Standard Operating Procedure For F&B Production

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The document outlines standard operating procedures for food production including functions, organizational hierarchy, job descriptions, quality specifications for ingredients, cooking methods, and corrective action procedures.

The main sections covered include an introduction, functions, organizational hierarchy, job descriptions, quality specifications for different ingredients, cooking methods, formats for documentation, and kitchen stewarding standard operating procedures.

Quality specifications are outlined for dairy products, vegetables, fruits, pulses, spices, dry fruits, seafood and sweets.

TARASUNS INDIA Standard operating procedure Doc. No.

: SOP/FBP/01
Revision No.  01
for – F&B Production Date  15–04-2020

Section No. Topic Page No.

Index 1–3
I Kitchen Manual-Part I 4–5
01 Introduction 5
02 Functions 6 – 17
03 Sections 18
04 Organisational Hierarchy 19
05 Job Descriptions 20 – 24
5.1 Executive Chef 20
5.2 Sous Chef 21
5.3 Kitchen Executive 22
5.4 Chef de Partie 23
5.5 Commis 24

II Kitchen Manual-Part II-Standard Operating Procedure 25 – 102

01 Refrigerator Management 26 – 29
02 Control of Stock 30
03 Approximate Bulk Pre-Prep Stock 31

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Revision No.  01
for – F&B Production Date  15–04-2020

04 Indian Bulk Stock 32

05 Continental Bulk Stock 33
06 Bakery Stock 34 – 35
07 Garde Manger Stock 36
08 Coffee Shop - Indian Stock 37
09 Indian Speciality Kitchen Stock 38
10 Pre-Prep Stock 39 – 41
11 Receiving Specifications 42
12 Quality Specifications for Dairy Products 42 – 43
13 Quality Specifications for Vegetables 44 – 51
14 Quality Specifications for Fruits 52 – 56
15 Unacceptable Charecteristics of English Vegetables 57
16 Quality Specification for Pulses 58 – 61
17 Quality Specification for Spices & Condiments 62 – 75
18 Quality Specification for Dry Fruits 76 – 80
19 Quality Specification for Sea Food 81 – 83

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Revision No.  01
for – F&B Production Date  15–04-2020

20 Receiving Specification for Indian Sweets 87 – 88

21 Handling Walk In Refrigerators 89
22 Cooking Methods for Vegetables 89 – 91
23 Cooking Methods for Potatoes 92 – 94
24 Cooking Methods for Grains and Legumes 94 – 95
25 Points for Deep Frying 96 – 97
26 Safety While Deep Frying 97 – 98
27 Cooking Pastas 99
28 Cooking Rice 100
29 Cooking Eggs 101 – 102
30 Storage of Eggs 102
III Formats 103 – 106
1.1 Corrective action analysis 103
1.2 Indent Sheet 104
1.3 Inter Kitchen Transfer 105
1.4 Spoilage Register 106
IV Kitchen Stewarding SOP 107 – 133

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Revision No.  01
for – F&B Production Date  15–04-2020


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Revision No.  01
for – F&B Production Date  15–04-2020


The Kitchen is a major operating department, which produces various kinds of cuisine for the F & B outlets. The aim is to provide the guests
with international quality cuisine in the outlets and the rooms.

To produce quality food for the guest, a thorough knowledge of the kitchen is needed for every team member of the kitchen.

In order to accomplish this, the following kitchen manual gives a detailed guideline of all the functions of the department. This manual will
facilitate efficient induction for the new team members as well as act as a revisit tool to the existing team.

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Revision No.  01
for – F&B Production Date  15–04-2020




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Revision No.  01
for – F&B Production Date  15–04-2020


The consumption forecast is done on daily basis by the Executive Chef or any person authorised by him on the basis of the following factors:
 Occupancy forecast through ‘Business on the books’, generated by the front office.
 Banquet bookings through ‘Banquet forecast’ generated by the banquet office.
 Important events, festivals.
 Function prospectus.

The Purchase Process

 The Dry store maintains the par stock levels of Indian as well as Imported items as directed by the Executive Chef on half year basis
and raises the Purchase Requisition of economic order quantities authorized by the Executive Chef.
 Section wise dry store requisitions for the day authorized by the Executive Chef is submitted by respective section to the stores by 12
noon every day.
 Perishable Order sheet as per format for the next day authorized by the Executive Chef is submitted to the Purchase department by
05.00 P.M. on the previous day.

Quantities requisitioned are based on visual inspection of the stock levels.

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Revision No.  01
for – F&B Production Date  15–04-2020


 The Executive Chef is responsible to ensure that

o The material being received is as per the receiving specifications / desired quality.( Refer Standard Receiving Specifications)
o Visual, Physical, laboratory tests for quality standards as laid down by the Executive Chef is being followed.
 If the material conforms to the receiving specification, challan is signed by the Executive Chef or the person authorised by him for
further action.
 The Executive Chef rejects the items which do not conform to the above laid down standards.
 The Receiving Department shall inform the Executive Chef or the person authorised by him in case of short supply of any item.
 It is the sole discretion of the Executive Chef to ask the purchase department to source out the short supply items.
 The quality of raw material is checked by the Executive Chef at the receiving area on random frequency basis.


 Storage of all groceries is the responsibility of the Stores Manager.

o Area : Dry Store
 Storage of perishables is the responsibility of the Executive Chef.
o Area: Pre – prep. Kitchen Refers.
 Storage practices followed in the kitchen is described in ‘S.O.P. - REFER MANAGEMENT’.


 Grocery issues to the various sections of the kitchen are the responsibility of the Stores Manager.
o All grocery requisitions are sent to the Grocery stores by 12 noon every day – for the day, except for Sundays, duly authorised
by the executive Chef or by a person authorised by him.
 Perishable issues to the various sections of the kitchen are the responsibility of the Executive Chef.
o All perishable transfers to reach the Pre – prep. Kitchen by 10.00 am & 05.00 pm every day – for the day & the next day, duly
authorised by the Executive Chef or by a person authorised by him.

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Revision No.  01
for – F&B Production Date  15–04-2020



 All Butcher Yield Cards to be authorised by the Executive Chef.

 Par stocks to be approved by the Executive Chef.
 All cuts and packing sizes to be approved by the Executive Chef.


 All recipes to be approved by the Executive Chef.

 All scheduled activities to be approved by the Executive Chef.
 All processing practices to be approved by the Executive Chef.

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Revision No.  01
for – F&B Production Date  15–04-2020

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Revision No.  01
for – F&B Production Date  15–04-2020

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Revision No.  01
for – F&B Production Date  15–04-2020


F.P Occ. Forecast
Stage - 01 Information
K.O.T . Festivals

Occupancy for the 15 Day Banquet

Day Forecast

Stage - 02 No. of Guests Re quisition Popular Items

Name of Dishes Nat ure of Client

Stock in hand Stock in hand

Pre paration
Stage - 03 (Q ty. & Type)

For the day For stock


Check suitability

Rechauffe Bulk Pre -
Stage - 04 for further storage

Prepare dishes as If unsuitable - Suitable

Stage - 05
per recipes dispose off

Stage - 06 Conforms conforming - Use Store
dispose off

Finished food Replenish fresh

Stage - 07
pick - up

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Revision No.  01
for – F&B Production Date  15–04-2020

Stage – 01
All the information regarding the food i.e. type, quantity, serve time and serve venue is received at respective sections through the mentioned

Stage – 02
Based on the above information and mentioned aspects, requisitions are made to procure the raw material by respective sections.

All the requisitions are checked and approved by the Executive Chef

Stage – 03
This is the actual food preparation stage, which has been divided into stage – 04, 05, 06 and 07.

Stage – 04
Any unused item, if suitable to be served, is rechauffed. The bulk pre – prep items are used to make dishes. The list of Bulk Pre – prep items
is in S.O.P. Refer Management. These Bulk Pre – prep items are prepared as per Basic recipes.

Stage – 05
All dishes are prepared as per recipes.

Stage – 06
The dishes are checked for conformity as per the recipes. Non – conforming dishes are disposed off and the dish is either improved upon or
prepared fresh, depending upon the nature of non – conformity. The same is recorded in the Non conformity record.

Stage – 07
Conforming food is picked – up from the kitchen.

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Revision No.  01
for – F&B Production Date  15–04-2020


 All production activities are as per the standard recipes.
Morning Shift
7.00 A.M. – Report on duty, check day’s events, check stocks in hand. Plan the job schedules
8.00 A.M. – Mise – en – place for lunch buffet and or a la carte.
11.30 A.M. - Lunch buffet / banquet food pick up. A la carte operation starts
12.30 P.M. - Mise – en – place for dinner.
3.00 P.M. - Section cleaning. Hand over to evening shift.

Evening shift
3.00 P.M. - Check handover and mise – en – place.
4.00 P.M. - A la carte mise – en – place.
6.30 P.M. - Dinner buffet pick up. A la carte operation starts
7.00 P.M. - 11.00 P.M. - A la carte operations. Mis-en-place for next day’s breakfast & Lunch.
11.30 P.M. – Section closing/handover to night shift

Night shift
11.00 P.M. – Report on duty, check next day’s events, check stocks in hand. Plan the job schedules
12 mid night – Mis – en – place for B/F buffet and or a la carte. Ala carte operations continue
2.00 A.M. - Section cleaning
4.00 A.M. – Start B/F Buffet final preparations
6.30 A.M. – B/F Buffet pick – up
7.00 A.M. – Handover to morning shift.

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Revision No.  01
for – F&B Production Date  15–04-2020

Do’s & Don’ts during processing:

 At all times all team members must report on duty in the designated section on time and in complete uniform.
 Scheduled meal time must be followed and returned to the section at the exact specified time.
 During working hours, the designated working place is not to be left without section head's prior approval.
 Kitchen employees must whilst on duty at all times wear the full uniform, including hat and clean shoes.
 All food kept in refrigerators / freezers have to be covered or wrapped with plastic film or in appropriate containers with the exception
of Vegetables.
 Cooked food, which is not to be eaten immediately or kept hot, must be cooled quickly and refrigerated. Pass down the Danseur Zone
as quickly as possible: less chance of bacterial growth.
 Hot food should never be cooled in the refrigerator as it increases the temperature of other foods in the fridge and also results in
condensation: mould growth etc. Use only suitable and functional equipment
 Minimize handling of cooked food: use tongs, trays etc.
 Keep raw & cooked food separate at all stages of preparation, storage and distribution.
 Use designated working areas
 Remove unfit or waste food and refuse promptly
 No open cans or tins to be tolerated in any fridge or food store area, remains of a can food must be kept in appropriate containers.
 No food is to be handled or kept on the floor at any time. Use tables, benches shelves provided for that purpose.
 No kitchen equipment / utensils are removed from its allocated kitchen without the section head’s prior approval.
 No eating or drinking is tolerated in kitchen areas except for checking for conformity.
 Accident or injuries occurred whilst on duty, must be reported immediately to the Security Officer on duty as well as insufficiently
stocked first and boxes.
 No visitors or unauthorised persons are allowed in the kitchen unless department head grants prior permission.
 No abusive behaviour is tolerated in the kitchen at any time, which breach safety, hygiene and fire regulations.
 In case of any contingency affecting food quality and safety, it should be immediately being reported to the Chef on duty as well as
engineer on duty.

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Revision No.  01
for – F&B Production Date  15–04-2020

 All Food Menus to be approved by the Executive Chef. Present set of menus are retained by the Executive Chef.
 Executive Chef is responsible to maintain the food presentations for effective selling as per Standard Recipes.
 All kinds of displays associated with the food product whether edible or non edible are approved by the Executive chef.


 All outlet menus are changed twice in a year i.e. April and October
 Current menu’s popularity report is generated by the respective restaurant and profitability percentage of each dish is generated by the
F&B Controls.

 The Executive Chef is responsible to have an effective control on the following areas:
- Final Portion size of food products through standard recipes & random spot checks
- Quantity of raw material being processed through standard recipes, kitchen requisitions and transfers.
- Employee schedules and movement through duty schedules.
- Food safety and hygiene through close co ordination with kitchen stewarding manager.

TRAINING [Support Function]

 Individual And Company Need Based
 Structured
 On The Job
 Class Room Training


 Annual Appraisals
 Mid Term Reviews

FCOS [Support Function]

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Revision No.  01
for – F&B Production Date  15–04-2020

Contract Supplies
Institutional Rates


To have a uniform standard of Cuisine, it is very much essential to have regular training classes for the employees i.e. on the job training.
These training classes are based on day to operations & general development of staff. The individual Sous Chef or Chef de Partie of the
respective sections holds these classes. A schedule for monthly training is prepared by the individual sections & approved by the Executive
Chef and the Training Head.


I Training for New Team Members:

Induction & Orientation – Induction & Orientation about the hotel is imparted by the Training Department of the hotel, but when a new
person joins the kitchen he has to be made familiar with the section which he is going to work for. The person is briefed about where the
operational equipment are kept, which all departments need to be co-ordinated with.

Policies – The Do’s and don’ts of the kitchen needs to be explained.

o The food production process – How the food production activity is carried out in the kitchen?
o Theoretical Knowledge – Theoretical inputs regarding the menu and dish specifications.
o Uniform & Grooming – What standards of uniform & grooming needs to be maintained by the staff?

Trained by – Sous Chefs and Chef de Partie

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Revision No.  01
for – F&B Production Date  15–04-2020

II Training for Existing Team Members

Practical Training – Training on various methods of cooking.

Menu Knowledge – Training on the contents of the menu and Dish specifications.
Refresher Courses – To refresh all such topics which have been covered earlier to achieve perfection.

Trained by – Sous Chef & Chef de Parties.

Frequency – Once a week.

III Generic Training

Guest handling
Complaint handling
Basic fire training
English speaking courses, etc.

All the above kind of trainings is co-ordinated by the training department with the help of Experts of the fields.

IV Supervisory Training

These are imparted to the supervisors on aspects like Train the Trainer, Supervisory Skills. These training are co-ordinated by the Training

V Sponsored Training

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Revision No.  01
for – F&B Production Date  15–04-2020

There are certain training classes those are held by various companies who are related to the trade for betterment of the staff as well as their
own promotional program.

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Revision No.  01
for – F&B Production Date  15–04-2020


When a person is being trained it becomes essential to estimate the effectiveness of training. This is done by the following ways:

Periodic tests
This is both theoretical and practical.
Theoretical tests are those which are taken in the form of questionnaire, which include questions on menu knowledge, concept and practical

A Practical test
Will have a set of menu to be prepared by the particular member. These tests are conducted by the Sous Chef & Chef de Parties.
Assessment during a real situation – This is done when a person is actually working and any undesirable method of work can be rectified on
the spot. This can be done by the Sous Chef & Chef de Parties Managers.


This done annually by the Sous Chef & Chef de Parties in coordination with the Executive Chef on the basis of the entire year’s
performance. It directly reflects a person’s performance throughout the year.

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Revision No.  01
for – F&B Production Date  15–04-2020


Sl.No. Name of Section Primary Function

01 Indian Bulk  Coffee Shop Buffets
 Banquets , Lounge
02 Continental Bulk  Coffee Shop Buffets
 Banquets , Lounge
03 Bakery &  Coffee Shop Buffets
Confectionary  Pastry Shop
 Banquets
 Back up to Continental Bulk, Gardemanger, Coffee Shop Continental,
05 Garde manger  Coffee Shop - Buffets
 Banquets
 Back up to Restaurants , Lounge
06 Coffee Shop-  Coffee Shop- A la carte
Continental  Coffee Shop- B/F Buffet
 Coffee Shop - Show Cooking
 Room Service , Lounge
07 Coffee Shop -Indian  Coffee Shop -A la carte
 Room Service
 Back up to Coffee Shop Buffets, Restaurants , Lounge
08 Speciality Restaurant  Speciality Restaurants - la carte , Banquets , Room Service
09 Coffee Shop Pantry  All meals & snacks served in Coffee Shop , Room Service , Lounge
10 Pre – Prep  Maintenance and supply of Perishables & Semi – Perishables to all sections.

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Revision No.  01
for – F&B Production Date  15–04-2020

4. Organisational Hierarchy

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Revision No.  01
for – F&B Production Date  15–04-2020



 All Kitchen staff  Management
 Stewarding  Purchasing
 F & B Manager  Stores
 Banquet staff
 Waiting staff
 Restaurant Managers
 To be in full control of the practical running of the food production areas.
 To supervise all food production.
 To plan all menu making, presentation of new items and the development of items for future menus and promotions.
 To ensure that the compiling and up-dating of all Standard Recipe Cards, (SRC), is carried out.
 To control the hygiene and maintenance of all kitchen equipment.
 To supervise the weekly schedules.
 To maintain staff discipline.
 To coordinate in conjunction with the Training Manager the continual training of the food production employees.
 To maintain staff moral and inter-departmental relationships.
 To control food cost.
 To always look at the operation of the Kitchen, and implement any suggestions for the improvement of our product.
 Changes in Departmental procedures.
 Changes in the product.

