Experimental Energy and Exergy Analysis of A Double - Ow Solar Air Heater Having Different Obstacles On Absorber Plates

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Building and Environment 43 (2008) 10461054 www.elsevier.com/locate/buildenv

Experimental energy and exergy analysis of a double-ow solar air heater having different obstacles on absorber plates
Hikmet Esen
, Turkey Department of Mechanical Education, Faculty of Technical Education, Frat University, 23119 Elazg Received 27 June 2006; received in revised form 22 January 2007; accepted 23 February 2007

Abstract This paper presents an experimental energy and exergy analysis for a novel at plate solar air heater (SAH) with several obstacles and without obstacles. For increasing the available heat-transfer area may be achieved if air is owing simultaneously and separately over and under the different obstacle absorbing plates, instead of only owing either over or under the different obstacle absorbing plates, leading to improved collector efciency. The measured parameters were the inlet and outlet temperatures, the absorbing plate temperatures, the ambient temperature, and the solar radiation. Further, the measurements were performed at different values of mass ow rate of air and different levels of absorbing plates in ow channel duct. After the analysis of the results, the optimal value of efciency is middle level of absorbing plate in ow channel duct for all operating conditions and the double-ow collector supplied with obstacles appears signicantly better than that without obstacles. At the end of this study, the exergy relations are delivered for different SAHs. The results show that the largest irreversibility is occurring at the at plate (without obstacles) collector in which collector efciency is smallest. r 2007 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Keywords: Solar air heater; Experimental; Exergy analysis; Double-ow; Obstacles; Thermal efciency

1. Introduction The main applications of solar air heaters (SAHs) are space heating and drying. The SAHs occupy an important place among solar heating systems because of minimal use materials. Low heat transfer coefcients result from the unfavourable thermophysical properties of air, which are widely used in different thermal systems. The efciency of SAH has been found to be low because of low convective heat transfer coefcient between absorber plate and the owing air which increases the absorber plate temperature, leading to higher heat losses to the environment resulting in low thermal efciency of such collectors. The remedy is to improve the heat transfer, which can be achieved by creating a fully turbulent ow in these systems. There are different factors affecting the SAH efciency, e.g. collector length, collector depth, type of absorber plate, glass cover plate, wind speed, etc. The absorber plate shape factor is
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E-mail address: hikmetesen@rat.edu.tr. 0360-1323/$ - see front matter r 2007 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved. doi:10.1016/j.buildenv.2007.02.016

the most important parameter in the design for any type of SAH. Increasing the absorber plate shape area will increase the heat transfer to the owing air, but on the other hand, will increase the pressure drop in the collector; this increases the required power consumption to pump the air ow crossing the collector [1]. Several congurations of SAHs have been developed in literature. Various designs, with different shapes and dimensions of the air ow passage in plate type solar air collectors were tested [27]. The double-ow type SAHs have been introduced for increasing the heat-transfer area, leading to improved thermal performance [5]. This increases the thermal energy between the absorber plate and the air, which clearly improves the thermal performances of the solar collectors with obstacles arranged into the air channel duct. These obstacles allow a good distribution of the uid ow [8,9]. In history, there has been a noticeable increase of interest in the applications of second law analysis to the design of thermal systems [10]. A typical thermal design based on the rst law of thermodynamics allows us to address issues

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Nomenclature AC CP _ E _ Ex _ dest Ex I _ m M t T U _ W wm _ wZ wF surface area of the collector (m2) specic heat of air at constant pressure (kJ/kg K) energy rate (kW) exergy rate (kW) rate of irreversibility (kW) solar radiation (W/m2) mass ow rate (kg/s) mass (kg) time (s, min) temperature (1C) heat loss coefcient (W/m2 1C) work rate or power (kW) total uncertainty of mass ow rate (%) total uncertainty of efciency (%) _ xdest total uncertainty of (TinTa)/E (%)

Greek letters Z ZII Z0 C thermal efciency (dimensionless) exergetic efciency (dimensionless) optical yield (dimensionless) specic exergy (kJ/kg)

