvanized sheet with 0.4 mm thick. A single glazing of blowing. However, sucking of the air prevented this condition. The
4 mm glass was used in all collectors. pressure loss was measured by means of a water U-manometer

Fig. 2. Air circulation lines and solar collectors.

H. Benli / Renewable Energy 50 (2013) 58e67 61

Fig. 3. Types of used collectors and dimensions: (a) Corrugated (type-I) (1700  700  25), (b) Trapeze (type-II) (1700  700  25), (c) Reverse corrugated (type-III)
(1700  700  25), (d) Reverse trapeze (type-IV) (1700  700  25) and (e) Flat-plate (type-V) (1700  700  25).
h i1=
placed between the entrance and the exit and the velocity of the air
W ¼ ðX1 Þ2 þðX2 Þ2 þ/ðXn Þ2 2 (1)
was measured at the inlet of the collector.
3. Analysis
2.1. Experimental uncertainty
SAHs contain a process where energy intensity is high, in other
words where the energy has to be used. This study contains the
Errors and uncertainties in the experiments can arise from
analysis of the first and second laws of SAH with different absorber
instrument selection, condition, calibration, environment, obser-
surfaces; in other words the exergy and energy analysis.
vation, reading and test planning. In experiments in SAH, the
temperatures, velocity of air, solar radiation and pressure loss were
measured with appropriate instruments. During the measurements 3.1. Energy analysis
of the parameters, the uncertainties occurred were presented in
Table 2. Considering to relative uncertainties in the individual The theoretical model employed for the study of the solar
factors denoted by xn, uncertainty estimation was made using the collector that operates in unsteady state is made using a thermal
following equation Holman [15]. energy balance [11].
62 H. Benli / Renewable Energy 50 (2013) 58e67

Table 1 absorbed by the plate and depends mainly on transmittance of the

Detailed specifications of the absorber. transparent covers and on the absorbance of the plate [11]. The
Plate type Corrugated, trapeze, reverse corrugated, energy loss coefficient includes the losses by the upper cover, the
reverse trapeze, flat laterals, and the bottom of the collector. The upper cover losses
Absorber material Galvanize prevail over the others, depending to a large extent on the
Plate thickness 0.4 mm temperature and emissivity of the absorbent bed, and besides, on
Dimension of absorber plate 1.70 m  0.7 m
the convective effect of the wind on the upper cover. The thermal
Absorber coating Dull black paint
Glazing Normal window glass (thickness 4 mm) efficiency of the solar collectors (hI) is defined as the ratio between
Number of glazing 1 the energy gain and the solar radiation incident on the collector
Back insulation Glass wool (thickness 70 mm) plane [5,7,11].
Side insulation Glass wool (thickness 50 mm)
Sealant Silicon rubber _ p Ta;out  Ta;in
Collector frame material Steel hI ¼ (8)
Collector tilt 38:41 (with provision to adjust) IAC
Air flow area between 0.0175 m2
absorber and back plate
Absorptivity of the absorber a ¼ 0.85 3.2. Exergy analysis
Reflectivity of the absorber r ¼ 0.16
Transmissivity of the absorber sy0:9 This article focuses on the combination of the two laws of
Effective product (s$a) ¼ 0.76 thermodynamics, which are described in the concept of exergy
Collector heat transfer Type-I AI¼1.8663 m2
(surface) area A (m2) Type-II AII ¼ 1.3125 m2 The assumptions made in the analysis presented in this study
Type-III AIII ¼ 1.8663 m2 are [5,7,11,16]:
Type-IV AIV ¼ 1.3125 m2
Type-V AV ¼ 1.19 m2
(i) steady state, steady flow operation,
(ii) negligible potential and kinetic energy effects and no chemical
or nuclear reactions,
(iii) air is an ideal gas with a constant specific heat, and its
½Accumulated energy þ ½energy gain humidity content is ignored,
¼ ½absorbed energy  ½lost energy (2) (iv) the directions of heat transfer to the system and work transfer
from the system are positive. The mass balance equation can
for each term of equation the following expressions are formulated: be expressed in the rate form as
½Accumulated energy ¼ MP Cp dTP;ave =dt (3) X X
_ in ¼
m _ out

