Uvgi Brochure PDF
Uvgi Brochure PDF
Uvgi Brochure PDF
Delivering solutions for air quality, based on Ultra Violet Germicidal technology
Aeropure UV systems Pvt. Ltd. For Power Savings: Besides the improvement of
Aeropure UV Systems Pvt Ltd. is focused on indoor air quality, the installation of UVGI devises
delivering solutions for air quality, based on Ultra lead to electrical energy savings to the tune of 10 to
Violet germicidal technology to the Indian and 15% as compared to units without UVGI and
International markets, with wide ranging substantially reduces cleaning of the coils of air
applications in Indoor air quality, energy handling units.
conservation of air conditioning systems and for
germicidal disinfection of indoor air and surfaces. Who needs UVGI ?
l Air-conditioned Offices and Residential Buildings.
Aeropure UV systems is based in Pune, India. l Hotels: Rooms, Restaurants, Sewage Treatment
Promoted by Arklite Speciality Lamps Ltd., the only Plants and Kitchen Exhausts.
UV lamp manufacturing company in India. Arklite is l Hospitals: Patient Rooms, Operation Theaters,
an Internationally renowned, ISO 9001-2008 Laboratories.
certified, Indian manufacturer and exporter since l Manufacturing facilities for Food and
1996, with the manufacturing facility based at Pharmaceutical Products.
Chakan, India. l Cold Storage and Refrigerated Spaces for storing
of fruits, flowers and vegetables etc.
What is UVGI and how does it operate ? l Industrial Kitchens, Auditoriums, Airports, Cinema
Ultra Violet Germicidal Irradiation (UVGI) is the use of Halls and Shopping Malls.
ultraviolet (UV) energy (electromagnetic
radiation with a wavelength shorter than that of
visible light) to kill or inactivate microbes (viral,
bacterial, and fungal species).
The UV spectrum is
commonly divided into
UVA, UVB and UVC. The
entire UV spectrum can
kill or inactivate
micro organisms, but UVC
has the best germicidal
properties peaking at
265nm. Aeropure UV
lamps are optimized to
produce maximum UVC
in the temperature range
of 10-50 oC
UVGI System for Air Handling Units of HVAC for (data from actual installations)
Power Savings and Indoor Air Quality l Lower operating cost due to reduced electrical
power consumption:
Application of UVGI in various industries: The Electric Power Bills reduced by a whopping 23 %
Watmizer is a UVGI (Ultra in comparable period, as depicted by the graph
Violet Germicidal from actual payments made for electricity per
Irradiation) System to be month towards HVAC.
installed in Air Handling
Units of HVAC. The
reason for installing
Watmizer is to overcome
the following usual
problems encountered
with Air conditioning
and Refrigeration
Systems, commissioned
without any UVGI.
Aeropure UV Systems supplies Duct Zapper, an Ultra Aire-o-Pure is a wall mounted unit which can be
Violet (UV) based product designed for original used in any room to improve IAQ. Aire-o-Pure
fitment or retrofitting in ducts usually for the purpose primarily consists of a UV lamp and a blower to
of eliminating bad odours of Kitchen Exhaust, Toilet circulate the air over the UV lamp to destroy
Exhausts, Sewage Treatment Plant etc. This product bacteria, viruses, mold and fungi.
finds a wide application and acceptance in Hotels
and Hospitality Industry as well as for Hospitals and
Industrial Canteens, Public Toilets etc.
For all Inquiries regarding our products, please contact:
A UVGI system installed in Fan Cooling Unit
Watmizer Mini is installed in the Fan Cooling Unit
(FCU) near the fan or the coil. It reduces the
maintenance of the coil by eliminating growth of
mold and fungi on the coil leading to improvement Aeropure UV Systems Pvt. Ltd.
in the IAQ. This system is ideally suited for hotels.
Smruti 49-A/5,Gulmohar Path,
Off. Law College Rd. Pune 411 004
Tel.: 00-91-20-25410064 Telfax: 00912025410064
E Mail: sales@aeropure.co.in
Web: www.aeropure.co.in