Running Head: Principles of Finance 1
Running Head: Principles of Finance 1
Running Head: Principles of Finance 1
Principles of Finance
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Principles of Finance
As many organizations and people steer their financial aspects, they encounter many
decisions variations and alternatives. Financial products market sets the basis of financial
alternatives that individuals organizations have. Financial decisions affect the ability of the
organization to attain its set objectives and goals. The main purpose of financial education is to
financial education programs that are effective in decision making process to help both
organizations and individuals in their financial well-being (Magee, Brealey, and Brealey,
2015). For instance, my experience as a senior financial coach will apparently suffice for class.
There is a growing demand of need for financial education globally. People are seeking advice
from financial coaches, educators, planners, and counselors daily as there are apparent financial
The diversity of financial needs is reflected on the wide array of methods and approaches
of financial educations. For instance, money management education, investment education, and
studying simple finance rules and guidelines. Other areas of study include budgeting, credit, and
mortgage. According to Baker and Clark (2011), organizations play a major role of educating
their employees on different aspects of finance such as pension, credit use and repayment,
expenditure management, and investments. There are varied positive outcomes of educating
people about managing their finances. However, with the ever-widening ranges of financial
approaches and goals, financial educators are facing varied challenges in defining the ultimate
success for finance. The ultimate goal for financial education is the people’s financial well-
being. That is, helping people to make adequate financial decisions and goals. Financial
educators elaborate ultimate framework and strategies to improve the financial well-being of
Financial Well-being
meet current and progressive financial requirements, feels secure about future finance
obligations, and can make varied choices about her spending. In short, financial well-being is the
state of enjoying financial security and freedom in the present while considering the safety of
future. Financial well-being is determined by various factors. It is pinned to the opportunities and
actions of an individual. Hassan and Rashid (2019), suggests that both the situational prospects
and the structural opportunities influence the actions of an individual or an organization. The
former actions determine the latter financial well-being. Some of the prevalent factors that affect
the daily financial decision making of an organization and individual include: financial
knowledge, skills, personality and attitudes, and decision setting. Financial coaches are therefore
The figure below shows how the drivers of financial well-being work collectively to
Figure 1
information (knowledge), and a clear understanding of how to employ the action (skills). An
personality affects the outcome of an action. If a person believes that he has the potential to take
an action to achieve the set goals, then he will persevere the obstacles and other setbacks and
vice versa. Opportunity on the other side is key for individual decision making (Magee, Brealey,
and Brealey, 2015). Opportunity is structural. If the path is well planned and designed to achieve
the set goal then the person would require less motivation and know-how to success. Secondly,
opportunity is a situational element. For instance, how well can an individual learn and stand the
process to achieve the set goals? In essence, the specific setting of a situation determines the
action to be taken (MacLeod, 2016). Understanding the financial action model will enable
individuals to take the correct action towards their financial well-being. These can only be
Structural and situational opportunities form the basis on which action is to be taken for
an individuals’ well-being. Therefore, how can financial education enhance financial well-being?
Economic opportunities are key for an individual’s financial success. In the presence of such
opportunities, education become the backbone to set a clear path towards success. Understanding
the principles of finance will help individuals take opportunities and barriers into account for
enhance their financial well-being. The principles of finance are set guidelines used to make
financing and investment decisions. There are five essential principles that are apparent to be
comprehended by both individuals and organizations for their financial well-being. They include;
The risk and return principle, is the first core element for finance. Risk is the variability
individuals to have a conscious of risk and returns before investing. According to Tarantino and
Cernauskas (2011), the higher the risk, the higher the return rates and vice versa as illustrated by
the figure below. Risk and return trade-offs are commonly known as risk-return spectrum. It is
measure the risk and return by both using direct and relative measurement. There are various
modules of investment with varies risk-return spectrum. The overall advancements include
equity, high yield dept, long-term dept, short-term dept, and property. If a given investment is
risker to perform, it means that it needs more resources and time to execute. Risk attracts
compensation, the higher the risk taken the higher the obligatory compensation (Tarantino and
Cernauskas, 2011). It is important for individuals to be risk aversive when exposed to uncertainty
situations to cut uncertainty. Individuals can also use Beta to determine their investment return
This principle is associated with value of money. It is the concept based on the ideology
that people or organizations would rather have money now than in the future. Although money
can earn compound interest, its value is more appreciated in the present than in the future. To
compute time value of money, one considers the current payment, future value, time frame, and
the interest rate. Another determinant of time value of money is the number if compounding
periods (MacLeod, 2016). For instance, if offered two options to choose to receive $1000 now
versus $1000 in three months. Its rational most people will choose the first option. Receiving
$1000 now has more utility to the beneficiary as compared to the future due to linked
opportunity cost. Such opportunity costs encompass potential gain on interest because the money
Figure 2
The principle of cash flow, mainly discuses cash inflow and outflow of individuals and
organizations. Cash flow is the amounts of money and cash-equivalent that are transferred into
and out of individual or organization accounts. More cash flow now is ideal than later cash flow.