_ p ðTout  Tin Þ
½Energy gain ¼ mC (4) where m _ is the mass flow rate, and the subscript in stands for inlet
and out for outlet.
½Absorbed energy ¼ h0 IAc (5) If the effects due to the kinetic and potential energy changes are
neglected, the general energy and exergy balances can be expressed
  in rate form as given below [5,7,11,16]:
½Lost energy ¼ UC TP;ave  Te AC (6) X X
E_ in ¼ E_ out (10)
By combining Eqs. (3)e(6), the thermal energy balance equation
necessary to describe the solar collector functioning is obtained: X X X
_ _ out ¼ _
Ex in  Ex Ex dest (11a)
_ p ðTout  Tin Þ
MP CP dTP;ave =dt þ mC
¼ h0 IAC  UC TP;ave  Te Ac (7)
_ _ _ _ _
Ex heat  Exwork þ Exmass;in  Exmass;out ¼ Exdest (11b)
The optical yield (ho) and the energy lose coefficient (UC) are
the parameters that characterize the behavior of the solar Using Eq. (11b) the rate form of the general exergy balance can be
collector. Note that ho represents the fraction of the solar radiation expressed as follows:
Te _ X X
1 _ þ
QS W _ in Jin 
m m _
_ out Jout ¼ Ex (12)
Table 2
The uncertainties during the measurements of the parameters.
Jin ¼ ðhin  he Þ  Te ðsin  se Þ (13)
Parameter Unit Comment
Uncertainty in the temperature measurement

Jout ¼ ðhout  he Þ  Te ðsout  se Þ (14)
Collector inlet temperature C 0.168  C

Collector outlet temperature C 0. 168  C If Eqs. (13) and (14) are substituted in Eq. (12), it is arranged as

Absorber surface (galvanization plate) C 0. 168  C

Ambient air temperature C 0. 168  C

Uncertainty in the time measurement

Temperature values min 0.1  
Te _ _
Uncertainty in the air velocity measurement m s1 0.16 1 _ out  hin Þ  Te ðsout  sin Þ ¼ Ex
Q s  mðh dest (15)
Uncertainty in the measurement of solar energy 
C 0.1 TS
where Q_ s .is the solar energy absorbed by the collector absorber
Uncertainty in the measurement of pressure loss bar
Uncertainty in reading values of table % 0.1e0.2
surface and it is evaluated with the expression given below [5,7,11]:
H. Benli / Renewable Energy 50 (2013) 58e67 63

