Uloom Ul Hadith
Uloom Ul Hadith
Uloom Ul Hadith
Classification of Hadith:
Qauli Hadith
Fi’ali Hadith
Taqriri Hadith
Qauli Hadith:
What Prophet said and spoke himself.
Fi’ali Hadith:
The action of Prophet what he performed and demonstrated.
Taqriri Hadith:
Which comes from Prophet (PBUH) silence regarding any action.
Era of compilation:
The history of the compilation of Hadith may be broadly divided into four stages:
1. The first Period relates to the period of the Prophet till 10 A.H.
2. The second Period is approximately from 11 A.H. to 100 A.H. This is the
period of Sahaba, the companions of the Prophet.
3. The third Period is from about 101 to nearly 200 A.H. This is the period of
the Tabiun, the disciples of the companions of the Prophet.
4. The fourth Period is roughly from 200 A.H. to 300 A.H. This is the period
of Taba Tabiun, the disciples of the disciples.
The Protection and Preservation Of ahadeeth Came Out In Three ways :
1.The ummah acting upon the Ahadeeth.
2.Memorization and writing.
3.Narrating and teaching ahadeeth in study circles.
Using these methods compilation and writing of ahadeeth over time can be
classified into four periods. They are:
In first era Hadith was no write because in starting period of Islam Prophet
(PBUH) forbid Sahabah (R.A) to write Ahadith. Bt this forbidden was short time
because people did’t mix up Qur’an and Hadith. After some time Rasul Ullah
(SAW) permission to people to write Ahadith. A companion of prophet (SAW)
come to Prophet (SAW) and said ‘ OMessenger of Allah what should I do?
Because my memory is week and I could’t remember all things. ‘’
1.Saahifa Sadiqaa
2.Saahifa Saheeha
Bashir Ibn Naheek was also the student of Abu Huraira (Radi-Allahu’Anhu). He
also gathered and wrote the ahadeeth which he read to Abu Hurairah (Radi-
Allahu’Anhu). He verified it before his departure.
It was written during the times of Companions.Its copy was with the father of
Umar Ibn Abdul Azeez (Radi-Allahu’Anhu).
5.Saheefa Alee
It is found from Imam Bukhari’s Checking that the collection was quite
voluminous and it had in it issues of zakat and from the actions that were
permissible or impermissible in Madeena the Khutbatul Hijjah and Islamic
On the conquest of Makkah, the messenger of Allah (Peace be upon him) told Abu
Shah Yamanee (R.A)to write down the final sermon.
After the death of the Holy Prophet his sayings and actions took of a new
importance because he was no longer there to consult when problems arose. The
practice of narration on a large scale started during this period.
For Example:
When the Prophet (Peace be upon him) died, the companions of the prophet
debated about where to bury him. This debate ended when Abu Bakr (R.A) told
them that he heard the Messenger (Peace be upon him) say,
Thus, a grave was dug immediately below the bed on which he died in the house
Aishah in this period, a number of the leading Companions wrote down Hadiths of
the Prophet.
The Following are the leading narrators of the Prophets tradition who have record
to have recorded them in writing:
1-Abdullah ibn Amr ibn Al- As to whom 700 hadiths are attributed. During the
Prophet’s lifetime he was known to have recorded books of hadith which he
entitled “As-Sahifah As-Sahihah.”
2-Abu Bakr (R.A) was reported to have written down 500 different sayings of the
Prophet (Peace be upon him)
“If any of them should look under his feet, he would see us”.
He said :
“O Abu Bakr! What do you think of two (persons) the third of whom is
“If I were to take Khalil, I Would have taken Abu Bakr (R.A), but he is my
brother and my companion (in Islam)”.
3-Narrated Anas bin malik:
“The prophet once climbed the mountain of Uhad with Abu Bakr (R.A),
‘Umar (R.A) and ‘Uthman (R.A). The mountain shook with them.”
“Be firm, O Uhud! For on you there are no more than a Prophet, a Siddiq and
two Martyrs.”
2. Narrations that were accepted were gathered separately and the books of the
second century were checked and authenticated.
3. During this period not only were the narrations gathered but, to preserve Hadith,
the scholars formulated sciences on which thousands of books had been written.
The history of the compilation of Ahadith after the companions is even more vast
and detailed. Each companion who narrated the Ahadith had a large number of
pupils who compiled what they heard from him. The pupils of the companions are
called ‘Tabi’in’.