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 Can recommend promotions/exits based on performance of employees.


 Executive Chef  F & B Manager
 Executive Sous Chef  Restaurant Managers
 Junior Kitchen staff  Waiting staff
 Stewarding staff  Store staff
 Banquet staff
 To be in full control of the managerial and practical running of their food production area.
 To supervise their areas food production.
 To assist the Chef in all menu making, presentation of new items and the development of items for future menus and promotions.
 To assist the Chef in the compiling and up-dating of all Standard Recipe Cards, (SRC).
 To control the hygiene and maintenance of all kitchen equipment.
 To produce the weekly schedules and maintain staff discipline.
 To coordinate in conjunction with the Chef and the Training Manager the continual training of the food production employees.
 To attend the weekly Kitchen meeting.
 To maintain staff morale and inter-departmental relationships.
 To place for signing any food requisitions required for your section to the Chef.
 To advise the Chef on out of stock items and to pass this information onto the Outlets concerned.
 To always look at the operation of the Kitchen, & bring forward for implementation any suggestions for the improvement of the
Can recommend changes in Departmental procedures.
Can recommend changes in the product.
Can recommend promotions/exits based on performance of employees.
To be in full control of the kitchen in the absence of the Executive chef.
 Executive Chef  F & B Manager
 Junior Kitchen Staff  Restaurant Manager
 Stewarding Staff  Waiting Staff
 Store Staff
 Receiving
 To be in full control of the managerial and practical running of the section assigned to.
 To supervise the food production area.
 To ensure that all products are served according to the specified standards.
 To assist the Chef & Sous Chef in all menu making, presentation of new items & the development of items for future menus &
 To assist the Chef and the Sous Chef in the compiling and up-dating of all Standard Recipe Cards, (SRC).
 To help control the hygiene and maintenance of all Kitchen equipment.
 To help the Sous Chef maintain staff discipline.
 To coordinate in conjunction with the Chef, Sous Chef & the Training Manager the continual Training of the food production
 To maintain staff morale and inter-departmental relationships.
 To place for signing any food requisitions required for your section to the Chef.
 To advise the Sous Chef on out of stock items.
 To always look at the operation of the Kitchen, & bring forward for implementation any suggestions for the Improvement of our
 Can recommend changes in Departmental procedures.
 Can recommend changes in the product.
 Report observations based on performance of employees.

 Executive Chef  F & B Manager
 Executive Sous Chef  Captains
 Sous Chefs  Restaurant Managers
 Kitchen staff  Banquet Manager
 Stewarding staff  Waiting staff
 Laundry staff

 To be in full control of the practical running of your specified areas.
 To supervise all food production in your section.
 To assist the Chef in all menu making.
 To assist the Executive Chef, Executive Sous Chef & Sous Chef, in the compiling and up-dating of all Standard Recipe Cards, (SRC).
 To control the hygiene and maintenance of all Kitchen equipment.
 To help produce the weekly schedules.
 To maintain staff discipline.
 To coordinate in conjunction with the Sous Chef for the continual training of the food production employees.
 To attend the weekly Kitchen meeting.
 To maintain staff morale and Inter-departmental relationships.
 To write the food requisitions for your sections, and place for approval.
 To advise the Chef, Executive Sous Chef or Sous Chef on out of stock items.
 To always look at the operation of the Kitchen, and bring forward for implementation any suggestions for the improvement of our
 To be certified in the areas as described in the job description, meeting the standards in fulfilling your position, as per the policy of the

 Executive Chef  Waiting staff,
 Executive Sous Chef  Stewarding staff,
 Sous Chef
 Chef De Partie.

 To be able to produce all food items in your section.
 To notify the Chef de Partie for items required on the market lists.
 To control the hygiene and maintenance of all kitchen equipment that you use.
 To ensure that you are in correct uniform, cleaned daily and that personal hygiene practices are continually followed.
 To follow the weekly schedules.
 To help maintain staff morale and inter-departmental relationships.
 To advise the Chef de Partie or Sous Chef on out of stock items.
 To always look at the operation of the Kitchen, and bring forward for implementation any suggestions for the improvement of our

The total number of refrigerators used by the kitchen is XXX out of which YY are situated on ground floor of the kitchen and ZZ at the
basement Pre prep area, near to the stores area.

Name of the refrigerators

 Vegetable refrigerator
 Dairy refrigerator
 Ice cream deep freezer
 Bakery refrigerator
 Bulk refrigerator
 Garde manger refrigerator
 COFFEE SHOP refrigerator
Vegetable refrigerator
 All raw vegetables and fruits are stored here.
 Maintained by the Pre prep section of the kitchen on a daily basis.
 It is cleaned twice a day, once at the time the supplies are received and at the closing of the evening shift.
 Temperature to be maintained: 08 to – 4 Deg C
General procedures:
- All items are sorted out and kept in individual baskets
- Baskets are arranged, on s/s racks, small ones on the upper shelves and large ones on the lower shelves.
- Fruit and vegetables are stored on separate shelves.
- Doors and curtains are cleaned.
Dairy referigerator
Items stored here include delicatessen products, eggs, cheese and milk.
Maintained by the butcher section.
Temperature maintained: +08 to – 4 Deg C
It is cleaned twice a day, at the beginning (0700hrs) and at the end of the shift i.e. before 05.30 P.M.

General procedures
- Separate shelves are used for separate items.
- Shelves, floor, door and curtain are cleaned.

Ice cream deep freezer

Items stored here include ice cream, butter, frozen peas and other frozen items.
Maintained by the Pre prep.
Cleaned once a day by pre prep staff at 0930 hrs.
Temperature maintained: 0 to – 10 Deg C

Bakery referigerator
Items stored here include all a la carte, buffet and bulk items of Bakery kitchen.
Maintained by the Bakery kitchen.
Temperature to be maintained: +8 to – 4 Deg C
General procedures
- All items to be covered with cling films or lid.
- Bulk, Buffet and a la carte items are to be stored separately.
- Racks, floor, door and curtain cleaned daily at 1700 hrs.

Bulk referigerator
Items stored here include all buffet items of Continental & Indian kitchen.
Maintained by the Indian kitchen.
It is cleaned twice a day, once by the morning shift and then by the evening shift at the time of closing.
General procedures:
- All items are covered with cling film or by lid.
- Racks and the storing dishes are cleaned.
- Floor, door and curtains are cleaned.
Temperature to be maintained: +8 to – 4 Deg
Garde Manger referigerator
Items stored here include all buffet items of Gardemanger.
Maintained by the Gardemanger kitchen.
It is cleaned twice a day, once by the morning shift and then by the evening shift at the time of closing.
General procedures
- All items are covered with cling film or by lid.
- Racks and the storing dishes are cleaned.
- Floor, door and curtains are cleaned.
Temperature to be maintained: +8 to – 4 Deg C

Coffee Shop referigerator

Items stored here include all buffet items of Continental COFFEE SHOP & Indian COFFEE SHOP kitchen.
Maintained by both the kitchens.
It is cleaned twice a day, once by the morning shift and then by the evening shift at the time of closing.

General procedures
- All items are covered with cling film or by lid.
- Racks and the storing dishes are cleaned.
- Floor, door and curtains are cleaned.
Temperature to be maintained: +8 to – 4 Deg



High risk food (Red & White meat, Ice creams & Dairy) to be identified with a use by date.
Stock rotation is essential to avoid spoilage & older food must always be used first: ‘FIRST IN FIRST OUT’

Products which do not mention a ‘Use By’ date – own date coding to identify the date of delivery is done.

FIFO practice is followed in the following areas;

 Vegetable referigerator
 Dairy refer with tagging
 Ice cream deep freezer with tagging

Monitoring of stock

Stock levels are monitored daily at 04.00 p.m. before filling up the perishable requisition through visual checks/counting by the Pre – prep
section in – charge.

Monthly inventory of stock is done by the F&B Controls department for food cost calculation purposes.


Sl .No. Item Qty.

1 Nachos 05 Kg
2 Salsa 02 Kg
7 Veg. Patties Mix 02 Kg
8 S/W Spread 02 Lit.
9 Tartare Sauce 02 Lit.
10 French Fries 03 Pkt.
11 Home Fries 05 Kg

Sl .No. Item Qty.

1 Curd 200 Kg
2 Onion Peeled 30 Kg
3 Potatoes Boiled 30 Kg
4 White Gravy 06 Kg
5 Kadhai Gravy 06 Kg
6 Makhani Gravy 06 Kg
7 Ginger Garlic Paste 01 Kg
8 Browned Onions 02 Kg
9 Paneer 05 Kg

Sl.No. Item Qty.

1 Carrot Batons Blanched 03 Kg
2 Broccoli Blanched 02 Kg
3 Cauliflower Blanched 02 Kg
4 Baby corn Blanched 02 Kg
5 Tomato Soup 15 Lit.
6 Brown Stock 15 Lit.
7 Tomato Concasse 20 Kg
8 Grated Cheese 05 kg
9 Garlic Chopped 02 kg
S.No. Item Qty.
1 Assorted French Pastry 100 Pcs.
2 Fruit Mirror 40 Pcs.
3 Cream Caramel 20 Pcs.
4 Chocolate Cake @ 01 Kg 08 No’s
5 Chocolate Cake @ ½ Kg 06 No’s
6 Pineapple Cake @ 01 Kg 04 No’s
7 Black Forest Cake @ 01 Kg 04 No’s
8 Chocolate Brownie 25
9 Pastry Cream 03 Kg
10 Vanilla Sauce 03 Lit.
11 Sponge Sheet 20 Sheets
12 Sponge Round @ 01 Kg 20 No’s
13 Tiramisu Pan 02 No’s
14 Baked Cheese Cake 03 No’s
15 Fruit Jelly 15 No’s
16 Chocolate Mousse 15 No’s
17 Savarin 15 No’s

18 Tartuffe 04 No’s
19 Croissant 100 Pcs.
20 Croissant – Chicken, Cheese & Chocolate 08 Each
21 Danish Pastry – Cinnamon & Fruit 80 Pcs. Each
22 Patties – Chicken & Vegetable 20 Each
23 Quiche Tartlet 20 Pcs.
24 Croissant Dough Sheet 02 Kg
25 Puff Pastry Sheet 02 Kg
26 Starter Dough 06 Kg
27 Doughnut & Brioche Dough 04 Kg
S.No. Item Qty.

29 White & Brown S/W Bread 25 Each

30 Assorted Cookies 20 Kg
31 I/C – Vanilla, Coffee, Chocolate, Strawberry 02 Gallons Each
32 Fig & Honey I/C 01 Gallon
33 Coconut I/C 01 Gallon
34 Mushroom Palmiers 20 Pcs.
35 Fruit Bread 15 Loafs
36 Banana 15 Loafs
37 Assorted Mousse & Cheesecakes 10 No’s
38 Strawberry Sauce 02 Lit.
39 Gooseberry Sauce 02 Lit.
40 Black Grape Sauce 02 Lit.
41 Yeast 03 Kg
42 Rich Cream 06 Pkts.
43 Eggs 15 Trays
44 Cooking Cream 06 Pkts
45 Mozzarella Cheese 02 Pkt.
46 Quark Cheese 03 Btl.

47 Cooking Butter 08 Kg
48 Amul Butter 08 Kg
49 Sugar Syrup 05 Lit.
50 Chocolate Sauce 03 Lit.
51 Ganache 10 Kg
52 Jelly Glaze 02 Lit.

S.No. Item Qty.

1 Potatoes Boiled 05 Kg
2 Beetroot Boiled 05 Kg
3 Bean sprout Cleaned 01 Kg
4 Mayonnaise 10 Kg
5 Vinaigrettes Dressing 15 Lit.
6 Pastorma 07 Fillet
7 Gravalax 05 Kg
8 Cucumber Gravalax 08 Kg
9 Italian Style Tomatoes 08 Kg

S.No. Item Qty.

2 06 Kg
3 Brown Onion 500 Gm
4 Tomato Gravy 08 Kg
5 Yellow Gravy 07 Kg
6 Onion Tomato Masala 02 Kg
7 Set Curd 15 No’s
8 Dal Makhni 08 Kg
9 Paneer 05 Kg
10 Sambhar 05 Lit.
11 Peanut Chutney 02 Kg
12 Tomato Chutney 02 Kg
13 Coconut Chutney 01 Kg
14 Red Chutney 03 Kg
15 Dosa Batter 05 Lit.
16 Mint Chutney 01 ½ Kg
17 Chicken Tikka 05 Kg

S.No. Item Qty.

1 Ginger Paste 03 Kg
2 Garlic Paste 03 Kg
3 Brown Onion Paste 01 Kg
4 Brown Cashew nut Paste 01 Kg
5 Raw Papaya Paste 01 Kg
6 Veg. Galouti Mix 12 Kg
7 Saffron Water 500 ml
9 Yoghurt 04 Kg
Neesa Leisure Limited Standard operating procedure Doc. No.: SOP/FBP/01
Revision No.  01
for – F&B Production Date  15–10-2009

10. PRE – PREP

S.No. Item Qty.
1 Lamb Chunk 50 Kg
2 Lamb Boti 50 Kg
3 Lamb Biryani 80 Kg
4 Lamb Nalli 50 Kg
5 Lamb Chop 50 Kg
6 Lamb Liver 10 Kg
7 Lamb Staff 100 Kg
8 Lamb Pasanda 30 Kg
9 Lamb Mince 50 Kg
10 Fish Party 80 Kg
11 Fish Tikka 80 Kg
12 Fish Finger 50 Kg
13 Fish Alc 10 Kg
14 Trout 20 Kg
15 Smoked Salmon 10 Pkt.
16 Pink Salmon 60 Kg
17 Chicken Whole Tandoori 50 No’s
18 Chicken Curry Cut 80 Kg
19 Chicken Whole With Skin Broiler 50 No’s
20 Chicken Leg Tikka 80 Kg
21 Chicken Breast Tikka 50 Kg
22 Chicken Breast With Bone 50 Kg
23 Chicken Breast Chinese 50 Kg
24 Chicken Breast Italianni’s 30 Kg
25 Chicken Biryani 50 Kg
26 Chicken Tangri 50 Kg

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27 Chicken Liver 10 Kg
S.No. Item Qty.
28 Chicken Supreme 30 Kg
29 Chicken Mince 50 Kg
29 Chicken Mince 50 Kg
30 Chicken Burger 20 Pcs.
31 Chicken Mortadella 10 Kg
32 Chicken Frankfurter 10 Kg
33 Jumbo Prawns 10 Kg
34 ‘A’ Grade Prawns 30 Kg
35 ‘B’ Grade Prawns 30 Kg
36 ‘C’ Grade Prawns 20 Kg
37 Shrimps 10 Kg
38 Lobster Tail 30 Kg
39 Lobster With Head 10 Kg
40 Squid 20 Kg
41 Squid Rings 10 Kg
42 Pork Frankfurter 20 Kg
43 Pork Mortadella 10 Kg
44 Pork Salami 10 No’s
45 Pork Pepperoni 10 Kg
46 Ham Sliced 20 Kg
47 Ham Block 02 No’s

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48 Amul Butter 30 Kg
49 Chiplet Butter 15 Kg
50 Cooking Butter 40 Kg
S.No. Cheese Mozarella 10 Kg
51 Cheese Riccotta 10 Kg
52 Cheese Bocochini 03 Kg
53 Cheese Kwark 10 Kg
54 Cheese Camembert 12 Pkt
55 Cheese Brie SPECIMEN 10 Pkt.
56 Cheese Smoked Mozzarella 10 Kg
57 Cheese Alpine Gouda 08 Kg
58 Cheese Philadelphia Cream 10 Kg
59 Cheese Blue 02 Kg
60 Cheese Asiago 40 Kg
61 Cheese Romano 40 Kg
62 Cheese Parmesan 40 Kg

63 I/C Vanilla 20 Gallons
64 I/C Strawberry 15 Gallons
65 I/C Coffee 12 Gallons

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Copy has been marked to Purchase to distribute to the sub contractors and any changes made in the receiving specifications shall be
communicated to purchase to forward to the sub contractors.

 Eggs shall be free from blood stains, mud or dirt on the shell and broken
 It shall be fresh, packed in clean dust/dirt free trays.
 Weight of each egg shall be 45 grams + - 5 gms.
 Microbiological analysis Salmonella (per gm) Nil


The milk should be fresh, clean, only from dairy cows, free of objectionable odours or flavours, contains no added water or foreign
substance having a specific gravity of 1.028 at 60 degree F.

