Alteryx Inspire Conference
Alteryx Inspire Conference
Alteryx Inspire Conference
Decision Tree (green: path to failure, orange represents success, Tree Classification browse
tool, if it is a yes (go to the left otherwise right)
Accuracy at each node can be shown
Union tool can also combine model objects together
Decision makers can tend to jump to a solution too soon rather than determining what information
is really needed to inform the problem/solution.
How does predicted value change as level of numeric predictor increases or as the category changes
for a categorical predictor
For classification models – predicted probability for each possible target classes
Metrics - Regression
1. MAPE (%)
3. Correlation between actual & predicted values
- Area under receiver operator curve (AUC) only for binary, can have multi-class extension to
- Confusion matrix
- Log-loss (penalise based on count)
Multi-collinearity only starts affecting the model when number of records are a lot
Hard drive space
Load on servers during production
Develop Efficiency
Reduce by sampling
Ctrl+f (in all caps, can search for values within tools)