Cornelia Butnaru/EOQ/September
Specific terms and definitions (ISO 17024)
1. Certification process - activities by which a certification body
determines that a person fulfills certification requirements, including
application, assessment, decision on certification, recertification and use
of certificates and logos/marks
2. Certification scheme - competence and other requirements related to
specific occupational or skilled categories of persons
3. Certification requirements - set of specified requirements including
scheme requirements to be fulfilled in order to establish or maintain certification
4. Scheme owner - organization responsible for developing and maintaining
a certification scheme
NOTE The organization can be the certification body itself, a governmental
authority, or other.
Cornelia Butnaru/EOQ/September
Specific terms and definitions (ISO 17024)
9. Examination - mechanism that is part of the assessment which
measures a candidate's competence by one or more means, such as
written, oral, practical and observational, as defined in the certification
10. Examiner - person competent to conduct and score an examination,
where the examination requires professional judgment
11. Invigilator - person authorized by the certification body who administers
or supervises an examination, but does not evaluate the competence of
the candidate
NOTE other terms for invigilator are proctor, test administrator, supervisor.
12. Personnel - individuals, internal or external, of the certification body
carrying out activities for the certification body
NOTE These include committee members and volunteers.
Cornelia Butnaru/EOQ/September
Specific terms and definitions (ISO 17024)
14. Applicant - person who has submitted an application to be admitted
into the certification process
15. Candidate - applicant who has fulfilled specified prerequisites and
has been admitted to the certification process
16. Impartiality - presence of objectivity
NOTE 1 Objectivity means that conflicts of interest do not exist, or are resolved,
so as not to adversely influence subsequent activities of the certification
NOTE 2 Other terms that are useful in conveying the element of impartiality
are: independence, freedom from conflict of interests, freedom from bias,
lack of prejudice, neutrality, fairness, open-mindedness, even-
handedness, detachment, balance.
Cornelia Butnaru/EOQ/September
Specific terms and definitions (ISO 17024)
17. Fairness - equal opportunity for success provided to each candidate in
the certification process
18. Valid/validity - evidence that the assessment (3.8) measures what it is
intended to measure, as defined by the certification scheme
19. Examination reliability - indicator of the extent to which examination
scores are consistent across different examination times and locations,
different examination forms and different examiners
NOTE For a certification examination an important type of reliability is the
reliability of the decision on certification. This means the examination will
be consistent accross multiple examinations administrations in making
the decision to pass or fail the candidate.
Cornelia Butnaru/EOQ/September
Specific terms and definitions (ISO 17024)
20. Appeal - request by applicant, candidate or certified person for
reconsideration of any decision made by the certification body related to
her/his desired certification status
21. Complaint - expression of dissatisfaction, other than appeal (3.19), by
any individual or organization to a certification body, relating to the
activities of that body or a certified person, where a response is expected
22. Interested party - individual, group or organization affected by the
performance of a certified person or the certification body
NOTE Examples are certified person, user of the services of the certified
person, employer of the certified person, consumer, governmental
23. Surveillance - periodic monitoring, during the periods of certification, of a
certified person's performance to ensure continued compliance with the
certification scheme
Cornelia Butnaru/EOQ/September
ISO 17024:2012 –
requirements overview
ISO 17024:2012 „Conformity assessment — General
requirements for bodies operating certification of
1 Scope
2 Normative references
3 Terms and definitions
4 General requirements
4.1 Legal matters
4.2 Responsibility for decision on certification
4.3 Management of impartiality
4.4 Finance and liability
5 Structural requirements
5.1 Management and organization structure
5.2 Structure of the certification body in relation to training
Cornelia Butnaru/EOQ/September
ISO 17024:2012 –
requirements overview
ISO 17024:2012 „Conformity assessment — General
requirements for bodies operating certification of
6 Resource requirements
6.1 General personnel requirements
6.2 Personnel involved in the certification activities
6.3 Outsourcing
6.4 Other resources
7 Records and information requirements
7.1 Records of applicants, candidates and certified persons
7.2 Public information
7.3 Confidentiality
7.4 Security
8 Certification schemes
Cornelia Butnaru/EOQ/September
ISO 17024:2012 –
requirements overview
ISO 17024:2012 „Conformity assessment — General
requirements for bodies operating certification of
9 Certification process requirements
9.1 Application process
9.2 Assessment process
9.3 Examination process
9.4 Decision on certification
9.5 Suspending, withdrawing or reducing the scope of certification
9.6 Recertification process
9.7 Use of certificates, logos and marks
9.8 Appeals against decisions on certification
9.9 Complaints
10 Management system requirements
10.1 General
10.2 General management system requirements
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ISO 17024:2012 –
requirements overview
ISO 17024:2012
1. Scope
Define the scope of the PCB’s management system in terms of type of
certification( e.g. welders, auditors, safety professionals, etc.) and, if applicable,
levels within the scheme and categories of persons, and the applied
competence standards or normative documents – Quality Manual
2. Normative documents
Identify and list all reference documents relevant for the MS and the specific
activities of the PCB (ISO 17024, ISO 9001, certification schemes, legal local
requirements, etc.) - Quality Manual
3. Terms and definitions
Define specific terms used in the PCB’s documentation and activities, explain
also the abbreviations used in the documents - Quality Manual (for general
terms use the definitions of ISO 17024)
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ISO 17024:2012 –
requirements overview
ISO 17024:2012
4. Requirements for certification bodies
4.1 Legal matters
The certification body (CB) shall be a legal entity, or a defined part of a legal
entity, such that it can be held legally responsible for its certification activities. A
governmental certification body is deemed to be a legal entity on the basis of its
governmental status.