Subscripts a ave C c e f in out p r s air average collector convection environment uid inlet outlet plate radiation surface

related to the energy balance of the system. The second law of thermodynamic analysis combined with a standard design procedure of a thermal system gives us invaluable insight into the operation of the system. However, exergy analysis, derived from both the rst and second laws of thermodynamics, as compared to energy analysis, takes into account the quality of the energy transferred. The main purpose of the exergy analysis is to determine the reasons of the thermodynamic faults of the thermal and chemical processes. Exergy (or availability) analysis is a powerful tool in the design, optimization, and performance evaluation of energy systems. This analysis can be used to identify the main sources of irreversibility (exergy loss) and to minimize the generation of entropy in a given process where the transfer of energy and material take place [11,12]. According to Dincer and Rosen [13], exergy analysis is an effective thermodynamic scheme for using the conservation of mass and energy principles together with the second law of thermodynamics for the design and analysis of thermal systems, and is an efcient technique for revealing whether or not and by how much it is possible to design more efcient thermal systems by reducing the inefciencies. The concepts and denitions of exergy analysis are well recognized [1417]. The studies on exergy analysis of SAHs are relatively few ztu [1820]. O rk and Demirel [18] presented an experimental investigation of the thermal performance of a SAH having its ow channel packed with Raschig rings. They observed that the energy and exergy efciencies of the packed-bed SAH increased as the outlet temperature of ztu heat transfer uid increased. O rk [19] described an experimental evaluation of energy and exergy efciency of a seasonal latent heat storage system for greenhouse heating with the SAH. Ucar and Inalli [20] presented

thermal and exergy analysis of SAHs with passive augmentation techniques. In this paper, we present a comparison between the results obtained in the case of the double-ow solar air collector supplied with obstacles and those of the collector without obstacles. An experimental set-up, described in the next section, is constructed and tested in Technical Education Faculty of Frat University, Elazg , Turkey. The efciency of the SAH is determined from the experimental measurements. The inuences of various parameters, such as the obstacles of absorber plate, the mass ow rate of air and the level of absorber plates in duct on the energetic and exergetic efciencies of the SAH are examined, and the signicant variables are identied. 2. Description of the experimental set-up and measurement procedure Turkey also has great solar energy potential due to its location in the Mediterranean Region (361 and 421 North latitudes). The sunshine period of Turkey is 2624 h/year with a maximum of 365 h/month in July and a minimum of 103 h/month in December. The main solar radiation intensity is about 3.67 kWh/m2 day. The cumulative total of this is about 1.340 MWh/m2 year. The amount of solar radiation received over all of Turkey, in other words, the gross solar energy potential is 3517 EJ/year [19]. A schematic view of the constructed double-ow SAH system and front view sight of collector are shown in Fig. 1(a) and (b), respectively, and photographs of the four different absorber plates of the SAH collector are shown in Figs. 2(a)(d), respectively. Fig. 3 gives the variations of meteorological data (mean monthly ambient temperatures, 1C, and mean monthly solar radiation, cal/cm2min)

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V IV XII Air IX VI X I) Absorber plate II) Collector box III) Glass cover IV) Fan V) Fan engine VI) Pyranometer VII) Pyranometer recorder VIII)Thermocouples IX) Thermometers X) Anemometer XI) Temperatures scanner XII) Sheet VII VIII




Air Glass cover

10 cm 10 cm 10 cm 10 cm

Absorber plates State III State II State I

Fig. 1. Schematic assembly of the (a) SAH system and (b) front view of collector.

Fig. 2. Types of absorber plates.

measured in Elazg (latitude 38.411N, longitude 39.141E, altitude 1067 m above sea level) by the Elazg State Meteorological Station from 1995 to 2005. Fig. 4 also shows variation of the mean monthly ambient temperature and mean monthly solar radiation in 2005 [21]. In this study, four types of absorber plates were used. The absorbers were made of stainless steel with black chrome selective coating. Dimension and plate thickness for all four collectors were 1.25 m, 0.8 m, and 1 mm, respectively. Normal window glass of 5 mm thickness was used as glazing. Single cover glass was used in all four collectors. Thermal losses through the backs of the collector are mainly due to the conduction across the insulation (thickness 3 cm) and those caused by the wind and the thermal radiation of the insulation are assumed negligible.

