or NA
Proceso de certificación – rol comité del centro. Se deben asociar los roles de ppt de estructura con la ppt donde
se describe el proceso.
Requisitos de certificacion.docx (need work): revisar si doc contiene todo el texto que esta publicado en el sitio y
homologarlo con la Info publicada en el sitio
6.3 Outsourcing
Does the CB have a legally enforceable agreement covering the arrangements,
confidentiality and conflict of interests, with each body that provides outsourced work
6.3.1 related to the certification process?
6.3.2 When the CB outsources work related to certification, does it ensure that:
a) It takes full responsibility for all outsourced work?
b) It ensures that the body conducting outsourced work is competent and complies
with the applicable provisions of this international standard?
c) It assesses and monitors the performance of the bodies conducting outsourced work
in accordance with its documented procedures?
d) It has records to demonstrate that the bodies conducting outsourced work meet all
requirements relevant to the outsourced work?
e) It maintains a list of the bodies conducting outsourced work?
Records evaluated and comments
Contract with Kevin for VS service
Tambien al respecto de las colaboraciones con las universidades
7.3 Confidentiality
Has the CB established documented policies and procedures for the maintenance and
7.3.1 release of information?
Does the CB have legally enforceable agreements to keep all information obtained during
7.3.2 the certification process confidential? And do these agreements cover all personnel? C
Does the CB ensure that information obtained during the certification process, or from
sources other than the applicant, candidate or certified person, is not disclosed to an
unauthorized party without the written consent of the individual (applicant, candidate or
7.3.3 certified person)? C
Does the CB ensure that the person concerned is notified as to what information is to be
7.3.4 provided when the CB is required by law to release confidential information? C
7.3.5 Does the CB ensure that the activities of related bodies do not compromise confidentiality? C
Records evaluated and comments
7.3.3, 7.34 – esta en NDA
El resto se debe definir – hay elementos en NDA, revisarlos
7.4 Security
Has the CB developed and documented policies and procedures necessary to ensure
security throughout the entire certification process, and are measures in place to take
7.4.1 corrective actions when security breaches?
Do security policies and procedures include provisions to ensure the security of examination
7.4.2 materials, taking into account the following:
a) The location of the materials (e.g. transportation, electronic delivery, disposal,
storage, examination centre)?
b) The nature of the materials (e.g. electronic, paper, test equipment)?
c) The steps in the examination (e.g. development, administration, results reporting)?
d) The threats arising from repeated use of examination materials?
7.4.3 Does the CB ensure that it prevents fraudulent examination practices by, at least:
Requiring candidates to sign a non-disclosure agreement or other agreement indicating
their commitment not to release confidential examination materials or participate in
fraudulent test-taking practices?
a) Requiring an invigilator or examiner to be present? C
b) Confirming the identity of the candidate? C
c) Implementing procedures to prevent any unauthorized aids from being brought into
the examination area? C
d) Preventing candidates from gaining access to unauthorized? C
e) Monitoring examination results for indications of cheating?
Records evaluated and comments
Documentar como estamos hacienda esto.
8.1 Does the CB have a certification scheme for each category it certifies
persons to? C
8.2 Does each certification scheme contain the following elements: C
a) Scope of certification? C
b) Job and task description? C
c) Required competence? C
d) Abilities (where applicable, e.g. vision, hearing and mobility)? C
e) Pre-requisites (where applicable)? C
f) Code of conduct (where applicable, e.g. ethical and behavioural aspects)?
8.3 Does each certification scheme include the following certification
process requirements:
a) Criteria for initial certification and recertification? C
b) Assessment methods for initial certification and recertification? C
c) Surveillance methods and criteria (if applicable)? C
d) Criteria for suspending and withdrawing certification? C
e) Criteria for changing the scope or level of certification (if applicable)? N/A
8.4 Does the CB have documents that demonstrate that, in the
development and review of certification schemes, the following are
The involvement of appropriate experts?
a) The use of an appropriate structure that fairly represents the interest of all parties
significantly concerned, without any interest predominating?
b) The identification and alignment of pre-requisites, if applicable, with the
competence requirements?
c) The identification and alignment of the assessment mechanisms with the
d) A job or practice analysis that is conducted and updated to
- Identify the tasks for successful performance?
- Identify the required competence for each task?
- Identify prerequisites (if applicable)?
- Confirm the assessment mechanisms and examination content?
- Identify the recertification requirements and interval?
8.5 Has the CB ensured that each certification scheme is reviewed and
validated on an ongoing and systematic basis?
8.6 In cases where the CB is not the scheme owner of the certification
scheme it implements, does the CB ensure that the requirements
contained in this clause (Clause 8) are met? N/A
Records evaluated and comments
8.2 – debemos referencial a codigo de ética IEEE/ACM
8.3 – debemos determinar los criterios de re-certificacion
8.4 – desarrollar por completo con el proceso de desarrollo de la esquema e instrumento de certificación
8.5 - desarrollar
NB - Requirements of Clause 9.1 to Clause 9.7 are covered in SANAS
checklist F178
9.8 Appeals against decisions on certification
9.8.1 Does the CB have a documented process to receive, evaluate and make decisions on appeals?
Does the appeals-handling process include, at least, the following elements and methods:
a) The process for receiving, validating and investigating the appeal, and for deciding
what actions are to be taken in response to it, taking into account the results of
previous similar appeals?
b) Tracking and recording appeals, including actions undertaken to resolve them?
c) Ensuring that, if applicable, appropriate corrections and corrective actions are taken?
