Model Curriculum: Assistant Electrician (NSQF Level - 3)

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Model Curriculum

Assistant Electrician
(NSQF Level – 3)

REF. ID: CON/Q0602

1. Curriculum 01

2. Trainer Prerequisites 12

3. Annexure: Assessment Criteria 13

Assistant Electrician

This program is aimed at training candidates for the job of a Assista t Electricia , in the construction
Sector/Industry and aims at building the following key competencies amongst the learner

Program Name Assistant Electrician

Qualification Pack Name &
Reference ID.
Version No. 1.0 Version Update Date 23–03 – 2015

Pre-requisites to Training Minimum qualification – 10th Class

Training Outcomes After completing this programme, participants will be able to:
 Select and use hand, power tools and electrical devices relevant to
construction electrical works: - Recognising, differentiating and using electrical
tools and devices appropriately in basic electrical operations
 Install temporary lighting arrangement at construction sites: - Selection and
use of light units, accessories, fixtures and tools for installing and maintaining
lighting arrangements used for construction work
 Install LV electrical wiring at permanent structures: -Identification, selection
and handling of electrical fixtures, tools and materials and use them in house
wiring activity. Basic electrical tests which are performed to inspect wiring
 Assemble, install and maintain temporary LV electrical panels (distribution
boards) at construction site: - Selection and use of electrical fixtures,
components and tools to assemble and maintain temporary electrical panels
required for construction works
 Work effectively in a team to deliver desired results at the workplace: -
Organised working procedure within a team at site
 Plan and organize work to meet expected outcomes: - Prioritizing activities
and organising resources to meet desired outcome
 Work according to personal health, safety and environment protocol at
construction site: - Importance of Health & Safety aspects & measures to be
followed while working

Assistant Electrician (NSQF Level – 3) 1

This course encompasses 7 out of 7 National Occupational Standards (NOS) of Assista t Electricia Qualification
Pack issued by Co structio Skill Development Council of India .

Sr. No. Module Key Learning Outcomes Equipment Required

1 Introduction to the  Role description/ functions of the job role infrastructural requirements
job role - (Lecture/  Expected personal attributes from the job 1. Classroom having sitting
description by role capacity of 30 trainees
concerned trainer)  Brief description about course content, 2. Blackboard
mode of learning and duration of course 3. LCD monitor
Theory Duration  Future possible progression and career 4. Laptop
(hh:mm) development provisions on completion of
14:00 the course
 Electrical principles like ohm s law,
Practical Duration ampere s law, electromagnetic field and its
(hh:mm) effects
00:00  principle of electrical current flow,
fundamental terms like resistance,
Corresponding temperature, c/s of conductor and their
NOS Code relations
 basic concept LV of single phase and three
phase connections and their uses as per
electrical voltage load
 basic concept of AC and DC current
 introduction to series, parallel and
combination circuits
 How to read and interpret wiring diagrams
with basic symbols, manufacturer s
guidelines, electrical specifications to
determine use of power tools, electrical
devices, measuring devices etc.
2 Select and use Theory: - Hand Tools
hand, power tools  Type of electrical hand and power tools 5. Pliers
and electrical pliers, crimping tools, electrical drill 6. Screw Drivers (set)
devices relevant to machines, cutting machines etc. and their 7. Crimping tools
construction applications such as cutting, drilling, 8. Wire strippers
electrical works stripping and splicing wires etc. 9. Neon tester
 Type of electrical measuring tools and
Theory Duration devices such as voltage tester, earth tester, Measuring devices
(hh:mm) mutimeter, digital ammeter etc. and their 10. Ammeter
15:00 respective use to trace out malfunctions in 11. Voltmeter
electrical circuits/ connections like power 12. Wattmeter
Practical Duration interruption/ continuity, power leakage, 13. Ohmmeter
(hh:mm) earth leakage 14. Digital Multimeter
36:00  Type of electrical devices like starters, 15. Megger
relays and circuit breakers, their power 16. Tong tester
Corresponding ratings, working principles and use in
NOS Code circuits Measuring Instruments
CON/N0602  How to read and interpret wiring symbols, 17. Measuring tape
SLDs, manufacturer s guidelines, electrical 18. Spirit level
specifications to determine use of power 19. Marking tools
tools, electrical devices, measuring devices
etc. Power tools