H. Esen / Building and Environment 43 (2008) 10461054 1049

Ambient temperature Solar radiation



600 Solar radiation (cal /cm2min) Solar radiation (Cal /cm2min)

Ambient temperature (C)









-5 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 Years 2002 2003 2004 2005

Fig. 3. Meteorological yearly data for the 19952005 period in Elazg [21].

30 Ambient temperature Solar radiation 600

20 Ambient temperature (C) 400 10

200 0

-10 April June January February March Augst May July September October November December

Fig. 4. Meteorological monthly data for 2005 in Elazg [21].

After installation, the four collectors were left operating several days under normal weather conditions for weathering processes. Thermocouples were positioned evenly, on the top surface of the absorber plates, at identical positions along the direction of ow, for four collectors. Inlet and outlet air temperatures were measured by two wellinsulated thermocouples. The ambient temperature was measured by a mercury thermometer placed in a special container behind the collectors body. The total solar radiation incident on the surface of the collector was measured with a Kipp and Zonen CM 11 Pyranometer.

This meter was placed adjacent to the glazing cover, at the same plane, facing due south. The total solar radiation was recorded by a Kipp and Zonen CC 12 solar integrator automatically. The measured variables were recorded at time intervals of 30 min and include: insolation, inlet and outlet temperatures of the working uid circulating through the collectors, ambient temperature, absorber plate temperatures at several selected locations, and air ow rates (Lutron AM-4206 M digital anemometer). The air was provided by a radial fan with a maximum of 0.537 kW power. The radial fan placed at the outlet of the

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collectors sucked in the air. The pressure loss was measured by means of a digital manometer (AZ 82100) placed between inlet and outlet of the collector. All tests began at 9 am and ended at 4 pm. 3. Thermal analysis and uncertainty The theoretical model employed for the study of the solar collector that operates in unsteady state is made using a thermal energy balance [22]: Accumulated energy Energy gain Absorbed energy Lost energy; 1 for each term of Eq. (1) the following expressions are formulated: Accumulated energy M p C p dT p;ave =dt, _ p T out T in , Energy gain mC Absorbed energy Zo IAC , Lost energy U C T p;ave T e AC . (2) (3) (4) (5)

calculated by [23] " 2  2  2 #1=2 qR qR qR w1 w2 wn . wR qx1 qx 2 qxn (8) The independent parameters measured in the experiments reported here are: collector inlet temperature, collector outlet temperature, ambient temperature, air velocity and pressure in the duct, and solar radiation. To carry out these experiments, T-type thermocouples with an accuracy of 0.018 1C, a metal vane type anemometer (AM-4206 M, air velocity+air ow) with 72% accuracy, pressure transducer with 70.3% (at 725 1C) accuracy (AZ 82100, digital manometer) and Kipp and Zonen CM 11 Pyranometer with 1% accuracy were used. From these measured data, collector efciency, mass ow rate and (TinTa)/I were calculated [24]. Equation for efciency is _ p T out T in =IAC . Z mC If AC and Cp are considered constants, it can be written: _ ; Z f T out ; T in ; I ; m equation for mass ow rate is _ rAc n. m (10) As density of air r is dependent on pressure P and temperature T, the following relationship can be estimated: _ f n; T ; P. m (11) Following Eq. (8), total uncertainty for mass ow rate can be written as " 2  2  2 #1=2 _ _ _ qm qm qm wm wn wT wP . _ qnair air qT air air qPair air (12) Similarly, the total uncertainty for collector efciency and (TinTa)/I can be written as " 2  2  2 qZ qZ qZ wZ w w wm _ T T _ qm qT out out qT in in  2 #1=2 qZ , 13 wI qI " wF qF wT qT in in 2 qF wT qT out out  2 qF wI qI  2 #1=2 , (14) where T in T a . I The total uncertainty in determining ow rate, efciency, and (TinTa)/I were estimated by Eqs. (12)(14), respectively. Calculations show that the total uncertainty in F (9)