Have documents proving the PCB is a legal entity or part of a legal entity.
If part of a legal entity, the links with other parts of the larger organization shall
be clearly defined and should demonstrate that no conflict of interest exists (like
for example performance of trainings) Quality Manual
Cornelia Butnaru/EOQ/September
ISO 17024:2012 –
requirements overview
ISO 17024:2012
4. Requirements for certification bodies
4.2 Responsibility for decision on certification
The CB shall be responsible for, shall retain authority for, and shall not
delegate, its decisions relating to certification, including the granting,
maintaining, recertifying, expanding and reducing the scope of the certification,
and suspending or withdrawing the certification
4.3 Management of impartiality (1)
The CB shall document its structure, policies and procedures to manage
impartiality and to ensure that the certification activities are undertaken
Consider the followings in the MS documentation:
top management commitment to impartiality in certification activities
(Quality policy)
Cornelia Butnaru/EOQ/September
ISO 17024:2012 –
requirements overview
ISO 17024:2012
4.3 Management of impartiality (2)
Consider the followings in the MS documentation:
a statement publicly accessible without request that it understands the
importance of impartiality in carrying out its certification activities, manages
conflict of interest and ensures the objectivity of its certification activities
Policies and procedures for certification of persons shall be fair among all
applicants, candidates and certified persons.
Certification shall not be restricted on the grounds of undue financial
or other limiting conditions, such as membership of an association or
Being responsible for the impartiality of its certification activities and
shall not allow commercial, financial or other pressures to compromise
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ISO 17024:2012 –
requirements overview
ISO 17024:2012
4.3 Management of impartiality (3)
Consider the followings in the MS documentation:
Identify threats to its impartiality on an ongoing basis. This shall include
those threats that arise from its activities, from its related bodies, from its
relationships, or from the relationships of its personnel.
Analyze, document and eliminate or minimize the potential conflict of
interests arising from its certification activities (document and be able to
demonstrate how it eliminates, minimizes or manages such threats. All
potential sources of conflict of interest that are identified, whether they arise
from within the certification body, such as assigning responsibilities to
personnel, or from the activities of other persons, bodies or organizations,
shall be covered.)
• Certification activities shall be structured and managed so as to safeguard
impartiality. This shall include balanced involvement of interested
Cornelia Butnaru/EOQ/September
ISO 17024:2012 –
requirements overview
ISO 17024:2012
4.4 Finance and liability
The CB shall have the financial resources necessary for the operation of a
certification process and have adequate arrangements (e.g. insurance or
reserves) to cover associated liabilities.
Separate PCB Accountancy (incomes and expenses) - proving financial
5 Structural requirements
5.1 Management and organization structure (1)
The CB activities shall be structured and managed so as to safeguard
• document organizational structure, describing the duties,
responsibilities and authorities of management, certification personnel and
any committee (organizational matrix, Documented Competence and Job
descriptions for all relevant personnel, own and subcontracted)
Cornelia Butnaru/EOQ/September
ISO 17024:2012 –
requirements overview
ISO 17024:2012
5.1 Management and organization structure (2)
The party/parties or individuals responsible for the following shall be
a)policies and procedures relating to the operation of the certification body;
b)implementation of the policies and procedures;
c)finances of the certification body;
d)resources for certification activities;
e)development and maintenance of the certification schemes;
f)assessment activities;
g)decisions on certification, including the granting, maintaining, recertifying,
expanding, reducing, suspending or withdrawing of the certification;
h)contractual arrangements.
Cornelia Butnaru/EOQ/September
ISO 17024:2012 –
requirements overview
ISO 17024:2012
5.2 Structure of the certification body in relation to training (1)
• If completion of training is a specified requirement of a certification
scheme, the recognition/approval of training by the certification
body shall not compromise impartiality or reduce the assessment
and certification requirements.
• Provide information regarding education and training if they are
used as pre-requisites for being eligible for certification but shall not
state or imply that certification would be simpler, easier or less
expensive if any specified education/training services are used.
Cornelia Butnaru/EOQ/September
ISO 17024:2012 –
requirements overview
ISO 17024:2012
5.2 Structure of the certification body in relation to training (2)
• Offering training and certification for persons within the same legal entity
constitutes a threat to impartiality. A CB that is part of a legal entity offering
training shall:
a)identify and document the associated threats to its impartiality on an
ongoing basis: the body shall have a documented process to demonstrate
how it eliminates or minimizes those threats;
b)demonstrate that all processes performed by the certification body
are independent of training to ensure that confidentiality, information
security and impartiality are not compromised;
c)not give the impression that the use of both services would provide any
advantage to the applicant;
Cornelia Butnaru/EOQ/September
ISO 17024:2012 –
requirements overview
ISO 17024:2012
5.2 Structure of the certification body in relation to training (3)
• Offering training and certification for persons within the same legal entity
constitutes a threat to impartiality. A CB that is part of a legal entity offering
training shall:
d)not require the candidates to complete the certification body's own
education or training as an exclusive prerequisite when alternative
education or training with an equivalent outcome exists;
e) ensure that personnel do not serve as an examiner of a specific
candidate if they have trained for a period of two years from the date
of the conclusion of the training activities: this interval may be
shortened if the certification body demonstrates it does not compromise
Cornelia Butnaru/EOQ/September
ISO 17024:2012 –
requirements overview
ISO 17024:2012
6 Resource requirements
6.1 General personnel requirements (1)
The certification body shall manage and be responsible for the performance of
all personnel involved in the certification process. Documented HR process
procedure (selection, appointment, training, competence evaluation, release),
Documented Competence and Job descriptions for all relevant personnel (own
and subcontracted)
• The CB shall:
have sufficient personnel available with the necessary competence to perform
certification functions relating to the type, range and volume of work performed.