All the Ahadith of this book were included in later compilations. The original
script of this book was thus not attended to and was lost for a considerable time.
In 1373 A.H. (i.e. 1954 A.D.) two manuscripts of this book were discovered in the
libraries of Berlin and Damascus, and were published by Dr. Muhammad
Hamidullah with a detailed introduction. Dr. Muhammad Hamidullah edited these
manuscripts which were written centuries ago. He has also compared their text
with the one narrated in the Musnad of Imam Ahmed. He could not find any
material difference between the two texts. There are few very minor differences of
negligible words which always exist between two manuscripts of the same book. It
proves that the books of the Tabi’in were included and were thus made part of the
later books of hadith, with all necessary precautions by which they can safely be
relied upon.
This period extends from the start of the fifth century up until today.
More books on the sciences that have been mentioned and explanations and
summaries of them.
The people of knowledge, due to their keenness and necessity for them, compiled
books of Hadith taken from those books written or compiled in the 3rd Century.
Books that are the part of the authentic six collection are as follow:
1. Sahih Bukhari:
Sahih Bukhari is collected by Imam Bukhari and includesincludes 7000+ Hadith.
It is the most popular and authentic book of Bukhari. It is completed in sixteen
2. Sahih Muslim:
Sahih Muslim is collected by Muslim-Bin-Hajjaj and includes includes 9000+
Hadith. It is the most famous book of Hajjaj. It ranked second in Sihah Sitta.
3. Jami al-Tirmidhi:
Jami al-Tirmidhi is collected by al-Tirmidhi. The order of this book is excellent.
5. Sunan Nasa&i:
Sunan Nasa&i is collected by al-Nasa&i. It is the most imporatant book of Sihah
عن شہاب الدين الزہروی عن ابن سيرين عن ابو حنيفہ عن مالک عن ابو ہريره
قال رسول ﷲ ﷺ
Categorization of Hadith
The classification of the Prophetic (PBUH) sayings has been very carefully devised
according to different sets of classifications along with their further kinds.
Following are the three basic arrangements of Ahadiths on the basis of particular
ٌ ضة
َ ب ا ْل َحﻼَ ِل فَ ِري ُ َ» َطل: -صلى ﷲ عليه وسلم- ِ سو ُل ﱠ
ْ ب َك
ِ س ُ قَا َل َر
َ بَ ْع َد ا ْلفَ ِري
ض ِة
Narrated by Ibn Abdullah that the Holy Prophet (SAW) said, After the
obligatory duties it is obligatory to seek lawful livelihood.
ومن سلك طريقا ً يلتمﺲ فيه علما ً سهل ﷲ له طريقا ً إلى الجنة وما
اجتمع قو ٌم في بيت من بيوت ﷲ يتلون كتاب ﷲ ويتدارسونه بينهم
إﻻ نزلت عليهم السكينة وغشيتهم الرحمة وحفتهم المﻼئكة وذكرهم
ﷲ فيمن عنده ومن بطأ به عمله لم يسرع به نسبه
Abu Hurrairah narrated that the Holy Prophet (SAW) He who treads
the path in search of (religious) knowledge, Allah will make that path
easy , leading to pradaise for him and those persons who assemble in
one of the houses of Allah 9mosques) recite the book of Allah and learn
and teach the Qur’an (among themselves. They all descend upon them
tranquility, mercy will cover them, the Angels will surround them and
Allah will mention them in presence of those near Him. He who is slow
paced in doing good deeds, his (long) descent does not make him go
سو ُل ﱠ ِ -صلى ﷲ عليه وسلم -يَقُو ُل » اللﱠ ُه ﱠم إِ ِنّى أَعُوذُ ِبكَ ِم َن ك َ
َان َر ُ
اﻷَ ْربَ ِع ِم ْن ِع ْل ٍم ﻻَ يَ ْنفَ ُع ٍمن قلب ﻻَ يَ ْخ َ
ش ُع َو ِم ْن نَ ْف ٍﺲ ﻻَ تَ ْ
شبَ ُع َو ِم ْن
س َم ُع «a ُدعَاءٍ ﻻَ يُ ْ
the Holy Prophet (SAW) says that Allah, I seek your protection
from four things. Useless knowledge, from an irreverent heart,
from an insatiable self, from an unanswered supplication.