Should have milk fat content as per specifications below:

Name of Milk Fat Content

Double toned milk Max. 1.5 %

Toned milk 3.0 – 3.5 %
Full cream milk 6.0 – 6.5 %

Whenever required supplier should give fat content certificate from the PFA authorities for adulteration clearance certificate.

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for – F&B Production Date  15–10-2009

The fat content should be as specifications below:

Name of Cream Fat Content

Single Cream 25 – 30 %
Double Cream 45 – 50 %


Should be pure white in colour, with a good consistency. No granules should be felt when mashed between the finger & thumb. The binding
should be firm & should not have more than 20% of water by weight. Should be odourless & have a mild creamy taste. It should be supplied
either wrapped in moist muslin cloth or in plastic wrapper to prevent drying and contamination during supply. Should meet PFA standards.

Whenever required supplier should give fat content certificate from the PFA authorities for adulteration clearance certificate. Should be
transported by enclosed containers and sealed packets. Each challan must carry warranty as per PFA specifications.

Should be made of fresh milk, no foreign particles or insects, without sugar added no sand or grit particles.


Pure white colour, no granules when rubbed between finger and thumb, no streakiness, melting or signs of curd. At 15 degree centigrade
butter should be firm, neither greasy nor oily, should show granular texture on breaking. Flavour should be free from any rancid taste. On
pressing no free moisture should be released freely. The minimum fat content is to be of 80 %.

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Fresh, dark green leaves, should be free of any grass or weeds. The leaves should not be work eaten or damaged


Green and red in colour, fresh leaves standing firmly on stem, not wilting. It should be trimmed of roots, without roots and mud of any kind.

Dark green in colour, long and even shape. Minimum size 1’ long. Average counts 12 Pcs. per kilo.

Long cylindrical shape, no stringiness, firm with dry outer surface. Should not have any wet spots and no dents.

Dark purple in colour, with smooth skin, tender surface, free of cracks & scars. No leaves & stem attatched. Skin is easily split by the
fingernails, 8-10 per kgs. Short neck with deep scars or several circles of leaf scars around top indicate age. Soft flabby or shrivelled beets
lack in quality. YIELD = 70 %

Fresh green in colour, bright in appearence, velvety to touch. Snaps with a distinct clean break with strings. No fibre in the flesh & all beans
should be of the same maturity should not be damp or will spoil very easily on storage. YIELD = 88 % (TRIMMING WASTE = 12 %)


Head heavy for size, firm and solid, colour may vary between light yellowish green to dark green. Leaves should be crisp and with no decay,
worm holes or blemishes. Broken or burst heads should be rejected. YIELD = 80 %

Same specs. as above only the colour should be deep purple.

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Should have dark green shiny skin, and be tender and crisp, with even shaped soft white seeds, no discolouration, bruises or soft patches. the
base should be of at least 5cm.When split their should be no browning of seeds and no worms. YIELD = 80 %

Should have a smooth skin, even conical shape, should break with a snap when bent. Colour can vary from deep rusty red in winters to light
orange in summers. If any string roots on the surface they should be white and soft. Diameter of the cone should generally not exceed 2.5
“i.e. 6.25 cms. YIELD = 60 % (TOPS = 21% LOSS)


Bright white to creamy white flower with outer leaves fresh, crisp & green. Clean, heavy, firm and compact head with outer leaves trimmed
down to not more than 4 cms. No plant lice (dirty or smudgy spots) should be there on the head. On an average there should be 01 pc / kg.
YIELD = 50 %.

Clean, crisp, brittle stalks with bright green leaves. Length should be approx. 40 cms. The ideal receiving weight is 650 - 800 grams. The
stalks should not be wilted, spotted or soft as these indicate decay and deterioration in the quality. The stalk should have good thickness and
solidity, a good heart formation and fairly straight stems with no black rot, insect injury or the presence of insects. YIELD = 75 %.


Dark green in colour, with smooth skin surface, having long even shape, should snap when bent and seeds will be soft and white. Should not
be over ripe and not have a shrivelled appearance.


Same as above, but red in colour


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Same as for red chilli but to be at least 03 “long and 1.5” thick

Firm, crisp, shiny and waxy appearance, medium size up to 15 cms. in length and 6 cms. in diameter. Dark green colour formation over at
least 75 % of the cucumber and a good even shape. The seeds should be tender in almost translucent but firm (not jelly like) centre. Withered
or shrivelled cucumbers have tough, rubbery flesh, bitter flavour and the ones with a dull green colour, yellow underside, puffy, soft texture
are indications of over ripeness.


Bright green, fresh, wide leaves, standing leaves not wilted. It should be a young plant without flowers & trimmed of any root with a highly
aromatic characteristic smell. Yield 50%


Can be round or long. Should have a uniform dark purple colour, with spotless, soft and shining skin with a silken sheen. Free of injury or
cracks, green stem with fine spines on it. Light for its size. Seeds not to be being hard and prominent. There should be no wilting, shrivelling
softness, flabbiness and no worm holes or injury. YIELD = 80 %.

Well filled bulbs, heavy for its size (3 cms. diameter minimum), covered with dry outer sheath, interior of good quality with large pods. The
colour should be clean white with no brown, shrivelled or dried bulbs. YIELD = 88 %.

It should be fresh and without skin and free from dirt.


Green in colour, fresh and soft and free from dirt.

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Red / Brownish colour should be free of any grass or weeds. Stem should be out just below the leaves. The leaves should be fresh and not
sloppy, free of sins of infestation.

Green in colour, hard to touch. Average count 70 pcs. per kilo.

Brownish in colour, firm with a smooth skin, even shaped, free of any crevices or cuts, no mud or dry dirt should be sticking to them. Hard
to touch, no green or black spots or sprouts on the skin. Average count 7-8 kg. per pc.

Large, fresh, full even pieces with no mud attached. The pulp should not be stringy or dry. Should have clean surface with fine hair roots
adhering, should not be too knotty or woody. Interior should be moist with a sharp distinctive smell. YIELD = 85 %. (SCRAPING LOSSES
= 15 %)


Bright green colour, with smooth ridged surface. The skin should be velvety to touch and should dent easily with the finger nail, but the
vegetable should be firm and resilient to pressure. There should be minimum amount of seeds which should be soft and tender. Medium size
is ideal and 14-15 pieces /kilogram.


Should be at least 3" - 4 " long , with a bright green colour , with a smooth velvety surface with fine hair like spikes on the surface, they
should be crisp and the tips should snap off when bent. Shape should be uniform and long with white, small soft seeds. They should not have
been soaked in water to increase weight, should not be limp and listless. This is a indicator that they are stale or over ripe. YIELD = 85 %.

It should be brownish in colour. Average count 10-14 nos per kilo.

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It should be of a light green in colour, crisp, smooth and possessing/shiny surface. The seeds should be a bare minimum, a small and white
and not yellow or red. Average count 10-14 nos. per kilo.


Greenish yellow in colour and hard to touch. When cut the seeds should be white and soft. Approximate weight 2 kilo each.

Bright yellow in colour, with thin skin, firm & heavy for its size. 20-25 pieces / kilogram are ideal. Should be resilient to thumb pressure and
have a full spicy flavour. No scars, spots or browning of the skin to be apparent. There should be no off or rancid smell. YIELD = 40 %

At least 8”-9” long, light green colour. It should be tender and crisp. The seeds should be white and soft.

Bright green colour with fresh, crisp, tender leaves. There should be no rot, decay, tip burns, ragged leaves or excessive wrapper leaves. The
head should firm and the stem are cut off close to the leaves. The leaves should crisp and free from any insect infection or black holes.
Should be free from dirt.

Fresh with a typical smell, abundant, crisp dark green slender leaves. There should be no browning wilting of leaves.

Cape closed at the stem, firm and white. Stems properly trimmed not exceeding 2 cms. in length. Cut surface of stem white or delicately pink
(Dark or black colour indicates age) Mushrooms not to be misshapen, dark, bruised or mouldy. Should not have been soaked in water to
increase the weight.

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Revision No.  01
for – F&B Production Date  15–10-2009

Large dark green leaves, crisp unscarred and not wilting. The stems should be trimmed off above the roots and the mint should not have
been soaked in water to increase the weight. There will be a sharp characteristic aromatic smell when the leaf is crushed.

Dry surface leaves, tender white pulpy internal leaves, sharp taste. Bulb: Firm, well shaped, large size (min. = 80 grams) with clean skin of a
pinkish colour. No seed stems or coarse interior resulting from seed stems growth. (High wastage) No rot, fungus, moulds or decay should be
visible. Moist stems at the neck indicate interior decay.


Should be fresh with green tops, medium sized necks, 5 - 7.5 cms. of clean clear white, full, plump, tender root. (Yellow, wilted, bruised
leaves are an indication of inferior quality and deterioration. )

Firm hard surface, bottled green and yellow colouring, when split should have bright white pulp and soft small seeds.

The outer surface should be green. Hard to touch with a smooth and even surface without any cuts or holes. It should be firm, round or oval
shape. Average wt. 3-4 kilo per pc.

Should be bright green, with a delicate fragrance free from dirt and yellowed leaves. (Dark green or brown coloured leaves indicate over
maturity and a strong flavour) No presence of rotting or wilting leaves as this indicates deterioration or treatment by chemicals.


Pods full with sweet peas inside. Fresh, juicy, crisp and tender pods with a good green colour. (Pods turn yellowish with age) YIELD = 40 %


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for – F&B Production Date  15–10-2009

Dry in appearance with dark coloured, firm, smooth and peeling skin. There should be no deeply set eyes (higher paring waste, more labour
or spots. With unbroken skin, no scabs, mechanical or worm injury, not wilted, leathery or discolouring of the skin.( Green colouring is due
to sunburn giving it a bitter flavour. )


Bright orange outer skin, ripe, soft orange colour inside. Skin should be smooth and free of injury or cracks. Must be heavy for its size and
should not have any rotting or mould on the surface. YIELD = 65-85 % (depending on the variety), Should weigh 6-7 kilos each.


Creamy green outer skin, with bright white pulp, few and soft seeds. Skin is thin and easily marked with the finger nail, smooth, firm, even
shape and free from any cracks or injury. There should be no soft spots on the surface and any discolouration is an indicator of spoilage.
YIELD = 80 % (5 % = SKIN, 15 % = PULP WASTAGE)


Well formed, smooth, firm, tender, crisp and mild in flavour. Leaves fresh, bright green. Should be of the medium size and not spongy or
soft. Outer skin will be of a bright red colour and the skin should not be split as it tends to be pithy.


Same as above only the colour will be white or creamy white, length should not be more than 30 cms.

Highly perishable. Sprouts, buds or crown may indicate poor quality and texture. Leaves should be fresh, crisp tender, mature, of bright
green colour.

Dark green colour. There should be no cut, fungus growth or damages on the skin. Firm white pulp 8-10 nos. per kilo.

It should be green in colour, hard to touch not pulpy. The seed should be small and tender. Average counts 4-6 Nos. per kilo.

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It should be green in colour, hard to touch, smooth shiny surface and tender skin. When broken the seeds should be small and tender.

Greyish in colour, firm with a smooth skin, even shaped, free of any crevices or cuts. No mud or dry dirt should be sticking to them Average
count 4-5 nos. per kilo.

Dark green purple in colour, No mud or dirt should be sticking to them. Average count 50 pcs. per kilo.

Soft green leaves, should be free of any grass or weeds. The stem should be cut just below the leaves. The leaves should be fresh and not
sloppy, free of signs of infestation.

Mature but not over ripe or soft. Uniform shape, large size, smooth, firm & pulpy (not soft). Colour should be bright red (partially green is
acceptable in off season i.e. rains.) Free from decay, freezing injury. No damage caused by dirt, bruises, cuts, puffiness, growth cracks,
scars, disease, insects, nails or mechanical injury. No worm holes, mould or wateriness. Misshaped, ribbed, scarred, mushy tomatoes are of
poor quality. YIELD = 88 % (12 % = Skin, core, ends, trimmings)

Green in colour, hard to touch. It should have small fur like bloom and shine on the other skin. When cut, the inside should be hard to touch
and have not formation. The seeds should be small. Average count 10-12 nos. per kilo.

Greenish black colour, smooth tight skin. It should snap when twisted, no broken ends. When broken the seeds should be small and the
inside free of “Net” formation.

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Creamy white colour with a blush. Thin skinned smooth and tender. 8-10 nos. per kilo.

Zimikand clean surface, no incrusted mud, even disc shape. Colour of meat to be light pink. No worms or cracks. Size to be not larger than 3
kg. each.

Bright green colour, fresh leaves, standing firmly on stem not wilting, short stem. Highly aromatic characteric smell.

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Deep red skin. The anar pearls should be bright ruby red in colour, sweet in taste. No infection, no black spots. Average counts 4 Nos. per kg.

Selected at proper maturity (maturity is indicated by brown seeds, softening of the flesh) Rich fruity apple aroma. Should have a crisp, juicy,
having moderate to low acidity, high sweetness. No defects or decay, internal browning internal break-down, scabs, broken skin or bruises.
Fruit should be carefully packed and be of a clean and fresh appearance.

Plump and fairly firm. Juicy with good flavour and tenderness. No overripe, decayed or shrivelled fruit. Colour bright orange yellow.

No bruises, moulds, poorly coloured skin (chilling discolours the fruit) and over ripe spots. Should have a attractive yellow colour, fresh in
appearance, firm, full and plump. Good strength of the peel. YIELD = 68 % (Peeling losses = 32 %)

Dark brown, thin skin, firm surface, the flesh should be dark brown, juicy, sweet. Average 8-10 Nos. per kg.

No cracked hard surface, have plenty of water inside kernel, should be marble white, thick no rancidity. Each coconut should yield 400-500
gm. kernel.

Dark red in colour, no black spots, should be juicy, accepted with stalk.

Should be greenish yellow colour, firm, no fungus formation, should be ripe. Average 3” dia. 4-5 Nos. per kg. No black spots or dry skin is

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Bright red in colour, firm, spotless, no fungus infection, should not be pulpy, sweet in taste. 35-40 pcs. per kg.

Bright red in colour, firm, spotless, no fungus infection, should be sweet with brown leaves coming.

Light greenish yellow in colour, firm, sweet.

10 to 15 pcs per kg. Purple coloured, should not be shiny.

8-10 pcs. per kg., should be firm dark brown colour, no infection and pulpy texture.

10 to 12 pcs per kg., bright yellowish green in colour.

Dark brown husk covering, heavy for its size and a presence of water in it can be felt by shaking the fruit. Should not be having any soft
spots on the surface and be absolutely dry to feel. Any wetting of it will speed the spoilage and reduce the shelf life of it. Should be of a
large size and the minimum weight is 500 grams. YIELD = 53 % (Waste in preparation = 47 %)

These should be heavy in size, juicy, and full flavoured, with thin skin and tender and delicate flesh .Should be of a medium size i.e. of 100
m.m. or 10 cms. diameter gives good standard half carving. Extra large fruit tend to have a coarse texture and soft flesh while very small
ones are apt to have very high acidity, lack the sweetness and have a weak flavour. YIELD = 47 % Flesh OR 42-45 % Juice.

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Light green colour, ripe, full bunches, each bunch of even conical shape with fruit firmly attached to the stems. If a number of grapes fall off
on shaking then the grapes are old and will have a short shelf life. There should be no soft, squashed, over ripe or brown grapes. The skin
should be thin; the pulp should be sweet and juicy. There should be no seeds as the name implies. No moulds, wet, sticky, or decayed grapes.
There should be brown cluster stems (however over shrivelling of the cluster stems indicate excessive age.)

As above but there will be a presence of seeds. Minimum weight of one bunch should be 400 grams approx. The colour will be plum red.

As above but the colour should be a fresh green.

Golden yellow in colour, firm thin skin and pulpy sweet juice, surface should be smooth no spots, no wrinkles, free of any cuts. Average wt.
5-6 Nos. per kg.


6-7 Pcs. per kg. thin skin, sweet greenish yellow colour, should be juicy, not dry fruit.


Specification is same sweet lime juicy, 3 pcs. per kg. It should be ripened.

Bright orange colour, thin skin, sweet in taste, juicy. No soft segments, no fungus, should not be green in colour. 6-8 pc. per kg.

Specification should be same as orange juicy. 3-4 pcs. per kg.

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Orange yellow colour, outer skin should be hard to touch. sweet, not pulpy. The leaves should be intact and green. Average wt. should be 5
inch (Dia) 9-10 inches ht. without leaves. Average wt. 1-1/2 kg

Ripened, firm tissues, not pulpy. No bruises, spots, or spoiled not rotten smell. Skin firm , with no bruises or blemishes. Plump firm fruit ,
clear in colour with sweet and flavourful smell. Pulp should be bright yellow , sweet , juicy with a minimum of fibres.Medium size is the
best , there should be 4 - 5 pieces per kilogram.