Q_ s ¼ IðsaÞAc (16) temperature of the collector inlet and outlet and the radiation
intensity are measured simultaneously.
The changes in the enthalpy and the entropy of the air at the The collectors were tested experimentally to study its thermal
collector are expressed by [5,7,11,16]:
  performance and efficiency. The experimental data obtained were
Dh ¼ hout  hin ¼ Cp Tf;out  Tf;in (17) used to draw the efficiency curves of the collectors at different mass
flow rates. Thermal efficiency of collector is defined as the ratio of
Tf;out Pout useful energy to the incident solar energy.
Ds ¼ sout  sin ¼ Cp ln  Rln (18)
Tf;in Pin
By substituting Eqs. (16)e(18), into Eq. (15) the equation below h¼ (25)
can be derived [5,7,11]:
The useful energy Q used in the calculation of collector effi-
Te ciency can be estimated by using following equation:
1 IðsaÞAc mC
_ p Tf ;out  Tf ;in þ mC _ p Te
_ Cp ðTo  Ti Þ
Qx ¼ m (26)
Tf;out P _
ln _ e ln out ¼ Ex
 mRT dest ð19Þ
Tf;in Pin The flow in the x-direction has been considered, therefore the
flows in y- and z-directions have been neglected (Fig. 3e). Air
The exergy destruction or the irreversibility may be expressed collectors (flat-plate solar air heaters) are radiative heat
as follows [5,7,11]: exchangers, transferring solar radiant energy into heat, which is
_ _ transferred by convection from the absorber to the working fluid
Ex dest ¼ Te Sgen (20)
(air). According to this definition, heat transfer obtained can be
The exergy efficiency of a solar collector system can be calcu- given in terms of Nusselt number.
lated in terms of the net output exergy of the system or exergy
destructions in the system. The exergy efficiency of SAH system has aDH
Nu ¼ (27)
been evaluated in terms of the net output exergy of the system. The l
second law efficiency is calculated as follows [16]: where DH is the hydraulic diameter and evaluated as
Ex _ out  hin  Te ðsout  sin Þ
hII ¼ _ out ¼   (21) 4Ah
Exin Te _ DH ¼ (28)
1 Qs U
where Ah is the channel cross-section area, U is the channel
When dealing with the exergy of a process component, the
perimeter exposed to air, a and k are the coefficients of convective
difference between exergy losses and destruction should be noted.
heat transfer and of conductive heat transfer of air, respectively.
Exergy losses consist of exergy flowing to the surroundings,
For the coefficient of convective heat transfer
whereas, exergy destruction indicates the loss of exergy within the
system boundary due to irreversibility [17]. Phrasing it another
Qx ¼ aADTlogmean (29)
way, the exergy destruction is the actual change in exergy for the
irreversible process minus the change in exergy that would have where DTlogmean is the logarithmic main temperature difference
occurred if the process had been reversible. The exergy destruction between temperature of absorber surface and air. If Eq. (29) is
due to the irreversibility generates when chemical reaction, heat equalized to Eq. (26), the coefficient of convective heat transfer can
transfer, pressure drop and mixing proceed in the process [17,18]. be calculated.
The dimensionless exergy destruction or loss is the result of Then the Reynolds number, which depends strongly on the
dividing Eq. (20) by the energy gain value of Eq. (4), [5]. velocity of air, has been written as
ExD ¼ (22) Re ¼ (30)
Q_c m
Van Gool [18] has also proposed that maximum improvement in The velocity (V) of the air was measured at the collector
the exergy efficiency for a process or system is obviously achieved entrance; the continuity equation permits us to obtain the velocity
_ _
when the exergy loss or irreversibility Ex in  Exout is minimized. in any frontal section of collector duct.
Consequently, he suggested that it is useful to employ the concept
of an exergetic “improvement potential” when analyzing different _ ¼ rAh V
m (31)
processes or sectors of the economy. This improvement potential in Dynamics viscosity, density of air and specific heat of air are
the rate form, denoted. determined according to average air temperature between
I P_ ¼ ð1  hII Þ Ex
_ _
in  Exout (23) entrances and exits of the collector.

All physical properties of air were selected according to the

following bulk mean temperature: 4. Methods and measurements

DTm ¼ ðTin þ Tout Þ=2 (24) The experiments were conducted from September 2009 to
December 2009. The experiments were carried out at the same
3.3. Performance of solar collectors time periods between 9.00 and 16.00e17.00 of the days for
a variety of mass flow rates. The air flow through the collectors
The efficiency of solar heating systems extensively depends on were supplied by a radial fan and adjusted via a sliding valve
the efficiency of the collectors. Test methods based on incident located at the air inlet. The flow rate was kept constant and same
measures are applied to the whole collector throughout both liquid in both the collector designed and conventional flat-plate
and gas flows. In this method, mass flow rate of the fluid, the collector.
64 H. Benli / Renewable Energy 50 (2013) 58e67