Assistant Electrician (NSQF Level – 3) 2

Sr. No. Module Key Learning Outcomes Equipment Required
 Knowledge about features of switches, 20. Drilling machine
fuses, resistors and various circuit 21. Cutting machine
protecting devices and their use in 22. Chasing machine
electrical circuits and connections
 Knowledge about basic principle of Materials and fixtures
electrical current flow, fundamental terms 23. Electrical distribution
like voltage, resistance, temperature, cross board
section of conductors their units, relations 24. Electrical socket (set)
and method of measurement using 25. Tungsten bulb/ CFL/FSL
relevant measuring tools and their bulb
influence electrical circuits 26. Halogen lamp
 Knowledge about ampere s law, Ohm s 27. wall socket
law, electromagnetic field and their factual 28. Simple switchboard
relation with electrical tests 29. Mains breaker switch
 How to maintain/ store electrical tools and 30. Earth Leakage Circuit
devices Breaker (ELCB)
31. Miniature Circuit Breaker
Demonstration/ Practical: - (MCB)
 Selection and use of hand and power tools
for tightening electrical fixtures, electrical PPEs & Safety Equipment
termination at power outlets 32. Helmet
 Selection of electrical devices such as 33. Face shield
starters, circuit breakers for installing them 34. Safety goggles
to circuits as per power rating 35. Safety shoes
 Selection of PPEs for general and electrical 36. Safety belt
safety 37. Insulated rubber gloves
 Use of measuring instruments and hand/ 38. Ear plugs
power tools for measuring, cutting, 39. Particle masks
bending, threading conduits/ cables 40. Reflective jackets
 Use of wire stripping and joining tools to 41. Safety message boards
strip, joining/ splicing tools 42. Fire extinguishers
43. Sand buckets
 Use of electrical devices to carry out basic
inspections on electrical circuits like
infrastructural requirements
checking voltage, current flow, voltage
44. Classroom having sitting
drop, leakage through conductor etc.
capacity of 30 trainees
 Maintain/ upkeep electrical tools, devices
45. Blackboard
post using as per manufacturer s
46. LCD monitor
47. Laptop
3 Install temporary Theory: - Consumables: -
lighting  Safety norms applicable in construction 1. Single phase electrical cables
arrangement at sites and electrical works and use of of standard wire gauges
construction sites specific PPEs 2. Conduits/ casings
3. Electrical diagram (consisting
 Types of cables based on insulation,
Theory Duration only basic wiring symbols)
phase and their use as per power rating 4. PVC insulation tape
20:00  Types of conduits and fixtures such as
switches, sockets, their selection method Measuring devices
Practical Duration and respective uses in electrical works 5. Digital Multimeter
(hh:mm)  Types of safety equipment commonly 6. Tong tester
64:00 7. Megger
used for protection of LV wiring circuits
and their area of application Hand tools: -

Assistant Electrician (NSQF Level – 3) 3

Sr. No. Module Key Learning Outcomes Equipment Required
 Standard/ safe practice of cable laying at 8. Pliers
Corresponding construction sites such as through 9. Screw Drivers (set)
NOS Code underground conduits, through poles 10. Crimping tools
CON/N0603 11. Wire strippers
 Types of lights units, their wattage and
12. Neon tester
respective use in construction sites
 Standard practices of fixing lights and Materials and fixtures
their respective accessories such as 13. Lighting units
ground clearance to be maintained, (Bulbs, Halogen sets etc.)
selection of location avoiding external 14. Lighting fixtures (holders,
buckets, clamps, brackets
damaging effects etc.
 Joining of cable in straight through joint 15. Circuit Breakers (MCB)
method 16. Power source
 Method of electrical termination at power 17. Sockets
outlets using appropriate fixtures 18. Switches
 Type of faults associated with lighting
PPEs & safety equipment s
19. Helmet
 Standard procedure of shifting and 20. Safety shoes
installing lights and its accessories among 21. Safety belt
different work locations 22. Insulated rubber gloves
 Type of tests to be undertaken in lighting 23. Ear plugs
units and its accessories such as voltage 24. Reflective jackets
25. Safety message boards
test, leakage test, power interruption/
26. Fire extinguishers
continuity test etc. 27. Sand buckets
 Methods of trace out short circuits, power
interruptions/ continuity using infrastructural requirements
appropriate electrical devices 28. Classroom having sitting
 standard conditions for storing and capacity of 30 trainees
29. Blackboard
stacking electrical units, materials,
30. LCD monitor
fixtures, tools and devices 31. Laptop
 safe procedure of erection and
dismantling of temporary scaffolding,
ladders or working platforms

Demonstration/ Practical: -
 Demonstrate and understand the
principles of resistance
 Explain series and parallel circuits
 Visual checking to be carried out to
electrical fixtures and materials related to
lighting units to ascertain their usability
as per specified acceptance criteria
 Reading of electrical wiring symbols for
single and three phase circuits,
specifications to obtain required
information for a given electrical circuit
 Reading of electrical and general safety