جلوس عند رسولٌ قال حدثني أبي عمر بن الخطاب قال بينما نحن
ﷲ }صلى ﷲ عليه وسلم{ ذات يوم إذ طلع علينا رج ٌل شدي ٌد بياض
الثياب شديد سواد الشعر ﻻ يرى عليه أثر السفر وﻻ يعرفه منا أح ٌد
حتى جلﺲ إلى النبي }صلى ﷲ عليه وسلم{ فأسند ركبتيه إلى
ركبتيه ووضع كفيه على فخذيه وقال يا محمد أخبرني عن اﻹسﻼم
قال رسول ﷲ }صلى ﷲ عليه وسلم{
اﻹسﻼم أن تشهد أن ﻻ إله إﻻ ﷲ وأن محمدا ً رسول ﷲ وتقيم الصﻼة
وتؤتي الزكاة وتصوم رمضان وتحج البيت إن استطعت إليه سبيﻼً
قال صدقت فعجبنا له يسأله ويصدقه قال فأخبرني عن اﻹيمان قال
أن تؤمن با ومﻼئكته وكتبه ورسله واليوم اﻵخر وتؤمن بالقدر
خيره وشره قال صدقت قال فأخبرني عن اﻹحسان قال أن تعبد ﷲ
كأنك تراه فإن لم تكن تراه فإنه يراك قال فأخبرني عن الساعة قال
ما المسئول عنها بأعلم من السائل قال
فأخبرني عن أماراتها قال أن تلد اﻷمة ربتها وأن ترى الحفاة العراة
العالة رعاء الشاء يتطاولون في البنيان قال ثم انطلق فلبث مليا ً ثم
قال يا عمر أتدري من السائل قلت ﷲ ورسوله أعلم قال فإنه جبريل
أتاكم يعلمكم أمر دينكم
Narrated Abu Hurairah: One day while the Prophet was sitting in
the company of some people, (The angel) Gabriel came and
asked, "What is faith?" Allah's Apostle replied, 'Faith is to believe
in Allah, His angels, (the) meeting with Him, His Apostles, and to
believe in Resurrection." Then he further asked, "What is Islam?"
Allah's Apostle replied, "To w|rship Allah Alone and none else, to
offer prayers perfectly, to pay the compulsory charity (Zakat) and
to observe fasts during the month of Ramadan." Then he further
asked, "What is Ihsan (perfection)?" Allah's Apostle replied, "To
worship Allah as if you see Him, and if you cannot achieve this
state of devotion then you must consider that He is looking at
you." Then he further asked, "When will the Hour be established?"
Allah's Apostle replied, "The answerer has no better knowledge
than the questioner. But I will inform you about its portents.
1. When a slave (lady) gives birth to her master.
2. When the shepherds of black camels start boasting and
competing with others in the construction of higher buildings. And
the Hour is one of five things which nobody knows except Allah.
The Prophet then recited: "Verly, with Allah (Alone) is the
knowledge of the Hour Then that man (Gabriel) left and the
Prophet asked his companions to call him back, but they could not
see him. Then the Prophet said, "That was Gabriel who came to
teach the people their religion." Abu 'Abdullah said: He (the
Prophet) considered all that as a part of faith.
عن أبي هريرة أن رسول ﷲ }صلى ﷲ عليه وسلم{ قال أتدرون ما
المفلﺲ قالوا المفلﺲ فينا من ليﺲ له درهم وﻻ متاع فقال إن
المفلﺲ من أمتي يأتي يوم القيامة
بصﻼة وصيام وزكاة ويأتي قد شتم هذا وقذف هذا وأكل مال هذا
وسفك دم هذا وضرب هذا فيعطى هذا من حسناته وهذا من حسناته
فإن فنيت حسناته قبل أن يقضى ما عليه أخذ من خطاياهم فطرحت
عليه ثم طرح في النار
Abu Hurrairah reported Allah’s Messenger (SAW) as saying Do
you know who is poor? They (Comapnions o Prophet Muhammad
(SAW)) said: A poor man amongst us is onewho has neither dhirham
w|sith him nor wealth. The Prophet Muhammad (SAW) said: the poor
man of mu Ummah would be he who would come on the Day of
Resurrection with prayers and fasts and Zakat but (he would find himself
bankrupt on that day as he would have exhausted his funds of virtues)
Sine he hurled abuses upon others, brought calumny against others and
un lawfully consumed the wealth of others and shed the blood of others
and beat others and his virtues would be credited to the account of one
(who sufferesd at his hand). And I his good deeds fall short to clear
account, then his sins would be entered in (his account) and he would be
thorwn in the Hell-Fire.