define the competence requirements for personnel involved in the
certification process. Personnel shall have competence for their specific tasks
and responsibilities.
provide its personnel with documented instructions describing their duties and
responsibilities. These instructions shall be kept up-to-date.
Cornelia Butnaru/EOQ/September
ISO 17024:2012 –
requirements overview
ISO 17024:2012
6 Resource requirements
6.1 General personnel requirements (2)
• The CB shall:
maintain up-to-date personnel records, including relevant information, e.g.
qualifications, training, experience, professional affiliations, professional status,
competence and known conflicts of interest.
require its personnel to sign a document by which they commit themselves
to comply with the rules defined by the certification body, including those
relating to confidentiality, impartiality and conflict of interests.
• Personnel acting on the certification body's behalf shall keep
confidential all information obtained or created during the performance of the
body's certification activities, except as required by law or where authorized by
the applicant, candidate or certified person.
• When a certification body certifies a person it employs, the certification
body shall adopt procedures to maintain impartiality.
Cornelia Butnaru/EOQ/September
ISO 17024:2012 –
requirements overview
ISO 17024:2012
6 Resource requirements
6.2 Personnel involved in the certification activities (1)
The certification body shall require its personnel to declare any potential
conflict of interest in any candidate.
Requirements for examiners
Examiners shall meet the requirements of the certification body. The selection
and approval processes shall ensure that examiners:
a)understand the relevant certification scheme;
b)are able to apply the examination procedures and documents;
c)have competence in the field to be examined;
d)are fluent, both in writing and orally, in the language of examination; in
circumstances where an interpreter or a translator is used, the certification body
shall have procedures in place to ensure that it does not affect the validity of the
e)have identified any known conflicts of interest to ensure impartial judgments are
Cornelia Butnaru/EOQ/September
ISO 17024:2012 –
requirements overview
ISO 17024:2012
6 Resource requirements
6.2 Personnel involved in the certification activities (2)
Requirements for examiners
• The certification body shall monitor the performance of the examiners
and the reliability of the examiners' judgments. Where deficiencies are
found, corrective actions shall be taken (Monitoring procedures for
examiners can include, for example, on-site observation, review of
examiners' reports, feedback from candidates)
• If an examiner has a potential conflict of interest in the examination of a
candidate, the certification body shall undertake measures to ensure that
the confidentiality and impartiality of the examination are not compromised.
These measures shall be recorded.
Cornelia Butnaru/EOQ/September
ISO 17024:2012 –
requirements overview
ISO 17024:2012
6 Resource requirements
6.2 Personnel involved in the certification activities (3)
Cornelia Butnaru/EOQ/September
ISO 17024:2012 –
requirements overview
ISO 17024:2012
6 Resource requirements
6.3 Outsourcing (1)
The CB shall have a legally enforceable agreement covering the
arrangements, including confidentiality and conflict of interests, with each
body that provides outsourced work related to the certification process.
(the terms “outsourcing” and “subcontracting” are considered to be
When a CB outsources work related to certification, the certification body
a)take full responsibility for all outsourced work;
b)ensure that the body conducting outsourced work is competent and
complies with the applicable provisions of this International Standard;
c)assess and monitor the performance of the bodies conducting
outsourced work in accordance with its documented procedures;
Cornelia Butnaru/EOQ/September
ISO 17024:2012 –
requirements overview
ISO 17024:2012
6 Resource requirements
6.3 Outsourcing (2)
When a CB outsources work related to certification, the certification body
d)have records to demonstrate that the bodies conducting outsourced
work meet all requirements relevant to the outsourced work;
e)maintain a list of the bodies conducting outsourced work.
List of certification related sub-contractors, documented agreements with
subcontractors (may be treated in the Purchasing process)
6.4 Other resources
The CB shall use adequate premises, including examination sites, equipment
and resources for carrying out its certification activities.
Cornelia Butnaru/EOQ/September
ISO 17024:2012 –
requirements overview
ISO 17024:2012
7 Records and information requirements
7.1 Records of applicants, candidates and certified persons (1)
The CB shall maintain records.
The records shall:
• include a means to confirm the status of a certified person
• demonstrate that the certification or recertification process has been
effectively fulfilled, particularly with respect to application forms,
assessment reports (which include examination records) and other
documents relating to granting, maintaining, recertifying, expanding and
reducing the scope, and suspending or withdrawing certification.
• be identified, managed and disposed of in such a way as to ensure the
integrity of the process and the confidentiality of the information. The records
shall be kept for an appropriate period of time, for a minimum of one full
certification cycle, or as required by recognition arrangements, contractual,
legal or other obligations.
