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Running Head: HISTORY 1

American History Questions

Name of Student

Name of Institution


Antebellum Idealism and Reform Impulses, 1820-1860

1. Examples include: Nashoba, New Harmony, Brook Farm, North America Phalanx, Sodus

Bay Phalanx, Fruit Hill, Spring Farm Colonies, etc. Their purpose was to create a perfect


2. Reform movements were revivals of religion unlike Utopian societies who believed in


3. They were inspired by the Second Great Awakening and Transcendentalism

4. Both impacted the spread of the Second Great Awakening. The market revolution helped

in improving road networks that helped spread religion.

5. In the 19th century, freedom was perceived to creating a better society through reducing

corruption, eliminating business practices, ensuring equality, and counteracting

industrialization negative social. Today, people perceive freedom as the aptitude of

people to act voluntarily, and having liberty to obtain the power and resources.

6. Horace Mann primary purpose was to bring local school districts under centralized town

authority. He also was motivated to cultivate uniformity amongst the urban centers

through a state agency medium.

7. The government took the role of running public schools. The action created a controversy

as white parents refused to send their children to school with black students.

8. To free slaves, by purchasing them, and send them to Africa.

9. To discuss the idea of colonization.

10. The primary goals of the abolitionist’s movement were freeing all slaves and the ending

racial discernment and seclusion.


11. Using state laws and courts

12. Twelve years of slave, Orronoko; or The Royal Slave, The Interesting Narrative of the

Life of Olaudah Equiano; or, Gustavus Vassa, the African, Written by Himself, The

Liberator, Narrative of William W. Brown, a Fugitive Slave, Appeal…to the Colored

Citizens of the World, Narrative of the Life of Frederick Douglass, an American Slave,

Written by Himself, and Uncle Tom’s Cabin; or, Life Among the Lowly.

13. Douglass argues that slave owners provided horrific conditions and separated them from

their families. He suggests that slavery caused good people to do bad things.

14. Women were significant in shaping antislavery discourses through supporting fugitive

slaves as well as circulating antislavery literature

Part 2

Question 1.

The Second Great Awakening is referred to as the refutation of the scientific perceptive

of the enlightenment in addition to an encirclement of religious interest. Moreover,

transcendentalism was also a denunciation of the enlightenment, but then again it embraced both

individualism and nature. The two were different movements with a common origin. Both were

based on the grounds of Romanticism. Romanticism is referred to as a refutation of the

Enlightenment and played a major role of growing industrialization and urbanization. The latter

effect disrupted the social order of the society. The society apparently lost its linkage both the

nature and God. The Second Great Awakening and Transcendentalism were important for

restoring the linkage. In the process of reclaiming the association reform movements were

inspired comprising of abolitionism, temperance, and women's suffrage.

Question 3

They were radical (for their time) because they insisted that women were not some kind

of inferior subspecies of human, but people with just as much to contribute as men. In those days

most people assumed that men and women had different, God-given roles in life and that it was

unnatural for women to try to cross their God-appointed boundaries. So, declaring that women

and men were much more similar than they were different was a radical thought at that time.

Few of the antebellum feminists went much farther than that. They remained traditional

(or, at least, did not demand non-traditional things yet) in various ways. Equality in

reimbursement for both men and women for equal work done was far in the future. The

unthinkable happened when women were allowed to take roles that were originally accustomed

to me. For example, women were allowed into the military to take combat roles. Such had not

happened in history.

Troubled Times: Tumultuous 1850s

Question 2.

Their platform and mechanisms were mainly grounded on averting the spread of slavery

into new states and territories. They helped mitigate and control the spreading of slavery.

Therefore, if I was proslavery, I probably would be angry and at the same time scared for their

gain of power. This is because if they gained the power slavery would be obliterated.

Question 4

From my perspective, Brown was a hero. Although his strategies and methodology of

achieving his goals were poorly constructed, he is considered as a great icon of America. He had

good intentions of triggering an insurrection to end slavery. He opposed the system since he

knew that the government could not bring about abolition by peaceful means. His unsuccess is

attributed to his trustees who ran operations. But he had a great vision of enslaving people

throughout Virginia.

His idealism and intention to try beat his status quo to continue fighting for slavery

bondage makes him a great hero. Many people today admire Brown and believe that his cause

was a just one although he implicated wrong and impractical strategies such as using force to

achieve his goals.

The Civil War

Use the Youtube video to the answer the questions:

1. The Fugitive Slave Law required the government to actively assist slave holders in

evoking freedom fighters.

2. His goal was to leading Texas out of the bondage of Mexicans.

3. The Kansas-Nebraska Act was a bill that mandated “popular sovereignty”. It allowed

each territory to agree on the concern of slavery under the root of popular

sovereignty. The act would disrupt the Missouri Compromise that kept the Union from

falling apart.

4. It repealed the long-standing Missouri Compromise of keeping the Union together.

5. The events were branded violent and characterized with unethical acts such as raids,

assaults, electoral fraud, and retributive murders. The events established a mini civil war

that acted as a catalyst to Civil War.

6. Using a single party regionally and using an economically superior system to slavery.

7. Industrialization revolution, transportation revolution, growing farms, and development

of market system.

