Bayt Ul-Hikma: Kanzu'l - Ummal Fi Sunan Wa'l-Aqwal Wa'l-Af'al
Bayt Ul-Hikma: Kanzu'l - Ummal Fi Sunan Wa'l-Aqwal Wa'l-Af'al
Bayt Ul-Hikma: Kanzu'l - Ummal Fi Sunan Wa'l-Aqwal Wa'l-Af'al
Strength of ahadith
As for the strength of the ahadith in this book, then it follows imam al-Suyuti’s system.
Imam al-Suyuti in his Jam al-Jawami’ has made very broad categories for the
strength of ahadith. The reason why he did this was because he was too busy in
compiling the book, critically analysing every hadith would have taken too much of his
What follows is the broad categories of imam al-Suyuti:
1.) hadith sahih: all ahadith found in: Bukhari, Muslim, the Muwatta’ of imam Malik,
the Mustadrak of al-Hakim, Sahih ibn Hibban, al-Mukhtara by Diya al-Maqdasi, Sahih
ibn Khuzayma, Sahih Abi Awana, Sahih ibn Sakan, al-Muntaqa ibn Jarud, and the
Mustakhrajat on the Sahihayn (Al-Bukhari and Muslim) such as Isfarayini and Ismaili.
2.) hadith da’if: all ahadith found in: al-Du’afa Uqayli, al-Kamil ibn Adi, Tarikh
Baghdad by al-Khatib al-Baghdadi, Tarikh Dimashq ibn Asakir, Nawadir al-usul
Hakim at-Tirmidhi, Tarikh Nisapur Hakim, Tarikh ibn al-Jarud, Musnad al-firdaws
3.) other than the above books, ahadith coming in any other books such as the
sunnans, imam al-Suyuti has mentioned the strength, however, he is not always
correct in his analysis.
Shaykh al-Muttaqi al-Hindi used this very system per se.
Apparently there is no verification of the ahadith in the Kanz done by someone
afterwards although parts of it have been verified by other people in other books /
works. But it is said that shaykh Ahmad Darwish (student of hafidh Abdullah bin al-
Siddiq al-Ghumari) has begun to critically analyse (and translate) the Kanz.
Next to the Kanz al-Muttaqi al-Hindi is also known for his work al-Burhan fi ‘Alamat al-
Mahdi Akhir az-Zaman about one of the signs of the Last Day: the Mahdi.