Cornelia Butnaru/EOQ/September
ISO 17024:2012 –
requirements overview
ISO 17024:2012
7 Records and information requirements
7.1 Records of applicants, candidates and certified persons (2)
The CB shall have enforceable arrangements to require that the certified
person informs the certification body, without delay, of matters that can affect
the capability of the certified person to continue to fulfill the certification
7.2 Public information (1)
The CB shall:
• verify and provide information, upon request, as to whether an
individual holds a current, valid certification and the scope of that certification,
except where the law requires such information not to be disclosed.
• make publicly available without request information regarding the
scope of the certification scheme and a general description of the
certification process.
Cornelia Butnaru/EOQ/September
ISO 17024:2012 –
requirements overview
ISO 17024:2012
7 Records and information requirements
7.2 Public information (2)
The CB shall:
• shall list all pre-requisites of the certification scheme and the list
shall be made publicly available without request.
Information provided by the certification body, including advertising, shall be
accurate and not misleading.
Cornelia Butnaru/EOQ/September
ISO 17024:2012 –
requirements overview
ISO 17024:2012
7 Records and information requirements
7.3 Confidentiality (1)
The CB shall:
• establish documented policies and procedures for the maintenance
and release of information.
• through legally enforceable agreements, keep confidential all information
obtained during the certification process. These agreements shall cover all
• ensure that information obtained during the certification process, or from
sources other than the applicant, candidate or certified person, is not
disclosed to an unauthorized party without the written consent of the individual
(applicant, candidate or certified person), except where the law requires such
information to be disclosed.
Cornelia Butnaru/EOQ/September
ISO 17024:2012 –
requirements overview
ISO 17024:2012
7 Records and information requirements
7.3 Confidentiality (2)
The CB shall:
• ensure that the activities of related bodies do not compromise
When the certification body is required by law to release confidential
information, the person concerned shall, unless prohibited by law, be notified
as to what information will be provided.
Cornelia Butnaru/EOQ/September
ISO 17024:2012 –
requirements overview
ISO 17024:2012
7 Records and information requirements
7.4 Security (1)
The CB shall develop and document policies and procedures necessary
to ensure security throughout the entire certification process and shall
have measures in place to take corrective actions when security breaches
Security policies and procedures shall include provisions to ensure the
security of examination materials, taking into account the following:
a)the locations of the materials (e.g. transportation, electronic delivery,
disposal, storage, examination center);
b)the nature of the materials (e.g. electronic, paper, test equipment);
c)the steps in the examination process (e.g. development, administration,
results reporting);
d)the threats arising from repeated use of examination materials.
Cornelia Butnaru/EOQ/September
ISO 17024:2012 –
requirements overview
ISO 17024:2012
7 Records and information requirements
7.4 Security (2)
CBs shall prevent fraudulent examination practices by:
a)requiring candidates to sign a non-disclosure agreement or other
agreement indicating their commitment not to release confidential
examination materials or participate in fraudulent test-taking
b)requiring an invigilator or examiner to be present;
c)confirming the identity of the candidate;
d)implementing procedures to prevent any unauthorized aids from being
brought into the examination area;
e)preventing candidates from gaining access to unauthorized aids during
the examination;
f)monitoring examination results for indications of cheating.
Cornelia Butnaru/EOQ/September
ISO 17024:2012 –
requirements overview
ISO 17024:2012
8 Certification schemes (1)
There shall be a certification scheme for each category of certification.
A certification scheme shall contain the following elements:
a)scope of certification;
b)job and task description;
c)required competence;
d)abilities (when applicable);
e)prerequisites (when applicable);
f)code of conduct (when applicable).
NOTE 1 A code of conduct describes the ethical or personal behavior required
by the scheme.
NOTE 2 Abilities can include physical capabilities such as vision, hearing and
Cornelia Butnaru/EOQ/September
ISO 17024:2012 –
requirements overview
ISO 17024:2012
8 Certification schemes (2)
Cornelia Butnaru/EOQ/September
ISO 17024:2012 –
requirements overview
ISO 17024:2012
8 Certification schemes (3)
The CB shall have documents to demonstrate that, in the development
and review of the certification scheme, the following are included:
a)the involvement of appropriate experts;
b)the use of an appropriate structure that fairly represents the interests
of all parties significantly concerned, without any interest predominating;
c)the identification and alignment of prerequisites, if applicable, with the
competence requirements;
d)the identification and alignment of the assessment mechanisms with
the competence requirements;
Cornelia Butnaru/EOQ/September
ISO 17024:2012 –
requirements overview
ISO 17024:2012
8 Certification schemes (4)
The CB shall have documents to demonstrate that, in the development and
review of the certification scheme, the following are included:
e)a job or practice analysis that is conducted and updated to:
identify the tasks for successful performance;
identify the required competence for each task;
identify prerequisites (if applicable);
confirm the assessment mechanisms and examination content;
identify the re-certification requirements and interval.
NOTE Where the certification scheme has been developed by an entity other
than the certification body, the job or practice analysis might already be
available as part of that work. In this case, the certification body can obtain
details from the scheme documentation for verification.