The experiments were carried out for five different mass flow 28% in type-IV and 17% in the type-V conventional flat-plate
rates. The sliding valve at the radial fan caused the changes in these collector. It was revealed from Fig 3, that the effect of absorber
rates. The air flow was provided by a centrifugal fan 3.0 HP and construction on the collector efficiency is fairly important.
3750 rpm. The air flow rate was measured by a flow meters placed The efficiency for mass flow rate of 0.036 kg/s is given in Fig. 5
at the outlet of the collectors in a vertical position. The collectors for all types collectors according to day times. The efficiency of
were tested according to the ASHARE 93-97 standards [19]. The the flat-plate collector changed between 6% and 12%, the efficiency
incident solar radiation was measured with a Kipp and Zonen of collector increased up to 12% at midday by extending the flow
piranometer. The collectors were instrumented with T-type ther- line without changing surface geometry. According to Fig. 5,
mocouples for measuring temperatures of flowing air at inlet and maximum efficiencies were 39% in type-I, 33% type-II, 27% type-III
outlet of the collectors, and the ambient temperature. The ther- and 17% type-IV for mass flow rate of 0.036 kg/s. The efficiencies of
mocouple, which measured the ambient temperature, was kept in collectors increased approximately 3.5-fold in type-I, 2.75-fold in
a shelter to protect the sensor from direct sunlight. A flow meter type-II, 2.25-fold in type-III and 40% in type-IV compared to the
with an electronic transducer was used to measure the wind flat-plate (type-V) collector.
velocity and wind direction. All the sensors used in the collector The effects of extending the flow and the surface geometry on the
test were continuously monitored and output signals were recor- heat transfer are clearly depicted in Fig 6. In this figure, the variation
ded in a 20-channel data acquisition system. The empirical rela- of Nusselt number with Reynolds number is given. The heat gain is
tions which are shown in Table 3 are constructed by the least proportional to the collector efficiency as given in Eq. (25). As
square method, for the Nusselt number and friction coefficient (f), known, the same parameters such as ambient air temperature,
respectively. The empirical formulas given in Table 3 are valid for collector overall heat loss coefficient and collector efficiency factor
Reynolds number in the range of 2500 and 5000. are critical parameters for collector efficiency. Therefore, the
comparison of the heat transfer among five collectors and correla-
tions would be more practical. For full developed turbulent flow of
5. Results and discussion air between two plates with one side heated and the other side
insulated, the correlation was given by Kays and Crawford [20].
In this study, the aim was to increase the collector efficiency
using passive method in air collectors. When a comparison was Nu ¼ 0:0158Re0:8 (32)
made among collectors, the same time of days with the same
radiation were used for all collectors. Collector performance tests According to this equation obtained for turbulent flow, Nusselt
were conducted on days with clear sky condition. The results ob- number changed between 9.5 and 14.3 level for 3000 < Re < 5000.
tained from the collectors designed are depicted in Fig 4. More- The values of Nusselt number in flat-plate collector were found to
over, the efficiency in each collector is also given in the same be higher than the theoretical values. The lower useful heat gain (Q)
figures in terms of mass flow rates. Increasing the mass flow rates and the higher logarithmic main temperature difference may be the
caused 1.5- to 4-fold increase in each collector efficiency. However, reason for decreasing the convective heat transfer coefficient. In
the outlet temperature of air significantly changes with the type-I, although the efficiency increased by three-times by
geometry of the absorber. As known, the incident solar radiation is extending flow line compared to flat-plate collector, the magnitude
one of the most important parameters in the collector efficiency. of heat transfer was less than the theoretical value. In types-II, III
The temperature of absorber surfaces increased up to 71  C and IV, the heat transfer significantly increased. The heat transfer in
depending on the incident solar radiation. In addition, the outlet type-II increased 2e2.5-fold, 1.5e2-fold in type-III and 60e70% in
temperature of air increased 66  C for the lowest mass flow rate type-IV compared to the flat-plate collector (type-V). The reason for
(0.02 kg/s), and 54  C for the highest mass flow rate (0.05 kg/s). that was most probably, the extending of the flow line and forming
This behavior may be explained by longer constant times of air of swirl and secondary flows by staggering the flow line with
with the hot surfaces inside the collector. As seen from the results, surface geometry. Hence, the convective heat transfer coefficient
the collector efficiency increased with increasing mass flow rate of increased by introducing turbulence effect to the fluid and this also
fluid. When the radiation is maximum value, collector efficiency is increased Nusselt number.
also maximum value. The radiation values change in the range of The variations of pressure loss and friction coefficient in each
597 W/m2 and 307 W/m2 and it reaches the maximum in the collector with Reynolds number are given in Fig. 7 for the
midday. It is clear from Fig 4 that the corrugated collector is more maximum mass flow rates. In the collector designed, the pressure
efficient than the trapeze collector, and the reverse corrugated loss changed approximately from 1.5 to 5.5 N/m2. Petukhov [21]
collector is more efficient than reverse trapeze and flat-plate developed the friction factor for smooth tubes as follows.
According to Fig 4 the efficiency varies between 25% and 55% for f ¼ ð0:79 ln Re 1:64Þ2 (33)
type-I (Fig. 4a), between 22% and 46% for type-II (Fig. 4b), between According to this correlation the friction coefficient in flat-plate
20% and 42% for type-III (Fig. 4c), between 15% and 28% for type-IV collector increased 2.8-fold, 6-fold in type-III, 7.6-fold in type-IV,
(Fig. 4d) and between 7% and 17% for type-V (Fig. 4e). The 9.6-fold in type-I and 11.6-fold in type-II. The increase in friction
maximum efficiency in type-I is 55%, 46 % in type-II, 42% in type-III, coefficient resulted in an increase in pressure loss. As known, the
Table 3 pressure loss is an important parameter in terms of overall cost.
Empirical correlations obtained from result of experiments. The total exergy loss is shown in Fig 8. The dimensionless exergy
Nusselt number Friction coefficient Dimensionless exergy
loss is obtained from Eq. (22). The exergy loss changes with
(Nu) (f) loss (ED) ambient conditions. If the solar collectors are considered as a heat
Type-I 0.5999Re0.419 1.0866Re0.6635 31496Re1.1717 exchanger, the maximum heat transfer occurs in case of discharg-
Type-II 0.1708Re0.6337 1.0298Re0.7057 47493Re1.1659 ing the collector at the surface temperature of the air inlet and
Type-III 0.0437Re0.7728 0.9564Re0.743 57969Re1.1338 minimum heat loss occurs. According to this statement, for the
Type-IV 0.0025Re1.0871 0.8588Re0.8103 69385Re1.1303 maximum heat transfer the following equation can be used.
Type-V 0.0014Re1.225 0.4053Re0.8851 71670Re1.0993
Theoretical 0.0158Re0.8 (0.79 ln Re 1.64)2 e Q_ max ¼ mC
_ p ðTas  Ti Þ (34)
H. Benli / Renewable Energy 50 (2013) 58e67 65