SAFEDA - Should be yellow in colour, no spots, 3 pcs. per kg.

LANGRA - 4-5 pcs. per kg.
CHOUSA - 4-5 pcs. per kg. Light greenish colour is acceptable.
DUSHARI - 4-5 pcs. per kg.
ALPHANSO - Should be yellowish red in colour, 3 pcs. per kg. Ripened by itself not by chemicals, thin skin, and firm tissues.

Yellowish red in colour. Firm velvety skin, no black spots or any cuts. 7-8 pcs. per kg.


Yellowish colour, firm & juicy tissues. Averange weight 7-8 per kg.

Reddish black colour, thin skin, no bruises or any cuts of packing, pulpy one not acceptable. 10-14 pcs. per kg.

Crisp reddish brownish skin, with no cracks or blemishes. Should be firmly attached to the bunch, with no loose lychees, small seeds, and
juicy white soft pulp inside. The seed should not be larger than 1/3 rd. the size of the whole lychees.Bunches should not have gaps with bare
stems. 80 lychees with leaves and stalk in one kilogram.

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Ripeness is indicated by firm, symmetrical shape, fresh attractive appearance & a dark solid green colour. A bloom should be seen over the
fruit i.e. a somewhat velvety appearance, & the underside is yellowish in colour. The flesh should be crisp, bright red, sweet & juicy with not
too many seeds. The surface of the melon should be hard to touch & should withstand medium pressure applied by the hands. Immature
melons have hard, greenish & unripe appearance with white or light green underside. Over maturity is indicated by dull, lifeless appearance
& a soft & springy feel. Hard white streaks through the length of the flesh indicate poor quality. Ideal receiving weight is 9 –10 kilograms.
YIELD = 54 %.

This has a smooth, greenish white rind which is creamy yellow at maturity. Flesh should be thick, greenish, fine grained, juicy, sweet and
mild in flavour. Softening at the blossom end and aroma also indicate ripeness. However sour smell and pink or black dots are an indication
to over ripeness. YIELD = 60 %


The best method for checking a citrus fruit is cutting one & tasting it. Fruit is heaviest & juiciest at the beginning of the season, as the season
extends the skin will become thick & the ends will take on a pointed appearance. These should have THIN SKINS (puffy or spongy fruit
with a wrinkled skin lack in juice & flavour.) & FINE TEXTURED SKIN with tiny oil sacs on it. The fruit should be plump, firm, & heavy
for its size juicy & having a good flavour. The fruit should be free from blemishes, hard, dry or broken skin, bruises & any other defects.
There should be no blue or white moulds, no shrivelling of the skin or other traces of decay. The stem site of the fruit should not be soft or
spongy and with no sour rotting smell as this indicates poor quality. YIELD = 65 % FLESH or 45-50 % JUICE.

Clean, bright and typically coloured for the variety. Soft flesh, juicy and good flavour. Not mis shaped, wrinkled or soft to touch. The flesh
should be firm to touch and will get a dent under pressure. There should be no scars, damage, and insect or worm injury. YIELD = 75 %

Flesh of distinct whitish yellowish colour with more whiteness near the base. There will be a fragrant aroma near the base with a clean &
waxy shine on the outer surface squares. Well developed plump fruit with dry bottom & firm eyes. Fruit will be heavy for its size & the base
will be well trimmed. Small size, purplish- green colour, partially developed eyes are indicators of immaturity. No mould (appears first at the

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base, indicated by softness and sour smell) or rot (darkening under the skin surface). YIELD = 35 %

Orange yellowish colour in summers and greenish yellowish colour in winters is acceptable. The papaya will be tested for ripeness by
shaking it, if the seeds are loose and rattle inside then it is ready, pressure applied on the apex of the fruit should result in their being a dent
(softening of the surface) the papaya should weigh in the range of 1-1.5 kilograms and not less. The pulp should have a bright orange colour
all the way to the skin-- with a sweet, delicate and mellow flavour. YIELD = 67 %

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Decay indicated by dullness in appearance and toughness.

Wilted, spotted or soft indicate deterioration.

Discoloured leaves indicate decay. Dark green or open heads indicate late harvesting excessive exposure to sun and high temperature.

Wilted and discoloured leaves indicate deterioration or treatment with spray chemicals.

Fresh bright green, crisp leaves, firm bunch of leaves to each head, and with no worm-eaten or discoloured leaves. The size should be on an
average 14. The spine of the leaves should not be large and hard.

Firm crisp leaves bright light green colour, fresh bunches with no blackish or wilted bunches.

3-4 in a kg. Bulb should be of bright white colour with crisp, juicy pulpy leaves. Dark green stem leaves.

6 in a kg, firm dark purple colour, resilient to pressure of thumb.

10 in a kg, dia of base approx. 4", with bright green firm leaves tinted purple at tip.

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Bright green, no rot or fungus present, with firm head and crisp leaves.

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1. Masoor Grey Lentilla Lens
2. Moong Dark Green Phaseolus Syn
3. Urad Black Phaseolus Radiatus
4. Matar Light Green Phaseolus Mungo
5. Lobhia Off White Pisum Sativam
6. Rajmah Dark Maroon Phaseolus Vulgaris
7. Soya Bean White Glycin Max Merr

 Pulses shall be reasonably in uniform size, shape and color characteristics of the variety.
 These shall be thoroughly clean, sweet, wholesome and free from moulds, weevils, obnoxious smell, discoloration and admixture of
deleterious substances.
 It shall have good cooking quality
 It shall be packed in Sound, Clean, Dry, Food Grade Polythene bag. Each pack shall be suitably marked as name of material Batch
No., Code No., Date of Packing & Net Weight
 Admixture with small green peas should not exceed 5 %

Uric Acid Mg/ Kg (Max) : 100

Mycotoxin including aflotoxin Mg/ Kg (Max) : 30

Maximum Tolerance Limit (%) :

Moisture Foreign Immature Admixture of other Weevil led
Matter Grains varieties Grains
14.0 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5

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KABULI CHANNA (Channa White)

 Kabuli grain should be dried, mature grain ( Cicer retinues ) ( L )
 It should have uniform size, shape and white in color.
 It should be sweet, hard, and clean wholesome and free from moulds, weevils, obnoxious smell, discoloration, admixture of deleterious
 It shall be packed in Sound, Clean, Dry, and New Jute Bag with Food Grade Polythene line. Each pack shall be suitably marked as
name of material Batch No., Code No., Date of Packing & Net Weight
 Admixture with small green peas should not exceed 5 %
 Uric Acid Mg/ Kg (Max) : 100
 Mycotoxin including aflotoxin Mg/ Kg (Max) : 30
Maximum Tolerance Limit (%)
Moisture Foreign Immature Admixture of other Weevil led
Matter Grain varieties Grains
12.0 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5


Bengal gram (Channa) consists of split,
mature, dried, whole grains of Cicer arietinum.
It shall be reasonably uniform size,
shape and yellow in colour.
It shall be sweet, clean, wholesome and
free from moulds, weevils, obnoxious smell, discoloration, admixture of deleterious substances and other impurities.
It shall have good cooking quality.
It shall be packed in Sound, Clean, Dry,
and New Jute Bag with Food Grade Polythene line. Each pack shall be suitably marked as name of material Batch No., Code No.,
Date of Packing & Net Weight.
Roasted Channa should be completely
removed from husk.

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Uric Acid Mg/Kg (Max) . 100

Mycotoxin including Aflotoxin 30
Microgram/Kg (Max)
Maximum Tolerance Limit (%)
Moisture Admixture Damaged, broken, weevil led, discolored, partially husked Pulses
12.0 0.5 0.5

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 Red Gram (Arhar) consists
of split, mature, dried, whole grains of Cajuns Indus.
 It shall be reasonably
uniform size, shape with smooth surface, and yellow in color.
 It shall be sweet, clean,
wholesome and free from moulds, weevils, obnoxious smell, discoloration, admixture of deleterious substances including added
color matter.
 It should have good
cooking quality.
 It shall be packed in Sound,
Clean, Dry, and New Jute Bag with Food Grade Polythene line. Each pack shall be suitably marked as name of material Batch No.,
Code No., Date of Packing & Net Weight.
 Green colored pulses should
not exceed 5%.
Uric Acid Mg/Kg (Max) .100
Mycotoxin including Aflotoxin 30
Microgram/Kg (Max)
Maximum Tolerance Limit (%)
Moisture Foreign Damaged, broken, weevil led, discolored, partially husked matter
12.0 0.5 0.5
 It shall be obtained by grinding dehisced Bengal gram (Cicer arietium).
 It shall be free from rancidity, insect or fungal infestation, musty odour, dirt and kesari dal.
 The material shall be free flowing and ground to such a fineness that all the material passes through 500 microns I S Sieve.
 It shall be manufactured in premises maintained under hygienic condition.
 It shall be packed in Sound, Clean, Dry, and New Jute Bag with Food Grade Polythene line.

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Each pack shall be suitably marked as name of material Batch No., Code No., Date of Packing & Net Weight.
 Moisture Max (% Wt.) 11.5
 Total Ash (% Wt.) dry wt basis 3.0
 Acid Insoluble Ash (Max) 0.3
(% wt) dry wt basis)
 Protein (% wt) dry wt basis (Mm) 21.0
 Test for Khesari Dal Negative

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It shall be a transparent to opaque white crystalline powder of variable particle size, & free flowing.
Colour shall be varying from white to pale.
It shall be free from visible contamination with clay, dirt and other extraneous adulterants and impurities.
99% by mass of the material shall pass through 1.00 mm Sieve.
It shall be packed in Sound, Clean, Dry, and New Jute Bag with Food Grade Polythene line.

Each pack shall be suitably marked as name of material Batch No., Code No., Date of Packing & Net Weight.
 Moisture (% by wt.) 0.6 (Max)
 Sodium Chloride (% by wt.) 96.0(Min)
 (NAD) (Dry wt. basis)
 Insoluble matter in water (% by wt.) 1.0 (Max)
 (Dry wt. basis)
 Soluble matter in water, other than 3.0 (Max)
 Sodium Chloride (% by wt) dry wt basis
 Iodine Content at:
o Manufacture level (ppm) 30 (Mm)
(Dry wt. basis)
 Distribution Channel including 18 (M in)
Retail level ppm (Dry wt. basis)
 Aluminium Silicate (% by wt.) 2.0 (Max)

 Dal Moth shall be reasonably in uniform size, shape and colour characteristics of the variety.
 It shall be thoroughly clean, sweet, wholesome and free from moulds, weevils, obfloxioLIs smell, discoloration and admixture of
deleterious substances.
 It shall have good cooking quality.

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 It shall be packed in Sound, Clean, Dry, and New Jute Bag with Food Grade Polythene line. Each pack shall be suitably marked as
name of material Batch No., Code No., Date of Packing & Net Weight.

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 The large cardamom shall be ripe fruit from the Cardamom capsules of Cardamom arnomum sublatum roxb.
 The capsules shall be of dark red brown colour, global in size on three-cornered having a fibrous appearance. Each capsule should
contain several round seeds held together by a viscid sugary pulp.
 In taste and aroma or flavour of cardamoms in capsules and seeds shall be characteristic and fresh, the material shall be free from
foreign taste and aroma or flavour including rancidity and mustiness.
 It shall be free from visible moulds & insect infestation.
 It shall be packed in Sound, Clean, Dry, and Airtight Container. Each pack shall be suitably marked as name of material Batch No.,
Code No., Date of Packing & Net Weight.
Extraneous Matter (% by wt.) 1.0 (Max)
Insect damaged matter (% by V/W) 1.0 (Max)
Volatile Oil (% by V/W) 1.0 (Mm)


 Rough or Fine powder obtained by grinding clean, dried, mature fruits of Coriandrum Sativum (L).
 It will be shall be free from insect infestation and would growth.
 It shall be free from added colouring matter.
 It should pass through 500 micron sieve.
 It shall be packed in Sound, Clean, Dry, and Airtight Container. Each pack shall be suitably marked as name of material Batch No.,
Code No., Date of Packing & Net Weight.
Moisture (% by wt.) 9.0 (Max)
Total Ash (%by wt.) 7.0 (Max)
Ash insoluble in Dil HCl (% by wt.) 1.0

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 It shall be the dried mature fruits of
Coriandrum Sativum L. The material shall be of color ranging from yellowish brown to gray.
 It shall have characteristic pleasant taste,
flavor and aroma and shall be free from musty odour.
 The coriander, whole shall be free from
visible moulds and insects, living or dead and insect fragments.
 The split fruits which have been split up
longitudinally into two parts shall not be more than l0.0%bywt.
 The coriander, whole, shall be reasonably
 It shall be packed in Sound, Clean, Dry, and Airtight Container. Each pack shall be suitably marked as name of material Batch No.,
Code No., Date of Packing & Net Weight.

Extraneous matter & damaged, discolored, 2.0 (Max)

Weevil, shriveled, immature fruits (% wt.)
Moisture (% by Wt.) 10.0 (Max)


 Tamarind pulp shall be obtained from the mature fruits of Tarmarindus Indica by removing first the rind, then the fibrous skeleton
enclosing the pulp.
 The pulp shall have the characteristic taste and flavour and light brown to brown in colour.
 It shall be free from burnt or other objectionable odour, insect and their fragments, rodent contamination and other extraneous matter.
 It shall be packed in Sound, Clean, Dry, and Airtight Container. Each pack shall be suitably marked as name of material Batch No.,
Code No., Date of Packing & Net Weight.
S.No. Test Results
i) Acidity (as tartaric acid) % wt. (Min) 9.0

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ii) Total Soluble Solids % wt. (Mm) 65.0

iii) Acid Insoluble Ash 0.8 (Max)
iv) (On dry basis) % by Mass

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Ajwain seeds shall be the dried mature

seeds of Trachyspermum Ammi ( L ) Sprague. The seed shall be clean and whole some and grayish brown in color.
The seeds shall possess characteristic
odour and a sharp burning taste.
It shall be free from mould and living or
dead insect matter or rodent contamination visible to the eye and any foreign taste and musty odour.
It shall be free of any added coloring
 It shall be packed in Sound, Clean, Dry,
and Airtight Container. Each pack shall be suitably marked as name of material Batch No., Code No., Date of Packing & Net Weight.
Extraneous matter (% by weight)
Organic Matter 2% Max
Inorganic Matter 0.5% Max


 Cumin seeds shall be the dried mature

seed of Cuminum Cyminum ( L )
 The seeds shall be clean and
wholesome and light yellowish brown to grayish brown in color and an elongated oval shape.
 The taste and aroma or flavor of
cumin shall be peculiar, strong and heavy. The material shall be free from foreign taste and aroma or flavor as well as from any
musty odour.
 Seed shall be free from visible mould
or insect infestation.
 It shall be packed in Sound, Clean,

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Dry, and Airtight Container. Each pack shall be suitably marked as name of material Batch No., Code No., Date of Packing & Net
Extraneous matter (% by weight)
Organic Matter 2% Max
Inorganic Matter 0.5% Max

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ine powder obtained by grinding clean, dried fruits of Cuminum cyminum.

t shall be free from insect infestation and mould growth. U shall be free from added coloring matter.

t shall pass through 500 micron sieve.

t shall be packed in Sound, Clean, Dry, and Airtight Container. Each pack shall be suitably marked as name of material Batch No.,
Code No., Date of Packing & Net Weight.
Moisture (% by wt.) 9.0 (Max)
Total Ash (%by wt.) 7.0 (Max)
Ash insoluble in Dil HCl (% by wt.) 1.0 (Max)
POPPY SEEDS (Khaskhas)

oppy seeds shall be the dried, mature, seeds of Papaver somniferous.

t shall have uniform size, shape and color varies from white or cream in color.

t shall be clean, wholesome and free from moulds, weevils, obnoxious smell, discoloration, admixture of deleterious substances and
all other impurities.

t shall be reasonably free from black specs.

t shall be packed in Sound, Clean, Dry, and Airtight Container. Each pack shall be suitably marked as name of material Batch No.,
Code No., Date of Packing & Net Weight.
Foreign Matter (% by wt.) 0.5 % Max
Admixture of other seeds (% by wt.) 0.3 % Max

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 Jaivitri shall be obtained by dried reticulated aril of nutmeg. It shall be smooth, 'brittle pale, yellowish brown to reddish brown in
 It shall have a pleasant and fresh aroma consist of lob pieces of not less than 2.5 cm length and 1 mm thick. It should have odour and
taste, resemble to nutmeg but softer and more delicate.
 It shall be free from other variety & practically free from insect infestation, visible moulds & foreign flavour or aroma like turpentine.
 It should be packed in Sound, Clean, Dry, and Airtight Container. Each pack shall be suitably marked as name of material Batch No.,
Code No., Date of Packing & Net Weight.
Extraneous Matter & Insect Damaged Matter (% by wt.) 1.0% Max

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 The Cinnamon shall consists of layers of dried pieces of the inner bark of branches & of young shoots from Cinnamomum zeylanicum
in which the thickness of the bark shall range from 0.2 to 10 mm.
 The colour varies from pale to reddish brown & it should be brittle & smooth in the form of chips shall be not less than 60-80 mm
 It shall be reasonably dry and have fresh aroma and delicate and sweet flavours characteristic of the spice. The material shall be free
from foreign odour including, mustiness and cassia.
 It shall be free from living insects, moulds & practically free from dead insects, insect fragments & rodent contamination visible to the
 It shall be free from extraneous matter.
 It shall be packed in Sound, Clean, Dry, and Airtight Container. Each pack shall be suitably marked as Name of material, Batch No.,
Code No., Date of Packing & Net Weight.
Moisture (% by wt.) 12.0 (Max)
Volatile Oil (% by wt.) 1.0 (Max)
Extraneous Matter (% by wt.)0.5 (Max)


 The sesame seed shall be the dried seeds of Sasamum indicum. The seeds shall be clean and wholesome and shall have the size and
shape characteristic of variety.
 The colour of these seeds ranges from cream to white.
 The material shall be free from extraneous matter like dirt stones, clay particles etc. rancidity and foreign taste as well as from any
musty odour and insect infestation.
 The seeds should readily exude oil when seeds are pressed with finger nail.
 It shall be packed in Sound, Clean, Dry, and Airtight Container. Each pack shall be suitably marked as name of material Batch No.,
Code No., Date of Packing & Net Weight.
Damaged, weevil led, shrivelled, Immature & extraneous matter (% by wt.) 0.1% Max.