Cornelia Butnaru/EOQ/September
ISO 17024:2012 –
requirements overview
ISO 17024:2012
8 Certification schemes (5)
Cornelia Butnaru/EOQ/September
ISO 17024:2012 –
requirements overview
ISO 17024:2012
9 Certification process requirements
9.1 Application process (1)
Cornelia Butnaru/EOQ/September
ISO 17024:2012 –
requirements overview
ISO 17024:2012
9 Certification process requirements
9.1 Application process (2)
The CB shall require the completion of an application, signed by the
applicant seeking certification, which includes as a minimum the following:
a)information required to identify the applicant, such as name, address and other
information required by the certification scheme;
b)the scope of the desired certification;
c)a statement that the applicant agrees to comply with the certification requirements
and to supply any information needed for the assessment;
d)any supporting information to demonstrate objectively compliance with the
scheme prerequisites;
e)notice to the applicant of his/her opportunity to declare, within reason, a request
for accommodation of special needs (see 9.2.5).
The certification body shall review the application to confirm that the applicant
complies with the application requirements of the certification scheme.
Cornelia Butnaru/EOQ/September
ISO 17024:2012 –
requirements overview
ISO 17024:2012
9 Certification process requirements
9.2 Assessment process (1)
The CB shall implement the specific assessment methods and mechanisms
as defined in the certification scheme.
Cornelia Butnaru/EOQ/September
ISO 17024:2012 –
requirements overview
ISO 17024:2012
9 Certification process requirements
9.2 Assessment process (2)
The assessment shall be planned and structured in a manner which ensures
that the scheme requirements are objectively and systematically verified with
documented evidence to confirm the competence of the candidate.
The certification body shall:
• verify the methods for assessing candidates. This verification shall ensure that
each assessment is fair and valid.
• verify and accommodate special needs, within reason and where the integrity
of the assessment is not violated, taking into account national regulation
Where the certification body takes into account work performed by another
body, it shall have appropriate reports, data and records to demonstrate that
the results are equivalent to, and conform with, the requirements established
by the certification scheme.
Cornelia Butnaru/EOQ/September
ISO 17024:2012 –
requirements overview
ISO 17024:2012
9 Certification process requirements
9.3 Examination process (1)
- Examinations shall be designed to assess competence based on, and
consistent with, the scheme, by written, oral, practical, observational or other
reliable and objective means.
- The design of examination requirements shall ensure the comparability of
results of each single examination, both in content and difficulty, including the
validity of fail/pass decisions.
Cornelia Butnaru/EOQ/September
ISO 17024:2012 –
requirements overview
ISO 17024:2012
9 Certification process requirements
9.4 Decision on certification (1)
The information gathered during the certification process shall be sufficient:
a)for the certification body to make a decision on certification;
b)for traceability in the event, for example, of an appeal or a complaint.
Decisions for granting, maintaining, recertifying, extending, reducing,
suspending or withdrawing certification shall not be outsourced.
The certification body shall confine its decision on certification to those matters
specifically related to the requirements of the certification scheme.
The decision on certification of a candidate shall be made solely by the
certification body on the basis of the information gathered during the
certification process. Personnel who make the decision on certification
shall not have participated in the examination or training of the
Cornelia Butnaru/EOQ/September
ISO 17024:2012 –
requirements overview
ISO 17024:2012
9 Certification process requirements
9.4 Decision on certification (2)
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ISO 17024:2012 –
requirements overview
ISO 17024:2012
9 Certification process requirements
9.4 Decision on certification (3)
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ISO 17024:2012 –
requirements overview
ISO 17024:2012
9 Certification process requirements
9.5 Suspending, withdrawing or reducing the scope of certification
The CB shall have:
• a policy and (a) documented procedure(s) for suspension or
withdrawal of the certification, or reduction of the scope of certification,
which shall specify the subsequent actions by the certification body. Failure to
resolve the issues that have resulted in the suspension, in a time established
by the certification body, shall result in withdrawal of the certification or
reduction of the scope of certification.
• enforceable arrangements with the certified person to ensure that, in the
event of suspension of certification, the certified person refrains from further
promotion of the certification while it is suspended.
• enforceable arrangements with the certified person to ensure that, in the
event of withdrawal of certification, the certified person refrains from use of all
references to a certified status.
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ISO 17024:2012 –
requirements overview
ISO 17024:2012
9 Certification process requirements
9.6 Recertification process (1)
The CB shall:
• have (a) documented procedure(s) for implementation of the
recertification process, in accordance with the certification scheme
• ensure during the recertification process that it confirms continued
competence of the certified person and ongoing compliance with current
scheme requirements by the certified person.
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ISO 17024:2012 –
requirements overview
ISO 17024:2012
9 Certification process requirements
9.6 Recertification process (2)
The recertification period shall be based upon the scheme requirements. The
rationale for the recertification period shall take into account, where
relevant, the following:
a)regulatory requirements;
b)changes to normative documents;
c)changes in the relevant scheme requirements;
d)the nature and maturity of the industry or field in which the certified
person is working;
e)the risks resulting from an incompetent person;
f)ongoing changes in technology, and requirements for certified persons;
g)requirements of interested parties;
h) the frequency and content of surveillance activities, if required by the
scheme. Cornelia Butnaru/EOQ/September
ISO 17024:2012 –
requirements overview
ISO 17024:2012
9 Certification process requirements
9.6 Recertification process (3)
The selected recertification activity/activities shall be adequate to ensure that
there is impartial assessment to confirm the continuing competence of the
certified person.