By combining Eqs. (2)(5), the thermal energy balance equation necessary to describe the solar collector functioning is obtained: _ p T out T in M p C p dT p;ave =dt mC Zo IAC U C T p;ave T e AC . 6 The optical yield (Zo) and the energy lose coefcient (UC) are the parameters that characterize the behaviour of the solar collector. Note that Zo represents the fraction of the solar radiation absorbed by the plate and depends mainly on transmittance of the transparent covers and on the absorbance of the plate [22]. The energy loss coefcient includes the losses by the upper cover, the laterals, and the bottom of the collector. The upper cover losses prevail over the others, depending to a large extent on the temperature and emissivity of the absorbent bed, and besides, on the convective effect of the wind on the upper cover. The thermal efciency of the solar collectors (Z) is dened as the ratio between the energy gain and the solar radiation incident on the collector plane: _ p T out T in =IAC . Z mC (7)

Uncertainty analysis (the analysis of uncertainties in experimental measurement and results) is a powerful tool, particularly when it is used in the planning and design of experiments. The result R is a given function in terms of the independent variables. Let wR be the uncertainty in the result and w1,w2,y,wn be the uncertainties in the independent variables. The result R is a given function of the independent variables x1,x2,x3,y,xn. If the uncertainties in the independent variables are all given with same odds, then uncertainty in the result having these odds is

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calculating mass ow rate of air, efciency and (TinTa)/I are 45.62%, 1.82% and 1%, respectively. 4. Exergy analysis of case study This article focuses on the combination of the two laws of thermodynamics, which are described in the concept of exergy analysis. The assumptions made in the analysis presented in this study are: (i) steady state, steady ow operation, (ii) negligible potential and kinetic energy effects and no chemical or nuclear reactions, (iii) air is an ideal gas with a constant specic heat, and its humidity content is ignored, (iv) the directions of heat transfer to the system and work transfer from the system are positive. The mass balance equation can be expressed in the rate form as X X _ out ; _ in m (15) m _ is the mass ow rate, and the subscript in stands where m for inlet and out for outlet. If the effects due to the kinetic and potential energy changes are neglected, the general energy and exergy balances can be expressed in rate form as given below [20]: X X _ out , _ in E (16) E X or _ heat Ex _ work Ex _ mass;in Ex _ mass;out Ex _ dest . Ex (17b) _ in Ex X _ out Ex X _ dest , Ex (17a)

The enthalpy and entropy changes of the air in the collector are expressed by [20] Dh hout hin cp T f ;out T f ;in , Ds sout sin cp ln T f ;out Pout R ln . T f ;in Pin (23) (24)

Substituting Eqs. (22)(24) in Eq. (21), it may be rewritten as   Te T f ;out H taAc mcp T f ;out T f ;in mcp T e ln 1 Ts T f ;in Pout _ dest . mRT e ln Ex 25 Pin _ dest can be directly evaluated from The irreversibility Ex the following equation: _ dest T e S gen . Ex The second law efciency is calculated as ZII 1 T e Sgen . _ 1 T e =T s Q s (27) (26)

All physical properties of air were selected according to the following bulk mean temperature: DT m T in T out =2. 5. Results and discussions Collector performance tests were conducted on days with clear sky condition. The collector slope was adjusted to 381, which is considered suitable for the geographical . The collectors were instrumented with location of Elazg T-type thermocouples for measuring temperatures of owing air at inlet and outlet of the collector, and the ambient temperature. The collector efciency improvements for double-pass type SAHs were calculated using Eq. (7). Various air mass ow rates between 0.015 and 0.025 kg/s are also investigated at the experiments. Experimental studies had been performed during the one month (01.07.200531.07.2005) period. Fig. 5 shows the hourly variation of efciencies of Types (IIV) at State-II and mass ow rate is 0.02 kg/s, respectively, during the a month period. The mean efciencies for Type I, Type II, Type III, and Type IV are found to be 38%, 43%, 45%, and 41%, respectively. The hourly measured solar radiation is also shown in Fig. 5. As expected, it increases in the morning to a peak value of 926 W/m2 at noon and starts to decrease in the afternoon. As shown the efciencies increase to a maximum value at 12:30 pm in the noon, before it starts to decrease later in the afternoon. As seen from the gure, the efciency of Type-III (great turbulence) is higher than that of Type-II (middle turbulence), than that of Type IV (little turbulence) and also that of Type I (no turbulence, without obstacles), respectively. The study has shown that (28)