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The cloves whole shall be the dried in opened buds of Eugenia coryaphyllus.
It should be brownish black in colour with full and plump crown somewhat rough to touch without wrinkles.
It should be 8 - 10 cloves weight in 1 gm.
They should have fresh and fine aroma and flavour and be free from insect infestation and mould growth and should readily exude oil
when their stem is pressed with the finger nails.
It shall be free from added colouring matter.
It shall be packed in Sound, Clean, Dry, and Airtight Container. Each pack shall be suitably marked as name of material Batch No.,
Code No., Date of Packing & Net Weight.
Insect damaged & extraneous matter (% by wt.) 0.5 % Max
Volatile Oil (% by V/W) 15.0 % Max


 Whole turmeric shall be the primary (Bulb) or secondary (Fingers) rhizomes of plant Curcuma longa (L), cured by boiling in water and
drying. The length of rhizomes shall be not less than 15 mm.
 Rhizomes shall be dry well developed and shall have the shape & colour characteristic of the variety. The cured rhizomes may be in
natural state of machine polished. No artificial colouring matter or dyes including lead chromate shall be used for colouring
 Whole turmeric shall have the taste and aroma or flavour characteristics of turmeric and shall be free from musty odour.
 It shall be free from fungal or insect infestation.
 It shall be reasonably dry and hard to touch and break with metallic twang.
 It shall be packed in Sound, Clean, Dry, and Airtight Container. Each pack shall be suitably marked as name of material Batch No.,
Code No., Date of Packing & Net Weight.
Moisture (% by mass) 12.0 (Max)
Turmeric Content (% by mass) 02.0 (Max)
Extraneous Matter (% by mass) 0.5 (Max)
Defective Rhizomes (% by mass) 1.0 (Max)
Test for Lead Chromate Negative

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 Fine powder obtained by grinding dried berries of Piper nigrun L.
 It shall be free from any other matter, mould growth, insect infestation or musty odour.
 It shall be free from added colouring matter.
 It shall be free from coarse particles and ground to such fineness that the whole of it passes through a 500 micron sieves.
 It shall be free from fungal or insect infestation.
 It shall be packed in Sound, Clean, Dry, and Airtight Container. Each pack shall be suitably marked as name of material Batch No.,
Code No., Date of Packing & Net Weight.
Moisture (% by wt) 10.0 Max
Total Ash (% by wt) 7.0 Max
Ash Insoluble in dii HCL (% by wt) 1.0 Max
Non-volatile ether extract (% by wt) 5.5 Min
Crude Fibre (% by wt) 18.0 (Max)


 Black pepper, whole shall be the dried berries of Piper nigrum L, brown to black in colour with wrinkled surface.
 The taste and flavour of black pepper whole shall be freshened pungent. The material shall be free from foreign taste and flavour
including rancidity and mustiness.
 It shall be free from extraneous matter including dust chaff, picking, other foreign matter and papaya seeds.
 Black pepper whole may be graded on the basis of size of the berries proportion of light berries, pin heads, extraneous matter and place
of origin.
 It shall be packed in Sound, Clean, Dry, and Airtight Container. Each pack shall be suitably marked as name of material Batch No.,
Code No., Date of Packing & Net Weight.
Moisture (% by mass) 11.0 (Max)
Pinheads (% by mass) 1.0 (Max)
Light berries (% by wt) 5.0 (Max)
Insect damaged matter (% by wt) 0.5 (Max)

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 Fine powder obtained by grinding dried whole ripe berries of Piper nigrum from which the other part of the pericarp has been removed.
 The colour should be uniform greyish-white.
 It shall be free from any other matter, mould growth, insect, infestation or musty odour.
 It shall be free from added colouring matter.
 It shall be free from coarse particles and ground to such fineness that whole of it passes through a 500 micron sieve.
 It shall be packed in Sound, Clean, Dry, and Airtight Container. Each pack shall be suitably marked as name of material Batch No.,
Code No., Date of Packing & Net Weight.
Moisture (% by wt) 9.8 (Max)
Total Ash (%by wt) 1.3 (Max)
Ash Insoluble in dil HCL (% by wt) 0.025 (Max)
Non-volatile ether extract (% by wt) 7.0 (Mm)
Crude Fibre (% by wt.) 3.5 (Max)
Volatile Oil (% by wt.) 0.30 (Max)

Fine powder obtained by grinding clean dried chilli pods of Capsicum annum (L).
It shall be dry free from dust, mould growth and insect infestation.
It shall be free from extraneous matter added colouring matter & flavouring matter.
Chilli Powder shall be light to dark red in colour.
It shall be packed in Sound, Clean, Dry, and Airtight Container. Each pack shall be suitably marked as name of material Batch No.,
Code No., Date of Packing & Net Weight.
Moisture (% by wt) 12.0 (Max)
Edible Oil (% by wt) 2.0 (Max)
Total Ash (% by wt) 8.0 (Max)
Ash Insoluble in dil HCL (% by wt) 1.3 (Max)
Non-volatile ether extract (% by wt) 12.0 (Mm)

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Crude Fibre (% by wt) 30.0 (Max)

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 Red Chilli Broken obtained by grinding clean dried chilli pods of Capsicum annum (L).
 It shall be dry, free from dust, mould growth and insect infestation.
 It shall be free from extraneous matter added colouring matter & flavouring matter.
 It shall be light to dark red in colour.
 It shall be packed in Sound, Clean, Dry, and Airtight Container. Each pack shall be suitably marked as name of material Batch No.,
Code No., Date of Packing & Net Weight.


 The chillies shall be the dried ripe fruits or pods of Capsicum frutescent L/capsicum annum.The pods shall be of colour range from
yellowish to deep red. It shall be free from stalks.
 The chillies shall have their characteristics as yellow to red colour and pungent taste. They shall be free from foreign taste and flavour
including rancidity and mustiness.
 The chillies shall be free from visible moulds and insect infestation.
 The chillies shall be free from extraneous colouring matter coating of oil and other harmful substances.
 It shall be packed in Sound, Clean, Dry, and Airtight Container. Each pack shall be suitably marked as name of material Batch No.,
Code No., Date of Packing & Net Weight.
Moisture (% by wt.) 10.0 (Max)
Extraneous matter (% by wt.) 1.0 (Max)
Damaged and discoloured (% by wt.) 1.0 (Max)
Loose seeds (% by wt.) 1.0 (Max)
Broken pods (% by wt.) 3.0 (Max)

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DRY GINGER (Whole Galanga) SONTH

 The ginger whole shall be the dried rhizomes of Zingier officinal Rose, in pieces, irregular in shape & size with peel not entirely
removed, washed and dried in the sun.
 It shall be pale brown in colour, with fibre content characteristic of the variety lime bleached and light pieces removed by garbling.
 It shall have characteristic taste and flavour, be wholesome and shall not have rancid or bitter taste or musty odour.
 It shall be reasonably dry & free from moulds and insect infestation.
 It shall be free from added colouring matter.
 It shall be packed in Sound, Clean, Dry, and Airtight Container. Each pack shall be suitably marked as name of material Batch No.,
Code No., Date of Packing & Net Weight.
Volatile Oil (% by wt.) dry wt. Basis 1.0 (Max) Lime as Cao (% by wt.) 4.0 (Max)
Extraneous Matter (% by wt.) 1.0 (Max) Insect Damaged Matter (% by wt.) 0.5 (Max)

NUTMEG (Whole Jaiphal)

 Nutmeg shall be the dried peach like ripe fruit of Myristica fragrans.
 It shall be free from extraneous matter and infestation.
 It shall be reasonably dry and free from added colouring matter.
 It shall be packed in Sound, Clean, Dry, and Airtight Container. Each pack shall be suitably marked as name of material Batch No.,
Code No., Date of Packing & Net Weight.
Extraneous matter and Infestation (% by wt.) 0.5 (Max)


 The fenugreek seeds shall be the dried seeds of Trigonella foenum fraecum
 The seeds shall be clean and wholesome and shall have the size, shape colour characteristic of the type & variety.
 The taste and aroma and flavour of the fenugreek seeds shall be characteristic of fenugreek. The material shall be free from foreign
taste and aroma as well as from musty odour.
 The fenugreek seeds shall be free from visible moulds and practically free from insect infestation and added colouring matter.
 It shall be packed in Sound, Clean, Dry, and Airtight Container. Each pack shall be suitably marked as name of material Batch No.,
Code No., Date of Packing & Net Weight.

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Extraneous Matter (% by wt.) 1.0 (Max) Edible seeds other than fenugreek 0.5 (Max)
Insect Damaged Matter (% by wt.) 0.5 (Max)
FENNEL (Saunf)
 It should be the dried ripe fruits of Foemiculam Vulgare Mill. The seeds shall be the small oblong ellipsoidal or cylindrical straight or
slightly curved and of greenish or yellowish brown colour.
 It shall be the sweet flavour and taste and free from mould growth and practically free from insect infested seeds and added colouring
 It shall be packed in Sound, Clean, Dry, and Airtight Container. Each pack shall be suitably marked as name of material Batch No.,
Code No., Date of Packing & Net Weight.
Extraneous Matter (% by wt.) 0.5 (Max) Edible seeds other than fennel 0.5 (Max)
Insect Damaged Matter (% by wt.) 0.5 (Max)

 Amchur powder shall be prepared by grinding; peeling clean and dried raw mango slices (Mangifera indica Linn).
 It shall have the characteristic colour, taste and flavour. It shall be free from musty odour, extraneous matter, added colouring matter,
flavouring matter and preservative.
 It shall be free from dirt, mould growth and insect/ fungal contamination and added common salt or starch.
 It shall be ground to such a fineness that not less than 97% by wt. passes through a 500 micron IS sieve.
 It shall be packed in Sound, Clean, Dry, and Airtight Container. Each pack shall be suitably marked as name of material Batch No.,
Code No., Date of Packing & Net Weight.
Moisture (%by wt) 9.0 (Max)
Total Ash (% by wt.) Acid Insoluble Ash (% by wt.) 4.0 (Max)
Acid Insoluble Ash (% by weight) 1.0 (Max)
Crude Fibre (% by wt.) 3.5 (Max)
Acidity as anhydrous citric acid (% by wt) 20.0 (Max)

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 It should be prepared from sound and properly cleaned wheat, by grinding wheat in such a manner that a granular product containing as
little flour as possible is obtained.
 It shall posses a good characteristic taste and odour and shall be free from rancid, musty, sour and other undesirable taste or odorous.
 It shall be free from living insects, moulds, dead insects, insect fragment and rodent contamination visible to the eye.
 The material shall be retained on a 300 microns IS sieve and completely pass through 850 micron sieve.
 It shall have good cooking quality.
 It shall be packed in Sound, Clean, Dry, and Airtight Container. Each pack shall be suitably marked as name of material Batch No.,
Code No., Date of Packing & Net Weight.
Moisture (% by wt) 9.0 (Max)
Total Ash (% by wt.) 2.25 (Max)
Acid Insoluble Ash (% by wt.) on dry wt. Basis 0.20 (Max)
Protein (% by wt) on dry wt. Basis 8.0 (Max)
Alcoholic Acidity (% by wt.) as sulphuric acid 0.05 (Max)
Crude Fibres (% by wt.) on dry wt. Basis 1.5 (Max)


 It shall be sound, dried leaves of Lauru~ nobilis, light green in colour and have its characteristic flavour.
 It shall be free from dirt, dust, extraneous matter, fungal/insect infestation & small pieces of broken leaves.


 It shall be the sun dried or dehydrated seeds of Pomegranate reddish brown to dark red colotir and characteristic flavour.
 It shall be free from dirt, grit, dust, insect infestation.
 It shall be packed in Sound, Clean, Dry, and Airtight Container. Each pack shall be suitably marked as name of material Batch No.,

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Code No., Date of Packing & Net Weight.


It shall be dried seeds of Nigella Sativa (L).
Extraneous matter including dust, dirt, stones, and lumps of earth, chaff, stem or straw shall not exceed 0.5% by weight.
Edible seeds other than cumin black shall not exceed 0.5% by weight.
It shall be free from added colour matter.
Insect damaged matter shall not exceed 0.5% by weight.
It shall be packed in Sound, Clean, Dry, and Airtight Container. Each pack shall be suitably marked as name of material Batch No.,
Code No., Date of Packing & Net Weight.


 It shall be the dried seeds of Brassica sps.
 It shall be free from seeds of Argemone maxicana (L).
 The extraneous matter including dust, dirt, stones, lumps or earth, chaff, stem, straw, edible food grains, oil seeds or any other impurity
shall not exceed 0.5%.
 Insect damaged matter shall not exceed 0.5%.
 It shall be packed in Sound, Clean, Dry, and Airtight Container. Each pack shall be suitably marked as name of material Batch No.,
Code No., Date of Packing & Net Weight.

 It shall be well dried leaves of fenugreek (Methi) leaves, dark green in colour.
 It shall be free from stalks, stems, other extraneous matter like sand, and lumps of dirt.
 It shall be prepared in hygiene conditions.

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 It shall be packed in Sound, Clean, Dry, and Airtight Container. Each pack shall be suitably marked as name of material Batch No.,
Code No., Date of Packing & Net Weight.


Mustard Powder obtained by grinding the dried seeds of Brassica variety.
It shall have coloured and pungency characteristic of the variety.
It shall be free from moulds, insect infestation and musty flavour and taste.
It shall be free from added colouring matter and any other foreign matter.
It shall be packed in Sound, Clean, Dry, and Airtight Container.
Each pack shall be suitably marked as name of material Batch No., Code No., Date of Packing & Net Weight.
Moisture (% by wt) 6.0 (Max) Total Ash (% by wt.) 6.0 (Max)
Volatile Oil (% by V/M) 0.35 (Max) Non-Volatile Ether Extract (% by wt.) 27.0 (Max)
Ash Insoluble in dil HCL (% by wt.) 2.0 (Max) Crude Fibre (% by wt.) 8.0 (Max)
Starch (% by wt.) 15.0 (Max) Test for Argemone Oil Negative

SABU DANA (Sabu Granules)

 It shall be in hard globules or pearls form from sago palm or the tubers of tapioca (Manihot utilisima).
 It shall be reasonably dry.
 It shall have good cooking quality i.e. on preparation the globules should not completely dissolve.
 It shall be free from any extraneous matter including natural colours.
Total Ash (on dry basis) 0.4% (Max)
Acid Insoluble in dil HCL (on dry basis) 0.5% (Max)

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It shall be obtained by peeling & shelling of Almond nuts, kernels shall be ellipsoid in shape with brownish tan skin, whole, clean well
dried and crispy.
It shall be free from decay, rancidity, insect injury, foreign matter. Doubles, split or chipped & scratched kernels and damaged shall not
exceed 1%.
It shall be packed in Sound, Clean, Dry, and Food Grade Polythene Bag. Each pack shall be suitably marked as name of material Batch
No., Code No., Date of Packing & Net Weight.