Assistant Electrician (NSQF Level – 3) 4

Sr. No. Module Key Learning Outcomes Equipment Required
norms and guidelines and its
implementation in electrical works
 Assessment of risk involved in installation
of lighting arrangements and its
accessories at construction sites
 Selection of cables, lights and electrical
fixtures depending upon electrical load
 Selection of PPEs for general and
electrical safety
 Use of hand and power tools to fix cables,
light units and its accessories
 Practice of cable laying using conduits,
casings and its necessity at construction
 Joining of cable in straight through joint
method and use of PVC insulation tapes
at broken insulation, joints as per
 Determination of live/ dead electrical
circuits by using appropriate tools and
 Determination of voltage, current at
power outlets by using appropriate tools
and devices
 Method of tagging electrical cables,
underground electrical conduits by
standard method
 Determination of power rating of
electrical fixtures to be used for repairing
to the electrical arrangement
 Repairing of electrical lighting
arrangements by undertaking tests,
replacement of electrical fixtures/
 Methods of trace out short circuits, power
interruptions/ continuity using
appropriate electrical devices
 Electrical principles like ohm s law,
ampere s law, electromagnetic field and
its effects

Assistant Electrician (NSQF Level – 3) 5

Sr. No. Module Key Learning Outcomes Equipment Required
4 Install LV electrical Theory: - Consumables: -
wiring at  Safety norms applicable in construction 1. Single phase electrical
permanent sites and electrical works and use of cables of standard wire
structures specific PPEs gauges
2. Conduits/ casings/ raceways
 Type of electrical hazards associated with
Theory Duration 3. Electrical diagram (consisting
domestic wiring work, consequence of only basic wiring symbols)
20:00 faulty/ improper wiring works and 4. PVC insulation tape
standard safety control measures
Practical Duration  Types of safety equipment commonly Measuring devices
(hh:mm) used for protection of domestic wiring 5. Digital Multimeter
82:00 6. Tong tester
circuits and their area of application
7. Megger
 Type of electrical materials and fixtures
such as conduits, raceways, brackets etc., Hand tools: -
NOS Code
CON/N0604 used for domestic wiring works and their 8. Pliers
required acceptance criteria for using 9. Screw Drivers (set)
 Standard conduit laying and fixing 10. Crimping tools
11. Wire strippers
procedure through brick and concrete
12. Neon tester
13. Hacksaw
 Standard practices of cable/ wire laying
through conduits and tests to be done to Power Tools: -
ensure there is no breakage/ leakage 14. Cutting machine
from the wire 15. Drill machine
 Concept of electrical earthing procedure
Measuring Instruments: -
in domestic wiring and its importance
16. Measuring tapes
 Material, tools and equipment used for 17. Markers
electrical earthing works
 Concept of test to be performed in Materials and fixtures
domestic electrical wiring works using 18. Electrical earthing pole
appropriate measuring devices 19. GI earthing wires

PPEs & safety equipment s

Demonstration/ Practical: -
20. Helmet
 Visual checking to be carried out to
21. Safety shoes
electrical fixtures and materials related to 22. Safety belt
domestic wiring such as conduits, 23. Insulated rubber gloves
raceways, wires to ascertain their usability 24. Ear plugs
as per specified acceptance criteria 25. Reflective jackets
 Use of measuring instruments and 26. Safety message boards
27. Fire extinguishers
cutting tools such as measuring tapes,
28. Sand buckets
markers, cutters to cut and bend conduits
 Use of hand and power tools for cutting infrastructural requirements
drilling works for proper fixing of 29. Classroom having sitting
conduits and raceways capacity of 30 trainees
 Laying electrical wires through conduits 30. Blackboard
31. LCD monitor
and raceways
32. Laptop
 Selection and use general and electrical
safety gears

Assistant Electrician (NSQF Level – 3) 6

Sr. No. Module Key Learning Outcomes Equipment Required
 Practice electrical tests like voltage drop,
continuity of current flow and resistance
in insulations
 Practice handling and storing electrical
fixtures and materials used for domestic
 practice of placing electrical earthing
pipes and plates in to the ground
 Select and use PPEs as per electrical work

5 Assemble, install Theory: - Consumables: -

and maintain  Concept of safety norms applicable in 1. Single phase electrical
temporary LV construction sites and electrical works cables of standard wire
electrical panels and use of specific PPEs gauges (assorted)
(distribution 2. Temporary power
 Concept of electrical earthing procedure
boards) at switchboards (PVC/
in temporary panels and its importance Wooden)
construction site
 Specification and details of material, tools 3. Electrical diagram
Theory Duration and equipment used for electrical (consisting only basic
(hh:mm) earthing works wiring symbols)
22:00  Safety norms applicable in construction 4. PVC insulation tape
sites and electrical works and use of
Practical Duration Measuring devices
specific PPEs 5. Digital Multimeter
 Types of conduits and fixtures such as 6. Tong tester
switches, sockets, MCBs, wire their 7. Megger
Corresponding selection method based upon power
NOS Code rating and respective uses in electrical Hand tools: -
CON/N0605 8. Pliers
9. Screw Drivers (set)
 Method of connection temporary panel/ 10. Crimping tools
Distribution boards (DB) with main power 11. Wire strippers
outlet 12. Neon tester
 Selection and use of general and 13. Hacksaw
electrical PPEs
Power Tools: -
 Method of electrical termination at power
14. Cutting Machine
outlets using appropriate fixtures 15. Drill machine
 Type of faults associated with temporary
electrical panels/ DBs and its accessories Measuring Instruments: -
 Standard procedure of shifting and 16. Measuring tapes
installing DBs among different work 17. Markers
Materials and fixtures
 Type of tests to be undertaken in 18. Power sockets
temporary panels/ DBs and its accessories 19. Power switches
such as voltage test, leakage test, power 20. MCBs
interruption/ continuity test etc. 21. Plugs & tops
 Methods of trace out short circuits, power 22. Fuses
23. Screws and nuts
interruptions/ continuity using
24. Electrical earthing pole

Assistant Electrician (NSQF Level – 3) 7

Sr. No. Module Key Learning Outcomes Equipment Required
appropriate electrical devices 25. GI earthing wires
 standard conditions for storing and
stacking electrical units, materials, PPEs & safety equipment s
26. Helmet
fixtures, tools and devices
27. Safety shoes
28. Safety belt
Demonstration/ Practical: - 29. Insulated rubber gloves
 Visual checking to be carried out to 30. Ear plugs
electrical fixtures and materials such as 31. Reflective jackets
cabinet/ frame, switches, sockets, circuit 32. Safety message boards
breakers, wires to be used for assembling 33. Fire extinguishers
temporary panel/ distribution board (DB) 34. Sand buckets
to ascertain their usability as per specified
infrastructural requirements
acceptance criteria
35. Classroom having sitting
 Selection and use of general and capacity of 30 trainees
electrical safety gears 36. Blackboard
 Determining power rating of fixtures to 37. LCD monitor
be used in panel/ DB 38. Laptop
 Installing electrical fixtures such as
switches, sockets etc. to the panel/ DB as
per their provision
 Carry out connection electrical fixtures by
wires within the panel/DB
 Selection of cable- single/ three phase for
connecting the panel to the main power
 Practice of electrical earthing of panel/DB
 Connecting panel/ DB to main power
source Method of termination at power
 Practice of electrical tests to be carried out
to inspect proper function of panel/DB
using appropriate devices
 Repairing and replacement of faulty parts
with respect to technical specification and
power rating of the same
 Preparation of reports, documents
regarding repairing/ maintenance at
specified formats
6 Work effectively in Theory: - infrastructural requirements
a team to deliver  Method of oral and written communication 1. Classroom having sitting
desired results at skills with co-workers, trade seniors while capacity of 30 trainees
the workplace handling and carrying out visual checks on 2. Blackboard
3. LCD monitor
materials, electrical fixtures, lights, tools
Theory Duration 4. Laptop
and devices
06:00  Reading and interpretation of electrical
works formats, permits, protocols,

Assistant Electrician (NSQF Level – 3) 8

Sr. No. Module Key Learning Outcomes Equipment Required
Practical Duration checklists
(hh:mm)  How to interpret scope of electrical
10:00 activities, material/ tools handling by
adhering to instructions or consulting with
NOS Code
CON/N8001  Method of providing instruction to
subordinates or reporting to seniors clearly
and promptly
 Seek necessary support and complete
assigned tasks within stipulated time
 Keep good relation and maintain well
behavior with co-workers

Demonstration/ Practical: -
 The skills will be developed and practiced
while carrying out following trade related
activities in a predictable and familiar
working condition
 Selection of materials, tools or devices for
defined purpose under
 Handling electrical material, fixtures and
 Carrying out conduit laying and cable
 Carrying out assembling of temporary
panel/ distribution board
 Undertaking electrical tests by using
measuring devices
 Selection and handing over of desired/
appropriate tools/ materials while assisting
trade senior
7 Plan and organize Theory: - infrastructural requirements
work to meet  To plan electrical activities within defined 5. Classroom having sitting
expected outcomes scope of work capacity of 30 trainees
 Basic concept of productivity, sequence of 6. Blackboard
Theory Duration 7. LCD monitor
working and implementation of safety and
(hh:mm) 8. Laptop
organizational norms while working
 Upkeep, storing and stacking methods of
Practical Duration tools, materials used for domain specific
(hh:mm) works
10:00  Requisition of resources, reporting for
requirement of resources orally and in
written to concerned authority
NOS Code
Demonstration/ Practical: -

Assistant Electrician (NSQF Level – 3) 9

Sr. No. Module Key Learning Outcomes Equipment Required
 The skills will be developed and practiced
while carrying out following trade related
activities in a predictable and familiar
working condition
 Selection of materials, tools or devices for
defined purpose in an optimum manner
 Handling electrical tools, material, fixtures
and device
 Prioritize all works/ activities
 Planning conduit laying and cable laying as
per scope
 Carrying out assembling of temporary
panel/ distribution board
 Optimum use of resources while
performing task
 Adherence to stipulated timelines
 for completion of electrical
 activities/ tasks
8 Work according to Theory: - PPEs & safety equipment s
personal health,  Types of hazards involved in construction 9. Helmet
safety and sites 10. Safety shoes
environment  Types of hazards involved in electrical 11. Safety belt
protocol at 12. Insulated rubber gloves
construction site 13. Ear plugs
 Emergency safety control measures and 14. Reflective jackets
Theory Duration actions to be taken under emergency 15. Safety message boards
(hh:mm) situation 16. Fire extinguishers
08:00  Concept of: 17. Sand buckets
First Aid process
Practical Duration infrastructural requirements
Use of fire extinguisher
(hh:mm) 18. Classroom having sitting
Classification of fires and fire capacity of 30 trainees
extinguisher 19. Blackboard
Corresponding Safety drills 20. LCD monitor
NOS Code Types and use of PPEs as per general 21. Laptop
CON/N9001 and electrical safety norms
 Reporting procedure to the concerned
authority in emergency situations
 Standard procedure of handling, storing
and stacking material, electrical fixtures
and accessories
 What is safe disposal of waste, type of
waste and their disposal
 Type of electrical protective devices, their
power ratings and area of application
 basic ergonomic principles as per

Assistant Electrician (NSQF Level – 3) 10

Sr. No. Module Key Learning Outcomes Equipment Required
Demonstration/ Practical: -
 The skills will be developed and practiced
while carrying out following trade related
activities in a predictable and familiar
working condition.
 Selection of PPEs and use them
appropriately as per working need of
electrical operations, handling, storing,
stacking and shifting of electrical fixtures,
light units, tools and devices
 Selection of PPEs and use them
appropriately as per working need of
cutting conduit, drilling in walls,
termination at the main power source
 Analysis of hazards involved to electrical
circuits/ connections by external effects
and taking necessary steps or informing to
 Identification of locations, situations/
circumstances, malpractices which can be
hazardous for general or electrical works
 Selection of fire extinguisher based on
classification of fire, standard practice of
storing & stacking firefighting equipment/
materials at work locations
 Disposal of waste materials as per their
nature and effects on weather
Total Duration: Unique Equipment Required:
screw drivers (set), wire cutters, Crimping tools, wire strippers, pliers, neon tester,
Theory Duration hammers, hacksaws, chisels, spanners (set), wrenches, measuring tape, spirit
110:00 level, plumb-bob, aso s line, ammeter, voltmeter, wattmeter, ohmmeter,
digital multimeter, megger, tong tester, drilling machine, hand cutting machine,
Practical Duration power source, source of water, electrical diagram (consisting only basic wiring
290:00 symbols), electrical distribution board, electrical socket (set), tungsten bulb/
cfl/fsl bulb, halogen lamp, simple switchboard, mains breaker switch, earth
leakage circuit breaker (elcb), miniature circuit breaker (mcb), cables, wires,
sockets, switches, conduits (flexible and rigid), raceways, screws, nuts & bolts,
lighting fixtures (holders, buckets, clamps, brackets etc.), PVC insulation tape,
helmet, safety shoes, safety belt, cotton hand gloves, insulated rubber gloves,
goggles, reflective jackets, safety message boards, fire extinguishers, sand
buckets, message board displaying do s and don ts at construction sites,
aluminum/ GI ladder, classroom having sitting capacity of 30 trainees,
blackboard, LCD monitor , Laptop

Grand Total Course Duration: 400 Hours 00 Minutes

(This syllabus/ curriculum has been approved by Construction Skill Development Council of India)

Assistant Electrician (NSQF Level – 3) 11

Trainer Prerequisites for Job role: "Assistant Electrician" mapped to Qualification
Pack: "CON/Q0602"
Sr. No. Area Details
1 Job Description To provide training to the trainees aspirant to become an Asst. Electrician
to support civil construction activities in construction sector
2 Personal Attributes Person in this job role should have sound practical and theoretical
knowledge about electrical works needed to support construction
activities with good interpersonal skill, communication skill of explaining
and demonstrating domain subject matters. Individual should have hand
on experience in field of electrical works and be familiar to the
environment of construction project sites. Additionally he/ she should
have observation skills to find out specific need and area of improvement
of trainees and awareness of trade safety practices.
3 Minimum Educational Class 10th
4a Domain Certification Certified for Job Role: Construction Electrician - LV mapped to QP:
CON/N 6 . Minimum accepted % as per respective SSC guidelines is
4b Platform Certification Recommended that the Trainer is certified for the Job Role:
Trai er , mapped to the Qualification Pack: SSC/Q . Minimum
accepted % as per respective SSC guidelines is 70%.
5 Experience i. Technical Degree holder with minimum Five years of Field & Two years
of teaching
experience (At least one year each at workers and Engineers level) or,
ii. In case of a Diploma Holder Ten years of field & five years of teaching
experience (Three years at worker level and two years at Engineers level)
having Total experience to 15 yrs. or,
iii. In case of specific to trades than should have qualified the Minimum
Level- 4 and have Fifteen years of field experience and Three years of
Teaching experience or,
iv. Graduate or Intermediate should possess at least Level – 4 Certificate
and have 12 years of field experience and two years of trade teaching

Assistant Electrician (NSQF Level – 3) 12

Annexure: Assessment Criteria

Assessment Criteria for <<Job Role>>

Job Role Assistant Electrician
Qualification Pack CON/Q0602
Sector Skill Council Construction Skill Development Council of India

Sr. Guidelines for Assessment

Criteria for assessment for each Qualification Pack will be created by the Sector Skill Council. Each
1 Performance Criteria (PC) will be assigned marks proportional to its importance in NOS. SSC will also lay down
proportion of marks for Theory and Skills Practical for each PC.
The assessment for the knowledge part will be based on knowledge bank of questions created by Assessment
Bodies subject to approval by SSC
Individual assessment agencies will create unique question papers for knowledge/theory part for assessment
of candidates as per assessment criteria given below
Individual assessment agencies will create unique evaluations for skill practical for every student at each
examination/training centre based on assessment criteria.
The passing percentage for each QP will be 50%. To pass the Qualification Pack, every trainee should score a
minimum of 50% individually in each NOS.
The Assessor shall check the final outcome of the practices while evaluating the steps performed to achieve
the final outcome
The trainee shall be provided with a chance to repeat the test to correct his procedures in case of improper
performance, with a deduction of marks for each iteration.
After the certain number of iteration as decided by SSC the trainee is marked as fail, scoring zero marks for the
procedure for the practical activity.
In case of successfully passing only certain number of NOS's, the trainee is eligible to take subsequent
assessment on the balance NOS's to pass the Qualification Pack within the specified timeframe set by SSC.
10 Minimum duration of Assessment of each QP shall be of 4hrs/trainee.

Assistant Electrician (NSQF Level – 3) 13

Marks Allocation
Assessment Total Out Skills
Assessment Criteria for outcomes Theory
outcomes Marks Of Practical
PC1. select and handle appropriate hand and power tools for
establishing/ terminating electrical connections as per 7 2 5
PC2. select appropriate electrical measuring devices to examine
3 1 2
electrical units for power interruptions/ continuity
PC3. select appropriate tools and measuring devices to trace
10 3 7
out short circuits/ faults and leakages in electrical wiring
PC4. select electrical devices such as starters, circuit breakers,
relays as per equipment/ wiring installation rating, current 3 1 2
PC5. follow operating procedure and standards set by
manufacturer while handling and using power tools and 7 2 5
measuring devices
PC6. perform basic checks on power tools prior to use 10 3 7
Select and
use hand, PC7. use measuring instruments to measure size and dimension
power tools of wires, conduits as per electrical installation or maintenance 13 4 9
and work requirement 100
PC8. use hand and power tools to cut, and bend wire and
conduit as per electrical installation or maintenance work 10 3 7
relevant to
n electrical PC9. use right tools to splice wires by stripping insulation from
7 2 5
works terminal leads and twisting wires together

PC10. use appropriate hand and power tools to thread conduit

ends, connect couplings, and fabricate and secure conduit 7 2 5
support brackets

PC11. use appropriate hand, power tools and diagnostic

devices like digital ammeter, multimeter, tong tester, earth 10 3 7
tester or similar devices to install, repair power connections
PC12. maintain and upkeep of relevant tools and devices after
7 2 5

PC13. work safely as per standard practices, manufacturer s

specifications and guidelines, electrical / organization safety 7 2 5
norms while carrying out any electrical work

Total 100 30 70
CON/N0603: PC1. check and select cable, conduits , lights, sockets,
Install temporary power distribution panels at power source and other
7 2 5
temporary required fixtures and accessories as per manufacturer s
lighting guidelines and specification 100
t at PC2. assist in /carry out laying of cables through ducts or
constructio conduits, underground or through poles (overhead) as per 7 2 5
n sites plans and instructions

Assistant Electrician (NSQF Level – 3) 14

Marks Allocation
Assessment Total Out Skills
Assessment Criteria for outcomes Theory
outcomes Marks Of Practical
PC3. select the type and wattage of lights considering
illumination requirement at worksite and install them at 7 2 5
secured positions

PC4. fix lights and its accessories, brackets, bulkheads with

screws and bolts or by other standard means, pull wires
through conduit leading to connection boxes, temporary 7 2 5
panels/ distribution boards or other temporary electrical

PC5. extend/ join LV electrical cable using straight through

joints, splicing them together and secure joints by applying PVC
7 2 5
insulation tapes, caps or by other safe method as and when

PC6. carry out termination of LV cables selecting the right

7 2 5
method as per standard practice

PC7. work safely as per electrical safety guidelines provided by

manufacturer, standard safety practice or organizational safety
3 1 2
norms while establishing or disconnecting live electrical

PC8. upkeep of all relevant key electrical tools and fixtures 3 1 2

PC9. tag embedded, exposed electrical lines and other key
3 1 2
equipment appropriately
PC10. repair and replace light arrangements as per instruction
7 2 5
or requirement
PC11. replace burned out bulbs, light units and ballast in light
7 2 5
fixtures as needed
PC12. carry out relevant tests to trace out power interruptions/
10 3 7
continuity at lighting arrangements
PC13. replace damaged cable, other relevant parts as and when
7 2 5

PC14. shift light at various locations during construction activity

7 2 5
as per requirement

PC15. replace faulty circuit breakers, fuses, switches, electrical

10 3 7
and electronic components and wire as per requirement

PC16. perform preventive maintenance on diesel generators at

site provided for temporary lighting (if any) at scheduled 3 1 2
intervals as per direction of concerned authority
Total 100 30 70

Assistant Electrician (NSQF Level – 3) 15

Marks Allocation
Assessment Total Out Skills
Assessment Criteria for outcomes Theory
outcomes Marks Of Practical
PC1. identify and select house wiring components (such as
wires, flexible and rigid conduits, PVC raceways, wooden 7 2 5
battens, clamps etc.) according to their specification / size
PC2. read and interpret single phase LV wiring diagram 10 3 7

PC3. carry out necessary linear measurement to cut, bend, join

conduits and cables and use them as per requirement or 7 2 5

PC4. lay conduit through RCC structures (slabs, beams, walls) or

7 2 5
through chased wall (brick wall) surface as per instruction
PC5. lock conduit pipe in its location by means of clamp or
7 2 5
other standard means as per instruction
PC6. pull, push wires through conduits in order to expose them
7 2 5
CON/N0604: at desired locations as per requirement
Install LV
PC7. perform drilling, cutting work as and when necessary using 100
electrical 10 3 7
appropriate hand and power tools
wiring at
permanent PC8. handle and shift electrical fixtures, fittings as per
7 2 5
structures instructions within workplace
PC9. assist in fixing of electrical fixtures and fittings as per
7 2 5
PC10. carry out termination of cables safely as per instruction 7 2 5

PC11. carry out necessary tests to electrical circuit during and

post wiring activity 10 3 7
using appropriate tools as per direction of electrician
PC12. assist in carrying out electrical earthing work by installing
10 3 7
earthing components as per instruction
PC13. work safely according to manufacturer guidelines,
specification, standard electrical safety practices or 7 2 5
organizational safety and as per direction of superior authority
Total 100 30 70

CON/N0605: PC1. read relevant SLDs, instructions, safety guidelines,

Assemble, manufacturer s specifications prior to assemble temporary 10 3 7
install and panel/ distribution boards
maintain PC2. select and install required fixtures like power sockets,
temporary switches, wires, MCBs of appropriate specification as per circuit 10 3 7
LV electrical load requirement 100
(distributio PC3. ensure tightness and safe working condition of wires,
3 1 2
n boards) at fixtures prior to connect the assembly with power source
PC4. connect DB to main power cable and undertake standard
n site 7 2 5
tests to ensure its safe and desired working

Assistant Electrician (NSQF Level – 3) 16

Marks Allocation
Assessment Total Out Skills
Assessment Criteria for outcomes Theory
outcomes Marks Of Practical
PC5. place and secure the distribution board against water, fire
7 2 5
and other external damaging agents
PC6. carry out proper termination of cables as per standard
7 2 5
practice while connecting to the sockets of the panel
PC7. carry out earthing of the panels as per standard procedure 10 3 7
PC8. work safely as per manufacturer s guidelines,
specifications, standard electrical practices or organizational 3 1 2
safety norms whichever applicable

PC9. check and ensure necessary tagging, barricading near to

3 1 2
the live/ active electrical distribution boards
PC10. carry out visual inspection of the live/ active board
3 1 2
regularly to ensure safe working condition of all components

PC11. ensure that the live connections get discontinued after

completion of daily construction works in order to minimize
3 1 2
energy wastage and enhance working efficiency of electrical

PC12. respond promptly on failure/ damage or malfunctioning

7 2 5
of panel or any of its component
PC13. carry out necessary tests in order to determine root cause
10 3 7
of failure
PC14. report, notify concerned authorities prior to shut down,
3 1 2
deactivate or repair the electrical unit
PC15. replace, repair faulty components as per SLD, instruction,
7 2 5
safety guideline, manufacturer s specification
PC16. carry out necessary documentation, keep records
relevant to maintenance/repairing of panels as per 3 1 2
organizational norms
PC17. isolate the panel safely and shift to another location as
3 1 2
and when necessary
Total 100 30 70
PC1. pass on work related information/ requirement clearly to
7 2 5
the team members
Work PC2. inform co-workers and superiors about any kind of
7 2 5
effectively deviations from work
in a team to
PC3. address the problems effectively and report if required to
deliver 100 10 3 7
immediate supervisor appropriately
results at PC4. receive instructions clearly from superiors and respond
7 2 5
the effectively on same
PC5. communicate to team members/subordinates for
10 3 7
appropriate work technique and method

Assistant Electrician (NSQF Level – 3) 17

Marks Allocation
Assessment Total Out Skills
Assessment Criteria for outcomes Theory
outcomes Marks Of Practical
PC6. seek clarification and advice as per requirement and
7 2 5
PC7. hand over the required material, tools tackles, equipment
27 8 19
and work fronts timely to interfacing teams
PC8. work together with co-workers in a synchronized manner 27 8 19
Total 100 30 70
PC1. understand clearly the targets and timelines set by
7 2 5
PC2. plan activities as per schedule and sequence 7 2 5

PC3. provide guidance to the subordinates to obtain desired 10 3 7

PC4. plan housekeeping activities prior to and post completion
7 2 5
of work
PC5. list and arrange required resources prior to
10 3 7
CON/N8002: commencement of work
Plan and
PC6. select and employ correct tools, tackles and equipment for
organize 100 10 3 7
completion of desired work
work to
meet PC7. complete the work with allocated resources 10 3 7
expected PC8. engage allocated manpower in an appropriate manner 10 3 7
PC9. use resources in an optimum manner to avoid any
10 3 7
unnecessary wastage
PC10. employ tools, tackles and equipment with care to avoid
7 2 5
damage to the same
PC11. organize work output, materials used, tools and tackles
7 2 5
PC12. processes adopted to be in line with the specified
7 2 5
standards and instructions
Total 100 30 70
PC1. identify and report any hazards, risks or breaches in site
7 2 5
CON/N9001: safety to the appropriate authorities
Work PC2. follow emergency and evacuation procedures in case of
according 7 2 5
accidents, fires, natural calamities
to personal
health, PC3. follow recommended safe practices in handling
construction materials, including chemical and hazardous 100 10 3 7
safety and
environmen material whenever applicable
t protocol at
PC4. participate in safety awareness programs like Tool Box
constructio 7 2 5
Talks, safety demonstrations, mock drills, conducted at site
n site
PC5. identify near miss , unsafe condition and unsafe act 7 2 5

Assistant Electrician (NSQF Level – 3) 18

Marks Allocation
Assessment Total Out Skills
Assessment Criteria for outcomes Theory
outcomes Marks Of Practical

PC6. use appropriate Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) as

per work requirements including:
• Head Protection (Helmets)
• Ear protection
• Fall Protection 10 3 7
• Foot Protection
• Face and Eye Protection
• Hand and Body Protection
• Respiratory Protection (if required)

PC7. handle all required tools, tackles , materials & equipment

7 2 5
PC8. follow safe disposal of waste, harmful and hazardous
7 2 5
materials as per EHS guidelines
PC9. install and apply properly all safety equipment as
13 4 9
PC10. follow safety protocol and practices as laid down by site
13 4 9
EHS department

PC11. collect and deposit construction waste into identified

containers before disposal, separate containers that may be 7 2 5
needed for disposal of toxic or hazardous wastes
PC12. apply ergonomic principles wherever required 7 2 5
Total 100 30 70

Assistant Electrician (NSQF Level – 3) 19

Construction Skill Development Council
204, Aashirwad Complex, D-1, Green Park,New Delhi - 110016

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