In accordance with the certification scheme, recertification by the CB shall
consider at least the following:
a)on-site assessment;
b)professional development;
c)structured interviews;
d)confirmation of continuing satisfactory work and work experience
f)checks on physical capability in relation to the competence concerned.
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ISO 17024:2012 –
requirements overview
ISO 17024:2012
9 Certification process requirements
9.7 Use of certificates, logos and marks (1)
A CB that provides a certification mark or logo shall document the conditions
for use and shall appropriately manage the rights for usage and
NOTE ISO/IEC 17030 provides requirements for use of third-party marks.
The CB shall require that a certified person signs an agreement for the
following reasons:
a)to comply with the relevant provisions of the certification scheme;
b)to make claims regarding certification only with respect to the scope for
which certification has been granted;
c)not to use the certification in such a manner as to bring the certification
body into disrepute, and not to make any statement regarding the
certification which the certification body considers misleading or
Cornelia Butnaru/EOQ/September
ISO 17024:2012 –
requirements overview
ISO 17024:2012
9 Certification process requirements
9.7 Use of certificates, logos and marks (2)
The CB shall require that a certified person signs an agreement for the
following reasons:
d)to discontinue the use of all claims to certification that contain any
reference to the certification body or certification upon suspension or
withdrawal of certification, and to return any certificates issued by the
certification body;
e)not to use the certificate in a misleading manner.
A certification body shall address, by means of corrective measures, any
misuse of its certification mark or logo.
Cornelia Butnaru/EOQ/September
ISO 17024:2012 –
requirements overview
ISO 17024:2012
9 Certification process requirements
9.8 Appeals against decisions on certification (1)
The CB shall have a documented process to receive, evaluate and make
decisions on appeals. The appeals-handling process shall include at least
the following elements and methods:
a)the process for receiving, validating and investigating the appeal, and for
deciding what actions are to be taken in response to it, taking into account
the results of previous similar appeals;
b)tracking and recording appeals, including actions undertaken to resolve
c)ensuring that, if applicable, appropriate corrections and corrective
actions are taken.
Cornelia Butnaru/EOQ/September
ISO 17024:2012 –
requirements overview
ISO 17024:2012
9 Certification process requirements
9.8 Appeals against decisions on certification (2)
The policies and procedures shall ensure that all appeals are dealt with in a
constructive, impartial and timely manner.
A description of the appeals-handling process shall be publicly accessible
without request.
The CB shall:
• be responsible for all decisions at all levels of the appeals-handling process. The
certification body shall ensure that the decision-making personnel engaged in the
appeals-handling process are different from those who were involved in the
decision being appealed. Submission, investigation and decision on appeals shall not
result in any discriminatory actions against the appellant.
• acknowledge receipt of the appeal and shall provide the appellant with progress
reports and the outcome.
• give formal notice to the appellant of the end of the appeals-handling process
Cornelia Butnaru/EOQ/September
ISO 17024:2012 –
requirements overview
ISO 17024:2012
9 Certification process requirements
9.9 Complaints (1)
The CB shall have a documented process to receive, evaluate and make
decisions on complaints.
A description of the complaints-handling process shall be accessible without
request. The procedures shall treat all parties fairly and equitably.
The policies and procedures shall ensure that all complaints are handled and
processed in a constructive, impartial and timely manner. The complaints-
handling process shall include at least the following elements and methods:
a)an outline of the process for receiving, validating, investigating the
complaint and deciding what actions are to be taken in response to it;
b)tracking and recording complaints, including actions undertaken in
response to them;
c)ensuring that, if applicable, appropriate corrections and corrective
actions are taken.
Cornelia Butnaru/EOQ/September
ISO 17024:2012 –
requirements overview
ISO 17024:2012
9 Certification process requirements
9.9 Complaints (2)
• Upon receipt of a complaint, the certification body shall confirm whether
the complaint relates to certification activities for which it is responsible
and, if so, shall respond accordingly.
• Whenever possible, the CB shall acknowledge receipt of the complaint and
shall provide the complainant with progress reports and the outcome.
• The CB receiving the complaint shall be responsible for gathering and
verifying all necessary information to validate the complaint.
• Whenever possible, the CB shall give formal notice of the end of the
complaints-handling process to the complainant.
Cornelia Butnaru/EOQ/September
ISO 17024:2012 –
requirements overview
ISO 17024:2012
9 Certification process requirements
9.9 Complaints (3)
• Any substantiated complaint about a certified person shall also be referred
by the CB to the certified person in question at an appropriate time.
• The complaints-handling process shall be subject to requirements for
confidentiality, as it relates to the complainant and to the subject of the
• The decision to be communicated to the complainant shall be made
by, or reviewed and approved by, personnel not previously involved
in the subject of the complaint.
Cornelia Butnaru/EOQ/September
ISO 17024:2012 –
requirements overview
ISO 17024:2012
10 Management system requirements
10.1 General
The CB shall establish, document, implement and maintain a management
system that is capable of supporting and demonstrating the consistent
achievement of the requirements of this International Standard. In addition to
meeting the requirements of Clauses 4 to 9, the CB shall implement a
management system in accordance with either option A or option B, as
• option A: a general management system which fulfills the requirements
of 10.2; or
• option B: a body that has established and maintains a management
system, in accordance with the requirements of ISO 9001, and that is capable
of supporting and demonstrating the consistent fulfillment of the requirements
of this International Standard (ISO/IEC 17024), fulfills the management system
requirements of 10.2.