 It shall be soft, semi dry, plump and lustrous with light amber to golden brown colour, well developed, with good flesh and soft, smooth
 It shall be free from extraneous matter, presence of dirt, smell and deformed with puffiness and sunburst dates.
 It shall be packed in Sound, Clean, Dry, and Food Grade Polythene Bag. Each pack shall be suitably marked as name of material Batch
No., Code No., Date of Packing & Net Weight.


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 It shall be prepared from well matured grapes (seedless) with golden brown to reddish brown colour. It shall have good characteristic
flavour, sweet in taste.
 It shall contain not more than 18% moisture.
 It shall be free from Stalks, Dirt, Sand, and Sour, Discoloured, Infested Raisins and any other extraneous matter.
 It shall be packed in Sound, Clean, Dry, and Food Grade Polythene Bag. Each pack shall be suitably marked as name of material Batch
No., Code No., Date of Packing & Net Weight.

Pista Kernels shall be obtained through roasting, shelling and peeling of Pista Nuts. The Kernels shall be reasonably Dry, whole some
and Crispy. They shall have the characteristic shape and colour varying from light green to light brown.
Kernels should be free from living insects and moulds and should be practically free from dead insects, insect fragments and rodent
contamination visible to the naked eye.
Kernels should be practically free from extraneous matter such as stones, dirt or any other foreign matter.
Damaged, broken kernels and black spots shall not exceed 2% by wt. and shall be completely free from rancid kernels.
It shall be packed in Sound, Clean, Dry, and Food Grade Polythene Bag. Each pack shall be suitably marked as name of material Batch
No., Code No., Date of Packing & Net Weight.

 Shelled walnuts shall be obtained through shelling and peeling of walnuts in shell. It shall be in the form of complete halves i.e.
undamaged separate cotyledon of ftilly developed kernel.
 Colour of the material from light amber to light tan or brown.
 Kernels shall be of the current year crop only, free from diseases and mouldy pieces, cobwebs, rodent excreta, hair, live pests grouts or
eggs, shell grits, wood splinters, husk and other foreign matters.
 The kernels shall be reasonably dry partially or wholly shrunken or shrivelled, oil bled, blighted, sunburnt worm eaten, rancid, bitter,
excessively oily or unpalatable, tainted or blemished kernels should not exceed 2%.
 The kernel shall be free from walnut meal or floor at the time of packing. It shall be properly cured.
 It shall be packed in Sound, Clean, Dry, and Food Grade Polythene Bag. Each pack shall be suitably marked as name of material Batch
No., Code No., Date of Packing & Net Weight.

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CASHEWNUT KERNELS - (4 Pcs. Broken & whole)

 Cashew kernels shall be obtained through roasting, shelling & peeling cashew nuts (Anacardium acidulate Linnaeus). The kernel shall
be reasonably dry and crispy.
 Kernel should be free from living insects & moulds & should be free from dead insects or insect fragments, or rodent contamination
visible to naked eye.
 Kernels shall be practically free from extraneous matters such as stones dirt or any other foreign matter.
 Material should come under LWP (Large, White, Pieces) grade.
 Kernels broken into more than two pieces and not passing through a 4.75c mm I.S. Sieve.
 It shall be packed in Sound, Clean, Dry, and Food Grade Polythene Bag. Each pack shall be suitably marked as name of material Batch
No., Code No., Date of Packing & Net Weight.

 It shall be prepared by drying of well developed fresh ripe drupes golden yellow to yellowish brown, smooth skin sweet in taste.
 It shall not be over dried and free from dirt, sand, sour, discoloured infested apricot or any other extraneous matter.
 It shall be packed in Sound, Clean, Dry, and Food Grade Polythene Bag. Each pack shall be suitably marked as name of material Batch
No., Code No., Date of Packing & Net Weight.


 It shall be prepared by drying of well developed, ripe figs, light amber to reddish brown colour sweet in taste.
 It shall be dried in hygienic condition.
 It shall not be over dried, be free from dirt, sand, rodent bites and any other extraneous matter.
 It shall be packed in Sound, Clean, Dry, and Food Grade Polythene Bag. Each pack shall be suitably marked as name of material
Batch No., Code No., Date of Packing & Net Weight.


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 It shall be prepared from well developed, ripe fruits of Ribs nigrum with reddish black to black colour. It shall have good, characteristic
flavour and sweet in taste.
 It shall be free from stalks, dirt, and sand, sour, discoloured, over dried, infested currants and any other extraneous matter.
 It shall be packed in Sound, Clean, Dry, and Food Grade Polythene Bag. Each pack shall be suitably marked as name of material Batch
No., Code No., Date of Packing & Net Weight.


It shall be processed essentially from fully mature, fresh coconut. The colour of the material shall be natural white. It shall be crisp &
sweet leaving natural taste.
It shall be free from cheesy, smoky, musty or other objectionable odour, fungal & insect infestation. It shall be free from rancidity and
shall show fat sweating.
The material shall be free from coconut shell test, starch, added sugar, papaya stem tissues or other foreign material and added
colouring and flavouring matter.
The material shall be manufactured in premises maintained under hygienic conditions.
It shall be packed in Sound, Clean, Dry, and Airtight Container. Each pack shall be suitably marked as name of material Batch No.,
Code No., Date of Packing & Net Weight.
Moisture (% by mass) 3.0 (Max) Fat (% by mass) 65.0 (Mm)
Fat AcidityasLauric Acid 0.3 (Max) Coli form Count/gm 10.0 (Max)
Salmonella Absent

It shall be prepared by dried stigmata or tops of styles of Crocus sativus (L).
It shall not contain any extraneous matter such as sand, corusilk etc.
It shall be free from living or dead insects, insect fragments and rodent contamination.
Saffron should be sealed pack of 1 gram.
It shall be free from fungal or insect infestation.
It shall be packed in Sound, Clean, Dry, and Airtight Container. Each pack shall be suitably marked as name of material Batch No.,
Code No., Date of Packing & Net Weight.

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Moisture (% by wt)
Ash Insoluble in dil HCL (% by wt)
Volatile Matter at 103 c+/- 1 C (% by wt.)
Aqueous extract (% by wt)
Total Nitrogen (on dry wt. basis) (% by wt) 2.0 (Mm)
Floral waste and other part of flow 1.0 (Max)
Crocus sativus Linn (% by wt.)

The kernels shall be obtained from pods of the variety "Red natal ' Peanuts", shall have characteristic shape, configuration and
appearance of the variety.
Kernels should be ovular round in shape and should be covered with light red skin, reasonably dry, not moist to touch, shall not show
visible signs of insects or moulds and shall be free from dirt and obnoxious smell.
It shall be packed in Sound, Clean, Dry, and Airtight Container. Each pack shall be suitably marked as name of material Batch No.,
Code No., Date of Packing & Net Weight.
Foreign matter (% by wt.) 0.5 (Max)
Damaged split & broken kernels 1.0 (Max)
Shrivelled, immature kernels (% by wt.) 0.5 (Max)

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 The small Cardamoms shall be the nearly ripe fruits of Elettaria Cardamom um (L). Meat in the form of capsules which have been
 In capsules shall be of colour ranging from light green to pale yellow, global in size or three cornered having a ribbed appearance. The
capsules may be clipped and their pedicels removed. The capsules shall be well formed and with sound cardamom seeds inside.
 The taste and aroma or flavour of cardamoms in capsules and seeds shall be characteristics and fresh. The material shall be free from
foreign taste and aroma or flavour including rancidity and mustiness.
 Capsules and seeds shall be free from visible moulds and insects infestation.
 It shall be packed in Sound, Clean, Dry, and Food Grade Polythene Bag. Each pack shall be suitably marked as name of material Batch
No., Code No., Date of Packing & Net Weight.
Test Results
Moisture (% by V\M)
Mass per Lit. V\M (gms)
Volatile Oil (% by V\M)
Extraneous Matter (% by Wt.)
Empty & Malformed Capsules (% by Count)
Immature & Shriveled Capsules (% by Wt.)
Blades & Splits (% by Count)
Light Seeds (% by Wt.)

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The fish should be fresh without sign of aging or shock storage such as yellow colour.
Skin should be intact.
The scale should not fall.
The eyes should be bright, moist and not sunken.
The flesh of the fish should be firm when you press with fingers should not leave any impression.
The gills should be red without any fungus.
Tail should be firm.
No awful smell.

Average Wt. 8-10 kgs.
As per general specification.
Belly to be removed.
No hanging flesh.
No fungus on the mouth or gills.


Wt. 5-6 Kg.
As per general specifications.
Belly removed.

 Wt. 500-550 gms. each

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 As per general specifications.

 Should be washed and checked when brought for receiving.
 Tandoori pomfret should wt. 300-350 gms.

 Wt. 5-6 Kgs.
 As per general specifications
 No loose belly.
 The body should be moist and firm.

 Tiger or Scampi - As per requirement.
 Frozen IQF or Block - unless specifically ordered as fresh.
 Should not have awful smell and soft flesh.
 The colour of the shell should be olive green to blue colour.
 Red and orange colour is not acceptable.
 No seaweed or fungus on the legs.
 Egg mosses are not allowed
 Headless to be supplied unless asked for head on.


 5-8 Nos. per Kg.
 Grade I - 10-12 Nos. per kg.
 Grade II - 15-22 Nos. per kg.
 Grade III - 25-30 Nos. per kg.
 Shrimps - 40-60 Nos. per kg. - (NO SHELLS) & Cleaned

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 Should be without head, unless ordered Head-on.
 Only Lobster should be supplied and not Cray fish.
 Weight approx. 2-3 pcs. per kg.
 No head hanging flesh.
 No egg mosses having fungus.
 The shell should be olive green colour, no red colour accepted.
 Rest general specifications as per the prawns.

Only live crabs are accepted.
No fungus or egg mosses
Wt. 300-350 Gms. per piece
Should be brought moist with mandibles tied
No awful smell

 As per general specifications
 Approx. 12-18 Pcs. per kg.

 4-6 Kgs.
 Slimy Red Scales
 As per general specifications

 As per general specifications

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 Wt. - 2 1/2 to 3 1/2 Kgs



Dressed weight of bird should be between 900 - 1000 grams. Exclusive of the skin, giblets and neck. Feet to be out at the hock joint. Neck
not to be longer than 2 " from the carcass. Carcass with well developed flesh, free of deformities breast and legs free of cuts tears. Breast
well-developed and even distribution of fat on the bird. There should be no broken bones in the carcass, practically free from discoloured
skin and flesh. The breastbone end should be soft and flexible, hard end of the breastbone indicates old age in the bird.

Same as above except the chicken shall weigh between 650 – 700 grams.

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Should be in pairs with the tail on & the hair on the tail tip. Feet off at the ankle. Individual weight of the leg on an average should be 1400 -
1600 grams. The colour of the meat should be bright & brick red .The meat should show no blue bruises, blemishes, or purple blood clots.
The marbling of the fat should be of white colour with no off or rancid / rotting smell in the meat. There should be no slime formation on the

The weight of the chops should be about 600 – 650 grams for each rack. The rack should be trimmed of any excessive fat and hanging flaps,
the spine should finish at the end of the ribs and not extend beyond. It should be composed of ribs and split spine. The colour of the meat
should be bright and brick red .The meat should show no blue bruises, blemishes, or purple blood clots. The marbling of the fat should be of
white colour with no off or rancid / rotting smell in the meat. There should be no slime formation on the meat.

The colour of the meat should be bright and brick red .The meat should show no blue bruises, blemishes, or purple blood clots. The marbling
of the fat should be of white colour with no off or rancid / rotting smell in the meat. There should be no slime formation on the meat and the
weight should be between 750 grams to 1250 grams.

Beheaded, eviscerated, skinned leaving feet and neck attached with kidney and liver in the carcass without sweetbread. The goat should
weigh about 11 kg dressed, on an average. Freshly slaughtered the colour of the meat should be bright and brick red, blood traces to be Fresh
and bright, with red blood oozing from neck. The meat to show no blue bruises, blemishes, or purple blood clots.

The surface of the meat should carry no excessive fat; marbling on lamb should no be more than 1/2" in depth. Colour of fat to be bright
white, especially inside the body. On pinching the tissue and fat layer between finger and thumb, a crisp and flaky feel indicates good fat.


Specifications as above except that weight should not be above 8kg and fat marbling less than 1/2". Light red, and the meat should be tender.

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 Only back bacon without bones should be used.
 The width should not be more than 10".
 The smoke flavour should be moderate.
 The colour should be caramel brown.
 Fat should not be more than 1/2" thick.
 It should be cooked ham cut of hind legs without any bone and fat.
 The block should be firm and should not crumble on slicing.
 The meat should be tender.
 The colour should be light pink.

 Diameter ~8-20
 Length 12-13 cms.
 Fat percentage not more than 10%.
 Lightly spiced without any fillers like starch or Soya.
 Added water mot more than 15%.
 Frankfurters should be made from 100% meat.

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There shall be 35 +-5 pieces per kilo with clear sugar syrup in it. The texture will be soft and spongy and the colour shall be white to off
white in a round shape.

There will be 18 +- 5 pieces per kilo and will have a clear sugar syrup with it. The colour will be brown and evenly coloured round in shape.

There shall be 36 +- 05 pieces per kilo and the colour shall be white to off white with a flat disc shape of a diameter of 1.5 to 2. 5 “soaked in
a light sweet milk reduction. Could be also flavoured with saffron.

A thick dropping consistency of reduced and sweetened milk with or without layers depending upon the requirement.

A thick dessert made of hung yoghurt, with a predominant flavour of mango and lightly sweetened with sugar .Will be of a light to deep
yellow colour depending upon the mango used.


A yellow colored sweet with a thick consistency with a predominant flavour of desi ghee and the aroma of roasted moong daal and a light
hint of cardamom.

There will be 18 +- 5 pieces per kilo and will have a clear sugar syrup with it. The colour will be deep brown bordering on black and evenly
coloured round in shape.

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A frozen dessert made of reduced milk & frozen in plastic or earthenware shells. It can be flavoured with saffron, mango or pistachio. There
will be 10+-2 per kilo.

Small balls of poached milk solids in saffron flavoured sauce of reduced milk topped with slivers of pistachio.

Deep fried flat discs of milk solids in a fennel flavoured clear sugar syru

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24. Handling Walk In Refrigerators


Nothing should be stored on the floor of the refrigerator.

All the items must be stored no less than 06 inches from the floor.
All cooked and raw items must be separated. Cooked food should always be stored away from the raw food.
All food stored in containers must be covered and clearly labeled.
Any cooked or left over food must be stored at a depth of no more than four inches.
All the stored items must meet the temperature requirement of 40o F.
All the refrigerators must be equipped with a thermometer.
Watch out for excessive condensation and immediately inform the supervisor if the refrigeration is out of the temperature.

25. Cooking Methods for

Vegetables PROCEDURE :


 Bring the liquid to a full boil and add the seasonings and aromatics.
 Add the vegetables.
 Cook it to the desired doneness.
 Drain the liquid.
 Serve the vegetable or refresh it and hold it.

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 Bring the liquid to a full boil and add the seasonings and aromatics.
 Add the vegetable to the steamer in a single layer.
 Steam the vegetables to the desired doneness.
 Serve the vegetable or refresh and hold it.


 Place the vegetable in a hot or moderate oven.

 Roast it to the desired doneness.
 Serve, hold, or use it in a secondary technique.


 Heat the pan, add the cooking medium and heat it.
 Add the vegetable.
 Sauté the vegetable, keeping it in a motion.
 Add the aromatics and seasonings or glaze and heat thoroughly.
 Serve the vegetables immediately.


Heat the cooking medium.

Add the vegetables.
Cook it until its exterior is lightly browned and crisp.
Blot it on an absorbent paper toweling.
Season it and serve it immediately.

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 Coat the vegetables with breading or batter.
 Heat the oil in deep fryer and add the vegetable.
 Fry the vegetable until it is evenly brown or golden.
 Remove it from the oil and blot it on the absorbent paper toweling.
 Adjust the seasoning and serve the vegetable immediately.


 Heat the grill or the broiler.

 Marinate the vegetable or brush it with oil.
 Grill or broil it until it is tender and properly cooked.
 Serve the vegetable immediately.


 Heat the oil or stock.

 Smother the vegetable and seasonings or aromatics.
 Add the liquid, bring it to a simmer and cook the vegetable.
 Add the remaining vegetables and aromatics.
 Cook the stew or braise until the dish according to the recipe.
 Serve the vegetable or hold it.