Fig. 4. The collector efficiency as a function of day times for five mass flow rates; (a) For type-I, (b) for type-II, (c) for type-III, (d) for type-IV and (e) for type-V.

_ ¼ 0:036 kg=s.
Fig. 5. Change of collector efficiency for all types in m
66 H. Benli / Renewable Energy 50 (2013) 58e67

Fig. 6. Change of Nusselt number with Reynolds number.

Fig. 7. Change of pressure loss and friction coefficient with Reynolds number.

Likewise, the minimum pressure loss occurred in collector minimum value. The minimum exergy loss is also given in Fig 8 for
ðP0 =Pi ¼ 1Þ can be defined as the minimum exergy loss. As seen in type-I. The experimental results revealed that the pressure loss
Fig 8, the lowest exergy loss occurred in type-I as given in Eq. (22). significantly affected the exergy loss. The effect of pressure loss on
There is a reverse relationship between dimensionless exergy loss the exergy loss is in the range of 12e15%. Approximately the similar
and collector effciency, as well as temperature difference (DT). It is results were also obtained for other collectors. The exergy loss
clear that when the effciency is maximum value, the exergy loss is approximately increased % 60 for type-II, 2.5-fold for type-III, 2.8-

_ ¼ 0:036 kg=s.
Fig. 8. Change of dimensionless exergy loss with Reynolds number for each absorber in m
H. Benli / Renewable Energy 50 (2013) 58e67 67

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