Do the CB’s policies and procedures ensure that all appeals are dealt with in a constructive,
9.8.2 impartial and timely manner?
9.8.3 Is the CB’s description of the appeals-handling process publicly accessible?
9.8.4 Are responsibilities assigned for all decisions at all levels of the appeals-handling process?
Does the CB ensure that the decision-making personnel engaged in the appeals-handling
process are different from those who were involved in the decision being appealed?
Does the CB ensure that submission, investigation and decision on appeals do not result in
9.8.5 any discriminatory actions against the appellant?
Does the CB acknowledge receipt of appeal and provides appellant with progress reports and
9.8.6 outcomes?
9.8.7 Does the CB give formal notice to appellant at the end of appeals-handling process?
Records evaluated and comments
Todo - profundizar el proceso y desarrollarlo completo -> se pueden usar los puntos para desarrollo del proceso
9.9 Complaints
9.9.1 Is there a documented process to receive, evaluate and make decisions on complaints?
9.9.2 Is the description of the complaints-handling process publicly accessible? C
Do policies and procedures in place ensure that complaints are handled and processed in a
9.9.3 constructive, impartial and timely manner?
Does the complaint handling process include, at least, the following elements and methods:
a) An outline of the process for receiving, validating, investigating the complaint and
deciding what actions are to be taken in response to it?
b) Tracking and recording complaints, including actions undertaken in response to
c) Ensuring that, if applicable, appropriate corrections and corrective actions are taken?
Does the CB, upon receipt of a complaint, confirm whether the complaint relates to
9.9.4 certification activities for which it is responsible, and if so, does it respond appropriately?
Does the CB (wherever possible) acknowledge receipt of the complaints and provide the
9.9.5 complainant with progress reports and the outcome?
Does the CB validate (gather and verify all necessary information about the complaint) upon
9.9.6 receipt?
Does the CB give formal notice to the complainant at the end of the complaints-handling
9.9.7 process?
Does any substantiated complaint about a certified person referred to that certified person in
9.9.8 question by the CB at an appropriate time?
Is the complaints-handling process also subjected to requirements of confidentiality, as it
9.9.9 relates to the complainant and to the subject of the complaint?
Does the CB ensure that the decision to be communicated to the complainant is made by,
9.9.10 reviewed and approved by, personnel not previously involved in the subject of the complaint?
Records evaluated and comments
9.9.2 – sitio www del centro
El resto definir completamente – proceso es similar al punto 9.8, posiblemente se puede hacer un proceso
10.1 General
Established, documented, implemented and a maintained management system – Option A
(according to 10.2 of the standard) or Option B
10.2 General management system requirements
10.2.1 General
Documented policies and objectives for its activities established by top management
(including evidence of commitment, level of understanding, implementation, reporting
representative appointed etc.)
10.2.2 Management system documentation
Applicable requirements of the International Standard are documented and available to all
10.2.3 Control of documents C
Established procedures for control of documents (internal and external) pertaining to the
standard and includes: document approval, review and update, current revisions, availability
at point of use, legibility and identification, documents of external origin identified and
controlled, removal of obsolete documentation to prevent unintended use
10.2.4 Control of records C
Procedures to define control, storage, protection, retrieval, retention period, confidentiality
arrangements and accessibility etc.
10.2.5 Management review General
Procedures established by top management to review its management system at planned
intervals to ensure its continuing suitability, adequacy and effectiveness, including the stated
policies and objectives related to the fulfillment of this International Standard. Review input
Information input to management review such as: internal and external audit results,
feedback, safeguarding impartiality, status of preventative and corrective actions, follow-up
actions previously reviewed, achievement of objectives, changes, appeals and complaints Review output
Management review output addressing improvements and effectiveness of management
system, fulfillment of this international standard, resource needs etc.
10.2.6 Internal audits
Procedures for internal audits to verify the management system is effectively implemented and maintained Audit programme available (including important processes and areas to be audited, results)
Internal audit frequency within 12 month cycle and proven suitability for effective implementation of this international standard
Requirement for internal audits: conducted by competent personnel, no subjectivity,
personnel of audited area informed of outcome, actions taken timeously and areas of improvement identified
10.2.7 Corrective Actions
Procedures for identification and management of corrective actions for non-conformities
including actions to prevent re-occurrence.
Procedures define requirements to identify nonconformities, causes thereof, corrections,
evaluating, action implementation, recording of results and review of corrective actions
10.2.8 Preventative actions
Procedures for preventive actions to eliminate the causes of potential nonconformities which
includes their identification, evaluation, implementation of the action, recording of results
and review of effectiveness
Records evaluated and comments
Existe proceso de gestion documental, pero el resto se debe definir y desarrollar
10.2.6: Ver procedimiento de auditoría interna de Morpho para cubrir este requerimiento
Additional / General Comments
This space may also be used to expand on comments in specific sections