 Cook the vegetables until it's very tender.
 Drain it and remove any excess moisture.
 Puree the vegetables.

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 Adjust the seasonings, finish and serve or use it in a secondary preparation.

26 Cooking Methods for



 Place all the potatoes in a pot.

 Add enough cold water to cover them.
 Bring the water to a boil.
 Reduce the heat to establish a simmer.
 Simmer to the correct doneness.
 Drain and dry the potatoes.
 Serve immediately, puree or hold for another use.


 Arrange the potatoes on a steamer tray.

 Place them in the steamer.
 Cover the steamer.

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 Steam the potatoes until they are tender.

 Drain and dry the potatoes.
 Serve immediately, puree or hold for another use.


 Scrub the potatoes and pierce their skins.[Optional: Rub them with oil or salt]
 Place the potatoes in a hot oven.
 Bake them until they are tender.
 Serve or hold the potatoes.

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 Layer the sliced potatoes in a buttered pan.

 Add the heated cream, sauce or custard.
 Shake the pan to distribute the ingredients evenly and cover loosely with foil.
 Bake the potatoes in a moderate oven until they are tender.
 Top with bread crumbs, butter and grated cheese and broil briefly.
 Serve or hold the potatoes.


 Heat cooking fat in a sauté pan.

 Add the cut potatoes.
 Shake the pan vigorously to coat the potatoes evenly with fat.
 Sauté the potatoes, string or flipping them frequently, until they are golden brown outside and tender inside
 Season and serve them.


 Blanch and cut potatoes in 325o F in oil.

 Drain them.
 Increase the oil's temperature to 375o F.
 Fry the blanched potatoes until they are brown and floating on the oil's surface.
 Drain them on absorbent swelling.
 Salt them away from the fryer.
 Serve the potatoes immediately.

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 Cook the potatoes until they are tender by boiling, steaming pr baking them.
 Dry steam or boiled potatoes on a sheet pan in a moderate oven.
 Puree the potatoes in ricer, food mill or a stove.
 Add eggs, heated milk or cream, or softened butter, as needed.
 Adjust the seasoning to taste.
 Serve or hold the potatoes.

27 Cooking Methods for Grains and



 Bring the water to a rolling boil.

 Add the legumes to the cold water before boiling.
 Establish a simmer and cook to the proper doneness.
 Drain and serve them or hold in a warm place.


 Place the grains over the simmering or boiling water.

 Steam the grains until tender.
 Adjust the seasonings to taste.
 Serve them or hold it.

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 Heat the cooking oil or fat.

 Add the onions and sweat them.
 Add the grains and sauté them.
 Add the water and aromatics.
 Bring the liquid to a simmer.
 Cover the pot and place it in the oven.
 Cook until the individual grains are tender.
 Adjust the seasonings to taste.
 Serve the Pilaf.


 Heat the cooking fat or oil.

 Add the onions and other aromatics.
 Add the rice and cook it until it is glazed.
 Add the simmering liquid in three parts.
 Stir constantly as the rice absorbs the liquid.
 Add some wine, if required, as the final addition of the liquid.
 Adjust the seasonings to taste.
 Serve the Risotto.

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28. Points for Deep



 Food should be of uniform size and thickness.

REASON: This allows even cooking and foods will be cooked at the same time.

 Food should be chilled after crumbling. Loose crumbs shaken free and the surface patted.
REASON: If chilled, breadcrumbs will adhere more readily to the food when lowered into the fryer and fewer impurities will be
added to the frying medium

 If coated in batter, any excess should be drained off and the food slowly lowered into the fryer.
REASON: By slowly lowering the food, the surface of the batter will set before it comes in contact with the side or bottom of the

 Very cold or frozen food, such as potato chips, should be added in small pieces and quantities.
REASON: The temperature of the frying medium will drop and take too long to recover if large quantities of frozen food are added.

 Residues of crumbs, batter or food should be regularly skimmed from the frying medium.
REASON: Impurities burn and increase the deterioration of the frying medium.

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 The frying medium must be at the correct frying point before food is added.
REASON: This prevents the food absorbing fat and prevents loss of flavor.

 The temperature of the frying medium should not exceed the cooking temperature needed for the food being fried.
REASON: Overheating causes rapid deterioration of the frying medium, and can cause fat to reach its flash point (this is the stage at
which fat will combust, causing fire)

 Foods should be dried before immersing into the hot frying medium.
REASON: Foods high in moisture cause steam and bubbling of fat, and can also cause the fat to spit.

 When removing foods, drain them over the fryer.

REASON: This returns the excess frying medium to the fryer.

 All fried food should be drained on absorbent kitchen paper prior to serving.
REASON: Even after draining, further fat is released from the food and the paper will absorb this. This prevents a pool of fat forming
on the serving plate.

 Foods should be seasoned away from the fryer.

REASON: Salt causes the rapid breakdown of the frying medium.

 Fried foods should be served immediately.

REASON: The surface of the food should be crisp when served. Fried foods will cool quickly and cannot be re-heated.

29. Safety While Deep


The following points refer to the safe operation of a deep fat fryer:

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Melt fat on a low setting (some fryers have a melt cycle) initially, as a high temperature touching the fat will cause that part to burn and
breakdown before the rest of the fat has melted.
 Ensure that the fryer is only filled to the operating level, which is usually half to two-thirds full.
 Set the thermostat to operating temperatures between 170 C and 190 C.
 Wait until the correct frying temperature is reached and lower the well-drained and dried food gently into the fat. If foaming occurs, lift
the basket for a moment and lower again.
 Turn food with a spider, or shake the basket to allow even cooking.
 Food is cooked when golden brown. Lift and drain over the fryer, and serve immediately.


When deep-frying you need to be aware of potential dangers. Serious burns and fire can be avoided if care and safety procedures are used.

 Always use a well-designed fryer with a thermostat and know how to operate the equipment. The old fashioned ‘friture’ which is a pot
placed on top of the stove has caused more fires than any other piece of equipment in a kitchen.
A frying basket, colander, drainer or spider should always be next to the fryer as an emergency precaution, to quickly remove food in
order to avoid an overspill of hot fat.
Always stand slightly back when food is placed in the fryer, to avoid steam and splash burns.
Never leave the deep fryer while in use.
No one should operate a deep fat fryer unless they know the procedure for handling a fat fire.
NEVER USE WATER – oil and water do not mix, and you will only spread the fire rather than put it out.
Know the type of the fire extinguisher and how to use it.
Always have a lid, which fits the deep fat fryer next to the work area. Covering the fire with the lid will extinguish the flames, which
are fed by the oxygen in the air.
A fire blanket should be located near work areas that involve deep fat frying.

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30. Cooking Pastas

 The quantity of pasta to allow for each person will depend upon how the pasta is to be used and the number of courses in the meal. As a
general guide, allow:
 Entrée – 50 to 75 g of uncooked pasta per person.
 Main courses – 100 to 150 g of uncooked pasta per person.
 Pasta should be cooked in plenty of well – salted boiling water in an uncovered pot. Allow about 4 to 6 litres of water per kilogram of
pasta. The water must be boiling vigorously before the pasta is added, so that the pieces do not stick together. A small amount of oil
(about 1T) added to the water will help, and should also prevent the water boiling over.

 Cooking time will depend upon the size; shape and density of pastas, so check the manufacturer’s instruction for a guide. Fresh pasta
cooks in about 3 minutes. Pasta should be cooked to a stage known as 'al dente'. This translates as ‘to the tooth’ and means the pasta
should still be firm to bite and not be overcooked and mushy.
 When cooking large quantities, the pasta can be boiled to al dente, rinsed, then transferred immediately into pots of cold water for later
use. It can be held for short periods in this way until required, then dropped into boiling water to heat through.

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31. Cooking Rice

 During cooking the starch granules in the rice swell and soften.
 This causes the rice to increase two to three times in volume and weight.
 There are two main methods of cooking rice; the boiling method and the pilaf method.

 Bring a large pot of salted water to the boil.
 Gradually add the rice, maintaining a constant boil.
 Stir occasionally to ensure the rice is not catching on the bottom.
 Boil uncovered for 12 to 15 minutes or until tender.
 Drain well.

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 Sauté finely diced onion in butter without coloring, then add rice to the pan and stir until all grains are coated in fat.
 Add water or stock, in the ratio of two parts liquid to one part rice. Other flavorings and ingredients may be added at this stage.
 Cook over look heat with the lid on until all the liquid has been absorbed and the grains separate easily.
 Cooked rice may be stored in a sealed container for up to 1 week in the refrigerator or frozen for up to 6 months. It can be reheated
for use in a steamer or in a greased ovenproof dish with a tight-fitting lid.

32. Cooking Eggs

 Cooking changes the color, flavor and consistency of eggs, and makes them more digestible. Popular methods of egg cookery include
poaching boiling, frying and scrambling.

 Fill a shallow pan with sufficient water so that the eggs will be entirely covered.
 Add a little salt and vinegar to the water to assist coagulation.
 Bring the water to simmering point.
 Crack the egg onto a saucer, then gently slide it into the pan.

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 Cook to the desired stage.

 Remove with a skimmer to drain off water. When large quantities of poached eggs are required, they may be cooked in advance as
described above, then placed in cold water. They may then be reheated in hot water as required.

 Lower the eggs into the pot of boiling water.
 Reduce the heat to simmering and cook to the desired level of doneness.
Soft boiled 3 to 5 minutes
Medium boiled 6 to 8 minutes
Hard boiled 12 to 15 minutes

 Place the eggs in a pot of cold water.
 Bring to the boil, and then simmer according to the desired level of doneness.
Soft boiled 1 minute
Medium boiled 3 to 5 minutes
Hard boiled 8 to 10 minutes

Eggs should be at room temperature before cooking to avoid cracking. Prolonged cooking and excessive temperatures cause a green film to
develop around the yolk. This forms because the sulfur in the white reacts with the iron in the yolk when heated to a sufficiently high

 Melt sufficient butter, margarine or vegetable oil to barely cover the base of a pan or grill plate. The fat should be hot enough to set the
eggs in a few minutes, but not so hot that it causes the eggs to brown.
 Break the egg onto a saucer and slide it onto the greased pan or grill plate.
 Cook as desired.
Attention must be given to controlling the heat during cooking, Insufficient heat will cause the white to spread over the pan before it

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sets, while high temperatures will result in an egg that is tough and rubbery.

 Break the eggs into a bowl – allow two eggs per serve.
 Beat the eggs slightly with a fork or whisk.
 Add 15 ml of water or milk for each egg used. Season with salt and pepper.
 Pour the mixture into a buttered and heated pan.
 Stir constantly with a wooden spoon until soft and fluffy. Serve immediately.

33. Storage of Eggs

 Eggs should be stored in a cool place such as a refrigerator or cool room.
 They should be kept away from strong smelling foods as their porous shells allow them to pick up strong odors.
 Eggs should be removed from cold storage an hour or so before use.
 If they are to be frozen, they must be separated and frozen as egg whites and egg yolks.



Date Department Area

Non – Conformity Details

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Root Cause

Counter Measure Targeted Date of Completion

Taken By-

Effectiveness of Corrective Action


Date of Indent
Item Unit Main Banquet Marco Cambay Bakery Cafeteria Grand Total Received

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Kitchen Kitchen Polo Cafe Kitchen

Kitchen Kitchen



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To : Date :

No. Particulars Qty. Reqd. Qty. Issued Remarks

Requested By Issued By


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Cambay Hotels
F&B Production Manual


This S.O.P. pertains to start up activities of KITCHEN STEWARDING as detailed further


1 Hand over of the shift
2 Briefing of shift
3 Checking of cleanliness & maintenance of areas and equipment
4 Check fuel status
5 Set up of Dish wash area
6 Cleaning of the kitchen
7 Washing of glassware, china ware & silverware
8 Polishing of silverware, copper and Stainless Steel
9 Burnishing of silverware
10 Cleaning of walk-ins and deep freezers
11 Cleaning of kitchen equipment
12 Cleaning of dish wash machine
13 Cleaning of burnishing machine
14 Cleaning of coffee urns
15 Conducting inventories
16 Withdrawing of kitchen and service equipment from general store
17 Cleaning of garbage bins and vegetables baskets
18 Garbage disposal
19 Generating breakage report
20 Filling up log book
21 De-Briefing
22 Corrective and Preventive action

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Hand over of the following to the next
shift: Keys
Fuel Status
Other operational pending issues.
All the activities and follow ups if any should be recorded in the Log Book.



 Assemble the utility workers

 Check grooming
 Allot the UT’s in following areas:
 Dish wash
 Cafe pot wash
 Mopping
 Bussing
 Bulk kitchen (Banquets)
 Bakery and garde-manger
 Locker rooms
 Cafeteria
 Bar
 Garbage area

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The supervisor checks for cleanliness at the beginning of the shift in the following areas mentioned below.

 Service elevator for door channel, corners, and ceiling.
 Water cooler for drip tray, outer and inside surface.
 Sinks.
 Floor.
 Walls.
 Ceiling.
 Hoods and filters

All the equipments should be cleaned & kept dry. Also ensure that there are no traces of dirt or food particles: The various equipments are listed
 Hot Equipment
 Hot plates for drip tray and all sides
 Gas ranges for drip trays, burner guard, sides and burner.
 Salamanders for grill, grease formation on inside and outside surfaces

 Walk-ins for floor, wall, ceiling, racks and door.
 Deep freezers for inside and outside surfaces.
 Reach-in refrigerators for shelves, gaskets, interior and exterior surfaces
 Wet masala grinder for any leftover inside the pot

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Movable Machines
 Bain-marie for water stains, food particles and sides.
 Juicer for any leftover inside.
 Bread slicer for any food particles.
 Burnishing machine for outside and inside surface of water tank and machine, stainless steel balls for any rust.
 Meat saw machine for any food particles.
 Mincer for any leftover inside

Unmovable Machines
 Ovens for any spills inside, iron grills, proving chambers, glasses and surface from all sides
 Dish wash machine for sprinklers, plastic curtains, interior and exterior surface of the machine.

Other Areas
 Lockers and bunker rooms for any debris.
 Wall, floor and ceiling of butchery.
 Garbage and receiving area.
 No leftover in garbage and walk-ins.



Check for the following:

 Temperature of water cooler for chilled water and tap leakage. Water should be chilled (8-10 OºC)
 Sinks for any water leakage.
 Floor for any broken stone.
 Walls for any broken tiles.
 Ceiling for any damage.
 Pick-up counters for light, hot cases and thermostat.
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 Hoods and filters for light and ventilation. No sign of dirt or damage.
 Pilot to be burning.
 Hot plate and gas ranges for any LPG leakage by smell or by applying soap foam for bubble formation.
 Wet masala grinder machine.
 Temperature of deep freezers & walk-in coolers. Deep Freezer – (-) 20 oC AND Walk-in coolers – (+)5 oC.
 Salamander for light indicator by switching it on.
 Bain-marie by switching it on and light indication.
 Juicer by movements after switching it on.
 Bread slicer for blade shape, sharpness and movements.
 Ice cube machine for ice cubes inside and water flow.
 Ovens by switching it on and light indication.
 Dish wash machine by turning the operating switch into clockwise direction and movements of the belts.
 Burnishing machine by switching it on and vibration.
 Meat saw machine for blade shape and sharpness.
 Mincer for movements by turning it on.

Ensure that all the above mentioned machines are in working condition. If not, contact maintenance for repair.

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 Read the boards placed on each gas bank indicating full, running and empty. Check daily once in every shift.
 Count the no. of board of similar sign from 1 to 5 and write it in log book.
 Check the pressure gauge. Pressure should be 20 lbs per cubic cm.
 Check the no. of cylinders in each gas bank.

 Count the no. of bags lying in the charcoal store. (STANDARD 5 bags/day)

 Count the no. of solid fuel tins (STANDARD 1 fuel tin / day)

 Count the no. of sticks of fire wood. (STANDARD 12 sticks/day)

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 Place separate racks on dish wash counter for stacking glassware, china ware and silverware.
 Place sinks with soap solution for flatware.
 Place garbage bins for wastages under each hole of counter.
 Place the tray for vim powder.
 Place the containers for dish wash soap solution. (STANDARD Soap (Soma Nova) Solution 1:40 ratio)
 Fill up soap holder with hand wash soap
 Place the china ware on racks

Twice a day: Morning: - 0700HRS. Evening :-1630 HRS.



 Cleaning of the kitchen ceiling is done twice a week.
 Collect the caution signboard, hard broom, soapy water brush, mop, squeezer, soap solution, chlorine, and cleaning trolley.
(STANDARD Soapy (Ceepol) water 1:40 ratio)
 Place the caution signboard on work place.
 Dust the ceiling with long brush.
 Wash the ceiling with soap solution.
 Wipe ceiling with clean dry cloth.