Cornelia Butnaru/EOQ/September
ISO 17024:2012 –
requirements overview
ISO 17024:2012
10 Management system requirements
10.2 General management system requirements (1)
The CB shall establish, document, implement and maintain a
management system that is capable of supporting and demonstrating the
consistent achievement of the requirements of this International Standard.
The CB's top management shall establish and document policies and
objectives for its activities.
The top management shall:
• provide evidence of its commitment to the development and
implementation of the management system in accordance with the
requirements of this International Standard.
• ensure that the policies are understood, implemented and maintained at
all levels of the certification body's organization.
Cornelia Butnaru/EOQ/September
ISO 17024:2012 –
requirements overview
ISO 17024:2012
10 Management system requirements
10.2 General management system requirements (2)
The top management shall:
• appoint a member of management who, irrespective of other
responsibilities, shall have responsibility and authority that include:
a)ensuring that processes and procedures needed for the management
system are established, implemented and maintained;
b)reporting to top management on the performance of the management
system and any need for improvement.
Management system documentation
Applicable requirements of this International Standard shall be documented.
The certification body shall ensure that the management system
documentation is provided to all relevant personnel.
Cornelia Butnaru/EOQ/September
ISO 17024:2012 –
requirements overview
ISO 17024:2012
10 Management system requirements
10.2 General management system requirements (3)
Control of documents
The certification body shall establish procedures to control the documents
(internal and external) that relate to the fulfillment of this International
Standard. The procedures shall define the controls needed to:
a)approve documents for adequacy prior to issue;
b)review and update as necessary and re-approve documents;
c)ensure that changes and the current revision status of documents are identified;
d)ensure that relevant versions of applicable documents are provided at points of
e)ensure that documents remain legible and readily identifiable;
f)ensure that documents of external origin are identified and their distribution
g)prevent the unintended use of obsolete documents and apply suitable
identification if they are retained for any purpose.
Cornelia Butnaru/EOQ/September
ISO 17024:2012 –
requirements overview
ISO 17024:2012
10 Management system requirements
10.2 General management system requirements (4)
Control of records
The certification body shall establish procedures to define the controls
needed for the identification, storage, protection, retrieval, retention time
and disposition of its records related to the fulfillment of this International
The certification body shall establish procedures for retaining records for a
period consistent with its contractual and legal obligations. Access to these
records shall be consistent with the confidentiality arrangements.
NOTE For requirements for records on applicants, candidates and certified
persons, see also 7.1.
Cornelia Butnaru/EOQ/September
ISO 17024:2012 –
requirements overview
ISO 17024:2012
10 Management system requirements
10.2 General management system requirements (5)
Management review
The certification body's top management shall establish procedures to
review its management system at planned intervals, in order to ensure its
continuing suitability, adequacy and effectiveness, including the stated policies
and objectives related to the fulfillment of this International Standard. These
reviews shall be conducted at least once every 12 months and shall be
Cornelia Butnaru/EOQ/September
ISO 17024:2012 –
requirements overview
ISO 17024:2012
10 Management system requirements
10.2 General management system requirements (6)
Review input
The input to the management review shall include information related to the
a)results of internal and external audits (e.g. accreditation body assessment);
b)feedback from applicants, candidates, certified persons and interested parties
related to the fulfillment of this International Standard;
c)safeguarding impartiality;
d)the status of preventive and corrective actions;
e)follow-up actions from previous management reviews;
f)the fulfillment of objectives;
g)changes that could affect the management system;
h)appeals and complaints.
Cornelia Butnaru/EOQ/September
ISO 17024:2012 –
requirements overview
ISO 17024:2012
10 Management system requirements
10.2 General management system requirements (7)
Review output
The output from the management review shall include as a minimum decisions
and actions related to the following:
a)improvement of the effectiveness of the management system and its
b)improvement of the certification services related to the fulfillment of this
International Standard;
c)resource needs.
Cornelia Butnaru/EOQ/September
ISO 17024:2012 –
requirements overview
ISO 17024:2012
10 Management system requirements
10.2 General management system requirements (8)
Internal audits
The certification body shall establish procedures for internal audits to
verify that it fulfills the requirements of this International Standard and
that the management system is effectively implemented and maintained.
NOTE ISO 19011 provides guidelines for conducting internal audits.
An audit program shall be planned, taking into consideration the importance of
the processes and areas to be audited, as well as the results of previous
Internal audits shall be performed at least once every 12 months. The
frequency of internal audits may be reduced if the certification body
demonstrates that its management system continues to be effectively
implemented in accordance with this International Standard and has proven
Cornelia Butnaru/EOQ/September
ISO 17024:2012 –
requirements overview
ISO 17024:2012
10 Management system requirements
10.2 General management system requirements (9)
Internal audits
The certification body shall ensure that:
a)internal audits are conducted by competent personnel, knowledgeable in the
certification process, auditing and the requirements of this International
b)auditors do not audit their own work;
c)personnel responsible for the area audited are informed of the outcome of
the audit;
d)any actions resulting from internal audits are taken in a timely and
appropriate manner;
e)any opportunities for improvement are identified.