8. Lawrence was sacked. The hope for “free state” diminished.

9. Scott argued that period he spent in a free state allowed him to get freedom.

10. The Supreme ruling argued that a slave having lived in a free territory and state did not

sanction them to freedom. In essence, a slave cannot sue the in a court.

11. The decision outraged abolitionists and heightened North-South tensions because people

feared could spread in America.

12. To end slavery. He manipulated people to raid federal government and start an armed

slave revolt to end slavery.

13. His election served as a motivation for the outbreak of the American Civil War. Both the

Republican Party and Constitutional Union Party were new to presidential race and used

new strategies to gunner the seat. The latter incited the country into war.

14. Lincoln was morally contrasting to slavery and politically distinct to its expansion. He

declared his opposition to slavery in his Peoria Speech and insisted his stand enroute to


15. With Lincoln’s inauguration as President of the United States secession became an

accomplished fact. The lower South withdrew from the Union and set up a rival

government. The objections at Fort Sumter turned back Lincoln's relief of achieving his

expedition. This started war.

16. Yes. If the day government could allow states to operate freely civil war could not start.

Besides, if Northerners and the Southerners could have managed their affairs separately

the civil war could have been avoided.

Civil War

1. It was the noxious war in the United States of American history. Over 600,000 people

died in the battle. Soldiers were brutally murdered. The eruption of different diseases also

killed many children and women.

2. They include; states and federal rights, the election of Abraham Lincoln, slave and non-

slave states, slavery in the economy and society, and the abolitionist movement.

3. The North had a superior economy than the south. All about urban centers and

manufacturing plants were based in the North while the South was depending on

agriculture to grow the economy. The South supported slavery, while the North was

involved in ending slavery. The southern society was white dominated while in the North

population was diverse.  

4. War started when new states began forming in the Western territories.

The North campaigned for free states but the South objected the movement. The North

had outlawed slavery but the South disagreed.

5. The North advantages – They had a better economic than the South and was organized to

face the battle. The North had better transport network to ferry their troops and supplies.

The South Advantages - The South had a home advantage. They were fighting on their

land which they understood the topography well. Besides, they had experienced generals.

6. The Union strategy. The unity of the Northerners helped them win the war through

combined efforts.

7. The Union succeeded in ending slavery

8. It significantly boosted the Northern morale

9. Civil War main goal was to end slavery. It was a success since the end of Civil War

marked the freedom of slaves.


Emancipation Proclamation

1. Emancipation Proclamation marked the end of Civil War. It freed the slaves in bondage.

It was significant for redefining freedom. Apart from Abraham being the hero of freedom

to all enslaved peoples, it was limited in its power. Although he detested slavery the

union could not allow him to end slavery. He used the constitution mandate to end

slavery by changing the purpose of the Union to the cause of ending slavery.

2. He suggested that freed slaves could join Union Army, thereby increasing the Union's

existing manpower to fight the Civil War.

The justification of freeing slaves could only be as a means of winning the Civil War in

addition to overpowering the Southern rebellion. The Constitution on the other hand

could sanction emancipation as war powers which was apparent to free slaves first. He

used the restoration of the Union as means ending slavery.

3. He issued Proclamation for Amnesty and Reconstruction using the Presidential

Constitutional Mandate. This granted the Southern states the benefit of rejoining the

Union peacefully.

4. Use of hot air balloons and submarines made it easier for the Northerners to ferry their

troops and supplies. New technologically improved weapons such as rifles allowed troops

to fire precisely from long distances.

5. The high number of causalities was high. It was one of the worst wars in history. During

the war, women were oppressed. Children died from diseases. The high mortality rate

tainted the picture and the cause of the war.


6. Families at home were updates on the proceedings of the war and also the position of

their fathers and sons at war, thanks to photography.

7. It was a traumatic event that made a lot of people lose their loved ones. More than

620,000 people died during the war.

8. He protected the federal government against insurrection. He increased the size of the

military forces. In addition, he proclaimed Confederate ports obstructions.

9. The congress kept state laws in place, and mandated federal courts the power to

converse state decisions Supreme Court being the final authority. They observed the

constitution and changed the acts through amendments.

10. It increased commercial opportunities, urbanization, trade, and the general economic

conditions. The congress also passed bills that changed the United States of America

monetary system.

11. 400 Million

12. Division of power between individual state governments and the federal government

improved USA federalism. The unity and collaboration of the two arms of government

was evident during the war.

13. President Abraham Lincoln played a significant role in freeing slaves and uniting

America. The proclamation declared freedom for slaves. Although the Civil war costed

many lived, the results are apparent today of a free nation with free people.

Part 2

Question 1

The war could not have been avoided because of the determination of the Confederacy.

They wanted to be considered as an independent nation and therefore the only way that

they could have withdrawn from the Union was through a war because the North would

not have allowed them to come out of the Union easily.

Question 2

The North had many advantages as compared to the South. The North had more solders in

numbers that helped to overpower the South. Due to its developments in industrializations, the

North had more advanced technologies such as the railroad, hot air balloons that helped them to

transport troops and supplies in large numbers and with much ease than the South. Although, the

South was not as advanced technologically and industrially, they had experienced generals to

guide and command their troops accordingly. Besides, the war was mostly fought in the South,

therefore the Southerners had a good knowledge of the landscape and topography of their land

which was a crucial benefit. All in all, the North was more developed and organized than the


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