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 Cleaning of kitchen walls to be done on a daily basis by the utility workers
 Remove the equipment from the area
 Make soapy solution.(STANDARD Soapy (Ceepol) water 1:40 ratio)
 Scrub the wall with scrubber or sponge from upwards to downwards.
 Rinse the wall.
 Squeeze the water.
 Wipe the walls.



 Cleaning of kitchen floors to be done twice a day by the utility workers

 Place the caution signboard.
 Sweep the floor with hard broom.
 Make soppy solution.(STANDARD Soapy (Ceepol) water 1:40 ratio)
 Scrub the floor with hard brush and soap solution.
 Squeeze the water with rubber squeezer.
 Mop up the floor with cotton mop
 Ensure that the kitchen floor is not slippery, no grease or spills.

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 Put the glasses in its specified rack.
 Pass the rack through dish wash machine
 Hand over the washed glasses to the concerned outlet
 glassware should be free from stains, dirt etc.

China ware
 Scrape the chinaware of leftover.
 Sort out the china.
 Place the soiled chinaware on the racks.
 Pass the racks through dish washing machine.
 Wipe china with clean cloth to remove water drops.
 All china wares to be free from dirts, grease etc.

 Scrape the silverware with sponge for any leftover.
 Sort out the silverware.
 Place silverware on to the racks.
 Pass silverware through dish washer

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 Sort out the silverware.
 Rinse silverware with cold water.
 Dip tarnished silverware into silver dip. Should not be for more than 10 seconds
 Remove the silverware.
 Rinse silverware.
 Wipe silverware with clean cloth.
 Should be clean, shining, and no traces of dirt.
 Cleaning of silverware to be done on daily basis.

 Apply Brasso thinly on the surface of metal.
 Gently rub the surface with cotton cloth till stains come out.
 Clean surface with clean cloth

Stainless Steel
 Make paste of vim powder adding water.
 Rub the surface with vim powder and sponge.
 Rinse s/s surface.
 Wipe surface with clean cloth.
 Cleaning of stainless steel to be done on daily basis

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Cambay Hotel
Food & Beverage


 Wash silverware.
 Sort out silverware.
 Dip tarnished silverware in to silver dip concentrate solution.
 Rinse silverware with cold water.
 Wipe silverware with a clean and dry cloth.
 Open the lock to switch on MCB.
 Pull down the switch.
 Switch on the machine by turning it anti clockwise.
 Place the sort out silverware into burnishing machine for 3 minutes.
 Remove silverware.
 Wipe silverware with clean, dry cloth.
 Burnishing of silverware to be done on a daily basis.

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Cambay Hotel
Food & Beverage

 Remove food from walk-in. Shut down walk-in.
 Remove racks for cleaning.
 Take soap solution (STANDARD Soapy (Ceepol) water 1:40 ratio), dusters, long plastic brush.
 Dust ceiling with long plastic brush.
 Wash ceiling with soap solution.
 Rinse ceiling.
 Wipe ceiling with clean cloth.
 Frequency- twice in a week.

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Cambay Hotel
Food & Beverage

o Scrub wall with soap solution.
o Rinse wall.
o Squeeze water.
o Wipe wall with clean cloth.
o Frequency- daily
 Sweep floor with hard broom.
 Scrub floor with hard brush and soap solution.
 Squeeze water with rubber squeezer.
 Mop up the floor.
 Frequency- daily
 Take racks to pot wash area.
 Scrub rack with plastic scrubber and soap solution (STANDARD Soapy (Ceepol) water 1:40 ratio)
 Rinse racks with water
 Wipe racks with clean cloth.
 Place clean & dry racks back inside the walk in cooler.
 Frequency- daily

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Food & Beverage

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Food & Beverage

 Scrub door with plastic scrubber & soap solution.(STANDARD Soapy (Ceepol) water 1:40 ratio)
 Rinse door with water.
 Wipe door with clean cloth.



Cleaning of gas range

 Check gas supply. There should be no leakage
 Take out drip tray and burner guard for cleaning.
 Cover burner with silver foil or plastic sheet.
 Scrub surface with scrubber and soap solution.(STANDARD Soapy (Ceepol) water 1:40 ratio)
 Rinse surface with cold water.
 Wipe surface with clean cloth.
 Place clean drip tray and burner guard.
 Remove silver foil or plastic sheet.
 Frequency- daily by the night shift utility worker

Cleaning of Hot plate

 Sprinkle caustic flakes on Hot plate.(50 grms)
 Rub the plate with brick and iron brush.
 Rinse plate with running water till caustic is removed.
 Wipe plate with clean cloth
 Frequency- daily by the night shift utility worker

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Cleaning of deep fat fryer

 Turn off the power.

 Let the fryer cool.
 Collect oil in a container.
 Scrape inside for any leftover.
 Fill fryer with hot water and caustic soda.(50 grams of caustic soda in 5 litres of water.)
 Switch on fryer to boil water.
 Drain water.
 Rinse inside of fryer till caustic is removed.
 Clean out surface with scrubber and soap solution.
 Rinse outer surface. Wipe surface with cloth.
 Frequency- daily by the night shift utility worker

Cleaning of oven

 Turn off the power.

 Open door and allow oven to cool.
 Stay away from oven chamber.
 Remove grill for cleaning.
 Brush oven’s inside to remove food particles.
 Clean oven glass with suma grill (STANDARD Ratio (water/ sumagrill ) 1:50)
 Wipe glass with clean dry cloth
 Should have no traces of dirt, food particles.
 Frequency- daily

Reach-in refrigerator
 Switch off the fridge.
 Remove shelves for cleaning and sanitizing.
 Clean inside surface with soap solution, chlorine and sponge. (STANDARD Soap (Ceepol) Solution 1:40 ratio. Chlorine150 ppm)
 Clean gaskets with soap solution, chlorine and sponge.
 Rinse inside and gaskets.
 Wipe with clean cloth.
 Should have no traces of dirt etc
 Place the shelves.
 Turn the power on
 Frequency- daily

Hoods & filters.

 Carefully, Remove filters one by one for cleaning.
 Place filter in caustic soda solution. (Caustic1kg/ 100 later.)
 Open steam valve.
 Take out filters with iron rod.
 Rinse filters.
 Scrub hood with soap solution and steel wool.
 Rinse hood with clean water
 Wipe hood with clean cloth.
 Place filters keeping handles outside.
 Should have no traces of dirt etc
 Frequency- daily

Milk boiler
 Turn off boiler.
 Let the boiler cool.
 Scrape with a scrapper the bottom for any leftover.
 Scrub boiler inside with plastic scrubber and soap solution.
 Rinse the boiler with water
 Sanitize the boiler. (150 ppm chlorine solution.)
 Wipe the boiler with clean and dry cloth.
 Should have no traces of dirt etc
 Frequency- Twice a day 0730 HRS & 1730 HRS.
Reach-in freezers
 Switch off the Reach in freezer.
 Remove shelves for cleaning and sanitizing.
 Sanitize with 150 ppm chlorine solution.
 Scrap inside for any ice beds.
 Clean inside surface with soap solution (STANDARD Soapy (Ceepol) water 1:40 ratio), chlorine and sponge.
 Clean gaskets with soap solution, chlorine and sponge.
 Rinse inside and gaskets.
 Wipe with clean cloth.
 Place the shelves.
 Turn power on.
 Frequency- daily

Microwave oven
 Switch off microwave.
 Carefully remove inside plate for cleaning.
 Wipe inside of the oven with a clean cloth.
 Clean inside surface with a clean cloth and soap solution.(STANDARD Soapy (Ceepol) water 1:40 ratio)
 Rinse with cloth and wipe down all surfaces to remove all residues.
 Should be clean, dry, & free of dirt and soap solution.
 Frequency- daily

S/S Counters
 Switch off the electrical supply.
 Remove all the items from inside the counter.
 Scrub surface with soap solution, and scotch brite. (STANDARD Soapy (Ceepol) water 1:40 ratio)
 Rinse the surface.
 Wipe surface with clean cloth till soap residue comes out
 Frequency- daily
Wet masala grinder
 Switch off electrical supply.
 Carefully remove grinding stone for cleaning.
 Scrape inside of the grinder for any leftover.
 Scrub the surface with scotch brite and soap solution.(STANDARD Soapy (Ceepol) water 1:40 ratio)
 Rinse the inner and outer surface.
 Wipe with clean cloth till soap residue comes out.
 Frequency- after every use

Meat saw machine

 Switch off the machine.
 Wear gloves.
 Remove blade and dip in chlorine for cleaning.
 Remove meat particles with plastic scrubber.
 Scrub the surface with soap solution and chlorine.
 Rinse out the cloth and wipe down all surfaces to remove all soap residues.
 Place the blade.
 Frequency- after every use

Meat mincer/chopper
 Unplug the chopper.
 Move chopper away from wall.
 Remove bolts, blade and grinder for cleaning and sanitizing.
 Dip a cloth in soapy water and wrung it out.
 Wipe the surface of the grinder and chopper.
 Pay special attention to corners, edges and creases where bacteria may grow.
 Rinse all cleaned surface with a clean cloth to remove all soap residues.
 Make sure water does not run over the chopper.
 Spray chlorine on the machine for sanitizing.
 Ensure there are No traces of food particles or soap residue
 Clean the counter on which machine is placed.
 Frequency- after every use
 Wear gloves.
 Unplug the slicing machine.
 Set the slicer gauge on 0 for cleaning.
 Place the lift lever in its forward position and raise it.
 Move the slicer away from walls.
 Wipe food particles.
 Wipe the entire surface of the slicer with a soapy cloth that has been wrung out.
 Loose two knobs for the knife guard.
 Unhook the guards.
 Wash the front and back of the blade with a soapy cloth.
 Wipe the upper and lower guard with soapy cloth.
 Wash with cleaning cloth and wring out excess water.
 Rinse all cleaned surfaces with a clean cloth dipped in fresh rinse water.
 Wipe surface to remove all soap residue.
 Spray chlorine for sanitizing.
 Let machine air dry.
 Ensure there are No traces of food particles or soap residue
 Frequency- after every use
Clean and sanitize chopping boards
 Brush all loose soil from the surface of the cutting boards.
 Use a stiff brush and very hot water to scrub the cutting boards at the pot wash sink.
 Rinse twice in separate rinse sinks.
 Spray the cutting boards on all sides with chlorine solution.
 Rinse the sanitizing solution from the cutting board with very hot water. (150 ppm chlorine solution)
 Let the board air dry.
 Frequency- after every use

 Switch off the machine.
 Wear gloves.
 Lift the sliding door upwards.
 Drain out water by lifting water stopper up.
 Remove sprinklers and plastic curtain for cleaning.
 Clean sprinklers inside with pressure water or steam.
 Clean out side surface of sprinklers with soap solution and brush.
 Rinse sprinklers.
 Clean inside the machine with soap solution and soft brush.
 Rinse inside the machine.
 Rinse outside the machine with cloth dipped in soapy water.
 Wipe out side the machine till soap residue is wiped off.
 Place cleaned sprinklers and plastic curtains.
 Ensure there are No traces of food particles or soap residue
 Turn machine on.
 Frequency- four times a day

 Switch off the machine.
 Drain out the water from water tank.
 Clean tank with cloth and plain water.
 Wipe outer surface with soapy cloth
 Wipe outer surface with clean cloth.
 Fill tank with water.
 Switch on the machine.
 Add burnishing powder (100 gm.) on to s/s balls so that ball can be prevented from rusting.
 Run the machine for 10 minutes.
 Frequency- daily


 Unplug the coffee urns.
 Throw away used disposable filters.
 Rinse the grounds holder in very hot water and let it air dry.
 Drain leftover coffee from the urn.
 Use a clean cloth or a brush to wash the inside of the urn to remove all coffee residues.
 Clean outer surface with sponge and soap solution.
 Rinse then surface with wet cloth.
 Wipe outside of the urn with a clean cloth.
 Leave the urn top open so that the urn can air dry.
 Frequency- daily

 Circulate inventory note mentioning date and time to different outlets.
 Outlets to stack china ware, glassware and silverware attached with paper slip indicating no. of items
 Count china ware, silverware and glassware.
 Note it down in the inventory format.
 Frequency – Quarterly (June, September, December and march)


 The responsibility of withdrawing Kitchen & service equipments lies with the Supervisor.
 Receive only approved requisitions.
 Check the par stock.
 Check last inventory for no. of quantity in circulation.
 Make requisition on store requisition book.
 Send requisition to the store.
 Check the quality and quantity of equipment.
 Receive the items.
 Collect items and issue to outlets.
 Take receiving signature on issue book.
 File requisition slips.
 Frequency - Tuesday and Saturday


 Wear gloves.
 Place soiled garbage bins on the garbage bay ramp.
 Fill the tank with water.
 Open steam valve to boil water.
 Close steam valve.
 Add caustic soda in 1: 50 ( 1 kg. of caustic soda in 50 ltr. of water).
 Dip garbage bins into solution and scrub it with hard plastic brush.
 Wash bins by running water.
 Dip bins into chlorine solution.
 Let bin air dry.
 Frequency - Twice a day


 Wear gloves.
 Stack baskets.
 Place baskets in receiving area.
 Dip baskets in caustic soda solution.
 Rinse baskets.
 Dip basket into chlorine solution
 Air-dry the baskets.
 Frequency – after every use


 Wear gloves
 Pick up three-deck trolley.
 Fold the mouth of garbage bag.
 Cover the bin with lid.
 Place the bin on trolley.
 Take trolley to the garbage corridor
 Screen the garbage by spreading it on the counter for any pilferage.
 Place bins near garbage walk-in cooler.
 Collect the bottles, papers from dish wash area in a garbage bag.
 Frequency - Twice a day


 Wear gloves
 Place the bag in dry garbage storage area.
 Be there at the time of sorting it out for any pilferages.
 Frequency - Twice a day


 Supervisor to Calculate breakage from daily breakage report register.
 Calculate the value by multiplying rate and no. of items.
 Take the prices from store stock report.
 Count the daily discard items-- china and glassware from discard register.
 Calculate the value of discard items by multiplying rate with no. of items.
 Subtract charged breakage value from discard and broken items


 To be filled up by the Supervisor at the end of each shift.

 Should have the following informations:
 Status of LPG.
 Status of charcoal
 Status of solid fuel
 Breakdown of any machine
 Information to the coming shift.
 Incidents.
 Maintenance required.
 Follow ups
 Items retrieved from wet garbage.



 To be conducted by the Supervisor at the end of each shift.

 Assemble utility workers.
 Ask the problems while performing job.
 Sort out the curable problems.
 Get the feed back of the work.
 Give corrective measures.

Corrective and Preventive

Actions Objective
 To establish and maintain documented procedures for implementing corrective and preventive action.

 Respective HOD’s in their concerned areas.

 A documented procedure under the heading of Handling Customer Complaints exists for implementing corrective & preventive
 Corrective and preventive action is taken depending upon the degree and magnitude of the quality problem and its likely effect on
the quality of product & service.
 Departmental and Common procedures are amended (if required) as a result of corrective & preventive action and the changes
made are incorporated in the quality system.

Corrective Actions
 The company has a comprehensive system to address to the customer complaints. All customer complaints are recorded. These are
resolved as per documented procedures laid down under the heading of Handling Customer Complaints. Non-conformity
observed at the public areas involving a Guest is treated in the same manner as customer complaints.
 Corrective action and preventive action related to Quality System non-conformities are taken as described in procedure for internal
quality audits.
 Corrective and preventive action related to product & service non-conformities that are observed in house at various areas of work
and inspections are done as per documented format no for Non-conformity Records.
 The cause of the non-conformity identified is investigated for the root cause and the results of such investigation are recorded in
the format no. for Corrective Action Analysis.
 Corrective actions are determined and initiated in co-ordination with the concerned departmental heads to eliminate the cause of
non- conformity, based on the priority as determined by the magnitude of the non-conformance.
 Corrective actions are monitored to ensure that solutions are implemented and are effective.
 Follow-up actions are taken to ensure effectiveness of corrective action.
Preventive Action
 A structured approach beginning with problem identification, data collection, and analysis of root cause, working out counter –
measures and checking the effectiveness is followed to ensure lasting solution to the identified problem. The records of preventive
actions taken are made.
 Use of appropriate sources of information such as inspection report, customer complaint, sub-contractor performance, results of
internal audits and problems/ non-conformity encountered with sub-contractors are analyzed and efforts are initiated to eliminate
the potential causes of non-conformities. Such analysis is done at periodic interval as detailed in the respective procedures laid
down in the Functional Manual & individual Standard Operating Procedures.
 Relevant information on the corrective action & preventive action taken is submitted for management review.

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