Using Eq. (17b), the rate form of the general exergy balance can also be written as  X X X Te _ _ dest ; _ _ in cin _ out cout Ex Qs W 1 m m Ts (18) where cin hin he T e sin se , cout hout he T e sout se . (19) (20)

If Eqs. (19) and (20) are substituted in Eq. (18), it is arranged that   Te _ _ dest , _ hout hin T e sout sin Ex Qs m 1 Ts (21) _ s is solar energy absorbed by the collector absorber where Q surface and it is evaluated by the expression [25]: _ H taAc . Q s (22)

1052 H. Esen / Building and Environment 43 (2008) 10461054

m=0.02 kg /s, State II 0.7 1000 900 0.6 Solar radiation (W/m2) 800 700 600 0.4
Type I Type II Type III Type IV S (W/m2)



500 400 300 200 13:30 14:00 14:30 15:00 15:30 16:00


0.2 09:00 09:30 10:00 10:30 11:00 11:30 12:00 12:30 13:00

results in this study are very similar to those shown in Ref. [5]. According to this reference, double-ow type SAHs had been introduced for increasing the heat-transfer area, leading to improved efciency. From the results obtained for the different solar collector types examined, we deduce that the introduction of the obstacles in the air channels is a very important factor for the improvement of collector efciency. However, we have observed that the form, dimensions, orientation, and disposition of the obstacles considerably inuence the collector efciency. Fig. 7 illustrates the hourly variation of the efciency of Type III collector at State-II, for different mass ow rates (0.015, 0.02, 0.025 kg/s). The results show that the collector

Time (hours) 0.7

Fig. 5. Variation of collector efciency at different types of absorber plates.

State II, Type III 1000 900 0.6 Solar radiation (W/m2) Solar radiation (W/m2) 800 700 600 0.4
m=0.015 kg/s

m=0.025 kg /s, Type III Efficiency 0.7 1000 900 0.6 Solar radiation (W/m2) 800 Efficiency 0.5


m=0.2 kg/s m=0.025 kg/s S (W/m2)

700 600 500 400 300


400 300 200 14:00 14:30 15:00 15:30 16:00 1000 900 800 700 600 500 400 300 200 16:00

0.2 09:00 09:30 10:00 10:30 11:00 11:30 12:00 12:30 13:00 13:00 13:30


State-II State-III S (W/m2)

Time (hours)
Fig. 7. Variation of collector efciency at different mass ow rates.


0.2 09:00 09:30 10:00 10:30 11:00 11:30 12:00 12:30 13:00 13:30 14:00 14:30 15:00 15:30 16:00

200 m=0.02 kg /s, Type III 70 60 Collector outlet temperatures (C) 50 40 30 20 10 0 09:00 10:00 11:00 12:00 14:00 15:00
State-I State-II State-III Collector inlet temperatures (C) S (W/m2)

Time (hours)
Fig. 6. Variation of collector efciency at different state collectors.

the solar collector supplied with Type III than Type I leads to a very signicant improvement in the efciencytemperature rise couple. Its because Type III leads to very great turbulence in the collector unit. Fig. 6 depicts the hourly variation of the efciency of Type III collector at different states (IIIIII, see Fig. 1b). The mean efciencies for State-I, State-II and State-III are found to be 46%, 58%, and 53%, respectively. It is seen from Fig. 6 that the optimal value of efciency is middle level of the collector for all operating conditions. This means that in order to achieve the best efciency in a double-ow SAH, in which the cross-section areas of upper and lower ow channels are constructed equally, the mass ow rates in both ow channels must be the same. The efciency decreases when lower channel, as well as upper channel, goes away from mid-point collector. The obtained

Time (hours)
Fig. 8. Variation of inlet and outlet collector temperatures at different states.

