columns. I will try to explain it in a manner to show you how I came up with these rules:
0.65 x 0.8 x [0.85 f’c( Ag-Ast) + Ast Fy]. Considering Fy = 500 MPa.
Say you have a 30 story Residential building, and you column is supporting a tributary area of
8 x 8 Square meters, then the calculation would be as follows:
Say you are planning to use an f’c of 40 MPa and you’re making estimate based on 2% steel,
then you simply divide 38400/2.25264 = 17046
For a square column, Sqrt(17046) = 130.56 So a column 130 cm x 130 cm would suffice.
In other words, say you have a column that is 50 x 80. (The dimensions are in centimeters).
These usually work in high rise buildings because compression is usually the critical value.
What is the thumb rule for footing size, column size and reinforcement design for
construction work of a ground floor + two stories bungalow?
If the column spacing are less than or equal to 3 m , you can follow below
At basement = 230×300
Above GL = 230×230
Interior = 1200×1200
Exterior = 1000×1000
Corner = 900×900
How should I assume the initial size of RCC columns and beams of a building by the
thumb rule?
Beam effective depth= Span/12 (or anything between span/15 to span/10 is good to start
Beam width= C/C distance between adjacent slabs (perpendicular to the span direction)/12.
Generally architect will ask to restrict width to 250 mm (little more than width of wall).
Suppose you got the width of the beam as 350mm by using the above stated thumb rule and
the effective depth of the beam was 700 mm (as per the effective depth thumb rule). Then,
use the following equation to determine the increased effective depth. 350 x 700^2=250 x
I'm not sure if there is a thumb rule for column design. I think it depends on the load path of
your structure. However, it is easy to design column using SP16. Moreover, it's quickly done.
First of all , the question is which type of column you are using timber , concrete etc .
Now a days RCC columns are widely used ,here is the detail about it.
The size of the columns depends on the total load on the columns.
9”x9” columns are to be used for a single storey structure with M15 (1:2:4) (cement : sand : aggregate ) grade of concrete.
In case, 9”x9” column size is to be used for 1 and half storey structure, then it is advised to use M20 (1:1.5:3) (cement : sand :
aggregate ) grade concrete.
A safe and structurally sound column size for a 1 and half storey structure should not be less than 12”x9” using M15 grade
concrete. This should be in your most preferred and practical options list.
Try to maintain equal distance between the centres of two columns. Always plan a column layout on a grid.
The distance between two columns of size 9”x9” should not be more than 4m centre to centre of column.
If larger barrier free distances are required then going for larger column size is to be used.
1 . Increase in the distance between two columns (This increases the dimensions of the columns as well the depth of the
2 . Height of the building (Increase in the number of floors is directly proportional to the dimensions of the columns.
Alignment of Columns
A rectangular grid is to be made for placing the columns. This helps in avoiding mistakes and placing in columns can be done
in the right way.
Zigzag arrangement of columns is an absolutely wrong way of working out Structural design. It should be remembered that
when columns are erected, beams are laid connecting the columns.
What is the size of the column reinforcement for a two-storey building with a span
of 4.5 meters?
im assuming a span of 4.5m x4.5m span in both sides of the column .(imagine the column in
plan view and and from the center of the column to another column is 4.5m in both
horizontal and vertical direction)
fcu = 25N/mm2
Keep note that we neglected that there is no steel reinforcement available in column.Hence
we can adapt the column size to 325mm x 325mm.this size is very conservative.
usually in a column,the steel reinforcement area is 2% (typically) of Acc. using this assumption
we can further reduce the column size ,
therefore you can adapt for 225mm x 225mm for 1 Hour fire resistance.
i hope this helped. if there are any doubts please comment below, thank you.
HOURS IN FIRE RESISTANCE,refer figure 3.2 in BS8110.]
you can use for 225mm x 225mm column reinforcement as 4T12 + 4T16 .this is a rough calculation only.
This is a general question and the answer is subject to many factors as such.
Secondly the Final reaction coming to the column. That depends on factors like type of
construction like walls, type of occupancy for live loads, dead load intensity and most
important the span of beams(spacing of columns).