Cornelia Butnaru/EOQ/September
ISO 17024:2012 –
requirements overview
ISO 17024:2012
10 Management system requirements
10.2 General management system requirements (10)
Corrective actions
The certification body shall establish (a) procedure(s) for identification and
management of nonconformities in its operations. The certification body
shall also, where necessary, take actions to eliminate the causes of
nonconformities in order to prevent recurrence. Corrective actions shall be
appropriate to the impact of the problems encountered. The procedures shall
define requirements for the following:
a)identifying nonconformities;
b)determining the causes of nonconformity;
c)correcting nonconformities;
d)evaluating the need for actions to ensure that nonconformities do not recur;
e)determining and implementing the actions needed in a timely manner;
f)recording the results of actions taken;
g)reviewing the effectiveness of corrective actions.
Cornelia Butnaru/EOQ/September
ISO 17024:2012 –
requirements overview
ISO 17024:2012
10 Management system requirements
10.2 General management system requirements (11)
Preventive actions
The certification body shall establish (a) procedure(s) for taking preventive
actions to eliminate the causes of potential nonconformities. Preventive
actions taken shall be appropriate to the probable impact of the potential
problems. The procedures for preventive actions shall define requirements for
the following:
a)identifying potential nonconformities and their causes;
b)evaluating the need for action to prevent the occurrence of nonconformities;
c)determining and implementing the action needed;
d)recording the results of actions taken;
e)reviewing the effectiveness of the preventive actions taken.
NOTE The procedures for corrective and preventive actions do not necessarily
have to be separate.
Cornelia Butnaru/EOQ/September
PCB‘ s Management
system documentation
Main categories of MS documentation:
MS Manual
Attachments to the Manual:
• Vision and policy
• Quality objectives
• Organizational structure
• Process map
• Other PCB relevant documents (statutes, general functioning rules,
Cornelia Butnaru/EOQ/September
PCB‘ s Management
system documentation
Main categories of MS documentation:
Processes‘ procedures (possible structure):
• Management process
• Continuous improvement process (internal audits, corrective and
preventive actions)
• Customer related process
• Development and maintenance of Certifications Schemes process
• Personnel certification process
• HR process
• Purchasing process (outsourcing)
• Management of documents and records
Cornelia Butnaru/EOQ/September
PCB‘ s Management
system documentation
Main categories of MS documentation:
Cornelia Butnaru/EOQ/September
Basic conditions to become an EOQ
recognized Personnel Certification Body
(EOQ PRU Agent)
The applicant organization should:
• Have a clear legal status
• Become an EOQ member organization (NR or Associated)
• Develop and implement a documented and functional management
system in accordance with the requirements of the standard
ISO/IEC 17024:2012 “General requirements for bodies operating
certification of persons” - specifies requirements which ensure that
certification bodies operating certification schemes for persons
operate in a consistent, comparable and reliable manner.
Cornelia Butnaru/EOQ/September
EOQ Competence Passport and Registration
Cornelia Butnaru/EOQ/September
Procedure for the Recognition of a PRU Agent
Cornelia Butnaru/EOQ/September
Procedure for the Recognition of a PRU Agent
Cornelia Butnaru/EOQ/September
Procedure for the Recognition of a PRU Agent
Cornelia Butnaru/EOQ/September
Procedure for the Recognition of a PRU Agent
Cornelia Butnaru/EOQ/September
Categories EOQ Professions Code Validity
Integrated Quality Quality Operator QO 5
Quality Assistant QAS 5
Quality Professional (only for re-certification) QP 5
Quality Management Technician QMT 3
Quality Management Technician Junior QMT Junior 6
Quality Management Representative (start 2013) QMR 3
Quality Systems Manager (valid until 2015) QSM 3
Quality Manager (start 2013) QM 3
Quality Systems Manager Junior QSM Junior 6
Quality Auditor QA 3
Quality Lead Auditor (start 2013) QLA 3
Quality Auditor Junior QA Junior 6
Environmental Systems Manager ESM 3
Environmental Systems Manager Junior ESM Junior 6
Environmental Auditor ESA 3
Environmental Auditor Junior ESA Junior 6
Occupational Health and Safety Systems Manager OHSSM 3
Occupational Health and Safety Systems Manager Junior OHSSM Junior 6
Occupational Health and Safety Systems Auditor OHSSA 3
Occupational Health and Safety Systems Auditor Junior OHSSA 6
Risk Manager
TQM Assessor
TQM Leader TQML 3
Social Responsibility Manager SRM 3
Social Responsibility Auditor SRA 3
Management System Consultant MSC 3
Management System Senior Consultant MSSC 3
Specific Sectors Quality Management Representative in Healthcare QMR-HC 3
Quality Manager in Healthcare QM-HC 3
Food Safety System Manager FSM 3
Food & Safety Auditor FSA 3
Information Security Management System Manager ISMSM 3
Information Security Management System Auditor ISMSA 3
Laboratory Quality Assurance Manager LQAM 3
Laboratory Assessor LA 3
Energy Management Representative EnMR 3
Energy Manager EnM 3
Energy Management Auditor EnMA 3
Energy Management Lead Auditor EnMLA 3
Other functions Process Manager PSM 3
Cornelia Butnaru/EOQ/September