H. Esen / Building and Environment 43 (2008) 10461054 Table 1 Exergy analysis of tested SAHs
Solar col. Mass ow rate (kg/s) _ in (kW) Exergy input, Ex _ out Exergy output, Ex (kW) State I 0.10 0.10 0.11 0.138 0.143 0.148 0.145 0.150 0.148 0.118 0.121 0.131 State II 0.111 0.120 0.115 0.140 0.148 0.155 0.170 0.180 0.189 0.12 0.125 0.129 State III 0.105 0.11 0.112 0.139 0.145 0.15 0.155 0.175 0.180 0.119 0.123 0.13 _ dest Irreversibility, Ex (kW) State I 0.29 0.281 0.265 0.213 0.198 0.182 0.165 0.17 0.152 0.244 0.229 0.212 State II 0.27 0.252 0.225 0.202 0.182 0.169 0.158 0.141 0.121 0.231 0.215 0.202 State III 0.28 0.265 0.243 0.208 0.19 0.177 0.161 0.143 0.134 0.236 0.227 0.208 Exergy loss (%) Second law efciency, ZII (%) State III 72.72 70.66 68.45 59.94 56.71 54.12 50.94 44.96 42.67 66.47 64.87 61.53 State I 25.65 26.25 29.34 39.32 41.94 44.84 46.78 46.88 49.34 32.6 34.58 38.2 State II 29.14 32.26 33.83 40.94 44.85 47.84 51.83 56.08 60.97 34.19 36.77 38.98 State III 27.28 29.34 31.55 40.06 43,29 45.88 49.06 55.04 57.33 33.53 35.13 38.47


State I Type I 0.015 0.2 0.025 0.015 0.2 0.025 0.015 0.2 0.025 Type IV 0.015 0.2 0.025 0.39 0.381 0.375 0.351 0.341 0.33 0.31 0.32 0.30 0.362 0.350 0.343

State II 0.381 0.372 0.340 0.342 0.330 0.324 0.328 0.321 0.310 0.351 0.34 0.331

State III 0.385 0.375 0.355 0.347 0.335 0.327 0.316 0.318 0.314 0.355 0.35 0.338

State I 74.35 73.75 70.66 60.68 58.06 55.15 53.22 53.12 50.66 67.4 65.42 61.8

State II 70.86 67.74 66.17 59.06 55.15 52.16 48.17 43.92 39.03 65.81 63.23 61.02

Type II

Type III

efciency increases with increasing air mass ow rate of air _ and solar radiation I. m Fig. 8 shows that the hourly variation of the inlet and outlet collector temperatures of Type III at mass ow rate is 0.02 kg/s, for all states. The results show that the collector inlet and outlet temperatures increase with the solar radiation I. As shown, the inlet air temperature increases to a maximum value of 35.6 1C at 12:30 pm before it starts to decrease in the afternoon. The outlet air temperature increases to a peak value of 58.9 1C at 13:00 pm and then decreases as solar radiation drops to lower values later during the day. Irreversibility of each of SAH has been calculated and the results have been shown in Table 1. The exergy analysis was carried out in July of 2005 in Elazg for different mass ow rates, different types of collectors, and different states of absorber plates. It can be seen that Type I is the collector in which the exergy loss is the highest (74.35%, for 0.015 kg/s and State I). In Type III with each staggered absorber plate, exergy loss is the lowest (39.03%, for 0.025 kg/s and State II). Furthermore, the second law efciency or exergetic efciency of each of SAHs has been calculated. It is clear from Table 1 that the point of the lowest ZII typically occurs in Type I (25.65%, for 0.015 kg/s and State I). The maximum ZII occurs in Type III (60.97%, for 0.025 kg/s and State II). 6. Conclusions A detailed experimental study was conducted to evaluate the energetic and exergetic efciencies of four types of double-ow solar air collectors under a wide range of operating conditions. According to the results of the experiments, the double-ow type of the SAHs has been introduced for increasing the heat-transfer area, leading to

improved thermal and exergetic efciencies. The optimal value of efciency is middle level (State-II) of collector for all operating conditions. In addition, this study has allowed us to show that the use of obstacles in the air ow duct of the double-ow collector is an efcient method of adapting in air exchanger according to user needs. Test results always yield higher efciency values for Type III than for Type I (without obstacles) at plate collector. The obstacles ensure a good air ow over and under the absorber plates, create the turbulence, and reduce the dead zones in the collector. The largest irreversibility occurs at the at plate SAH (Type I), since, in at plate collector (Type I) only a little part of solar energy absorbed by the collector can be used in the exergy analysis. Consequently, given the different operative and atmospheric conditions that can happen in practice, it must be taken into account the possibility of scheming different experiences, in order to determine the inuence of the different variables on the collector efciency and the characteristic parameters of the solar collector. References
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