An organizations capacity to create value for shareholders is based on its capability to generate
positive cash flows which maximizes long-term free cash flow. Financial education provides the
basic literature for individuals and organizations to understand hoe to asses cash, timing, and
uncertainty associated with cash flow (Rudman, 2015). Positive cash flow suggests growing
individual or organizational liquid assets thus able to take care of future expenses. Strong
The profitability and liquidity principle, is crucial for investors perspective. Both are
ingredients for successful and sustainable business. Liquidity measures immediate short-term
financial obligations including purchasing of assets, loans processing and repayments, repayment
of expenses, and distribution of dividends and profits. An organization is said to liquid if it has
cash or assets that can be easily be converted to cash. Current ratio is used to measure liquidity
(that is the ratio of current assets to current liabilities). Profitability on the other is a measure of
business financial success. It is the amount of revenue remaining after reducing all expenses
incurred (Barrow and Barrow, 2008). It is a financial performance measure. It provides financial
rewards to the business. High profitability helps the business maintain liquidity through
reinvesting. It is important to understand how to maximize profits with moderate or lower risk.
e) Diversity Principle
allocating capital in a manner that cuts the exposure of one specific risk or asset. This can be
done through investing in different assets. Basically, if you put all your liquid cash into one
asset, it may collapse. The latter leads to the collapse of your business. It is apparent to consider
other ventures that you can invest in to diversify your business (Tarantino and Cernauskas,
2011). Risk-free investment lowers the ultimate risk. Business diversification increases returns
While the paper has pinpointed the core principles of finance, it is hard to educate
consumers on all the aspects at the same time. It is therefore apparent for educators to have a set
of skills guided by a set of principles to help them execute financial tutoring. There are five
As a financial service provider, you should understand your customer’s specific needs,
challenges, and objectives. This will help to service provider define the appropriate measures to
be undertaken. The consumer will benefit from the appropriate advice thus seeking better future
It is apparent that most people take actions with regards to the information they have at
hand. For some, they take action regarding to the challenges at hand. Financial service providers
therefore should provide actional and reliable information to the clients on time. This will help
After learning the basics of finance, consumers should develop a culture to build their
financial skills. Core knowledge such as understanding how, when, and where to find reliable
Educating people on the principles to financial well being helps then develop positive
finance qualities and attributes. Finance service providers should focus to help their clients to
focus on their own values (Barrow and Barrow, 2008). Such teaching will help clients to
preserve when they encounter obstacles. Positive people always achieve good results. This
implies if an individual is positive about the set financial goals then they will be confident to face
The challenges people go through positively correlates with their actions. Finance
specialists can help individuals to follow through their intentions by pointing out the external
forces that influence their decision making. Mostly the surrounding of an individual affects the
decisions of a person.
The above five effective financial education principles are key drives to financial well-
being. An individual or organization financial well-being are defined and measured with their
sense of control and freedom with finances (Barrow and Barrow, 2008). Only the most
disciplined individuals attain their ultimate goal of financial freedom. They control today’s
All the two sets of principles discussed above are relevant to developing people’s abilities
to take actions that will improve their financial well-being. Financial education programs should
support at least one of these finance principles depending on specific concerns to be addressed.
Organizations on the other hand, should partner with financial education providers to address
these principles. This depends on the organization’s goals, available tools, and available
resources. Magee, Brealey, and Brealey, (2015) suggests that to effectively implement these
strategies the companies or individuals seeking the services should fully collaborate with the
The service providers should clearly understand the challenges and needs of their clients.
To solve a problem, you should first understand the root cause. The financial action model
should be used to implement the principles of finance. Learning the challenges different
organizations and individuals face in their current economic and social environment,
understanding possible opportunities, contemplating on their financial goals will help attain
financial well-being. Effective financial principles and finance education principles help people
and organizations to bridge the gap between their desires and actions they take at a moment. By
understanding and implementing the financial action model, an individual will understand how
know-how, motivation, and opportunity work collectively to support their course of action in
every situation.
Barrow, C., & Barrow, C. (2008). Practical financial management: a guide to budgets, balance
Hassan, K., & Rashid, M. (2019). Management of Islamic finance: principle, practice and
Natural Resources.
Magee, S., Brealey, R. A., & Brealey, R. A. (2015). AFCP810 finance principles. North Ryde:
Rudman, J. (2015). Principles of finance. Place of publication not identified: Natl Learning Corp.
Tarantino, A., & Cernauskas, D. (2011). Essentials of risk management in finance. Hoboken, NJ: